September 1996-97 - University of Pennsylvania Law School
September 1996-97 - University of Pennsylvania Law School
Outside Scholarship Guide 2014-2015 As ADLER POLLOCK & SHEEHAN P.C. For students entering into their first year of law school who wish to apply for the Diversity Scholarship. Requirements include identifying as a member of a diverse group (for example, African American, American Indian, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Gay/Lesbian, or other minority group), permanent resident of Massachusetts or Rhode Island, and a commitment to community. Deadline is June 1. Award: $10,000 Contact: Diversity Committee Chair, Adler Pollock & Sheehan P.C. 175 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110, F: (617)482-0604, P: (617)482-0600 ALABAMA LAW FOUNDATION, INC. CABANISS, JOHNSTON SCHOLARSHIP Applicants for scholarship should be in all respects superior. While academic achievement will be the key factor, consideration will also be given to factors such as conscientiousness, dependability, civic involvement, financial need and dedication to the highest ethical standards. Scholarship is available for the second year of law school to an Alabama resident attending an ABA-accredited law school. See website for application and further details. Award: $5,000.00 Contact: Alabama Law Foundation, Cabaniss, Johnston Scholarship Committee, PO Box 4129, Montgomery, Alabama 36103 (334) 269-1515 or [email protected] ALICE FREEMAN PALMER FELLOWSHIPS Awarded to unmarried female graduate students under 26 years old, who are graduating seniors or graduates of Wellesley College. Award: up to $26,000. Contact: Alice Freeman Palmer Fellowships, Committee on Graduate Fellowships, Office of Financial Aid, Box GR-Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181 (781) 283-3525 or [email protected] ALIGARH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Four continuing scholarships to be awarded every year on the basis of merit-cum-means. Selection shall be based on personal interview. Eligibility Criterion: 65% of marks in up to 3 last examinations. Contact: M. Umar Farooq, Chair Awards Committee, (717)737-8057 or [email protected] ALLEGHENY COUNTY BAR FOUNDATION The F.C. Grote Fund annually awards $5,000 scholarships to a student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Preference for students with a connection to Western Pennsylvania. Contact: Erin Rhodes, 412-402-6641 or [email protected] AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF LAW LIBRARIANS Conducts a scholarship program for individuals pursuing a career in law librarianship. The association has various programs: AALL Educational Scholarships 1. Library degree scholarships for law graduates which include tuition and school related expenses. 2. Library degree scholarships for non-law graduates which include tuition and school related expenses. 3. Special course in law librarianship. Up to $150.00 for tuition, plus $25.00 for incidentals. AALL & Thompson West - George A. Strait Minority Scholarship Endowment The $3,500 George A. Strait Minority Scholarship is awarded annually to two to four college graduates with meaningful law library experience who are members of a minority group as defined by current U.S. government guidelines, are degree candidates in an accredited library or law school, and who intend to have a career in law librarianship. Applicants must show evidence of financial need. LexisNexis™/John R. Johnson Academic & Library Solutions Scholarship The $3,000 LexisNexis™/John R. Johnson Academic & Library Solutions Scholarship is awarded to a library school graduate with meaningful law library experience, who is pursuing a degree in an accredited law school with the intention of having a career in law librarianship and has no more than 36 semester (54 quarter) credit hours remaining before qualifying for the degree. Preference will be given to individuals who have demonstrated an interest in government documents. Evidence of financial need must be submitted. Contact: American Association of Law Librarians, Ms. Hannah Phelps, Membership Services Coordinator, American Association of Law Libraries, 105 W. Adams Street, Ste 3300, Chicago, IL 60603-6225 Phone: (312) 205-8022; Fax: (312) 431-1097; Email: [email protected] AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Fellowship is restricted to women of color. Award stipends of up to $5-000 - $18,000 to women in select professional fields that are entering their final year of study. If you cannot download the application or would prefer to have a hard copy mailed to you, call 319/337-1716 ext. 60, e-mail [email protected] or write to: AAUW Fellowships & Grants, 101 ACT Drive, PO Box 4030, Iowa City, IA 52243-4030 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN – BEAVER VALLEY BRANCH The Effie Solomon Memorial Scholarship is open to female students who are enrolled in an accredited law school and who have completed at least one year of law school in good standing. Preference shall be given to Beaver County Residents. Award: $1,000.00 Contact: Martha Hegner, (724)843-6861, [email protected] AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION The Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund encourages racial and ethnic minority students to apply to law school provide financial assistance to ensure that these students have the opportunity to attend law school for three years. $5000 awarded per student per year with the possibility of an award each year of law school. Contact: Office of the Fund for Justice and Education at 312-988-5415. AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION PROGRAM The American Bar Foundation is committed to developing the next generation of scholars in the field of law and social science. Since 1987 the Foundation has supported the dissertation research of a diverse group of graduate students from all social science disciplines and in 1996 added a postdoctoral component to its fellowship program. The purpose of the ABF fellowships is to encourage original and significant research on law, the legal profession, and legal institutions. Contact: Amanda Ehrhardt, Administrative Associate for Academic Affairs & Research Administration, ABF, (312) 988-6517, [email protected] AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS The ASCAP Found provides Awards to emerging composers and songwriters and Recognition to honor the achievements of established composers and songwriters. Contact: ASCAP, One Lincoln Plaza, New York, New York 10023, 212621-6280; [email protected] AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JUSTICE Various scholarships available for students who are members of the American Association for Justice. More information found on their website: Alia Herrera Memorial Scholarship The Alia Herrera Memorial Scholarship, in the amount of $3,000, is open to law students who are entering