Student Services Handbook - Palm Springs Unified School
Student Services Handbook - Palm Springs Unified School
STUDENT SERVICES 2013/2014 Handbook STUDENT SERVICES ORGANIZATIONAL CHART . . . . . Page 2 ATTENDANCE CWA Referral for Home Visits . . . . . . Page 3 School Attendance Review Board (SARB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Truancy (Compulsory Education) . . . . Page 6 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Alternative Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Home Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 Homeless Shelter Information . . . . . . . Page 11 ENROLLMENT Caregiver Affidavits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 14 Enrollment of Pupils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 17 Immunization Requirements . . . . . . . .Page 18 Enrolling Students from Placement . . Page 23 Intra/Inter District Transfers . . . . . . . Page 24 Lunch Applications (free/reduced) . . . Page 29 Residency Affidavit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 30 Release of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 37 INTERVENTIONS Counseling Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 58 INSIGHT Programs (Counseling) . . . Page 59 Section 504 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 60 Student Assistance Programs . . . . . . . .Page 61 Student Success Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 62 PUPIL RECORDS Cumulative Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 63 Subpoenas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 68 SAFE SCHOOLS Child Abuse Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 69 Custody Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 74 Dangerous Student Notification . . . . .Page 75 Emergency Management Plan . . . . . . Page 77 DISCIPLINE Expulsion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 40 Law Enforcement-Access to Students . Page 53 Notification of Law Enforcement . . . . .Page 54 Suspension Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 55 Teacher Notification of Suspended Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 57 Forms available on Student Services Web-Site 2 Michael C. W. Wong o o o o o o o o Andrew Alaniz Sonya Rangel (TBA) (TBA) PREVENTION SPECIALIST Deanna Bretado-Chavez Eva De Leon Jazmin Rodriguez Lilian Torres Lorena Castaneda Roberta Giron-Viazcan Rosalba Aguilera-Longoria Susana Cabeje District Community Liaisons OFFICE SPECIALIST-BILINGUAL (760) 416-6027 Mario Castro OFFICE SPECIALIST-BILINGUAL (760) 416-6026 Salomon Cavazos COORDINATOR OF STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Health Service Plans Home and Hospital Program Screening Home Visits Liaison-Community Agencies/ Medical Care Facilities Liaison-Local Health Department Mandated Vision/Hearing / Scoliosis Screening Pre-School Health Screening Puberty Education Special Education Health Issues State Mandated Reports HEALTH SERVICES 504 Plans Alternative Education Screening Panel Cal Works Legislation Implementation California Healthy Kids Survey Child Abuse Reporting Child Custody / Caregiver Affidavit / Shared Residency Community School Liaison Team County CWA Meetings Court Placement Re-entry Crisis Intervention District Attorney Mediation District Discipline Committee District Student Assistance Program Essential Student Support Expulsion Process Expulsions and Suspension Data Homeless Services/Foster Youth Inter-Agency Contracts/Counseling Services Intra/Inter District Transfers Medi-Cal Oversight Committee Monitor, Supervise Court Minute Orders and Subpoenas Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) Student Services Related Training Supervise Community Liaisons/Home Visits Drop-Out Intervention Truancy Notifications STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR OF STUDENT SERVICES Jane E. Mills Sylvia Lerias Bridget Lucardie – Nurse Christine MacCalla – Nurse Kathleen Chambers – Nurse Karin Sabala -– Nurse Karin Straumietis – Nurse Kim Jordon – Nurse Patty Boffa – Nurse 07/01/13 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN MAA/ LEA Medi-Cal Billing (760) 416-6196 Carol Keyes ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY (760) 416-8087 Jacqueline Sifuentes Gerardine Dooley – LVN Bridget Vasquez – LVN LEAD NURSE Gennette Furtado ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY (760) 416-6032 Ana Palomar SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (760) 416-6029 ATTENDANCE CWA-Referrals for Home Visits A Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) referral form can be accessed by going to Palm Springs Unified School District Website under “Student Services.” Requesting School must complete the CWA referral form and email (as an attachment) to [email protected] for processing. Community Liaison will be assigned to do a home visit. Community Liaison will send the requesting school a disposition and will file a copy at our [email protected] website for storage. School site may request a copy should they misplace or lose their referral. *Please allow some response time for request to be processed. Note: When a “CWA” home visit request is submitted, the requesting school site should record this in the Student Information System for documentation. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 3 REFERRAL FORM TO CHILD WELFARE AND ATTENDANCE Date: Referring Person: School: Position: Student’s Name: F Parent’s Name: Siblings: M Grade Level School(s): Address: Street Parent’s Telephone: City, CA Zip Code Home Social Concerns: Violence Drugs Runaway Contacts made by: Phone Mail Conference Home Visit Work Academic/Behavior: Health Concerns: In-school Intervention Shortened Day PM/PM Short Term IS GED Prep Special Education Detention Saturday School Other Head Lice On Medication Language spoken at home: Spanish English Other Opportunity Program Contracts Emergency/Other Service rendered by school: Nurse Psychologist Counselor District Security (Assistance Requested) For this visit In the past on this family Other (Please specify) Comment(s): THE FOLLOWING MUST BE ATTACHED: COPY OF EMERGENCY CARD ATTENDANCE PRINTOUT Disposition: Email referral to: [email protected] 4 STUDENT PROFILE(STU) ATTENDANCE School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Monitoring and supporting the attendance of students in the district. Description of steps: SART (School Attendance Review Team): SART Contract or other attendance strategies achieved at the site level. All interventions are to be documented in “Student Information System.” Group DA Mediation: Held as a large group information meeting with parents, twice a year in the Fall and Spring semesters. Formal SARB: Meeting with individual families by one of three district SARB panels. DA Mediation: Individual Family DA Mediation meeting. Filing by DA: For prosecution in Juvenile Court. For more information, please contact: Michael C. W. Wong, Coordinator Student Assistance Programs Office: (760) 416-6026 Fax: (760) 416-6038 5 ATTENDANCE Truancy (Compulsory Education) Education Code Section 48260 District is obligated, under statutory law to notify the parent/guardian when any combination of the following occur: Pupil absent from school without valid excuse on three (3) full days in one school year Tardy more than 30 minutes during school day without valid excuse on three (3) days in one school year. Notification to parent that their student is ‘truant’ must include the following elements: Compulsory law, penalties right to conference, appeals process. Parent is obligated to compel the student to attend school Parent may be guilty of infraction of the law if fails to meet obligation Parent can be offered alternative educational programs (if available) Parent has right to meet with appropriate school personnel to discuss solution Truancy can result in a referral to SARB Prior to any referrals, school shall consider all available school and district resources, program adjustments, alternative education, community agency services to achieve regular student attendance. For more information, please contact: Michael C. W. Wong, Coordinator Student Assistance Programs Student Services Office: (760) 416-6026 Fax: (760) 416-6038 6 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Alternative Education Alternative Education can be a school program or class within a school, which is designed for students to obtain an education by using their special interest, abilities and/or needs. An array of educational options have been established within the Palm Springs Unified School District to serve those students whose potential can best be developed outside the regular program. MT SAN JACINTO CONTINUATION HIGH SCHOOL Dr. Milt Jones, Principal Counselors: Jaime Soria (A-L) Cherry Remboldt (M-Z) Phone: 770-8563 / Fax: 770-8568 Continuation grades 10-12 (age 16 and older) RAMON ALTERNATIVE CENTER DESERT HOT SPRINGS ALTERNATIVE CENTER Joddi De Marco, Assistant Principal Brad Bryeans, Vice Principal Counselor: Randelle Kirkemo Phone: 329-3330 Fax: 329-6677 Counselor – Brenda Gunderson Phone: 778-0487 Fax: 778-0497 Students must meet all district standards and take all mandated district tests and exams. **For inquiries on “Advanced Academics Independent Study” (on-line) please contact Joddi DeMarco at DHS Alternative Center (760) 329-3330** 7 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION REFERRAL FORM Student name: Last First M.I. City Zip Parent/guardian: Address: Street Phone Number: Home: Wk: Referring school: Program requested: Zangle ID # DOB: Cell: Current Grade: Grad Yr: Former Sp. Ed Std. _________ IEP due _______________ 504 due _____________ _________________________ Psych’s Review (If exited at last year) _________________________ Interventions _____________________________________________________________________ SST _____________________ Tutoring ______________ Probation ___________ Counseling _______________ YAT _________________ Academic needs __________________________________________________________________ Social/Emotional/Behavioral needs ___________________________________________________ Health needs _____________________________________________________________________ Please attach the following Test History Attendance Summary (not daily report, only summary) Behavior Report Transcript _____________________________ Student signature ______________________________ Parent signature ____________________________________________________________ Counselor’s Signature _________________ Date _________________ Date For Office Use Only Additional information: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ ______________________________ _____________ Site Approval Program Site __________________________________________ District Approval ______________________________________ Program _________________ Site 8 ____________ Date _______________ Date ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Home and Hospital Program Screening Home and Hospital Program Screening for Grades K-12 Instructional delivery model: This is an independent study program designed for students who are ill and are unable to attend school as determined by a doctor. A course of study is provided by the home school and teachers work with the student at their home for five hours a week. Students who would benefit: Students who need to be enrolled for compulsory education but are unable to attend school. If regular education student, please contact School Nurse. If special education student, please contact the School Nurse or Kathy Little, Director Special Education Department (760) 416-6034. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Health Services Office: (760) 416-8087 Fax: (760) 416-6038 9 FLOW CHART Parent Wants to Access Home and Hospital GENERAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS Special Ed Students/Special Ed Medical Needs only. Refer to Director of Special Ed or Special Ed Coordinator General Ed Students refer to School Nurse Nurse Consult’s w/parent to assure appropriate placement & explore alternative education. Special Ed Medical only, Director/Coordinator consults with school nurse Special Ed Director/ Coordinator review completed form, sign and attach IEP addendum School Nurse reviews, signs and gives form to Health Services Secretary Director/Coordinator gives form to Health Services Secretary. HS secretary gives completed form to Lead Nurse for signatures Lead Nurse signs after final review of application for medical only student (Regular Ed or Spec. Ed) and forwards Placement Form to Health Services Secretary Health Services Secretary forwards Placement Form to Director of Student Services for signature. Placement Form is returned to Health Services Secretary. HS secretary e-mails Ramon Alternative Center Secretary, Vice Principal, Counselors, Registrars, and School Nurse final approved placement form. RAC Secretary or Vice Principal Assign Teacher. Counselors and/or Registrars forward Independent Studies Master Agreement to Ramon Alternative Center 10 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Homeless Shelter Information Student/s who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence is identified as “homeless.” (living in streets, car/s, abandoned buildings or other inadequate accommodations, etc.) Shelter Program Access: Students who are enrolled in K-12 grade in the district and are by the above definition homeless may access the program through the following shelters: If student is or becomes homeless and are in need of assistance, please contact our Student Services department (760) 416-6030. HOMELESS RESOURCES: Roy’s Desert Resource Center ( 19531 McLane Street Palm Springs, CA 92262 Main Office: (760) 760-676-5200 Martha’s Village & Kitchen ([email protected]) 83791 Date Avenue Indio, CA 92201 Main Office: 760) 347-4741 Housing & Urban Development (HUD) ( Dial 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 11 Roy’s Desert Resource Center (RDRC) The information contained in this referral will be used to determine and verify the eligibility of individuals and families for services provided by RDRC. Client name (Last, First Middle) Please note that all adults must complete a separate referral form. Gender: Male Female Date of birth: _____/_____/_____ Social Security number of the referred adult Phone number: U.S. citizen: Yes No Does the adult client or child receive mental health services? Yes No Does the adult client or child have a physical disability? Yes No _______/_______/_______ Number of individuals being referred: Age: __________ Alternate phone number: Adults:___________ Children:___________ Does client(s) have birth certificate or other types of identification? Family status of applicant: Single adult Single parent with dependent children Yes No Two-parent family with dependent children Ages of the children: In what city was the client’s last permanent address? In which city did the client sleep in last night? Does the client(s) receive any of the following: SSI $________ SSDI $________ Employment $________ Welfare $__________ Unemployment $_________ Child support Food stamps Other _______________________ $______________ $__________ $____________ Please check one of the following statements that applies to the individual’s or family’s current homeless status: The client or family is currently sleeping in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings (on the street). The client or family is currently staying in an emergency shelter. The client or family is currently enrolled in transitional or supportive housing for homeless persons who originally came from the streets or emergency shelter. The client or family slept or stayed in any of the above places but is spending a short time (up to 30 consecutive days) in a hospital or other institution. The client or family is being evicted within seven days from a private dwelling unit and no subsequent residence has been identified, and lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain housing. The client is being discharged within a week from an institution, such as a mental health or substance abuse treatment facility or a jail/prison, in which they have been a resident for more than 30 consecutive days and no subsequent residence has been identified, and lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain housing. The client or family is fleeing a domestic violence housing situation and no subsequent residence has been identified, and lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain housing. 