Bl. Maria Helena Stollenwerk Evening Praise: A Witness of Trust


Bl. Maria Helena Stollenwerk Evening Praise: A Witness of Trust
Even ing Praise
Bl Maria Helena Stollenwerk
A Witness of frust
at the Service of Mission
Bl Maria Helena Stollenwerk
A Witness of Trust
at the Service of Mission
Blessed Maria Helena was a woman chosen by God
for God's own plans, plans that she herself had no
knowledge of. God's word touched her and radica lly
took hold of her life. With her eyes fixed on the
goa l, she trusted God and what could be God's
ways in times of darkness and obstacles. She kept
alive in her heart Jesus' final words before his
ascension :
You are my witnesses in Jerusalem,
throughout Judea and Samaria,
yes, even to the ends of the earth
And even more, Jesus' words became her life
(Lett-er from Anne mari~ Reisch SSpS}
(Ac-es 1:8).
The beginnings of Trust in the Service of Mission:
Time and again throughout history, God has
anointed persons who basically trusted in God in
spite of their trying circumstances. Bl Maria
Helena worried about causing sorrow to her
parents upon entering Steyl. Doubt troubled her
as to whether or not it was the will of God that
she become a Missionary Sister. In her exasperation she took refuge in God and let God lead her.
Trusting in what could be God's ways for the
missions, she shared in God's renewa l of the face
of the earth!
Ant: God, age after age you summon witnesses.
(Bl Maria Helena's Sayings)
I desire to devote all my love and
my whole life to the service of the gospel.
Always have great confidence,
for God the Holy Spirit
can help in all anxieties and needs,
even the greatest.
Only keep up the courage and trust in God.
Whenever there is anything difficult
offer it to God for God's
greater glorification.
Labor untiring in the vineyard of the Lord .
God alone can fill your heart!
Throw yourselves confidently
into the arms of Divine Providence.
May the most holy,
the most just,
the most amiable
and impenetrable
will of God
be accomplished!
Desire to devote
all love and all of life
To Abba,
to Jesus the Lord
and to the Spirit,
Creator of trust,
at the service of mission
we give you thanks!
Now and forever. Amen.
Ant: God, age after age you summon witnesses.
The unfolding of trust at the service of mission:
Bl Maria Helena placed all her trust in the first General
Chapter of th e Society of the Divine Word in which the
capitulars adopted a resolution to found a congregation
of missionary Sisters. Fr. Arnold on his part kept silence
on this point. Bl Maria Helena faced a crisis. Were she
and her companions to toil in the kitchen without
achieving the missionary goal?
She sought to lay bare her insecurity before God,
going to the innermost part of her soul. God was
there to be known and loved. Gradually, she became
more concerned about how she could live in and out of
God. She discovered that her missionary activity
would be fruitful only to the extent that it was
founded on God .
Trusting God and accepting her utter inability to do
anything developed a fresh trust in the God who had
called her to the service of mission.
Ant: God, age after age
trusts in you to season the face of the earth!
Psalm 98
Sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done wonders,
his right hand his holy arm,
has won victory for him .
The Lord has shown his salvation,
revealing his justice to the nations.
He has not forgotten his love
nor his faithfulness to Israel.
The farthest ends of the earth
have seen God's saving power.
All you lands,
make a joyful noise to the Lord,
break into song and sing praise,
with melody of the lyre and
with music of the harp.
With trumpet blast and sound of the horn,
rejoice before the King, the Lord!
Let the sea resound and everything in it,
the world and all its peoples.
Let rivers clap their hands, hills and
mountains sing with joy before the Lord,
for he comes to rule the earth.
He will judge the world with justice and
the peoples with fairness.
fa Abba,
to Jesus the Lord
and to the Spirit,
Creator of trust,
we give you thanks!
Now and forever. Amen .
Ant: God, age after age
trusts in you to season the face of the earth!
