beach club cristalmar resort


beach club cristalmar resort
March 2007
Issue 41
of charge
One on One with
Official Gay Media Sponsor of:
Jann Arden, Lily Tomlin
and Carole Pope!
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Established originally in January
1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM
Communications. Named changed to in 1998. Stand alone
company as of January 2004. First Issue
of Magazine, November
2003. Name adjusted in November 2006 to
GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine.
Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino,
[email protected]
Editor Rob Diaz Marino, editor@gaycalgary.
Table of Contents
Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs
Steve Polyak [email protected]
Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Jason Clevett,
Jerome Voltero, Kevin Alderson, Benjamin
Hawkcliffe, Stephen Lock, Nina Tron, Arthur
McComish, Andrew Barry, Allison Brodowski
and the Gay and Lesbian Community of
Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino
Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino
Please forward all inquiries to:
GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine
Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2
Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888)
Fax (403) 703-0685
Letter from the Publisher
8 Under the Covers with Jann
Chatting with Calgary’s Favorite Daughter.
12 Lily Tomlin
Gay Icon comes to Calgary
Map & Event Listings
Just Ask Nina!
Eating Out 2
Q Scopes
Adult Film Review
Q Puzzle
25 Years of Apollo’s Western Cup
Building a Bar
E-mail [email protected]
Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year
Attack of the Celebrities
Masthead continued on page 4
Find out what’s happening
The Dish who dishes advice
Sloppy Seconds, A Tasty Dish
“Take big risks, Aries!”
Cum, Manscape, Breathless, Forced Entry
“Body Work,”
Introducing Outgames
It’s not as easy as you may think!
Continued on page 4
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Continued from page 3
The Producers
Calgary Cares 2007
Woodys Pub
Fundraising Photos
Calgarians Networking Club
Paragraph 175
Carole Pope
The Transsexual Trajectory:
What Happens After Diagnosis?
Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month
(unless otherwise stated)
The Vagina Monologues
Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month
(unless otherwise stated)
Celebrity Bigotry
Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo,
Barristers and Solicitors
A Couple of Guys
Bitter Girl
Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton
The opinions expressed in this magazine are
not necessarily those of or
the contributors of the magazine.
Classifieds Ads
People photographed or interviewed,
writers, advertisers, contributors and
anyone else involved with this publication
are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi,
bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be
straight people that are gay friendly.
Mel Brooks Musical coming to Calgary
Divine Musical is Habit-forming
PULSE – the Rhythm of Life
Ad Submission Friday March 23rd 2007
Copies Printed Monthly, Over 10,000
Distribution points up to 200 points in
Calgary, largest number of distribution
points for any Gay publication in Calgary.
Up to 150 points in Edmonton, largest
number of distribution points for any Gay
publication in Edmonton. Also distributed
coast to coast across Canada in select
locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal,
Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other
places across Canada and the United
States. Please call us if you would like to
be a distribution point.
A Friendly Place in the Gaybourhood
How Do You Meet People In This Community?
Presented by the U of C Development Studies Club
Distributed by DLRJ Distributions
(Calgary), Clark’s Distribution (Edmonton),
Canada Post (rest of Canada and USA)
and by
Anti-Diva Still Trades Rough
Who Are The Role Models Now?
Printers North Hill News
This Issue Cover Jann Arden, provided by
Universal Music Canada and Lily Tomlin,
provided by Lily Tomlin.
Community Events this Month
April 2007
Press Deadlines
Ad Space Booking - Wednesday
March 21st 2007
Continued from page 3
Member of
Canadian Gay &
Lesbian Chamber
of Commerce
Member of International Gay &
Lesbian Travel Association
In Circulation - Wednesday
April 4th 2007
Member of Tourism Calgary.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Member of Edmonton Rainbow
Business Association.
No part of the publication may be reprinted
without the expressed permission of the
Copyright 2007
Attack of the Celebrities
Letter from the Publisher
By Rob Diaz-Marino
Ack, they’re everywhere this month! What started
out for us as disappointment at the beginning of
the month soon led to several breakthroughs to
big names in the entertainment scene.
Steve and I tagged along for the interview with Jann Arden that
our writer Jason conducted in early February, and it was gratifying to see that she recognized us (especially Steve) from the many
times we have crossed paths in the past. I first met her several
years ago when we had done a food review on The Arden restaurant that used to reside along 17th Avenue. Steve, perhaps a
little star struck back then, left me alone in the room with her
after forgetting to introduce me…a little awkward I guess, but she
is a very easy person to get along with. You can read our one-onone interview with her on page 8.
Lily Tomlin and Carole Pope are two names from before my
time. Steve had to get me up to speed, digging up a small selection of music for me to listen to. I often say that I am pop-culturally challenged – knowledge outside of math and science has
never been my strong suit. Still, it didn’t take much for me to
realize the important role these two outspoken gay icons played
back in a time when homosexuality was deeply taboo.
On a completely different note, Steve and I just recently became Uncles (or maybe I’m the Aunt)!! While getting ready to put
this magazine to press, Steve’s brother Les announced that his
wife Suzanne has delivered, and it’s a girl! Suzanne was responsible for creating the original layout for Magazine more than three years ago. Cigars would be in order, except
I don’t smoke and I have work still left to do!
Last Month
I got the chance to visit Edmonton for the second time, this
February; my first visit was during a heat wave, and this time
was during a particularly bitter cold snap. Thoroughly bundled
up, Steve and I trudged around town to photograph the Edmonton Vocal Minority concert, and the Team Edmonton Launch, in
addition to the weekly drag shows at Buddys and the Roost. I
finally got to meet many of the Edmontonians Steve had been
telling me about, and experience the side-splitting banter of
Edmonton’s queens on stage.
We found that the Edmonton bars were surprised to hear how
smooth the smoking transition went for Calgary’s gay bars. Their
experience was something quite different, and some feel their
crowds have never returned to what they once were.
On a lighter note, Steve introduced me to a particularly tasty
treat that is not available back at home. Apparently there is a
whole array of flavours beyond the Baja Rosa and Baja Luna
that we have here in Calgary. We had enjoyed drinking “Tiggers”
(Baja Orange + Sambuca) at the Backlot for the short period
of time that Baja Orange was available here, but inexplicably
even Calgary liquor stores are unaware of the existence of grape
and cherry flavours. Boots was our stop for these indulgences
– Crème de Cacao and Baja Cherry made a killer combination!
This Month
We’re gong to be slammed for the next two months as events
go: Powder and Pride, The Vagina Monologues, Calgary Cares,
Paragraph 175, Western Cup 25, OutFest and OutRights, the
ISCCA Coronation, the Wedded Bliss Ball, and the Glass Gender
Bender are just a few events that I can list off the top of my head
for Calgary.
Lucky enough our new Sponsored Events section is running
on the website, so you don’t have to go digging if
you need a quick reminder about what is up and coming. Look
for it along the left side of the welcome page, right above the bar
information for Calgary and Edmonton. - 15 Years Strong!
Steve and I missed an important anniversary back in January: that of GayCalgary. Thus
far we have only been counting
how long the magazine component has been running, but as an entity
has existed for considerably
longer. The Men for Men BBS,
a dial-up gay chat room, took
its roots back in January of
1992. Indeed we came across
old Men for Men ads when
rifling through copies of Clue
Magazine in the gay archives
at the Glenbow Museum. After
Clue stopped publishing, Steve
was involved in the one-time
release of “Haven’t Got a Clue,”
a community information
supplement to tide Calgary
over. As the internet became
more prevalent, Men for Men
spawned in
1995. Not many can say that
their business draws from a 15
year legacy of technology and
media at the active forefront of
Calgary’s gay community.
We have always tried to
keep our magazine lean and
mean, producing a minimum
of waste every month. We have
been dipping above and below
our target of 10,000 copies
depending on demand for the
time of year. This month we
are experiencing a pinch – in
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
the best possible way. With our new Edmonton distribution,
we are seeing our magazines flying off the racks at an alarming
rate, quickly catching up to our distribution quantities here in
Calgary! To meet these new demands we have grown our target
to 12,000 every month.
Bar Banter
The Calgary Eagle celebrated its 5th Anniversary this month,
a big milestone for any business. Their anniversary party was
packed with Calgary regulars, out-of-towners, and many new
faces entirely. At 10pm it was already getting hard to move, and
it stayed chocker-block as last-call hit. Steve and I did our duty
taking pictures while enjoying a wonderful night full socializing,
of hugging and kissing, and even occasional groping. The Calgary Eagle continues to be a place where we can relax, be a little
naughty, and not worry about being judged.
You didn’t hear it from me, but apparently Lorrie Murphy’s
birthday is coming up on the 10th of March. It’s not really an
official event, but it is a fun reason to get out to Money Pennies
that Saturday and wish her the best.
The New Bar
“What’s happening with the new bar?” It’s a question that has
been on many people’s lips for months now, and one that has
been directed to us many times.
In September of 2006, Boulevard and the Loft (intended for
two different floors of the same building in their Inglewood location) launched a grand advertising campaign in our magazine to
raise hype and notify the community of their imminent arrival. It
caused torrents of discussion online and off, to the point where
many non-profit groups already had plans to include the bar in
their upcoming 2007 events. With only vague information about
the bars’ intended audience and appearance (at Bearbash 2006
it was touted a future bear-bar, and after that, was frequently
referred to as a 35+ dance club) many rallied behind it, imagining
the potential for it to become their new ideal hangout.
The uncompleted bar generated its share of scandal, including
a name- and identity-collision with BLVD, an offshoot of the NYC
Ultra Lounge that is currently under construction on 18th Avenue and 4th Street in Calgary. Months afterward, the Inglewood
location was abandoned and sights were set on a smaller space
along 10th Avenue. With little official information available for
us to publish, the rumour mill ran wild with the goings on of this
But after 5 months of delays, the bar has been put on hold
until further notice. The owners and investors hope to revive the
project when the time is right, but for now it appears that they
continued on page 27
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Under the Covers with Jann Arden
Chatting with Calgary’s Favorite Daughter.
By Jason Clevett
Gay Icon | Spotlight
Jann Arden is a true prairie gal. Born and
raised in nearby Springbank, the multi-time Juno
award winner still calls the Calgary area home.
She is building a house just west of the city, with
a home for her parents sharing the property.
“I can see your god damn bedroom from the office,” Arden has said, slipping into her trademark imitation of her
father Derrel. “I think my nude days sitting with cat on my
lap are over.”
While her music is frequently heartbreaking, she is
renowned for her wicked sense of humor. That humor, and
the incredible woman behind it, were very much on display
when Jann sat down recently for a one-on-one interview
with GayCalgary & Edmonton Magazine. One of the things
that have lead to Arden’s success is the connection she
makes with her fans.
“I have been doing this for such a long time, almost
thirty years, and when I look out at an audience I don’t
know who they are. I couldn’t tell you that it was gay men,
or lesbians or plus 55 or teenage girls from 16 – 22 or
young couples on a date. It is so diverse, the only thing I
am ever mindful of is that a lot of times people bring their
kids which is always flattering to me. I am not really racy
or saying ‘fuck’ all the time. Once in awhile I’ll throw it in
there but I am always careful.
“I am not sure what endears me to people but I think
when you write about relationships it doesn’t exclude
anybody. Everyone has the same emotional journey that
they go on; it’s not different for any of us. When I write
something that feels really real to me I know people understand that. I have screwed up enough to know that I need
to write about something authentic, I can’t be trite and sit
there and write about gum or something inanimate. All
of my songs are about relationships directly or indirectly.
I don’t think there is anything more important to write
about than the very human but simple concept of loving
another human being, or intricate friendships, relationships with parents and siblings. I think anyone that sits
in front of me and sees a show and listens to the music
understands on their own terms what it is for them.
“I don’t think I am massively appealing; I am for personal consumption. You aren’t going to hear me at a lot of
parties but you will put me on when you don’t feel great
or are on a road trip and I am proud of that. I don’t care
if I am particularly fashionable because I never have been
physically nor musically. I have just been the girl next
door and I think that is appealing to people because it’s
not so far from the grasp of what they can be. I am not an
unreachable ideal.”
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Arden was home in Calgary promoting her new CD, Uncover Me, now available in stores. The CD features covers
of many of Arden’s favorite artists and songs. Some of the
standout tracks are a dark cover of Pat Benatars Love is
a Battlefield, current single Janis Ian’s At Seventeen and
a cover of The Carpenters Solitaire that would have made
Karen Carpenter proud – and caused Jann a lot of stress.
We asked her why she decided to do a cover CD.
“Stupidity!” she jokes. “I thought it was going to be really
easy and I could take a break from my own inner workings. I’ve been writing for the last year and a half, I have
all kinds of material and none of it makes sense, it’s like
I’ve been writing on the sitar and singing in Swahili. The
record company were like ‘how about you do a Christmas
album’ and I said I am not subjecting the world to another
version of Silent Night...for a few years anyways.
“So ideas like 50’s and 60’s Divas came up. Russ and I
recorded an entire record with songs like End of the World
by Skeeter Davis and Moon River, some Burt Bacharach
stuff. I was done, it was mastered and I got cold feet, I
didn’t want to do it. I felt like I had nothing invested in it,
I didn’t know what it was. Bruce Allen, (manager of Bryan
Adams and Michael Buble) had heard a copy of the record
I had done. He phoned me and gave me so much shit. He
told me I had to pick songs that mean something to me
and I was startled. A stupid part of me thought I could
phone this record in, and have a break and put this record
out before Christmas.
“I put the breaks on, ditched everything and spent a lot
of time repacking these songs. This record should have
been called ‘Songs that I sang three million times in my
parent’s basement.’ We started from scratch and I lost a
lot of sleep over it thinking I was ruining perfectly good
songs that were already great. Why would anyone want
to redo Solitaire? So I had to nail it and show people how
much I respected Karen and how much I learned from
singing that. I think it’s a really fun record for fans. It is
still really dark. I tried to make it light and poppy and
there are still parts of it that are just like ‘holy hell… how
can somebody do that to Love is a Battlefield?”
While it is cool to hear Jann’s interpretations of other
people’s work, one of her biggest strengths has always
been her songwriting. We talked about the effect her songs
have on people. For me personally, songs like Sorry for
Myself and All of This have deep personal meaning. Others
identify strongly with the song Good Mother, one of the
most popular songs she has written.
“I think our shows are a rollercoaster, they really are.
I in a million years never would have thought that Good
Mother would have the legs and the life that it’s had. I
remember scribbling the lyric down on the back of a Du
Maurier cigarette paper. My friend Bob had written this
incredible procession and I’d written down ‘I’ve got a good
mother, I like the color of my hair.’ My friend Stephanie
had just completely changed the color of my hair. Before
the Living Under June package I had really fair blonde hair
and she colored it and gave me bangs. So that lyric was
born out of that. ‘I’ve got a friend who loves me, I’ve got
a house, I’ve got a car.’ I don’t think the car I was driving was mine, I didn’t have a house I had an apartment
I could barely afford at $325 a month. But whenever I
hear people sing that back to me I think it’s such a simple
sentiment. I like the fact that people can connect, and
the music, when you are dealing with human emotion
it’s such a general blanket, it doesn’t single out or isolate
anybody. I write about such simple things, I am not saying
new things.
“But a song like Mend - who hasn’t had one of those
fights where an hour later you have no idea what you are
fighting about, but who is going to give in first? The best
lesson my parents taught me was, do you want peace
or do you want to be right? I want to have peace I am
just not a fighter. It is great that people can relate to it. I
played Good Mother for my Mom (Joan). My Mom and dad
have never been particularly emotional they are very true
people. She said to me ‘Well I think that’s got a really good
beat.’ I was so frightened to play that song for them. I close
every one of my shows with Good Mother, I have for years.
I see people just waiting for it. Good Mother will always be
in the set.”
It’s this connection that has lead to many of her fans
reaching out and telling their stories, as she has through
her music.
“I am thrilled with the response to my music over the
years. It never ceases to amaze me the letters I get. I want
to cry all the time. Something will strike me when I am
sitting on a plane reading the letters I get,” she continued.
“I am sitting there going ‘I don’t know you but you just put
an arrow through my heart.’ It always starts off with ‘I’ve
never written a letter like this before’ and they just tell me
these stories that are pages long about where they hurt
and why and what. I am proud of that, I haven’t sold thirty
million records but to the people who have bought them it
is such a prized possession that they have.”
The concert experience is another part of the appeal of
Arden. Blending humor with heartache, they are one of the
few concert experiences that can bring you tears from sadness and laughter all within minutes. Arden hits the road
this spring for a series of sold-out shows.
“Every time I do a new record it gets increasingly difficult to keep doing songs that I want to do. I can’t push
the show past two hours because my voice gets tired. If I
want it to sound right I have to leave it at that. I have nine
records and I need to juggle that. Now with this new record
I need to find a 25-minute segment to do four or five of
these songs. It’s like a turd in a glass of milk, I am going
along depressing the shit out of everybody… and now for a
little Downtown everyone!”
There have been embarrassing moments when Arden
has forgotten the words to her own songs. “When I haven’t
done these songs for a long time, I know I am the author
but I really die. I have sung Unloved maybe 4000 times,
even if I am by myself. I was at a live TV taping and lost
continued on page 52
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gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Lily Tomlin
Gay Icon comes to Calgary
By Jason Clevett
Gay Icon | Spotlight
On Saturday, April 7th iconic comedian, film
and TV star Lily Tomlin visits Calgary as part of
OutFest. An Evening of Classic Lily Tomlin will
present her at her finest in a one-woman show
featuring many of her greatest characters.
”The show is more formal than if I was doing a big theatre piece like [1985 Broadway show] In Search of Signs
of Intelligent Life in the Universe or [Tony award winner]
Appearing Nightly. I do about 10 or 12 characters and I
will talk about Calgary and the OutGames, and I will be
interacting with the audience and hopefully be funny. I will
do all of the old favorites like Ernestine. The material is
more related to what is going on in the world; while doing
Ernestine I might make a phone call to Bush or something
like that. Ernestine and Edith Ann and Mrs. Beasley are
pretty much a done deal,” Tomlin said in a one-on-one
interview to preview the show. Don’t expect to see the Telephone switchboard however.
“I don’t use anything on stage. I do have old switchboards and I have a life-sized cast of Ernestine from when
my brother had a store. The show is like a stand up concert. I never did use anything. Even when I do something
as elaborate as The Search we have elaborate sound and
lights but no costumes or anything. Since I was a young
girl I was just mesmerized by somebody who could, with
just their face, body and voice, transport me and create a
whole scene with several people talking to one another. I
thought that was incredibly wonderful and I was always
intrigued by that [art]form. With costumes and things, you
can’t move fast enough. I always see a show as separate
film cuts that can jump anywhere if you can get the audience to suspend their disbelief and go with you - its more
magical for them.”
Tomlin’s career has spanned over thirty years and has
included six Emmy awards, a Tony, a Grammy award for
her comedy album This is a Recording and two Peabody
awards. She’s had successful runs and guest appearances
in TV shows like Laugh-In, The West Wing, Murphy Brown
and Will & Grace. In addition to her theatre and TV work
she has had a successful film career in movies including
Nine to Five, Big Business, The Beverly Hillbillies, I Heart
Huckabees, A Prairie Home Companion and many more.
With so many accolades we asked Tomlin if there was a
defining moment in her career.
“As a performer I can’t point to one thing but, something I am especially proud of is the one person show
The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe. I played a
lot of places like Toronto and Broadway and Vancouver. I
never brought the show to Calgary. That play would be a
watermark for me; some of the characters have been very
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
memorable. I’ve said for years that when I die they will
put Ernestine’s picture on my obituary instead of mine.
That shows the impact she’s had, and what a long life
she’s had. Even recently with the eavesdropping and the
NSA and the Bush Administration a lot of cartoonists have
brought her out again, with her running the White House
switchboard and eavesdropping on everybody.”
Tomlin and her business and life partner Jane Wagner will celebrate thirty-six years together this month, a
remarkable milestone in both Hollywood and the gay community. We asked Tomlin if she had a secret to a successful relationship.