12 THIS SECTION IS MANDATORY and MUST be completed by the referring agency Please call 760-676-5200 for space availability and/or Fax to 760-676-5201 Please describe why the client is homeless. For example The client is sleeping in a car or on the street Or The client is being evicted in five days. THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REFERRING AGENCY INFORMATION Agency name: Address: City: State and zip code: Contact person (print) Phone: Fax number: Signature: Date: For staff use only Date received: Staff signature: _____/_____/_____ 13 ENROLLMENT Caregiver Affidavits Students who do not live with parent/s or legal guardian/s but live with an adult 18 or over who resides within district boundaries, must complete a “Caregiver Affidavit” (Relatives, parents of friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc). The Caregiver Affidavit: Does not create legal guardianship, only ‘statement of fact’ that minor student is living within district boundaries. The “Caregiver” is required to sign affidavit under penalty of perjury. A New form is required each school year. Affidavit protects district from litigation by parents and gives it authority to enroll and educate minor. Use of Caregiver Affidavit establishes residency in Palm Springs Unified. Refer to Student Services if grade level is impacted and school site placement is needed. IMPORTANT: Caregiver Affidavit is not to be used for guardian signatures on “Special Education” documents. A Caregiver Affidavit does not establish “Educational Rights.” For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 14 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSES OF ENROLLING IN PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED. IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE ENROLLMENT AT A SPECIFIC SCHOOL SITE. Completion of student name, date of birth, caregiver’s name/DOB/School Name, Grade/ new home address, and the signing of the affidavit are sufficient to authorize the enrollment of a minor in school and approved school-related medical care. CAREGIVER AFFIDAVIT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR GUARDIAN SIGNATURES ON SPECIAL EDUCATION DOCUMENTS. Student Name (Last) Student’s Date of Birth SCHOOL GRADE (First) Caregiver’s Name (Last) Caregiver Phone (Day) (First) Caregiver Address City Zip Caregiver Driver’s License or ID Card Number ( ) Caregiver Phone (Evening) Check: ( ) Caregiver Date of Birth Check: Home Home Work Work Verification of the following two areas are required to authorize any other medical care. Caregiver Authorization for Other Medical Care I verify that I am of legal adult age and this minor student lives in my home. I also verify that: 1. I am the: (Check the one which identifies you) Grandfather or Grandmother Aunt or Uncle Sister or Brother Step-Mother or Step-Father Step-Sister or Step-Brother Cousin or Non-relative (relationship): __________________________ 2. The following is/are the name(s)/location(s) of parent(s)/guardian(s) having legal custody: a. Father/legal guardian b. Mother/legal guardian (Name/Location) (Print Name) (City/State/Country or unknown) (Print Name) (City/State/Country or unknown) (Name/Location) Check one or more: (For example, if one parent was advised and the other could not be located) _ _ I have advised the parent(s) or other person(s) having legal custody of the minor as to my intent to authorize medical care and have received no objection. _ _ I am unable to contact the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) at this time to notify them of my intended authorization. WARNING: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature of Caregiver: ________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Received by: Date: 15 DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE PALM SPRINGS Declaración de Autorización del Cuidador ESTE DOCUMENTO ES PARA EL PROPOSITO DE INSCRIPCION DENTRO DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE PALM SPRINGS. ESTE NO GARANTIZA LA INSCRIPCIÓN EN UNA ESCUELA ESPECIFICA. Al completar el nombre del estudiante, fecha de nacimiento, nombre del cuidador /FDN/Nombre de Escuela, Grado, nueva dirección, y la firma de la declaración son suficientes para autorizar la inscripción del menor en la escuela y aprobar cuidado médico relacionado con la escuela. ESTA DECLARACION NO PUEDE SER USADA COMO FIRMAS DEL TUTOR PARA FIRMAR EN DOCUMENTOS DE EDUCACION ESPECIAL Fecha de Nacimiento del estudiante Nombre del estudiante (Apellido) Escuela Grado (Nombre) Teléfono (Día) del Cuidador Nombre del Cuidador (Apellido) (Nombre) Dirección del Cuidador Ciudad Código Núm. De Licencia o Tarjeta de Ident. del Cuidador ( ) Marque: Teléfono (noche) del Cuidador Casa Trabajo ( Casa Trabajo ) Marque: Fecha de nacimiento del Cuidador Verificación de las dos siguientes áreas son requeridas para autorizar cualquier cuidado médico. Autorización del Cuidador para otro cuidado médico Yo verifico que soy un adulto de edad legal y que este estudiante menor de edad vive en mi casa. También verifico que: 1. Soy el/la: (Maque la que lo/a identifique) Abuelo o Abuela Tía o Tío Hermana o Hermano Madrastra o Padrastro Hermanastra o Hermanastro Primo o Ningún-relación (clasificar relación): _____________________ 2. Lo/s siguiente/s es/son el/los nombre(s)/lugar(es) de los padre(s)/tutores que tienen custodia legal a. Padre/tutor legal (Nombre/ubicación) (Nombre -letra de molde) (Ciudad/Estado/País o desconocido) b. Madre/Tutor legal (Nombre/ubicación) (Nombre -letra de molde) (Ciudad/Estado/País o desconocido) Marque uno o más: (Por ejemplo, Sí uno de los padres _ fue informado y el otro padre no pudo ser localizado) _ He informado a/los padre(s) u otra persona quién tiene custodia legal del menor de mi intención de autorizar cuidado médico y no he recibido ninguna objeción. _ _ No he podido comunicarme con el/los padre(s) o tutor legal en este momento para avisarles de mi intención de autorizar. AVISO: Declaro que esta información es fiel y verdadera bajo pena de perjuicio según lo dispone las leyes de California. Firma del Cuidador: ________________________________________________________ Fecha: __________________ Recibido por: Fecha: 16 ENROLLMENT Enrollment of Pupils Critical Questions to ask at the time of enrollment. Is the student getting Special Education services? Does the student have a 504 Plan? Is the student presently on Expulsion status from a school district? (Contact Student Services office for assistance regarding expelled students) Kindergarten Admission (See attached guidelines) Proof of Age can be established by: Birth certificate Certified copy of birth record Baptism certificate Passport Immigration certificate Bible record Without any of the above, an affidavit by parent or other ‘reasonable’ means to verify age. Physical Exam Form All children must have received within 18 months prior to entering 1st grade. Certification of exam or Waiver signed by parent/guardian Immunization Records must be current: T-dap - For the 2012-2013 school year, and all future school years, all students entering, advancing or transferring into 7th grade will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster immunization (called “Tdap”) for school in the fall. Exemptions to immunization should not be taken because of convenience. Unimmunized students are at greater risk of contracting diseases and spreading. Schools should maintain an up-to-date list of students with exemptions, so that these students can be excluded from school quickly if an outbreak occurs. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services (760) 416-6030 Health Services (760) 416-8087 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 17 18 19 20 21 22 ENROLLMENT Enrolling Students from Placement Students who are coming directly from a placement situation must contact the Student Service office to schedule an appointment for a placement interview. Examples of placements include, but are not limited to: Long-term placement in a Juvenile Detention Facility Foster Care Drug/Alcohol Treatment Center NOTE: Please do not send parent/guardian or student directly to the District office without calling. Administrator/s may not be available to assist this parent. Instead, please have parent call for an appointment. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 23 ENROLLMENT Intra/Inter District Transfers Palm Springs Unified School District is an ‘Open Enrollment’ district (as of July 1, 1994). This means that a parent/guardian can request to transfer their children to a school in the District other than that of his/her regular attendance area. Transfer granted upon space availability at the school of choice. Process to apply for an Intra-District Transfer is as follows: Parents must complete an Intra-District Transfer permit through our PSUSD KIOSK Computer Stations in Student Services office (during regular office hours) except holidays. Student/s must be enrolled in their school of residence while pending transfer approval. If parent unsure as to their “school of residence”, they can go to our district website “Find My School”. Deadlines for submitting applications are listed in our PSUSD Website. A Lottery system will be utilized if the number of requests exceeds the spaces available. Placement in Alternative Education Schools/Programs is completed through Alternative Education Screening Panel, NOT through the transfer process. Special Education transfers are determined through the Special Education Department. District retains authority to revoke transfers should ‘overload’ occur. If student has excess absences, tardiness, etc., they may be referred to SARB process and transfer may be revoked. If transfer approved, parent/guardian agrees to provide transportation to approved school. Note: If student is currently on an approved Intra-District Transfer, he/she does not have to apply again as long as student remains in same school. Process to apply for an Inter-District Transfer is as follows: (Agreement between districts) If student moves outside Palm Springs Unified School District boundary, student must secure an Inter-District Transfer. District of residence originates agreement Parent must complete the Inter-District Transfer form and submit to Student Services Failure to adhere to terms/conditions may result in revocation of transfer District policy requires annual renewal Student cannot be enrolled until agreement has been approved For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6027 Fax: (760) 416-6038 24 New Renewal PLEASE PRINT Pupil’s Last Name PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR INTERDISTRICT ATTENDANCE PERMIT (One Application per Child) School Year: Pupil’s First Name Date of Birth Grade Requested Parent/Guardian Home phone Work/cell phone Residential Address City/Zip Code Mailing Address if different City/Zip District of Residence School of Residence District of Desired Attendance School of Desired Attendance District Now or Last Attended School Now or Last Attended Reason for request (see explanation on reverse side): Explanation of reason(s) for request: Senior Student Specialized High School Program Planned Change of Residence School District Employment Child Care Other Provide full name, address and phone number of child care provider or school district employer, if you checked either of those boxes. Check appropriate special program (if applicable): Special program/class Program/Class______________________________(RSP, SDC, APE, S/L, OT, GATE) Section 504 Accommodations Currently suspended or expelled TERMS & CONDITIONS: This permit is valid only for the school year granted, while conditions stated are maintained, and as long as the student’s attendance, citizenship and scholarship are satisfactory to the district of attendance. A permit may be revoked for cause at any time. False or misleading information may be cause for denial or revocation. Approval is subject to space availability in the district and may not be at the site requested. Individual district policies pertain to each permit. Parent initials______ I have read and understand the regulations and policies governing interdistrict attendance permits (on reverse side) and hereby submit my application. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true and accurate. I understand that this form will be provided to the district of residence and the district of desired attendance and information provided is subject to verification. Signed_________________________________________________Date_____________ For School District Office Use Only As the authorized administrator for the district of residence, I recommend the following action: Approval for release pending concurrence with receiving district Disapproval Signature____________________________________________ Date_______________ As the authorized administrator of the district of desired attendance, I recommend the following action: Approval to attend Disapproval Signature____________________________________________ Date_______________ Reason for denial:____________________________ 25 Riverside County Regulations and Policies Governing Interdistrict Attendance Permits 1. In accordance with Sections 46600 to 46609 of the Education code, the school districts of Riverside County establish Interdistrict agreements annually which provide for the exchange of pupils. 2. The enrollment of pupils from districts, other than that of residence is not mandatory. If there is sufficient room in the district, school, and program of desired attendance, requests will be considered, provided the reasons are justifiable and in accordance with district governing board policy. Interdistrict Attendance Permits to leave the district of residence may be granted for the following reasons: a. Senior Student – The district may permit those pupils who are in the highest grade of elementary, middle or senior high school permission to graduate from the school which they have attended just prior to their move to another district. b. Specialized High School Program – Availability of a specialized high school program in the district of desired attendance was not available in the district of residence. If the district of residence has a similar program, the student does not qualify under this category. c. Planned Change of Residence – Specific and written evidence must be given that a residence in the district of desired attendance is being obtained. Such permit should not be issued for longer than three months. d. School District Employment – Parent/legal guardian employed by the school district of desired attendance. Verification required. e. Child Care – These are to be initially granted only to kindergarten through eighth grade school age students, when it is impossible to arrange adequate childcare or supervision in the district of residence. Verification must be provided. 3. Requests based upon convenience or personal preference may not be considered. 4. