Åmål`s Blues Fest 2015 ¤ (8)9-12 July ¤ 24th
Åmål`s Blues Fest 2015 ¤ (8)9-12 July ¤ 24th
Åmål’s Blues Fest 2015 ¤ Wednesday 8 ”Pre-Blues” Golf Trott-race Club-Blues 13:30 14:45 21-24 Thursday 9 Åmåls Konsthall 13-19 KulturMagasinet 16-19 (8)9-12 July Sofie Reed Göran Blues Band & J. Lindblom Café XO Innes Sibun & The Selected (UK/SE) Hörnan Göran Blues Solsidan Sofie Reed (USA) Exhibition Vernissage 3 x Blues Photo – 13:00 Sofie Reed Opening/Exhibition: Talk, 4 acts, ÅBF Junior Blues Prize 16:15 Shoutin Red 17:30 Ladies Got The Blues 100: - KulturMagasinet 20:30-01 16:50 Among Lynx 18:25 Sofie Reed ”BLUES NITE” 21 Factory Smokers Street Revue 23 Harry Banks Band 22 Among Lynx 24 Honeyboy Slim & the Bad Habits 60/100:- Club-Blues Friday 10 Åmåls Konsthall 10-17 Exhibition – 3 x Blues Photo! BreakfastBlues 09:30-11 Café XO KulturMagasinet 11-16 12:00 Shoutin´ Red 13:00 Big Creek Slim, Jens Dam-Pedersen, Peter Nande (DK) 14:00 Crafton/D’Addario/MM/ÅBF - Winners of the Åmål Blues Contest! 14:20 Among Lynx 15:15 Svante Sjöblom, Paul Banks, Olav Poulsen (SE/DK) Back Yard Jam 11:30-16 Per Ängkvist & Mercury Jam Band Open Stage: 14:00 Sense of Blue Cream Kulturtorget 14-16 Street-Blues 14-16 E.L.S. Band ICA/COOP Gågatan 14-15 15-16 Torggatan Hörnan Solsidan Strand Café Club-Blues Friday 10 July BluesTerminalen Saturday 11 21-01 ¤ 24th Annual 14-16 Café XO Hörnan Solsidan Strand Café Örnäs Rest. Innes Sibun & The Selected (UK/SE) , Svante Sjöblom Shoutin´ Red with guest Bill Öhrström Crocodile Claes & Alabama Lovesnakes Geir Westby Band (NO/SE) Fat Bull & Ångmaskinen Innes Sibun & guests Gus Almstedt Band Tim Lothar & Peter Nande (DK) HP Lange, Paul Jr., Jens Dam-Pedersen (DK) Göran Blues Band Harry Banks Band Factory Smokers Street Revue Crocodile Claes & Alabama Lovesnakes 16:30 – 02:00 . Åmåls Konsthall 10-13 Exhibition – 3 x Blues Photo! BreakfastBlues 09:30-11 Café XO KulturMagasinet 11-15 12:00 Tim Lothar, Svante Sjöblom, Olav Poulsen (DK/SE) 13:00 Sofie Reed 14:15 HP Lange, Paul Banks (DK) Per Ängkvist & Mercury Jam Band Back Yard Jam 11:30-15 Kulturtorget 12-14 Street-Blues 12-14 Club-Blues 12-14 Saturday 11 July BluesTerminalen 15:30 – 02:00 Innes Sibun & guests Honeyboy Slim & the Bad Habits ICA/COOP E.L.S. Band Gågatan Harry Banks Band Torggatan Gus Almstedt Band Hörnan Shoutin´ Red Solsidan Big Creek Slim Band (DK) Strand Café Geir Westby Band (NO/SE) . BLUESTERMINAL 2015 EventTerminal Åmål 2-days tickets: At the door 660:-, Presale 580:Friday 10 July, 16:30 – 02 Announcement of The Åmål’s Blues Fest Award! 17-18:50 Sofie Reed ¤ 17:55 Honeyboy Slim & the Bad Habits 19:00 Shoutin Red Jr Blues Prize ‘14/Ladies Got The Blues 20:00 Brian Kramer Band (USA/SE) 21:00 Sven Zetterberg Blues Band Åmål’s Blues Fest Award 1997 22:00 Mad Dogs 23:00 Tim Mitchell Band (US/UK/ES) 24:00 Rita Engedalen & Backbone (NO) 01:00 Knock-Out Greg & The Injectors Saturday 11 July, 15:30 – 02 16-17:50 Among Lynx ¤ 16:55 Factory Smokers Street Revue 18:00 Ina Forsman & Helge Tallqvist Band (FIN) 19:00 Harry Banks Band 20:00 Blues Jamboree (DK/SE) 21:00 Bobby Rush (USA) 22:15 Thorbjörn Risager & The Black Tornados (DK) 23:15 Jasmine Kara 00:15 Alvin Youngblood Hart’s Muscle Theory (USA) 01:15 Gumbo Åmål’s Blues Fest Award 2014 Sponsor Ljudmakaren Sunday 12 July, 13-15 KulturMagasinet 13:00 Sofie Reed (USA) 120.- 13:30 Alvin Youngblood Hart, solo (USA) 14:00 Kiralina Salandy & Slim’s Gospel Train (USA/SE) 14:55 All Together – “Jesus on the Main-Line”! Thank Ya’ll, now it’s not Even a Year until the 25 Years Jubilee! See Ya 2016, 7-10 July!
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