Newsletter PDF Format - National Samoyed Rescue


Newsletter PDF Format - National Samoyed Rescue
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Fall 2012
Volume 6, Issue 2
So Much Has Been Happening
About Samoyed
By Jim Becklund
Samoyed rescue is
about picking up the
pieces of dogs that are
forgotten, abandoned,
abused, neglected.
Rescue is complex as
each dog has special
needs from veterinary
care to socialization
Preparing Samoyeds for
adoption takes time and
money and more
importantly intentional
assessment, planning
and training.
Rescue work gets best
results when rescue
teams work together
with common purpose,
expectations and
Working together means
our Samoyeds will get
the best possible
support and care.
Inside this issue:
Rescue Balance 2010
SCA Rescue Parade
Rescue Balance 2011
EBAY Auction for NSR’s
Sussie Memorial Fund
News from Rescues
NSR Benefit: Reid
SRT: My Passion for
Dog Treat Recipes,
WooWoo Shirts,
Leash Holders: NSR
Fund Raiser
First, I want to send a great big hello to
all of you breed and rescue supporters
out there. This is a catch up issue and
for sure there has been a great deal of
things going on in the rescue community
and our affiliates. As you have seen in
our Spring/Summer 2012 issue the number of Samoyeds in rescue have been
pretty steady with the past years. The
good news is, all rescues have been
working hard at properly placing these
dogs as quickly as they can. I really am
impressed with how hard all of rescue
has been working.
So many things in this issue. In case I
haven't mentioned it before; Western
Canada Samoyed Club Rescue has
joined our affiliates. We are pleased to
have a north of the border group with us.
Also, I'm very proud to announce that
Samoyed Rescue of Texas (SRT) is now
part of our affiliates. They are a fairly
new group, but with lots of experience
doing rescue. I want to send a great big
WELCOME to SRT and I know they will
be a valuable asset to rescue. Look for
their introductory article inside. You may
also check them out on Facebook.
Speaking of Facebook; also a reminder that National Samoyed Rescue
has a Facebook page with friends from
all over. Come and check us out and see
the latest news and views from the rescue world.
I want to remind you of some fundraisers we are still running to benefit Samoyeds in need. We still have plenty of limited edition (set of four) prints graciously
donated by Annie Reid. These are stunning prints and several of them have
been award winning. Annie is a super
person and we thank her very much for
all the effort she has put forth for rescue.
There are still plenty of rescue pins available (see ad inside this issue) at $3.00
for rescues and $7.00 for individuals.
This is a great way to say “I Support
Rescue.” We also have plenty of leash
holders available. They come with a
Samoyed figure (hand painted white or
plain black) or a Paw Print design. You
will find the order form within these
pages. This is a great way to store your
leashes by the door and they are proudly
made in the USA.
The biggest news is NSR is getting
ready to have an eBay auction coming at
the end of October. This is very special
to me because it helps the Sussie Memorial Fund. (See article page 4) Sussie
was a foster dog I cared for many years
ago. She was a special little girl who
lived every day to the fullest and found
happiness in everything. Unfortunately
her sweet life was cut short because of
Continued page 5
eBay auction for NSR
Teaser information on page 4.
Watch the NSR facebook
page for details and how to
bid on these one of a kind
Samoyed yarn items.
National Samoyed Rescue
Central Florida Samoyed
Harnessed to Hope
Northern Breed Rescue
Michigan Samoyed
Minuteman Samoyed
New Mexico Samoyed Rescue
[email protected]
Northern California Sled
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Become a Foster Family Today!
The primary purpose of a rescue organization is to give an animal a chance for a life.
Many of these animals become a part of the system through no fault of their own.
Some are by products of over breeding, some are strays and others are given up by
their families because they can no longer care for them. These animals have so
much to give and without the support of rescue organizations and foster families,
many of these dogs will not be given that opportunity. Please won’t you help? Become a foster family today. Contact any of our NSR rescue groups to give a Sammie hope.