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 5. Procedure for making application for Interdistrict attendance: a. Complete the Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit and fill in “reasons for request” in space provided. Provide any additional support documents as needed. Be sure to sign the application. b. Submit the request for approval to the authorized district administrator in the district of residence. c. If approved, take request form to authorized administrator of school district of desired attendance. d. The parent/guardian will be notified by mail of the final decision regarding the request. If you have any questions pertaining to the procedure outlined above, the office from which you obtained this form in the school district of residence will assist you. 6. An Interdistrict Attendance Permit for Interdistrict attendance is valid only during the school year for which it is issued. It is furthermore valid only while the conditions stated in the request are maintained; and will be continued in force only as long as the pupil’s attendance, citizenship, and scholarship are satisfactory to the school of attendance. 7. Falsification of any information stated on this request is cause for immediate revocation of an interdistrict transfer and no further application will be considered. 8. California Interscholastic Federation grades 9-12 athletic eligibility may be negatively affected by this transfer. (CIF Southern Section Blue Book section 206) APPEAL PROCESS: MUST APPEAL TO DISTRICT THAT DENIED THE REQUEST 26 DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFIFCADO DE PALM SPRINGS SOLICITUD PARA PERMISO DE ASISTENCIA INTERDISTRITAL (Una solicitud por niño) Nueva Renovación Año escolar USE LETRA DE MOLDE Apellido del alumno Nombre del alumno Fecha de nacimiento Grado solicitado Padre o tutor No. teléfono de casa No. teléfono de trabajo o celular Dirección de casa Ciudad y zona postal Domicilio de correo si es diferente Ciudad y zona postal Distrito de residencia Escuela de residencia Distrito adonde desea asistir Escuela adonde desea asistir Distrito al que se asiste o asistió Escuela a la que asiste o asistió Motivo de la solicitud (ver explicación al dorso): Alumno por egresar (Senior) Explicación del motivo de la solicitud: Programa especializado de preparatoria Plan para cambiar de residencia Empleo en el distrito escolar Cuidado infantil Otro Dar el nombre completo, dirección y número de teléfono del proveedor de cuidado infantil o nombre del distrito escolar con el cual trabaja si marcó alguna de esas casillas. Marcar el programa especial apropiado (si aplica): Programa o clase especial Programa o clase Ajustes según la Sección 504 Actualmente suspendido o expulsado (RSP, SDC, APE, S/L, OT, GATE) TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES: Este permiso es válido sólo por el año escolar concedido, mientras que las condiciones indicadas continúen y mientras que la asistencia, buena conducta y becas se mantengan a satisfacción del distrito de asistencia. Un permiso puede ser revocado con causa en cualquier momento. La información falsa o sujeta a mala interpretación pudiera ser causa de la desaprobación o revocación. La aprobación queda sujeta a la disponibilidad de lugares en el distrito escolar y pudiera no ser en el plantel solicitado. Las políticas individuales de los distritos aplican a cada permiso. Iniciales del padre ___ He leído y entendido las regulaciones y políticas que rigen los permisos de asistencia interdistrital (al dorso) y en este momento presento mi solicitud. Yo declaro bajo pena de perjurio que la información proporcionada anteriormente es veraz y precisa. Yo entiendo que este formulario será presentado al distrito de residencia y al distrito adonde se desea asistir y la información proporcionada queda sujeta a la verificación. Firmado Fecha Únicamente para uso de la oficina del distrito escolar Como administrador autorizado del distrito de residencia, yo recomiendo la siguiente acción: Aprobación del permiso pendiendo el acuerdo del distrito que lo recibe No Aprobada Firmado Fecha Como administrador autorizado del distrito al que se desea asistir, yo recomiendo la siguiente acción: Aprobado para asistir No Aprobada Fecha Firmado Motivo de el rechazado: 27 Riverside County Regulaciones y políticas que rigen los permisos de asistencia interdistrital 1. De acuerdo con las secciones 46600 a 46609 del Código de Educación, los distritos escolares del condado de Riverside establecen acuerdos Interdistritales anualmente que permiten el intercambio de alumnos. 2. La inscripción de alumnos en distritos que no sean los distritos de residencia no es obligatoria. Las solicitudes serán consideradas si hay suficiente espacio en el distrito, escuela o programa al cual se desea asistir con la condición de que los motivos se justifiquen según las políticas que rigen al distrito. Los permisos de asistencia Interdistrital para salir del distrito de residencia pueden ser otorgados por los siguientes motivos: a. Alumnos por egresar: El distrito puede permitir a aquellos alumnos que cursen el grado superior de la escuela primaria, intermedia o preparatoria que se gradúe de la escuela en donde ha estado asistiendo justo antes de mudarse a otro distrito escolar. b. Programa especializado de preparatoria: Disponibilidad de un programa especializado de preparatoria en el distrito de asistencia deseada no existente en el distrito de residencia. Si el distrito de residencia tiene un programa similar, el alumno no califica bajo esta categoría. c. Plan para cambiar de residencia: Debe presentarse la evidencia específica y por escrito de que se va a obtener residencia en el distrito donde se desea la asistencia. Tales permisos no se deben otorgar por un tiempo de mas de tres meses. d. Empleo en el distrito escolar: El padre o tutor legal está empleado por el distrito escolar de la donde se desea la asistencia. Se requiere verificación. e. Cuidado infantil: Estos son inicialmente otorgados para alumnos en edad de kinder hasta el grado 8 cuando es imposible hacer arreglos para cuidado infantil o supervisión adecuada en el distrito de residencia. Se requiere verificación. 3. Las solicitudes por conveniencia o preferencia personal no serán consideradas. 4. El transporte es responsabilidad del padre o tutor. 5. Procedimiento para presentar una solicitud para asistencia Interdistrital: a. b. c. d. Llenar la Solicitud para asistencia Interdistrital y llenar los “motivos para la solicitud” en el espacio proporcionado; proporcionar documentación adicional necesaria; asegurarse de firmar la solicitud. Presentar la solicitud para su aprobación ante el administrador autorizado del distrito de residencia. Si es aprobada, presentar la solicitud ante el administrado autorizado del distrito en donde se desea asistir. El padre o tutor será notificado por correo de la decisión final de su solicitud. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el procedimiento antes descrito, la oficina en la cual obtuvo este formulario en el distrito escolar de residencia le ayudará. 6. Un permiso de asistencia Interdistrital es válido únicamente para el año escolar para el cual fue otorgado. Además, es únicamente válido mientras se mantengan las condiciones indicadas en esta solicitud y continuará vigente mientras que la asistencia, civismo y beca queden a satisfacción del distrito de asistencia. 7. La falsificación de cualquier información presentada en esta solicitud puede ser causa de la revocación inmediata de una transferencia Interdistrital y ninguna solicitud futura será considerada. 8. La elegibilidad para la federación atlética Interescolástica (California Interscholastic Federation) para los grados del 9 al 12 pudieran verse afectados negativamente por esta transferencia. (CIF Southern Section Blue Book section 206) PROCESO DE APELACIÓN: DEBE APELARSE ANTE EL DISTRITO QUE HA RECHAZADO LA SOLICITUD. 28 ENROLLMENT Lunch Applications (free/reduced) Lunch applications “free and reduced” meals can be used if a student attends a district school and identifies themselves as homeless and is in need of a free or reduced price meals. Definition of ‘homeless’ can be but not limited to: Homeless Individual (lack of fixed or regular residence) Children or youth in transitional or Emergency Shelters Children or youth living in trailer parks and camping grounds Doubled-up children or youth sharing housing with other family or individual Runaways School-aged unwed mothers Sick or abandoned children or youth Throwaways Lunch applications for free/reduced price meals available on-line For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 29 ENROLLMENT Residence Affidavit (Shared Residency) This document is for compliance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The information provided will help expedite the enrollment process for the student. The District shall admit only those students who provide proof of district residency. Such proof shall be required prior to enrollment. A “Residence Affidavit” may be completed if a parent/guardian is sharing a residence as a ‘temporary address. This document is for the purpose of enrolling in Palm Springs Unified School District, it does NOT guarantee enrollment at a specific school site. PLEASE NOTE: That the District reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information on this form and a home visit may be initiated which proves that the parent/guardian is residing at the stated address mentioned above (EdCode 48204). For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 30 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Residence Affidavit McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENROLLMENT IN PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE ENROLLMENT AT A SPECIFIC SCHOOL SITE Student Name Student’s Date of Birth (Last) (First) Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Phone (Day) (Last) (First) Parent/Guardian Address City Zip Student’s ID No. ) Check: ( Parent/Guardian Phone (Evening) ( ) Check: School Home Work Home Work Grade TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN: I am the parent/guardian of this student and am now sharing the residence listed at the above address. This living arrangement is: Temporary; planned length of stay in this shared residence: Driver’s license or I.D. card number of parent/guardian: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature of Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY OWNER/LESSOR/RENTER OF RESIDENCE: I am the owner/lessor/renter of the residence at the above address and verify that this student and parent/ guardian are both living full time with me. Driver’s license or I.D. card number of owner/lessor/renter of residence: Proof of Residence Required. Proof presented: _______________________________________________ (Utility bill, escrow papers, mortgage statement, rental contract, etc.) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature of Owner/Lessor/Renter of residence: ________________________________ Date: ____________ Received by: Date: Please understand that the District reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information on this form and a home visit may be initiated which proves that the parent/guardian is residing at the stated address mentioned31 above. Ed Code 48204. THIS FORM MUST BE FILLED OUT ANNUALLY DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE PALM SPRINGS Declaración de Residencia McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ESTE DOCUMENTO ES PARA EL PROPOSITO DE INSCRIPCION DENTRO DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE PALM SPRINGS Y NO GARANTIZA LA INSCRIPCIÓN EN UNA ESCUELA ESPECIFICA. Nombre del estudiante Fecha de Nac. (alumno) (Apellido) (Nombre) Nombre del Padre/Tutor Teléfono (durante el día) del Padre/Tutor (Apellido) (Nombre) Domicilio del Padre/Tutor Ciudad Código Número de ID. ( ) Marque:: Casa Teléfono (durante la noche) del Padre/Tutor ( ) Marque: : Casa Escuela Grado Empleo Empleo DEBE SER RELLENADO POR EL PADRE/TUTOR: Yo soy el padre/tutor de este estudiante y ahora estoy compartiendo la residencia en el domicilio antes mencionado. Este arreglo de vivienda es: Temporal; el tiempo planeado de estancia en esta residencia es de/hasta: Licencia de conducir o número de tarjeta de I.D. del padre/tutor: Declaro que la información provista es leal y verdadera bajo pena de perjurio según lo dispone la ley de California. Firma del Padre/Tutor: ___________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________ DEBE SER RELLENADO POR EL DUEÑO /ENCARGADO/RENTERO DE LA RESIDENCIA: Yo soy el dueño /encargado/rentero de la residencia en el domicilio antes mencionado y verifico que el alumno y su padre/tutor ambos viven conmigo tiempo completo. Licencia de conducir o número de I.D. del dueño/encargado/rentero de la residencia: Se requiere Comprobante de Domicilio. Se presentó: __________________________________________ (Cobro de utilidades, documento de depósito en garantía, factura de hipoteca, contrato de renta, etc.) Declaro que la información provista es leal y verdadera bajo pena de perjurio según lo dispone la ley de California. Firma del dueño/encargado/rentero de la residencia: __________________________ Fecha: ____________ Recibido por: Fecha: Por favor comprenda que el Distrito tiene el derecho de verificar la exactitud de la información en este formulario y se puede iniciar una visita domiciliaria para comprobar que el padre/tutor reside en el domicilio antes mencionado. Código Ed. 48204 ESTE FORMULARIO SE RENOVARA ANUALMENTE 32 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 980 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON WAY PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262-0119 (760) 416-6000 FAX (760) 416-6015 CHRISTINE J. ANDERSON Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION: SHARI STEWART, President –, GARY JEANDRON, Clerk JUSTIN BLAKE, Member – KAREN CORNETT, Member – RICHARD CLAPP, Member Enrollment Using Residence Affidavit Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, schools shall use the following procedure for NEW students requesting enrollment using the Residence Affidavit. Students who have been in attendance at a school site using the Residence Affidavit and requesting to continue at the school using a Residence Affidavit, will be allowed to remain at their school site upon providing the appropriate documentation. The Residence Affidavit is used when a parent is unable to provide proof of residency and is sharing a residence full-time with another family living within the Palm Springs Unified School District boundaries. This affidavit is used in order to be in compliance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Upon receipt of a Shared Residence Affidavit use the following procedure: 1. Verify that all sections are completed and appropriate documents are attached. 2. Determine if enrollment is accepted: a. Yes Follow enrollment procedures for Homeless Students (McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act) i. Enroll immediately, regardless of proof of immunization ii. Document in the SIS the status of “Shared Residence” or “Homeless” iii. Fax, scan or email copy of affidavit to Student Services b. No Provide the parent with a letter stating the reason for the denial of enrollment, the Dispute Resolution request form and refer them to Student Services for school enrollment assistance. i. Provide parent with assistance in securing an appointment with Student Services, whenever possible. 