Spring 2013 • V ol. 47 No. 1


Spring 2013 • V ol. 47 No. 1
Spring 2013 • Vol. 47 No. 1
Photo: Christina Hall
Board of Trustees
A Message from
the President
Diane Gilabert
Gary Weitzman, DVM, MPH, CAWA
Debra Patterson, CFP
Chair Finance Committee
Dana Di Ferdinando
Chair, Board Governance and Nominating
Bev Oster Ornelas
Fred Baranowski
Dr. Judith Muñoz
Do you have a happy adoption
story to share? Then we’d
love to hear from you! Visit
www.sdhumane.org and
go to the Success Stories page for
more details.
f you’ve been to any of our recent events, or if you’ve
Sandy Arledge; Allen Blackmore; Robert Brown, Ed.D.;
George Coles; Lee Collins; Susan Davis; Diane Glow, Ed.D.;
Wayne Hanson; Lisa Miller, MD; Anne Perry; David Sear
Life Members
Vi & Dan McKinney, John Parker
We believe
we have
an obligation
to make our
a leader
in animal
Gary L. Weitzman, DVM, MPH, CAWA
Senior Staff
Renee Harris, Executive Vice President, Community Animal Welfare
Kim Shannon, CAWA, Chief Operating Officer/SVP
Shelly Stuart, CSPG, CFRE, CAWA, Chief Development Officer/SVP
Kelly Riseley, Chief Financial Officer/SVP
Trish Wagner, SPHR, Vice President, People Development
Michael Baehr, Vice President, Communications and Community Engagement
W e ’ ve g o t m a i l
“We are totally in love with our new
heard the term “Getting to Zero” or “G2O.” But what
kitties. They adapted quickly to our
family. In only a week, Sammy has made himself at
home, and we were able to socialize
home with us, our dog and his new environment (I
them with our dog very easily. Their
think he thinks he’s king of the castle, and maybe he
animals, we can “get to zero” euthanasia of healthy
personalities are quite distinct from one
is). He is amazing and so loving! We can’t get over how
and treatable animals in in San Diego Animal Welfare
another, although they look very similar
he likes to touch our faces when we hold him. We took
Coalition (SDAWC) shelters. Last year alone, 2,910 of
to each other, being sisters. We are glad
him to our vet yesterday, and he passed his check-up
these animals were euthanized and, as a leading animal
we gave them different colored collars to
with flying colors.
does it mean and why is it so important?
G2O is our mission focus right now. By helping more
welfare organization, we have an obligation to assist other
help us tell them apart quickly! Ella (on
shelters and rescue groups to directly impact—and eliminate—
the right, formerly “Shadow”) has the red
the euthanasia of adoptable animals. We believe by working
collar and Eva (on the left, formerly “Stormy”) is in blue. Ella likes
together with our animal partners in San Diego—we can help
to “talk” to us a lot, and Eva is totally a lap cat!
more animals find a home, help more animals get the medical
Thank you for your help in adopting these lovely girls. We will
care they need…and get that county euthanasia number to zero!
As one of the oldest charities in San Diego, we’ve been taking care of animals
a long time. We believe we have an obligation to make our community a leader in
animal welfare. So, here’s the plan—
in her crate and is already
AnimalFare Editor
Kelli Herwehe
•Working in collaboration with other SDAWC shelters and rescue groups
and go to the park. I even go to
Contributing Writers
Nicole Angelucci, Jenna Dawsey, Christina Hall,
Christina Lewis, Jenny Ludovissy, Elkie Wills
•Fighting animal cruelty
the beach. I enjoy sitting on the
•Offering needs-based spay and neuter programs
couch and watching TV and giving
We’re already making huge strides in each of these areas. The last initiative is to
kisses to my mom.
To report animal abuse call (619) 243-3466
Serving San Diego County since 1880, the San Diego
Humane Society and SPCA’s scope of social responsibility
goes beyond adopting animals. The Humane Society offers
San Diegans a wide range of programs and services that
strengthen the human-animal bond, prevent cruelty/
neglect, provide medical care and educate the community
on the humane treatment of animals.
As one of San Diego’s oldest nonprofit organizations, the
Humane Society has campuses in both San Diego and
Oceanside and is supported solely through contributions,
grants, bequests, investments, proceeds from the
Muttique retail store, and small fees for services.
For your privacy, the Humane Society does not sell, rent,
lend or exchange its mailing of contributor lists.
spay and neuter surgeries to anyone who needs them, which will help to impact our
community’s homeless animal problem. That’s why we’ve set a goal to alter at least
5,000 of our community’s animals by June 30th, 2013. You can read more about this
important program on page 5.
scratches the door asking to
go outside! She’s great with
our five-year-old daughter
and gentle with our two-yearold daughter. She’s an angel
sent from heaven just for our
My sister and I like to get into
family! We took her to puppy
trouble and then look up with
class at Petco and the lady was
sad eyes at mom. She tries not to
teaching her third and fourth week stuff … smart dog. I
laugh but it’s hard not to because we are so dog-gone cute…”
am so very thankful we got her! PERFECT DOG!”
Chuck Norris aka Fun Dip
The Snow family
impact thousands of people and animals alike. We’re taking critical steps to expand our
“Thank you so much for assisting my girlfriend and I with the adoption of Mr. Kitters.
reach and impact in our community, and we thank you for taking this journey with us.
We got him home with no crying in the car or anything, he is so easy he even let us trim
his claws already with no struggling at all and seeing his mellow personality provoked
housebroken … she even
Jackie, Sarah and Brian
We greatly value your investment in our work…which we can then, in turn, use to
“Dakota is the best dog ever!
drops it at your feet, sleeps
get to play with my new sister
Published 3 times/year by:
San Diego Humane Society and SPCA
Mailing Address:
Central Campus
5500 Gaines Street, San Diego, CA 92110
North Campus
(For dogs)
2905 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058
(For cats & small animals)
572 Airport Road, Oceanside, CA 92058
Main Telephone: (619) 299-7012
Website: www.sdhumane.org
Email: [email protected]
addition to our household.”
•Increasing adoptions and returns to owners
program launched just this past November! Since then we’ve been offering affordable
She sits, lies down, fetches and
“My forever home is awesome! I
offer accessible, needs-based spay and neuter programs, and I’m proud to say that
Thank you for saving Sammy for us. We love him dearly
give them lots of love and attention, and they are already a happy
We’re going to get to zero by:
Design & Layout
Kat Godard, DraDog, LLC
“We couldn’t be happier with the new addition to our
visited any of our shelter locations, you may have
us to rename him Marley. He has been a fantastic addition to our home over the last
few days and he has taken to us very quickly, even hanging out with me on the couch
watching football on Sunday. He spends the evenings playing with us, tearing around the
house or sleeping in between us on the couch. He seems like a very happy kitten here and
Gary Weitzman, DVM, MPH, CAWA
I can’t tell you how happy he’s made us. Thanks again for all your help and setting us up
President and CEO
Dr. Gary Weitzman has a weekly radio program called “The Animal House” on KPBS 89.5. The program
offers expert advice on all pet-related questions, and aims to deepen human understanding of animals and
explain the powerful bonds between humans and animals.
You can submit your pet questions to [email protected] or via the listener phone-in number
877.610.3647. Tune in to KPBS 89.5 FM every Saturday at 5am and Sunday at 7pm to hear the show!
with little Marley.”
Tucker, Katie and Marley
ON THE COVER: San Diego Humane Society staff member, Michelle Fujimura, cuddles up with one of the many animals in need of a home.
Cover Photo: Leslie Wallace
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Photo: Jenna Dawsey
License Your Pet Today!
At the San Diego Humane Society, just four percent of cats and 35 percent of dogs are reclaimed
by their owners when they get lost. Most of those returned are thanks to a license, pet tag, or
microchip. That’s why we recently launched a new licensing program to reduce the number of lost
and stray animals and to promote responsible pet ownership. Mobile Pet Licensing, Microchip &
Vaccination Clinics will rotate monthly through various locations in the Cities of Oceanside and
Vista on the fourth Saturday of each month between the hours of 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Visit
www.sdhumane.org for a list of locations!
Working with the Community to Combat Pet Overpopulation
Extended Stay
These new programs represent just one of four key areas
e’re very fortunate to live in one of the pet-
that the San Diego Humane Society is targeting in order to
friendliest cities in the nation. How is it, then, that
When found, your licensed pet will be cared for
by the San Diego Humane Society for up to 14
days prior to being put up for adoption.
accomplish its goal of eliminating euthanasia of all healthy
the number of homeless animals continues to increase?
Free Ride Home
The first time a licensed pet is picked up or
brought to the San Diego Humane Society, it will
receive a free ride home or free pass to go home,
reducing its stay or even skipping a trip to the
Humane Society altogether.
