memoria 2012
memoria 2012
SCIENTIFIC R E P O R T 2012 SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2012 1 3 Published by: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia INCLIVA Health Research Institute Avd. Blasco Ibáñez, 17 – 46010 Valencia Direction: Dr. Josep Redón i Mas. Scientific Director. Coordination and writing: Scientific Management Department Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia INCLIVA Health Research Institute Design and layout: Printing: Gráficas Papallona (Valencia) Index 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.2.5. 2.2.6. 2.2.7. 2.2.8. 2.2.9. 2.2.10. INCLIVA Health Research Institute ........................................................................................ History ........................................................................................................................................ Organizational structure ............................................................................................................ Organization chart ..................................................................................................................... Board of Trustees ..................................................................................................................... Board of Governors ................................................................................................................... General Director ........................................................................................................................ Scientific Director ....................................................................................................................... External Scientific Committee .................................................................................................... Internal Scientific Committee ..................................................................................................... Ethical Committee in Clinical Research ..................................................................................... Ethical Committee in Animal Experimentation ........................................................................... Management Structure.............................................................................................................. 15 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 22 23 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Facilities, human, technological and financial resources .................................................. Facilities ..................................................................................................................................... Human resources ...................................................................................................................... Research support platforms-Core Facilities ............................................................................... Financial resources ................................................................................................................... 25 27 27 29 45 4. 4.1. 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.2. Scientific activity ..................................................................................................................... 47 Research Areas ......................................................................................................................... 49 Cardiovascular Research Area .................................................................................................. 51 Oncology Research Area ........................................................................................................... 83 Research on Metabolism and Organic Damage Area .............................................................. 119 Research on Reproductive Medicine Area ................................................................................ 161 Other scientific contributions from the Hospital divisions and the Clínico-Malvarrosa Health Department ......................................................................... 172 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. Clinical trials and other studies ............................................................................................. Activity of the Ethical Committee in Clinical Research (ECCR) ................................................ Assessment activity during last 5 years ..................................................................................... Ongoing studies in the Health Department Valencia Clínico-Malvarrosa .................................. 6. 6.1. 6.2. Initiatives for research promotion .......................................................................................... 203 Grants for secondments in centers of excellence ...................................................................... 205 Training and Teaching Activities ................................................................................................ 206 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. INCLIVA in figures .................................................................................................................... Dissemination of scientific activity ............................................................................................. Networks of cooperative research ............................................................................................. National and international scientific collaborations .................................................................... Knowledge transfer .................................................................................................................... 191 193 198 200 213 214 215 217 221 8 1 1 2 Introduction 9 1 9 Introduction 1 Once again, by means of this report, INCLIVA Health Research Institute provides an assessment of the scientific activities carried out within the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia and its Department of Health, and of those groups of excellence of the University of Valencia and the Instituto Universitario IVI, which incorporated during 2012. The present year is the first full one since receiving accreditation as a Health Research Institute by the Ministry of Science and Innovation via the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). Following the efforts in the area of quality, and thanks to the aforementioned accreditation obtained in 2011, this year INCLIVA has won the ISO 9001:2008 certification. This award reinforces the Institute’s image of excellence, is in recognition of the maturity and effectiveness of its quality management system and confirms its will to continually progress in order to give a day by day response that meets the expectations of its customers. With respect to ISO 9001, INCLIVA not only meets the requirements of the standard, but also raises, transforms and guarantees the quality of the R&D&I management services, thus establishing the basis for a continual improvement in each and every one of the operations that it carries out. Upon the certification of its Secretariat, INCLIVA has initiated the same process in the Ethical Committee in Clinical Research (ECCR) of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia and has collaborated with the certification of the Central Research Unit laboratories of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Valencia. The certification of these activities is projected for the first half of next year. Scientific production, moreover, has increased significantly in comparison to previous years. From the 491 papers published in 2011, the total has risen to 512 this year, representing an increase of 4%. This increase in output has been accompanied by an increase in cumulative impact factor, which is above 2000, an increase of nearly 5% over 2011. Furthermore, the number of items published in cooperation with international authors has experienced an increase of over 50% from the previous year. It is worth noting that papers published in journals within the first and second quartiles of their respective categories have represented 51% and 19% of the total production, respectively. The associated research groups have competitively obtained and developed 170 research projects, both European (10 projects within the 7th Framework Programme), as well as national (94 projects under the National R&D&I Plan) and regional (36 projects funded by the Generalitat Valenciana) ones. In addition to these research studies are those obtained from private entities via concours, amounting to a total of 28 projects. Additionally, INCLIVA has been funded within the framework of the Emerging Support Groups, with a total of 12 research initiatives proposed by young researchers. Furthermore, the groups have been active in research networks of excellence (CAIBER, CIBER and RETICS). 11 Introduction In the area of clinical research, the Ethical Committee in Clinical Research (ECCR) has processed a total of 114 trials, thus continuing the upward trend of recent years. With the commencement of these studies, we have developed a total of 310 clinical trials and other studies during the year. In fact, 80% of these studies were clinical trials, and the remaining 20% were observational studies or of other design. It is important to point out the importance of this early stage research to the clinical research center, since the number of Phase I and Phase II trials has represented almost 40% of those developed at the institute. 12 1 INCLIVA has competed for this year’s PROMIIS, which are directed exclusively at health research institutes, and is among the top-ranked, ahead of other larger institutions. The funding received will go towards the development of a centralized bioinformatics platform in the new Institute building. Moreover, the INCLIVA has entered as a full member of the Network of Hospital and Biomedical Clinical Research Management Entities (REGIC), an association that brings together the main organizations managing R&D&I in the field of healthcare in Spain. Among the activities to promote the culture of research, during 2012 the Institute continued with its Training Plan with the objective of promoting educational activities by collaborating with the different hospital services in the organization and management of 25 courses, conferences and seminars. In addition, this year the Institute has funded a total of 15 stays in specialized centers of proven leadership in specific techniques or procedures. Finally, the construction of the new Institute building will continue this year, which will mean an increase of 2,100 m² for research. This new space will facilitate the growth in human resources, infrastructure and new technologies needed to expand and strengthen the quantity and quality of the equipment utilized and the lines of research developed. The present privileged position of INCLIVA, as much a result of its acknowledgements as it is the maintenance of its production, has been possible thanks to the efforts of everyone. Nevertheless, we face the challenge of continuing to generate knowledge and guiding research excellence for the benefit of society. Rafael Carmena Rodríguez Josep Redón i Mas General Director Scientific Director 2 2 INCLIVA Health Research Institute 15 2 15 INCLIVA Health Research Institute 2.1. History The Foundation for the Research of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia was constituted in the year 2000, being the first Valencian research foundation attached to a public hospital. In 2010, certain excellence groups in biomedical research from the University of Valencia and IUIVI (Valencian Infertility Institute) joined the Foundation through the establishment of assignment agreements, thus creating the INCLIVA Health Research Institute. INCLIVA manages biomedical research performed by the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia and its Health Department and encourages teaching and scientific activities, thus improving patient treatment and knowledge sharing. After being accredited, in 2011, as a Health Research Institute by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), INCLIVA obtained preferential by the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), being recognized its excellent research. 2.2. Organizational structure 2.2.1. Organization chart Board of Trustees Board of Governors External Scientific Committee General Director External Associated Bodies ECCR ECAE Financial Director Internal Scientific Committee Scientific Director The Board of Trustees, the highest government body in the Foundation, is headed by the Honorable Conseller de Sanidad of the Valencian Governement. This body appoints a Board of Governors –headed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Health Department– the General Director, the Scientific Director, and the Financial Director. All of them count on the guidance of two Research Committees: the External Scientific Committee and the Internal Scientific Committee. 2 17 INCLIVA Health Research Institute 2.2.2. Board of Trustees It is the highest collegiate body in the Institute. It establishes the action directives and has a high representation from the Valencian society. Dated December 31st 2012, its members are the following: 18 2 President • Mr. Manuel Llombart, Honorable Conseller de Sanidad Vice-president • Mr. Luis Martí, Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia and of the Health Service Department in Valencia’s Clínico – Malvarrosa Board members according to their positions •Mr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez, Lord Rector of the University of Valencia • Mr. Federico Pallardó Calatayud, Most Illustrious Dean of the Faculty of Medicine • Mr. Arturo Virosque Ruiz, Valencia Chamber of Commerce • Mr. Martin Quirós Palau, Valencian Council of Culture • Mr. Vicente Boquera Amil, Social Council of the University of Valencia • Mr. Ángel Daniel Villanueva Pareja, Bancaja Foundation • Mr. Juan López Trigo Pichó, Cañada Blanch Foundation •Ms. Teresa de Rojas, General Director of planning, evaluation, research, quality and patients care of the Consellería de Sanidad of the Valencian Government • Mr. Carlos Simón Vallés, Scientific Director of the Valencian Infertility Institute Board members in their names • Mr. Carlos Pascual de Miguel • Mr. Joaquín Ortega Serrano • Mr. Tomás Trenor Puig • Mr. Rubén Moreno Palanques (until December 2012) The General Director, Financial Director, and Chief of Staff attend the meetings with right to speak but without a vote. 2.2.3. Board of Governors The Board of Governors is responsible for preparing and passing the proposals of activities and research projects. It also decides and allocates the budgetary means, and executes and enforces the Board of Trustees’ agreements, among other duties. Dated December 31st 2012, its members are the following: President • Dr. Luis Martí, Chief Executive Officer, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia Vice-president • Dr. José Magraner, Head of the Pharmacy Service, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia General Director • Prof. Rafael Carmena, Professor Emeritus of the Medicine Department, University of Valencia Board members • Prof. Josep Redón, INCLIVA Scientific Director • Prof. Federico Pallardó, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Valencia • Prof. Andrés Cervantes, Oncology Service, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia • Dr. Amparo Rufino, Medical Director, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia • Prof. Salvador Lluch, Department of Physiology, University of Valencia • Dr. Rosana Espinosa, Director of Primary Health Care, Health Service Department in Valencia Clínico-Malvarrosa • Prof. Carlos Simón, Scientific Director, Instituto Universitario IVI • Prof. Carlos Hermenegildo, Coordinator of Research Support Platform, University of Valencia INCLIVA Health Research Institute 2.2.4. General Director The Foundation’s General Director is the highest person responsible for the execution of scientific, economic and administrative policies fixed by the Board of Trustees. The position has been held since May 2012 by Dr. Rafael Carmena Rodríguez. Graduated with Distinction in Medicine from the Valencia’s Faculty of Medicine in 1964, and Doctor “cum laude” from the Universitat de València in 1966. Specialist in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Professor of Pathology and Medical Clinics (Internal Medicine) at the universities of Valencia and Murcia, he has been Chief of the Internal Medicine Department of the Ciudad Sanitaria “Virgen de la Arrixaca” of Murcia (19741982), and Chief of both the Welfare Department, and the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia for the last 28 years. His research is focused on the lipid metabolism, the effects of dietary fats on cholesterolemia; conditions of resistance to insulin and its treatment; metabolic syndrome; genetics of hypercholesterolemia and treatment of diabetes dyslipidemia. 2.2.5. Scientific Director The Scientific Director is appointed by government bodies. The scientific direction has been headed by Dr. Josep Redón since 2010. Dr. Redón is a specialist doctor of Internal Medicine, Research Fellow in Hypertension in Northwestern University (Chicago), and Fellow of the Council for High Blood Pressure of the American Heart Association. He is currently Professor of Medicine, Chief of the Internal Medicine Service and Coordinator of the Hypertension Unit of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia. Nowadays, he heads the European Society of Hypertension, and he has authored many research works on hypertension and diabetes. He is also a member of the editorial committees of several international journals on the field of hypertension and cardiovascular risk. 2.2.6. External Scientific Committee The External Scientific Committee is constituted by well-known standing professionals among the scientific community, and the national and international clinical medicine. Their members are appointed by the Board of Trustees, and it counts at least on one expert in every INCLIVA priority area of research. Its task is to assess and counsel the collegiate goverment bodies regarding to the research carried out. Furthermore, it safeguards the quality of the research developed, and makes the required recommendations. The composition of the External Scientific Committee, dated December 31st 2012, is the following: President: • Dr. Javier Díez Professor of Medicine, University of Navarra. Director of the Cardiovascular Sciences Area, Applied Medical Research Center (CIMA). University of Navarra. Members: • Dr. José Baselga Director of the Division of Oncology in Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (US). Professor of Medicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Director of the Oncology Institute, Barcelona. • Dr. Juan Carlos Lacal Research Professor in CSIC. Biomedical Research Institute, Madrid. 2 19 INCLIVA Health Research Institute • Dr. Nick S. Macklon Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Division of Developmental Origins of Adult Diseases (DOHaD). University of Southampton. Princess Anne Hospital. Coxford Road, Southampton (United Kingdom). • Dr. José María Medina Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of Salamanca. Castilla y León Neuroscience Institute (INCYL). 20 2 • Dr. Josep Tabernero Chief of Medical Oncology Service. Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona. • Dr. Manuel Tena-Sempere Professor in Cell Biology, Physiology, and Immunology Department. University of Córdoba. • Dr. Antonio Vidal-Puig Professor in Molecular Nutrition and Metabolism. University of Cambridge. • Dr. Alberto Zanchetti Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine. Università di Milano. Director of the Istituto Auxologico Italiano (Italy). Consultant in WHO. The Committee’s intense activity along this year has been materialized in matters of scientific and strategic politics. In the regular meeting held in November, INCLIVA’s advisors of the government bodies evaluated the scientific and financial reports, and examined how the strategic, integration and training plans were put into practice. As a result of this analysis, it was recommended to increase the participation in European projects, the establishment of intramural transversal programs, and a resolute effort towards innovation. 2.2.7. Internal Scientific Committee INCLIVA’s Internal Scientific Committee is the body that acts as a counsellor to the General Director and the Scientific Director. In order to achieve this, it evaluates, discusses, advises and supervises the scientific content of the research areas. Dated December 31st 2012, the Committee composition is as follows: President: • Dr. Josep Redón i Mas General Director: • Dr. Rafael Carmena Rodríguez Medical Director of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia: • Dr. Amparo Rufino Valor Coordinators of the priority areas of research: • Dr. Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez • Dr. José Viña Ribes • Dr. Carlos Simón Vallés • Dr. Javier Chorro Gascó Board members: • Dr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez • Dr. Pilar Eroles Asensio • Dr. Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla • Dr. Rafael Carmena Rodríguez • Dr. Ana Lluch Hernández • Dr. Javier Chaves Martínez INCLIVA Health Research Institute • Dr. Eduardo Otero Coto • Dr. Gloria Ribas Despuig • Dr. Irene Cervelló Alcaraz • Dr. Felipe Vilella Mitjana • Dr. Daniel Monleón Salvadó • Dr. Fernando Martínez García • Dr. Carlos Solano Vercet • Dr. Rosa Zaragozá Colom 2.2.8. Ethical Committee in Clinical Research The Ethical Committee in Clinical Research (ECCR) of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia is the independent body whose task is to safeguard the protection of the rights, security, and welfare of the subjects taking part in a clinical trial or research project. Among others tasks, this Committee assesses the protocol, the aptitude of the participating researchers, the adequacy of the center’s facilities, and ensures the use and quality of the Fact Sheet for Patients for securing the informed consent. The members of the ECCR in the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia, dated December 31st 2012, are the following: President •Dr. Antonio Peláez Hernández. Chief of the Allergy Unit Vice-president • Dr. José Magraner Gil. Chief of the Pharmacy Service Secretary • Dr. Manuel Labiós Gómez. Chief of Section of the Internal Medicine Service Substitute Secretary • Ms. Begoña Hernández Genovés. Chief of Supplies Service. Graduated in Law Board members • Dr. Luis Martí Moreno. Chief Executive Officer of Department of Health Clínico – Malvarrosa Clinical Pharmacologist • Dr. Esteban Morcillo Sánchez. Rector of the University of Valencia. Professor of Pharmacology Members with assistance tasks • Dr. Antonio Peláez Hernández. Chief of the Allergy Unit • Dr. Manuel Labiós Gómez. Chief of Section of the Internal Medicine Service • Dr. José Blanquer Olivas. Chief of Section of the Intensive-Care Medicine Service • Dr. Miguel Mínguez Pérez. Chief of Section of Gastroenterology Service • Dr. Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez. Chief of Section of Hematology and Oncology Service • Dr. Ricardo Ruiz Granell. Chief of Section of Cardiostimulation Service • Dr. Julio Palmero Da Cruz. Chief of the Radiology Service • Dr. Alfonso Miguel Carrasco. Chief of the Nephrology Service • Dr. Joaquín Ortega Serrano. Chief of the General Surgery Service • Dr. Marina Soro Domingo. Chief of Section of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation • Dr. Cristina Gomis Gozalbo. Assistant Obstetrics and Gynecology Service 2 21 INCLIVA Health Research Institute Doctors with active assistance tasks in primary health care • Dr. Nidia Ruiz Varea. Specialist doctor in Primary Health Care Specialist doctor in Pediatrics • Dr. Rafael Fernández-Delgado. Specialist Doctor in Pediatrics Pharmaceutics • Dr. José Magraner Gil. Chief of the Pharmacy Service 22 2 • Mr. Diego V. Cano Blanquer. Primary Health Care Pharmaceutics Graduated in Nursing • Dr. Ms. Mª Ángeles Mora Plá. Outpatient Nursing Supervisor Members unrelated to health professions • Ms. Begoña Hernández Genovés. Chief of Supplies Service. Graduated in Law • Mr. Carlos Pascual Vicens. Graduated in Law Independent members • Mr. Carlos Pascual Vicens. Graduated in Law Other members • Dr. Amparo Rufino. Medical Director of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia • Dr. Marina Gisbert Grifo. Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health in the University of Valencia • Dr. Francisco Dasí Fernández. Miguel Servet Researcher 2.2.9. Ethical Committee in Animal Experimentation The Ethical Committee in Animal Experimentation (ECAE) is part of the Ethics Committee for the Experimental Research in the University of Valencia. It is constituted by members that have the required experience and knowledge to safeguard the welfare and care of animals. Dated December 31st 2012, ECAE is constituted by the following members: President • Dr. Ms. María Dolores Real García, Director of the Central Service for Experimental Research Support (SCIE), University of Valencia Secretary • Dr. Mr. Enrique Font Bisier. Instituto Cabanilles, University of Valencia Members • Dr. Mr. Antonio Alberola Aguilar, Physiology Department, University of Valencia • Ms. María Carmen Recio Iglesias, Pharmacology Department, University of Valencia • Ms. Alicia Salvador Fernández-Montejo, Psychobiology Department, University of Valencia • Dr. Ms. Inmaculada Noguera Salvá, Veterinary Surgeon, Central Service for Experimental Research Support (SCIE), University of Valencia • Dr. Ms. Ana Díaz Cuevas, Veterinary Surgeon, Medical Research Central Unit, University of Valencia INCLIVA Health Research Institute 2.2.10. Management Structure INCLIVA Health Research Institute has an independent management structure where two big areas are distinguished: General Director Financial Director Financial-Administrative Coordination 2 Scientific Director Scientific Management Coordination Scientific Activity Records Quality and Planning CAIBER Human Resources European Projects Biobank Accounting and Invoicing Innovation Management Coordinators of Lines of Research Financial Projects Other Researchers Invoicing and Receiving Clinical Trials Primary Health Care Training Future Platforms Financial-Administrative Area: its tasks are framed in the economic administration, staff management, and general administration. Financial-Administrative Manager: Mr. Juan Luis Huguet Coordination: Ms. Consuelo López Riera Accounting and Invoicing Unit: Ms. Mª José Rosalén Financial Unit: Ms. Consuelo López and Ms. Karen Iglesias Invoicing and Receiving Unit: Ms. Vera Marín Records Unit: Ms. Alicia Belenguer Human Resources Unit: Ms. Ruth Cano Scientific Management Area: it is responsible for the integral scientific management that includes controlling and monitoring clinical trials and research projects, organising courses, conferences and seminars, and several tasks related to general administration – among others. Furthermore, it acts as an administrative support to the different scientific committees attached and to the Medical Research Central Unit. Coordination: Dr. Marta Peiró Quality and Planning Unit: Mr. Enrique Cremades and Ms. Patricia Mañas European Projects Unit: Dr. Marta Peiró Innovation Management Unit: Mr. Enrique Cremades Projects Unit: Ms. Mayca Román and Ms. Noemí Hidalgo Clinical Trials Unit: Ms. Dolores Iglesias and Mr. Roberto Martínez Training Unit: Mr. Justo Giner General Secretary: Ms. Maite Sáenz 23 3 2 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources 25 3 25 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources 3.1. Facilities INCLIVA carries out its task both in spaces located within the hospital grounds, where the Secretariat is located, and in the Central Unit for Medical Research (UCIM). All of these spaces are located in Valencia, at Av. Blasco Ibáñez, n.15 and 17. Under the signed attachment agreements, the University of Valencia assigns groups, spaces and equipment from the Departments of Physiology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Medicine, and also from the UCIM Research Support Platforms. Likewise, IVI assigns two research groups, their research foundation’s laboratories and the equipment located therein. 3 Night view of our new headquarters Meeting room in the new headquarters Thus, currently, INCLIVA has its own space for research in a hospital environment and under the Institute direct management. The space occupies 4.020,66 m2, 3.239,78 of those m2 are specifically used for research. In 2012, the new headquarters’ construction works has begun. This new headquarters will increase the space for research in over 2.100 m2. 3.2. Human resources INCLIVA manages the scientific and support staff of the various research projects that are developed by both the attached groups of the Hospital and its Department of Health, and by those of the University and IVI. INCLIVA has research management staff and research staff in several occupational categories to support research. The total number of researchers that integrate our research groups was above 500 people in 2012. In order to fulfill its functions, INCLIVA has research staff in all of the following categories, funded through grants via public and private competitive calls: • Heatlh Service Researchers These researchers are hired through research grants from the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), as part of the Strategic Action in Health program. The aim of these actions is to incorporate doctors and other professionals with a proven research career in biomedical and health sciences, in order to develop new lines of research, or to enhance those lines that already exist in the centers the researchers join to. These six-year grants allow a co-financing of the recruitment costs. Additionally, INCLIVA has Stabilized Researchers. These are the researchers that, after finishing the Miguel Servet postdoctoral improvement program, have been favorably evaluated by the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), and whose link has been stabilized thanks to the Specific Collaboration Agreement between the Central Government via the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), and the Valencian Government, in the National Health System Researcher Stabilization Program. 27 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources • Ramón y Cajal Researchers These researchers are hired thanks to the Ramón y Cajal program, whose main aim is to strengthen the research capacity of the R&D groups and institutions in both the public and the private sector, by hiring researchers that have reached and hold the degree of Doctor, and that have presented a research line to develop. These grants are for a five-year time and allow the co-financing of the hiring costs. Just as it happens with the Miguel Servet researchers, INCLIVA has Ramón y Cajal Stabilized Researchers, those who had been favorably evaluated by the program to promote the incorporation and intensification of research activities. • Río Hortega Researchers The aim of these grants is to hire, for a three-year period, professionals that have passed the Specializated Health Training, for the development of a training plan on biomedicine and on health sciences within R&D centers. • Juan de la Cierva Researchers This subprogram is meant for the hiring of young doctors and pays special attention to the collective of researchers that have recently obtained their doctoral degree, in order to help them to be incorporated into research teams for their strengthening. • Research Support Technicians INCLIVA has two stabilized technicians that had been favorably evaluated by the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de 28 3 Salud Carlos III) and, therefore, stabilized through Specific Collaboration Agreement between the Central Government via and the Valencian Government, in the National Health System Researcher Stabilization Program. Futhermore, thanks to the specific call of the Research Support technicians program, INCLIVA counts on two technicians hired for a three-year term. Additionally, within the frame of the grants for hiring support technicians in the National Health Service strategic Action on health, INCLIVA counts on a technician hired for a three-year term. • Trainee Research Staff Thanks to the financing received through several calls for the hiring of trainee research staff, INCLIVA counts on staff coming from the following programs: · Program VAL+i for trainee researchers of the Conselleria de Educación, Formación y Empleo. · Program FPU of the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (former Ministry of Science and Innovation). · Program of predoctoral grants for health research (PFIS) from the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). • Other Research Support Staff As a result of the research activities developed by the different research groups, INCLIVA has more research support staff among its personnel. Depending on the financial source we can find the following ones: -Hired staff funded under the Cooperative Research Thematic Networks (RETICs). -Hired staff funded under CAIBER financing. - Hired staff funded under the financing received by the Prometeo Program of the Conselleria d’Educació. - Hired staff funded under the financing received from the Gerónimo Forteza Program of the Conselleria d’Educació. - Hired staff funded under the financing received from the Program + i Comunidad Valenciana. - Hired staff funded under the financing received from the Support of Research Program from the Fundación Bancaja. -Hired staff funded under the financing received from the Health Research Fund projects (FIS). Facilities, human, technological and financial resources -Support Staff for the Research Units: as a consequence of the research activity developed by the research groups, the following units have been created: · Oncological-Clinical Research Unit: the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia is a reference regarding the onco-hematologic area of research. It counts on a clinical research unit in which clinical trials are developed on their different stages, aimed at developing new information about the state-of-the-art therapies. · Basic Research of the Oncology-Haematology Service Unit: this unit counts on basic researchers and support research technicians who cooperate in the development of the research projects. · Pharmacy Service Clinical Trial Unit: as established by the Royal Decree 223/2004 for clinical trials, the Pharmacy Services are a key element for the development of the clinical trials in a health center. This is why the Pharmacy Service count on a Clinical Trial Unit in charge of bolstering the adequate development of these studies in the hospital as well as the dispense, control and follow-up of the studies medication. · Genotyping and Genetic Diagnosis Unit: this unit has the most advanced technology meant to perform genetic studies for both diagnosis and research. · Central Unit of Research Laboratories: since 2004 INCLIVA has subscribed a Specific Cooperative Agreement with the Central Unit of Research Support of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Valencia for the shared use of this unit’s facilities. For the development of its activities, INCLIVA has hired the following technical staff to ensure technical support for these units’ scientific-technical platforms. · Molecular Imaging Lab: the molecular imaging lab of the Faculty of Medicine’s Pathologic Anatomy Department is a national reference laboratory regarding the diagnosis of pediatric tumors. • Staff funded under the Research projects Additionally, INCLIVA has staff hired according to the needs of the diverse research programs performed by the institution. 3.3. Research support platforms-Core Facilities On April 20th, 2004 it was signed the Collaboration Agreement between INCLIVA and the Central Service for Experimental research Support (SCIE) at the University of Valencia. This collaboration agreement – whose aim is to ease the cooperation between both institutions, with special emphasis in the execution of research projects and collective research activities – allows the access, stay and use of the Central Unit for Medical Research facilities to Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia staff. The Central Unit for Medical Research (UCIM) was created thanks to FEDER funds in 1990. From its inception, it has been granted with several infrastructure coming from both University of Valencia and INCLIVA funds, as well as from external funds (Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias). The gradual increase in the acquired scientific equipment has made possible that the UCIM supports a high number of researchers. That support has allowed in the last years the provision of external services, consolidating the aforesaid unit as a real support service to both internal and external research. In addition to these support units, INCLIVA has two additional platforms: the Biobank and the Cytogenetics lab. These laboratories have currently available several research technicians and technical assistants who have been included in the organization structure thanks to diverse grants from Conselleria, or directly to the University’s budget. 3 29 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources INCLIVA’ units for research support are the following: BIOBANK FUNCTIONS: • To create and keep a critical mass of normal and pathological biological samples, collected and kept in optimal conditions, to be used in the field of biomedical research. • To provide technical support to the institution’s units and research groups, becoming a tool of strategic development for the aforesaid and improving the scientific and assistance quality of their activities. • To increase the accessibility to biological samples for the research groups. • To provide with the aforesaid material the research groups of the same institution, or groups unlinked to the institution, when meeting the scientific and ethical requirements. 30 3 • To drive translational research, assisting the incorporation of new techniques and new markers to diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and patient monitoring. • To guarantee the respect for the basic rights and freedoms, the protection of dignity and identity, and treatment of the donors’ personal details. • To establish collaborative networks with other biobanks that house samples similar to the ones of this Biobank. EQUIPMENTS: • Deep freezers in -80 °C (-112 °F), with base of CO2 and visual, acoustic and remote alarm system. • COOLSAFE 110 (SCANVAC) freezing system for the immediate cryopreservation of biological samples in -110 °C (-166 °F). • Automated systems of nucleic acid extraction: QIAGEN’s QIAcube and CHEMAGEN’s Chemagic MSM I. • Wireless computer system for data register, and for remote and telephonic management of alarms for the Biobank. • Computer systems of associated samples and data management. LOCATION: INCLIVA Biobank is organized in four nodes: oncological, haematological, immunological diseases, and cardiovascular. In turn, the nodes are constituted in diverse collections located in the following premises: • Service of Pathological Anatomy at the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia,1st floor of the Faculty of Medicine building: the Oncological Node’s collection of solid tumors (Tumor Bank). • Laboratory of Hematology at the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia, 1st floor: the Hematological Node’s collection of hematological malignancies (Blood Bank). • Premises of the Genotyping and Genetic Diagnoses Unit (UGDG), at the Faculty of Medicine and at the Laboratory of Endocrinology in the Maternity building of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia, both in 2nd floor: collections of the Oncological Node, the Immunological Diseases Node, and the Cardiovascular Node. Facilities, human, technological and financial resources HUMAN RESOURCES: • Scientific Director: Dr. Antonio Ferrández • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963862600 ext: 51257 • Technician Coordinator: Dr. Lorena Peiró Chova • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963862600 ext: 51257 • Technician: Mrs. Olga Bahamonde Ponce • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963862600 ext: 51257 ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN 2012: 1. Incorporation of samples 1.1. Pre-existing samples: • Collection of solid tumors (Tumor Bank): around 250 new cases. • Collections of peripheral blood and derivative products in patients suffering from breast cancer (CM-S [Blood- Breast Cancer]) or lung cancer (CP-S [Blood- Lung Cancer): around 350 new cases. • Hematological malignancies (Blood Bank): around 1,200 new cases. • Collections from the cardiovascular node: around 30 new cases. 1.2. 2012 new collections: • MM-S (Blood- Melanoma): peripheral blood and derivative products in patients suffering from melanoma (100 cases). • SLE-B (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): peripheral blood and derivative products in patients suffering from lung cancer (50 cases). 2. Transfer of samples Project Agency/Ref. Principal Researcher / Institution Samples Deficiency in the homologous recombination FIS. ISCIII/ in sporadic breast cancer. PI10/00347 Dr. Bolufer (IIS La Fe) Breast cancer: paraffin embedded tissue Analysis of the miRNAs expression in tumor Foundation Le tissue of young women with breast cancer, Cado against without mutation in genes of high penetranbreast cancer ce BRCA1 and 2. Dr. Ribas (INCLIVA) Breast cancer: paraffin embedded and frozen tissue 3 31 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources Genomic alterations that refer to the pathogenesis of neuroendocrine tumors: Merkel cell carcinoma. Analysis of the mutational profiling of Merkel cell carcinoma for the development of guided therapy. Dr. Piris and Dr. González-Vela (HUMV/IFIMAV) Merkel cell carcinoma: paraffin embedded and frozen tissue Impact of the genetic susceptibility and sun FIS. ISCIII/ exposure on vitamin D levels in patients with PI10/00405 melanoma. Dr. Ribas (INCLIVA) Melanoma: DNA and peripheral blood plasma Clinical and experimental study about the influence that profiling of combined expression of cancer stem cell markers and epithelial–mesenchymal transition markers have on the malignant advance of “in vivo” skin melanoma. Dr. Monteagudo (Universitat de Melanoma: frozen tissue València/Hospital and RNA Clínico Universitario/INCLIVA) Intramural funds IFIMAV Generalitat Valenciana/ PROMETEO -2011/084 Evaluation of specific cancer biomarkers for ISCIII/ PI10the diagnosis of prostate cancer, framed in 01206 an opportunistic early detection program. 32 3 Development of a new product for the epigenetical diagnosis of unknown primary cancer. 009/12. FIB115/ Ferrer Internacional S.A. Dr. López-Guerrero (IVO) Prostate cancer: frozen tissue Dr. Esteller (IDIBELL) Primary tumors: frozen tissue • Projects supported by collections of the Cardiovascular node: Project Identification of DM2-associated genetic variants in the exome. CIBER of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases “CIBERDEM”. Agency/Ref. FIS. ISCIII/ PI11/00726 ISCIII/ CB07/08/0018 PR/Institution Dr. Chaves (INCLIVA) Dr. Carmena (INCLIVA) RNA expression profiling in lymphomonocytes after oral overload with unsaturated fat in two resistantto-insulin models: abdominal obesity and type 2 FIS. ISCIII/ PI10/0511 Dr. Ascaso (INCLIVA) diabetes. 3. Register and authorization of Biobank INCLIVA 30 The Biobank INCLIVA submitteed the authorization application for its constitution and running on November th 2012 (dossier code: BI/08/2012) before the Conselleria de Sanitat, Valencian Government, according to the valid legislation (Ley 14/2007, Real Decreto 1716/2011, and Decreto 143/2008). Facilities, human, technological and financial resources PARTICIPATION IN COOPERATIVE STRUCTURES • NATIONAL NETWORK OF BIOBANKS (RETICS-BIOBANKS) Reference: RD09/0076/00132. Title: Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (RETICS). Biobank network. Principal Investigator: Dr. Josep Redón i Mas. Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia. Duration: 2010-2013. 2012 funding: €106.932,09 • VALENCIAN NETWORK OF BIOBANKS PUBLICATIONS Publications of 2012, for which samples of the Biobank were used, and where the network has been cited in section Acknowledgements: • Rojo F, García-Parra J, Zazo S, Tusquets I, Ferrer-Lozano J, Menendez S, Eroles P, Chamizo C, Servitja S, Ramírez-Merino N, Lobo F, Bellosillo B, Corominas JM, Yelamos J, Serrano S, Lluch A, Rovira A, Albanell J. Nuclear PARP-1 protein overexpression is associated with poor overall survival in early breast cancer. Annals of Oncology: Official Journal of the European. 