8:fi)AM - Collier County
8:fi)AM - Collier County
COLL!ER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUS!NG ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) 3299 TamiamiTrail East, 5th Floor, Training Room Naples, Florida 34112 May 16, 2016 8:fi)AM COMMITTEE MEMBERS Steve Hruby, AHAC Chairman Taylor McLauBhlin, Vice-Chair Joseph Schmitt, AHAC Member Litha Berger, AHAC Member John Cowan, AHAC Member Kristi Bartleft, AHAC Member Dr. Carlos Portu, AHAC Member christina Apostolidis, AHAc Mem ber Mark Strain, AHAC Member Denise Murphy, AHAC Member COLLIER COUNW STAFF Xim Grant, Director, Community and Human Services Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator CHS Jason Rummer, Operations Analyst, Public Services NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. ALL REGISTERED SPEAKERS WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES UNLESS THE TIME IS ADJUSTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. DURING COMMITTEE DISCUSSION, COMMITTEE MEMBERS MAY ASK DIRECT QUESTIONS TO INDIVIDUALS. PLEASE WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND STATE YOUR NAME AND AFFILIATION FOR THE RECORD BEFORE COMMENTING. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILIW WHO NEEDS ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, YOU ARE ENTITLED, AT NO COST TO YOU, THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE COLTIER COUNTY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. ASSISTED TISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE- L AHAC Meeting May 16, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CATL OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND STAFF 3. AGENDA AND MINUTES a. Approval of today's agenda b. Approve AHAC Minutes April 25,2Ol5 4. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Habitat lnformation - Denise Murphy b. Herald Tribune Article Regarding Affordable Housing 5. PUBTIC COMMENT a. Persons wishing to speak must register prior to speaking. All registered speakers will receive up to three (3) minutes unless the time is adjusted by the Chairman. 5. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND PRESENTATIONS a. b. 2016 HUD AMI c. Community Wide Housing Plan Charter Draft Review - Taylor McLaughlin For Profit Affordable Housing "Deal" Structures and Financing Approaches - - Steve Hruby Kim Grant STAFF AND COMMITTEE GENERAT COMMUNICATIONS NEXT MEETING DATE: June 20,2016; 8:00am to 10:00am. LOCATION: 5th Floor Training Room, Administration @uilding F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. 8. ADJOURN 2 AHAC 5/16/16 Item 3b MTNUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING April 25,2016 Naples, Florida LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:00 AM in a WORKING SESSION at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 5s Floor, Training Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present: Absent: Excused: Steve tlruby, Chair John Cowan Litha Berger Mark Strain Kristi Bartlett Denise Murphy Carlos Portu Christina Apostolidis Joseph Schmitt Taylor Mclaughlin AI,SO PRESENT: Community and Human Services Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services Raynesha Hudnell, Grants Coordinator Public PRESENT: Rene Givens, Hunger Homeless Coalition Barbara Melvin, First Florida lntegrty Bank Mary Waller, NABOR Jennifer Stark, Naples Florida Dream Home Michael Puchalla, HDC of SWFL Jim Wamken, David Lawrence Center Tamara Paquette, Candidate for County Commissioner, District 5 Alison Thom Terry Kays, Adonis Autism, lnc. l. Kim Grant, Director - CALL To ORDER Chairman Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:10 am. Mr. Hruby read the procedures to be observed during the meeting. AHAC 5/16/16 Item 3b 2. RoLL Clr,l - CoMMrrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF With six members in attendance a quomm was established. 3. APPRoVAL oF AGENDA A. Approval oftoday's agenda Kim asked that an item be added to 6e. Litha Berger moved to approve the agenda as amended, Kristi Bartlett seconded. There was a vote of 6-0 to approve. B. Approval of Minutes from March 28, 2016. John Cowan motioned to approve and Litha Berger seconded. The vote was 6-0 to approve. 4. INFoRMATIoNAL ITEMS A. Taylor Mclaughlin was to report on the 2016 HUD AMI, but was not in attendance. Kim suggested that we move her presentation to the next meeting and the group agreed. B. The group discussed the e-mail received ftom Mark Hahn. Mark Strain felt the information was overstated. C. Kim gave the group an overview ofthe webpage with the location ofall AIIAC related materials including information for new members, meeting agendas and minutes. D. Kim told the group about the SAIL allocation (State Apartment Incentive Loan) and explained that apartrnents are desperately needed. It has been 5 years since Collier County has received these funds. 5. PuBLrc CoMMENT A. Jim Warnken of the David Lawrence Center expressed his views regarding simple and greater incentives for workforce housing. B. Tamara Paquette stated that there is a gteat lack of affordable housing and she supports what the committee is doing is trying to provide acceptable housing for our workforce, and specifically would like to see less impact fees for affordable housing. 