National Samoyed Rescue Trust Balance Sheet
Compiled by Jim Becklund
Statement 2010: January 1, 2010-- December 31, 2010
Revenue, Expenses and Change in Net Assets
Prints, Pins
Auction, Rescue Booth, Agility Trials
Total Revenue
as of December 31
$ 1 ,397.76
3, 967.03
Insurance Subsidies
Microchip Subsidies
SCA Booth
Cost of prints
Cost of pins, leash holders
Cost of banner, cash register, tubs
Internet, website expenses
Printing (Newsletter)
Administrative costs (bank fees, voice mail)
Pay Pal fee
Total Expenses
Excess of (Expenses) over Revenues
$ 3 ,676.00
Net Assets Beginning of Period
Net Assets December 31, 2010
$ 12,215.63
Northern Illinois Samoyed
Page 2
Cash – Wachovia Checking
Cash – Wachovia Money Market
Cash – PayPal Account
Total Assets
$ 6,042.20
Liabilities and Net Assets or Fund Balances
$Fund Balances:
Total Fund Balances
Total Liabilities and Net Assets or Fund Balances $ 12,215.63
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile At A Time
Samoyed Club of America Rescue Parade
at the 2012 National Specialty : If you are at
the Nationals, please come to the parade to support
these rescued Samoyeds, their adopters and the
rescue groups
Samoyed Rescue Club of
Central Arizona
This event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26th, during the lunch
break. However, the final schedule will be determined based on Specialty entry. All individuals or families who have adopted a Samoyed from a rescue
group or shelter are eligible to enter. Details are at
National Samoyed Rescue Trust Balance Sheet
Compiled by Jim Becklund
Statement 2011: January 1, 2011-- December 31, 2011
Revenue, Expenses and Change in Net Assets
Auction, Rescue Booth, Agility Trials
Total Revenue
as of December 31
Insurance Subsidies
Microchip Subsidies
SCA Booth
Cost of Fundraisers
Internet, website expenses
Administrative costs
Pay Pal fee
Total Expenses
Beginning Balance January 1, 2011
Ending Balance December 31, 2011
Check out the rescue pins. Quantities are limited so order up fast. Cost is $7
each to individuals and $3 each for rescue. Why not order some to sell to your
members or give as awards? Contact Sandy Phifer at
[email protected]
Page 3
Samoyed Rescue of
Southern California
Samoyed Rescue of Texas
[email protected]
San Francisco Samoyed
St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Tarheel Samoyed
[email protected]
Western Canada Samoyed
Club Rescue
National Samoyed Rescue
NSR Staff
Jim Becklund
[email protected]
Recording Secretary:
Sandy Phifer
[email protected]
Marsha Hahn
[email protected]
Board Members:
Lori Chapek-Carleton
[email protected]
Anne Gannon
[email protected]
Carol Kinne
[email protected]
Jackie Parchman
[email protected]
Jodie Rothhouse
[email protected]
NSR Bulletin Staff:
Jim Becklund
[email protected]
Joanne Skidmore
[email protected]
Bulletin Coordinator:
Jean Gilles
[email protected]
Page 4
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
for the
Includes a variety of
items knitted by volunteers from Samoyed
hair spun into yarn.
Look for more details
on our Facebook page
as time grows near.
Above, shawl
Left: hat and scarf
All carded and spun from Samoyed
fur by VIP Fibers and knit by skilled
To learn more about pet yarn go to NSR is seeking
clean Samoyed fur for our Sussie
Memorial fund. See below
To learn about knitting with dog
hair, check out “Knitting with Dog
Hair.” It tells about several dog
breeds that can be spun into yarn.
The book called Samoyed hair
"The King of Canine Spinables".
In loving Memory of Sussie, National Samoyed Rescue is proud to
announce the formation of the National Sussie Memorial Fund as an
on going fundraiser to benefit the needs of Regional Samoyed Rescues. With the cooperation and support of VIP Fibers http://, a not-for-profit group of spinners who work directly with not-for-profit groups, we are beginning our efforts. All we
need is clean Samoyed hair your Sammie no longer needs. If you
have a desire to help in our efforts in memory of Sussie, please contact us at [email protected] for details. Help keep the memory
of Sussie alive and at the same time benefit Samoyed’s in need.