“Everybody asks me and I wish I could really tell them
what to do. You just have a commitment to a relationship.
If you love somebody you make it work. We have a lot in
common so we have a synergy. I love her, she is brilliant
and funny and kind and I feel as though I know her soul.
The last thing I would want to do in the world is betray her
time…, because I thought of myself
as an artist, I thought it was just
[a choice] to trade a magazine
cover for my personal life.”
While Tomlin’s sexuality was an
open secret, she didn’t officially
come out until 2000. In a day and
age where, even now, an actor coming out makes the cover of People,
Tomlin has managed to not have
a media circus surrounding her
“I don’t know, maybe because I
am a female and was around for so
long. I think in part it was because
of the time I came into the business
and got famous, which was 1970
when Ernestine hit on Laugh-In.
Jane and I were definitely a couple,
there was nobody in the business
or the press that didn’t know it. We
lived pretty openly and it’s been
written about many times now, but
20 or 30 years ago it wasn’t written about no matter how much we
were interviewed together. When I
was on the cover of Time in 1977
at the same time there was a huge
article in Newsweek and they both wrote about it differently. Time said I lived alone, and Newsweek said I shared
a house with Jane Wagner.”
It was Time Magazine that inadvertently led to one of
Tomlin’s coy references to her sexuality.
“I got a call from my publicist and she said that TIME
would give me the cover if I would come out on it. At that
The September 8, 1975 cover
ended up featuring Sgt Leonard
Matlovich of the Armed Forces. It
lead Tomlin to make an addition
to her recording of her 1975 album Modern Scream that mocked
straight actors who make a point
of distancing themselves from their
gay characters; answering the
pseudo-interview question, “How
did it feel to play a heterosexual?”
she replied, “I’ve seen these women
all my life, I know how they walk, I
know how they talk....”
“As a result of this conversation
I put a monologue on the album.
That was my answer to this, what
I looked at as the exploitation by
the magazine at that moment.
They were looking for a gay person, any gay person to put
on the cover. To me it was also a time when…that was the
whole deal of it. They were professionally gay instead of
just being a human being.”
Tomlin has a huge LGBT fanbase and many drag performers have done tributes to her, including Calgary’s own
Ernestine. Tomlin is flattered and thrilled when they show
up to her shows dressed as her characters.
“A lot of fans will come to the show in drag as Ernestine.
In the old days they really came a lot, there were people
who did that character all over the place. It’s fabulous.
One time I was on Johnny Carson and Joan Rivers was
subbing for him. Ernestine had been nominated for an
Emmy for her take off of the scene from Flashdance, so I
went on in my shorts and legwarmers. I had my brother,
who looks just like me, dress up as Ernestine and a few
other people in Ernestine costumes. There was this one
brief shot of them in the audience like my fan club.”
Tomlin has managed to remain low key with her private
life while also living honestly. As far as she knows, she has
never had anyone refuse to work with her because of her
sexuality. Even today however, those in the spotlight can
face prejudice from their peers. Grey’s Anatomy star Isaiah
Washington came under fire for calling co-star T.R. Knight
a faggot (and outed Knight in the process) and recently,
former pro basketball player John Amaechi came out and
was targeted by an anti-gay rant from former NBA all-star
Tim Hardaway.
“I have no idea if there has been anyone who hasn’t
wanted to work with me, I don’t know. I doubt it but I
wouldn’t really know. I am sure there are people in different regions of the world and country that would run away
from any gay person or me if they are rabidly religious,
and that is an issue for them. …What possess someone to
speak out against it? They have a right I guess to express
continued on page 56
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Events Listing
Find out what’s happening
Calgary Listings
Westways Guest House O13
216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758
Bars and Clubs
BackLot O3
See our ad on page 49
209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211
Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close
Calgary Eagle Inc. O4
See our ad on page 27
424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847
Open Wed-Sun 5pm-close
Money-Pennies O9
See our ad on page 35
1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411
Open Mon-Fri 11:00am-close; Sat & Sun
Texas Lounge O6
See our ad on page 14 and 45
308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911
Open 7 days a week, 11am-close
Tuesdays - Karaoke
Wednesdays - Hi-Ball Specials
Saturdays - Karaoke
Sundays - Beer Specials (selected brands) also
Ernestine’s Matinee Madness
Twisted Element O33
1006 11th Ave SW - Front Entrance• (403)
See our ad on page 11
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Twisted Element Lounge O33
See our ad on page 11
1006 11th Ave SW - Back door Entrance • (403)
Adult Depot
See our ad on page 59
140, 58th Ave SW •(403) 258-2777
1514 14th St SW •(403) 264-7399 O23
Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals
Bathhouse and Sauna’s
B&D Emporium Inc. O14
829 17th Ave SW • (403) 265-7789
Adult clothing store and accessories specializing in
fetish, leather, latex, Gothic, punk, and corsets.
Goliath’s O6
See our ad on page 59
308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911
Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
7 Days a Week, Specials on Lockers and Single
Rooms for Students. Valid student ID must be
shown. Student Rates unavailable 8pm to 4am
Alykhan Velji
(403) 617-2406
Interior Decorator
Barbies Shop O48
1518 4th Street SW • (403) 262-8265
Adult clothing store, shoes, Gothic, punk, fetish,
custom corsettes and more.
Brian Mahoney & John McNeill
#10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141
Re/Max Reality Professionals
BuBu Bear
(403) 852-6977
Portable adult novelties
Canada Olympic Park
Highway 1 Calgary West
Courtney Sebree Aarbo O24
See our ad on page 23
1138 Kensington Road NW • (403) 571-5120
Barristers & solicitors
Chronos Apollo
See our ad on page 53
#520 922 5th Avenue SW • (403) 237-2353
Physician directed skin care and more
See our ad on page 71
(403) 777-9494 trial code 3500
Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+
Deva Dave Salon O32
4th Floor,
1304 4th Street SW • (403) 290-1973
Doug R. Glasser
9625 MacLeod Trail SW • (403) 278-2900
Re/Max Reality Professionals
First Class Flowers
Elbow and Heritage Drive SW• (403) 255-2239
Jane Doe Marketplace & Cafe O50
See our ad on page 5
311 17 Avenue SW • (403) 245-5263
Calgary’s Only Marketplace featuring Women
Entrepreneurs. Coffee Shop too!
La Fleur O41
See our ad on page 6
#103 - 100 7th Avenue SW
(403) 266-1707
Florist Shop
Leather and Lace
2020 32nd Avenue NE • (403) 291-4060
The art of romance
Lorne Doucette /CIR Realtors
See our ad on page 6
(403) 461-9195
Marcy Calberry /CIR Realtors
See our ad on page 25
(403) 291-4440 or (866) 859-4440
MFM Communications
See our ad on page 50
(403) 543-6970
Web site hosting and development. Computer
Hardware and Software.
More Better Buses
(403) 651-1692
Providing unique, comfortable & affordable
transportation. Charter us for: High School
Graduations, Senior Groups, Pub Crawls and
Sporting Events
Priape Calgary O16
See our ad on page 7 and 65
1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800
Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather wear,
movies and magazines. Gifts.
Professional Relaxation Massage
(403) 510-7572
Male to Male massage by appointment only
Rev. Nadene Rogers
See our ad on page 7 and 29
(403) 247-0602
Marriage Commissioner
Able Craftsman, Your home renovation specialist
(403) 478-2411 • [email protected]
Male to Male massage by appointment only
Russell’s Cobalt O45
See our ad on page 47
735 12th Avenue SW • (403) 228-7822
Hair & Aesthetics
Sol Sourced Weddings
See our ad on page 5
(403) 270-9480
Wedding Commissioner
Voice over IP (VOIP) phone service and long
(403) 770-1940
Community Groups and
Aids Calgary O2
See our ad on page 66
200, 1509 Centre St South • (403) 508-2500
Friday, Mar. 2 - Interactive coffee connection. Dropin support for people living with HIV/AIDS to learn
basic cooking skills and food safety. Coffee and a
light snack provided. AIDS Calgary Kitchen.
Friday, Mar. 9 - Interactive coffee connection. Dropin support for people living with HIV/AIDS to learn
basic cooking skills and food safety. Coffee and a
light snack provided. AIDS Calgary Kitchen.
Friday, Mar. 16 - Positive living lunch. A hot meal
and time for clients to socialize and learn about
specific health and wellness topics. AIDS Calgary
Friday, Mar. 23 - Interactive coffee connection.
Drop-in support for people living with HIV/AIDS to
learn basic cooking skills and food safety. Coffee
and a light snack provided. AIDS Calgary Kitchen.
Friday, Mar. 30 - Positive living lunch. A hot meal
and time for clients to socialize and learn about
specific health and wellness topics. AIDS Calgary
March 8-9, 2007 - The 8th Annual Alberta Harm
Reduction Conference at the Radisson Hotel,
Calgary, AB
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
This event is being co-hosted by AIDS Calgary
and Safeworks Calgary. For more information
please contact the Conference Coordinator:
Phone 403-327-8900, Fax 403-327-8939,
[email protected], http://www.
Spring For Life
Mini Gerber Daisy Sales
March 19th - March 23rd, 2007
March 23, 2007 - Calgary Cares - Pulse at the Jack
Singer Concert Hall
The much anticipated event is back! Calgary
Cares 2007 ‘Pulse’ will offer a heart pounding
evening packed with music, theatre, dance, and
interpretation, to support AIDS Calgary’s HIV/AIDS
awareness, education, prevention and support
April 2-3, 2007
Share knowledge, create action, raise awareness.
Unify human rights for all.
AIDS Calgary is pleased to present OutRights
2007. Bringing together diverse audiences of
local, national, and international business and
community leaders, academic scholars, students,
activists, politicians, philanthropists, members
of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
(GLBT) communities, their allies and the broader
community from across North America, OutRights
will be held in Calgary, on April 2-3, 2007.
Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports
See our ad on page 2 and 72
Apollo: Friends in Sport, is coordinating the Calgary
teams for both the Montreal Outgames and Chicago
Gay Games. Uniforms will be created for both
events so that teams can march into the opening
ceremonies under “Team Calgary” banners. Sizing
and orders will be done at the Apollo tent at the
Pride Street Fair on June 11. Please let Apollo
know if you are going to compete at one or both
games by E-mailing outgames@apollocalgary.
com or [email protected].
6:45 - 8:15 p.m. (90 minutes), Sept 11 - Dec
11 (Fall Session) Cost: $89.00 for the 13 weeks
(6.85 per week) OR $10.00 drop in fee Apollo
membership required ($15.00 per year)
Volleyball.- The 2006/2007 season for volleyball
starts on September 10, 2006! New this year:
Recreational volleyball Friday Nights! Recreational
Volleyball King George School, 2108 10th Street
NW, (a few blocks north of SAIT) Friday Nights
7:00pm – 9:00 pm. Intermediate/Competitive
YWCA, 320 5th Avenue SE. Sunday afternoons
4:30pm – 6:30 pm
Rainbow Riders Bowling League - Let’s 10 Pin
Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE, Wednesday’s at
6:30pm. Season is from September to April. League
fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental is $2.00
Outdoor Pursuits - WE DO IT OUTDOORS. Skiing,
hiking, camping, biking. Any outdoor sports. Why
do it alone when you can do it with a group.
Weekends and weekdays, all year round. Drop
us a line.
Yoga - Have you always wondered about yoga?
What really is down-dog? Do you think touching
your feet with your legs straight is just humanly
impossible? Ki Essentials is now offering an
exclusive yoga class to Apollo members and
friends. This class comprises of twelve weekly
90-minute sessions that focus on basic poses and
proper alignment, and are conducted in a fun and
supportive environment. This is a multi-level yet
beginner friendly class. No previous experience is
required. Registration fee is $150 (includes GST)
and an Apollo membership is required. Mat rental is
$1 in case you do not have one. This class runs on
every Wednesday from 7 pm to 8:30 pm, between
February 6, 2007 and May 2, 2007 (no class on
April 3). Registration deadline is February 5. NOTE:
A tentative second class may run on Friday from 6
pm to 7:30 pm. However, it will not run until the
Wednesday class is full. Please indicate if Friday
is your preferred time slot. Drop-ins for this class
are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. Space
is limited so please check ahead of time. Cost for
drop-in is $13 for Apollo members and $15 for
non-members. For drop-in, mat rental is $1 per
Absolutely Smashing! Badminton- The 2006/2007
season for Badminton starts on Sunday, September
17, 2006 (FREE FIRST DAY). Special extended
session. We will start at 12:30 p.m. and go to 3:00
p.m. on this session only. All future sessions are
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: Western Canada
High School (641 17th Ave. SW) Schedule: Sunday
afternoons in the MAIN GYM, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00
p.m. Drop-in Fee: $5 for each 1.5 hour session for
Apollo members or $6 for non-members (Apollo
memberships are $15)
ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo
Hotline: (403) 541-8140
Curling- The 16th season of Apollo Curling will
begin in October 2006, with the same general
format as last year. Games are at the North Hill
Curling Club (1201 - 2 Street NW) with two draws
on Saturdays: 2:20 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and at
the Inglewood Golf and Curling Club, Saturdays at
12:30 p.m.
ARGRA Dance Saturday April 21st, 2007 - We’re
kicking up our heels in our new digs at the
Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Centre. Join us
there (1320-5th Avenue NW) for a country-rockin’
good time!
Squash -Location: University of Calgary. Mondays,
See our ad on page 15 and 67
ARGRA Dance Saturday March 24th, 2007 - We’re
kicking up our heels in our new digs at the
Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Centre. Join us
there (1320-5th Avenue NW) for a country-rockin’
good time!
Artists for the Quality of Life
(403) 890-1261
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
4th Annual Donnie Peters Memorial Cut-a-thon
Tomkins Park (17th Ave sw &8th St) Labour Day
Monday September 3rd, 2007
Between Men and Between Men Online
(403) 234-8973
Peer support, sexual health education for gay
or bisexual men, as well as those who may be
uncertain or questioning their sexuality. Discussions
range from personal relationship or life issues, to
sexual health and well-being.
Meetings at GLCSA Tuesdays 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Calgary Big men and Admirers
A group for gay and bisexual men only. Interested
parties are welcome to join our VIRTUAL Group in
Alberta to: Ease Friendly meetings between big guys
and those who love them, organize different social
activities, and market a positive image of big men.
Hope to See you soon...
Big men’s and Admirers Sunday Brunch @ 11am.
Mother Tuckers ,345 10th Ave S.W., Calgary. A
social outing for bigger guys and those who enjoy
their company AND its a FOOD DRIVE, so bring
something that is non perishable so we can help
out the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank! RSVP before
November 10th to [email protected]
Calgary Frontrunners Running Club
When: 9 am on Saturdays,
Where: Update! Coffee Junkies -795 1 Avenue SW
(no longer meeting at Eau Claire Y)
What: Walkers and Runners between 5 km – 15
km from sub 5 min/km pace to 10 min/km pace.
Who: All are welcome - Typically about 15-20 men
and women depending on the weather conditions
Contact: E-mail [email protected] or
call Tim at (403) 660-6125
Calgary Gay Fathers
[email protected]
Peer support group for gay, bisexual and
questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month
Calgary Humane Society
See our ad on page 49
(403) 250-4455
Animal Adoptions and for Prevention of Cruelty to
Calgary Men’s Chorus
See our ad on page 7
(403) 262-6295
The Calgary Men’s Chorus is excited to announce
that rehearsals for its 2006-2007 season begin
Tuesday September 5, 2006. Rehearsals are held
from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Old Y Centre
for Community Organizations, located at 223 12
Avenue SW.
Calgary Networking Club
November 2, 5:00-7:00pm
At Money Pennies (upstairs)
1742 - 10 Ave SW
Calgary Networking Club (CNC) is back.... after a
5 year hiatus, CNC is meeting again in Calgary on
the first Thursday of every month. The networking
meetings are open to all individuals who would
like to promote their businesses or who would like
to meet new people - no business affiliation is
CNC is for members of the LGBTQ community to
make new friends or business contacts. This group is
not age or gender specific.
Come listen to our monthly guest speaker, have a
snack, and enjoy talking with some new people.
Admission to the meeting is $5, or a yearly
subscription pass can be bought for $25 (a 28%
savings). If you have a GLCSA membership take
an additional $5 off your yearly subscription cost.
GLCSA memberships will also be available at
the meeting for $10. (Call GLCSA for details on
membership benefits).
For more information contact GLCSA at (403) 2348973....or just drop in on the meeting.
Calgary Networking Club (CNC) is a Gay & Lesbian
Community Services Association (GLCSA) event.
Food and venue sponsored by Money Pennies Bar
and Eatery.
Calgary Sexual Health Centre
304, 301 14th Street NW
(403) 283-5580
Calgary Sexual Health Centre is a pro-choice
organization that believes all people have the right
and ability to make their own choices regarding
their sexual and reproductive health. Calgary
Sexual Health Centre started as a volunteer based,
grassroots organization and has been providing
comprehensive sexuality education and counselling
programs to the Calgary community since 1972. In
the early 70’s, CBCA’s work focused on improving
access to birth control and increasing support for
women facing unplanned pregnancies. Since that
time Calgary Sexual Health Centre has evolved to
include a range of services to ensure that individuals
are able to make informed choices about their
sexual and reproductive well being. Our programs
promote sexuality as a normal, positive and healthy
part of life to be valued and respected. Currently
the Calgary Sexual Health Centre offers education
and youth peer education programs, counselling
and groups for women who are questioning their
sexual orientation.
RU a lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited or queer
youth, ages 17-24? RU interested in helping make
Calgary a safer place for people of diverse sexual
orientation? If UR, we are looking for dynamic
volunteers for our Anti-Homophobia Program.
This program is intended to raise awareness
and understanding among students about the
experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, two spirited,
transgendered, queer and questioning youth. If
you are interesting in sharing your experiences with
other youth, and are available days, please call us
at 283-5580 and ask for an Educator or contact
[email protected]..
Deer Park United Church and Wholeness
77 Deerpoint Road SE - (403) 278-8263
Worship Time - 10:00am Sundays
Different Strokes
Swim Club.
Check website for current schedule
Don’t Buy In Project
This Calgary Police Service Initiative aims to
encourage youth to working towards an inclusive
environment in which diversity is embraced in their
schools and community.
Fake Mustache
Calgary’s ONLY Drag King Show
Soda Lounge: 211 - 12th Ave S.W.
(403) 923-3953
[email protected]
A benefit show for the Miscellaneous Youth Network,
Fake Mustache is guaranteed to please! Come see
our boys strut their stuff at Soda, the first Thursday
of every month. $5 cover. $2 cover under 18.
Advance tickets available at Barbies Shop.
All Ages show starts at 7:30. 18+ show starts
at 10:15.
Gay Prairie Alumni
This group is for all gay/lesbian/transgendered
alumni of Prairie Bible Institute and/or Prairie
High School in Three Hills, Alberta. It’s purpose
is twofold: First, social -- to renew old friendships
and make new ones. Second -- to talk about
our common experiences as gay people at a
fundamentalist school. Any other questions, please
feel free to ask.
Girl Friends
Girlsgo Productions
(403) 510-2502
Event production and promotion in Alberta for
women. Check online for fun things to do!
Next Dance Party for Women
St. Patrick’s Day
Saturday, March 17th, 2007
Join GIRLSGO for a little Shamrock hunting and
Leprechaun mischief... and a little dancing too! Find
a four-leaf clover and it could be your lucky night!
GLASS, Gay & Lesbian Association of Students
and Staff
279R Student Union Club Spaces
University of Calgary
(403) 220-6394
Saturday April 14- Gender Bender
Our annual drag show at the den. Saturday April
14 doors open at 8. Tickets are on sale now for
$5 or for $7 at the door. If you are interested in
performing or would like more details please email
[email protected]
GLCSA - Gay And Lesbian Community Services
Association O1
See our ad on page 47
#4, 1230A 17th Avenue SW
(403) 234-8973
Peer Support and Crisis Line - Front-line help service
for GLBT individuals and their family and friends,
or anyone questioning their sexuality. Please click
here for further information on our Peer Support
24-Hour Info Line - Calgary’s resource directory
for information, events, business referrals,
organizations and support for the GLBT community.