their second or third year of law school, or having the equivalent of one year to complete. Trial Advocacy Scholarship The Trial Advocacy Scholarship, in the amount of $2,500, is open to all second and third-year AAJ Law Student Members. Leesfield Scholarship Sponsored by Ira Leesfield and AAJ, this scholarship has been established to award $2,500 to a law student for attendance at AAJ’s Annual Convention. Richard D. Hailey Scholarships Sponsored by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America's Minority Caucus, up to six $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. These scholarships are open to all first-and second-year African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Native American and Bi-Racial AAJ Law Student Members. Mike Eidson Scholarship Established by the AAJ Women for Justice Education Fund in 2008, awards $5,000 annually to a female student entering her third year of law school (the student can be enrolled in a three-year day program or four-year night program) who has demonstrated a commitment to a career as a trial lawyer. Contact: [email protected] or (202)965-3500 ASSOCIATION OF BLACK WOMEN LAWYERS OF NJ Contact: Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey, Inc., P.O. Box 22524, Trenton, NJ 08607, [email protected] ATLANTIC COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Awards to students who are Atlantic County residents and demonstrate academic ability, financial need, leadership potential and character. Amounts vary. Contact: Atlantic County Bar Association, 1201 Bacharach Blvd., Atlantic City, NJ 08401; 609-345-3444 ATTORNEY – CPA FOUNDATION – 9/24/2010 SCHOLARSHIP IS DOWN Ten Scholarships will be awarded. 2 - $1,000 Scholarships 4 - $500 Scholarships 4 - $250 Scholarships Criteria: Student graduating law school, Commitment to the profession of accounting as evidenced by a CPA certificate, outstanding academic performance. Contact: Attorney-CPA Foundation at (800)CPA-ATTY (800)272-2889. Bs RICHARD L. BARBOUR, JR. SCHOLARSHIP FUND $5,000 award available for entering and current law students who are New Jersey residents and have demonstrated a desire to pursue a career as a prosecuting attorney. Contact: Rocco Minervino, Burlington County Prosecutor's Office, 49 Rancocas Road, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060. (609) 265-5035, [email protected] or [email protected] BARRISTERS’ ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Since 1976, in honor of significant contribution of Black attorneys dedicated to the pursuit of excellence, justice, equal opportunity, and positive change, the Barristers’ Association of Philadelphia has held an annual dinner to celebrate up-and-coming law students, practicing attorneys and jurists who embody professionalism, dedication to the profession, and a commitment to the Black Philadelphia legal community and public communities. The following information should be submitted in one (1) package (1) A statement from the applicant’s financial aid officer, indicating that he/she is receiving -based financial aid OR a statement which outlines the manner in which the applicant finances his/her education; (2) A statement of the applicant’s community service and activities, excluding activities which are required for law school graduation; (3) A recent recommendation from a professor, supervisor or other person who personally oversees the applicant’s work, demonstrating the applicant’s qualities, skills and abilities; (4) A copy of the applicant’s law school transcript. First-year law students must also include a copy of their college transcript; (5) A copy of the applicant’s most recent resume with a telephone number (facsimile number and email address, if applicable) where the applicant can be reached. Contact: Scholarship Committee of the Barristers’ Association of Philadelphia, Inc. Rawle & Henderson, LLP, The Widener Building, One South Penn Square, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Brief interviews will be scheduled shortly thereafter. [email protected] BLACKMUN, HARRY A. SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, INC. Scholarships awarded to law students based on academic achievement, financial need and potential for making a contribution to society and the legal profession. Contact: Harry A. Blackmun Foundation, 118 West Mulberry Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-3600. William McDaniel (410) 685-3813. BLACK WOMEN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION Applications accepted from 2nd & 3rd yr. black women students. Contact: C/O Scholarship Selection Committee, 3870 Crenshaw Boulevard, Suite 818, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (213) 617-6121 or (909) 387-8924. LOUIS D. BRANDEIS LAW SOCIETY FOUNDATION The Louis D. Brandeis Law Society Foundation is proud to sponsor the following three scholarship opportunities for interested law students: JUDGE ABRAHAM J. GAFNI AWARD The Judge Abraham J. Gafni Award is a $1,000 cash prize given to a second or third year Jewish law student at a Philadelphia area law school who has demonstrated an interest and involvement in Jewish Religion, Law, or Ethics. JUDGE SANDRA MAZER MOSS AWARD The Judge Sandra Mazer Moss Award is a $1,000 cash prize given to a single parent law student (of any religion or creed) at a Philadelphia area law school who strives for personal achievement, success and excellence in the law. MAYER HORWITZ SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The Mayer Horwitz Scholarship Award is a $1,000 cash prize given to a Jewish law student at a Philadelphia area law school who has demonstrated an interest and involvement in community service. BRANDEIS LAW SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The Brandeis Law Society Scholarship Award is a $1,000 cash prize given to a Jewish 2L or 3L law student member of the Brandeis Law Society or one of its affiliated Jewish law student associations, demonstrated an interest in public service, shown outstanding academic and professional achievements, and promise for future excellence. Contact: Brandeis Law Society Foundation, c/o Mitchell H. Klevan, Esq., 1515 Market Street, Suite 1360, Philadelphia, PA 19102. (215) 568-4980 BROWN, JOHN R. SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION This award recognizes excellence in legal writing. Any law student currently enrolled in an accredited law school in the United States seeking a J.D. or LL.B degree is eligible. To apply students must submit a legal writing sample and letter of recommendation. Stipend: $10,000. Contact: The Judge John R. Brown Scholarship Foundation c/o Kenneth G. Engerrand, Brown Sims P.C., Tenth Floor, 1177 West Loop South, Houston, Texas 77027-9007, (713)629-1580 BUCKFIRE & BUCKFIRE The Law School Diversity Scholarship is $2,000.00 and will be awarded to a student who is currently attending an accredited law school, who