6. DrscussroN ITEMS A. AND PRESENTATToNS Jason Rummer gave the goup an update of the HOI and related data. He said that home prices are moving up, but the income rate remains flat which makes affordability go down. He reviewed the housing opportunities index, the average median income and the average median housing price. He also said that the average rent in Collier County has gone up approximately 70% over the past 2 years. Mark Strain asked several questions and discussion was had on model projection purposes and focusing on need. Agreement was reached that consistent data sources should be used. B. Kim asked the group for help in recognizing what the group knows about for profit developers. We are being approached by for profit builders and she wants to know how they are set-up, how their financing works, whetler or not they use grant funds and how 2 AHAC 5/16/16 Item 3b they are layered. Steve llruby said that there is not much difference between for profit and not for profit - they use the same dollars and same tax credits. He gave an explanation of how most big national firms develop, construct and manage the properties themselves. He gave the group a lot of information including that they use grants, loans, tax credits and other methods of financing. There were some questions and Litha Berger asked Steve if he would write a synopsis of the information he gave regarding the process. He said he would give a presentation to the committee at the next meeting. Denise Mu.phy said that Habitat relies on other builders to help them build. Tamara Paquette stated that Habitat pays the builder, and then the State repays Habitat. Denise volunteered to do some investigation regarding how many houses can be built and bring the information to the next meeting. C. Needs assessment - Kim told the group that every 5 years, as part ofthe consolidated plan process, we hire a consulting firm to do a needs assessment. This item will be going to the BCC tomorrow. They will look for the needs of the county including senior housing, affordable housing, housing for the disabled, healthcare facilities, among others. o. Mark Strain spoke to the group regarding the Land Development Code Amendment. He said there is very little affordable housing and no Medicaid housing. He suggested that we add a requirement that for any additional FAR approved over the base, that a percentage be required to be a fully fimded Medicaid or medicare bed. Litha Berger said we have nothing to offer people who are desperate. Terry Kays joined the discussion by stating that there will be 389,000 adults with autism who will be looking for housing by the year 2023. Jennifer Stark talked about dorm style living facilities where people had their own bedroom, while having shared living quarters. After discussion the committee agreed to request 50oZ of the increase in FAR to be allocated to Medicare or Medicaid beds seniors. Kim will send an e-mail to Caroline Cilek who is managing the LDC amendment process. Regarding the request, John Cowan motioned to support the proposed language, Mark Strain seconded and the group voted 6-0 in favor. -0. The group reviewed the application of Mr. Hector Femandez for membership. The committee reviewed the application for Mr. Fernsndez and had no choice but to to deny his application as the only available position is "labor engaged in home building" and Mr. Fernandez does not hqve this experience. His application will be retained for a time when there is a vacancy. There are now three preliminarily accepted candidates who couldjoin the committee if an approptiate slot opens up. They are Mary Walter, Barbara Melvin, and Hector Femandez (in this order based on application dates). 7. Conrrurxrs - STAFF/CoMMIrrEE MEMBER 3 AHAC 5i16116 Item 3b was a recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and major employers throughout the county. Many items were discussed including the Bayshore Triangle. The group wanted to know if there was a supply of county owned property that could be used for affordable housing. All present felt that the Affordable housing issue was a huge issue for their organizations. They felt that public and private organizations need to work together to provide housing. Kristi will let the group know when the next meeting is so that they may attend if they would like. A. Kristi Bartlett told the group that there 8. ADJoURN There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjoumed at 9:35 a.m. by a vote of 5-0. Motioned by Kristi Bartett, seconded by Denise Mrrphy. John Cowan left the meeting at 9:30 a.m. NExT MEETING: Meeting: May 20, 2016; 8:00am to I I :00am. Location: 5tb Floor Training Room, Administration @uilding F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. CoLLIER CoUNTY AFFoRDABLE HoUSING ADvrsoRY CoMMrrrEE Stephen Hruby, Chairman The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on "as submitted' l_) OR "as amended'l 1. 4 2016, Page I of 3 AHAC 5/16/16 Item 4b krIleLald{rihltne Affordable housingwhere it's most needed Mott A,v Chobon, Tlv N@ York nf,6 E\Nished: Mondo!, Mds 2, 2016 at 2:.n @4 Bv The offices of Hobb6 lDc., a third-geneiation home builder here, are lined wit]l awards and framed articles for the firm's decades of work. "2oo8 B€st Residential Remodel O\rer $3 \\\ Million." "2o1o Outstanding Home Over 12,ooo sq. Ft." "Imus ir t}le Aftemoon." 'Livhg Very Iarge." In his $/ood-paneled ofEce, scott Hobb6 was TltE NEw TORKTIMES / ANDRET going over what may be his most challenging Dom Milts, who moved inro Mirpon \,llare in Ns caud, cotuL, e18ht ]eaE ato, is pmject yet: the Millport Aparhents, a 73-u[it of affordable housins complex in the center New Canaa n. I n addition to being president of the family business, Hobbs is dtairman of tie housing authority for this town of 2o,ooo - a place more often associated with philip :T*.1""T*:'Jr"il""ff#*.1. coopLime trlirs to *i*r rt,te a srare lrw. Ne$ catuan disini*tior in-o.c of tbe mGr .'otifi€d of the "*s u d@de. o{housins omhi@l]v Mtion' Johnson's Glass House and Waveny, the 3oo acre estate ofa founder of Texaco, not to mention custom-built Hobbs homes on half- to four-acre lots. In Fairfield County, by many measures the most economically statified county in tie mo6t economically sb:atified state in the muntry, New Canaan has perhaps recently become something of an affordable housing leader. Not that the town had nruch choice in the matter. A 1990 state law Deant to reverse decades of housing discrimination requires all of Connecticutt 169 municipalites to guarantee that at lea-{ 10 percent oftheir housing units are affordable. In New Canaan, where the average home sells for $1.4 million, that number sta[ds at 2.7 percent. 