VII. Uluda₣ Üniversitesi UluslararasÛ Ğli kiler KonferansÛ
VII. Uluda₣ Üniversitesi UluslararasÛ Ğli kiler KonferansÛ
9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ 9,, 8/8'$þ 8/86/$5$5$6, / . /(5 .21)(5$16, -8/86/$5$5$6, 6 67(0'( <(1 'h=(1 $5$<, /$5,- (21- (. 0 %XUVD 7•UNL\H (' 7g5/(5 Prof. Dr. Tayyar ARI ² 'Ro 'U %DU× g='$/ 2016 VII. ULUDAþ CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS -IN SEARCH OF A NEW ORDER IN INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM%XUVD 7•UNL\H (21-22 OCTOBER (',7g5/(5 (',7256 Prof. Dr. Tayyar ARI ² 'Ro 'U %DU× g='$/ 2016 Bursa, Mart 2016 9,, 8OXGD÷ 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ -8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ(21- (NLP %XUVD 7•UNL\H (GLW|UOHU Prof. Dr. Tayyar ARI 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL øø%) 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU %|O•P• %DúNDQÕ 'Ro 'U %DUÕú g='$/ 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL øø%) 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU %|O•P• 6L\DVL 7DULK $QDELOLP 'DOÕ %DúNDQÕ 6D\ID 7DVDUÕPÕ : 1XUKDQ ù(.(5<$.$1 .DSDN 7DVDUÕPÕ : gQGHU $<'2ö08ù %DVÕP YH &LOW Sertifika No %DVNÕ 0DUW : 'HNXSH 7DQÕWÕP $ ù : 15556 6, xviii + 1028 sh. ‹ '25$ %DVÕP-<D\ÕQ 'D÷ÕWÕP /WG ùWL %DVÕP-<D\ÕQ 'D÷ÕWÕP /WG ùWL Tel : +90 (224) 221 38 39 +90 (224) 225 37 46 Fax : +90 (224) 220 36 73 $OWÕSDUPDN 0DK %R]NXUW &DG Avdan Apt. 10/1 Osmangazi / BURSA [email protected] [email protected] ISBN: 978-605-9666-13-8 +HU KDNNÕ VDNOÕGÕU %X NLWDEÕQ WDPDPÕ YH\D ELU NÕVPÕ VD\ÕOÕ \DVDQÕQ K•N•POHULQH J|UH DO5$ %DVÕP-<D\ÕQ 'D÷ÕWÕP /WG ùWL ¶QLQ |QFHGHQ L]QLQL DOPDNVÕ]ÕQ HOHNWURQLN PHNDQLN IRWRNRSL YH\D KHUKDQJL ELU VLVWHPOH EDVÕODPD] oR÷DOWÕODPD] YH ELOJLVD\DU RUWDPÕQGD WXWXODPD] .D\QDN J|VWHULOHUHN DOÕQWÕ \DSÕODELOLU %X NLWDSWD \HU DODQ W•P \D]ÕODUÕQ HWLN GLO ELOLP YH KXNXNL DoÕGDQ VRUXPOXOX÷X \D]DUOaUÕQD DLWWLU 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ ¤ æ! 1¶/(-/20 î)î (î)"/î+î+ # (1²/¶ ,) / ( ¤"/("0 "1+î( *, î)î7 06,+2 Veronika TSIBENKO* (Southern Federal Univ.) g]HW øNL \•]ÕOGÕU dHUNHV 6RUXQX 7•UN-5XV LOLúNLOHULQGH |QHPOL URO R\QDPDNWaGÕU %DWÕ .DINDV\D \ÕOÕQGD UHVPL RODUDN 5XV\D¶QÕQ SDUoDVÕ Rlduktan sonra dHUNHV 6RUXQX XOXVODUDUDVÕ SROLWLNDVÕQGD |QHPLQL ND]DQPÕúWÕ µ'HPLU 3HUGH¶QLQ NDOGÕUÕOPDVÕ YH dHUNHV 'LDVSRUDQÕQ .DINDV\D¶GDNL dHUNHVOHUOH ED÷ODQWÕODUÕ \eQLGHQ NXUPDVÕ \•]•QGHQ ;; \•]\ÕOÕQ ¶OHULQGH EDúOD\DQ dHUNHV HWQLN PRELOi]DV\RQX dHUNHV 6RUXQXQX \LQH J•QGHPH WDúÕPÕúWÕ 66&%¶QLQ GD÷ÕOPDVÕ GD dHUNHV GDKLO ROPDN •]HUH .DINDV KDONODUÕQÕQ JHOHFH÷L WDUWÕúPD QRNWDVÕQD JHWLrPLúWL 2 ]DPDQGDQ EHUL dHUNHV FHPL\HWL oRN GH÷LúPLúWL 5XV\D¶GDNL $GÕJH KDONODUÕQÕ .DEDUGH\OHU $GÕJH\OHU dHUNHVOHU YH GL÷HUOHUL ELUOHúWLUPH oDEDODUÕ J|VWHULOPLúNHQ 7•UNL\H¶GH dHUNHV-.DINDV HWQLN NLPOL÷L dHUNHV-$GÕJH NLPOL÷LQH G|Q•úPH\H EDúODPÕúWÕ %XQGDQ EDúND $EKD]ODU YH dHoHQOHU NHQGL PLOOL KDUHNHtOHUL NXUPDN LoLQ dHUNHV FHPL\HWLQGHQ D\UÕOPD\Õ WHUFLK HWPLúWL dHUNHV 6RUununa .Õú 2OLPSL\DWODUÕ 6RoL¶GH RODFD÷Õ NDUDUÕ EHOLUWLOPHNWHQ VRQUDNL XOXVODUDUDVÕ WRSOXPXQ GLNNDWL dHUNHV HWQLN PRELOL]DV\RQXQD KÕ] YHUPLúWL 7•UNL\H¶GHNL E•\•N YH SROLWLN RODUDN DNWLI RODQ dHUNHV 'LDVSRUDVÕ dHrNHV HWQLN PRELOL]DV\RQXQXQ 7•UN-Rus ilLúNLOHULQH HWNLVLQL oRN DUWÕUPDNWDGÕU dHUNHV IDNW|U• JHQHOOLNOH ROXPVX] RODUDN J|U•OG•÷• KDOGH SR]LWLI SRWDQVL\HOL olmaktan eminiz. Anahtar Kelimeler: .DINDV\D (WQLN 0RELOL]DV\RQX dHUNHVOHU dHUNHV 6RUXQX 7•UN-5XV øOLúNLOHUL CIRCASSIAN ETHNIC MOBILIZATION AS A FACTOR OF CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN-TURKISH RELATIONS Abstract Almost two hundred years the Circassian question has been playing a significant role in Russian-Turkish relations. It gained a great importance in the * PhD, Southern Federal University, [email protected]. 