33 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 980 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON WAY PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262-0119 (760) 416-6000 FAX (760) 416-6015 CHRISTINE J. ANDERSON Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION: SHARI STEWART, President –, GARY JEANDRON, Clerk JUSTIN BLAKE, Member – KAREN CORNETT, Member – RICHARD CLAPP, Member (DATE) To the Parent or Guardian of: __________________ The Residence Affidavit for enrollment at __________________ has been denied for the following reason(s): School Overcrowding Grade level over enrollment Per the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act you may: Receive transportation to the school you attended at the point that you became homeless, or Attend another school in Palm Springs Unified School District with transportation. For assistance with school placement please contact Student Services at 760416-6032. They will assist you in enrolling in Palm Springs Unified School District and review your rights. You have the right to appeal this decision within 10 business days of receiving this notification by contacting Student Services at 760-416-6032. Respectfully, (Principal’s name) Principal (School’s name) 34 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Dispute Resolution Rights: Residence Affidavit 1. You may provide written or oral documentation to dispute issues regarding your child’s school selection or enrollment. 2. You may access a simple dispute form and assistance with any enrollment dispute by contacting Student Services at 760-416-6032 or by requesting this form at your school site. 3. You have rights to transportation to your “school of origin” (the school your child was attending at the point that you became homeless.), within reason. 4. If you are being denied enrollment at your “resident” school due to overcrowding or over enrollment in a grade level, you have rights to transportation to another school within Palm Springs Unified School District, as determined by Student Services. 5. If your dispute of school enrollment is not resolved through the Palm Springs Unified School District, you may appeal the decision of the district by contacting: Riverside County Office of Education, Stephan Peace, Coordinator at 951-8266248 or [email protected] 6. While your appeal is being reviewed, you have a right to enroll your child at your “resident” school while your appeal is under review. If you have further questions, please contact Student Services at 760-416-6032. 35 Dispute Resolution Request To: Student Services-Palm Springs Unified School District Date: Person completing this form: Relationship to student: Contact information: Written explanation of why you are appealing the enrollment decision for your student(s): ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Mail, email or bring this form to: Student Services-Palm Springs Unified School District 980 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 101 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Attn: Jane E. Mills, Director 760-416-6032 [email protected] 36 ENROLLMENT Release of Information Release of Information form is to be used whenever a non-parent or non-legal guardian is present in a meeting, hearing or conference being held to discuss specific student information. Examples of non-parent or non-legal guardians are as follows: Grandparents Aunt/Uncle Friends of the family Step-parents who have not legally adopted the student Cousins Adult Brother/Sister Examples of meetings, hearings or conferences where you may need to use this form are: Student Study Team (SST) Expulsion hearings 504 Plan Suspension meetings Individual Educational Plan (IEP) Parent-teacher conferences Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) Counselor conferences Psychologist conferences Referrals to Youth Accountability Team (YAT) For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 37 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATION FOR USE AND/OR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ______________________________________________ _____________________________ __________ Name of student (list other names used) Medical Record Number (if applicable) Date of Birth __________________________________________________________ ________________________ ____________________ Address of student Phone No. Other Phone No. I authorize the following individual or organization to disclose the above named individual’s medical/educational information as described below: Individual or Organization Disclosing Information: Individual or Organization Receiving Information: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Disclosing party Receiving party __________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code Telephone: _______________________ Fax: _____________________ Telephone: ________________________ Fax: _________________ Duration: This authorization shall become effective immediately and shall remain in effect until ________________ (date) or for one year from the date of signature if no date is entered. Revocation: I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization, in writing, at any time by sending such written notification to the releasing agency. Written revocation will be effective upon receipt, but will not apply to information that has already been released in response to this authorization. Redisclosure: I understand that health information used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization may be subject to redisclosure by the recipient and it is no longer protected by federal laws and regulations regarding the privacy of protected health information. I further understand the confidentiality of the information when released to a public educational agency is protected as a student record under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Health Info: I understand that authorizing the disclosure of health information is voluntary. I can refuse to sign this authorization. I do not need to sign this form in order to assure medical treatment. Specify: Record(s): Indicate type of information is to be disclosed; Medical Information Medication Information Psychiatric Information Mental Health Drug/Alcohol Information STD/HIV Test Results Education Records Other: I request that the information pursuant to this authorization be for the following purposes only: Educational Assessment Education Planning Other: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A copy of this authorization is as valid as an original. I understand that I have a right to receive a copy of this authorization for my records. ____________________________________________________ Signature of Student or Student’s Representative ______________________________________________ _______________ Description of Relationship to Student Date Revised: September 2003 38 DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO PALM SPRINGS CONSENTIMIENTO PARA EL USO Y/0 REVELACION DE INFORMACION ______________________________________________ _____________________________ Nombre del estudiante (enliste los nombres usados) Número del archivo Médico (si aplica) __________ Fecha de Nacimiento __________________________________________________________ ________________________ ____________________ Dirección del estudiante No. de teléfono Otro No. de teléfono Autorizo al siguiente individuo u organiazación a que revele la información médica/educativa del individuo mencionado anteriormente como esta descrito abajo. Individuo u Organización Dando la Información: Individuo u Organización Recibiendo la Información: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Persona dando la información Persona recibiendo la información __________________________________________________________ Dirección ______________________________________________________ Dirección __________________________________________________________ Ciudad, Estado, Código Postal _______________________________________________________ Ciudad, Estado, Código Postal Teléfono: _______________________ Fax: _____________________ Teléfono: ________________________ Fax: _________________ Duración: Está autorización será efectiva inmediatamente y se mantendrá en efecto hasta el _____ (fecha) o Por un año de la fecha de la firma sí es que no es fechada. Revocación: Entiendo que tengo el derecho de revocar esta autorización, por escrito, en cualquier momento enviando dicha notificación a la agencia que esta inforrmando. La revocación por escrito será efectiva al momento de ser recibida, pero no aplicará a la información que ya sea a dado en respuesta a esta autorización. Re-revelación: Entiendo que la información obtenida tocante a esta autorización puede estar sujeta a ser proveida por el que la recibe y ya no esta protegida por leyes federales y acerca de regulaciones de protección de privacidad de información de salud. Yo entiendo que la confidencialidad de la información cuando es dada a una agencia educativa publica esta protegida como archivo del estudiante bajo los Derechos Educativos de la Familia y el Acta de Privacidad (FERPA). Info. De Salud: Entiendo que la autorización de revelación de información de salud es voluntaria. Que me puedo rehusar a firmar esta autorización. Que no necesito firmar esta forma para asegurar tratamiento médico. Especifique: Archivo(s): Indique el tipo de información que será revelada; Información médica Información de medicamento Información psíquiatrica Salud Mental Información de Droga/Alcohol Resultados de examenes de EST/SIDA Archivos Educativos Otro: Pidó que la información dada tocante a esta autorización sea para los siguientes propositos únicamente: Evaluación Educativa Plan Educativo Otro: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Una copia de esta autorización es tan valida como un original. Entiendo que tengo el derecho de recibir una copia de esta autorización para mi archivo. ____________________________________________________ Firma del estudiante o del Representante del Estudiante ______________________________________________ _______________ Descripción de Parentesco con el estudiante Fecha Revised: September 2003 39 DISCIPLINE Expulsion Process EXPULSION PROCESS: For any student expulsion referral, school sites must fax a ‘Principal signed Suspension Notice’ to Student Services office at (760) 416-6038 (using the ‘Confidential’ fax cover sheet). If requesting an “Extension of Suspension” meeting, a fax must also be sent to Educational Services at (760) 416-6075. Please call Educational Services at (760) 416-6055 to set up date/time of extension meeting. Note: Extension of suspension meetings must be held within days of suspension. IMPORTANT: Special Education/504 expulsion referrals require a “Manifestation of Determination” meeting within 10 days of first day of suspension, to proceed with the expulsion process. (See Expulsion flow chart ) Expulsion Packet Includes: Request for Waiver of Hearing Packet: Expulsion Packet Contents Order Due Process Documentation Student Summary School’s Recommendation Page Counselor’s Report (MS/HS) Student’s Incident Statement Copy of Suspension Notice of Incident Administrative Review Inquiry Detailed Discipline Report Student Profile (including grades/test scores) Current Attendance Report School Transcripts Parent Information Bulletin Waiver Request Form Principal Check-list Waiver Expulsion Packet* (*same as regular expulsion packet) Students expelled from other District: Contact Student Services (760) 416-6029 for guidelines. Board Policy –Discipline 5144, 5144.1(a-c), AR5144.1(a-x) and AR5144.2(a-i) Ed Code 48915(a)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - Mandatory Recommendation for Expulsion (with-exception) Ed Code 48915(c)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) - Mandatory Recommendation for Calendar Year Expulsion (no-exception) For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 40 FLOW CHART Determination of Conduct in Violation of EC 48900 48900, .2, .3, .4, .7 Day One Special Education Students General Education Students SUSPENSION Not more than 5 school days. (EC 48911) Suspension limited to 10 consecutive school days or less, e.g., 5 days suspension + 5 days Extension of Suspension (EC 48911(a) and (g)) Expellable Not Expellable RECOMMENDATON FOR EXPULSION EXTENSION OF SUSPENSION (EC 48915) additional 5 school days [spec.ed./504 student], extension of suspension pending decision on expulsion. [gen.ed.studetn]. (EC48911(g)) Expellable Not Expellable 10 school Days Assessment Plan for Possible Disciplinary Change in Placement Evaluation sent to Parent, if necessary Possible Disciplinary Change in Placement Assessment Conducted, if necessary Notification of Manifestation Determination IEPTeam Meeting PUPIL REQUEST FOR OPEN HEARING Within 5 calendar days preceding Hearing. (EC48818(c)) DISTRICT EXTENSION OF HEARING DATE Up to 5 school days “for good cause.” (EC 48918(a)) PUPIL POSTPONEMENT Entitled to not more than one postponement – not to exceed 30 calendar days - - additional days at Board’s discretion. (EC 48919(a)) HEARING To be conducted within 30 school days of determination of pupil violation. (EC 48918(a)) NOTE: Special Hearing Procedures (EC 48918.5) Manifestation Determination IEP Team Meeting Review now Assessment, if conducted, existing evaluation and diagnostic results, observation, IEP and Placement; discipline records, existing BIP If no BIP, develop assessment plan for functional behavior analysis and develop behavior plan * IEP needs to be modified * Behavior is related to disability * Placement and services inappropriate * IEP not implemented NOTICE OF HEARING At least 10 calendar days prior to hearing. (EC48918(b)) ADMINISTRATIVE PANEL or HEARING OFFICER RECOMMENDATION Within 3 school days or by 33rd school day without postponements. (EC48918(e)) Setting date for review for re-admission and recommendation of rehabilitation plan. (EC 48916) Post expulsion education program. (EC 48919) * Behavior is not related to disability * Placement & Services appropriate * IEP is appropriate No Expulsion Address Placement Services and BIP APPELLATE HEARING Within 20 school days following filing of formal request. (EC 48919) Forward to Expulsion DECISION OF GOVERNING BOARD Within 10 schooldays: or 40th school day without pupil requested hearing postponement. (EC 48918(i)) APPEAL TO COUNTY BOARD Within 30 calendar days following local board decision. (EC 48919) DECISION OF THE COUNTY BOARD Within 3 school days of hearing, absent pupil request for postponement (EC 48919) 504 Students with 504 Plan Determination of Conduct in Violation of EC 48900, 48900, .2, .3, .4, .7 - Day One Notification of Manifestation Determination 504 Team Meeting to review assessment and 504 Plan accommodations and services Manifestation Determination 504 Team Meeting Review Assessment Review 504 Plan Suspension Limited to 10 consecutive school days or less, e.g., 5 days suspension + 5 days extension (EC 48911 (a) & (g)) Not Expellable Possible Disciplinary Change of Placement Assessment Conducted Expellable Assessment Plan for Possible Disciplinary Change in Placement and Assessment Sent to Parent NO EXPULSION If 504 Plan not implemented or Behavior related to disability © June 2003 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo 41 FORWARD TO EXPULSION 504 Plan Implemented Behavior not related to Disability (student’s name) EXPULSION PACKET CONTENTS ORDER TO BE PROVIDED BY THE SCHOOL: 1. COVER SHEET 2. DUE PROCESS STATEMENT 3. EXPULSION HEARING STUDENT SUMMARY 4. SUMMARY OF INTERVENTIONS 5. RECOMMENDATION PAGE 6. COUNSELOR’S REPORT 7. EXIT INTERVIEW 8. PARENT CONFERENCE 9. COPY OF STUDENT INCIDENT STATEMENT 10. COPY OF SUSPENSION NOTICE FOR INCIDENT 11. XEROX PICTURE OF ANY EVIDENE (I.E.: WEAPON, DRUGS, ETC.) 12. TEACHER INQUIRIES 13. DISCIPLINE REPORT (HISTORY OF MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL AND SIGNIFICANT ELEMENTARY INCIDENTS) 14. INFORMATION ON: DATE OF ENROLLMENT SCHOOLS ATTENDED TRANSFERS READING GRADE LEVEL LEVEL OF ENGLISH PROFICIENCY CURRENT GRADES AND G.P.A. MOST RECENT STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES CURRENT ATTENDANCE RECORD TO BE ADDED BY STUDENT SERVICES: 15. STATEMENT OF CHARGES 16. EXTENSION OF SUSPENSION LETTER 17. DATE OF HEARING LETTER 18. RECEIPT OF DATE OF HEARING LETTER TO BE PRESENTED AT EXPULSION HEARING: 19. INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL ADMISISTRATIVE EXHIBITS 20. WITNESS STATEMENT(S) 42 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DUE PROCESS DOCUMENTATION Instructions: This form is to be filled with you expulsion case. Statement of witnesses, District memoranda, and other documents may be attached. I request that the records show that due process has been properly followed, that the Governing Board jurisdiction is clear in procedural compliance in this case, and the suspension imposed, the date on which imposed and the grounds as listed in the charges under Education Code 48900 are legal. School: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Student: ________________________________________ Violation of Education Code: _______________________ Specific Incident Date: ______________________________________ Reported by: ______________________________________________ Brief Statement: Principals Exit Interview with Student EC 48911(b)(c) Date: ______________________________ Place: ______________________________ Person Present: __________________________________ Time: _______________________ Immediate Action Taken: Notification of Law Enforcement: Date: __________________________ Suspension by: ____________________________ Dates: _________________________ Notification of Parents and Request to Attend Conference: By Telephone: _____ Date: _____________________ By Letter: ________ Date: _____________________ Principal/Parent Conference EC 911(f) Present at Conference: _________________________________________________________ Recommended Action EC 48915 (a)(b)(c) Expulsion: ___________________ Other: ______________________ If other, describe recommended disposition. Extension of Suspension Granted: YES________ If other, describe recommended disposition: 43 NO _______ HEARING DATES: ___________ PANEL: _____________________ SCHOOL BOARD_____________ PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPULSION HEARING STUDENT SUMMARY STUDENT NAME: ______________________________ D.O.B. __________ SCHOOL OF ATTENDANCE: ____________________________________________ GRADE: ___________________ DATE OF INCIDENT: ___________________________ WITNESS(ES): _________________________________ FOR: ____________________________________ AGAINST: _______________________________ INDICENT STATEMENT: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT’S INCIDENT STATEMENT: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 44 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPULSION HEARING RECOMMENDATION STUDENT NAME: _______________________________ RECOMMENDATION OF REFERRING SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: FULL EXPULSION Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Fall Semester Spring Semester Yes Yes No No Year: ________ Year: ________ CALENDAR YEAR Yes No Ending: ______ Fall Semester Spring Semester SUSPENDED EXPULSION Year: ________ Year: ________ CONDITIONS REQUIRED IN SUSPENDED EXPULSION OR FULL EXPULSION: 8 COUNSELING SESSIONS COMMUNITY SERVICE--TOTAL HOURS _____ DRUG COUNSELING OTHER ________________________________ ACADEMIC/ATTENDANCE/BEHAVIOR CONTRACT (for suspended expulsions) RATIONALE: ______________________________ SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 45 Student Description of Incident Statement School: ___________________ Student Name: ____________________ Grade: _______ Date of Incident: _________ Type of Incident: _______________ Location of Incident: _________________ Who was involved in this incident? __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ How were you involved in this incident? ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ How did the incident start? ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What happened during the incident: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ How did the incident stop? ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Who else should we talk to about this incident? ________________________________ Other details: ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Are you willing to testify and/ or have your identity disclosed at any hearing regarding the above incident? Yes No. Why not? _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ All of the information I have given you is true and correct. Signature: __________________________ Date: _______________ Print Name: _________________________ Witnessed By: __________________________________ Title: _________________________________________ 46 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW INQUIRY SCHOOL: __________________________________ Date: __________________________ Student: _______________________________________ Teacher: ______________________ Teacher: ______________________ Teacher: ______________________ Teacher: ______________________ Teacher: ______________________ Teacher: ______________________ We are preparing for a hearing regarding the possible expulsion of the student named above. Please provide your objective written comments (using black ink only) regarding this student in the areas listed below. Your comments are critical in determining the most appropriate educational placement for this student. Please return this form to the office by __________________. ___________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE: ACADEMIC PROGRESS: BEHAVIOR: 47 Palm Springs Unified School District REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING Student Expulsion Process To: Director, Pupil Personnel Services RE: _________________________________________________ Student Name _________________________________________________ School _________________________________________________ Principal Recommending Expulsion We/I have been informed of and understand the right to due process with regard to the expulsion recommendation made by my/our son/daughter’s school principal. In particular, I/we have been informed and understand that my/our son/daughter has the right to a full evidentiary hearing; the right to appear in person and/or employ and be represented by legal counsel or a nonattorney advisor at this hearing; the right to inspect and obtain copies of all documents to be used at the hearing; the right to confront and question all witnesses who testify at the hearing; the right to question all other evidence presented; and the right to present oral and documentary evidence on my/our son/daughter’s behalf, including witnesses. I/We have received written copy of these rights. I/We have also received and fully reviewed a written description of the charges that led to the recommendation for expulsion. A copy of the written description of the charges is included in the “Palm Springs Unified School District Suspension” form, which is attached to this waiver and incorporated by reference herein. I/We accept the description of the incident contained in the statement of charges as accurate and grounds for expulsion under the California Education Code. We understand the schools recommendation and recommended readmission plan. After careful consideration, I/we request a waiver of the expulsion hearing before a district administrative panel and the right to the due process proceedings. I/We also waive the legal timeline requirements that govern the expulsion process. I/We understand that an expulsion recommendation pursuant to the Education Code sections on student suspension and expulsion (Education Code Section 48900 et seq.) will be submitted to the Board of Education for its review and final action. I/We understand that the Board of Education’s decision is not restricted to the Principal’s recommendation. I/We also understand that I/we may be present when the Board of Education discusses the recommendation and that I/we may make a statement in support of the Principal’s recommendation. Signed, _____________________________________ (Student) ____________________________________ Date (Parent/Guardian) Date _____________________________________ ____________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) (Principal) Date Date Revised 8/20/02 For Office Use Received On: _____________________ Waiver Request Approved: Yes______ Signed: ____________________________________________________ Director, Pupil Personnel Services/Designee 48 No______ Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs SOLICITUD DE RENUNCIA A UNA AUDIENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA Proceso de Expulsión del estudiante A: Director de Personal de Servicios Estudiantiles Acerca De: ______________________________________________________ Nombre del Estudiante _____________________________________________________ Escuela _____________________________________________________ Director Recomendando la Expulsión Nosotros/yo he sido informado y entiendo el derecho al proceso acerca de la recomendación de expulsión hecha por el director de la escuela de mi hijo/a. En particular hemos/he sido informado y entiendo que mi hijo/a tiene el derecho a una audiencia evidenciad completa, el derecho de aparecer en persona y/o emplear o ser representado por un consejero legal o un asesor legal no-abogado en esta audiencia; el derecho a revisar y obtener copias de todos los documentos que serán usados en la audiencia; el derecho a enfrentar e interrogar a todos los testigos que declararan en la audiencia; el derecho de cuestionar toda la demás evidencia presentada, y el derecho a presentar evidencia oral y documentada a favor de mi hijo/a incluyendo testigos. Nosotros/yo he recibido copias escritas de estos derechos. Nosotros/yo también recibí y revise bien una descripción por escrito de los cargos que llevaron a la recomendación para la expulsión. Una copia de la descripción por escrito de los cargos esta incluida en la forma de “Suspensión del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs” la cual esta adjunta a esta renuncia e incorporada por referencia aquí dentro. Nosotros/yo acepto la descripción del incidente contenido en la declaración de cargos como correcta y los fundamentos para la expulsión bajo el Código Educativo de California. Entiendo la recomendación de la escuela y el plan de readmisión recomendado. Después de la consideración cuidadosa, nosotros/yo pido la renuncia a la audiencia de expulsión ante un panel administrativo del distrito y el derecho al proceso de ley. Nosotros/yo también renuncio a los limites de tiempo requeridos que guiá el proceso de expulsión. Nosotros/yo entiendo que una recomendación de expulsión de acuerdo a las secciones en el Código Educativo en la suspensión o expulsión de un estudiante (Código Educativo sección 48900 et seq.) será enviada a la Mesa Directiva para su revisión y acción final. Nosotros/yo entiendo que la decisión de la Mesa Directiva no esta restringida a la recomendación del director. Nosotros/yo también entiendo que nosotros/yo puedo estar presente cuando la Mesa Directiva discuta la recomendación y que nosotros/yo puedo hacer una declaración en apoyo a la recomendación del director. Firmada, ________________________________________ (Estudiante) Fecha ________________________________________ (Padre/Tutor) Fecha ____________________________________________________ (Padre/tutor) Fecha _____________________________________________________ (Director) Fecha Para el Uso de la Oficina Fecha: _______________________ Aprobación de la Solicitud de Renunciá: Firmado: __________________________________________________________ Director del Personal de Servicios Estudiantiles/Designado 49 Sí _________ No _________ Palm Springs Unified School District PARENT INFORMATION BULLETIN Parent/Guardian Request for Waiver of Administrative Hearing Student Expulsion Process Under the California Education Code, all students recommended for expulsion are entitled to an impartial hearing. The Education Code also governs the timeline of steps taken to consider a recommendation for expulsion. The Palm Springs Unified School District respects and complies with the timeline and fact finding requirements prescribed in the California Education Code. In certain expulsion cases, students and their parents/guardians wish to expedite the expulsion process by waiving their right to the expulsion hearing and the timeline governing the expulsion process. When parents/guardians make such a request, an alternative process that eliminates the need for an expulsion hearing and expedites the timeline may be used. The advantages of this process include: Expedited placement of the student in an alternative educational program. Elimination of the need for the student and parent/guardian to appear at an administrative hearing to review the incident that led to the expulsion recommendation. A request to waive an administrative hearing and the timeline requirements can be considered when: The student and parent/guardian do not dispute the charges, which led to the recommendation for expulsion. The student acknowledges responsibility for his/her behavior. The charges/allegations against the student require/mandate an expulsion recommendation by the principal/Superintendent, the hearing officer, or the administrative hearing panel. A request to waive the expulsion hearing will be approved when it is determined that the alternative process is in the best interest of the student and district. The parent is to contact the Principal/designee to request access to the “Waiver of Hearing” process within 10 days of the first day of their student’s suspension. A meeting will be set up with the Principal/designee within 3 working days of the parent request. A “Request for Waiver of Administrative Hearing” form must be signed by the parent/guardian, student and Principal and submitted to the Director of Pupil Personnel Services by the Principal/designee to initiate this process. If the Director of Pupil Personnel Services approves the request for a “Waiver of Administrative Hearing”, it will be submitted to the Palm Springs Unified School District Board of Education. The parents/guardians make a knowing and voluntary waiver of their right to have an expulsion hearing and therefore: Waive the right to all notices and timelines required by statute, rule or regulations; Waive the right to be represented by legal counsel or a non-attorney advisor at such expulsion hearing; Waive the right to inspect and obtain copies of documents which would have been used at the hearing and which will be presented to the District’s Board of Education as part of its review of the expulsion recommendation and final action. Waive the right to confront and question all witnesses who would have testified at the hearing; Waive the right to question all other evidence presented which would have been presented at the hearing and which will be presented to the District’s Board of Education as part of its review of the expulsion recommendation and final action. Waive the right to present oral and documentary evidence on the student’s behalf including witnesses. Revised 8/20/02 50 Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs BOLETIN DE INFORMACION PARA LOS PADRES SOLICITUD DE RENUNICA DEL PADRE/TUTOR A UNA AUDIENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA Proceso de Expulsión del Estudiante Bajo el Código Educativo de California, todos los estudiantes recomendados a ser expulsados tienen el derecho a una audiencia imparcial. El Código Educativo también guiá la limitación de tiempo de los pasos a seguir para considerar una recomendación para la expulsión. El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs respeta y cumple con la limita tiempo y los requisitos de los hechos encontrados prescritos por el Código Educativo de California. En ciertos casos de expulsión, sí el estudiante o su padre(s)/tutor(es) desean acelerar el proceso de expulsión renunciando a su derecho a la audiencia de expulsión y al proceso en la limita tiempo requerido. Cuando los