Avex Group Holdings Inc. e Grou A
Avex Group Holdings Inc. e Grou A
Avex A e Group Grou Holdings Inc. 22nd Semiannual Business Report From April 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008 To Our Shareholders Mid-Term Vision of the Avex Group To evolve into the “Entertainment Brand Company” with the strongest creative and communication capabilities in Asia T h e Avex G r o u p i s p l e a s e d t o i n fo r m shareholders of its results for the six-month period ended September 30, 2008 in this Semiannual Business Report. Although the music industry as a whole had a hard time over this six-month period, sales of our music packages increased by approximately 40% over the same period last year, buoyed by hits from our major artists and outstanding performances by the newer artists we have signed and cultivated since the structural reforms of April 2005. In ad d i t i o n, ot h er i n c o m e s t r e a m s, including merchandising, fan clubs and live concerts, have been steadily increasing. Notwithstanding the sudden bursting onto the scene of the concept known as the “360-degree model”—a strategy that calls for every profit-earning opportunity of each artist to be taken advantage of—we take pride in the fact that we have had much success in growing these income streams through our management company, which has been a par t of the Group since its foundation. Through the brand management system adopted by the management company, we have established our own 02 360 -degree model and have been maximizing the value of our artists for the last three and a half years. In Januar y 2009, we will spin off our artist /talent management division into a separate company. This will allow us to consolidate management resources and expertise on these other revenue streams, which will help us to broaden and expand our music sales at a time when the global music industry is at a major turning point. As part of our overall medium- to longterm strategy for becoming a comprehensive entertainment company, we will adopt a “ mobile broadcasting station model ”— essentially, establishing a Web platform and doing our own program planning and c a s t i n g — a s t h e c o r e s t r ate g y fo r o u r domestic visual content business. Our plans for the Asian arm of this business are based on a core strategy of leveraging our established networks to co-produce films with leading players in the various regions. In addition, we have already commenced development of a new blueprint for achieving hits after having implemented a fundamental review of our business models, governance system, branding strategies and so on for our music business in Asia. T h i s w i l l e n a b l e u s to b et ter ad a pt to changes in the entertainment market in G r e a t e r C h i n a a n d ove r c o m e c u r r e n t difficulties. The Group firmly believes that ensuring a long-term overall return of profit to our shareholders is one of the most important management policies of the Group. We stand by our policy of paying the interim dividend of 20.0 yen per share for the 22nd term. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the support shown by our many shareholders and stakeholders again this year, the year in which we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Avex Group. We ask for your continued understanding and support in the future. December 2008 Masato Matsuura CEO Avex Group Holdings Inc. Twenty Years of Progress 22nd Semiannual Business Report History of Avex Twenty Years of Progress 1988 •Beganasarecordimportandwholesalebusinessin MachidaCity,Tokyo 2001 •OpenedtheAvexArtistAcademyinHarajuku,Tokyo Avex’s first logo 1990 •Establishedthefirstmusicproductiondivision,avextrax Avex Artist Academy, Tokyo School •ReleasedadancecompilationCD titled“SUPEREUROBEATVOL.1” 2002 “SUPER EUROBEAT VOL.1” Jan. 21, ’90 •BeganproducingJapanesemusic 1992 •DancecompilationCD“JULIANA’STOKYO”wasabighit “JULIANA'S TOKYO TECHNO RAVE PARTY” Feb. 21, ’92 BoA “LISTEN TO MY HEART” Jan. 17, ’02 •Establishedholdingcompanysystem 2005 •ImplementedstructuralreformsoftheGroupandfully commencedvisualcontentbusinessandbusiness developmentsinAsia •RelocatedtoMinami-Aoyama,Minato-ku,Tokyo •AnnouncedtheMid-termvisiontobecomethestrongest entertainmentcompanyinAsia •Heldafreedanceevent“avexrave’93”attheTokyo Dome,attracting50,000people •Openedoneoftheworld’slargestdanceclubs,velfarre velfarre 1997 •Launchedmembershiponlinedistributionwebsite“mu-mo” trf (currently TRF) “EZ DO DANCE” Jun. 21, ’93 avex rave ’93 Kumi Koda “BEST~first things~” Sep. 21, ’05 2006 •EstablishedAvexChinaCo.,Ltd.inBeijing,China 2007 •Achievedbiggestshareinthemusicsoftwaremarketfor thefirsttime hitomi “CANDY GIRL” Apr. 21, ’95 •Beganself-distributionofpackagedproducts •EstablishedtheTalentManagementDivisionwiththeaim ofenhancingartistmanagement 2008 •OpenedOsakaSchoolofAvexArtistAcademy Namie Amuro “CAN YOU CELEBRATE?” Feb. 19, ’97 1998 Ai Otsuka “Sakuranbo” Dec. 17, ’03 2004 Avex’s second logo 1994 •Launchedafull-scaleonlinedistributionbusiness LaunchedChaku-Utaservice •Heldfirstnationwideliveopen-airconcerttour,“a-nation” 1991 1993 