440 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ international policy since the Western Caucasus had become de jure a part of the Russian Empire in the first third of the 19th century. The process of the Circassian ethnic mobilization that began in the late 80-V RI WKH WK FHQWXU\ GXH WR WKH GHVWUXFWLRQ RI WKH µ,URQ &XUWDLQ¶ DQG WKH Uesumption of close ties with Circassian Diaspora opened a new chapter in the actualization of the Circassian question on the international scene. The collapse of the USSR made the future of the Caucasian, including Circassian peoples the problem of the day. Since then the Circassian community has undergone profound changes. The attempts to unify Adygh peoples in Russia (the Kabardians, the Cherkess, WKH $G\JKH\DQV DQG RWKHUV XQGHU WKH FRPPRQ QDPH µ&LUFDVVLDQV¶ VWDUWHG along with identity shift in Diaspora. Circassian-Caucasian identity has been transforming to the Circassian-Adygh one. Besides, Abkhazians and Chechens preferred to separate from Circassian community and carry out the national projects of their own. The additional impetus to the development of the Circassian national movement gave the international attention to Sochi in the run-up to the 2014 Winter Olympics. The presence of large and politically active Circassian Diaspora in Turkey makes the influence of Circassian ethnic mobilization over contemporary Russian-Turkish relations substantial. Though it is usually considered in a negative way, we are tending to see a positive potential of Circassian factor in Russian-Turkish relations. Key Words: Caucasus, Ethnic Mobilization, Circassians, Circassian Question, Russian-Turkish Relations. Almost two hundred years the Circassian ethnic mobilization has been playing a significant role in the Russian-Turkish relations. Lately there has been a new upsurge of the Circassian national movement both in Russia and in Turkey, which makes the study of these processes especially important. For the first time Circassians ethnic mobilization gained a great importance in the international policy since the Western Caucasus had become de jure a part of the Russian Empire according to the results of the Russo-Turkish war of 1828-1829. In the Adrianople peace treaty of 1829, the Sultan acknowledged the right of the Russian Tsar on possession of the Caucasian territories and Russia acquired the entire Eastern coast of the Black Sea from the mouth of the Kuban River to the St. Nicholas pier with the Ottoman fortresses of Anapa, Sujuk-Qale and Poti. As noted in the draft of the Treaty drawn up by the Rus441 9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ VLDQ VLGH ³7KH UHTXLUHG VSDFH HVSHFLDOO\ $QDSD DUH RI WKH XWPRVW LPSRUtance for Russia not as a territorial gain, but as a guarantee of security and future tranquility of all boarding provinces of Russia, and particularly the Asian coast of the Black Sea. Finally, this is a tool to stop ongoing conflicts that are still invoked by behavior of the governing there Pashas, and therefore the means to extinguish the smoldering sparks of disagreements between Russia and the 3RUWH´1. Indeed, soon the Russian-Turkish relations took a turn for the better ± between the Russian Tsar and Mahmoud II a friendship developed, bonded by military support that Nicholas I gave to the Sultan in the Turkish-Egyptian war with the Ottoman vassal Muhammad Ali. In 1833 the Unkiar Skelessi treaty of peace, friendship and defensive alliance between the two empires was signed. However, the accession of the Western Caucasus to Russia significantly changed the balance of power in the strategically important region and exacerbated competition between Great Britain and Russia in the Great Game. British Empire perceived the presence of Russia in the Black Sea and the Caucasus as a direct threat to its trade interests in the Ottoman Empire, Iran and India. Defending the principle of free trade and rejecting the Adrianople peace treaty as illegitimate Great Britain established trading relations with Circassian tribes. The British agents carried out long trips to Cherkessia, bringing with them weapons, ideas about independence and Russophobia2. When one of the henchmen of the British Government and the future creator of the Circassian flag David Urquhart DUULYHG WR WKH &LUFDVVLDQV ³KH IRXQG WKH RQO\ SHRSOH LQ WKH ZKROH RI (XURSH DQG the Near East, from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, who were prepared to resist tsarist expansion. "Then it was that an involuntary oracle burst from my OLSV µ<RX DUH QR ORQJHU WULEHV EXW D SHRSOH \RX DUH &LUFDVVLDQV DQG WKLV LV &LrFDVVLD¶´3. 