directory - Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital


directory - Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
- Complimentary Copy -
Dear Patients and Visitors,
Welcome to the Tillsonburg District Memorial
Hospital (TDMH) where we provide the
highest quality care to all of our patients and
families. We are committed to making sure
your stay or visit is pleasant and comfortable.
As champions of excellent health services
for our community, our actions are guided by quality patient
care, responsible financial management, exceptional people,
progressive leadership and effective collaborations with other
community health care providers.
But above all, our top priority remains “our patients”. We want
your experience at TDMH to be a positive one and hope you
continue to rely on us for your health care needs.
Your feedback is important. We encourage you to speak with a
team member or area leader should you have any compliments
or concerns. You may also contact me personally at 519-842-3611,
extension 5303.
Crystal Houze, Integrated President and CEO
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
Table of Contents
Who We Are............................. 4
Mission, Vision and Values................ 4
Declaration of Values................. 5
Patients’ Rights.................................. 5
Patients’ Responsibilities................... 6
Hospital Information.................17
Accounts Payable..............................17
Bank Machine...................................17
Emergency Department
and Triage.........................................17
Fire Safety........................................ 18
Food Services................................... 18
Gift/Coffee Shop............................. 18
Hairdressing..................................... 19
Hospital Security.............................. 19
Information Desk............................. 19
Interpreter Services......................... 20
Lost and Found................................ 20
Mail/Newspapers............................. 20
Organ Donation.............................. 20
Parking............................................. 21
Smoking........................................... 21
Spiritual and Religious Support...... 21
Taxis.................................................. 21
Telephones/Cellular Phones............ 22
TV and Radio................................... 22
Visiting Hours ................................. 22
Volunteer Resources ....................... 23
Code of Conduct....................... 7
Your Hospital Stay..................... 8
What You Should Know.................... 8
Admission........................................... 8
Accommodation................................ 8
What to Bring During Your Stay....... 9
Medications................................... 9
Consent to Treatment....................... 9
Planning for Your Discharge........... 10
Patient Relations.............................. 10
Patient Safety...........................12
Infection Control
Clean Your Hands............................ 14
Visiting............................................. 14
Infection Precautions...................... 14
Questions or Concerns?................... 15
Privacy Statement of Your
Personal Health Information......15
Collection of Personal Health
Information...................................... 15
How the Hospital Uses and Discloses
Personal Health Information.......... 15
Important Points About Our
Information Practices...................... 16
Foundation.............................. 24
Donation Form................................ 24
Community Supporters Index... 25
Please note that we are constantly changing to meet your needs.
Information presented may be subject to change.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Who We Are
The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital is an acute care community
hospital that is committed to providing quality patient care to the residents of
Tillsonburg and the surrounding tri-county area.
TDMH provides a wide variety of services and programs including:
Ambulatory Care Clinics
Complex Continuing Care
Diabetes Education
Diagnostic and Treatment Services
Dialysis Unit, Emergency Department
Intensive Coronary Care
Palliative Care
Rehabilitation and Surgical Services..
Caring, Sharing and Working… Together
Patient Care
An innovative
hospital delivering
patient care
Innovative • Accountable
Professional • Compassionate
167 Rolph Street,
N4G 3Y9
167 Rolph
Street, Tillsonburg, ON N4G
519-842-3611 [email protected]
519-842-3611 • [email protected] •
© 2013 All rights reserved
Declaration of Values Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities
Patients’ Rights
The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital believes that hospital personnel should
be a community of caring persons and strive to provide the highest quality of
care. We value the following fundamental rights of patients and are committed
to maintain an environment that both fosters and protects these rights:
1. To receive considerate and respectful care and assistance, and appropriate
nursing, medical assessment and treatment regardless of colour, race,
creed, age, sexual orientation, religious belief or financial status, and to be
free from mental and physical abuse.
2. To have your condition, care and treatment explained-in simplified terms
to the best of the hospital’s ability to you, or your authorized decision
maker, and to participate in your personal care plan.