Ayumi Hamazaki “ BEST” Mar. 28, ’01 Avex Artist Academy, Osaka School •Beganover-the-countertradingofourstock Every Little Thing “Time goes by” Feb. 11, ’98 Ayumi Hamazaki “poker face” Apr. 8, ’98 1999 •ListedonthefirstsectionoftheTokyoStockExchange 2000 •Adoptedthecurrentlogo(CI) Avex’s current logo EXILE “CATCHY BEST” Mar. 26, ’08 Namie Amuro “BEST FICTION” Jul. 30, ’08 •Celebratedthe20thanniversaryofAvexGroupwitha numberofspecialevents avex WORLD AUDITION 2008 Blue Man Group in Japan ©BMP Red Cliff Part I ©2008 Three Kingdoms Ltd. ©Bai Xiaoyan 03 Semiannual Financial Highlights Semiannual Financial Highlights According to a sur vey by the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ), the value of recorded music, including music videos, produced during the period from April 2008 to September 2008 decreased by 1.9% from the same period last year. In the online distribution market, the most recent data shows that sales for fee-based online distribution during the period from April 2008 to June 2008 increased by 27.7% from the same period last year, according to another RIAJ survey, indicating the expansion of this market is continuing steadily. RIAJ figures also indicate overall sales of DVDs during the period from April 2008 to September 2008 decreased by 6.2% from the same period last year. Sales of next-generation Blu-ray Discs, however, have been on the increase, and the visual contents market is expected to grow rapidly in the future. Against this backdrop, driven by increased sales of packaged music of major artists and brisk sales of concer t merchandise, the Group’s consolidated sales and operating Consolidated Statement of Income (Unit: millions of yen) Reference: Interim period ended September 30, 2007 From April 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007 Sales 45,545 Interim period ended September 30, 2008 From April 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008 56,323 Consolidated Performance ■ 37,022 16,056 19,301 40,000 14,835 16,226 30,000 4,878 4,908 824 851 Employee salaries and bonuses 2,827 2,977 Others 6,304 7,487 1,221 3,075 Non-operating revenues 110 59 Interest income 25 17 Dividend income 7 16 77 25 Non-operating expenses 835 1,080 Interest expenses 271 358 Investment loss by equity method 450 627 Others 113 94 497 2,054 Selling, general and administrative expenses Advertising expenses Sales promotion expenses Operating income Others Ordinary income Special profits 381 104 Gain on revision of previous year’s results — 39 Gain on reversal of allowance for shareholder special benefit — 29 Reversal of allowance for closing of businesses 142 — Return of lease payments due to closing of busineses 113 — Gain on adjustments to balance sheet accounts for the previous fiscal years 68 — Others 56 34 Special losses 262 116 10,000 0 ■ Operating Income 22nd Interim Ordinary Income 3,075 3,000 2,500 2,054 2,000 1,221 1,500 1,000 500 0 ■ 497 435 386 20th Interim 21st Interim 22nd Interim Interim Net Income/Interim Net Income Per Share Interim Net Income 7 10 1,500 72 1,000 — 32 Interim Net Income Per Share 20 (yen) 10.91 468 500 67 0 Net income before income taxes and minority interests 615 2,041 0 Income taxes—current 151 1,198 -500 Income taxes—deferred 772 462 Minority shareholders’ income (loss) (54) (88) (254) 468 04 21st Interim 3,500 186 Net income (loss) 20th Interim Operating Income/Ordinary Income Loss on revaluation of investment securities Others 45,545 41,437 20,000 Loss on sale and disposition of fixed assets Impairment losses 56,323 60,000 29,489 Gross profit (Unit: millions of yen) Sales 50,000 Cost of sales income for the six months ended September 30, 2008 respectively stood at 56.323 billion yen (a 23.7% increase on a year-on-year ba s i s) an d 3.075 b illi o n ye n (a 151.8% increase on a year-on-year basis). -1,000 (523) (12.19) 20th Interim ★ The accounting standards have changed since this consolidated accounting year. The figures for the previous terms are listed only for reference. 10 (254) 0 (5.92) -10 21st Interim 22nd Interim -20 22nd Semiannual Business Report Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unit: millions of yen) Reference: End of the previous consolidated accounting year As of March 31, 2008 Reference: End of the previous consolidated accounting year End of this interim period As of September 30, 2008 Assets As of March 31, 2008 End of this interim period As of September 30, 2008 Liabilities Current assets 45,819 47,387 Current liabilities 40,117 38,078 Fixed assets 56,305 55,965 Long-term liabilities 29,194 32,830 35,004 35,058 Total liabilities 69,312 70,909 1,236 1,095 20,064 19,811 Property and equipment Intangible fixed assets Investments and other assets Net assets 32,223 31,832 Common stock 4,229 4,229 Capital reserve 5,001 5,001 28,460 28,070 Shareholders’ equity Accumulated earnings (5,468) Treasury stock 30 Net unrealized again on available-for-sale securities 112 173 Foreign currency translation adjustments (82) (103) 250 326 307 32,812 215 32,443 102,124 103,352 Stock warrants Minority shareholders’ interests Total net assets ■ 103,352 102,124 