Alabama Career Centers


Alabama Career Centers
2009 CPM II
Solution Alabama
A White Paper on the
Alabama Career Centers
the Alabama Career Centers Team
of the
Certified Public Manager II
Class of 2009
Faron Brewer
Linda Grah
Dale Hurst
Kathie Lynch
Jennifer Ray
Frances Smiley
Lee Warren
Brent Watson
Forensic Sciences
Finance – ISD
State Auditor
Tourism Department
July 17, 2009
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
CPM II, 2009
On February 13, 2009, the Certified Public Manager (CPM) team (the “team” or the “CPM team”)
assigned to the Alabama Career Centers (ACC, Career Centers or the Centers) met with Kathy Evans
and Tracy Varner, representatives from the Alabama Career Centers and from the Governor’s Office
of Workforce Development (GOWD or OWD), respectively, to get an overview of the issues facing
the Centers and how the team could help them. During this meeting, the team was informed that
some of the problems the Centers are facing include the need to inform the general public of the
Centers’ existence, (they are working toward branding, improving partnering and awareness) and
issues with customer service (what can ACC do better?). The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is
the OWD’s source of federal funding and is based on specific criteria. One of the goals of the OWD
is to get applicants for employment-related benefits and services registered through Alabama Job
Link, which provides information to the Department of Labor.
Governor Bob Riley recognized that Alabama’s workforce development efforts were fragmented and
that the state was not getting maximum benefit from its workforce development resources. He also
realized that there was little coordination among the many agencies providing workforce development
services. To address these issues, Governor Riley created the State Workforce Planning Council
(SWPC), whose members are state agency heads and representatives of industry and education. The
State Planning Council is charged with creating a workforce development system characterized by
coordinated planning, budgeting, and resource allocations. Governor Riley also created the Office of
Workforce Development, which, under direction from the State Planning Council, manages the
system so that resources and strategies are aligned to meet priority needs. 1 This effort, known as
Executive Order 36, pulled together employees from several different offices within the Alabama
Department of Industrial Relations and the Alabama Department of Economic and Community
Affairs to establish the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development. The Alabama Career Center
System is an integral effort of this office.
The OWD works within guidelines established by the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933. The WagnerPeyser Act established a nationwide system of public employment offices known as the Employment
Service. The Act was amended in 1998 to make the Employment Service part of the one-stop services
delivery system. 2 The one-stop delivery system provides universal access to an integrated array of
labor exchange services so that workers, job seekers and businesses can find the services they need in
one stop and frequently under one roof in easy-to-find locations. 3
The Employment Service focuses on providing a variety of employment-related labor exchange
services including but not limited to job search assistance, job referral, placement assistance for job
seekers, re-employment services for unemployment insurance claimants, and recruitment services to
employers with job openings. Services are delivered in one of three modes including self-service,
facilitated self-help services and staff-assisted service delivery approaches. Depending on the needs
of the labor market, other services such as job seeker assessment of skill levels, abilities and
aptitudes, career guidance, job search workshops and training referrals may be available. 4
See 2nd paragraph, accessed 3-23-2009
See 1st paragraph, accessed 3-23-2009
See 2nd paragraph, accessed 3-23-2009
See 3rd paragraph, accessed 3-23-2009
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The services offered to employers, in addition to referral of job seekers to available job openings,
include assistance in development of job order requirements, matching job seeker experience with job
requirements, skills and other attributes, assisting employers with special recruitment needs,
arranging for Job Fairs, assisting employers in analyzing hard-to-fill job orders, assisting with job
restructuring and helping employers deal with layoffs. 5
Job seekers who are Veterans receive priority referral to jobs and training as well as special
employment services and assistance. In addition, the system provides specialized attention and
service to individuals with disabilities, migrant and seasonal farm-workers, ex-offenders, youth,
minorities, and older workers. 6
On March 13, 2009, the team met with Mrs. Susan Norman, Associate Director of Field Services for
the OWD. During this meeting, Mrs. Norman outlined two (2) specific areas of concern on which she
wanted the team to focus. The first area encompasses the agency’s strategic goals and how well the
staff is doing in assessing applicants’ skills and needs and subsequently getting the applicants to the
services they require. Currently, there is not a system in place that will assist in moving applicants
through the system and identifying their specific needs. Mrs. Norman visualizes a system similar to a
hospital’s triage center that will handle this. The second area focuses on public awareness and
branding, but the OWD does not want to sell the Centers until they are available and capable of
providing the services being advertised.
The State Workforce Planning Council (SWPC) commissioned Auburn University Montgomery
(AUM) Center for Government researchers to assess the current status of workforce development and
to make recommendations for leveraging resources and improving service delivery. 7 Mrs. Norman
explained that the OWD created the following committees to focus on developing strategies and
solutions to address the findings and recommendations identified by the AUM researchers: the
Customer Service Committee, Eligibility Services Committee, Youth Services Committee, Menu of
Services Committee, Training/Financial Aid Services Committee, and the Veterans Services
Committee. One of the committees is already working to design an initial assessment tool to function
as their triage tool. These committees are contacting other states to see what they are doing and if
Alabama can implement similar methods. Committee members have attended development
conferences for ideas and guidance and have meetings already scheduled. Mrs. Norman invited team
members to attend the committee meetings.
General committee goals are:
Identify what is currently going on
Determine best practices
Develop recommendations for the “ideal” Career Center
Identify tools, resources, etc. for the “ideal” Career Center
Identify processes and procedures to implement recommendations 8
See 4th paragraph, accessed 3-23-2009
See 5th paragraph, accessed 3-23-2009
“RATIONALE”, (Assessment of Resources), page 10, 1st paragraph
See “General Committee Goals.doc” attachment to email from Mrs. Norman 3-24-2009
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Tasks assigned to each committee are as follows:
Customer Service/Initial Assessment Committee
This committee will examine staff/customer interactions from the initial meeting through appropriate
service determination. This will include service options as well as referral to service experts both
inside and outside the Career Center. Committee members may also consider customer flow
processes, i.e., a triage method (check in, assist, check out), and tools for measuring customer
satisfaction. 8
Youth Services Committee
This committee will look at Career Center youth services (what they are, what they can be) and
identify and recommend strategies for Career Center coordination with community youth initiatives
and programs and educational agencies. 8
Eligibility Services Committee
This committee will examine the procedures for eligibility determination as to when, and for whom,
eligibility is done, what documentation is needed, and what needs to be in the file. They will also
identify ways to screen in, rather than out clients, and how to assist the customer in gathering
documentation. 8
Menu of Job Seeker Services Committee
This committee will review and develop a listing of options for services inside the Career Center.