“Lack of accessible or affordable spay/neuter surgeries
and treatable animals in San Diego County Animal Welfare
is at the core of our national pet overpopulation problem,”
Coalition shelters. Also helping in this effort to “get to zero”
explains Gary Weitzman, DVM, president of the San Diego
are programs with a focus to increase overall adoptions, work
Humane Society. “That’s why we’ve made it our mission
in collaboration with other welfare organizations and adoption
to put accessible spay and neuter services as our highest
partners, and remain ever-diligent in our fight against animal
priority with a goal of at least 5,000 of our community’s
cruelty. We believe by offering resources to the community
animals altered by June 30th, 2013.”
and encouraging responsible pet ownership – working
together with our animal coalition partners in San Diego
These services will be offered through three initiatives:
County – we can achieve this goal and make our community
and Spay/Neuter Initiative Program (SNIP), which aim to
the best place to have an animal… or to be one!
drastically impact the problem of pet overpopulation in our
Vacation Pet Alert
Our Spay/Neuter Clinic offers affordable and accessible
When you leave for vacation, call 760.730.8850 to
register your pet with the contact information of
who will be caring for your pet and who is
allowed to act on your behalf while you are away.
This will allow the San Diego Humane Society to
quickly return your pet to the person designated
and will also allow for the "Extended Stay"
benefit to go into effect.
spay/neuter services to our community five days a week
Photo: Emi Killeri
Spay/Neuter Clinics, Litter Abatement Program (LAP),
based on financial need. Additional clinics targeting specific
animal populations most prone to overpopulation, like pit
bulls and cats, are offered, as well.
The Litter Abatement Program (LAP) provides the
public with free spay/neuter services when relinquishing a
litter of puppies or kittens from their own pet or from a stray
Fast Track
parent animal who has been captured.
The Spay/Neuter Initiative Program (SNIP) offers
Found pets with current licenses can be quickly
reunited with their owner or rushed to a nearby
veterinarian if severely injured.
affordable spay/neuter services for stray animals brought
to the San Diego Humane Society and reclaimed by their
owners. Reclaim fees are waived for any such owner who
allows us to spay/neuter their animal upon reclaim.
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Photo: Jenna Dawsey
Photo: Emi Killeri
Photo: Jenna Dawsey
s My Furry Valentine
s Dare-to BULL-ieve
s Expanding our Reach
This year the My Furry Valentine campaign will
In honor of Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month and Pit Bull
In our efforts to help people and animals all over San Diego County, we
Awareness month, our October Dare to BULL-ieve campaign
embrace the entire month of February, giving everyone
are excited to announce the opening of our new adoption center inside the
showcased the pit bulls in our care and what loving
the chance to find love and companionship. The month
Petco in El Cajon. This unique partnership with Petco and East County
companions they can be when given the right environment.
will be filled with a special adoption incentive and online
Animal Rescue will allow us to find homes for more animals, be more
The campaign also reinforced responsible ownership through
photo contest. Also, Jessie Lozano of Star 94.1 and his
accessible to the East County community, and share our programs and
free spay/neuter and microchip opportunities, enhanced
daughter, Savannah, will be hosting Savannah’s Bake
services with more animal lovers. Stop by and check out our new location
Sale, the largest fundraising bake sale to ever stir up in
workshops, and highlighted successful adoptions in our
San Diego! Visit our website for all the details of our fun
community. This campaign not only helped to double pit bull
February events.
pet adoptions through community
a deserted parking garage. The dog,
financial support, are special friends of the animals in our care
named Marissa, had severe trauma to
and the people we serve. New donor walls have been installed at
her neck and rear leg. Fortunately, a
both our Central and North Campuses, recognizing the names
Good Samaritan found this fragile life
of these prestigious supporters. Participation in the Companion
and quickly took action.
Marissa was immediately brought
give $350 or more in the fiscal year, while also helping provide
to the San Diego Humane Society,
essential programs and services to enrich animal and human
where skilled veterinarians went right to work helping her recover from
lives in our community. Companion Circle Receptions were held
the serious injuries. After weeks of specialized medical care, Marissa regained
with a chain of the names of animals and
the people who love them, to serve as a
reminder of our dedication to the animals
of our community. Winter Wonderland
offered something fun for everyone…
shopping, photos with Santa, adoptions,
real snow, and a tree lighting ceremony
hosted by NBC 7 Weather Reporter,
Dagmar Midcap and our president, Gary
her strength and mobility…and slowly found the courage to trust again.
Today, Marissa is fully healed and was adopted into a loving home with a
and hearing a special presentation by our president, Dr. Gary Weitzman. There are
new family that adores her. It is the support of friends like you that allow us
currently more than 1,800 donors represented in the program. For additional information
the opportunity to give this precious girl the extra level of care she needs to
contact Steve Reitman, Senior Director of Development at 619-243-3469.
heal, and the beginning of a new and trusting life she deserves.
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
homes! A holiday tree was decorated
Pinscher had been badly beaten and
individuals and businesses who, through their generous
donors enjoyed touring the facilities, which included the Paws to Success Kitten Nursery,
adoption goal with 104 animals finding
a call that a 4-year old Miniature
abandoned—left alone in a crate in
to celebrate the generosity of many San Diego Humane Society supporters. More than 200
partnerships. Together, we reached our
Enforcement department received
called the Companion Circle, which recognizes compassionate
Circle provides exciting benefits to donors who cumulatively
Photos: Jenna Dawsey
our Central Campus to promote
Photo: Jenna Dawsey
Inaugural Companion Circle Celebrates Donors
A new donor recognition program has been inaugurated,
together animal welfare groups to
Last September, our Humane Law
it also addressed a very important topic in our community.
Marissa’s New Start
adoptions from last year (with more than 30 for the month),
Our first ever Winter Wonderland
Adoption and Holiday Festival brought
the human-animal bond with training and educational
s Adopt the Holiday Spirit
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
American Pit Bull Terrier Mix
Age: 5 years / Sex: Female
Adoption Fee: $75
Identification #: 102171
Location: Central Campus – Gaines Street
Domestic Short Hair
Age: 8 years / Sex: Male
Adoption Fee: $25
Identification #:91371
Location: North Campus – Airport Road
Photo: Mark Patterson
Photo: Emi Killeri
Photo: Jacqueline Noble
The following pets are looking for new homes at the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA!
Dwarf English Spot Mix
Age: 1 year / Sex: Male
Adoption Fee: $25
Identification #: 91362
Location: North Campus - Airport Road
Fay is a social, silly sweetheart who loves
Claude will make for a purr-fect pet,
Sunshine is a shy guy, but as he warms
getting attention from everyone. She’s
because his age makes him more mature.
up you will have a loving lap buddy!
easily excited by new people and loves to
He’s described as composed, soft and
He’s been working with our youth
show off her wags and wiggles. Although
independent. Claude is a lazy boy who
campers and has learned how to jump
she gets a kick out of socializing and
would prefer a nice, quiet home where he
through a hoop, step up on a box, and
making new friends, she’s a mellow, easy-
could sleep and lounge for most of the day.
go through a tunnel – that’s one smart
going companion – it doesn’t take much to
bunny! He will appreciate being the
please her! Fay will be happiest spending
only bunny in the home and likes lots of
time with her new family on the couch or
room to jump and play.
lazing in the backyard.
S an
D iego
H u mane
• Canned chicken
• Cheez Whiz
• Cat and Dog Treats (Bonito flake cat treats; Dog biscuits; Natural Balance rolls; Soft-
type dog and cat treats)
• Dry dog/puppy, cat/kitten food
• Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer (powdered)
• Meat-flavored baby food
• KMR Kitten Milk Replacer (powdered)
• Rat blocks
• Timothy hay
Animal Toys/Enrichment:
• Cat/kitten toys
• Cat/kitten scratchers (new)
• Plush dog toys
• Food dispensing toys*
• Dog Chew Toys (Nylabones; Pig ears; Rawhide chew toys; Bully sticks)
• Chinchilla exercise wheel
Misc. Animal Supplies:
• Carefresh small pet litter
• Cat litter
• Cat trees (new)
• Digital animal thermometers
Office Supplies:
We can always use a variety of
standard office supplies beyond
what is listed here
• Avery labels
• Binder clips
• Binder rings
• Calculators (handheld)
• Card stock
• Double-sided mounting squares
w i s h
• Dry Erase Markers
• Electric stapler
• Hanging files
• Ink cartridges
• Laminating sheets
• New file folders
• Note pads
• Paper clips
• Phone message tablets
• Post-It Notes
• Postage stamps
• Rewritable CDs
• Sharpie pens
• Stackable file divider
• White out tape
• Writing pens
l i s t
• Laundry Soap (liquid, unopened)
• Lint rollers
• Paper towels
• Plastic wrap
• Small bumper trailer to carry flood/water/rescue gear*
• Swiffer dusters
• Trash bags
• Vehicle temperature gauges*
• Wet/dry vacuum (small canister, heavy-duty style)
• White boards
Gift Certificates/Cards to:
• Grocery stores; IKEA; local gas stations, restaurants, movie theaters and book stores; Michael’s; office supply stores; Petco/PetSmart; Target
Please Note:
Misc. Supplies:
• Art supplies
• Compressed air cans
• Dawn dish soap
• Disinfectant wipes
• ID Printer with software*
Thank You to Our Media Friends
– All food/treats must be in its original, unopened packaging
– Please no pillows or used plastic litter boxes
– Please call regarding the donation of medical items or medications.