Total assets Total liabilities and net assets Changes in Total Assets/Net Assets (Unit: millions of yen) Total Assets Net Assets 120,000 100,000 80,000 69 Changes in Net Assets Per Share (Unit: yen) 103,352 722.54 734.42 742.87 20th Interim 21st Interim 22nd Interim 600 82,318 60,000 40,000 ■ 800 98,167 (5,468) Valuation and translation adjustments 400 31,137 32,100 32,443 200 20,000 0 0 20th Interim 21st Interim 22nd Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unit: millions of yen) Interim period ended September 30, 2007 From April 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007 (668) Cash flow from operating activities (396) Cash flow from investing activities 1,734 Cash flow from financing activities Foreign exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents due to changes in the scope of consolidation Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the interim period 55 Interim period ended September 30, 2008 From April 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008 730 (816) 2,538 (37) 724 2,416 6,371 10,093 (4) 7,091 — 12,509 ★ The accounting standards have changed since this consolidated accounting year. The figures for the previous terms are listed only for reference. 05 Artists Managed by Avex Group Ar tists M anag e d by Avex Group T h e F a c e s Major artists managed by Avex Group, including CD releases and online distribution (As of September 30, 2008) (In Japanese alphabetical order) Kumiko Aizawa Hisayo Inamori Yusaku Kiyama Seara Kojo Kumi Koda J-Min Ami Suzuki Satomi Takasugi Tokyo Purin TOHOSHINKI hitomi miray LOVE 06 Tadashi Hirosawa Shion Miyawaki Artists for whom Avex Group conducts management only UZUMAKI URATA NAOYA Maki Goto Makoto Saito Kunio Tago TRIPLANE mink 2BACKKA BRIGHT m.o.v.e Good Dog Happy Men SEAMO http://avexnet.jp/ Ai Otsuka GIRL NEXT DOOR THE LOOSE DOGS SHORT LEG SUMMER TRF AAA BOO BEE BENZ ★ For details, please refer to Avex’s entertainment portal website. Every Little Thing Tenjochiki Do As Infinity BoA moumoon TSUYOSHI Ayumi Hamasaki Hiroki Maekawa MAY nangi Tomiko Van misono RUSHMORE mihimaru GT 22nd Semiannual Business Report Talents Managed by Avex Group Ta l e n t s M a n a g e d b y A v e x G r o u p T h e F a c e s Major artists and sports personalities managed by and contracted to Avex Group (As of September 30, 2008) Sports & Culture Talents Ami Suzuki Shidou Nakamura Koyuki Shinobu Otake Saki Takaoka Ryo Ishibashi Yuri Nakamura Narumi Konno Mitsuki Ooishi Misako Uno Miho Kanazawa Hiroki Aiba Aki Shibuya Miho Sugiura Maimi Okuwa GIRL NEXT DOOR Kazuma Yamane Sawa Yamaguchi Hiroya Matsumoto Rina Okamoto Rihoko Shimomiya Tomokazu Yoshida Erika Ami Takeishi Sairi Itoh Shion Umezawa Tohko Miura (Child star) (Child star) Kumi Takeshita Mai Masaki Miro Ebato Misaki Yonemura Manami Enosawa Mizuki Sashide Ai Sugiura (Newcomer) (Newcomer) (Newcomer) (Newcomer) (Newcomer) ZOE Rina Saito Yurika Tanaka Shota Miyazaki Kazushi Murakami (Newcomer) (Newcomer) (Newcomer) (Newcomer) (Newcomer) ★ For details, please refer to Avex’s talent portal website. Hiroyasu Shimizu (Speed skating) Daisuke Miura Fumie Suguri (Professional baseball) (Figure skating) Yu Darvish Yudai (Professional baseball) (Kickboxing) Keisuke Honda SEAN (Soccer) (Beach debut producer) Sekijyo Kaneda (Calligrapher) http://aei-geinou.jp/index.html 07 Artists on the Avex Label Artists on the Avex Label T h e F a c e s Major artists whose CD releases and online distribution are managed by Avex Group (As of September 30, 2008) (In Japanese alphabetical order) Nanase Aikawa AOKI takamasa AFRA & INCREDIBLE BEATBOX BAND RIKI Hibiki Inamoto AA= 08 Namie Amuro Eriko Imai (elly) Takako Uehara EXILE Acid Black Cherry alan ARIA Aly & AJ “E” qual Yuko Ishida AKINA ala Yuko Ando UNCHAIN Ak'SenT AKANE UKAWANIMATION! NG HEAD ASIA ENGINEER m-flo Itsco ASIAN2 ELLIOTT YAMIN Shinichi Osawa (MONDO GROSSO) 22nd Semiannual Business Report Ari Onishi OLIVIA Hatsune Okumura Ai Okumura Natsu Kai KATTENI-SHIYAGARE Kei kotringo Aural Vampire Lisa Ono COLOR camino KAT KIRITO kiyo CLARABELL COIL kannivalism GANGA ZUMBA Tsuyoshi Kawakami and His Moodmakers Cutie Mommy Ossan Q;indivi Caravan Kumiko Seikyo Kim Katie Melua Hideaki Konno KEN THE 390 Misako Sakazume Genki Rockets Ryuichi Sakamoto ★ For details, please refer to Avex’s entertainment portal website. Yutaka Sado http://avexnet.jp/ 09 Artists on the Avex Label THE CHILL The Phanky OKstra Hitomi Shimatani Jesse McCartney the do-nuts 10 THE BOOM shuji SUGARCULT the generous GEORGE sugiurumn THE BLACK GHOSTS ZAN THE REBOOT THE YOUNG PUNX! Janne Da Arc Swing Out Sister THE BACILLUS BRAINS schadaraparr Shin Seung Hun Jonas Brothers JANEL GTS SUPER JUNIOR C-999 J Soul Brothers J Jackson vibe the pillows JONTE SPEECH JAMOSA sweetbox SPEED 22nd Semiannual Business Report SLY MONGOOSE Katsunori Takahashi Nobuyuki Tsujii Seventh Tarz Armstrong Tackey & Tsubasa Tokyo 60 WATTS Tiesto Dream Asako Toki twenty4-7 Joji Tokoro Soma DA PUMP D DE DE MOUSE TOKYO SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA Tomita Lab Song for Memories Hiroshi Tamaki Akira Terao Dave Rodgers DJ OZMA