December Helena Connection


December Helena Connection
News of members of the Old Helenians Association and
people of the Helena College Junior and Senior Schools
No. 20 DECEMBER 2004
The Helena College Junior School built environment
has evolved over many years.
The present Helena House was built in the 1930s and
bought by Helena School in 1941.The verandahs were
enclosed with glass louvres to create sleeping spaces
for the boarders at the school. An outside ablution
block and building of two rooms were added about
twenty metres away from the main house to cater for
the growing numbers of students. Even further away
than that was a large laundry with two double cement
troughs in it. The main addition during those early
years would have been the classroom close to the
Ryecroft Road boundary. This is currently the music
room and the uniform shop.
In the early 1960s a neighbouring block was purchased
and another classroom was built. This is now the library. Still later, the adjoining block containing a log cabin was
purchased to house the senior boarders.
Sometime in late 1972 the block containing the present library was bought by the Herzfelds. At this point of time the
school changed from the ownership of Misses Jones and Ashbury to the Herzfelds. A school Council was formed to
run the school as a non-profit organization and therefore become eligible for government finance.
By January1973 Helena School consisted of the original classroom next to Helena House in which Grades 1 and
2 were taught, while the kindergarten functioned on the enclosed verandah (the present uniform shop). This whole
building and use of the toilet block was rented from Misses Jones and Ashbury while Years 3, 4,5,6 and 7 were taught
in the present library building for a peppercorn rent paid to the Herzfelds. The laundry was then the office, the pottery
room and the storeroom were called the ‘blue room’.
Plans were immediately drawn for a kindergarten and an additional new classroom to be built near this classroom.
Financial assistance in the form of a capital grant was received from the government and the kindergarten (the
present Pre-primary) was officially opened in September 1973.
At the beginning of February 1974 the present Year 4 room and toilet block were added. The main brief given to
the architect was for space, light, economy of construction and to abide by existing health and education standards
- hence the cement blocks. During 1974 the Helena School Council bought the school from the Herzfelds, the next
block was purchased and an oval for the children to play on was created. Quite a lot of landscaping was done,
including the building of many stone retaining walls.
Rooms on either side of the new ablution block were constructed in 1975 and 1976 to house ballet and other option
classes, a canteen and a small office. Many dedicated volunteers (parents and friends) spent hundreds of hours to
build these facilities. Next came the two senior classrooms, the ablution block, the present Year 1 and 2 area, followed
by the gymnasium with adjoining store and piano rooms, and the administration block. Still later additions were the
Year 3 classroom, the music room below the gym and the new staff room.
Stimulating, safe play areas for the children were always a top priority and the playground near the library, the mini
basketball court and the senior playground were constructed. The library was extended and improved and Helena
House was eventually purchased.
I rationalise the mixture of building materials for all the buildings as being typical of Helena College’s multicultural
philosophy. The play equipment is a mixture of old airport equipment and modern structures, plus examples of local
imagination, but the most popular with the children is still the bush for cubby building. We are certainly lucky to still
have a natural environment in which our children can play, use their imaginations and be creative. Most buildings
were financed by capital grants or low interest loans, but some, for example the present staff room, computer room,
canteen and small adjoining room, could only be added by way of voluntary labour and donations. Most playground
equipment has been added thanks to the P & F members over the years, for which we are extremely appreciative.
In the early years, staff, parents and Council members, with their children, all joined in regular busy bees for
maintenance, rock collecting for stone walls, play equipment construction, lawn planting, paving, etc. The Helena
College Junior School built environment has truly been a community effort over many decades.
Sally Herzfeld
Deputy Chairperson
College Council
From little things big things grow…..
The seed of the idea for a Senior School was germinated way back in 1986 when
an 8.3-hectare block of land was purchased in Bilgoman Road, Glen Forrest,
to build the senior campus for Helena College. The following year a ‘Billy Tea
Meeting’ was held on the block to advise the public and interested parents of the
high school proposal.