This would include resource room/self-help services, staff-assisted services, job search skill training,
and service recovery strategies. They could also examine processes for linking customers with
community/educational agencies and accomplishing business/industry linkage. Committee members
may also consider tools for measuring continuing customer satisfaction. 8
Training-Financial Aid Services Committee
This committee will review current Individual Training Account (ITA) procedures as well as identify
all potential training assistance available and ways to access assistance and refer customers. They
could examine counseling and advising processes for packaging financial aid services. They can
develop a standard format for a directory of education and Career Center staff (who should be on it)
so that they have information for referral purposes and the relationship with OWD partners is
expanded. 8
Integrating Veterans Services Committee
This committee will inventory available services to veterans and recommend ways to insure that
veterans are provided priority of service and referred to appropriate services that are integrated in the
whole of Career Center services. 8
The CPM class members’ team assignment is to design a tool that would help the Career Center
personnel best identify what services would benefit the citizen. Thinking about how hospitals
“triage” patients in the emergency room in order to determine what level of care they need, the Career
See “General Committee Goals.doc” attachment to email from Mrs. Norman 3-24-2009
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Center triage tool needs to help the Career Center personnel accurately and efficiently identify the
best course of action for each client. 9
After the initial February meeting, the CPM team analyzed and identified possible problems and
issues facing the Alabama Career Centers. The team identified objectives of increasing public
awareness of the Career Centers and their functions and developing standard operational procedures
for all the Centers. The need to address these objectives is glaringly apparent by the team members’
prior lack of knowledge of the existence of the Centers or the services provided by them and by the
apparent lack of consistent services among the various Career Center offices throughout the State.
However, during the March meeting with Mrs. Norman, she asked the CPM team to review the
results and recommendations from the Career Center committees and assess whether the committees
are moving in the right direction to meet the ACC goal of serving as an effective, efficient brokerage
service of one-stop shops for career services that match job seekers with employers. Additionally,
she asked the team to consider the branding issues.
Based on the meeting with Mrs. Norman and the CPM class assignment, the scope of this white paper
will be the team recommendations based on team research and personal observations, a high-level
triage tool to assist Career Center personnel in determining the best initial course of action for
assisting each client and an evaluation of how the team’s observations match those of the committees.
High Level Solution
The CPM team identified five (5) broad categories for recommended improvements to the Alabama
Career Centers. These categories are:
(1.) Train Career Centers staff for improved customer service
(2.) Maintain consistency throughout Career Center facilities
(3.) Increase public awareness
(4.) Provide properly functioning, up-to-date equipment and maintain it
(5.) Address security concerns
This list of recommendations is given with a number beside each for ease of reference and
identification; the number is not to be taken to indicate a prioritized rank. The recommendations are
not prioritized as all are important and some go hand-in-hand with others. For example, having
exceptionally well-trained, knowledgeable staff is of little use if the public does not know where the
offices are located or what services are available.
We will take each recommendation and expound upon it and give suggestions for each that will fall
under the broad category of the recommendation.
Solution Details – (1.) Train Career Centers staff for improved customer service
"Customer Service is the commitment to providing value added services to external and internal
customers, including attitude knowledge, technical support and quality of service in a timely
manner." 10
Customer service is the most important factor of any organization. Customer Service
Certified Public Manager Training Program, 2009 Solution Alabama, Alabama Career Centers
See, accessed 531-2009
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speaks volumes about the overall success of your organization. From greeting clients/customers faceto-face to talking with them on the phone, the customer service provided within any organization will
make or break the success of the organization. You can only be successful when you have set goals,
offer top notch customer service and carry out performance measurements. Measurements should be
performed only in an effort to improve the organization’s goals and objectives.
The overall cost of creating a first class, measurable customer service program for the Alabama
Career Centers needs to be considered, but the benefit comes in improved customer satisfaction. An
effective customer service program has the ability to enhance the quality of services provided to
clients. All employees need to attend training and their performance evaluated continually through
customer satisfaction surveys. These recommendations are a reminder of the significance and the importance of reinforcing a solid
customer service foundation for the participants, their partner organizations, and the customers served
by the Alabama Career Centers.
We are judged by:
The way we look,
What we say,
How we say,it.
What we do,
How we do it.
We must always strive for excellence, and we must be passionate!
Business Benefits - (1.) Train Career Centers staff for improved customer service
Treat everyone you provide a service to as your customer including supervisors and co-workers.
People may not remember the services that were provided or where they were but they will always
remember how they were treated and how you made them feel.
Serve others the way YOU like to be served! Customers expect and deserve Sincere Greetings,
Empathy, Professionalism, Product and Service Knowledge, Quality, Flexible and Personalized
Service, Reality, Recognition, and Cleanliness.
As we visited the ACCs we found that only a few of the Centers actually had an evaluation form of
their services that was visible to the customers. It is recommended that an evaluation form be
available and visible as a part of the actual updates at each ACC to measure the services that are
provided as well as the customer service received:
Design a questionnaire and be consistent throughout the State ACC.
Implement the questionnaire in print and on the web using a required field for completion.
Distribute the survey.
Ask clients/customers to complete the survey while visiting the ACC.
Collect the filled out surveys, tabulate and analyze.
Each step of this process must be completed in order to effectively measure customer satisfaction and
permit the ACC to easily and affordably track customer satisfaction. By analyzing the results, key
performance indicators can be developed for each individual ACC. This will aid Center staff in
adapting to change by utilizing the surveys to assist with professional growth.
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People want more than just a transaction. Customers tend to want four things:
1. To feel welcome
2. To feel valued
3. To be understood
4. To have their needs met.
As management compiles the service evaluations, the team recommends considering the following
• Determine where service breakdowns occur.
• Be a service provider vs. an order taker.
• Act as if you are the consultant to your customer -- identify their needs and wants.
• Work with your team to set specific measurable goals for customer satisfaction. This makes
your goals visible and realistic!
• Look to improve your job career satisfactions.
• Don’t make the customer adapt to you!
We also found that the individuals who wore name tags were more accessible and more in tune to
assist the customers. Many with the name tags offered their business cards and/or offered to give
their names if more information was required. To assist the face-to-face customers of the Alabama
Career Centers it would help if the employees could make eye contact and anticipate being proactive
vs. reactive and focus on the intangibles. Name tags are strongly recommended for all the ACC staff.
Regardless of the job or role that each employee has at the Alabama Career Centers they should all
make the commitment to be consistent and deliver the best customer service to all the clients. Each
ACC team member should be positioned to ask themselves, “If attitudes were contagious, would I
want anyone to catch mine?”
While visiting the different ACCs, we did not find staff members who were familiar with the
brochures that were on hand nor were they familiar with the details of their services that were
provided at their locations. On more than one occasion we were told that the person that handles a
service, such as assisting with resumes, was not available and we would have to come back later to
see that individual. To properly assist all the ACC customers it would be helpful if cross training was
provided. Though products and services should be served according to what is needed, services
should be of good quality. To properly assist all the ACC customers, it would be helpful for staff to
be cross trained in more than one area to provide better assistance to all the ACC clients.
We must be reminded that:
• The customer is the reason we exist.
• Communication develops relationships.
• The right attitudes are important.
• People development and training are key factors.
• Continuous quality and product improvement and performance measures are a must.
Communication is key! We must be mindful of the diversity and changes that are within the
communities, and the State and the people we serve. Under the basic Customer Service Training, the
key areas of communication will include the following: hand gestures and body language, eye
contact (the window to the soul), listening and retaining, appearance (grooming and hygiene),
personal space, enthusiasm, and smiles.
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Customers complain because of: a broken promise, rude employees (on the phone and in person), a
feeling of indifference or insincerity, a perception that no one was listening, employees’ projection of
a “can’t do” or negative attitude, and misinformation.
