Our Corporate Responsibilities
Our Corporate Responsibilities
Code of Conduct Our Corporate Responsibilities Message from the Board of Directors Imodco is committed to conducting its business activity in an honest, ethical, respectful and professional manner. As a subsidiary company in the SBM Offshore Group, Imodco Board of Directors has adopted the SBM Offshore Code of Conduct which sets out Company corporate values and related responsibilities towards its stakeholders, clients, employees, business partners, society and the environment. This Code of Conduct applies to all Imodco operations and projects worldwide. The Code of Conduct is designed to help you to understand these principles and comply with them. As anImodco employee you are required to follow and abide by them when you join Imodco and during your entire career with Imodco. Sincerely Bert-Jaap Dijkstra Managing Director 2 3 Code of Conduct Our Corporate Responsibilities SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 1 2 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct Contents Message from the Board of Directors 5 Our Promises 6 Our promise to our clients: 6 Our promise to our shareholders: 6 Our promise to our business partners: 6 Our promise to our employees: 6 Our promise to society and the environment: 6 General responsibilities 7 Application7 Accountability and compliance 7 Responsibilities7 Responsibilities to clients 8 Responsibilities to employees 8 Responsibilities to business partners 10 Responsibilities to society / communities 11 Responsibilities to the environment 12 Responsibilities to shareholders / capital providers 13 Annex I 14 Annex I – SBM Offshore’s guidelines for use of consultants and commercial relations with public officials 14 Annex II 16 Annex II – SBM Offshore’s Suspected Irregularity Rules and SBM Offshore Integrity Line 16 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 3 SBM Offshore N.V. Code of Conduct Our Corporate Responsibilities March 2012 4 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct essage from the M Board of Directors SBM Offshore N.V. is committed to conducting its business activities in an honest, ethical, respectful, and professional manner. This Code of Conduct sets out SBM Offshore’s corporate values and related responsibilities towards its stakeholders, clients, employees, business partners, society, and the environment. The principles set out in this Code of Conduct will help you as an employee of SBM Offshore to understand the core values of the company. SBM Offshore’s reputation and ability to conduct itself according to the highest system of corporate values depends on all of us wholeheartedly accepting these values and embodying them in our work. Everyone at SBM Offshore is required to adhere to the principles in this Code of Conduct. If you have any questions about how to comply with these principles or if you have reason to believe the code has been violated, please speak up and raise your concerns to your supervisor or a confidential advisor (in accordance with the Rules of Conduct Relating to Suspected Irregularities, which may be found at SBM Offshore’s intranet: Our Ethics. Sincerely, Bruno Chabas Chief Executive Officer SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 5 Our Promises Our promise to our clients: Whatever your floating production needs, we will deliver Our promise to our employees: A safe and stimulating work environment We understand the offshore production business in its entirety and can leverage our unrivalled experience and expertise to supply exactly what our clients need, whatever the demands of the offshore environment. We aim to attract and retain a diverse set of highly talented people, and will maximize their opportunities for success by providing stimulating challenges, excellent training and high levels of work satisfaction – all in an incident-free workplace. Our promise to our shareholders: Our promise to society and the environment: Our expertise and technological know-how create significant value We care for the people and environment wherever we operate We are the most experienced solutions provider in the offshore energy production market – a position that gives us a ‘preferred supplier’ status, and enables us to deliver superior financial returns whilst maintaining a good risk/reward balance. We care for the lives of the people where we operate – we are committed to being globally aware, promoting local development and operating with integrity – and we understand our responsibilities to run a safe operation and to protect the environment. Our promise to our business partners: Long-term business partnerships are key to our performance and ability to deliver We are dedicated to building deep, long-term relationships with our business partners so, together, we can confidently supply the needs of all our clients through the whole product lifecycle. 