Sixteen years ago in 1988 Helena College Senior School opened with twentyseven Year 8 pupils. There were just four classrooms, two general-purpose
rooms, offices and an ablution block. In those early days Sally Herzfeld was the
Coordinator, and Alasdair Leonard was the only full time teacher. Mr John AllenWilliams was appointed Principal of the Senior School in 1990 and a temporary
staffroom was erected. This staffroom has been resited and is now the well-loved Year 12 Common Room. The official
opening of Science 1 and 2 occurred in 1989 and in 1991 the Business and Computing block was built.
In 1992, the year our current Year 7s were born, the administration block, library, manual arts, art and craft and home
economics buildings were completed. Architectural drawings were commissioned for the performing arts building and
the staff room and the oval was constructed. Also in this year the first Year 12s from Helena College sat for the TEE
and graduated in the December.
During 1994 the performing arts building was finally finished, giving our staff and students a fine venue for drama
and music, and in 1995 the science rooms 3 and 4 were ready for students to conduct laboratory experiments and
explorations into new directions in science. Staff also appreciated their brand new staffroom – at last a great place to
unwind, have a coffee and retreat for five minutes in-between classes.
In Term 3 1996 we welcomed the first group of very excited Year 7s to their brand new building and to life at Helena.
The Independent Learning Centre was also a welcome addition that year, as an extension of the library, enabling
students to pursue the latest in new technologies. In 1998 the innovative media centre facilities, workshops and store
were completed.
Improving the access to the College was a high priority and in 1999 the front entry, driveway and landscaping were
completed. Later that year the orchestra room facilities were added, allowing for a much broader music program.
By then all the planned buildings for Helena College were complete, except for the badly needed gymnasium. Just over
two years ago, in 2002, the College embarked on the last major building program, that of the $1.8 million sporting and
recreation centre. In May of that year the fundraising appeal was launched to raise $500,000 towards the cost. This has
been a real community effort with parents, students and staff all working together to raise funds by donations, pledges
and fundraising events. It is still ongoing.
Throughout 2003 the library extensions were undertaken to provide the new audio-visual room, extra classrooms and
to extend the mezzanine area for private study. This has enabled library staff to create casual reading areas with comfy
couches and better private study areas for students.
Which leads us to the current day…. In the July holidays of 2004 we saw the machinery of Merriwa Constructions move
onto the gym site to do the rock breaking and prepare the ground for the foundations of the gym. This building is now
under way with an expected completion date of March 2005.
The staff and students are eagerly awaiting
the grand opening. Old Helenians will also
be invited to join with us on this very special
So over the past eighteen years, from a
very modest beginning, the Helena College
built environment has certainly grown! From
a student population of just twenty-seven
students we now have almost four hundred
and seventy students at the Senior School.
From a school of just four classrooms in 2004
we have a well equipped educational campus
with up-to-date facilities across all Learning
Areas, and with staff who are dedicated
to bringing out the best in each and every
Julie Carlton
Development Office
New Tally $452,500
Target $500,000
The building of the gym is progressing to schedule.
Currently the slab is curing before the walls are commenced.
The fundraising tally is nearing the target but we still
need another $48,000 - Can Old Helenians help?
Donations over $2 to the Helena College Building Fund
Inc. (for the Gymnasium Fundraising Appeal) are
deductible for taxation purposes.
Corporate sponsorship or major donations are welcome.
Please contact me in the Development Office to discuss your
Thank you to all donors for your support.
Julie Carlton
Development Office
[email protected]
Old Helenians are invited to contribute to the engraved brick
paved entrance to the gymnasium.
Your contribution of $50 per brick paver will ensure that your
name will be engraved into a brick paver as a lasting record
of your valued support of the Helena College Gymnasium
Fundraising Appeal.
Please PRINT clearly in BLOCK LETTERS.
Simply fill out your details and return with full payment to the
Development Office.
represents one letter or space
(36 characters max).
I enclose a cheque for $_________made payable to Helena
College Council Inc.
Or please charge ($50 per brick) $___________
to my credit card.