is either a member of an ethnic or racial minority or demonstrates commitment to issues of diversity within their academic career. BURLINGTON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Scholarship is awarded to a resident of Burlington County attending law school. Eligibility determined by need and academic merit. Contact: BCBA, 45 Grant Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S FOUNDATION The BPW Foundation created the Career Advancement Scholarship Program to award financial assistance to disadvantaged women who want to further their education. Scholarships are provided to women who wish to advance in their career, or will soon enter or re-enter the workforce. FEMALE APPLICANTS MUST: -Be 25 years of age or older on May 2, 2006 and a U.S. citizen -Demonstrate critical need for financial assistance -Demonstrate clear career plans -Be officially accepted into a program or course of study in an accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands -Graduate within 12 to 24 months from the date of grant Contact: [email protected]; (202)293-1100 M-F 9AM to 5PM EST, excluding holidays BYRON HANKE FELLOWSHIP FOR GRADUATE RESEARCH ON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Available to graduate/law students working on topics related to community associations. Fellows are expected to prepare a research project on community associations. Award: between $2,000 - $4,000 Contact: Submissions should be sent directly to the Foundation for Community Association Research at 6402 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 500, Falls Church, VA 22042, (888) 224-4321 or [email protected] Cs CAMDEN COUNTY BAR FOUNDATION All scholarships have awards of $1,000 and are based upon scholastic achievement and financial need. Please contact the above address for the following scholarships. BENJAMIN ASBELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Two scholarship awards of $1,000 each. One of the awards is restricted to a day or evening student at Rutgers-Camden School of Law who is a resident of South Jersey, and is not a first year student. Applicants also must demonstrate genuine financial need; scholastic ability; a commitment to practice law and reside in the Camden County area, as well as a history or desire to work in the areas of law enforcement and/or the administration of justice. The second of the awards is given to a student at any of the following law schools: Rutgers-Camden, Rutgers-Newark, Seton Hall, Penn, Temple, Villanova, or Widener. DuBOIS BROTHERS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD An annual scholarship of $1,000 to be given to a student of any Delaware Valley law school. Applicants must show a bona fide intention to practice law in South Jersey as well as exhibit professionalism and high character in their personal and academic lives. Applicants also should demonstrate genuine financial need. HAROLD AND HARRIET PLUM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD An annual scholarship of $1,000 to be given to a student of any accredited law school. Applicants should demonstrate scholastic achievement as well as genuine financial need. DANIEL B. TOLL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD An annual scholarship of $1,000 to be given to a law student who is not in his or her final year of study. Applicants should demonstrate genuine financial need, be a resident of South Jersey, preferably in Camden County, and who has shown a commitment to the area in charitable, humanitarian and community service activities. Contact: Executive Director, Camden County Bar Foundation, 1040 N. Kings Highway, Suite 201, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, (609) 964-3420. CATHOLIC NEGRO SCHOLARSHIP FUND – Down as of 10/2012 Provides financial assistance to Black Americans interested in pursuing post-secondary education. The amount of the award varies for the duration of one year. Amount: $300 Contact: Catholic Scholarships for Negroes, 254 Union Street, Springfield, MA 01103 CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS Offers appointments as Congressional Fellows to students in the process of completing graduate degree requirements. The appointments are in Washington and last from nine to twelve months. Contact: CBC, 1720 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036, [email protected], (202)263-2800 CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS Offers Latino students hands on experience in the function and operation of the American governmental system. Nine months appointments in Washington, DC, are available to recent master’s or higher degree graduates. Contact: CHC, 504 C Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002. 202 543-1771 CONNECTICUT STUDENT LOAN FOUNDATION This loan program is available to Connecticut residents. Graduate students may borrow up to $5,000 for an academic yr. Must not be in default on any student loans, or owe a refund on any grant, and must be making satisfactory academic progress. Contact: CSLF Student Loan Foundation, 525 Brook Street, P. O. Box 1009, Rocky Hill, CT 06071, 1800-237-9121 Ds DARMER EQUALITY SCHOLARSHIP Darmer-Equality-Scholarship-Fund-2013-Application-final-12 21 12 (3).pdf The M. Katherine Baird Dramer Equality Scholarship Fund was name in memory of the late M. Katherine Baird Darmer, an activist, law professor, and champion of change for the LGBT community in Orange County. The Fund, along with the Orange County Lavender Bar Association and the Orange County Equality Coalition, will award one or more scholarships each year to academically qualified law students who have demonstrated commitment to advancing equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Orange County. Contact: Professor Francine Lipman, [email protected] DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY (SADIE T.M. ALEXANDER SCHOLARSHIP) ml The Sadie T.M, Alexander Scholarship provides $1,000-$2,000 to dues-paying members of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. who have shown meritorious achievement. Non-members may also be considered. Contact: 1707 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009. (202) 986-2400. DONALD W. BANNER DIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP FOR LAW STUDENTS A $5,000 scholarship for the fall semester of second and third year of law school, sponsored by Banner & Witcoff, Ltd: Intellectual property Law. Applicants should demonstrate academic merit, commitment to the pursuit of IP law, and be a member of a historically underrepresented group in IP law (including race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability). Deadline is January 6, 2014. More information and the scholarship application can be found at Contact: Donald W. Banner Diversity Scholarship, c/o Christopher Hummel, Banner & Witcoff, Ltd., th 1100 13 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 Es EARL