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Board of Commissioners Barney Burke, District 1 Kenneth Collins, District 2 Wayne G. King, District 3 James G. Parker, Manager AGENDA Regular Meeting - 20 January 2015 5:00 PM – 230 Chimacum Road 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.01 Minutes Regular Meeting of 6 January 2015 4. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS 4.01 Summary Leadsheet 4.02 Payment of PUD#1 of Jefferson County Payroll 4.03 Payment of PUD#1 of Jefferson County Vouchers/Warrants 5. ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR that are not listed on the Agenda. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS: 7. ACTION ITEMS: 7.01 Request to prorate connection Charge 7.02 Write off amounts for PUD accounts 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 McMillen Resolution PUD Strategic Plan PUD water connection policy Appointing new Auditor Recording meetings 9. MANAGER REPORT 10. COMMISSIONER CALENDAR PH (360) 385-5800 FX (360) 385-5945 230 Chimacum Road/P.O. Box 929, Port Hadlock, WA 98339 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 [email protected] 11. CORRESPONDENCE 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 Email on expansion of Fiber CPUD letter Navy Cost for easement for Fiber to M.I. Light recycle flyer Public Power Council Election of Officers and Board Members 12. Real Estate & Personnel pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 13. ADJOURNMENT PH (360) 385-5800 FX (360) 385-5945 230 Chimacum Road/P.O. Box 929, Port Hadlock, WA 98339 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 [email protected] Board of Commissioners Barney Burke, District 1 Kenneth Collins, District 2 Wayne G. King, District 3 James G. Parker, Manager AGENDA Regular Meeting - 20 January 2015 5:00 PM – 230 Chimacum Road 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.01 Minutes Regular Meeting of 6 January 2015 4. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS 4.01 Summary Leadsheet 4.02 Payment of PUD#1 of Jefferson County Payroll 4.03 Payment of PUD#1 of Jefferson County Vouchers/Warrants 5. ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR that are not listed on the Agenda. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS: 7. ACTION ITEMS: 7.01 Request to prorate connection Charge 7.02 Write off amounts for PUD accounts 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 McMillen Resolution PUD Strategic Plan PUD water connection policy Appointing new Auditor Recording meetings 9. MANAGER REPORT 10. COMMISSIONER CALENDAR PH (360) 385-5800 FX (360) 385-5945 230 Chimacum Road/P.O. Box 929, Port Hadlock, WA 98339 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 [email protected] 11. CORRESPONDENCE 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 Email on expansion of Fiber CPUD letter Navy Cost for easement for Fiber to M.I. Light recycle flyer Public Power Council Election of Officers and Board Members 12. Real Estate & Personnel pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 13. ADJOURNMENT PH (360) 385-5800 FX (360) 385-5945 230 Chimacum Road/P.O. Box 929, Port Hadlock, WA 98339 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 [email protected] PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 of Jefferson County January 6, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The Regular Meeting of the Public Utility District No.1 of Jefferson County was called to order by the President of the Board of Commissioners at 5:00 p.m. Commissioners and staff present were: Wayne King, President Kenneth Collins, Vice-President Barney Burke, Secretary James Parker, District Manager Kevin Streett, District Electrical Superintendent Malcolm Harris, Legal Counsel Don McDaniel, Consultant Kate Pike, Brisa Services AGENDA The Agenda was approved with move of Energy Northwest update to after Commissioner Reports. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, to approve the Special Workshop Minutes and the Regular Meeting Minutes of December 9, 2014 as submitted and distributed. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, to approve payment of: Warrants No. 107001 through 107214 in the amount of $ 824,573.17 Warrants No. 501884 through 501922 in the amount of 138,770.30 Warrants No. 70001 through 70006 in the amount of 10,311.16 Total Warrants $ 973,654.63 Wire Transfer to USDA/Rural Utilities Service 795,590.07 Total $ 1,769,244.70 $ PUBLIC COMMENT (for items not listed on the Agenda) 1. Tom Thiersch, citizen, commented that there may be concern that use of Twitter and other social media sites are subject to Open Public Records Act; also there is concern that those sites can be "hacked". 2. Malcolm Harris, legal counsel, indicated that there is controversy regarding social media sites, as well as private email, some of which are confidential. 3. Leo Boyd, citizen, noted that, during the recent storm-related power outages, use of Twitter was helpful. 4. Kathleen Waldron, Marrowstone Island resident, expressed gratitude for the reaction times and the work of JPUD staff during the recent outages. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Burke December 16: Attended meeting of Jefferson County Energy Lunch Program January 5: Attended meeting of Local 20/20 Energy Action Group January 14-16: Expect to attend Washington PUD Association meetings in Olympia Commissioner King December 17: Attended, with Resource Director, teleconference with NoaNet January 14-16: Expect to attend Washington PUD Association meetings in Olympia Commissioner Collins December 2: Attended training program on open meetings and public records December 16: Attended meeting of Jefferson County Energy Lunch Program January 14-16: Expect to attend Washington PUD Association meetings in Olympia DISCUSSION Energy Northwest Update Robin Rego, Laura Scheele and Romeo Tudor were present from Energy Northwest. Linda Gott, Mason County PUD No. 3 Commissioner and Energy Northwest Executive Board member, was also present. A power point presentation, identifying the purpose of Energy Northwest, a not-for-profit joint state