We must remember: Rule Number 1 - The customer is always right! Rule Number 2 - When the
customer is wrong, see Rule Number 1!!
Customer Service Training will provide positive, energetic and enthusiastic people with a “can do”
attitude. We must beat the recession and let great customer service be the norm in our Alabama
Career Centers. We must continue to provide quality and value of the ACC product, respect the
customer, display knowledge of the services provided, appreciate and listen to the client.
We must take the customer seriously and consider the customer in everything that we do. We must
communicate with them and our ACC team needs to understand that a complaint can be a gift, and be
available to assist our customers. If the customer cannot be assisted immediately, at least
acknowledge them immediately. People do not mind waiting a few minutes when they have been
acknowledged. They become frustrated when they feel they are being ignored.
ACC staff members need to treat clients as they would like to be treated. Courtesy, respect and
appreciation are the bare minimum. Remember that respect, like love, has to be given away before it
can be received. No customer will ever respect us until and unless we respect them first.
As a leader, you want employees that are committed to, and deeply care about, their work. When
people feel more connected to and engaged in their work, they will be happier, healthier, and more
successful. One of the best ways to create engagement is for people to see the purpose and meaning in
their work and to realize that serving others is an honorable profession!
It is further recommended that the ACC contact the AUM Alabama Training Institute (see to provide Customer Service Training to the entire
ACC Team. To get the training underway, it is feasible to allow the Training Institute to train smaller
groups and to train individuals within the ACC to become Customer Service Trainers. AUM could
easily develop a “Train the Trainer” program.
As our society becomes increasingly diverse, Alabama’s Career Center staff must recognize that
people are different and they come from various backgrounds. Whether it is age, gender, race,
national origin, or sexual orientation, Alabama’s Career Center staff must address the needs of all
individuals. Culture is defined as the “values, attitudes and goals that are shared by a particular group
of people.” Alabama’s Career Center staff must acknowledge that differences exist among self and
clients and not let personal bias about a particular culture interfere with providing excellent customer
service to the clients they serve. Alabama’s Career Center staff should constantly strive to promote
and respect diverse cultures.
Increased awareness of cultural difference is an opportunity for Alabama’s Career Center staff to
learn about different cultures. Consequently, staff members will be able to provide better customer
service. In addition, diversity increases creativity, brings new ideas, new language skills, new
processes, and new solutions to difficult problems.
Alabama’s Career Center staff must:
1) Accept the fact that everyone is different and treat everyone as individuals.
2) Provide cultural awareness and sensitivity training.
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3) Become knowledgeable regarding Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits
discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
4) Show patience with clients who speak another language.
5) Create a positive environment that is inclusive of all individuals.
6) Identify and promote full development of all clients’ potentials.
7) Understand that an individual’s personal values and behaviors are influenced by their gender,
race, religion and ethnicity.
8) Address issues about racism and stereotyping immediately.
Solution Details – (2.) Maintain consistency throughout Career Center facilities
One basic factor emerged from our research – there was no consistency among the Career Centers in
services offered, availability of printed material, level of customer service, availability of staff at each
location, and the knowledge of services offered by the staff members at each Center. If Alabama’s
Career Center System is to become a one-stop shop, there should be consistency among the different
Career Centers within the framework of agencies that were consolidated to make up the network.
Written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are necessary and should be addressed with priority.
Alabama’s Career Centers offer a variety of printed resource materials to help clients obtain
employment. The materials are designed to assist whether clients are currently employed and want a
new career or are currently unemployed and need a job. The ACCs offer information such as how to
use Alabama’s new internet employee job search system to help clients transition into a new career.
Through our research of Alabama’s Career Centers, we found that there are over 100 printed resource
materials available to assist clients (see Resource Materials list starting on page 22 of this document).
However, there is no consistency among Centers on the information that is available at each Career
Center. For example, the Cullman/Hanceville Career Center had a brochure on “How to Choose a
Career”. This brochure is not available at most of the other Career Centers. Also, we found that there
is no consistency with the format of the resource materials. Materials were printed as a one page
handout or as a brochure, and few were in color. Other materials were printed in black and white. In
addition, a few of the brochures listed incorrect information. One brochure listed a Career Center that
had been closed more than six months while another brochure listed incorrect hours of operation. It
was further noted that information on the website was incorrect.
Business Benefits - (2.) Maintain consistency throughout Career Center facilities
Standard Operating Procedures cover all aspects of operations within each Career Center. They offer
consistent guidelines for staff to follow and are the operations blueprint. Each item listed in this
section outlines basic elements that should be covered within the SOP.
1) Each Career Center should have a basic menu of services offered at each Center. Based on
economic and job market needs of each region, there may be some variation between Career
Centers, but a predetermined basic menu of services should be consistently offered at each
2) Knowledgeable, friendly staff at each Center offering exceptional customer service to clients
will help clients feel more at ease in the process. Smiles have no language barrier. Caring
and knowledgeable staff (that are familiar with all services available to meet the various
needs of clients) improve the likelihood that clients will return for assistance throughout the
job search or training process.
3) A “Welcome” video playing as clients enter the Center highlighting available services and
programs will be informative, but will also demonstrate to clients that they are important and
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the focus of the Centers. The video should be available in multi-lingual format and formatted
for hearing impaired clients.
To aid staff in assisting the clients to the appropriate area, a basic triage tool (questionnaire or
routing slip – see page 29 of this document for front and page 30 to be printed on the back)
should be used as the client enters the Career Center so staff can direct the client to the
correct person for assistance based on immediate needs indicated on the questionnaire/routing
slip. Larger Career Centers may want to consider positioning a kiosk near the entrance for
applicants to interact with on available services. This can be used to properly route clients to
the staff member or location within the building for more in-depth assistance. Whatever
method is used, it needs to be accessible to all individuals.
Each Center should have up-to-date printed materials readily available upon entry for clients
to read. All printed materials should be available in multi-lingual format based on cultural
diversity of the region. Examples of printed material are: available services, resume writing,
job interviewing tips, veteran’s assistance, available training and educational resources, labor
market information, aptitude and/or personality testing, etc. Pamphlets should be displayed
in an eye-catching rack placed near the entrance and waiting area. Alabama Correctional
Industries or State Finance Print Shop may offer cost savings in printing of materials.
The virtual Career Center is the setting of the future with many services being available online. However, human interaction with caring staff is sometimes necessary for assessing a
client’s multiple needs and determining aptitude, knowledge, skills, and abilities as well as
determining if the client is a veteran or is in need of special services available from other
agencies such as Rehabilitation Services.
Software on computers located in the resource area of each Career Center needs to be up-todate, multi-lingual, and ADA-compliant for hearing or sight-impaired individuals. A
computer screen with icons for each area of interest would offer easier maneuverability for
Through standardization of resource materials, clients at all Alabama’s Career Centers will have
access to the same information. Although certain areas of the State may concentrate more heavily on
manufacturing types of careers while others on white collar careers, basic resource material should be
available at all of Alabama’s Career Centers.
1) All Alabama Career Centers should purchase Freestanding Revolving Literature Holders (see
page 28 of this document) to display resource materials. The Holders should be placed close
to the entrance of the Centers so that they are easily accessible by clients.