padres hacen dicha petición, un proceso alterno el cual elimina la necesidad de una audiencia de expulsión y acelera la limita tiempo que se puede usar. Las ventajas de este proceso incluyen: Acelera la colocación del estudiante en un programa de educación alterna. Evita la necesidad de que el estudiante y su(s) padre(s)/tutor(es) se presenten ante una audiencia administrativa para revisar el incidente que lo llevo a la recomendación de expulsión. Una solicitud para renunciar a la audiencia administrativa y los requisitos del limite de tiempo podrán ser considerados cuando: El estudiante y el padre/tutor no disputan los cargos, los cuales llevaron a la recomendación para la expulsión. El estudiante reconoce la responsabilidad por su conducta. Los cargos/alegaciones en contra del estudiante requiere/exija la recomendación de su expulsión por el director/Superintendente, el oficial de audiencias o el panel de audiencias administrativas. Una solicitud de renuncia a la audiencia administrativa será aprobada cuando se determine que el proceso alternativo es lo mejor para el estudiante y el distrito. El padre debe ponerse en contacto con el director/designado para solicitar el acceso al proceso de “Renuncia a una Audiencia” dentro de los primeros 10 días de la suspensión del estudiante. Una reunión será programada con el director/designado dentro de 3 días laborables del día de la solicitud del padre. Una solicitud de “Petición de Renuncia a una Audiencia Administrativa” debe ser firmada por el padre/tutor, el estudiante y el director y ser entregada al Director de Personal de Servicios Estudiantiles por el director/designado para dar inicio a este proceso Sí el Director del Personal de Servicios Estudiantiles aprueba la solicitud para la “Renuncia a la Audiencia Administrativa” esta será enviada a la Mesa Directiva del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs. El padre(s)/tutor(es) ha hecho una renuncia voluntaria sabiendo de su derecho a tener una audiencia de expulsión por lo cual: Renuncia a los derechos a todos los avisos y limites de tiempo requeridos por el estatuto, reglas y regulaciones; Renuncia al derecho de ser representado por un consejero legal o un consejero no-abogado en dicha audiencia de expulsión; Renuncia al derecho de obtener copias y a la revisión de los documentos los cuales hubieran sido utilizados en la audiencia y los cuales serán presentados a la Mesa Directiva del Distrito como parte de la revisión de la expulsión y acción final. Renuncia al derecho de enfrentar e interrogar a todos los testigos quienes hubieran declarado en la audiencia. Renuncia al derecho a cuestionar toda la demás evidencia presentada la cual hubiera sido presentada en la audiencia la cual será presentada a la Mesa Directiva del Distrito como parte de su revisión de la expulsión y de la acción final. Renuncia al derecho de presentar evidencia documentada y oral a favor del estudiante incluyendo testigos. Revisión 8/20/02 51 PRINCIPAL'S CHECKLIST: WAIVER OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING OPTION To be completed as part of the recommendation for expulsion. _________________________________________ __________________________________ ____________ Student Name A. School Grade DOB Discretionary Expulsion ______ 1. The facts of the incident are agreed to by school personnel, the student and the student’s parent/guardian. The facts regarding the incident are not contested, unclear or in dispute. ______ 2. The principal agrees that the “Waiver of Hearing” is an appropriate option in this case. ______ 3. The “Waiver of Hearing” is in the best interest of the student and the district. The recommendation for expulsion is also made because of the following supplemental findings: _____ Other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about appropriate conduct. Detail: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _____ Due to the nature of the act, the presence of the pupil causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others. Detail: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ -ORB. Mandatory Expulsion ______ 1. The facts of the incident are agreed to by school personnel, the student and the student’s parent/guardian. The facts regarding the incident are not contested, unclear or in dispute. ______ 2. The student violated one of the following: (please circle) _______ 3. a. Possessed, sold or otherwise furnished a firearm. b. Brandished a knife at another person. c. Unlawfully sold a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code. d. Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in subdivision (n) of Section 48900 or committed a sexual battery as defined in subdivision (n) of Section 48900. e. Possession of an explosive device (effective January 2002 as defined in Sections 240 & 242 of the Penal Code). The principal agrees that the stipulated expulsion is an appropriate option in this case. Complete this checklist and send to the Director of Pupil Personnel Services. _____________________________________________________________ Principal Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date Revised 8/20/02 52 DISCIPLINE Law Enforcement-Access to Students Law Enforcement Officers have a right to access students on a campus in carrying out their duties in relation to an investigation of a juvenile crime. It is good practice for school site to contact parents of students interviewed once the investigation has been cleared with the police officer. It is standard operating procedure that a law enforcement officer check in with the principal before contacting a student. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6032 Fax: (760) 416-6038 53 DISCIPLINE Notification of Law Enforcement Per Education Code 48902 and 44014 the following incidents are required to be reported to Law Enforcement at the time of discipline or suspension from school. E.C. 48900: 48900(a)(2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in selfdefense. 48900(b) Possessed, sold or otherwise furnished any firearms, knife (over 2-1/2 in.), explosive, or other dangerous object. 48900(c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished or been under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind. 48900(d) Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered or otherwise furnished anything in lieu of it and represented the replacement as a controlled substance alcoholic beverage or intoxicant. 48900(j) Had unlawful possession of, unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia. 48900.7 Made terrorist threats against school officials or property, or both. For more information, please contact Student Services at (760) 416-6030: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 54 DISCIPLINE Suspension Notification BP-5144.1(a) The Governing Board recognizes that maintaining an environment which promotes learning and protects the health, safety and welfare of all students may require the suspension or expulsion of a student from regular classroom instruction. District policies and school site rules shall clearly identify District behavior standards. Suspension: Except in cases where suspension for a first offense is warranted in accordance with law, Education Code 48900(a-e) violations, suspension shall be imposed only when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct. (Education Code 48900.5) Each principal shall annually inform all students and parents/guardians of the school’s discipline rules and procedures and of the availability of all District policies and regulations dealing with student discipline, suspension and expulsion. (Education Code 35291, 35291.5) Suspended or expelled students shall be excluded from all school-related extracurricular activities during the suspension or expulsion. Student Due Process: The Board shall provide for the fair treatment of students facing suspension and expulsion by affording them their due process rights under the law. The administration and staff shall comply with procedures for notices and appeals as specified in regulation. Procedures governing student due process shall conform in all aspects to provisions in law. (Education Codes 48911, 48915 and 48915.5) Guidelines for Student Behavior (Discipline Action) chart available on Web-site. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 55 ARSON: Intentional burning of property MEETING/SUSPENSION SUSPENSION/EXPULSION CONFERENCE/MEETING/DETENTION SUSPENSION/EXPULSION CONFERENCE/MEETING/DETNTION SUSPENSION/EXPULSION Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max EXPLOSIVE DEVICES: The use, possession or sale of explosive devices ALCOHOL: The use possession or sale of alcoholic substance DEFIANCE OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL’S AUTHORITY: Refusal to comply with reasonable request of school personnel DRUGS: Possession of drug paraphernalia, sale furnishing, or use of controlled substance or their look alikes 56 DESTRUCTION OR DEFACEMENT OF PROPERTY: Attempting to damage, destroy, or mutilate objects or materials belonging to the school, school personnel or other persons DETENTION/PARENT NOTICE/SATURDAY SCHOOL SARB/CONTINUATION/OPPORTUNITY Min UNEXCUSED ABSENCES AND CUTTING: Any absence which has not been both excused by a parent or legal guardian and approved by the appropriate school official SUSPENSION EXPULSION Min Max Min Max PHYSICAL ASSAULT: Physical attack of one person, or of a group of persons, upon another person with who does not wish to engage in the conflict HATE VIOLENCE: Oppress, intimidate. Cause or threatened to cause injury to another person or their property based upon race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin or sexual orientation SUSPENSION EXPULSION EXTORTION/ROBBERY: Solicitation of money, or something of value, from another person, in return for protection or in connection with a threat to inflict harm or robbing a person SUSPENSION EXPULSION Min Max SEXUAL ASSAULT: Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault DISORDERLY CONDUCT, INCLUDING PROFANITY AND OBSCENE BEHAVIOR: Conduct and/or behavior which is disruptive to the orderly educational procedure of the school including habitual profanity or vulgarity E. C. 48915C 1) Selling drugs 2) Brandishing a knife 2) Possessing, selling or furnishing a firearm 3) Committing or threatening or commit sexual assault Expulsion may occur on first offense unless justified by district. WITNESS: Harassed, threatened or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding. SUSPESION EXPULSION Min Max IMITATION FIREARM: Possession an imitation firearm Max INTENTIONAL HARASSMENT: Threatened or intimidated a student or group of students to the extent of creating an intimidating or hostile education environment MEETING/SUSPENSION EXPULSION Min Max SMOKING/TOBACCO POSSESSION: The use or possession of tobacco of any kind on school property or at school activities FIGHTING: Engaging in or threatening physical contact for the purpose of inflicting harm on another person SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Unwelcome sexual advances and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature SUSPESNION EXPULSION THEFT: Receiving, attempting to take property that doesn’t belong to you CONFERENCE/MEETING SUSPESION/LOSS OF BUS PRIVILEGES Min Max BUS CONDUCT: Not following bus rules WEAPON/DANGERUS OBJECTS: Use, possession of furnishing of any knife, firearm, or other dangerous object FORGERY: Using signature or initials of a teacher or parent CONFERENCE/MEETING SUSPENSION/LOSS OF BUS PRIVILEGES Min Max VERBAL ABUSE: Statements which, intimidate or injure another person DRESS CODE: Failure to observe the school’s dress code BEING IN RESTRECTED AREA: Failure to adhere to school rules CONFERENCE/MEETING DETENTION/ISS CONFERENCE/DETENTION SATURDAY SCHOOL Min Max Min Max PROBLEM AREAS POSSIBLE ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN PREPAREDNESS: Unprepared with necessary materials/assignments TARDINESS: Arriving late to class PROBLEM AREAS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROBLEM AREA AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION SUSPENSION EXPULSION Min Max School site must recommend a calendar year expulsion. Board of Education may impose a lesser consequence SUSPENSION EXPULSION SUSPENSION EXPULSION CONFERENCE/MEETING SUSPENSION/EXPULSION CONFERENCE/MEETING EXULSION MEETING/CONFERENCE/ISS SUSPENSION CONFERENCE/SUSPENSION SUSPENSION EXPULSION SUSPENSION EXPULSION MEETING/SUSPENSION EXPULSION MEETING SUSPENSION/EXPUSLION MEETING DETENTION/SUSPENSON CONFERENCE/MEETING SUSPENSION INFORMAL TALK/FORMAL CONF. DETENTION/ISS Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max POSSIBLE ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN (NOTE: A school may have additional rules/regulations unique to a particular campus, i.e. age, severity, and frequency of the action) E. 5144.1 (c) DISCIPLINE Teacher Notification of Suspended Students EC 49079 (a) A school district shall inform the teacher of each pupil who has engaged in, or is reasonably suspected to have engaged in, any of the acts described in any of the subdivisions, except subdivision (h), of Section 48900. The district shall provide the information to the teacher based upon records that the district maintains in its ordinary course of business, or receives from a law enforcement agency, regarding a pupil described in this section. This information shall be identified from the previous three school years and is provided through alerts in the Student Information System which is accessed by teachers. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 57 INTERVENTIONS Counseling Services COUNSELING: Confidential, easy access to professionally trained counselors are available in Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs, Indio and Palm Desert. NON-PROFIT COUNSELING SERVICE AGENCIES Jewish Family Services in Palm Springs (760) 325-4088 Family Services of the Desert in Indio (760) 347-2398 Caritas Family Counseling in Desert Hot Springs (760) 288-3313 All-Desert Wellness Centers in Palm Desert (760) 797-5151 Note: Counseling cost may very, please call agency for information. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 58 INTERVENTIONS INSIGHT Programs Students are referred to the District INSIGHT Program when he/she has violated Education Code 48900(c), 48900(d), or 48900(j) which are drug and alcohol, or paraphernalia related offenses and has been suspended for 3-5 school days. Students are referred to the District INSIGHT Plus-Program (Middle Schools only) when he/she has violated Education Code 48900(c), 48900(d), or 48900(j) which are drug and alcohol, or paraphernalia related offenses or has violated 48900(a-1) or 48900(a-2) which are offenses related to acts directly against another person and has been suspended for 3-5 school days. Referral Process Student and parent are required to meet with a Student Assistance Program staff member for a family meeting within 3-5 days period of suspension or parents may participate in the district’s Parent Support Group. Student will be required to participate and complete the necessary counseling sessions of the program which include education/awareness about the consequences of substance abuse and acquire skills to make positive choices. Please contact the Student Services Office at (760) 416-6027 to schedule an appointment. For more information, please contact: Michael C. W. Wong, Coordinator Student Assistance Programs Office: (760) 416-6027 Fax: (760) 416-6038 59 INTERVENTIONS Section 504 Students who are handicapped within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, must be identified, evaluated, and provided with the required appropriate education. A student who is qualified for accommodations under Section 504 is a student who: Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, including learning Has a record of such impairment or Is regarded as having such an impairment Students may be handicapped under Section 504 of this policy even though they do not require services pursuant to the California Special Education Programs Act. A copy of the current 504 Plan is to be sent to Jane Mills, Director of Student Services at [email protected], please cc [email protected]. 