*please call 619-299-7012
ext. 2276 for more details
Tune in to learn about the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA!
Follow us on
Twitter and Facebook!
The following media outlets provide coverage on animals available for adoption, behavior training advice and other information at no
cost. For questions or comments on any of our media outreach efforts, contact [email protected] or call (619) 243-3437.
The Coast News
KUSI-TV Channel 9/51
Pet of the Week (Every other Friday)
Pet of the Week segment (Saturdays
Featured Pet (Monthly)
East County Gazette
at 8:20 a.m.)
KFMB-TV Channel 8 Pet Friends (Fridays at 6:50 a.m.)
KNSD-TV Channel 7/39 Second Chance Animal for Adoption
KOCT Oceanside Update
Humane Education and Featured Pet
KPBS Radio
The Animal House (Saturdays, 5-6 a.m.
& Sundays, 7-8 p.m.)
• Disposable feeding trays
• Dog houses*
• Dog shirts and sweaters
• Grooming supplies*
• Groomers Best brand pet tub (new)*
• Heating pads
• Housetraining pads
• Leashes, harnesses, collars (new)*
• Overhead trolley/pulley system for dogs*
• Pet beds
• Pet bowls
• Pet bowls (no-spill type)
• Plastic children’s pools
• Snuggle Heating Discs
• Shower pan liner
• Ziploc bags
Pet of the Week (Every Thursday)
S ociet y
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Magic 92.5 FM
Jagger and Kristi’s Kritters segment
(First and second Mondays, 8:30 a.m.)
MainStreet Media San Diego
Pet of the Week (Every Thursday in
La Jolla Light, Del Mar Times, Carmel
Featured Pet (Daily)
SDLocals.com Pet of the Week (Weekly)
Featured Pet (Weekly)
Valley News, Solana Beach Sun and
U-T San Diego
Rancho Santa Fe Review)
Pet of the Week (Saturdays)
Oceanside Magazine
Adopt a Pet section (Quarterly)
Humane Education (Twice annually)
Penny Saver UT-TV Channel 114
Pet of the Week (Fridays at 7:20 a.m.)
Pet of the Week (Every Tuesday)
cover story
But Not
animals are anything but broken—they are miraculous
no problems and we’re having so much fun with our new
stories of hope and second chances waiting to happen.
friend :)”
At the San Diego Humane Society, we receive countless
abandoned in a card board
and relief, even surprise, over the health and happiness of
box in a parking lot. He was
their newest family member. We receive numerous letters
cared for through our foster
like these below. Take a look at this selection of successes
care program until he was old
from some recent adoptions, which demonstrate homeless
enough to be adopted.
animals are amazing, resilient companions.
“We love Teddy! We have
Misty was found in
he was in good shape health-wise on Tuesday. Thank you
months old and brought to the
all so much for taking such good care of Teddy while he was
San Diego Humane Society.
there, and for bringing Teddy into our lives.”
“Misty has been such a
beautiful addition to us, and
could have not chosen a better
kitten, thanks to you. Misty
stops purring. He has such a beautiful personality and he
is so affectionate, offering us so much love and happiness.
Thank you so much for our beautiful Misty.”
adopted Riley from the SDHS
and it was the absolute best
decision we ever made! She
previous home.
cuddle more than Riley! Riley has definitely become more
than just a pet...she is a member of the family! I want
with our decision to adopt
to thank the SDHS for taking such good care of all the
Shadow. We enjoy every
animals at the shelter and for making the adoption process
minute with him and he
so positive. I still can’t believe how lucky we got and I can’t
enriches each one of our lives.
imagine life without Riley!”
Adoptions and second chances are what supporters like
he scene is unfortunately all too
common: a frail, trembling animal
cowers in the far corner of a jaillike cage as melancholy music plays in the
background. Two sad eyes plead from the
TV screen, “Save me…” “…I am broken
and need fixing.”
and affection to everybody,
disservice to the countless animals who find their way to
every single child or adult. He has nothing but love in his
our campuses for a variety of reasons that are in no way
heart. He’s very healthy and we are very happy with our
the fault of the animal. Human allergies, pets offered as
decision to adopt him!”
It’s portrayals like this that cast a bleak shadow over
prove what amazing companions they can be to prospective
unwanted gifts, marriage, divorce, moving, or the passing
He is one of a litter of
common circumstances that can leave a wonderful pet
homeless. As a result, these healthy and happy animals
must often combat preconceived notions regarding their
deserve a new beginning.
So, while depictions of wounded, broken shelter animals
large population of healthy and happy animals available
for adoption in animal shelters like the San Diego Humane
kittens that was found in a
Society. But all shelter animals do have one thing in
common…they all fell into life’s unforeseen circumstances
“Chev is a wonderful
mental and physical health before being given the chance to
you enable for so many animals—amazing animals that
may tug at our heartstrings, they fail to represent the
of the owner – these are just some of the unfortunate but
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
pets. “My husband and I
silly personality! I have never met a dog who loves to
He shows nothing but love
in an animal becoming homeless, the vast majority of these
somewhere that didn’t accept
our lives with her sweet and
animals as a whole. Generalizations of this kind do a grave
reinforce ideas of a brokenness that’s inherent to all shelter
Riley was relinquished
when her owner moved
to us due to an allergy in his
“We could not be happier
adopters. While various circumstances may have resulted
has brought so much joy to
Shadow was relinquished
shelters, serving to perpetuate unfair stereotypes and
had no problems with him
whatsoever ...he is doing really well and our vet proclaimed
someone’s yard at just 4
is a beautiful bundle of fur who loves to explore and never
old when he was found
not, they express sentiments of greatly exceeded expectations
Miraculous Stories
of Hope and
Second Chances
Teddy was just 3 weeks
about their newly-adopted companions. Far more often than
emails and phone calls from adopters, eager to share updates
kitten! He loves to play, sleep,
through no fault of their own, and they all need the
unconditional love of a family.
and cuddle. He’s very smart
and picked up on the litter box
and food right away. Literally
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Have an animal success story? We’d love to hear from you! E-mail
your story to [email protected].
A Foundation of Compassionate and Caring Support
Chuck and Pilar Bahde give $250,000 to launch spay/neuter programs and more
community builders per se, but their leadership
role supporting animal welfare and the San Diego
Humane Society and SPCA for the past 20 years would
certainly suggest otherwise.
Jason Axsom
Rosaria Lopez
Kathy Parrish
Sherry Reasbeck
Roberta Tugenberg
John Bailey
Barbara A. Bailey
With their lead gift to support the construction of the new
Lloyd & Marion Baker
Carole & Jim Robb
San Diego County Department of Animal Services building,
Chuck and Pilar played a significant role in making the San
Jaime Balentine-Warren
Lucinda Keller
Eli & Susie Meltzer
Diego Campus for Animal Care possible, including the San
Diego Humane Society’s Central Campus facility. Moreover,
Dici Bernet
Gary & Jackie Price
their support for more than two decades has enabled our
organization to expand the scope of its programs and services,
benefitting even more animals and people in our community.
As the San Diego Humane Society works toward its goal of
Chuck and Pilar Bahde with their dog, Sparki.
“Getting to Zero” and ending the euthanasia of every treatable
animals from overcrowded shelters to the San Diego Humane
animal in San Diego Animal Welfare Coalition shelters by
Society, where they will receive the medical and behavioral
2015, Chuck and Pilar are, once again, at the forefront of
care needed to be ready for adoption.
this important community initiative. Their most recent
The gift has also provided vital funding to launch the
gift of $250,000 was given to help launch our needs-based
San Diego Humane Society’s spay/neuter clinics that service
community spay/neuter programs, and will also support the
strategic animal populations, such as feral cats and pit
Companion Animal Transport program that rescues animals
bulls. These targeted efforts are fundamental in helping
from overcrowded shelters and brings them to the San Diego
our organization accomplish its goal of “Getting to Zero” by
Humane Society for adoption.
reducing the amount of unwanted litters in San Diego County.