2) Resource materials should be updated and incorrect information removed as needed.
3) To meet the needs of our diverse culture, Alabama Career Centers should have resource
materials available in multiple languages. Few Centers had such materials available.
4) Provide resource materials on the Alabama Career Center website.
5) On the website, Language Translator Software should be available so that resource materials
are available to all cultures.
6) The Center should develop a measurement tool to assess who is using the website to access
resource materials and track material usage.
Solution Details – (3.) Increase public awareness
Early in our research, the CPM team identified a need for increased public awareness of the Alabama
Career Center System. This need was identified through study of available literature, and site visits
by members of our team. Of the eight people on our team, none had heard of the ACC system at the
time our project was assigned. We all believed that the system, as described to us by representatives
from the ACC system, could be a very valuable tool in connecting job seekers and employers in the
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State. For the ACC system to reach its full potential, steps will need to be taken to educate members
of the public that might benefit from the services offered by the ACC system as well as how and
where to obtain these services.
Business Benefits - (3.) Increase public awareness
All reasonable and practical resources should be utilized to ensure proper education and outreach is
exercised to make the public aware of the services available through the Alabama Career Center
system. This will benefit the members of the public seeking employment, as well as the employers in
the State seeking to fill vacant positions. The items listed below are examples of some steps and
practices that can be implemented to achieve this goal.
1) Better signage is needed to direct the public to the Centers. Through many site visits, our team
discovered that some of the Career Centers are much easier to find than others; however, all of
the Centers should be evaluated to determine if a need for improved signage exists. In many
situations, the Alabama Department of Transportation’s (ALDOT) Division offices that represent
the county in which the Career Center is found may be contacted concerning the installation of
signage on public roadways. Below is a list of District (county) contacts in each Division along
with maps illustrating the Districts located in each Division:
ALDOT First Division
(Cherokee, Cullman, DeKalb, Etowah, Jackson, Limestone, Madison, Marshall,
District 1 (Decatur), Darnell Spencer, (256) 353-8862
District 2 (Huntsville), Greg Perry, (256) 837-0111
District 3 (Dutton), Curtis Lowe, (256) 228-6028
District 4 (Joppa), Robert D. Grimes, (256) 586-4178
District 5 (Gadsden), Ben Thackerson, (256) 442-4436
ALDOT Second Division
(Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Marion, Winston)
District 1 (Tuscumbia), Hiram Garner, (256) 389-1441
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District 4 (Hollis Crossroads), Eric English, (256) 253-2158
District 5 (Talladega), Mike Tims, (256) 362-1240
District 6 (Seale), Vance Beck, (334) 855-4735
ALDOT Fifth Division
(Bibb, Chilton, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Perry, Pickens, Tuscaloosa)
District 1 (Fayette), Susan Canaday, (205) 932-8930
District 2 (Tuscaloosa), Ken Couch, (205) 554-3288
District 3 (Carrollton), Brad Darden, (205) 367-8746
District 4 (Maplesville), Virgil Clifton, (205) 366-2954
District 5 (Greensboro), Tim Stone, (205) 624-8851
ALDOT Sixth Division
(Autauga, Bullock, Butler, Dallas, Elmore, Lowndes, Macon, Montgomery)
District 1 (Elmore), Tim Wright, (334) 567-4379
District 2 (Union Springs), Edward Kelly, (334) 738-2150
District 3 (Montgomery), Mark Waits, (334) 242-6572
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District 4 (Greenville), John Adams, (334) 382-6614
District 5 (Selma), Rex Thompson, (334) 875-4455
ALDOT Seventh Division
(Barbour, Crenshaw, Coffee, Covington, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Pike)
District 1 (Dothan), Kenneth O. Whaley, (334) 794-4958
District 2 (Enterprise), Patrick Henderson, (334) 347-8166
District 3 (Andalusia), William Wofford, (334) 222-5555
District 4 (Ozark), Mark J. Graham, (334) 774-4542
District 5 (Troy), Christopher S. Oliver, (334) 670-2475
District 6 (Eufaula), Tim Bowers, (334) 687-3161
ALDOT Eighth Division
(Clarke, Choctaw, Marengo, Sumter, Washington, Wilcox)
District 1 (Livingston), John Geeslin, (205) 652-7964
District 2 (Thomaston), Danny Etheridge, (334) 627-3458
District 3 (Camden), Johnny Stallworth, (334) 682-4718
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District 4 (Grove Hill), Dorell Owens, (251) 275-3675
ALDOT Ninth Division
(Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia, Mobile)
District 1 (Mobile), S. Jay Palmer, (251) 470-8209
District 2 (Bay Minette), Frankie Smith, (251) 937-2086
District 3 (Evergreen), R. Brent Maddox, (251) 578-2434
2) Mass media outlets should be utilized through the use of Public Service Announcements
(PSAs) in order to make the public aware of the services offered by the ACC system. The
Alabama Radio Network is affiliated with stations across the State and will run selected PSAs
on their stations free of charge. Also, local television stations across the State run PSAs
however, there may be a charge associated with some of these ads. Recently, a series of
segments concerning the Career Centers was broadcast on several local news stations in
Montgomery and other parts of the State. This was a good example of how this media can
educate the public on the ACC system because most of the CPM team members saw the
3) Since most of the public now have access to the Internet, steps should be taken to ensure that
all websites providing information concerning the ACC system are very user-friendly and
updated often. Some issues to consider when making improvements to the website are the
routine updating of information, the addition of easy-to-find links to documents or on-line
forms necessary to sign up for the services offered by the program, multi-lingual
accommodations, and tools for the disabled. Also, consideration should be given to the
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creation of a new domain name, such as When successful
branding has taken place, the name of the program should be utilized whenever possible.
4) To aid in matching job-seekers with employers, programs should be established to develop
partnerships with outside entities that cater to the needs of these groups. While we have
learned that the ACC system has established partnerships with various technical schools,
college and high school guidance counselors, career planners should also be made aware of
the opportunities for employment offered by the Career Centers. Working through the
Alabama Department of Education and the Alabama Commission on Higher Education could
facilitate this process. Other non-traditional groups such as Chambers of Commerce,
churches, and other such groups might also be a valuable resource.
Solution Details – (4.) Provide properly functioning, up-to-date equipment and maintain it
To be an efficient and effective worker, an employee needs to have properly working tools. The tools
needed in a Career Center include but are not limited to Personal Computers (PCs), printers, copy
machines, fax machines, scanners and telephones with voice mail for staff. Many of the services
provided by the Career Centers involve technology. If the Alabama Career Center System services
are to be truly useful, technology for this equipment should be current and should be maintained in
proper working condition. Software needs to be kept up-to-date. Information Technology (IT)
personnel must be tasked with keeping the equipment usable for both Career Center staff and clients.
The Career Centers should maintain a list of equipment/software and provide for necessary repairs
and replacements/updates. With modern technology, the Career Centers can build their staff’s talent,
equip them, and achieve results!
Business Benefits - (4.) Provide properly functioning, up-to-date equipment and maintain it
Business benefits of having up-to-date, well-maintained equipment for staff include higher
productivity, effective, efficient, and quality customer service, less equipment down-time and more
pride in their work. Confidence inspires confidence. Confident Career Center staff that have pride in
their work will encourage the client to have confidence in the staff’s professionalism, knowledge, and
ability to assist the client in their job search and with their educational needs.