operating agency with a diverse, low-carbon generation profile, was given. Current power projects include White Bluffs Solar Station, Packwook Lake Hydroelectric Project, Nine Canyon Wind Project and Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant. New power generating facilities under current consideration include additional wind and solar projects and a natural gas plant. Information regarding the Columbia Generating Station noted a 2012 American Public Power Association and Association of Washington Business Workplace safety awards. In 2013 it provided 8.4 million megawatt hours, in 2014 9.7 megawatt hours of service without a lost-time accident. Currently, there have been 560 days without any shut downs. Some innovative energy solutions include a demand response pilot; distributed storage via Powin Energy, Energy Northwest, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, City of Richland and Bonneville Power Administration; and solar energy development. ACTION ITEMS a) Resolution No. 2015-02. December Storm Declaration of Emergency The Manager presented Resolution No. 2015-02 declaring the period of December 10 through December 15, 2014 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD Manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in any amount necessary. After brief discussion the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 2015-02 declaring the period of December 10 through December 15, 2014 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD Manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in any amount necessary. b) Transfer of CPUD Assets The Manager presented the draft facilities purchase agreement between the Public Utility District of Clallam County (CPUD) and JPUD for acquisition of CPUD facilities in Jefferson County, as well as a list of assets and the Wheeling Agreement between Port Townsend Paper Corporation and JPUD. As the Wheeling Agreement has not been executed, no ACTION was taken. c) PUD Drug Policy The Manager presented a proposed JPUD policy for a drug free workplace. After discussion regarding identification of personnel and procedures for drug testing, no ACTION was taken. d) Contracted Dispatching The Manager presented a memorandum providing information regarding use of outside dispatching service for nights, weekends and holidays as well as proposed fees from Security Services Northwest, Inc. and from Cooperative Response Center, Inc. After discussion the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Collins, Second by Commissioner Burke, carried unanimously, to enter into a contract for outside dispatching service with Security Services Northwest, Inc. for a period of two years, with review after one year. e) PUD Assignment of Commissioner Areas of Responsibility The Manager presented correspondence to the Washington PUD Association regarding JPUD Board members' representation on WPUDA. After brief discussion, the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner King, Second by Commissioner Burke, carried unanimously, that Commissioner Kenneth Collins be the JPUD representative on the WPUDA Board. Additionally, it was determined that, regarding WPUDA representation, on the Energy Committee, Commissioner Burke serve as the Representative, with Commissioner King alternate; on the Telecom Committee,Commissioner King as Representative, with Commissioner Burke alternate; on the Water Committee, Commissioner King as Representative, with Commissioner Burke alternate; and that the staff Human Resources Manager serve as Representative on the Communication and Government Relations Committees. Regarding other Board assignments to outside organizations, it was determined that Commissioner Burke serve as representative to Energy Northwest, the City of Port Townsend and the County/City Climate Action Committee; Commissioner Collins to serve as representative to North Olympic Peninsula Development Association, EDC Team Jefferson and Public Employees Risk Management Services (PURMS); and Commissioner King to serve as representative to Washington Utilities Coordinating Council, Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet). Other assignments, such as Citizen Advisory Board and Public Power Commission/Bonneville Power Administration are to be rotated. f) PUD Procurement Policy The Manager presented the January 2015 JPUD Procurement Manual. After brief discussion, the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, that the PUD No. 1 of Jefferson County, dated January 2015, be approved and that the Manager be permitted to make any needed small adjustments that will not change the intent or levels of purchasing approvals. DISCUSSION ITEMS a) PUD Strategic Plan With regard to development of a Strategic Plan, it was suggested that a special workshop be held to address. Don McDaniel will begin a procedure and has asked for assistance from the District Human Resources Manager. b) PUD COSA and Rates Deferred. c) Bid Documents for Substation Transformer The Manager presented documents for bidding for a 12/16/20-MV substation power transformer. After brief discussion, the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, that bid documents for a 12/16/20-MV substation power transformer be accepted and that invitation to bid be distributed with bid opening to occur on February 15, 2015. d) PUD Meetings - Recordings/Legal Representation/I-Pads/Meeting Format The Manager presented information from neighboring Districts regarding use of attorney at and recording of Regular Meetings. The majority of PUDs do use an attorney at, yet do not record, meetings. JPUD legal counsel noted some pitfalls of recording, particularly in event of any litigation, and questioned recording function. After discussion, the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, to direct the Manager to implement a system to make audio recordings of the Regular Meetings and have same posted on the JPUD website, with an amendment that this be done for one year. Additionally, regarding presence of legal counsel at Regular Meetings, the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Collins, Second