The Companion Animal Transport program is designed to
We are so appreciative for the long-standing support and
assist other shelters in saving the lives of treatable animals
friendship of Chuck and Pilar Bahde, whose unwavering
in their care when they do not have the resources to do so
compassion, generosity and kindness continues to have such
themselves. Thanks to the generosity of Chuck and Pilar, over
a positive impact on thousands of animals and people in our
the next two years this program will transport more than 400
Complimentary Estate Planning Seminars for Pet Owners
Topics of discussion include:
•Introduction to wills and trusts
•Planning for your pets to be taken care of after you are gone
•How your advanced planning can provide for the Humane Society to help other animals
Friday, March 15, 2013 1-2:30 • 572 Airport Road, Oceanside, CA 92058
Join guest speakers, Arthur Brown, Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist, Estate Planning,
Trust and Probate Law and Michael Gonzalez, California licensed private fiduciary.
Thursday, April 11, 2013 at 1-2:30 • 5500 Gaines Street, San Diego, CA 92110
(in Loomis Auditorium)
Join guest speaker, Robert Pizzuto, Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist, Estate Planning,
Trust and Probate Law.
Please RSVP to one of these events one week prior to the event
to Nicole Angelucci, at (619) 243-3443 or [email protected]
Penny Adams
Patricia Berkebile
Susan Cook
Teresita (Terry) Anderson
Christine & Jim Cunning
Photo: Kelli Herwehe
huck and Pilar Bahde wouldn’t consider themselves
In Memory of People
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Shahla Bestall
Dr. Alan & Simin Bestall
Helen Bewley
Janet Nottley
Anna Bingham
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cord
Josh Bird
Timothy & Christina Bird
Jo D’Archangelis
Dale & Joanne Carlson
Norman & Helen Stockwell
Sandra Lorenz
Susan Walls & Denise Steinberger
Lorene Day
Tom & Cindy Slagle
Jeff Michael Mahtesian
Joan P. Attardo
Walter L. Green
Deborah Mahtesian
Earl Rush
Irene De Luca
Maureen King
Tony Deutsch
Mr. & Mrs. H. Peter Rodman
Georgia Lippincott
Ray L. Escarzaga, Sr.
The Symons Family
Bing & Bob Gadow
Ara & Sandra Hovanesian
Adrienne Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Gibson
Thelma Gogan
Barbara Perkins
Erin Gunnarson
Linda Gunnarson
Hatt & Jeanne Hattersley
Julian Hattersley II
Wm. R. Hennis
Mrs. W.R. Hennis
Helena Hoffmann
Carol Herr
Steve Boyett
Mary Uelese
Mrs. Cherie Lynn Hopkins
Cynthia Buffington-Walsh
Gail Clark
Forward Slope, Inc.
Danielle Restaino
Rozella Bryant
Phillip Gleason
Marilyn Howard Hayes
Sharon & Wayne Hanson
Patricia Bush
Richard Bush
John Hurley
Jean Schulenberg
Glen Butler
The Charter 100
Amay Ireland
Gene & Pam Geiger
Clayton Campbell
Karen Campbell
Sylvia Janard-Andersen
Aprell Bigler
Carol Cargile
Sandy Liflander
Marian & Al Tepper
Karen Leigh Carpenter
Alan Jewett
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey R. Jewett
Robert & Christa Stahl
Eric Ray Bowling
Lou Bowling
Jack Carter
Arthur Sweeney & Jerrell Bates
Sharlynn & Andrew Circo
Marrokal Design & Remodeling
Aaron Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Lillian K. Johnston
Ronald V. Johnston
James W. Conte
Dorothy R. Conte
Ernest Keeny
Sandra Neal
David Copley
Shari, Steve & “Bertie” Griffin
Roland H. Klotz
Mr. & Mrs. B. Clayton
David C. Copley
Michael & Liz Copley & Family
Ermenegildo Zegna Group
Kelly Riseley
Shelly Stuart
Diane Koonjy
Elizabeth Ladd Heacock
Timothy McTaggart
Charles J. Cox
Sharon Cox
Marty Landers
Anne D. Wister
Evelyn Cunningham
Sandy Barstow
Arthur Sweeney & Jerrell Bates
Gary Niehaus
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Spencer Laird
The Laird Family
Tracy Larson
Patricia Larson
Joey Lewis
Scott & Lori Bonesteel
Larry Malson
Pamela Sanderson
CAPT Roseanne Sobkow, USN Ret
Gifts of Love
Gifts of Love Tribute and memorial donations are a special way to remember and honor loved ones and
pets. A card will be sent to whomever you ask
us to notify. The following memorial and tribute
gifts were received between October 16, and
Mrs. Jean McGee
Mrs. Trinh Le
December 15, 2012. To make a Gift of Love or
Jan Molina
Irene Xavier
or email [email protected].
Mom & Dad
Ana Maria Carl
Sandra Morales
Price Family Charitable Fund
Pearl & Grandma
Reta Knight & Patti Hurltuffley
Marcia Pitts
Jeanne & Rex Barry
Frances & George Rosich
Arthur V. Polcyn
Adeline Polcyn
Adam Portillo
Susan Kruse
Beverly Portillo
Susan Portillo
June C. Puhl
Nancy & Helene Greenspan
Nisha Rana
Miren Rana
Leighton Read
Navina Eaton
Mrs. Ruth Regan
Betty Splitt
Carrie Roberts
Joyce Clark Newman
Stuart Rubin
Jain Malkin
Grace Sanabria
Anne Brown
Peter Savvas
Minas Savvas
Stacey Schreiber
Joanne Pilgrim & Beverly Kausch
Shashanka Sengupta
Anuradha Sengupta
Donald Seyfried
Wynema Coates
Doris (Pat) Sherrill
Janet Wilson
John Sharp
Roy Castle
Mrs. Virginia Skelton
Kelsey Moon
Sierra Stachelek
Theresa Macias
Lois Stancil
Ruth Price
for more information, call (619) 299-7012, x2276
Emma Stephens
Harry Stephens
Lynn Howard
Beatrice Stroehlein
Sandra M. Stroehlein
Madeline Sells
Diane Adele Sypher
Shirley Ashton
Sandy Barstow
Rita Vasquez-Myers
Bailey (Rena Hutak)
Mindy Bruckner
Daneen Tapasto
Taylor Kahle
Barney, Kelly & Miranda
Michael Wallace
Hanneh Thomas
Trish & Vince Campanella
Mrs. Lois VanderPloeg
Kathleen & Stephen Clark
Dennis R. Wahlgren
Sherron Wahlgren
Donald Waller
Sandy Arledge
Alex Williman
Debra Darrigo
Elizabeth Yanagitani
Brian Yanagitani
In Memory of Pets
Abigail Lynn
Sarah Hartman
Dennis & Judie Van Handel
Jeannette McCarty
All My Pets
Olga Kirchner
Micheline Succi
Elizabeth Stringer
Amira, Samantha, Toonics, Nike & Zorri
Val & Nancy Daigle
Ann Adams
Donna Nasset
Sonja Honeyman
Josefina Reinhardt-Hanley
Donald Richards
Barney (Janice Barron)
Barbara & Larry Emdur
Beagle Bailee
Julia Fox
Susan C. Brooks
Belle (Pam Djordjevich)
Carol Jacobsen
Roxanne Cahill
Sandra Hawks
Bijou (Carol Sweeney)
Susan Samlin
Billy (The Carter Family)
Sandy Arledge
Bing (Jean Radtke)
Willi Sims
Ursula Rohrer
Blaze (The Muñoz Family)
Alana Asmussen
Blue (Dan Binter)
Gail Ward
Blue Eyes
Adriana & Julia Marine
Bob & Wally (The Williams Family)
Helen Sousa & James Snyder
Bogey (Elaine Garfinkel)
Paige Rollins
Catherine Falter
Boochee Boo
Susan M. Haskin
Gifts of Love