The technology needs list should be maintained and periodically assessed and updated. The Career
Centers may find that leasing certain equipment may be more beneficial than buying, depending on
service contracts and training programs. The items below should be addressed by the Career Centers
when determining their technology needs:
1) The Centers should have Information Technology (IT) staff available to consistently maintain
equipment, schedule warranty/service work, provide training, and help the Centers stay
current with technology such that the Career Centers have up-to-date, usable equipment
readily available at all times.
2) Staff should be trained on how to operate all the available equipment/software so that they
can show the customers how to use these resources. New “cutting edge” technology is only
useful if it can be applied.
3) In keeping with the consistency recommendation made by the CPM team, all computers for
client usage should have a set of standard icons for basic services offered by all Career
Centers easily accessible on the computer desktop. As most people are aware, the stress level
of job seekers tends to be high and anything that can help reduce that stress level should be
pursued. Having a consistent set of standard icons on all resource center computer desktops
will provide a sense of familiarity and consistency to the client, regardless of which Center
they enter. This will be one less stressor on jobseekers.
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4) Internet access should be provided for both staff and clients with adequate spam and antivirus protection.
5) If building protection for power surges or outages is not offered in the Career Centers
facilities, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or generator must be provided to prevent
equipment damage.
6) Equipment must be maintained. “Out of service” or broken/malfunctioning equipment is
frustrating to the clients and takes up valuable space in the Centers that could be utilized by
functioning equipment. Certain machines may be under warranty or have service contracts.
In those cases, the IT staff should maintain a log of when to schedule such maintenance.
7) Update equipment as necessary. As new technology emerges, the Centers should embrace it.
Instead of fax machines, many businesses now use scanners. Instead of Word Processors,
computers with word processing software are now used.
8) Review and maintain pamphlets, brochures, and web pages to ensure information is current.
Update information, such as services, telephone numbers, and websites, as necessary.
Explore various outreach technologies – print, radio, television, and internet.
9) Current equipment and software are often easier to operate and have more options available.
On computers, resumes can be easily changed or updated. Font sizes can be changed and
errors corrected. There are two great benefits to the customers: knowledge gained while
operating (or learning to operate) the equipment and an end product that is of high-quality
and professional.
Solution Details – (5.) Address security concerns
One of the CPM team members visited all of the Alabama Career Centers to obtain first-hand
information about the Career Centers through direct observation and interpersonal interaction with
Career Centers’ staff. A need was identified for the Alabama Career Centers to develop an agencywide facility security program. Of the Career Centers visited, facility security was apparent only at
the Montgomery and Birmingham Career Center locations. During the team member’s visit to the
Mobile Career Center, people were loitering outside the building and in the doorway, so it should
receive prioritization for implementation of facility security. Also, although a security guard was onsite at the Birmingham Career Center location, consideration should be given to beefing up the
quantity of security guards present to promote a more relaxed, protected and safe environment.
Many U.S. government bodies today model their security programs to meet guidelines of standards
from organizations such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the International
Standards Organization (ISO), and the International Code Council (ICC). Many municipal, state, and
federal organizations are adopting one of the ICC’s standards documents, the International Building
Code (IBC). Another organization currently active in developing security standards is the National
Fire Protection Association (NFPA) which has developed two security documents entitled “NFPA
731: Standard for the Installation of Electronic Premises Security Systems” and “NFPA 730: Guide
for Premises Security.” 11
The International Standards Organization’s standards for facility security require several components
of a typical security program that could benefit the Alabama Career Centers. These include the
following provisions:
See and
ISO 17025 Standards – 2nd Edition 2005-05-15
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Written policies or procedures that address facility security should be implemented to ensure that:
1) Access is controllable and limited to private and operational areas of the facility. Visitors
should not have unrestricted access to all areas of the facility.
2) All exterior entrance/exit points should have adequate security control.
3) Internal areas requiring limited/controlled access should have a control mechanism such as a
key system.
4) Accountability of all keys, magnetic cards, etc., should be documented and distribution
limited to those individuals designated by the facility to have access.
5) The facility should be monitored during vacant hours by an intrusion alarm or by security
It is recommended that the larger Career Centers in urban areas retain security guards to monitor the
facilities and parking lots for the protection of staff and clients. For all Career Centers, video
surveillance would be recommended, especially around entryways. Also all Centers should invest in
adequate lighting in parking areas, pathways, and entryways.
Business Benefits - (5.) Address security concerns
Obviously, if the Alabama Career Centers’ personnel and clients feel unsafe due to lack of adequate
facility security, this can have an adverse impact on the quality of services the Centers are able to
deliver. Inadequate facility security may result in criminal activity including workplace violence,
which could endanger the safety of the Career Centers’ staff and clients. Criminal prosecution and
civil litigation could result which could generate adverse publicity for the Career Centers and
jeopardize their effectiveness.
With the implementation of an agency-wide facility security program that meets or exceeds
recognized national standards as outlined above, the Alabama Career Centers could assure the
citizens of Alabama that they are taking a proactive approach toward prevention of security breaches
that might threaten the safety of the public and their staff.
Providing exceptional customer service is always an important initiative for companies and is
especially important during a period of economic downturn. The bottom line is that anything less
than a great customer experience can be detrimental to the organization. During tough economic
times, existing customers will continue to rely on the services of the ACC. Customer satisfaction is
vital to the success of the ACC and the economy of the State of Alabama.
There must be Standard Operational Procedures in place at all Career Centers to ensure consistency
and enable the ACC system to reach its goal of becoming a one-stop shop for clients. This standardization and consistency should encompass the signage, facilities layout (Resource Center), printed
materials, basic menu of services, computer software and triage form. The Customer Services/Initial
Assessment Committee developed a good basis for a triage form upon which the CPM team expanded.
This triage form can also be used for performance measurement and workload tracking.
The ACC systems will not be used if clients are not aware of their functions and locations. By
displaying a logo on all printed and video materials, an easily recognized image that everyone can
associate with the Alabama Career Center System can be created. Partnering with the Alabama
Department of Transportation (ALDOT) for highway signs, with broadcast media for public service
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announcements and with colleges and communities for job fairs, etc. will educate the public as to the
valuable services ACC provides.
However, just as a carpenter needs a hammer or a ditch digger needs a shovel, in today’s computer
age, ACC staff need up-to-date PCs, telephones, scanners, etc. to instill confidence in the staff and
help them be effective and more efficient in dealing with their clients.
Confidence can only go so far when security is threatened. By providing adequate lighting, video
surveillance and security guards as appropriate, staff can concentrate on assisting clients and clients
can be confident they will receive the individual attention they need in a safe environment.
Our CPM team utilized the book How to Plan & Develop a Career Center, by Donald A. Schutt, Jr. 12
in our research. It is strongly recommended the OWD acquire copies of this book to use as a guide for
improvements in the Alabama Career Centers System. Our research also included visits to the
Alabama Public Library Service – Alabama Virtual Library at 13 The virtual
library has many tutorials on test preparation and career development skills.