6 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct Responsibilities General responsibilities We are implementing this code by: This document clarifies the responsibilities of SBM Offshore and its employees to each other, to clients, to partners, to capital providers, to business partners, to society, and to the environment. In respect of Corporate Social Responsibility, we adhere to international standards such as the United Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ILO conventions and the UN Global Compact. Application The SBM Code of Conduct applies to all employees, agency personnel, officers, and directors of SBM Offshore and its controlled subsidiaries (including joint ventures). Accountability and compliance SBM Offshore’s board of management is responsible for ensuring this code is communicated, understood, and observed by all employees. Day to day responsibility is delegated to senior management. They are responsible for implementing the code, and if necessary provide more detailed guidance and training tailored to specific functions and local needs. Assurance of compliance is given and monitored every year and subject to review by the board of management supported by the audit committee. • Active internal communication; • Introducing the code in our internal training sessions for both new and current personnel; • Asking senior management to sign off for compliance with the code on a yearly basis; • Referring to the code in our labour contracts with employees; • Appointing a compliance officer, who will also recommend to the board of management, appropriate actions when it comes to dilemmas and cases which are not addressed in this code; • Keeping records of these dilemmas and cases which are not addressed in this code; • Auditing subcontractors, business partners and suppliers on compliance with the code on a yearly basis; • Employees can ask questions and report noncompliances with the SBM Offshore Code of Conduct through the procedure entitled “Rules Relating to Suspected Irregularities” which is found on SBM Offshore’s intranet: Our Ethics; • Wherever possible, SBM Offshore’s Code of Conduct (or an equivalent code) shall be made a part of all our contracts with business partners and subcontractors. SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 7 Responsibilities Responsibilities to clients Clients rely on SBM Offshore for the realization of their expectations. Accordingly, we have the following responsibilities: • supplying high quality products and services; • supplying products and services with a focus on safety and environmental preservation; • (e) You may not under any circumstances offer or accept gifts, ameals and/ormarket entertainment, • providing competitive price; directly or indirectly, that: • building together a common health, safety and environmental management system on each operational project; • monitoring together the impact of our activities on local communities in terms of social, economical and environmental consequences and ensuring that those consequences do not harm local interests; • supporting clients to adhere to globally agreed Hospitality required by a contract industry standards such as EITI (Extractive Industries Contract provisions Initiative) pertaining to hospitality Transparency where applicable.should 5.1.2 be avoided wherever possible. However, where a contract requires SBM to bear Responsibilities employees the cost of meals, travelto and /or accommodation for Employees dedicate considerable portion their meetings associated withathe performance of a of protime, knowledge, and expertise toor SBM Offshore. ject, the responsible Project Manager Department • •(ii) Involve gifts and entertainment thatand are showing respect for the wishes, interests Accordingly, we have the following responsibilities: Manager must ensure: provided a tenderer during thein course of an ethicalby standards of customers, all aspects • (a) The meals, travel and accommodation ongoing or competitive bidding process. of thetender transactions; • pursuing a personnel policy in whichrather the best possible ultimately serve a business purpose, than • (iii) Involve gifts and entertainment being use is made ofpurpose. each person’s skills and personal an entertainment • avoiding conflicts of interest; provided during periods when important development is encouraged; • (b) Such costs comply with the policies as business decisions are being made where • keeping information confidential; stated in the good Compliance Guide and in SBM’s such gifts orclient’s entertainment might influence the • offering and competitive terms of employment Travel Policies. decision making process. and safe and healthy working conditions; • meeting the agreed delivery time; • (i) Involve special or extravagant events (e.g. all expense trips to sporting or entertainment • meeting the production targets of customers; events). • informing customers properly and in good time; • (f) Special rules apply to Public Officials. Please see • section 5.2.an insight into the environmental • pursuing an employment policy following the providing 5.1.3 principles How does a pre-approval? of one equalobtain opportunity, preventing any impact of proposed technologies and their • NB: Managers should report any instances of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, When pre-approval is required, you willage, need to religion, alternatives;to the Compliance Officer. non-compliance political or trade union affiliations, nationality or obtain approval from your Department Manager or Travel and Overnight Accommodation Travel and overnight accommodation for any third SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct parties8(unless re-billable) requires the written au- disability; Compliance Officer before promising to someone, or receiving from someone, any gift, hospitality or entertainment. Failure to request and obtain the pre-approval may Responsibilities • minimizing risks for health and safety incidents by; –– implementing internationally recognized industry standards such as OHSAS18001; –– providing appropriate training to all relevant personnel; –– developing and using engineering and technology know-how to improve health and safety at the facilities we design, build or operate; • applying anti drug, anti smoking and anti alcohol abuse policies (further details of SBM Offshore’s Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace policy and its No Smoking Policy can be found in You and the Company and is available through the Humain Resources Department