'HVSLWH DOO WKH HIIRUWV WR XQLWH WKH GLVSDUDWH WULEHV RI &LUFDVVLDQ ³VWDWeless VRFLHW\´4 it was partially archived in 1861 only. Then the Circassian deliberative body (Majlis) was created, that sent delegations to the rulers of Russia, Turkey and Britain. However, in the creation of the Majlis only 3 Circassian tribes (the 1 2 3 4 Vitaliy Sheremet, Turkey and the Treaty of Adrianople (1829). From the History of Eastern Question ,Q 5XVVLDQ ³1DXND´ 0RVFRZ SS -90. 9HURQLND 7VLEHQNR 6HUJH\ 7VLEHQNR ³&LUFDVVLDQ 4XHVWLRQ 7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ RI &Rntent and 3HUFHSWLRQ´ Bylye Gody, 2015, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 450-460. &KDUOHV .LQJ ³,PDJLQLQJ &LUFDVVLD 'DYLG 8UTXKDUW DQG WKH 0DNLQJ RI 1RUWK &DXFDVXV NaWLRQDOLVP´ Russian Review, Apr. 2007, Vol. 66, No. 2, p. 252. 3DXO 0DQQLQJ ³-XVW OLNH (QJODQG 2Q WKH /LEHUDO ,QVWLWXWLRQV RI WKH &LUFDVVLDQV´ Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2009, Vol. 51, No. 3, p. 598. 442 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ Abadzekhs, the Shapsugs and the Ubykhs) participated. In 1863 with the support of Britain the Circassian Majlis under the leadership of Ismail Barakai and %HãKDQD (IHQGL ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ ,VWDQEXO %\ WKH &DXFDVLDQ ZDU ZDV already finished and Circassians had no time for the development of a united national movement and achievement of international recognition. The end of the Caucasian war turned out to the great part of Circassians to be a collapse of hopes and mass migration from the Caucasus into the territories of the Ottoman Empire. Since that time the history of the Circassians in the Caucasus and Diaspora has evolved in two different ways. This led to a situation in which even the identity of the Circassians in Russia and Turkey, where the largest Circassian Diaspora settles, differs considerably. In Turkey due to the Ottoman tradition all emigrants from the Caucasus are called Circassians, regardless of their ethnicity, while in Russia under the Circassians are understood the Adygs alone, that reflects the correct ethnical division in the Western Caucasus. As the Circassian ethnic mobilization became a significant factor in the Russian-Turkish relations, there should be distinguished several major periods, during which the Circassian issue was of particular importance to Russia and Turkey. The first period is associated with the coming to power of the Young Turks, among whom were many Circassians. Young Turks included the Caucasus in their strategic plans for the expansion of the borders of the Ottoman Empire. As early as 1908 in Istanbul the Circassians organized the Circassian Unity DQG 6ROLGDULW\ $VVRFLDWLRQ dHUNHV ,WWLKDW YH 7HDY•Q &HPL\HWL ZKLFK FRQVLVWHG of marshals and generals of the Ottoman army. The main purpose of the society was an achievement of independence of the Caucasus, so its leaders and participants took an active part in military actions of the Ottoman Empire on the Caucasian front during the World War I5. Full support to the Circassian national movement during this period was provided by Germany. Thus, in 1914, the German leadership through its Ambassador in Istanbul Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim promised the North Caucasian Diaspora leaders ± WKH &LUFDVVLDQ 0•úLU )XDG 3DúD DQG WKH 'DJHVWDQL 0XKDPPHG )D]ÕO 3DúD ± the material and informational assistance in organizing the resistance movement to the Russian troops in the Caucasus and the recogniWLRQ RI WKH LQGHSHQGHQW &DXFDVLDQ FRQIHGHUDWHG VWDWH DIWHU WKH ZDU¶V HQG *Hrmany also brooded over plans for creation a Circassian legion to use it against 5 (OPDV =H\QHS $NVR\ ³dHUNHV 7HDY•Q &HPL\HWL´ Toplumsal Tarih (In Turkish), Eyl. 2003, No. 117, pp. 100-101. 