Library - A great selection of resource books, fiction,
non-fiction, videos and everything in between, all
with a queer perspective.
Drop-In Center - A safe and supportive environment
for one-to-one peer counseling for many issues
surrounding family, coming out, homosexuality,
loneliness and other issues.
Unity Pages - A service directory of GLBT or GLBTfriendly businesses, organizations, and services
within Calgary.
Heading Out
(403) 234-8973
Peer group for men who are looking for an
alternative social activity to the bar. Activities vary
and are fun and entertaining. The group meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 7 pm
to 9 pm.
HIV Peer Support Group
(403) 230-5832
[email protected]
Illusions Calgary
(403) 234-8973
Social group for Calgary and area transgender
community members (cross dressers, transvestites,
drag kings and queens). Illusions provides a safe,
discrete and welcoming atmosphere, in which
transgendered people can meet others of like mind.
Illusions offers discretion, acceptance, compassion
and a safe place to express your gender. Crossdressing is the purpose of the group, but is not
Inside Out
(403) 234-8973
Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages 15-25.
The group aims to let youth know they are not
alone, and to connect them with their peers. Every
Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It is a funky and
safe environment with a variety of resources and
ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the
Chinook Arch
See our ad on page 65
Last Sunday of the month - Texas Lounge Movie
Tuesdays and Saturdays - Texas Lounge, 7:00pm
Wednesday - Twisted Element - TNT 7:00pm to
March 22nd - Money-Pennies, ISCCA Show
Last Sunday of the Month - Texas Lounge, “Buca
and a Slice”
Integrity Calgary
A transdenominational Christian fellowship under
the auspices of the Anglican Church, for gays,
lesbians, bisexuals, and our friends. We have for
the moment stopped our monthly Eucharist on
the second Sunday of the month at 7:00pm in
St. Stephen’s Anglican Church (1121- 14 Avenue
St. Stephen’s Anglican Church is a very welcoming
community that you may consider going to,
they worship every Sunday morning at 8:00
am (traditional prayer book service) and the
contemporary worship service at 10:30 am.
Rainbow Community Church of Calgary meets at
Hill Hurst United Church off (Kensington Close NW).
They’re a GLBTQ etc. church (and straight folks are
welcome too!) that seeks to provide tools for the
spiritual journey thorough developing a supportive
community. They are an interdenominational church
in the Christian traditions with an evangelical and
open flavour. Sundays at 4 PM. Pre-service prayer
gathering at 3:30.
Knox United Church
506 - 4th Street S.W. • (403) 269-8382
Knox United Church is an all-inclusive church
located in downtown Calgary. A variety of facility
rentals are also available for meetings, events and
Worship Services
Wednesdays - Communion Service 12:10 pm
Sundays - 11:00 a.m. September to June
Sundays - 10:30 a.m. in summer July and August.
New Directions
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Drop in peer-support group to provide support and
resources for individuals who identify as transsexual
or inter-sexed. The group meets every 3rd Friday of
the month from 7 pm to 9 pm at GLCSA.
If you are transsexual, or know of someone who
is, please contact our office for information and
assistance. You are not alone! There is support!
PFLAG Calgary
See our ad on page 37
Meetings are held the last Saturday of each month.
PFI Research INC
Suite 500, 703 6th Ave SW
Calgary AB
(403) 234-0445 ext 801
Positive Space Committee at Mount Royal
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW
Phone: 403-440-6383
Email: [email protected]
The Positive Space Committee at Mount Royal
College works to raise awareness and challenge
the patterns of silence that continue to marginalize
lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gendered, two-spirited
and queer (LGBTTQ) individuals.
Pride Calgary
(403) 262-3410
Pride Festival 2007 - June 01 - 10, 2007
Pride Kick-Off Party - Friday, June 01, 2007
Pride begins with the official Pride Kick-Off events
party and continues with a celebration of arts and
cultural festivities, community events presented by
Pride Calgary in conjunction with local arts cultural
and community organizations.
Pride Parade - Sunday, June 03, 2007
The Pride Parade will start at 8 St SW and head
east along 8 Ave SW into Stephan Ave Walk,
Calgary’s Historical Main Street.
Street Gala at the Plaza - Sunday, June 03, 2007
Formerly known as the Street Festival, located
at Olympic Plaza, the heart of Calgary’s Art
Community. Entertainment with spectacular
Performers, Bands, DJ’s. The Family Zone, Vendors,
Beer Garden and more.
Military Ball - Friday, June 08, 2007
Located at The Calgary Eagle this is an exhilarating
uniform event packed with hot firemen, barechested sailors and camouflaged soldiers.
Xist 2007
Forbidden Fruit - Saturday, June 09, 2007
An exhilarating evening of theatre, dance, and
interpretation stage performances and music by the
best house, disco and pop DJ’s. Location TBA
Pride Rainbow Project
[email protected]
The Pride Rainbow Project was started in Fall 2003
by 4 youth of the Unitarian Church of Calgary.
The Pride Rainbow Project is a project designed
to show support for same-sex marriage in Canada
and elsewhere. It is a fabric rainbow banner
approximately 5 feet wide, and the goal is to make
it 3.2km (2 miles) long, in order to break the world
record (set by a group in Florida at 1.25 miles)!
It contains the 6 colours of the pride flag: Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. The project
is youth run, but anyone can help!.
Primetimers Calgary
E-mail: [email protected]
Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social
interaction for its members through a variety of
social, educational and recreational activities. It is
open to all gay and bisexual men of any age and
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
respects whatever degree of anonymity that each
member desires.
Rainbow Community Church
See our ad on page 23
Hillhurst United Church
1227 Kensington Close N.W.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Rainbow Community Church is an all-inclusive
church. Everyone is welcome (and we mean it!).
Services are held every Sunday afternoon at 4:
00 PM.
Rocky Mountain Bears
March 9 - Bears Nite Out - Chinook Center
Bowladrome. Lower Level of Chinook Center Mall
- Intersection of Macleod Trail and Glenmore Trail.
Come show off your best moves or simply hang
out and watch a little 5 pin bowling. There are
two lanes booked for the evening with the action
starting at 9:00pm. It is best to get there 15
minutes early to get your shoes and pick a ball.
Each game costs $4.75 per person plus $1.75
charge for shoes rental.
March 15 - Meeting - MoneyPennies - 1742 10
Avenue S.W. Bears meet at MoneyPennies to plan
upcoming events. 7:30pm in the upstairs room.
March 18 - Bears Do Chocolate - The Chocolate
Bar - 1431 17 Avenue S.W. Did you get any for
Valentines Day?(Chocolate that is...) If not or if
you want it all the time, then come on out for an
afternoon of indulgence. Meet at the Chocolate Bar
at 3:00pm and enjoy a tantalizing treat!
March T.B.A. - Volunteer Nite - Calgary Eagle
- 424A 8 Avenue S.E. Bears work as front door
greeters at the Calgary Eagle from 9:30pm to
2:00am. Volunteers needed. Contact Bob at
[email protected].
March 31 - Bears Bar Nite - Calgary Eagle - 424A
8 Avenue S.E. Bears head to the Calgary Eagle to
enjoy a beverage anytime after 10:00pm
Safety Under The Rainbow
Mission: To raise awareness and understanding of
same-sex domestic violence and homophobic youth
violence and homophobic bullying.
Survey – Conduct a survey on how same-sex
domestic violence and homophobic bullying affects
GLBTT individuals. Contact the office if you would be
willing to fill out this survey.
Sharp Foundation
Phone: (403) 272-2912
E-mail: [email protected]
SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
A workshop for women that want to be themselves
in a supportive, safe environment. It is a chance
to grow and share their experiences related to
women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten week period on
Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy or Krista at 5857437. To participate, please call the exclusive
SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you may leave a voice
message for Trudy or Krista) or leave your name
and a contact time/number with the Gay & Lesbian
Community Services Association at 234-8973.
Speak Sebastian
Radio Show – Every first & third Wednesday from
9-10pm. Radio for the gay, lesbian, bisexual,
trans gender and kink community. Listen on CJSW
FM 90.9.
Urban Sex
Radio Show – Every second & forth Wednesday
from 9-10pm. Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual
lesbian trans gendered and straight issues here
in Calgary and around the web. Listen on CJSW
FM 90.9.
Western Leather Federation
Coffee Night – Wed, 8:30pm. At the Calgary Eagle.
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Peer social/support group for women providing an
evening of fun, bonding, discussion and activities.
Meets every first and third Friday 7pm to 9pm at
Project Areas:
Vigor Calgary
(403) 255-7004
Partnerships – Create partnerships with like-minded
groups. Organize a meeting to discuss a provincewide cross-sector entity addressing domestic
violence and homophobic bullying.
Violence in Gay Male Relationships (VIGOR) is a
committee of professionals dedicated to increasing
the awareness of gay men’s domestic violence and
the services available to them.
Training - Develop and pilot training modules that
address GLBTT domestic violence and homophobic
youth bullying. See the website or contact the office
for information on the next training session.
“Yeah... What She Said!”
Every Monday evening from 8:30-9:00pm
CJSW 90.9 FM
[email protected]
Research – Conduct an enviro-scan of services and
support available to GLBTT family violence and
abuse victims.
Youth 4 Youth
(403) 283-5880
Directory – Publish a province-wide directory of
services and supports addressing same-sex domestic
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Alberta’s website for youth with sex-and-gender
differences. lists the resources,
information and services to help youth find safe and
caring spaces in Alberta.
Calgary Eagle Inc. O4
See our ad on page 27
424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847
Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close
Jane Doe Marketplace & Cafe O50
See our ad on page 5
311 17 Avenue SW • (403) 245-5263
Calgary’s Only Marketplace featuring Women
Entrepreneurs. Coffee Shop too!
Money-Pennies O9
See our ad on page 35
1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411
Theatre and Art
Alberta Ballet
Cinderella - March 22 - 24
Dracula - April 9 - 10
ATP, Alberta Theatre Projects O36
Phone: (403) 294-7402
March 13 – April 1, 2007 - TEMPTING
PROVIDENCE, by Robert Chafe, A presentation from
Theatre Newfoundland and Labrador
April 17 – May 5, 2007 - SITTING ON PARADISE,
by Eugene Stickland
AXIS Contemporary Art
107, 100 – 7 Ave. SW • (403) 262-3356
[email protected]
Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm
Saturday: 10am to 5:30pm
Sunday: 11am to 3pm
First Thursdays (the First Thursday of each month):
10am to 8pm
Broadway Across Canada
See our ad on page 10
Mar. 27 - Apr. 1, 2007 - The Producers at the
Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
Everything you’ve heard is true! “Mel Brooks has
put the comedy back into musical comedy. The
Producers is the funniest, most fearlessly irreverent
thing ever seen on stage!” (USA Today). And now
you can experience the biggest Tony Award®
winner in Broadway history when it comes to your
town! Directed and choreographed by five-time Tony
Award® winner Susan Stroman (Crazy For You,
Contact, The Music Man). The New York Times raves
“ The Producers is a blissful spectacle that will leave
you delirious!”
Jun. 19 -24, 2007 - Mamma Mia!, Southern
Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
A mother. A daughter. 3 possible dads. And a trip
down the aisle you’ll never forget! Over 20 million
people all around the world have fallen in love with
the characters, the story and the music that make
MAMMA MIA! The ultimate feel-good show! Writer
Catherine Johnson’s sunny, funny tale unfolds on a
Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding,
a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her
father brings 3 men from her mother’s past back to
the island they last visited 20 years ago. The storytelling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs propels this
enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship,
and every night everyone’s having the time of their
lives! With more productions playing internationally
than any other musical, MAMMA MIA! Is the
World’s No.1 Show
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra • (403) 571-0849
Fairytales International Gay & Lesbian Film
See our ad on page 57
Looks Could Kill Art Boutique
Art Central, lower level #11, 100 7th Ave SW •
(403) 264-7576
New Gallery O25
516D - 9 Ave SW • (403) 233-2399
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5pm
One Yellow Rabbit O35
Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the
Performing Arts • (403) 299-8888
March 14 - 31, 2007, Spymonkey (from Great
Britain, Spain and Germany): Bless. Still tan from
the glow of two tours of duty at Cirque du Soleil’s
Las Vegas show Zumanity, Euro-comedy masters
Spymonkey return to Calgary. Bless is the third play
of the Murdston Trilogy (Stiff, and last season’s runaway sellout hit Cooped), completing the oeuvre of
the great English actor-manager Forbes Murdston,
and reuniting his fellow thespians Alfredo Graves,
Mandy Bandy and Udo Keller, in a miraculously
divine comedy. With puppets and thespians
working together, through a series of vignettes that
span time, geography and a variety of theatrical
stylishness, Bless is a show about the goodness
in mankind. Some of the goodness has been
exaggerated; some of it is purely accidental.
QUAB Gallery Inc. O43
212, 100th 7th Avenue SW • (403) 261-2855
Pumphouse Theatre O37
2140 Pumphouse Avenue SW • (403) 263-0079
727 42 Avenue SE • (403) 243-6642
NUNSENSE – a Musical Comedy, Book, Music &
Lyrics by: Dan Goggin, February 15 – April 22,
Winner of four “Outer Critics Circle Awards”
including “Best Off-Broadway Musical” in its
original New York production, the show is a
fundraiser put on by the Little Sisters of Hoboken to
raise money to bury a sister accidentally poisoned
by the convent cook, Sister Julia (Child of God).
“You don’t have to be Catholic to love Nunsense”
(Entertainment Tonight). “ A hall of fun an frolic!
Wacky and outrageous with a hysterical anything
goes sense of fun” (N.Y. Times).
Stride Gallery O47
1004 MacLeod Trail SE • (403) 262-8507
Theatre Junction
Truck Gallery O46
815 1st Street SW (Basement) • (403) 261-7702
Vertigo Mystery Theatre O34
161, 115 – 9 Ave SE • (403) 221-3708
Edmonton Listings
Bars and Clubs
Boots & Saddles O5
10242 106th St • (780)423-5014
Buddy’s Nite Club O6
See our ad on page 6
11725 Jasper Ave • (780) 488-6636
Prism Bar & Grill O8
See our ad on page 28
10524 101st St • (780) 990-0038
The Roost O9
10345 104th St • (780) 426-3150
Woody’s O12
See our ad on page 67
11725 Jasper Ave • (780) 488-6557
Bathhouse and Sauna’s
Down Under Baths O7
12224 Jasper Ave •(780) 482-7960
Steamers O10
9668 Jasper Avenue • (780) 422-2581
Steamworks O11
See our ad on page 65
11745 Jasper Ave• (780) 451-5554
B & D Emporium O13
#101 11745 Jasper Ave• (780) 428-5847
See our ad on page 71
(780) 413-7122 trial code 3500
Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+
Pride Construction
(780) 239-9197
Construction and Renovations
Community Groups and
Buck Naked Boys Club (Edmonton)
Naturism club for men.
Meets the second Saturday of each month.
(780) 471-6993
Our club has been meeting continuously for over 10
years. The similar club in Calgary ceased to exist
several years ago. Naturism is being social while
everyone is naked, and it does not include sexual
activity. Therefore participants do not need to be
gay, only male, but almost all participants over the
years do self-describe as being gay or bisexual.
Edmonton Pride Week Society
Edmonton Pride Week
2007 Pride Week: June 15 - 24
Friday, June 15 Kicking off Pride with the Annual
Pride Awards and Reception and the raising of the
Pride Flag at City Hall
Saturday, June 16 - Pride Parade! (Heading down
Jasper Avenue and ending up at Churchill Square)
After Parade Party: on Churchill Square -(Includes
the Business and Community Group Fair, Family
Fun area, live entertainment, food vendors and
Beer Gardens)
Thursday, June 21 - EVM Concert: Forever Young
- A Folk Music Hootenanny Cloverdale Hall with the
Bridge City Chorus of Saskatoon
Friday, June 22 - Acts Of Pride (An evening of Queer
theatre, dance and all things wonderful.) at La Cite
Francophone Theatre
Saturday, June 23 - Pride Dance, Location TBA
ERBA - Edmonton Rainbow Business
#3379, 11215 Jasper Avenue • (780) 49154458
Our primary focus is the provision of networking
opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgendered (GLBT) owned or operated and
GLBT-friendly businesses in the Edmonton region.
Membership is open to all kinds of entrepreneurs,
from tradespeople to professionals to commission
The Edmonton Rainbow Business Association After
Business Mixers. Held on the second Wednesday of
every month 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Mar 14 Garage Burger Bar, 10244 – 106 St, (780)
Apr 11 Hulbert’s Coffee House, 7601 – 115 St,
(780) 436-1161
May 9 Woody’s, 11723 Jasper Ave, (780) 4886557
Jun 13 Prism, 10524 – 101 St, (780) 990-0038
Edmonton STD O4
11111 Jasper Ave
Edmonton Vocal Minority
See our ad on page 43
Phone: 780-479-2038
Free To Be volleyball
Amiskiwcy Academy, 101 Airport Rd. (near the
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
downtown airport)
Every Wednesday and Thursday night, 8pm-10pm
Welcome GLBT players!
Wednesday night recreational level: All players
and skill levels welcome. Contact Marc for more
information: [email protected], Tel: (780)
Thursday night intermediate level: Coaching and
drills provided. Contact Alex for more information:
[email protected], Tel: (780) 424-9984. (Please
note that there is limited space on the intermediate
HIV Network Of Edmonton Society O3
11456 Jasper Ave
Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose
Living Positive (Edmonton Persons Living with
HIV Society) O2
(780) 488-5768
Providing confidential one-on-one peer support for
infected or affected individuals…. Internet support
[email protected]
Northern Chaps
Northern Chaps is Edmonton’s original leather,
latex, fetish, uniform club. We have been in
existence officially since 1987 but have been in
existence originally around 1982 in Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada. Everyone is welcome to join or
attend events
Northern Chaps is a social group existing for the
purpose of providing a safe, accepting social climate
to people interested in the leather/fetish/uniform
Northern Chaps believes that people should be
free to express their individuality and to exercise
personal lifestyle choices without social constraint,
to the extent that they do not interfere with the
freedoms of others.
In particular, Northern Chaps defends and pursues
this belief on behalf of gay men and lesbian women
who, through positive alternative lifestyles, seek to
explore the boundaries of their sexuality, including
the use of certain associated dress, signs and
symbols, and safe, sane and consensual behaviors.
Pride Centre of Edmonton O1
95A St. and 111 Ave. • (780) 488-3234
- Bears Movie Night
Bears club of Edmonton meets the last Sunday of
the month for movies 1- 6 pm in the TV room at the
Pride Centre of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph:
(780) 488-3234
- Trans Education/Support Group
Support and education for all transsexual,
transgendered, intersexed, two-spirited and
questioning individuals meets 1st, 3rd and last
Sunday of each month, 2-4 pm at the Pride Centre
of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780)
- Sunday Night Mens Discussion Group
Mens social and discussion group meets every
Sunday @ 7 pm at the Pride Centre of Edmonton
95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: 488-3234, Contact: Rob
Wells - [email protected]
- Monday Movie Night
Weekly movie nights, with themed movies
and discussion afterwards at the Pride Centre
of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780)
- The HIV Positive Gay Men’s Group
Drop in caring circle every Thursday, 1-4 pm @ 79 pm in main area, at the Pride Centre of Edmonton
95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488-3234
Facilitator: Mark, HIV Outreach
The HIV positive Gay Men’s Group is a place for
gay men to come and share their feelings on
how it is affecting their personal lives. This is a
personal private time for them to express how it has
changed their outlook on life. As well to support and
help each other dealing with being HIV positive.
Whatever is said in the room stays within the room.
Remember! You are not alone!
