May - Pillaton
May - Pillaton
Pillaton Village News Issue 165 May 2013 Village web site at Ssshhh!!! New PUBLIC LIBRARY While most Councils throughout the land are reducing their libraries Pillaton Parish Council has just created one. Yes, the Pillaton Library is now opened thanks to the efforts of Dave Dolley for painting and Gary Martin and Roger Warne for supplying the materials and building the shelves, all at no cost to the Parish. The library is open day and night every day of the week, a true 24/7. The library is situated in the distinctive red telephone box next to the Village notice boards. Any one is welcome to borrow or donate a book and to enjoy the new facility. Please keep quiet in the library! Pillaton Village News No. 165 May 2013 It is with great sadness that I record the death of Delcia Miles who passed away on 12 April aged 81. With Pillaton Church closed for repairs, her funeral took place in St Mellion on 22 April and was well attended by family and friends together with many associates from her days at Saltash Community School and the Guild of Embroiderers. For nearly 25 years Delcia was the mainstay of the Pillaton Village News, having set it up it in 1986 and before finally stepping down as editor in 2011. As I have commented previously production of the newsletter in the early days was far more labour intensive, with all the copy having to be typed up on a manual typewriter before being laboriously duplicated on a messy gestetner machine. Without Delcia’s hard work and dedication the Village News could never have succeeded. It continues, hopefully, to keep readers informed and Delcia’s legacy is still, in the words of Arthur Daley, ‘a nice little earner,’ having raised through advertising just over £500 for village funds in the last financial year. Besides her work as editor, Delcia also put her embroidery skills to good use and made several generous presentations to St Odulph’s Church in the form of wall hangings, an altar frontal and copes to be worn by the Minister. She was also Parish Clerk for a number of years. Over the years Delcia contributed much to the life of Pillaton and will be sadly missed. Next copy date is 1 July 2013 - full Delcia, aged 23, having just graduated details page 27. from Exeter University. Even then cats Robin Dwane, Editor played a big part in her life. 2 3 PILLATON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20 March 2013 ATTENDANCE Cllrs. Dolley, Warne, Hoskin, Martin, D. Floyd, S. Floyd and Harris. APOLOGIES County Councillor Egglestone. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chairman declared a pecuniary interest in payments. PUBLIC FORUM There was one member of the public present. MINUTES The minutes of 18 February 2013 meeting were accepted unanimously. MATTERS ARISING It was noted that the County Development officer of Cornwall Council was enquiring into the structure at Polborder. Cornwall Council were still considering the complaint regarding the faulty salt bin. Thanks had been received from the Parochial Church Council for the letter of support for the replacement of the turret and offer to pay for any rental of the Village Hall for Church services whilst the Church was being repaired. DISPENSATIONS The Council resolved to allow the Clerk to issue dispensations in respect of matters affecting the Code of Conduct. SIGN POSTS IN PARISH It was noted that persons serving community service would be used to redecorate sign posts in the area. The Council decided to seek a quotation for repairing the wooden directional sign to Pillaton. PLANNING PERMISSION The Council approved the applications for the erection of osprey nest sites at Pentillie and a glass protective dome at the mausoleum also at Pentillie. CORNWALL DEVELOPOMENT PLANS The Council had no observations to make on the Cornwall development plans as they believed that contributions had already been made at the community network meetings. FINANCE The bank position was recorded as follows; Current Account £693 and Deposit Account £3,137. 4 The following payments were approved; stationery £13.01, clerk’s salary £720, HMRC £180, Village Hall rent £36, Chairman’s expenses £12, clerks expenses £15 and cost of wreath £12. The Chairman left the room when the payment to him was approved. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Hoskin announced his retirement from the Council and was warmly thanked by the Chairman for his services. Cllr Harris said he would put information regarding dog attacks on the website. The Clerk was asked to report the many potholes in the area to County Highways. Chairman Mr Dolley 5 PILLATON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17 April 2013 ATTENDANCE Cllrs. Dolley, Warne, Hoskin, D. Floyd, S. Floyd, Harris. and County Councillor Egglestone APOLOGIES Cllr Martin. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Warne declared a pecuniary interest in the quotation for repairing the wooden directional sign to Pillaton. PUBLIC FORUM There were three members of the public present. Mr K. Edwards listed the objections to the siting and access to the building application at 9 Briars Ryn. MINUTES The Minutes of 20th March 2013 meeting were accepted unanimously. MATTERS ARISING It was noted that the County Development officer of Cornwall Council was still enquiring into the structure at Polborder. Cornwall Council were still considering the complaint regarding the faulty salt bin. SIGN POSTS IN PARISH Cllr Warne left the room and the Council accepted from Cllr Warne the quotation of £100 for repairing the wooden directional sign to Pillaton. PLANNING PERMISSION The Council approved the application for the building application at 9 Briars Ryn subject to Highways being satisfied with access and a more detailed final plan. FINANCE The bank position was recorded as follows; Current Account £1,868 and Deposit Account £1,638. The following payment was approved; £144, Village hall rent. The Council approved the Annual return and accounts for 2012/13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Hoskin gave feedback from the Community area network which had considered future energy sources in the area. Cllr Dolley said he would check if the gate at Trehill was locked and Cllr 6 Harris said he would inform the Duchy accordingly. It was noted that the public footpath sign at the bottom of the Hill had been damaged and that Highways should be informed. Thanks were recorded to County Councillor Egglestone for her support. Chairman Mr Dolley CHURCH RENEWAL A milestone in the renewal of our church has been reached with the completion of the scaffolding around the tower, all 70 tons of it, and a platform constructed above the level of the pinnacles in a 'room' of cladding. This has enabled the last of the damaged masonry to be removed to the stonemason's yard and the restoration of the damaged areas, including the roof of the tower, can now begin. There are several more layers of stone that have to be stabilised before the restoration of the actual pinnacle commences, but this marks ‘the end of the beginning.’ The lead has been stripped from one side of the roof and the oak underneath repaired and replaced as necessary. All concerned are aware that the work to restore the tower and remove the scaffolding has the highest priority at many levels; the cost of the scaffolding, the aesthetics, the noise of the cladding in the wind and, most important of all, the requirement to get the bells ringing again. We are looking at a couple of months. Work to make good the main hole in the nave roof is also well underway and, now uncovered, it is revealing some most interesting medieval construction. In this area, the walls have been stabilised and the 14th century oak roof exposed. The wood itself is very important architecturally, full of character and wormholes (all dead I have been assured) and each timber has been individually assessed to preserve every bit that can be saved. Then the work moves inside - hopefully before the autumn weather starts to bite. Fundraising is now gaining momentum and the money will be used in the first instance for essential ‘non-insurance’ works revealed by the reconstruction. The architects and the main contractor, AD Williams, are working positively at every juncture to keep the church funded jobs as small as possible, but they will make our church sound again for another few hundred years. Once closer to the end of the surveying work, we will be in a better position to see where we stand. Tony Rowe 7 PILLATON CHURCH DISASTER FUND NEWS For anyone wishing to make a donation to the Pillaton Church Disaster Fund a dedicated internet link has now been established on the Just Giving Website at Another related link, will take you to Bethany Skinnard’s Plymouth Half Marathon Appeal Page where they can donate relative to Bethany’s Sponsorship Appeal for the Church. Bethany was keen to raise funds on behalf of the church because it