'The p.oblem is, the state is using a said. The housing program "shoutd bazooka," Hobbs, a former tank commander, fit in with the existing communities instead of just blowing up what eleryone loves atrout tlem." A.ll across southwestem Connecticut, some of the r'v€althiest communities in America arc grappling with the mandate to make room for those lvho are rlot wealt]ry. some towns like Fairfield have implemented mandatory inclusionary housing programs, similar to those in New York Citf Daden, after spending millions on blocking projects, has started buildiry its own; lrfiile Milford, just a few inlets up the coast, has faced down numerous lawsuits and politicians have turned this issue into a reliable get-out-the-vote tactic. Tim Hollister, a partner at the law firm of Shipman & Mwin, has fought more than 1oo cases against towns under the slate law. About a quarter have been in Fairfield County. "In the past decade, I wont say the towns have embraced it, but they've learned to lire with it," Hollister said. "And noMy's turned into downtown stamfod." The law responsible for all this, statute 8-308, is rather simple and sraightforward' E\ery Connecticut con0munity hust ensue that 10 percent of its domiciles are affordable to a family earning, in most cases, about $64,000 a year or less' If not, http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/201605024',lEWS/160509993/2413lBUSINESS?templ"' 51912016 Page 2 developers effectively have the right to ignore zoning restrictions and build vhateler housing they want, so long as 30 percent of tho6e units arc set aside as affordable. Toims can get a four-year reprielE, however, ifthry ens1re a certaitr Dumber of of AHAC 5/',16/16 Item 4b affordable units have been built. To borrow Hobbs's metaphor, the law has created ar affordable housing ams race. And it was one of New Calaan's own who launched the first saho. charles BerEan, a resident and Ieal estste exeqrtNe experienced in wrangling with local ordinances, started Aralon Properties (later known as AlalonBa, in 1993. Among tlre firm's first projects $,as 1o4 apartDents on a pri\ate parkil8 lot Dext to the New CaDaan train station. The proposal, whicl overcame restrictions on multifamily housing by including zr affordable units, was rcsoundinSly rej€cted by the local planning commission but rcp€atedly upheld in court. After ft'e yeaN, the town settled the dispute and sw'apped out t}te parking lot for a parcel a mile away, though still ne3r downtown. After that ordeal, tov',n officials decided to take matters into tleir own hands. In 2oo7, over sbong opposition, a 1 percent suEiarge vas approlcd on building permits for all new or relovated homes, in order to crcate an affordable housiDg fund, The town has about 7,5oo households, only 178 of\rtrich were affordable at the time, so if New Canaan could build roughly 45 to 5s new units e!,ery four ,ears, it could stave off outside pmjects throwh the 8-3og moratorium. "It has to in harmony with the character and the atuospher€ of the town," reti€d architect and former dlairman oftle planning and zoning commission, r^/ho came up with the surcharge. "Right now, we'rejust limping atonS from four ,€ars to four years, ayiDg to do whatevei we can." be done said lasdo Papp, a The most obvious site for new units uas in place ofthe town's few old ones. Next to h'lrat became the A!.dlon pmperty, New Canaan in the rgsos had built a goup of 16 bungalords for veteEns (coincidentally constructed by Hobhs' grandfather). Those were tom down, and tolr'nhomes with 4o affordable units, lgrclvn as the Mill Apartments, wele built in their place. witi colorful vinyl siding and stainless steel appliances, the cortrpler opened in 2orl and does not look very diffeEnt from A\alon's lurury homes next door. The 24 additional apartments werc not enouSh to qualify for a momtorium, so officials tumed to another rcighboring ptoperty, a complex of r8 apartDrents buih irl t983 as federal public housing. These are now being rcdeleloped as the Millport Apartments, which the town brol(e gound or last month. With 73 units, built by New Yorfs Jonathan Rose CoBpanies, the expaNion will not only corr. the first fouryear moratorium but also go toward a second. "I've worked in Connectiort affordable housing for t2 years, and I'rc net€r seen a wealthy suburban town as prcactive about this as New Canaan has been," said David Mc{arthy, a senior project manager at Jonathan Rqse Cos. - this hfiich was pd!"tely developed in But ofncials insist after the erristing affordable housing has been upgraded includes one other potenthl the 197os - parel, Canaan Parish, they will be out ofviable land. Will the town spe[d millions buying large homes to demolish and replace with smaller ones, which would aryuably schools and se\ders fill local witiout filli.ng the tax coffers? "If we had to build more housing, that would mean we couldnl build a new school or firehouse, *'hich we would need pr€ciseb because ofthe new housing,- said Chris Hussey, a rcal estate broker who helped build Canaan Parish. And yet, the town danaged to build 41o units of new housing between 2ooo and 2o1o, accolding to the census. Only 43 ofthose were affordable, and z5 more have been 3 built since. http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20160502/NEWS/160509993/2413lBUSINESStempl...5/9/2016 Page 3 inno ti\e, if also infleE-ble. A receDt proposal to tum a former mill into 16 condominiums, flr'e of $fiici would have been affoidable the resl would sell for as much as $2.2 milliotr each - \aas fierrely oppos€d by neighbos. Ultimately, t}le town agreed to 10 units, none for low-income families, and instead the developer paid $2oo,ooo to the housing fundThe to*rr has proved itselfto b€ of 3 AHAC 5i16116 Item 4b 'The town is better offwith a real mix of people," Ned Thrslow, a $-yeat resident, This housing is a good thing, so long as it's not ugb, which is what said Iast week. really bothers people.Many living at Millport shaE tieir neighborc' concems. Donna Mills won the housing toftery, literaly and figuratively, and moved in eight years ago. She cannot wait for a new apartmeDt, with a dishwasher, in the rede!