D’ERLANGER Nana Tanimura Shinji Tanimura Anna Tsuchiya DJ EMMA SOFFet Sembello Keisuke Toyama ★ For details, please refer to Avex’s entertainment portal website. Demon Kogure TOKYO No.1 SOUL SET TRICERATOPS http://avexnet.jp/ 11 Artists on the Avex Label dorlis Ataru Nakamura Natural Radio Station BAZRA HITOE Fantastic Plastic Machine V6 Miley Cyrus 12 Miyuki Hatakeyama Vanilla Mood BACK-ON 100s Hilary Duff 5050 FERRY CORSTEN PLAIN WHITE T’S My Little Lover Vanessa Hudgens Mai Fukui Fukumimi PANG Toko Furuuchi MICRON’STUFF BOREDOMS MAX Ai Haruna FAT PROP hiro/Coco d’Or Nanase Hoshii Noriyuki Makihara Honey L Days MASH Ken Matsudaira 22nd Semiannual Business Report Kazuyuki Matsumoto Dan Miyakawa you Marie Digby Alisa Mizuki Daichi Miura Kazufumi Miyazawa MONKEY MAJIK MEGARYU Yokai Project U-DOU & PLATY RASCAL FLATTS RYO the SKYWALKER WRENCH LISA Lambsey LOVEFIXER Ryohei Rockamenco Yayoi YOJI BIOMEHANIKA Rickie-G LEZ ZEPPELIN LUNASEA LOW IQ 01 Kayoko Mine Yutaka Mizutani YMCK Remark Spirits lecca Leyona Masaya Wada ★ For details, please refer to Avex’s entertainment portal website. Luxis Warp-generation http://avexnet.jp/ 13 Visual Works V i s u a l W o r k s L i n e u p The main visual works “Red Cliff Part I” A spectacular action adventure film jointly produced by John Woo, the director of “M:I-2,” and the “Pirates of the Caribbean” team, this 1,800-yearold legend of love and courage has finally been brought to the big screen. Hollywood giant, John Woo, who also directed the 10 billion-yen film, spent “Sex and the City: The Movie” 18 years developing the concept. As a result, despite those who said it would be impossible to film, the Battle of Red Clif f, the most famous bat tle in the Three Kingdoms story, has been finally been made into a movie that features state-of-the-art technology and draws upon the expertise of Hollywood’s best. “Bad Love—Ai ni oborete” The film based on wildly popular T V series “Sex and the City,” which was and still is beloved by women all over the world and even extended beyond the screen to become a kind of social phenomenon. What happened to the characters after the happy endings of the final season? Four years after the series end, the movie picks up the story of the world’s four most famous New Yorkers, featuring the original cast plus Jennifer Hudson of “Dreamgirls.” “Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka” “Kafu wo Machiwabite (Waiting for Good News)” (Korean TV drama) (TV animation) (Scheduled for theater release) “Bad Love—Ai ni oborete” is a new drama series which s e e s Kwo n S a n g Wo o — who achieved longstanding popularity in the Korean TV dramas “Stairway to H e a v e n” a n d “ S a d L o v e Story”—back in a starring role af ter a three-year break. The story follows the lives of two men and a woman as they attempt to hold on to love they believe in. Said to be the greatest story of love and hate in history of Korean TV, it also features Kim Sung Soo (“Full House”) and Lee Yo Won (“Surgeon Bong Dal Hee”) and was written by Lee Yu Jin (“Phoenix”). Sales of the original game reached 50,000 units and the animation was the most reproduced video on the “Nicor aji” sec tion of popular Japanese video sharing website, Nico Nico Douga. Firmly placed in the “Tsundere” genre (a story that has as its main protagonist an archetypal Japanese character who starts off with a conceited, spiky and combative personality but eventually discovers the value of modesty and caring for others), this wildly popular romantic adventure game became an animated TV series that scored a huge coup when it landed Aya Hirano, Japan’s most popular anime voice actor, and the reigning queen of Tsundere, Rie Kugimiya. A fresh, new romantic comedy that follows the unique cast of characters through their times of joy, sadness and (sometimes) delusion. The Japan Love Stor y Award cosponsored by TAKAR A JIM A S H A I n c . and the Avex Group is a literary award that created a buzz when it was launche d b y o f f er in g to make the prizewinning work into a film. The movie based on the first winner is finally about to be released. “Kafu” means “good news” or “happiness” in the dialect of Okinawa, where this moving story, likely to bring a tear to the eye, is set. Cast members include Tetsuji Tamayama, MAIKO, Ryo Katsuji, Saki Takaoka and Ikki Sawamura. “Shugotenshi (Guardian Angel)” “Young@Heart” (Scheduled for theater release) (Released in theaters in November 2008) This entertaining film has been brought to us by the director and team responsible for the blockbuster film “Kisaragi.” A lackluster middle-aged man falls in love at first sight with a neatly dressed high school girl on his way to work one day. To protect her from the rampant evil in the world, he transforms himself into a hero. Can he save her? How will this romance play out? Cast members include Cunning Takeyama, Kur anosuke S as ak i, Shinjiro Atae (AAA), Shinobu Terashima. “Young@Hear t” is the story of a chorus group with the average age of 80 based in a small United States city. The twist? They perform the songs of rock bands like C o l d p l a y, S o n i c Yo u t h a n d R a d i o h e a d . T h i s documentary focuses on the six weeks before the groups’ big live concert and provides an inspiring look into the world of a group of people who believe “Singing is living, living is singing.” A feel-good movie that has aroused a lot of attention. 