had played such a great part in her father’s life. She ran the Plymouth Half Marathon on April 28 and her time was a very creditable 1 hour and 37 minutes. So far she has managed to raise an incredible £1,046.50 for the Disaster Fund. Shelagh Skinnard is holding a Charity Lunch from 12.30 pm on Thursday 23 May. Usual stalls, cakes, bring and buy and 50/50 clothing rail (bring your mistakes!) plus raffle. £12 per person to include a glass of wine. All proceeds will go in aid of the Pillaton Church Disaster Fund. Contact Shelagh on 350277 if you are able to attend as numbers are limited. The Disaster Fund now stands in excess of £2,000 with £650 recently coming from the Seven Last Words concert held at Calstock on Good Friday. 8 9 Pillaton Village Hall Committee Notez Bien la Date! Madame Shirley’s famous “pop-up” restaurant is bringing “Le Petit Bistrot Français” to Pillaton Village Hall on Saturday 19 October. Put the date in your diaries now! You won’t want to miss the chance to enjoy a “Taste of France” without the hassle of crossing La Manche! Choice of menu and costs are still under discussion, but the meal will include classic French dishes such as Coq au Vin or Boeuf à la Bourguignonne, a selection of those delicious French Cheeses and of course a glass of French wine! With French café music in the background, the ambience will be set for a perfect short break in La Belle France – you may speak French too if you wish! Full details in the next issue of Village News and watch out for the posters nearer the date. Reserve your ticket now from either Ann (351289) or Sue (350065) A bientôt! 10 The Annual General Meeting took place in the Village Hall on Monday 15 April at 7.30 pm. Amongst the items raised was a problem with the floor. At the moment this is being investigated by the Insurance Surveyor. Sue White gave details of a possible grant being available for the replacement of the windows of the Village Hall. The idea is to replace them with the same style windows, but to be double glazed. Three quotations would be required. All organizations, as stated by us, using the Village Hall on a regular basis to submit a signed letter supporting the application for the funding of new windows. The Chairman thanked the Committee for their support throughout the past year, and thanks in particular to Shirley Floyd for her fund raising for a new cooker, and to Sue White, assisted by Anne Henderson for the splendid fund raising events of the past year. Election of Officers for the forthcoming year followed: Chairman Mr D Dolley Vice Chairman Mrs S White Treasurer Mr C Ley Secretary Mrs RG Long Social Secretary Mrs S White Assistant Social Secretary Mrs A Henderson Representing: Pillaton Parish Council Mr. G. Martin Pillaton Gardening Club Mrs C Hoskin Pillaton Gymkhana Mrs. J. Moss Parochial Church Council Mr B Henderson Pillaton Players Mr C Ley Pillaton Women's Institute Mrs R G Long Pillaton Parishioners Mr D Dolley & Mrs S Floyd Rosemary G Long, Hon Secretary 11 ‘DROP IN’ SKITTLES AND BARBEQUE BARBEQUE At Rick Park Farm Pillaton On Saturday 27 July 7.00 p.m. Tickets £9.00 obtainable from Shirley on (01579) 350683 or Val on (01579) 350600 Please Bring Your Own Drink 12 After a slow start the Skittles got underway and people started to arrive to test their skill on the alley and then stayed for the Barbeque. The prize (a bottle of wine) for the highest number of skittles knocked down with three balls went to Grace with 18 skittles down. There was a play off for the second prize between Den and Nicky and Den also won a bottle of wine. Mike and Darran did a splendid job cooking 120 beef burgers and sausages ably assisted by Nicky who was on hand We would like to place on record our thanks to the two organisers to take the orders. and their helpers who helped raise We would like to thank all who funds for the Church Restoration supported this event and those who Fund through the ‘Drop In’ Skittles donated raffle prizes. The total profit and Barbeque on May Bank for the afternoon was £269.60 which Holiday afternoon. Although the is going to be split between the Village repairs to the church resulting from Hall and the Church Restoration Fund. the lightning strike will be covered It was a pleasant afternoon/evening and in the main by insurance, there are the sun was shining which was a bonus. other essential repairs not covered Our thanks to Mike, Darran and Nicky that will need to be paid for by for volunteering to help