St. Priscilla Parish Family - St. Priscilla Catholic Church
St. Priscilla Parish Family - St. Priscilla Catholic Church
St. Priscilla Parish Family St. Priscilla Parish Mission Statement We, the people of St. Priscilla Parish, grounded in the Word of God and Sacred Tradition, find strength and joy in the transforming power of Christ's sacrificial love as manifested in the Eucharist. We commit ourselves to lifelong spiritual formation, compassionate service, evangelization and the generous sharing of God’s gifts with our parish family and the community at large. We invite people from all cultures and walks of life to join us in our faith journey. November 27, 2011 Fr. Theo’s Thoughts It’s hard to believe we are already in the Holy Season of Advent. Advent has a two fold character: as a season to prepare for Christmas when Christ’s first coming to us is remembered and as a season when that remembrance directs our mind and heart to await Christ’s second coming at the end of time. Thus Advent consists of four weeks or four Sundays. The first and second Sundays we concentrate on the second coming of Christ and the other two Sundays the immediate preparation for Christmas or His birthday. The Advent wreath, a popular symbol in many churches, is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the passage of the four weeks of Advent in the liturgical calendar of the western church. The advent wreath is traditionally a Lutheran practice, later adopted by other Christian denominations. Advent is also a time to recall the cry of the early Christians: Maranatha! “Come, Lord Jesus”. People prepared themselves for Christmas by praying, doing sacrifices and by going for a good confession. The church provides an ample opportunity to prepare for Christ’s birthday. There will be communal reconciliation at St. Edith on December 12th at 7:00 PM and in our own parish (St. Priscilla’s) on December 17th at 1:00 PM. We will also have the ’little blue books’ and The Word Among Us books to help you prepare. Make use of these opportunities, so as we prepare externally for the celebration with decorations and gifts, we will also be prepared internally for the coming of Christ. Have a blessed Season of Advent. Peace, Fr. Theo On Saturday, November 19th, Deacon Robert Fitzgerald baptized Briana Kelsey, daughter of Vicki Jean Propp and John Bernard Marnon II. We welcome her to our parish family. Advent by Candlelight Join us this evening as we open the season of Advent with a candlelight vigil and reception. This is a family event beginning at 6:00 PM, November 27th; with an evening prayer service in the church. The prayer service is followed by a light reception in the parish hall. All food is provided by the church and dress is casual. All ages are welcome; bring your family, friends and neighbors. Anointing of the Sick Next Sunday, December 4th, immediately following the 9:00 AM Mass -10:00 am in the chapel. If you would like to be anointed, join us in the chapel. ST. PRISCILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 248-476-4700 Weekly Mass Intentions a time to heal……Rebecca Groves, Alex Grieves, Gene Tatro, Mark Tuttle, Irmagard Mudie, Debbie Ghent, Bernice Hammond, John Euashaka, Robert Westmark, Rosemary Olst, Kathleen Jess, Michael Watson, Doug Blaim, George Watkins, Charlotte Barro, Dorothy Jean Robertson, Brooke Landis, Wayne Wong, Doris McKinney, Jack & Marian Hemphill, Juan & Martha Garcia, Evelyn Ferraza, Gina Waddell, John Lee, Susan Baxter, Marianne Kelly, David Lynd, Mary & John Woodall, Beth Pumo, Bernie Wiemer, Michelle Zander, Joe DesRochers, Barnie Carter, Ethan Mason, Nancy Giordano, Diane Oesterle, Mary Lou Staffeld, Pat MacNamara, Sonya Shemet, Everjean Avery, Rosa Loria, Florence Putz, Henry Rotenheber, Ruth Dagnes, Sandy & Baby Caza, Anita Carano, George Harvey, Stephen & Bette Skibicki, Bernadette Hansford, Joannie Kerfoot, Ken Pebbles, Joseph Knott, Laura Tatro, Linda Newell, Bill Rogers, Norm Roegner, Douglas Noll, Richard Silber, Caroline Nosel, Dan Petersen, Baby Holden Jefferey Rooksberry, Alex Newell, Anthony Ward, Danielle Letinski, Hilda Guerro, Mary Thomas, George