Bosco & Shelly
Steve & Katherine Hon
Chrissy (Linda Turley)
K. Miller
Brenda & Kevin Scheider
Ciara (The Saunders Family)
John & Judy Guldan
Fred & Teresa Edwards
Cinnamon & Mickie
Tatyana Starr
Nancy Rivera
Cisco (Kevin & Dawn Horst)
Marilyn Stewart
Lauren Giometti & Amanda Miller
Coco (Paula McMahon)
Betty Collier
Buddy (Judi Scott)
Marjorie Stewart
Diana Glimm
Gordon & Barbara Hale
Patricia Webb
Susan Tate
Buster & Milo
Bonnie Nickel
John & Penny Nyquist
Caesar (Gail & Dan Zides)
Barbara & Chuck Coffey
Cagney & Lacy
Elizabeth Fay
Ellen Kay Taskerud
Mary Farrell
Casper (Anne & Amy Sparks)
Susan Olsen
Diana Smith
Ginny Hicks
Charlie (Barb Olson & Tim)
Cathy Buffington
Cheddar (Monique Caron & Luis Jarquin)
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Mastron
Sue Schugar
Ruby Robertson
Chester (Sara Everding)
Amy Parrott & Mark Stuart
In Honor of
Coco & Boots
Beverly Hammett
Cookie (Dr. Feinswog)
Sara Goldman
Conrad (Jeanmarie & Gary)
The Pawlowski Family
CP & Yassy
Robert & Claire Sulsh
Catherine Waldien
Cyrus Jet (Edon & Shelly Moyal)
Tali, Michael & Daniel Abramson
Emery & Suzane Gerhardt
Danny (Beverly Martin)
Pamela JJ Fair
Jack Wagner
Dexter (Bill Flanigan)
Dana Di Ferdinando
Diddums & Cleo (Ann Mascarenhas)
Christine Bowers
Sue A. Fleming
Dog Boy (Pam & John Frost)
Cathy Buffington
Dolly (Stephanie Laster)
Rose Ann Vogt
Dolly, Teddy & Bambi
Stacy Anastasio
Duchess (FG & Ellen Asmussen)
Alana Asmussen
Edmund (Gabriele Benis)
Melanie Gallagher
Barbara Bradley
In Memory Of
Emily (Anne Silva)
Janet Stagnaro
Iris Ariel
Scott & Sheri Painter
Deborah Parks
Mr. Buddy
Tim Hampton
John & Diana Workman
Fisher (Tracy Buchanan)
Kelsey Moon
Leann Aldridge
Marley (The Silva Family)
RT Cuniff & Robin Riggs
Mr. Snickers (Sali Coleman)
Kelsey Moon
Remy (Caron Levine)
Sandy Arledge
Flopsy (Jeff Kronen & George Alvarez)
Fred & Karen Maxwell
Jax (The Rider Family)
Debra Rider
Mason (Kim Parke)
Cathy Buffington
Riley (The Bruno Family)
The Akers
Helen Gibb
David Boyd
Muffy (The Benes Family)
Terry Benes
Pamela JJ Fair
Roland & Suzanne Rodman
Maxie (Richard Geiler & Douglas)
Margie Flickinger
Fluffy (Deb & Steve Hopper)
Jayne Rowe
Fluffy, Muffy, Tuffy & Sam
Barbara Castro
Fluffy & Roo
DM Giaquinta & KM Thomson
William Scheffel
Jean Welser
Fuss & Feathers
Frank & Stella Borik
Luella Joan Evans
JJ & Jasper
The Janus Family
Lillian Swerdlow
Jordi & Rubi
David & Janille Todd
Robert Hyman
Julie (Corie Serviolo)
Sandy Arledge
Mr. & Mrs. James Porter
Mickey (Christine Demery)
The Leonard Family
Oscar (The Tullie Family)
Michael Robinson
Gail & Charles Erricson
Oso (Lydia Kowalewski & Ray Zennick)
Jen Singer
David Bennett
The Prescotts
Marilyn & Dante Stobbione
James Freeman
Kitty (Dr. Edward Damrose)
Edward & Jane Damrose
Carol Higgins
Timothy & Jamee Patterson
Minou (Leslie, Pascal, Mia & Alexa)
Barbara & Chuck Coffey
PW Garrison
Layla (Sonny & MC Brady)
Linda Schneider
Harley (The McGuinness Family)
The Smith Family
Lila, Rocky & Pierre
Adele Kowalski
Alberta Danish
Honey Bear
Leslie & Steve Kemp
Hopkins & Rosie
Tom & Judy Splitgerber
LCDR & Mrs. Norman J. Campbell USN Ret
Jerry Canning
Jessica Gwin
Inky Dinky Doo
Sandy Arledge
In Memory Of
Little Bean (Gail Eisenberg)
Susan DeLacy
Little Guy (Kathy Lashchuck)
Patricia Kepple
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Delgado
Claire Church
Joan McAllister
Lui & Spike
Dennis & Connie Berglund
Lulu (Shelley Anderson & Roseann De Martino)
Aparna Bharati
Luna Belle (Jocelyn Reyes)
Tanya Reyes
Maggie, Bear & Mr. Riley
Carol Stundl
Barbara Bradley
Cathy Leonard
Gayle Walker
Maria (Steve Brown)
Betty Summers
Nikko & Susie
Anna & Jack Bartlett
Kiki & Bunchie (Gregg Bowers)
Christine Bowers
Mike & Karen Hoppe
Boochee Boo
Paul & Vera Mehay
Claire Neurath
Magoo Two
Anne Hones
Frodo & Gandalf
Neo (The Kruse Family)
Michael Robinson
Julius (Deanne Loonin & Elizabeth Renuart)
Luanne Gross
Lily (Lauretta & Ken)
Kathleen Selvidge
Nellie, Sophie & Zack
Janet Price
Nancy Strzepek
Gigi (Jane & Janice Pineda)
Ruth Gilbert
Helen Donovan Morrison
Murphy/Two Socks
William & Charlotte Marshall
Mike (Bill Patten)
Lonnie Brunini
Antonietta O’Hearn
Panchito & Kato
Linda Crogan & Joyce Mills
James & Rachel Ware
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Taris
Miss Molly
Edward Burns
Pee Wee
Cynthia Lingg
Miss Sassy
Linda Piazza
Shirley King & Arthur Olson
John Wagner
Kathleen Thompson
Rose Mary Cech
Pepito Miguel Paco de la Bouche (James Carazola & Jorge Rodriguez)
Jeff Babatsky
Moby (Jenna Braverman & Jason Beecroft)
Mark & Gail Braverman
Mocha (Pat Wilson)
Janine Blair
Sonja Blair
Joy Faris
The Tuckfield Family
Rose Mary Cech
Primo & Likos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Boles
Elizabeth Franciscus
Gary & Christel Drew
Marguerite Roland
Princess, Taco, Tinsel & Ciecie
Anevay, Chayton, Kim Perez
Molly (Ann & Dave Gibson)
Ruth Cardenas
Molly (Mr. & Mrs. Gilberg)
The Barbers
Molly Rose
A. Shellstrom
Morgan Joseph Donohue
Jeanette Binder
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Parsell
Moussee (Kay Miller)
Arthur Sweeney & Jerrelll Bates
Mr. Biscuits (Melissa Phillips)
Roger Werbeck
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Hedy Kleinsorge
William Heald
Ms. Shaun Allshouse
Amy Budzynski
Puss Puss (Debby Hanson)
Kelly Riseley
Stacey Zeitlin
Donald A. Starr
Raffi (Audra & Tristan Heimlich)
Judy Scognamillo
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Anne Riley
Mark Cavender
Jon & Nancy Anderson
Roxy (Paul & Liz Bushard)
Sandra Massery
Roxy & Nick (The Howards)
Ghillian Sichel
Rubin (Jen Kelly)
Jen & Neil Schelly
Rudy (Allison Vano)
Rhonda Lopresti
Rusty (Dana & Chuck Adams)
Priscilla Craig
Karen Kerschmann
Mr. & Mrs. William Kellogg
Amy Suelzle
Sadie (The Kuchta Family)
The Ward Family
Sadie (Kenzie & Dylan McAnulty)
June McAnulty
Sally & Hanah
John Hendricks
Sasha (Joe Rivera & Family)
Marjorie Stewart
Merlinde Sheerin
Sam (Cheryl Lynn Correa)
Patricia Kepple
Barbara Rude
Karen Seidner
Joyce Prince
Richard & Marjorie Amptman
Shirley Swanson
William J. & Joan A. Gordon
Donald Anderson
Jaqueline Cronin
Donald Scherzi
Elena Tortora
Shelby (The Boss Family)
Janice Boss
Shepherd (Kaare & Digna)
Stephanie & Shane
Sherekhan & Jake (Tony LaMotte)
Grace Furman
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Mr. & Mrs. James Pasek