443 9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ Russia on the Caucasian front6. In 1915 the Circassians created Committee for WKH /LEHUDWLRQ RI WKH &DXFDVXV .DINDV\D øVWLNOkO .RPLWHVL XQGHU WKH FRPPDQG RI 0DUVKDO 0•úLU )XDG 3DúD DQG ZLWK WKH VXSSRUW RI WKH <RXQJ 7XUNV 7KH Committee immediately sent a delegation to Germany and Austro-Hungary requesting the recognition of independence of the Caucasus, as well as the moral and material support7. ,Q LQ 7XUNH\ WKH 1RUWK &DXFDVLDQ $VVRFLDWLRQ ùLPDOL .DINDV Cemiyeti), striving for the independence of the Caucasus from Russia, was formed. It was designed to carry out mediation between the representatives of the Circassian national movement on the one hand and the Government of the Young Turks and the Ottoman society on the other. The Association was directly supervised and financed by Enver Pasha and Talaat Pasha8. However, all these initiatives came to an end with the formation of the Republic of Turkey. The Turkish nationalism and good-neighbourly relations with the Soviet Union for a while hindered the use of the Circassian ethnic mobilization for political expediency. Having become a part of a single Turkish nation, the Circassians to a large extent lost their native language and were subjected to assimilation. In Russia, on the contrary, the forced development of the national identity of several large Circassian tribes took place, the projects for support of national culture and development of written languages were implemented. As a result of Soviet social-HQJLQHHULQJ WKH ³&LUFDVVLDQ´ WKH ³.DEDUGLDQ´ DQG WKH ³$G\JKH´ SHRSOHV EHFDPH WKH ³WLWXODU QDWLRQV´ of the USSR. Unlike the Turkish Circassians9 they were demonstrating constant population growth (fig. 1). Although some researchers perceive the process of Soviet nation-building in relation to the Circassians as a division of a single Circassian nation into separate artificial ³6RYLHW QDURGQRVWL QDWLRQDOLWLHV ZLWK GLIIHUHQW HWKQRQ\PV LQ 5XVVLDQ10´ RQH FDQ DJUHH ZLWK $VODQ %RURY ZKR FRQVLGHUV WKDW ³WKH MXGgments that the Soviet SRZHU GHOLEHUDWHO\ DQG µDUWLILFLDOO\¶ GLYLGHG D µVLQJOH HWhQRV¶ EHWZHHQ WKUHe national state entity have no satisfactory evidence and (are) based on extrapola6 7 8 9 10 :HUQHU =•UUHU $YUXSD *|]•\OH dHUNHVOHU $QÕ-øQFHOHPH ,Q 7XUNLVK : =•UUHU % g]EHN HW DO ³.DIGD÷Õ <D\ÕQODUÕ´ Ankara, 1997, pp. 69-71. AydÕQ Turan, ³µ.DINDV\D .RPLWHVL¶ YH µ7•UNL\H¶GHNL .X]H\ .DINDV\D 6L\DVL *|oPHQOHUL .RPLWHVL¶ h]HULQH %D]Õ .D\QDNODU *RWWKDUG -lVFKNH¶QLQ %LU 0DNDOHVL´ Tarih ve Toplum (In Turkish), 1997, No. 165, pp. 14-15. Mustafa Butbay, .DINDV\D +DWÕUDODUÕ ³7•UN 7DULK .XUXPX <D\ÕQODUÕ´ $QNDUD SS 2. :LOOLDP %ULFH ³7KH 3RSXODWLRQ RI 7XUNH\ LQ ´ The Geographical Journal, Sep. 1954, Vol. 120, No. 3, p. 350. 6XILDQ =KHPXNKRY ³7KH &LUFDVVLDQ 'LPHQVLRQ RI WKH 6RFKL 2O\PSLFV´ Ponars Policy Memo, 2009, No. 65, p. 1. 444 9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ Some recovery of the Circassian national movement started in Turkey in the 50-LHV WKDW LV FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH RQVHW RI WKH &ROG ZDU DQG 7XUNH\¶V DFFHssion to NATO. A part of the Turkish Circassians poured into the anti-Soviet movement, actively cooperating with Turkish ultranationalists. In 1951 the North Caucasus Association of Turkic Culture and Assistance (Kuzey KafNDV\DOÕODU 7•UN .•OW•U YH <DUGÕP 'HUQH÷L ..7.<' DSSHDUHG DPRQJ WKH organizers of which was even a grandson of Imam Shamil ± the Avar Said Shamil. The Association was prominent for its strongly marked nationalist and anticommunist position, advocated the unified and independent Caucasus. At that time the Circassians became an object of interest to the United States. In 1952 the Circassian Benevolent Association (CBA) was opened, and in 1965 was created a Committee for liberation of North Caucasia. The interest to the Circassian issue was demonstrated by such Western experts as William Edward David Allen, Peter Brock, Paul Muratoff and Charles Webster. At that time in Western studies dominated the view of an allegedly peculiar to Russia DQG WKH 6RYLHW 8QLRQ VWULYLQJ WR H[SDQG LWV ERUGHUV DQG ³HQVODYH´ DQQH[HG WHUUitories. To prove this concept the writings of the 19th century were actively used, in particular, of the mentioned David Urquhart, who described the Caucasus as a shield, covering Turkey and Persia, and, consequently, the British India from Russian attacks. ,W VKRXOG EH QRWHG WKDW WKH µ,URQ &XUWDLQ¶ KLQGHUHG WKH SHQHWUDWLRQ RI WKHVH ideas into the Western Caucasus. Interaction with foreign Circassians took place within specially crafted programs and was governed in accordance with the priorities and objectives of the Soviet Union. For this purpose the Association for Relations with CRPSDWULRWV $EURDG ³5RGLQD´ HVWDEOLVKHG LQ DQG WKH Kabardino-Balkar branch of the Soviet Committee for cultural relations with compatriots abroad (established in 1966) were used. The activities of these organizations were so effective that they successfully spread socialistic ideas among the Diaspora Circassians. Contacts in Turkey were made through North &DXFDVXV &XOWXUDO $VVRFLDWLRQ .X]H\ .DINDV\D .