In reviewing the committees’ recommendations, it is the consensus of the CPM team that the
committees are “on the right track” since most of the team’s ideas for ACC improvements were
addressed by the committees. Next steps should include a project plan to break down the multifaceted implementation of the ideas and set dates with realistic deadlines for implementing the tasks
needed to reach the goals.
If OWD will address the five (5) recommendations of training Career Centers staff for improved
customer service, maintain consistency throughout Career Center facilities, increase public
awareness, provide and maintain properly functioning, up-to-date equipment, and address security
concerns, the ACC system will reach their goal of becoming an accessible one-stop shop with
multiple convenient “easy-to-find” locations which deliver the high quality customer services
expected by the public and the State of Alabama.
Schutt, Jr., Donald. How to Plan & Develop a Career Center. 2nd ed. New York: Ferguson
Publishing, 2008.
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ACC – Alabama Career Center(s)
ACCS – Alabama Career Center System
ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
AUM – Auburn University Montgomery
CPM – Certified Public Manager
CPM II – second year Certified Public Manager class
GOWD – the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development (same as OWD)
IBC - the International Building Code
ICC - the International Code Council
ISO - the International Standards Organization
IT – Information Technology
ITA – Individual Training Account
NFPA - the National Fire Protection Association
OWD – the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development
PSA – Public Service Announcement
SOP – Standard operating procedures
SWPC – State Workforce Planning Council
The CPM team – the 2009 Certified Public Manager II class members working with the Alabama
Career Centers
The team – same as “the CPM team”
The Centers – the Alabama Career Centers
UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply
WIA – Workforce Investment Act
Alabama Career Centers
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CPM II, 2009
A Changing Workplace
Alabama JobLink (AJL)-How to Use Alabama’s New Internet Employee Resource
Budget Worksheet
Chronological and Skills Resumes
Common Interview Questions
Cover Letters
Daily Job-Search Planner
Dealing with Negative Information
Different Kinds of Interviews
Dynamics of an Interview
Employer Target List
Evaluating the Company
Fired From Last or Previous Job
Follow-Up-Keep In Contact
Handling the Stress of the Job Search
Help Wanted Response Form
Hip e-mail Address Bad for Resumes
How Occupation are Categorized
How to Assess Local Labor Market Information
How to Make Colds Calls
I Quit! Leaving a Dissatisfying Job
Ideal Job Worksheet
Identifying Salary Needs
Identifying Your Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
Interests/Personal values and Traits
Interviewing for Information
Job Information
Job Search Issues for Women and Minorities
Job in the 21st Century
Just Graduated From…
Just Laid Off
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Keeping Your Job
List of Action Works and Skills
Negotiating Salaries
Networking List
Newspaper Want Ads
People with Disabilities
Post-Interview Worksheet
Preparing for the Interview
Proper Attire
Re-entering the Workforce
Researching the Job and the Employer
Resume Writing Made Simple
Sample Chronological Resumes
Sample Completed Employment Application
Sample Cover Letters
Sample Employment Application
SCANS Competencies
Selecting a Career Counselor
Skills That I Have
Telephone Contact Log
Telephone Massage Pad
Temporary Employment-A Viable Option
The Experienced Worker
The Interview from the Interviewer’s Point of View
The Post-Military Job Seeker
Three Traits for Success in Employment and Life
Training Opportunities
Using Private Employment Agencies
Using the Internet in Your Job-Search
Using Your Local One-stop Career Center
Weekly Job Search Log
What Employers Expect from Employees
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About Stress Management (Orange) .............................................................................. Opp
AJL Alabama Joblink-Self-Registration Information .................................................... Montgomery
AJL Alabama Joblink Self-Registration Information..................................................... Haleyville
Alabama Unemployment Compensation........................................................................ Eufaula
Alabama’s Career Center System Menu of Services...................................................... Fayette
Alabama’s Career Center System Job Seekers Services ............................................... Greenville
ALA-WIN Social Security Disability Insurance ............................................................ Dothan
Alcohol & How It Affects Driving................................................................................. Opp
Alcohol and Violence- Breaking the Link...................................................................... Opp
Application for Federal Student Aid .............................................................................. Andalusia
Applying for a Job-What to Expect (Color) ................................................................... Cullman
Applying for a Job-What to Expect (Color) ................................................................... Hamilton
Applying for a Job-What to Expect (Color) ................................................................... Jackson
Athens-Learn to Read..................................................................................................... Athens
Attitude-Make it Good (Color)....................................................................................... Troy
Attitude-Make it Good (Brown)..................................................................................... Fayette
Attitude-Make it Good (Color)....................................................................................... Hamilton
Being a Workplace Mentor ............................................................................................ Gadsden
Best Resume Writing Tips.............................................................................................. Gadsden
Bienvenidos- A la Guardia Nacional-National Guard.................................................... Sheffield
CareerLink- Just Laid Off? About to Experience a Layoff? There’s Help Available.... Albertville
CareerLink- Satisfying Alabama’s Employment Needs By Providing
Training for Youth and Adults ............................................................................. Albertville
Changing Careers-Selling Yourself by Selling Your Skills (Purple) ............................. Hamilton
Changing Careers-Selling Yourself by Selling Your Skills (Color) .............................. Haleyville
Childcare Agency of North Central Alabama ................................................................ Huntsville
Codependency- You Can Break Free ............................................................................. Opp
Como costear los estudios postsecundarios.................................................................... Andalusia
Coping with Unemployment-What to Do When You’re out of Work ........................... Greenville
Coping with Unemployment What to Do When You’re out of Work ........................... Eufaula
Coping with Unemployment What to Do When You’re out of Work ........................... Huntsville
Coping with Unemployment What to Do When You’re out of Work ........................... Hamilton
Course Directory-Ready to Work................................................................................... Hamilton
Decatur CareerLink Training Services ........................................................................... Decatur
Decatur Information Sheet ............................................................................................. Decatur
Drugs and the Student Athlete........................................................................................ Opp
Effective Goal Setting-How to Reach the Goals You Set for Yourself ......................... Haleyville
Employment Opportunities for the 2010 Census ........................................................... Greenville
Enthusiasm-The Key to a Great Interview ..................................................................... Greenville
Facing a Layoff (Color Copy) ........................................................................................ Hamilton
Facing a Layoff (Yellow Copy) ..................................................................................... Decatur
Facing a Layoff (Yellow Copy) ..................................................................................... Eufaula
Federal Aid First............................................................................................................. Andalusia
Fill the Position with Career Ready Alabama ................................................................ Hamilton
Finding a Mentor for Job Success .................................................................................. Gadsden
Finding Your Balance-Juggling Work and Family ........................................................ Gadsden
First Step Up-Making the Most of Your Entry-Level Job (Yellow) .............................. Hamilton
First Step Up-Making the Most of Your Entry-Level Job (Yellow) .............................. Monroeville
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Fitting In-Finding Your Place on the Job ....................................................................... Gadsden
Funding Education Beyond High School ....................................................................... Andalusia
Get Results from Your Job Search ................................................................................. Troy
Getting a Start on Your Career- Choosing What to Do After High School (Color)....... Cullman
Getting a Start on Your Career- Choosing What to Do After High School (Color)....... Hanceville
Getting a Start on Your Career- Choosing What to Do After High School (Color)....... Jasper
Getting a Start on Your Career- Choosing What to Do After High School (Green)...... Hamilton
Getting To Work-Taking the First Steps ........................................................................ Hamilton
Good Work-Six Steps to Success ................................................................................... Hamilton