3. To receive ongoing information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and
any known prognosis.
4. To have your personal, financial, medical and other records entrusted to
the hospital, kept in confidence, and available only to those for whom the
information is essential.
5. To refuse and/or accept medical treatment and medication, if mentally
competent, except for mandatory rules for safety and to be informed of
the medical consequences of any refusal.
6. To be introduced to and informed of the professional status of individuals
providing care and service.
7. To be accommodated in a safe and clean environment.
8. To receive a complete explanation of the need to transfer to another
facility, and of the alternatives to such a transfer.
9. To receive information regarding healthcare requirements when planning
for discharge from the hospital. To expect that we will do our utmost to
provide reasonable continuity of care, including appointments, resources,
and health care in the community following discharge.
10. To have a choice of participating in research, studies, surveys and teaching
Caring, sharing and working … together.
11. To provide feedback to the hospital on the care you are receiving or have
received and to have concerns addressed in a timely manner.
12. To be informed of your responsibilities and role in your safety and the
safety of other patients.
13. To have a parent, guardian or family member stay 24 hours per day in
specific circumstances.
Patients’ Responsibilities
The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital is committed to promoting health
care, which addresses the needs of each person and to provide compassionate
and quality care to those we serve. We believe that patients should participate
in their treatment and be given the opportunity to make decisions regarding
their health. We also believe that patients have the following responsibilities:
1. To be considerate and respectful of health care providers.
2. To provide accurate information to appropriate personnel, and to report
any unexpected changes in your condition.
3. To ensure personal safety by adhering to Patient Safety Guidelines.
4. To observe health and safety regulations, including the hospital’s infection
precautions policy, violence and harassment policy and smoking restriction.
5. To keep appointments or to contact the hospital when this is not possible.
6. To follow the treatment plan as discussed and mutually agreed upon by
you and your physician, including cooperating with other health care
providers implementing physician orders.
To make appropriate and timely arrangements
for leaving the hospital, upon discharge by your
8. To assure that any personal financial obligations
for your health care are fulfilled as promptly as
9. To consider participating in research, studies,
surveys and teaching opportunities.
10. To ask questions when you do not understand or if
you require additional information on the care you
are receiving.
11. To provide feedback on the care that you receive in
a timely manner.
Code of Conduct
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital (TDMH) supports a culture that upholds
the Hospital’s Mission, Vision and Values and promotes a caring environment
for patients, team members, professional staff, physicians, volunteers, Board
Members, students and visitors. Built on our commitment to Caring, Sharing and
Working Together, our Code of Conduct describes the fundamental principles
that guide our behaviours. The guiding principles of the TDMH Code of Conduct
are outlined in the following acronym:
C - Create and foster a collaborative and caring work environment.
O - Offer suggestions and concerns with discretion and tact.
N - Nurture open and truthful communication.
D - Demonstrate compassion and genuine concern for others.
U – Understand and respect the rights of others and protect privileged
C – Consider and recognize the opinions and contributions of others.
T – Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Your Hospital Stay
Our patients and their families are the primary focus of Tillsonburg District
Memorial Hospital (TDMH). We encourage you and your family to participate
with the healthcare team in planning and making decisions regarding your care
and treatment. To assist us, we ask that you designate one family member to act
as spokesperson, who can relay information to others.
What You Should Know
Before seeing your healthcare team, plan the questions you want to ask and
write them down. If you do not understand the answers, it is fine to repeat the
question. You should understand as much as you can about any:
• Medical problems you have
• Treatment or procedure that you will have
• Medicine you should take and how to take it
All personal information (necessary for hospital and government records) will
be considered strictly confidential. It is important that you make team members
aware if you have a Health Care Directive or if you have been in a hospital outof-province during the past year. Hospital identification wrist bracelets are used
for all patients.
We will make every effort to provide you with the type of accommodation you
request. Our hospital provides standard ward, semi-private, and private rooms.
A standard room has four beds and the cost is covered completely by OHIP.