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile At A Time
hundred feet to the neighbor’s, became several
BORN: June 22, 1993
CROSSED OVER THE RAINBOW BRIDGE: May 20, blocks with no ill effects. Her pain medication was reduced. It was as if there was nothing wrong with her.
Several times her doctors commented that Sussie
We all in Rescue were saddened to report that our was a miracle girl. I attribute it more to her human
dearest little Sussie made her final journey across the mom, dad and her Sammy brother. She knew she
had to be there for them.
Rainbow Bridge and is waiting for us to join her in
I had the opportunity to spend the day with Sussie
play and fun.
Sussie was a special little girl with a special attitude in August of 2001 and I can attest to the fact that she
was happy, healthy and an absolutely adorable little
that set her apart from many dogs in her condition.
When she came in to the Rescue in November of
We in the Rescue, in the meantime, had set up the
1999 she was suffering from severe hip dysplasia and
was on pain and joint medication. She was in my fos- Sussie Fund which was started by two of our club
members as a fundraising project. Sussie was, after
ter care for five months and all I can say is she had
the most positive attitude on life that I had ever seen. all, like a mascot to us. The Fund was set up to spin
Always good-natured, always trying to do her best to donated Samoyed hair in to yarn and knit stuffed animals or special orders to help as many dogs as we
do what she could do. She never complained about
could. Thanks to two very caring and special Sammy
how she felt. It was as if she was determined to live
each day to the fullest and make everyone around her lovers, the Sussie Fund has been a great success.
The Sussie Fund will continue as the Sussie Memohappy.
In April of 2000, Sussie was x-rayed to find out the rial Fund in loving memory of this sweet little girl.
Sussie was so very special to everyone who met
extent of her dysplasia and begin the hip surgery that
her and brought sunshine and happiness with her. I
would make her whole again. At the same time her
for one have lost a large part of my heart with Susfront paw was also x-rayed because she had develsie’s passing and I intend to retrieve it when Sussie
oped a limp. After extensive tests, it was diagnosed
that she had bone cancer. We were devastated. The and I meet at the Rainbow Bridge.
Farewell, sweet Sussie. We will all be united soon
doctors gave her six months at the outside. It was decided that Sussie’s quality of life was more important to play forever in the fields beyond the Rainbow
Bridge. You are so missed. Jim
than having her leg amputated at the shoulder and,
with no guarantees of success; all surgery was put on
So Much Has Been Happening
At the same time, two wonderful humans came and
Continued from page 1
met Sussie and instantly fell in love with her. Even
though they had recently lost their own “little girl” to
bone cancer. To read her complete story see above
cancer they became her new Forever Home and gave or you can go to our website,
her all the love and care they could. Sussie was very
happy to go to her new home where she was the sole
Our eBay auction will include a variety of items knitfocus of their love. She enjoyed long sessions of layted by volunteers from Samoyed hair that was spun
ing in the yard, getting groomed and short walks to
into yarn. There are teaser pictures included in this
the neighbors for “extra attention.” Sussie improved
issue. Look for more details on our Facebook page
daily under their care, but it was one thing that did a
as time grows near.
complete turn around in her life—a baby brother. A
In closing, I just want to remind everyone that you
new Sammy puppy came to live with Sussie and her
can help rescue — no matter how large or how
mom and dad and they instantly bonded. Tundra
small your effort it goes to help Samoyeds less forbrought the best out in Sussie. It wasn’t long before
tunate than our own. Adopt, if you can't adopt foster,
they were running and playing together and, of
if you can't foster help with advice, grooming or
course, getting in to mischief. They were totally the
evaluation, if you can't do those contribute to your
best of buddies. Her once snuggles on the grass, belocal rescue. We are here to “Help Samoyeds, One
came romps with Tundra. Her once short walks a few
Smile At A Time.”
