passion/palm sunday - Solomons United Methodist Church
passion/palm sunday - Solomons United Methodist Church
The altar flowers are from Kathryn Liebschutz in memory of her father, Walter Gloger. He died on 3/26/93 and was buried on April 1st. Worship Assistants Greeters 9:15 A.M. — Doris Harris 11:00 A.M. — Kathryn Liebschutz Acolyte: 9:15 A.M. — Caitlin Hutter Music 9:15 A.M.— Piano/Organ: Chris Laing 11:00 A.M. — Keyboard: Chris Laing 11:00 A.M. Praise Band: Leader: Lauren Grzymalski Members: Chris Laing, Erin Moss, Sarah Slater, Tom Szynborski, Vince Szymorski, Sheila Philip and Mattigan Philip Communion Steward: Fran Grim The Passion Story Readers 9:15 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Services Pastor Meredith, Bob Litz, Phil Logan Offering Ushers 9:15 A.M.— Joyce & Don Aurand 11:00 A.M.— Ed & Jayme Cockrell Solomons United Methodist Church 14454 Solomons Island Road South (Mail) P.O. Box 403 Solomons, MD 20688 L e a d e rs h i p Pastor, Rev. Meredith Wilkins-Arnold 240-298-7068 [email protected] Born in the 19th Century, Living in the 21st Church Council Chair, Bob Litz, 410-326-6765; [email protected] Lay Leader, Lin Gauchat, 443-684-4797, [email protected] Associate Lay Leader, Ceferino Epps 410-340-2221; [email protected] Board of Trustees Chair, Craig Vaughn, 43-624-4466; [email protected] Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Chair Keith Koerper, 410-610-1005 [email protected] Finance Chair, Joyce Aurand 301-866-1484; [email protected] Christian Education Coordinator Ceferino Epps, 410-340-2221 [email protected] Music Director, Erin Moss 443-254-1897; [email protected] “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!” [John 12:15] Attendance on March 25 9:15 ~ 69 —- 11:00 ~ 61 Sunday School ~ 29 Nursery ~ 7 Offering from March 25 Capital Fund: General Fund: Lenten Study Books: $120 $5,290 $150 YEAR-TO-DATE STEWARDSHIP Budget Income: Budget Expenses: $53,936 $48,023 410-326-3278 [email protected] Solomons United Methodist Church Offering Counters for April 1 Barbara Fringer & Rick Leidigh April 1, 2012 ~ 9:15 a.m. Outreach Corner Welcome to Solomons United Methodist Church We are glad you are with us today. Please sign and pass the Attendance Book. “Gifts From Home” Now collecting items to send to troops overseas (see poster in Fellowship Hall). Box assembly on May 27th. First Sundays for SMILE Regular Sunday Schedule -------------------------------------------------------am Prayer Group (2nd floor) 8:30 9:15 am Traditional Service, 11:00 am Contemporary Service, 11:00 am Sunday School for Pre-K only A friendly coffee fellowship follows both services. We Love Children We love to have them in worship. STAFFED NURSERY CARE Room 5 upstairs, 9:15 & 11:00 am services. TODAY ONLY! SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR PRE-K ONLY (Begins in the 11:00 am Service) ALL OTHER CHILDREN SHOULD REMAIN IN THE SANCTUARY THROUGH THE 11:00 AM SERVICE TO WITNESS THE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION OF THE CONFIRMATION CLASS. FIRST-TIME COMMUNERS WILL COMMUNE FIRST WITH THEIR PARENTS. (The rest of the congregation will follow.) Most needed items, peanut butter & canned fruit. Week at a Glance Monday, April 2 Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 pm Lenten Study, 7:00 pm Bible Study @ Randall’s, 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 3 Daisy Girl Scouts, 6:00—7:00 pm Round Dancing Class, 7:00 pm “Who Stole My Church?” Thursday, April 5 Asbury Prayer Shawl Group, 10:00 am Maundy Thursday Service, 7:00 pm Saturday, April 7 Easter Egg Hunt, 9:30 Easter Sunday, April 8 Worship Services, 6:30, 9:15, 11:00 am Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Tuesday, April 10th, 7:00 pm Call to Prayer and Self-Denial. B.A.R.F. Kids Arts Program (Being Around Really Fun Kids) Check it out in Fellowship Hall to be ready for a church-wide discussion in the fall. Vacation Bible School Birthdays Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 01 02 04 05 07 08 Apr 12 Apr 17 Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 18 19 21 27 28 Apr 29 Please turn off all cell phones, pagers and alarms. United Methodist Women Wednesday Nights 6:00 to 8:00 pm June 20 & 27 and July 11, 18 & 25 (Grades 1-5, completed) Good Friday, April 6 Procession, 11:30 am (St. Peter’s) Worship Service, 12:00 pm (OLSS) Good Friday Service, 7:00 pm (SUMC) Pastor’s Vacation Monday, April 9th through Sunday, April 15th (Pastor Phil Logan will preach). What to do When the Church You Love Tries to Enter the 21st Century Wednesday, April 4 Lenten Study, 10:00 am Praise Music Rehearsal, 5:00 pm Looking Ahead ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ann Hood Kristen Leitch Don Arnold Brittany Powell Lauren Grzymalski Katie Koerper Roberta Bordash Diane Nargiz Amy Philip Tori Leitch Doris Harris Betsy Stoddard Joyce Aurand Erin Moss Christine Wood Tom Rothwell Phil Logan Rick Leidigh Leah Connors July 30th thru August 3rd 9:00—12:00 am Celebrate Our Heritage in Song and Ice Cream Social Saturday, May 19th Talent Show & Service Auction Sunday, August 26th Three Small Study Groups 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:00 pm Leader: Dan Wilson Location: Jim & Judy Randall’s Phone: 410-36-9797 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm Leader: Phil Logan Location: Cef & Gerri Epps’ Phone: 410-326-0396 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 1:00 pm Leader: Rev. Meredith Wilkins-Arnold Location: Sam & Fran Grim’s Phone: 410-326-6876 Prayer Requests Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16) Our Sunday Morning Prayer Group ———————————— Prayers for Healing Sarah Slater’s Goddaughter’s aunt, Charlotte Naylor, pray for full recovery from blood clots on the brain. Dianne Koerper, fighting a cold Susan Settle, recovering in Walter Reid for over 50 days Kristen Leitch Tarq Saahir Continued healing for Mike Philip’s knee Brittany Powell’s mother, Dana Charlotte John Hall Wanda Dolores Cloyes Lydia Wanda Susan Settle Heather Joyce Smith Wanda Paduano Dick Hu’s sister, Pat Ann Hood and her son, Jeff Leonard Beares, Sheila’s Dad Ashley’s friend, Lisa Scott Schwartz Alice Townsend Jerry Crider Cindy & Jim Lowery Robert, Carolyn Wilson’s friend Dan Wilson’s aunt Jennifer, Diane Nargiz’s Daughter Andrew, Bob Litz’s nephew Shirley Bowen Ruby Jim Randall (and Judy) Other Concerns Family of John McHenry Sarah Slater, nearing the end of her pregnancy John Bordash’s friend Youth in violent relationships Persecuted Christians The family of Jane Doughty (Sheila Philip’s cousin) The family of Joseph Anderson, especially his children The Brogan Rupert family For the family & friends of Sydney Hacklotube PRAISE THE LORD Mark Your Calendars! 1st VBS Planning for 2012 For Dianne Koerper sharing an evening out with Katie & Karis to see and here Rebecca St. James (Christian pop singer and actress). Sunday, April 15th, 12:00 pm For our new members. Medicine—Food—Mortgage—Utilities Operation Overboard! Offerings are left at the altar rail when receiving communion. Conference Connection For those who missed the first workshop. Sunday, April 29th, 12:00 pm Keynote speaker: (pizza lunch provided ~ free will offering) Mike McCurry (Partner, Public Strategies Washington Inc; former press secretary to President Bill Clinton, and member of St. Paul UMC in Kensington) Summer Camp 2012 Featured guest musicians are Eric Samuel Timm, and Chase Callahan and Anthem Lights. Those Needing Continued Prayer Jean Leidigh , Wes Kyser, James Wright, Candice & Erich Wright, Andrew Kettner, Jason & all other soldiers and their families, all unspoken prayers Holy Week...