Visa [
] Mastercard [
] Bankcard [
Expiry date
Cardholder’s signature:
(Pease note the payment for brick pavers is NOT tax
NEWS from
Tanya KENNEDY (1998) e-mailed in July 2004:
I am currently living in central London with four
friends. I have been doing relief teaching for the
past six months which has been very challenging,
although rewarding too. Teaching in London is
extremely different to anything I have ever experienced During this time I have travelled to Ireland
for two weeks, Italy for two weeks and Turkey for
Anzac day, where I accidently met Jessica Carslie
(a fellow old Helenian!) Next week I start my five
week trip through central Europe! I then have a full
time teaching job to come back to.
I am very excited about all that the future holds.
David de GROOT (1995) e-mailed his wedding
I began working in Ellenbrook Christian College
in 2003 as a SOSE, PE teacher. Colleen came to
the school in Term 3 as the Art / Drama teacher.
Not long after that we started going out together. I
proposed to Colleen at Cottesloe beach on 7 February (a week before Valentine’s Day) and bought
an engagement ring that we picked together on
Valentine’s Day. We married at Faversham Homestead in Mundaring with a beautiful garden wedding on April 24, 2004.
Congratulations to David and Colleen
on their marriage.
Best wishes from all Old Helenians.
Victoria (Tori) PEARSON (1999) is now living in
the UK. Tori’s mother e-mailed in Juliy 2004:
Tori completed her degree in Commerce at Curtin
University and went overseas June 2003. Following a time spent travelling, she is now living near
Tower Bridge in London and working for a large
American Bank - part of the Citigroup. At the present time she is working towards her Trader’s Certificate and gaining experience in bonds, shares,
futures, etc. She was home for ten days in May
and caught up with many of her Helena friends but
at this stage has no definite date of return.
LOOK AT the cover of the White Pages
Mme Gael CAMERON (Foundation staff member
Residential phone book Perth 2004>05
and current LOTE Learning Area Coordinator)
a great photo of inventor and Helena
proudly announced on 21 October 2004:
College parent Kevin INKSTER [father of ChrisGranny Gael is delighted to tell you that Rowan tian (1993), Bela (1996) and Ben (1999)] on the
Christopher EDMONDS arrived at about 8.05 pm, Airboard, which was developed by his company,
Arbortech Ltd. The Airboard combines hovercraft
weighing 7 lb 15 oz (3.6 kg). He is VERY cute.
technology to create a personal transportation
Congratulations to Angie and Chris Edmonds on system. Congratulations on a great invention
the birth of their first child, Rowan.
John OSBORN (left Helena 1981) e-mailed:
I haven’t been in contact for years but I read
every edition of the Helena Connection. Here’s
a brief history of the last 20 years of my life. I
commenced an apprenticeship at 15 as heavy
duty mechanic and started a mechanical repair
and maintainance business at age 19. I stuck
with it until I was 29, sold the business and then
contracted on various minesites and worked
with oil search, marine fisheries, transport,
earthmoving companies etc as a heavy duty
mechanic until I was 32. Then I started a tree
lopping business in partnership, sold it to my
partner at 34, and now I am in property development, (buying residential dives and renovating)
which is huge fun. I’m unmarried with no kids
and not having to get up at five am every morning for work and loving it.
Hope all is well at Helena - everything seems
to be galloping along there. Keep up the good
Stay in touch....
Use the
Helena College
From the home page click on Old Helenians.
SIGN UP as a new user and enter your current details.
SEARCH the Old Helenians database.
Use the DISCUSSION FORUM to stay informed of
Helena College announcements.
MAKE CONTACT with your old friends or
Alternatively please ring 9298 9100,
fax 9298 8616, write to
PO Box 52 Glen Forrest WA 6071
or email [email protected]
and tell us what you have been doing so it can be
printed in the next issue.
CLASS of 1995
What you have been doing
over the past ten years?
Please e-mail or post a brief outline of your life
and achievements since graduation. Photos
are welcome.
The Class of 1995 will be featured in the first
issue of Helena Connection in 2005.
Would anyone like to organise a reunion late in
2005 to catch up with your classmates?
Vicki Thomas would love to come all the way
from UK to join you!
Contact me in the Development Office for more
Vicki THOMAS (1995) e-mailed:
I’ve heard that there will be a reunion in
December 2005 for 1995 leavers... I know it’s
more than a year off but I’m on the other side
of the world and my work is programmed at
least a year in advance! I was thinking of coming home for a holiday next year so it would be
great if it could coincide with a reunion.