by Commissioner Burke, carried unanimously, to direct the Manager to arrange for legal counsel to be present, either in person or via teleconference, at all Regular Meetings. With regard to providing I-Pad tablet computers to Commissioners, the Board took the following ACTION: MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, to direct the Manager to have staff provide appropriate information regarding provision of I-Pad tablet computers to Commissioners. e) McMillen Resolution 2015-01 The Manager presented draft Resolution No. 2015-001 recognizing outstanding service of Ken McMillen as Commissioner for District 2 over a 30-plus-year period that saw tremendous expanding of PUD responsibilities and challenges. f) RCW 54.16.285 - limitations on termination of utility service The Manager presented RCW 54.16.285, Limitations on termination of utility service for residential heating between November 15 through March 15 if certain conditions by a customer are met. Currently, JPUD is adhering, yet there are very few participants. Further investigation, with possible address with Washington Public Utility District Association, may be warranted. MANAGER REPORT The Manager reported that, with regard to financials, public accounting firm Moss Adams LLP is assisting in 2013 and 2014 financial close outs. Implementation of new accounting system by NISC (National Information Solutions Cooperative). State Auditor representative is expected on January 12 at 9:00 a.m. Regarding personnel the District is attempting to hire one or two linemen. With regard to strategic planning and staffing levels, consultant Don McDaniel will begin looking at staffing levels for recommendation to the Board. Department of Health grant applications have been submitted for evaluation of the Port Ludlow Water System and Shine Platt. There are new owners of the Old Alcohol Plant/Inn at Port Hadlock; septic inspection requirements are in process. The Sparling Well project continues. A new ATEC Systems water treatment system for Kala Point is being readied for installation. A new booster pump lift station for LUD#3 is being engineered. A Washington State University grant for determination of low income levels for conservation may be available. Three members of the Citizen Advisory Board are rotating out and replacements are being sought. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Department of Health letter regarding Triton Cove Water System copper and lead monitoring 2. Agreement St. Vincent dePaul Society for low-income assistance 3. Approval of Don's Pharmacy prescription bags 4. Letter from Laborers' International Union of North America, Local 252, regarding employee wage increases EXECUTIVE SESSION: Real Estate and Personnel pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 The Regular Meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 9:12 p.m. for purposes of real estate and personnel discussion with legal counsel. It was adjourned at 9:42 p.m. No Action was taken. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: By Commissioner Burke, Second by Commissioner Collins, carried unanimously, to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 9:45 p.m. January 20TH, 2015 VOUCHER CLAIM FORMS FOR BILLS TO BE PAID: WARRANTS Accounts Payable: # 107215 Payroll : # 70007 to to AMOUNT # 107338 # 70013 TOTAL BILLS TO BE PAID VOIDED CHECKS $ 820,043.20 01/21/2015 $ 11,440.72 01/16/2015 $ 831,483.92 N/A WIRE TRANSFERRED AMOUNTS AMOUNT BPA COMBINED POWER & TRANSMISSION $1,303,424.00 TOTAL WIRES $1,303,424.00 GRAND TOTALS DATE WARRANTS WIRES $ 831,483.92 $ 1,303,424.00 $ 2,134,907.92 PAYROLL VENDORS $ 11,440.72 $ 2,123,467.20 $ 2,134,907.92 DATE 01/08/2015 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 Revision: 65858 Payroll/Labor Check Register Pay Date: 01/16/2015 To 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 12:46:36 pm Empl Name 1016 KURT W ANDERSON Pay Date 01/16/2015 Dir Dep/Check 70007 Gross Pay 2,543.42 Hours 53.50 Advances 0.00 2000 RANDALL L CALKINS 01/16/2015 70008 1,946.08 82.00 0.00 4004 KENNETH R COLLINS 01/16/2015 70009 738.08 56.00 0.00 2001 JOSE M ESCALERA-ESTRADA 01/16/2015 70010 2,384.77 93.00 0.00 3009 RONAJEAN M MCCONNELL 01/16/2015 70011 2,651.04 80.00 0.00 2003 JERRY L RUBERT 01/16/2015 70012 2,294.16 80.00 0.00 2004 ERIC R STOREY 01/16/2015 70013 3,585.54 96.00 0.00 $ 16,143.09 540.50 $ 0.00 Grand Total: 51224 Page 1 Deductions/ ER Taxes Txbl Benefits/ ER PTO Taxes/ ER Benefits 154.53 204.16 125.49 157.04 1.00 59.56 309.06 192.46 1,073.91 206.98 142.61 184.66 456.15 289.35 $ 2,262.75 $ 1,294.21 0.00 258.55 0.00 132.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 132.29 0.00 336.68 0.00 225.94 0.00 290.01 $ 0.00 $ 1,375.76 400.32 283.66 249.02 267.87 56.46 0.00 450.02 321.45 245.33 91.56 536.94 273.58 501.53 421.26 $ 2,439.62 $ 1,659.38 /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/pl/PL_EMP_CHECK_REGISTER.xml.rpt Net Pay Type 1,988.57 Chk 1,571.57 Chk 680.62 Chk 1,625.69 Chk 1,331.80 Chk 1,614.61 Chk 2,627.86 Chk $ 11,440.72 adean JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 01/16/2015 12:46:36 pm Payroll/Labor Check Register Pay Date: 01/16/2015 To 01/16/2015 Revision: 65858 Page 2 PARAMETERS ENTERED: Pay Date: Check/Direct Deposit: Employee: Journal: 01/16/2015 To 01/16/2015 All 1016,2000,2001,2003,2004,3009,4004 0 Division: All Format: Summary By Check Sort By: Check/Direct Deposit 51224 /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/pl/PL_EMP_CHECK_REGISTER.xml.rpt adean JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 01/16/2015 Accounts Payable Check Register 12:39:03 PM Revision: 71146 Page 1 01/08/2015 To 01/21/2015 Bank Account: 1 - BANK OF AMERICA - AP Check / Pmt Tran Date Type Vendor 107215 107216 107217 107218 107219 107220 107221 107222 107223 107224 107225 107226 107227 107228 107229 107230 107231 107232 107233 107234 107235 107236 107237 107238 107239 107240 107241 107242 107243 107244 107245 107246 51224 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 01/12/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK 10006 10024 10114 10141 10164 10165 10175 