IATAN Travel Benefits
IATAN Travel Benefits
Section 9 - TA TAN -1T"HPAP 07/02 TRAVEL BENEFITS Your eligibility to receive and participate in the travel benefits offered by the many travel industry vendors isgovernedby the eligibility rules established by these vendors and not ITH . Information regarding eligibility for reduced rate travel benefits is fisted below : REGISTRATION FORM - IATAN: STARS members interested in eligibility for reduced rate travel benefits for both domestic and international travel must first complete, and return to the ITH agency manager, the IATAN PERSONNEL REGISTRATION FORM (found in the back of this section) . Upon receipt of the partially completed form, the ITH agency manager will complete the remaining sections as stipulated by IATAN, and forward the registration form to IATAN for processing . A thirty - (30) daytime frame should be allowed for processing . Please be advised that you may still not be eligible for reduced rate travel even with receipt of the completed form from IA TAN, as additional requirements must be met . THE IATANTRAVEL AGENT ID CARD : You may also wish to purchase an IATAN Travel Agent ID Card . This card is a picture ID, which many of the airlines and car and hotel companies are requesting as proof of your employment in the travel industry . The current price is $15 .00. To request this card; check the applicable box on your IATAN Personnel Registration Form and attach your check for $15 .00 . In order to qualify you must earn at least $5000 .00 per year in commissions and work a minimum of 20 hours per week in the business of selling travel . Be certain that you have checked the appropriate boxes of your IATAN Personnel Registration Form . Page 9 NETWORK May/June 2002 Important News About the IATAN w ith automation becoming even more prevalent in the way we conduct business, it has become necessary for the IATAN ID Card to change and evolve as well . So to ensure a greater degree of integrity and to facilitate easier verification of bona fide travel agency personnel, IATAN has slightly amended the data, which appears on its Travel Agent I D Card . The 10-digit Verification number. which previously appeared at the bottom of the IATAN ID Card, has now replaced the alpha numeric Travel Counselor Identification Number (TCIN) . In addition, the Verification number is now highlighted on the Card . The Verification number is being used by the current CheekAC:ode Service offered to suppliers by IATAN . The changes to the ID Card will make it faster and easier for suppliers to determine Agent ID Card TRAVEL : AGENT CARD arr,a€ naves , w IATA A Numeric Code .r r- .vT.Y .I ;5z:T" , . t, \ ER-/I0000000000 - Verification Number ~dr,~, 000 0 .1O'D e , , a .-- IATA Travel Agent's E=mployment Date Code for Travel Duties Hours Card Expiration Date Photo of Cardholder Agent Position . . Travel V'/h eckACode .com IATAN Launches New Website, www.CheckACode .coni, .to Facilitate Verification of Travel Agency Personnel h eckACode .co m is a new Website launched in April 2002 that allows suppliers and vendors J to quickly verify all IATA/IATAN travel agency personnel . The service, which is free of charge, was developed jointly by IATA!IATAN in response to the need for a fast and more accurate method of determining the : C • Validity of an individual 1.AEAIIATAN ID Cardholder • Validity of an IATA Numeric/Industry Code • Status of IATAN registered personnel The supplier or vendor simply enters an identification number into the corresponding search field on the site and receives an instant response as to the validity of that number . eligibility for granting industry concessions when they use this new service . Although production of the new ID card was effective on February 2 ! . 2002 . it will take a near for the old cards to be completely removed from circulation . The change will be implemented over the next year as each card comes up for renewal . Suppliers have been notified about the changes to the IATAN lI) Card in a special broadcast fax that was sent out in March 2002 . For more information on these changes . go to wwwiaran .o ;- or call the Fax Back" Service at I -800-224-2826 and retrieve document ‚ 131In order to apply for an TATAN ID Card- an agent must be registered on the ( AT.A N Personnel List . To apply [or a new card, new employees or independent contractors . or all those who have not been registered with an IATAN two €ears . must be registered endorsed agency in the past with FATAN for at least six (6) months prior to Application for the card- Applicants should always check vv ith their manager to ascertain if they have been properly registered with IATAN . Once you have received your IATAN ID Card . it is valid for one full vear, and must be rcni4v, cd annually . As an IATAN Travel Agent ID Cardholder . you also automatically receive $35,000 in insurance eovcraCe, which is provided free of charge by the Universal Air Travel Plan ( UATP) . Join the thousands of travel professionals who enloy the benefits of the IATAN Travel Agent ID Card today! For more information about the IATAN IL) Card and how to apply, retrieve documents #127 and .r4 128 from IATA N's Website at nv au .ictt(m,on) or by calling the lax Hack' Service at 1-800-224-2826 • 11 Section 9 - IATAN -2ITHP&P 07/02 MIINIMUM REQUIREMENTS -WORK EXPERIENCE IN THEINDUSTRY: The minimum general eligibility rules for ARC and IATAN are as follows : All ARC airlines require the agent to have a minimum of six (6) months industry work experience prior to receiving travel benefits . Some ARC carriers require a full year (12 Months) of work experience . IATAN airlines require a minimum of twelve (12) months industry work experience for reduced rate air benefits . The normal workweek would consist of a minimum of 20 hours . The above work experience rules will normally apply to all agents who request to use the reduced rate (75% off Y class fares) AD75 vouchers . ARC and IA TAN furnish these vouchers (mainly for International travel) to each fully appointed travel agency. The number of vouchers received is based on the air travel volume produced the prior calendar year . The vouchers are not tickets and cannot be used as flight coupons . The vouchers are exchanged for actual flight coupons or electronic ticketing . ITH personnel will assist in directing you for ticketing compliance with your air carrier of choice . Experience has shown us that tour operator, some airline, and/or government sponsored familiarization programs allow agency personnel to travel without meeting the full six or twelve month work experience qualification . If the agency is producing sufficient revenue for that supplier, minor eligibility questions are often waived and policies modified . Exceptions to the rule : Your STARS agreement does not require you to meet any sales goals to be eligible to participate in the STARS program . However, ARC and IATAN airlines reserve the right to limit or deny reduced rate travel benefits for those individuals not earning minimum annual commissions or salary of $5,000 (Refer to Question 2 on the IATAN REGISTRATION FORM) . SALESVOLUME: Section 9 - IATAN -3ITNP&P 07102 ARC and IA TAN have the right to request either a W-2 or a 1099-MISC form from the reduced rate traveler, to verify the income the traveler received for sales activity . GENERAL INFORMATION : If you have a specific destination that you would like to visit, contact ITH . ITH personnel may have some suggestions on which suppliers you could call to inquire about upcoming familiarization tips . It is virtually impossible to obtain any type of discount during holiday and peak travel time ; most discount travel is stand-by, not confirmed space . As a general rule, any seminar or fam trip that ITH sponsors will be open to all STARS participants with the following exceptions : (1) fam sponsor or airline imposes restrictions and/or requirements thereby disqualifying some STARS participants, i .e. "top 5 producers only", (2) fam sponsor or airline offers only a limited number of slots, (3) the STARS participant's account with ITH is not current. HOTEL AND CAR DISCOUNTS For hotel and rental car travel agent discounts, call the hotel or car companies direct . Be certain to inquire what type of documentation they need . FAMILIARIZATION TRIP POLICY The purpose of reduced rate/Fam trips is to give the travel agent an oppbrtunity to experience a vendor's specific travel product and/or travel destination. This experience will afford the agent first-hand knowledge and should result in increased sales . Fams are a privilege and a benefit that will not be abused by any agency staff or independent contractor of International Tours of Houston_ Professional dress and conduct of all participants is expected, and prompt attendance at all required functions is mandatory . If any one participant should not adhere to the above policy, they may be excluded from participating in any future agency/Fam trips . Section 9 - IA TAN -4ITHP&P 07/C2 All reduced rate air/cruise requests must have management approval, and are subject to the regulations set forth by the vendor . International Tours of Houston is not responsible for any possible damages/losses incurred while participants are involved in familiarization trips . Refer to the sample waiver o n the next page . The following guidelines are for all ITH STARS who wish to participate on reduced rate or familiarization trips : € STARS participants must be current on monthly HOMEPRO and contractor service fees_ € STARS participants must make good on any insufficient checks, and may not have any outstanding Accounts Receivable with the agency . € Deposits and final payments towards FAM trips must be paid by their dead fines . In the event of participant cancellation, any refunds will be subject to the policies of each individual trip . € A valid IA TAN travel agent Ib card may be required by the vendor/eiri i ne i n order to travel . I ATAN AN IATA COMPANY Explanation of codes {position, duties, weekly hours, and yearly earnings) : For those who have met the requirements for registration, the position, duties, weekly hours and yearly earnings must be supplied in accordance with the following definitions and the codes appearing on the Personnel Registration Form . Position : € € Sole Proprietor Partner' C M Stockholder* Manager Employee Leased Employee € L I Independent the single lawful owner of 100% of the travel agency, one of not more than 5 partners, each holding at least 20% ownership of the travel agency, own at least 20% of the stock of the travel agency ; any person holding a management position in the travel agency ; a person routinely and regularly working as an employee ; a person who is leased from another legal entity, i .e . an employment agency, but not from a commercial account or client; a person who is working for the travel agency pursuant to a written contract or Contractor agreement in compliance with applicable laws and regulations . Duties : A Administration I Inside Sales a person who works at the travel agency processing the day to day administrative work dealing with travel ; a person who works within the travel agency selling travel ; X Outside Sales a person who is on the travel agency payroll and/or disbursement records and works outside the travel agency office selling travelWeekly Hours : 1 2 3 4 35 25 20 5- Hours or over to 34 Hours - 24 Hours 19 Hours a a a a person person person person who who who who works works works works for for for for the the the the travel agency 35 hours or over per week ; travel agency 25 - 34 hours per week ; travel agency 20 - 24 hours per week ; travel agency 5 - 19 hours per week . Earnings : 1 2 3 $5,000 and over Under $5,000 Owner 20% no earnings a person who earns $5,000 or over per year ; a person who earns less than $5,000 per year ; an owner of the travel agency who does not take a salary, however, owns at least 20% of the travel agency . *Corporate entity - In the case where a corporate entity is listed on IATAN records as the owner of 100% of the travel agency or any part thereof, the persons owning the corporation may not be listed unless they are working at the travel agency location and are drawing salary or commissions . If the person is working at the travel agency location, dependent on the position held, the correct designation should be used i .e . M = Manager, E = Employee . EXAMPLES OF PERSONS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTRATION € € € € J a spouse, family member, or any other person working on a volunteer basis ; a person working on a barter agreement - i .e . travel benefits in lieu of salary or commission ; any person who is being trained but is not being paid ; an owner working less than 5 hours . IATAN FB 10107, €' 1999