14 ★ For details, please refer to Avex’s visual works portal website. http://avexmovie.jp/ ©2008 Three Kingdoms Ltd. ©Bai Xiaoyan SEX AND THE CITY TM is a registered trademark of Home Box Office, Inc. Sex and the City ©2008 IFP Westcoast Er ste GmbH & Co. KG.TM New Line Produc tions, Inc. Supplementar y Material Compilation © 2008 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. “Dolby” and the symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. ©DRM Media, GOLDENTHUMB ©feng/Shiritsu Amitie Gakuen Tozanbu 2008 ©2009 “Waiting for Goods News” production committee ©“Shugotenshi” production committee ©2008 Walker George Films (Young at Heart) Limited. News & Topics 22nd Semiannual Business Report N e w s & To p i c s Plans for the launch of video content creation and distribution services for mobile phones in collaboration with NTT DOCOMO The Avex Group and NTT DOCOMO INC. have decided to establish a joint venture, Avex B r o a d c a s t i n g & C o m m u n i c at i o n s I n c ., t o develop video content and distribute it via mobile phones. The mobile phone has grown far beyond its original role of a communic ations device, becoming a personal media player for every day use. M o bile c ontent, in c luding musi c and games, forms a tremendous market. Demand for video content is expected to grow sharply with innovations in both telecommunications infrastructure and handsets. Existing video distribution business, however, mainly deals with content developed for cinema and DVD, with only a small amount developed solely for the mobile platform. It can therefore be said that the mobile video content market is still in its early stages. T h e n e w c o m p a ny w i l l c r e a t e c o n t e n t primarily designed to be viewed on a small screen, which assumes a viewing style that is completely different to that adopted for the existing video media such as film and television. The medium by which the content is to be viewed will inform everything from the planning, scriptwriting, editing and filming. Drawing up on Avex’s longstanding expertise in video production combined with our experience in ar tist management, the new company will mainly create original musicrelated content featuring ar tists like Ayumi Held the largest-ever General Shareholders Meeting at Saitama Super Arena We held the 21st regular General Shareholders Meeting at Saitama Super Arena (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) on June 22, 2008, with 8,910 shareholders attending. This was the first time in Japan for a general shareholders meeting to be held in such a large venue and records were broken for both the number of participants and the attendance rate. Following the meeting, a selection of Avex’s artists performed at a closed live concert put on especially for shareholders. To celebrate our 20th anniversary, we invited our shareholders to bring one companion to the concert, resulting in an audience that numbered approximately 15,000. Performances were given by 12 artists, a record number for a closed live concert put on for shareholders. The artists’ names were (in Japanese alphabetical order) Namie Amuro, alan, EXILE, Ai Otsuka, Sekijyo Kaneda (calligraphist), Yusaku Kiyama, Kumi Koda, Maki Goto, TRF, TOHOSHINKI, Noriyuki Makihara, and mihimaru GT. In line with our previously expressed approach, that “we consider general shareholders meetings to be valuable opportunities for dialogue between shareholders and management and make special arrangements to ensure that as many shareholders as possible can attend these meetings,” we have held all of our regular general shareholders meetings on a Sunday since we went public in 1998. This attitude, we believe, along with our other ongoing activities, has resulted in the kind of comments as “A shareholders meeting on Sunday is synonymous with Avex” and “Avex is a company that cares about each of its shareholders.” Hamasaki and EXILE. In addition, the company has agreed to form par tner ships with five companies, including Fuji Television Network Inc., which will create content for viewing via outlets other than their own. The joint venture will actively seek the establishment of other collaborative relationships with leading video production partners for the creation of suitable content. Avex Broadcasting & Communications Inc. will be established in February 2009 and the service will be launched in March, 2009. The new service will provide a completely new way to enjoy video, so please watch out for it! Tentative name of the new service: BeeTV Namie Amuro Kumi Koda EXILE Regular shareholders meeting 15 News & Topics Commemorating 20 years of Avex with musical “Kokoro no Kakera” As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, Avex Group staged an original musical “Kokoro no Kakera” at Aoyama Theater in Tokyo in the second half