€loplrent, but she is equally gratefirl fol the apalhetrt she has, frr from the drug dealing and violence of her old home in Norwalk. 'There were a lot of people lrto ilould look at you funny, when we frst moved herc," Mills said inside her tidy t\ro-bedrooh duplex. 'Thry could tell. But now my boy's about to Braduate ftom college, and that's all that matters." Indeed, both sides might be more allies thao euemies rtieo it comes to new developEent. "I understand the argument, but 6ve or six stolies is just too big," said David Ritch, a mechanic ftom Stamford with tattoc and a Harley-Davidson $,lro hrs lived heIe almost t$,o yeals. 'Ihen you're packing people in like rats, and it starts to look like New York City. Nobody wants that." copFight O 2016 Heraldlribune.com - All rights rcserved. Restdcted use only. http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20160502N8WS/160509993/2413lBUSINESStempl...5l9l20l6 2016 lncoma Llmits and Ront Llmlts Florlda Houilng Flnanco Corporation SHIP Program HtJD released 3/28/2016 FHFC Poet€d r U3'l/2016 Psrcpntage County {liiotro) Catrgory Calhoun County Median: 40,400 Chrrlotte County (Punh Gorda irSA) Modlan: 52,400 Clt ur County Madhn 52,300 CLy Cour*y (Jad6onvig6 HMFA| Jadsoovill€ MSA) libdhn: 6{,900 Co[ior County (Naples-Marco ldond [.]€di€n: 65,700 Columbla County Medianr 57,m0 liSA) lncofiE Urnit 1 30% 11,880 fi% 15,000 2 ,l6,020 18,200 Iunbgr of Porson3 ln Housrhold 8 7 24,550 m,3m 28,150 30,000 2t 550 26,350 2E,150 30,000 4 5 20,160 22,7N m,450 ,2l00 3 B ro 9 R€ler to 31,780 ll Rent Umit o llumb8r ol EodroomE in Unlt 1 2 3 4 5 Huo at 348 w 590 658 126 33,536 3S7 4A 5fi 590 058 123 1,182 80% 25,450 29,050 32,700 36,300 30250 42,150 15,050 47,S50 50,848 53,754 636 681 81i 944 1,053 120* t8,to 43,8m 40,080 51/480 58,020 Gt,240 07F00 72,000 f6212 80,030 054 1,023 1,27 1,117 1,581 1,744 140% {4,520 50,960 57,280 83.560 68,740 73,780 78,820 84,000 m,984 94,069 '1,113 1,193 1,$1 'r$53 1,844 2,035 N7 348 504 6s0 188 520 625 r2,l 30% 11,000 16,020 20,160 24,300 28,440 322fi 34,450 36,650 50.6 rs,450 22,2N 25,000 27,750 30,000 32200 31,150 sc,050 38,850 41,070 REfEr to HUD 888 805 888 80% 31,100 35,550 40,000 u,400 48,000 5r,550 55,100 58,850 62,160 65,712 711 033 1,000 1,155 1,288 1,421 120% 46,880 5r280 o,000 66,600 72,000 7t,2A0 8iI,880 87,000 93,241) s8,568 {,187 1,2N r,500 1,7r2 t,m2 2,t33 1400h s4,460 62,180 70,000 77,700 81,m0 s0,160 96,480 102,ffi 108,780 111,9S6 1,361 1,457 1,750 2,021 2,?51 2,18{l 30% r'1,880 16,020 m,t60 24,300 27,4fi m,5@ 31,5@ 33,550 47 318 501 646 731 013 50.4 t7,800 m,350 4,t00 25,(@ 21,150 29,500 31J@ 33'550 35,560 31,*2 {45 476 tl2 6dl 137 8fl R6f6r lo Hl.lD 80% 28,450 32,500 30.550 (),600 43,850 47,100 50,350 53,600 56,896 m,1il7 711 701 913 1,055 1,1n 129D 1211 42,120 18.810 54,S0 o,060 55,881) 70,800 75,000 u,520 85,344 90,2l 1,068 1,14 1,374 r585 1,n0 1,95t 140% 49,840 58,980 64,120 11,1X 76,860 u,600 88,200 93,940 99,568 105,258 1248 r,335 1,603 1,849 2,085 2,218 341 370 504 653 811 s70 568 600 131 8t3 e41 1,038 30% 13,650 16,m0 m,180 24,300 mA4 32,580 36,730 40,890 flrt 22,7fi 26,000 a,2g 32,450 35,050 37,ofl) $2n a2,850 R6for to HUD 45,131) 18,026 80% 36,350 41,550 46,750 5't,s00 56,100 80,250 64,400 68,550 72,m8 78,842 908 973 1,188 1,350 1,sffi 1,661 't20% 51,800 0:1,o0 70,o0 77,880 Et,120 90,36rI 06,600 't02,8t0 109,032 fl5,252 1,365 1,152 1,t56 2,025 2,259 2,,93 t40% 03,700 72,800 81,900 00,m0 s8,140 105,420 112,700 119,980 127,2M 134,473 1,592 1,706 2,U7 2,362 2,035 2,S08 30% 13,800 16,m0 m.160 24,m0 29,4q 32,580 30,730 40,890 345 x72 504 059 014 970 615 710 85,1 e5t 't,05t 1,182 1,360 Rofsr lo HUD 50% 2t,000 26,300 20,600 32,850 35,S00 38,150 io,7fll 43,400 45,900 {8,618 575 m% 36,800 42,050 47,m0 52,560 56,800 6t,000 05,200 89,400 73,584 n,789 920 985 1,525 1,882 120* 55,200 $,1m f1,w ?8,810 85300 91,560 97,800 104,t60 t't0,t76 I18,683 1,380 't,1?9 i,n6 2,0$ 1280 2,524 140% 6,1,400 73,640 82,880 91,980 9S,4m 106,8m 111,1m 121,520 128,t12 '136,130 1,0'10 1,725 2,012 2.670 2,945 30% 11,880 't0,020 20,160 24,300 27,000 29,000 31,000 33,000 348 504 6,l l 125 800 {t8 502 650 IA 800 1,160 1,280 2,392 50!( 17500 20,000 22,500 25,000 z',0m 29,000 31,000 33,00{ 35,000 37,000 n7 €7 80% 28.000 32,000 36,000 (),000 $,xn 46,400 49,600 52,800 56,000 59,200 700 7$ 900 't,040 120!/ 42,000 18,000 54,000 60,000 04,800 0s,600 7a,100 79200 8{,000 88,800 1,050 1,18 't,350 t,5to 1,740 1,020 Orq 1,225 r,312 1,575 1,820 2,030 2,211 O) 140% 19,000 56,000 63,000 70,000 subject to clEnge. Updated sch€dules wlll b€ prcvlded when cfiangeo occur. 75,600 81,200 86,800 92,400 Roler to HUD 98,000 103,600 _- 6> 3 () AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Collier County Housing Plan Project and Stakeholder Charter Version 7.0 June 14, 2016 Collier County Housing Plan Project and Stakeholcter Chatter AHAC 5i16116 Item 6c VERSION HISTORY Version # 1.0 lmplemented By Kim Grant Revision Date 6t1412016 Approved By BCC Page 2 of 15 Approval Reason Date 6t14t16 lnitial Charter Collier County Housing Plan Project and Stakehotder Chatter TABLE OF CONTENTS AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c 4 INTRODUCTION Purpose of Project Charter............. 