504 FORMS: Go to District WEB-SITE under “Student Services” Staff Login (user name/password) Select: “Students and Parents” Select: “Student Support Services” Scroll down to “Staff Information and Forms” Select: “Forms to Establish a 504 Plan” You may also access forms in the “P” Drive in the 504 folder. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6032 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 60 INTERVENTIONS Student Assistance Programs Centralized programs are available in the Palm Springs Unified School District that support the welfare of students and families. Parent Support Meetings – Individual families may meet with a district team member to develop a positive plan for their children’s success. INSIGHT Program – An afterschool student support group for substance abuse issues. Topics: Substance Abuse Awareness Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) – Monitoring & supporting the attendance of students in the district. The Community Liaison Team – Members of this team work directly with parents to address school attendance and provide resources to families that could aid in the success of students. In-District Training (Support by request) – Peer Conflict Mediation, Tolerance and Diversity, Support Group Facilitation, PLUS Program (peer leadership). Prevention Specialists – Support given to middle schools and high schools on the work with struggling students. Deliver drug prevention curriculum at schools. For more information, please contact: Michael C. W. Wong, Coordinator Student Assistance Programs Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 61 INTERVENTIONS Student Success Team (SST) The purpose of the Student Success Team (SST) is to use a systematic problem solving approach to assist students who are not progressing at a satisfactory rate. The SST is a regular education process team that approaches and clarifies problems and concerns, develops strategies, mobilizes and coordinates resources that provides for a system of accountability with measureable outcomes. These elements create the potential for improved student success. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 Forms available on the district “P” drive 62 PUPIL RECORDS Cumulative Records PSUSD Schools: Student’s cumulative file shall be forwarded to requesting PSUSD school site. Records shall be purged of non pertinent documents prior to sending. A notification shall be written in the student’s cumulative file and in ‘Student Information System’ as to the leave date and where records were sent. RECORD REQUEST– Archived Records: The “Record” department is not set up for record request from non-district personnel. School Sites, switchboard and other departments that receive a request for archived records shall direct student to correct school or take the requested information then forward the request to Records Department. Once records are located the records shall be sent back to the school site/ department to contact requestor. (see attached form) RECORD REQUEST BY– Parent/Guardian (student under 18): A “Record Request Form” shall be completed with a copy of the photo I.D. of the person making request. RECORD REQUEST BY– Adult Student: (same as above-see note below) Note: If a pupil has attained the age of 18 years or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of, and the rights according to, the parents or guardian of the pupil shall therefore only be required of, and according to the pupil (Ed Code 49061) MANDATORY Permanent Pupil Records: Each school district shall maintain indefinitely all mandatory permanent pupil records or an exact copy thereof for every pupil who was enrolled in a school program within said district. The mandatory permanent pupil record or a copy thereof shall be forwarded by the sending district upon request of the public or private school in which the student has enrolled or intends to enroll. MANDATORY Interim Pupil Records: Records which schools are required to compile and maintain for stipulated periods of time and are then destroyed as per California statue or regulation. For more information, please contact: Mary Walsh Records Technician Office: (760) 416-8318 Forms available at Student Services Web-Site 63 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Records Department 150 District Center Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone (760) 322-4116 Fax: (760) 318-6260 Record Request ________________ __________________________ Date: _________________ ________________ Contact Name Contact Number School Site/Department LAST NAME: FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL SEX: M/F DOB GRADUATED Y/N MAIDEN NAME / AKA: (If applicable) LAST SCHOOL OF ATTENDANCE AT PSUSD LAST YEAR OF ATTENDECE AT PSUSD SPECIAL SERVICES RECEIVED: (If applicable) (Psych Services / IEP / Home Study etc.) TYPE OF RECORDS: x Transcripts x Sealed Copy Needed (Transcripts are official only if delivered in a sealed envelope, any official transcript that you open, becomes unofficial. Unofficial transcripts are not signed and will be delivered to you unsealed.) Other Records RECORDS FROM: SEND RECORDS TO: NAME: NAME: ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP CONTACT PHONE: CONTACT PHONE: SIGNATURE OF FORMER STUDENT Please provide Photo Identification with signature SIGNATURE OF GUARDIAN (If applicable) Please provide Photo Identification with signature 64 Cumulative Records Requests & Transfers (Quick Reference Procedures) PSUSD Schools Student’s cumulative file shall be forwarded to requesting PSUSD school site. Records shall be purged of non pertinent documents prior to sending. A notation shall be written in the student’s cumulative file and in Zangle as to the leave date and where records were sent. Another District or School in California Student’s cumulative file shall be sent to requesting district or school after creating a copy of all Mandatory Permanent records which shall be retained at school site for retention period according to the school year student left district. Records shall be purged of non pertinent documents prior to sending. A notation shall be written in the student’s cumulative file and in Zangle as to the leave date and where records were sent. Private / Out of State District or School Original student’s cumulative file shall be retained at school site for retention period according to the school year student left district and only a copy of student’s cumulative file shall be sent to requesting school. Create a copy of all Mandatory Permanent and Mandatory Interim records for requesting private / out of state district or school. Records shall be purged of non pertinent documents. A notation shall be written in the student’s cumulative file and in Zangle as to the leave date and where records were sent. Record Request - Parent / Guardian (student under 18) A “Record Request Form” shall be completed with a copy of the photo I.D of the person making request. (See attached) Record Request - Adult Student A “Record Request Form” shall be completed with a copy of the photo I.D of the person making request. (See attached) NOTE: If a pupil has attained the age of 18 years or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of, and the rights accorded to, the parents or guardian of the pupil shall thereafter only be required of, and accorded to, the pupil. (Ed Code 49061) Record Request - Archived Records The Record Department is not set up for record requests from non-district personnel. School Sites, Switchboard and other departments that receive a request for archived records shall direct student to correct school or take the requested information then forward the request to Records Department. Once records are located the records shall be sent back to the school site / department to contact requestor. Please have the student / guardian complete a “Record Request Form” with as much information as possible and have them sign form. We will also need a copy of the students photo I.D. with this request. Important information needed: Name records are listed under (AKA, legal, maiden etc.); Date of Birth; School / Year last attended; Type of records being requested; Contact number; sending / pick-up information. This will help assist in locating the records in a timely manner. Should you have any questions regarding archived records, please contact Mary Walsh, Records Technician at (760) 416-8318. 65 Cumulative Record Request & Transfers (Quick Reference for State Regulations) Transfer of Records (CA Administration Code 438): (a) When a pupil transfers to another school district or to a private school, a copy of the pupil’s Mandatory Permanent Pupil Record shall be transferred upon request from the other district or private school. The original or a copy must also be retained permanently by the sending district. If the transfer is to another California public school, the pupil‘s entire Mandatory Interim Pupil Record shall be forwarded. If the transfer is out of state or to a private school, the Mandatory Interim Pupil Record may be forwarded. Permitted pupil records may be forwarded. All pupil records shall be updated prior to such transfer. (b) If the pupil is a within-California transfer, the receiving school shall notify parents of the record transfer. If the student transfers out of state, the sending district may notify the parents of the rights accorded them. The notification shall include a statement of the parent's right to review, challenge, and receive a copy of the pupil record, if desired. (c) Pupil records shall not be withheld from the requesting district because of any charges or fees owed by the pupil or his parent. This provision applies to pupil in grades K-12 in both public and private schools. Varieties of Pupil Records (CA Administration Code 432): (1) "Mandatory Permanent Pupil Records" are those records which the schools have been directed to compile by California statute authorization or authorized administrative directive. Each school district shall maintain indefinitely all mandatory permanent pupil records or an exact copy thereof for every pupil who was enrolled in a school program within said district. The mandatory permanent pupil record or a copy thereof shall be forwarded by the sending district upon request of the public or private school in which the student has enrolled or intends to enroll. (2) "Mandatory Interim Pupil Records" are those records which schools are required to compile and maintain for stipulated periods of time and are then destroyed as per California statute or regulation. (3) "Permitted Records" are those pupil records which districts may maintain for appropriate educational purposes. Procedure for Access to Pupil Record (CA Administration Code 435): (a) Authorized organizations, agencies, and persons from outside the school, to the chief school whose access requires the consent of the parent or the adult pupil must submit their request to view the records, together with any required authorization administrator or the custodian of records. (b) The chief school administrator or the custodian of records or a certificated designee shall be responsible during the inspection for interpretation of the records where necessary and for prevention of their alteration, damage, or loss. In every instance of inspection of pupil records by persons who do not have assigned educational responsibility, an entry shall be made in the access log of said record, indicating the name of the person(s) granted access, the reason access was granted, the time and circumstances of inspection, and the records inspected. Retention and Destruction of Pupil Records (CA Administration Code 437): (a) No additions except routine updating shall be made to the record after high school graduation or permanent departure without the prior consent of the parent or adult pupil. (b) Mandatory permanent pupil records shall be preserved in perpetuity by all California schools according to Chapter 2, Division 16, Part I, of this title. (c) Unless forwarded to another district, mandatory interim pupil records may be adjudged to be disposable when the student leaves the district or when their usefulness ceases. Destruction shall be in accordance with Section 16027 of this title during the third school year following such classification. (d) Permitted pupil records may be destroyed when their usefulness ceases. They may be destroyed after six months following the pupil's completion of or withdrawal from the educational program. The method of destruction shall assure that records are not available to possible public inspection in the process of destruction. 66 Definitions (Education Code 49061): (a) "Parent" means a natural parent, an adopted parent, or legal guardian. If the parents are divorced or legally separated, only a parent having legal custody of the pupil may challenge the content of a record pursuant to Section 49070, offer a written response to a record pursuant to Section 49072, or consent to release records to others pursuant to Section 49075. Either parent may grant consent if both parents have notified, in writing, the school or school district that an agreement has been made. If a pupil has attained the age of 18 years or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of, and the rights accorded to, the parents or guardian of the pupil shall thereafter only be required of, and accorded to, the pupil. (b) "Pupil record" means any item of information directly related to an identifiable pupil, other than directory information, which is maintained by a school district or required to be maintained by an employee in the performance of his or her duties whether recorded by handwriting, print, tapes, film, microfilm or other means. "Pupil record" does not include informal notes related to a pupil compiled by a school officer or employee which remain in the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute. For purposes of this subdivision, "substitute" means a person who performs the duties of the individual who made the notes on a temporary basis, and does not refer to a person who permanently succeeds the maker of the notes in his or her position. (c) "Directory information" means one or more of the following items: pupil's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous public or private school attended by the pupil. (d) "School district" means any school district maintaining any of grades kindergarten through 12, any public school providing instruction in any of grades kindergarten through 12, the office of the county superintendent of schools, or any special school operated by the department. (e) "Access" means a personal inspection and review of a record or an accurate copy of a record, or receipt of an accurate copy of a record, an oral description or communication of a record or an accurate copy of a record, and a request to release a copy of any record. (f) "County placing agency" means the county social service department or county probation department. Record Access Log (Education Code 49064): A log or record shall be maintained for each pupil's record which lists all persons, agencies, or organizations requesting or receiving information from the record and the legitimate interests therefore. Such listing need not include: (a) Parents or pupils to whom access is granted pursuant to Section 49069 or paragraph (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 49076; (b) Parties to whom directory information is released pursuant to