of September 2008. Avex c o n s o l i d ate d i t s ex p er i e n c e a n d e n h a n c e d i t s capabilities in concert production with the establishment in April 2005 of Avex Live Creative Inc., which specializes in the planning, production and staging of concerts and other events. The Group has also been exploring other possibilities in the area of live entertainment, for example, by bringing popular Broadway entertainers the Blue Man Group to Asia for the first time. “ Kokoro no Kakera” was d evelo ped and stag ed as a celebration of Avex Group’s unique character and history. With a cast that included Ami Suzuki and Takahiro Nishijima of AAA along with other Avex artists, the performance featured many of the hit songs that have been released by the Group over the last 20 years. In these days where digital reigns supreme, Avex Group will continue to bring audiences the fun and excitement of live entertainment. One-night revival of JULIANA’S TOKYO On September 6, 2008, JULIANA’S TOKYO, the legendary nightclub that commanded the city’s dance scene in the early 1990s, was revived for one night at Differ Ariake in Ariake, Tokyo. The event titled “CLUB LEGEND” was staged as part of a special project by Avex Group to celebrate the great dance spots of days past by staging one-night revivals at various Tokyo venues. JULIANA’S TOKYO was chosen to launch the project, with similar revivals planned for other clubs including Twin Star and MAHARAJA. The original look was recreated both inside and outside the venue, with a stage, chandeliers and stunning entrance. The event attracted around 13,000 guests, dressed in skimpy outfits and holding colorful retro “JULI-sen” fans. With eager partygoers lining up to get in even before the doors opened, unfortunately some had to be turned away due to lack of space. Avex will help keep Tokyo’s dance music scene pumping with various other projects and events in the future. Avex China’s Guan Zhe performed at the Closing Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games Guan Zhe, an artist signed with our Beijing-based subsidiary, Avex China Co., Ltd., had the honor of singing four songs at the Closing Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. He was joined onstage by a popular female Chinese singer. Guan Zhe, who hails from Jilin Province, signed his first contract with Avex China in 2008 and released his debut CD in April of that year. One of the songs on that CD was submitted to the Beijing Olympic Songs project organized by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad to select performers for the Closing Ceremony. Guan Zhe was selected from out of 70,000 applications for the quality of both his song and voice. The two songs performed at the ceremony, “ Beijing Zhu Fu Ni ” (Beijing Blesses You) and “Beijing, Beijing, Wo Ai Beijing” (Beijing, Beijing, I Love Beijing) were writ ten by the singer, with music c omposed by music al ad viser to Avex China, Keisuke Kikuchi, a producer and composer who is active in the Chinese music industry. 16 Avex established a film fund with Media Asia, a leading Hong Kong film studio In August 2008, the Avex Group established a film fund to produce films for the Asian market, including the growing Chinese market, in par tnership with Media Asia Enter tainment Group, one of Hong Kong’s leading film production and distribution companies. With the growing acceptance in Asia and East Asian countries in particular—including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan—of the entertainment produced by their neighbors, cross-border hits have been produced in the areas of music and film among others. Against this background, we have adopted a co-production model as the core strategy of our international visual content business, with the aim of producing pan-Asian hits in collaboration with influential partners in various regions. As part of our efforts under this strategy, we have also set up a film fund in collaboration with one of Asia’s top film producers, Bill Kong, in March 2008 to provide support for up-and-coming directors. In addition, we plan to secure a base in Hong Kong—arguably the heart of the Asian film industry—from which to co-produce films that have a wide appeal to Asian audiences in partnership with the Media Asia Group, one of the most powerful and influential entertainment groups in Greater China. Outline of the Company 22nd Semiannual Business Report Outline of the Company (As of September 30, 2008) Company Outline Corporate name Website Avex Group Holdings Inc. Head office location 3-1-30 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8577 Date of establishment April 11, 1988 Capital ¥4,229.6 million Number of employees Company Information Entertainment Information http://www.avex.co.jp/ http://avexnet.jp/ For more information on Avex Group Holdings Inc., group companies, press releases, and financial statements, visit the above URL. For entertainment information, such as Avex artists and online distribution of music and visual content, please visit the above URL. 178 (1,322 employees within the Avex Group) Note: Temporary