and on the CIS; • striving for a good relationship with those who represent SBM Offshore employees; • providing a clear framework of operating procedures to promote efficiency and to prevent mistakes; –– co-operating with clients, project partners and business partners to improve health and safety performances; • preserving employee privacy and confidentiality of employee records; –– measuring health and safety performance and communicating our progress on a regular basis; • creating a climate in which employees are encouraged to adhere to this code; • preventing undesirable conduct such as intimidation, harassment and abuse of authority (further details of SBM Offshore’s policy against harassment can be found in You & the Company and is available through the Human Resources Department and on the CIS.); • adhering to applicable national and international human rights standards, including the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; • being open to suggestion, ideas and criticism; • adhering to the fundamental ILO conventions regarding child labour, forced labour, nondiscrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, including among others; • avoiding conflicts of interest between private activities and the employee’s role in the company’s business, particularly in their relations with clients, partners, competitors and suppliers; • preventing the employment of children under the minimum age of completing compulsory schooling and, in any case, the minimum age for employment shall not be less than 15 years old; • avoiding disclosure of inside information; • preventing the use of any form of forced labour; • not asking anyone to break the law; • respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining. • communicating in an honest and clear manner; • preventing, as far as possible, problems of conscience in the performance of their work and striving to find a proper solution to them where these still arise; • establishing the means for employees to report suspected irregularities; SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 9 Responsibilities Responsibilities to business partners Business partners work with SBM Offshore to help supply the needs of our clients. Accordingly, we have the following responsibilities: • striving for long-term stability in the relationship, in exchange for value, quality, competitiveness and reliability; • paying business partners on time, according to the agreements made; • selecting business partners on the basis of generally accepted market considerations; • systematically offering host country suppliers, as a minimum, a fair chance to provide products and services and making material efforts to enhance their capabilities through guidance and transfer of know-how; • paying market prices and making reasonable demands; • being open and reliable in all our activities; • not accepting cash gifts or any substantial non-cash gifts (including entertainment). Gifts may only be made in strict accordance with SBM Anti Corruption Policy & Compliance Guide; 10 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct • selecting business partners who do adhere to the applicable national and international standards and to the principles set out in this Code; • selecting business partners that apply sufficient focus to working conditions for their employees in accordance with the ILO (International Labour Organization) conventions; • monitoring compliance with this code by business partners. In instances where the results of assessments are found to be unsatisfactory, SBM Offshore will engage with the business partner in developing improvements to facilitate compliance with these standards. However, if a supplier repeatedly demonstrates a lack of interest to improve its standards, SBM Offshore will take appropriate action, which could result in withdrawal from the relationship. Responsibilities Responsibilities to society / communities Society provides SBM Offshore the social and physical infrastructure for entrepreneurship. Accordingly, we have the following responsibilities: • not doing business in countries subject to international and relevant national embargoes and respecting the export and import control regulations of countries where we work and operate; • respecting human rights as formulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; • not undertaking commercial activities in countries where it is made impossible to adhere to this code; • not granting a cash gift or non-cash gift for the purpose of obtaining a contract or any improper business advantage; • in general, the giving of gifts is only acceptable if such practice is not for an improper use and if such a practice is in compliance with acceptable laws (for further details refer to SBM Offshore Anti-Corruption Policy and Compliance Guide); • not offering or giving money or anything of value, whether directly or indirectly, to any public official, political party, or candidate to obtain or retain business or to direct business to any person; • not engaging consultants and commercial representatives in violation of SBM Offshore’s guidelines for the use of consultants (further details are contained in Annex I hereto); • not entering into joint venture or similar relationships that would violate SBM Offshore’s guidelines for commercial relationships with foreign officials (further details are contained in Annex I hereto); • taking all reasonable measures to avoid involvement or complicity in human rights violations in its relationships and interactions with state security forces; • supporting initiatives that, within the framework of our possibilities and aims, contribute to the improvement of social welfare; • striving for a constructive