•OW•U 'HUQH÷L IRXQGHG LQ 1961. Thus, at that period an effective strategy of the USSR prevented the transformation of the Circassian ethnic mobilization into the negative factor of the Soviet-Turkish relations. A new stage of development of the Circassian ethnic mobilization began in the late 80-s of the 20th century and opened a new chapter in the actualization of the Circassian issue on the international scene. The collapse of the USSR made the future of the Caucasian, including Circassian peoples the problem of the day. At that time in the Western Caucasus a concept of the Circassian geno- 446 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ cide was formed, that overlapped onto the Soviet historiography tradition of LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI WKH &LUFDVVLDQV¶V SDVW DV ZHOO DV RWKHU SHRSOHV¶ LQ WKH VSLULW RI confrontation to the imperialistic Tsarism. In 1990 at the Conference entitled ³1DWLRQDO OLEHUDWLRQ VWUXJJle of the peoples of North Caucasus and the Muhajir SUREOHPV´ KHOG LQ 1DOFKLN D ILQDO FRQFOXVLRQ ZDV PDGH GLVSOD\LQJ WKDW WKH SROiF\ RI WKH 5XVVLDQ WVDUV LQ WKH &DXFDVXV UHJLRQ ZDV ³LQYDVLYH FRORQLDO LQ QDWXUH and linked with enslavement, genocide and expulsion and exile of the Adyghe and other local peoples from their Motherland12´ In 1991, in Nalchik the First World (International) Circassian Congress was held, at which it was decided to create the International Circassian Association. This decision was prepared a year earlier in Den-Alerdnik at the Conference of Circassian organizations from the United States, Turkey, FRG, Holland and Kabardino-Balkaria. Alongside in Turkey the consolidation of the Circassian Associations took place. In 1991 fourteen organizations formed a Coordinating Council of the Caucasian Associations (KZfkZs Dernekleri KhhrdinZsyhn Kurulu, KAF-.85 7KH ILUVW DFWLYLWLHV FRPPHPRUDWLQJ WKH ³&LUFDVVLDQ H[LOH RI 0D\ ´ EHJDQ Although in the 90-s of the 20th century there existed all the prerequisites for transformation of the Circassian ethnic mobilization into the problematic issue for Russian-Turkish relations, it went on the second plan in the background of other, more pressing problems. However, that time the organizational structure for Circassian ethnic mobilization was prepared. This process continued in the early 2000s with the formation of numerous Circassian public organizations, unions, federations, that skipped from the cultural-educational to the political activities. The new impetus to the development of the Circassian national movement gave the international attention to Sochi after the IOC decision to hold 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia. The ideas of the Circassian genocide and the bloody Olympic Games on Circassian bonds provided to the Circassian movePHQW D ³JROGHQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR UHVKDSH LWV HWKQRSROLWLFDO DJHQGD DQG WR JLYH D QHZ LPSHWXV WRZDUGV WKH UHDOL]DWLRQ RI DOO LWV DVSLUDWLRQV´13. In that period various international structures began to openly support the Circassian ethnic mobi12 13 National Liberation Struggle of North Caucasian Peoples and the Muhajir Problems (In 5XVVLDQ ³(OEUXV´ 1DOFKLN S 7LDJR )HUUHLUD /RSHV ³(QG *DPH RU 1HZ *DPH WR WKH &LUFDVVLDQ (WKQRQDWLRQDO $JHQGD"´ [Electronic resource], Strategic Outlook, available at: (accessed: November 23, 2015). 