Semi-private and private rooms (if requested by you) do cost more and must be
paid by you or your insurance company. If you have insurance coverage, please
let our team members know. Please note that there may be times when your
request cannot be accommodated in order to meet higher occupancy demands
or infection control requirements in which case you may not be granted your
preferred accommodation, may be required to move to another room during
your stay or may be placed in a room with the opposite gender.
Chronic care co-payment is regulated by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term
Care. The daily amount of co-payments varies depending on income.
Co-payments may be required for:
• Patients who have been designated by a physician as requiring Complex
Continuing Care (CCC). This is specialized care provided to patients with
complex medical conditions.
• Patients who have been designated by a physician as requiring an Alternate
Level of Care (ALC) for Long-Term Care Placement or Respite Care. These are
patients who no longer require acute care in a hospital and are awaiting
care in another setting, e.g. nursing home.
What to Bring During Your Stay
• Ontario Health Card
• Other Health Insurance Card
• Personal items, i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, dentures, eye glasses, hearing
aid, comb and brush, shaving items, or cosmetics (NO scented products,
• Although the hospital provides patient gowns, you may want your own
pyjamas or nightgown together with a bathrobe and non-slip footwear.
• Walker or cane
Bring all current prescriptions and non-prescription medications (including
herbal medications), in their original containers. Some medications are not
supplied by the hospital and you may be required to supply your own. Any
medications required during your stay will be prescribed by your doctor and will
be brought to you by your nurse.
Please tell your doctor and nurse if you are allergic to any medications or suffer
from any other allergies. If you have any questions about your medications,
your doctor, nurse, or hospital pharmacist will assist you.
Note: The hospital is NOT responsible for lost items. Please leave all valuables
at home.
Consent to Treatment
You may be asked to give consent for tests, procedures and treatments. Before
you give consent, make sure you know the benefits and risks and have an
understanding of them. This is called informed consent. If you want more
information, speak to your doctor. You have the right to refuse but make sure
you are fully aware of how this will affect your health and medical condition.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Planning for Your Discharge
The healthcare team will assess your progress and assist you and your family
in planning for your discharge. Each patient bedside has a whiteboard with
information related to the plan of care and discharge expectation. Patients and
family members are encouraged to review their board daily. If you are unsure
about your plan, please ask your nurse or member of the healthcare team.
A family member or friend should take you home after your hospital stay. If you
are unable to make arrangements please inform a member of the nursing team
or Community Care Access Team the day prior to discharge. Discharge time is
11:00 a.m.
Please make sure that you have all your belongings and understand your aftercare instructions, prescriptions, medication, diet and follow-up appointment
information. If you have any questions or concerns, ask your healthcare provider
before you leave.
You may require care after your discharge from the hospital. Your case
manager from the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) will help you decide
on the available services that best meet your needs.
Patient Relations
TDMH is committed to providing quality patient care. Receiving feedback
from patients and families helps us to improve the quality of care and
services we provide. The following information will help you to understand
patient relations and what to do to provide feedback regarding your hospital
experience. We also regularly survey patients and analyze the data received.
You may receive a letter requesting you to complete a questionnaire and we
thank you for your feedback.
What is Patient Relations?
• Patient relations is a process that provides a way to track the quality of the
patients’ experience. It is a way to identify opportunities for improvements
to better meet the needs and expectations of patients and their families.
• Patient relations is the responsibility of all team members and physicians
at TDMH. Wherever possible, concerns of patients and families should be
addressed at the time of concern.
How do I share a good story or compliment?
We always appreciate hearing a good story or compliment about your patient
experience. If you feel a certain aspect of your hospital experience was
exceptional, or you wish to recognize someone, please let us know. You can
write, email or call hospital administration and we will share your comments or
story with those being recognized.
What do I do if I have a concern or suggestion for improvement regarding an aspect
of care a family member or I has received at TDMH?
We encourage you to try and resolve your questions or concerns directly with
the people involved in your care, as soon as possible. The nurses and your
physician are excellent sources of information. They will listen and respond to
your concerns.
If concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, ask to speak with the area
leader or hospital administration.
If concerns are still not resolved to your satisfaction, or you are not sure who
to speak to, contact hospital administration at 519-842-3611, extension 5302,
or send us your comments in writing to [email protected]. We have a formal
process to investigate, resolve and record complaints and to recommend
improvements based on feedback we receive.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Patient Safety
This information is provided for patients and family members/significant others
to ensure we work together to provide a safe environment for all.
It is important to understand that despite everyone’s best efforts and intentions,
incidents/errors may happen. Our goal is to ensure we do everything we can to
make our hospital as safe as possible.
What do we do to keep you safe?
Before providing treatment, we will be checking two Patient Identifiers such as
your full name, your date of birth, your hospital identification number or your
photo identification.
Patients admitted to the Hospital receive a “risk for falls” assessment. This
assessment is performed as part of our admission history to minimize injury
and identify patients at risk in order to help our team members keep the
environment safe.
We are proud of the accomplishments made to ensure patient safety and are
continually looking to improve our facility for all. Examples of safety devices
that are in place include: ceiling lifts, portable lifts, grab bars, transfer boards,
bed alarms and a wandering system. Name bands for patient identification on
entry to hospital ensures that the right patient is receiving the right treatment
whether you are in the Emergency Department, Outpatient Department or an
How can you be involved in your healthcare and contribute to safety?
• Tell nursing/medical staff if you have experienced any of the following:
> History of falls at home
> Weakness, dizziness, problems with blood pressure
> Blood sugar problems
> Allergies
> Alcohol, drug/substance abuse.
• Report any changes in your condition.
• A request for a Leave of Absence can be made by informing nursing team
members as soon as possible so that a doctors order may be obtained as
well as medications required during your absence can be prepared for you
to take with you.
• Seek information, ask for help and provide us with information to ensure
the safety of everyone.
• Ensure that you/family members have the appropriate non-slip footwear
to reduce the chance of falls. Patients identified as high risk for falls will be
provided with our non-skid slipper socks.
• Ensure that you have your eyeglasses, hearing aids, proper fitting dentures
and cane/ walker. By having all necessary articles, we can ensure that no
matter what activity the patient is doing they have the right tools with
them to perform a task in a safe manner.
• Follow health, safety and infection control rules
• Feel free to ask your caregiver if they have washed their hands before
providing care.
• Request caregiver to check for two patient identifiers prior to providing
your treatment or medication.
• Follow instructions for smoking restriction.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Infection Control
TDMH is committed to providing safe patient care. As part of our patient safety
focus, we have an active program for prevention and control of infections in the
Clean Your Hands
We carry many germs and bacteria on our hands. Most
are harmless, however some cause illnesses such as
colds, flu, and diarrhea. Cleaning your hands is the
best way to STOP the spread of germs. Hospital team
members and visitors are encouraged to clean their
hands with hand sanitizer when entering or leaving
the building and when visiting patient areas.
So, don’t get caught dirty handed . . .
• Follow proper cough etiquette (cough into your
• Stay home if you are feeling unwell
• Limit visitors to two per patient at a time during
visiting hours.
• Clean your hands by rubbing hand sanitizer into hands (front/back/between
fingers) for 15-20 seconds.
To help keep our patients safe, please do not visit if you are feeling unwell with
either Gastro-Intestinal (GI) symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,
or experiencing respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, temperature,
runny nose or sneezing.
Infection Precautions
When patients have certain infections or bacteria that can be spread to other
patients, “Added Precautions” are put in place. These may include a private
room for the patient where visitors may be asked to wear a gown, gloves
or mask (depending on how the infection or bacteria is spread). Remember
everyone entering or leaving the room must clean their hands using hand
sanitizer. A PRECAUTION sign will be placed at the entrance to the room to alert
hospital team members and visitors that special precautions must be taken.
These “Added Precautions” remain in place until there is no risk of the infection
or bacteria spreading to others.
Questions or Concerns?