Trust blossoms:
As superior of the first small religious missionary community, Bl Maria Helena grew into her
role of co-foundress and in her second letter
to her Sisters overseas, she began with:
God the Holy Spirit, everything
out of love for you.
Not long before, Fr. Arnold asked Bl Maria
Helena on three separate occasions whether
she had an inclination towards a life of contemplation! Bl Maria Helena felt the consequences keenly. Yet she also felt that this was
the will of God and the will of God kept her
firm . She entered the novitiate of the cloistered community on December 8, 1899 because it was for love of God! In prayer she was
to be at the service of the missions!
Ant: God, age after age
the gospel is proclaimed
to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.
Day talks it over with day;
night hands on the knowledge to night.
No speech, no words, no voice is heard-but the call goes on throughout the universe,
the message is felt to the ends of the earth .
High above, he pitched a tent for the sun,
w comes out as a id room from his p
or like a racer joyfully runs his course.
Ri · g from one end,
it ma s it circuit of the heavens,
and set at
e other end;
er of my mouth
May the words, the
and the meditations of my heart
find favor in your sight
throughout the earth,
0 Lord--my redeemer, my rock!
To Abba,
to Jesus the Lord
and to the Spirit,
Creator of trust,
at the service of mission
we give you thanks!
Now and forever. Amen.
Ant: God, age after age
the gospel is proclaimed
to the ends of the earth.
True1t in God ie1 fulfilled:
Before completing her novitiate in this community, Bl
Maria Helena had signs of encephalitic infection. She
offered her sickness to God and prayed that God
might accept this sickness as an offering for the
missions. The illness was terminal and she died on
February 3, 1900.
You accepted her trust and surrender of love for the
missions; a blessing for countless people.
---You accepted ...
The ways of God flow and fill hearts with love; a blessing ....
To Abba, to Jesus the Lord and to the Spirit, Creator of
trust, at the service of mission we give you thanks!
---You accepted ...
Bl Maria Helena has rendered a service in and for
mission! Countless people have been loved with God's
love and the good news of Jesus has been proclaimed
because she trusted God!
When systems would have urged compromise or
abandonment of God's ways, Bl Maria Helena stood
by God, strong and couragiously. Radiant with trust
in her heart, we have seen God's glory made manifest
in the little ones of the earth.
loday, we are touched by Bl Maria Helena's acceptance and trust in God's ways. In the countless
brothers and sisters we have been given in Jesus'
mission, we too are to be witnesses of trust in God!
Ant: God's name is holy.
From age to age, look to God
when hope seems o t of sight!
G ~·s name is holy.
rom age to age, look to God
when hope seems out of sight!
Litany of intercession:
Hand in hand with Bl Maria Helena, we ask our God through
Blessed Maria Helena's intercession:
Blessed Maria Helena, patroness of:
... Congregations
All: Pray for us.
...the missions
All: Pray for us.
... missionaries
All: Pray for us.
... messengers of the gospel
All: Pray for us.
...those going through difficult circumstances
All: leach us trust in God .
... those who have to just hang in there
All: leach us trust in God .
...those who wait
All: leach us trust in God .
... those in need of patience
All: leach us trust in God.
Bl Maria Helena look kindly upon
... the Church in China
All: Intercede for us.
... the Pilgrim Church
All: Intercede for us .
... all nations
All: Intercede for us.
Closing Prayer:
God of age to age, graciously hear our prayer
that we may be missionaries of trust in your
ways, just like Blessed Maria Helena. Make of
us missionaries who know how to keep your
Word and live it. Through your Spirit in us
renew the face of the earth and the earth will
be created anew. May you be glorified in the
name of Jesus your incarnate wisdom! All
this we ask in your name of Abba, Word and
Spirit. Amen . Amen .
Today, tomorrow and forever,
may the Holy Triune God
grant us the blessing of trust in God.
May God shine in our hearts
and in the hearts of all peo r.le. Amen .
November 28
Feast of Bl Maria Helena