us with this the restoration fund. It is hoped event and for giving up their May that the church will be ‘open for Day Bank Holiday, it was very much business’ in the late summer or appreciated. early autumn. Sue White John Tucker THANK YOU “Pretty Things”, please! Bangles, beads, belts, brooches, buckles, scarves, handbags, hats, gloves, shoes… Please turn out your wardrobes and trinket boxes and bring any unwanted new or nearly new accessories in good, saleable condition, to Alison Downing (01579 351241) or Ann Henderson (01579 351289) for their “Pretty Things” stall at this year’s Cherry Feast on 14 July. Proceeds from the Cherry Feast support our churches at St. Mellion and Pillaton. Thank You. 13 PILLATON SKITTLES LEAGUE 2012/2013 The Skittles League for 2012/2013 ‘kicked off ’ at the beginning of November with the arrival of a new team called ‘The Mavericks’ under the captaincy of Shirley Floyd. This team was made up of some players from The Gargoyles and The Quasimodos. The Dare Devils welcomed some new members to their team Mike Keay, Darren Witton , Carol & Steve Bligh. They said ‘goodbye’ to Roy & Audrey Levack who have moved on to pastures new. This year we played with a new Skittle Alley, skittles and balls obtained through lottery funding. The Dare Devils took an early lead playing there two games in November. The winners last year The Hillbillies were slow starters until they played there two games in March when they moved from fifth to third place. The Knackered Monks kept a steady second place throughout and were pleased to welcome Helen Mace to the team. The Wild Indians under the Captaincy of Helen Edwards also kept a steady pace throughout and were helped out by several of the husbands of WI members taking a turn. The Mavericks were doing well in third place until the last evening, it must have been something to do with the chicken tikka slices! The Presentation Night took place on Saturday 20th April and was attended by 39 people. The meal was cooked and served by Shirley Floyd and was as always enjoyed by all. Apart from the prizes of wine for the First and Second Teams, additional prizes of wine were given: Best three ball score of 18 pins in one game: Men – Darren Witton, Gary Sims, and John Wheeley Ladies – Carole Hosken Best game score was Ken Beal scoring 38 and Marie Sims for the ladies with 43. Top of the averages was Mike Keay on 9.2 and Julie Bazeley with 8.7 Two teams shared the Wooden Spoon – The Mavericks and The Wild Indians. This is the first time this has happened since the League started. During the evening we held a ‘Musical Quiz’ which was organised by Len. We reached a tie break situation between the Dare Devils and the Wild Indians each scoring 26 points and the tie break question was won by the Wild Indians who each received a chocolate rabbit as a prize. If anybody would like the occasional game of skittles, sometimes a team could be short of players or if there is anybody ‘out there’ who would like to put a team in the league please let either Len or Sue know on (01579) 350065. 14 Final Scores for the Pillaton Skittles League 2012/2013 Team Matches Played 12 Games Played 36 Games Won 27 Games Drawn 1 Games Lost 8 Game Points 55 Match Points 8 Total Skittles 1679 Total Points 63 Knackered Monks 12 36 16 3 17 35 8 1662 43 Hill Billies 12 36 16 3 17 35 3 1519 38 The Mavericks 12 36 13 3 20 29 4 1473 33 Wild Indians 12 36 14 1 21 29 4 1458 33 Dare Devils Robin Dwane Typesetting of Books & Brochures, Calendars & Cards, E-mail: [email protected] Family Telephone: 01579-351560 History Research 9 Barton Meadow, Pillaton, Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 6SE Design In support of The Royal British Legion and Soldiers, Sailors & Air Force Association (SSAFA) Higher Chapel Farm Bed & Breakfast Nr. Halton Quay, St.Dominick, Saltash Cornwall PL12 6SL A family run dairy farm set within the beautiful Tamar Valley. Close to Plymouth and ideal for those who like to walk in the open countryside. 