2012 May Volume: 23 Issue: 5 Pages: 1156-64. Impact Factor (JCR 2011): 6.425 • Mansego ML, Martínez F, Martínez-Larrad MT, Zabena C, Rojo G, Morcillo S, Soriguer F, Martín-Escudero JC, Serrano-Ríos M, Redon J, Chaves FJ. Common variants of the liver fatty acid binding protein gene influence the risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance in Spanish population. PloS One. 2012 Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: e31853. Impact Factor (JCR 2011): 4.092 3 33 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources GENOTYPING AND GENETIC DIAGNOSIS UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Research on the genetic bases of mono or oligogenetic and multifactorial diseases. • Research and development of procedures to conduct of different types of genetic studies. • Support to clinical practice by conducting genetic studies. • Support to other research groups by conducting different genetic studies. EQUIPMENTS: • Illumina HiScanSQ System, for microarray of high capacity or own design chips of different capacities and nextgeneration sequencing. • Roche 454’s Junior Sequencer of next-generation sequencing. • Applied Biosystems Automated Sequencer 3730 (48 capillaries). • Roche LightCycler 480 Quantitative Thermal Cycler and Standard Thermal Cycler (768, 385 or 96 samples). LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratories 14 and 23, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. 34 3 • Laboratory of Endocrinology, Maternity building, 2nd floor, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia. • Laboratories 1 and 2, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. HUMAN RESOURCES: • Head of the Unit: Dr. Felipe Javier Chaves Martínez • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963983916 • Technicians: • Dr. Sebastián Blesa Luján • Mrs. Cristina Pérez Soriano • E-mail: [email protected] • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext.51905 • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext.51905 • Mrs. Verónica González Albert • Mrs. Victoria Adam Felici • E-mail: [email protected] • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963862664 • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext.51905 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources CELL CULTURE UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Maintenance of cell lines in primary and secondary cultures. • Cultures at different oxygen percentages. • Cryogenic storage and cataloguing of cell cultures. EQUIPMENTS: • CO2 Incubators (SANYO 18 AYC-UV, HERACELL 150iThermoscientific). • Hypoxia Incubators, BINDER APTlineCB. • Automated Cell Counter TC10, Biorad. • Micro-volume spectrophotometer (Nanodrop 2000, Thermo Scientific). • TELSTAR AV 30/70 Laminar Flow Cabinets. • TELSTAR, BIO IIA (3 units) Biological Safety Laminar Flow Cabinets. • Burdinola OR-ST1500 Fume Hood. • Auxiliary equipment: N2 tank (cryopreservation team), ARPEGE 140, PERCISTERM 20L P-SELECTA Analog Precision Bath, HERAEUS-sepatech Megafuge Centrifuge, two P-SELECTA electrical autoclaves for sterilization, HERMLE Labortechnik refrigerated microcentrifuge, Thermoscientific HERAEUS Multifuge 3SR+ Centrifuge, ACCULAB Sartorius Group precision balance, Moticam 2500 Camera. • Molecular Devices ESPECTRAMAX GEMINI XPS Fluorometer. • Molecular Devices ESPECTRA-MAX PLUS Spectrophotometer. • NIKON Eclipse TS100 Microscope, precision shaking bath controlled by microprocessor UNITRONIC OR 20L, PSELECTA. LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratories 35 and 36, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia PERSON IN CHARGE: • Mr. Sergio Bañuls Sánchez de Cutanda • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 51921 Fibroblasts taken with MOTICAM (Motic Images Plus) with 20x lens. 3 35 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources FLOW CYTOMETRY UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Semi-quantitative, multi-parametric study of cell populations and subcellular structures using fluorescent probes. EQUIPMENTS: • Imagestream System Image Cytometer (AMNIS). • FacsVerse Flow Cytometer (Becton Dickinson) • FacsAriaIII Cell Separator (Becton Dickinson). LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratory 22, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. HUMAN RESOURCES: • Dr. Guadalupe Herrera • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 51929 36 3 • Dr. Jelena Markovic Djuric • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 51929 Study of mitochondrial membrane potential and its distribution through ImageStream (AMNIS). On the left, control fibroblasts. On the right, fibroblasts from a Kindler Syndrome patient. Facilities, human, technological and financial resources CYTOGENETICS LABORATORY FUNCTIONS: • Application of conventional and molecular cytogenetic analysis techniques (FISH, multiFISH, CGH, Quantitative Fluorescent PCR and Array CGH, etc.) to the study of different pathologies. EQUIPMENTS: • Cultivation room equipped with biological safety cabinet and CO2 incubators. • Metafer System: automated system for the microscopic analysis and scanning of images obtained from both optical and fluorescence microscopy. • Optichrome: device to keep constant temperature and humidity conditions during the preparation of the slides. • ThermoBrite: thermal Cycler for Slides. • Hybridization oven: device for the DNA hybridization in CGH arrays. LOCATION: • Clinical Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry Service at the Hospital Clínico Universitario. Maternity building, 2nd floor. HUMAN RESOURCES: • Head of Unit: Dr. Ana Cuesta Peredo • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963862600 ext: 51167 • Technician: Dr. Rosario Abellán Sánchez • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963862600 ext: 51167 Study of 22g11 deletion: Di George Syndrome, normal case. In red is shown the region of adjacent genes whose deletion causes the desease. In green, control hybridation probe. 3 37 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources MULTIGENIC ANALYSIS UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Whole genome expression profiling using Affymetrix biochips technology. • MicroRNA expression profiling using Affymetrix biochips technology. • Genotyping analysis using Affymetrix biochips technology. EQUIPMENTS: • Biochip system with fluid robotic station (Genechip Fluidics Station). • Laser chip scanner with different computer applications to analyze the results achieved (Genechip Scanner 3000 7G). • Genechip Hybridization Oven 640. • Capillary electrophoresis (Agilent 2100 Bio analyzer). LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratory 26, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. HUMAN RESOURCES: • Head of Unit: Dr. Eva Serna García 38 3 • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 55295 • Technician: Mrs. Jésica Portero Trigo •E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 55295 Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Facilities, human, technological and financial resources CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Detection of tissue, cellular and sub-cellular processes using fluorescent probes. • Study of markers placement. • Material analysis. • Molecule monitoring. • Serial sequences detection and subsequent three-dimensional reconstruction. EQUIPMENTS: • Leica TCS SP2 Spectral Confocal microscope, ultraviolet laser, multiphoton system, temperature and CO2 control. It has a DMIRB inverted microscope for transmitted light in brightfield and incident light fluorescence with optical components for interference contrast. With three fluorescent filter bocks: I3 (blue excitation BP 450-490; emission LP 515) for FITC, Cy2, etc.; N2.1 (green excitation BP 515-560; emission LP 590) for TRITC, Cy3, etc.; and A (UV excitation BP 340-380; emission LP 425) for HOECHST or DAPI, etc. • System includes four laser sources: far-red (HeNe 633 nm), red (HeNe 543nm), green (HeNe 488 nm) and blue (Ar. 351nm, 364). • Leica DMI3000 inverted research microscope, fluorescence system with power supply EL 6000 with long-life Halide lamp (2000h) 100 Watt and fiber optic transmission for fluorescence. It has three filter blocks for TRITC (red), FITC (green) and DAPI (blue), and it has four objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x and 63x. LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratory 19, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. PERSON IN CHARGE: • Mrs. Sonia Priego Villanueva • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963983303 Hela Cells Renal Tissue Footh cut Spermatozoa Plant cells Oocyte 3 39 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources TeJIEPIGENETICS AND GENOTYPING UNIT (SEQUENOM PLATFORM) FUNCTIONS: • Quantitative analysis of the degree of DNA methylation. • Quantitative analysis of gene expression. • Genotyping services and study of polymorphism (SNPs). EQUIPMENTS: • Sequenom Platform includes a dispensing robot for the processing of DNA samples in 384-well plates, nanodispenser that transfers PCR products to spectrochips and Mass Array analyzer that carries out the MALDI-TOF. LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratory 24, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. PERSON IN CHARGE: • Dr. Enrique José Busó Sáez • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 96 3864439 ext: 51138 40 3 Heat map of the methylation of a DNA region. Mars spectrum a MRNA obtained by quantifying the expression degree technique (QGE) Sequenom. Facilities, human, technological and financial resources LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR IMAGING AND METABOLOMICS FUNCTIONS: • Metabolic profiles using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in tissues, biopsies, bio-fluids and cultures. • Microscopy imaging using Magnetic Resonance in tissues and small samples (insects, organs of animal models, etc.) • Molecular imaging in tissues and small samples (insects, organs of animal models, etc.) • Clinical Magnetic Resonance imaging using multivariate mathematical models. EQUIPMENTS: • Bruker AVANCE 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer with spectroscopic probes for determination in semi-solid (HR-MAS 1H/13C/15N) and liquid (QXI 1H/13C/15N/31P) systems and micro-imaging probes (10mm/5mm/2mm). • BCU-Xtreme cooling unit for low-temperature measurements. • Gilson 215 for automated sample preparation and pipetter, used for the automated preparation of liquid samples in NMR tubes. • Upright ultra-low temperature freezer (-112ºF) for the storage of samples and for longer terms. Cryogenic container with liquid nitrogen (-320.8 ºF). Current equipment allows the researchers to work with intact samples (500μ liquid or 10-40 mg tissue) so that, once measured, it is possible to carry out other tests. Probes available allow researchers to obtain the metabolic profile in liquid samples with a volume of 500μ (5mm tubes) and with a volume of 50μ (1mm capillaries). LOCATION: • Faculty of Medicine, zone 6, -1 floor, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia. HUMAN RESOURCES: • Head of Unit: Dr. Daniel Monleón Salvadó • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963983225 • Head of Unit: Mr. José Manuel Morales Tatay • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963983225 3 41 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources ANIMAL HOUSING AND EXPERIMENTAL OPERATING THEATERS UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Our facilities, with an area of approximately 500 m2, provide specific and centralized instrumentation for the breeding and keeping of experimental animals. Additionally, these facilities provide space for housing experimental animals (mice, rats, guinea-pigs, rabbits, pigs, etc.), for breeding and experimental animals keeping genetically modified mice, counseling and training on experimentation aspects and monitoring the animal welfare. EQUIPMENTS: • Open-cage racks, filter-cage racks, ventilated racks, isolator cabinets. Washing and sterilization area with cage-washer, with a high cleaning and disinfection capacity, feeding bottle washer, animal sterilization autoclave, Window SAS with ultraviolet light and Hydrogen peroxide SAS. • Operating theaters for inferior mammals (rodents, lagomorphs and others) and for superior mammals (pig), equipped with the material needed to carry out basic surgical procedures: inhalation anesthesia in rodents, fan for superior mammals, gases, diagnostic imaging (ultrasound, scopy), etc. • Procedure rooms to carry out experimental manipulation tasks, necropsies, etc. • Behavior room to carry out behavioral studies. 42 3 LOCATION: • UCIM, 3rd floor, Zone 2, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. PERSON IN CHARGE: • Dr. Ana Díaz Cuevas • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 55019 Superior mammal surgery in experimental operating theater. Facilities, human, technological and financial resources PROTEOMICS UNIT FUNCTIONS: • Two-dimensional Electrophoresis allows isolating proteins using a double separation in a 2D-PAGE gel based on the isoelectric point (pI) in the first dimension and according to its molecular size (MS) in the second dimension. • DIGE Technique (Differential in Gel Electrophoresis), by labeling with different fluorophores, allows to simultaneously quantify in the same gel 2D separate samples. It includes the sample separation, labeling with three different fluorophores, 2D gel, imaging and automatic analysis with De Cyder (GE) software. EQUIPMENTS: • Bio Rad Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) unit and GE Ettan IPGphor 3 for the first dimension. • Ettan DALTsix, for the second dimension, composed by an electrophoresis unit that runs up to six gels at the same time while reproducing the experimental variability on each of those gels. Its gel mounting bracket is designed to polymerize up to six gels at the same time. • Typhoon Trio: scanner that detects gels. • De Cyder: software for differential expression analysis of DIGE gels. • Ettan Spot Picker: robotic instrument that picks spots from stained polyacrylamide gels or with proteins marked with fluorochromes. 3 LOCATION: • UCIM, 2nd floor, Laboratory 25, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia. PERSON IN CHARGE: • Mrs. Estefanía Fernández García • E-mail: [email protected] • Contact phone: +34 963864100 ext: 51928 Image from a human liver simple. 43 Facilities, human, technological and financial resources SMALL ANIMALS PET/CT CAMERA AND LABORATORY FOR RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES FUNCTIONS: This lab carries out functional studies “in vivo”, in a non-invasive way, to make known biochemical processes, monitored at molecular level. Its usage is spreading to a wide range of applications, from developing new drugs, to studying human diseases on animals (oncology, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.), or to the characterization of gene expression and phenotype changes due to genetic manipulation. Measures of “18-FDG” glucose analog can currently be done. However, and depending on the project, the PET/CT team can determine any other positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals. Thanks to the addition of CT we are able to carry out studies on the anatomical morphology of animals and join those studies with their matching metabolic image. Besides, soft- and bone-tissue studies, among others, can be carried out given the advanced characteristics of the team. LOCATION: • UCIM, 2E floor, Zone 2, Faculty of Medicine, Isotopes Unit. 44 3 Regions of interest in the FDG-PET SCAN (rats and mice). Facilities, human, technological and financial resources 3.4. Financial resources The funding of INCLIVA during 2012 totalled €6.383.397. INCLIVA’s income in recent years has experienced an uptrend. Evolution of the last four periods is shown in the chart below. 3 INCLIVA’s income trend. 33% of the € total obtained in 2012 corresponds to calls for research funding, that totalled €2,152,951. The remaining income corresponds to private sources of funding, clinical trial revenues and grants among others. The graph below shows this distribution. Income distribution by funding source. 45 46 3 4 Scientific activity 4 Scientific activity 4.1. Research areas INCLIVA Health Research Institute organizes scientific activity in four research areas that, despite their independence, have a common goal: to meet the health needs of the population and to improve R&D&i system. Its main aim is to establish a common reference framework to promote collaboration between the attached researchers. Each of the lines counts on the participation of one or several advisers from the External Scientific Committee, and these lines are lead by the following coordinators: Cardiovascular Research Area. • Coordinator: Dr. Francisco Javier Chorro Oncology Research Area. • Coordinator: Dr. Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Research on Metabolism and Organic Damage Area. • Coordinator: Dr. José Viña Ribes Research on Reproductive Medicine Area. • Coordinator: Dr. Carlos Simón Vallés 4 49 Scientific activity 4.1.1. 4 Cardiovascular Research Area 51 Scientific activity Research Group on Cardiometabolic Risk PI: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Juan Francisco Ascaso Gimilio (Hospital), José Tomás Real Collado (Hospital), Sergio Martínez Hervás (Hospital), Ana Bárbara García García (CIBERdem), Miguel Catalá Bauset (Hospital), Esther Benido Casado (CIBERdem), Cristina Pérez Soriano (INCLIVA), Griselda de Marco Marco (INCLIVA), Marta Peiró Signes (INCLIVA / CIBERdem), Nieves Brito Domenech (CIBERdem). Predoctoral Researchers: Javier Pérez Hernández (INCLIVA). 4 Strategic aims • Study of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemias and familial combined hyperlipidemia. An analysis of inflammation markers has been performed, as well as a comprehensive biochemical profile and a collection of clinical and genetic characteristics. • Effect of postprandial lipidemia on cardiovascular system, mainly on lipid profile, inflammation markers and oxidative stress and the response of circulanting cells to stress caused by lipidemia. Studies of oral lipid overload in obese diabetic patients have been carried out to study cell response to fatty acid delivery. Expression of all genes present in the lymphomonocytes of these patients has been examined comparing with control subjects and the results are currently being analyzed. • Study of insulin resistance and diabetes. The aim is to early detect insulin-resistance, identifying early detection markers and risk and inflammatory factors linked to this condition. • Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot. Confirmation of the connection between plasma homocysteine levels and risk for diabetic foot ulceration. • Genetic factors involved in the regulation of Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference, obesity development and central obesity. Study of oxidative stress and other aspects of metabolism as factors able to modulate development of obesity. Levels of certain free radicals and oxidative stress regulate metabolism and energy homeostasis. 53 Scientific activity Main lines of research • • • • • • Genetic diagnosis of primary hyperlipidemias and cardiovascular risk. Combination of primary hyperlipidemias with insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. Postprandial lipidemia and atherosclerosis in states of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance, inflammation and oxidative stress. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetic foot. Genetic factors involved in the regulation of Body Mass Index and abdominal obesity. Emerging Researcher Sergio Martínez Hervás (Hospital). The line of research is based on cardiovascular risk, essentially on insulin resistance and diabetes, familial combined hyperlipidemia, inflammation, vitamin D, and atherosclerosis, just like new markers of cardiovascular risk. Emerging Researcher Ana Bárbara García García (CIBERDEM). 54 The research is focused in an SREBF2 variant and its possible association with DM2, one of the most frequent diseases of Western societies. SREBF2 is part of one of the most important lipid and glucose metabolism regulatory systems. 4 PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 16 Cumulative Impact Factor: 109,87 Original articles 1Martínez-Hervás S, Priego A, Lorente R, Molina M, Navarro-Hidalgo MI, Real JT. Subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia. Two years follow-up after treatment with high doses of atorvastatin. Medicina Clínica. 2012 Jan 21; 138(1): 1-6. IF: 1,385 2Soriguer F, Goday A, Bosch-Comas A, Bordiú E, CallePascual A, Carmena R , Casamitjana R, Castaño L, Castell C, Catalá M, Delgado E, Franch J, Gaztambide S, Girbés J, Gomis R, Gutiérrez G, López-Alba A, Martínez-Larrad MT, Menéndez E, Mora-Peces I, Ortega E, Pascual-Manich G, Rojo-Martínez G, Serrano-Ríos M, Valdés S, Vendrell J. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose regulation in Spain: the [email protected] Study. Diabetologia. 2012 Jan; 55(1): 88-93. IF: 6,814 3Klop B, van den Berg TM, Rietveld AP, Chaves J, Real JT, Ascaso JF, Carmena R, Elte JW, Castro Cabezas M. AT1 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in relation to Postprandial Lipemia. International Journal of Vascular Medicine. 2012: 271030. 4Bovenberg SA, Klop B, Alipour A, Martinez-Hervas S, Westzaan A, van de Geijn GJ, Janssen HW, Njo T, Birnie E, van Mechelen R, Rietveld AP, Elte JW, Castro Cabezas M. Erythrocyte-associated apolipoprotein B and its relationship with clinical and subclinical atherosclerosis. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012 Apr; 42(4): 365-70. IF: 3,018 5Caro J, Navarro-Hidalgo I, Civera M, Real JT, Ascaso JF. Severe, long-term hypoglycemia induced by co-trimoxazole in a patient with predisposing factors. Endocrinología y Nutrición: órgano de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición. 2012 Feb; 59(2): 146-8. Scientific activity 6 Martinez-Hervas S, Mansego ML, de Marco G, Martinez F, Alonso MP, Morcillo S, Rojo-Martínez G, Real JT, Acaso JF, Redon J, Martin Escudero JC, Soriguer F, Chaves FJ. Polymorphisms of the UCP2 gene are associated with body fat distribution and risk of abdominal obesity in Spanish population. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012 Feb; 42(2): 171-178. IF: 3,018 7Soriguer F, García-Fuentes E, Gutierrez-Repiso C, Rojo-Martínez G, Velasco I, Goday A, Bosch-Comas A, Bordiú E, Calle A, Carmena R, Casamitjana R, Castaño L, Castell C, Catalá M, Delgado E, Franch J, Gaztambide S, Girbés J, Gomis R, Gutiérrez G, López-Alba A, Martínez-Larrad MT, Menéndez E, MoraPeces I, Ortega E, Pascual-Manich G, Serrano-Rios M, Valdés S, Vázquez JA, Vendrell J. Iodine intake in the adult population. [email protected] study. Clinical Nutrition. 2012 May 4. IF: 3,731 8 González R, Pedro T, Martinez-Hervas S, Civera M, Antonia Priego M, Catalá M, Chaves FJ, Ascaso JF, Carmena R, Real JT. Plasma homocysteine levels are independently associated with the severity of peripheral polyneuropathy in type 2 diabetic subjects. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System: JPNS. 2012 Jun; 17(2): 191-196. IF: 2,8 9Marcuello C, Calle-Pascual AL, Fuentes M, Runkle I, Soriguer F, Goday A, Bosch-Comas A, Bordiú E, Carmena R, Casamitjana R, Castaño L, Castell C, Catalá M, Delgado E, Franch J, Gaztambide S, Girbés J, Gomis R, Gutiérrez G, López-Alba A, Martínez Larrad MT, Menéndez E, Mora-Peces I, Ortega E, PascualManich G, Rojo-Martínez G, Serrano-Rios M, Valdés S, Vázquez JA, Vendrell J. Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life according to Carbohydrate Metabolism Status: a Spanish Population-Based Study (Di@ Study). International Journal of Endocrinology. 2012: 872305. IF: 1,867 10Arbona C, Martinez-Hervás S, Goterris R, Montoro J, Real JT, Ascaso JF. Low-density lipoprotein apheresis in familial hypercholesterolemia resistant to intensive medical treatment. Medicina Clínica. 2012 May 7. IF: 1,385 11Bobes J, Arango C, Aranda P, Carmena R, GarciaGarcia M, Rejas J, CLAMORS Study Collaborative Group. Cardiovascular and metabolic risk in outpatients with schizoaffective disorder treated with antipsychotics: results from the CLAMORS study. European Psychiatry: the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2012 May; 27(4): 267-74. IF: 2,766 12Schwartz GG, Olsson AG, Abt M, Ballantyne CM, Barter PJ, Brumm J, Chaitman BR, Holme IM, Kallend D, Leiter LA, Leitersdorf E, McMurray JJ, Mundl H, Nicholls SJ, Shah PK, Tardif JC, Wright RS, dal-OUTCOMES Investigators. Effects of dalcetrapib in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2012 Nov 29; 367(22): 2089-99. IF: 53,298 13Rossetti P, Ampudia-Blasco FJ, Laguna A, Revert A, Vehì J, Ascaso JF, Bondia J. Evaluation of a Novel Continuous Glucose Monitoring-Based Method for Mealtime Insulin Dosing-the iBolus-in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes Using Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2012 Nov; 14(11): 1043-52. IF: 19,31 Review 1Genser B, Silbernagel G, De Backer G, Bruckert E, Carmena R, Chapman MJ, Deanfield J, Descamps OS, Rietzschel ER, Dias KC, März W. Plant sterols and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Heart Journal. 2012 Feb; 33(4): 444-51. IF: 10,478 Letter 1Caro J, Inmaculada Navarro-Hidalgo M, Bonanad C, Real JT, Ascaso JF. Mitral regurgitation of unknown etiology in a 20-year-old patient. Endocrinología y Nutrición: órgano de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición. 2012 May; 59(5): 333-5. 2 Molina M, García J, Civera M, Ortega J, Martínez-Valls JF, Martínez-Hervás S, Real JT, Carmena R. Hypoglycemia after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Endocrinología y Nutrición: Órgano de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición. 2011 Apr Volume: 58 Issue: 4 Pages: 197-9. THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Efecto de la sobrecarga oral con grasa insaturada sobre los marcadores de estrés oxidativo e inflamación. Estudios de lipemia postprandial en sujetos con hipercolesterolemia familiar heterocigota. 4 55 Scientific activity Doctoral candidate: María Teresa Pedro Font Director(s): José Tomás Real Collado and Rafael Carmena Rodríguez lución de la glándula mamaria tras la lactancia. Implicaciones biomédicas. Date of the defense: 2012 Principal Investigator: Juan Viña Ribes (Marta Peiró as collaborating researcher) Grade: Summa cum laude Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PI10/00511 Title: Perfil de expresión de ARN en linfomonocitos tras sobrecarga oral con grasa insaturada en dos modelos con resistencia a la insulina: obesidad abdominal y diabetes tipo 2. Principal Investigator: Juan Francisco Ascaso Gimilio Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €90.000 Reference: PROMETEO/2009/029 Title: Grupo de investigación en enfermedades de alto riesgo cardiovascular. Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total Budget: €85.000 per year Total Budget: €88.330 Reference: CB07/08/0018 56 4 Title: CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas. Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2008-2013 Reference: ESTUDIO Telemed-Diabetes Title: Estudio multicéntrico, randomizado, prospectivo, abierto y comparativo para valorar la eficiencia de la implantación en el entorno sanitario de un sistema de telemedicina aplicado a un programa telemático de optimización de control metabólico dirigido a pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). Estudio TELEMED-DIABETES. Principal Investigator: Enric Esmatjes (Sergio Martínez Hervás as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: CIBERDEM Beneficiary Institution: IDIBAPS Duration: 2012-2013 Reference: BFU2010-18253 Title: El NF-KB como nodo de regulación en la invo- Reference: ISIC/2012/018 Title: Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Científicas INCLIVA Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total Budget: €45.000 per year Scientific activity Research Group of the Genotiping and Genetic Diagnosis Unit (UGDG) PI: Felipe Javier Chaves Martínez (INCLIVA). Collaborating Researchers: Sebastián Blesa Luján (INCLIVA), Ana Bárbara García García (CIBERDEM), Pablo Marín García (INCLIVA). Predoctoral Researchers: Inmaculada Galan Chilet (INCLIVA), Pilar Rentero Garrido (INCLIVA), Vanessa Martínez Barquero (INCLIVA). Technicians: Verónica González Albert (INCLIVA), Victoria Adam Felici (INCLIVA), Cristina Pérez Soriano (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • • • • • • Identification of different genetic polymorphisms associated with: - BMI and obesity, and waist perimeter and central obesity. - Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. - Kidney damage in hypertension (measured as microalbuminuria). In this case, new genes possibly associated with the development of kidney damage have been identified by means of a GWAS study and validation of the results in new samples. The study of the exome related to the development of type 2 diabetes and its consecuences has been initiated. The possible association between arsenic levels and elevation of blood pressure has been verified. The importance of unsaturated oils in oxidative stress levels and the activity of some antioxidant systems by oral overdose with this kind of fatty acids in hypercholesterolemic patients has been proved. Identification of the correlation between the levels of C-reactive protein and the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Identification of the correlation between levels of homocysteine and diabetic neuropathy. Main lines of research • Detection of genetic alterations (mutations or polymorphisms) involved in the development of complex diseases with high cardiovascular risk especially focused on genes related to oxidative stress, lipid metabolism, etc. • Study of genetic variations present in the exome related to development of type 2 diabetes and its consecuences. • Study of the importance of environmental pollutants in the development of human diseases, specially the connection between heavy metals and complex diseases with high cardiovascular risk. 4 57 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 6 Cumulative Impact Factor: 13,641 Original articles Patents Inventors: Felipe Javier Chaves, Ana Bárbara García-García and Sebastián Blesa Title: Methods for DNA rearrengements analysis. 1Klop B, van den Berg TM, Rietveld AP, Chaves J, Real JT, Ascaso JF, Carmena R, Elte JW, Castro Cabezas M. AT1 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in relation to Postprandial Lipemia. International Journal of Vascular Medicine. 2012: 271030. 2Martinez-Hervas S, Mansego ML, de Marco G, Martinez F, Alonso MP, Morcillo S, Rojo-Martinez G, Real JT, Ascaso JF, Redon J, Martin Escudero JC, Soriguer F, Chaves FJ. Polymorphisms of the UCP2 gene are associated with body fat distribution and risk of abdominal obesity in Spanish population. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012 Feb; 42(2): 171-178. IF: 3,018 3Ivorra C, García-Vicent C, Chaves FJ, Monleón D, Morales JM, Lurbe E. Metabolomic profiling in blood from umbilical cords of low birth weight newborns. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2012 Jul 9; 10(1): 142. 4Mansego ML, Martínez F, Martínez-Larrad MT, Zabe58 na C, Rojo G, Morcillo S, Soriguer F, Martín-Escudero JC, Serrano-Ríos M, Redon J, Chaves FJ. Common variants of the liver fatty acid binding protein gene influence the risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance in Spanish population. PLoS One. 2012; 7(3): e31853. IF: 4,092 4 5 6 Mitjavila MT, Fandos M, Salas-Salvadó J, Covas MI, Borrego S, Estruch R, Lamuela-Raventós R, Corella D, Martínez-González MA, Sánchez JM, Bulló M, Fitó M, Tormos C, Cerdá C, Casillas R, Moreno JJ, Iradii A, Zaragoza C, Chaves J, Sáez GT. The Mediterranean diet improves the systemic lipid and DNA oxidative damage in metabolic syndrome individuals. A randomized, controlled, trial. Clinical Nutrition. 2012 Aug 31. IF: 3,731 González R, Pedro T, Martinez-Hervas S, Civera M, Antonia Priego M, Catalá M, Chaves FJ, Ascaso JF, Carmena R, Real JT. Plasma homocysteine levels are independently associated with the severity of peripheral polyneuropathy in type 2 diabetic subjects. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System: JPNS. 2012 Jun; 17(2): 191-196. IF: 2,8 Application number: EP12382477.3 Priority date: 11/30/2012 Priority countries: Europe RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PI11/00726 Title: Identificación de variantes genéticas en el exoma asociadas con DM2. Principal Investigator: Javier Chaves Martínez Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total Budget: €173.040 Reference: CB07/08/0018 Title: CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas. Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Javier Chaves as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2013 Reference: PROMETEO/2009/029 Title: Grupo de investigación en enfermedades de alto riesgo cardiovascular. Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Javier Chaves as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total Budget: €85.000 per year Scientific activity Reference: PS09/02014 Title: Interaction of genetic and adquired factors on the risk to develop microalbuminuria in essential hypertension: a genomic and metabolomic approach. Principal Investigator: Josep Redón i Mas (Verónica González, Pablo Marín and Pilar Rentero as collaborating researchers) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €180.000 4 59 Scientific activity Research Group on Cardiac Experimental Electrophysiology PI: Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó (Department of Cardiology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Luis Such Belenguer (University), Antonio Alberola Aguilar (University), Luis Such Miquel (University), Isabel Trapero Gimeno (University), Luis Mainar Latorre (Hospital), Joaquín Cánoves Femenía (Hospital), Laura López Bueno (Hospital). 60 4 Predoctoral Researchers: Germán Parra Giraldo (University), Laia Brines Ferrando (INCLIVA), Diana Gallego de Marco (INCLIVA), Manuel Zarzoso Muñoz (University), Irene del Canto (INCLIVA), Natalia Gallego Rojas (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • To identify pharmacological agents able to block or counteract the pro-arrhythmogenic effects of mechanical stretching. • To study the facilitation of myocardial capture during fibrillatory processes by electrical overstimulation. • To characterize protective effects of physical activity in relation to induction, maintenance and cessation of ventricular arrhythmias and analysis of the influence of autonomous nervous system. • To perform an experimental study on the proarrhythmic and antiarrhythmic effects of thermal variations located in the ventricular myocardium. • To analyze the role played by IKATP currents and by their changes in electrophysiological heterogeneity during myocardial ischemia. An experimental study. • To develop, update and integrate new and complementary instruments to improve and extend studies of experimental cardiac electrophysiology. Incorporation of optical cartography techniques. Main lines of research • Myocardial stress: analysis of electrophysiological changes induced by mechanical stretching. Autocrine/paracrine infuences and study of protective actions by means of drugs. • Clinical and basic research on heart failure: role of calcium homeostasis in arrhythmogenesis. Study on the effects of drugs acting on intracellular Ca2+ dynamics. • Analysis of the effects of modifications in basic electrophysiological properties on the processes involved in beginning, perpetuation and cessation of ventricular fibrillation. • Study of electrophysiological effects of chronic physical activity by: a) analysis of the protection against arrhythmias or Scientific activity facilitation of its reversion; b) study of the influence of heart’s nervous system and mitochondrial oxidative stress; and c) analysis of the effects on the electrical instability induced by myocardial ischemia and the implication of IKATP current. • Development and extension of tools for the registration, processing and analysis of cardiac electrophysical signals based on multielectrodes and optical cartography systems able to analyze voltage and calcium signals. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 18 Cumulative Impact Factor: 68,918 tional Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Jun 8. IF: 7,078 6Brines L, Such-Miquel L, Gallego D, Trapero I, Del Canto I, Zarzoso M, Soler C, Pelechano F, Cánoves J, Alberola A, Such L, Chorro FJ. Modifications of mechanoelectric feedback induced by 2,3-butanedione monoxime and Blebbistatin in Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts. Acta Physioligica (Oxford). 2012 Sep; 206(1): 29-41. IF: 3,09 Original articles 1Chorro FJ, Pelechano F, Trapero I, Ibañez-Catalá X, Such-Miquel L, Tormos A, Guerrero J, Mainar L, Millet J, Alberola A, Such L. Modifications in ventricular fibrillation and capture capacity induced by a linear radiofrequency lesion. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Feb; 65(2): 143-51. IF: 2,53 2 Bodi V, Husser O, Sanchis J, Núñez J, Monmeneu JV, López-Lereu MP, Bosch MJ, Rumiz E, Miñana G, García C, Diago JL, Chaustre F, Moratal D, Gómez C, Aguilar J, Chorro FJ, Llácer A. Prognostic Implications of Dipyridamole Cardiac MR Imaging: A Prospective Multicenter Registry. Radiology. 2012 Jan; 262(1): 91100. IF: 5,726 3 Bodi V, Sanchis J, Morales JM, Marrachelli VG, Nuñez J, Forteza MJ, Chaustre F, Gómez C, Mainar L, Miñana G, Rumiz E, Husser O, Noguera I, Diaz A, Moratal D, Carratalá A, Bosch X, Llácer A, Chorro FJ, Viña JR, Monleon D. Metabolomic profile of human myocardial ischemia by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of peripheral blood serum: a translational study based on transient coronary occlusion models. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012 May 1; 59(18): 1629-41. IF: 14,156 4 Núñez J, Núñez E, Miñana G, Bodí V, Fonarow GC, Bertomeu-González, Palau P, Merlos P, Ventura S, Chorro FJ, Llàcer P, Sanchis J. Differential mortality association of loop diuretic dosage according to blood urea nitrogen and carbohydrate antigen 125 following a hospitalization for acute heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2012 Jun 14(9):974-84. IF: 4,896 5 Husser O, Monmeneu JV, Sanchis J, Nuñez J, LopezLereu MP, Bonanad C, Chaustre F, Gómez C, Bosch MJ, Hinarejos R, Chorro FJ, Riegger GA, Llácer A, Bodi V. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived intramyocardial hemorrhage after STEMI: Influence on long-term prognosis, adverse left ventricular remodeling and relationship with microvascular obstruction. Interna- 7Husser O, Chaustre F, Sanchis J, Nuñez J, Monmeneu JV, Lopez-Lereu MP, Bonanad C, Gómez C, Llácer A, Riegger GA, Chorro FJ, Bodi V. Function of remote noninfarcted myocardium after STEMI: analysis with cardiovascular magnetic resonance. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2012. 28: 2057-64. IF: 2,285 8 Monmeneu JV, Bodí V, López-Lereu MP, Sanchis J, Núñez J, Chaustre F, Husser O, Merlos P, Bonanad C, Miñana G, Chorro FJ, Llácer A. Analysis of postinfarction salvaged myocardium by cardiac magnetic resonance. Predictors and influence on adverse ventricular remodeling. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jul; 65(7): 634-41. IF: 2,53 9 Núñez J, Núñez E, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Fonarow GC, Miñana G, Palau P, Bertomeu-Gonzalez V, Carratalá A, Mainar L, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Antigen carbohydrate 125 and brain natriuretic peptide serial measurements for risk stratification following an episode of acute heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Aug 9; 159(1): 21-8. IF: 7,078 10Zarzoso M, Such-Miquel L, Parra G, Brines-Ferrando L, Such L, Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, Guill A, O’Connor JE, Alberola A. The training-induced changes on automatism, conduction and myocardial refractoriness are not mediated by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons activity. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012 Jun; 112(6): 2185-93. IF: 2,147 11Chorro FJ, Ibañez-Catalá X, Trapero I, Such-Miquel L, Pelechano F, Cánoves J, Mainar L, Tormos A, Cerdá JM, Alberola A, Such L. Ventricular Fibrillation Conduction through an Isthmus of Preserved Myocardium between Radiofrequency Lesions. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 2012 Dec 13. IF: 1,351 4 61 Scientific activity 12Such-Miquel L, Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, Trapero I, Brines L, Zarzoso M, Parra G, Soler C, Del Canto I, Alberola A, Such L. Evaluation of the Complexity of Myocardial Activation During Ventricular Fibrillation. An Experimental Study. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Dec 7. IF: 2,53 13Chorro FJ, Ibañez-Catalá X, Trapero I, Such-Miquel L, Pelechano F, Cánoves J, Mainar L, Tormos A, Cerdá JM, Alberola A, Such L. Ventricular Fibrillation Conduction through an Isthmus of Preserved Myocardium between Radiofrequency Lesions. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 2012 Dec 13. IF: 1,351 14Such-Miquel 4 Doctoral candidate: Germán Parra Giraldo Director(s): Luis Such Belenguer and Luis Such Miquel Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Title of the thesis: Efecto del ejercicio físico crónico sobre las características de la fibrilación ventricular, la refractariedad y el proceso de activación miocárdica durante la arritmia, en el corazón normalmente oxigenado y tras isquemia regional aguda. Doctoral candidate: Beatriz Díaz Díaz L, Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, Trapero I, Brines L, Zarzoso M, Parra G, Soler C, Del Canto I, Alberola A, Such L. Evaluation of the Complexity of Myocardial Activation During Ventricular Fibrillation. An Experimental Study. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Dec 7. IF: 2,53 Director(s): Luis Such Belenguer and Luis Such Miquel 15Borrás X, Garcia-Moll X, Gómez-Doblas JJ, Zapata A, lógicos de la modificación local de la temperatura en un modelo experimental de corazón aislado mediante un electrodo específico de alta densidad con modulación térmica. Artigas R, AVANCE study researchers. Stable angina in Spain and its impact on quality of life. The AVANCE registry. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Aug; 65(8): 734-41. IF: 2,53 62 en corazón aislado de conejo. 16Zarzoso M, Noujaim SF. Mission possible: RNA interference rescues the hERG current. Heart Rhythm. 2012 Oct 11. IF: 4,102 17Miñana G, Nuñez J, Sanchis J, Bodi V, Nuñez E, Chorro FJ, Llácer A. Carbohydrate antigen 125 serial measurements after an admission for acute heart failure and risk of early readmission. Medicina Clínica 2012; 139 (11): 479-86. IF: 1,385 Letter 1Tormos A, Guill A, Millet J, Roses EJ, Trapero I, SuchMiquel L, Chorro FJ. New epicardial mapping electrode with warming/cooling function for experimental electrophysiology studies. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2012 Jul; 34(6): 796. IF: 1,623 THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Estudio de los efectos del entrenamiento físico sobre algunas propiedades electrofisiológicas miocárdicas ventriculares, mediante el análisis de la fibrilación ventricular inducida. Una investigación Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 3Title of the thesis: Estudio de los efectos electrofisio- Doctoral candidate: Antonio Guill Ibáñez Director(s): Álvaro Tormos Ferrando, José Millet Roig and Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 4Title of the thesis: Marcador tumoral antígeno carbohidrato 125 como marcador biológico en la insuficiencia cardiaca. Doctoral candidate: Gema Miñana Escrivá Director(s): Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó and Julio Núñez Villota Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 5Title of the thesis: Estrategia invasiva en el síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento st. Aspectos pronósticos. Análisis en población infrarrepresentada en estudios controlados. Doctoral candidate: Patricia Palau Sampio Director(s): Julio Núñez Villota, Juan Sanchis Forés and Luis Such Belenguer Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude Scientific activity RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Title: Caracterización electrofisiológica y metabólica de la repolarización cardiaca en el corazón humano aislado. Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó Funding Body: Fundación “La Marató de TV3” Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total Budget: €34.393 Reference: RD06/0003/0010 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en salud (RETIC). Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Reference: DEP 2010-22318-C02-01 Title: Efectos del entrenamiento sobre las modificaciones que la isquemia miocárdica produce en parámetros electrofisiológicos arritmogénicos. Implicación de la corriente IKATP. Principal Investigator: Luis Such Belenguer Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €62.500 Title: Ayuda para la adquisición de equipamiento para el microcluster “Protección Cardiovascular”. Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó Funding Body: International Campus of Excellence VLC/CAMPUS Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 Total Budget: €260.000 Duration: 2007-2012 Total Budget: €130.090 per year Reference: PS09/02417 Title: Modificaciones farmacológicas de los efectos electrofisiológicos del estiramiento miocárdico. Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €50.100 Reference: PROMETEO 2010/093 Title: Análisis de los efectos de las modificaciones electrofisiológicas sobre los procesos fibrilatorios. Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €55.300 per year 4 63 Scientific activity Research Group on Endothelial Cells (LINCE) PI: Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla (Department of Physiology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Susana Novella del Campo (INCLIVA), Elena Monsalve Villalba (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Andrés Laguna Fernández (INCLIVA), Carlos Bueno Betí (INCLIVA). 64 4 Strategic aims • To identify new sex steroid-regulated endothelial signalling pathways. The analysis of the pathway for synthesis of angiotensin under exposure to estradiol is being completed. • To study the role of estradiol in a model of murine senescence: there has been an advance in the identification of the model and collection of blood pressure and biochemical data. A manuscript on the study has been completed. • To compare the effects of steroid hormone on endothelial cells in relation with expression levels of estrogen receptors: the group has published an article on the correlation between production of inflammatory mediators in human uterine artery and increase of estrogen receptor beta expression related to time since menopause. • Functional study in human endothelial progenitor cells (EPC): function tests have been performed in cell cultures from blood of patients with acute myocardial infarction and two manuscripts are being prepared. Main lines of research • Gender difference in cardiovascular area. • Vascular effects of sex hormones. • Identification of new hormone-regulated signalling pathways in endothelium. • Interaction of sex hormones with pro-atherogenic factors. • Determination of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and their link with hormone treatment. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 6 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Cumulative Impact Factor: 18,926 Original articles 1Pineda B, Hermenegildo C, Tarín JJ, Cano A, GarcíaPérez MA. Effects of administration of hormone therapy or raloxifene on the immune system and on biochemical markers of bone remodeling. Menopause. 2012 Mar; 19(3): 319-27. IF: 3,758 2Novella S, Dantas AP, Segarra G, Medina P, Hermenegildo C. Vascular Aging in Women: is Estrogen the Fountain of Youth?. Frontiers in Physiology. 2012; 3: 165. 3Novella S, Heras M, Hermenegildo C, Dantas AP. Effects of estrogen on vascular inflammation: a matter of timing. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 2012 Aug; 32(8): 2035-42. IF: 6,368 4Fernández-Murga L, Hermenegildo C, Tarín JJ, García-Pérez MA, Cano A. Endometrial response to concurrent treatment with vaginal progesterone and transdermal estradiol. Climacteric. 2012 Feb 9. IF: 1,986 Reference: PI10/00518 Title: Regulación por hormonas sexuales de diferentes rutas de señalización en células endoteliales humanas. Implicación en la fisiología y la fisiopatología vasculares. Principal Investigator: Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Budget: €142.780 Reference: RD06/0009/0005 Title: Nodo de la red de investigación cooperativa (RETIC) HERACLES. Principal Investigator: Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2007-2012 5Pagán RM, Martínez AC, Hernández M, Martínez MP, García-Sacristán A, Correa C, Novella S, Hermenegildo C, Prieto D, Benedito S. Endothelial and neural factors functionally involved in the modulation of noradrenergic vasoconstriction in healthy pig internal mammary artery. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2012 Apr 1; 83(7): 882-92. IF: 4,705 Total Budget: €320.000 Reference: ACOMP/2012/218 Title: Regulación por hormonas sexuales de diferentes rutas de señalización en células endoteliales humanas. Implicación en la fisiología y la fisiopatología vasculares. 6 Tarín JJ, García-Pérez MA, Hermenegildo C, Cano A. Principal Investigator: Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla Unpredicted ovulations and conceptions during early pregnancy: an explanatory mechanism of human superfetation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2012 Oct 9. IF: 2,109 Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Departamento de Fisiología, Universitat de València Duration: 2012 THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Modificación de la expresión génica en células endoteliales humanas por factores aterogénicos y ateroprotectores. Doctoral candidate: Andrés Laguna Fernández Director(s): Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude Total Budget: €12.000 Reference: PRI-AIBDE-2011-0855 Title: Influencia del género en la vasodilatación mediada por Mas. Principal Investigator: Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012-2013 Total Budget: €8.000 4 65 Scientific activity Reference: VA094A11-2 Title: Estudio de los mecanismos que asocian la expresión del canal Kv1.3 con la proliferación en tejidos arteriales humanos. Principal Investigator: José Ramón López López (Carlos Hermenegildo and Susana Novella as collaborating researchers) 66 4 Funding Body: Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León Beneficiary Institution: Universidad de Valladolid Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €30.000 Scientific activity Research Group on Clinical Cardiology PI: Juan Sanchis Forés (Department of Cardiology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Julio Núñez Villota (Hospital), Luis Mainar Latorre (Hospital), Sergio García (Hospital), Vicente Bodí Peris (Hospital), Anna Molla (INCLIVA), Estefanía Montalvo (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • To design a web tool for diagnosing chest pain of unclear origin. • To question the benefits of ischemic postconditioning in reperfusion therapy for myocardial infarction. • To identify subgroups of acute heart failure patients with risk of acute renal failure due to treatment with loop diuretics. Main lines of research • Therapeutic and prognostic evaluation of acute coronary syndromes and secondary prevention. • Ventricular dysfunction and myocardial perfusion in acute heart failure. Experimental model and clinical approach. • Acute heart failure. New strategies for the evaluation of risk and treatment and new control programs. Associated Emerging Group Vicente Bodí Peris (Department of Cardiology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). The research lines are mainly focused on a prospective register of ST segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients analyzed with cardiac magnetic resonance (CRM) during the first week and after six months post-infarction and on a register of stress CRM patients. Another research project, which is currently active, is focused on the establishment of a swine model of ischemia-reperfusion by means of angioplasty balloon coronary occlusion. A relevant research line is focused on the metabolomics profile of controlled and spontaneous myocardial ischemia. We are also interested in the immunologic and molecular basis of myocardial infarction in swine and humans. 4 67 Scientific activity Emerging Researcher Julio Núñez Villota (Department of Cardiology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia). This research team has focused in the development of new clinical tools for improving diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of patients with ischemic heart diseases and heart failure. Specifically, we are working on finding new biomarkers that may be used for guiding the therapy of these patients. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 21 Cumulative Impact Factor: 82,88 Original articles 1Nuñez J, Nuñez E, Fonarow G, Ventura S, Palau P, Bodí V, Bertomeu V, Merlos P, Chorro FJ, Llácer P, Miñana G, Sanchis J. Differential Mortality Association of Loop Diuretic Dosage According to Blood Urea Nitrogen and Antigen Carbohydrate 125 Following a Hospitalization for Acute Heart Failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2012; 14(9): 974-84. IF: 4,896 2Consuegra-Sánchez L, Sanchis J, Núñez J, Cascón 68 4 JD, Villegas M, Picó F. Increased Mortality in Patients With Diabetes Associated With Olmesartan for the Prevention/Delay of Microalbuminuria Onset: a Matter of Concern?. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Ap; 65(4): 378-380. IF: 2,53 3Bodi V, Husser O, Sanchis J, Núñez J, Monmeneu JV, López-Lereu MP, Bosch MJ, Rumiz E, Miñana G, García C, Diago JL, Chaustre F, Moratal D, Gómez C, Aguilar J, Chorro FJ, Llácer A. Prognostic Implications of Dipyridamole Cardiac MR Imaging: A Prospective Multicenter Registry. Radiology. 2012 Jan; 262(1): 91-100. IF: 5,726 L, Miñana G, Rumiz E, Husser O, Noguera I, Diaz A, Moratal D, Carratalá A, Bosch X, Llácer A, Chorro FJ, Viña JR, Monleon D. Metabolomic profile of human myocardial ischemia by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of peripheral blood serum: a translational study based on transient coronary occlusion models. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012 May 1; 59(18): 1629-41. IF: 14,156 7Núñez J, González M, Miñana G, Garcia-Ramón R, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Núñez E, Puchades MJ, Palau P, Merlos P, Llácer A, Miquel A. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis as a therapeutic alternative in patients with advanced congestive heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2012 May; 14(5): 540-8. IF: 4,896 8Miñana Escrivá G, Núñez J, Sanchis J, Bodi V, Núñez E, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Carbohydrate antigen 125 serial measurements after an admission for acute heart failure and risk of earlyreadmission. Medicina Clinica (Barc). 2012 Nov 3; 139(11):479-86. IF: 1,385 9Husser J, Heras M. Arrhythmias: Introduction. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jan; 65 (1): 91. IF: 2,53 O, Monmeneu JV, Sanchis J, Nuñez J, Lopez-Lereu MP, Bonanad C, Chaustre F, Gómez C, Bosch MJ, Hinarejos R, Chorro FJ, Riegger GA, Llácer A, Bodí V. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived intramyocardial hemorrhage after STEMI: Influence on long-term prognosis, adverse left ventricular remodeling and relationship with microvascular obstruction. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Jun 8. IF: 7,078 5Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, Pérez de Isla L, Sanchis 10Husser O, Chaustre F, Sanchis J, Nuñez J, Monme- 4Bayes-Genis A, Avanzas P, Pérez de Isla L, Sanchis J, Heras M. Summary of the Clinical Studies Reported in the Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jan; 65(1): 71.e1-71.e9. IF: 2,53 6Bodi V, Sanchis J, Morales JM, Marrachelli VG, Nuñez J, Forteza MJ, Chaustre F, Gómez C, Mainar neu JV, Lopez-Lereu MP, Bonanad C, Gómez C, Oltra R, Llácer A, Riegger GA, Chorro FJ, Bodi V. Function of remote non-infarcted myocardium after STEMI: analysis with cardiovascular magnetic resonance. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2012; 28(8): 2057-64. IF: 2,285 Scientific activity 11Núñez J, González M, Miñana G, Garcia-Ramón R, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Núñez E, Puchades MJ, Palau P, Merlos P, Mascarell B, Miquel A. Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Refractory Congestive Heart Failure. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012; 65: 986-995. IF: 2,53 A, Mainar L, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Antigen carbohydrate 125 and brain natriuretic peptide serial measurements for risk stratification following an episode of acute heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Aug 9; 159(1): 21-8. IF: 6,802 19Palau P, Núñez J, Sanchis J, Husser O, Bodí V, Núñez E, Miñana G, Boesen L, Ventura S, Llàcer A. Differential prognostic effect of revascularization according to a simple comorbidity index in high-risk non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Clinical Cardiology. 2012 Apr; 35(4): 237-43. IF: 2,151 12Sanchis J, Bardají A, Bosch X, Loma-Osorio P, Marín F, Sánchez PL, Núñez J, Carratalá A, Barrabés JA. Usefulness of high-sensitivity troponin T for the evaluation of patients with acute chest pain and no or minimal myocardial damage. American Heart Journal. 2012 Aug; 164(2): 194-200.e1. IF: 4,651 Letter 1Núñez J, Chilet M, Blasco ML, Clari MA, Sanjuan R, 13Heras M, Avanzas P, Bayes-Genis A, de Isla LP, San- Muñoz-Cobo B, Bodí V, Costa E, Bravo D, Sanchis J, Miñana G, Navarro D. Low rate of detection of active cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection early following acute myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis. 2012 May; 222(1): 295-7. IF: 3,794 chis J. Current Topics in Cardiology in 2011. Introduction: developments in 2011. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jan; 65 Suppl 1: 1-3. IF: 2,53 14 Husser O, Rauch S, Endemann DH, Resch M, Nuñez J, Bodi V, Hilker M, Schimd C, Riegger GA, Luchner A, Henstenberg C. Impact of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography on prosthesis sizing for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2012 Mar 14. IF: 2,29 Editorial 1Grupo de Trabajo de SEC para Guía ESC2011 de SCASEST, Fernández-Ortiz A, Pan M, Alfonso F, Arós F, Barrabés JA, Bodí V, Cegueira A, García-Moll X, Jiménez-Candil J, López-Palop R, Peña C, Worner F, Comité de Guías de Práctica Clínica de SEC, Alonso Gómez AM, Anguita M, Cequier A, Comín J, Fernández-Ortiz A, Pan M, Worner F, Alonso J, Bardají A, Barón-Esquivias G, Bover R, Angel-Ferrer J, Goicolea J, Gómez-Doblas JJ, Iñiquez A, Mainar V, Marín F, Pedreira M, Roldán I, Sabaté M, Sánchez PL, Sanchis J. Comments on the ESC guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation. A report of the Task Force of the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Feb; 65(2): 125-30. IF: 2,53 15Fernández-Ortiz A, Jiménez-Candil J, Bodí V, Barrabés JA. Update on ischemic heart disease. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jan; 65 Suppl 1: 42-9. IF: 2,53 16Monmeneu JV, Bodí V, López-Lereu MP, Sanchis J, Núñez J, Chaustre F, Husser O, Merlos P, Bonanad C, Miñana G, Chorro FJ, Llácer A. Analysis of postinfarction salvaged myocardium by cardiac magnetic resonance. Predictors and influence on adverse ventricular remodeling. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jul; 65(7):634-41. IF: 2,53 17Anguita M, Castillo JC, Ruiz M, Castillo F, JiménezNavarro M, Crespo M, Alonso-Pulpón L, de Teresa E, Castro-Beiras A, Roig E, Artigas R, Zapata A, de Ullibarri IL, Muñiz J, OBELICA Study researches. Differences in outcome of heart failure with preserved or depressed systolic function in patients older than 70 years who receive beta blockers. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Jan; 65(1): 22-8. IF: 2,53 THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Estrategia invasiva en el síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento ST. Aspectos pronósticos. Análisis en población infrarrepresentada en estudios controlados. 18 Núñez J, Núñez E, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Fonarow GC, Doctoral candidate: Patricia Palau Sampio Miñana G, Palau P, Bertomeu-González V, Carratalá Director(s): Julio Núñez Villota, Juan Sanchis Forés 4 69 Scientific activity and Luis Such Belenguer Date of the defense: 2012 2Title of the thesis: Marcador tumoral antígeno carbohidrato 125 como marcador biológico en la insuficiencia cardiaca. Doctoral candidate: Gema Miñana Escrivá Director(s): Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó and Julio Núñez Villota Duration: 2009-2012 Date of the defense: 2012 Reference: EC10-108 Title: Terapia guiada mediante los valores plasmáticos del antígeno carbohidrato 125 tras un ingreso hospitalario por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda. Estudio randomizado y controlado. Principal Investigator: Julio Núñez Villota Funding Body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Duration: 2012 Total Budget: €61.000 Reference: PI11/02323 Reference: PI11/01595 Title: Comparación aleatoria entre las estrategias invasiva y conservadora en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación de segmento ST y comorbilidades. Principal Investigator: Juan Sanchis Forés 70 4 Title: La metabolómica en el diagnóstico y el pronóstico de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Una aproximación traslacional. Principal Investigator: Vicent Bodí Peris Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Duration: 2012-2014 Total Budget: €14.157 Reference: RD06/0009/1001 Title: RED HERACLES. Principal Investigator: Juan Sanchis Forés Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2007-2012 Total Budget: €25.000 per year Reference: EAHC-20081312 Title: European Hospital Benchmarking by Outcomes in Acute Coronary Syndrome Procedures -EURHOBOP-. Principal Investigator: Juan Sanchis Forés Funding Body: European Commission EAHC. Public Health Executive Agency Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Total Budget: €287.320 Scientific activity Research Group on the Study of Cardiovascular Risk in Children and Adolescents PI: Empar Lurbe i Ferrer (Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Isabel Torró Doménech (University), José Luis Fayos Soler (University), Julio Álvarez Pitti (University), Francisco Aguilar Bacallado (University), Carmen Ivorra Ivorra (CIBERobn). Administrative assistants: Rachel Dix (CIBERobn). Strategic aims • To conduct an in-depth study of the impact of low birth weight on development of obesity and cardiometabolic risk. • To study new biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk in umbilical cord vessels (cell growth, epigenetics, metabolomics and proteomics). • To improve the knowledge of cardiometabolic risk in obese children and teenagers. • To extend the application of new technologies of Smart e-Therapy in obesity and related eating disorders. • Physical activity and obesity. Main lines of research • New technologies applied to the detection of congenital heart diseases and sepsis in asymptomatic newborn babies. • Childhood obesity. • New technologies applied to the treatment of obesity. • Impact of intrauterine life in development of cardiometabolic disease. • Arterial hypertension in children. • Cardiovascular and kidney risk in diabetes. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 7 Cumulative Impact Factor: 21,661 Original articles 1Maravall M, Lurbe E. Left ventricular characteristics in obesity and hypertension. Anales de Pediatría (Barc). 2012 Jan; 76(1): 1-3. IF: 0,77 2Ivorra C, García-Vicent C, Chaves FJ, Monleón D, Morales JM, Lurbe E. Metabolomic profiling in blood from umbilical cords of low birth weight newborns. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2012 Jul 9; 10(1): 142. IF: 3,474 3Lurbe E, Grassi G. Uncertainty in the assessment of trends in childhood blood pressure. Journal of Hyper- 4 71 Scientific activity J Transl Med. 2012 Jul 9; 10:142 Superposed 1H NMR spectra for the spectra of umbilical cord blood plasma (Panel A), Principal Component Analysis scores plot (PCA, panel B), and Projection to Latent Structures for Discriminant Analysis scores plot (PLS-DA, panel C) showing the global metabolic differences between low birth weight (open circles, blue spectra) and control birth weight (black triangles and red spectra) newborns. Although an unsupervised analysis by PCA does not show differences between groups, a supervised classification method (PLS-DA) provides a differential global metabolic profile. The cross-validated error percentage of the model for the classification of low weight at birth samples is 8%. tension. 2012 Sep; 30(9): 1697-8. IF: 4,021 4Lurbe E, Torro I, Garcia-Vicent C, Alvarez J, Fernández-Fornoso JA, Redon J. Blood pressure and obesity exert independent influences on pulse wave velocity in youth. Hypertension. 2012 Aug; 60(2): 550-5. IF: 6,207 5Lisón 72 4 JF, Real-Montes JM, Torró I, Arguisuelas MD, Alvarez-Pitti J, Martínez-Gramage J, Aguilar F, Lurbe E. Exercise intervention in childhood obesity: a randomized controlled trial comparing hospital-versus home-based groups. Academic Pediatrics. 2012 Jul; 12(4): 319-25. IF: 2,398 6Cebolla A, Perpiñá C, Lurbe E, Alvarez-Pitti J, Botella C. Prevalence of binge eating disorder among a clinical sample of obese children. Anales de Pediatría (Barc). 2012 Aug; 77(2): 98-102. IF: 0,77 Editorial 1Lurbe E. Reference blood pressure values in childhood: an issue to be solved. Journal of Hypertension. 2012 Oct; 30(10): 1911-2. IF: 4,021 Beneficiary Institution: Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total Budget: €237.462 Reference: CB06/03/0039 Title: CIBER de obesidad y trastornos de la nutrición. Principal Investigator: Empar Lurbe Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia and Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2007-2013 Reference: IPT-2011-0824-900000 Title: INNPACTO Plataforma IntegNeo. Principal Investigator: Empar Lurbe i Ferrer Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary Institution: Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total Budget: €45.000 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PI11/00144 Title: Estudio de impacto de la vida intrauterina en el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiometabólica: de los biomarcadores en cordón umbilical a fenotipos intermedios en época pediátrica. Principal Investigator: Empar Lurbe i Ferrer Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Reference: IntecMedic Title: Investigación clínica y tecnología médica personalizada para prevención, diagnóstico y terapia. Principal Investigator: Empar Lurbe i Ferrer Funding Body: International Campus of Excellence VLC/CAMPUS Beneficiary Institution: Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2014 Scientific activity Cardiometabolic Research Group on Primary Care PI: Jorge Navarro Pérez (Department of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa (Primary Care) / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: José Vicente Lozano Vidal (Department of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Álvaro Bonet Pla (Deparment of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Victoria Gosalbes (Deparment of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Carlos Fluixá (Deparment of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Daniel Matoses (Deparment of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Nidia Ruiz Varea (Deparment of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Pilar Roca (Deparment of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa), Gaspar Sánchez Vela (Hospital). 4 Strategic aims • To consolidate the current lines of research which are based on epidemiological and qualitative studies. • To start a cross-cutting integration able to allow cooperation with the rest of groups in cardiovascular and metabolic lines of research. Main lines of research • Observational studies: - Estudio Cardiometabólico Valenciano (ESCARVAL project) • Intervention studies: - Euroaction Plus - Programa Prevención Secundaria (PROPRESE program) • Cost-effectiveness qualitative studies: - Antiaggregation • Research studies on evaluation of health technologies: - Systematic reviews on cardiovascular procedures. 73 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 2 Cumulative Impact Factor: 2,012 Original articles 1 Millán J, Alegría E, Guijarro C, Lozano JV, Vitale GC, González-Timón B, González-Juanatey JR. Dyslipemia in diabetics treated with statins. Results of the Dyslipidemia International Study in Spain. Medicina Clínica. 2012 Dec 12. IF: 1,385 2 Carratalá-Munuera MC, Orozco-Beltrán D, Gil-Guillen VF, Navarro-Perez J, Quirce F, Merino J, Basora J. BibliometricanalysisofInternationalScientificproduction on Primary Care. Atención Primaria. 2012 Jan 30. IF: 0,627 THESIS 1 Title of the thesis: Estudio epidemiológico de incidencia y análisis de costes de herpes zóster y neuralgia posherpética en atención primaria en la Comunidad Valenciana. Doctoral candidate: Ana Mª Cebrián Cuenca 74 4 Director(s): Jorge Navarro Pérez and Javier Díez Domingo Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Title: CIBER en Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Principal Investigator: María Manuela Morales Suárez-Varela (Jorge Pérez as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2013 Scientific activity Research Group on the Study of Cardiometabolic and Renal Risk PI: Josep Redón i Mas (Department of Internal Medicine Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: María José García-Fuster González-Alegre (Hospital), María José Galindo Puerto (Hospital), María José Forner Giner (Hospital), Fernando Martínez García (INCLIVA), Elena Solaz Moreno (Hospital), María José Fabiá Valls (INCLIVA), José Vicente Lozano Vidal (Department of Health Clínico-Malvarrosa). Predoctoral Researchers: Oscar Calaforra Juan (CIBERobn). Strategic aims • Studies of relation and functional significance between genetic polymorphisms and risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, microalbuminuria and oxidative stress have been completed. • Studies of metabolomics and its connection with obesity and microalbuminuria have been completed. • Studies of “in vitro” inflammation in autoimmune pathologies and venous thromboembolic disease are being developed. • Studies of genetic association of markers with risk of venous thromboembolic disease and its recurrence are being conducted. • Development of clinical trials. • To start participating in ECROS (Early Cardiometabolic Risk in Overweight Subjects) cross-cutting program. • Defense of two theses, specially the one related to resistant HTN. Main lines of research • Environmental and genetic factors involved in development of arterial hypertension and early vascular damage. • Mechanisms of development of kidney damage associated with HTN. • Inflammation and oxidative stress in the development of cardiovascular disease. • Genomics, proteomics and metabolomics of early cardiometabolic and renal alterations. • Mechanisms of cell adhesion to endothelium and determination of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with: HTN, lupus erythematosus and venous thrombosis. • Identification of polymorphisms and genes related to control of BMI, waist perimeter and risk of obesity. • Venous thrombosis in young patients: factors associated with its development. • Relationship between risk of venous thromboembolic disease and arteriosclerosis. 4 75 Scientific activity Emerging Researcher Fernando Martínez García (Hospital). The main line of this research focuses on the study of the major genetic factors involved in the development of microalbuminuria and kidney damage in hypertensive patients and the mechanisms involved (disorders of lipid metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress and intracellular signaling pathways). By means of a GWAS we have discovered some potential candidate genes for the development of microalbuminuria in hypertensives and we are now performing functional studies to address the potential role of these associated genes. A better understanding of the underlying factors may facilitate the early detection of individuals at high risk of developing vascular complications and help to improve their treatment. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 24 Cumulative Impact Factor: 146,694 Original articles 1Redon J, Mancia G, Sleight P, Schumacher H, Gao P, Pogue J, Fagard R, Verdecchia P, Weber M, Böhm M, Williams B, Yusoff K, Teo K, Yusuf S, ONTARGET Investigators. Safety and Efficacy of Low Blood Pressures Among Patients With Diabetes Subgroup Analyses From the ONTARGET (ONgoing Telmisartan Alone and in combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial). Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2012 Jan 3; 59(1): 74-83. IF: 14,156 76 4 2Manolis AJ, Rosei EA, Coca A, Cifkova R, Erdine SE, Kjeldsen S, Lip GY, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Redon J, Schieder R, Tsioufis C, Mancia G. Hypertension and atrial fibrillation: diagnostic approach, prevention and treatment. Position paper of the Working Group ‘Hypertension Arrhythmias and Thrombosis’ of the European Society of Hypertension. Journal of Hypertension. 2012 Feb; 30(2): 239-252. IF: 4,021 3Neisius U, Bilo G, Taurino C, McClure JD, Schneider MP, Kawecka-Jaszcz K, Stolarz-Skrzypek K, Klima Ł, Staessen JA, Kuznetsova T, Redon J, Martinez F, Rosei EA, Muiesan ML, Melander O, Zannad F, Rossignol P, Laurent S, Collin C, Lonati L, Zanchetti A, Dominiczak AF, Delles C. Association of central and peripheral pulse pressure with intermediate cardiovascular phenoytpes. Journal of Hypertension. 2012 Jan; 30(1): 6774. IF: 4,021 4Parati G, Bilo G, Redon J. The effects of telmisartan alone or with hydrochlorothiazide on morning and 24-h ambulatory BP control: results from a practice-based study (SURGE 2). Hypertension Research. 2012 Nov 15. IF: 2,576 5Mancia G, Parati G, Bilo G, Gao P, Fagard R, Redon J, Czuriga I, Polák M, Ribeiro JM, Sanchez R, Trimarco B, Verdecchia P, van Mieghem W, Teo K, Sleight P, Yusuf S. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Values in the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET). Hypertension. 2012 Dec; 60(6): 1400-6. IF: 6,207 6Redon J, Martinez F. Microalbuminuria as surrogate endpoint in therapeutic trials. Current Hypertension Reports. 2012 Aug; 14(4): 345-9. IF: 2,504 7Garrido C, de Mendoza C, Alvarez E, García F, Morello J, Garcia S, Ribera E, Rodríguez-Novoa S, Gutierrez F, Soriano V, Sinres Team. Plasma raltegravir exposure influences the antiviral activity and selection of resistance mutations. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2012 Feb; 28(2): 156-64. IF: 2,246 8Redon J. Necessity of add-on therapy in the treatment of hypertension: a new marker of high cardiovascular risk?. Journal of Hypertension. 2012 Nov; 30(11): 2085-7. IF: 4,021 9Martinez-Hervas S, Mansego ML, de Marco G, Martinez F, Alonso MP, Morcillo S, Rojo-Martinez G, Real JT, Ascaso JF, Redon J, Martin Escudero JC, Soriguer F, Chaves FJ. Polymorphisms of the UCP2 gene are associated with body fat distribution and risk of abdominal obesity in Spanish population. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012 Feb; 42(2): 171-178. IF: 3,018 10Mansego ML, Martínez F, Martínez-Larrad MT, Zabena C, Rojo G, Morcillo S, Soriguer F, Martín-Escudero JC, Serrano-Ríos M, Redon J, Chaves FJ. Common variants of the liver fatty acid binding protein gene influence the risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance in Spanish population. PloS One. 2012; 7(3): Scientific activity e31853. IF: 4,092 11Lurbe E, Torro I, Garcia-Vicent C, Alvarez J, Fernández-Fornoso JA, Redon J. Blood pressure and obesity exert independent influences on pulse wave velocity in youth. Hypertension. 2012 Aug; 60(2): 550-5. IF: 6,207 12Erdine S, Redon J, Böhm M, Ferri C, Kolloch R, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Persu A, Schmieder RE. Are physicians underestimating the challenges of hypertension management? Results from the Supporting Hypertension Awareness and Research Europe-wide (SHARE) survey. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2012 May 30. 13Gabriel Botella F, Labiós Gómez M, Corella Piquer D. Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Medicina Clínica. 2012 May 5. IF: 1,385 14Santos JR, Llibre JM, Imaz A, Domingo P, Iribarren JA, Mariño A, Miralles C, Galindo MJ, Ornelas A, Moreno S, Schapiro JM, Clotet B, Call Conference Group. Mutations in the protease gene associated with virological failure to lopinavir/ritonavir-containing regimens. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2012 Jun; 67(6): 1462-9. IF: 5,068 15Berenguer J, Rodríguez E, Miralles P, Von Wichmann MA, López-Aldeguer J, Mallolas J, Galindo MJ, Van Den Eynde E, Téllez MJ, Quereda C, Jou A, Sanz J, Barros C, Santos I, Pulido F, Guardiola JM, Ortega E, Rubio R, Jusdado JJ, Montes ML, Gaspar G, Esteban H, Bellón JM, González-García J, GESIDA HIV/HCV Cohort Study Group. Sustained Virological Response to Interferon Plus Ribavirin Reduces Non-Liver-Related Mortality in Patients Coinfected With HIV and Hepatitis C Virus. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2012 Sep; 55(5): 728-736. IF: 9,154 16Garrido C, de Mendoza C, Alvarez E, García F, Morello J, Garcia S, Ribera E, Rodríguez-Novoa S, Gutierrez F, Soriano V, Sinres Team. Plasma raltegravir exposure influences the antiviral activity and selection of resistance mutations. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2012 Feb; 28(2): 156-64. IF: 2,246 17Redon J, Bilo G, Parati G, SURGE Steering Committee. Home blood pressure control is low during the critical morning hours in patients with hypertension: the SURGE observational study. Family Practice. 2012 Aug; 29(4): 421-6. IF: 1,503 18Tsiachris D, Tsioufis C, Syrseloudis D, Thomopoulos C, Mpafakis I, Michaelides A, Redon J, Stefanadis C. Impaired exercise tolerance is associated with increased urine albumin excretion in the early stages of essential hypertension. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2012 Jun; 19(3): 452-9. 19Coca A, Mazón P, Aranda P, Redón J, Divisón JA, Martínez J, Calvo C, Galcerán JM, Barrios V, Coll AR. Role of dihydropyridinic calcium channel blockers in the management of hypertension. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy. 2013 Jan; 11(1): 91-105. 20Parving HH, Brenner BM, McMurray JJ, de Zeeuw D, Haffner SM, Solomon SD, Chaturvedi N, Persson F, Desai AS, Nicolaides M, Richard A, Xiang Z, Brunel P, Pfeffer MA, ALTITUDE Investigators. Cardiorenal end points in a trial of aliskiren for type 2 diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine. 2012 Dec; 367(23): 2204-13. IF: 53,298 21Merchante N, Merino E, López-Aldeguer J, Jover F, Delgado-Fernández M, Galindo MJ, Ortega E, Rivero A, Mínguez C, Romero-Palacios A, Padilla S, Márquez-Solero M, Amador C, Ríos-Villegas MJ, Téllez F, Portilla J, Pineda JA. Increasing Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HIV-Infected Patients in Spain. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2013 Jan; 56(1): 143-50. IF: 9,154 22Betancor G, Garriga C, Puertas MC, Nevot M, Anta L, Blanco JL, Pérez-Elías MJ, de Mendoza C, Martínez MA, Martinez-Picado J, Menéndez-Arias L, Resistance Platform of the Spanish AIDS Research Network (ResRIS), Iribarren JA, Caballero E, Ribera E, Llibre JM, Clotet B, Jaén A, Dalmau D, Gatel JM, Peraire J, Vidal F, Vidal C, Riera M, Córdoba J, López Aldeguer J, Galindo MJ, Gutiérrez F, Álvarez M, García F, PérezRomero P, Viciana P, Leal M, Palomares JC, Pineda JA, Viciana I, Santos J, Rodríguez P, Gómez Sirvent JL, Gutiérrez C, Moreno S, Pérez-Olmeda M, Alcamí J, Rodríguez C, del Romero J, Cañizares A, Pedreira J, Miralles C, Ocampo A, Morano L, Aguilera A, Garrido C, Manuzza G, Poveda E, Soriano V. Clinical, virological and biochemical evidence supporting the association of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase polymorphism R284K and thymidine analogue resistance mutations M41L, L210W and T215Y in patients failing tenofovir/ emtricitabine therapy. Retrovirology. 2012 Aug; 13(9): 68. IF: 6,47 4 77 Scientific activity 23Grupo de trabajo de la Cohorte VACH. Budget impact analysis of antiretroviral therapy. A reflection based on the GESIDA guidelines. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012 Nov-Dec; 26(6): 541-6. IF: 1,326 Clinical guidelines 1Schmieder RE, Redon J, Grassi G, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Ruilope L, van de Borne P, Tsioufis C. ESH position paper: renal denervation - an interventional therapy of resistant hypertension. Journal of Hypertension. 2012 May; 30(5): 837-41. IF: 4,021 Reference: PS09/02014 Title: Interaction of genetic and adquired factors on the risk to develop microalbuminuria in essential hypertension: a genomic and metabolomic approach. Principal Investigator: Josep Redón i Mas Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €180.000 Reference: RD09/0076/00132. THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Monitorización ambulatoria de la Principal Investigator: Josep Redón i Mas presión arterial: valor pronóstico en el seguimiento de pacientes con hipertensión arterial resistente. Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Doctoral candidate: María Rosa Oltra Sempere Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Director(s): Josep Redón i Mas and José María Pascual Izuel Duration: 2009-2012 Date of the defense: 2012 78 4 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en salud (RETIC) Biobanco. Reference: CB06/03/0039 Grade: Summa cum laude Title: CIBER de obesidad y trastornos de la nutrición. 2Title of the thesis: Influencia de los biomarcadores de Principal Investigator: Empar Lurbe i Ferrer (Josep Redón i Mas as collaborating researcher) lesión cerebral BNP, DD, MMP-9 y S-100 y de marcadores de la inflamación, en el pronóstico de la hemorragia cerebral espontánea en fase aguda. Doctoral candidate: Ainhoa Serrano Lázaro Director(s): Alfonso Mesejo Arizmendi and Josep Redón i Mas Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia and Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2007-2013 Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: HEALTH 2011.2.4.2-2 Reference: ISIC/2012/018 Title: Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Científicas INCLIVA Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Josep Redon as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Title: EU-MASCARA: Markers for Subclinical Cardiovascular Risk Assessment. Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Principal Investigator: Josep Redón i Mas Duration: 2011-2012 Funding Body: European Commission Total Budget: €45.000 per year Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2011-2015 Total Budget: €374.920 Scientific activity Research Group on Vascular Function PI: José María Vila Salinas (Department of Physiology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Salvador Lluch López (University), Martín Aldasoro Celaya (University), Pascual Medina Bessó (University), Gloria Segarra Irles (University), María Dolores Mauricio Aviñó (University). Strategic aims The studies of this group show that basal liberation of nitric oxide (NO) is higher in small mesenteric arteries of rats with portal hypertension and cirrhosis. However, inhibition of NO synthase (NOS) does not have any effect on endotheliumdependent relaxation induced by acetylcholine. Futhermore, dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH-1) and DDAH-2 protect NOS from high circulating levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) associated with cirrhosis. Decrease of ADMA contractile effects and increase of DDAH expression in mesenteric arteries suggest that DDAHs have a role in hyperdynamic circulation and high plasma levels of NO observed in cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Main lines of research • Vascular alterations associated with portal hypertension and experimental cirrhosis. • Characterization of alterations in the control of vascular tone and endothelial function induced by aging. • Role of VEGF in tumor growth. • Alterations of ADMA-NO system and EDHF in obese patients with steatosis and steatohepatitis. • Effects of physical training on vascular response. Vascular effects of ranolazine. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 1 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Original articles Reference: BFU2009-12909 1Novella S, Dantas AP, Segarra G, Medina P, Hermenegildo C. Vascular Aging in Women: is Estrogen the Fountain of Youth?. Frontiers in Physiology. 2012; 3: 165. Title: Factores endoteliales en la obesidad mórbida con estatosis o esteatohepatitis no alcohólica. Principal Investigator: José María Vila Salinas 4 79 Scientific activity Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (José María Vila as collaborating researcher) Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Funding Body: Fundación de la Investigación Médica de la Mutua Madrileña Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €70.000 Beneficiary Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Title: Farmacología experimental del tracto digestivo. Duration: 2009-2012 Principal Investigator: Ángel Luis García Villalón 80 4 Scientific activity Research Group on Pedriatric Nutrition PI: Cecilia Martínez Costa (Department of Pediatrics Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Francisco Núñez Gómez (Hospital), María José López García (Hospital), Parisá Khodayar Pardo (Hospital), Mª Ángeles Montal Navarro (Hospital), Mª Ángeles Tormos Muñoz (Hospital), Pablo García Molina (Hospital), Evelin Balaguer López (Hospital), Ana Gómez Lacasa (Hospital), Carolina Castaño Vicente-Gella (Hospital), Carmen Ruiz Piña (Hospital). Strategic aims • Line of research on prevention of cardiovascular risk in children and teenagers: - To evaluate vascular alterations by Doppler ultrasonography in children with cardiovascular risk factors (obesity and dyslipidemia). - To analyze correlation of arterial stiffness parameters with metabolic alterations and genetic factors. - To determine intensity and duration of daily exercise and their influence on energy consumption and arterial stiffness parameters. - To adjust nutritional intervention in dyslipidemic obese children depending on vascular and metabolic alterations. • Line of research on defensive factors of human breast milk: - To identify intestinal microbiota and inflammatory mediators in human milk. Relate the results with the ABO blood group, secretory phenotype of the mother and the Lewis antigen. • Line of research on hospital pediatric malnutrition: - To determine a screening procedure to detect risk of hospital malnutrition in children. - To analyze the connection between hospital malnutrition and pressure sores. • Line of research on artificial pedriatric nutrition: - To determine nutritional response of home nutrition in children. Main lines of research • Cardiovascular area: - Study of early markers of vascular damage in dyslipidemic obese children by Doppler ultrasonography to establish a correlation with insulin resistance and other metabolic markers. 4 81 Scientific activity - Monitoring exercise and energy consumption in obese schoolchildren and teenagers to adjust nutritional intervention. • Area of human milk: - Analysis of defensive factors against norovirus infections and its relationship with histo-blood group antigens and FUT genotype. - Analysis of mother-fetal microbiome and cold preservation methods. • Area of hospital malnutrition and artificial nutrition: - Screening procedures for detecting the risk of malnutrition linked to chronic disease and pediatric hospitalization. - Multicenter study of acceptance and quality of life in children treated with home enteral nutrition. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 4 Cumulative Impact Factor: 6,626 Original articles 1Puche M, Guijarro-Martínez R, Pérez-Herrezuelo G, Miragall L, Iglesias ME, Martínez-Costa C. The hypothetical role of congenital hypotonia in the development of early coronoid hyperplasia. Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery. 2012 Sep; 40(6): e155-8. IF: 1,643 82 4 Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Title of the thesis: Nutrición artificial domiciliaria pediátrica mediante gastrostomía. Análisis de la respuesta nutricional y de la aceptación familiar del procedimiento. Doctoral candidate: Soraya Borraz Gracia Director(s): Martínez Costa Cecilia, Consuelo Pedrón Giner and Caterina Calderón Garrido 2Martínez-Costa C, Calderón C, Pedrón-Giner C, Bo- Year of the defense: 2012 rraz S, Gómez-López L. Psychometric properties of the structured Satisfaction Questionnaire with Gastrostomy Feeding (SAGA-8) for caregivers of children with gastrostomy tube nutritional support. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2012 Nov 29. IF: 1,738 Grade: Summa cum laude 3de Onis M, Martínez-Costa C, Núñez F, NguefackTsague G, Montal A, Brines J. Association between WHO cut-offs for childhood overweight and obesity and cardiometabolic risk. Public Health Nutrition. 