Good Work- Six Steps to Success .................................................................................. Jackson
Guia de Padres................................................................................................................ Blountsville
Guide to Paying for Your College Education................................................................. Dothan
Hard at Work .................................................................................................................. Hamilton
How May We Help You? ............................................................................................... Andalusia
How to Choose a Career-A Guide to Self Assessment .................................................. Cullman
How to Choose a Career-A Guide to Self Assessment .................................................. Hanceville
How to Choose a College ............................................................................................... Jackson
How to get Along With Your Boss…any Boss.............................................................. Gadsden
How to Get and Hold the Right Job… ........................................................................... Demopolis
How to Prepare Yourself for Job Interviews .................................................................. Blountsville
How to Prepare Yourself for Job Interviews .................................................................. Demopolis
How to Set up a Free e-mail Account in Yahoo! Mail................................................... Hamilton
How’s Your Self-Esteem................................................................................................ Opp
Individual Training Accounts- College Tuition Assistance ........................................... Hamilton
Industrial Electricity/ Electronics Technology-Reid State ............................................. Greenville
It’s About Time! Making Time Work for You on the Job ............................................. Hamilton
It’s Not Too Late to Learn: Why Now’s the Time to Get Your Diploma or G.E.D....... Fayette
Job Interview Skills (Color) ........................................................................................... Opp
Job Interview Skills (Brown Copy)................................................................................ Opp
Job Search Tools & Tips ................................................................................................ Opp
Joblink Self-Registration Instructions ............................................................................ Eufaula
Jobs/People We Get Together ........................................................................................ Brewton
Jump Start Your Career! #3 Mastering Job Application ................................................ Troy
Jump Start Your Career! #3 Mastering Job Application ................................................ Blountsville
Jump Start Your Career! #4 Writing Your Resume ...................................................... Blountsville
Jump Start Your Career! #5 Opening Doors to the Hidden Job Market ........................ Blountsville
Jump Start Your Career! #6 Succeeding in the Interview .............................................. Blountsville
Leaving the Service and Beginning Your Next Career (Color) ..................................... Hamilton
Leaving the Service and Beginning Your Next Career (Color) ..................................... Cullman
Leaving the Service and Beginning Your Next Career (Color) ..................................... Hanceville
Leaving the Service and Beginning Your Next Career (Color) ..................................... Greenville
Legal Services of Alabama............................................................................................. Huntsville
Limestone County Churches Involved (LCCI) Disaster Relief Services ....................... Athens
Look Sharp-Making Your Appearance Work for You At Work.................................... Hamilton
Look Sharp-Making Your Appearance Work for You At Work (Yellow) .................... Fayette
Look Sharp-Making Your Appearance Work for You At Work (Color copy) .............. Sheffield
Look Sharp-Making Your Appearance Work for You At Work (Yellow) .................... Greenville
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College Schedule........................................................ Opp
Alabama Career Centers
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CPM II, 2009
Making Contact-Networking to Get Work..................................................................... Hamilton
Making Ends Meet-The Basics of Family Budgeting (Color) ....................................... Hamilton
Making Ends Meet-The Basics of Family Budgeting (Color) ....................................... Greenville
Making It at Work-How to Succeed in Your First Real Job .......................................... Gadsden
Managing Stress at Work and At Home......................................................................... Jasper
Military to Civilian-Your Resume and Job Hunt (Color)............................................... Hamilton
Military to Civilian-Your Resume and Job Hunt (Color)............................................... Greensville
Money Management Calendar ....................................................................................... Jackson
Need a GED? Reid State Technical College ................................................................. Greenville
No Resume? No Problem!.............................................................................................. Hamilton
North Alabama Skills Training Consortium................................................................... Sheffield
On the Job Training (OJT) Program............................................................................... Gadsden
On the Job with a Disability ........................................................................................... Cullman
On the Job with a Disability ........................................................................................... Hanceville
“Overqualified “A Guide to Handling Employer Concerns (Color) .............................. Fayette
“Overqualified: A Guide to Handling Employer Concerns (Green) .............................. Greensville
Parent Guide-PTA Goes to Work................................................................................... Sheffield
Pocket Resume for Job Interviews ................................................................................. Hamilton
Pocket Resume for Job Interviews ................................................................................ Albertville
Practice Test for Field Employment Positions ............................................................... Greenville
Preparing for a Phone Interview..................................................................................... Gadsden
Preventing Workplace Violence: How to Stay Safe on the Job ..................................... Hanceville
Private College & University-Book ............................................................................... Opp
Quin es elegile para los beneficios del gobierno? .......................................................... Sheffield
Reid State Technical College-Schedule Enrollment Form............................................. Greenville
Resume Information Form ............................................................................................. Hamilton
Resume-Interview-Follow-up Tips ................................................................................ Fayette
Resume Sample Guide ................................................................................................... Fayette
Self-Employment-Are You Ready to be Your Owe Boss? ............................................ Gadsden
Sexual Harassment-It’s Not Part of the Job! (Color) ..................................................... Hanceville
Sexual Harassment-It’s Not Part of the Job! (Blue) ....................................................... Opp
Shoals Career Center List of Services ............................................................................ Sheffield
Stick to it! Making Your Plans for Success.................................................................... Hamilton
Take a Course in Campus Safety.................................................................................... Opp
Taking Charge: An Introduction to Using Credit…Wisely............................................ Jackson
Talking to Employers…When Your Past is Less Than Prefect ..................................... Cullman
Talking to Employers…When Your Past is Less Than Prefect ..................................... Hanceville
Targeting Your Next Employer...................................................................................... Hamilton
Teamwork-Solving Problems Together ......................................................................... Hamilton
Temporary Jobs-A First Step in a Permanent Center (Color) ........................................ Hamilton
Temporary Jobs-A First Step in a Permanent Center (Color) ........................................ Jackson
The College That Works! Reid State College ................................................................ Brewton
The Computerized Job Search (Color) ........................................................................... Jackson
The Computerized Job Search (Color) ........................................................................... Greenville
The Computerized Job Search (Yellow) ........................................................................ Monroeville
The Follow-up Interview Making the Most of a Second Interview ............................... Gadsden
The Follow-up Letter...................................................................................................... Cullman
The Follow-up Letter...................................................................................................... Hanceville
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CPM II, 2009
The Interview ................................................................................................................. Hamilton
The Mature Resume: The Resume with Experience ...................................................... Hamilton
The North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence ................................................ Huntsville
The Quick Job Search: Seven Steps to Getting a Good Job in Less Time ..................... Opp
The Resume” Advertise Your Professional Qualification by Resume” ......................... Gadsden