10265 10125 10305 10281 10075 10179 10260 10267 10009 10012 10310 10015 10018 9999 10026 10027 10028 10295 10033 10040 10041 10042 10311 10044 10045 Vendor Name Reference AFLAC BANKCARD CENTER IBEW LOCAL UNION NO 77 MARSH USA INC NW LABORERS 252 (DUES) NW LABORERS-EMPLOYERS TRUST FUN PACIFIC UNDERWRITERS CORP. WA STATE DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTE JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH BANK OF AMERICA-PAYROLL ACCT JEFFCO EFTPS EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPARTMENT PENINSULA CREDIT UNION WA STATE DEFERRED COMPENSATION P WA STATE SUPPORT REGISTRY ALL CLASSIC TRANSPORTATION, LLC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC KURT ANDERSON APOGEE INTERACTIVE, INC ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS IN DARRIN BARBEE BAYVIEW PUMPS, INC BERNT ERICSEN EXCAVATING, INC BILLS FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE DYLAN BRACKNEY BRISA SERVICES CASCADIA CONSULTING GROUP CDW GOVERNMENT CELLNET TECHNOLOGY INC CENTRO PRINT SOLUTIONS CENTURY LINK QCC-P CENTURY LINK-S PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 121914 # 5480 0173 0488 0778 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 121914 CLIENT# 5150300000-POLE ATTACH BOND PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 121914 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 121914 JANUARY LTD PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 121914 TECH REVIEW-SEPTIC NET PAYROLL 011615 941 TAX PL GARNISHMENT PL CREDIT UNION PL DEFERRED COMP EE PL CHILD SUPPORT EE TRANSPORT VEHICLE CUST# 152051 MOVING EXPENSE WEB SITE HOSTING/SUPPORT CUST# 01-7500239 REFUND CUSTOMER DEPOSIT BYWATER WELL ENCLOSURE COYLE POWER TRENCH YEARLY MAINTENANCE 2015 ALLOWANCE TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES BATCH 5 PERFORMANCE PAYMENT CUST# 11989480 CUST# 100088/METER READS YEAR END FORMS ACCT# 77438002 ACCT# 360 385 8360 993B /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/ap/AP_CHK_REGISTER.xml.rpt Amount 512.40 4,615.88 1,048.96 100.00 592.00 18,259.00 689.69 43,740.60 172.00 83,566.24 34,437.22 407.54 1,050.00 1,287.50 641.49 791.57 896.06 2,000.00 2,400.00 16,532.48 200.00 4,095.46 9,250.01 488.61 250.00 660.00 4,338.88 142.54 37,743.68 116.92 217.51 986.46 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 01/16/2015 Accounts Payable Check Register 12:39:03 PM Revision: 71146 Page 2 01/08/2015 To 01/21/2015 Bank Account: 1 - BANK OF AMERICA - AP Check / Pmt Tran Date Type Vendor 107247 107248 107249 107250 107251 107252 107253 107254 107255 107256 107257 107258 107259 107260 107261 107262 107263 107264 107265 107266 107267 107268 107269 107270 107271 107272 107273 107274 107275 107276 107277 107278 51224 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK 10046 10296 10051 10053 10297 9999 10067 10068 10069 10070 10072 10298 10078 10084 10085 10285 9999 10090 10094 10097 10098 10104 10107 10110 9999 9999 9999 10299 9999 10115 10314 10125 Vendor Name Reference CENTURYLINK CALEB CHAKOS CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND-UTILITY COMPUNET, INC JOSHUA DARLING JAMES DEHAAS DING DOCTOR GLASS SERVICES DISCOVERY BAY GROUP, LLC DM DISPOSAL CO INC DOUBLE D ELECTRICAL, INC EES CONSULTING DAVID ELIAS ESCI EXPRESS SERVICES, INC FASTENAL FEENEY WIRELESS JEDIDIAH FRANKE FREDERICKSON ELECTRIC, INC GENERAL PACIFIC, INC GOODMAN SEPTIC SERVICES GRAINGER HADLOCK BUILDING SUPPLY, INC. HARRIS, MERICLE, & WAKAYAMA HENERY HARDWARE JEANNIE HOLMES JEANNIE HOLMES RACHEL HOUSE TOBY HOWARD ANDREW HREN INFOSEND, INC JEFFERSON COUNTY HOME BUILDERS A JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH ACCT# 314303915 2015 ALLOWANCE ACCT# 014966-000 PHONE 2015 ALLOWANCE REFUND CUSTOMER DEPOSIT #30399 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES-DEC ACCT# 2148-176438/ 310 FOUR CORNERS R ACCT# 100965-BYWATER WELL PROJECT:COSA 2015 ALLOWANCE-9 MONTH COMPLETIO JANUARY SAFETY TRAINING ACCT# 17600731/ ACCT ASSIST CUST# WAPOR0044 TELEMETRY CUSTOMER PORTION OF DEPOSIT #30824 ALTIS RESIDENCE-300 COURSEY LN CUST ID: 106171 SEPTIC PUMPING/DISPOSAL ACCT# 856297924 CUST# 3855800 GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CUST# 3855800 DEPOSIT REFUND ACCT OVERPAY REFUND REFUND CUSTOMER PORTION OF 31262 2015 ALLOWANCE CUSTOMER DEPOSIT REFUND #28660 DATA PROCESSING HOME/GARDEN EXPO 02/28 R CALKINS CERT RENEWAL /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/ap/AP_CHK_REGISTER.xml.rpt Amount 266.53 250.00 1,688.92 406.02 250.00 100.00 284.06 1,500.00 48.41 147.15 9,895.00 250.00 1,525.00 2,978.56 749.62 1,969.36 37.97 153.69 30,746.84 436.00 421.88 350.62 250.00 265.84 191.78 86.63 102.62 250.00 100.00 1,558.71 250.00 299.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 01/16/2015 Accounts Payable Check Register 12:39:03 PM Revision: 71146 Page 3 01/08/2015 To 01/21/2015 Bank Account: 1 - BANK OF AMERICA - AP Check / Pmt Tran Date Type Vendor 107279 107280 107281 107282 107283 107284 107285 107286 107287 107288 107289 107290 107291 107292 107293 107294 107295 107296 107297 107298 107299 107300 107301 107302 107303 107304 107305 107306 107307 107308 107309 107310 51224 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK 10127 10129 10131 9999 10134 10300 9999 10139 10142 10144 10313 10153 9999 10309 10163 10161 10166 10167 10170 10171 10175 9999 10177 9999 10301 10193 10196 10201 10287 10203 10207 9999 Vendor Name Reference JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD JIFFY LUBE JMG CONSTRUCTORS LLC GARY KRAUSS LE MAY MOBILE SHREDDING BO LEE WENDY LOS MADRONA HILL URGENT CARE MASON COUNTY PUD #1 MCFARLAND CASCADE MICHELS POWER MURREY'S DISPOSAL CO., INC. FAWN MUSIC NISC NOR'WEST CUSTODIAL SERVICES, INC. NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE NWPPA OFFICE DEPOT OLYMPIC EQUIPMENT RENTALS ON LINE INFORMATION SERVICES PACIFIC UNDERWRITERS CORP. SARAMARIA PASSEROTTI PAYMENTUS PAUL PERKINS ROBERT PHILLIPS PORT TOWNSEND LEADER PREMIUM CONTRACTORS PUBLIC POWER COUNCIL PUD-UTILITY PAYMENTS PURMS JOINT SELF INSURANCE FUND RAIN NETWORKS MICHAEL RASCHKE PAYDOWN ON ACCTS FROM DEPOSIT REF OIL CHANGE SPARLING