WARREN LEGAL TRAINING PROGRAM The Earl Warren Legal Training Program Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation to expand assistance to African- American law students dedicated to civil rights and public interest work and to increase the number of African- American law students and attorneys. Scholarships awarded to African American students entering law school, based upon financial need, merit and interest in civil rights litigation. Earl Warren Civil Rights Training Scholarships Warren Scholarships are awarded to candidates with exceptional academic records who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States and are dedicated to civil rights and public interest work. Applicants for Warren Scholarships must be able to demonstrate a history of outstanding community service, and a well-defined interest in civil rights through their academic records, test scores and personal essays. Warren Scholarship recipients must be of excellent character and must have a verifiable record of community and school involvement that reveals a clear capacity to work well in diverse settings. Moreover, s/he must provide strong recommendations from teachers, community representatives, or employers. Contact: The Earl Warren Legal Training Program, Inc., 99 Hudson Street, Suite1600, New York, NY 10013, (212)219-1600, [email protected] ELK COUNTY COMMUINITY FOUNDATION The Greiner/Roof Law Scholarship, held at the Elk County Community Foundation, is available for students who have graduated from high school in Elk or Cameron County, PA, and currently enrolled in an accredited law school. Contact: Paula Fritz Eddy, 111 Erie Avenue, P.O. Box 934 – St. Mary’s, PA 15857, (814)834-2125, [email protected] ERIE COUNTY BAR FOUNDATION, INC st Chief Justice Samuel J. Roberts Scholarship-Scholarship for a student entering his/her 1 year of law school who is a resident of Erie, PA, attending an ABA accredited law school. Scholarships are also nd rd available to 2 and 3 year students who are residents of Erie, PA, attending an ABA accredited law school. Contact: Erie County Bar Foundation, 302 West 9 th Street, Erie PA 16502, (814) 459-3111. ESSEX COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Contact: Essex County Bar Association, 36 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970, Phone: 978.741.7888, Fax: 978.741.1348, E-Mail: [email protected] ESSEX COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION - NEWARK The Essex County Bar Association (ECBA) and its Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in conjunction with the Hon. Vincent J. Biunno Memorial Fund, is pleased to announce the Biunno Scholarship Program. The scholarships are designed to offer financial assistance to persons with disabilities who are currently attending law school. Applicants must be residents of New Jersey and have attained a 3.0 or equivalent GPA in law school. Preference will be given to applicants seeking a career in the field of advocacy for persons with disabilities. Contact: Essex County Bar Association, Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Historic Courthouse Rm B-01, 470 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 or (973) 622-6207, [email protected]. Fs FCBA FOUNDATION Merit and need based scholarships are available for second and third year law students for $2,500$10,000. Applications can be found at th Contact: Kerry Loughney, FCBA Foundation, 1020 19 Street, NW, Suite 325, Washington DC, 20036 or [email protected] FEINMAN, SAMUEL F. AND SARA G. FUND This fund was developed to assist talented men and women in pursuing their legal or medical education. The fund provides an interest-free loan to students based on scholarship and need. It is a requirement of this fund that loan repayments begin within five years after graduation. Contact: Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2100 Arch Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215) 832- 0519, [email protected] FINNEGAN HENDERSON DIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP In 2003, we established the Finnegan Henderson Diversity Scholarship, which is open to application by persons of a minority heritage attending top law schools around the nation. The Scholarship award of $15,000 may be applied to costs associated with normal tuition; usual fees (such as, but not limited to, student activity fees; law school or university fees, and administrative fees); and a patent bar review course. The scholarship recipient will also join the firm as a 2011 summer associate in one of its domestic offices (Atlanta, GA; Cambridge, MA; Palo Alto, CA; Reston, VA; or Washington, DC). Contact: Finnegan Henderson Diversity Scholarship, c/o Suzanne Gentes, Director of Professional Recruitment & Development , Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP 901 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001-4413, [email protected] FOOD AND DRUG LAW INSTITUTE The H. Thomas Austern Writing Award was established to encourage students to take an interest in st the areas of law that effect food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices and biotechnology. 1 Place: nd $4000, 2 Place: $1000 th Contact: Sara Sidransky, The Food and Drug Law Institute, 1155 15 Street, N.W. Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005 (800) 956-6293, [email protected] or (202)371-1420, [email protected] FOREIGN LANGUAGE & AREA STUDIES (FLAS) FELLOWSHIPS Penn Law invites applications from J.D. students for Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS) Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, be admitted to or enrolled full time in Penn Law, and have research or career plans that require the use of an African, East Asian, Middle Eastern or South Asian language. Law School student FLAS Fellows will receive $18,000 toward tuition and a $15,000 stipend. Law School student Summer LAS Fellows will receive $5,000 toward tuition and fees plus a $2500 stipend. For further information, please contact one of the Centers that administer the FLAS Fellowship: Dr. Ali Dinar, Associate Director, African Studies Center at [email protected] or 215-898-6610. Paula Roberts, Associate Director, Center for East Asian Studies, at [email protected] or 215573-4204. Jinhee Song, Assistant Director, Middle East Center, at [email protected] or 215898-4690. Jody Chavez, Associate Director, South Asia Center, at [email protected] or 215-898-7475. FOX, HOWARD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to deserving Berks County residents entering their second year at an accredited law school, who demonstrate financial need, without discrimination to color, race, national origin or religion. No descendants of Leonard Quittner or M. Robert Ullman may be scholarship recipients. Deadline: April 1st Contact: Berks County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 212, Reading, PA 19603-0212, Phone: 610685-2223 (BCCF), Fax: 610-685-2240, E-mail: [email protected] FREDRIKSON & BYRON FOUNDATION The Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Minority Scholarship Program sponsors educational opportunities for law students of diverse backgrounds. Students who are awarded a scholarship through this program are also invited to become summer associates. Contact: Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., ATTN: Greta M. Larson200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000, Minneapolis, MN 55402-1425 Gs GOLDMAN, WILLIAM FOUNDATION The William Goldman Foundation provides a partial scholarship program for graduate and/or medical students. Contact: William Goldman Foundation, 42 South 15 th Street, Suite 1116, Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215) 568-0411 Hs H.A.N.A. SCHOLARSHIP sp The United Methodist Scholarship and Loan Programs are a church wide educational service providing scholarships and loans to help supplement the financial needs of today's students who are born of Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or Pacific Island parentage (at least one parent). Student must also be full and active member of for at least 3 years, have a GPA of 2.85+, and have plans to prepare for leadership in the C and in their HANA community. Contact: HANA, Scholarships, Office of Loans and Scholarships, Board of Education and Ministry, P.O. Box 871, Nashville, TN 37202. HANEMAN, VINCENT S. – PERSKIE, JOSEPH B. MEMORIAL FOUNDATION Awards scholarships to resident of Atlantic County for one year prior to application. Award is based on academic ability, financial need, leadership potential, and character. Contact: Haneman-Perskie Scholarship Foundation, c/o: Atlantic County Bar Association, 1201 Bacharach Blvd. Atlantic City, NJ 08401, (609)345-3444. HISPANIC LAWYERS SCHOLARSHIP FUND OF IL The HLSF of Illinois provides scholarships and fellowships to deserving Hispanic law students. Contact: 321 Plymouth Court, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60604, Joseph Torres by email [email protected] or at (312) 558-7334. HISPANIC NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND Recipients will be selected based on cumulative undergraduate grade point average for those students who are enrolled in law school, but who have not yet completed a semester (or term) of law school, and for current law students, their law school grade point average, class rank, and educational institution’s national ranking among law schools. In addition, demonstrated financial need will be additional criteria in selecting scholarship recipients. Contact: Selection Committee, National Hispanic Scholarship Fund, 1900 L St, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 HISPANIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Hispanic Scholarship Fund was founded in 1975 to help Hispanic-American college students complete their education. The scholarships are available on a competitive basis for community college, four-year college, and graduate students of Hispanic heritage. Awards generally range from $1000 to $5,000. Contact: Hispanic Scholarship Fund, 55 Second Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105, 1-877HSF-INFO (toll-free), [email protected] HISPANIC WOMEN'S COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Provides academic scholarships and mentorship to Hispanic women who are residents of New Mexico, offers scholarships to help Hispanic Women who are working to complete degrees, licenses, or programs of study, intended for continuing undergraduate and graduate students (the more hours the better) currently admitted at the University of New Mexico (UNM) or Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the strength of the applicant’s personal statement and the potential to succeed based on letters of reference. Successful awardees will be considered for scholarship renewal. Contact: Historic Women’s Council, PO Box 27271, Albuquerque, NM 87125, [email protected] HOWARD FOX MEMORIAL LAW COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Scholarships for Berks County residents entering their second year at an accredited law school. th st Applications accepted between January 15 and April 1 Contact: Berks County Bar Association, 544-546 Court Street, P.O. Box 1058, Reading, PA 196031058 (610)375-4591 HUBERT H. HUMPHREY DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP In Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament, this fellowship is available to JD candidates preparing to enter their 3rd year of law school for a dissertation or JD research proposal in arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament issues. Contact: Hubert H. Humphrey Doctoral Fellowship Program, U. S. Department of State, Bureau of Verification & Compliance, 2201 C Street NW, Room 4930, Washington, DC 20520 (202) 647-4153 HUDSON COUNTY BAR FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP All applicants must be residents of Hudson County. Application can be found in the Law School admissions office. Is IRANIAN AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION The Iranian American Bar Association is proud to announce it is collection applications for the law student scholarship. To be eligible, the applicant must 1) be accepted or enrolled in a full-time (3Ls & LLMs are eligible) accredited U.S. law school, 2) have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of the Iranian-American community, and 3) be of Iranian heritage. Contact: Iranian American Bar Association – National, 5185 MacArthur Boulevard, NW, Suite 624, Washington, DC 200016 Js JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER PHILADELPHIA The Samuel F. & Sara G. Feinman Fund provides an interest-free loan to medical and law school students based on financial need. The Ida Foreman Fleisher Fund provides scholarships for the purpose of permitting women, preferably Jewish, to pursue a graduate degree. Frequently Asked Questions Page Contact: Shannon Greenstein, (215)832-0892, [email protected] Ks KERN COUNTY WOMEN LAWYERS FOUNDATION Kern County Women Lawyers Foundation The Kern County Women Lawyers Association (KCWLA) of Bakersfield, California is an organization that supports and promotes women in the profession as well as issues of gender, diversity and equality. The KCWLA, through its Foundation, the Kern County Women Lawyers Foundation, awards scholarships to both female and male law school students, each year, in May or June. In order to receive a scholarship, the applicant law students must have ties to Kern County, California, have financial need and/or hardship and have good academic standing and scholarship. The Foundation is very interested in candidates who have interests and experiences concerning issues facing the profession and, in particular, those issues important to women. Each year our organization awards at least one scholarship for