Owens, Marlene Brunet, Blanche Collins, Nancy Carrigan, Genevieve Sutherland, Andrew Ricotta, Deborah Durkin, Charlotte Hall, Barb Gorski, John Yanavich, David Purgiel, Carol Didelis, Michael Pastucha, Hank & Jean Talaske, Frank Grutta, Charlene Cusick, Sandra Terell, John Zyrek, Eleanor Naylor, Rachelle Truax, Carly Mills, Paige Burling, Susan Gordon, Claire Mazark, Brian Baker, Delphine Whitesock, Lillian Ardonowski, Kim Landis, Ronald Beres, Patricia Reidy, Devin Statetzny, Bernie Paquette, Leroy Kirk, Beverly McLean, Phillip Averill, Mark Nemeth, Dino Manolatos, and Jo Wyman. …....a time to die. Please hold our Service men and women in your prayers ……Mark Brown, Matthew Morrison, David Andrzejewski, Tony Andrzejewski, Brian Andrzejewski, Jonathon Andrzejewski, Fletcher R. Armstrong IV, Patrick Wroblewski, Nicholas Bahm, Michael Gibbons, Jake Loomis, Benjamin Joseph, Antonio Blue, Andrew Himm, Chris Pietryka, .Anthony Kriszt, Erich Hetke, Aaron Sotzen, Jeffrey M. Kane, Kyle Wroblewski, Jessie Stevens, Eric Hudzinski, Grady McElhinney, Bobby Wentworth, Steve Reynolds, Justin Boomgaard, Samantha Ciaramitaro, Peter Herrmann, Griffin Schager, Rachael Brown, Richard Bastien, Robert E. Oldani, Seth Janisse, Christopher Masel, Ryan Masel, Robert Uren, Jr., Michael Goodrow, Nicole Pawlowicz and Marc Hudzinski. To have someone from your family enrolled on the prayer list, please call the church office. Names will be listed for one month unless the office is notified that the condition continues and that prayers are still needed. DATE LECTOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ALTAR SERVER Dec. 3rd 4:30 pm Larry Miller Joanna Nannini Donna DelFavero, Sam Atherton, Maria Dyer, John Gallagher, Don Gorman, Lorraine Jankowiak, Charlene Zupanich Dec. 4th 9:00 am Lee Flaherty Marty Jasin Marion Lyman, Jackie Bender, Mitchell Dreier Mark & Cathy Tuttle, Val Weigand, Lionel Hilton Ralph & Diane Fernley Melanie Prince Dec. 4th John Dzwonkowski 11:00 am Paul Wrosch CLW-Joe Zenewiecz Pam Shepley, Dorothy Iannarelli, Mary Himm, Cathy Kevra, Jim Kennedy, Maureen Cartright, Dawn Marie Mays Alexis Lee Michelle Marzolo Kevin Marzolo Sarah Gum Andrew Klein Sub Sunday, November 27th, 9:00 AM Mass Ralph DeFranco by wife, Marjorie Betty Petriches by Pat Petriches Elizabeth Bandy by Bandy Family 11:00 AM Mass Helen Gdowski by Family Dwyer Family by Ann Dwyer Cathy Dalziel by Patti Nelms and Family Leigh Trestain by Charoneau Family Bill Charboneau by Family Monday, November 28th, 8:00 AM Mass Edward Zabowski by Sylvia DeBrincat Shirley Thurston by Sally Tobin Tuesday, November 29th, 8:00 AM Mass Michela Minnia Cherchi by Carta Family Mary Kelley by Marge & Bob Kelley Jerold & Carol McDonald by Betty McDonald Wednesday, November 30th, 8:00 AM Mass Nancy Schager by mom, Flo Mike Tefft by brother, Scott Thursday, December 1st, 7:00 PM Mass Cicita Francesco Cocco by Carta Family Friday, December 2nd,, 8:00 AM Mass Lee Hicks (B-Day) by Daughters Deceased members of the Beauchamp & Martin Families Alan Smith (80th B-day) by Sandi & Rick Phillips Saturday, December 3rd, 4:30 PM Mass Ken Andrzejewski by Joe Hudy Carole A. Globe by Joann & Janet Intention of Carol & Paula Rehnlund Ruth Zeolla by husband, Sam Edward Zabowski by WINGS group Sunday, December 4th, 9:00 AM Mass Umberto & Giacinda Tartaglia by Family Bob Walker by wife, Jo Deceased Members of the Vettraino, Morelli, Fragnolli & D’Agostino Families by Mr & Mrs. Benedetto Vettraino 11:00 AM Mass Donna Lark by Connie Lark Tom & Tommy Gallagher by Helen Gallagher Alan Smith by St. Priscilla’s Ushers Stephen Skibicki by Parish Family Jean Lamson by Family Please remember to find a substitute if you are unable to attend. Usher’s Schedule – December - Saturday - Team B / Sunday Team B BINGO Team 4 SMOKE FREE!!! Floor Operator: Lue Jarrett, Paul Hanis, Dick Schmidt, Jerry Karasinski & Diane Mahalak Door Captain: Marge Kelley & Mary Ann Statetzny. Cashier: Judy Waling Bookkeepers: Jackie Bender and Lee Curtis. Kitchen: Youth Group 2 Handmaids December 2-Peg Moreau Dorothy Monette 9-Sylvia DeBrincat Irene Zabowski 16-Florence Dickey 23 / 30-OFF ST. PRISCILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 248-476-4700 The Eucharist Changes Lives If you want to see a young person’s heart change, bring them to Jesus present in the Eucharist. When teens receive Jesus in Holy Communion and encounter Him during moments of Adoration, their lives begin to be transformed, their families come alive, and their parishes are renewed. Eucharistic Adoration Each Monday 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. First Friday’s 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. 