WELL/CONTRACT# DM10-952-0 REFUND CUSTOMER DEPOSIT #30272 ACCT# 2185 936999 002/310 FOUR CORNERS 2015 ALLOWANCE ACCT# 032033-000 CDL PHYSICAL STORM REPAIR/WO# WF0238450 CUST# JEFFERSO STORM DAMAGE/CUST# 39970 ACCT# 2112 176318/ 310 FOUR CORNERS R BALANCE OF DEPOSIT REFUND ACCT# 51224-NOVEMBER MISC CUSTODIAL SERVICES LCP ONLINE TESTING-C WORLEY CUST# 467/K COLLINS REGISTRATION ACCT# 27676748 LADDER UTILITY EXCHANGE LTD-FEBRUARY DEPOSIT REFUND #28837 DECEMBER TRANSACTION FEES REFUND CUSTOMER PORTION OF DEPOSI 2015 ALLOWANCE ACCT# 13033/SKYSCRAPER/NEWSLETTER BRUSH REMOVAL 2015 ANNUAL DUES ASSESSMENT 004428-000 H&W GENERAL-DEC LATITUDES DEPOSIT REFUND #31111 /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/ap/AP_CHK_REGISTER.xml.rpt Amount 1,049.78 325.40 44,720.00 100.00 72.00 250.00 142.09 440.00 36,774.60 6,171.58 197,797.40 262.34 35.41 71,382.69 415.00 15.00 300.00 507.06 1,104.51 186.55 739.41 200.00 9,450.55 55.52 250.00 1,797.50 1,327.90 20,222.00 1,574.37 14,976.44 5,188.26 200.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 01/16/2015 Revision: 71146 Accounts Payable Check Register 12:39:03 PM Page 4 01/08/2015 To 01/21/2015 Bank Account: 1 - BANK OF AMERICA - AP Check / Pmt Tran Date Type Vendor 107311 107312 107313 107314 107315 107316 107317 107318 107319 107320 107321 107322 107323 107324 107325 107326 107327 107328 107329 107330 107331 107332 107333 107334 107335 107336 107337 107338 51224 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 01/21/2015 CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK 10210 10212 10214 10216 10219 9999 10222 10223 10226 10249 10230 10312 10231 10243 10245 10302 9999 10255 10256 10303 10316 10269 10270 10274 9999 10304 10278 9999 Vendor Name Reference RICOH USA, INC ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABS INC SECURITY SERVICES NW, INC. SHOLD EXCAVATING INC TERRY SNIDER SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOUCE MANAG SOLOMON CORPORATION SOS PRINTING SPECTRA LABORATORIES-KITSAP LLC SPEROS MARKETING GROUP, INC SPRINGBROOK NATIONAL USERS GROUP SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE, INC. TECHNOLOGY UNLIMITED TFS CAPITAL SOLUTIONS-1 ERIC THARALDSEN THE SALVATION ARMY USA BLUEBOOK UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION C BRIAN VAN NESS GERRIT VAN OTTEN WAVE BROADBAND WELLS FARGO EQUIPMENT FINANCE WESTBAY AUTO PARTS, INC. STEVE WILLIS LLC COLTON WORLEY WPUDA SCOTT WYNN CUST# 15120133/310 FOUR CORNERS RD SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ANSWERING SERVICE ACT# 8290 SUPPLIES DEPOSIT REFUND CUSTOMER #28979 RENEW:A JOHNSON# 01598608 CUST# WAB410 KEN COLLINS SIGN TESTING BAG# 14-460/ DONS PHARMACY 2015 MEMBER DUES ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 01/12-12/15 ACCT# 12007/ CHECK SCANNER CUST# 0010385386 2015 ALLOWANCE REFUND FAWN MUSIC DEPOSIT CUST# 478396 LOCATES 2015 ALLOWANCE REIMBURSE FLAGGERS COURSE ACCT# 858-859985/310 FOUR CORNERS RD CUST# 0010385386 SUPPLIES REFUND ACT# 032198-000 2015 ALLOWANCE 2015 MONTHLY DUES CUSTOMER PORTION OF DEPOSIT #29935 Total for Bank Account - 1 : (124) 285.83 825.72 3,382.50 89.00 3,676.70 100.00 190.00 12,350.00 12.52 786.60 900.00 100.00 21,045.69 673.64 5,425.00 250.00 50.00 270.59 141.00 250.00 85.00 2,547.42 12,255.17 207.58 323.05 250.00 5,419.00 76.92 820,043.20 Grand Total : (124) 820,043.20 /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/ap/AP_CHK_REGISTER.xml.rpt Amount JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD NO 1 01/16/2015 12:39:03 PM Accounts Payable Check Register PARAMETERS ENTERED: Check Date: Bank: Vendor: Check: Journal: Format: Extended Reference: Sort By: Voids: Payment Type: Group By Payment Type: Minimum Amount: Authorization Listing: Authorization Comments: Credit Card Charges: 51224 01/08/2015 To 01/21/2015 1 All All All Summary No Check/Transaction None All No 0.00 No No No /pro/rpttemplate/acct/2.31.1/ap/AP_CHK_REGISTER.xml.rpt Revision: 71146 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-001 A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District (PUD) No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington, recognizing the outstanding service of Ken McMillen as the Commissioner for District 2 over a 30 plus year period that saw a tremendous expansion of PUD responsibilities and challenges. WHEREAS, Ken McMillen first serviced as a PUD Commissioner when the PUD was attempting to gain the confidence and trust of the citizens of Jefferson County. During this period the PUD not only started it first water system (LUD#1), but also obtained countywide sewer authority and became deeply involved in Water Recourse Planning, and; WHEREAS, Commissioner McMillen played a key role in promoting the PUD with a series of successes to include purchase and upgrading of the Tri-Area Water System, the expansion of water onto Marrowstone Island, the financing and construction of the Beckett Point Sewer System, which provided enough Countywide trust of the PUD to vote the PUD County wide power authority, and; WHEREAS, Ken McMillen was instructmental in the success of the PUD’s negotiations, acquisition, financing, and operations of the electrical facilities in Eastern Jefferson County, this included obtaining BPA Tier One power, USDA RUS long term long interest funding, and the development and manning of the good size electrical utility, while expanding other PUD services with the acquisition more water and sewer systems and the construction of the public fiber-optics system in Jefferson County, and; WHEREAS, during Commissioner McMillen’s last years of office the PUD lowered its property tax collections, maintained its water and sewer rates and held the electrical rates at what they were when the PUD took operational control of the old PSE system, and; WHEREAS, Commissioner McMillen was active in the WPUDA, not only serving a term as President of the Association, but representing Jefferson PUD at WPUDA meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Commissioner Ken McMillen be officially recognized for his leadership, mentorship, and guidance which helped bring the PUD from a nonfunctioning entity to