4 Project And Product Overview 4 4 JUSTIFICATION Business Need 4 Strategic Alignment 4 5 5 High-Level Requirements 5 Major Deliverables 6 . Boundaries.......-...... 5 DURATION 7 EUDGET ESTIMATE 7 ASSUMPTIONS, CONSTRAINTS AND RISKS 7 ............8 Constraints.......... 8 Risks.. 9 PROJECT ORGANIZATION Roles and Responsibilities Stakeholder committee ... ............................9 membership ..............10 PROJECT CHARTER APPROVAL L2 PROJECT CHARTER APPROVAT t2 APPENDIX A: REFERENCES 13 Page 3 of 15 Coltier County Housing Plan Proiect and Stakeholder Charter AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Introduction Purpose of Proiect Charter The Collier County Housing Plan project and stakeholder definition documents and tracks the necessary information required by decision maker(s) to approve the Housing Plan. The project charter includes the needs, scope, justification, and resource commitment as well as the project's sponsor(s) decision to proceed or not to proceed with the project. The intended audience of the Collier County Housing Plan project charter is the stakeholder committee, senlor county leadership and the Board of County Commissioners. Proiect And Product Overview workshop on Affordable Housing, the BCC gave direction to staff to begin development of a request for proposal (RFP) to hire a partner/consulting firm to assist in the development of a County Wide Housing Plan, and to include wide ranging community partners in the At the March 1, 2016 BCC development of the plan. The funding for this plan development is to come from the remaining funds in the Marco lsland Trust fund which has been cleared to be used for affordable housing efforts. The budget required will be developed as part of the responses to the RFP. The goal is to complete the plan development through approval within eighteen (18) months, or by September 2017. Justification Business Need Significant data exists on the need for housing in Collier County. As well, the land development codes and growth management plan provide a basis for development of affordable housing. The County approved a methodology for predicting the need for future affordable housing in 2015, and a slate of additional incentives for affordable workforce housing was presented in December 2015 to the BCC, and again in March 2016. ln parallel there are various community efforts underway by the United Way of Collier County, the Collier County Chamber of Commerce, and others, to develop a means to meet the demand for housing for all residents of the County. All of this information notwithstanding, there is not a cohesive, inclusive and rational plan in place to meet short and longer term housing needs in our community. lt has been directed by the BCC to develop such a plan. For a compilation of the existing resources and data, contact the Community and Human Services Division of Collier County at 239-252-2273. Strategic Alignment Page 4 of 15 Collier County Housing Ptan Project and Sbkeholder Charter Proiect Goal Comments Response AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Rank Sco/e: H - High, M- Medium, L - Low, N/A - Not Applicable State of Florida Statutes: Chapter 163.3U7 H Obligation to provide for housing, and allowable options Florida statute 125.01055 (incl. 166.0415) H Allows inclusionary zoning Collier County Strategic Goals: To responsibly plan and manage community H growth, development, redevelopment, and protect the natural environment. To improve the quality of life and promote personal H self-reliance and independence. Growth Management Plan Housing Element Goals: Reference Appendix A to view goals in the Housing H Element Scope Obiectives Develop a community wide housing plan High-Level Requirements The following table presents the requirements that the project's product, service or result must meet in order for the project objectives to be satisfied. Req. # Requirement Description 1 Community Engagement 2 Consistency with Growth Management Plans (as amended) 3 Consistency with Land Development Codes (as amended) 4 Stakeholder Committee Approval Page 5 of 15 Cotlier County Housing Plan Project and Stakeholder Chader AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Req. # Requirement Description 5 Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Approval 6 Board of County Commissioners Approval Maior Deliverables The following table presents the major deliverables the project must meet in order for the project objectives to be satisfied. Major Deliverable Deliverable Description sta keholder Committee BCC approval Request for Proposal Stakeholder Committee and AHAC approval of the of membership Solicitation Document Partner/Consultant Selected Stakeholder Committee, AHAC and BCC approval of partner/consultant Plan Developed Stakeholder, AHAC and BCC approval of Plan Boundaries The project will likely result in local level regulatory changes, and will not likely result in a need for regulatory changes outside of county control. The project outcome may result in development of additional funding strategies to support housing needs in the community. Page 6 of 15 Collier County Housing Plan tuoject and Shkeholdet Chafter AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Duration Task Develop a draft charter and draft membership for a Responsible Target Kim Grant (KG) May 1 for internal housing stakeholder committee to oversee housing review and input plan development BCC adopts charter and appoints stakeholder June 14 BCC KG committee consisting of representatives from all key meeting community constituencies Develop an RFP to solicit a partner/consultant to KG/Purchasing Early May KG/AHAc/stakeholder July 31, 2016 develop the housing plan AHAC and stakeholder commlttee approve RFP Committee RFP Selection to KG, Purchasing, BCC Sept 2016 Selection Committee Plan Development and Acceptance All September 2017 (depending on schedule set with firm awarded the contract) Budget Estimate There are funds available in fund 116 that are designated for efforts associated with affordable housing An estimate of S250,000 has been developed for this project for the partner/consulting firm, based on expenditures for similar initiatives around the country. Assumptions, Constraints And Risks Assumptions This section identifies the statements believed to be true and from which a conclusion was drawn to define this project charter. 