Hand Played by Robots
Hand Played by Robots
HandPlayedby Robots Andy Ryetalksto audiophile favouritePat\letrenyabouthisOrchestrion s editofPaulMiller obsefvedwhendescribing hisvisitto the l\,4useum Of 4 I Mechanical lnstruments in LesCets,France{seeHFNSept'09), mechanised instruments of the last centurywerethe high-end audio of theirday.Affordable onlyfor the veryrich,theywererealinstfuments whichwereableto playmusicfor theirownerson demand. Fastforwardto 2010 and jazzguitafistPat distinguished Methenyfeaturesanothersetof mechanical instruments in the form of a mechanical bandhe's commissioned especially for hisnew project,Orchest on lNonesuchCD 7559798473). 7f t \ F1 AWEIRDIDEA.,. Afterfamouslybecomingthe youngesteverteacherat the prestigious Berklee CollegeOf Music- he wasagedjust 19 at the BELOW:Available time - l\,,letheny went on to build on CD now, a reputation for stunningvirtuoso the tive.track guitarplaying,stfongmelodic Orchestrion set compositions andan imaginative seesPat Metheny exploration of differentmusical g e n re a s n db a n dl i n e ' u p s . improvise on guitarwhile I talkedwith himaboutthe controlling his Orchestration project,alongwith robotic orchestra EricSinger - oneof the designers to play a pre" who playeda leadingrolein defined score developing andbuildingthe robot band featured on the Orchestrion CD and used for Metheny'sworld tour, which runs between February and summer this year. Metheny admitsto having difficultyin explainingthe project. 'l qet how questionsand why questions.The "hows" I'm happy to answer.The "whys" l'll keep between me and my shfink,'he says. While the idea for the project was inspiredby chi dhood memories of an antique player'pianoin his grandfathefs housein Wisconsin, w h i c h h e f e c a l s f i n d i n gf a s c i n a t i n g as a nine year oid, the catalystfor 'l rFnri(prl: (fa,,A Pai.h nia.o "ElectricCounterpoint"for Steve's 70th birthda! concert. lt's basedon m e p l a y i n g l 2 g u i t a r p a r t so n t a p e and the final pa-r ive. I fealised,as it e n d e d ,t h a t i . . - , <s t a n d i n go n s t a g e a t t h e C a r n e g. andlhadjust p l a y e dw l t h : : : : e-.l a A n d I t h o u g h t " l f r IUNE2010 l4 : w1,1/w.hifinews.co.uk that'scooiandthe worldis OKwith that,then maybenow'sthe time to try thisweirdideaI'vebeencarrying aroundsi ncel w asnine. "Thenext dayI pushedthe go button.' NON-HT'MAN LEAGUE EricSingerleadsthe groupLEI\,4UR (League Musical oi Experimental UrbanRobots) andis at the forefront ot foboticinstrument design.His groupgivesconcerts, andhe builds not just specialrobotinstruments for bandsbut for galleryinstallations andpfivatecommissions. I askedEricabouthis contribution, with what beginning ha r.t"zllw ^r^\,i,lA.l 'We cfeated the body ofthe instrumentand Pat augmented it with some other things he'd seen out there. We have half a dozen drums,toms, snares,a couple of bassdrums,ten different cymbals, all the mallet instruments- that's t% do, is incrediblyhigh. The guitar lrom a the contraption suspended curvedsuppoftbehind,whichflexes bots took the longesttime to delivef becausewe were creating a new, asthe motorised bridgesfly up and more foad-worthyinstrumentthan downeachstring. the originalguitar bot.' WhileMethenywasclearabout what he wanted,he tookthe TAIIE IT TO THE BRIDGE territory. designers into uncharted 'Theinventors Theguitarbotseachhavefour Ashe explains: strings, with a bridgethat is driven to work wouldget something up anddowneachof thesestrings andthey'dsay"isn'tit coolthat it by a timingbelt.Singerdescribes wofks?"l\,4y thing is,it'scoolthat it the instrument aslikehavingIour works,but it'sgot to soundgreat. pedofmers with single-stringed slide We spenta lot of time on sound. guitarsat yourdisposal. oneof JackDelohnette contributed 'Theycanall