the primary utility provider in Jefferson County, and for preparing the PUD for future goals and challenges. Barney Burke Commissioner ______________________ _______________________ Ken Collins Wayne King, Commissioner Commissioner 1 NOTICE TO WATER PURVEYOR Jefferson County has received notification that an water supply well is about to be constructed on Parcel No ___001343036_ _____________Today's Date___1/5/15________________ Street Address __ _71 Llama Lane. _________City ___Port Townsend Proposed buyers ___Andrew and Rebecca Byers___Contact Phone _____607-280-6695______ Jefferson County Board of Health Policy 96-02 states that a landowner cannot drill a well to obtain building permit approval on a parcel located within the purveyor’s water service area without consent from the purveyor, provided the purveyor has a signed service agreement with Jefferson County. The purveyor is required to provide water "in a timely and reasonable manner," which is defined as 120 days. Please mail or fax the completed form to: Susan Porto Jefferson County Public Health 615 Sheridan Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-4487 fax ______The _____________________________ water utility will provide water within the 120 day period required to comply with Jefferson County Board of Health Policy 96-02 ______The _____________________________ water utility will NOT provide water within the 120 day period required to comply with Jefferson County Board of Health Policy 96-02. Signed:__________________________________ Date _________________ Title: _________________________ G:\AGENDA\2015\AGENDA_01202015\8.0 Discussion Items\8.03.02 USR15-1 well drilling in service area Chimacum Subbasin.doc RESOLUTION NO. 2015-003 A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ("the PUD"), appointing a permanent District Auditor in accordance with RCW 54.24.010 and authorizing the Auditor as signer on all PUD bank accounts for the purpose of issuing warrants for payment of District bills. WHEREAS, Michael Legarsky, was appointed as the PUD District Auditor by Resolution 2013-014; and WHEREAS, Michael Legarsky will discontinued working for the PUD effective 31 January 2014; and WHEREAS, Greg Kester was hired temporarily by the PUD for the position of Financial Director and District Auditor until a permanent replacement is hired; and WHEREAS, the PUD requires a permanent incumbent of the District Auditor position in accordance with 54.24.010; and WHEREAS, the District Auditor is required to issue warrants to the County Treasurer for payment of PUD obligations and Greg Kester is in a position to be appointed temporary District Auditor. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington hereby appoints Greg Kester the District Auditor and authorizes him to be included as a signer on all PUD bank accounts effective 1 February, 2015. ADOPTED by the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1of Jefferson County, Washington, at a regular open meeting held this 20th day of January 2015 Wayne G. King President Kenneth Collins Vice President Barney Burke Secretary SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I, Ken McMillen do hereby certify that: I am the Secretary of Public Utility District #1 of Jefferson County (hereinafter the "Corporation;") that the following are true and correct copies of resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation at the regular meeting held 7th day of May 2013, and entered in the minute book of the Corporation; that the meeting was duly and regularly called and held in accordance with the bylaws of the Corporation; and that none of the following resolutions has been rescinded or modified: RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLVED that Michael Legarsky be appointed District Auditor effective May 7 2013; and 2. RESOLVED that Michael Legarsky be authorized to sign checks at all banking institutions of the District. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT each member of the Board of Commissioners of the District was furnished with notice of said meeting in compliance with the bylaws of the District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation this 7th day of May 2013. __________________________________________ Ken McMillen, Secretary (Corporate Seal) 2015 Home & Garden Expo February 28th from 9-5pm Once again we will be at Mountain View Commons in Port Townsend. This year expect more inside booths, electric vehicle displays, product displays & outside garden exhibits! Special Thanks to our Cornerstone Sponsors: Presentations include: 10:00 am Composting 101 – Conservation District 11:00 am Funding Your Dream Space - Renovation specialist: 12:00 pm Solar Power: What’s the Bottom Line? Solar Incentives and financing for grid-tied PV 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Electrical Economics: 10 ways to reduce your electrical use 3:00 pm What to do when the unexpected happens? Is your home friendly to those with disabilities? Will it accommodate you after an accident? 4:00 pm Panel discussion: Low Impact Development, Rain gardens & Xeniscaping David R. Siburg President of the Board Linda Gott Vice-President of the Board Tim Nies Secretary of the Board Greg L. Marney Chief Executive Officer Dave. Spencer Chief Operating Officer / Treasurer Rob Kopp Chief Technical Officer Mike Henson Chief Security Officer Paul Harding Controller Chris Walker Telecom & OSP Dir Angela Bennink Community Outreach Dir Rich Nall NCS & OFT Dir John Smith Engineering & PM Dir John Fryling Operations & Field Engr Dir Craig Nelsen Sales & Marketing Dir Duane Ball Bus Sys & Process Dir NoaNet 2015 Board of Directors Calendar Regular Monthly Board of Directors Meetings - 9:00 AM Embassy Suites Sea-Tac Airport 15920 West Valley Highway Seattle, Washington Second Wednesday of each month: January 14, 2015 (Okanogan PUD Member Report) February 11, 2015 (Special Meeting to be held at Network Operations Center, 422 W Riverside, Suite 408 Spokane WA) March 11, 2015 (Pacific PUD MR) April 8, 2015 May 13, 2015 (Pend Oreille PUD MR) June 10, 2015 July 8, 2015 (Benton PUD MR) August 12, 2015 