Contact Infection Prevention and Control at 519-842-3611 ext, 5272.
Privacy Statement of
Your Personal Health Information
At Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital (TDMH), we are committed to
protecting the privacy of our patients and recognize that personal health
information must be treated with respect and sensitivity. As a patient at TDMH,
your personal health information is essential to your healthcare team. It allows
us to provide you with the best possible care. Your request for healthcare
services implies that you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your
personal health information for specific related purposes.
Collection of Personal Health Information
To provide you with quality health care, we collect personal health information
about you. The personal health information that we collect may include your
name, date of birth, address, health history, records of your visits to TDMH and
the care you received during those visits.
How the Hospital Uses and Discloses Personal Health Information
Access to your personal health information is available to those who need it
in order to provide care. This may include physicians, nurses, technologists,
therapists and other health professionals. We use and disclose your personal
health information to:
• Treat and care for you.
• Facilitate continuity of care when you are transferred to another facility.
• Obtain payment for your treatment and care from Ontario Health Insurance
Plan, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, private insurer or others.
• Plan, administer and manage our internal operations.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
• Perform risk management, quality improvement and educational activities,
including patient satisfaction surveys.
• Conduct and support approved research.
• Compile statistics.
• Comply with legal and regulatory requirements and fulfil other purposes
permitted or required by law.
Non-clinical information about your visit such as your name, location in the
hospital and telephone number in the hospital may be released to family and
friends in order to confirm you are a patient or notify a representative of a
religious affiliation to visit you, if you wish..
Important Points About Our Information Practices
The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) governs our
accountability to protect your personal health information from loss and
unauthorized use or disclosure. We conduct audits and carry out investigations
to monitor and manage our privacy compliance. We take steps to ensure that
everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy and only uses your
personal health information for the purposes to which you have consented.
For more information about our privacy practices, please visit the hospital
Or contact our Privacy Officer at:
519-842-3611, ext. 5226.
Hospital Information
The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital is committed to accessibility
to our hospital facilities and services. The hospital underwent a careful
review of our facilities to ensure that barriers to access are identified and plans
to manage or eliminate them were established. Automatic doors, lever style
door handles, elevated toilets, wheelchair washrooms and graphic signs are
some of the amenities that make accessing services within our organization
more inviting. Our Accessibility Plan is available on our website at www.
Accounts Payable
Patient Accounts may be settled at the Cashier’s Office located in the main
lobby. The office is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, and Weekends
and Statutory Holidays, 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm. You may pay your account with Visa,
Mastercard, debit, cheques or cash.
You may bring your own personal care appliances to the hospital
however, for safety reasons, they must be battery operated.
Latex balloons can cause severe allergies in some people and are not
recommended in the hospital. Mylar balloons are safe and can be brought into
the hospital.
Bank Machine
A 24-hour bank machine is located in the main lobby of the hospital.
Emergency Department and Triage
The Emergency Department at TDMH provides emergency care to
approximately 29,000 patients per year. The department is staffed by a
team of Nurses that is specifically trained in emergency care. There is a physician
on call at all times.
When you arrive at the Emergency Department, your first step is to be seated
in the clearly labeled “Triage” chairs, located at the front of the Emergency
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Waiting Room. Next, you will see the Triage Nurse. The purpose of triage is to
quickly identify patients who have urgent, life -threatening conditions. Triage
also allows us to identify the most appropriate treatment areas for our patients.
If you use numerous medications, keep a current list with your Ontario Health
Card. You will then be sent to Emergency Registration to be registered. Once
this is completed, you will be asked to take a seat in the Emergency Waiting
Room until a physician is available to see you.
Fire Safety
Our team members are trained to deal with emergencies. To assure
emergency readiness, we test the fire alarm system. In the event of a fire
or drill, you will hear the alarm bell. Remain where you are unless otherwise
directed by a team member. We will inform you should any action become
necessary. Do not use the elevators. At the end of the drill, “All Clear” will be
Food Services
Inpatient Meals
Each day, you will be offered menu choices enabling you to make your meal
selections. If you require a special diet (e.g. food allergy or vegetarian), please
inform your healthcare provider.