2012 Oct 31: 1-6. IF: 2,169 4García-Molina P, Balaguer-López E, Torra I, Bou JE, Alvarez-Ordiales A, Quesada-Ramos C, Verdú-Soriano J. A prospective, longitudinal study to assess use of continuous and reactive low-pressure mattresses to reduce pressure ulcer incidence in a pediatric intensive care unit. Ostomy Wound Management. 2012 Jul; 58(7): 32-9. IF: 1,076 THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Capacidad protectora de la leche materna frente a las infecciones por norovirus. Doctoral candidate: Parisá Khodayar Pardo Director(s): Cecilia Martínez Costa and Francisco Javier Buesa Gómez RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PS09/02065 Title: Calicivirus humanos causantes de gastroenteritis: Análisis de la prevalencia, epidemiología molecular e interacciones virus-receptor. Principal Investigator: Javier Buesa Gómez (Cecilia Martínez Costa as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €68.365 Scientific activity 4.1.2. 4 Oncology Research Area 83 Scientific activity Research Group on Histopathology and Tissue Engineering PI: Carmen Carda Batalla (Department of Pathology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Amando Peydró Olaya (Hospital), Amparo Ruiz Saurí (University), María Sancho-Tello Valls (University), José Javier Martín de Llano (University), Noemí Rojas Lara (University), Carmina Montoliu Feliu (University). Technician: José Benavent Seguí (University). Strategic aims 84 4 • Regenerative medicine: new tissues with structural and functional quality to be used as a therapeutic tool, particularly in muscular-eskeletic, mucous and corneal tissues. • Odontology: contributions to odontologic therapy in the areas of new biomaterials, tissue engineering and use of pulpal precursors. • Study of morphological basis in ocular pathologies: morphological study of corneas in experimental animals after combined administration of UV radiation and riboflavin. • Vascularization in renal tumors: structural markers for diagnosis of renal tumors in relation with the morphometric parameters of vascularization. • Studies of myocardial infarction in pigs and rats: diagnosis of recurrent myocardial infarction and its determining factors in pigs; and regenerative mechanisms after using stem cells in myocardial infarction in rats. Main lines of research Regenerative Medicine • Study of cartilage regeneration • Study of bone regeneration • Study of use of pulpal precursors in regenerative therapies • Study of regeneration of dental and periodontal tissues • Study of corneal induction and regeneration Histopathology • Study of recurrent myocardial infarction and its determinants • Study of vascularization in renal tumors • Study of ciliary pathology • Study of endometriosis Image of neo-dentin pulp obtained after co-culturing human precursor dentin disks obtained from Young teeth. 5 micres thick sections obtained with masson trichroner. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 8 Cumulative Impact Factor: 22,224 Original articles 1Armengot M, Bonet M, Carda C, Gómez MJ, Milara J, Mata M, Cortijo J. Development and validation of a method of cilia motility analysis for the early diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Jan-Feb; 63(1): 1-8. THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Estudio estructural de la mucosa respiratoria postintubación orotraqueal. Doctoral candidate: Alberto Alfaro Rubio Director(s): Carmen Carda Batalla and Miguel Armengot Carceller Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Mata M, Lluch-Estellés J, Armengot M, Sarrión I, Carda C, Cortijo J. New adenylate kinase 7 (AK7) mutation in primary ciliary dyskinesia. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy. 2012 Jul; 26(4): 260-4. IF: 2,302 3Calabuig-Fariñas S, Benso RG, Szuhai K, Machado I, López-Guerrero JA, de Jong D, Peydró A, San Miguel T, Navarro L, Pellín A, Llombart-Bosch A. Characterization of a New Human Cell Line (CH-3573) derived from a Grade II Chondrosarcoma with Matrix Production. Pathology Oncology Research. 2012 Oct; 18(4):793802. IF: 1,366 4Cerrada I, Ruiz-Saurí A, Carrero R, Trigueros C, Dorronsoro A, Sánchez-Puelles JM, Diez-Juan A, Montero JA, Sepúlveda P. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha contributes to cardiac healing in mesenchymal stem cells mediated cardiac repair. Stem Cells and Development. 2012 Aug 8. IF: 4,459 5Romanenko AM, Ruiz-Saurí A, Morell-Quadreny L, Valencia G, Vozianov AF, Llombart-Bosch A. Microvessel density is high in clear-cell renal cell carcinomas of Ukrainian patients exposed to chronic persistent lowdose ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl accident. Virchows Archiv. 2012 Jun; 460(6): 611-9. IF: 2,491 6Mata M, Sarrion I, Armengot M, Carda C, Martinez I, Melero JA, Cortijo J. Respiratory syncytial virus inhibits ciliagenesis in differentiated normal human bronchial epithelialcells: effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine. PloS One. 2012; 7(10). IF: 4,092 7Carrero R, Cerrada I, Lledó E, Dopazo J, García-García F, Rubio MP, Trigueros C, Dorronsoro A, Ruiz-Sauri A, Montero JA, Sepúlveda P. IL1 induces mesenchymal stem cells migration and leucocyte chemotaxis through NF-kB. Stem Cells Reviews. 2012 Sep; 8(3): 905-16. IF: 3,739 8Novella-Maestre E, Herraiz S, Vila-Vives JM, Carda C, Ruiz-Sauri A, Pellicer A. Effect of antiangiogenic treatment on peritoneal endometriosis-associated nerve fibers. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Nov; 98(5): 1209-17. IF: 3,775 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: MAT2010-21611-C03-03 Title: Evaluación biológica y morfológica de andamiajes sintéticos en el cartílago articular. Síntesis y evaluación de la respuesta biológica de nuevos soportes biorreabsorbibles para la regeneración del cartílago articular. Principal Investigator: Carmen Carda Batalla Funding Body: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Reference: UV-SFPIE_DOCE12-81018 Title: Realización de prácticas microscópicas y videos multimedia para la asignatura de Inmunología e Inmunopatología impartida por Histología. Principal Investigator: Amparo Ruiz Saurí Funding Body: Universitat de València Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012-2013 Total Budget: €2.000 Reference: UV-INV-AE11-41831 Title: Alteraciones del tráfico intracelular en la enfermedad de Parkinson. Principal Investigator: Mónica Tomás Caballero (María Sancho-Tello, José Javier Martín de Llano, David Ramos as collaborating researchers) Funding Body: Universitat de València Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €10.500 4 85 Scientific activity Research Group on Central Nervous System Tumors PI: José Miguel Cerdá Nicolas (Department of Pathology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Pathology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: José Manuel González Darder (Hospital), Rosario Gil Benso (University), Daniel Monleón Salvadó (INCLIVA), Concepción López Ginés (University), José Manuel Almerich Silla (University), Robert Callaghan (University), M. Aurelia Gregori Romero (University), Pablo Cerdá Durán (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Teresa San Miguel Díez (University), Lara Navarro Cerveró (University), Lisandra Muñoz Hidalgo (INCLIVA). Technicians: Ana María Clari (University), Mercedes Salinas Erastoff (University), Amparo Andrés Bordería (INCLIVA). 86 4 Strategic aims • Genetic/molecular characterization of primary Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) regarding amplification status of EGFR. Study and analysis of gene and molecular profiles in primary GBM using MLPA techniques (100 cases). • Elaboration of clinical–radiological protocols. Protocol analysis of 140 GBM cases. • Analysis of morphological and immunohistologic patterns (100 GBM cases). • Morphometric data collection and analysis of heterogeneity in the proliferative patterns of GBMs (50 cases). • Completing microRNA analysis. Analysis of gene regulation and protein expression in 50 GBM cases. • MicroRNA transfection in tissue cultures of primary GBMs. Main lines of research • Primary GBM. Amplification status of EGFR and angiogenic/infiltrative phenotypes. Molecular networks responsible for the processes of tumor modulation/reprogramming. • Role of microRNAs in the regulation of EGFR-dependent signalling pathways in “high-grade astrocytic gliomas”. • Development of a model of modulation of gene activity by microRNAs in GBM cell cultures. • Development of a model of population analysis and geographical distribution in these neoplasms. • Metabolomic and microvascular environmental characterization of aggressive human glioma by means of DCE-MRI and genetic study of biopsies. Scientific activity Associated Emerging Group Daniel Monleón Salvadó (INCLIVA) This line of research is focused on the effect of alterations in the delivery of nutrients and vascularization in cell metabolism. The research is centered in two areas of large clinical relevance: cancer (interaction between angiogenesis, hypoxia and tumor metabolism) and cardiovascular diseases (cardiac metabolism in coronary ischemia and metabolic risk factors of cardiovascular disease). PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 11 Cumulative Impact Factor: 29,218 Original articles 1Martínez-Martín N, Blas-García A, Morales JM, MartiCabrera M, Monleón D, Apostolova N. Metabolomics of the effect of AMPK activation by AICAR on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2012 Jan; 29(1): 88-94. IF: 1,573 2 Bodi V, Sanchis J, Morales JM, Marrachelli VG, Nunez J, Forteza MJ, Chaustre F, Gómez C, Mainar L, Minana G, Rumiz E, Husser O, Noguera I, Diaz A, Moratal D, Carratalá A, Bosch X, Llacer A, Chorro FJ, Viña JR, Monleon D. Metabolomic profile of human myocardial ischemia by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of peripheral blood serum: a translational study based on transient coronary occlusion models. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012 May 1; 59(18): 1629-41. IF: 14,156 3Ivorra C, García-Vicent C, Chaves FJ, Monleón D, Morales JM, Lurbe E. Metabolomic profiling in blood from umbilical cords of low birth weight newborns. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2012 Jul 9; 10(1): 142. IF: 3,474 4Quilis-Quesada V, Botella-Maciá L, González-Darder JM. Transzygomatic pterional approach. Part 1: anatomical study. Neurocirugía. 2012 Mar; 23(2): 47-53. IF: 0,54 5González-Darder JM, Quilis-Quesada V, Botella-Maciá L. Transzygomatic pterional approach. Part 2: Surgical experience in the management of skull base pathology. Neurocirugía. 2012 May; 23(3): 96-103. IF: 0,54 6Gil-Benso R, Monteagudo C, Cerdá-Nicolás M, Callaghan RC, Pinto S, Martínez-Romero A, Pellín-Carcelén A, San-Miguel T, Cigudosa JC, López-Ginés C. Characterization of a new human melanoma cell line with CD133 expression. Human Cell. 2012 Jun; 25(2): 61-7. IF: 0,75 7 Eustaquio-Raga MV, Montiel-Company JM, AlmerichSilla JM. Factors associated with edentulousness in an elderly population in Valencia (Spain). Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012 May 14. IF: 1,326 8Bellot-Arcís C, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM, Paredes-Gallardo V, Gandía-Franco JL. The use of occlusal indices in high-impact literature. Community Dental Health. 2012 Mar; 29(1): 45-8. IF: 0,753 9Bellot-Arcís C, Montiel-Company JM, Manzanera-Pastor D, Almerich-Silla JM. Orthodontic treatment need in a Spanish young adult population. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral, Cirugía Bucal. 2012 Jul 1; 17(4): e63843. IF: 1,13 10Marrachelli VG, Centeno JM, Miranda I, Castelló-Ruiz M, Burguete MC, Jover-Mengual T, Salom JB, Torregrosa G, Miranda FJ, Alborch E. Diabetes impairs the atrial natriuretic peptide relaxant action mediated by potassium channels and prostacyclin in the rabbit renal artery. Pharmacology Research. 2012 Aug 8. IF: 4,436 Letter 1González-Darder JM. Management of neurovascular disease in Neurosurgical Departments in Spain. Neurocirugia. 2012 Sep; 23(5): 216-7. IF: 0,54 THESIS 1Title of the thesis: Caracterización de tumores del sistema nervioso central mediante el análisis de imágenes de microscopía de resonancia magnética nuclear. Doctoral candidate: Ana González Segura Director(s): Daniel Monleón Salvadó, José Manuel 4 87 Scientific activity González Darder and Miguel Cerdá Nicolás Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PROMETEO 2011/083 Title: Papel de los microRNA en la regulación de las vías de señalización dependientes de EGFR en “gliomas astrocitarios de alto grado”. Desarrollo de un modelo poblacional de análisis poblacional y de distribución espacial de estas neoplasias. Principal Investigator: Miguel Cerdá Nicolás Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2015 Total Budget: €42.100 Reference: SAF2011-23029 88 4 Title: Interplay between microvasculature, metabolic reprogramming and tumor aggressiveness in hig grade glioma Principal Investigator: Daniel Monleón Salvadó Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total Budget: €108.900 Scientific activity Research Group on Colorectal Cancer and New Therapeutical Developments in Solid Tumors PI: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: José Antonio Pérez Fidalgo (Hospital), Amelia Insa Mollá (Hospital), Susana Roselló Keranen (Hospital), Estefanía García Botello (Hospital), Desamparados Roda Pérez (INCLIVA), Alejandro Espí Macías (Hospital). Technicians: Cristina Mongort (INCLIVA). Data managers: Amparo Domingo Lacasa (INCLIVA), Inma Blasco Blasco (INCLIVA). Administrative assistants: Gabriela Pérez Garity (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • To determine the importance of complete mesocolic excision as a parameter related to a more accurate staging and a higher probability of healing after resection. • To stablish the role of acetylated proteins in the development of resistance to treatment with anti-EGFR effect drugs, in mutated tumors as well as in absence of KRAS mutations. • To develop therapeutic association between m-TOR inhibitors and IGFR-1 blocking antibodies. • To develop drugs in initial phase which can advance to further phases of development as Aurora-A kinase inhibitors antitumor drugs. • To validate the administration of siRNAs as antitumor agents in patients with hepatic metastases. Main lines of research • Bio-pathological evaluation of mesorectal surgery in rectal cancer. • Evaluation of mesocolon as a quality parameter in colon cancer surgery. • Mechanisms of resistance to drugs against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). • Development of phase I trials with drugs against molecular therapies applied for the first time in humans affected by solid tumors, with analysis of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters. 4 89 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 29 Cumulative Impact Factor: 219,695 Original articles 1Cervantes A, Elez E, Roda D, Ecsedy J, Macarulla T, Venkatakrishnan K et al. Phase I Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Study of MLN8237, an Investigational, Oral, Selective Aurora A Kinase Inhibitor, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors. Clinical Cancer Research. 2012 Sep 1; 18(17): 4764-74. IF: 7,742 2Díaz-Rubio E, Gómez-España A, Massutí B, Sastre J, Abad A, Valladares M, Rivera F, Safont MJ, Martínez de Prado P, Gallén M, González E, Marcuello E, Benavides M, Fernández-Martos C, Losa F, Escudero P, Arrivi A, Cervantes A, Dueñas R, López-Ladrón A, Lacasta A, Llanos M, Tabernero JM, Antón A, Aranda E, Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors. First-Line XELOX Plus Bevacizumab Followed by XELOX Plus Bevacizumab or Single-Agent Bevacizumab as Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: The Phase III MACRO TTD Study. The Oncologist. 2012; 17(1): 15-25. IF: 3,812 90 4 3Frasson M, Faus C, Garcia-Granero A, Puga R, FlorLorente B, Cervantes A, Navarro S, Garcia-Granero E. Pathological evaluation of mesocolic resection quality and ex vivo methylene blue injection: what is the impact on lymph node harvest after colon resection for cancer?. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 2012 Feb; 55(2): 197-204. IF: 3,132 4Pavlidis N, Vermorken JB, Stahel R, Bernier J, Cervantes A, Pentheroudakis G, Audisio RA, Costa A. Undergraduate training in oncology: An ESO continuing challenge for medical students. Surgical Oncology. 2012 Mar; 21(1): 15-21. IF: 2,444 5Golfinopoulos V, Pentheroudakis G, Goussia A, Siozopoulou V, Bobos M, Krikelis D, Cervantes A, Ciuleanu T, Marselos M, Fountzilas G,Malamou-Mitsi V, Pavlidis N. Intracellular signalling via the AKT axis and downstream effectors is active and prognostically significant in cancer of unknown primary (CUP): a study of 100 CUP cases. Annals of Oncology. 2012 May 6. IF: 6,425 6Krikelis D, Pentheroudakis G, Goussia A, Siozopoulou V, Bobos M, Petrakis D, Stoyianni A, Golfinopoulos V, Cervantes A, Ciuleanu T, Fountzilas G, Malamou-Mitsi V, Pavlidis N. Profiling immunohistochemical expression of NOTCH1-3, JAGGED1, cMET, and phosphoMAPK in 100 carcinomas of unknown primary. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 2012 Aug; 29(6): 603-14. IF: 3,524 7Stoyianni A, Goussia A, Pentheroudakis G, Siozopoulou V, Ioachim E, Krikelis D, Golfinopoulos V, Cervantes A, Bobos M, Fotsis T, Bellou S, Fountzilas G, Malamou-Mitsi V, Pavlidis N. Immunohistochemical study of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotype in cancer of unknown primary: incidence, correlations and prognostic utility. Anticancer Research. 2012 Apr; 32(4): 1273-81. IF: 1,725 8Dewdney A, Cunningham D, Tabernero J, Capdevila J, Glimelius B, Cervantes A, Tait D, Brown G, Wotherspoon A, Gonzalez de Castro D, Chua YJ, Wong R, Barbachano Y, Oates J, Chau I. Multicenter randomized phase II clinical trial comparing neoadjuvant oxaliplatin, capecitabine, and preoperative radiotherapy with or without cetuximab followed by total mesorectal excision in patients with high-risk rectal cancer (EXPERT-C). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012 May 10; 30(14): 1620-7. IF: 18,372 9Trama A, Mallone S, Nicolai N, Necchi A, Schaapveld M, Gietema J, Znaor A, Ardanaz E, Berrino F, RARECARE Working Group. Burden of testicular, paratesticular and extragonadal germ cell tumours in Europe. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Jan; 48(2): 159-69. IF: 5,536 10Mallone S, De Vries E, Guzzo M, Midena E, Verne J, Coebergh JW, Marcos-Gragera R, Ardanaz E, Martinez R, Chirlaque MD, Navarro C, Virgili G, RARECARE WG. Descriptive epidemiology of malignant mucosal and uveal melanomas and adnexal skin carcinomas in Europe. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 May; 48(8): 1167-75. IF: 5,536 11Visser O, Adolfsson J, Rossi S, Verne J, Gatta G, Maffezzini M, Franks KN, RARECARE WC. Incidence and survival of rare urogenital cancers in Europe. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Mar; 48(4): 456-64. IF: 5,536 12Santibañez M, Alguacil J, de la Hera MG, NavarreteMuñoz EM, Llorca J, Aragonés N, Kauppinen T, Vio- Scientific activity que J, PANESOES Study Group. Occupational exposures and risk of stomach cancer by histological type. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2012 Apr; 69(4): 268-75. IF: 3,02 13Van Dijk BA, Gatta G, Capocaccia R, Pierannunzio D, Strojan P, Licitra L, RARECARE Working Group. Rare cancers of the head and neck area in Europe. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Apr; 48(6): 783-96. IF: 5,536 14Rosell R, Carcereny E, Gervais R, Cervantes A, et al. Erlotinib versus standard chemotherapy as first-line treatment for European patients with advanced EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (EURTAC): a multicentre, open-label, randomised phase 3 trial. The Lancet Oncology. 2012 Mar; 13(3): 239-46. IF: 22,589 15Garcés-Albir M, García-Botello SA, Esclapez-Valero P, Sanahuja-Santafé A, Raga-Vázquez J, Espi-Macías A, Ortega-Serrano J. Quantifying the extent of fistulotomy. How much sphincter can we safely divide?. A three-dimensional endosonographic study. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2012 Aug; 27(8): 1109-16. IF: 2,385 16Eroles P, Bosch A, Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Lluch A. Molecular biology in breast cancer: intrinsic subtypes and signaling pathways. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2012; 38(6): 698-707. IF: 6,054 17Pentheroudakis G, Krikelis D, Cervantes A, Vermorken J, Pavlidis N. Profiling clinical cancer research across the Atlantic: a review of research and its characteristics presented at ASCO and ESMO Congresses during the last decade. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2012; 38(6): 560-5. IF: 6,054 18Faivre J, Trama A, De Angelis R, Elferink M, Siesling S, Audisio R, Bosset JF, Cervantes A, Lepage C, RARECARE Working Group. Incidence, prevalence and survival of patients with rare epithelial digestive cancers diagnosed in Europe in 1995-2002. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Jul; 48(10): 1417-24. IF: 5,536 19Dasí F, Navarro-García MM, Jiménez-Heredia M, Magraner J, Viña JR, Pallardó FV, Cervantes A, Morcillo E. Evaluation of the quality of publications on randomized clinical trials using the consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) statement guidelines in a spanish tertiary hospital. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2012 Jul; 52(7): 1106-14. IF: 2,911 20Pearse RM, Moreno RP, Bauer P, Pelosi P, Metnitz P, Spies C, Vallet B, Vincent JL, Hoeft A, Rhodes A, European Surgical Outcomes Study(EuSOS) group for the Trials groups of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Mortality after surgery in Europe: a 7 day cohort study. Lancet. 2012 Sep 22; 380 (9847): 1059-65. IF: 38,278 21Garcia-Granero E, Frasson M, Pous S, Cervantes A. T4a and t4b colorectal cancer: what does this mean nowadays?. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 2012 Nov; 55(11): e367. IF: 3,132 22Golfinopoulos V, Pentheroudakis G, Goussia A, Siozopoulou V, Bobos M, Krikelis D, Cervantes A, Ciuleanu T, Marselos M, Fountzilas G,Malamou-Mitsi V, Pavlidis N. Intracellular signalling via the AKT axis and downstream effectors is active and prognostically significant in cancer of unknown primary (CUP): a study of 100 CUP cases. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Oct; 23(10): 2725-30. IF: 6,425 23Díaz-Rubio E, Gómez-España A, Massutí B, Sastre J, Reboredo M, Manzano JL, Rivera F, Safont MJ, Montagut C, González E, Benavides M, Marcuello E, Cervantes A, Martínez de Prado P, Fernández-Martos C, Arrivi A, Bando I, Aranda E, Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors (TTD). Role of Kras Status in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving First-Line Chemotherapy plus Bevacizumab: A TTD Group Cooperative Study. PLoS One. 2012; 7(10): e47345. IF: 4,092 24Van der Zwan JM, Mallone S, van Dijk B, Bielska-Lasota M, Otter R, Foschi R, Baudin E, Links TP, RARECARE WG. Carcinoma of endocrine organs: results of the RARECARE project. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Sep; 48(13): 1923-31. IF: 5,536 25Schmoll HJ, Van Cutsem E, Stein A, Valentini V, Glimelius B, Haustermans K, Nordlinger B, van de Velde CJ, Balmana J, Regula J, Nagtegaal ID, Beets-Tan RG, Arnold D, Ciardiello F, Hoff P, Kerr D, Köhne CH, Labianca R, Price T, Scheithauer W, Sobrero A, Tabernero J, Aderka D,Barroso S, Bodoky G, Douillard JY, El Ghazaly H, Gallardo J, Garin A, Glynne-Jones R, Jordan K, Meshcheryakov A, Papamichail D, Pfeiffer 4 91 Scientific activity P,Souglakos I, Turhal S, Cervantes A. ESMO Consensus Guidelines for management of patients with colon and rectal cancer. A personalized approach to clinical decision making. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Oct; 23(10): 2479-516. IF: 6,425 Clinical guidelines 1Pérez Fidalgo JA, García Fabregat L, Cervantes A, Margulies A, Vidall C, Roila F, ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Management of chemotherapy extravasation: ESMO-EONS Clinical Practice Guidelines. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Oct; 23 Suppl 7: vii167-73. IF: 6,425 Editorial 1Cervantes A. Preoperative chemotherapy for colon cancer is getting closer. Lancet Oncology. 2012 Sep 24. IF: 22,589 2Pavlidis N, Stahel R, Pentheroudakis G, Cervantes A. ESMO Guidelines Working Group. ESMO Consensus Conferences: another source of ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Oct; 23 Suppl 7: vii7-10. IF: 6,425 92 4 3Perez-Fidalgo JA, Caballero A, Lluch A. Integrating radical local treatment of the primary in the management of stage IV breast cancer. When is the best moment for the resection of the primary tumor?. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2012 Aug; 38(8): 643-4. IF: 2,499 Reference: PS09/02480 Title: Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares Kras mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon. Principal Investigator: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €92.565 Title: Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares Kras mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon. Principal Investigator: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Funding Body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €23.000 Reference: EC11-243 Title: Ensayo fase III multicéntrico randomizado de radioterapia de curso corto seguido de quimioterapia preoperatoria prolongada y cirugía en cáncer de recto localizado de alto preoperatoria riesgo frente a quimioradioterapia estándar. Principal Investigator: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Funding Body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Reference: CAI08/01/0039 Title: Consorcio de Apoyo a la Investigación Biomédica en Red Unidad Central de Investigación Clínica y Ensayos Clínicos en pacientes. Principal Investigator: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total Budget: €150.000 Total Budget: €32.451 Reference: PS09/02480 Title: Demora diagnóstica y estrategias de seguimiento en el cáncer colorrectal: su influencia en el pronóstico. Principal Investigator: Alejandro Espí Macías Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €30.855 Scientific activity Title: Identificacióndeperfilesdeexpresióneneladenocarcinoma ductal de páncreas. Implicaciones clínicas en relación con la supervivencia. Principal Investigator: Luis Sabater Ortí Funding Body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 Total Budget: €46.000 Reference: ACOMP/2012/069 Title: Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares Kras mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon. Principal Investigator: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez Duration: 2012 Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Total Budget: €13.000 Reference: RD06/0020/0080 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en cáncer. Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández (Andrés Cervantes as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2007-2012 Total Budget: 173.823,50 € 4 93 Scientific activity Research Group on Breast Cancer Biology PI: Ana Lluch Hernández (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Isabel Chirivella González (Hospital), Begoña Bermejo de las Heras (Hospital), Ana Magro Molina (Hospital), Vanesa Pons Sanz (Hospital), Octavio Burgués Gasión (Hospital), Antonio Caballero Gárate (Hospital), Ángel Martínez Agullo (Hospital), Gloria Ribas Despuig (INCLIVA), Jessica Furriol Palmer (INCLIVA), Jaime Ferrer Lozano (INCLIVA), Antonio Millet Serrano (Hospital), Pilar Eroles Asensio (INCLIVA), Begoña Pineda (INCLIVA), Joan Climent (INCLIVA). 94 4 Predoctoral Researchers: Maider Ibarrola Villava (INCLIVA), Eduardo Tormo Martín (INCLIVA), Patricia Rodrígues (INCLIVA). Technicians: Estela Contel Martín (INCLIVA), Isabel Domenech Catoira (INCLIVA), Patricia Martínez Belenguer (INCLIVA), Vicenta Garces (Hospital), Elisa Alonso Yuste (INCLIVA). Administrative assistants: Yolanda de la Cruz Robles (INCLIVA). Strategic aims Activity focused on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Research has been centered in the in-depth study of genetic and genomic bases of breast cancer, identification of genes involved in tumor processes, application and development of new technologies of genomic screening to contribute to a faster and more efficient diagnosis and a better understanding of cancer. Also, this research aims at finding new biological strategies able to individualize treatment. Main lines of research • Study of the predictive value of NF-kappaB in breast cancer treated with anthracyclines and sensitization to anthraciclines by inhibition of NF-kappaB. • Clinical-pathological and molecular evaluation of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant therapy; study of the predictive value of CD44+/CD24- overpopulation in residual disease. • Mamographic density, genetic susceptibility and breast cancer in high-risk women (dm-BRCA project). • Validation of the molecular study of sentinel lymph nod by One Step Nucleic acid Amplification (OSNA) technique. • Modulation of VEGFR1s/VEGF levels in breast cancer treated with doxorubicin. • Breast cancer susceptibility gene testing. • Relationship between polymorphisms in p53 gene and VEGFR1 gene promoter and response to treatment with Scientific activity doxorubicin in breast cancer. • Study of the influence of genetic predisposition to develop breast cancer associated with folate metabolism genes (MTHFR, DHFR, TS, SHMT1 y MS). • Analysis of angiogenic factors in breast cancer. • Analysis of genetic markers in breast cancer tumors in young women (aged under 35). Emerging Researcher Isabel Chirivella González (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia). The research line suggests a possible relation between mammographic density, as a genetic susceptibility marker and the risk to suffer breast cancer in women with a mutation in BRCA (hereditary breast cancer). Women with a mutation in genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 have a higher risk of developing breast cancer (40-70%) and the risk could possibly be modified by genetic variations related to mammographic density. Emerging Researcher Pilar Eroles Asensio (INCLIVA). The line of research aims at deepening the knowledge of some of the molecular subtypes of breast cancer, especially HER2 + and triple negative, through studies of expression and post-transcriptional changes (microRNAs, methylation) to decipher the possible mechanisms of resistance to current treatments. Among the processes under study are the angiogenic factors. The importance of genetic modifications in these factors in the development of the disease will be evaluated as well. 4 PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 30 Cumulative Impact Factor: 190,605 Original articles 1Albanell J, González A, Ruiz-Borrego M, Alba E, García-Saenz JA, Corominas JM, Burgues O, Furio V, Rojo A, Palacios J, Bermejo B, Martínez-García M, Limon ML, Muñoz AS, Martín M, Tusquets I, Rojo F, Colomer R, Faull I, Lluch A. Prospective transGEICAM study of the impact of the 21-gene Recurrence Score assay and traditional clinicopathological factors on adjuvant clinical decision making in women with estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) node-negative breast cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Mar; 23(3): 625-31. IF: 6,425 2Avilés JA, Lázaro P, Fernández LP, Benítez J, Ibarrola-Villava M, Ribas G. Phenotypic and histologic characteristics of cutaneous melanoma in patients with melanocortin-1 receptor polymorphisms. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jan-Feb; 103(1): 44-50. 3Blanco A, de la Hoya M, Balmaña J, Ramón y Cajal T, Teulé A, Miramar MD, Esteban E, Infante M, Benítez J, Torres A, Tejada MI, Brunet J, Graña B, Balbín M, Pérez-Segura P, Osorio A, Velasco EA, Chirivella I, Calvo MT, Feliubadaló L, Lasa A, Díez O, Carracedo A, Caldés T, Vega A. Detection of a large rearrangement in PALB2 in Spanish breast cancer families with male breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2012 Feb; 132(1): 307-15. IF: 4,431 4Gianni L, Pienkowski T, Im YH, Roman L, Tseng LM, Liu MC, Lluch A, Staroslawska E, de la HabaRodriguez J, Im SA, Pedrini JL, Poirier B,Morandi P, Semiglazov V, Srimuninnimit V, Bianchi G, Szado T, Ratnayake J, Ross G, Valagussa P. Efficacy and safety of neoadjuvant pertuzumab and trastuzumab in women with locally advanced, inflammatory, or early HER2-positive breast cancer (NeoSphere): a randomised multicentre, open-label, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Oncology. 2012 Jan; 13(1): 25-32. IF: 22,589 5Estévez L, Alvarez I, Tusquets I, Seguí MA, Muñoz M, 95 Scientific activity Fernández Y, Lluch A. Finding the right dose of fulvestrant in breast cancer. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2012 Jul 13. IF: 6,054 6Alba E, Calvo L, Albanell J, De la Haba JR, Arcusa Lanza A, Chacon JI, Sanchez-Rovira P, Plazaola A, Lopez Garcia-Asenjo JA, Bermejo B,Carrasco E, Lluch A, GEICAM. Chemotherapy (CT) and hormonotherapy (HT) as neoadjuvant treatment in luminal breast cancer patients: results from the GEICAM/2006-03, a multicenter, randomized, phase-II study. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Dec; 23(12): 3069-74. IF: 6,425 7Bartholomeusz C, Gonzalez-Angulo AM, Liu P, Hayashi N, Lluch A, Ferrer-Lozano J, Hortobágyi GN. High ERK protein expression levels correlate with shorter survival in triple-negative breast cancer patients. The Oncologist. 2012; 17(6): 766-74. IF: 3,812 8Martín M, Makhson A, Gligorov J, Lichinitser M, Lluch A, Semiglazov V, Scotto N, Mitchell L, Tjulandin S. Phase II study of bevacizumab in combination with trastuzumab and capecitabine as first-line treatment for HER-2-positive locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer. The Oncologist. 2012; 17(4): 469-75. IF: 3,812 96 4 9Ibarrola-Villava M, Hu HH, Guedj M, Fernandez LP, Descamps V, Basset-Seguin N, Bagot M, Benssussan A, Saiag P, Fargnoli MC, Peris K, Aviles JA, Lluch A, Ribas G, Soufir N. MC1R, SLC45A2 and TYR genetic variants involved in melanoma susceptibility in Southern European populations: Results from a Metaanalysis. European Journal of Cancer. 2012 Mar 28. IF: 5,536 10Cortés J, Fumoleau P, Bianchi GV, Petrella TM, Gelmon K, Pivot X, Verma S, Albanell J, Conte P, Lluch A, Salvagni S, Servent V, Gianni L, Scaltriti M, Ross GA, Dixon J, Szado T, Baselga J. Pertuzumab monotherapy after trastuzumab-based treatment and subsequent reintroduction of trastuzumab: activity and tolerability in patients with advanced human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012 May 10; 30(14): 1594600. IF: 18,372 11Rodrigues P, Furriol J, Tormo E, Ballester S, Lluch A, Eroles P. The single-nucleotide polymorphisms +936 C/T VEGF and -710 C/T VEGFR1 are associated with breast cancer protection in a Spanish popu- lation. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2012 Jun; 133(2): 769-78. IF: 4,431 12Ibarrola-Villava M, Martin-Gonzalez M, Lazaro P, Pizarro A, Lluch A, Ribas G. Role of glutathione Stransferases in melanoma susceptibility: association with GSTP1 rs1695 polymorphism. British Journal of Dermatology. 2012 Jun; 166(6): 1176-83. IF: 3,666 13Baselga J, Segalla JG, Roché H, Del Giglio A, Pinczowski H, Ciruelos EM, Filho SC, Gómez P, Van Eyll B, Bermejo B, Llombart A, Garicochea B, Durán MÁ, Hoff PM, Espié M, de Moraes AA, Ribeiro RA, Mathias C, Gil Gil M, Ojeda B, Morales J, Kwon Ro S, Li S, Costa F. Sorafenib in combination with capecitabine: an oral regimen for patients with HER2-negative locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012 May 1; 30(13): 1484-91. IF: 18,372 14Raimondi S, Gandini S, Fargnoli MC, Bagnardi V, Maisonneuve P, Specchia C, Kumar R, Nagore E, Han J, Hansson J, Kanetsky PA, Ghiorzo P,Gruis NA, Dwyer T, Blizzard L, Fernandez-de-Misa R, Branicki W, Debniak T, Morling N, Landi MT, Palmieri G, Ribas G, Stratigos A, Cornelius L,Motokawa T, Anno S, Helsing P, Wong TH, Autier P, García-Borrón JC, Little J, Newton-Bishop J, Sera F, Liu F, Kayser M, Nijsten T, GEM StudyGroup, M-SKIP Study Group. Melanocortin-1 receptor, skin cancer and phenotypic characteristics (M-SKIP) project: study design and methods for pooling results of genetic epidemiological studies. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2012 Aug 3; 12(1): 116. IF: 2,668 15Avilés JA, Lázaro P, Fernández LP, Benítez J, Ibarrola-Villava M, Ribas G. Phenotypic and histologic characteristics of cutaneous melanoma in patients with melanocortin-1 receptor polymorphisms. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jan; 103(1): 44-50. 16Eroles P, Bosch A, Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Lluch A. Molecular biology in breast cancer: intrinsic subtypes and signaling pathways. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2012 Oct; 38(6): 698-707. IF: 6,054 17Zambetti M, Mansutti M, Gómez P, Lluch A, Dittrich C, Zamagni C, Ciruelos E, Pavesi L, Semiglazov V, De Benedictis E, Gaion F, Bari M, Morandi P, Valagussa P, Luca G. Pathological complete response rates following different neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens Scientific activity for operable breast cancer according to ER status, in two parallel, randomized phase II trials with an adaptive study design (ECTO II). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2012 Apr; 132(3): 843-51. IF: 4,431 18Rayson D, Suter TM, Jackisch C, van der Vegt S, Bermejo B, van den Bosch J, Vivanco GL, van Gent AM, Wildiers H, Torres A, Provencher L,Temizkan M, Chirgwin J, Canon JL, Ferrandina G, Srinivasan S, Zhang L, Richel DJ. Cardiac safety of adjuvant pegylated liposomal doxorubicin with concurrent trastuzumab: a randomized phase II trial. Annals of Oncology. 2012 Jul; 23(7): 1780-8. IF: 6,425 19Rojo F, García-Parra J, Zazo S, Tusquets I, Ferrer-Lozano J, Menendez S, Eroles P, Chamizo C, Servitja S, Ramírez-Merino N, Lobo F, Bellosillo B, Corominas JM, Yelamos J, Serrano S, Lluch A, Rovira A, Albanell J. Nuclear PARP-1 protein overexpression is associated with poor overall survival in early breast cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2012 May; 23(5): 1156-64. IF: 6,425 20Cortés J, Calvo E, González-Martín A, Dawood S, Llombart-Cussac A, De Mattos-Arruda L, Gómez P, Silva O, Perez EA, Rugo HS, Lluch A, Hortobagyi GN. Progress against solid tumors in danger: the metastatic breast cancer example. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012 Oct 1; 30(28): 3444-7. IF: 18,372 21Meric-Bernstam F, Chen H, Akcakanat A, Do KA, Lluch A, Hennessy BT , Hortobagyi GN, Mills GB, GonzalezAngulo AM. Aberrations in translational regulation are associated with poor prognosis in hormone receptorpositive breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research. 2012 Oct 26; 14(5): R138. IF: 5,245 22Alba E, Chacon JI, Lluch A, Anton A, Estevez L, Cirauqui B, Carrasco E, Calvo L, Segui MA, Ribelles N, Alvarez R, Sanchez-Muñoz A, Sanchez R,Garcia-Asenjo JA, Rodriguez-Martin C, Escudero MJ, Albanell J. A randomized phase II trial of platinum salts in basallike breast cancer patients in the neoadjuvant setting. Results from the GEICAM/2006-03, multicenter study. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2012 Nov; 136(2): 487-93. IF: 4,431 23Carles J, Chirivella I, Climent MA, Gallardo E, González del Alba A, Maroto JP, Mellado B, García del Muro FX. Evaluation of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma after failure of first-line treatment. Cancer Metastasis Reviews. 2012 Sep; 31 Suppl 1: S3-9. IF: 10,573 24Mao JH, Wu D, Kim IJ, Kang HC, Wei G, Climent J, Kumar A, Pelorosso FG, DelRosario R, Huang EJ, Balmain A. Hipk2 cooperates with p53 to suppress-ray radiation-induced mouse thymic lymphoma. Oncogene. 2012 Mar 1; 31(9): 1176-80. IF: 6,373 25De Semir D, Nosrati M, Bezrookove V, Dar AA, Federman S, Bienvenu G, Venna S, Rangel J, Climent J, Meyer Tamgüney TM, Thummala S, Tong S, Leong SP, Haqq C, Billings P, Miller JR 3rd, Sagebiel RW, Debs R, Kashani-Sabet M. Pleckstrin homology domaininteracting protein (PHIP) as a marker and mediator of melanoma metastasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 May 1; 109(18): 7067-72. IF: 9,681 26Esteban Cardeñosa E, de Juan Jiménez I, Palanca Suela S, Chirivella González I, Segura Huerta A, Santaballa Beltran A, Casals El Busto M,Barragán González E, Fuster Lluch O, Bermúdez Edo J, Bolufer Gilabert P. Low penetrance alleles as risk modifiers in familial and sporadic breast cancer. Familiar Cancer. 2012 Dec; 11(4): 629-36. IF: 1,302 27Rodrigues P, Furriol J, Bermejo B, Chaves FJ, Lluch A, Eroles P. Identification of candidate polymorphisms on stress oxidative and DNA damage repair genes related with clinical outcome in breast cancer patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2012 Dec 5; 13(12): 16500-13 Letter 1Báguena Requena G, Calvete Chornet J, Caballero Gárate A, Burgues Gasión O, Martínez Agulló A. Granular cell tumours: An uncommon lesion in the breast. Cirugía Española. 2012 Oct; 90(8): 537-539. IF: 0,874 Editorial 1Lluch A, Bosch A. Evolution of tumour biology upon progression. Do we know our enemy?. Clinical Translational Oncology. 2012 Jun; 14(6): 399-400. IF: 1,327 2Perez-Fidalgo JA, Caballero A, Lluch A. Integrating radical local treatment of the primary in the management of stage IV breast cancer. When is the best moment for the resection of the primary tumor?. European Journal on Surgical Oncology. 2012 Aug; 38(8): 643-4. IF: 2,499 4 97 Scientific activity THESIS Duration: 2011-2013 1Title of the thesis: Búsqueda de genes de suscepti- Total Budget: €97.647 bilidad a melanoma esporádico: análisis de genes implicados en las rutas de pigmentación, reparación del ADN y procesos de estrés oxidativo. Title: Modulación de los niveles de VEGFR1s/VEGF en cáncer de mama tratado con doxorubicina. Doctoral candidate: Maider Ibarrola Villava Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández Director(s): Gloria Ribas Despuig Funding Body: Fundación Gent per Gent Date of the defense: 2012 Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Grade: Summa cum laude Duration: 2009-2012 Total Budget: €20.882 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PS09/01700 Title: Caracterización de MKP-1 y MKP-3 en cáncer de mama: valor predictivo y potencial diana terapéutica. 98 4 Reference: RD06/0020/0080 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en cáncer. Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Duration: 2007-2012 Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Total Budget: €173.823 Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €194.810 Reference: PS09/01721 Title: Densidad mamográfica, susceptibilidad genética y cáncer de mama en mujeres de familias de alto riesgo (Proyecto DM-BRCA). Principal Investigator: Isabel Chirivella González Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €11.616 Reference: PI10/00405 Title: Impacto de la susceptibilidad genética y de la exposición solar sobre los niveles de vitamina D en pacientes con melanoma. Principal Investigator: Gloria Ribas Despuig Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Scientific activity Research Group on Skin Cancer PI: José Carlos Monteagudo Castro (Department of Pathology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Pathology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Antonio Pellín Pérez (University), Esperanza Jordá Cuevas (Hospital), David Ramos Soler (Hospital), José María Martín Hernández (Hospital), Liria Terrádez Mas (Hospital), Gabriela Avram (Hospital Craiova). Predoctoral Researchers: Ana Pellín Carcelén (University), Miguel Martínez Rodríguez (Hospital), Verónica López Castillo (INCLIVA), Beatriz Sánchez Sendra (INCLIVA). Technicians: Mercedes Salinas Erastoff (University), Daniel Sanchis Castellanos (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • Publication of results in: - proposal of the expression quotient of chemokine and receptors as new prognostic factor in skin melanoma. - characterization of a new human melanoma cell line with CD133 expression. - partial publication of results in clinicopathological and immunohistochemical factors involved in melanocytic lesions. - new pathogen virulence mechanisms in systemic candidiasis. - preliminary work for the study of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. • To finish the study of epithelial–mesenchymal transition markers and tumor initiating cells in melanoma progression. Pending statistical study. • To make progress in the study of the expression of microRNAs in human melanomas. The experimental study in immunodeficient mice is currently being prepared. • To make progress in the drafting of two doctoral theses on melanocytic regression and prognostic value of markers of lymphocyte activation and CCL27 in skin melanoma. Main lines of research • Expression of epithelial–mesenchymal transition markers and tumor initiating cells (tumor stem cells) in tumor progression of human skin melanoma and in xenotransplantation in immunodeficient mice. • Epidemiology and genetics of Birt-Hogg-Dubé familial cancer syndrome. • Implication of certain microRNAs in tumor progression of melanoma. 