1. There is a shared view that short and long term solutions are needed to address the demand for affordable workforce housing in our community 2. All stakeholders and community participants will participate cooperatively and commit to successful conclusion Page 7 of 15 a Collier County Housing Plan Project and Shkeholder Chafter 3. AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee will act as the advisory board to the BCC during this process 4. All data will be substantiated 5. The process will be highly inclusive 6. The outcomes will include public and private sector solutions and actions 7. The plan will be sustainable and address periods of economic upturns and downturns Constraints This section identifies any limitations that must be taken into consideration prior to the initiation of the project. 1. The project will be done bySeptember20lT 2. Without further allocation, the funds available will be constrained by the available balance of funds allocated to affordable housing activities 3. Any outcomes that require regulatory chanBes may take fairly long durations to implement Risks Risk Mitigation lnability to reach consensus Hire experienced, seasoned partner/consultant firm An affected element of the community is not involved in the Obtain input on the charter document and entities to participate in the stakeholder group; also hold advertlsed process public meetings for input; engage the news media to inform citizens of the process After the development of the Ensure broad and thorough community and staff input; plan, it is not approved or develop checkpoints to report to the accepted confirm direction, or to redirect; address early any BCC on progress to significant issues that may arise including seeking alternative courses of action if need be; ensure clear and broad communication about developed data and strategies; ensure accuracy in data developmenU minimize assumptions; make the plan as simple as possible; make sure the plan has discrete deliverables that can readily be determine to have been met, or not Page 8 of 15 Cotlier County Housing Plan Project and Stakeholder Chafter AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Mitigation Risk Resources required to implement the plan will not materialize Since there is funding set aside, the main resource concern is of time from the stakeholders and staff, as well as community members. Development of this plan is one strategy as it clarifies roles, responsibilities and time commitments; communicate this plan and obtain agreement from all involved; maintain contact with all stakeholder groups; utilize the Communication Manager and project manager roles to "corral" people and teams on assignments and tasks. Proiect Organization Roles and Responsibilities This section describes the key roles supporting the project. Name & Proiect Role Project Responsibilities Project Sponsor Responsible for acting as the project's champion and providing direction and support to the team. ln the context ofthis document, this entity approves the request for funding, approves the project scope represented in this document, and Organization Collier County Government BCC sets the priority of the project. Members TBD - See Section 8.2 below Stakeholder Committee Responsible to provide high level guidance of the process to ensure comprehensive and practical solutions are identified, assign a staff level designee to represent designated community or governmental sector at all related meetings, workshops, gatherings related to this initiative, attend all stakeholder meetings (anticipated one/quarter), communicate with the AHAC, staff and other Stakeholder Committee members; vote on approval of the RFP and the consultant/partner selection, and the completed plan. Responsibilities end when plan is approved by the BCC. Kim G rant Government Monitor Community and Human Services TBD Contracting Partner Affordable AHAC Members Housing Advisory Estimate total effort is 20 - 50 hours. Government employee who provides the interface between the project team and the project sponsor. Additionally, they will serve as the single focal point of contact for the project Manager to manage the day-to-day interests. This person has adequate business and project knowledge in order to make informed decisions. Person/entity who has the expertise to assist in development ofthe plan. This person bearsthe legal respo nsibility for the contract for the contracted ent ity Adv isory committee representatives responsible for technical and practical advisement as the process take effect. Majority of membership required to approve the plan before Page I of 15 Collier County Housing Plan Project and Stakeholder Charter Name & Project Role Organization Committee Project Responsibilities AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Leo Ochs, Jr. Business presentation to the BCC. Coordinate with community stakeholder committee members. Person who performs the day-to-day management of the projea and has specific accountability