Page 5
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Northern California Sled Dogs and San Francisco Samoyed
Rescue: Northern Breed Fun Match Siberians, Malamutes,
Samoyeds and Sled Dogs
Right: Bobbing for
Far right: Did I get
Above: Attending the event was San
Francisco Samoyed Rescue. This photo
shows Lisa, Jayne and Judy who hosted
the SFSR booth.
Right: Vicki who also hosted at the booth.
Far Right: Winner of the Best in Breed
Firecloud's Aurora Borealis (Ari is her
nickname). Owners Nan Mrk (pictured)
and Dennis W Kroeker.
New Book Featuring Dogs from St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
(SLSR) and Northern California Sled Dogs (NorSled)!
Special news to announce: essays written by several SLSR and NorSled members have
been selected for publication in a new book titled, “Lost Souls: Found! Inspiring Stories
About Northern-Breed Dogs.” Happy Tails Books shares part of the proceeds from their
publications with animal rescue groups. Order your copy and either SLSR or NorSled will
receive a donation from the publisher! (Mention one or the other on the order screen for the
credit to be applied.)
Page 6
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile At A Time
Annie Reid Prints Benefit NSR
Annie has graciously donated her wonderful prints “The Welcoming
Samoyed”, "The Cherished Samoyed", "The Affectionate Samoyed", and
"The Complete Samoyed" to be sold with all the proceeds going to rescue.
You not only get a wonderful print, but you will also help a Samoyed in
need. Each print is $65.
Congratulations to Annie! "The Complete Samoyed" won first prize at the
Art Show at the Samoyed Club of America 2007 National Specialty!
Credit card accepted, email first
Questions? Concerns? Please e-mail:
[email protected]
Or telephone: 860-668-7637
Shipping: usually within 3 weeks of receipt of your order,
Thank you for your order and for supporting National Samoyed Rescue.
Left to right below: The Affectionate Samoyed; Cherished Samoyed;
The Complete Samoyed. Above: The Welcoming Samoyed.
“The Welcoming Samoyed” (above)
This newest Annie Reid print took first place at
the year it was entered at the National
Specialty (Professional Division).
Congratulations to Annie and thank you for
donating the proceeds to rescue.
Letters To The Editors:
We value our readers insights. If, you would like to
email a letter to us feel free
to do so by emailing us at
[email protected]
rg for publication in the next
issue. Do to space constraints, please, keep your
comments brief (maximum
100 words) and please sign
your letter. Unsigned letters
will not be published.
Page 7
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
My Passion for Rescue
Steven Baker, Samoyed Rescue of Texas
After moving into our first house in 1993, the decision to get our first puppy came naturally. I spent
months reading up on breed characteristics in order to
get the right fit for our household. Everything pointed
to a Samoyed, and after finding a breeder and purchasing our first puppy, Myatuk, we were hooked!
After 12 glorious years with our best friend, we
were grief stricken with his loss. We immediately began to make phone calls to inquire about obtaining
another puppy. Through this process, we were introduced to a local Samoyed Rescue and Samoyed
Breed Club who introduced us to an awesome
breeder (Galaxy Samoyeds in Abilene, Texas), who
offered a wealth of information regarding the breed in
the areas of health & training. We then became involved with the Breed Club which supported the Rescue Group by means of fundraising and awareness
events. This was my first exposure to rescue.
When our 2nd puppy, Naku
was 2 years old, we decided it
was time for him to have a
buddy. We adopted Kiska
who was thought to be 1 year
old from our local Samoyed
Rescue Group.