Section 49073; (c) Parties to whom written consent has been executed by the parent pursuant to Section 49075; or (d) School officials or employees having a legitimate educational interest pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 49076. The log or record shall be open to inspection only by a parent and the school official, or his designee, responsible for the maintenance of pupil records, and to the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and administrative head of an education agency as defined in Public Law 93-380, and state educational authorities as a means of auditing the operation of the system. Reasonable Charge (Education Code 49065): Any school district may make a reasonable charge in an amount not to exceed the actual cost of furnishing copies of any pupil record; provided, however, that no charge shall be made for furnishing (1) up to two transcripts of former pupils' records or (2) up to two verifications of various records of former pupils. No charge may be made to search for or to retrieve any pupil record. Transfer of Records (Education Code 490685): Whenever a pupil transfers from one school district to another or to a private school, or transfers from a private school to a school district within the state, the pupil's permanent record or a copy thereof shall be transferred by the former district or private school upon a request from the district or private school where the pupil intends to enroll. Any school district requesting such a transfer of a record shall notify the parent of his right to receive a copy of the record and a right to a hearing to challenge the content of the record. The State Board of Education is hereby authorized to adopt rules and regulations concerning the transfer of records. Access to Pupil Records (Education Code 49075 (a): A school district may permit access to pupil records to any person for whom a parent of the pupil has executed written consent specifying the records to be released and identifying the party or class of parties to whom the records may be released. The recipient must be notified that the transmission of the information to others without the written consent of the parent is prohibited. The consent notice shall be permanently kept with the record file. Please Remember: Record Request / Transfers need to be log in record All school sites are to forward their own sites records Original or Copy must be retained permanently (Retained for PSUSD records). Records shall be purged of non pertinent documents prior to sending records. Adult Students over 18 can only authorize release of records (this includes Parents). 67 PUPIL RECORDS Subpoenas A “Subpoena” for student records is to be forwarded to the Director of Student Services for review and response. A “Subpoena” for employee records should be forwarded to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 68 SAFE SCHOOLS Child Abuse Reporting You and your staff are mandated reporters: You shall report the known or suspected instances of child abuse to a child protective agency immediately or as soon as practicably possible by telephone and shall prepare and send a written report thereof within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident. LOCAL REPORTING Child Protective Services Desert Hot Springs Police Dept Palm Springs Police Department Cathedral City Police Department Riverside County Sheriff Dept Riverside County CPS (mandated) 773-6700 / 863-7210 (General #) 329-2904 323-8116 770-3000 1 (800) 950-2444 1 (877) 922-4453 Child Abuse Reporting 1-800 442-4918 CPS forms and information can be accessed through this website: or through the Riverside County CPS Website: Mandated reports to be sent: Child Protective Services 23119 Cottonwood Avenue Building ‘B’, 2nd Floor Moreno Valley, CA 92553 69 O T A W C t le s u fi D m R l a r ti A e t n W r e R o d p fi O e F n R o T c d e O n t i N a y d O p n o a c D M ep e K 70 Child Protective Services (CPS) Procedural Protocol and Guidelines for Accessing Children and Records at School Sites RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Introduction Whenever a representative of a government agency investigating suspected child abuse or neglect (Law Enforcement) or the State Department of Social Services (Riverside County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)/ Child Protective Services) deems it necessary, a suspected victim of child abuse or neglect may be interviewed during school hours, on school premises, concerning a report of suspected child abuse or neglect that occurred within the child's home. or out-of-home care facility.(Penal Code 11174.3) A CPS representative may also need to access educational records of a court dependent child for the purpose of obtaining educational information necessary to complete the child's Health and Education Passport. This protocol describes the basic procedural guidelines by which a law enforcement officer or DPSS/CPS representative may access a child at a school site and/or how a CPS representative may retrieve a court dependent child's school record. Parties This procedural protocol and operational agreement is between the following parties: • The Riverside County Office of Education • The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services • The School Districts of Riverside County • Law Enforcement agencies within Riverside County Interviewing Children on School Premises Penal codes 11174.3 and 11167.5 specify procedures and policy for interviewing children who are suspected victims of child abuse, on school premises, concerning a report of suspected child abuse, which occurred in the child's home or in an out-of-home care facility. The child shall be afforded the option of being interviewed in private or selecting any adult who is a member of the staff of the school, including any certificated or classified employee or volunteer aide, to be present at the interview. The law enforcement officer or CPS representative shall inform the child of that right prior to the interview. The purpose of the staff person's presence at the interview is to lend support to the child and enable him or her to be as comfortable as possible during the interview process. The staff member selected by the child may choose to decline to participate. The staff member shall not participate in the interview or discuss any ~acts or circumstances of the case with the child and is subject to all confidentiality requirements. A representative of the school shall inform a member of the staff so selected by a child of the requirements of this section prior to the interview. 1126/05 71 Release of a Student into Custody If a child is released from school as a victim of suspected child abuse into the custody of a peace officer or CPS representative, the school shall provide the peace officer/CPS representative with the address and telephone number of the minor's parent or guardian. The agency will notify the parent or guardian that the minor is in custody. If the parent/guardian inquires at the school before being notified about the student's location, the school shall refer the parent/guardian to the agency that took the child into protective custody. (Education Code 48906) No' additional information should be given. School Identification of DPSS Worker School officials must verify and document the identity of a Child Protective Service's representative who is requesting to see a child at the school site and/or before releasing a child from the school site to the representative. DPSS representatives will have an identification badge. There are two different badges that are acceptable forms of identification in Riverside County. One is a white badge' with the DPSS logo in blue in the upper left corner, the badge number is in red on the right side, and the representatives color picture is on the lower left side. On the back of this badge will be "Mandatory Responder Information". Most CPS workers have an orange laminated badge with their color photograph and signature. Either of these badges is acceptable. Most representatives will carry business cards, but all will have badges. School Site Procedures The CPS representative will state the reason for the visit/release from school, and/or the reason . to view the child's school records to the school official, while maintaining appropriate confidentiality. The reason does not need to be so specific as to divulge confidential information; for example, the representative may state that they are there to follow-up or as part of an investigation. The school official shall ensure the child's confidentiality by having the representative sign their name on a "CONFIDENTIAL LOG"' provided by the school official. This log. is to be maintained in a secure area of the school office. The CPS representative shall not sign the normal school sign in/sign out sheet as this is accessible to the public and would violate confidentiality. Upon signing the CONFIDENTIAL LOG, the CPS representative shall wait for specific instructions from the school official as to: • Whether or not the child is in school, and/or • Where to meet with the child at the school site When a CPS representative needs to review or obtain copies of recent report cards, progress reports or attendance records these should be copied and provided in a timely manner. If records are needed, prior notification by the CPS representative will expedite the process. When a CPS representative is given permission to view a student's Cumulative File, the CPS representation will be required to sign a log indicating they have reviewed the cumulative file. 1/26/05 72 Specific instructions will be given regarding viewing and copying these records. (Education Code 49064) The CPS representative may need to know that obtaining/accessing records at the school site could take up to five (5) business days from the initial request date. Schools will make· every attempt to deliver records in a timely manner. (Education Code 49069) Confidentiality for Mandated Reporters The identity of mandated reporters is protected under Penal Code 11167 and shall be confidential and disclosed only among agencies receiving or investigating mandated reports. The parent, guardian or out-of-home care provider shall not be informed as to who made a report. Response to Mandated Reporters At the conclusion of an investigation, the mandated school reporter should receive, in writing, the disposition of the case. No specific details will be provided to ensure the child's confidentiality . Unacceptable Practices by School Site Personnel The following is a list of practices, which is strongly discouraged; School staff shall NOT: Request to see a CPS representative's driver's license. (Their employee badge is sufficient for identification purposes.) Photocopy the CPS representative's identification badge. (They will sign a confidential log indicating their name, agency and the student they are working with.) Place the CPS worker's identification (business card) in the students file. (This is confidential information and should not be placed in the student's cumulative file.) Use a student to retrieve a child for the purposes of a visit with a CPS worker. (Confidentiality must be maintained.) Notify parent/guardians of a CPS representative's visit at the school site. Do not accept an ihitial request for records by fax or other electronic means. (Initial requests should be made in person so identification can be checked.) 1/26/05 73 SAFE SCHOOLS Custody Issues When you have a question about legal documents relating to child custody or a restraining order, please call the Student Service office at (760) 416-6032 for clarification as to the correct process. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 74 SAFE SCHOOLS Dangerous Student Notification Student Services office receives information from the Juvenile Court regarding students adjudicated for certain dangerous crimes. Principals receive notification regarding these students and are required to inform teachers who have these students in their classes. These forms are to be kept in a separate “confidential” file. For more information, please contact: Jane Mills, Director Student Services Office: (760) 416-6030 Fax: (760) 416-6038 75 PALM SPRINGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 980 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON WAY PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262-0119 (760) 416-6000 FAX (760) 416-6015 CHRISTINE J. ANDERSON, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION: RICHARD R. CLAPP, President – KAREN CORNETT, Clerk JUSTIN BLAKE, Member –GARY JEANDRON, Member – SHARI STEWART, Member To: Date: From: Jane E. Mills, Director, Student Services Subject: Notification regarding students who have been found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have committed any felony or any misdemeanor involving curfew, gambling, alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, carrying of weapons, a sex offense listed in section 290 of the Penal Code, assault or battery, larceny, vandalism, or graffiti. Procedure: In accordance with Welfare and Institutions code 827 (b) the principal shall expeditiously disseminate the information provided to those counselors directly supervising or reporting on the behavior or progress of the minor. In addition, the principal may disseminate the information to any teacher or administrator directly supervising or reporting on the behavior or progress of the minor whom the principal believes needs the information to work with the pupil in an appropriate fashion, to avoid being needlessly vulnerable or to protect other persons from needless vulnerability. Any individual receiving this information shall keep it confidential and not further disseminate it to any individual or group. This information is to be kept in a separate confidential file at the school of attendance and shall be transferred to the minor’s subsequent schools of attendance and maintained until the minor graduates from high school, is released from juvenile court jurisdiction, or reaches the age of 18, whichever occurs first. After that time this confidential record shall be destroyed. F e c ff i O t y c l i r n t s O i e D s or U Counselor/Teacher/Administrator: This memorandum is given to you in accordance with Welfare and Institutions code 827. Records received from the court system indicate that the listed student has committed the felony or misdemeanor listed below. You are statutorily authorized to receive this information; however, the information is for your exclusive use only and is confidential. You may not disseminate or disclose this information or the student’s identity to any other person including, but not limited to, members of the community, other students, other faculty members, or any other district employee. Disclosure of this information to any other person may subject you to civil liability and disciplinary action. Student Name: The Court Ordered Disposition of Minor’s Case is as follows: I acknowledge that I have reviewed this memorandum and understand the contents herein. I further understand that the information is confidential and that I am not permitted to disclose this information to any other person including, but not limited to, community members, other students, other faculty members, or other district employees I understand that this 76 SAFE SCHOOLS Emergency Management Plan Emergency Management Plan includes: Mitigation: Reducing exposure and risks to hazards Preparedness: Planning, training, drills Response: Specific incident guidance Recovery: Psychological Recovery Guidance Site Management Recovery Guidance Refer to Palm Springs Unified School District “Emergency Management Plan Manual” For more information, please contact: Darryl Scott, Manager Security & Disaster Preparedness Office: (760) 416-6120 Fax: (760) 416-6038 77