The Resume “Advertise Your Professional Qualification by Resume” ......................... Troy
The Resume Making Yourself Look Good on Paper ..................................................... Greenville
The Summer Job Book ................................................................................................... Jackson
The Work World: An Orientation .................................................................................. Greenville
Tips for Finding the Right Job........................................................................................ Demopolis
Top 50 Occupations with the Largest Employment ....................................................... Andalusia
Transitions-A Guide for Community College Students ................................................. Opp
Trenholm State Technical College ................................................................................. Greenville
Troy City Map ................................................................................................................ Troy
Troy University-Summer Schedule-Dothan/Ft. Rucker................................................. Dothan
Tu carrera Tu eleccion Explora tus posibilidades .......................................................... Hanceville
Tu carrera Tu eleccion Explora tus posibilidades .......................................................... Hamilton
Unemployment Claims are now Filed by Phone and Internet........................................ Hamilton
Unfinished Business- Huntington College ..................................................................... Brewton
United Way- AIRS-Get Connected Get Answers .......................................................... Dothan
Untangling the Internet to Find a Job (Pink) .................................................................. Decatur
Untangling the Internet to Find a Job (Color) ................................................................ Hamilton
Veterans’ Preference ...................................................................................................... Greenville
Wallace Community College Class Schedule ................................................................ Andalusia
Wallace Community College Summer Schedule ........................................................... Dothan
Ways to Go People to See Getting Organized to Get a Good Job.................................. Greenville
Ways to Go, People to See Getting Organized to Get a Good Job (Color).................... Hamilton
Ways to Go, People to See, Getting Organized to Get a Good Job (Purple).................. Jasper
Ways to Go, People to See, Getting Organized to Get a Good Job (Color) ................... Fayette
Welcome to the Resource Room .................................................................................... Demopolis
Welcome to the Resource Room .................................................................................... Jackson
What Do You Want to Do? 3 Steps to Choosing a Career............................................. Hamilton
What Do You Want to Do? 3 Steps to Choosing a Career............................................. Walker
What Now? Steps to Take After a Layoff (Color) ......................................................... Sheffield
What Now? Step to Take After a Layoff (Color)........................................................... Greenville
What Now? Steps to Take After a Layoff (Blue)........................................................... Decatur
What Now? Step to Take After a Layoff (Blue) ............................................................ Eufaula
When Your Partner Loses a Job ..................................................................................... Jackson
Workforce Investment Act WIA Services...................................................................... Decatur
Workforce Investment Act-WIA Services ..................................................................... Eufaula
Working a Job Fair: Preparing for it, Getting the Most Out of it ................................... Gadsden
You Can Do It! How to Make Your Goals a Reality ..................................................... Haleyville
Your Career: Aiming For A Work Life You Can Love ................................................. Hamilton
Your First Interview Making the Right Impression ....................................................... Cullman
Your First Interview Making the Right Impression ....................................................... Hanceville
Your First Resume.......................................................................................................... Hamilton
Your Future: Our Focus ................................................................................................. Dothan
You’re In Charge! What Do You Do Now?................................................................... Hamilton
Youth Seeking Careers: Where Do You Want to Go? ................................................... Gadsden
Alabama Career Centers
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CPM II, 2009
Home > Online Catalog > Literature Holders & Brochure Holders > Floor Literature Holders > Metal & Wire Floor Literature Holders
80 Opening Freestanding Revolving Literature Holder (20 mag)
Item Number: FLFP06736
[Black - \/]
Quantity 1
Refer this page to a friend
Detailed Description
All metal rotating literature rack with 80 pockets:
• Four sided racks rotate a full 360 degrees.
• Exclusive contour design eliminates paper curl.
Shown in Tan.
Dimensions: 14"w x 61"h
Alabama Career Centers
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_______ _________
____________ __________
RR Generalist
_______ _________
____________ __________
RR Generalist
Alabama Career Center Triage Form
Alabama Career Center Triage Form
Please note your information is confidential!
Please note your information is confidential!
Are you a Veteran? Yes______ No______
Are you a Veteran? Yes______ No______
Are you registered on Yes____ No____
Are you registered on Yes____ No____
Name (please print) __________________________________
Name (please print) __________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
SSN: _________________________DOB:_________________
SSN: _________________________DOB:_________________
Phone: (home)___________________(cell)_________________
Phone: (home)___________________(cell)_________________
Education Level: ___GED or High School Diploma
Education Level: ___GED or High School Diploma
___Associate Degree ___Bachelor Degree ___Masters Degree
___Associate Degree ___Bachelor Degree ___Masters Degree
___Professional License / Certificate (List)______________________
___Professional License / Certificate (List)______________________
Note: Free email is available! Email is extremely helpful in the job
match process. You may ask for assistance with this after you
register on
Note: Free email is available! Email is extremely helpful in the job
match process. You may ask for assistance with this after you
register on
How can we assist you today?
_____Employment Registration / Job Search
_____Resume Assistance
____ Computer Tutorial
_____Job Training Program
____ Adult Education / GED
_____Career Readiness Certificate Information
_____Job Hunting Workshop
____ Job Fair Information
_____Job Interview Skills
____ Labor Market Information
_____Job and Career Guidance ____ Financial / Tuition Assistance
_____Individual / Career Assessment ____ Appropriate Work Attire
_____Launch Out-of-School Youth Program
_____Job Corps Out-of-School Youth Program
_____Employer interview with _____________________________
(Provide name of company)
_____Unemployment Compensation Information
_____Vocational Rehabilitation Services (for persons with disabilities)
Please advise if you need accommodations.
Other: _______________________________________________
How can we assist you today?
_____Employment Registration / Job Search
_____Resume Assistance
____ Computer Tutorial
_____Job Training Program
____ Adult Education / GED
_____Career Readiness Certificate Information
_____Job Hunting Workshop
____ Job Fair Information
_____Job Interview Skills
____ Labor Market Information
_____Job and Career Guidance ____ Financial / Tuition Assistance
_____Individual / Career Assessment ____ Appropriate Work Attire
_____Launch Out-of-School Youth Program
_____Job Corps Out-of-School Youth Program
_____Employer interview with _____________________________
(Provide name of company)
_____Unemployment Compensation Information
_____Vocational Rehabilitation Services (for persons with disabilities)
Please advise if you need accommodations.
Other: _______________________________________________
Page 2
Page 2
Work Experience (skip if already registered at JobLink):
Work Experience (skip if already registered at JobLink):
Employer ________________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Supervisor Name / Phone Number ____________________________
Supervisor Name / Phone Number ____________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________
Employment Dates (From) ________________ (To) _______________
Employment Dates (From) ________________ (To) _______________
Equipment You Operated ____________________________________
Equipment You Operated ____________________________________
Job Duties________________________________________________
Job Duties________________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Supervisor Name / Phone Number ____________________________
Supervisor Name / Phone Number ____________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________
Employment Dates (From) ________________ (To) _______________
Employment Dates (From) ________________ (To) _______________
Equipment You Operated ____________________________________
Equipment You Operated ____________________________________
Job Duties________________________________________________
Job Duties________________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Supervisor Name / Phone Number ____________________________
Supervisor Name / Phone Number ____________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________
Employment Dates (From) ________________ (To) _______________
Employment Dates (From) ________________ (To) _______________
Equipment You Operated ____________________________________
Equipment You Operated ____________________________________
Job Duties________________________________________________
Job Duties________________________________________________
List Future Interests ____________________________________
List Future Interests ____________________________________