for manaBing the project within the approved constraints of scope, quality, time and cost, to deliver the specified requirements, deliverables and customer satisfaction. Person who maintains all contact information, ensures all stakeholders are informed, communicates with the media, develops outreach materlal and web presence, assists in conducting public sessions, ensures on-going and current communication with all involved. Maintains current versions of all documents. Person in management, who is responsible for the project in County Manager Steward its entirety. TBD, Community Project Manager and Human Services Division TBD Communication Manager Stakeholder committee membership The committee will be comprised of the following roles, and recommended individuals are identified as candidates: Community Sector l / Large Employer Recommended lndividual 5 United Way of Collier County Collier County Chamber of Commerce Naples Community Hospital Collier County School District Collier County Government - as employer 5 Arth rex 8 9 Collier County Sherriffs office Publix Supermarkets 10 Hotels/Restaurants Ll Not for profit housing developers For profit affordable housing developers 2 3 4 72 13 Construction lndustry: Collier Building lndustry Association 74 Higher Education 15 16 Community Development County Community Development L7 City Homeless Prevention 18 19 20 2L, - Government - - Government - Southwest Florida Apartment Association Banking lndustry Seniors/Senior Housing Community - At Large Page 10 of 15 I Collier County Housing Plan Project and Sakeholcler Chader AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c 22, 2t Please see above section for roles and responsibilities of stakeholder committee members. once assembled, the Stakeholder Committee will select a Chair, Co-Chair, and as needed, any subcommittee chairs; and will operate under Robert's Rules of Order. The Chair or co-chair of the stakeholder committee will represent the stakeholder committee at regular meetings of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. Organizational Chart There will be extensive opportunity for members of the community from all sectors to participate in this process. r_ Citizens BCC I Staff AHAC Pa rt ner Page / '1 Consultant 1 of 15 keholder Committee Sta Collier County Housing Plan Proiect and Stakeholdet Charter ProiectCharterapproval AHAC 5/16/16 ttem 6c The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the project and stakeholder committee charter and authorize and fund the collier County Housing Plan project. Changes to this project charter will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Date: Signature: Donna Fiala, Chair Title Role: Date: Signature: Leo Ochs, Jr. County Manager Print Name: Title: Ro le: Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Role: Page 12 of 15 Collier County Housing Plan Project and Stekeholder Chafter AHAC 5i16116 Item 6c APPENDIX A: REFERENCES The following table summarizes the documents referenced in this document. Description Location Florida Statute Obligation to provide for http://www.les.state.fl.us/Statute Chapter 163.3177 housing, and allowable options s/index.cfm?App mode=Displav S tatute&u RL=01000199/0163/Sections/0163.3 177.ht Oocument Name and Version ml Florida Statute http://www.f lsenate.Aov/LawslSta Allows inclusionary zoning 125.01055 (incl. tutes/2010/125.01055 166.041s) Collier County To responsibly plan and managr Strategic Goals community growth, development, redevelopment, and protect the natural I howdocu ment?id=53138 environment. To improve the quality of life and promote personal self- http://www.colliergov.net/hom howdocument?id=53138 reliance and independence. Growth Collier County has approved http://www.colliergov.net/vour- Management Plan goals for Housing. govern Housing Element Development of local goals for e/com munitv-a nd-h u man- housing is required by the services/housing- state. programs/advisory-boards G oals Affordable/Workfo m e nt/d ivis io n s-a- The BCC has approved a http://www.coll iergov. net/your rce Housing methodology for predicting the government/divisions Population Based need for future affordable units lndex Model based on the net population Mthodlogy change year over year. e/community and humanservices/housing programs/advisory-boards December 2015 This report shows the current Triennial lncentive incentives in place, as well as Page 13 of 15 a http://www.colliergov.net/vourgove rn me nt/d iv isj!)lls:!: els Collier County Housing Plan Project and Stakeholder Chafter nd-huma! Review with recommendations for future e/com Additional Options consideration. services/housingproqrams/advisory-boa rds March 2, 2016 This material was reviewed at http://www.colliergov.net/your Affordable the workshop. Workforce Housing sovernment/divisions-ae/community-and-h u ma n- Workshop Material se for Consideration m un ity-a rvices/ho u5ing- programs/ advisorv-boards Page 14 of 15 AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Colliet County Housing Plan Project and Sbkeholder Chartet AHAC 5/16/16 Item 6c Page 15 of 15 Affordable Housing Advisory Committee llork Phone Home Phone Name Appt'd Exp. Dote Term DateRe-oppt 2ndExpDste 2nd Term 10/01/18 VACANT VACANT 3 Years Naples, FL E-Moil: District: Category': F.S. 420.9076(2)c. Labor engaged in home building Mr. Stephen J. Hruby 430-3005 06llU07 430€011 Gordon Naples, FL 34102 E-M ail [email protected] Drive I 800 09124/13 t0/0107 t0/0v16 4 Months 3 Years 0/01/16 I Year : Distict:4 C otegory' : F.S. 420.907 6(2)a. Residential Home Bldg Industry Berger 1648 Windmill Ave. Ms. Litha S. ) 4sG.3369 l0ll3ll5 r | il2-3707 Marco Island, FL 34145 E - M u i I : [email protected] District:7 Categoq': F.S. 420.9076(2)9. Real Estate Professional Portu 1230 Ludlam Ct. Dr. Carlos ;4) 993-3922 03/08/16 t4) 993-3922 l\/0lll7 1.5 Years Marco Island, FL 34145 E- Mai I : [email protected] Dislrict: 1 Category': F .5. 