- Youth Understanding Youth
Youth support and social group meets every
Saturday from 7 to 9 pm at the Pride Centre of
Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 4883234 Contact: [email protected] (www.members. )
- Womonspace
1st Sunday of every month from 10 am to 1 pm
at the Pride Centre of Edmonton 95A St. and 111
Ave. Ph:488-3234 Contact Womonspace for details
- GLBT Seniors Drop IN
Every Thursday Pride Centre (95A St. and 111
Ave.), 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Pride Centre is thrilled to introduce a new
program serving our GLBT seniors. Hosted by Jeff
Bovee, contact the Centre at 488-3234 for more
Theatre and Art
Alberta Ballet
Cinderella - March 30 - 31
Dracula - April 12 - 13
Broadway Across Canada
Lethbridge Listings
GALA/LA - Gay and Lesbian Alliance of
Lethbridge and Area
(403) 308-2893 (live on Mon. and Wed. evenings
until 11 p.m.)
Monthly dances (Sept.-May) start Sept. 16 at
Croatian hall Call for directions, or for information
on P-Flag, campus groups and monthly pot-luck
Red Deer Listings
- Prime Timers
Monthly Member Meetings at the Pride Centre of
Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph:488-3234
Composed of LGBTQ people, their friends, family
and allies. No religious affiliation necessary.
Activities include support, faith and social justice
discussions, film nights, and potlucks! Affirm
meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7PM at
Sunnybrook United Church, (403) 347-6073.
- Suit Up and Show Up Big Book Study
Saturdays at 12 noon. At Pride Centre
National Listings
- Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Cocaine
Anonymous meeting
Thursdays 7-8pm CA Hotline 425-2715
- Youth Drop-in
Every Wednesday at 5:00pm
Open to all youth 25 years and under
Contact [email protected] or
call 488-3234 for more info.
- Men’s HIV Support Group
Will be meeting on each second Monday of the
month. At the Pride Center, Edmonton Starting in
April, from 7pm to 9pm.
- Parents Rock the World Workshops
PFLAG Canada: Edmonton Chapter - Workshop
Series Tuesdays (Feb 7, March 7, April 4, May 2,
June 6), Pride Centre (95A St. and 111 Ave.) 7:00
– 10:00 p.m. Ph: (780) 488-3234
A series of workshops for Parents of Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning children.
Each session will feature a 30 – 45 minute
topic specific presentation, followed by a group
discussion. Social time for sharing and networking
will follow at the end of each session. Call the Pride
Centre to register or for more details.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Love and Pride
Gay and Lesbian themed Jewelry
See our ad on page 70
Dating and hookups website
Wega Video
See our ad on page 16
Adult DVD’s
Community Groups and
Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition / Coalition
santé arc-en-ciel Canada
P.O. Box / C.P. 3043
Saskatoon SK Canada S7K 3S9
toll -free / sans frais 1-800-955-5129
fax/ télécopieur 306-955-5132
Egale Canada
#310, 396 Cooper
Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7
1-888-204-7777 toll free
Stephen Lock – Regional Co-Director (Male)
(403) 708-5302 cell phone
[email protected]
Egale Canada is the national advocacy and lobby
organization for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals,
trans-identified people and our families.
Membership fees are pay-what-you-can, although
pre-authorized monthly donors are encouraged (and
get a free Egale Canada t-shirt). Egale has several
committees that meet by teleconference on a
regular basis; membership on these is national with
members from every region of Canada.
Theatre and Art
Brothers TV
See our ad on page 52
See our ad on page 58
If you would like to add your business or non-profit
group to the list above, please call (403) 5436960, or toll free 1 (888) 543-6960 or E-mail
[email protected]. You can add your
information to the directory on the
website for free. endeavors to have the information
here as accurate as possible. Events and listings can
change at any time so it is recommended that you
check with the establishment before you head out.
Non-Profit groups get free listings. Business receive
a listing once an ad has been placed. The business
listing will last 1 year after the appear up to ad
has been placed unless there is a
service located at that business.
Just Ask Nina!
The Dish who dishes advice
By Nina Tron
Dear Nina,
Recently I found out that my ex boyfriend has found another man. He and I were together on and off for three or so
years. Recently we broke up and before I was even out of the
apartment he had hooked with this twink. I know that we
were eventually both going to meet other people but should
there be a mourning period? Please help settle this matter for
me, I am I right or am I wrong?
- Lost at Sea
Dear Lost,
Well first off, sorry to hear about your break up! But sweetie
you have got to pull yourself together and stop this constant
obsession with whether you are right or wrong. There is no
right or wrong answer. Besides, you all broke up, so I would
say he’s Mr. Wrong anyways. I’ve asked around and really
there is no clear or specific answer. From what I have gathered, most people agree at least 3 months, but it varies for everyone. Take whatever time you need before you yourself start
dating, but you can’t expect others to follow as well. YOUR
rules are only yours.
Now if you’re asking if I think he’s a complete ass for dating some guy before you even were out of the house, HELL
YEAH!! I can only say that nobody deserves to be kicked when
they’re down. Really though,
by sounds of things my dear,
you are way better off without
him. Now get out of that rutt
girl, and get back in the game.
And remember there are many
more fish in the sea. Can I
get an ‘amen’ in the room?!
Best wishes,
I am here for you, and I look
forward to hearing from
you all, I can be reached
at: [email protected] or Mailed to Ask Nina c/o Magazine, Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue SW,
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2. You can also watch Nina every
Sunday night and events through out the week at Twisted
Element, 1006 11th Avenue SW.
Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name,
address, E-mail) will remain confidential.
does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and
content. Responses are for entertainment value only.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Eating Out 2
Sloppy Seconds, A Tasty Dish
By Benjamin Hawkcliffe
The romantic comedy Eating Out was one of the
most popular films at the 2004 Fairy Tales Film Festival. So it was with a great amount of excitement
that I recently curled up with my boyfriend to preview its sequel, Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds, which
will be screened as part of OutFest in April.
Kyle (American Idol’s Jim Verraros) is back, pretending to be
an ex gay now turned heterosexual, to land bi-confused cutie
Troy (The insanely hot and tragically straight in real life Marco
Dapper). Assisted by friends Gwen (Emily Brooke Hands)
and Tiffani (Rebekah Kochan), Kyle tries to play straight while
lusting after Troy. Meanwhile, Kyle’s ex boyfriend Marc (Brett
Chukerman) is horrified at the plan and decides to pursue the
confused Troy with his own tactic - being his out gay self.
The movie is sexually charged, has lots of shirtless scenes,
and has many parts that are downright hilarious. The movie
hits a bit of a groaning moment towards the end as it tries to
rush a happy ending, but it quickly redeems itself with more
twisted humor.
“I was the editor on the first Eating Out, and Allan (Brocka,
writer-director of Eating Out) was a fan of my short film Crush,”
director Phillip J. Bartell told GayCalgary & Edmonton. “He
asked me if I had a good idea for part two, and he and Michael
Shoel (producer of both films) loved my idea and I immediately
started on the script. …Why do a sequel? Because the first
one did so well that Michael figured, ‘Let’s see how a sequel
does.’ There’s never been a gay American sequel, so he thought
it’d be fun, being the first. And I liked the idea of twisting the
idea of the first film, where a straight guy played it gay. It is
such fun to see a gay guy playing straight, which we can laugh
at more now that we’re in an era where that doesn’t happen as
much as it used to. And plus, for me it was the opportunity to
direct my first feature and see if I could adapt my style to the
world Allan created in the first movie, while still putting some of
myself into the film. The movie, with its crass humor, isn’t for
everybody of course. But those who are willing to jump aboard
our hot, politically incorrect train seem to have a blast.”
Bartell has a great deal of experience in the editing role,
working on past films like The Wedding Planner, Being John
Malkovich and Psycho. Working under many great directors
helped prepare him to step behind the camera himself
“My background is as an editor, and working on movies
directed by Gus Van Sant, Spike Jonze, and Robert Altman
were invaluable learning experiences, and to this day still give
me good stories to tell at parties. Being in the editing room
is one of the best places to learn about directing - you study
performance, composition, and how to tell a story in the most
economical way... thus, my screenplays usually end up being
lean and mean. And on a 10 day shoot, since I had a good idea
of how the scenes were going to cut together, I could shoot as
little as possible and still know when I had something covered.”
It’s also given him the chance to rub shoulders with J-Lo.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Preview | Theatre
We got off topic slightly when discussing the woman who has
planned many of her own weddings.
“I met Jennifer when we went to do her ADR in New York.
Did you like how I just called her ’Jennifer,’ like we’re tight?
Haha. We worked together for two days and had lunch with
the director, Adam Shankman, on the second day, so there’s
no way in hell she’d even be able to pick me out of a line-up.
She was cold the first evening we worked together because
she’d spent the entire day working on the J. Lo album and was
understandably tired. But on day two she warmed up and
I actually got it, her particular kind of charm. And she was
stunning to look at - flawless skin, and I wanted her cashmere
jump suit.”
Now, I have a confession to make. I think I may have fallen
for Marco Dapper. His infectious aww-shucks grin, incredible
body, accent… oh, and he gets naked. As he stood there in all
his glory, I paused the movie and stared at the screen. I almost
thought he was wearing a prosthetic…
“It’s all real, baby. 100% real. The boy is blessed.”
Ok, so Bartell spent ten days surrounded by very hot guys in
various states of undress. A tough job I am sure, and I had to
ask how he managed to not jump half his cast.
“I had a couple of crushes, I’ll admit. But when you’re shooting a feature in 10 days, it’s difficult to spend any time with
anyone who is not involved in whatever shot you are doing
at that particular moment. Plus, I have one rule in life: no
dating actors.... although you said ’jump,’ not ’date.’ No rules
about jumping.”
Based on the title of the film, you can make a guess about
some of what takes place in the movie. So I asked Bartell what
one person he would eat out?
“Angelina Jolie, because maybe there’d be some remnants
of Brad there. Ewww, I just grossed myself out! Oh wait, you
said one ‘person,’ but because of what happens in the movie, I
figured you meant a woman. As for men, God, the list is endless, but Ryan Squared (Philippe and Reynolds) probably top
the list. Or bottom, as it may be.”
I prepared myself for my final question. Quite possibly the
most important question asked in the history of this magazine.
Can I get Marco’s phone number?
“310-555-- Oh, oops, I seem to have misplaced it...” Teasing
Eating Out 2
Monday April 2nd, 2007
7:30pm & 9:30pm
Where: Engineered Air Theatre. Epcor Center. 205 8th AVE SE
Q Scopes
“Take big risks, Aries!”
By GayCalgary Staff
Venus in Aries turns up the flirtatious heat, and
Mercury in Aquarius can make tongues move faster
than brains. Pluto aspects both, pouring warm,
greasy lube all over the slippery slope.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Hanging out with
friends and just being your own sweet self can
open up adventures far beyond anything you expected. The
wilder the ride, the greater the rewards. You can hardly go
wrong, so take big risks.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Your great reserves
of inner strength are no secret, although the
erotic power in that strength may be much overlooked. This
week, your sexiness is evident to all, and that charge could
help you get ahead at work.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): What starts out as
an innocent intellectual endeavor can raise provocative questions with friends and create shifting alliances.
Some could even shift into hot-and-high gear! New romances
may have an urgent quality now, but that could pass very
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Be fearless - but
not reckless! - in pursuit of your career goals
now. Shrewd forethought will enable grabbing the notice you
need to get ahead. A confident swagger will also help you in
work and in love. Keeping the two separate may get tricky.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): You’re open to any
playful adventure, and you’re enough of a selfstarter that you don’t need any help. Still, you’ll turn your
spree to better advantage if you let your partner, or any companion, offer direction and inspiration.
Lifestyle | Astrology
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Staying
on purpose at work will bring great rewards. A
little flirtatious charm may help, but a little goes a long way!
Traditional wisdom or simple lessons learned in childhood
from your parents will help you keep perspective.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20):
Playful banter is flying fast and fierce these days.
Of course, you’ll contribute more than your share. You’re also
in a special position to assuage bruised egos and soften blows
that hit harder than intended. Make good use of your diplomatic talents!
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Staying home need not be dull. Right now, you’re
more dazzling in your own environment, so offer to host as
much as you can. This could create some financial challenges,
but the experience will help you learn economy and resourcefulness.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Your political instincts are even sharper than usual, and
your charms are more suave. Heed your first instincts and
fire from the hip. Fast and daring is the way to succeed. Don’t
even bother to look before you leap!
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Trust your
first instincts about money and career questions.
Thinking too long can make you muddled. Intuitive hunches
now can pay off big, although committed efforts may be
needed between the inspiration and the reward.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Ideas at work
are easily turned into naughty fantasies. Keep
those lewd ideas to yourself, and put a lid on the sparks until
you get home. The lift in your attitude will translate into better
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Your wit
is dangerously bawdy these days - and so out
of character for someone so tasteful! But as Diana Vreeland
noted, some occasional bad taste is fine, and better than no
taste at all. The unexpected spice will be good for all concerned. Let it rip!
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Adult Film Review
Cum, Manscape, Breathless, Forced Entry
Review | Adult Male
By Jerome Voltero
“Breathless” by Titan Media,
Courtesy of Priape
The film opens with François
Sagat, shirtless and running
along a set of train tracks
through the countryside. This
isn’t a casual jog however – his
frequent looks back over his
shoulder hint that he is being
chased. Surely enough, the
shirtless and rifle-toting Don
Camillo and Julian Vincenzo are
hot on his trail. Sagat stops by
a small pond to drink and catch
his breath, but his pursuers
catch him and roughly attempt
to subdue the fugitive. With a
belt around his neck, they guide
Sagat like a dog to a location
further off the beaten track, where they take advantage of their
newfound prisoner. Boy do they ever use him, and once they’re
done they walk off leaving Sagat lying on his back – you guessed
it – breathless.
along the lines of what Sweet Pussy Pauline might say if she were
a man. He periodically breaks into utterances of Spanish, but
don’t worry about getting an interpreter – he is only swearing
and saying “take-it take-it!” With the office door wide open, the
security guard Rod Barry walks in to survey the scene. He and
the janitor know one another quite well, and soon Barry is helping Martinez to break in the office boy. I thought I recognized
Monroe from somewhere – last film I saw him in, he was showing
off his ability to take two at a time. Sure enough, he does the
same trick in this movie. Even if he’s a one-trick pony, that’s one
heck of a trick!
The general theme of this film is that of reluctant guys getting
pushed into sex. It’s not to the point of rape because the reserved guys don’t resist too much, and quickly get into it. Still it
is something that will appeal to a bondage audience, or to others
turned on by forceful sex. My highlights were Dean Monroe, Jay
Armstrong, and Manuel Torres.
“Cum in my Ass” by SX
Video, Courtesy of Adult Depot
There’s nothing subtle about
the title of this porno, just like
there’s nothing subtle about its
star Patrick Ives. He is a browneyed brutish daddy that gives
new meaning to “taking it like a
With such an odd sequence of events and sex scenes, I figure
the only thing Sagat is running from is a cohesive plot. In this
movie world, there is an abundance of men just hanging around
shirtless in the forest – no tents or camping gear – they huddle
around fires and survive on cock alone. It’s primal, and actually
quite sexy if not horribly impractical.
It didn’t matter how unattractive some of his cohorts were
– and believe me, some of them
were nigh skeletal – Ives steals
the show with his manly grunts
and moans. When he is on his
back, he shows off his well-built
torso and neatly trimmed torso
hair; and when on his front, his
The guys are what you would expect to find in the rugged outdoors. Lean and healthy muscular specimens, with plenty of fur
to keep them warm at night…aside from the other men, I mean.
My favorites furry studs were Alex Baresi, Francois Sagat, and
Benjamin Stark, but just about all of them would appeal to those
who like hardy grown-up guys.
“Forced Entry” by Mustang
Studios, Courtesy of Priape
Dean Monroe is forced to
work late at the threat of being
fired by his asshole of a boss.
It is a long night and he works
himself to the point of frustration, whereupon he maliciously
decides he is going to leave his
boss a DNA sample as a present.
Unfortunately the tough-looking
Latino caretaker walks in to find
Monroe jacking off over his own
desk, and after some threats are
thrown back and forth, caretaker
Ricky Martinez (not to be confused with Ricky Martin) shows
the pencil pusher who will be
screwing who.
Martinez’s angry gangsta dirty-talk is quite drole, somewhat
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
bitable tan-lined ass.
If Ives is your turn-on, then you will want to hold your guns
until the last scene where he is plowed by Sebastien León – an
equally built and furry hunk. Usually long-ish hair is a turn-off
for me, but I finally found an exception in León. He is bright red
and dripping sweat before he finally loses his load on Ives. After
getting it from 8 guys, Ives gets to climax with the help of his
favorite dildo.
For the longest time I have idolized Hank Hightower as my
sexual “ideal”. After seeing this film, step aside Hank because
Ives is my new hard-throb…I mean, heart-throb.
“Manscape” by Pacific Sun Entertainment, Courtesy of
Adult Depot
Adult Depot has a huge selection of gay DVDs, so it’s never difficult to find something worth renting outside of the new releases
rack. This film was shot on location in Brazil, with a spicy inter-
racial cast of Latin and Black
Attack of the Celebrities
Letter from the Publisher
In the first scene, a big black
stud has hired a masseur to
work out some imagined pain in
his back, and play a little game.
As the young Latino employee
begins, you hear a steamy monologue about how the black guy
intends to seduce him. Soon
enough the Latino takes off his
shirt and his employer turns
over for a front massage. His
jogging pants don’t stay on for
very long.
continued from page 6
The guys in this film are
young and thin, but still reasonably chiseled. Aside from one facial-haired representative in each racial camp, the rest are clean
shaven. The remainder of the scenes feature Black on Latino,
and Latino on Latino. If dark skinned ethnic guys are a turn on,
you’ll certainly be satisfied with this DVD..
Priape Calgary
Canada’s Favorite Gay Store
1322, 17th Avenue SW – (403) 215-1800
Adult Depot
Over 2500 Gay Titles for Sale or Rent
1514B 14th Street SW – (403) 264-7399
140 – 58th Ave SW – (403) 258-2777
[email protected]
won’t be opening a new gay bar in Calgary anytime soon.
Our article this month on page 31 investigates just how complicated it really is to open a bar. If you think it can happen over
night, whoo boy, you’ve got another thing coming!
Homosexual Sexism?
It’s a worrying trend that Steve and I are seeing more and more
of in Calgary’s community – gay men who don’t like to be around
women, lesbian or no.
It could have been the attitude that was cultivated for many
years at the former Metro Boyztown, a private men’s club where
lesbians and straight women (typically “fag hags”) could only gain
entry to the establishment as the guest of a male member. This
practice may have resulted in a segment of our generation that
has grown intolerant of women – people who feel entitled to a
men-only space where such discrimination is okay. If this is the
case, then it is a rift that will take many years to heal.
In speaking with several bar goers, many have admitted that
they feel uncomfortable being themselves around the crowds
of “straight women” that are “invading our clubs”. I question
whether the Boyztown generation would even know a young
lesbian if they bumped into one, or if that fact would even matter
to them? All I know is that a contingent of males in the gay community are crying to have Boyztown back for this exact reason.
Money Pennies Eatery and Bar has tried to remain a bastion
of openness between men and women over the years. Owners Lorrie and Michele have always felt that the mingling of the
two genders is a positive thing because we can learn a lot from
each other. Sexism has never been an issue for the Backlot,
The Calgary Eagle, or the Texas Lounge, however their clientele
remains predominantly male. The Twisted Element reports that
they frequently resist complaints from male customers, asking
that they take action to cull the female population entering their
doors. But at the same time, lesbians have complained that the
club doesn’t do enough for their female customers. It seems
that the bar-going male population would rather pressure for a
new Boyztown than take the opportunity to become comfortable
around their fellow human beings, and be better people for it.
I argue that it is even unfair to discriminate against straight
people. A female friend of mine from University recently came to
the realization that she would be comfortable dating women as
she does men. This is something that she may not have realized
if she was refused entry to a gay bar for identifying as “straight”.