Meals are served at approximately 8:00 a.m., 12 noon, and 5:00 p.m.
Patient snacks are available upon request.
The cafeteria is available to all visitors and team members. It offers a
variety of soups, sandwiches, hot entrees, coffee, juice, etc.
Hours of service: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am. - 1:30 pm.
Vending machines are located at the entrance of the cafeteria on the lower
Gift/Coffee Shop
These combined shops are located adjacent to the front lobby near the main
entrance. They offer a wide range of products: ladies accessories, clothing,
jewellery, home décor items, gifts, cards, books, toys, cookies, muffins,
sandwiches and beverages.
These shops along with the HELPP tickets, Marathon Bridge and external
fundraising events (ie. Temptations) are managed exclusively by volunteers.
Proceeds from these fundraising areas are donated by the Association to the
hospital for equipment.
Gift Shop Hours:
• Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• Saturday and Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Coffee Shop Hours:
• Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
• Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
(depending upon the availability of volunteers)
Appointments are arranged for in-patients by calling the Gift Shop at
ext. 5299. Please check with your healthcare provider before making an
appointment. A volunteer will porter the customer to and from the salon.
Hospital Security
Hospital team members and volunteers are easily identified by their
photo identification badge. Please notify a team member immediately if
you observe any suspicious activity or individuals, have any security concern, or if
you have lost a personal item.
Information Desk
The Information Desk is located in the main
hallway just down from the Emergency
Department entrance doors. In-hospital
volunteers are available to assist the public and
• Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
• Saturday and Sunday 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. After these hours, information can be obtained
from the Cashier’s Office in the main lobby,
Registration Desk or Switchboard.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Interpreter Services
TDMH serves a diverse community of people with many different
languages and cultures. Patients or family members who need an
interpreter to help them communicate with caregivers should ask the
hospital team members for help. Many of our team members speak
different languages and will be pleased to assist you.
To help with communication, you may also wish to have a family member or
friend present when your doctor or specialist visits.
Lost and Found
If you have lost an item or you would like to report a found item, please
contact the Switchboard Office beside the Emergency Department.
Your incoming mail is delivered daily. Ask your friends and relatives to send
mail clearly marked with your full name and room number to::
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
167 Rolph St.,
Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3Y9
E-mail: [email protected]
Advise people to write a return address on the envelope. Any mail delivered
after you have left will be forwarded to your home.
Complimentary local newspapers are delivered to patient areas. Out-of-town
papers can be purchased from dispensers located at the main and emergency
Organ Donation
TDMH is pleased to participate in an active and effective organ retrieval
program, the Multiple Organ Retrieval and Exchange Program (M.O.R.E.).
Hospital procedures have been developed by which potential donors are
identified and they and/or their families are presented with the opportunity
to make a gift of all or any organs or tissues. In this way, the patient’s right
to donate and the hospital’s obligation to extend care can be met. General
information for the public about the M.O.R.E. program can be obtained from
1-800-263-2833 during office hours.
If you would like to donate your organs, it is important to make a commitment,
complete the organ donation form included with your Driver’s License and tell
the people who are close to you about your decision. If you would like to talk
to someone about organ donation, please contact your family doctor or ask a
nursing team member.
Parking is located on the north side of the hospital. Signs are posted
reserving specific spaces for Emergency and Patient parking close to the
entrance. Parking is restricted to 2 hours on the street.
Please lock your car and do not leave valuables in sight. The hospital does not
accept responsibility for lost or stolen items. Please do not leave your vehicle on
the Emergency Ramp.
TDMH is committed to the promotion of good health. Consistent with
Government Legislation, smoking is permitted outside on the hospital
property in designated areas providing you are at least nine metres
away from any entrance. Smoking is not permitted elsewhere in the hospital
facility. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Spiritual and Religious Support
You can request a visit from the Volunteer Chaplain by notifying your
healthcare provider. Emergency support is available in a crisis from Palliative
Care Team Members and Volunteer Chaplains.