2 Comfortable En-Suite Rooms & Private Room Special Rates available for Family Bookings Full Home Cooked Breakfast, Private Lounge Tel: 01579-350894 Website: e-mail: [email protected] 15 Keeping your dog under control It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that there have been a number of attacks by dogs on other dogs. This has happened where the Owner of the attacking dog has not had their dog under control. To clarify the current position we must point out that it is against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control: • In a public place. • In a private place where the dog isn’t allowed to be (e.g. a neighbour’s house or garden without permission). The law applies to all dogs. Your dog is considered dangerously out of control if it: • Injures someone. • Makes someone worried that it might injure them. A court could also decide that your dog is dangerously out of control if: • It injures someone’s animal • The owner of the animal thinks they could be injured if they tried to stop your dog attacking their animal. A farmer is allowed to kill your dog if it’s worrying their livestock. Penalties You can be fined up to £5,000 and/or sent to prison for up to 6 months if your dog is out of control. You may also not be allowed to own a dog in the future. If you let your dog injure someone, you can be sent to prison for up to 2 years and/or fined. If you deliberately use your dog to injure someone you could be charged with ‘malicious wounding’. The maximum penalty is 5 years in prison. Dog Control Orders Local councils in England and Wales can issue Dog Control Orders (DCOs). These mean that in public areas with DCOs, you may have to: • Keep your dog on a lead • Put your dog on a lead if told to by a police officer, police community support officer or someone from the council • Stop your dog going in certain places - like farmland or parts of a park • Limit the number of dogs you have with you (this applies to professional dog walkers too). • Clear up after your dog. 16 DCOs don’t apply to private land if you have permission from the landowner or person who controls the land. Penalties If you ignore a DCO, you can be fined: • £50 on the spot (a ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’). • Up to £1,000 if it goes to court. You can’t be fined if you’re a registered blind dog owner. 17 Fruit Case I cannot be the only gardener in the village who is feeling the strain of the growing season now that the sun IS shining and those pathetic seedlings in my greenhouse that have been drumming their leaflets impatiently for weeks, muttering where is the sun, have actually started to grow. My greenhouse is rather busy in early spring, regardless of rain, hail and blow, the chance to hide away in the fug of the greenhouse and carefully sow early vegetable seeds. I am always liberally supported in this task by countless cups of tea and the ever present audio book, usually selected from the crime or thrillers list of the BBC online shop. This year has been an exceptionally slow start; seeds were slow to germinate and when they did, were very slow to grow. It was purely the lack of sunlight in my unheated greenhouse. The cold weather was a factor, but with clear propagator covers the seed trays, it was the lack of light rather than temperature, I grew increasingly frustrated at the delay. You can almost feel the seedling grow when the atmosphere is right, a warm, bright, sunny yet humid miasma with a particular smell, as memorable as the smell of tomatoes, sweet and ripe on an indoor vine. The latter experience now denied to me as I have no sense of smell, only the memory of it. The past couple of weeks have made up for lost time, cornflowers which I am growing for my daughter’s wedding next month, shot up 3 inches in 2 days, just because the sun got to them. My ‘Love-in-the-Mist’ (or ‘Snog in the Fog’ as the bride calls them ) is not so successful, but the ox-eye daisies are growing steadily, but only Him upstairs will know if any will be ready for the wedding, if not we will have to decimate a nursery at night. My hands are wrecked with weeding, the ingrained soil within the nicks and cuts are quite shame-making to behold; they will not improve till the gardening winds down in September. It is best just to sit on them when in company. Most of my gardening friends are complaining of exhaustion, back ache and do seem to grunt more when having to sit down at points in the church service. The hard labour of this fruitful hobby, does have its fun and funnier moments when visiting the local garden centre just before the bank holiday to get the best selection before all the trippers empty the new stock! Alison and I hit the garden centre on Saturday AND Sunday, nearly managing to bust the suspension of her once clean car, with an amazing assortment of items which were eventually fitted in with the genius of a rubix cube. Some of the more memorable items were 2 