second, third or fourth year law students. The scholarship award may be anywhere from $250.00 to $3,000.00. Contact: Cynthia C. Norris, P.O. Box 2702, Bakersfield, CA 94403. (661)868-2739 Ls LANG MERIT SCHOLARSHIP Open to first year or entering law students who are from the following counties in California: Kern, Tulare, Fresno, Kings, Madera, Merced, Mariposa, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Tuolumne, or Calaveras. Application s must be postmarked May 1. LATIN BUSINESS FOUNDATION Open to Hispanic California residents who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies in business and have applied for other aid prior to contacting the foundation. Contact: Martha Granados, P.O. Box 63337, Los Angeles, CA 90063-0337. (323) 269-0751 LAX SCHOLARSHIP FUND§ion_id=1102&page_id=4519 The Lax Scholarship Fund was established in 1994 by the late entrepreneur and inventor Jonathan R. Lax for the express purpose of encouraging gay men to obtain additional education, aspire to positions in which they contribute to society, be open about their sexual preference, and act as role models for other gay men with similar potential. Tuition scholarships are awarded either in the sum of $20,000 (at least one per year) or $5,000 (multiple awards) and are for men from the five country Philadelphia region (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties) attending accredited colleges, graduate or professional schools anywhere, or men attending such schools within the Philadelphia region. Contact: Bread and Roses Community Fund, 1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1305, Philadelphia PA 19102, (215) 7311107, ext 204, [email protected] LEAGUE OF UNITED LATIN AMERICAN CITIZENS The LULAC National Scholarship Fund (LNSF) was established in 1975 to provide scholarships to attending colleges and universities. Under the LNSF program, local LULAC Councils, in partnership with local and national businesses, award scholarships to students in their communities. LNSF is administered by the LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc., a nonprofit educational organization established by LULAC to provide educational programs for Hispanics and other youth. Contact: LULAC, 2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 835-9646, LEBANON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Awarded to full-time law school students who are residents of Lebanon County. The applicant must submit a transcript for their last academic year. Contact: 1601 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA 17042. (717) 273-3733. LEOPOLD SCHEPP FOUNDATION The Foundation grants approximately 200 individual financial-need based awards each year to undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants must either be currently enrolled or must have completed one year of undergraduate work at an accredited college or university. High school seniors are not eligible to apply. Award: up to $8500 Contact: Leopold Schepp Foundation, 551 Fifth Ave-Suite 3000, New York, NY 10176, (212) 6920191. Ms LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND Awards scholarships to Hispanic law students. based on academic achievements, extracurricular achievements, professional objectives, career goals, community involvement, and financial need. Award: $5,000 Contact: Director, MALDEF Law School Scholarship Program, 607 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014, (213) 629-2512. MILBANK DIVERSITY SCHOLARS PROGRAM The Milbank program, awards law school students with a salaried summer associate position during their and a $50,000 scholarship. ($25,000 will be distributed during the students’ third year of law school, and a payment of the additional $25,000 will be awarded contingent upon receipt and acceptance of an offer of permanent employment and commencement of full-time employment with Milbank.) Contact: Salila Yohn, One Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, NY 10005, (212)530-5316, [email protected] MINORITY CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Successful applicants to the scholarship program, who are reviewed by its Selection Committee, will be outstanding individuals who have been accepted to an accredited U.S. law school, and have demonstrated leadership and an interest in and commitment to diversity. Award: $1000. Contact: Alice Sykes, Scholarships & Grants Administration, UNCF (703)205-3514, [email protected] MONMOUTH BAR FOUNDATION Awards scholarships to residents of Monmouth County. Must demonstrate financial need, and interview required by their scholarship committee. Contact: Tracey A. Settipane, Monmouth County Court House, 71 Monument Park, Freehold, NJ 07728 (732)4315544, [email protected] Ns NAACP NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS SCHOLARSHIPS FUND The Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship fund awards up to $2,500. Must be a NAACP member and not have reached age of 25. Deadline: March 31 Contact: Education Department, 4805 Mount Hope Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410)580-5760, [email protected] NATION INSTITUTE – ROBERT MASUR FELLOWSHIP IN CIVIL LIBERTIES Open to first-year law students who intend to carry out significant activities during the summer in the areas of civil rights and/or civil liberties. Contact: The Nation Institute, 33 Irving Place, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10003, (212)209-5447, [email protected] NATIONAL ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION The NAPABA Law Foundation Scholarships are awarded each fall to law students who demonstrate a commitment to serve or contribute to the Asian Pacific American community as future leaders. Since 1995, the first year in which Foundation Scholarships were granted, 53 students have received scholarships totaling over $90,000. *Multiple scholarships available: see web page* Contact: The NAPABA Law Foundation, 733 15th Street, N.W., Suite 315, Washington, D.C. 20005, [email protected] or Priya Bose, (202)775-9555, [email protected] NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION Offers scholarships and other financial assistance to minority students. Contact: NBA, 1225 11th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20001. (202) 842-3900. NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION WOMEN LAWYERS DIVISION Awards a $500 scholarship to one first or second year African-American female at each of the five area law schools. Contact: NBA Women Lawyers Division, Philadelphia Chapter, P.O. BOX 58004, Philadelphia, PA 19102-8004, [email protected] or [email protected] NATIONAL BLACK LAW STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Sandy Brown Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is named after the late Sandy Brown, a past NBLSA regional director who diligently led the Western Region during her tenure as a NBLSA officer. Applicants must currently be in their first or second year of law school. NBLSA Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship The Executive Board of the National Black Law Students Association is pleased to announce the annual Outstanding Student Leader Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize the NBLSA member who has excelled academically, in addition to being active in their BLSA chapter and community. Applicants must be first, second, or third year law students. Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship The Executive Board is proud to announce The Rodney Pulliam Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is in honor of our past National Chair, Rodney Pulliam, who served as for the 1998 –1999 academic year. Mr. Pulliam was an inspiration to all who knew him in his service as a minister, husband, father, rd th community activist, community servant and attorney. Applicants must be a 3 or 4 year law student graduating Spring 2012. th Contact: National Black Law Students Association, 1225 11 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, (202)618-2572, [email protected] NEW JERSEY HISPANIC BAR FOUNDATION The students who will be eligible to receive a scholarship from the Foundation are those financially underprivileged Hispanic Americans (at least one parent must be of Hispanic descent) who are residents of the State of New Jersey and who have succeeded in completing at least one year of law school at an American Bar Association approved law school in the United States. Award: Up to $3,000 Contact: J. Andres Mayor, NJHBF, P.O. 2325, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, [email protected] Ps Pennsylvania Bar Foundation James W. Stoudt Memorial Scholarship Program The James W. Stoudt Memorial Scholarship Program provides Pennsylvania residents in their second year of law school with two scholarships opportunities: one general and one specifically designated for historically under- represented ethnic minority students (African-American; Hispanic American; and Native American). The total number of scholarships has been reduced to eight (four general; four minority), but the amount of each award has doubled to $3,000. As reflected in the attached information packet and scholarship application, the eligibility requirements are relatively unchanged. Applicants must confirm: -Pennsylvania residency - as evidenced by a copy of driver’s license or voter registration; -Second year in a three-year program or third year in a part-time program as confirmed by an unofficial transcript; -Good standing and academic achievement as evidenced by an unofficial transcript; -Financial need - as certified by the law school's Financial Aid Office; and -Membership in the Pennsylvania Bar Association Law Student Division which is free for electronic members; Additionally, an essay of up to 500 words explaining how the applicant will make a contribution to society and the legal profession, a current resume, and up to two recommendations are also required. Contact: 100 South Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, (717)213-2501, [email protected] PITTSBURGH FOUNDATION Samuel J. Goldstein, Esquire, Scholarship Fund is for students from Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Washington or Westmoreland counties, demonstrate financial need, show academic promise, be of the Jewish faith and maintain good grades. This fund was created to benefit students who are planning to attend or already attend law school in Pennsylvania; the average scholarship amount is $3,790. Contact: Deborah Turner, The Pittsburgh Foundation, [email protected], 412-394-2649; E-mail is preferred PUERTO RICAN LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATION FUND l Scholarships available for Latino students who demonstrate financial need, are in good academic standing, have a commitment for service to the Latino community or with a background of community related activities. Contact: PRLDEF, 99 Hudson Street, 14th Floor. New York, NY 10013, (212) 739-7497. Rs RHODE ISLAND BAR FOUNDATION The Rhode Island Bar Foundation will be accepting applications for the Thomas F. Black, Jr. Memorial Scholarship of the Rhode Island Bar Foundation for the academic year. The scholarship is a one year, non-renewable award, for full-time students who are Rhode Island residents who will be entering their first year of law school. in the amount of $15,000.00 will be awarded. Contact: Rhode Island Bar Foundation, 115 Cedar Street, Providence, RI 02903, (401) 421-6541, [email protected]. RUTH RABSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP, MERCER COUNTY WOMEN LAWYERS' CAUCUS $1,500 scholarship awarded to eligible Mercer County woman based on her financial need, academic achievement, ties to Mercer County and NJ and community service. Contact: Anne Stefane, Mercer County Women Lawyers' Caucus, 194 North Harrison Street, Princeton, NJ 08540. (609)984-0231 RITTENHOUSE, OSCAR W. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Awarded by The County Prosecutors Association of New Jersey Foundation; $2500 scholarship available for students who are a New Jersey resident and who has an interest in law enforcement. Contact: Oscar W. Rittenhouse Memorial Scholarship, c/o Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow, Union County Prosecutor’s Office, 32 Rahway Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07202. Ss SACHS FOUNDATION Grants are awarded to black residents of Colorado. The Sachs Foundation has a very limited graduate grant program. Selection for a graduate grant is on a case by case basis by the Board of Directors. Only current Sachs Foundation recipients who are receiving an undergraduate degree are eligible for graduate grants. Selection is based on undergraduate performance. Need and consideration of the applicant’s area of study and life goals are also taken into account. Award: $6,000 per year. Contact: Sachs Foundation, 90 South Cascade Avenue, Suite 1410, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. [email protected]. SALVI, SCHOSTOK & PRITCHARD P.C. The law firm of Salvi, Schostok & Pritharrd P.C. is offering eight scholarships through an essay contest. Topics focus on nursing home abuse and negligence, distracted driving, and failure to diagnose patients in hospitals and clinics. Submissions are accepted until June 9. Prizes up to $2,500. More information can be found at Contact: Nik Donovic, [email protected] SAVANNAH BAR ASSOCIATION The Judge Phyllis Kravitch Scholarship is established by the Savannah Bar Association in tribute to this outstanding community leader known for character, integrity, and compassion. Awarded to a second or third-year law school student from Chatham County, GA. Award: $1,000 Contact: 7393 Hodgson Memorial Drive, Suite 204, Savannah, GA 31406 SAVANNAH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION There are many scholarships available for law students from the Savannah, GA area. Check website for specific details on each scholarship opportunity. Contact: The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc., 7393 Hodgson Memorial Drive, Suite 204, Savannah, GA 31406. (912) 921-7700, [email protected]. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS OF GREATER PHILADELPHIA TOUCHSTONE AWARD The Society of Women Environmental Professionals of Greater Philadelphia is offering two Touchtone Award scholarships for women studying for environmental careers: one for an undergraduate student ($2,000), and one for a graduate student ($3,000). Contact: Society of Women Environment Professionals of Greater Philadelphia, c/o Nicole Moshang, 401 City Ave., Suite 500, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, (267)226-9692, [email protected]. SOROS, PAUL AND DAISY FELLOWSHIP The purpose of The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans is to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The Program is established in recognition of the contributions New Americans have made to American life and in gratitude for the opportunities the United States has afforded the donors and their family. Each award is for up to $25,000 in maintenance grants and up to $20,000 in tuition support for each year of graduate study supported, a total of as much as $90,000. Contact: The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans , 400 West 59th Street , New York, NY 10019 , Phone: (212)547-6926 Facsimile: (212)548-4623 , E-Mail: [email protected] STALLER, NATHAN LAW SCHOLARSHIP The purpose of the Foundation is to award scholarships to qualified law school students from the three Southern New Jersey counties of Cape May, Atlantic and Cumberland on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Contact: The Honorable Nathan C. Staller, Law Scholarship Foundation, Inc., c/o Cape May County Bar Association, Box 425, Cape May Court House, New Jersey 08210, (609)463-0313 STAMLER, JOHN H., MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Each scholarship is a one year grant in the amount of $2,500 paid directly to the recipient. Persons may reapply for succeeding years. To be eligible, an applicant must be a New Jersey resident and a sworn law enforcement officer seeking educational advancement on a college graduate level to improve his or her effectiveness as a law enforcement officer. Contact: The Honorable Nathan C. Staller Law Scholarship Foundation, Inc. c/o Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow, Union County Prosecutor’s Office, 32 Rahway Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07202, (609)3992411, [email protected] Ts TURNER, J.L. LEGAL ASSOCIATION Each year, since 1982, the J.L. Turner Legal Association Foundation has awarded scholarships to law students from or attending law school in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Funds from the Annual Scholarship and Awards Banquet are used to fund the scholarships. Law students must have successfully completed their first year of law school to be considered for a JLTLA Scholarship. Contact: J.L Turner Legal Association, P.O. Box 134002, Dallas, Texas 75313, Oluwande Elam, (214)658-6515, Staci Glenn, (972)820-9595, [email protected] Us UDALL, MORRIS K. SCHOLARSHIP The Foundation sponsored and implemented its first Native American Congressional Summer Internship program in June 1996. In 2006, the Foundation expects to award 12 Internships on the basis of merit to Native Americans and Alaska Natives who: -Are college juniors or seniors, recent graduates from tribal or four-year colleges, or graduate or law students; -Have demonstrated an interest in fields related to tribal public policy, such as tribal governance, tribal law, Native American education, Native American health, Native American justice, natural resource protection, and Native American economic development. Contact: 130 South Scott Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85701, Mia Ibarra, Program Manager, (520)9018564, [email protected] Vs Vinson & Elkins Diversity Fellowships Diversity and inclusion are two of the core values which guide all that we do at Vinson & Elkins. Since our success ultimately depends on developing exceptional legal talent, Vinson & Elkins is committed to attracting and retaining the finest lawyers from all backgrounds and perspectives. To that end, Vinson & Elkins is pleased to continue offering its Diversity Fellowship. The fellowship provides $7,000, in two $3,500 installments, paid at the beginning of the second and third years of law school, to four first-year law students from historically underrepresented groups in the legal profession. In addition, the Diversity Fellows will be considered for the V&E summer associate program in the Austin, Dallas, or Houston office during the summer after the recipients’ first year of law school. Contact: 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 500 West, Washington, DC 20037, 1-202-639-6500 Ws WASHINGTON D.C. STATE STUDENT INCENTIVE GRANT (SSIG) Grants offered to D.C. residents for education beyond the high school level. Must have substantial financial need and be in good academic standing. Contact: State Student Incentive Grant Program, 2100 M.L.King, Jr. Avenue, S.E., Suite 401, Washington, D.C. 20020, (202) 727-3688. WATERBURY BAR ASSOCIATION Awards for residents of the Waterbury Judicial District who are in or entering into their final year of study at an accredited law school. Awards: up to $1,500 Contact: Waterbury Bar Association, 678 Chase Parkway, Waterbury, CT 06708, Phone: (203)5978089, Fax: (203)597-8004 WESTMORELAND BAR FOUNDATION Awards for residents of Westmoreland County, PA. Contact: Diane Krivoniak, (724)834-6730 Ys YORK COUNTY BAR FOUNDATION The Richard P. Noll Scholarship is reserved for needy law students from the Greater York, PA, area. Contact: Amy L. Nelson, Esq., (717)843-8766, [email protected] YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FOUNDATION opportunitiesfoundation-scholarships&catid=37%3Alist-of-scholarships&Itemid=59 Awarded to students from California. Amounts vary. Contact: Felix Castro, Youth Opportunities Foundation, PO Box 45762, Los Angeles, CA 90045, (310)670-7664. Summer Clerkships EARTHJUSTICE Interns will have an opportunity to work with several attorneys on case development and litigation. Students may draft pleadings, briefs, and other legal documents; do legal research and prepare memoranda; develop strategy and legal theories; gather evidence; and attend meetings with clients, conferences with opposing counsel, and any court proceedings. Many different clerkships available. Look at website for list of clerkships and information for each. Contact: 203 Hoge Building, 705 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104-1711, (206) 343-7340, [email protected].
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