Roland Schmidt
Mary Tibiatowski
Simba (Sharon Taylor)
Michael Kick
Sister & Mister (Dell Grace Schroeder)
Merrill Cote
Reginald & Linda Frank
Dr. Roger Beckman
Tim Hampton
Tootsie Romeo
John Bellew
Rosemary Billips
Jeanne Dahlstet
Robert & Eleanora Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Boss
The Associates
The Urioste Family
Dr. Jason Brown
Kurt Stormberg, DDS, MS
Susan Davis
Trixie (Barbara Baer)
Marian & Allen Baer
Sue Brown’s birthday
Lisa Cruz
Stanley I
Marlone Paas
Trixie (Trudy Keel)
Nancy Brownlee
Nancy Brownlee’s birthday
Gretchen Neville
Judy Kubischta
Truffles (Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cecil)
Eleanor Winokur
Mark & Meredith Bryant
Gino Grippo
Steve & Lisa Wojo
Tucker (The Rohr Family)
Ann Rossell
The Silverman Family
Mr. Mike Butts
Mrs. Elizabeth Butts
Raylene Midose
Snooky & Nikki
Paul & Fran Roth
Sophie (Charlotte & Dave Kingston)
Kris & John McGovern
Stray Dog
Rosalinda Guerrero
Susie (Deanne & Lenny Bloom)
Diane & Chuck Goldberg
Sydney (Enid & Don Larsen)
Readean Ellis
Sherron Wahlgren
Tammy (Mr. & Mrs. Lehman Kennel)
Greg & Cheri Miller
Taurus & Thor-Bert
Velma Whittingham
Teddie (Lisa Laby)
Walli Gast & Pat Middleton
Teddy (Barbara Antonopulos)
Mindy Barlow
Theo (Debbie Jester Hakes)
Billie Hakes
Theo (Jonathon Lauren)
Charles Kilgore
Joe Estrada
Tig (Jan Heying)
Nancy Brownlee
Patricia Morton
Cheryl Tipton
Tumble (The Bailow Family)
Lauren Goldstein
Philip Disque & Christina Aushana
Sandra Allen
All of the Van Keuren pets
The Van Keuren Family
Dorothy Hill
Vienna (Terri & Richard Kelly)
Billie Hakes
Nicki English
Robert Hyman
Shelly Sulit
Whitney Fies’ birthday
Marissa Caldwell
Winston (Sophia & Bella)
Megan Sinclair
Kathleen Flowers
Gayle Walker
Yummie Girl & Baby Bear
Carol Falzarano
Donna Geiler
Gertrud Beach
Zack, Kali, Hannah & Rocky
Karen Kahrhoff
Shelley Gillis’ birthday
Rebecca Blenz
Zeus (Ruth McKercher, PhD)
Mark R. Katz, MD & Naomi J. Kartin
Letha Grassman’s birthday
Eleanor Dice
Zoe (The Walker Family)
David Storm
Zoey (Kelly Bethea)
Cindy Adams
Tiger & Snoopy
Irene Higinio & Elvia Salazar
In Honor of People
Timber (Cheryl Reiff)
Pamela Hayhurst
TomCat (Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tristano)
Robin & RT Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Cutler
Nancy Green
Margaret Seeley
Tigger & Friday
Carol Pennant-Jones
Tillie (Candace & Family)
Kris Clarkin
Robert Hyman
Janet Adamian’s birthday
Management Team
Mitch Allcorn
Joe Peruuca
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Aronson
Robert & Sharron Francis
Danielle Astilla
Grashielah Sales
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Green
Nancy Green
Rose Hosea
Glenwood & Dorothea Burgess
Aaron Howe & Janice Morton
Roger Howe & Jeanie Coleman
Maverick Huggett
Victoria Huggett
Bob & Kim Huntoon
Helen Darby
Phyllis Jacus
Christine La Pierre
Sylvia Jangard-Andersen
Aprell Bigler
Gifts of Love
Kenneth & Nadene Parsell
Mom & Dad & all pets
Susan Pierce
Clinton Jones’ birthday
Eleanor Winokur
Becky & Phil Morgavo
Beverly & Wes Babich
Elianna Joshi’s birthday
Alicia Maria Butters
LL Flounders
Molly Keegan
Sharron McAvin
Richard Nagel
Alison & Mason Walton
Matt & Whitney Moser
Daniel & Judy
Rose & Joe Hardeman
Lauren O’Connor
Rita Kafala’s birthday
Cynthia J. Henkel
Corinne Kelley & Andrew
James Vouros
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cisneros
Carol Neer
Julie Neer & Fred Martin
Rob & Cathy Odijk
Rex & Carroll Jones
Noah Patterson
Carolyn Patterson
Brett Kelly
Cindy Kelly
Dr. Bruce Persky
Helen Allison
Beth King
King Family Trust
W. Blaine Phillips, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Aaron & Esme
Sarah, Kevin & Katherine
Mary Kruer
Sean & Coreen Lalley
Linda Lalley
Dan Le Ray Leadley
Thomas Wathen
Jayne Lesley
Robert Hyman
William & Marjorie Letsch
Erin Letsch
Brett Kelly
Cindy Kelly
Ji Soo Kim
Sylvia Yoon
G. Knipping
Debby Laborte
Wayne Leisch’s retirement
California American Water
The Luneau Family
Sharon Worth & Family
Kris Mallory
Mike Hadjiaghai
Sheri Mayer
Danna Mayer
Mark, Meredith, Lulu &
Teresa, David, Noki & Haku
The Melton Family
Laura Wessells
In Memory Of
Erica Phung
Marie Lewis
Brooke Polansky’s birthday
Leah Baylon
Rebecca Chase
Tamara Hurley
Sofie Portman’s birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Maggio
Matt Potter
Diann & Douglas Potter
William Quinter
Jason Quinter
Cheryl & Terry Robbins
Lynn & Bob Harris
Wendy Roberts & Family
Jeanne Cook & Linda Roberts
Rose Canyon Animal
Hospital doctors & staff
The Higgins Family
San Diego Humane Society
Joyce Dunn-Moore
Robert I. Shelley
Lorraine Shelley
Sarah Piccone
Madison (Carla Bock)
Byron Frohn
Nancy Pack
Nancy Shevik
Fay Fintel
Benjamin Mandaro
John & Barbara Ann Anderson
Edward N. Bane
Jared Ostertag
Cocoa & Godiva
Brenda & Dave Rickey Fdtn.
Mario & Sammy
Carol Pennant-Jones
Alberto Ruiz
Nanci & Jack Simkin
Robert G. Berg, Jr.
Arthur S. Daley, Jr.
Tank Valle
Zoee Miller
Joan Slote
Robin Pelletier
Cody & Temptie
Renee Thomas
Nancy Brass
Teddi & Bear
Cecilia Gutierrez
Barbara E. Smith
Christopher Smith
Fairley DeNike
Zoee Miller
WE Bennett MD & Lauralee
Kelly Spicher’s birthday
Barbara Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mauzy
Valerie Stallings
Robert Hyman
Jeannette McCarty
Raymond Tewes
Nancy Green
Frodo & Gandalf
Rebecca Blenz
Mamie Tindall
N. Jean McHenry Durant
Halo & Shyley
Joseph & Rebecca Arlauskas
Ray Vendetti
Faye Williamson
Dianna Pearsall
Tony Wang
Andrea Wang
Horton & Buddy
Jon A. Bemis
Dave West’s birthday
Sentre Partners
Cathi Soule
Horton & Buddy
Barbara Ann Gavin
Kim Wheeler
Vera Cannon
In Honor of Pets
Angel (Barbara Davis)
Eleanor Burton
Shirley Phillips
Emalee Whitlock
Mimma Fonti
Barbara Catherine Cord &
Michael Akers
Bailey Nelson
Zoee Miller
Baylee Glen
Zoee Miller
Bella & Emme Miller
Zoee Miller
Dr. Carol Schmitt
Karen Schmitt
Boo, Rascal & Lucky
Eugene & Barbara Kadin
Robbie Schulte
Robert Hyman
Ethan & Jessica Idenmill
Dr. Terry Scott & Shirlee
Dr. Andrea Liston
Brenda Dahle
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Joe & Betsy Loureiro
Jilly (Bill & Linda Sylvester)
Barbara Avery
Jon & Nancy Anderson
Josie Henderson
Zoee Miller
Joseph & Karen Eukovich
Lil Red & PJ
Michelle Schumaker
Lil Leo
Betty Deckman
Lilly Love
Maria Mangiardi
Loki (Adam & Amanda Allen)
CAPT & Mrs. Robert K.