ponds, fish food and pond plants, meat from 18 the butchers, large bags of greengrocery and choccy biscuits, trays of bedding plants, a large potted acer, 2 clematis armandii in a garden bin for safety, assorted potted plants......etc; the list went on. I was feeling depressed weighed down with problems, but a bit of retail therapy with a difference, makes a difference. I shall never forget coming out of the pond shop with waving a fishing net, Alison behind with fish food, then a ‘nice young man’ carrying 2 ponds followed by another one carrying a tray of pond was like being on safari. Jan Simms Pillaton Gardening Club Spring Show The Gardening club Spring Show had a fine example of what was in flower at that time and to show how cold it was, the snowdrops formed part of some of the displays - this harbinger of spring usually long gone by the time of the show. The bright yellow of the daffodils in the Village hall never ceases to impress and we had many visitors in the afternoon who attended the Presentation of Trophies by chairman Ken Beal. Christine Dunn had most points in the show and also won the Dan du Plessis Trophy for daffodils. Rose Peter won the Angove Trophy for floral art and Linda Mavin had the most points for shrubs and the Dan du Plessis Memorial Trophy for being a Pillaton parishioner with most daffodil points. This is a local event and we welcome all new exhibitors. Carole Hoskin is the Show Secretary (350063) and Linda Mavin is the secretary (350956) to whom enquiries can be made. I would like to remind you that the Summer Show on September 7th has classes which need preparation. The Newton Ferrers Trophy is for a Potted Begonia for which the container may be of any size. The photography subjects for adults are: country pursuits, boats, memories of floods, best photograph, bird(s), most amusing with caption. For juniors, the photography subjects are: own choice, holidays and pets. Linda Mavin, Secretary Callington Arts Venue At Callington Town Hall on Saturday 15 June at 7.30 pm the Plymouth Gilbert and Sullivan Fellowship will be giving a concert production of the Gondoliers. Advance tickets Adults £8 U18 £5 Family (2+2) £21 On the Door Adults £10 U18 £7 Family (2+2) £27 Box Office Callington Town Hall 01579 384039 or 01579 384321 or Kivells, Fore Street. Booking hotline 07870 818645; E-ticketing by e-mail to [email protected] 19 ROGER J EDGAR Electrical Services Qualified Electrician Est. 1969 Roger would like to introduce Phil Brown who many will have met over the last six years. Those who have not, Phil is a qualified electrician who will be taking over the business when Roger eventually retires. You can contact Phil on 07772571932 telephone 01579 320771 mobile 0742 933 9961 E-Mail: [email protected] Do Your Electrics Meet The Current Regulations? If Not Will You Be Covered By Your House Insurance? Have them checked. BE SAFE, NOT SORRY. 20 21 22 23 The United Benefice of St. Dominic, Landulph and St. Mellion-with Pillaton diary for the benefice DATE DAY SERVICE 12 May Sunday 0930 Sung Eucharist 1115 Sung Eucharist 14 May Tuesday 0915 Said Eucharist 15 May Wednesday 1200 Pasty Lunch Rectory Room 19 May Whit Sunday 1000 Benefice Eucharist for Pentecost 21 May Tuesday 0915 Said Eucharist 26 May Sunday 0930 Sung Eucharist 1115 Sung Eucharist 28 May Tuesday 0915 Said Eucharist 30 May Thursday tba Wedding (Edney/Love) Coffee Clacks Suspended until further notice 02 Jun Sunday 1100 Benefice Sung Eucharist tba Followed by Lunch at Harrowbarrow 1800 Evensong 04 Jun Tuesday 0915 Said Eucharist 09 Jun Sunday 0930 Eucharist 1115 Eucharist 11 Jun Tuesday 0915 Said Eucharist 16 Jun Sunday 0930 Fathers Day (May be changed later depending on success of Mothering Sunday in Pillaton Village Hall) 1115 Sung Eucharist 18 Jun Tuesday 0915 Said Eucharist 19 Jun Wednesday 1200 Pasty Lunch Rectory Room 23 Jun Sunday 0930 Eucharist 1115 Eucharist CHURCH St. Dominic St. Mellion St. Mellion Cargreen St. Dominic St. Mellion St. Mellion Landulph St. Mellion St. Mellion Calstock Halton Quay St. Dominic St. Dominic St. Mellion St. Dominic St. Mellion DATE 25 Jun 30 Jun 02 Jul 06 Jul 07 Jul 09 Jul 14 Jul 16 Jul 17 Jul 20 Jul 21 Jul DAY Tuesday Sunday Tuesday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday SERVICE 0915 0930 1115 0915 tba tba 1000 1800 0915 1000 1715 0915 1200 1400 1600 0930 1115 Said Eucharist Eucharist Eucharist Said Eucharist Wedding (Hirons/Hurley) Wedding (Barr/Morgan) Benefice Mass Evensong