Many thanks,
Vicki Thomas
Administrator / Gweinyddydd
Dawns Powys Dance
Old Helenian 1925-1928
Beatrice’s daughter, Rosemary, sent us a
lovely letter in June with a brick paver order
for the gym fundraising appeal.
Many thanks Beatrice.
Beatrice is now ninety years old and a resident
at Gordon Lodge, RAAFA Estate, in Bullcreek.
Beatrice attended the original Miss Jones’
Helena School in Peppermint Grove from
1925-1928. She still enjoys reading her copy
of Helena Connection.
NEWS from
in the NEWS
Therese EARDLEY (1992) called in to the Senior
School to say Hi and to promote a new product. She
is currently a sales representative for Nudie Foods
Alex KIRKHOUSE (2002) was featured in the Hills
Australia Pty Ltd, selling all natural delicious fruit juice
Gazette on 19 June 2004 in an article entitled
drinks. The Senior School canteen now stocks these
Alexandra drives in the fast lane
drinks for the students. Great to see you, Therese.
Alex was one of six women, under-22, who were selected to attend a three-day camp at the Australian
Michael CLARK (1996) visited the Senior School
Institute of Sport. The camp was a development proand met up with some of his old teachers. Michael is
gram for women in motor sport. At that point in time
currently Investor Marketing Manager for Integrated
Alex had yet to compete in a rally but participated in
Tree Cropping Ltd. He was invited to address the
small events such as khanacross.
Class of 2004 at their graduation on Friday, 26 NoCongratulations Alex!
vember, on behalf of Old Helenians. (see Michael’s
speech on the next page.)
Anthony SLAVEN (2000) was featured in an article
in the Midland Reporter Community News on 5 July
Brett MARTIN (1994) contacted us via the Helena
College Old Helenians Discussion Board.
Air born Anthony wins his wings
Anthony graduated as a Royal Australian Air Force
On leaving school I started working full time at my
pilot at the Pearce RAAF base in Bullsbrook. The
family engineering business while also studying
article stated that Anthony would be in WA for three
Accounting at university. I am now the manager of
more months before moving to Sydney to fly British
our O’Connor branch and have been for the past
Aerospace Hawk fighter trainers.
three years. I married Michelle Ball in 2000. Also in
Congratulations Anthony!
2000 we moved into our new house in Noblewood
Estate in Mundaring.
Michell TREW (2000) was featured in an article in
Our first baby Joshua was born in February 2003.
the West Australian on 20 October 2004.
He is a very clever, gorgeous young lad, very misTreat all diners as VIPs, says WA’s top waiter
chievous and car mad but also cuddly and extremely
Michelle won the Professional Waiter of the Year at
lovable! Isabella is the newest addition to our little
the Gold Plate Awards for 2004. Michelle works at
family. She was born in March this year. A tiny little
Burswood’s Victoria Station Steakhouse and said in
mite, however very feisty, and will give her brother a
the article that being observant and alert, and treatrun for his money when she gets going! These days
ing every diner as a VIP, were hallmarks of good
life is pretty hectic but I can only imagine it will berestaurant service.
come more so as the kids get older, our dream house
Congratulations on your well deserved award
is built (hopefully within the next couple of years) and
I start finding time to reacquaint myself with my two
best friends - my Subaru WRX & sport - any sport,
just some sport!
URGENT - e-mail vs print?
In an effort to improve the efficiency of communication process between the College and Old Helenians, and also to conserve the environment by using
less paper, printing and postage resources, the College in 2004 introduced a policy to e-mail, rather than than post, newsletters to as many people on
the mailing list as possible.
Each Helena Connection will be posted on the College website
Would Old Helenians please provide an up-to-date e-mail address so that you can be informed when a new edition is posted? Thank you. Of course we
appreciate that many Old Helenians do not have access to e-mail or computers and copies will continue to be posted to those people who request a
print version.