Not long after we adopted
Kiska, I was laid off work and
Above: Kiska La Rosa. had a lot of time on my
Below: Cheyenne
hands. I started offering assistance to the Rescue Group
in the form of transport, grooming, shelter visits, home
checks and scouting various sources for Samoyeds in
need of help. This is when I found Cheyenne She
was picked up in Houston with a severe case of sarcoptic mange, several intestinal parasites, and very
close to death. Nobody knew what she was because
she had very little fur
(her initial nick names
were “Fluffy” & “The
Pink Armadillo” ….
because of her lack of
fur). But the fur on her
head and neck was
white, so they classified her as a Samoyed
Through a desire
and passion to help
Page 8
save Cheyenne, I started a fundraising campaign to
raise money for her medical treatment and isolation
boarding. I also promoted her story with other breed
clubs in search for a perfect fur-ever home. This is
how I came involved with Texas Alaskan Malamute
Rescue. Soon afterwards, TAMR did a Courtesy Posting of Cheyenne on their website. They had a rescue
named Collin posted on their website that looked exactly like Cheyenne! And after comparing characteristics, it is now believed that Cheyenne is part Samoyed and part Malamute (but don’t tell her that – she
thinks she is 100% Samoyed). When the time came
for Cheyenne to be released from isolation she came
to our house for fostering. She was slow to take to
our other 2 Samoyeds but once she got used to them,
they became fast friends. We were then initiated into
the “failed foster club”!
A few months after Cheyenne came into our home,
I had a severe knee injury that led
to surgery. The physical to clear
me for surgery revealed lung cancer. The year of 2010 was quite
challenging, but also a blessing.
My knee healed and I fought and
won the battle against cancer. As
many of you know (or know someone who has been through it),
cancer is a life changing event.
Your way of thinking changes and
new goals are set. During this
year, I found myself relating to
very hard cases of rescue dogs
Cheyenne after
and wanting more than anything for being in rescue!
them to receive a chance at life. I
wanted to battle the fight right alongside with them!
Although I had developed some great friends and
gained much experience with the local Samoyed Rescue Group, I decided to break away and form my own
rescue group, Samoyed Rescue of Texas. When you
are a volunteer for another rescue group, you are limited to which dogs you can help and must respect the
wishes of the rescues officers. I had a strong passion
to help the dogs nobody else wanted and implement
my own ideas into a rescue group. Thus, Samoyed
Rescue of Texas was launched.
Since the formation of Samoyed Rescue of Texas 2
years ago, I have been able to help numerous Samo(Continued on page 9)
National Samoyed Rescue
My Passion for Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
yeds. The most challenging
case was Lucky (pictured right
in new home) who was pulled
from Lufkin, TX. This special
boy had no tongue, was severely malnourished, and had
a severe gum infection. Despite this limitation, Lucky was
very happy and so hungry for
human affection. He touched
our hearts to the core. After
months of fundraising and
searching for a forever home
with his handicap, and with the help of groups such as National Samoyed Rescue, Houston Eskie Rescue, and Texas Alaskan Malamute
Rescue, Lucky was adopted by an extremely loving mom, Patti who
lives in Ontario, Canada where the temperature is cooler, which helps
with his disability. Lucky recently had to have all of his remaining teeth
removed, and human nature is to feel sorry for Lucky……but if you saw
that huge Sammy Smile of his STILL shining through, you would realize
he never missed a beat. In short, Lucky doesn’t care about his tongue
or teeth; he has the perfect Mom, and the perfect pack……that’s what
matters to Lucky. I’ve never seen a happier Sammy. And that’s the
rewarding part of rescue; it’s what keeps us going.
I would encourage anyone who has a passion for dogs to become
involved with a rescue group or start your own group. The number of
local, state wide and national Rescue Friends I have met in the last two
years is incredible. There is always an endless supply of irresponsible
dog owners in the world. Some, who abuse, mistreat, abandon, or just
won’t honor the lifelong commitment of caring for a dog. There
are others who do not spay/
neuter their dogs, which continually add to the numbers of
homeless dogs. .
There are many ways to help.
Many have heard the famous
quote attributed to Edmond
Burke in the 18th century, “The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing”.
Above right: Naku whose registered name is
Galaxy’s Naku B. Ayxe Myatuk (loosly translates to “Great White Bear in the Spirit of
Myatuk”)and Kiska La Rosa (loosely translates
with Russian & Spanish to The Pure Rose)
Page 9
to keep on hand
ο Home Again
ο AKC Companion Animal
ο Avid
ο 24PetWatch
ο Tattoo-a-Pet
(NY (718) 646-8200),
ο National Dog Registry
(800 NDR-DOGS),
ο I. D. Pet (1-800-243-9147,
CT 203-327-3157), and
Canadian Kennel Club
(416-675-5511) Breeder/
Owner section as many
Canadian-born dogs are in
the U.S.