You can never know for sure where a person lies, or can potentially lie, along the spectrum of sexuality. It shouldn’t be our
place to judge. In my opinion, the only reason why gay people
are still shunned is because of the void of misunderstanding
– one that can be bridged by accepting straight people into our
folds as we do our own.
It is a terrible step back and a huge display of hypocrisy that,
after spending so long fighting homophobia, some gay men (and
gay women in turn) are adamant to foster equally reprehensible
forms of discrimination.
If you’re looking rather to express your opinion, write a letter to the
publisher by E-mailing [email protected]. If you’ve got something
good to say about someone or something, then that’s awesome! If you’ve
got something bad to say about someone or something…well, just try to
keep those claws sheathed!
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Q Puzzle
“Body Work,”
Fun | Crosswords
By GayCalgary Staff
CLUE: a crossword featuring quips about masseurs
1 Protector of k.d. lang and
Janis Ian
6 Comes out on the beach
10 Rainbow shape
14 Gay ___ (anti-Gay Pride
15 Miss, to Mme. de Stael
16 Oliver! request
17 Hung like a ___
18 Baseballer Billy, or kind
of ball
19 On an Olivia cruise
20 With 48-Across, masseurs?
23 Fruit sugar ending
24 Market tail?
25 Gets ready to shoot off
26 With 34-Across, “He
Touched Me” singer
28 Stick it in a tough guy
30 Shrek’s shoe size, perhaps
31 Culture Club’s “___
32 Cole Porter’s “Katie Went
to ___”
33 Banned bug killer
34 See 26-Across
38 Site for three men in a
41 Lisa Cholodenko’s spools
42 Where to see sweaty
46 I.M. ___ (contemporary of
Philip Johnson)
47 Biters of Marc Antony’s
48 See 20-Across
50 Take into custody
52 Magneto portrayer
53 J. Caesar’s tongue, or
back muscle
54 Please, like a masseur?
58 Hairy twin
59 Bear hunter Boone,
60 Controversial path for
same-sex partners
62 Longtime lesbian couples
often do this
63 Estimator’s phrase
64 “What does she see ___?”
65 Island of Lost Souls director Kenton
66 Western defense gp.
67 Philippines island
1 It hangs from your butt
2 Patronizes, as Barneys
3 Goes lickety-split
4 “I ___ Beautiful” (narcissist’s version of a Joe
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Cocker hit?)
5 One of the balls in your
6 An old flame?
7 Pleasured orally
8 Vanilla
9 Frieda, before she married Diego
10 Kitchen appliance brand
11 Like brilliantly colored
12 Got excited
13 Accessory for Madonna
21 Lost and Delirious director Pool
22 Kline of De-Lovely
23 Alec’s Star Wars character
27 Some women’s studies
28 Travels with one’s first
29 Greet Pat Robertson
32 Dickens’s Uriah
35 Word that takes “Euro”
as a prefix
36 Lay atop
37 To God, to Nero
38 Losing gladiator’s plea
39 Lingerer at the porno
rack, e.g.
40 Clean miss at a New
York Liberty game
43 Like the Oscars
44 Short theater offering
45 Where to find
48 “Poppycock!”
49 Require a bottom?
51 Piece for Liberace
52 White house without
55 ___ avis
56 Kinsey’s org.
57 Sometimes-pink drink
61 It may come before long
Answer key is on page 70
25 Years of Apollo’s Western Cup
Introducing Outgames
By Stephen Lock
Since its humble beginning as a gay and lesbian sports
club in 1982, Apollo: Friends in Sports has become
North America’s longest running GLBT sports league
and has hosted the Western Cup Tournament for several
years. Western Cup is now seen as the longest operating
annual sports events in North America.
Given that record, the Gay and Lesbian International Sports
Association (GLISA), the organizers of OutGames Continental
Games, were eager to approach Apollo to host OutGames 2007 in
conjunction with Western Cup XXV.
conference, OutFest, a cultural event featuring Lily Tomlin as the
headliner (see article, page 12), and Western Cup’s anniversary
“Our segment kicks off with the traditional Friday night party
at the Westin, which we are calling “Cowboys and Queens,”
chuckled Buckley.
The various events are being held at different venues and feature the 3rd Annual Apollo Idol karaoke event, the Casino, and a
line dancing event.
“Apollo’s main focus is the OutGames aspect, the sporting
aspect,” said Apollo president, Don Buckley. “But there are three
components to this – OutGames, OutRights which is the human
rights conference, and OutFest, the cultural aspect.”
Saturday night is the Western Cup XXV Dance, “Silver,” being
held at the TELUS Convention Centre North. It will feature one
of the top DJ’s in North America, DJ Tracy Young, who also performed at the recent Montreal OutGames.
“We aren’t experts in rights issues or cultural events,” he said.
“Because we wanted this to be a community event in keeping
with OutGames’ philosophy but, also as a way to honour our
25th anniversary, we approached a variety of organizations
within the community to partner with us on this.”
The week wraps up with a Celebration event on Sunday, but go
and visit the website for more information.
The First North America Ougames
The idea of OutGames and the cultural and conference aspects
are modeled after the EuroGames and, like those, OutGames will
be a GLBT continental event, not just Canadian or Canadian/
While Apollo was the initiator of all the events, and coined the
terms “OutFest” and “OutRights,” it was important other organizations in the Calgary GLBT community took ownership of the
latter two events.
Even within the sporting aspect of OutGames, Apollo has partnered with other organizations.
“When Western Cup first began, we featured three events
– badminton, volleyball, and bowling. We now have expanded
that to seven sports, including swimming events, running, and
this year we are introducing ice hockey,” said Buckley. “The
swimming events are being organized by Different Strokes, while
the running events are being organized by Calgary Frontrunners,” he added.
“The spirit behind Western Cup has always been to facilitate
opportunities for members of the GLBT community, and our supporters, to come together in a spirit of camaraderie and friendly
Adding these further events to Western Cup XXV, and coordinating that with OutGames, will allow for even greater community participation, said Buckley. “OutGames is the umbrella
for the week long series of events and while they are all interconnected, they are all distinct components.”
When GLISA approached Apollo to do this, the board quickly
agreed to tackle the enormous task of hosting OutGames. “We
are proud to be hosting OutGames and we are honoured to have
GLISA recognize our being the longest-running GLBT sporting
event in North America.”
The week (April 2 – 8) features OutRights, a human rights
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Building a Bar
It’s not as easy as you may think!
Insite |Business
By Rob Diaz-Marino
Setting up a bar or restaurant is a complicated process
wrought with hoops and hurdles, never mind the day to
day chores required to keep it running. The average bar
patron would get little idea from what they see by drinking and hanging out in their favourite place, even if for
decades. It is certainly easy to sit on one’s duff and say
“my city needs a new Gay Bar,” but if a person understood
just how much that is to ask, they might think twice about
pressuring others to go forward with it.
We wrote this article to give an appreciation of the fact that
opening a bar isn’t such a trivial matter. As you read this
article, ask yourself if you would be willing and able to put up
with all of these steps yourself. You’ll find that it takes a great
deal of knowledge, experience, and patience to even get a project
Stage 1: Conceiving your Bar
Having a Vision and a Plan – you need to know exactly what
your bar is going be. Give it a name and a “face”, and decide on
who is your target audience. If you keep it as an idea in your
head, then it is nothing – put it down on paper so that you can:
• Assess if you have enough resources to pull it off,
• Not waste money on things you’ll later realize that you don’t
• Not waste valuable time dwelling on tough decisions only as
you come to them.
• Ensure that your bar will attract and satisfy the audience
that you intended.
Make sure your plan has room for compromise, because
you will probably have to. Observe other similar businesses
– understanding what they do wrong may come in handy, but
focus more on what they do right. Sometimes you can’t control
the mistakes that lose customers, but you can control the things
that bring new customers in, and old customers back.
Gathering the Capital - make sure that you have the financial
resources to carry your bar to opening, even if you begin at bare
minimum. You can reinvest later on to bring it closer to your
original vision. Unless you can get your bar to a point where it
can start making money, you will only be wasting yours. Make
sure that your funding is solid before you start out, because
there is little help down the line.
• Banks will not give loans to bars and restaurants because
they are considered high risk. If they do, expect pretty heavy
collateral – your house may not even suffice.
• Some landlords may even ask for your house as collateral in
case you bow out on your lease.
• Adding more investors may patch early financial shortcomings, but that’s less money in your pocket once the bar starts
• Investments are made in a business, not in an individual.
Protect yourself; you can’t even trust your own father! All deals
should be in writing and passed by a certified lawyer, otherwise
you may lose out if something goes wrong.
Stage 2: Finding the Space
Now is where the nightmares begin – all you have to do is find
a space that is the right size for the right price, right? Well it’s
not that simple.
• The landlord must give approval for you to be a gay bar. If
they say no, you are out of luck. Worse, if you mislead them
and pour money to build your bar only for them to find out
down the line, you can have your lease revoked, and again you
are out of luck (and money).
• The City controls what kinds of businesses can go into
which buildings – this is known as zoning. If the building is not
zoned for a bar, only the landlord can make an application to
have that zoning changed. The City can refuse that application
if they don’t find a bar is appropriate for that part of town.
• Your establishment must have sufficient parking to handle
your estimated customer base. Prime areas of town can run you
a yearly rate of $3000 per parking stall.
• The lease may lock you in for a number of years. This can
be good – if property prices go up, the landlord can’t change the
rent on you for that period of time. If your bar fails, however,
you will be stuck paying out the remainder of time on the lease
– and if you can’t, remember that collateral?
• Regardless of your square footage, the building’s entrances
and exits may limit your bar’s capacity. Contact the fire department to learn how they calculate fire capacity, and make sure
you can fit the crowds that you are expecting.
• You must purchase insurance even before your bar opens.
This can run from thousands to the ten thousands of dollars
depending on your bar’s size and intended use.
Make Smart Decisions – there are good times and bad times
to try to open bars. It all depends on the real estate market, and
how much landlords are charging for square footage.
• Pull out a calculator and crunch some numbers, come up
with a ballpark figure for your monthly expenses, and see if your
sales will cover those expenses and your rent, and still bring you
a profit.
• Make a realistic estimate of how many people you would
have in your establishment per month. Friday and Saturday
nights are usually going to be your money-makers. Assume the
best case scenario that you will put through more people than is
your capacity (not all at once, of course). According to the sales
figures of some past and current gay bars, we figure for a liquor
primary establishment that each person would spend an average
of $16-$18 per night on alcohol. Now see if you can survive the
slow months by dividing that number of customers in half.
• You may need to charge cover or raise your drink prices to
offset your costs. Unfortunately, if a customer spends too much
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
on cover they may not spend as much on alcohol. Furthermore they may not come in as often if things are too expensive.
Remember, gay bars don’t charge as much for alcohol as the
straight bars get away with – this makes it even more difficult to
remain competitive.
• Also factor in your target audience – the older crowds tend
to spend more money, but the younger crowds may be out more
• The right space isn’t just out there for the taking – you may
be waiting several years before something reasonable becomes
available. If you jump the gun and blow your capital, you may
ruin your chances for good.
Get Ready to Move Quickly – time is money, and every day
that your bar is not open, money goes down the toilet. As fast
as you think that you can move, remember there are bottlenecks
beyond your control that you will be waiting on.
• Permits and inspections are your obstacles. Make sure you
also have enough money for several months of rent, just in case
you have to sit on your hands for that long.
• If you are lucky, your landlord may give you a few months
of grace while you set up. Don’t count on it though. They may
very well ask for three months of rent payment in advance.
You’ll be paying even though you’re making nothing back.
Stage 3: Preparing the Space
You have now signed the lease. Hopefully you hired a lawyer
to make sure everything is in order. Here begins the race for
Renovating – maybe the prior renter of your space has it already set up as a bar or a restaurant. In that case you may only
have to spend hundreds of thousands to get things up to code
and arranged the way you need them. If you are starting from
scratch and having to worry about plumbing, electrical, fire suppression, and ventilation, you can easily spend millions.
• City permits are required for construction and demolition.
Applications can take months to be processed, and may get
denied in the end. The City requires you to submit a floor plan
before you can get your construction permit and city licensing.
• Once you receive your building permits, you must post
notice on the exterior of your building to allow other businesses
in your area a chance to express any objection. Though you can
begin construction immediately, the notice must be shown for
a certain period of time before the renovated area can go into
use. If nearby businesses, residences, schools etc. voice valid
objection to the intended use of your space, your permit can
be revoked, or conditions may be imposed in order for you to
• All permits are public information - their existence and
details can be accessed by anyone through the City. If you’re
thinking about starting construction without a permit, it doesn’t
take much to find out that you’re bending the rules. Aside from
that, many builders won’t even touch your place unless you can
show them a valid building or demolition permit.
The Costs
• Even small renovations can get pretty steep, as you are paying for materials and labour. You can save a little on labour by
getting your friends and family to help with construction, but
they may not have the time or the skills you need.
• To serve drinks to your customers you need to install a good
deal of hardware and appliances: lines and guns if you want to
dispense various drinks, taps if you want draft beer, bar fridges,
storage fridges, dish washers, and an ice machine (unless you
have a huge fridge to stockpile pre-bought ice). These are in-
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
dustrial-grade appliances built for high usage, and can easy cost
tens of thousands of dollars.
• As a drinking establishment you are obligated to provide
food to your customers in some reasonable form, for some reasonable period of time during your hours of operation. This can
mean installing a full kitchen to properly cook a variety of food,
or simply a microwave with a stock of instant frozen foods.
• Don’t forget about furniture – you can’t just walk into a
store and buy large quantities of tables and chairs. You’ll need
to order them, and wait for them to arrive.
• If you are building a dance club, don’t forget about your
DJ equipment, sound system, and lighting. Those electronics
alone will cost tens of thousands of dollars, which is why a lot of
businesses lease rather than buy. Your DJ will need to stock up
on music and subscribe to record pools to make sure they are
up to date with the latest tunes. This might be a charge that is
passed off to you.
• Permits and inspections cost money – if you fail, you not
only have to pay to fix the problems, but also to have the inspections done over again. Some permits depend on you possessing
others, so if you fail one, you can’t get another type in the meantime. Your licenses must be renewed each year.
• Before you can open, you must have your establishment
inspected and approved by the fire department and health
department. You must also receive security clearance from the
city police. Then you can apply for your city licensing, and only
after everything else is in place, can you get your liquor permit
from the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission (AGLC).
• To pass the fire department inspection your building needs
to have proper fire detection and monitoring systems in place,
along with a fire suppression system (fire extinguishers, or a
sprinkler system if necessary) especially in the kitchen. You
must have clearly marked exits for your patrons that can, under
no circumstances, be blocked. Seek official documentation for
exact guidelines.
• The Health Department can turn you down if your bathrooms are not satisfactory, if your fridges aren’t cold enough, if
your dishwashers aren’t hot enough, and more. Obtain official
documentation for exact requirements.
• When it comes to city licensing, you have some room to
choose the specifics: liquor primary vs. food primary, with additional options such as live entertainment, strippers, dancing,
and so on. Each licence add-on costs money, and has its own
rules that you must adhere to.
• The City does extensive background checks on all owners
and investors – credit history, criminal records, and taxes – and
may refuse permits if they find anything they don’t like.
• The AGLC can refuse to issue a liquor permit if your drink
serving and kitchen facilities are not appropriate to your particular city license. AGLC also puts you and your investors under
the microscope. Obtaining your liquor license is usually the last
thing you do before you open.
• Your establishment requires a SOCAN license if you are
playing any copyright protected music for your customers. Visit for more details.
• Failing to get proper licensing can result in hefty fines and
legally enforced closure times now or down the line, which can
seriously hurt your chances.
Stage 4: Running your Bar
Staff - in most cases you can’t do everything yourself.
• You may need to hire bartenders, bussers, waiters, cooks,
door staff, and security.
• Also remember you may need to hire staff to provide entertainment: DJs, bands, drag performers, strippers, and so on.
• Don’t hire staff until you’re certain you have a job for them.
They have bills to pay. If it takes too long for their jobs to begin,
they may simply move on – or worse, stick around and put
themselves at risk. Your bar should be within days of opening
before you start them on payroll; otherwise you are haemorrhaging money for them to sit on their hands.
• The Health Department requires you to have at least one
staff member who has undergone a two-day food safety training course. You may have to pay for members of your staff to
undergo this training. This person is then supposed to teach
what they know to other employees, and monitor that they are
following those guidelines.
• The AGLC requires one bartender per shift per licensed room
to be certified by their new ASIP training. In 2010, all bartenders must have undergone this training – which you may have to
pay for. Visit for more details.
Operating Costs – the good news is that you can recoup a
small amount of your costs through bottle returns. The bad
• You may need to hire a graphic designer to create professional-looking ad work and website designs. Amateur designs
may appear messy and it may be difficult for people to get the
information they need from it – or it may reflect badly on your
establishment due to lack of professionalism.
• For internal advertising (ie. promoting events to customers
within your own venue) you will need to cover print costs for
posters and flyers on a monthly basis.
• For external print advertising (ie. in magazines like ours) you
have to pay for ad space on an issue-by-issue basis. GayCalgary
and Edmonton Magazine has relatively low costs, but higher-end
magazines can charge thousands, and even tens of thousands of
dollars for a single full-page ad.
• A website is another good form of advertising, but again people have to find your site amongst billions of others. Creation of
the website will be a one-time expense, but you may need to pay
to keep it updated.
• Advertising isn’t a guarantee – there is a whole industry
devoted to understanding and harnessing the market to your
advantage based on past statistics. Marketing Agencies charge
huge amounts of money, and may end up telling you little more
than what you would have surmised out of common sense.
• Any bar you ask will agree that insurance costs are murder.
Each year, small bars pay in the thousands, larger clubs pay
in the tens of thousands. The majority of insurance companies
demand the full amount up-front even before you open, and
then yearly after that.
• Property taxes can easily run you for the cost of a month’s
• To serve drinks you will need to buy an initial stock of cups,
shot glasses, martini glasses, shakers, straws, pouring stoppers,
and more.
• Hope you have a good accountant that has been keeping
your book in order. Otherwise it’s your time and sweat to get
everything submitted in time.
• Your bathrooms will need to have soap, toilet paper, and
maybe paper towels if there are no hand driers.
Now, if you are even still reading up to this point, there may
be a lot of factors that you had not considered. The costs are
endless, so a $4.75 bottle of beer may only make $0.25 profit or
• Glassware and plates break and chip, plastics wear down
from use and washing, and cutlery can get damaged or just
disappear. These things need to be frequently replenished and
• You will regularly need to replenish your stock of consumables such as pop, juice, beer and liquor, food and ingredients,
and even lemon and lime slices.
• Don’t forget about income tax, GST, and employee remittance.
The sad part is that this article did not even go into much
detail – there are enough intricacies to easily make a book – or
several books, such as the handbooks provided by the AGLC
and the Health Region. How good are you at following instructions, because there are lots – and they are the law.
• Things deteriorate over time. Machinery may break down,
pipes may burst, circuits may blow, and your fire detectors may
malfunction. Be prepared to pay for experts to come out and
resolve these problems.
So if you have ever pressured your rambunctious buddies
to step up to the plate, would you have done so knowing the
amount of grief it could cause them? Maybe they really do have
the expertise and motivation to get into this unforgiving industry. But my question is: are you asking for a new bar because
there’s not enough room for you now, or because you are unwilling to get past your excuses for not going out to the existing
ones that do have room?
• Paint chips, carpets fester with gum and spilled drinks,
walls and surfaces get dented and damaged, mirrors and glass
gets broken. Be prepared to pay money if you want to keep your
establishment from looking run down.
It is human nature not to be satisfied with what we have,
but as the saying goes, “a bird in the hand is worth two in the
bush.” (In gay-man-talk that would be “a cock in the hand is
worth two in the tush.”)
Spot Checks – don’t forget that AGLC, the Health Department,
and the Fire Department will perform spot checks at the worst
moments possible. Going over your fire capacity is a minimum
$15,000 fine. Serving alcohol after last call, leaving liquor circulating after 3am, and the presence of minors will also result in a
large fine for your bar, and the staff member(s) that caused the
infraction. Fines get more severe the more you incur them, to
the point of shutting down your bar or revoking your licences.