Please send your e-mail address and updated contact details to the Development Office [email protected]
Friday, 26 November 2004
Old Helenians Address presented by
Michael CLARK (Class of 1996), Investor Marketing Manager, Integrated Tree Cropping Ltd.
I’m very pleased to be here tonight to speak, as an Old Helenian, to the Year Twelve
graduating class of 2004. The TEE is over, some well-deserved time-out has started, and
you are all now graduating and beginning to make your individual ways in the world.
In preparing my remarks for tonight on a flight to Sydney last weekend, I reflected on what it
is that makes being a Helena College graduate special – or more to the point, what do Old
Helenians have that other people don’t.
We all have different experiences at school; however I suspect that for all of you, your time
at Helena will have helped you learn about what is important in this world, and what’s not.
One of my greatest learnings during my time at Helena wasn’t in English with Mrs Payne,
Maths with Mrs White or Computing with Mr de Gouw, rather, it was a comment that a
teacher – who never actually taught me – made to me on the Year Twelve Retreat to
Rottnest Island.
This teacher spoke to me of the importance of striving for success. But by success, he
meant extending beyond the almighty dollar, to be successful in the community by being ethical, environmentally
conscious and socially responsible. This is a learning that now guides me in my life generally, but particularly in my
corporate life, at the same time helping to keep me true to myself.
The impact of school experiences like these on your life is often not apparent at the time. But at some point down
the track they come to carry a meaning and importance of some significance to you.
I’m sure that you’ve all had experiences during your time at Helena that will provide a source of strength for you going
Today’s world is a dynamic, vibrant, and sometimes challenging environment for anyone to strive to succeed. There
will be times when you may wonder where you fit, what you should be doing or whether what you are doing is the
right thing do, or the right thing for you.
I would encourage you to remember that your Helena experience has helped you build a strong sense of confidence
in who you are … stay true to that, and I guarantee you’ll get through – it may not be easy, but you’ll get through.
Some of you sitting here tonight will have very clear plans of where you want to go, what you want to do. Some of
you won’t. Let me emphasise that either case is OK.
John Lennon said “life is what happens when you’re making other plans”. There is a lot of wisdom in that quote, but it
means that none of us really know what is round the corner. Keep that in mind, and it might help make the craziness
that sometimes invades your life that little bit easier.
Regardless, I encourage each one of you to follow your dreams.
I also encourage you to maintain a linkage with the College through the Old Helenians Association. So ow can you
stay in touch? As you leave the College, you automatically become an Old Helenian, but to remain in touch with
what is happening, you need to keep your details up to date.
• Log-on to the Helena College website and follow the links to the Old Helenians page;
• Use the electronic Discussion Forum to post messages, change your address and email details or keep
in touch with the Development Office;
• Plus, the Helena Connection newsletter is published twice a year and will become your community
forum for information about reunions, marriages, births and news of Old Helenians.
Much of the strength and the spirit of Helena College is derived from its community – and speaking as someone who
has lived away from Perth for the last seven years, no matter where you are in the world, you will always be a part
of that community.
Thank you for inviting me here tonight. I wish each one of you every success in your move from school to an exciting
future. Importantly, I congratulate you all for surviving Year Twelve.
We are each on this planet to change people’s lives for the better – I wish you well on your journey.
If undeliverable,
Please return to:
The Helena Connection
Development Office
PO Box 52
Print Post Approved
Old Helenians are welcome at any of the
following events....
TERM 4, 2004
CLASS of 1994
10 Year Reunion
Saturday, 11 December 2004
Join us for refreshments and a tour of the College
at 2 pm to find out how things have changed.
Then catch up with your old classmates at the
Parkerville Tavern at 3.30 pm.
Wouldn’t it be great to see everyone again and
find out what they’ve been doing over the past
RSVP Michelle DOWNER (nee McPhail)
Phone 9403 0827
e-mail [email protected]
DECEMBER 10 - Friday 7.30 pm
Awards Evening at Belvoir Homestead
DECEMBER 11 - Saturday 2 pm
Class of 1994 Reunion
TERM 1, 2005
MARCH 19 - Friday 4 pm - 9pm
International Pasar Malam
Gymnasium Opening - Date to be confirmed