September 9, 2015 (Clallam PUD MR) October 14, 2015 November 12, 2015 (Franklin PUD MR) (Special Meeting will be held on Thursday in honer of Veterans Day) December 9, 2015 Member Annual Meeting: December 9, 2015 (prior to Board meeting) Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet); 5802 Overlook Ave NE; Tacoma, WA 98422 Phone: (206) 219-3640; Mobile: (509) 669-1742; Email: [email protected]; Bill Graham From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mark Bennett <[email protected]> Monday, January 12, 2015 11:37 AM Bill Graham Dustin Slimp; Jason & Abby Purser ([email protected]); Karen Bennett RE: Internet fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road Thanks, Bill. That is helpful information. ______________________________ Mark D. Bennett, CPA MD Bennett & Associates, P.S. 2731 77th Ave. SE, Suite 206 Mercer Island, WA 98040 v. 206-232-1040 x14 f. 206-232-4868 [email protected] CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, please do not read, disclose, copy, distribute or take action in reliance upon this message. Instead, please notify us immediately by return e-mail and promptly delete this message and its attachments permanently from your computer system. Thank you. From: Bill Graham [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 11:18 AM To: Mark Bennett Cc: Jim Parker; Wayne King; Karen Bennett; Dustin Slimp; Jason & Abby Purser ([email protected]) Subject: RE: Internet fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road Mark, The process by which the fiber routes were chosen was based on the intent of the original Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant – to provide affordable, reliable broadband services to local government, emergency, fire, police medical and educational agencies that are either unserved or underserved by existing broadband companies. Agreement as to who would get connected was made largely by a group sponsored by the Jefferson County Economic Development Council (Team Jefferson). At the time of writing of the grant, PSE was still the electric service provider and no provisions were made to make fiber connections to their (and now, our) substations. The PUD fell into the ownership role based on its NoaNet membership, experience as a utility and its wholesale authority. There was never any consideration given to the PUD’s future role as an electricity provider in Jefferson County. Consequently, the way we have developed the network to meet our needs has been more of a patch than by design. That’s not to say we don’t want the now‐NoaNet managed network to find some way to enhance local broadband services for residential customers. We do. However, the options are limited. Beaver Valley has a substation not currently connected to our fiber optic network so it’s likely to become an operational priority. However, there is a lot of work to do to get that run prepared for fiber installation. When that happens is still unknown, but it could be as soon as two years. I hope this shines a little more light on the subject. 1 Bill Graham Resource Manager Jefferson PUD#1 (360) 385‐8375 (360) 385‐8373 FX Jefferson County PUD No. 1 is subject to the Washington Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Therefore, this email, and its attachments if any, may be disclosed as a public record. From: Mark Bennett [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:23 AM To: Bill Graham Cc: Jim Parker; Wayne King; Karen Bennett; Dustin Slimp; Jason & Abby Purser ([email protected]) Subject: RE: Internet fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road Hello Bill, Thanks for your prompt reply. Very sorry to hear the PUD has no plans at the moment to extend the fiber infrastructure NoaNet started a few years ago. I realize the PUD can’t provide internet service directly, but if the PUD provided fiber down Beaver Valley Road as it did for other parts of the county with the recent NoaNet project, it’s almost certain an internet vendor would provide service, yes? What process did the PUD go through to decide where NoaNet would install fiber? I understand resources are limited all around, but how were the locations that got fiber infrastructure chosen over the locations that didn’t get fiber (or any other cabling for that matter)? We have 2.8/.5 meg service via North Olympic Wireless’ RF network. They do what they can, but have very limited bandwidth available, especially when hills get in the way. Thanks for the contact information for both NoaNet and the AG. I will follow up with both. ______________________________ Mark D. Bennett, CPA MD Bennett & Associates, P.S. 2731 77th Ave. SE, Suite 206 Mercer Island, WA 98040 v. 206-232-1040 x14 f. 206-232-4868 [email protected] CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, please do not read, disclose, copy, distribute or take action in reliance upon this message. Instead, please notify us immediately by return e-mail and promptly delete this message and its attachments permanently from your computer system. Thank you. 2 From: Bill Graham [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:02 AM To: Mark Bennett Cc: Jim Parker; Wayne King Subject: RE: Internet fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road Hi Mark, Thank you for your feedback regarding telecom services in the district. While we are not a telecom service provider at this time, we are interested in hearing about the level of service Jefferson County residents are receiving as we may still be able to assist via our relationships with telecom providers, including the one managing our network, NoaNet. As a PUD, we are not allowed to provide retail services, only wholesale. Even if we brought fiber through Beaver Valley Road, a third party would still need to provide the retail service. You are not alone in your broadband issues. I have fielded many calls and emails on this subject from people in your area. There has been little recourse for action to fix this issue in part because Internet service is unregulated. Complaints have been made all the way to the state attorney general’s office which does have some