We welcome community clergy to visit members of their church on a regular
If you require a taxi, please request that your healthcare provider make
these arrangements.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Telephones/Cellular Phones
Most patient rooms have telephones available except in Intensive Care.
For local calls, Dial 9 then the number. Long distance calling is not
available from bedside phones.
Pay phones are located in the waiting areas on each floor and at the main
hospital entrance.
Friends and family wishing to contact patients should call switchboard at 519842-3611 and request the person by name or room number. You can call directly
to a patient’s room by dialing the extension listed on the phone. (Please note:
the extension is not the same as the room number.)
Cellular Phones
Cellular phones and other wireless technologies can be used in public areas of
the hospital however are prohibited in clinical areas or in close proximity to any
patient using a medical device. Users of wireless technologies are required to
comply with hospital standards for confidentiality and privacy. Using cellular
phone technology or any other means to photograph, videotape or sound
record another person on hospital premises without his or her consent is strictly
TV and Radio
Information regarding TV rental is located on the television and rental is
available through the Cashier’s Office located in the main lobby.
Visiting Hours
Visiting Hours: 2:00 - 8:00 pm. (2 people at a time).Our visiting hours are
for all patient care areas except the Intensive Coronary Care Unit where
visiting hours are at the discretion of the Health care team. Exceptions
are made on compassionate grounds. To help keep our patients safe, we ask
people with a cough, cold or other infections to not visit.
There will be times when visitors are restricted from visiting patients in the
Hospital. This occurs when there is an increased number of patients with
gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms and we need to contain the spread of
the illness. These infections are usually present in the community and limiting
visitors is one way that we reduce the potential exposure to our patients.
Exceptions may be made for patients who are critical or palliative.
Volunteer Resources
We have a wonderful Volunteer Program that provides a number of
services to enhance patient and visitor experience including patient
portering, feeding, information desk and hairdressing services. If you
are interested in joining this team, please contact our Coordinator at
519-842-3611, ext. 5295.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Foundation
Established in 1982, the TDMH Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to raising
funds for new and replacement equipment, facility upgrades and supporting special
projects for the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital. The Foundation administers
the funds entrusted to us by our donors with honour and integrity.
By making a financial donation to the TDMH Foundation, you will be supporting a
tradition of bringing state-of-the-art equipment and quality care closer to home for
the residents of Tillsonburg and the tri-county community.
If you wish to make a donation to the hospital, please visit the Foundation Office
located in the main lobby across from the front entrance or call extension 5311 or
5312 or mail your cheque to the address below.
Thank you for your generosity and for helping us meet the needs of present and
future generations in our care. Your gift will make a difference.
A strong hospital makes for a healthy community!
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Foundation
167 Rolph Street
Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3Y9
Telephone: (519) 842-3611, Ext. 5311 OR 5312
Fax: (519) 842-6733
I want to help our hospital by making a donation.
Name (please print):_______________________________________________________________________
City/Town:_____________________________________________ Postal Code:_________________________
Here is my donation of:  $50  $75  $100 or  $__________________
Method of Payment:  cheque  VISA  MasterCard or donate online at:
Credit Card Number:_______________________________________________________________________
Expiry Date:_______________________________ Security Code (3 digits on back of card):________________
Please mail to: TDMH Foundation
167 Rolph St., Tillsonburg ON N4G 3Y9
David Corner - Director of Development (519) 842-3611, Ext. 5311
Thank you for supporting the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
A receipt will be issued for tax purposes. We do not rent, sell or trade our donor information.
Community Supporters Index
Disclaimer: We thank all the advertisers whose support has made this publication
possible. The appearance of the advertisements in this publication should not be taken
as an endorsement by our hospital of any particular goods or services and our hospital
cannot be responsible for the goods and services which appear in those advertisements.