447 9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ lization, acting as initiators or sponsors of the public events. Thus, the Jamestown Foundation (USA) organized a series of conferences and seminars, focusLQJ RQ WKH WKHPH RI WKH ³&LUFDVVLDQ JHQRFLGH´ $W RQH RI WKHP HQWLWOHG ³+LGGHQ Nations, Enduring Crimes: The Circassians & the Peoples of the North CaucaVXV %HWZHHQ 3DVW DQG )XWXUH´ D FODLP WR WKH *HRUJLDQ JRYHUQPHQW ZLWK D Gemand to recognize the Circassian genocide was formed, and this was fulfilled immediately. Despite the strong pressure of the Circassian organizations upon the 7XUNLVK JRYHUQPHQW LW GLGQ¶W DOORZHG WKH &LUFDVVLDQ LVVXH WR SUHYHQW VWUDWHJLF partnership of Russia and Turkey. The prime minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip (UGR÷ QRW RQO\ UHMHFWHG WR ER\FRWW WKH 2O\PSLF *DPHV but personally attended the celebration events in Sochi. The Circassian claims during this period were not limited to nonadmission of the Olympics on the lands of Circassia, but also formed three strategic objectives: recognition of the Circassian genocide, unification of CircassiDQ WHUULWRULHV LQ WKH KRPHODQG DQG UHSDWULDWLRQ RI WKH ³H[SHOOHG´ SRSXODWLRQ14. Thus the image of Circassia among the Circassians could differ considerably. For example, on one of the maps propagated by the Circassian activists, Circassia goes so far beyond the territory of the residence of the Adyghe peoples, that in addition to the Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygeya with an ethnically mixed population, it is spread through the Stavropol, Krasnodar regions, and also to the part of the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia (Fig. 2). 14 6XILDQ =KHPXNKRY ³7KH ELUWK RI PRGHUQ &LUFDVVLDQ QDWLRQDOLVP´ Nationalities Papers: 7KH -RXUQDO RI 1DWLRQDOLVP DQG ÉWKQLFLW\, 2012, Vol. 40, No. 4, p. 505. 448 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ Fig. 2. Circassia. %L 0DKPXW ³dHUNHV 8\JDUOÕ÷ÕQÕ vH 5XKXQX <DúDWDFDN 2ODQ %L]GHNL øoLPL]GHNL 6|QPH\HQ $WHúWLU´ >(OHFWURQLF UHVRXUFH@ Cherkessia (In Turkish), available at: (accessed: November 23, 2015). In ethnic mobilization of Circassians during this period the Internet started to play a leading role. Hundreds of Circassian websites, groups and communities in social networks broadcasting the Circassian requirements occurred. The same picture was observed in the blogs and services of short messages. According to the results of the research conducted in 2014 and examining the Internet activity of Circassians in the Adygh, Russian, Turkish, English and Arabic lan449 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ Although the peak of actualization of Circassian question was predicted to be in 2014, the year of Sochi Olympics and the 150 th anniversary of the end of Caucasian war, the Circassian activity in Turkey on the contrary, increased in 2015. Thus, on May 21 about 5 thousands people16 came to the consulate general of Russian Federation in Istanbul pronouncing anti-Russian slogans like: ³*HQRFLGLF 5XVVLD JHW RXW RI WKH &DXFDVXV ´ The high importance of the Circassian question in Turkey and its influence on Russian-Turkish relations in the current period was clearly manifested in the general elections held in Turkey on 7 June 2015. For the first time the Circassian Diaspora made a number of political claims to the parliamentary candidates, that included official recognition of genocide committed against the Circassians by Emperial Russia 151 years ago; obtaining dual citizenship for members of the Circassian Diaspora with transfer of social rights; developing of relations with so-FDOOHG ³&LUFDVVLDQ 5HSXEOLFV´ $V LW ZDV QRWHG LQ WKH VWDWHPHQW of the Federation of the Caucasian Associations (Kafkas Dernekleri Federasyou, .DIIHG ³0D\ VKRXOG EH WDNHQ DV D V\PEROLF GDWH RI JHQRFLGH DQG H[LOH RI the Circassians. Since the Circassians were forcibly uprooted from their homeland, they have a historically approved right to return to their homeland. Links of the Turkish Circassians with their homeland should be provided with the legality of the agreement with Russia on dual citizenship. The transfer of social rights of those wishing to return and settle in the Caucasus should be provided. To do this, between Russia and Turkey an agreement on the transfer of social ULJKWV VKRXOG EH FRQFOXGHG´17. The recognition of Circassian genocide, repatriation of the Diaspora to the homeland and the reintegration of Circassian territories are seen by Circassian activists as a Circassian Question, which should be solved with the help of Turkey. These demands were also promoted by Pluralist Democracy Party (do÷XOFX 'HPRNUDVL 3DUWLVL d'3 ZKLFK ZDV IRXQGHG LQ E\ &LUFDVVLDQV WKDW indicates a new institutionalization stage of the Circassian national movement. 