3 ST. PRISCILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH WINGS A special thank you to the committee that put on a FABULOUS dinner at the November meeting. Our next meeting will be Monday, December 12th at 6:00 PM. Dinner will be catered at $7 per person. Contact Jan Hicks at 734-427-7714 to make your reservation. We will also have a Christmas gift exchange at the meeting. Bring a $5 gift to participate. Jan Hicks, President Bingo Kitchen - Team 1 is in need of some additional volunteers. Half of the kitchen crew that meet the first week of the month are all members of the same family, coming together to support the parish family, and unfortunately they have suffered a tragic personal loss and must bow out. WE NEED YOU! This is the time to step forward and support your church family. The remaining crew will show you the ropes and negotiate the work schedule. PLEASE CALL: 248-476-4700! 5TH Week Bingo We have a fifth Tuesday this month, 11/29 and that means our youth will ‘take over’ the Bingo kitchen. This is their opportunity to serve and with your help it will be a huge success. They will need donations of baked goods to offset their menu items. Please drop off your cakes, pies or dessert items Tuesday morning in the kitchen so they can sell them. Thank you. 248-476-4700 Meetings/Events of the Week Mon 11/28–-Euch. Adoration 8:30 AMBenediction @ 8:30 PM-Chapel Sew simple mtg-1pm-rm1/2 Parish Council-7pm Tues-11/29-Bible Study-10am Bingo-6:30pm Wed-11/30-Children’s Choir-4:30pm Boy Scouts -7pm Parish Nurses-7pm Thurs-12/1 Classes-6pm EDGE-5:45pm FF classes-6pm Youth music-6pm MASS - 7pm Bible Study / Choir-7pm Friday-12/2-1st Friday Adoration 7pm Saturday-12/3-1st Saturday Rosary-4 Sunday-12/4-MASS 9 & 11 am CLW/Pre K-11am FF Classes-10am Anointing of the Sick-10am Life teen-6pm Fight Poverty in America. Defend Human Dignity Support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development In 2009, 43.6 million Americans lived at or below the poverty line, the highest number in the 51 years for which data is available. With many families living one paycheck away from financial instability, there is little hope that more Americans won’t face poverty in the years to come. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) funds programs in communities across the United States, where people living in poverty join together to identify problems, make decisions, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. Please visit nationalcollections to read more details about CCHD’s efforts to bring good news to the poor by helping to break the cycle of 4 poverty. St. Priscilla Stewardship Week of 11/20/2011 Envelopes $5,615.00 Loose Cash & Checks $ 912.00 E-contributions $ 700.00 Total $7,227.00 Needed each week $9,000.00 - $1,773.00 This Week. Let us give thanks for all the blessings we have received; a faith family that comes together for prayer and God’s work, a beautiful house of worship and a loving shepherd to lead us. Thanks be to God. Readings of the Week Sunday, November 27th: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 1 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:33-37 Monday, November 28th: Is 2:1-5 Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday, November 29th: Is 11:1-10 Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday, November 30th: Rom 10:9-18 Mt 4:18-22 Thursday, December 1st: Is 26:1-6 Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday, December 2nd: Is 29:17-24 Mt 9:27-31 Saturday, December 3rd: Is 30:19-21, 23-26 Mt 9:35--10:1, 5a, 6-8 Next Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11 