4 99 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 18 R, Callaghan RC, Martín JM. CCL27-CCR10 and CXCL12-CXCR4 chemokine ligand-receptor mRNA expression ratio: new predictive factors of tumor progression in cutaneous malignant melanoma. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 2012 Aug; 29(6): 625-37. IF: 3,524 Cumulative Impact Factor: 20,608 Original articles 1López V, Jordá E, Monteagudo C. Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome: An Update. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Apr; 103(3): 198-206. 2 Felipo V, Urios A, Montesinos E, Molina I, Garcia-Torres ML, Civera M, Olmo JA, Ortega J, Martinez-Valls J, Serra MA, Cassinello N, Wassel A, Jordá E, Montoliu C. Contribution of hyperammonemia and inflammatory factors to cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2012 Mar; 27(1): 51-8. IF: 2,198 3 Martí N, Monteagudo C, Alonso V. Generalized Erup- 10Martín JM, Rubio M, Bella R, Jordá E, Monteagudo C. Complete regression of melanocytic nevi: correlation between clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic findings in 13 patients. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jun; 103(5): 401-10. 11Martín JM, Bella-Navarro R, Jordá E. Vascular patterns in dermoscopy. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jun; 103(5): 357-75. 12Giner F, Compañ A, Monteagudo C. Uterine glomeruloid hemangioma in a patient without POEMS syndrome. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2012 Aug; 20(4): 407-10. IF: 1,00 tion in a Child. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Mar; 103(2): 153-154. 4 Reig I, Monteagudo C, Gámez L, Martí N, Martín JM, Jorda E. Follicular mucinosis with loss of ephelides. International Journal of Dermatology. 2012 Mar; 51(3): 332-4. IF: 1,142 100 4 13Uppuluri P, Chaturvedi AK, Jani N, Pukkila-Worley R, Monteagudo C, Mylonakis E, Köhler JR, Lopez Ribot JL. Physiologic Expression of the Candida albicans Pescadillo Homolog Is Required for Virulence in a Murine Model of Hematogenously Disseminated Candidiasis. Eukaryotic Cell. 2012 Dec; 11(12): 1552-6. IF: 3,604 5González-Rodríguez AJ, Gutiérrez-Paredes EM, Revert Fernández A, Jordá-Cuevas E. Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Benzocaine: The Importance of Concomitant Positive Patch Test Results. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Apr 30. 6 14Díaz Beveridge R, Aparicio J, Tormo A, Estevan R, Artes J, Giménez A, Segura Á, Roldán S, Palasí R, Ramos D. Long-term results with oral fluoropyrimidines and oxaliplatin-based preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with resectable rectal cancer. A singleinstitution experience. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2012 Jun; 14(6): 471-80. IF: 1,327 Cleary IA, Lazzell AL, Monteagudo C, Thomas DP, Saville SP. BRG1 and NRG1 form a novel feedback circuit regulating Candida albicans hypha formation and virulence. Molecular Microbiology. 2012 Aug; 85(3): 557-73. IF: 5,01 Letters 7Martín JM, Monteagudo C, Bella R, Reig I, Jordá E. Complete Regression of a Melanocytic Nevus under Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Axillary Hair Removal in a Cosmetic Center. Dermatology. 2012; 224(3): 1937. IF: 2,053 1López V, Giner F. Nodular Lesion in a Woman’s Earlobe. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Nov 16. 2López V, Alonso V, Jordá E. Efficacy of topical imiquimod 5% in a patient with chronic radiodermatitis on the hands. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jun; 103(5): 441-2. 8Gil-Benso R, Monteagudo C, Cerdá-Nicolás M, Callaghan RC, Pinto S, Martínez-Romero A, Pellín-Carcelén A, San-Miguel T, Cigudosa JC. Characterization of a new human melanoma cell line with CD133 expression. Human Cell. 2012 Jun; 25(2): 61-7. IF: 0,75 9Monteagudo 3Martí N, Alonso V, Jordá E. Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis and didymosis aplasticopsilolipara. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 May; 103(4): 341-2. C, Ramos D, Pellín-Carcelén A, Gil Scientific activity 4 González-Rodríguez AJ, Gutiérrez-Paredes EM, Montesinos-Villaescusa E, Burgués Gasión O, Jordá-Cuevas E. Subungual Keratoacanthoma: the Importance of Distinguishing it From Subungual Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Aug 3. RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PROMETEO 2011/084 Title: Estudioclínicoyexperimentaldelainfluenciade los perfiles de expresión combinada de marcadores de célula madre cancerosa y de transición epiteliomesenquimal en la progresión tumoral del melanoma cutáneo in vivo. Principal Investigator: Carlos Monteagudo Castro Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Doubleimmunofluorescenceshowingco-expressionofCXCL12andCXCR4 (a-d) as well as CCL27 and CCR10 (e-m) in melanoma tumor cells. Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2014 Total Budget: €45.800 4 Predictive value for distant metastasis of CCL27-CCR10 intratumoral mRNA ratio in primary melanomas with Breslow ≤4 mm: ROC curves (a) and area under curve (b). 101 Scientific activity Translational Research Group on Pediatric Solid Tumors PI: Samuel Navarro Fos (Department of Pathology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Pathology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Rosa Noguera Salvá (University), Marta Piqueras Franco (University), Eva Villamón Ribate (University), Antonio Llombart Bosch (University), Francisco Giner Segura (Hospital), Nuria Santonja López (Hospital), Isidro Machado Puerto (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Ana Pilar Berbegall Beltrán (University), Irene Tadeo Cervera (University). Technicians: Alejo Miguel Sempere Crespo (University). 102 4 Strategic aims • Genetic analyses of neuroblastoma. At European level, the group is participating in the establishment of a standardized nomenclature, a standard operating procedure and studies of quality validation, critical tools to obtain and maintain a high quality in the results of FISH, MLPA y SNPs used in therapeutic stratification. • Identification of new genetic factors with prognostic value in malignant pediatric neuroblastic and skeletogenic tumors. • Obtention and characterization of cell lines from fresh tumors of pediatric skeletogenic tumors. • Establishment and characterization of in vivo models of malignant skeletogenic tumors. • Expression studies of markers in colorectal carcinoma and pediatric solid tumors. • Results from the study of tumor microenvironment in neuroblastoma. Main lines of research • Analysis of histopathological and genetic prognostic factors in neuroblastoma (NB). • Development of high-throughput pan-genomic techniques in NB and sarcomas. • Study of apoptosis, proliferation, angiogenesis and hypoxia in pediatric tumors, soft-tissue sarcomas, skeletogenic tumors and gynecologic mesenchymal tumors. • ALK as a prognostic factor in NB. • Identification and isolation of stem cells in NB. • Establishment and characterization of in vitro and in vivo models of malignant skeletogenic tumors. Cell line extraction in these tumors. • Expression study of immunohistochemistry and Western blot markers in the described tumors for the identification of possible therapeutic targets. • Study of NB hyperstructure. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 23 Cumulative Impact Factor: 84,551 Original articles 1Fieuw A, Kumps C, Schramm A, Pattyn F, Menten B, Antonacci F, Sudmant P, Schulte JH, Van Roy N, Vergult S, Buckley PG, De Paepe A, Noguera R, Versteeg R, Stallings R, Eggert A, Vandesompele J, De Preter K, Speleman F. Identification of a novel recurrent 1q42.2-1qter deletion in high risk MYCN single copy 11q deleted neuroblastomas. International Journal of Cancer. 2012 Jun 1; 130(11): 2599-606. IF: 5,444 2Mackintosh C, Ordóñez JL, García-Domínguez DJ, Sevillano V, Llombart-Bosch A, Szuhai K. 1q gain and CDT2 overexpression underlie an aggressive and highly proliferative form of Ewing sarcoma. Oncogene. 2012 Mar 8; 31(10): 1287-98. IF: 6,373 3Illueca C, Machado I, Cruz J, Almenar S, Noguera R, Navarro S, Llombart-Bosch A. Pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumor: a report of 3 new cases, 1 with sarcomatous myxofibrosarcoma component and another with unreported soft tissue palpebral location. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology. 2012 Jan; 20(1): 96-101. 4Frasson M, Faus C, Garcia-Granero A, Puga R, FlorLorente B, Cervantes A, Navarro S, Garcia-Granero E. Pathological evaluation of mesocolic resection quality and ex vivo methylene blue injection: what is the impact on lymph node harvest after colon resection for cancer?. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 2012 Feb; 55(2): 197-204. IF: 3,132 5Alemany L, Pérez C, Tous S, Llombart-Bosch A, Lloveras B, Lerma E, Guarch R, Andújar M, Pelayo A, Alejo M, Ordi J, Klaustermeier J, Velasco J, Guimerà N, Clavero O, Castellsagué X, Quint W, Muñoz N, Bosch FX, de Sanjosé S, Spanish study group RIS HPV TT. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in cervical cancer cases in Spain. Implications for prevention. Gynecologic Oncology. 2012 Mar; 124(3): 512-7. IF: 3,888 6Kresse SH, Meza-Zepeda LA, Machado I, LlombartBosch A, Myklebost O. Preclinical xenograft models of human sarcoma show nonrandom loss of aberrations. Cancer. 2012 Jan 15; 118(2): 558-70. IF: 4,771 7Calabuig-Fariñas S, Benso RG, Szuhai K, Machado I, López-Guerrero JA, de Jong D, Peydró A, San Miguel T, Navarro L Pellín A Llombart-Bosch A. Characterization of a New Human Cell Line (CH-3573) Derived from a Grade II Chondrosarcoma with Matrix Production. Pathology Oncology Research. 2012 Feb 15. IF: 1,366 8Romanenko AM, Ruiz-Saurí A, Morell-Quadreny L, Valencia G, Vozianov AF, Llombart-Bosch A. Microvessel density is high in clear-cell renal cell carcinomas of Ukrainian patients exposed to chronic persistent lowdose ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl accident. Virchows Archiv. 2012 Jun; 460(6): 611-9. IF: 2,491 9Baselga J, Segalla JG, Roché H, Del Giglio A, Pinczowski H, Ciruelos EM, Filho SC, Gómez P, Van Eyll, B Bermejo B, Llombart A, Garicochea B, Durán MÁ, Hoff PM, Espié M, de Moraes AA, Ribeiro RA, Mathias C, Gil Gil M, Ojeda B, Morales J, Kwon Ro S, Li S, Costa F. Sorafenib in combination with capecitabine: an oral regimen for patients with HER2-negative locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012 May 1; 30(13): 1484-91. IF: 18,372 10Machado I, López-Guerrero JA, Navarro S, Alberghini M, Scotlandi K, Picci P, Llombart-Bosch A. Epithelial cell adhesion molecules and epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers in Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors (ESFTs). Do they offer any prognostic significance?. Virchows Archiv. 2012 Aug 17. IF: 2,491 11García-Alfonso P, Salazar R, García-Foncillas J, Musulén E, García-Carbonero R, Payá A , Pérez-Segura P, Ramón y Cajal S, Navarro S. Guidelines for biomarker testing in colorectal carcinoma (CRC): a national consensus of the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2012 Jul 27. IF: 1,327 12Noguera R, Nieto OA, Tadeo I, Fariñas F, Alvaro T. Extracellular matrix, biotensegrity and tumor microenvironment. An update and overview. Histology & Histopathology. 2012 Jun; 27(6): 693-705. IF: 2,48 13 Kovar H, Alonso J, Aman P, Aryee DN, Ban J, Burchill SA, Burdach S, De Alava E, Delattre O, Dirksen U, Fourtouna A, Fulda S, Helman LJ, Herrero-Martin D, Hogendoorn PC, Kontny U, Lawlor ER, Lessnick SL, Llombart-Bosch A, Metzler M, Moriggl R, Niedan S, Potratz J, Redini F, Richter GH, Riedmann LT, Rossig C, Schäfer BW, Schwentner R, Scotlandi K, Soren- 4 103 Scientific activity sen PH, Staege MS, Tirode F, Toretsky J, Ventura S, Eggert A, Ladenstein R. The first European interdisciplinary ewing sarcoma research summit. Frontiers in Oncology. 2012; 2: 54. 14Stacchiotti S, Verderio P, Messina A, Morosi C, Collini P, Llombart-Bosch A, Martin J, Comandone A, Cruz J, Ferraro A, Grignani G, Pizzamiglio S, Quagliuolo V, Picci P, Frustaci S, Dei Tos AP, Casali PG, Gronchi A. Tumor response assessment by modified Choi criteria in localized high-risk soft tissue sarcoma treated with chemotherapy. Cancer. 2012 May 17. IF: 4,771 15 Mosakhani N, Guled M, Leen G, Calabuig-Fariñas S, Niini T, Machado I, Savola S, Scotlandi K, LópezGuerrero JA, Llombart-Bosch A, Knuutila S. An integrated analysis of miRNA and gene copy numbers in xenografts of Ewing’s sarcoma. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2012 Mar 20; 31: 24. 16Bennani-Baiti IM, Machado I, Llombart-Bosch A, Kovar H. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A/ AOF2/BHC110) is expressed and is an epigenetic drug target in chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, osteosarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Human Pathology. 2012 Aug; 43(8): 1300-7. IF: 2,876 104 4 17Giner F, Compañ A, Monteagudo C. Uterine glomeruloid hemangioma in a patient without POEMS syndrome. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2012 Aug; 20(4): 407-10. IF: 1,00 18Schramm A, Schowe B, Fielitz K, Heilmann M, Martin M, Marschall T, Köster J, Vandesompele J, Vermeulen J, de Preter K, Koster J, Versteeg R, Noguera R, Speleman F, Rahmann S, Eggert A, Morik K, Schulte JH. Exon-level expression analyses identify MYCN and NTRK1 as major determinants of alternative exon usage and robustly predict primary neuroblastoma outcome. British Journal of Cancer. 2012 Oct 9; 107(8): 1409-17. IF: 5,042 19Schleiermacher G, Mosseri V, London WB, Maris JM, Brodeur GM, Attiyeh E, Haber M, Khan J, Nakagawara A, Speleman F, Noguera R, Tonini GP, Fischer M, Ambros I, Monclair T, Matthay KK, Ambros P, Cohn SL, Pearson AD. Segmental chromosomal alterations have prognostic impact in neuroblastoma: a report from the INRG project. British Journal of Cancer. 2012 Oct 9; 107(8):1418-22. IF: 5,042 20Decock A, Ongenaert M, Hoebeeck J, De Preter K, Van Peer G, Van Criekinge W, Ladenstein R, Schulte JH, Noguera R, Stallings RL, Van Damme A, Laureys G, Vermeulen J, Van Maerken T, Speleman F, Vandesompele J. Genome-wide promoter methylation analysis in neuroblastoma identifies prognostic methylation biomarkers. Genome Biology. 2012 Oct 3; 13(10): R95. IF: 9,036 21Navarro S, Piqueras M, Villamon E, Yáñez Y, Balaguer J, Cañete A, Noguera R. New prognostic markers in neuroblastoma. Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnosis. 2012. 6: 555-567. 22Bohn OL, León EA, Lezama O, Rios-Luna NP, Sánchez-Sosa S, Llombart-Bosch A. Pulmonary artery sarcoma with angiosarcoma phenotype mimicking pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma: a case report. Diagnostic Pathology. 2012 Nov 7; 7(1): 154. IF: 1,638 23Van Oosterwijk JG, de Jong D, van Ruler MA, Hogendoorn PC, Dijkstra PS, van Rijswijk CS, Machado I, Llombart-Bosch A, Szuhai K, Bovée JV. Three new chondrosarcoma cell lines: one grade III conventional central chondrosarcoma and two dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas of bone. BMC Cancer. 2012 Aug; 28(12): 375. IF: 3,011 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: 20090840 Title: Estudios retrospectivo (1992-2005) y prospectivo (2006-2011) con técnicas semigenómicas de los tumores neuroblásticos. Principal Investigator: Rosa Noguera Salvá Funding Body: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total Budget: €150.000 Reference: RD06/0020/0102 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en cáncer (RTICC). Scientific activity Principal Investigator: Samuel Navarro Fos Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2012 Total Budget: €73.000 per year Reference: PI10/00015 Title: Modelo in silico de la hiperestructura de los tumores neuroblásticos. Integración génica, microscópica y clínica. Principal Investigator: Rosa Noguera Salvá Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €136.730 Reference: 261474 Title: European network for cancer in children and adolescent (ENCCA). Principal Investigator: Rosa Noguera Salvá Funding Body: European Commission Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2015 Total Budget: €11.997.958 Reference: ACOMP/87/2012 Title: Modelo in silico de la hiperestructura de los tumores neuroblásticos. Integración génica, microscópica y clínica. Principal Investigator: Rosa Noguera Salvá Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012 Total Budget: €14.000 4 105 Scientific activity Research Group on Hematopoietic Transplantation PI: Carlos Solano Vercet (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Cristina Arbona Castaño (Hospital), Maribel Marugán de la Concha (Hospital), María José Remigia Pellicer (Hospital), Rosa Goterris Vicedo (Hospital), David Navarro Ortega (Hospital), María Ángeles Clari (Hospital), Julia Peláez González (INCLIVA), Paula Amat Martínez (INCLIVA). Predoctoral Researchers: María Collado Díaz (INCLIVA). Technicians: Joana Hernández Martín (INCLIVA). Administrative assistants: Gabriela Pérez Garity (INCLIVA). 106 4 Strategic aims • To develop projects, publish articles and present papers at conferences related to research on specific immune recovery, early detection of infections after hematopoietic transplantation and new strategies in prevention or treatment of infections after hematopoietic transplantation. • To conduct research projects on genetic predisposition and on new drugs or strategies in prevention and treatment of graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic transplantation. • To make progress in the study of the value of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease thanks to a collaborative study with CABIMER, a center resulting from an agreement between Junta de Andalucía, CSIC, Universidad de Sevilla and Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Main lines of research • Biology of hematopoietic implant. • Cell therapy with adult stem cells in relation with hematopoietic transplantation. • Translational research on complications of allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation: graft-versus-host disease. • Infection and immune reconstitution after hematopoietic transplantation. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 16 Cumulative Impact Factor: 61,486 Original articles 1Muñoz-Cobo B, Solano C, Benet I, Costa E, Remigia MJ, de la Cámara R, Nieto J, López J, Amat P, GarciaNoblejas A, Bravo D, Clari MÁ, Navarro D. Functional profile of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8(+) T cells and kinetics of NKG2C(+) NK Cells associated with the resolution of CMV DNAemia in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients. Journal of Medical Virology. 2012 Feb; 84(2): 259-67. IF: 2,82 2Guillem V, Amat P, Cervantes F, Alvarez-Larrán A, Cervera J, Maffioli M, Bellosillo B, Collado M, Marugán I, Martínez-Ruiz F, Hernández-Boluda JC. Functional polymorphisms in SOCS1 and PTPN22 genes correlate with the response to imatinib treatment in newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia Research. 2012 Feb; 36(2): 174-81. IF: 2,923 3Bosch-Vizcaya A, Pérez-García A, Brunet S, Solano C, Buño I, Guillem V, Martínez-Laperche C, Sanz G, Barrenetxea C, Martínez C, Tuset E, Lloveras N, Coll R, Guardia R, González Y, Roncero JM, Bustins A, Gardella S, Fernández C, Buch J, Gallardo D, GvHD/Immunotherapy committee of the Spanish Group for Hematopoietic Transplant (GETH). Donor CTLA-4 Genotype Influences Clinical Outcome after T Cell-Depleted Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation from HLA-Identical Sibling Donors. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2012 Jan; 18(1): 100-5. IF: 3,873 4Hernández-Boluda JC, Pereira A, Cervantes F, AlvarezLarrán A, Collado M, Such E, Arilla MJ, Boqué C, Xicoy B, Maffioli M, Bellosillo B, Marugán I, Amat P, Besses C, Guillem V. A polymorphism in the XPD gene predisposes to leukemic transformation and new nonmyeloid malignancies in essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera. Blood. 2012 May 31; 119(22): 5221-8. IF: 9,898 5Arbona C, Martinez-Hervás S, Goterris R, Montoro J, Real JT, Ascaso JF. Low-density lipoprotein apheresis in familial hypercholesterolemia resistant to intensive medical treatment. Medicina Clínica. 2012 May 7. IF: 1,385 6Clari MÁ, Muñoz-Cobo B, Solano C, Benet I, Costa E, Remigia MJ, Bravo D, Amat P, Navarro D. Performance of the QuantiFERON-cytomegalovirus (CMV) assay for detection and estimation of the magnitude and functionality of the CMV-specific gamma interferon-producing CD8(+) T-cell response in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2012 May; 19(5): 791-6. IF: 2,546 7Sanz J, Boluda JC, Martín C, González M, Ferrá C, Serrano D, de Heredia CD, Barrenetxea C, Martinez AM, Solano C, Sanz MA, Sanz GF. Single-unit umbilical cord blood transplantation from unrelated donors in patients with hematological malignancy using busulfan, thiotepa, fludarabine and ATG as myeloablative conditioning regimen. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2012 Feb 13. IF: 3,746 8Montoro J, Hernández-Boluda JC, Arbona C, Solano C. Polymyositis after donor lymphocyte infusion. International Journal of Hematology. 2012 Aug 19. IF: 1,268 9Blanes M, Lahuerta JJ, González JD, Ribas P, Solano C, Alegre A, Bladé J, San Miguel JF, Sanz MA, de la Rubia J. Intravenous busulfan and melphalan as conditioning regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: a matched comparison to a melphalan-only approach. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2012 Aug 13. IF: 3,873 10Aguado JM, Navarro D, San Juan R, Castón JJ. Cytomegalovirus infection in solid organ transplantation. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. 2012 Mar; 30 Suppl 2: 57-62. IF: 1,491 11Rodríguez A, Alvarez-Rocha L, Sirvent JM, Navarro D et al. Recommendations of the Infectious Diseases Work Group (GTEI) of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) and the Infections in Critically Ill Patients Study Group (GEIPC) of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) for the diagnosis and treatment of influenza A/H1N1 in seriously ill adults admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Medicina Intensiva. 2012 Mar; 36(2): 103-37. IF: 1,072 12Paiva B, Gutiérrez NC, Chen X, Vídriales MB, Montalbán MÁ, Rosiñol L, Oriol A, Martínez-López J, Mateos MV, López-Corral L, Díaz-Rodríguez E, Pérez JJ, Fernández-Redondo E, de Arriba F, Palomera L, Bengoechea E, Terol MJ, de Paz R, Martin A, Hernández J, Orfao A, Lahuerta JJ, Bladé J, Pandiella A, Miguel JF, GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma)/PETHEMA 4 107 Scientific activity (Programa para el Estudio de la Terapéutica en Hemopatías Malignas) cooperative. Clinical significance of CD81 expression by clonal plasma cells in high-risk smoldering and symptomatic multiple myeloma patients. Leukemia. 2012 Aug; 26(8): 1862-9. IF: 9,561 13Barona-Vilar C, Giménez-Martí MJ, Fraile T, González-Steinbauer C, Parada C, Gil-Brusola A, Bravo D, Gómez MD, Navarro D, Perez-Tamarit A, FernandezSilveira L, Fullana-Montoro A, Borrás R. Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in pregnant Latin American women and congenital transmission rate in a non-endemic area: the experience of the Valencian Health Programme (Spain). Epidemiology and Infection. 2012 Oct; 140(10): 1896-903. IF: 2,843 14Perez-Simón JA, Martino R, Parody R, Cabrero M, Lopez-Corral L, Valcarcel D, Martinez C, Solano C, Vazquez L, Márquez-Malaver FJ, Sierra J, Caballero D. The combination of Sirolimus plus Tacrolimus improves outcome after reduced-intensity conditioning unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation compared with Cyclosporine plus Mycofenolate. Haematologica. 2012 Dec 14. IF: 6,424 Letter 108 4 1Meza LD, Sancho-Tello S, Muñoz-Cobo B, Costa E, Bravo D, Pazos JM, Corrales I, Marcano X, Tohalino M, Navarro D. Performance of an immunofiltration assay detecting IgM antibodies against ZEBRA and viral capsid p18 proteins (Immunoquick(®) filtration EBV M) for the diagnosis of heterophile antibody-negative primary Epstein-Barr virus infection in children. Journal of Clinical Virology. 2012 Mar; 53(3): 270-1. IF: 3,969 2Núñez J, Chilet M, Blasco ML, Clari MA, Sanjuan R, Muñoz-Cobo B, Bodí V, Costa E, Bravo D, Sanchis J, Miñana G, Navarro D. Low rate of detection of active cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection early following acute myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis. 2012 May; 222(1): 295-7. IF: 3,794 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: EC10-317 Title: Estudio del tratamiento anticipado de la infección por citomegalovirus guiado por la reconstitución inmune específica en el TPH alogénico. Principal Investigator: Carlos Solano Vercet Funding Body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total Budget: €68.000 Reference: PS09/01117 Title: Marcadores inmunológicos y genotípicos de protección frente al citomegalovirus en el trasplante alogénico de precursores hematopoyéticos. Aplicabilidad en el manejo terapéutico de la infección activa virémica. Principal Investigator: David Navarro Ortega Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €98.615 Reference: EC10-317 Title: Estudio en fase II, multicéntrico, prospectivo, abierto, de tratamiento anticipado de la infección por citomegalovirus guiado por la monitorización virológica y la cuantificación de linfocitos T CD8 pp65/IE1IFNgamma+ en el trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos alogénicos. Principal Investigator: Carlos Solano Vercet Funding Body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €135.000 Reference: SAS, CMM/EICH/2008. EudraCT: 200004014-27 Title: Ensayo clínico multicéntrico fase I/II aleatorizado y controlado, para la evaluación de seguridad y factibilidad de la terapia con dos dosis distintas de células madre mesenquimales procedentes de tejido adiposo en pacientes con Enfermedad injerto contra huésped crónica extensa. Principal Investigator: Manuel Jurado (Carlos Solano as Main Researcher of the Center) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Scientific activity Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2013 Total Budget: €24.575 4 109 Scientific activity Research Group on Lymphoproliferative Disorders PI: María José Terol Casterá (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Isabel Benet Montforte (Hospital), Antonio Ferrández Izquierdo (Hospital), Ana Isabel Teruel Casaús (Hospital). Predoctoral Researchers: Sandra Ballester García (INCLIVA), Lucía Brines Sirerol (INCLIVA). Strategic aims 110 4 • The knowledge of VEGF stimulation pathway and its interaction with CXCR4 pathway in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) has been expanded and the research has confirmed an increase in CXCR4 expression and a rise in cell migration of CLL neoplastic cells in response to VEGF stimulation. • The group has achieved the goal of publishing guides for healthcare clinical practice in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia at regional and national levels. • The participation in clinical research projects on resistant lymphomas and multiple myeloma has widely increased with the inclusion of new drugs and also with the design and development of new therapeutic options. • In the context of an international collaboration, the group has contributed to the identification of new prognostic factors in diffuse large-cell lymphoma in the era of chemoimmunotherapy. Main lines of research • Analysis of the interactions of the cells of CLL with their cellular microenvironment: further study of the intracellular mechanisms triggered by VEGF in the cells of CLL. Analysis of the possible correlation with CXCR4/CCR7 cytokines pathway. Transactivation mechanisms of the aforementioned receptors. • Development of new ex-vivo co-culture models of the cells of CLL with bone marrow stroma and dendritic cells for the efficacy analysis of new kinase inhibitor drugs. Drug resistance effect mediated by microcellular environment. • Identification and analysis of VEGF polymorphisms in CLL progression: study of samples from CLL patients obtained at diagnosis and controlled at the institution. • Study of polymorphisms in folate pathway genes (MTHFR, DHFR, TS) and predisposition to develop lymphomas. Correlation with the clinical and biological characteristics of the disease, response to treatment, toxicity and survival. • Study of polymorphisms of circadian rhythm-regulating genes in follicular lymphomas: correlation with the clinical and biological characteristics of the disease, response to treatment, toxicity and survival. • New therapeutic options for CLL/MM patients who are resistant to chemoimmunotherapy. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 12 Cumulative Impact Factor: 81,344 Original articles 1Paiva B, Gutiérrez NC, Rosiñol L, Vídriales MB, Montalbán MA, Martínez-López J, Mateos MV, Cibeira MT, Cordón L, Oriol A, Terol MJ, Echeveste MA, de Paz R, de Arriba F, Palomera L, de la Rubia J, Díaz-Mediavilla J, Sureda A, Gorosquieta A, Alegre A, Martin A, Hernández MT, Lahuerta JJ, Bladé J, San Miguel JF, on behalf of the PETHEMA/GEM (Programa para el Estudio de la Terapéutica en Hemopatías Malignas/Grupo Español de Mieloma) Cooperative Study Groups. High-risk cytogenetics and persistent minimal residual disease by multiparameter flow cytometry predict unsustained complete response after autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2012 Jan 19; 119(3): 687-691. IF: 9,898 2Rodrigues P, Furriol J, Tormo E, Ballester S, Lluch A, Eroles P. The single-nucleotide polymorphisms +936 C/T VEGF and -710 C/T VEGFR1 are associated with breast cancer protection in a Spanish population. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2012 Jun; 133(2): 769-78. IF: 4,431 3Ugarte-Berzal E, Bailón E, Amigo-Jiménez I, Vituri CL, Del Cerro MH, Terol MJ. A 17-residue Sequence from the Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Hemopexin Domain Binds α4β1 Integrin and Inhibits MMP-9-induced Functions in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia B Cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012 Aug 10; 287(33): 27601-13. IF: 4,773 4Mateos MV, Oriol A, Martínez-López J, Gutiérrez N, Teruel AI, López de la Guía A, López J, Bengoechea E, Pérez M, Polo M, Palomera L, de Arriba F, González Y, Hernández JM, Granell M, Bello JL, Bargay J, Peñalver FJ, Ribera JM, Martín-Mateos ML, García-Sanz R, Lahuerta JJ, Bladé J, San-Miguel JF. Maintenance therapy with bortezomib plus thalidomide or bortezomib plus prednisone in elderly multiple myeloma patients included in the GEM2005MAS65 trial. Blood. 2012 Aug 13. IF: 9,898 5Rosiñol L, Oriol A, Teruel AI, Hernández D, LópezJiménez J, de la Rubia J, Granell M, Besalduch J, Palomera L, González Y, Etxebeste MA, Díaz-Mediavilla J, Hernández MT, de Arriba F, Gutiérrez NC, Martín- Ramos ML, Cibeira MT, Mateos MV, Martínez J, Alegre A, Lahuerta JJ, San Miguel J, Bladé J, on behalf of the Programa para el Estudio y la Terapéutica de las Hemopatías Malignas/Grupo Español de Mieloma (PETHEMA/GEM) group. Superiority of bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone (VTD) as induction pretransplantation therapy in multiple myeloma: a randomized phase 3 PETHEMA/GEM study. Blood. 2012 Aug 23; 120(8): 1589-1596. IF: 9,898 6Paiva B, Gutiérrez NC, Chen X, Vídriales MB, Montalbán MÁ, Rosiñol L, Oriol A, Martínez-López J, Mateos MV, López-Corral L, Díaz-Rodríguez E, Pérez JJ, Fernández-Redondo E, de Arriba F, Palomera L, Bengoechea E, Terol MJ, de Paz R, Martin A, Hernández J, Orfao A, Lahuerta JJ, Bladé J, Pandiella A, Miguel JF. Clinical significance of CD81 expression by clonal plasma cells in high-risk smoldering and symptomatic multiple myeloma patients. Leukemia. 2012 Aug; 26(8): 1862-9. IF: 9,561 7Van Den Neste E, Cazin B, Janssens A, GonzálezBarca E, Terol MJ, Levy V, Pérez de Oteyza J, Zachee P, Saunders A, de Frias M, Campàs C. Acadesine for patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): a multicenter phase I/II study. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 2012 Dec 11. IF: 2,833 8Paiva B, Vídriales MB, Montalbán MÁ, Pérez JJ, Gutiérrez NC, Rosiñol L, Martínez-López J, Mateos MV, Cordón L, Oriol A, Terol MJ, Echeveste MA, De Paz R, De Arriba F, Palomera L, de la Rubia J, Díaz-Mediavilla J, Sureda A, Gorosquieta A, Alegre A, Martin A, Lahuerta JJ, Bladé J, Orfao A, San Miguel JF. Multiparameter Flow Cytometry Evaluation of Plasma Cell DNA Content and Proliferation in 595 Transplant-Eligible Patients with Myeloma Included in the Spanish GEM2000 and GEM2005<65y Trials. The American Journal of Pathology. 2012 Nov; 181(5): 1870-8. IF: 4,89 9Clari MÁ, Muñoz-Cobo B, Solano C, Benet I, Costa E, Remigia MJ, Bravo D, Amat P, Navarro D. Performance of the QuantiFERON-cytomegalovirus (CMV) assay for detection and estimation of the magnitude and functionality of the CMV-specific gamma interferon-producing CD8(+) T-cell response in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology: CVI. 2012 May; 19(5): 791-6. IF: 2,546 10Muñoz-Cobo B, Solano C, Benet I, Costa E, Remigia 4 111 Scientific activity MJ, de la Cámara R, Nieto J, López J, Amat P, GarciaNoblejas A, Bravo D, Clari MÁ, Navarro D. Functional profile of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T cells and kinetics of NKG2C+ NK cells associated with the resolution of CMV DNAemia in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients. Journal of Medical Virology. 2012 Feb; 84(2): 259-67. IF: 2,82 11Mateos MV, Oriol A, Martínez-López J, Gutiérrez N, Teruel AI, López de la Guía A, López J, Bengoechea E, Pérez M, Polo M, Palomera L, de Arriba F, González Y, Hernández JM, Granell M, Bello JL, Bargay J, Peñalver FJ, Ribera JM, Martín-Mateos ML, García-Sanz R, Lahuerta JJ, Bladé J, San-Miguel JF. Maintenance therapy with bortezomib plus thalidomide or bortezomib plus prednisone in elderly multiple myeloma patients included in the GEM2005MAS65 trial. Blood. 2012 Sep 27; 120(13): 2581-8. IF: 9,898 12Rosiñol 112 4 L, Oriol A, Teruel AI, Hernández D, LópezJiménez J, de la Rubia J, Granell M, Besalduch J, Palomera L, González Y, Etxebeste MA, Díaz-Mediavilla J, Hernández MT, de Arriba F, Gutiérrez NC, MartínRamos ML, Cibeira MT, Mateos MV, Martínez J, Alegre A, Lahuerta JJ, San Miguel J, Bladé J; Programa para el Estudio y la Terapéutica de las Hemopatías Malignas/Grupo Español de Mieloma (PETHEMA/GEM) group. Superiority of bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone (VTD) as induction pretransplantation therapy in multiple myeloma: a randomized phase 3 PETHEMA/GEM study. Blood. 2012 Aug 23; 120(8): 1589-96. IF: 9,898 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: FIS 10/02095 Title: Efecto sobre la supervivencia y migración celular de los inhibidores de quinasas sorafebib y everolimus en la Leucemia Linfática Crónica (LLC-B). Implicación del microambiente celular. Principal Investigator: María José Terol Casterá Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €70.000 Reference: ACOMP/2012/070 Title: Efecto sobre la supervivencia y migración celular de los inhibidores de quinasas sorafenib y everolimus en la Leucemia Linfática Crónica-B (LLC-B). Implicación del microambiente celular. Principal Investigator: María José Terol Casterá Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2012 Total Budget: €9.000 Reference: RD06/0020/0080 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en cáncer. Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández (Ana Isabel Teruel, Antonio Fernández and Mª José Terol Casterá as collaborating researchers) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2007-2012 Total Budget: €173.823 Scientific activity 4 113 Scientific activity Research Group on Myeloid Neoplasms PI: Mar Tormo Díaz (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Juan Carlos Hernández Boluda (Hospital), Vicente Martín Guillem Primo (INCLIVA), Blanca Navarro Cubells (Hospital), Marisa Calabuig Muñoz (Hospital), Paula Amat Martínez (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • Study of genetic polymorphisms involved in the response to imanitib in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. • Study of genetic polymorphisms involved in the development of acute leukemias in patients with Philadelphia-negative chronic myeloproliferative disorders. 114 4 • Clinical evaluation of response criteria to treatment of polycythemia vera. • Clinical guidelines for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. Main lines of research • Studies of genetic polymorphisms involved in the development of: - Acute leukemias and secondary to toxic myelodysplastic syndromes. - Acute leukemias in patients with Philadelphia-negative chronic myeloproliferative disorders. - Toxicity of autologous hematopoietic transplantation in lymphomas. • Studies of genetic polymorphisms involved in the response to imanitib in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: - in maintaining DNA integrity and the response to imanitib treatment. - in relation with phosphatase genes and the response to imanitib in chronic myeloid leukemia. • Studies of new biological prognostic factors in acute myeloblastic leukemia. • Clinical guides of response evaluation in chronic myeloblastic leukemia. • Study of factors influencing the risk of thrombosis in Philadelphia-negative chronic myeloproliferative disorders. Emerging Researcher Juan Carlos Hernández Boluda (Department of Oncology and Hematology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). The research is focused on the potential role of single nucleotide polymorphisms on the predisposition to develop chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms as well as on their influence on the natural history of these diseases. In this sense, we have currently identified that a polymorphism in a DNA repair gene involved in the nucleotide excision repair pathway is associated with the risk of leukemic transformation of patients with essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 14 Cumulative Impact Factor: 58,317 Original articles 1Alvarez-Larrán A, Pereira A, Cervantes F, Arellano-Rodrigo E, Hernández-Boluda JC, Ferrer-Marín F, Angona A, Gómez M, Muiña B, Guillén H, Teruel A, Bellosillo B, Burgaleta C, Vicente V, Besses C. Assessment and prognostic value of the European LeukemiaNet criteria for clinicohematologic response, resistance, and intolerance to hydroxyurea in polycythemia vera. Blood. 2012 Feb 9; 119(6): 1363-9. IF: 9,898 2Such E, Cervera J, Ibáñez M, Gómez-Seguí I, Luna I, López-Pavía M, Mallo M, Collado R, Vicente A, Hernández-Boluda JC, Luño E, Andreu R, Sanz GF, Sanz MA. Absence of mutations in the activation loop and juxtamembrane domains of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 gene in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML). Leukemia Research. 2012 Mar; 36(3): e50-1. IF: 2,923 3Guillem V, Amat P, Cervantes F, Alvarez-Larrán A, Cervera J, Maffioli M, Bellosillo B, Collado M, Marugán I, Martínez-Ruiz F, Hernández-Boluda JC. Functional polymorphisms in SOCS1 and PTPN22 genes correlate with the response to imatinib treatment in newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia Research. 2012 Feb; 36(2): 174-81. IF: 2,923 4Valcárcel D, Montesinos P, Sánchez-Ortega I, Brunet S, Esteve J, Martínez-Cuadrón D, Ribera JM, Tormo M, Bueno J, Duarte R, Llorente A, Torres JP, Guardia R, Sanz MA, Sierra AJ, on behalf of the CETLAM Group. A scoring system to predict the risk of death during induction with anthracycline plus cytarabinebased chemotherapy in patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia. Cancer. 2012 Jan 15; 118(2): 410417. IF: 4,771 5Cordoba I, González-Porras JR, Nomdedeu B, Luño E, de Paz R, Such E, Tormo M, Vallespi T, Collado R, Xicoy B, Andreu R, Muñoz JA, Solé F, Cervera J, Del Cañizo C, on behalf of the Spanish Myelodysplastic Syndrome Registry. Better prognosis for patients with del(7q) than for patients with monosomy 7 in myelodysplastic syndrome. Cancer. 2012 Jan 1; 118(1): 127133. IF: 4,771 6Hernández-Boluda JC, Pereira A, Cervantes F, Alva- rez-Larrán A, Collado M, Such E, Arilla MJ, Boqué C, Xicoy B, Maffioli M, Bellosillo B, Marugán I, Amat P, Besses C, Guillem V. A polymorphism in the XPD gene predisposes to leukemic transformation and new nonmyeloid malignancies in essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera. Blood. 2012 May 31; 119(22): 5221-8. IF: 9,898 7Montoro J, Hernández-Boluda JC, Arbona C, Solano C. Polymyositis after donor lymphocyte infusion. International Journal of Hematology. 2012; 96(3): 386-9. IF: 1,268 8Santamaría C, Ramos F, Puig N, Barragán E, de Paz R, Pedro C, Insunza A, Tormo M, Del Cañizo C, DiezCampelo M, Xicoy B, Salido E, Sánchez del Real J, Hernández M, Chillón C, Sanz GF, García-Sanz R, San Miguel JF, González M. Simultaneous analysis of the expression of 14 genes with individual prognostic value in myelodysplastic syndrome patients at diagnosis: WT1 detection in peripheral blood adversely affects survival. Annals of Hematology. 2012;91(12):1887-95. IF: 2,615 9Sanz J, Boluda JC, Martín C, González M, Ferrá C, Serrano D, de Heredia CD, Barrenetxea C, Martinez AM, Solano C, Sanz MA, Sanz GF; Grupo Español de Trasplante Hematopoyético y Terapia Celular (GETH). Single-unit umbilical cord blood transplantation from unrelated donors in patients with hematological malignancy using busulfan, thiotepa, fludarabine and ATG as myeloablative conditioning regimen. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2012 Oct; 47(10): 1287-93. IF: 3,743 10Muñoz-Cobo B, Solano C, Benet I, Costa E, Remigia MJ, de la Cámara R, Nieto J, López J, Amat P, GarciaNoblejas A, Bravo D, Clari MÁ, Navarro D. Functional profile of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T cells and kinetics of NKG2C+ NK Cells associated with the resolution of CMV DNAemia in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients. Journal of Medical Virology. 2012 Feb; 84(2): 259-67. IF: 2,82 11Clari MÁ, Muñoz-Cobo B, Solano C, Benet I, Costa E, Remigia MJ, Bravo D, Amat P, Navarro D. Performance of the QuantiFERON-Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Assay for Detection and Estimation of the Magnitude and Functionality of the CMV-Specific Gamma Interferon-Producing CD8+ T-Cell Response in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2012 May; 19(5): 791-6. IF: 2,546 4 115 Scientific activity 12Bosch-Vizcaya A, Pérez-García A, Brunet S, Solano C, Buño I, Guillem V, Martínez-Laperche C, Sanz G, Barrenetxea C, Martínez C, Tuset E, Lloveras N, Coll R, Guardia R, González Y, Roncero JM, Bustins A, Gardella S, Fernández C, Buch J,Gallardo D; GvHD/ Immunotherapy committee of the Spanish Group for Hematopoietic Transplant (GETH). Donor CTLA-4 genotype influences clinical outcome after T cell-depleted allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from HLA-identical sibling donors. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2012 Jan; 18(1): 100-5. IF: 3,873 Letter 1Ribera JM, García O, Fernández-Abellán P, Lavilla E, Bernal MT, González-Campos J, Brunet S, Monteserín MC, Montesinos P, Sarrá J, Calbacho M, AlvarezLarrán A, Tormo M, Oriol A. Lack of negative impact of Philadelphia chromosome in older patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the thyrosine kinase inhibitor era: comparison of two prospective parallel protocols. British Journal of Haematology. 2012 Nov; 159(4): 485-8. IF: 4,941 Editorial 116 4 1Tormo Díaz M. Liposomal cytarabine in central nervous system disease of haematological malignancies: more effective but more toxic?. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2012 Apr; 14(4): 241-2. IF: 1,327 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH de los inhibidores de quinasas sorafenib y everolimus en la Leucemia Linfática Crónica-B (LLC-B). Implicación del microambiente celular. Principal Investigator: María José Terol Casterá (Blanca Navarro and Marisa Calabuig as collaborating researchers) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total Budget: €83.330 Reference: RD06/0020/0080 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en cáncer. Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández (Juan Carlos Hernández, Vicente Martín Guillem and Mar Tormo as collaborating researchers) Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2007- 2012 Total Budget: €173.823 Reference: PS09/02324 Title: Estudio de la predisposición genética individual a desarrollar leucemia aguda en los pacientes con síndromes mieloproliferativos crónicos Ph-negativos. Principal Investigator: Juan Carlos Hernández Boluda Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Reference: PI11/00712 Title: Estudio del significado pronóstico de la expresión de VEGF y genes implicados en las vías de señalización del VEGF en pacientes con leucemia aguda mieloblástica. Principal Investigator: Mar Tormo Díaz Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2013 Total Budget: €13.000 Reference: PI10/02095 Title: Efecto sobre la supervivencia y migración celular Total Budget: €38.115 Scientific activity Research Group on Epigenetics and Chromatin PI: Luis Franco Vera (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Gerardo López Rodas (University), M. Isabel Rodrigo Aleixandre (University), Josefa Castillo Aliaga (University), Ángela L. Riffo Campos (University). Strategic aims • Research of resistance mechanisms to anti-EGFR drugs of a mutant cell line in KRAS derived from colon cancer. • Study of molecular mechanisms in connection with the clinical data obtained by the Research Group on Colorectal Cancer and New Therapeutical Developments in Solid Tumors. Main lines of research • Participation of chromatin in the regulation of EGR1 to study the changes in chromatin linked to the expression of EGR1 during the proliferation induced by phorbol esters in a cell line and in mouse liver in vivo after partial hepatectomy. Changes have been studied at epigenetic and nucleosome positioning level. • Potential use of Gas1 overexpression in size reduction of hepatic tumors to study the effects of Gas1 overexpression in HCC-carrier mice in two aspects: size reduction of tumors and reduction of their metastatic potential and normalization of expression levels of genes involved in cell proliferation. • Epigenetics of acute pancreatitis. • Epigenetics of mRNA splicing and its involvement in the resistance to anti-EGFR drugs in colorectal cancer. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 2 Cumulative Impact Factor: 10,128 Original articles 1Escobar J, Pereda J, López-Rodas G, Sastre J. Redox signaling and histone acetylation in acute pancreatitis. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2012; 52(5): 819-837. IF: 5,423 2Escobar J, Pereda J, Arduini A, Sandoval J, Moreno ML, Pérez S, Sabater L, Aparisi L, Cassinello N, Hidalgo J, Joosten LA, Vento M, López-Rodas G y Sastre J. Oxidative and nitrosative stress in acute pancreatitis. Modulation by pentoxifylline and oxypurinol. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2012; 83(1): 122-130. IF: 4,705 4 117 Scientific activity RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: CSD2006-49 Title: Epigenética: mecanismos y enfermedad. Principal Investigator: Gerardo López Rodas Funding Body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2012 Total Budget: €240.000 Reference: UV-INV-AE112-66203 Title: ID2 y proliferación celular: respuestas en el contexto de la cromatina. Principal Investigator: Gerardo López Rodas Funding Body: Universitat de València Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012-2013 Total Budget: €12.834 Reference: DO 02-310 Title: Molecular pathways involved in breast carcinogenesis. 118 4 Principal Investigator: Elena Georgieva (Gerardo López and Luis Franco as collaborating researchers) Funding Body: Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2013 Total Budget: €400.000 Reference: OTR2012-10320INVES Title: Validación y ensayo de nuevas formulaciones para evaluar la reproducibilidad experimental de la efectividad y toxicidad del fármaco BO-110 en diversas líneas celulares Principal Investigator: Gerardo López-Rodas Funding body: Biooncotech Diagnostics Beneficiary Institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012-2013 Total budget: €10.000 Scientific activity 4.1.3. Research on Metabolism and Organic Damage Area 4 119 Scientific activity Research Group on Genetics of Osteoporosis MR: Miguel Ángel García Pérez (Department of Genetics University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Inmaculada Noguera Salvá (University), Rosa María Aliaga Corachán (University), Damian Mifsut Miedes (Hospital). Predoctoral Researchers: Layla Panach González (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • Analysis of the effect on immune and bone systems of treatments (HRT and raloxifene) acting through the estrogen receptor in a group of women compared with a control group. The main conclusion was that both treatments inhibit bone resorption in a similar way and that they do not affect selected parameters of the immune system. 120 4 • Description of the function of NR5A2 nuclear receptor, which regulates gene expression in osteoblasts and certain genetic variants associated to bone mass, in populations of Spanish postmenopausal women. • Study of the implication of Wnt pathways in osteoblast cell differentiation. It is believed that strontium ranelate activates canonic (beta-catenin) and Wnt/PCP pathways. Also, it is considered that, in the activation of osteogenesis by IGF1, NFKbeta pathway is active but NFAT pathway is not. • Colaboration in studies on the endometrial response to a simultaneous treatment of progesterone and estradiol; in a study of the effects of paternal aging on embryo development and postnatal life of the offspring in murine models; and colaboration in a theoretical study on the possible causes for superfetation in humans. Main lines of research • Research and analysis of polymorphisms in estrogen-regulated genes of immune system and Wnt/beta-catenin pathway associated with postmenopausal osteoporosis. • Role of NR5A2 nuclear receptor in bone metabolism. • Identification of new estrogen-regulated genes by using microarrays in murine models of accelerated bone loss. • Role of B cells and CD40/CD40L system in postmenopausal bone loss. • Role of RUNX2 transcription factor in bone metabolism. Functional analysis of polymorphisms by quantification of in vitro transcription rate. • Effect of strontium ranelate on bone metabolism in postmenopausal women, on bone microstructure in ovariectomized mice, and on cell models of osteoblastogenesis. Primary osteoblasts Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 4 Cumulative Impact Factor: 11,276 Original articles Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 1Pineda B, Hermenegildo C, Tarín JJ, Cano A, GarcíaPérez MA. Effects of administration of hormone therapy or raloxifene on the immune system and on biochemical markers of bone remodeling. Menopause. 2012. 193. 319-27. IF: 3,758 2Riancho JA, Liu Y, Sainz J, Garcia-Pérez MA, Olmos JM, Bolado-Carrancio A, Valero C, Perez-Lopez J, Cano A, Yang T, Sañudo C, Deng HW, Rodríguez-Rey JC. Nuclear receptor NR5A2 and bone: gene expression and association with bone mineral density. European Journal of Endocrinology. 2012; 166: 69-75. IF: 3,423 3Tarín JJ, García-Pérez MA, Hermenegildo C, Cano A. Unpredicted ovulations and conceptions during early pregnancy: an explanatory mechanism of human superfetation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2012 Oct 9. IF: 2,109 Total Budget: €1.600 Reference: FPA/2012/082 Title: Ayudas para grupos de investigación de calidad contrastada. Programa Gerónimo Forteza. Ayudas para la contratación de personal de soporte en organismos de investigación de la Comunidad Valenciana. Principal Investigator: Miguel Ángel García Pérez Funding Body: Conselleria d’ Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 Total Budget: €9.300 4Fernandez-Murga L, Hermenegildo C, Tarin JJ, GarciaPerez MA, Cano. Endometrial response to concurrent treatment with vaginal progesterone and transdermal estradiol. Climacteric. 2012; 15(5): 455-9. IF: 1,986 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PS09/00184 Title: Identificación de genes del sistema inmune implicados en la osteoporosis posmenopáusica. Principal Investigator: Miguel Ángel García Pérez Funding Body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total Budget: €92.928 Reference: ACOMP/2012/041 Title: Ayudas para grupos de investigación de calidad contrastada. Ayudas complementarias para proyectos I+D. Principal Investigator: Miguel Ángel García Pérez 4 121 Scientific activity Translational Research Group on Nutrition and Metabolism PI: Antonio Hernández Mijares (Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Milagros Rocha Barajas (University), Víctor Manuel Víctor González (University), Juan Vicente Esplugues Monta (University), Ana Jover Fernández (University), Marcelino Gómez Balguer (University), Carlos Morillas Ariño (University), Celia Bañuls Morant (University), Lorena Bellod Lázaro (University), Nadezda Apostolova Atanasovska (CIBERehd). 122 4 Strategic aims • It has been found out that simvastatin has a beneficial effect to reduce the most atherogenic lipoprotein subfractions of LDL and HDL, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect mediated by significant reduction of TNF-alpha levels. • Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and TSH>10mUI/L show a lipid profile characteristic of atherogenic dyslipidemia. • In a model of tolerance, nitroglycerin induces mitochondrial dysfunction at complex I level. Mitochondrial antioxidants would prevent these effects. • A VLCD administered to morbidly obese patients for 6 weeks is associated with a reduction in levels of C3-fraction of the complement, reducing the CVR linked to this biomarker. Main lines of research • Insulin resistance and associated pathologies (diabetes mellitus, obesity, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary, familial combined hyperlipidemia). • Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk. • Obesity, inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. • Dyslipidemias and residual cardiovascular risk. • Functional foods and their influence on cardiovascular risk factors. • Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. • Characterization of new cellular mechanisms of antiretroviral-related hepatotoxicity. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 25 Cumulative Impact Factor: 63,643 Original articles 1Millán J, Pedro-Botet J, Muñoz A, Corbella E, Mangas A, Zúñiga M, Hernández-Mijares A, Pintó X. Residual lipid profile in recurrent ischemic cardiopathy. Medicina Clinica. 2012 Mar 17; 138(6): 238-41. IF: 1,385 2Bañuls C, Bellod L, Jover A, Martínez-Triguero ML, Víctor VM, Rocha M, Hernández-Mijares A. Comparability of two different polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis methods for the classification of LDL pattern type. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2012 Jan 18; 413(1-2): 251-7. IF: 2,535 3Martínez-Martín N, Blas-García A, Morales JM, MartiCabrera M, Monleón D, Apostolova N. Metabolomics of the effect of AMPK activation by AICAR on human umbilical vein endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2012 Jan; 29(1): 88-94. IF: 1,573 4De la Sierra A, Alegría E, Martínez-Castelao A, Morillas C, González-Segura D. Characteristics of patients with hypertension and metabolic syndrome attended by different specialists. Medicina Clinica. 2012 Feb 25; 138(4): 145-50. IF: 1,385 5Rocha M, Herance R, Rovira S, Hernández-Mijares A, Victor VM. Mitochondrial dysfunction and antioxidant therapy in sepsis. Infectious Disorderds Drug Targets. 2012 Apr; 12(2): 161-78. 6Garcia-Bou R, Rocha M, Apostolova N, Herance R, Hernandez-Mijares A, Victor VM. Evidence for a relationship between mitochondrial Complex I activity and mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase during nitroglycerin tolerance: Effects of mitochondrial antioxidants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2012 May; 1817(5): 828-37. 7Llambés F, Silvestre FJ, Hernández-Mijares A, Guiha R, Bautista D, Caffesse R. Efect of periodontal disease and non surgical periodontal treatment on C-reactive protein. Evaluation of type 1 diabetic patients. Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. 2012 Jul 1; 17(4): e562-8. IF: 1,13 8Menchón C, Martín R, Apostolova N, Victor VM, Alvaro M, Herance JR, García H. Gold nanoparticles supported on nanoparticulate ceria as a powerful agent against intracellular oxidative stress. Small. 2012 Jun 25; 8(12): 1895-903. IF: 8,349 9Gómez-Sucerquia LJ, Blas-Garcia A, Marti-Cabrera M, Esplugues JV, Apostolova N. Profile of stress and toxicity gene expression in human hepatic cells treated with Efavirenz. Antiviral Research. 2012 Jun; 94(3): 232-41. IF: 4,301 10Martínez-Castelao A, Górriz JL, Sola E, Morillas C, Jover A, Coronel F, Navarro-González J, De Álvaro F. About the discrepancies between consensus documents, clinical practice guidelines, and legal regulations in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Nefrologia. 2012 Jul 17; 32(4): 419-426. IF: 1,00 11Hoekzema E, Rojas S, Herance R, Pareto D, Abad S, Jiménez X, Figueiras FP, Popota F, Ruiz A, Flotats N, Fernández FJ, Rocha M, Rovira M, Víctor VM, Gispert JD. In vivo molecular imaging of the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex in the aged rat brain. Neurobiology of Aging. 2012 Jul; 33(7): 1457-65. IF: 6,189 12Hernández-Mijares A, Bañuls C, Bellod L, Jover A, Solá E, Morillas C, Víctor VM, Rocha M. Effect of weight loss on C3 and C4 components of complement in obese patients. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012 May; 42(5): 503-9. IF: 3,018 13Vayá A, Rivera L, Hernández-Mijares A, de la Fuente M, Solá E, Romagnoli M, Alis R, Laiz B. Homocysteine levels in morbidly obese patients: its association with waist circumference and insulin resistance. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation. 2012; 52(1): 4956. IF: 3,398 14Hernández-Mijares A, Jover A, Bellod L, Bañuls C, Solá E, Veses S, Víctor VM, Rocha M. Relation between lipoprotein subfractions and TSH levels in the cardiovascular risk among women with subclinical hypothyroidism. Clinical Endocrinology. 2012 Oct 8. IF: 3,168 15Bergoglio MT, Gómez-Balaguer M, Almonacid Folch E, Hurtado Murillo F, Hernández-Mijares A. Symptomatic meningioma induced by cross-sex hormone treatment in a male-to-female transsexual. Endocrinología y Nutrición. 2012 Sep 26. 16Rojas S, Gispert JD, Abad S, Buaki-Sogo M, Victor VM, Garcia H, Herance JR. In Vivo Biodistribution of 4 123 Scientific activity Amino-Functionalized Ceria Nanoparticles in Rats Using Positron Emission Tomography. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2012 Nov 20. IF: 4,782 17Ortiz-Masià D, Díez I, Calatayud S, Hernández C, CosínRoger J, Hinojosa J, Esplugues JV, Barrachina MD. Induction of CD36 and Thrombospondin-1 in Macrophages by Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 and Its Relevance in the Inflammatory Process. PLoS One. 2012; 7(10): e48535. IF: 4,092 18Górriz JL, Martínez-Castelao A, Sola E, Morillas C, Jover A, Coronel F, Navarro-González J, De Álvaro F. Author Reply: Discrepancies between the summary of characteristics and the recommended use of metformin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Nefrologia. 2012 Nov 21; 32(6):8 387-838. IF: 1,00 19Martínez-Castelao A, Górriz JL, Sola E, Morillas C, Jover A, Coronel F, Navarro-González J, de Álvaro F. Author Reply: About the discrepancies between consensus documents, clinical practice guidelines, and legal regulations in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Nefrologia. 2012 Nov 21; 32(6): 835-837. IF: 1,00 20Moreno-Pérez 124 4 O, Esteva De Antonio I, Grupo de Identidad y Diferenciación Sexual de la SEEN (GIDSEEN). Clinical practice guidelines for assessment and treatment of transsexualism. SEEN Identity and Sexual Differentiation Groupd (GIDSEEN). Endocrinología y Nutrición. 2012 Jun-Jul; 59(6): 367-82. Letters 1Vayá A, Suescun M, Solá E, Romagnoli M, Hernández-Mijares A. Rheological blood behaviour is not related to gender in morbidly obese subjects. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation. 2012; 50(3): 2279. IF: 3,398 2Bergoglio MT, Solá Izquierdo E, Veses Martin S, Hernández Mijares A. Acute severe hyponatremia induced by aceclofen in a male patient with central diabetes insipidus. Endocrinología y Nutrición. 2012 Sep 26. THESIS 1Name of the thesis: Mecanismos celulares y moleculares implicados en la hepatotoxicidad inducida por efavirenz. Doctoral candidate: Ana Blas García Director(s): Juan Vicente Esplugues Mot and Nadezda Apostolova Atanasovska Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Name of the thesis: Esteroles vegetales en bebidas lácteas: efecto sobre el perfil lipídico y estimación de su biodisponibilidad. Doctoral candidate: Celia Bañuls Morant Director(s): Antonio Hernández Mijares and Mª Jesús Lagarda Blanch 21Esteva de Antonio I, Gómez-Gil E, Almaraz MC, Martí- Date of the defense: 2012 nez-Tudela J, Bergero T, Olveira G, Soriguer F, Grupo GIDSEEN. Organization of healthcare for transsexual persons in the Spanish national health system. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012 May-Jun; 26(3): 203-9. IF: 1,326 Grade: Summa cum laude 22De Pablo C, Orden S, Calatayud S, Martí-Cabrera M, Esplugues JV, Alvarez A. Differential effects of tenofovir/emtricitabine and abacavir/lamivudine on human leukocyte recruitment. Antiviral Therapy. 2012; 17(8): 1615-9. IF: 3,161 Clinical guidelines 1Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H., Apostolova N et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy. 2012 Apr; 8(4): 445-544. IF: 7,453 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PI10/01195 Name: Disfunción mitocondrial y diabetes tipo 2: implicaciones patofisiológicas y clínicas. Principal Investigator: Víctor Manuel Víctor González Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €73.810 Scientific activity Reference: CP10/00360 Title: Papel de la disfunción mitocondrial en las complicaciones macrovasculares de los diabéticos tipo 2: efecto de la mitoquinona - un antioxidante mitocondrial-. peso y moderadamente hipercolesterolémicos sobre parámetros de riesgo cardiovascular. Principal Investigator: Antonio Hernández Mijares Funding body: AINIA Principal Investigator: Milagros Rocha Barajas Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Duration: 2010-2012 Benefitiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €60.000 Reference: PROMETEO 2010/060 Title: Evaluación de la glucosa postpandrial, parámetros de estrés oxidativo y función endotelial en pacientes con síndrome metabólico y diabetes tipo 2 tras el consumo de un producto edulcorante. Principal Investigator: Antonio Hernández Mijares Title: Farmacología experimental del tracto digestivo. Funding body: WILD Valencia S.A. Principal Investigator: Juan Vicente Esplugues Mota Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2014 Total budget: €55.000 per year Reference: Beca Invest Cli-Epid (3) Duration: 2011-2013 Title: Estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego y controlado con placebo, sobre la influencia de FRUIT UP® en los parámetros del metabolismo hidrocarbonato y lipídico, así como sobre los marcadores de inflamación, función endotelial y estrés oxidativo, en un grupo de sujetos con diabetes mellitus, intolerantes a la glucosa y en controles sanos (FRUIT UP/01). Title: Estudio de la función endotelial en pacientes hiperlipémicos antes y después del tratamiento con simvastatina más Ezetimiba. Principal Investigator: Antonio Hernández Mijares Principal Investigator: Antonio Hernández Mijares Funding body: WILD Valencia S.A. Funding body: SEA - Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €12.000 Reference: PS09/01025 Title: Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, resistencia a la insulina y disfunción mitocondrial: implicaciones fisiopatológicas y terapéuticas. Duration: 2011-2013 Reference: AP-192/11 Title: Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y relación con la disfunción eréctil. Principal Investigator: Víctor Manuel Víctor González Funding body: Conselleria de Sanitat, Generalitat Valenciana Principal Investigator: Antonio Hernández Mijares Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Duration: 2011-2012 Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Total budget: €6.000 Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €75.625 Title: Evaluación de un producto de panificación enriquecido en fibra y L-carnitina en pacientes con sobre- Reference: ACOMP/2012/042 Title: Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, resistencia a la insulina y disfunción mitocondrial: implicaciones fisiopatológicas y terapéuticas. Principal Investigator: Antonio Hernández Mijares 4 125 Scientific activity Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Duration: 2012 Total budget: €12.000 Reference: ACOMP/2012/045 Title: Disfunción mitocondrial y diabetes tipo 2: implicaciones patofisiológicas y clínicas. Principal Investigator: Víctor Manuel Víctor González Funding body: Conselleria d’ Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset Duration: 2012 Total budget: €14.000 126 4 Scientific activity Research Group on Hepatology and Hepatic Encephalopathy PI: Carmina Montoliu Félix (INCLIVA). Contributor Researchers: Amparo Urios Lluch (INCLIVA), Abdullah Wassel (Hospital), Miguel Ángel Serra Desfilis (Hospital), Juan Ángel del Olmo Puchalt (Hospital), Amparo Escudero García (Hospital), María Luisa García Torres (Hospital), Paloma Lluch García (Hospital), José Manuel Rodrigo Gómez (University), Mª Jesús Andrés Costa (INCLIVA). Predoctoral Researchers: Carla Giménez Garzó (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • Characterization of the neuropsychological deficit in patients with minimum hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). • Study of the alterations in the brain mechanisms involved in tasks execution. • Study of the brain connectivity in the neural network by defect, in patients with minimum hepatic encephalopathy through the BOLD MR functional study in basal stadium. • Study of the density patterns of the cerebral cortex and the volume of different cerebral areas in controls and cirrhotic patients with and without MHE. • Study of functional MR done while performing attention tests. • Characterization of sleep disorders in cirrhotic patients. Comparison of sleep disorders in patients with and without MHE. Link to disorders in the Neural Network by defect and with attention and coordination disorders. • Evaluation of the swelling and parameters linked to the oxidative and nitrosative stress in blood. Identifying of peripheral biomarkers in order to diagnose the presence of MHE and specific neuropsychological disorders in cirrhotic patients. • Correlations among the different analyzed parameters. Main lines of research • Hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical, diagnostic and biochemical aspects. • Detection of the presence of Minimum Hepatic Encephalopathy (MHE) in cirrhotic patients. Comparison of biometrical tests and blinking critical frequency. Study of the peripheral parameters related to the homeostasis of the cyclic GMP and swelling as possible indicators for the presence of MHE. • Biomarkers of the Minimum Hepatic Encephalopathy. Recognition of useful metabolites in the diagnosis for Minimum Hepatic Encephalopathy. • MR study of brain disorders (including edema, cerebral atrophy, disorders in neural tracts) in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. • Usefulness in the diagnosis of minimum hepatic encephalopathy. 4 127 Scientific activity • Study of attention disorders, quality and rhythm of the sleep in patients with hepatic cirrhosis with or without minimum hepatic encephalopathy. • Study of the disorders in the ability to drive vehicles in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. Correlation with the presence of MHE. • Analysis of the synergic cooperation between hyperammonemia and swelling in the induction of the cognitive decay of the Minimum Hepatic Encephalopathy. • Hepatitis virus. Epidemiologic, therapeutic and immune prophylactic aspects. • Development and characterization of an animal model with alcohol-induced hepatic encephalopathy. • Molecular and cellular mechanisms in the hepatic injury in obesity: pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic implications. • NGAL value, KIM-1, L-FABP and Interleukin-18 as precocious markers for acute kidney failure in critical patients and after surgery and cardiac catheterization. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 9 Cumulative Impact Factor: 40,4 Original articles 1Felipo V, Ordoño JF, Urios A, El Mlili N, GiménezGarzó C, Aguado C, González-Lopez O, Giner-Duran R, Serra MA, Wassel A, Rodrigo JM, Salazar J, Montoliu C. Patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy show impaired mismatch negativity correlating with reduced performance in attention tests. Hepatology. 2012; 55(2): 530-9. IF: 11,665 128 4 2Torregrosa I, Montoliu C, Urios A, Elmlili N, Puchades MJ, Solís MA, Sanjuán R, Blasco ML, Ramos C, Tomás P, Ribes J, Carratalá A, Juan I, Miguel A. Early biomarkers of acute kidney failure after heart angiography or heart surgery in patients with acute coronary syndrome or acute heart failure. Nefrologia. 2012; 32(1): 44-52. IF: 1,00 3Felipo V, Urios A, Montesinos E, Molina I, GarciaTorres ML, Civera M, Olmo JA, Ortega J, MartinezValls J, Serra MA, Cassinello N, Wassel A, Jordá E, Montoliu C. Contribution of hyperammonemia and inflammatory factors to cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolonic Brain Disease. 2012; 27(1): 51-8. IF: 2,198 4Montoliu C, Gonzalez-Escamilla G, Atienza M, Urios A, Gonzalez O, Wassel A, Aliaga R, Giner-Duran R, Serra MA, Rodrigo JM, Belloch V, Felipo V, Cantero JL. Focal cortical damage parallels cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Neuroimage. 2012; 61(4): 1165-75. IF: 5,895 5Llansola M, Montoliu C, Cauli O, Hernández-Rabaza V, Agustí A, Cabrera-Pastor A, Giménez-Garzó C, González-Usano A, Felipo V. Chronic hyperammonemia, glutamatergic neurotransmission and neurological alterations. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2012 Sep 26. IF: 2,198 6Miro JM, Montejo M, Castells L, Rafecas A, Moreno S, Agüero F, Abradelo M, Miralles P, Torre-Cisneros J, Pedreira JD, Cordero E, de la Rosa G, Moyano B, Moreno A, Perez I, Rimola A, Spanish OLT in HIV-Infected Patients Working Group investigators. Outcome of HCV/HIV-coinfected liver transplant recipients: a prospective and multicenter cohort study. American Journal of Transplantion. 2012 Jul; 12(7): 1866-76. IF: 6,394 7Moreno A, Cervera C, Fortún J, Blanes M, Montejo E, Abradelo M, Len O, Rafecas A, Martín-Davila P, TorreCisneros J, Salcedo M, Cordero E, Lozano R, Pérez I, Rimola A, Miró JM, OLT-HIV FIPSE Cohort Investigators. Epidemiology and outcome of infections in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus-coinfected liver transplant recipients: a FIPSE/GESIDA prospective cohort study. Liver Transplantation. 2012 Jan; 18(1): 70-81. IF: 3,386 8Llansola M, Cantero JL, Hita-Yañez E, Mirones-Maldonado MJ, Piedrafita B, Ahabrach H, Errami M, Agusti A, Felipo V. Progressive reduction of sleep time and quality in rats with hepatic encephalopathy caused by portacaval shunts. Neuroscience. 2012 Jan 10; 201: 199-208. IF: 3,38 9Felipo V, Urios A, García-Torres ML, El Mlili N, del Olmo JA, Civera M, Ortega J, Ferrandez A, MartínezValls J, Cassinello N, Montoliu C. Alterations in Adipocytokines and cGMP Homeostasis in Morbid Obesity Patients Reverse After Bariatric Surgery. Obesity. 2012 Aug 15. IF: 4,284 Scientific activity RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PS09/00806 Title: Estudio mediante resonancia magnética de alteraciones cerebrales en pacientes con cirrosis hepática. Utilidad en el diagnóstico de la encefalopatía hepática mínima. Identificación de marcadores periféricos. Principal Investigator: Carmina Montoliu Félix Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €92.565 Title: Estudio de la alteración de la capacidad de conducción de vehículos en pacientes con cirrosis hepática. Identificación de posibles indicadores psicométricos y neurofisiológicos. Principal Investigator: Vicente Felipo Orts (Carmina Montoliu, Miguel Ángel Serra, Abdallah Wassel, José Manuel Rodrigo as Collaborating Researchers) Funding body: Fundación Abertis Beneficiary institution: Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €12.000 Reference: Expediente 2010/001 Title: Determinación del flujo sanguíneo en diferentes áreas cerebrales de pacientes cirróticos. Correlación con alteraciones neurológicas. Evaluación de su utilidad en el diagnóstico de la encefalopatía hepática mínima. Principal Investigator: Carmina Montoliu Félix Funding body: Grupo ERESA Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €30.000 Title: Capacidad de conducción de vehículos durante el tratamiento antiviral de la infección crónica por virus C de la Hepatitis. Relación con tests psicológicos y mecanismos bioquímicos inmunomoduladores. Principal Investigator: Juan Ángel del Olmo Puchalt Funding body: Fundación de la Investigación Médica de la Mutua Madrileña Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total budget: €40.000 Reference: ACOMP/2012/056 Title: Estudio mediante resonancia magnética de alteraciones cerebrales en pacientes con cirrosis hepática. Utilidad en el diagnóstico de la encefalopatía hepática mínima. Identificación de marcadores periféricos. Principal Investigator: Carmina Montoliu Félix Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 Total budget: €20.000 Reference: FPA/2012/080 Title: Estudio mediante resonancia magnética de alteraciones cerebrales en pacientes con cirrosis hepática. Utilidad en el diagnóstico de la encefalopatía mínima. Principal Investigator: Carmina Montoliu Félix Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 Total budget: €9.300 Reference: 282957 Title: DENAMIC—Developmental neurotoxicity assessment of mixtures in children Call (part) identifier FP7-ENV-2011. Principal Investigator: Vicente Felipo Orts (Carmina Montoliu as collaborating researcher) Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe Duration: 2011-2015 Reference: CSD2008-00005 Title: The Spanish Ion Channel Initiative Proyecto CONSOLIDER. 4 129 Scientific activity Principal Investigator: Antonio Ferrer Montiel (Carmina Montoliu as associated researcher) Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2009-2013 130 4 Scientific activity Research Group on Inflammation PI: Esteban Morcillo Sánchez (Quality Unit Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Pharmacology University of Valencia) and María Jesús Sanz Ferrando (Department of Pharmacology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Laura Piqueras Ruiz (INCLIVA), Lara Milián Medina (University), Cristina Rius Leiva (University), Herminia González Navarro (INCLIVA), Patricia Almudéver Folch (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Elena Gabarda Martínez (University). Technicians: Virginia López García (University), Amelia González Ramón (University), Laura Núñez Arrufat (INCLIVA). Strategic aims • Studies on tobacco smoke effect on primary cultures of differential human epithelial cells (ALI) and on its functional activity. This studies have allowed to identify new mollecular mechanisms implied in COPD ethiopathology and have generated several publications on the subject. • The effect of the systemic inflammation produced by COPD in territories that are distant from the lung and its link to cardiovascular diseases. Regarding this, the exposure of human umbilical cord artery endothelial cells to the extract of tobacco smoke (TS) causes the expression of fractalkine (CX3CL1) and the adhesion of mononuclear monocytes. Monocytes and Limphocytes from patients with COPD showed a bigger expression of this chemokine’s receptor (CX3CR1) and an increase of the leukocyte adherence to the arterial endothelium stimulated with TS extract. • Molecular mechanisms that take part in the interaction between mononuclear cells and arterioles and venules inducted by Angiotensin-II (Ang-II). It has been proven that the blockage of the fractalkine axis (CX (3) CL1)-receptor of Fractalkine (CX (3) CR1) significantly reduces the “in vivo” and “ex vivo” leukocyte adhesion through Ang-II. Furthermore, it has been possible to identify Nox5, the kinases ERK 1/2 and p38 and the transcription factor NF-kB as mediators in this response. • Studies on nuclear receptors of the X (RXR) retinoid and its role in vascular inflammation and angiogenesis in the human endothelium. • Role of locus Ink4/Arf in age-related glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. A moderate increase in the expression of locus improves the age-related loss of insulin sensitivity through an improvement of the signaling mediated by IRS2 and IRS1 in liver, and the increase of glucose in peripheral tissues. Main lines of research • Study on the new molecular, biochemical, cellular and genetic mechanisms implied in COPD’s etiopathology, in both pulmonary and systemic levels. • Study and characterization of vascular inflammation inducted by some risk factors for atherosclerosis: angiotensin-II, menopause, tobacco smoke, in the vulnerability of the atheroma plaque in metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. • Study of the role of retinoid X (RXR) receptors in vascular inflammation and angiogenesis. • Study of locus SuperInk4/Arf and hepatic lipase’s role in age-related insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. 4 131 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 10 Cumulative Impact Factor: 52,042 Original articles 1Milara J, Navarro R, Juan G, Peiró T, Serrano A, Ramón M, Morcillo E, Cortijo J. Sphingosine-1-phosphate is increased in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and mediates epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Thorax. 2012 Feb; 67(2): 147-56. IF: 6,84 2Aparici M, Gómez-Angelats M, Vilella D, Otal R, Carcasona C, Viñals M, Ramos I, Gavaldà A, De Alba J, Gras J, Cortijo J, Morcillo E, Puig C, Ryder H, Beleta J, Miralpeix M. Pharmacological characterization of abediterol, a novel inhaled beta(2)-adrenoceptor agonist with long duration of action and a favorable safety profile in preclinical models. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. 2012 Aug; 342(2): 497-509. IF: 3,828 cigarette smoke-induced endothelin receptor expression in pulmonary arteries. European Respiratory Journal. 2012 Apr; 39(4): 927-38. IF: 5,895 9Dasí F, Navarro-García MM, Jiménez-Heredia M, Magraner J, Viña JR, Pallardó FV, Cervantes A, Morcillo E. Evaluation of the quality of publications on randomized clinical trials using the consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) statement guidelines in a spanish tertiary hospital. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2012 Jul; 52(7): 1106-14. IF: 2,911 10Milara J, Serrano A, Peiró T, Artigues E, Gavaldà A, Miralpeix M, Morcillo EJ, Cortijo J. Aclidinium inhibits cigarette smoke-induced lung fibroblast to myofibroblast transition. European Respiratory Journal. 2012 Sep 27. IF: 5,895 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH 3Milara J, Serrano A, Peiró T, Gavaldà A, Miralpeix M, Morcillo EJ, Cortijo J. Aclidinium inhibits human lung fibroblast to myofibroblast transition. Thorax. 2012 Mar; 67(3): 229-37. IF: 6,84 132 4 4Mata M, Pallardo F, Morcillo EJ, Cortijo J. Piclamilast inhibits the pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative responses of A549 cells exposed to H(2)O(2) via mechanisms involving AP-1 activation. Free Radical Research. 2012 May; 46(5): 690-9. IF: 2,878 5Sanz MJ, Albertos F, Otero E, Juez M, Morcillo EJ, Piqueras L. Retinoid X receptor agonists impair arterial mononuclear cell recruitment through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-Y activation. Journal of Immunology. 2012 Jul 1; 189(1): 411-24. IF: 5,788 6Sanz MJ, Kubes P. Neutrophil-active chemokines in in vivo imaging of neutrophil trafficking. European Journal of Immunology. 2012 Feb; 42(2): 278-83. IF: 5,103 7Sorianello E, Soriano FX, Fernández-Pascual S, Sancho A, Naon D, Vila-Caballer M, González-Navarro H, Portugal J, Andrés V, Palacín M, Zorzano A. The promoter activity of human Mfn2 depends on Sp1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Research. 2012 Apr 1; 94(1): 38-47. IF: 6,064 8Milara J, Gabarda E, Juan G, Ortiz JL, Guijarro R, Martorell M, Morcillo EJ, Cortijo J. Bosentan inhibits Reference: RD08/0075/0016 Title: Red de Inflamación y enfermedades reumáticas RIER. Principal Investigator: María Jesús Sanz Ferrando Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2009-2012 Total budget: €101.640 Reference: SAF2011-23777 Title: Estudio de los mecanismos moleculares y celulares en la disfunción endotelial asociada a enfermedades con inflamación sistémica que podrían inducir desórdenes cardiovasculares. Principal Investigator: María Jesús Sanz Ferrando Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total budget: €217.800 Reference: SAF2009-08913 Title: Pharmacological modulation of airway and pulmonary vascular remodeling: new drug targets in human and animal models. Scientific activity Principal Investigator: Esteban Morcillo Sánchez Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €200.000 Reference: CB06/06/0027 Title: CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias. Principal Investigator: Esteban Morcillo Sánchez Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2013 Reference: CP10/00555 Title: Papel de la Lipasa Hepática en el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis inducida por diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y síndrome metabólico. Principal Investigator: Herminia González Navarro Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €121.500 Reference: ISIC/2012/018 Title:InstitutoSuperiordeInvestigacionesCientíficas INCLIVA Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Esteban Morcillo as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total Budget: €45.000 per year 4 133 Scientific activity Research Group on Cellular and Organic Physiopathology of Oxidative Stress PI: Federico Vicente Pallardó Calatayud (Department of Physiology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Francisco Dasí Fernández (INCLIVA), José Luis García Giménez (University / CIBERer), Jelena Markovic (INCLIVA), Amparo Gimeno Monrós (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Carme Pérez Quilis (University), Marta Seco Cervera (University / CIBERer). Technicians: Isabel Esmoris Méndez (University / CIBERer), Ana María Velázquez Ledesma (University). Strategic aims 134 4 • Publishing on new post-translational modifications in histones (carboxylation and poly-(ADP)-ribosylation), during cell proliferation. • Publishing of epigenetic clinical applications. • The PCT for the 2D-TAU OxyWestern blot technique for the determination of carboxylated histones (PCT/ES2012/070406) has been obtained. Main lines of research • Epigenetic regulation of cell proliferation by nuclear glutathione. • Identifying of new post-translational modifications in histones related to cell redox environment. • Physiopathology of oxidative stress in the Lafora disease. • Characterization of thioredoxin and glutaredoxin role in Friedreich ataxia. • Search for miRNAs as diagnosis and prognosis of Friedreich ataxia evolution markers. • Oxidative profile in Kindler Syndrome fibroblasts. • Regulation of the cell cycle by GSH in Down syndrome. Emerging Researcher José Luis García Giménez (Department of Physiology University of Valencia / CIBERer) My research interest is focused on the study of the epigenetic deregulation and its implication in the physiopathology of several rare diseases (e.g. Friedreich ataxia and dyskeratosis congenita). Furthermore, I am interested in the identification of the redox-related events that control the chromatin compaction and the epigenetic machinery. Currently, I am investigating the impact of several novel histone redox-related PTMs on cell physiology and gene regulation. Finally, our group try to identify epigenetic biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of sepsis gravis and septic shock. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 11 Cumulative Impact Factor: 28,137 Original articles 1Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G, Mayero S, Perez-Quilis C, García-Giménez JL. Irisin: a new potential hormonal target for treatment of obesity and type II diabetes. Journal of Diabetes. 2012 Sep; 4(3): 196. 2García-Giménez JL, Ledesma AM, Esmoris I, Romá-Mateo C, Sanz P, Viña J, Pallardó FV. Histone carbonylation occurs in proliferating cells. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2012 Apr 15; 52(8): 1453-64. IF: 5,423 3García-Giménez JL, Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G, Mena S, Ivars D, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Viña J, Pallardó FV. Epigenetic biomarkers: A new perspective in laboratory diagnostics. Clinical Chimica Acta. 2012 Oct 9; 413(1920): 1576-82. IF: 2,535 4Sanchis-Gomar F, Garcia-Gimenez JL, Perez-Quilis C, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Pallardo FV, Lippi G. Physical exercise as an epigenetic modulator. Eustress, the “positive stress” as an effector of gene expression. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012 May 3. IF: 1,831 5Pagano G, Talamanca AA, Castello G, Pallardó FV, Zatterale A, Degan P. Oxidative stress in Fanconi anaemia: from cells and molecules towards prospects in clinical management. Biological Chemistry. 2012 Jan 1; 393(1-2): 11-21. IF: 2,965 graner J, Viña JR, Pallardó FV, Cervantes A, Morcillo E. Evaluation of the quality of publications on randomized clinical trials using the consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) statement guidelines in a spanish tertiary hospital. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2012 Jul; 52(7): 1106-14. IF: 2,911 9García-Giménez JL, Markovic J, Dasí F, Queval G, Foyer CH, Pallardó FV. Nuclear glutathione. Biochimica Biophysica Acta. 2012 Oct 13. 10March-Villalba JA, Martínez-Jabaloyas JM, Herrero MJ, Santamaria J, Aliño SF, Dasí F. Cell-free circulating plasma hTERT mRNA is a useful marker for prostate cancer diagnosis and is associated with poor prognosis tumor characteristics. PLoS One. 2012; 7(8): e43470. IF: 4,092 11Puig-Silla M, Dasí-Fernández F, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM. Prevalence of fimA genotypes of Porphyromonas gingivalis and other periodontal bacteria in a Spanish population with chronic periodontitis. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral and Cirugía Bucal. 2012 Nov 1; 17(6): e1047-53. IF: 1,13 Patents Inventors: José Luis García-Giménez and Federico Vicente Pallardó. Title: Method for identifying carbonylated histones Application number: PCT/ES2012/070406 Priority date: 06/08/2012 Priority country: Spain 6March-Villalba JA, Martínez-Jabaloyas JM, Herrero MJ, Santamaría J, Aliño SF, Dasí F. Plasma hTERT mRNA discriminates between clinically localized and locally advanced disease and is a predictor of recurrence in prostate cancer patients. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy. 2012 Jun; 12 Suppl 1: S69-77. IF: 3,505 7Badia MC, Lloret A, Giraldo E, Dasí F, Olaso G, Alonso MD, Viña J. Lymphocytes from Young Healthy Persons Carrying the ApoE4 Allele Overexpress Stress-Related Proteins Involved in the Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2012 Aug 22. IF: 3,745 8Dasí F, Navarro-García MM, Jiménez-Heredia M, Ma- RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: CB06/07/0073 Title: CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERer). Principal Investigator: Federico Vicente Pallardó Calatayud Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2013 4 135 Scientific activity Reference: AIB2010-SE-00333 Title: Citometría de imagen en la evaluación de la homeostasis redox en patologías humanas. Duration: 2011-2012 Total Budget: €45.000 per year Principal Investigator: Federico Vicente Pallardó Calatayud Funding body: Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2012 Total budget: €3.065.198 Reference: TREAT-CMT Title: Translational Research, Experimental Medicine and Therapeutics on Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (TREAT-CMT). Principal Investigator: Francesc Palau (Federico Vicente Pallardó, José Luis García and Jelena Markovic as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: CIBERER Duration: 2011-2015 Total budget: €3.065.198 136 4 Title: Estudio de la utilidad clínica de la determinación del perfil de estrés oxidativo, en sangre y en condensado de aire exhalado, en pacientes con déficit de alfa 1 antitripsina. Principal Investigator: Amparo Escribano Montaner (Francisco Dasí as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Sociedad Valenciana de Neumología SVN/FNCV Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €6.000 Reference: ISIC/2012/018 Title: Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Científicas INCLIVA Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Federico Pallardó as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Confocal microscopy image. Location of thioredoxin 1 (red), of 19S proteasome subunit (green) and of the core (blue). Scientific activity Research Group on Oxidative Pathology PI: Guillermo Sáez Tormo (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Antonio Iradi Casal (University), Concha Cerdá Micó (University), Silvia Victoria Borrego Oliva (University), Benjamin Climent Díaz (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Julia Sánchez Tormo (University), Marta Fandos Sánchez (University), Leticia Bagán Debón (University). Technicians: Carmen Tormos Muñoz (University). 