7KH d'3 QRPLQDWHG IRU HOHFWLRQ LQGHSHQGHQW FDQGLGDWHV &LUFDVVLDQV DQG one Laz) in such cities DV $QNDUD ,VWDQEXO %XUVD .D\VHUL 6DPVXQ '•]FH (VNLúHKLU Besides, Circassian claims were shared by one of the leading opposition parties ± 3HRSOHV¶ 'HPRFUDWLF 3DUW\ +DONODUÕQ 'HPRNUDWLN 3DUWLVL +'3 6Xp16 17 ³dHUNHV V•UJ•Q•QGH |OHQOHU DQÕOGÕ´ Al Jazeera (In Turkish), 21.05.2015. ³ *HQHO 6HoLPOHUL h]HULQH´ [Electronic resource]. Kafkas Dernekleri Federasyonu (In Turkish), available at: (accessed: November 23, 2015). 451 9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ porting Circassians, pro-Kurdish HDP used Circassian question to criticize rulLQJ -XVWLFH DQG 'HYHORSPHQW 3DUW\ $GDOHW YH .DONÕQPD 3DUWLVL $.3 DQG HYHQ SURSDJDWHG D WKHVLV DERXW ³FXOWXUDO JHQRFLGH RI &LUFDVVLDQV´ LQ 7XUNH\ ,Q LWV RIILFLDO VWDWHPHQW RQ PD\ WKH SDUW\ GHPDQGHG ³7KH 5XVVLan Federation should apologize to the Circassians, grant the Circassian people dual citizenship, including citizenship of the countries of residence, provide the legal basis for the possibility of the return of the Circassian nation to their historical homeland. Policy of non-recognition and assimilation aimed at the Circassians DQG RWKHU SHRSOHV LQ 7XUNH\ VKRXOG EH WHUPLQDWHG´18. In turn, the AKP included 19 Circassians in the official preliminary list of candidates, although in the final there were only thUHH 5HDFWLQJ RQ 3XWLQ¶V YLVLW WR <HUHYDQ RQ $SULO WKH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU RI 7XUNH\ $KPHW 'DYXWR÷OX LQGirectly accused Russia of Circassian genocide, having addressed at the preHOHFWLRQ PHHWLQJ ZLWK ZRUGV ³/HW WKRVH ZKR VLWWLQJ LQ WKH FDSLWDOV SDVV GHFisions against Turkey give the answer for the Abkhazians, the Circassians, the Chechens, the Meskhetian Turks and the Georgians which underwent exile from WKH &DXFDVXV DQG JHQRFLGH DQG ZHUH FRPSHOOHG WR UXQ DZD\ WR $QDWROLD´19. A number of statements were also made by the representatives of AKP on May 21, Circassian Genocide and Exile Day as it is called by Circassian DiasSRUD )RU H[DPSOH $.3 3URYLQFLDO &KDLUPDQ +•VH\LQ &DKLW g]GHQ VDLG RQ 0D\ ³&LUFDVVLDQ DQG &DXFDVLDQ SHRSOHV SRVVHVVLQJ D JUHDW SDVW in the Caucasus, where they have lived since the ancient times, despite its centuries-long valiant resistance, were subjected to genocide of the imperialist powers and Tsarist Russia in carrying out its illegal policies and insidious strategic objectives, DQG ZHUH H[SHOOHG IURP WKH &DXFDVXV´ 7KH OHDGHU RI WKH 5HSXEOLFDQ 3HoSOH¶V 3DUW\ &XPKXUL\HW +DON 3DUWLVL &+3 .HPDO .ÕOÕoGDUR÷OX ZDV PRUH FDUeIXO LQ KLV VWDWHPHQWV QRWLQJ ³7RGD\ LV D FHOHEUDWLRQ \HDUV DJR RXU &LUFDssian citizens migrated from the Caucasus. There happened a big disaster. All my fellow citizens here, DOO RI \RX EH ZLOOLQJ WR VKDUH WKHLU SDLQ´20. 18 19 20 ³dHUNHV KDONÕQÕQ DFÕODUÕQÕ XQXWPX\RUX]´ [Electronic resource], +DONODUÕQ 'HPRNUDWLN 3DUWisi (In Turkish), available at: (accessed: November 23, 2015). ³%DúEDNDQ 'DYXWR÷OX¶QXQ (U]XUXP 0LWLQJL NRQXúPDVÕQÕQ WDP PHWQL´ >(OHFWURQLF UHVRXUFH@ Ak Parti (In Turkish), available at: (accessed: November 23, 2015). ³.HPDO .ÕOÕoGDUR÷OX &+3 .RFDHOL PLWLQJLQGH NRQXúWX´ %XJ•Q (In Turkish), 16.05.2015. 452 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ So, we can state that the Circassian issue in Turkey is shifting to the actual political phase. The Circassians are creating their party, and the pro-Kurdish HDP actively defends Circassian claims. Moreover, the leading parliamentary parties also attach great importance to the Circassian ethnic mobilization, which seriously affects the Russian-Turkish relations. In this regard, the difference in the position of the Circassians in Russia and Turkey, and the possible prospects of further politization of the Circassian national movement is worth noting. First of all, the very state systems of the two countries are very different. In Russia as a Federation, not a national state, the special laws exist providing the preferences in support of native cultures, languages and education for different peoples. Such support is supplied for Circassians in threeThere are three republics in republics: Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea (Fig. 4), thus only one shows the dominance of the Circassian population (Fig. 5). Circassians are living predominantly in these three separate Republics and FRQVLVW LQ PXOWLHWKQLF VWUXFWXUH RI WKH FRXQWU\¶V SRSXODWLRQ 6XFK D VWUXcture was formed in Russia for decades, and in Turkey the transition to the federative state, even when desired, is impossible in a short time, so long as it will unbalance the system, based on the Turkish nationalism since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. )LJ ³&LUFDVVLDQ´ 5HSXEOLFV in the Western Caucasus. 