Zentmyer MSC USN Ret
Lois J. Cox
Max & Fiona
Michael & Rowella Zina
Mia & Murphy
Nancy Richards
CDR Stanley De Long USN Ret
& Mrs. Joan De Long
Joseph P. Sciacca
Zowee & Teddy
Debra L. Law
Missy & Sami
Mr. & Mrs. William Grisson
Vet Memorials
Dorothy Christie Marques
Alpine Veterinary Clinic
Dr. John D. Hackett
Arnold (Dennis Comeau)
Chester (Jeanette Wickline)
Claddagh (Tom & Robin Christian)
Dusty (Brian Hart)
Frankie (Tom Wares & Family)
Ellen Conner Dean
Mully & ChaCha
Sally Stanko
Jason & Stacey Rabbino
Murphy & Lola
Rafael & Nancy Gaona
Sherron Wahlgren
Opal Henderson
Zoee Miller
Joyce & Red Moore
Joseph Ledesma
Jean Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson
Carolyn Young
Dianne Lovell
Rocky & Kabaal
Mark Cavender
Luther & Madison
Stephen & Karen Williams
Joseph & Marjorie Veale
Sam, Paco & Princessa
Antonietta O’Hearn
Edward Kusnierz & Robin
Jennie Chang
Kelley Kirby
Sara Azua-Kazemi
Tiger & Studley
Robert & Johanna Bosch
Ilse Kuhlow
Rinaldo (Chip, Ilda, Madison
& Mackenzie Wood)
Barbara Avery & Linda
In Memory Of
Thelma, Louise & Swan
Nancy L. Rose
Indy-Blue (Vickie & John
Inka (The Magnus Family)
Jonesy (The Toth Family)
June (Tim & Mona Petersen)
Marcus (Bryon Perry &
Marge (Toni Mitman &
Merlin (The Evans Family)
Molly (Eleanor Denton)
Photo (Brian Battles & Cathey
Rhyssa (Ginger Butler)
Rusty (Sandra Hendrickson)
Samson (Michelle & Jeremy
Shadow (George Steinitz)
Tracey Bug (Crystal Newman)
Turbo (Mike Tilley)
Companion Petcare
Dr. Nancy Bushnell
Amber (Carmen Buckholtz)
Cosette (Mary Beth & Sean
Daisy (Sarah Alspaugh)
Emmie (Christine Krissoff)
Gizelle (Leslie Anderson)
Maddy (The Ferris Family)
Nicki (Mary Jean Nelson)
Princess (Jeanne Fuller)
Ty (Linda Hendel & Steve
Kensington Veterinary
Dr. Michelle Mason
Dr. Patricia Ungar
Duchess (Zeamora & Edgar
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Foxy (Gary & Carol McElroy)
Jake (Linda Cianciolo)
Joey (Dena Feinman)
Kage (Craig Kuhlman)
Max (Patty Renfro)
Momma Cat (Don & Mindy
Mytus (Melissa Nickell)
Pud (Marie & Kevin Wiggins)
Sadie (Sarah Stanton &
Zach (Dan Swank & Cynthia
Rose Canyon Animal Hospital
Dr. Bjorn Barré
Dr. Anthony Michael
Bailey (Yvonne Body &
Joanna Clark)
Beau (Megan Ward)
Beaujolais (The White Family)
Bella (The Wagner Family)
Bennie (The Boyle Family)
Bleu (Bonnie Ward)
Boomer (The Sutphen Family)
Champ (The Pareja Family)
Chelsea (Lori Megliola)
Chelsea (Mary Carnes)
Chewie (Laura Poveromo)
Cleopatra (Anita Quillman)
Daisy (Susan Califa)
Dexter (Zita Davis)
Diego (Janet Franks)
Doogie (The Hrubovcak
Freddey (The Woods Family)
Gee (Summer Jones)
Griffey (The Robertson Family)
Jack (Louise Percy)
Jake (The Schmutle Family)
Jeremiah (Emma Zink)
Kodi (Stuart Hall)
Kodi (Tina Van Vechten)
Lola (The DaSilva Family)
Luna (Carol Lilly)
Maggie (The Freistoffer
Malcolm (LaDawna Denn)
Marley (The Wheaton Family)
Mittens (The Brackeen
Mitus (The Daly Family)
Moby (Ruthann Duncan)
Mouse (The Paull Family)
Naly (Julie Nelson)
Niki (Charles Brazell)
Norton (Lucy Asyan)
Osa (Alicia O’Malley)
Oso (Lydia Kowalewski)
Parker (Rhonda Whorrall)
Pickles (The Cheng Family)
Reba (Mike Thomas)
Reef (Michelle Murphy)
Roscoe (David Kantor)
Roxy (Joyce Langenbacher)
Sandi (Michelle Fulks)
Scooter (Carol Mullan & Jim
Sherman (The Schloeder
Simon (Julia Griess)
Sky (The Gloyna Family)
Sox (The Beesley Family)
Tennyson (The Sickmann
Tess (Pam Colquitt)
Tommy (The Coulson Family)
Violet (The Ingle Family)
Veterinary Specialty
Alex (Greg & Tami Chaffee)
Angel (William & Diane
Angie (David Fisher)
Annabel (Linda Diehl)
Aqualita (Rosa Huesca)
Ashley (Gabrielle & Glenn
Ashton (Veronica Csiza)
BabyKat (Merritt Schoch)
Badger (Mary & Regan Jones)
Bailey (Carol Shrigley)
Bailey (Kathryn & Alan
Bailey (Randy Rosman &
Scott Lehrer)
Ben (S. Cote & S. Leaper)
Bentley (Rudy Leiker)
Binky (Paula & Richard
Bob (Sylvia Evans)
Bonnie (Kathy Wood)
Bruno (Betty Steeg)
Brutus (Hans & April Warren)
Bugsy (Monika Stimpert)
Buster (Stuart & Anne
Carley (Lyn Nelson)
Cassie (Susan & Doyle
Clayton (Alfred Miller)
Clue (Robin & Donald Snyder)
Cooper (Rafael & Liza Balana)
Crash (Eric Mann)
Cry Baby (David Fracalosy)
Daisy (Merrie Lamb)
Drywall (Barry Cahill)
Duchess (Shari & Chris Osuch)
Dusty (Curtis Lewis)
Emma (Martha Jagger)
Emma (Nina Rohling)
Faith (Lynn-Monica
Filip (Christian Przygoda)
Fisher (Michael Mogge)
Gabriel (Gabi) (Galina
Georgie (Larry & Tina Alston)
Gracie (Robert Blazer)
Harrison (Audra & Todd
Heidi (Christian Cali)
Hitch (Heather & Michael
Honey (Jerry Ailshire)
Juneau (Beth & Jim Walters)
Kacey (Kristin Elo)
Kamui (Moo-Moo) (Maureen
& Lila Doerner)
Kitty Kat (Diane Kellogg)
Laifu (Julia Chiang)
Linus (Dianne Lincoln)
Loki (Carin & Robert Lindgren)
Lucy (Jane & Brian Findley)
Lucy (Jeffrey Dilallo & Patrick
Luke (Jodi & Mike Vleck)
Mackiy (Antony Trupans &
Alexi Siglan)
Maggie (Amy & Tim Bennett)
Magic (Laryna & John
Max (Allison & James
Max (Carla Rehm)
Mia (Carol & John Carney)
Milo (Jeff White)
Mimi (Lisa & Cinny Wong)
Mollie (Chris Haynes)
Molly (Judi & Stephen
Molly (Kris & Jim Moore)
Molly (Linda Bright)
Morpheus (Carie & Chris
Nickie (Sylvie O’Connell)
Okalani (Vincent Villalvazo)
Oscar (Bruce Brown)
Oscar (Ted Schroeder)
Ozzie (Gloria Pasqual)
Painter (Chris Crowley)
Pearl (Patti & Mike Tuffley)
Penny (Shirley King & Arthur
Pepe (Gorgina Toledo)
Porky (Annette Schultz)
Punky (Jurgen & Leanne
Rally (Rodney Angelito)
Riley (Bettina & Patrick
Rocky (Patricia Yglesias)
Romeo (Bonnie & Ossie
Rory (Jo Ann Sweet)
Rose (Tony & Barbara
Rosie (Susan Elden)
Rosie (Susan Kirkland)
Roux (Kathleen Collins)
Ruger (Irma Thornbloom)
Rumba (Alana Albertson)
Sami (Robert & Nancy Mara)
Sandy (Alvic & Joy Paje)
Sassy (Byron & Angela Wright)
Squeaker (Michael Butt)
Starvin Marvin (R. Hernandez
& T. Miller)
Steffy (Bobbie Jason Lee)
Stew (Joshua King & Denise
Suky (Dawn Grebner)
Sydney (Jocelyn & Robert
Tahoe (Christine & Julian
Taylor (L. Michaels & T. Elkeles)
Tigger (Ken Smith)
Tommy (Amber Hartly)
Tonka (Lisa Apolinski)
Tonka (Zoraida Baltazar)
Tristan (Kelly Saltern)
Trooper (Carol Funk)
Trouble (R. Martin & C. Hein)
Yoda (Nadir Buyuktimkin)
Yogi (Nichole & Doug Cox)
Zena (Ami Israel)
Zeus (Sam Hakimian)
Ziggy (Denise Nanos)
Zoe (Cal Chang)
Zoe (Michael & Lisa O’Keefe)
Zoe (Tracy & Steve Charlton)
In Memoriam
Gifts from wills and trusts help to ensure that
the Humane Society’s charitable programs
serving animals and people will be available
long into the future. The San Diego Humane
Society and SPCA wishes to acknowledge, in
memoriam, recent gifts from the following
individuals’ estates received between August 28
and November 28, 2012.
Catherine M. Angelo
Helene M. Arnott
Walter J. and Gladys M.
