Edwina Gately`s ministry to women prostitutes, Catholic Digest
Edwina Gately`s ministry to women prostitutes, Catholic Digest
dic APRIL EDWINA GATELY, from an interview by MARYA SMITH Condensed from EDW{INA GA'TELY; rgcqg 19EE "Sall"' 1,""';i I Bring Easter Flowers Mary Vaughn Annstrcng 5 Globe Sisters Who Show You Mexico Boston Sunday When You Outgrow Your Medicine New York Timrs Magazine 10 Please Was It Something You Iloliness Is ... . .,. Ate? When You Visit a Nursing Hippocnta 13 John Catoir n Home MatthaJ, Bekmn 30 Miracle Workefl 44 .. Easter Winona Couier Hell? Rrise Why Don't Catholic Preachers Catholic Twin Circle Scrooge at 53 55 "WhY Not?" 59 Spring Fervor Ligaoian 6l ..,... "Padre, I'm tn American" W. O'Donnell Nchard .. . Casey Never Went to Bat A Saint for the Rank and File ... , Collun L, Rerrle 6l . u The Easter Tree at St. Columbkille . . .. Sean Patfrck Words for Quiet Moments Will Go Unto the Altm of God" What lhey Saw Near Death . "I Susan's Secrct Yows ,..., ... 70 73 The Bcacon t3 . U,S. Catholic E6 Catholic Stands/fd 92 Book Special Stunned by Starlight Food Poisoning 10 "Honey From Stone" 95 . Ctisis 102 When Are All the Cathotics? Remember After School? .., Gatfiekl Heights l*ader 105 Fdwina Gately: Called to the Streets . .. . Satt 107 (Continud on Page 4) l'' , ''u ;'. . {!s '*,..&' ii r ;,:' '$e"; ii: ,:Fi,i t {j', ;;t Ll * t' ,\ '"'.:1 tl''' $ n'' i "\,.,. * ,.il 1 ;; _$M- Book Special Did Father Casey Work Miracles? "Nothing Short of a Miracle" -r*d ' Cslledt o the Streels My role is to show these women, God wants to love you An" of the first things I discovLy' ered atage2l as a-missionary in Africa was that God got there before us. I was disappointed at the time. I was supposed to be bringing God to the Africans, but they were teaching me more about God than I had ever learned in my big cathedral. When I first felt a call to work with prostitutes, my notion of mission continued to be stretched. My feeling was: I want to help you. But is "mission" to save someone to be like me? Or is it to help a person believe, "I am all right"? The Gospels tell us we're made in God's image. I began to respond to the broken image of God in each bag lady, wino, and prostitute. I walked the streets, went to bars, and sat in a brothel to talk to the women. It was painful watching '205 w. Monroe, Chlcago, 111.60606. January, 1988. @1987 by Claretian Publications. Rsprinted wlth permlssion. Art by Ray Evgnhouse. lo7 THE CATHOLIC DICEST women waiting to be picked; but the Scriptures say, only those who anguish will sing new songs. In time I realized we had to have a place where the women could come and cry, take a shower, share a meal, a cup of coffee. Genesis House open_ ed in 1984; and we now have a itaff of eight, plus volunteers. We see 50 women a week. Every morning we are in two Chicago courtrooms to talk to the women, offer interven- tion. We visit women in lock-up. We have six beds for emergency and short-term residency. We have weekly support groups as well as indivi- dual counseling. We develop job skills, giveAIDS education. Our aim is to help women get a sense of their own goodness. _ W9 live on the edge financially. But God is a God of back doors. I learned this in the ,60s when I had come back to England from Uganda bursting with a calling to start a lay mlsslonary movement. I talked to bishop after bishop and the answer was no. - -I eventually watched the Voluntary Missionary Movement grow from2.2 missionaries to 500, but after ten years God said to move on. When a priest offered me a forma- tion house in Illinois to start an American Voluntary Missionary Movement, I brought over two experienced leaders from England. And I lived in the property's forest as an ascetic, fasting, reading the Scrip_ tures. Sounds romantic, but I couid not pray. I didn't have an inkling of / APRIL, 1988 grace. Four months later I was still stale and feeling silly and useless. Then in the ninth month, I felt a new awareness. .I could hear God's whisper: go and find the children. A call io woik with prostitutes. My reaction was, what do I know? So I hit the streets looking for hookers. The first prostitutes i met told me to blank off. When I per_ sisted, they asked me, are you a cop, ajournalist, a nun? I keptlaying no, no, no. They saw me as harmless be_ cause I was dispossessed. prostitutes know that feeling and so I was all right. Again, the people I had come to save reached out and saved me. They took me around, helped me out. _ The stereotype that society sees is the tough, hostile hooker. This is what I experienced initially, too. When they knew I was all right, they took off their masks; and I discovered the children God had called me incest victims, raped by Daddy or an uncle, a sex object from an early age. What to find. Most prostitutes are that does to a child! Nearly every woman who comes to us wuls raped at 6 or 9 and was on the streets by age 15. Now she's 35, been into drugs, beaten up, and she comes to Genesis House. After three months, she's doing well. She has a job. Their suddenly she's gone, back on the streets. The first time it hap_ pened I was very upset. Eventually the woman came back; we got her alother job. Then she left again, and then a third time. I said that,s it. EDWINA GATELY: CALLED TO THE STREETS But two other women, ex-Prosti- giv-e tutes, found her and said please Then the whole alive, forgivcomes Scripture thing to keeP jourhave We 7. times ing ?O with the women. WhY should ir.iu"otft t chance. "."vt"g trust anYbodY? thev -- -Alro, the ieality is that often the them find just doesn't we'help iob tav well. They do better on the street' ii *u. hard it frst. Now I'm used to it. TheY keeP coming back' We're there even when theY blow it' The job of Genesis House is to heal. We walk with each woman as 109 long as necessary' whether she's *oiking the streets or not. No, I don't tell the women God loves them' Bumper stickers tell you Jesus loves vou. i don't speak to them at the car- level' MY role is to show them, God wants to love You' We Lrr.o.. make coffee together, we laugh, do our laundry. We have Parties' The other night at our weeklY suP- Dort meeting we all had our arms iound each other at the end' It was holy. How can I exPlain how I love them? As one of the women said, ain't never been loved before'" "I