If anything, gay Calgarians should be giving the Backlot, The
Calgary Eagle, Money Pennies, Texas Lounge and Twisted a big
pat on the back for getting through these ordeals, as should gay
Edmontonians do the same to Boots, Buddys, Prism, The Roost,
and Woodys. Enjoy them while they’re here, because not one of
them will last forever.
Advertising – you need to get people into your establishment
to spend money. Advertising makes people aware of your existence, and notifies them of upcoming events.
A special thank-you to our existing Calgary and Edmonton gay
bars for sharing the ins and outs of their business with us, specifically for this article, and as we have lived vicariously through
them over the years.
• You will need to buy equipment, chemicals, and even pay for
labour to keep your establishment clean.
You’ll get your new bars in due time, so what’s the big rush?
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
The Producers
Mel Brooks Musical coming to Calgary
By Jason Clevett
Broadway Across Canada brings its latest touring
production to Calgary, from March 27th to April 1st,
2007. The Producers is coming to the Jubilee Auditorium, bringing the multiple Tony award winning
show to Calgary for the first time.
The Producers was originally a film in 1968 that was adapted
to a play by Mel Brooks in 2001. The Broadway production and
subsequent film starred Nathan Lane as Max Bialystock and
Matthew Broderick as Leo Bloom. Bialystock is a Broadway
producer who discovers through accountant Bloom that under
the right circumstances, a producer could actually make more
money with a flop than he can with a hit. The IRS isn’t interested in a show that flopped, so a producer could raise a million
dollars, put on a $100,000 flop and keep the rest. Max proposes
the ultimate scheme: Find the worst play ever written, hire the
worst director in town, raise two million dollars, hire the worst
actors in New York, open on Broadway and close out with their
They proceed with their scheme, finding a script for “Springtime for Hitler, A Gay Romp with Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden” written by Franz Liebkind, and seek out flamboyant
Roger De Bris, the worst director in New York. Things do not go
as planned with hysterical results.
“It actually has gone that way towards being a very gay
show. It’s a blast,” openly gay cast member Adam Brown told
GayCalgary while on a tour stop in Indiana. “The show itself,
from the moment that we enter the De Bris household, it gets
gayer and gayer as we go.”
The touring production has been on the road since September
after a month of rehearsals in Kitchener, Ontario. With stops
like Fargo, North Dakota and El Paso, and Texas, we asked how
audiences are reacting to the show in traditionally conservative
“You’d be surprised, for the most part people are fairly responsive and ok with the gay aspect. We have had a few houses
where there have definitely been crickets or the audience has
felt uncomfortable. People don’t realize it’s supposed to be funny
and that it’s meant to be lighthearted and fun. For the most part
audiences have responded to it very well and everybody has a
really good time. We haven’t had a negative response yet.”
The 21-year-old cute single actor is fresh out of college and
enjoying the experience of his first national tour. It can be quite
overwhelming to tour the country and live out of a suitcase but
he’s embracing the opportunity.
“I consider myself pretty lucky. It is hard living in New York
and trying to make ends meet on top of auditioning. I was waiting tables for five months before I booked this tour. It is really
easy to settle into a groove in New York and just do your job,
and when you have a day off there might be an audition but you
want to stay home and watch TV instead. When you keep making yourself go, it gets easier. I am fortunate being a guy and a
dancer - it was easier for me.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Preview | Theatre
“I grew up in a nice midwestern family in Ohio. Living
in New York was great but now
living out of a suitcase in hotels
and doing the same show for
130 performances thus far,
definitely an eye-opener. By the
end of my contract I will have
done close to 300 shows. You
learn what you need to do to
make your money work for you
while you are on the road, and
grow up very fast. I look at my
friends, who are still juniors in college, and I look at what I am
doing, sometimes I feel like I am getting more out of this than
they are out of school. It’s wonderful.”
Brown plays a number of characters, including a houseboy.
The first few nights walking on stage barely clothed was quite
the experience.
“I come down the stairs with no shirt on, nipple jewels and a
belly gem with a big turban on my head. At first it was a little
embarrassing and I was a little self-conscious, it made me go
to the gym a bit. As time has gone by I am over it and it doesn’t
matter anymore.”
There isn’t as much time to play tourist on tour but Brown
does plan on paying a visit to the Rockies.
“When we were in Philadelphia people went and saw the
liberty bell and went shopping, and all that kind of fun stuff.
When it’s a show for only a couple of days there isn’t much time
to do that, amidst doing laundry and everything else. It depends
on how long we are in the city. I have not been to Alberta before
but a good friend of mine is in Calgary. Ironically she is doing
a tour of Joseph right now and won’t be there. I have heard the
mountains are beautiful.”
After the lights go up, the applause dies down and the audience departs, the cast is left to pack up and move on to the next
city. Brown hopes to gain from The Producers experience, and
continue on from there. So who knows, one day you could see
him again in a major role and say “I saw that guy when he was
shirtless in The Producers!”
“Being on a tour makes you stay on your game and doesn’t
leave a lot of time for goofing off. I have fun but I can’t get out
of control. From this I really hope it goes up from here. Starting
your first gig on a national tour is not a bad start at all. Hopefully I can get on some other tours or work regionally. My main
goal is not to be working behind a desk, as long as I don’t have
to put on a suit that isn’t a costume, that is my goal.”
The Producers
March 27th to April 1st, 2007
Jubilee Auditorium
Tickets at Ticketmaster
Divine Musical is Habit-forming
Review | Theatre
By Jason Clevett
From the second when nuns start wandering through
the audience saying “hi”, you get the immediate impression that Nunsense is different from many productions
put on by Stage West. Featuring razor sharp humor, divine performances and audience interaction, Nunsense
is a great way to kick off 2007 at Stage West!
The original production opened in New York in 1985 and ran
until 1994. Nunsense is the story of the surviving Little Sisters of Hoboken (a one-time missionary order that ran a leper
colony on an island south of France), who discovered their cook,
Sister Julia Child of God, accidentally killed the other fifty-two
residents of the convent. It was her tainted vichyssoise soup
that killed everyone instantly from botulism, and only these
few escaped unharmed as they were off playing bingo with a
group of Maryknolls. Upon discovering the disaster, Mother
Superior Mary Regina (Susan Johnston Collins) had a vision
in which she was told to start a greeting card company to raise
funds for the burials. The greeting cards were an enormous
success and, thinking there was plenty of money, the Reverend
Mother bought a flat screen TV for the convent, leaving her with
no money to pay for the last four burials. With the remaining
deceased nuns on ice in the deep freeze, they decide to stage a
variety show in the Mount Saint Helen’s School auditorium to
raise the necessary funds. Joining Regina are her second-incommand Sister Mary Hubert (Cheryl Mullings); Sister Robert
Anne (Dawn Bergstrom), a streetwise nun from Brooklyn; Sister
Mary Leo (Heidi Ford), a novice who is determined to be the
world’s first nun-ballerina; and whacky Sister Mary Amnesia
(Kristin Galer), who lost her memory when a crucifix fell on her
The show exploits every pun possible – penguin walks, a nun
puppet named “Sister Mary Annette” and references to many
aspects of the Catholic church that had the crowd roaring
with laughter. The strongest parts of the show include Mother
Superior getting high on RUSH poppers and stumbling around
the stage making bad Nun puns, a series of Nun impressions by
Sister Robert Anne and a hysterical cooking segment. (“Oh look!
A recipe for Boy Scouts! First get twelve brownies reaalll hot…”)
handles the sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek nature well, but also
brings their own individual talents that add to the production.
Bergstrom and Galer have outstanding voices and can belt out
their numbers with goose-bump inducing effect, and Ford adds
grace to the stage with light ballet dance scenes.
You don’t have to be Catholic to appreciate the show, as the
humor is universal. Still, it doesn’t hurt to have the upbringing, as many of the subtle jokes will jog a memory for those who
were raised under the Catholic Church. During intermission I
heard several people comment ”they are certainly different than
the Nuns I grew up with.” I am sure many wished that these
zany sisters had in fact been their guides during their youth.
The show has been updated with more current references (for
example, in the original Mother Superior bought a VCR – quite
the expense in 1985) but the heart of Dan Goggin’s original
piece still shines through. Nunsense spawned five sequels and
I’d certainly be interested in seeing these children of God return
to the stage for another go…or two. What better way to celebrate
Christmas this year then with Nuncrackers?
Nunsense – A musical comedy
February 15th – April 22nd, 2007
The interactive experience also adds to the enjoyment of the
show. Audience members are quizzed and brought on stage to
help out. I even got in on the act as Sister Mary Leo walked by
looking stunning and I said “Damn baby, you’re fine! Do all the
nuns in your convent look like you?” I now have to do seven
Hail Mary’s to repent.
During the actual show I managed to answer Sister Amnesia’s
question about why the Nuns left the leper colony, and was rewarded with a bright red frisbee
stamped “come fly with the lord”
which I will cherish always.
Nunsense is a risky show in
that, with the wrong talent it
could bomb horribly. Fortunatly
director Di Nyland Proctor put
together a cast that not only
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Calgary Cares 2007
PULSE – the Rhythm of Life
By Arthur McComish
If you missed out on the extravagance of 2005’s Calgary Cares, it’s ok because that time has come again!
On March 23rd you can join the many Calgarians who
will get dressed to the nines with the sole purpose
of helping the AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
continue its indispensable work in the city. The award
winning Calgary Cares event not only gathers the best
talent to put on one of the most entertaining evenings
of the year, it also sets the bar for philanthropic endeavors in Calgary. The theme of Calgary Cares 2007
is PULSE – the rhythm of life that connects us all. This
year’s event will again take place at the Jack Singer
Concert Hall where, those in attendance can expect to
find the very best from the worlds of fashion, music,
and spoken word.
In addition to the show, there will also be a silent auction
including: Three exciting trips, courtesy of Leisure Life Vacations – Shoreham Green, Jamacia; Cristalmar Resort and
Beach Club, Isla Mujeres, Mexico; and a weekend getaway
for two at Kimberly Ridge.
Four fabulous fur coats, courtesy of Renfrew Furs, are
also up for auction in addition to original artwork from Calgary artists ranging in size, style and medium.
Susan Cress, executive director of the AIDS Calgary
Awareness Association notes that, “One of the most powerful things about Calgary Cares is the diverse range of people
at the event. From young people coming out, to established
GLBT people, to politicians and oil executives, it is truly a
unique event in Calgary. Rarely is there such an opportunity for people to get behind the leading issue of our time,
HIV/AIDS. This is an environment where you get the sense
that Calgary does indeed care,” Cress continues, “We make
use of the diverse range of talent available in Calgary, who
all donate their time, to produce our signature event.”
The ambition and enthusiasm on which Calgary Cares is
built is the very same foundation that has helped the AIDS
Calgary Awareness Association to sustain itself as a nonprofit organization in Calgary for the last twenty-four years.
For the GLBT community, AIDS Calgary is an especially
valuable resource. Two current projects that AIDS Calgary
is spearheading, due in part to funding from events like
Calgary Cares, are the HEAT and Youth XChange programs.
HIV Education and Awareness Today (HEAT) - is a program
designed to address HIV/STI education, awareness and
prevention. HEAT engages the MSM (men who have sex with
men) community by providing specific education in support
of HIV/STI prevention and health promotion – through outreach, development workshops and online. Youth XChange
is a program aimed at high-risk, street-involved youth. This
outreach, support and education program targets youth
agencies youth events and youth on the street. Workers and
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Community | Spotlight
volunteers visit the streets and speak with youth about HIV
and AIDS, sharing prevention messages and connecting
them to the resources they need for safety, food and shelter.
So lend your support to the community – buy your tickets
for Calgary Cares 2007!
AIDS Calgary Presents
Calgary Cares 2007
Friday, March 23rd at 7:00pm
Epcor Centre’s Jack Singer Concert Hall
205 – 8th Avenue SE
(403) 508-2500
AIDS Calgary
Woodys Pub
A Friendly Place in the Gaybourhood
Review |Business
By Jason Clevett
Since the Spring of 2002, Woodys has been a
popular watering hole for Edmonton’s gay community. With longer hours than most clubs and a laid
back atmosphere, Woodys has become a kind of gay
“Cheers” for its patrons.
The establishment is owned by Jim Brown, also the owner
of Buddys Nite Club two floors below it. Woodys was born out
of the evolution of its downstairs neighbour.
“Buddys had moved in 2000, making the transition from
pub to successful nightclub,” said bar manager Dan Lof. “In
doing so, however, some of the neighbourhood pub feel was
missing, including [the idea of] looking down onto the street.
Obviously taking the second storey of the building and opening Woodys was the logical next step. Created to be reminiscent of the ‘old Buddys’ but with all-new flair, we have strived
to be Edmonton’s best and friendliest gaybourhood pub.
…The clientele is as broad as the community is, professionals to tradesmen, bears to queens, we all meet on common
ground. During the day you’ll definitely find a 30+ crowd, but
later in the evening the crowd is more mixed. People need a
safe, friendly, casual environment in which to meet. There is
still a need for gay businesses so that the community always
has somewhere to go, that they can be completely comfortable
The bar opens at noon daily, with happy hour specials and
an opportunity to mingle outside of the usual late night hours.
In addition they feature a light menu and an assortment of
events throughout the week.
“We have a variety of snack foods available including hot
dogs, smokies, taquitos, nachos, chips, etc. We have three
great pool tables and have free entry tournaments every Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 7pm. We also have a Walmac
pool team that host teams from other bars every other week.
The friendly staff and safe atmosphere we offer is something
few other businesses can boast, and the view outside and the
neighbourhood atmosphere keep our friends coming back.”
One of the most popular staples at Woodys is their Karaoke.
They offer it four nights a week, and everyone from semi-pros
to William Hungs are welcome to belt out their favorite songs,
by diva or by rocker.
extended happy hour, it is easy to meet new people without
the pressure of the late night club. With the windows and the
giant rainbow flag, we are often the first place that visitors and
new comers in Edmonton come to.”
Like most gay businesses, Woodys is also heavily involved in
the community.
”We have held functions for a myriad of charities including
the Court, the John M Kerr Scholarship fund, Pride Squad,
and more We will always continue to support our community.”
Woodys continues to evolve and grow with Edmonton’s gay
community. The future remains bright for the bar, and you
can be sure Woodys will be around for many years to come.
“In the beginning, Woodys only had windows facing the
street, which changed into the opening windows that offer the
great feeling of the summer outdoors and the second floor view
to cruise - uh - watch the world go by. Part of our appeal has
always been the good people,
great prices, and friendly staff.
I think the old adage is true,
‘the more things change the
more they stay the same’.
The gay community is always
changing, growing; but one
thing that remains constant
is our desire to cater to it. As
comfortable as some gay people
may be in ’straight’ bars nowadays, we know that we offer
acceptance, not just tolerance,
and it shows in the many regulars who have a second place
to call home.”
11725 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB
(780) 488-6557
“Karaoke is as popular as it has ever been, drawing in people of all ages and backgrounds. There are quite a few really
good singers that croon, belt, or rock us out, but it is about
fun, and anyone can sing their heart out. If you’re having fun
singing then chances are the audience is having fun with you.”
While Woodys and Buddys have a lot in common, each business strives to be its own separate entity.
“Although both have the same owner, are in the same building, and share some customers; they are separate. Woodys offers a more relaxed atmosphere, more conversational, and we
offer of course Karaoke. Being open during the afternoon with
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Fundraising Photos
Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino of Magazine
Sharp Foundation Fundraiser
at Money Pennies - Calgary
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Sharp Foundation Fundraiser Dinner at Gypsy - Calgary
Femme Fatale Fundraiser at Twisted Element - Calgary
ISCCA Karaoke Fundraiser at Texas Lounge
ISCCA Drag Show at Money Pennies - Calgary
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
ARGRA Dance - Calgary
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Diversity Gender Bender
at Mount Royal College - Calgary
Edmonton Vocal Minority Concert
and Womynspace Dance
ISCWR Drag Shows at the Roost - Edmonton
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Calgarians Networking Club
How Do You Meet People In This Community?
By Stephen Lock
Perhaps you are just coming out and want some
sort of alternative to the bars and clubs, or you’ve
recently moved to Calgary and don’t really know
anyone, or you have been kicking around the community for a while but just want to round out your
social life a bit more…what do you do?
Community | Spotlight
guest speaker talking for about 10 or 15 minutes at 6:30, followed by a Question and Answer period. And then, depending
on how long that lasts, some more social time and the evening
wraps up at about 7pm,” said Faulkner.
The current membership is at about 40 people, with an average of between 15 and 20 showing up any given evening.
Calgary’s GLBTQ community has any number of recreational and social organizations, but most of them are targeted
at one specific area, be it sports, rodeo, drag, campus activity,
“It’s a good mix, actually,” said Faulkner. “We have members ranging from university students to retirees and everyone
in between. We have realtors, architects, oil and gas types,
credit counselors, even a couple of clergy.”
Calgarians Networking Club has been resurrected by pastpresident, James Faulkner, and is now operating under the
auspices of the Gay and Lesbian Community Services Association (GLCSA, soon to be known as OutLink).
The group hopes to attract more women as the ratio at the
moment is tilted in favour of the men.
“CNC folded a few years back,” said Faulkner. “But I still get
approached by people wondering if it is still active and there
was clearly a need for a group like CNC.”
Faulkner was interested in starting it up again to meet that
need, but wasn’t interested in running it again so he approached Tamrin Hildebrandt, Executive Director of GLCSA.
“There was this misconception in the community that the
old CNC was a businessperson’s network,” he said. While the
current CNC, like the old organization, does have several business types involved, the premise is broader-based than that,”
he added.
“The group is about social interaction, about meeting people
on a social level. It’s very casual and we encourage people
to mix at our monthly meeting and talk to people they don’t
know. People have a tendency stick to talking to those they
know, understandably, so we try and create an atmosphere
that is conducive to mixing.”
“We do have a couple of women members who have been
involved since the start. Sure enough, the one week they don’t
show up, a couple of more women will and wonder where all
the women are,” chuckled Faulkner. “But everyone gets along
really well. It’s a very casual and comfortable atmosphere.”
It was decided to move the group under the auspices of
GLCSA for several reasons: GLCSA already had the infrastructure in place to manage such a group, having already
coordinated several different groups ranging from queer youth,
to TG/TS support, to coming out groups.
“We wanted to show the community that GLCSA is not just
there for those in crisis or in need of support,” said Hildebrandt. “GLCSA is very involved in community and offers, or
could offer, so much more than crisis intervention and support, as important as those are.”
The group has a pro-rated membership fee of $25 per season. It also puts out a newsletter.
“It’s not a dating service,” he is quick to point out. “Although if you meet someone you kinda like, that’s cool.”
“The season membership actually saves you about a 35%
reduction in cost,” says Faulkner, and includes getting the
newsletter, free admission to the monthly social and food.
Drinks are through a cash bar.
The group meets the first Thursday of each month from
5pm-7pm at Money Pennies (1742 – 10 Ave SW).
Come out, meet new people, and see what else the CNC has
to offer you.
“There is a $5 drop-in fee for non-members and that money
goes directly to GLCSA to pay for the food. And what’s left
over goes towards various GLCSA programs,” said Tamrin
The Calgarians Networking Club
Ccontact GLCSA at
(403) 234-8973
[email protected]
The group brings in various speakers each month to talk
about their respective organizations, some of the issues affecting the community, or other items of interest to the membership.
“So far we have had Tamrin talk about GLCSA, Gary Courtney to talk about the upcoming OutGames, a lawyer in to talk
about equal marriage benefits, and an architect talking about
personally designed homes,” Faulkner said.
“We have bit of a mixer to start off the evening, with our
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Paragraph 175
Presented by the U of C Development Studies Club
By Andrew Barry
Community | Spotlight
The University of Calgary Development Studies Club
is an organization aimed at raising awareness of international development issues. It is made-up of dedicated students from different disciplines and vocations. In
the 2006-2007 academic year it has organized several
events that have addressed a wide variety of issues
including corruption and fair trade. On Wednesday
March 28th, 2007 it will address homophobia.