2 Pt 3:8-14 Mk 1:1-8 ©Liturgical Publications Inc St. Vincent de Paul Pantry Items needed this week: toilet tissue, toothpaste & brushes, paper towels, laundry detergent, regular size shampoo. Drop-offs can be made at mass (WOODEN BOX) or anytime at the parish office. ST. PRISCILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 248-476-4700 Notes from Pat St. Vincent de Paul CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE The St. Priscilla Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) will once again sponsor the Christmas “Giving Tree” to collect gifts for the children of local families in need. The “Giving Tree” is set up in the back of church this weekend. Christmas ornaments are on the tree, with each ornament having boy/ girl and age written on it. Please take an ornament and purchase a new toy, an item of clothing, or other gift, and return the unwrapped gift (with the ornament attached) under the “Giving Tree”. All gifts must be received no later than Sunday morning, December 18th, so that they can be sorted and placed on tables for parents to select as Christmas presents for their children that day. Thanks to your ongoing contributions and the recent food drive organized by the Boy Scout troop which meets here, we will also be able to provide groceries for each family at Christmas, as we did before Thanksgiving. Last Christmas, your gifts and donations of food assisted about 70 families within our parish boundaries. The people of St. Priscilla have always been very generous with their contributions to this project. We thank you in advance for your Christmas gifts and for your generosity and support to SVDP throughout the year. Handbell Choir Commission Chairpersons Stewardship Commission Lou Lyman 313-255-2146 Worship Commission Gene Tatro 248-408-0512 Eucharistic Ministers Esther Strohmer 248-380-6572 Lectors Lou Barrett 248-477-7741 Altar Servers Sara Hilton 313-268-8629 Art & Environment Education Commission Ken Ramsden 313-534-9643 Christian Service Commission Donna DelFavero 734-261-4577 Lee Curtis 248-477-3424 Social Committee Knights of Columbus Glen Graham (GK) 248-477-0160 Monica Nelson 734-261-0753 Evangelization Commission All parishioners are invited to join a new ministry at St. Priscilla Parish…... St. Priscilla Ringers’. You don’t need any experience in handbell ringing and you don’t need to know how to read music. I can teach you to ring in just a few easy lessons at no charge! This group should be for adults and teens. Our Handbell Choir will brighten the spirits of shut-ins at nursing homes and hospitals and also ring at a few selected liturgies in the parish. It’s fun, rewarding work and leads to personal satisfaction while doing a good turn for those who need cheering up! Please consider joining this group. If you have questions or need more information, please see me after any mass this week end or next. We will discuss when rehearsals will be as soon as we have a group. God Bless you! Sincerely, Pat 5 Children’s Choir All children who like to sing, step front and center! The Christmas Season is just around the corner and with all the many wonderful songs of the season, I’m sure the parishioners of St. Priscilla Parish would love to hear you give praise and glory to God in song and also help to brighten their days at the same time. All it takes is for you to come to four practices in church. They will be on Wednesday, November 30 th , December 7th, 14th, and 21st at 4:30 p.m. All children who would like to participate in a children’s choir for the Christmas Season should see me after any mass this weekend or next weekend and sign up. I guarantee you will have fun! Let’s see who will be the first to sign up! Church Address 19120 Purlingbrook Road Livonia, Michigan 48152-1986 Parish Office 248-476-4700 Religious Ed. Office 248-476-4702 Office Fax 248-476-7831 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY - 4:30 PM SUNDAY - 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM WEEKDAY-8 AM except THURSDAY-7PM HOLYDAY 9 AM & 7PM OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30AM - 4:30PM Friday – 8:30am-12:30pm BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month. Please call the office to register for the Baptism preparation class. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00 PM SICK CALLS Arrangements made by notifying Parish Office. FUNERALS Arrangements made by notifying Parish Office. WEDDINGS Please contact the Parish Office a minimum of six months prior to the wedding date. 5 MASS 8AM Mon 6 25 MASS 9 & 11 AM Giving Weekend CLW/PreK-11 FF classes-10am Lifeteen-6pm K of C mtg-7pm 18 MASS 9 & 11 AM 27 MASS 8AM Faith & Friendship-6:30 Bingo-6:30pm 20 MASS 8AM Bible Study-10am STAFF Christmas Party Bingo-6:30pm Worship-7pm Bingo-6:30pm 13 MASS 8AM 6 MASS 8AM Bible Study-10am Bingo-6:30pm Evangelization-7pm Tue 28 MASS 8AM 50+ Club-12:30pm-rm1 Children’s choir-7pm Boy Scouts-7pm-hall 21 MASS 8 AM Children’s choir-4:30pm Faith & Friendship Christmas party-5pm Ed. Comm / St. Vincent -7 Women’s prayer gr-7 14 MASS 8AM 7 MASS 8 AM 50+ Club-12:30pm-rm1 Children’s choir-4:30pm Boy Scouts-7pm Wed 29 MASS 7PM NO FF Classes Choir practice-7pm 22 MASS 7PM 15 MASS 7PM FF classes-6-6:50pm EDGE-5:45pm Bible Study-7pm Choir practice-7pm 8 MASS9AM & 7PM FF classes-6-6:50pm EDGE-5:45pm Bible Study-7pm 1 MASS 7PM FF classes-6-6:50pm EDGE-5:45pm Bible Study-7pm Choir practice-7pm Thu Fri MASS 8AM 30 MASS 8AM 23 MASS 8AM Nativity Movie Night - 6pm 16 MASS 8AM High School Advent service project 9 3 MASS 4:30 PM Sat 31 MASS 4:30PM Adoration until 6pm 24 Christmas Eve MASS - 4:30 PM (Children’s Liturgy) MASS-6PM MIDNIGHT MASS -12 Giving Weekend -1pm 17 MASS 4:30PM CADA Christmas Party Men’s Fellowship-7:30am 10 MASS 4:30 PM First Friday & 1st Saturday Rosary-4pm Adoration7pm 2 MASS 8AM Parish Office is Closed - Merry Christmas! 26 MASS 8AM Adoration 8:30-8:30pm Sew simple-1pm 19 MASS 8AM St. Edith7pm Adoration 8:30-8:30pm Sew simple-1pm-rm1 CLW/PreK-11 FF classes 10-10:50am Lifeteen-6pm 12 MASS 8AM 11 MASS 9 & 11 AM Anointing of the Sick-10 Adoration 8:30-8:30pm CLW/PreK-11 Sew simple-1pm-rm1 FF classes Stewardship-7 10-10:50am Social- (Away) Lifeteen-6pm 4 MASS 9 & 11 AM Sun December 2011 ST. PRISCILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 248-476-4700 Manns-Ferguson Funeral Home 1700 Middlebelt At Six Mile, Livonia Charles Manns Pre-Planning Complete Auto & Truck Repair Art Eliason (734) 425-1800 Elwood Manns Founder Dickson Manns Manager Farmington Goodyear THIS SPACE IS Weekdays 7:30-6 Saturday 8-3 (734) 522-7222 Fax (734) 522-1530 Local Shuttle Service 17175 Middlebelt (at 6 Mile) Livonia, MI 48152 Parkview Memorial John Wood Plumbing 29444 Lyndon, Livonia Cemetery Serving the Community Since 1926 34205 5 Mile Rd., Just West of Farmington Rd. 734-421-6120 Your one stop automotive center domestic and Foreign Master Plumber Fast & Professional Service Reasonable Rates Expert Sewer & Drain Cleaning 33014 Grand River Ave. 248-477-0670 734-425-0370 Owner Frank Grech cc’87 37000 Six Mile Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 734.591.3700 Don’s Plumbing Expert Plumbing Sewer & Drain Cleaning Donald J. Wood Licensed Master Plumber (248) 349-0675 Faron Roofing Co., Inc. Res. & Comm. Roofing Kitchen & Bath Remodeling 37520 Glenwood, Westland, MI Lic. # 2104060860 • Ins. LOWER rates to refinance your auto loan! as low as 1.99% APR* / 36 mo. as low as 2.25% APR* / 48 mo. *Annual Percentage Rate. Some Restrictions apply. Ask us or details. (734) 432-0212 Avis Ford “The Dealership with the Gene Tatro ” Parts Manager • Parishioner 29200 Telegraph Road at 12 Mile Southfield, MI 48034 Phone: (248) 355-7500 734-326-8321 • Real Estate • Business Law • Estate Planning For Advertising Information, call Dave Polansky at LPi today! 