employees are not included in the number of employees. Avex Group’s organizational chart (As of November 1, 2008) Board of directors Takashi Araki COO, Senior Executive Director Toshio Kobayashi CFO, Senior Managing Director Shinji Hayashi CIO, Senior Managing Director Hiroshi Inagaki Managing Director Hisahiko Iida Managing Director Hajime Taniguchi Managing Director Katsuro Oshita Managing Director Hiroyuki Kishi Managing Director Shin Ushijima Outside Director Minoru Onozato Outside Director Nobuo Kawakami Outside Director Shinkichi Iwata Full-time Auditor Kenji Nomura Full-time Auditor Toshiaki Katsushima Outside Auditor Akihiro Tamaki Outside Auditor Operating officers Domestic consolidated subsidiaries Co-CEO Akihiro Terada Tomoaki Sato Yuko Suzuki Masahiro Anan Midea Inc. PiX Inc. Avex Marketing Inc. Para. TV Inc. Hatch Entertainment Inc. Avex Live Creative Inc. Avex Planning & Development Inc. Avex Management Service Inc. Avex Asia Holdings Limited Label Mobile Inc. Kenzo Katakura Takahiro Miura Velfarre Entertainment Inc. Foreign consolidated subsidiaries Ryuhei Chiba Associated companies CEO Avex Group Holdings Inc. Masato Matsuura Avex Entertainment Inc. Avex Hong Kong Limited Avex Taiwan Inc. Avex China Co., Limited Avex Hawaii, Inc. Memory-Tech Corporation avex & East, Inc. Dwango Co., Ltd. Chengtian Entertainment Group (International) Holding Company Limited 17 Stock Data Stock Data (AsofSeptember30,2008) Top Ten Shareholders Stock Information Authorizednumberofshares 184,631,000 shares Number of shares outstanding 46,157,810 shares Oneunitofshares 100 shares Note: The company owns 3,213,034 treasury shares, and the number of outstanding shares (excluding treasury shares) is 42,944,776. Number of Shareholders Shareholder’s name Number of Shares The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 3,074,600 shares Masato Matsuura 2,244,824 shares ToshioKobayashi 2,244,818 shares DeutscheBankAGLondon610 1,405,179 shares Max2000Inc. 1,150,000 shares T’SCapitalInc. 1,150,000 shares JapanTrusteeServicesBank,Ltd.(Trustaccount) 1,023,000 shares 45,000 40,716 40,649 40,000 33,810 35,000 30,000 35,382 26,233 25,593 BankofNewYorkGCMClientAccountJPRDACISG(FE-AC) 966,000 shares DaiichikoshoCo.,Ltd. 920,000 shares JapanTrusteeServicesBank,Ltd.(Trustaccount4G) 919,400 shares 25,000 Notes: •Inadditiontotheabovetable,thereare3,213,034treasuryshares(6.96%)ownedbytheCompany. •CEOMasatoMatsuuraandSeniorManagingDirectorToshioKobayashiserveasrepresentative directorsofMax2000Inc.andT’SCapitalInc.,respectively. 20,000 15,000 Number of Shareholders and Shares by Region 10,000 5,000 Total 40,649 46,157,810 shares 0 Mar. 2006 Sep. 2006 Mar. 2007 Sep. 2007 Mar. 2008 Sep. 2008 Overseas 107 0.26% 6,428,344 shares 13.93% Distribution of Shareholding [Number of shareholders] 1 0.00% Domestic financial institutions 52 0.13% Financial operators 35 0.09% Domestic corporations 203 0.50% Foreign investors 129 0.32% 40,229 98.97% Treasury stock 3,213,034 6.96% Domestic securities companies 9,653,868 20.91% Financial operators 1,210,013 2.62% Domestic corporations 3,973,204 8.61% Foreign investors 6,485,795 14.05% Japanese individuals 21,621,896 Total 46,157,810 shares and others 46.84% Total 40,649 [Number of shares] 18 Treasury stock Japanese individuals and others Tohoku region 918 2.26% 291,346 shares 0.63% Hokkaido region 457 1.12% 144,477 shares 0.31% Chubu region 5,806 14.28% 1,958,852 shares 4.24% Chugoku region 1,571 3.86% 572,322 shares 1.24% Kanto region 54.27% 22,059 32,911,172 shares 71.30% Kyushu region 1,445 3.55% 491,951 shares 1.07% Shikoku region Kinki region 2.30% 936 7,350 18.08% 471,034 shares 1.02% 2,888,312 shares 6.26% Shareholder Memo 22nd Semiannual Business Report Shareholder Memo Memo for Shareholders ● Accountig year April 1 to March 31 of the following year ● Date for determining shareholders eligible for year-end dividend receipt March 31 ● Date for determining shareholders eligible for interim dividend receipt September 30 ● Regular general shareholders meeting June of each year ● Administrator of shareholder registry Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation ● Contact Corporate Agency Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. 7-10-11 Higashisuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo 137-8081 TEL: 0120-232-711 (toll free) ● Share transfer agents Branches of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. (Please refer to the following notice.) For request for forms concerning shares Please go to the website or call the 24-hour number below to request a form for procedures related to shareholdings, such as notification of a change of registered address, etc., instructions for a dividend transfer or request to purchase odd-lot shares. Please note that following the implementation of the electronic share certificate system, only requests for forms for procedures relating to shares kept in a “tokubetsu kouza” (special account) will be responded to. TEL: 0120-244-479 (toll free) http://www.tr.mufg.jp/daikou/ ● Stock exchange where Avex stock is listed First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange (Security code No. 7860) ● Media where stock information is posted Via on-line notification URL where stock information is posted: http://www.avex.co.jp/ (Stock information is posted in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper in the event of accidents or other unavoidable incidents that make on-line notification impossible.) (Notice) Regarding the share transfer agents of the administrator of the shareholder registry Following the implementation of the electronic share certificate system, the various procedures related to shareholder transactions will be conducted, in principle, by the securities company with which you have an account. For this reason, the system of share transfer agents of the administrator of the shareholder registry will be terminated when the new system is launched. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, our shareholder registry administrator, will continue to distribute dividends which have not yet been received from its head and branch offices. Important Information Concerning the Implementation of the Electronic Share Certificate System to Be Enforced on January 5, 2009 1. Special account (1) Recording of account balances in a special account Shares owned by shareholders who do not use the central securities custody and book-entry transfer system (JASDEC) will be recorded in a special account to be opened at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking. (This is scheduled to be conducted on January 26, 2009). Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking will send a notice of the number of shares recorded in the special account and other details to each shareholder’s registered address sometime around mid-February 2009. (2) Procedures concerning shares recorded in a special account Following the implementation of the electronic share certificate system, you are requested to direct all inquiries regarding procedures concerning shares recorded in special accounts, such as request for transfer to a shareholder’s account, request for purchase of odd-lot shares, notification of change of registered address and instructions for a dividend transfer to the account manager (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking) at the contact given below. Procedures relating to special accounts will be carried out by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking at its head office and branch offices throughout the country. (3) Special account manager Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, as our shareholder registry administrator, will act as the account manager of special accounts. ● Account manager Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation 1-4-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ● Contact Corporate Agency Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. 7-10-11 Higashisuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo 137-8081 TEL: 0120-232-711 (toll free) (4) Commencement date of procedures undertaken by the manager of special accounts Please note that requests and notifications concerning shares recorded in special accounts, such as request for a transfer to a shareholder’s account and request for purchase of odd-lot shares, will be accepted after Monday, January 26, 2009. 2. Registration of shareholder names and addresses If shareholder names and addresses include kanji characters not specified by JASDEC, all or part of such names or addresses will be replaced with characters specified by JASDEC and registered as such on the list of shareholders. Please note that in these cases the characters specified by JASDEC will be used when addressing notices to be sent to shareholders. <Reference> For more information on the electronic share certificate system, please refer to the Q&A section of the Reform Promotion Center For Securities Clearing and Settlement System website (http://www.kessaicenter.com/kaikaku/kabuken10aa.pdf). If you cannot find the information you need or have specific inquiries, please contact the electronic share certificate system call center.* TEL: 0120-77-0915 (toll free, weekdays and Saturdays from 9:00 to 17:00) * The electronic share certificate system call center is a consultation service jointly provided by JASDEC, Japan Securities Dealers Association and Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc. ART DIRECTOR & DESIGNER Masaki Maekawa Design Office EDITOR AVEX PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT INC. PRINTING DIRECTOR TAKARA PRINTING CO.,LTD. ©AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC. 19 Avex Group Holdings Inc. 22nd Semiannual Business Report From April 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008 Avex Group Holdings Inc. ©avex marketing Avex bldg., 3-1-30 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8577 Japan URL http://www.avex.co.jp/ ● Inquiries about this booklet This booklet uses soybean oil ink certified by the American Soybean Association. Stock Affairs Section, Group Administration Headquarters 0120-39-8550 (Weekdays: 10:00 to 18:00)
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