playindependently hisdfumsetsandall of the cymbals the : or together.Eachhasa stringwith whileCaryBu on contributed a movingbridge. malletinstruments Whenit getsa note, a n dp i c k e do u t a l l the ' T h o cr r ita r the bridgeis told Thismeant mallets. to moveto that I couldreallyget a positionasquickly gfeatsoundfromthe aspossible andit's instfuments aswell veryquick.Because a sh a v i n ga l l th e se it hasto seekwhile m e c h a n i c a l th i ngs g o rn go n .' it's playingthe note,youget a little glideeffectandthat'spart of the EricSingerelaborates on the - that challenges of workingon Metheny's charactefof the instrument littlebit of twang. commission.'Pat is usedto a large 'Theplectraarefourguitarpicks degfeeof musicianship from his players andthe robotshadto exhibit on a cubeandthe cubefotatesa that samestandardof musicianship. quarterturn eachtime it'stold to pick.There's played a damper,whichlifts lvlaking sureeverything up to playandthendampsback asdynamically andasaccurately downto mute.lt soundssimplebut And aspossible wasa challenge. it wasincredibly complicated to get thenthesethingshaveto be as it to work.lt wasthe biggestrobotic roadwofthyaspossible, because challenge I'vehadto date.' on touf theyaregoingon andoff Interestingly, Singerdeveloped an truckseveryday.Theyneedto be ma i n ta i n a bal en dfunw i th mi ni mal opticalsensorin whichthe stfing's sotheycouldbe relied waveformis usedto modulatee, marimbaandorchestra intervention, vibraphone, uponto work,nightaftef night.' bells andtwo guitafbots,which instruments.' afeour own specjality BEAT THIS... The'otherthings'mentioned by Ericincludea Yamaha Disklavier Thelargepercussion modulethat dominates the stagewasdescribed concertgrandpiano,acousticand variously by concert-goers asbeing bassguitar,a setof blownbottles playedby compressed air and reminiscent of a pawnshop or on varioushandheldpercussion. hardware store.Singerelaborates the complexity of hisconstruction. Onstage,Eric'spercussion 'Thereare 200 or so individual with the ensemble is arranged acoustic andbassguitarson four mechanisms. Allthe mallet for shelves of a blacksteelstructure instfuments havea mechanism eachandeverykeyandbetween setup in the terfitorytraditionally that'sabout occupiedby a drumkit. Eachbeater thosethreeinstruments hasa whiteLEDthat illuminates 120 beaters.Mostof the cymbals eachtime its solenoidis actuated. havetwo to fourdifferentarms Thevibraphone andmarimbas on themwith diiferentsticksand eithersideof the differentlocations. Thedrumshave are positioned performer, with the two guitafbots at leasttwo armson them.The guitarbotsdon'thavetoo many towardsthe front of the stageand probably the pianoupstageleft. mechanisms, threeor four, Theguitarbotslookvery but the complexity of contfolling Thestfingsare mounted fromwhat the curious. them,internally haveto verticallyandfacethe audience, onboardmicroprocessors Pat Metheny pictured with BEIJOWT the vast range ol robotic drums, vibraphones,marimbasand guitar bots that make uP his Orchestrion. All the instruments can betriggered digitally from Metheny's 9uitar botsare our speciaiity' IUNE2010 BELOWTEric singer,founder of the Brooklyn' basedLEMUR group ano a leader in robotic instrument design. He created and built the robot band used for the Orchestrion project, working closelywith Pat Metheny to develop the instruments turther www.hitinews.co.uk 15 guitarstraight a himsendhisMLDI the guitaf'soutput,because andit followed electricguitarpick-up intothe vibraphone conventional rightalongwith him.lt wasreally to humfromthe wastoo sensitive quiteremarkable howquicklyit motorsaroundit. responded andsoundedlikeit was Findingpartsto buildthe playingin time with him.' wasverytimeOrchestrion AsSingerexPlains: consuming. 