††† For children ages 3 and up and their parents Maundy Thursday, April 5th SIGN UP IN FELLOWSHIP HALL Worship Service, 7:00 pm Good Friday, April 6th Volunteer Corner Needed: 2 Nursery Assistants 11 am Easter Sunday Process St. Peter’s to OLSS, 11:30 am Worship Service @ OLSS, 12:00 pm Worship Service @ SUMC, 7 pm Holy Saturday, April 7th (See Nettie Harold) Easter Egg Hunt @ 9:30 am Pre-School Teacher Easter Sunday, April 8th, 11:00 am Easter Sunday, April 8th (See Dianne Koerper or Denise Rogers) Encounter Youth Festival Manidokan Camp, Sept 7-9 Thank you. What is Communion Workshop Older Adult Day Away West River, April 24th Schedule and registration is now open. swimming, games, music, adventure, discovery, giant swing, zip line, worship and much more await you and your friends. Visit on line at . A Communion Special Offering To give financial aide for those in need. We welcome all volunteers! Dare to Go Deep With God! A day of fellowship, workshops and worship. $28 includes lunch. Get details and register at http:// WRDayAway.html Pastor’s Discretionary Fund 2 Teachers for Grades 1-2 & Grades 3-5 To make a month-long commitment. To join a long-term rotation. Sunrise Service @ 6:30 am Traditional Service @ 9:15 am Contemporary Service @ 11:00 am Sunday School begins in the 11am Service Recognition: Fran Grim for the thorough cleaning and organizing of the kitchen, refrigerator and pantry/closet. Lynda Adams, Lin Gauchet and Fran Grim for hosting the Fellowship Dinner on the 28th. Thank you for your time, the prep, the cooking and the cleanup. WE APPRECIATE ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS. Easter Egg Hunt April 7th, 9:30, 9:30 am Birth through 5th Grade (Middle/high schoolers can help) Volunteers & Supplies Needed Please sign up in Fellowship Hall Order of Worship April 1, 2012 Palm/Passion Sunday Let those branches be for us signs of His victory, and grant that we who bear them in his name may ever hail him as our Lord, and follow him in the way that leads to eternal life. In His name we pray. Amen. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Children’s Sermon *Please stand, as you are able. PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE P ASSION/ P ALM S UNDAY Anthem Chancel Choir Kyrie Eleison (Most Holy One) Welcome and Announcements Entrance of the Light of Christ Dramatic Reading Pew Bible p. 849 The Passion Story According to Mark (15:1-39) (Readers: Pastor Meredith , Phil Logan & Bob Litz) WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP *Hear from the Gospel according to Matthew 21:1-11 how the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem. (Pew Bible p. 855) Sharing Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer followed by The Lord’s Prayer (895) The People’s Response Leader: Hosanna to the Son of David! People: Hosanna in the highest! Leader: Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. People: Hosanna in the highest! *The Processional Offertory *Presentation of Our Gifts with the Doxology (94) COMING TO THE LORD’S TABLE 280 Communion Hymnal p. 13 All Glory, Laud, and Honor *Prayer of the People (in unison) Almighty God, on this day, your Son Jesus Christ entered the holy city of Jerusalem and was proclaimed King by those who spread their garments and palm branches along the way. SENDING FORTH *Closing Hymn 292 What Wondrous Love Is This *Benediction and Postlude