After the screening of Paragraph 175 the Development Studies Club will host a discussion of homophobia in Calgary. A
guest speaker will define homophobia and apply it to the local
environment. As well, representatives of the University of Calgary programs that address homosexuality will be available to
discuss their activities.
The Development Studies Club presents Paragraph 175 a
documentary about Nazi persecution of homosexuals. It is
directed and produced by R. Epstein and J. Friedman and narrated by Rupert Everett. It has won 14 awards including the
Sundance Film Festival Documentary Jury Award for Directing.
This event, sponsored by Twisted Element and GayCalgary
and Edmonton Magazine, is scheduled for 6:30-9:30pm on
Wednesday March 28, 2007. It will take place in Science Theatres 145 at the University of Calgary. This event will be open
to the public and admission will be free.
The documentary’s website observes that, “The Nazi persecution of homosexuals may be the last untold story of the Third
Reich. Paragraph 175 fills a crucial gap in the historical record,
and reveals the lasting consequences of this hidden chapter of
20th century history, as told through personal stories of men
and women who lived through it: the half Jewish gay resistance
fighter who spent the war helping refugees in Berlin; the Jewish
lesbian who escaped to England with the help of a woman she
had a crush on; the German Christian photographer who was
arrested and imprisoned for homosexuality, then joined the
army on his release because he ‘wanted to be with men’; the
French Alsatian teenager who watched as his lover was tortured
and murdered in the camps.
Paragraph 175
March 28, 2007
Science Theatre 145, University of Calgary
Department of History, University of Calgary, will introduce
Paragraph 175 and facilitate a discussion afterwards.
“These are stories of survivors -- sometimes bitter, but just
as often filled with irony and humor; tortured by their memories, yet infused with a powerful will to endure. Their moving
testimonies, rendered with evocative images of their lives and
times, tell a haunting, compelling story of human resilience
in the face of unspeakable cruelty. Intimate in its portrayals,
sweeping in its implications, Paragraph 175 raises provocative
questions about memory, history, and identity.”
Guest Speaker, Dr. Annette F. Timm, Assistant Professor,
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Carole Pope
Anti-Diva Still Trades Rough
By Jason Clevett
Gay Icon | Spotlight
Carole Pope, a Canadian, is the former lead singer
of the band Rough Trade. In the 1970’s and 1980’s
the bands provocative blend of hard-edged New
Wave rock with explicit homoerotic and BDSMthemed lyrics made her one of the first openly lesbian pop stars in the world. Pope recently sat down
with GayCalgary & Edmonton magazine to talk
about being out in entertainment, life after Rough
Trade and music today.
“I’ve been pursuing a solo career since Rough Trade split
up. I’m still making music, my latest album I have out is
called Transcend,” Pope said from her home in California
where she has resided since 1989. Rough Trade’s 1983 release
Weapons has just been digitally remastered and reissued.
The band’s biggest hit was the song High School Confidential
off their 1980 Avoid Freud album. The controversial lesbian
themed song made the group into stars. They continued to
push the envelope with sexual and political themes, both in
their music and their live performances, which often featured
Pope in bondage gear.
“There really wasn’t much of a backlash because there was
such a hunger for something different. We found an audience
that flocked to us. Most bands that played in bars played top
40 stuff. We were doing very sexual and political stuff but we
had a tongue and cheek sense of humor about it,” she said. “I
really didn’t give a fuck, and Rough Trade did it for the joy of
making music and were surprised at our success. I was kind
of a voice because we were dealing with sexuality, politics and
sexual ambiguity. There was such a market for that and a
strong androgynous scary chick that people related to.”
It seems even today it is hard for anyone in the entertainment industry to be out. It truly was groundbreaking for Pope
to have success almost three decades ago as an openly gay
“The thing about Rough Trade and me is we were ahead
of our time and that was a bit of a drag. I don’t think people
really give a flying fuck about sexuality right now. There are
so many out bands; lesbo bands are all trendy. It is pretty sad
how media pushes sexuality. I assume most people don’t care
I give them the benefit of the doubt, and it’s the media that
tears these things up.”
It is because of this influence that Rough Trade will be
inducted into the Indie Music Hall of Fame in Toronto on
March 7th as part of Canadian Music Week. Pope will also be
“They finally figured out that we were innovative and we are
going to be inducted. It is very flattering and validates us as a
groundbreaking band.”
High School Confidential found new life and a new fanbase for Pope when it was featured in the show and on the
soundtrack of the Showtime & Showcase series Queer as Folk.
“It is so funny because I have a myspace [page] and these
15-year-old gay boys want to be my friend and it is because
of that song. I have songs featured on The L Word as well.
The producer of the soundtrack album approached me and
they asked me to redo it. I am not crazy about house music I
must admit, but the track worked.” Pope was proud to see the
song find an audience again as many of those who heard the
original version weren’t even aware of what it was about. “The
straighties didn’t get it, that is for sure. They were just like
‘ohh I like that song its about High School!’ Gay people on the
other hand go ‘I came out to that song!’ ...It is very gratifying.”
Pope also released her autobiography Anti-Diva in 2000.
“It is the story of my life, Rough Trade and the Canadian
music and arts scene. I talk about losing my brother to AIDS
and being on the road, a lot of stuff that people really seem
to relate to. People have no idea what an amazing scene the
music scene in Canada was, everybody was supportive of each
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
other. In the 70’s and 80’s it was such a great time, we got too
do tons of drugs and whore around and then AIDS happened
and it was a giant disaster. So many of my friends died and
I think there is still a backlash creatively. I am really not impressed with a lot of what’s going on because it’s all rehashed.
We have lost so many creative amazing people because of
The conversation took a serious tone when Pope opened up
on the loss of her brother Howard to AIDS in 1996. The pain is
still evident in her voice as she discussed his death.
“He was allergic to all his meds and felt guilty because he
was still alive and all of his friends were dead. He was an
amazing man and musician and much more clever then me. It
was horrible. Because he was my younger brother it was like
losing a brother and a kid, it was devastating.”
Having seen firsthand in her brother and many friends the
effect of the disease, Pope sent a heartfelt message to the current generation of the Gay community, some of whom aren’t
taking the disease as seriously in light of current medical
advances that make the disease seem manageable.
“That is so insane! What if you are allergic to the meds? It’s
stupid just put on a fucking condom! If some of these people
who are having unsafe sex every actually saw someone die of
AIDS they would be practicing safe sex. I have had so many
friends die, they started dropping like flies when it first started
and it was called ‘the gay plague.’ There was one really close
friend of mine who was sick in New York and no one would
touch him. The doctors treated him like he was contaminated
and radioactive. I had to hold him because nobody would
touch him. He got dementia and it was just horrific. You
would hear someone was sick and they would be dead a week
later. You would go to call the person and they would be dead.
I don’t know about these kids, it’s really stupid. I’d just like to
pound people over the head, you know?”
“It is this weird cult of celebrity and no talent people that
are rammed down your throat.
Especially in America, you talk
about the dumbing down of
America and that is what is
going on. Someone like Paris
Hilton is just a piece of trash.
The first time I saw her at a
party for Soiuxsie Soiux, there
was Debbie Harry (of Blondie)
and Nina Hagen and Liz Phair.
Paris started yakking on her cell
phone and Soiuxsie goes ‘Who
the hell is that’ and tells her to
shut up. I loved that.”
Carole Pope is an artist that has seen it all: changes in the
music industry, changes in the world, and changes in the
LGBT community. She frequently appears at Pride events and
continues to be an active part of the GLBT community. Her
final words were of support, and the never ending fight for
“Be strong and be political and vigilant, don’t take anything
for granted and watch out for those damn straighties. Most of
them are ok but the Prime Minister isn’t exactly pro gay. How
the hell did that happen?”
On a lighter note, Pope’s music has gone through several
different formats. From Vinyl to tapes to CD’s to the current
age of downloading and webspace.
“I still love vinyl because it sounds better than anything.
I like myspace and having a website, because people from
all over the world can find you and buy your music. Yeah!
Thank god for iTunes. Especially as an independent artist, the
industry is completely screwed up and people don’t believe in
developing bands anymore. Someone gets a record deal and
if they don’t have an immediate hit they are out. It is just sad
because it shouldn’t be like that, artists should be nurtured
and allowed to grow. So yay for the internet, even though
there is a lot of bad stuff to pick through.”
It’s an entirely different world in music today with so many
female artists selling their body above music.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
The Transsexual Trajectory:
What Happens After Diagnosis?
Queer Quest
By Kevin Alderson, Ph.D., R. Psych.
As I mentioned in an earlier column concerning
adolescent transsexuality, the term transsexual entered
our vocabulary in the 1950s. Transsexualism became a
diagnosis in the American manual of mental disorders
(DSM), third-edition, in 1980, and this term was later
changed in DSM-IV (1994) to gender identity disorder
(GID). [1]
Although there are many types of individuals who cross-dress,
what distinguishes the transsexual person is cross-gender identity
[1] – that is, people who want to live their lives fully in the opposite gender. Some writers [1] have suggested that by viewing
gender (i.e., a cultural or social construction of what is considered
masculine or feminine) and biological sex (male or female) as only
having two distinct categories, we haven’t provided room for those
who experience qualities, traits, or sexual characteristics of both.
Although some transsexual individuals may find ways to adapt
by creating their own third category of gender (transgender), most
transsexual people desire sex reassignment surgery. [1]
Although the actual percentages of how frequently transsexuals
are found in the population remains largely unknown, cross-cultural research (U.S. and the Netherlands) suggests that the ratio of
transsexual men to women remains at approximately 3:1. [1]
In considering whether there are different types of transsexual
individuals, the most obvious demarcation is between those who
are male-to-female (MtF) and those who are female-to-male (FtM).
This difference is highly significant because of their varying trajectories. Besides this, however, other researchers have created other
typologies. For example, transsexual individuals can be divided
into the groups of primary and secondary. The primary groups
are aware of their internal cross-gender identities from a young
age and are not conflicted by their feelings, whereas the secondary groups felt much internal discomfort regarding their crossgendered feelings and consequently failed to integrate these into
their personalities. [1]
Another typology is based on whether the individual is attracted
to members of their same biologic sex, to members of the opposite
biologic sex, or both. More favourable psychological outcomes and
social adjustment have been reported with transsexual individuals
who are attracted to members of their same biologic sex, [1] meaning that they following sex reassignment so that they are viewed by
others as “heterosexual.” As it turns out, most FtMs are attracted
to women, just as most MtFs are attracted to men. This should
not be surprising given that most individuals in the world have a
heterosexual orientation. An interesting finding is that sometimes
the sexual orientation of MtFs with primary interest in women will
change to having an interest in men. [1] The reasons for this shift
are not clearly understood presently.
Once an individual has been assessed as being transsexual,
various options are available. For some, learning to live in the
world as a transgendered person is possible and preferable
without pursuing physical changes. For others, medical interventions are indicated. The first step here is usually about evaluating
whether the person is a candidate for cross-sex hormone therapy.
The administration of hormones has predictable effects on the
body. For the MtF, estrogen and testosterone blockers soften the
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
skin and create breast growth,
loss of muscle, and redistribution
of body fat. Although hair loss is
stopped, lost head hair does not
grow back. The voice does not
rise, fertility and testicular size
diminish, and erections become
less frequent and less firm. The
physical changes noted above
occur gradually. The MtF notices
changes in mood, sex drive, and
attitude much sooner.
FtMs treated with testosterone
experience a deepening of their
voice, enlargement of the clitoris,
increased facial and body hair
growth, male pattern baldness,
and limited breast reduction. These changes are permanent. Other
changes are reversible, including increased muscularity, weight
gain, decreased hip fat, and increased sex drive and arousability.
[1, 2]
Cross-sex hormone therapy has varying medical risks for
biologic males and females alike, and they are not prescribed to
everyone who requests them for this reason. The effect of these
hormones needs to be medically monitored.
Either before, during, or after hormone therapy, the transsexual individual may decide to live full-time in their cross-sex
role, known by some as the real-life test. For those wanting to later
pursue sex reassignment surgery, this is a requirement. Although
the duration of this is generally about 12 months, in Alberta currently, the 12-month period officially begins once the person has
been assessed by an authorized psychiatrist. Unfortunately, there
is presently only one psychiatrist in Alberta (residing in Edmonton)
who is authorized, resulting in a “bottleneck” of care for individuals waiting to be assessed.
By proceeding in the above manner, the cost of sex reassignment surgery (once approved by the authorized psychiatrist and
a second psychiatrist) is covered by Alberta Health Care. Many
studies have shown sex reassignment to be effective for all types
of transsexuals, [1] so the wait is generally considered worth it.
Furthermore, most transsexual individuals report good sexual
functioning following sex reassignment surgery. [1, 2] Surgeries
that are considered “cosmetic” are not covered by Alberta Health
Care, however, so many transsexual individuals end up spending
considerable amounts of their own money in order to “pass” better
and/or to enhance their appearance.
Some post-operative MtFs decide not to tell their sexual partners that they are biologic males. Presumably these are individuals that pass very well as biologic females. Nevertheless, experts
recommend disclosure to partners and to family members alike,
[1] generally resulting in positive outcomes.
The transsexual journey does not follow an easy path, and the
bumps along the way can be excruciatingly treacherous and painful. All of us, however, need to follow a path that helps us develop
and embrace self-acceptance and integrity. No one can ignore their
own reflection indefinitely.
Dr. Alderson is an assistant professor of counselling psychology at the
University of Calgary who specializes in gay and lesbian studies. He also
maintains a private practice. He can be contacted by confidential email at
[email protected], or by confidential voice mail at (403) 605-5234.
1) Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. (2001). Standards of
care for gender identity disorders (6th ed.). Retrieved November 25, 2005 from http://
2) Docter, R. F., & Prince, V. (1997).Transvestism: A survey of 1032 cross-dressers.
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 26(6), 589-605.
3) Denny, D. (2004).Changing models of transsexualism. Journal of Gay & Lesbian
Psychotherapy, 8(1-2), 25-40.
4) Ibid.
5) Seil, D. (2004).The diagnosis and treatment of transgendered patients. Journal of
Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 8(1-2), 99-116.
6) Ibid.
7) Smith, Y. L. S., van Goozen, S. H. M., Kuiper, A. J., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T.
(2005). Transsexual subtypes: Clinical and theoretical significance. Psychiatry Research, 137(3), 151-160.
8) Lawrence, A. A. (2005). Sexuality before and after male-to-female sex reassignment surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34(2), 147-166.
9) Seil (2004).
10) Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. (2001).
11) Denny (2004).
12) De Cuypere et al. (2005).
13) Lawrence (2005).
14) De Cuypere, G., T’Sjoen, G., Beerten, R., Selvaggi, G., De Sutter, P., Hoebeke, P.,
Monstrey, S., Vansteenwegen, A., & Rubens, R. (2005). Sexual and physical health after
sex reassignment surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34(6), 679-690.
15) Zamboni, B. D. (2006). Therapeutic considerations in working with the family,
friends, and partners of transgendered individuals. Family Journal: Counseling and
Therapy for Couples and Families, 14(2), 174-179.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
The Vagina Monologues
By Allison Brodowski
Marsha Ellen Meidow’s first reading of the book
“The Vagina Monologues” by Eve Ensler, left
her with mixed feelings about those being represented. More in-depth investigation however,
proved that the story’s heart lay with the women
discussing their fears and joys about their sexuality, empowerment and sense of self. Marsha was
hooked. Upon returning the book to the friend
who had insisted she read it, Marsha found her
self pulled in to her first performance of the play
at the University of Western Toronto.
“I loved the book, just loved it, and the play reinforced that.
The women’s stories are made more powerful in the play,” said
The re-creation of this work is embodied in live performances, which usually consist of 20 pieces where, between 15 and
17 of them come from women in the community who auditioned to be part of the project. The idea to use real women is
a fascinating part of the event that allows Marsha the privilege
of seeing women grow into themselves and find their own
”Often picking the shyest, most terrified women who grace
the auditions, is part of the job. This is a means to gift them
with the opportunity to straighten their backs, look up into
the faces of the audience and find that strong women who they
have always wanted to be. That keeps me coming back year
after year. It’s so inspiring, and incredible to see.”
Having performed the play for two years at the University of
Western Toronto, two years at the University of Calgary, and
now finding space at Max Bell Theater in the Epcore Center;
Marsha, and her partner in non-crime, producer of the show
Shone Abet, have had their fill of fighting to bring the Vagina
Monologues to audiences over the years.
“There was a dispute with postering at the universities
because they were uncomfortable with the word ‘vagina’, which
was shocking but almost typical on second thought. The over
all message was ’you shouldn’t really waste your time, people
probably won’t come’. It made me want to do it all the more,”
said Miedow.
Selling out the last two years here in Calgary has earned
her much well deserved respect in the community, and given
her the opportunity to focus on what the whole performance is
really about. Lending willing hands to this year’s performance
is Canadian artist Kinnie Starr who will be performing a piece
entitled “Crooked Braid”. Also performing is Sheri D. Wilson
with an original piece, ”Conversations with a Cunt”.
The performers have always welcomed men to their performances and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. “Men are very welcome to come, [it is] not just a fight
for women. Strong men who want to fight with us may feel
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Community | Spotlight
intimidated, but this can be a good starting point. We welcome
everyone with open arms.”
This performance has a secondary significance this year for
the organizers. They are trying to raise $30,000 for the YWCA
safe haven program, which deals with the issues surrounding
teenage prostitution in our city, and those at risk of prostitution. This is an issue that the organizers are very close to;
some of them work with these youth daily. “This is about
breaking the silence, giving face to the statistics and numbers.
Seeing them up there is difficult. Society would rather that
they remain invisible, like ghosts. You don’t have to deal with a
ghost because it’s already dead.”
The performance of the Vagina Monologues is something
for a community of people to affect the human spirit, to break
down barriers and allow us to communicate. If you never see
these women on stage again in your daily lives, you still will
have shared something in this performance space unlike anything else you may experience in your life.
“Looking out one year from back stage, during the cunt
piece, I saw an 80 year old women roaring and screaming
‘Cunt ! CUNT!’ along with the audience so happy and proud.
She has probably never been given the opportunity to do that
in her life. That is why I love it.”
The Vagina Monologues
March 28th – 31st at 8:00pm
Max Bell Theatre, Epcore Center
Tickets available through Ticket Master
(403) 777-0000
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Celebrity Bigotry
Who Are The Role Models Now?
By Stephen Lock
In the last couple of months we have had two celebrities publicly comment about gay folk.
In the one instance, much was made of Isaiah Washington’s comment about T.R. Knight, his co-star on Grey’s
Anatomy, being “a faggot.” Washington, obviously not missing an opportunity for even more publicity, went public with
his apology (good thing). He made a big deal about going
into “sensitivity training” and about how he could no longer
deny to himself he had “issues.”
“I obviously need to examine [those issues] within my own
soul, and I’ve asked for help,” he said.
Maybe it’s just me, but the going-into-therapy schtick
came off as…well…cynical and along the lines of some cokeaddled celebrity going into rehab, with everyone remarking
how brave and honest and wonderful that is. Is there rehab
for bigots?
If Washington, who is African-American, was incapable of
understanding “faggot” is analogous to the ‘N-word’ one has
to wonder where he has been for the last couple of decades.
Regardless of what one might feel about gay men, lesbians,
bisexuals or transfolk – and one can believe whatever one
wants – to actually publicly state such sentiments is beyond
the pale.
Almost immediately following Washington’s comments
and his public display of whatever it was he thought he was
displaying (I seriously doubt it was shame; a lifetime of bigotry and plain old-fashioned thoughtlessness is not so easily
overcome), ex-NBA player, Tim Hardaway, in response to the
recent coming out of former NBA star John Amaechi, stated
he was homophobic. He said that he didn’t like gay people
at all (hated us, in fact), and would not want a gay man on
his team. Hardaway is also African-American.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
In Washington’s case he let “faggot” slip out following a
disagreement with T.R. Knight on the set and it probably
would have passed relatively unnoticed except, one of his
other co-stars spoke to the media about it at the Golden
Globes Awards.