relationship with nongovernmental organizations; • not accepting any proceeds of crime or terrorism and taking appropriate measures to prevent moneylaundering including the reporting of suspicious transactions (e.g. high value cash transactions, payments between unknown entities or through excessive intermediaries, payments made by/ received by suspicious entities or involving high risk counties); • striving for fair competition by respecting tangible and intellectual property rights of competitors and respecting the relevant competition laws (including the obligation not to engage in bid rigging, price fixing, or other similar arrangements designed to improperly undermine competition); • assessing the social, environmental and economical impact of our intended operations prior to the commencement of our operational activities, including the impact on local communities and human rights; • (in cooperation with or on behalf of our clients) assessing local needs for social, economical and environmental improvements in all areas where we operate, and providing support to local communities in order to realize these potential improvements, using our skills and capabilities, within the legal and cultural constraints of these local communities. • not engaging in insider trading or other acts prohibited by SBM Offshore’s Regulations Relating to Insider Trading (for further details www.sbmoffshore. com Code of Conduct); • preventing security personnel from infringing on the liberty and security of others; SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 11 Responsibilities Responsibilities to the environment SBM Offshore makes use of natural resources. Accordingly, we have the following responsibilities: • as a minimum complying with the applicable statutory environmental provisions and regulations and, where possible, going further than required; • preventing and minimizing pollution of soil, water and air, production of noise, creating of waste products and use of dangerous materials; • collecting and processing waste separately, and using water and energy efficiently; • minimizing risks for environmental incidents; • supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; • developing engineering and technology know-how to reduce the environmental impact of the facilities we design, build or operate; • striving for continuous improvement of our environmental performance; • translating policy into clear practical guidelines and, furthermore, ensuring that the policy and the guidelines are implemented in practice; 12 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct • implementing certified environmental management systems at all operations with a significant environmental impact; • measuring performance and communicating our progress on a regular basis; • co-operating with clients, business partners and suppliers to improve environmental performance; • complying with SBM Offshore’s HSSE management system; • permanently ensuring that the environmental awareness and motivation of the employees and others who work on the premises of SBM Offshore is such that environmental protection – although primarily the management’s responsibility – is everybody’s concern. Responsibilities Responsibilities to shareholders / capital providers Capital providers enable SBM Offshore to finance its activities. Accordingly, we have the following responsibilities: • ensuring the continuity of the company; • achieving, also in the long term, a competitive return on capital employed, which is in fair proportion to the degree of risks in the line of business; • disclosing relevant information timely; • taking all necessary measures to prevent insider trading; • maintaining a stable policy with respect to dividend distribution; • operating an effective risk management system; • achieving the highest standards of corporate governance; • providing both financial and non financial information regarding our business operations on a regular basis in accordance with globally agreed international standards; • not accepting any cash or non-cash gift (including hospitality) that would improperly influence commercial decision-making (for further details refer to SBM Offshore Anti-Corruption Policy and Compliance Guidelines); • establishing financial and accounting procedures to maintain accurate records of the company’s transactions and disposition of assets. SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 13 Annex I Annex I – SBM Offshore’s guidelines for use of consultants and commercial relations with public officials General: Consultants and /or commercial representatives who offer sales and marketing and business support services should only be engaged by authorised employees of SBM Offshore in consultation with CEO. The SBM Offshore Code of Conduct prohibits the payment (directly or indirectly) of anything of value to a public official or a commercial decision maker to secure an improper business advantage. Further, SBM Offshore employees should be aware that such payments may be in violation of local law. The consequences of non-compliance with these guidelines may be severe and could include imprisonment, fines, damages, termination of contractual relations, and loss of business reputation. 