jurisdiction. CenturyLink was supposed to have improved broadband services in their service territory as terms for their merger with CenturyTel and Qwest, Jefferson County included. Whether or not those improvements were made is suspect according to some. At some point, the AG office may investigate. Please, if you haven’t already go to NoaNet’s website and leave them a message that you are interested in service. While this won’t get you service, it will help them show demand. A link to that page is below:‐request‐form.aspx Also, here is a link to the attorney general’s office where you can file a complaint. Sorry we can’t offer you much regarding your broadband problem. If you have any additional questions feel free to contact me. Bill Graham Resource Manager Jefferson PUD#1 (360) 385‐8375 (360) 385‐8373 FX Jefferson County PUD No. 1 is subject to the Washington Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Therefore, this email, and its attachments if any, may be disclosed as a public record. 3 From: Wayne King Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 6:49 PM To: Bill Graham Cc: Jim Parker Subject: FW: Internet fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road Hi Bill. Is This is one for our NOANET folks. ?? Wayne G King Jefferson County PUD Commissioner District 3 CHECK OUR NEW WEBSITE. Jefferson County PUD is subject to the Washington Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Therefore, this email and its attachments if any, may be disclosed as a public record. From: Mark Bennett < > Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 4:14:55 PM To: Ken Collins; Wayne King; Barney Burke Cc: Dustin Slimp; Jason & Abby Purser ([email protected]); Karen Bennett Subject: Internet fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road Dear Messrs. King, Collins, and Burke: Re: Fiber cable for Beaver Valley Road I am writing to ask when the Board expects the District to be bringing fiber optic cable down Beaver Valley Road? We currently have internet available from a vendor providing internet via RF, but on a good day it will yield just under 3 meg down and .5 meg up. If the weather is bad, those speeds drop. They also drop depending on overall usage, and it doesn’t take much neighborhood usage to make them drop. We have tried both Century Tel and Hughes. The DSL Century Tel provided was 1.5 up/.25 down at its best and it was seldom at its best. Century Tel’s hub is at capacity, which makes its service level suffer. Hughes was workable if all you wanted to do was stream video (although expensive if you watched more than one movie per month). For normal interactive internet, the latency factor associated with the satellite delivery method made it unworkable for most internet uses. I would be grateful to hear back from you or the appropriate person at the District. Thank you for your work to provide the basic services of current civilization to your constituents! ______________________________ Mark D. Bennett, CPA 105 Spring Hill Road Chimacum, WA 98325 360-732-0028 4 ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i ce. om i o c n e an rs .nu a ww l V T r w i FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Scott Corwin Phone: (503) 595-9775 Email: [email protected] January 14, 2015 PUBLIC POWER COUNCIL ELECTS OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS FOR 2015-2016 PORTLAND, OR – PORTLAND, Ore. – At its monthly members’ meeting on January 8, 2015, the Executive Committee of the Public Power Council elected officers for the 20152016 term. Elected by unanimous decision were: Mark Johnson, Flathead Electric Cooperative, as Chairman Dan Peterson, Pend Oreille PUD as Vice Chair, Administration and Budget Matt Michel, Lane Electric Cooperative, as Vice Chair, Long Range Planning Jim Smith, Klickitat PUD, as Vice Chair, Allocation/Rates/Contracts Debra Smith, Central Lincoln PUD, as Vice Chair, Fish and Wildlife PPC Executive Director Scott Corwin said, “PPC is very fortunate to have Chairman Johnson and these Vice Chairs at the helm. The Northwest public power community will be very well-served by the expertise and leadership of our newly elected officers.” “I am excited to serve as the Executive Committee Chairman,” said incoming Chairman, Mark Johnson. “I look forward to working with the Committee, other member utilities, and the PPC staff to handle the many issues facing public power over the next two years.” At its Annual Meeting of Members on December 11, 2014, the Public Power Council announced the newly elected Board Members who will serve a two year term beginning January 2015. Elected to the 21 member board for the 2015-2016 term are: Steve Boorman, City of Bonners Ferry Ed Brost, Franklin County PUD Jorge Carrasco, Seattle City Light Ted Coates, Tacoma Public Utilities John Gerstenberger, Hood River Electric Coop. Page 1 of 2 Roger Gray, Eugene Water & Electric Board Tom Hutchinson, Clearwater Power Mark Johnson, Flathead Electric Coop. Steve Klein, Snohomish County PUD Pat McGary, Clark Public Utilities Don McMaster, Cowlitz PUD Matt Michel, Lane Electric Cooperative Fred Mitchell, Clallam County PUD Joe Noland, City of Cheney Kevin Nordt, Grant County PUD Dan Peterson, Pend Oreille County PUD Debra Smith, Central Lincoln PUD Jim Smith, Klickitat County PUD Les Teel, Columbia Rural Electric Assn. Chuck Thurman, Monmouth Power & Light Dave Ward, Grays Harbor PUD “PPC, and the entire region, is fortunate to have the leadership of these impressive utility managers and directors who offer enormous amounts of time and knowledge for the benefit of electricity consumers in the Northwest,” said Scott Corwin, Executive Director of PPC. ### About the Public Power Council The Public Power Council, established in 1966, is an association that represents over 100 consumer-owned electric utilities in the Pacific Northwest. PPC’s mission is to preserve and protect the benefits of the Federal Columbia River Power System for consumer-owned utilities, and is a key forum to identify, discuss and build consensus around energy and utility issues. For more information, please visit us on the web at Page 2 of 2