Community Services
Retirement Residences
Multi-Service Centre............................. 26
Stonebridge Life Care & Wellness........ 27
Delrose Retirement Residence.............. 26
Tillsonburg Retirement Residence....... 25
Sleep Therapy
Fanshawe College.................................. 27
Respiratory Homecare Solutions Inc.... 27
Funeral Services
Social & Human Services
The Arn-Lockie Funeral Home Ltd....... 27
Ostrander’s Funeral Home Ltd............. 28
VON Oxford........................................... 28
Respiratory Homecare Solutions Inc.... 27
Making Every Moment Matter
Call Debbie Today to book your personal visit and complimentary lunch!
[email protected]
We are...
Caring, sharing and working … together.
183 Rolph St. | Tillsonburg, ON
See this publication and others at
...if you can THINK it, we can INK it!
Tel.: 613-475-2927 • 800-339-5662
15681 Highway #2, Box 1599
Brighton, ON K0K 1H0
[email protected]
725 Gibralter St., Delhi
Email: [email protected]
◊ Professional Healthcare Staff 24 hours
◊ Emergency Call System in all Rooms
◊ Hair Salon
◊ Housekeeping and Laundry Services
◊ Delicious Home Cooked Meals
◊ Planned Activities & Entertainment
◊ Daily Exercise Program
◊ Trail Stays Available
Delrose offers private rooms surrounded by all the amenities
of home in a climate controlled setting. Our warm and
friendly staff assist residents with a customized approach to
their care. We strive to exceed your expectation of quality
and service through our traditions and values.
We invite you to call for information or a tour.
Multi-Service Centre
Since 1978
Someone you know may need us!
Home Support Services
Literacy & Employment Services
Range of Volunteer Opportunities
96 Tillson Avenue Tillsonburg N4G 3A1 (in The Livingston Centre)
519-842-9000 [email protected]
MSC is an accredited, charitable organization
The Arn-Lockie
Funeral Home Ltd.
Bill Lockie, Owner/Funeral Director
45 Main Street W., Norwich, ON
519-863-3020 • Fax: 519-863-3552
Caring For Families Since 1907
Woodstock Campus
Tillsonburg Centre
Quality Care Close to Home
Town Centre Mall, 200 Broadway, Suite 206, Tillsonburg ON N4G 5A7
519-842-3200 Toll free: 1-855-842-3200 • [email protected]
Classes taught by Certified Instructors • All services overseen by Registered Nurse
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Ostrander's Funeral Home Ltd.
43 Bidwell Street
Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3T6
Tel: 842-5221 Fax: 842-7145
E-mail: [email protected]
We are pleased to offer Select Funeral Planning to help
us better service the increasing numbers of families
who are coming to us to make their pre-planned funeral
Pre-planning allows you to protect your family from
struggling with tough decisions at a difficult time.
It assists you to make your wishes known and it can
provide real financial benefits if you pre-fund your
Our dedicated funeral directors are specially trained to
assist families in understanding our services and the
choices available including various payment options.
Our professional and caring staff is here to answer all
your questions and provide the services that have
been a tradition with Tillsonburg and surrounding area
families since 1920.
Available to assist you 24 hours a day.
Improve circulation to your legs and feet,
help maintain muscle strength, flexibility
and promote healthy bones by
exercising regularly.
Please remember
that visitors are
not to visit at any
time if they feel ill
in any way, with
fever, headache,
sore throat, chills,
cough, muscle
aches, etc.
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Your Health Care
Be Involved
Be involved in your health care. Speak up if you
have questions or concerns about your care.
Tell a member of your health care team about your
past illnesses and your current health condition.
Bring all of your medicines with you when you go to
the hospital or to a medical appointment.
Tell a member of your health care team if you have ever
had an allergic or bad reaction to any medicine or food.
Make sure you know what to do when you go home
from the hospital or from your medical appointment.
Funding for this project was provided by
the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Your Health Care - Be Involved
Caring, sharing and working … together.
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
167 Rolph Street, Tilsonburg, Ontario N4G 3Y9
Tel: (519) 842-3611 • Fax: (519) 688-1031