14 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct Use of consultants: Particular care must be taken by authorised employees when engaging consultants on behalf of SBM Offshore. Such employees must: • Use and apply SBM Offshore’s standard Due Diligence Form before engaging an consultants or commercial representative. The purpose of the form is to identify any conflicts, concerns, or red-flags. The form is available from the legal department; • Know (or get to know) the consultants and its corporate structures/shareholders, and identify any links between the consultants and public officials or the client; • In appropriate cases (e.g. unknown consultant, suspected links to public officials, or other red flags) perform local checks (through law firms, or other specialist service providers, internet etc.) to verify the reputation and propriety of the consultant; • Refrain from using an consultant who has a bad reputation or whom you suspect may use funds improperly; • Actively investigate red flags (links to public officials, prior prosecutions, bad reputation etc.); • Use SBM Offshore’s standard consultancy agreement (which is available from the legal department) and obtain legal department input on any changes to the standard terms. The standard consultancy agreement contains appropriate provisions for avoiding / prohibiting corrupt practices; • The consultant’s compensation should be payable for bona fide services; • Originals of due diligence forms, checklists and signed consultancy agreement shall be sent to the Legal department for achieving and transferral to Marly; Commercial relations with public officials (Including National Oil Company Personnel): Applicable laws (e.g. U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act and similar laws enacted pursuant to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Officials) prohibit the corrupt offer or grant of money or anything of value to a public/foreign official to gain any improper advantage. Employees of national oil companies (“NOCs”) should be presumed public or foreign officials for the purposes of these guidelines. Whenever dealing with public/foreign officials, including any dealings with NOC joint venture partners or clients, SBM Offshore employees must refrain from making payments or giving gifts to such officials unless there is a legitimate and non-corrupt commercial purpose. Modest hospitality as a legitimate incident of good business relationships is normally permissible, provided there is no attempt use the provision of such hospitality for any improper influence (for more information please refer to the Anti-Corruption Policy and Compliancy Guide). Prior to entering any new joint venture relationship (including any NOC joint venture), Board of Management approval shall be obtained. • The responsible Sales Manager shall keep on file copies of completed due diligence documents and signed agreements; • Report any improper commercial activities to your supervisor (or as otherwise provided in SBM Offshore’s Rules of Conduct for Reporting Suspected Irregularities), or the Anti Corruption Policy and Compliancy Guide; • Do your part to ensure that accurate books and records are kept of financial transactions undertaken on behalf of SBM Offshore. SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 15 Annex II Annex II – Suspected Irregularity Rules and SBM Offshore Integrity Line If you have any questions about how to comply with these principles or if you have a concern that the Code of Conduct has been violated, you may choose one of the following options below. You may first raise your concern and seek advice from your Department Manager. You may also report and seek advice from SBM’s: • HR Management; • Legal Department • Compliance Officer. However, if you are uncomfortable about using one of these resources, you may also contact the SBM Offshore Integrity Line. SBM Offshore Integrity Line If you ever feel unsure about where to go for help, or are uncomfortable using one of the other resources identified in the Code of Conduct, SBM Offshore has an additional resource that can help – SBM Offshore Integrity Line. The purpose of SBM Offshore Integrity Line is to respond to concerns about compliance, ethics and the requirements described in this code. The SBM Offshore Integrity Line telephone line and website address facility are operated by an independent company that helps businesses respond to concerns about compliance and ethics. The line operates 24 hours a day/7 days a week and also has translation services available at all times. For more information on the Suspected Irregularity Rules and SBM Offshore Integrity Line, please see the procedure on the SBM Intranet, CIS under the heading: Our Ethics. A full list of local telephone numbers and Frequently Asked Questions document (FAQ) can be accessed from the CIS in the Rules of conduct relating to suspected irregularities. 16 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct Data Protection and Privacy All information and data you may provide when making a report through the Suspected Irregularities Rules or the SBM Offshore Integrity Line will remain in strict confidence. The privacy of both the complainant’s identity and the subject(s) in the reports will be protected. SBM Offshore will not tolerate the practice of reporting in bad faith. This practice is considered to be a serious breach of the Code of Conduct and disciplinary action shall be taken against employees reporting in bad faith. Retaliation will not be tolerated SBM Offshore will not tolerate retaliation against the complainant. SBM Offshore takes claims of retaliation seriously. Allegations of retaliation will be investigated and appropriate action taken. Anyone responsible for reprisals against individuals who report a suspected misconduct or other risks to the business will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct 17 18 SBM Offshore | Code of Conduct SBM Offshore N.V. Postal address P.O. Box 31 3100 AA Schiedam The Netherlands Street address Karel Doormanweg 66 3115 JD Schiedam The Netherlands Telephone +31 (0)10 232 0900 Telefax +31 (0)10 232 0999 E-mail: [email protected] Code of Conduct Our Corporate Responsibilities