'No-oneout the.eis building SUITE SOUNDS played to be used In concert,PatN/etheny motorsandsolenoids allfivecomposiiions ffom his on musicalrobots.You'realways and re'purposing OrchestrionCD in order asa suite. takingsomething some After9ivin9the audience i t. An dy ouhav eallt ho s em u s i c a l aswell.Likethe background to the projecthe next fequifements pedormedan improvised piecein components can'tmakeringing bellsand noisesin the audiorange,which whichguitar,orchestra pianoplayedrapidarpeggios in to do with howyou hassomething unison,with specific controlthem.Really noteson hisMlDl theyshouldmakeas rrfrL l.-^+^ guitarappeafing also littlenoiseaspossible ^-^ I, I,IU^ I-,'l.J TD CTIE to triggerdifferent andwhenyou're percussion hits. talkingaboutparts that afe normallyused ln a second improvisation, i n was hing m ac hines , intendedto wheretheydon'tcare showcase how he cancontrol how loud they are, then it becomes the fobot band,Methenyplayed d Pdr LrLurdr r,,o,,c,,9c. three eightbarsof guitar,layering partsthat continuedto playwhile A IVIIDI ADVENTURE he thenaddedeightbarseachof Therobotbandis contfolledffom drums,vibraphone, Metheny's MIDIguitar.MlDlisthe marimba,blown industrystandardprotocolthat bottlesandbassguitar- before messages' suchas soloinghisguitaroverthe top of transmits'event of musical the afrangement. He controlled the pitchandintensity Iof instfument selection notesto play,controlsignals by usingfoot parameters suchasvolume,vibrato pedalsanda smallscreenpositioned a n dpanning, c uesan , dc l o c ks i g n a l s at waistheight. N,4etheny isverycleafthat his to setthe tempo. 'Patisthe first projectis an additional Orchestrion Singercontinues: guyto usea MlDlguitarto drivethe areaof activitythat will dovetail bots.lsat in hisstudioandwatched with hisworkwith othermusicians. controlledvia MIDI guitar' AEOVE;One mooern mechanical instrument used by Metheny is the automated Disklavierpiano from Yamaha: here the keys are driven magnetically trom scoreson a hard drive or other storage BEI,OWLETT: A xylobot used for the Orchestrion projecu the MlDl interface takes signalsfrom Metheny'sguitar BELOW:A single guitar bot -four individualstrings, each with a moving bridge 'Thisis no substitute for anythingelse.lfeel likel'vebeenbuildingthis houseover the yearsand l've got the tfio foom and the group room and this is another room to go into.' So what is l\,4etheny hoping to achievewith the project? 'Therewere lots of things about this that were essentials for me. lt had to groove. lt hasto feel good. It hasto have dynamics.So it has causedme to 9o underneaththe hood and examinemusic in ways that I hadn't before.I do think that jazz guys in general,throughout most of jazz history were the guys to do the reseafchand somewhere afound I980, everybodyjust said "hey let'sjust do that!". And I've neverreallythought that works. I pre-datethat, but to me, the jazz guys ladmired alwayssaid "yeah, but..." and this is a big "yeah but". RISE OT THE ROBOTS Oneof theaspects of a groupof playing musicians together that's pfoject missing fromthe Ofchestrion isthe interaction andinterplay betweenmusicians. Singeris adamantthat hisinstfuments have that capability.'Pat hasconceived project.In the thisasa ten-year beginning stageshe'sdonea lot oi straight'up orchestfation - in the samewayyouwouldorchestrate for synthesizers. Butthere'sa bigdifference whenyou have playing. liveinstruments Ontour he is staftingto movetowards improvising on the instruments wheretheyarefollowinghisguitar. 'ln the futufethere'san opportunity to haveinstruments impfovise on theirown,basedon a computeralgorithm. Youcouldsay "analyse Coltraneandplaya guitar solothat soundslikea Coltrane solo".Theinstruments arecapable of doingthat. lt'sjusta matterof applyingnewsoftwareto them.'l-) IUNE2010 I www.hifinews.co.uk | 17