Serena Desiree Birch
Gardner F. Marston
Giovanni and Rina Bucolo
Laura and Lee McKune
Virginia M. Butler
Gwenne Moore
Cecelia M. Collier
John and Jennie Newton
Olive M. Edwards
Teresa A. Nugent
Marjorie Ganschow
Joan M. Stevens
Alexandra A. Grant
Hilde B. Stewart
Ethel Louise Joseph
Major Earl W. Sweeney
Eleanor V. Long
Thomas E. Westerman
Estate Planning
NEVER Too Young
2. Even if you have a small estate, you can (and should) decide for yourself how your assets will be distributed and to whom. This includes designating bequests for charitable organizations like the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA.
3. Consider the possibility that death occurs by an accident or illness. Even if the odds seem remote to you today, having a will and trust is important because something unexpected can happen at any time.
4. Once you have a will and trust, it’s easy to alter as your circumstances change.
5. Fulfilling this important obligation feels good at any Some folks think they can wait on completing a will and
trust. They say that they aren’t old enough yet, or maybe
expect this task is best done only when they retire. Here’s the
truth: There are at least five sound reasons for having a will
and a trust at any age.
1. People with young children have a special reason. Their will and trust can name custodians for minors and can name trustees that will provide for their children.
age. Knowing you have a valid will and trust gives peace of mind, in addition to having a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction at handling this responsibility.
We have information to help you move forward in putting
a will and trust in place. You can fill out the form below or
contact Nicole Angelucci, our Director of Planned Gifts. Nicole
is an attorney with a background in estate planning and is
here to help answer your questions. Just give her a call at
(619) 243-3443 or email her at [email protected].
 Please complete the following form to contact us:
Dear Friends at San Diego Humane Society and SPCA:
 Please send me/us estate planning brochures and bequest language.
 Please contact me/us at ( ) _______________________ so that I can receive further information.
 Please contact me about a personal visit.
 I/we have already provided for the San Diego Humane Society Name ________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________ State________________
Email ________________________________________________________________
Mail this form to:
Nicole Angelucci, Director of Planned Giving
San Diego Humane Society and SPCA
5500 Gaines Street
San Diego, CA 92110
The following is a sampling of San Diego Humane Society classes, workshops and events occurring February 1 through April 30, 2013.
17 17
1-5Animal Adventure Camp, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., $210
Puppy Support Group (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
Project KEPPT Day (North Campus), 1-3 p.m.
Pet Loss Support Group, 6:30 p.m., No cost
Home School Session, 10-11:30 a.m. (North Campus), $7 per child
Home School Session, 1:30-3 p.m., $7 per child
Doggie Café (North Campus), 6-8 p.m., $10
Head Start (first of five classes), 6:30-8 p.m., $89
Really Reliable Recall (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
Head Start (first of five classes), 6:30-8 p.m., $89
Tots and Tales, 10:30 a.m., $3 per child
Happy Hour Lecture Series: Senior Pets, (North Campus),
6:30-8 p.m., $12
Happy Hour Lecture Series: Essential Oils, 6:30-8 p.m., $12
Puppy Support Group (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
Puppy Fun Class (first of five classes), 9:30-11 a.m., $159
Canine Good Citizen (first of five classes), 1:30-3 p.m., $119
Puppy Fun Class (first of five classes), 4-5:30 p.m., $159
Pet Loss Support Group, 10:00 a.m., No cost
Head Start (first of five classes), 9-10:15 a.m., $89
Puppy Fun Class (first of five classes), 1-2:30 p.m., $159
Bark in Balboa Park, 2 p.m., No cost
Canine Good Citizen (first of five classes), 3-4:30 p.m., $119
Tots and Tales (North Campus), 10:30 a.m., $3 per child
Project KEPPT Food Bank, 1-3 p.m.
Doggie Café, 6-8 p.m., $10
Tricks (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
Head Start (first of five classes), 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $89
Canine Good Citizen (North Campus, first of five classes),
11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $119
First Aid for Dogs and Cats, 1-5 p.m., $60
Head Start (first of five classes), 3-4:15 p.m., $89
Head Start (first of five classes), 6:30-8 p.m., $89
Pet Loss Support Group (North Campus), 6:30 p.m., No cost
and SPCA in my/our estate planning documents. Please send information about the Humane Heritage Circle.
Zip __________________ Phone__________________________________________
spring 2013 Calendar of Events
Don’t miss the chance to
make you pet a star!
See sdhumane.org/calendar for details.
Please enter by: August 31, 2013.
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
Puppy Support Group (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
Project KEPPT Day (North Campus), 1-3 p.m.
Pet Loss Support Group, 6:30 p.m., No cost
Leash Walking (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
Home School Session, 10-11:30 a.m. (North Campus), $7 per child
Home School Session, 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m., $7 per child
Doggie Café (North Campus), 6-8 p.m., $10
10 First Aid for Dogs and Cats (North Campus), 1-5 p.m., $60
12 Tots and Tales, 10:30 a.m., $3 per child
16 Puppy Support Group (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
16 Pet Loss Support Group, 10 a.m., No cost
18 Head Start (first of five classes), 6:30-8 p.m., $89
20 Tots and Tales (North Campus), 10:30 a.m., $3 per child
21 Project KEPPT Food Bank, 1-3 p.m.
21 Happy Hour Lecture Series: Telepathic Communication with Animals, 6:30-8 p.m., $12
23 Really Reliable Recall (North Campus), 9:30-10:30 a.m., $35
23San Diego Humane Society’s 16th Annual Telethon,
7-10 p.m., KFMB Ch. 8 (date to be confirmed)
28 Pet Loss Support Group (North Campus), 6:30 p.m., No cost
29 Doggie Café, 6-8 p.m., $10
31San Diego Humane Society Closed for Easter Sunday
AnimalFare • Spring 2013
8-12Animal Adventure Camp (North Campus), 9 a.m.-3 p.m., $210
Pet Loss Support Group, 6:30 p.m., No cost
Head Start (North Campus, first of five classes),
11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $89
Canine Good Citizen (first of five classes), 1:30-3 p.m., $119
Head Start (first of five classes), 9-10:15 a.m., $89
Project KEPPT Day (North Campus), 1-3 p.m.
Canine Good Citizen (first of five classes), 3-4:30 p.m., $119
Tots and Tales, 10:30 a.m., $3 per child
Happy Hour Lecture Series: Planting with Your Pooch, (North Campus), 6:30-8 p.m., $12
Head Start (first of five classes), 6:30-8 p.m., $89
12 Home School Session, 10-11:30 a.m. (North Campus), $7 per child
Home School Session, 1:30 p.m.-3 p.m., $7 per child
Doggie Café (North Campus), 6-8 p.m., $10
Head Start (first of five classes), 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $89
Head Start (first of five classes), 3-4:15 p.m., $89
First Aid for Dogs and Cats, 1-5 p.m., $60
Tots and Tales (North Campus), 10:30 a.m., $3 per child
Project KEPPT Food Bank, 1-3 p.m.
Happy Hour Lecture Series: Integrative Vet Medicine,
6:30-8 p.m., $12
Pet Loss Support Group, 10 a.m., No cost
Pet Loss Support Group (North Campus), 6:30 p.m., No cost
Doggie Café, 6-8 p.m., $10
Head Start (first of five classes), 6:30-8 p.m., $89
All events are held at 5500 Gaines Street and require
pre-registration or reservations unless otherwise noted.
Events at North Campus are held at 572 Airport Road in
Oceanside. Please call (619) 299-7012 and the extension
listed to pre-register/reserve a space in a program, or visit our
website at www.sdhumane.org for a full calendar of events.
Activities for Kids:
Home-school Lessons: ext. 2911
Tots and Tales: ext. 2251
Activities for Adults/Families:
Doggie Café: ext. 2230
Happy Hour Lecture Series and First Aid for Dogs and Cats:
ext. 2249
Pet Loss Support Group: ext. 2311
Behavior and Training Classes:
Head Start, Puppy Fun Class: ext. 2334
Canine Good Citizen: ext. 2247
Project KEPPT Day/Food Bank:
Call (619) 299-7012 ext. 2907 for more information about the
Project KEPPT services and Food Bank requirements.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Central Campus:
5500 Gaines Street
San Diego, CA 92110-2572
San Diego, CA
Permit No. 331
North Campus:
(for dogs)
2905 San Luis Rey Road
Oceanside, CA 92058
(for cats & small animals)
572 Airport Road
Oceanside, CA 92058
(619) 299-7012
Central Campus Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Adoptions and Animal Viewing:
Monday-Friday, 11a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, 11a.m.-5 p.m.
North Campus Hours of Operation:
Daily, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Adoptions and Animal Viewing:
Daily, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
*Date to be confirmed