420.9076(2)k. Essential Services Personnel Bartlett 116 Cypress Way East Ms. Kristi Naples, E- Ma i I FL : District: | 40u2914 11) 07107115 229-0657 34110 [email protected] 2 Cotegor!: F .5.420.9076(2)d. Advocate for Low Income Persons Ftida)', lllotch I l,2016 Pagc I of4 10/01117 2 Years Affordable Housing Advisory Committee llork Phone Home Phone Name Appt'tl DateRe-appl Term 2nd Term 10l0lll,'7 1.5 Years 03108116 10/01/18 2.5 Years Apostolidis Ms. Christina ) 5s1-6742 03/08/16 15315 Summit Place Circle Naples, FL 34119 E- M u il : [email protected] District: Exp. Date 2ndExpDate 3 Categon': F.S. 420.907 6(2)j. Employers within jurisdiction Mr. Joseph K. Schmitt 7629 Mulberry Lane Naples, FL 341l4 ) 2484931 ) 417-9147 E-rUnr7; j [email protected] Dislt'icl: I Corego4': F.S. 420.9076(2)i. Resident in Jurisdiction Srain N.W. Mr. Mark 3675 Third Ave. Naples, E- Mu i I : FL 0 2524446 04109113 0 455-78s8 09/23/14 t0t0U14 t0t1l17 I .5 Years 3 Years 34120 [email protected] District: 5 Category,: F.S. 420.9076(2)h. CCPC Mclaughlin 777 97th Ave. N. Ms. Taylor J. Naples, E- Mui I : ) 771-uo7 l0ll3ll5 l0i0ll18 3 Years o 777-5407 FL 34108 tarncld)ghlin@fcb1 923.com Dislricl: 2 Categon,: F.S. 420.9076(2)b. Banking and Mortgage Cowan Drive Mr. John L. 375 Kingstown Naples, E - Ma i I : 6497363 09/03/08 09t02/11 06124/14 09/02/17 FL 34102 jcow anl927 @gmail.com District:4 Catego4': City of Naples-Not for Profit *see notes* Ftida!, lllit.h I 1. 2016 Page 2 of4 3 Years 3 Years Affordable Housing Advisory Commiftee |iame Work Phone Appt'tl Home Phone DateRe-appt Exp. D e 2ndExpDate l0/01/18 Ms. Denise Murphy ) 298-5773 03/08/16 ) 687-0559 3940 Guava Drive Naples, FL 34104 E- M a il : [email protected] Districl:4 C at egory : F.S. 420.907 6(2)e. For-Profi t Provider Friday Morch ll,2016 Page .l of l T.!rm 2nd Term 2.5 Years Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'tl DaleRe-appt Exp. Dole 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term This committee was created by Ordinance No. 9'165, as amended, which was repealed and replaced by Ordinance No. 2013-27. The purpose of this committee as described by 420.9076 Fla. Stat. ia to revieu/ policies, procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and the adopted local govemment comprehensive plan, and to recommend specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing. The committee shall submit a triennial report to the Board of County Commissioners that includes recommendations on, and evaluates the implementation of, affordable housing incentives as required by 420.9076(4) Fla. Stiat. Terms are three years, and membership must consist of the following: (a) One citizen who is actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing. (b) One citizen who is a6tively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing. (c) One citizen who is a representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building in connection with affordable housing. (d) One citizen who is actively engaged as an advocate for low-income Persons in connection with affordable housing. (e) One citizen who is actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing. (f) One citizen who is actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing. (g) One citizen who is actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing. (h) One citizen who actively serves on the localplanning agency pursuant to s. 163.3174. lfthe local planning agency is comprised of the governing board of the county or municipality, the governing board may appoint a designee who is knowledgeable in the local planning process. (i) One citizen who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments. jurisdiction. O One citizen who represents employers within thepersonnel, as defined in the local housing (k) One citizen who represents essential services assistance plan. cc: Barbetta Hutchinson 2524?28 F L S'CAT: 420.9076 StoJJ: Kim Grant, Housing & Human Services Director: 252-8442 Frido!, March I l, )016 Page 4 of4 Collier Cou nty Government Communication & Customer Relations Division 3299 Tamiami Trail E.. Suite 102 Naples, Florida 34112-57 46 colliergo!.net trr ittcr,com/( ollie rl'10 facebook.com/( ollier(lor r outu be.com/(-'ollier(,ior May 10,2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COLLIER COT]}ITY, FLORIDA May 16,2016 8:00 a.m. Notice is hereby given that the Alfordable Housing Advisory Commiuee will meel Monday, May 16, 2016 at 8:00AM in the Training Room on the 56 Floor of the Administration Building (Building "F"j located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL, 34112. In regard to the public meeting: Two or more members of the Board of County Commissioners may be present and may participate at the meeting. The subject matter of this meeting may be an item for discussion and action at a future Board of County Commissioners meeting. All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak. All registered public speakers Iimited to three minutes unless permission for additional time is granted by the chairman. will be Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners, an advisory board or quasi-judicial board), register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or other reasonable accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, should contact the Collier County Facilities Management Division, located at 3335 Tamiami Trail E., Suite 101, Naples, Florida 34112, or (239) 2528380, as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. Such reasonable accommodations will be provided at no cost to the individual. For more information, call Barbetta Hutchinson at (239) 252-4228.