Said Eucharist Benefice Eucharist CHERRY FEAST Closing Service Cherry Feast Said Eucharist Pasty Lunch The Rectory Room Wedding (Curnow/Tait) Wedding (Carnegyu/Evans) Eucharist Eucharist CHURCH St. Dominic St. Mellion Landulph St. Mellion Landulph St. Dominic Landulph Halton Quay St. Mellion St. Dominic St Mellion St Mellion St. Mellion Cargreen St. Mellion Landulph St. Mellion Landulph Landulph St. Dominic Cargreen St. Dominic St. Mellion BENEFICE CONTACT DETAILS For all enquiries regarding Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals or any other Parish Business please contact: Canon Wilson on 01822 832518 Messages: Betty Reynolds (Secretary) 01579 351069 E-mail: [email protected] The Benefice Office in St Mellion Church Hall is open on Thursdays from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon, or by arrangement with the Secretary. 24 25 Pillaton Village Diary Thu 23 May Charity Lunch in aid of Church Disaster Fund Thu 6 Jun Gilbert & Sullivan production, ‘The Gondoliers,’ Callington Town Hall Sat 15 Jun Outdoor Theatre, ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ Pentillie Wed 26 Jun Big Lunch at Pillaton Village Hall (more details later) Sun 30 Jun Garden Tours, Pentillie Thu 4 Jul Garden Tours, Pentillie Contact: Jim Bennet ACIB.MLlA (Dip) Summer Barbeque, Rick Park Farm Thu 1 Aug Outdoor Theatre, ‘As You Like It,’ Pentillie Sun 11 Aug Outdoor Theatre, ‘Treasure Island,’ Pentillie Sat 7 Sep Pillaton Gardening Club Annual Summer Show, Pillaton Village Hall Fri 27 Sep ‘Macmillan Cancer Support / Sue Ryder Care’ Coffee Morning Sat 19 Oct ‘Taste of France’ Evening, Pillaton Village Hall Thu 31 Oct Pillaton Gardening Club Pumpkin Festival, Pillaton Village Hall Along with the normal rubbish collections on Tuesdays, recycling and garden waste will be collected as follows: Tue 21 May Tue 28 May Tue 4 Jun Tue 11 Jun Tue 18 Jun Tue 25 Jun Tue 2 Jul Tue 9 Jul Tue 16 Jul 26 Recycling Garden waste Recycling Garden waste Recycling Garden waste Recycling Garden waste Recycling Continue the faithful giving of a lifetime. Have you made a Will? Would you like to add a Codicil to your Will? Have you considered leaving a legacy to your Church both as an act of love and thanksgiving to God and as a powerful witness to your friends and family? Your local Church has information available that will help you to answer these questions. Honorary Treasurer, St. Mellion with Pillaton P.C.C. ‘Fox Hollows’ 16, Barton Meadows, Pillaton, Saltash, Cornwall PL12 6SE Sat 27 Jul Recycling Dates LEGACIES Village news Distribution & Copy Dates Issue No. 2013 Copy Date Dist. Date 166 1 Jul 19 Jul 167 9 Sep 27 Sep 168 4 Nov 22 Nov As the Village News is produced and distributed by volunteers, the distribution date can only ever be a guideline, but normally the Village News will be distributed during the week preceding this date. Tel. and Fax: Liskeard 01579 350067 Mobile: 07979 644990 Email: jim [email protected] Copy For Village News Deadline for copy: Monday 1st July 2013 Publication date: Friday 19th July 2013 Copy should preferably be sent to my office e-mail address at [email protected] in the form of a Word document or simply text in an e-mail. If you do not have access to the internet, hard copy is perfectly acceptable (typed or handwritten) and should be delivered to me at 9 Barton Meadows. Images for the Village News can be in virtually any digital format or as hard copy for scanning. Any queries please call Robin Dwane on 01579-351560. Village News Advertising Rates Full Page advert: £12 per issue; Discounted price for six issues: £60 Half page advert: £6 per issue; Discounted price for six issues: £30 Third page advert: £4 per issue; Discounted price for six issues: £20 Quarter page advert £3 per issue; Discounted price for six issues: £15 Small Classified Adverts: Free to village residents. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to alter or omit any articles submitted. © Copyright Pillaton Village News 27 St. Mellion V.A. C of E School St. Mellion, Saltash PL12 6RN Tel: 01579-350567 E-mail: [email protected] are you considering a primary school? why not pay a visit to st. mellion school? In our school children come first and we pride ourselves on good relations, the caring family atmosphere and high standards of both work and behaviour. Please telephone for a prospectus or to make an appointment to view the school with the Headteacher: Mrs Angela Palin We look forward to seeing you 28