ο Midwest Missing Pet
ο Missing Pet Network:
ο Dog Detective Network:
Want to highlight your rescue group? All you
have to do is answer a few questions and send in
a photo or two. For details, email Joanne at
[email protected]
Note: this is a new email address
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed Rescue
Save Money on Dog Treats by Making Your Own!
Due to the many dog food and treat recalls in the past few years,
many people are worried about finding safe and healthy treats for
their dogs that are affordable. Making your own dog treats is a great
way to do both! This book contains 102 recipes, some for baked,
frozen, and microwave treats, and even recipes for birthday cakes,
doggie cupcakes, and special dinners! There is even a section on
treats for special diets and substituting ingredients for dogs with food
allergies or intolerances.
Each book is only $10.00 plus shipping, and all proceeds to go
Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed Rescue! Shipping rates are:
1 to 3 books - $4.60 shipping;
4 to 9 books - $9.20 shipping;
10 or more books - please email us for a shipping estimate.
[email protected]
The cover models are Quincy and Tristin, both were adopted from
Harnessed to Hope!
Great way to tell get your name out in the public.
Congratulations to Harnessed to Hope on their trailer.
Southern California Samoyed Rescue:
“WooWoo Shirts”
Raising Money and Awareness for Samoyeds
Shirts can be ordered from Barbara J Arnaud,
Your help is needed to make the NSR newsletter
possible. Your expertise and knowledge is always
greatly appreciated. We, with the NSR Bulletin staff, are
always looking for contributions to this newsletter. Rescue articles are important to us but articles about the
breed and your thoughts are always welcome just send
them to us. Articles from your own newsletters are welcomed as well. Just be sure to identify what rescue you
are from! Send them to: [email protected]
Page 10
Signs found on
National Samoyed Rescue
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
Keeps your
leash handy
and neat.
Make check
out to
Send form
Jim Becklund
3279 Hitching
Post Rd #52
Dewitt, MI
Page 11
National Samoyed Rescue, Inc
Helping Samoyeds, One Smile at A Time
National Samoyed Rescue, Inc.
3279 Hitching Post Road—#52
Dewitt, MI 48820
Phone: 517-669-3020
E-mail: [email protected]
Mission Statement The mission of National Samoyed Rescue is to provide resources, support and guidance to
assist rescuers, regional breed club, breeders and fanciers in order to promote the humane and effective rescue of
Samoyeds in need.
Central Florida Samoyed Rescue, Inc.
Harnessed to Hope Northern Breed Rescue
Michigan Samoyed Rescue
Minuteman Samoyed Club Rescue
New Mexico Samoyed Rescue
Northern California Sled Dog Rescue
Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc.
Samoyed Rescue Club of Central Arizona Rescue
Samoyed Rescue of Southern California
Samoyed Rescue of Texas
San Francisco Samoyed Rescue
St. Louis Samoyed Rescue
Tarheel Samoyed Rescue
Western Canada Samoyed Club Rescue
Come see what National Samoyed Rescue is really all about. Visit us through our website at:
You are invited to chat with us on our Forums (open to the entire Samoyed Community), and get to know your regional
NSR Affiliated Rescues.
If for any reason you want to contact the National Samoyed Rescue Board you may do so by email to:
[email protected].
If you know of a Samoyed in need contact [email protected]. A staff of corresponding secretaries working
on a two month rotation will transfer your concerns to the closest affiliated Rescue.
Remember that each and everyone of us are volunteering our “free” time to help the Samoyeds
so please bear with us. We will get back to you as soon as we are able.
Printing services donated by:
Allegra Print & Imaging - 510 East Northwest Highway - Palatine, Illinois 60074
Phone: (847) 963-0000 - Fax: (847) 963-0001 - E-Mail: [email protected]