453 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ Tabl. 1. Distribution of the Circassians in groups. Kabardians Adygheys Cherkess Shapsugs 72% 17% 10% 1% At the same time, Turkey started the reverse process of replacing Circassian-Caucasian identity to the Circassian-Adygh one. The changings in the TurNH\¶V SROLWLFDO FOLPDWH WKDW DOORZHG HWKQLF PLQRULWLHV WR H[SUHVV PRUH IUHHO\ WKH belonging to non-Turkic ethnic groups played a significant role in this shifting. Ensuring the cultural and language rights and fighting against assimilation became the predominating questions for the Circassian Diaspora. However the VLWXDWLRQ LV FRPSOLFDWHG E\ WKH EOXUULQJ RI ERUGHUV RI WKH HWKQRQ\P ³&LUFDVVLDQ´ and the lack of official statistics on the number of Circassians in Turkey, which can varies from 200 thousand21 to 10 million22. The ethnic composition of the Circassians still includes, in addition to the Circassians, the Ossetians, the Abkhazians, the Chechens, the Dagestanis, the Ingushi, the Kumyks, the Lezgini, etc. (Fig. 6) )LJ ³&LUFDVVLDQ YLOODJHV´ LQ 7XUNH\ [Electronic resource], available at: (accessed: November 23, 2015). 21 22 $OL 7D\\DU gQGHU 7•UNL\H¶QLQ (WQLN <DSÕVÕ +DONÕPÕ]ÕQ .|NHQOHUL YH *HUoHNOHU (In Turkish), Kripto Kitaplar, Ankara, 2011, p. 302. 1HFGHW +DWDP 0HúIHúú÷• ³7•UNL\H¶GHNL dHUNHV 6D\ÕVÕ - ´ >(OHFWURQLF UHVRXUFH@ Circassian Center (In Turkish). available at: (accessed November 23, 2015). 455 9,, 8OXGD÷ hQLYHUVLWHVL 8OXVODUDUDVÕ øOLúNLOHU .RQIHUDQVÕ Besides, the Diaspora is characterized by high fragmentation and polarization. Though a significant part of Circassians still preserves an idea of allCaucasian unity, Turkish Abkhazians and Chechens preferred to separate from Circassian community and carry out the national projects of their own. The Diaspora is divided on the left and right wings, the first of which shows oppositional activity and joined Kurdish national movement. One more significant feature of the Circassian Diaspora is a high level of politization. Diaspora became rapidly politicized in an effort to influence not only the domestic political situation, but also the foreign policy of Turkey. The politization of Diaspora is also evident through its hyper-hrgZniztihn. If in Russia there are about 50 Circassian organizations, localized all together in 17 cities predominantly in the Western Caucasus, in Turkey there are more than 100 Circassian (Caucasian) organizations, scattered almost all over the country in 80 places, except Eastern Anatolia and with the significant presence in the largest cities (Fig. 7). Fig. 7. Circassian Associations in Russia and Turkey. Taking all above-mentioned into consideration we should note, that the high level of politization of Turkish Circassians and growing influence of Circassian national movement on the Turkish policy have a negative impact on the 456 8OXVODUDUDVÕ 6LVWHPGH <HQL '•]HQ $UD\ÕúODUÕ Russian-Turkish relations. This transforms the Circassian ethnic mobilization into a negative factor, that can be used by international actors in their own interests, but has no benefits for Russia and Turkey. The support of the Circassian ethnic mobilization and implementation of the Circassian demands will inevitably lead to further complication of inter-ethnic situation in the Western Caucasus and oppression of the Turkic peoples there, but also can lead to the interethnic tensions inside Turkey, which still preserves the features of Turkish national state. In spite of this we are tending to see the strong positive potential of Circassian factor for the Russian-Turkish relations. 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