800.521.4486 • 586.979.4241 ext. 326 [email protected] Charles R. Step Funeral Home Mike’s Plumbing Complete Plumbing 18425 Beech Daly Road Sewer & Drain Cleaning Between 6 & 7 Mile Roads 313-531-1888 Master Plumber • Michael J. Wood 734-421-4633 4-G-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-521-4486 (248) 477-6300 N T eely- urowski Funeral Home 30200 Five Mile • Livonia • 734-525-9020 Directors: Leonard A. Turowski • Leonard A. Turowski, Jr. ©2011 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0253 ST. PRISCILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 248-476-4700 Parish Nurse Ministry Information provided by Kay Kermode Every Family has Secrets! Could Diabetes Be One of Them? Do you know your family’s health history? Or is it like a secret no one wants to talk about? America is facing an epidemic of diabetes, a serious disease that damages the body and shortens lives. In the next four decades, the number of US adults with diabetes is estimated to double or triple, according to CDC scientists. That means anywhere from 20-33 % of adults could have the disease. About 1 in 10 American adults have diabetes now. Many health conditions, including type 2 diabetes have one or more family members with the disease. Knowing the health history of your siblings, parents and blood relatives is important because it gives you and your health care team information about your risk for developing health problems, such as type 2 diabetes. You can’t change your family history, but knowing about it can help you work with your health care team to take action on things you can change. Studies have shown that you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes by losing 5-7 % of your weight, if you are overweight - that’s 10 - 14 pounds if you weigh 200 pounds. You can lose weight by walking 30 minutes a day for five days a week and choosing healthy foods lower in fat and calories. The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) urges everyone to explore their family health history and make a family plan to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. 1. Ask around. Talk to your relatives to find out if anyone has diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, tell your family. 2. Update your health care team on your family history. Talk to your health care team about whether you should be screened for diabetes. It is important to find out early if you have diabetes so you can take steps to manage the disease. People who keep their blood glucose (sugar) as close to normal as possible in the early years after they are diagnosed with diabetes have fewer problems with their eyes, nerves, and kidneys and fewer heart attacks later in life. 3. Make a healthy eating plan for the whole family. The plan should include: Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grain, and fat-free or low fat milk and milk products. Choosing lean meats, poultry without the skin, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts and Foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium) and added sugars. 4. Get moving. Make physical activity a family affair. Go for a walk, or play soccer, basketball, or tag with your children. Try swimming, biking, hiking, jogging or any activity that you enjoy. Vary your activities so you don’t get bored. Don’t let diabetes be your family secret. Make a family plan to work together to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. If someone in your family has diabetes, ask how family members can support them. 7 Pastor Rev. Fr. Theodore D’Cunha SAC [email protected] Weekend Associate Rev. Fr. John Wheeler [email protected] Deacon Rev. Mr. Robert Fitzgerald [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Sr. Deborah Marie Ciolek FSSJ [email protected] Faith Formation – EDGE Coordinator Tim Flaherty [email protected] Director of Music Pat Knorp [email protected] Christian Service Coordinator Kay Kermode [email protected] Office Manager Mary Jo Lafer [email protected] Faith Formation Admin. Assist. Christine Depowski [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Sam Atherton [email protected] Church Address 19120 Purlingbrook Road Livonia, Michigan 48152-1986 Parish Office 248-476-4700 Faith Formation Office 248-476-4702 Office Fax 248-476-7831 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark Yokom (Chair) Lee Flaherty (Vice-Chair) Mark Tuttle (Secretary) Members at-Large Diane Froman Todd McLeay Mary Pugliese Cathy Kevra Connie Lark Jim Kennedy 313-538-7823 248-471-4649 734-522-3559 248-477-7689 313-533-3604 734-420-2876 734-421-7243 734-591-3743 248-478-5531