Of course, it shouldn’t have passed unnoticed any more
than if T.R. Knight had tossed off the ‘N-word’ to Washington because he was pissed off at him, but we all know
it probably would have if one of the cast members hadn’t
made a big deal of it. The other bright light in this sordid
little soap opera is that Patrick Dempsey, another actor on
Grey’s Anatomy, confronted Washington on his homophobia
resulting, so it’s been reported, in ‘fisticuffs’ between him
and Washington.
In Hardaway’s case, however, the scenario was quite different.
While a guest on Sports Talk 790 The Ticket the host, Dan
Le Batard, asked Hardaway how he would interact with a
gay teammate. He was met with this response:
“First of all, I wouldn’t want him on my team. And second
of all, if he was on my team, I would, you
know, really distance myself from him because, uh, I don’t
think that is right. I don’t think he should be in the lockerroom while we are in the locker-room.”
When a shocked Le Batard pointed out the comments
were ‘’flatly homophobic’’ and ‘’bigotry,’’ Hardaway kept right
on going.
“You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don’t
like gay people and I don’t like to be around gay people,” he
“I’m homophobic. I don’t like it. It [homosexuality]
shouldn’t be in the world or in the United States.”
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Hardaway also said that if
he did find out a teammate was gay, he would ask for the
player to be removed from the team.
“Something has to give. If you have 12 other ball players
in your locker-room that’s upset [sic] and can’t concentrate
and always worried about him in the locker-room or on the
court or whatever, it’s going to be hard for your teammates
to win and accept him as a teammate.”
Lovely. And this is someone who is held up to youth as a
person to emulate? Gimme a freakin’ break….
A few days later, Hardaway was banished by the NBA from
an all-star weekend in Las Vegas and publicly denounced by
NBA Commissioner, David Stern.
The NBA brings in many former players to take part
in various all-star events during the Las Vegas weekend.
Hardaway had already represented the league that week at
a Habitat for Humanity event and a fitness promotion. He
was also scheduled to be an assistant coach at a wheelchair
game Thursday night and later appear at the fan-oriented
Jam Session until Stern told him he was no longer welcome.
Hardaway also lost a major endorsement.
Apparently such fall-out was enough to make Hardaway
try and do some damage control. He spoke again to media
from behind the gate of his multi-million dollar home (did
anyone notice the bars of the gate were PINK?) saying how
sorry he was that he said anything, how sorry he was for the
pain he caused his family, teammates and fans, that he had
had a really hard week, that he was stressed out and suffering from lack of sleep. Uh-huh. Notice he didn’t apologize
for the bigotry he exhibited, just for exhibiting it. Nah, you’re
just a garden variety bigot, pal. Go cry me a river….
What is it with these celebrities and their overwhelming sense of entitlement? What, they figure they can say
whatever they want and everyone will just let it slide? Talk
about hubris. If we don’t accept bigotry from the right wing
why would we accept it from individuals who, we are told,
are “role models”? Some actor on some TV show and some
ex-basketball jock are role models? For who? And why?
If they actually did some good, like put their celebrity
status and money to some use other than purchasing ostentatious mansions and more bling, then they would deserve
to be called role models. These two are not role models for
anything other than ignorance, and the maxim my mother
used to use: “Lots of dollars but no sense (cents).” They’re
Stephen Lock is a long time gay activist in Alberta. He is also the Secretary
and Regional Co-Director (Prairies/NWT/Nunavut) of Egale Canada, the
national equality seeking organization for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transidentified people and our families. He is the producer and host of Speak
Sebastian, a semi-monthly queer radio show broadcasting the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of each month at 9pm on CJSW FM 90.9, and a freelance
writer. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the
views of Egale Canada, CJSW, or any other organization or publication
unless specifically stated as such.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Under the Covers with Jann Arden
Chatting with Calgary’s Favorite Daughter.
continued from page 9
it. ‘Here I am inside a hotel, choking on a million words
I’ve said.’ Then nothing. I know what the next line is but I
didn’t have it. I stopped and this woman yelled ‘cigarettes
have burned a hole.’ They just left it on TV. I was so glad I
did it. It is hilarious that the audio caught her saying that.
There was this smattering of applause when we started up
Being on the road and having fame take its toll. August
covergirl Bif Naked spoke of the loneliness of rock n’ roll,
so we asked Arden to share her own views.
”Bif isn’t the exception to the rule at all. What happens is you go through everybody in the band. That lasts
through your twenties on the road, it’s disgusting and
there is always alcohol involved. You have to live with
them for the next six weeks. I know a lot of people who
have had really successful relationships in the music business, I have to say from my own experience it’s the nut
behind the wheel. I can’t sit and blame music for any of
my relationship things. I’ve had wonderful relationships in
my life and I’ve had some terrible ones. If I am going to be
at all honest, I have to look at the common denominator
in all of them and it’s me. It is not an easy thing to face, it
just isn’t. I am not easy to be with. When you travel 250
days a year, do you want to be with someone who has
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
to give up their job and be like a fungi on you when you
travel around the world? They have nothing to do, what,
are you going to have them sell merchandise? I don’t want
to be with somebody like that. I think for some people
if you are a librarian you are going to have unsuccessful relationships, it doesn’t matter if you’re a musician or
not. Sometimes being with another musician or artist is a
nightmare. My dad’s best friend just got married at 71 to
my guitar player’s mother. You can still settle into something and it can happen at any age.”
As a renowned storyteller, Arden also shared a story
about her first time meeting Bif Naked, who she has developed a friendship with.
“She is one of my favorite people, we’ve become really
odd friends. The first time I met her was at the Juno’s in
Newfoundland. I was walking down the hallway and was
like ‘holy crap, that’s Bif Naked’ with the tattoos and she
is such a pretty girl. She is not at all what people would
perceive her as, she is very soft spoken and spiritual. We
ended up presenting an award together. The stagehand,
this fellow from Newfoundland, was all sweaty and nervous
and trying to get everyone organized. The guy was telling
us what to do and Bif goes ‘Have I fucked you?’ He was
just perspiring and going ‘no!’ That was my introduction to
Arden is unique in the music industry in that she has
avoided scandal and simply lets her music speak for itself.
In a day and age of female artists bouncing in and out of
rehab and marriages, she stays true to a classic time.
“I would love to do some Britney Spears covers. I think
she is fascinating. When you talk about modern American
sex kittens, she is just nutty. I am just so glad there isn’t
a picture of my crotch on the internet, I can’t even tell you.
I would be horrified for anybody to see my Scooby Doo
“Girls these days, there is something so blatant about
it. I grew up on the end of innuendo, allure, mystery. Now
its ‘here’s my crotch, my boobs, me getting slammed on
the side of a boat, you can get it on the world wide web.’
I find nothing sexy about any of this stuff. I like the idea
of ‘I wonder what they are like’ - I don’t want to see them.
I think that is really sad about our industry now. I don’t
want to know, I want to guess, ponder, think up my own
little things. You can’t tell me that Britney didn’t get out
of that car on purpose seeing fifteen photographers on the
sidewalk. But they want it, that kind of attention and energy. I couldn’t live with myself, I am a really private person.
But I am not, which is the conflict with me because my
music is an open book and all you have to do is listen to
know exactly who I am and what I am about.
“If you ever see my crotch anywhere please call me.
‘Jann, you know when you were drunk at the Dairy
Queen… with the cone? We need $100,000 or its going on
As our time came to a regrettable close, Arden asked to
say a few words specifically to her GLBT fanbase, one that
has supported her since the beginning of her career.
“You guys are the most well educated, lovely people in
the world and I am flattered. Any iconic female figure that
has had lasting success from Bette Midler to Cher in the
past fifty years is because of the gay population. They have
more money than anybody else, are better educated and
they support people to the end of the world. It is amazing
to me the fans and the loyalty that I have, and success
because of the gay community. It is overwhelming to me.
Every time out, never making judgments of me or asking more of me then I am unable to deal. I feel very, very
blessed. I have made some wonderful friendships and I feel
very honored to be part of something that’s so fantastic.
I hope it never stops, that people keep supporting me. I
hope the world gets more tolerant and people change and I
hope I hope I hope.
“A magazine like GayCalgary & Edmonton is a great
start, to have a voice and to be really proud of your community. I am very glad to be talking to you today.”
Jann Arden on Tour
Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton May 7th & 8th
Enmax Centre in Lethbridge May 9th
The Centrium in Red Deer May 10th
The Jack Singer Concert Hall in Calgary May 17th & 18th
Pick up Uncover Me in stores today.
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Supreme Court Of Canada Turns A Blind Eye To Discrimi-
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
nation And Censorship, Says Egale (January 19, 2007)
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Lily Tomlin
Gay Icon comes to Calgary
continued from page 13
their opinion they just have to take the consequences.
But when people have any kind of awareness it is hard to
even fathom why someone is motivated to say that, or that
negativity is in them.
“I will still get people saying ‘why doesn’t so and so come
out?’ I have never felt that anybody should be coerced
or pressured to come out because you never know what
somebody’s situation is. The really big deal is that so many
regular people in their regular lives, not in the limelight,
became aware and stronger and they have enough support.”
Having been part of the community for over thirty years,
Tomlin has seen a great deal of change and evolution in
the world.
“We have done awfully well. This is how bad it was thirty
years ago, I remember when I was on Carson in 1973 and
Johnny said ‘You don’t have any children do you?’ and I
said ‘No.’ He said ‘don’t you want to have any children?’
For a female entertainer to say no she didn’t want to have
children would make her like the wicked witch of the west.
The audience was galvanized you could hear a pin drop.
I said ‘No, I don’t want to have children but I love them.
Who has custody of yours?’ because of course he didn’t.”
While it may seem like a non-issue today, in 1973 it was
a huge statement.
“Just the idea of a female who might not want to have
or raise children was a very divisive issue. Great strides
have been made in our community in terms of some of
the rights. We are a long shot from where we should be, it
shouldn’t even be an issue. But I am grateful for the things
that have transpired. There is a younger generation of gay
people that can be much more free and open. There was a
time when it was considered a disease, finally through different people’s efforts, it has been taken off the psychological association’s list of disorders and diseases. People used
to have to really hide just to be together or to socialize. A
lot of stuff has happened for gay people and for women,
but not enough. With this Bush administration in [my]
country, it has been a real threat and a step backwards
and we don’t know what these people will do at any time.
The fact that people stay strong and continue to speak
out and be brave and are themselves is a pretty fabulous
thing. All of the really good things that have happened by,
through and for us makes me gratified and proud.”
Tomlin referred to her own home of Los Angeles as a
sign of changing times.
“The gay community has created places where people
could congregate, and where they can get support and
medical and social and housing help. Here in LA we have
the Gay and Lesbian Services Center, which is an incredible institution. Jane and I, through a major donor, named
a small theatre after us. …I can remember when the center
first opened in the 1970’s it was in a little tiny building.
Now it’s a multi-story building that really provides incredible services and support for the community. We have the
village with 150 – 200 productions per year, all sorts of
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
support groups that meet there, computer training, you
can get all kinds of things there. Especially in Hollywood
the kids on the street with no resources or support can
come to the center and get housing and food and help with
employment and schooling. That didn’t exist before.”
Tomlin pointed to the parallels between the feminist and
the gay movements with their timeline and how they have
made a better life for so many people.
“There were no shelters for abused women or children
until the late 1970’s. A lot of people worked to change all
of that, and woke a lot of people up. Just to fight through
it and stand up through the criticism and the ridicule, and
fundraise and do all kind of things just to create something better for the people who should have a better avenue, for our own community and the feminist community.
I identified as a female before I identified as a lesbian,” she
said, concluding, “It is remarkable, even with the threat of
this kind of regime in our administration now, people are
not intimidated and won’t back down. Even in heavy-duty
states in the south and the west, people still fought and
stood up and weren’t going to be intimidated back into a
shadowy place. It’s courageous.”
An Evening of Classic Lily Tomlin
Saturday April 7, 2007
Jack Singer Concert Hall
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton
Community Events this Month
Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino of Magazine
Pool Tournament at Money Pennies - Calgary
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Faunawolf Creations Launch
at Jane Doe Marketplace - Calgary
5th Anniversary Party at The Calgary Eagle
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Drag Shows at Buddys - Edmonton
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Drag Shows at The Roost - Edmonton
Apollo Fire and Ice Dance - Calgary
Drag Shows at Twisted Element - Calgary
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Team Edmonton Launch at Maverick’s
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Team Edmonton Wrap-up Party at Buddys
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Classified Ads
Classified Ad Index
Best Wishes
In Memoriam
Lost And Found
Spiritual Services
Arts & Leisure
Body Art
Cafes Lessons
Musicians Wanted
Performing Arts
Bar & Restaurant
Business Opportunity
Hair/skin & Beauty
Help Wanted
Seeking Employment
Health & Fitness
Beauty Care
Classes & Seminars
Peer Support
Physical Fitness
Merchandise For Sale
Arts & Crafts
Furniture/home Furnishing
Garage Sale
GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine Classified Ads Form
Deadline for Classified ads is the 25th of every month. Fill out the form below and mail it to, GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine, Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue SW, Calgary,
AB, T2R 0M2 or Fax it to (403) 703-0685. Please print clearly. All phone numbers listed will be verified. is not responsible for errors in the ad submission. Any
address placed in the classified will not be placed into the map or business listing. Please verify your information before sending to reduce errors. If you have questions, please call
us at (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) 543-6960.
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gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
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Hi Fi
Musical Instruments
Vehicles For Sale
Professional Services
Animal Care
Computer Services
Funeral Services
Hair Removal
Legal Services
Musical Services
Skilled & Technical Service
Real Estate
Business For Sale
Homes Furnished
Homes/condos/lofts For Sale
Homes/condos/lofts/apt. For Rent
Homes/condos/lofts/apt. To Share
Investment Opportunity
Office/business Space
Real Estate Agent
Rooms To Rent
Seeking Accommodation
International Travel
Travel Agencies
Travel Canada
Travel USA
Business Personals
Dating Services
Erotic Massage
Friends Female
Friends Male
Mail Orders
Model & Escort
Phone lines
Professional Services
Xxx Videos/magazines
Classified Ads
Employment/Help 308
Employment/Sales 314 Cleaners
Small charter Bus Company is looking
for gay drivers with clean class two,
with air brake, license. Non smoker
non drinker preferred. For casual
work. Experience with a stick is a
bonus. Respond to Canadian Premier
Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian
RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
Looking for an highly motivated
promotion person to acquire business
for a small charter coach/tourism
business. All pay would be based
on commission. This is a great
opportunity to add to your portfolio
or get job experience. Respond to
Canadian Premier Charters, at box
75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary,
Alberta, T2K 6J8
Employment/Help 308
GayCalgary & Edmonton
Magazine is looking for writers.
is looking for experienced part time
sales rep. Must be able to do cold
calls and have transportation or enjoy
hitting the pavement. Fax resumes to
(403) 703-0685 or contact us at (403)
543-6960 or (888) 543-6960 or email
us at [email protected]
Private housekeeper, early 20’s, nice
looking. Will clean nude. Boyish
looks. Justin (403) 922-9166
Feel better!
I am a masseur who specializes in
erotic, sensual, relaxation, and therapeutic massage for your pleasure.
Incall or outcall available for gay,
bisexual, and straight clients. For
queries and appointments, call (403)
619-8905, Roquestudios Massage.
Legal Services
Call us at (403) 543-6960 or email us
resumes and/or writing samples to
[email protected]
Employment/Sales 314 Magazine
I’m a compassionate counsellor
who understands our community.
Individuals, Couples & Families.
Emotional, Physical & Spiritual
Wellness. Extended medical insurance
coverage. Bryan Campbell 265-8462
Same-Sex, Conjugal, Common-Law,
Spouse, Children, Parents Sponsorship; Refugee Claims; Immigration Appeals; Citizenship; Visitor,
Student, Work Visa / Extensions,
Uncontested Divorces, Agreements,
Wills, Translations / Interpretations
50+ Languages, 590-3818 Anwar
Rehman, Member Canadian Society
of Immigration Consultants CSIC
ID M041099, Gay Friendly, CIBS,
200, 2705 Centre Street North. Visit
us online at email:
[email protected]
Puerto Vallarta
South Side Old Town, 2 Bdrm Condo
- 1/2 block directly above Blue Chairs
/ Los Muertos Beach! Fully equipped,
Ocean Views from 2 balconies, full
use of private pool, maid service
6 days/wk. Walk to all bars,
restaurants, shops. Call Rob - (403)
Classifieds continued on next page
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Classifieds continued
The Whistle Stop Vacation House
Golden BC
Newly Renovated , Sleeps 9, Out Door
Hot Tub, Hydro Fitness Gym, Business
Center, Laundry Facilities, Galley
Kitchen, BBQ.
Minutes From Kicking Horse Ski
Resort. $250.00 Daily ,Weekly Rates.
Toll Free# 1 866 538 6625
Northern Lights B&B
Swimming pool and Antique rooms
TV/VCR (780) 483-1572
[email protected]
Montreal Village B&B
Room only $49/night, TV, Cable,
Telephone, Air, Wi-Fi, Video XXX,
Study: Sexuality and
Canadian Military
Were you DISCHARGED for homosexuality, or his/her partner? Are/
Were you a LGBT CF soldier, or their
Partner? Confidentiality guaranteed!
[email protected] (506)
Êtes-/Étiez-vous un(e) LGBT militaire
ou son/sa conjoint(e)? Avezvous, ou
votre conjoint(e), été CONGÉDIÉ(E)
des Forces dû à votre homosexualité?
I am collecting recycling to assist
someone with M.S. We are saving for
a motorized chair in the future. If
you have any recycling or would like
more information please call Glen
802-2927 or AJ 269-6995
Personal/Friends 906
Male 40’s 6’1-“ 140lbs tanned, looking to meet other males for fun times
or more. Fort McMurray area. Lets
meet. Phone (780) 868-9216
Personal/Friends 906
Single GWM early 40’s looks
younger. Looking for fun. Cannot
entertain. Very discreet. Safe. Clean.
Drug Free. n/s. not into bar scene. No
mind games. Reply to box1002@ or mail to Box 1002
c/o Magazine
Personal/Friends 906
Single GWM, early 40’s, general
non-scene. Fit, good shape. Looking
for like-minded normal fun, down
to earth, honest, kind, professional, mature male for long-term
relationship. Hoping to find someone
to be both a life-long partner and
best friend. Is that you? Reply to
[email protected] or mail
to Box 1001 c/o
Personal/Friends 906
Married male, early 40’s, 6’3, good
shape, looking for a good friend,
married too, about same age
for long term relationship. Email
[email protected]
Personal/Friends 906
44, Male, Brazilian, Masculine hairy
top, HIV-Negative, Foot & Tickle
Fetishist SEEKS 30-40, non-slim
ND/NS, Tattoo & Piercing-Free,
caring, cuddlish, supportive, balanced, mature, masculine, bottom,
blond(+), ticklish Lifetime Partner
to build 100% Monogamous Serious
Lasting Relationship.
Marc, Box 3670
2001-970 Rio, Brazil
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
Discreet Photographer
Photographer for clothed or naked
photos for either private or Internet
use. Very discreet. Singles, Couples
or Groups. Either your place, or mine
or where ever they need to be taken.
All photos are taken with a Hi-Res
digital camera. All photos are burnt
to CD for you to take, in both Hi-res
and Web resolution. Also able to do
VIDEO too! Please men only and
from the ages of 18 to 50. E-mail
[email protected] or reply
to box#1000. I get sometimes extremely busy so don’t freak if I don’t
get back to you right away.
First 25 words for
just $10.00 per
issue, plus GST
Answers to this month’s
Q-Puzzle on page 28
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007
gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #41, March 2007