4 Strategic aims • To value the effect of Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil or dried fruits over the Oxidative Stress (OS) and cardiovascular risk indicators. • To identify the polymorphisms in the DNA reparing enzymes that predict the individual susceptibility to genetic unstableness and its relation with the pathogeny of metabolic, cardiovascular and neoplasic diseases. • To identify the molecules and signalling routes induced by Oxidative Stress (OS) as a pathogenic mechanism of metabolic and degenerative diseases. Main lines of research • Study of the role of OS as a physiopathological mechanism of cardiovascular diseases. • Study of the signaling routes dependent on p53 in patients with cardiovascular evolution pathologies, in order to identify the differences between the grades of expression in different genes, especially those in control of repairing the genetic material. • Study of OS role in the pathology of neoplastic diseases, as well as the possible validation of its molecular oxidative products as clinical markers. 137 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 5 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Cumulative Impact Factor: 17,729 Original articles 1Collado R, Oliver I, Tormos C, Egea M, Miguel A, Cerdá C, Ivars D, Borrego S, Carbonell F, Sáez GT. Early ROS-mediated DNA damage and oxidative stress biomarkers in Monoclonal B Lymphocytosis. Cancer Letters. 2012 Apr 28; 317(2): 144-9. IF: 4,238 2Martínez-González MÁ, Corella D, Salas-Salvadó J, Ros E, Covas MI, Fiol M, Wärnberg J, Arós F, RuízGutiérrez V, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Lapetra J, Muñoz MÁ, Martínez JA, Sáez G, Serra-Majem L, Pintó X, Mitjavila MT, Tur JA, Portillo Mdel P, Estruch R, PREDIMED Study Investigators. Cohort profile: design and methods of the PREDIMED study. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2012 Apr; 41(2): 377-85. IF: 6,414 3Medina-Remón A, Vallverdú-Queralt A, Arranz S, Ros 138 4 E, Martínez-González MA, Sacanella E, Covas MI, Corella D, Salas-Salvadó J, Gómez-Gracia E, RuizGutiérrez V, Lapetra J, García-Valdueza M, Arós F, Saez GT, Serra-Majem L, Pinto X, Vinyoles E, Estruch R, Lamuela-Raventos RM. Gazpacho consumption is associated with lower blood pressure and reduced hypertension in a high cardiovascular risk cohort. Crosssectional study of the PREDIMED trial. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 2012 Nov 10. 4Mitjavila MT, Fandos M, Salas-Salvadó J, Covas MI, Borrego S, Estruch R, Lamuela-Raventós R, Corella D, Martínez-Gonzalez MA, Sánchez JM, Bulló M, Fitó M, Tormos C, Cerdá C, Casillas R, Moreno JJ, Iradi A, Zaragoza C, Chaves J, Sáez GT. The Mediterranean diet improves the systemic lipid and DNA oxidative damage in metabolic syndrome individuals. A randomized, controlled, trial. Clinical Nutrition. 2012 Aug 31. IF: 3,731 5Ortega-Azorín C, Sorlí JV, Asensio EM, Coltell O, Martínez-González MÁ, Salas-Salvadó J, Covas MI, Arós F, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem L, Gómez-Gracia E, Fiol M, Sáez-Tormo G, Pintó X, Muñoz MA, Ros E, Ordovás JM, Estruch R, Corella D. Associations of the FTO rs9939609 and the MC4R rs17782313 polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes are modulated by diet, being higher when adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern is low. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 2012 Nov 6; 11: 137. IF: 3,346 Reference: PI10/00802 Title: Mecanismos de señalización molecular dependientes de p53 y su modulación por estrés oxidativo en la etopatogenia de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Principal Investigator: Guillermo Sáez Tormo Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €56.265 Reference: RD06/0045/0006 Title: Valoración de estrés oxidativo en la población de alto riesgo cardiovascular. Efecto de la intervención con dieta mediterránea. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa: PREDIMED. Alimentación Saludable en la Prevención Primaria de Enfermedades Crónicas. Principal Investigator: Guillermo Sáez Tormo Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2012 Total budget: €51.042 Reference: ACOMP/2012/238 Title: Mecanismos de señalización molecular dependientes de p53 y su modulación por estrés oxidativo en la etiopatogenia de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Principal Investigator: Guillermo Sáez Tormo Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012 Total budget: €11.000 Scientific activity Research Group on Psychiatry and Neurodegenerative Diseases PI: Julio Sanjuán Arias (Department of Psychiatry Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Medicine University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Carmen Leal Cercos (Hospital / CIBERSAM), Mercedes Renovell Farré (Hospital), José Carlos González Piqueras (Hospital / CIBERSAM), Eduardo Jesús Aguilar García-Iturrospe (Hospital / CIBERSAM), Esther Lorente Rovira (Hospital / CIBERSAM), Ana Luengo Martín (Hospital / CIBERSAM), Rafael Sales Orts (Hospital), María Isabel Leal (Hospital), María José Escartí Fabra (Hospital / CIBERSAM), María Dolores Moltó Ruiz (University / CIBERSAM), Marien Gadea Domenech (University / CIBERSAM), Gracián García Martí (CIBERSAM), Juan Nácher Roselló (University / CIBERSAM), Manuel Jover Martínez (Hospital / CIBERSAM), Francisco Olucha Bordonau (University / CIBERSAM), Blanca Llácer Iborra (University / CIBERSAM). Predoctoral Researchers: José Luis Ivorra (University), Javier Gilabert (University / CIBERSAM). Administratives: Inmaculada Pérez (University / CIBERSAM). Strategic aims • Perfection and enlargement of a common data base for multicenter Studies (CIBERSAM). • Search of Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Psychosis. • Development of animal models in Serious Mental Illness and neurodegenerative diseases. • Efficiency of the Cognitive Therapy in Psychosis persistent hallucinations. • Study of risk Polymorphisms in Serious Mental Illness. • Models of prediction and treatment of the first psychotic episodes. Main lines of research • Identifying risk polymorphisms in Psychosis and Affective Disorders. • Epigenetic Studies (functional expression) of candidate genes in Psychosis and Mental Illness. • Study on animal models in Serious Mental Illness. • Generating models of neurodegenerative diseases (Friedreich ataxia) on invertebrate animals (Drosophila). • Study on mutations in neurodegenerative monogenic diseases. • Identifying of genetic and environmental risk factors in affective and psichotic disorders. • Identifying of abnormal patterns in neuroimage (morphometry, functional, spectroscopy) in psychotic patients. • Design and coordination of clinical, genetic and neuroimage data bases oriented to performing multicenter projects. • Deepening into Psychosis’ phenomenology. • Study on the genetic and environmental factors in childhood emotional development. • Study on the efficiency of psycho-social intervention techniques in Serious Mental Illness. 4 139 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 27 Cumulative Impact Factor: 100,004 Original articles 1Sanjúan J, Haro JM, Mauriño J, Díez T, Ballesteros J. Validation of the Spanish version of the Subjective Well-being under Neuroleptic Scale (SWN-K) in patients with schizophrenia. Medicina Clínica. 2012 Feb 25; 138(4): 151-4. IF: 1,385 2Carrera N, Arrojo M, Sanjuán J, Ramos-Ríos R, Paz E, Suárez-Rama JJ, Páramo M, Agra S, Brenlla J, Martínez S, Rivero O, Collier DA, Palotie A, Cichon S, Nöthen MM, Rietschel M, Rujescu D, Stefansson H, Steinberg S, Sigurdsson E, Clair DS, Tosato S, Werge T, Stefansson K, González JC, Valero J, GutiérrezZotes A, Labad. Association study of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry. 2012 Jan 15; 71(2): 169-77. IF: 8,283 3Guirado R, Sanchez-Matarredona D, Varea E, Crespo 140 4 C, Blasco-Ibanez JM, Nacher J. Chronic fluoxetine treatment in middle-aged rats induces changes in the expression of plasticity-related molecules and in neurogenesis. BMC Neuroscience. 2012 Jan 5; 13(1): 5. IF: 3,042 4Varea E, Guirado R, Gilabert-Juan J, Martí U, CastilloGómez E, Blasco-Ibáñez JM, Crespo C, Nacher J. Expression of PSA-NCAM and synaptic proteins in the amygdala of psychiatric disorder patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2012 Feb; 46(2): 189-97. IF: 4,664 5Hernández S, Gilabert-Juan J, Blasco-Ibáñez JM, Crespo C, Nácher J, Varea E. Altered expression of neuropeptides in the primary somatosensory cortex of the Down syndrome model Ts65Dn. Neuropeptides. 2012 Feb; 46(1): 29-37. IF: 1,553 6Magraner MJ, Bosca I, Simó-Castelló M, García-Martí G, Alberich-Bayarri A, Coret F, Alvarez-Cermeño JC, Martí-Bonmatí L, Villar LM, Casanova B. Brain atrophy and lesion load are related to CSF lipid-specific IgM oligoclonal bands in clinically isolated syndromes. Neuroradiology. 2012 Jan; 54(1): 5-12. IF: 2,824 7Cañete-Nicolás C, Hernández-Viadel M, BellidoRodríguez C, Lera-Calatayud G, Asensio-Pascual P, Pérez-Prieto JF , Calabuig-Crespo R, Leal-Cercós C. Involuntary outpatient treatment (iot) for severe mental patients: current situation in Spain. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría. 2012 Jan-Feb; 40(1): 27-33. IF: 0,589 8Brüne M, Belsky J, Fabrega H, Feierman HR, Gilbert P, Glantz K, Polimeni J, Price JS, Sanjuan J, Sullivan R, Troisi A, Wilson DR. The crisis of psychiatry - insights and prospects from evolutionary theory. World Psychiatry. 2012 Feb; 11(1): 55-7. IF: 6,233 9García-Martí G, Aguilar EJ, Martí-Bonmatí L, Escartí MJ, Sanjuán J. Multimodal morphometry and functional magnetic resonance imaging in schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations. World Journal of Radiology. 2012 Apr 28; 4(4): 159-66. 10Rubio JM, Sanjuán J, Flórez-Salamanca L, Cuesta MJ. Examining the course of hallucinatory experiences in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Schizophrenia Research. 2012 Jul; 138(2-3): 248-54. IF: 4,748 11Martínez-Cengotitabengoa M, Mac-Dowell KS, Leza JC, Micó JA, Fernandez M, Echevarría E, Sanjuan J, Elorza J, González-Pinto A. Cognitive impairment is related to oxidative stress and chemokine levels in first psychotic episodes. Schizophrenia Research. 2012 May; 137(1-3): 66-72. IF: 4,748 12Corripio I, Ferreira A, Portella MJ, Pérez V, Escartí MJ, Del Valle Camacho M, Sauras RB, Alonso A, Grasa EM, Carrió I, Catafau AM, Alvarez E. The role of striatal dopamine D2 receptors in the occurrence of extrapyramidal side effects: iodine-123-iodobenzamide single photon emission computed tomography study. Psychiatry Research. 2012 Jan 30; 201(1): 73-7. IF: 2,524 13Gilabert-Juan J, Moltó MD, Nacher J. Post-weaning social isolation rearing influences the expression of molecules related to inhibitory neurotransmission and structural plasticity in the amygdala of adult rats. Brain Research. 2012 Apr 11; 1448: 129-36. IF: 2,728 14Bonfanti L, Nacher J. New scenarios for neuronal structural plasticity in non-neurogenic brain parenchyma: the case of cortical layer II immature neurons. Progress in Neurobiology. 2012 Jul; 98(1): 1-15. IF: 8,874 15Liberia T, Blasco-Ibáñez JM, Nácher J, Varea E, Lanciego JL, Crespo C. Two types of periglomerular cells Scientific activity in the olfactory bulb of the macaque monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Brain Structure and Function. 2012 Jun 12. IF: 5,628 16Liberia T, Blasco-Ibáñez JM, Nácher J, Varea E, Zwafink V, Crespo C. Characterization of a population of tyrosine hydroxylase-containing interneurons in the external plexiform layer of the rat olfactory bulb. Neuroscience. 2012 Aug 16; 217: 140-53. IF: 3,38 17Lera Calatayud G, Herrero Sebastián N, Aguilar García-Iturrospe E, González Piqueras JC, Sanjuán Arias J, Leal Cercós C. Relationship between insight, violence and diagnoses in psychotic patients. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. 2012 Jan; 5(1): 43-7. 18Olucha-Bordonau FE, Otero-García M, Sánchez-Pérez AM, Núñez A, Ma S, Gundlach AL. Distribution and targets of the relaxin-3 innervation of the septal area in the rat. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2012 Jun 15; 520(9): 1903-39. IF: 3,808 sis. Molecular Psychiatry. 2012 Nov 20. IF: 13,668 24Sanchez-Perez AM, Garcia-Aviles A, Gasco HA, Sanjuan J, Olucha-Bordonau FE. Effects of methylphenidate on anxiety. Revista de Neurología. 2012 Oct 16; 55(8): 499-506. IF: 1,218 25Gilabert-Juan J, Varea E, Guirado R, Blasco-Ibáñez JM, Crespo C, Nácher J. Alterations in the expression of PSA-NCAM and synaptic proteins in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of psychiatric disorder patients. Neuroscience Letters. 2012 Nov 14; 530(1): 97-102. IF: 2,105 26Rojo Moreno L, Plumed Domingo J, Conesa Burguet L, Vaz Leal F, Diaz Marsá M, Rojo-Bofill L, Livianos Aldana L. Eating disorders: Considerations on nosology, etiology and treatment in the XXI century. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. 2012 Jul; 5(3): 197-204. Letter 19Giusti Mde L, Pistorio M, Lozano MJ, Tejerizo GA, Sa- 1Martín-Santos R, Gelabert E, Subirà S, Gutierrez-Zo- las ME, Martini MC, López JL, Draghi WO, Del Papa MF, Pérez-Mendoza D, Sanjuán J, Lagares A. Genetic and functional characterization of a yet-unclassified rhizobial Dtr (DNA-transfer-and-replication) region from a ubiquitous plasmid conjugal system present in Sinorhizobium meliloti, in Sinorhizobium medicae, and in other nonrhizobial Gram-negative bacteria. Plasmid. 2012 May; 67(3): 199-210. IF: 1,516 tes A, Langorh K, Jover M, Torrens M, Guillamat R, Mayoral F, Canellas F, Iborra JL, Gratacos M, Costas J, Gornemann I, Navinés R, Guitart M, Roca M, DE Frutos R, Vilella E, Valdés M, Esteve LG, Sanjuan J. Research letter: is neuroticism a risk factor for postpartum depression?. Psychological Medicine. 2012 Jul; 42(7): 1559-65. IF: 6,159 20Ayuso-Mateos JL, Baca-García E, Bobes J, Giner J, Giner L, Pérez V, Sáiz PA, Saiz Ruiz J, Grupo RECOMS. Recommendations for the prevention and management of suicidal behaviour. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. 2012 Jan-Mar; 5(1): 8-23. 2012 Feb 15. 21Gilabert-Juan J, Castillo-Gómez E, Guirado R, Moltó MD, Nacher J. Chronic stress alters inhibitory networks in the medial prefrontal cortex of adult mice. Brain Structuctura & Function. 2012 Nov 21. IF: 5,628 22McCall T, Weil ZM, Nacher J, Bloss EB, El Marouf A, Rutishauser U, McEwen BS. Depletion of polysialic acid from neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) increases CA3 dendritic arborization and increases vulnerability to excitotoxicity. Experimental Neurology. 2012 Dec 7. IF: 4,699 23Steinberg S, de Jong S, Mattheisen M, Sanjuán J, et al. Common variant at 16p11.2 conferring risk of psycho- THESIS 1Thesis title: Trastorno de aprendizjaje inespecífico y su relación con el peso bajo/normal al nacer: una visión neuropsicológica. Doctoral candidate: María Pilar Lacalle Alba Director(s): María Engracia Gadea Domenech and Raúl Espert Tortajada Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Thesis title: Neuronal structural plasticity of the rodent telencephalon: role of PSA-NCAM and modulation by the antidepressant fluoxetine. Doctoral candidate: Ramón Guirado Guillén Director (s): Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 4 141 Scientific activity RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: EU-GEI 241909 Title: Gene-Environment Interactions (EU-GEI). Principal Investigator: Julio Sanjuán Arias Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2015 Total budget: €347.330 Reference: PI10/01399 Title: Alucinaciones crónicas en la psicosis: expresión génica y técnica multimodal EEG/fMRI. Principal Investigator: Julio Sanjuán Arias Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €206.910 Reference: PI10/01851 142 4 Title: e-Enseñanza y desarrollo de un programa psicoeducativo basado en la evidencia en primeros episodios psicóticos. Principal Investigator: Esther Lorente Rovira Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia, Hospital Santiago Apóstol de Vitoria, Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, Universidad del País Vasco, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €27.225 Reference: PIM2010ERN-00577/NEUCONNE Title: Nuevas estrategias para el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia basadas en la variación genética de la molécula neural de adhesión celular NCAM y las enzimas implicadas en sus modificaciones postraduccionales. Reference: BFU2009-12284/BFI Title: Papel de la forma polisializada de la molécula neural de adhesión celular (PSA-NCAM) en la plasticidad estructural de la corteza cerebral adulta. Regulación por dopamina e implicación en la esquizofrenia. Principal Investigator: Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €150.000 Reference: 520785 Title: Effects of juvenile and chronic stress on the structure and connectivity of neural circuits. Principal Investigator: Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló Funding body: Ècole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2014 Total budget: €50.000 Reference: PROMETEO 2012/025 Title: Desarrollo de marcadores biológicos y estrategias terapéuticas en el trastorno mental grave. Principal Investigator: Julio Sanjuán Arias Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Valencia Duration: 2012-2015 Total budget: €217.935 Reference: PI11/02781 Title: Determinantes clínicos y neurobiológicos de segundos episodios de esquizofrenia. Estudio longitudinal de primeros episodios psicóticos. Principal Investigator: García-Iturrospe Eduardo Jesús Aguilar Funding body: Instituto Salud Carlos III Principal Investigator: Juan Salvador Nácher Roselló Beneficiary institution: Hospital Clínico Valencia Funding body: Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación Duration: 2012-2014 Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Total budget: €69.629 Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €150.000 Reference: CB07/09/0006 Title: CIBER de Enfermedades Mentales (CIBERSAM) Scientific activity Principal Investigator: Julio Sanjuán Arias Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2008-2013 Reference: 510935-TEMPUS-1-2010 Title: Implementing a Scientific International Master for Biotechnology and Neuroscience i South Mediterranean Area (I.S.I.S)-TEMPUS-IV. Principal investigator: Marc Landry (Francisco Olucha Bordonau as PI Valencian area, Julio Sanjuán Arias as collaborating research) Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Universitat de Valencia Duration: 2010-2013 Total budget: €1.300.000 4 143 Scientific activity Research Group on Respiratory Problems in Neuromuscular Diseases PI: Emilio Servera Pieras (Department of Pneumology Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Physiotherapy University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Jesús Sancho Chinesta (Hospital), María Pilar Barreto Martín (University), José Blanquer Olivas (Hospital), Julio Marín Pardo (University), Pilar Bañuls Polo (Hospital), Manuela Marín González (Hospital), María Luisa Briones Urtiega (Hospital), María Jesús Zafra Pirés (Hospital), María Belén Safont Muñoz (INCLIVA), María Cruz González Villaescusa (Hospital), José Vicente Ferreres Franco (Hospital). Predoctoral Researchers: José Luis Díaz Cordobés (University). 144 4 Strategic aims • To demonstrate that, for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) when domiciliary treated with Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV), volumetric Cyclades turns out to be more effective than presometric Cyclades. • To identify those indicators which allow predicting the incapability to keep spontaneous breathing during acute exacerbations in patients with ALS while in clinical instability. • To establish the determining role of bulb affection and fan asynchronies in NIV failure during acute exacerbation in patients with ALS. • To show the usefulness of a psychological intervention program over emotional distress in ALS patients and their carers. • To contribute to show the relevance of identifying the etiologic agent in epidemiology genetic studies in sepsis. Main lines of research • To improve knowledge on stadification performed to neuromuscular patients, in order to anticipate shared decisions and adjust respiratory therapeutic measurements. • To improve knowledge related to respiratory muscles help and substitution techniques in neuromuscular patients, paying special attention to the ones that prolong life without suffering. • To improve knowledge related to the handling of psycho-emotional needs in neuromuscular patients and their carers. • To improve knowledge related to the role of genetic polymorphisms in susceptibility, severity and predisposition to bacteremia in the community-acquired pneumonia. • To value the efficiency in dyspnea handling showed in an appointment with the Department of Pneumonology. Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 14 Cumulative Impact Factor: 51,154 Original articles 1Martín-Loeches I, Solé-Violán J, Rodríguez de Castro F, García-Laorden MI, Borderías L, Blanquer J, Rajas O, Briones ML, Aspa J, Herrera-Ramos E, Marcos-Ramos JA, Sologuren I, González-Quevedo N, Ferrer-Agüero JM, Noda J, Rodríguez-Gallego C. Variants at the promoter of the interleukin-6 gene are associated with severity and outcome of pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia. Intensive Care Medicine. 2012 Feb; 38(2): 256-62. IF: 5,399 2Gimenez M, Saavedra P, Martin N, Polu JM, López D, Gómez A, Servera E. Bilevel Exercise Training and Directed Breathing Relieves Exertional Dyspnea for Male Smokers. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2012 Jun 29. IF: 1,581 3Laserna E, Sibila O, Aguilar PR, Mortensen EM, Anzueto A, Blanquer JM, Sanz F, Rello J, Marcos PJ, Velez MI, Aziz N, Restrepo MI. Hypocapnia and hypercapnia are predictors for ICU admission and mortality in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Chest. 2012 Nov; 142(5): 1193-9. IF: 5,25 4Delgado-Rodríguez M, Castilla J, Godoy P, Martín V, Soldevila N, Alonso J, Astray J, Baricot M, Cantón R, Castro A, Gónzález-Candelas F, Mayoral JM, Quintana JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Sáez M, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group. Prognosis of hospitalized patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza in Spain: influence of neuraminidase inhibitors. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2012 Jul; 67(7): 1739-45. IF: 5,068 5Godoy P, Castilla J, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Martín V, Soldevila N, Alonso J, Astray J, Baricot M, Cantón R, Castro A, González-Candelas F, Mayoral JM, Quintana JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group, Spain. Effectiveness of hand hygiene and provision of information in preventing influenza cases requiring hospitalization. Preventive Medicine. 2012 Jun; 54(6): 434-9. IF: 3,216 6Launes C, García-García JJ, Martínez-Planas A, Moraga F, Astigarraga I, Arístegui J, Korta J, Salado C, Quintana JM, Soldevila N, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group, Spain. 2009 H1N1: risk factors for hospitalization in a matched case-control study. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2012 Jul; 171(7): 1127-31. IF: 1,879 7González-Candelas F, Astray J, Alonso J, Castro A, Cantón R, Galán JC, Garin O, Sáez M, Soldevila N, Baricot M, Castilla J, Godoy P, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Martín V, Mayoral JM, Pumarola T, Quintana JM, Tamames S, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group. Sociodemographic factors and clinical conditions associated to hospitalization in influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infected patients in Spain, 2009-2010. PLoS One. 2012; 7(3): e33139. IF: 4,092 8Lorente L, Iceta R, Martín MM, López-Gallardo E, Solé-Violán J, Blanquer J, Labarta L, Díaz C, Jiménez A, Montoya J, Ruiz-Pesini E. Survival and mitochondrial function in septic patients according to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. Critical Care. 2012 Jan 17; 16(1): R10. IF: 4,607 9Diaz E, Martin-Loeches I, Canadell L, Vidaur L, Suarez D, Socias L, Estella A, Gil Rueda B, Guerrero JE, Valverdú-Vidal M, Vergara JC, López-Pueyo MJ, Magret M, Recio T, López D, Rello J, Rodriguez A, H1N1 SEMICYUC-CIBERES-REIPI Working Group (GETGAG). Corticosteroid therapy in patients with primary viral pneumonia due to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza. Journal of Infection. 2012 Mar 64(3): 311-8. IF: 4,126 10Picazo JJ, Alonso LM, Arístegui J, Bayas JM, Sanz J, Del Amo P, Cobos JL, Rodríguez-Salazar J, SánchezPastor M, de la Cámara R, Carratalá J, Cañada JL, González-Del Castillo J, Aldaz P, Pérez-Escanilla F, Barberán J, Rodríguez A, Vigil-Escribano D, EspinosaArranz J, Blanquer J, González-Romo F. Consensus document on vaccination against influenza in health care workers. Revista Española de Quimioterapia. 2012 Sep; 25(3): 226-39. IF: 0,81 11Domínguez A, Castilla J, Godoy P, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Martín V, Saez M, Soldevila N, Quintana JM, Mayoral JM, Astray J, González-Candelas F, Cantón R, Tamames S, Castro A, Baricot M, Alonso J, Pumarola T, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group Spain. Effectiveness of pandemic and seasonal influenza vaccines in preventing pandemic influenza-associated hospitalization. Vaccine. 2012 Aug 17; 30(38): 5644-50. IF: 3,766 4 145 Scientific activity 12Capelastegui A, Quintana JM, Bilbao A, España PP, Garin O, Alonso J, Astray J, Cantón R, Castilla J, Castro A, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Godoy P, Gónzález-Candelas F, Martín V, Mayoral JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Soldevila N, Baricot M, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group, Spain. Score to identify the severity of adult patients with influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infection at hospital admission. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 2012 Oct; 31(10): 2693-701. IF: 2,859 Reference: PSI2010-19426 Title: Beneficios del programa de soporte para familiares de pacientes al final de la vida. Estudio Multicéntrico. Principal Investigator: Pilar Barreto Martín Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Fundación Hospital Dr. Negría Duration: 2011-2013 Reference: SAF2011-23777 13Pozo-Rodríguez F, López-Campos JL, Alvarez-Martínez CJ, Castro-Acosta A, Agüero R, Hueto J, Hernández-Hernández J, Barrón M, Abraira V, Forte A, Sanchez Nieto JM, Lopez-Gabaldón E, Cosío BG, Agustí A, AUDIPOC Study Group. Clinical audit of COPD patients requiring hospital admissions in Spain: AUDIPOC study. PLoS One. 2012; 7(7): e42156. IF: 4,092 14Milara J, Armengot M, Bañuls P, Tenor H, Beume R, Artigues E, Cortijo J. Roflumilast. N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor, improves cilia motility and ciliated human bronchial epithelial cells compromised by cigarette smoke in vitro. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2012 Aug; 166(8): 2243-62. IF: 4,409 Title: Estudio de los mecanismos moleculares y celulares en la disfunción endotelial asociada a enfermedades con inflamación sistémica que podrían inducir desórdenes cardiovasculares. Principal Investigator: María Jesús Sanz Ferrando (Emilio Servera and Mª Cruz González as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total budget: €217.800 Reference: PI10/01718 146 4 THESIS 1Thesis title: Violencia en relaciones de pareja jóvenes. Doctoral candidate: María Jesús Hernández Jiménez Director(s): María Jesús Barreto Martín Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: AP105592012 Title: Estudio de necesidades susceptibles de intervención psicológica en familiares de pacientes al final de la vida. Principal Investigator: Pilar Barreto Martín Funding body: Fundación de la Investigación Médica de la Mutua Madrileña Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Title: Variabilidad genética en la señalización medada por los TLRs/IL-1R en enfermedades respiratorias: neumonía comunitaria y alergia respiratoria. Principal Investigator: José Carlos Rodríguez Gallego (José Blanquer and Mª Luisa Briones as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Hospital Dr. Negría Duration: 2010-2013 Total budget: €169.500 Reference: SAF2009-08913 Title: Pharmacological modulation of airway and pulmonary vascular remodeling: new drug targets in human and animal models. Principal Investigator: Esteban Morcillo Sánchez (Mª Cruz González a collaborating researcher) Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €200.000 Scientific activity Research Group on Tissular Biochemistry PI: Juan R. Viña (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Luis Torres Asensi (University), Elena Ruiz García-Trevijano (University), Rosa Zaragozá Colom (INCLIVA), Eva Serna García (University), Desamparados Roda Pérez (INCLIVA), Vicente Miralles Fernández (University), Ana Bosch Campos (INCLIVA). Predoctoral Researchers: Teresa Arnandis Chinesta (University), Iván Ferrer Vicens (University). Technician: Concha García de Mier (University). Strategic aims • To confirm that calpaines have a dual role in the tisular restructuring of the mammary gland after the pregnancy/nursing cycle period. On one hand, these proteases are involved in the acinar epithelial cells’ programmed cell death, which implies formerly proved changes in the lysosomes and mitochondria. In this exercise, the experiments performed also involve the nucleus of the epithelial cells as an especifical calpaines’ target during this process. Besides that, it has been shown that calpain 1 cooperates in the differentiation of adipocytes required for the remodeling of the mammary gland after pregnancy/lactancy. • Study of the regulation of multiple signaling vias that converge in the modulation of different biologic processes as for example cell proliferation, cycle stop, cell differentiation and apoptosis. Especially relevant in this processes modulation are the epigenetic mechanisms that control the genic expression and partially explain the differential regulation of the genes expression in response to different stimuli. The group tries to identify the signals that make up the response to a great variety of stimuli and are involved in the chromatine’s structure regulation and the accessibility of specific transcription factors to different genic promoters. Main lines of research • The mammary gland as a physiological model for the study of programmed cell death. • The mammary tissues metabolism and its regulation. • Studies on epigenomic and proteins acetylation in colon cancer tumoral lines with mutated KRAS. Emerging Researcher Rosa Zaragozá Colom (INCLIVA). The research line focuses on the study of mechanisms that regulate tissue restructuring and programmed cell death in the mammary gland and the neoplastic process and development of the mammary tissue. It is also studied the role of calpaines in the involution of the mammary gland and breast cancer tumoral lines, in order to demonstrate its role in cell adhesion and tumoral cells invasivity. 4 147 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 7 Cumulative Impact Factor: 45,585 Original articles Editorial 1Lluch A, Bosch A. Evolution of tumour biology upon progression. Do we know our enemy?. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2012 Jun; 14(6): 399-400. IF: 1,327 1Caffarel MM, Zaragoza R, Pensa S, Li J, Green AR, Watson CJ. Constitutive activation of JAK2 in mammary epithelium elevates Stat5 signalling, promotes alveologenesis and resistance to cell death, and contributes to tumourigenesis. Cell Death and Differentation. 2012 Mar; 19(3): 511-22. IF: 8,849 2Bodi V, Sanchis J, Morales JM, Marrachelli VG, Nunez J, Forteza MJ, Chaustre F, Gómez C, Mainar L, Minana G, Rumiz E, Husser O, Noguera I, Diaz A, Moratal D, Carratalá A, Bosch X, Llacer A, Chorro FJ, Viña JR, Monleon D. Metabolomic profile of human myocardial ischemia by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of peripheral blood serum: a translational study based on transient coronary occlusion models. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012 May 1; 59(18): 1629-41. IF: 14,156 3Radyuk SN, Gambini J, Borras C, Serna E, Klichko VI, 148 4 Viña J, Orr WC. Age-dependent changes in the transcription profile of long-lived Drosophila over-expressing glutamate cysteine ligase. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2012 Jun; 133(6): 401-13. IF: 3,439 4Arnandis T, Ferrer-Vicens I, García-Trevijano ER, Miralles VJ, García C, Torres L, Viña JR, Zaragozá R. Calpains mediate epithelial-cell death during mammary gland involution: mitochondria and lysosomal destabilization. Cell Death and Differerentation. 2012 Sep; 19(9): 1536-48. IF: 8,849 5Eroles P, Bosch A, Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Lluch A. Molecular biology in breast cancer: intrinsic subtypes and signaling pathways. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2012 Oct; 38(6): 698-707. IF: 6,054 6Dasí F, Navarro-García MM, Jiménez-Heredia M, Magraner J, Viña JR, Pallardó FV et, Cervantes A, Morcillo E. Evaluation of the quality of publications on randomized clinical trials using the consolidated standards of reporting trials (CONSORT) statement guidelines in a spanish tertiary hospital. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2012 Jul; 52(7): 1106-14. IF: 2,911 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: BFU2010-18253 Title: El NF-kappaB como nodo de regulación en la involución de la glándula mamaria tras la lactancia. Implicaciones biomédicas. Principal Investigator: Juan R. Viña Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €90.000 Reference: PROMETEO 2010/075 Title: Papel del NO y del NFkappaB en la remodelación tisular de la glándula mamaria tras la lactancia: implicaciones biomédicas. Principal Investigator: Juan R. Viña Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €108.770 Reference: PS09/02360 Title: Papel del óxido nítrico en los mecanismos epigenéticos de control de la respuesta inflamatoria. Estudios experimentales y posibles implicaciones en pacientes con cirrosis alcohólica. Principal Investigator: Elena Ruiz García-Trevijano Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €86.515 Title: Mecanismos de resistencia a inhibidores de EGFR. Estudio epigenómico y de acetilación de proteínas en líneas celulares KRAS mutado y salvaje, y su evaluación en pacientes con cáncer de colon. Scientific activity Principal Investigator: Andrés Cervantes Ruipérez (Luis Torres and Elena Ruiz as collaborating researches) Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total budget: €23.000 Title: Modulación de los niveles de VEGFR1a/VEGF en cáncer de mama tratado con doxorubicina. Principal Investigator: Ana Lluch Hernández (Juan R. Viña and Rosa Zaragozá as collaborating researches) Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Cross section from mammary gland at 24 hours after weaning. Antibodies against Capn1 (green) and Histone H3 (red) were used. Nuclei were stained with Hoechst (blue). The image show numerous apoptotic cells shed into the alveolar lumen. Scale bar: 30 µm. Total budget: €20.822 Reference: ISIC/2012/018 Title: InstitutoSuperiordeInvestigacionesCientíficas INCLIVA Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (Juan R. Viña as collaborating researcher) Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total Budget: €45.000 per year 4 149 Scientific activity Research Group on Aging and Physical Activity PI: José Viña Ribes (Department of Physiology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Consuelo Borrás Blasco (University), María Carmen Gómez Cabrera (University), Ana Lloret Alcañiz (University), Juan Gambini Buchón (University), Gloria Olaso González (University), Esther Giraldo Reboloso (University), Consuelo Escrivá López (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Fabián Sanchís Gomar (University), Rebeca García Vallés (University), Beatriz Ferrando Forés (University), Helios Pareja Galiano (University), Kheira Mohamed (University), José Viña Almunia (University), Helena Cabo Plaza (University), Cristina Mas Bargues (University), Vicent Bonet Beltrán (University). 150 4 Strategic aims • Aging line: it has been made a comparison among the expression profiles of micro RNA in 33 centenaries, 80 octogenarians and 80 young individuals through the expression of 15,644 mature micro RNAs, 2,334 snoRNA and scaRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. It has been observed that centenaries tend to over express small RNAs not codifying as microRNAs and scaRNAs, which explains their exceptional ability to maintain homeostasis even at extreme ages. • Physical activity line: - it has been determined that the voluntary practice of physical activity does not prolong life but does prevent fragility and Sarcopenia in an animal model. - an increase on muscular mitochondrial biogenesis has been identified as a key parameter in the prevention of fragility and Sarcopenia caused by physical activity. - it has been shown that the induction of neurotrophic factors (BDNF and IGF-1) by physical exercise and its role in the prevention of fragility and sarcopenia. - it has been proved the induction of antioxidant enzymes by physical activity and its role in the prevention of fragility and sarcopenia. - it has been studied and dismissed the role of pioglitazone as a doping substance in physical activity. • Alzheimer’s disease physiopathology line: it has been studied the role of ubiquitin ligase APC/cdh1 in the physiopathological mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease. It has been proven that cdh1 diminishes in cells treated with the beta-amyloid peptide and, therefore, the APC/chd1 complex is not formed. This leads to a non-break down of the cyclin B and proves that, in effect, its levels go up. This could be the cause for the reentrance in the cell cycle suffered by Alzheimer’s neurons. • It has been shown that the glutaminase enzyme is neither degraded by APC/cdh1, which leads to an increase in the levels of glutamate exported by the neurons. Glutamate is exotoxic and, therefore, it could be the cause for the entrance into apoptosis observed in this neurodegenerative disease. Scientific activity Main lines of research • Aging: identification of the genes associated with aging, especially genes that are specific in centenary people. Implication of the estrogens and phytoestrogens in the prevention of age-related damage. • Physical activity: identification of the mechanisms by which physical activity is good for health. Identification of the mechanisms by which physical activity helps preventing senile sarcopenia. Identification of the possible doping agents in the professional practice of physical activity. • Physiopathology of the Alzheimer’s disease: identification of the mechanisms by which free radicals, originators of the oxidative stress are used to unleash cell signals that lead to cell death in Alzheimer disease. Emerging Researcher Consuelo Borrás Blasco (Department of Physiology University of Valencia). This research line is focused on the study of the possible role of gender oxidative stress differences on the different type II diabetes prevalence between males and females. Moreover, it is known that the risk of suffering this disease increases in menopausal women. Therefore we also are studying the role of estrogens in the protection against the disease and the possible mechanisms underlying this protective effect. Emerging Researcher María Carmen Gómez Cabrera (Department of Physiology University of Valencia). The main aim of this research is to study the beneficial effects of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of several pathologies and more specifically Alzheimer’s disease, senile sarcopenia and frailty. 4 PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 35 Cumulative Impact Factor: 148,357 Original articles 1Hinchado MD, Giraldo E, Ortega E. Adrenoreceptors are involved in the stimulation of neutrophils by exercise-induced circulating concentrations of Hsp72: cAMP as a potential “intracellular danger signal”. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2012 Feb; 227(2): 604-8. IF: 3,874 2Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G. Telmisartan as metabolic modulator: a new perspective in sports doping?. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012 Mar; 26(3): 608-10. IF: 1,831 3Gómez-Cabrera MC, Ristow M, Viña J. Antioxidant supplements in exercise: worse than useless?. American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinol and Metabolism. 2012 Feb; 302(4): E476-7; author reply E478-9. IF: 4,746 4Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G, Mayero S, Perez-Quilis C, García-Giménez JL. Irisin: a new potential hormonal target for treatment of obesity and type II diabetes. Journal of Diabetes. 2012 Sep; 4(3): 196. 5García-Giménez JL, Ledesma AM, Esmoris I, RomáMateo C, Sanz P, Viña J, Pallardó FV. Histone carbonylation occurs in proliferating cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2012 Apr 15; 52(8): 1453-64. IF: 5,423 6Peñarrocha M, Viña J, Maestre L, Peñarrocha D, Balaguer J. Guided implant surgery with modification of the technique involving the raising of a semicircular miniflap: A preliminary study. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal. 2012 May 1. IF: 1,13 7Radyuk SN, Gambini J, Borras C, Serna E, Klichko VI, Viña J, Orr WC. Age-dependent changes in the transcription profile of long-lived Drosophila over-expressing glutamate cysteine ligase. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2012 Jun; 133(6): 401-13. IF: 3,439 151 Scientific activity 8Martinez-Bello VE, Sanchis-Gomar F, Romagnoli M, 15Lippi G, Banfi G, Botrè F, de la Torre X, De Vita F, Gó- Derbre F, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Viña J. Three weeks of erythropoietin treatment hampers skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in rats. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. 2012 May 25. IF: 1,711 mez-Cabrera MC, Maffulli N, Marchioro L, Pacifici R, Sanchis-Gomar F, Schena F, Plebani M. Laboratory medicine and sports: between Scylla and Charybdis. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2012 Feb 28; 50(8): 1309-16. IF: 2,15 9García-Giménez JL, Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G, Mena S, Ivars D, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Viña J, Pallardó FV. Epigenetic biomarkers: A new perspective in laboratory diagnostics. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2012 Oct 9; 413(19-20): 1576-82. IF: 2,535 10Otalora BB, Popovic N, Gambini J, Popovic M, Viña J, Bonet-Costa V, Reiter RJ, Camello PJ, Rol MÁ, Madrid JA. Circadian System Functionality, Hippocampal Oxidative Stress, and Spatial Memory in the APPswe/ PS1dE9 Transgenic Model of Alzheimer Disease: Effects of Melatonin or Ramelteon. Chronobiology International. 2012 Aug; 29(7): 822-34. IF: 4,028 11 152 4 Gómez-Cabrera MC, Sanchis-Gomar F, Garcia-Valles R, Pareja-Galeano H, Gambini J, Borras C, Viña J. Mitochondria as sources and targets of damage in cellular aging. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2012 Feb 1; 50(8): 1287-95. IF: 2,15 12Pareja-Galeano H, Brioche T, Sanchís-Gomar F, Escrivá C, Dromant M, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Viña J. Effects of physical exercise on cognitive alterations and oxidative stress in an APP/PSN1 transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. 2012 Aug 9. 13 Rodríguez-Mañas L, Féart C, Mann G, Viña J, Chatterji S, Chodzko-Zajko W, Gonzalez-Colaço Harmand M, Bergman H, Carcaillon L, Nicholson C, Scuteri A, Sinclair A, Pelaez M, Van der Cammen T, Beland F, Bickenbach J, Delamarche P, Ferrucci L, Fried LP, Gutiérrez-Robledo LM, Rockwood K, Rodríguez Artalejo F, Serviddio G, Vega E, on behalf of the FODCC group (Appendix 1). Searching for an Operational Definition of Frailty: A Delphi Method Based Consensus Statement. The Frailty Operative Definition-Consensus Conference Project. Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2012 Apr 16. IF: 4,598 14Viña J, Sanchis-Gomar F, Martinez-Bello V, GómezCabrera M. Exercise acts as a drug; the pharmacological benefits of exercise. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2012 Sep; 167(1): 1-12. IF: 4,409 16Sanchis-Gomar F, Garcia-Gimenez JL, Perez-Quilis C, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Pallardo FV, Lippi G. Physical exercise as an epigenetic modulator. Eustress, the “positive stress” as an effector of gene expression. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012 May 3. IF: 1,831 17Lippi G, Plebani M, Sanchis-Gomar F, Banfi G. Current limitations and future perspectives of the Athlete Blood Passport. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012 Mar 23. IF: 2,147 18Viña-Almunia J, Maestre-Ferrín L, Alegre-Domingo T, Peñarrocha-Diago MA. Survival of implants placed with the osteotome technique: An update. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal. 2012 May 1. IF: 1,13 19Badia MC, Lloret A, Giraldo E, Dasí F, Olaso G, Alonso MD, Viña J. Lymphocytes from Young Healthy Persons Carrying the ApoE4 Allele Overexpress StressRelated Proteins Involved in the Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimers Disease. 2012 Aug 22. IF: 3,745 20Sanchis-Gomar F, Viña J, Lippi G. Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia applicability in myocardial infarction prevention and recovery. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2012 May; 16(5): 1150-4. IF: 4,125 21Derbré F, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Nascimento AL, Sanchis-Gomar F, Martinez-Bello VE, Tresguerres JA, Fuentes T, Gratas-Delamarche A, Monsalve M, Viña J. Age associated low mitochondrial biogenesis may be explained by lack of response of PGC-1? to exercise training. Age. 2012 Jun; 34(3): 669-79. IF: 3,948 22Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F, Banfi G. Anti-“negativedoping” testing: a new perspective in anti-doping research?. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012 Jun; 112(6): 2383-4. IF: 2,147 23Martinez-Bello VE, Sanchis-Gomar F, Martinez-Bello D, Olaso-Gonzalez G, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Viña Scientific activity J. Vitamin C Supplementation Does not Improve Hypoxia-Induced Erythropoiesis. High Altitude Medicine & Biology. 2012 Dec; 13(4): 269-74. IF: 1,771 24Serna E, Gambini J, Borras C, Mohammed K, Belenguer A, Sanchis P, Avellana JA, Rodriguez-Mañas L, Viña J. Centenarians, but not octogenarians, up-regulate the expression of microRNAs. Scientific Reports. 2012; 2: 961. Epub 2012 Dec 11. 25Derbre F, Ferrando B, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Sanchis-Gomar F, Martinez-Bello VE, Olaso-Gonzalez G, Diaz A, Gratas-Delamarche A, Cerda M, Viña J. Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by allopurinol prevents skeletal muscle atrophy: role of p38 MAPKinase and E3 ubiquitin ligases. PLoS One. 2012; 7(10): e46668. Epub 2012 Oct 5. IF: 4,092 26Sanchis-Gomar F, Cortell-Ballester J, Pareja-Galeano H, Banfi G, Lippi G. Hemoglobin Point-of-Care Testing: The HemoCue System. Journal of Laboratory Automation. 2012 Sep 6. 27Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F, Salvagno GL, Aloe R, Schena F, Guidi GC. Variation of serum and urinary neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) after strenuous physical exercise. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2012 Feb 14; 50(9): 1585-9. IF: 2,15 28Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F, Cervellin G. Rest heart rate and mortality: More physical exercise for the rabbit?. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Sep 12. IF: 7,078 29Sanchis-Gomar F, Banfi G, Pareja-Galeano H, Martinez-Bello V, Lippi G. Anemia, heart failure and exercise training. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Sep 29. IF: 7,078 30Lombardi G, Banfi G, Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F. Ex expected 2012 Olympics public health effect. Perspectives in Public Health. 2012 Mar; 132(2): 59. 3Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G. Hb(mass) for anti-doping purposes should be assessed in combination with hemoglobin and blood volume. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012 Jun; 33(6): 502. IF: 2,433 4Sanchis-Gomar F, Banfi G, Lippi G. Plasticizer detection in urine samples after autologous blood transfusion. Transfusion. 2012 Mar; 52(3):680; author reply 680-1. IF: 3,217 5Sanchis-Gomar F. The skeletal muscle-metabolism axis in prostate-cancer therapy. New England Journal of Medicine. 2012 Dec 6; 367(23): 2257-8. IF: 53,298 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: 35 NEURO Title: Identificación de nuevos biomarcadores periféricos de deterioro cognitivo ligero y de enfermedad de Alzheimer. Principal Investigator: José Viña Ribes Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Entidad Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2012 Total budget: €44.091 Reference: SAF2010-19498 Title: Modulación de los genes de longevidad y su importancia en la prevención de enfermedades asociadas al envejecimiento. Principal Investigator: José Viña Ribes vivo erythrocyte generation and blood doping. Blood Transfusion. 2012 Oct 10; 1-3. IF: 2,099 Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Letters Duration: 2011-2013 1Sanchis-Gomar F, Lippi G. Front-of-Package Nutrition Labeling and Obesity Implications. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2012 Jan; 42(1): e1. IF: 4,044 2Sanchis-Gomar F, Martinez-Bello VE, Pareja-Galeano H, Lippi G. The financial crisis implications on the Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Total budget: €120.000 Reference: PROMETEO 2010/074 Title: Papel de los radicales libres en la biología de las células madre. Importancia en el desarrollo del envejecimiento. 4 153 Scientific activity Principal Investigator: José Viña Ribes Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Title: Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Científicas INCLIVA Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Principal Investigator: Rafael Carmena Rodríguez (José Viña as collaborating researcher) Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €76.800 per year Reference: HEALTH.2010.2.2.2-5 Title: Frailty operative definition-consensus conference “FOD-CC”. Principal Investigator: José Viña Ribes Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €72.200 Reference: ISCIII2006-RED13-027 Title: Red temática de investigación cooperativa en envejecimiento y fragilidad (RETICEF). Principal Investigator: José Viña Ribes Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2012 154 4 Reference: ISIC/2012/018 Total budget: €113.015 Reference: 4/2013 Title: Utility of OMIC-Based biomarkers in characterizing older individuals at risk for frailty, its progression to disability and general consequences to health and well-being - THE FRAILOMIC INITIATIVE (FRAILOMIC). Principal Investigator: José Viña Ribes Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012-2015 Total budget: €596.520 Reference: CB06/07/0073 Title: CIBERER (CIBER de Enfermedades Raras). Principal Investigator: Federico Vicente Pallardó Calatayud (Ana Lloret as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2013 Funding Body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary Institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total Budget: €45.000 per year Scientific activity Research Group on Anesthesiology and Reanimation PI: Francisco Javier Belda Nácher (Department of Anaesthesia Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia / Department of Surgery University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Marina Soro Domingo (Hospital), Gerardo Aguilar Aguilar (Hospital), Carlos Ferrando Ortolá (Hospital), José García de la Asunción (Hospital), Francisco Martí Cánoves (Hospital), Miguel García Raimundo (Hospital), Arturo Carratalá Calvo (Hospital), Jaime Pérez-Griera (Hospital), Beatriz Garrigues Olivé (Hospital), Juan Vicente Llau Pitarch (Hospital), Raquel Ferrandis Comes (Hospital), Rafael Badenes Quiles (Hospital), Armando Martuenda Paulino (Hospital), María Luis García Pérez (Hospital), Juan Carlos Tornero Tornero (Hospital), Benigno Escamilla Cañete (Hospital), María Luisa Laredo Alcázar (Hospital). Strategic aims • Determining the most physiological anesthetics and an optimum administering way in order to obtain a better protection for the organs and the fewer secondary post-surgery effects. • Identification of factors associated with a higher mortality rate in patients submitted to non-cardiac major surgery. • Identifying the molecular plasmatic factors that act locally and remotely in the pre and Post-remote amendment by ischemia reperfusion during the surgery. • Description of the pharmacokinetic properties of diverse antibiotics in critical patients with altered kidney function. • Consolidation of new hemotherapy strategies in the peri-surgery period. Main lines of research • In anesthesia: gases used in anesthesia: halogenated agents, xenon and oxygen; anesthetics effects: oxidative stress and organs protection in surgeries performed with ischemia reperfusion. • In critical care: the ventilatory handling of patients includes the mechanical ventilation and a coadjuvant treatment (ways for weaning, drugs with immunomodulator effects, etc.). • Way of administering the anesthetic agents (for surgery anesthetics and sedation in critical care) where new disposable devices, alternative to vaporizers, are being looked into. • Development of the hemodynamic monitoring into a less invasive technique and its employment in the field of patients intervened with cardiac surgery or admitted into the critical care units. • Study and development of drugs and instrumental that allow quantifying or intervening in the different hemostatic vias, in a double aspect: prevention of thrombotic diseases and avoiding hemorrhages in the post-surgery period. • Study and development of ways to detect an infection, specially fungal and viral infections, as well as the ways to prevent them. • Development of the neurologic monitoring for its employment in neurocritical patients. • Development of new strategies and drugs for pain treatment. • Study of the Aquaporin expression 1 and 5 in an experimental model of acute pulmonary damage by mechanical ventilation in rats. 4 155 Scientific activity PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 17 Cumulative Impact Factor: 64,378 Original articles 1Ferrandis R, Belda FJ, Garcia-Raimundo M, Soro M, Martí F, Montoya FJ, Cortés V, Bahamonde JA. Airway pressure curve: a good tool to measure neural inspiratory time?. Minerva anestesiológica. 2012 Jan Volume: 78 Issue: 1 Pages: 54-62. IF: 2,656 2Sánchez-Miralles A, Castellanos G, Badenes R, Conejero R. Abdominal compartment syndrome and acute intestinal distress syndrome. Medicina intensiva. 2012 Jan 11. IF: 1,072 3Aguilar G, Carbonell JA, Ferrando C, Badenes R, Belda FJ. Echinocandins in a critically ill patient during continuous venovenous renal replacement. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología. 2012 Apr Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 85-9. IF: 1,156 4García-de-la-Asunción 156 4 J, Perez-Solaz A, Carrau M, Belda FJ, Perez-Griera J, Garriges B. Different oxidative stress marker levels in blood from the operated knee or the antecubital vein in patients undergoing knee surgery: A tourniquet-induced ischemia-reperfusion model. Redox Report. 2012; 17(5): 194-9. IF: 1,732 5Brochard L, Martin GS, Blanch L, Pelosi P, Belda FJ, Jubran A, Gattinoni L, Mancebo J, Ranieri VM, Richard JC, Gommers D, Vieillard-Baron A, Pesenti A, Jaber S, Stenqvist O, Vincent JL. Clinical review: Respiratory monitoring in the ICU - a consensus of 16. Critical Care. 2012 Apr 26; 16(2): 219. IF: 4,607 6Llau JV, Gil-Garay E, Castellet E, en nombre de los investigadores del estudio ENOXACOR. Thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin for total knee replacement: An observational, retrospective and multicentre study comparing starting the treatment before and after the operation. Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. 2012 Jun; 59(6): 306-14. 7Llau JV, Ferrandis R, Castillo J, de Andrés J, Gomar C, Gómez-Luque A, Hidalgo F, Torres LM, en representación de los participantes en el Foro de Consenso de la ESRA-España sobre «Fármacos que alteran la hemostasia». Management of direct action oral anticoagulants in the peri-operative period and invasive techniques. Revista Española de Anestesiología y Re- animación. 2012 Jun; 59(6): 321-30. 8Colomina MJ, Díez Lobo A, Garutti I, Gómez-Luque A, Llau JV, Pita E. Perioperative use of prothrombin complex concentrates. Minerva Anestesiologica. 2012 Mar; 78(3): 358-68. IF: 2,656 9Alvarez-Lerma F, Soriano MC, Rodríguez M, Catalán M, Llorente AM, Vidart N, Garitacelaya M, Maraví E, Fernández E, Alvarado F, López M, Alvarez-Sánchez B, Espinosa J, Quintana E, Study Group of Liposomal Amphotericin B in the ICU. Impact of liposomal amphotericin B on renal function in critically ill patients with renal function impairment. Revista Española de Quimioterapia. 2012 Sep; 25(3): 206-15. IF: 0,81 10Ferrando C, Aguilar G, Belda FJ. Extravascular lung water does not increase in hypovolemic patients after a fluid-loading protocol guided by the stroke volume variation. Critical Care Research and Practice. 2012; 437659. 11Soro M, Gallego L, Silva V, Ballester MT, Lloréns J, Alvariño A, García-Perez ML, Pastor E, Aguilar G, Martí FJ, Carratalá A, Belda FJ. Cardioprotective effect of sevoflurane and propofol during anaesthesia and the postoperative period in coronary bypass graft surgery: a double-blind randomised study. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2012 Dec; 29(12): 561-9. IF: 2,231 12Ferrando C, Carbonell JA, Aguilar G, Badenes R, Belda FJ. Intracranial hypertension related to sedation with sevoflurane using the AnaConDa(®) device in a patient with severe traumatic brain injury. Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. 2012 Aug 21. 13Muedra V, Llau JV, Llagunes J, Paniagua P, Veiras S, Fernández-López AR, Diago C, Hidalgo F, Gil J, Valiño C, Moret E, Gómez L, Pajares A, Prada BD. Postoperative Costs Associated With Outcomes After Cardiac Surgery With Extracorporeal Circulation: Role of Antithrombin Levels. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 2012 Oct 25. IF: 1,64 14Coburn M, Sanders RD, Maze M, Rossaint R, HIPELD Investigators. The Hip Fracture Surgery in Elderly Patients (HIPELD) study: protocol for a randomized, multicenter controlled trial evaluating the effect of xenon on postoperative delirium in older patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. Trials. 2012 Sep 27; 13: 180. IF: 2,496 Scientific activity 15Ingelmo I, Fábregas N, Rama P, Rubio R, Badenes R, Sola LV, Krauchi OR, Honorato C, Palazón JH, Ledesma MJ. Encuesta sobre el tratamiento anestesiológico de los pacientes sometidos a neurocirugía de fosa posterior. Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. 2012; 59: 118-126. 16Pearse PM, Moreno RP, Bauer P, Pelosi P, Metnitz P, Spies C, Vallet B, Vincent JL, Hoeft A, Rhodes A, for the European Surgical Outcomes Study (EuSOS) group for the Trials groups of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Mortality after surgery in Europe: a 7 day cohort study. Lancet. 2012; 380: 10591065. IF: 38,278 17Turpie AG, Kreutz R, Llau J, Norrving B, Hass S. Management consensus guidance for the use of rivaroxaban - an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2012; 108: 876-886. IF: 5,044 THESIS 1Thesis title: Estudio de toxicidad hepática y renal causada por la administración de sevoflurano 2,5% durante procedimientos sedativos de larga duración en modelo animal. RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: GANCMV-2011. Number EudraCT: 2011002603 Title: Tratamiento anticipado con ganciclovir de la infección activa por el citomegalovirus (CMV) en el paciente crítico en ventilación mecánica con sepsis grave o shock séptico. Principal Investigator: Gerardo Aguilar Aguilar Funding body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2016 Total budget: €38.500 Title: Identificación de nuevos biomarcadores periféricos de deterioro cognitivo ligero y de enfermedad de Alzheimer. Principal Investigator: José Viña (Jose García de la Asunción as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary institution: Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Doctoral candidate: Lucía Gallego Ligorit Duration: 2011-2013 Director(s): Francisco Javier Belda and Marina Soro Domingo Total budget: €48.000 Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Thesis title: Estudio de la respuesta inflamatoria en diferentes estrategias de cirugía de revascularizacion coronaria. Doctoral candidate: Irene León Carsi Director(s): Joaquín Ortega Serrano and Rosario Vicente Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 4 157 Scientific activity Research Group on Translational Genomics PI: Rubén Darío Artero Allepuz (Department of Genetics University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Manuel Pérez Alonso (University), Mª Beatriz Llamusí Troísi (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Ariadna Bargiela Schönbrunn (University), Estefanía Cerro Herreros (University), Piotr Konieczny (University). Strategic aims • To begin working in the development of new therapeutic strategies based on the use of RNA molecules as drugs as well as in the discovery of disease biomarkers. 158 4 • To participate in a European research project, for which a current E-rare project aiming at deciphering the molecular basis of the cardiac dysfunction in myotonic dystrophy will serve as initial promoting consortium. Main lines of research The current research lines for the group of Translational Genomics are the following: • Use of miRNAs as therapeutic targets and progression markers in Myotonic Dystrophia. • Analysis of the post-transcriptional regulation of the muscleblind gene and identification of myotonic dystrophy biomarkers. • Development of a Drosophila model for the discovery of inhibitors of protein-protein interactions. • Study of the causes for cardiac alterations in Myotonic Dystrophia. • Study of the transcriptional regulation of muscleblind, a gen involved in several diseases including, Myotonic Dystrophy among them. • Study of the molecular mechanisms associated with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and the search for potential therapies. Patents Inventors: M Carmen Alvárez, Arturo López Castel, Irma García, Manuel Pérez Alonso, Rubén Darío Artero, José R. Tormo, Diego Cortés RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Title: Identificación de RNAs de suero sanguíneo como biomarcadores de progresión de distrofia miotónica. Title: Phenanthrene derivatives for use as medicaments Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Application number: EP12197087 Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Priority date: 2012 Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Scientific activity Duration: 2012-2014 Total budget: €39.000 Reference: GrisoliaP/2012/068 Principal Investigator: Nuria Paricio Ortiz (Rubén Artero as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Title: Un modelo de atrofia muscular espinal en Drosophila para el descubrimiento de fármacos in vivo. Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Total budget: €46.030 Funding body: Conselleria d´Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2012-2015 Total budget: €43.200 Duration: 2010-2013 Title: Nuevas dianas terapéuticas para la distrofia miotónica: análisis de microRNAs en dos modelos animales de la enfermedad. Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Funding body: Fundación Ramón Areces Reference: FPA/2012/043 Title: Programa Gerónimo Forteza para la contratación de personal de apoyo para grupos de calidad contrastada. Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Funding body: Conselleria d´Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2013 Total budget: €64.764 Reference: BFU2009-10940 Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Title: Regulación de muscleblind: módulos reguladores de la transcripción en cis y señales potenciales de localización nuclear. Duration: 2012 Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Total budget: €9.300 Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Reference: BIO2011-15081-E Title: Descubrimiento de inhibidores de interacciones proteína-proteína en Drosophila. Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €133.100 Reference: UV-INV_AE11-40093 Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Title: Mecanismo de toxicidad a expansiones CTG: nuevos componentes y su relevancia biomédica. Duration: 2012-2014 Principal Investigator: Manuel Pérez Alonso Total budget: €63.000 Funding body: Universitat de València Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Title: Development of novel treatments for myotonic dystrophy: in vivo drug discovery. Principal Investigator: Rubén Artero Allepuz Funding body: Fundación La Marató de TV3 Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínica Valencia Duration: 2011-2014 Total budget: €143.310 Reference: PROMETEO 2010/081 Title: Aproximaciones genéticas para el estudio de patologías humanas y del desarrollo en Drosophila. Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €10.000 4 159 Scientific activity 4.1.4. Research on Reproductive Medicine Area 4 161 Scientific activity Research Group on Women Health PI: Antonio Cano Sánchez (Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Juan José Tarín Folgado (University), Paz Laporta Martín (Hospital), Lucía Sanz Salvador (University), Leonor Fernández-Murga (University), Arantxa Hervás Lorente (University), María Cinta García Martínez (University). Predoctoral Researchers: Rosa Aliaga Corachán (University). Strategic aims 162 4 • The strengthening of the research group on postmenopausal osteosporosis biology with the Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia. Contributions to Instituto de Investigación del Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla and to el URFOA-IMIM, Parc de Salut del Mar of the Hospital del Mar de Barcelona. • Consolidation of the clinical group in women health, with projects in the endometriosis area (role of the microRNA), gonadal protection during chemotherapy in young women and protection before ovaric hyperstimulation and hemorrhagic luteal body with GnRH antagonists. Main lines of Research • Postmenopausal osteoporosis: role of the calcium sensor receptor in the osteo formation and osteoclastogenesis. • Gonadal protection in pre-menopausal women treated with chemotherapy. • Endometriosis: Role of the microRNA and regulators of vascularization and pain mechanisms. • Initial aterogenesis and gonadal steroids. • Vitamin D in women’s health. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 10 Cumulative Impact Factor: 27,69 Original articles 1Riancho JA, Liu Y, Sainz J, García-Pérez MA, Olmos JM, Bolado-Carrancio A, Valero C, Pérez-López J, Cano A, Yang T, Sañudo C, Deng HW, Rodríguez-Rey JC. Nuclear receptor NR5A2 and bone: gene expres- sion and association with bone mineral density. European Journal of Endocrinology. 2012 Jan; 166(1): 6975. IF: 3,423 2Pineda B, Hermenegildo C, Tarín JJ, Cano A, GarcíaPérez MA. Effects of administration of hormone therapy or raloxifene on the immune system and on biochemical markers of bone remodeling. Menopause. 2012 Mar; 19(3): 319-27. IF: 3,758 Scientific activity 3Fernández-Murga L, Hermenegildo C, Tarín JJ, García-Pérez MA, Cano A. Endometrial response to concurrent treatment with vaginal progesterone and transdermal estradiol. Climacteric. 2012 Feb 9. IF: 1,986 4Blümel JE, Cano A, Mezones-Holguín E, Barón G, Bencosme A, Benítez Z, Bravo LM, Calle A, Flores D, Espinoza MT, Gómez G, Hernández-Bueno JA, Laribezcoa F, Martino M, Lima S, Monterrosa A, Mostajo D, Ojeda E, Onatra W, Sánchez H, Tserotas K, Vallejo MS, Witis S, Zúñiga MC, Chedraui P. A multinational study of sleep disorders during female mid-life. Maturitas. 2012 Aug; 72(4): 359-66. IF: 2,767 5Cañete P, Monllor A, Pineda A, Hernández R, Tarín JJ, Cano A. Levels of heat shock protein 27 in placentae from small for gestational age newborns. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. 2012; 73(3): 248-51. IF: 1,276 6Cano A, Estévez J, Usandizaga R, Gallo JL, Guinot M, Delgado JL, Castellanos E, Moral E, Nieto C, del Prado JM, Ferrer J. The therapeutic effect of a new ultra low concentration estriol gel formulation (0.005% estriol vaginal gel) on symptoms and signs of postmenopausal vaginal atrophy: results from a pivotal phase III study. Menopause. 2012 Aug 20. IF: 3,758 7Artero A, Tarín JJ, Cano A. The adverse effects of estrogen and selective estrogen receptor modulators on hemostasis and thrombosis. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis. 2012 Nov; 38(8): 797-807. IF: 4,524 8Baró F, Cano A, Sánchez-Borrego R, Ferrer J, González-Rodríguez SP, Neyro JL, Rodríguez-Bueno E, Sancho C, Inaraja V, Fernández C, Corral C. Frequency of FRAX risk factors in osteopenic postmenopausal women with and without history of fragility fracture. Menopause. 2012. 19: 1193-9. IF: 3,758 9Salvador-Carulla L, OlsonWalsh C, Alonso F, Gómez R, de Teresa C, Cabo-Soler JR, Cano A, Ruiz M. eVITAL: A Preliminary Taxonomy and Electronic Toolkit of Health-Related Habits and Lifestyle. Scientific World Journal. 2012. Epub 2012 Apr 1. 10Blanco-Molina MA, Lozano M, Cano A, Cristobal I, Pallardo LP, Lete I. Progestin-only contraception and venous thromboembolism. Thrombosis Research. 2012. 129:e257-62. IF: 2,44 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PS09/00136 Title: Efecto del envejecimiento reproductivo materno sobre los perfiles de expresión génica de los individuos descendientes: ovocito versus medio ambiente materno. Principal Investigator: Juan José Tarín Folgado Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €91.200 Reference: PS09/01687 Title: Receptor sensor del calcio y osteoformación. Principal Investigator: Antonio Cano Sánchez Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €89.782 Reference: PS09/00184 Title: Identificación de genes del sistema inmune implicados en la osteoporosis posmenopáusica. Principal Investigator: Miguel Ángel García Pérez (Nuria Abril and Rosa Aliaga as collaborating Researchers) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €92.928 4 163 Scientific activity Research Group on Male Infertility and Embrionary Stimulation PI: José Remohí Jiménez (IVI University Institute / Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Amparo Ruiz Jorro (IUIVI), Carmen Rubio Lluesa (IUIVI), Jaime Ferro Camargo (IUIVI), José Antonio Martínez Conejero (IUIVI), Marcos Meseguer Escrivá (IUIVI), Nicolás Garrido Puchalt (IUIVI). Predoctoral Researchers: Rocío Rivera Egea (IUIVI), Nerea Sota Echarri (IUIVI). 164 4 Strategic aims • Study of the correlations between the recombination and total length of the sinaptonemic complex, both in the control group, constituted by men with proven fertility, and in the group of study on patients with secretory azoospermia with unknown causes. • Related to the Study on seminal respiration as a diagnosis method, it has been validated the reproducibility of the measured O2 levels in semen samples from infertile patients, and it has also been established the necessary experimental conditions in order to obtain concluding results with this technique, optimizing the concentration of spermatozoids and the time taken for the analysis. Main lines of research • A study on the genetic causes for male infertility: Studies on meiosis, chromosomal anomalies in spermatozoids and genes that are possibly related to male infertility. • Study on seminal respiration as a new diagnosis method for male fertility potential through micro-respiration. Emerging Researcher Nicolás Garrido Puchalt (IVI University Institute). In this research line about male fertility, factors related to sperm physiology are intended to be discovered. Using assisted reproduction techniques and several instrumental tools, the genetic, proteomic and metabolomic profiles (in the latter, mainly lipid composition), DNA integrity and oxygen uptake are determined in order to analyze the relevance of these parameters and improve the diagnosis and the design of new optimal sperm selection techniques to achieve pregnancy. Scientific activity Emerging Researcher Marcos Meseguer Escrivá (IVI University Institute). This group has developed a new technology, based in new equipment (Embryoscope) that allows embryo analysis without using an invasive technique. The processes in our laboratory have changed, since it is not needed to take out the embryos from the incubator to be observed, and we have more information of each embryo since it takes continuous pictures of the embryo development that allows select those that have major implantation rate according to its morphokinetic patterns. In this way it achieves a much more stable incubation. Capturing images is done in multiple focal planes and pre-programmed time intervals. The sum of each embryo frame generates a recording that displays the embryonic development continuously. It represents a major conceptual advance in the quality assessment by assessing embryonic developmental processes against embryo stages. We have also established a new marker that indicates success in implantation which is based on oxygen consumption. By adding a micro sensor (nano sensor detecting oxygen consumption) in embryo culture media we get additional information about embryos to select them for transfer 48 or 72 hours after “in vitro” fecundation. The preliminary studies showed that it can increase up to 20% the chance of success of assisted reproductive technology. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 27 Cumulative Impact Factor: 94,327 Original articles 1Muñoz E, Bosch E, Fernandez I, Portela S, Ortiz G, Remohi J, Pellicer A. The Role of LH in Ovarian Stimulation. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 2012 Mar 1; 13(3): 409-16. IF: 2,805 2Cobo A, Bellver J, de Los Santos MJ, Remohí J. Viral screening of spent culture media and liquid nitrogen samples of oocytes and embryos from hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus chronically infected women undergoing in vitro fertilization cycles. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jan; 97(1): 74-8. IF: 3,775 3Garrido N, Pellicer A, Niederberger C. Testing the water before swimming: satisfying the need for clinical trials of devices, media, and instruments before their use in assisted reproduction laboratories. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Feb; 97(2): 245-6. IF: 3,775 4Cobo A, de Los Santos MJ, Castellò D, Gámiz P, Campos P, Remohí J. Outcomes of vitrified early cleavagestage and blastocyst-stage embryos in a cryopreservation program: evaluation of 3,150 warming cycles. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Aug 3. IF: 3,775 5Garrido N, Bellver J, Remohí J, Alamá P, Pellicer A. Cumulative newborn rates increase with the total number of transferred embryos according to an analysis of 15,792 ovum donation cycles. Fertility and Sterilility. 2012 Aug; 98(2): 341-346.e2. IF: 3,775 6Al-Asmar N, Peinado V, Vera M, Remohí J, Pellicer A, Simón C, Hassold T, Rubio C. Chromosomal abnormalities in embryos from couples with a previous aneuploid miscarriage. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jul; 98(1): 145-50. IF: 3,775 7Rienzi L, Cobo A, Paffoni A, Scarduelli C, Capalbo A, Vajta G, Remohí J, Ragni G, Ubaldi FM. Consistent and predictable delivery rates after oocyte vitrification: an observational longitudinal cohort multicentric study. Human Reproduction. 2012 Jun; 27(6): 1606-12. IF: 4,475 8Altmäe S, Martinez-Conejero JA, Esteban FJ, RuizAlonso M, Stavreus-Evers A, Horcajadas JA, Salumets A. MicroRNAs miR-30b, miR-30d, and miR-494 Regulate Human Endometrial Receptivity. Reproductive Sciences. 2012 Aug 17. IF: 2,444 9Evans GE, Martínez-Conejero JA, Phillipson GT, Simón C, McNoe LA, Sykes PH, Horcajadas JA, Lam EY, Print CG, Sin IL, Evans JJ. Gene and protein expression signature of endometrial glandular and stromal compartments during the window of implantation. Fertilily and Sterility. 2012 Jun; 97(6): 1365-73.e1-2. IF: 3,775 10Vialard F, Simoni G, Gomes DM, Abourra A, De Toffol S, Bru F, Martinez Romero MC, Nitsch L, Bouhanna P, Marcato L, Popowski T, Grimi B, Martínez-Conejero JA, Benzacken B, Genesio R, Grati FR. Prenatal BACs-on-Beads™: the prospective experience of five prenatal diagnosis laboratories. Prenatal Diagnosis. 2012 Apr; 32(4): 329-35. IF: 2,106 4 165 Scientific activity Online. 2012 Apr; 24(4): 424-32. IF: 2,042 18Riboldi M, Rubio C, Pellicer A, Gil-Salom M, Simón C. In vitro production of haploid cells after coculture of CD49f+ with Sertoli cells from testicular sperm extraction in nonobstructive azoospermic patients. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jun 23. IF: 3,775 19Mas A, Cervelló I, Gil-Sanchis C, Faus A, Ferro J, PeTriple sperm FISH: CEP X Spectrum Green, CEP Y Spectrum Orange, CEP 18 Spectrum Aqua 11De los Santos MJ, García-Láez V, Beltrán-Torregrosa D, Horcajadas JA, Martínez-Conejero JA, Esteban FJ, Pellicer A, Labarta E. Hormonal and molecular characterization of follicular fluid, cumulus cells and oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles in stimulated and unstimulated cycles. Human Reproduction. 2012 Jun; 27(6): 1596-605. IF: 4,475 4 20Labarta E, Bosch E, Alamá P, Rubio C, Rodrigo L, Pellicer A. Moderate Ovarian Stimulation Does Not Increase the Incidence of Human Embryo Chromosomal Abnormalities in in Vitro Fertilization Cycles. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Aug 3. IF: 5,967 12Cruz M, Garrido N, Herrero J, Pérez-Cano I, Muñoz 21Rubio C, Bellver J, Rodrigo L, Bosch E, Mercader A, M, Meseguer M. Timing of cell division in human cleavage-stage embryos is linked with blastocyst formation and quality. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2012 Jul 7. IF: 2,042 Vidal C, De Los Santos MJ, Giles J, Labarta E, Domingo J, Crespo J, Remohí J, Pellicer A, Simón C. Preimplantation genetic screening using fluorescence in situ hybridization in patients with repetitive implantation failure and advanced maternal age: two randomized trials. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Dec 20. IF: 3,775 13Muñoz 166 llicer A, Simón C. Identification and characterization of the human leiomyoma side population as putative tumor-initiating cells. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 May 23. IF: 3,775 M, Cruz M, Humaidan P, Garrido N, PérezCano I, Meseguer M. Dose of recombinant FSH and oestradiol concentration on day of HCG affect embryo development kinetics. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2012 Jul 4. IF: 2,042 14Tejera A, Herrero J, Viloria T, Romero JL, Gamiz P, Meseguer M. Time-dependent O(2) consumption patterns determined optimal time ranges for selecting viable human embryos. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jul 24. IF: 3,575 15Meseguer M, Kruhne U, Laursen S. Full in vitro fertilization laboratory mechanization: toward robotic assisted reproduction?. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jun; 97(6): 1277-86. IF: 3,775 16Camprubí C, Pladevall M, Grossmann M, Garrido N, Pons M, Blanco J. Semen samples showing an increased rate of spermatozoa with imprinting errors have a negligible effect in the outcome of assisted reproduction techniques. Epigenetics. 2012 Oct 1; 7(10). IF: 4,318 17Cobo A, Garrido N, Crespo J, José R, Pellicer A. Accumulation of oocytes: a new strategy for managing low-responder patients. Reproductive Biomedicine 22Garrido N, Pellicer A, Niederberger C. Testing the water before swimming: satisfying the need for clinical trials of devices, media, and instruments before their use in assisted reproduction laboratories. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Feb; 97(2): 245-6. IF: 3,775 23Meseguer M, Rubio I, Cruz M, Basile N, Marcos J, Requena A. Embryo incubation and selection in a timelapse monitoring system improves pregnancy outcome compared with a standard incubator: a retrospective cohort study. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Dec; 98(6): 1481-1489.e10. IF: 3,775 24Rubio I, Kuhlmann R, Agerholm I, Kirk J, Herrero J, Escribá MJ, Bellver J, Meseguer M. Limited implantation success of direct-cleaved human zygotes: a time-lapse study. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Dec; 98(6): 1458-63. IF: 3,775 25Altmäe S, Martinez-Conejero JA, Esteban FJ, RuizAlonso M, Stavreus-Evers A, Horcajadas JA, Salumets A. MicroRNAs miR-30b, miR-30d, and miR-494 Regulate Human Endometrial Receptivity. Reproductive Sciences. 2012 Aug 17. IF: 2,444 Scientific activity Meiotic prophase progression I. MLH1: points recombination; CREST centromere; SCP3: synaptonemal complex. Letters 1 Vila-Vives JM, Martínez-Conejero JA, Pellicer A. Effect of adenomyosis on implantation. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2012 May; 24(5):584; author reply 585. IF: 2,042 2 Garrido N, Bellver J, Rubio C, Pellicer A. Hepatitis B virus in human oocytes and embryos. Human Reproduction. 2012 Apr; 27(4): 1227-8; author reply 1228-9. IF: 4,475 Reference: PI11/01077 Title: Estudio de la respiración seminal como nuevo método diagnóstico del potencial fértil del varón mediante la microrespiración. Principal Investigator: Nicolás Garrido Puchalt Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: INCLIVA-IUIVI Total budget: €27.291 THESIS 1 Thesis title: Transcritómica de la infertilidad masculina. Doctoral candidate: Sandra García Herrero Director(s): Nicolás Garrido Puchalt and Marcos Meseguer Escrivá Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: PS09/01725 Title: Estudio de anomalías meióticas y citogenéticas en biopsias testiculares de varones azoospérmicos. Despistajes de mutaciones génicas asociadas a errores sinápticos y alteraciones en la recombinación. Principal Investigator: José Alejandro Remohí Jiménez Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación IVI Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €86.515 4 167 Scientific activity Research Group on Stem Cells Applied to Reproduction, Embryo Viability and Endometrial Receptivity PI: Carlos Simón Vallés (IVI University Institute / Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Valencia). Collaborating Researchers: Amparo Mercador Bayarri (IUIVI), Ana Cristina Cerveró Sanz (IUIVI), María José de los Santos Molina (IUIVI), Ernesto Bosch Aparicio (IUIVI), Francisco Domínguez Hernández (IUIVI), Felip Vilella Mitjana (IUIVI), Xavier Santamaria Costa (IUIVI), Raúl Gómez Gallego (IUIVI), Irene Cervelló Alcaraz, (University), José Vicente Medrano (University), Ana Martínez Arroyo (University), Diana Valbuena Perilla (IUIVI), David Blesa Jarque (IUIVI). Predoctoral Researchers: Tamara Garrido Gómez (IUIVI), Claudia Gil Sanchis (IUIVI), Leslie Ramírez Lima (IUIVI), Juan Manuel Moreno Moya (IUIVI), Hortensia Ferrero Cháfer (IUIVI), Carmen García Pascual (IUIVI), Aymara Mas Perucho (University). 168 4 Technicians: Sebastián Martínez Escribano (IUIVI), Alicia Quiñonero Villora (IUIVI), Eva Gómez Sánchez (University). Strategic aims • Once isolated the candidate colony for somatic stem cells in the human endometrium and other reproductive tissues, this work focuses on getting to know the origin of this cell colony and looking for possible markers. • It has been completed the publication of the study where normal embryos and embryos with trisomy 21 are compared, causing the appearance of certain metabolic markers that differentiate both embryos and can be measured in the culture environment where these embryos grow. • Development of a new non-invasive tool based on a lipid profile for the diagnosis of the endometrial receptivity. Main lines of research • Adult stem cells in the Human endometrium. • Embryo viability. • Endometrial receptivity. Emerging Researcher Irene Cervelló Alcaraz (Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Valencia). This line of research develops the identification, characterization and isolation of somatic stem cells in the endometrium. A colony of endometrial stem cells has been identified in human and murine models, the regenerative potential of these cells has been proven and there is an ongoing research on the existence of Lgr5 marker in the endometrial human tissue in order to know the only marker for this cells. Scientific activity Emerging Researcher Felip Vilella Mitjana (IVI University Institute) The research line of Endometrial Receptivity is based on the study of endometrial secretions. Using the secretomic approach we can describe new molecules that can be correlated with the days of the menstrual cycle and may be involved in obtaining the window of implantation period, opening a new field of study for the analysis of the changes in the endometrium during the menstrual cycle. PUBLICATIONS Total Number of Publications: 29 Cumulative Impact Factor: 113,954 Original articles 1Muñoz E, Bosch E, Fernandez I, Portela S, Ortiz G, Remohi J, Pellicer A. The Role of LH in Ovarian Stimulation. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 2012 Mar 1; 13(3): 409-16. IF: 2,805 2Wang H, Pilla F, Anderson S, Martínez-Escribano S, Herrer I, Moreno-Moya JM, Musti S, Bocca S, Oehninger S, Horcajadas JA. A novel model of human implantation: 3D endometrium-like culture system to study attachment of human trophoblast (Jar) cell spheroids. Molecular Human Reproduction. 2012 Jan; 18(1): 33-43. IF: 3,852 3Cobo A, Bellver J, de Los Santos MJ, Remohí J. Viral screening of spent culture media and liquid nitrogen samples of oocytes and embryos from hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus chronically infected women undergoing in vitro fertilization cycles. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jan; 97(1): 74-8. IF: 3,775 4García-Velasco JA, Kupesic S, Pellicer A, Bourgain C, Simón C, Mrazek M, Devroey P, Arce JC. Follicular and endocrine profiles associated with different GnRH-antagonist regimens: a randomized controlled trial. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2012 Feb; 24(2): 153-62. IF: 2,042 5Valbuena D, Póo ME, Aguilar-Gallardo C, Martinez S, Cobo AC, Pellicer A, Simón C. Comparison of Cryotip vs. Cryotop for mouse and human blastomere vitrification. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jan; 97(1): 209-17. IF: 3,775 6Cobo A, de Los Santos MJ, Castellò D, Gámiz P, Campos P, Remohí J. Outcomes of vitrified early cleavage-stage and blastocyst-stage embryos in a cryopreservation program: evaluation of 3,150 warming cycles. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Nov; 98(5): 1138-46. e1. IF: 3,775 7Al-Asmar N, Peinado V, Vera M, Remohí J, Pellicer A, Simón C, Hassold T, Rubio C. Chromosomal abnormalities in embryos from couples with a previous aneuploid miscarriage. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jul; 98(1): 145-50. IF: 3,775 8Evans GE, Martínez-Conejero JA, Phillipson GT, Simón C, McNoe LA, Sykes PH, Horcajadas JA, Lam EY, Print CG, Sin IL, Evans JJ. Gene and protein expression signature of endometrial glandular and stromal compartments during the window of implantation. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jun; 97(6): 1365-73.e1-2. IF: 3,775 9De los Santos MJ, García-Láez V, Beltrán-Torregrosa D, Horcajadas JA, Martínez-Conejero JA, Esteban FJ, Pellicer A, Labarta E. Hormonal and molecular characterization of follicular fluid, cumulus cells and oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles in stimulated and unstimulated cycles. Human Reproduction. 2012 Jun; 27(6): 1596-605. IF: 4,475 10Riboldi M, Rubio C, Pellicer A, Gil-Salom M, Simón C. In vitro production of haploid cells after coculture of CD49f+ with Sertoli cells from testicular sperm extraction in nonobstructive azoospermic patients. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jun 23; 98(3): 580-90. IF: 3,775 11Simón C. Somatic stem cells and tissue engineering shed light on unsolved clinical issues in reproductive medicine: in stem cells we trust. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jul; 98(1): 1-2. IF: 3,775 12Garrido-Gómez T, Dominguez F, Quiñonero A, Estella C, Vilella F, Pellicer A, Simon C. Annexin A2 is critical for embryo adhesiveness to the human endometrium by RhoA activation through F-actin regulation. FASEB Journal. 2012 May 29; 26(9): 3715-27. IF: 5,712 13Ruiz-Alonso M, Blesa D, Simón C. The genomics of the human endometrium. Biochimical et Biophysica Acta. 2012 May 24 ; 1822(12): 1931-42. 14Mas A, Cervelló I, Gil-Sanchis C, Faus A, Ferro J, Pellicer A, Simón C. Identification and characterization of the human leiomyoma side population as putative tumor-initiating cells. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 May 23; 98(3): 741-751.e6. IF: 3,775 4 169 Scientific activity 15Galán A, Simón C. Human embryonic stem cells derived in xeno-free conditions. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2012; 873: 13-32. 16Ferrero H, Delgado-Rosas F, Garcia-Pascual CM, Monterde M, Zimmermann RC, Simón C, Pellicer A, Gómez R. Efficiency and purity provided by the existing methods for the isolation of luteinized granulosa cells: a comparative study. Human Reproduction. 2012 Jun; 27(6): 1781-9. IF: 4,475 17Estella C, Herrer I, Atkinson SP, Quiñonero A, Martínez S, Pellicer A, Simón C. Inhibition of histone deacetylase activity in human endometrial stromal cells promotes extracellular matrix remodelling and limits embryo invasion. PLoS One. 2012; 7(1): e30508. IF: 4,092 18Cervelló I, Gil-Sanchis C, Mas A, Faus A, Sanz J, Moscardó F, Higueras G, Sanz MA, Pellicer A, Simón C. Bone marrow-derived cells from male donors do not contribute to the endometrial side population of the recipient. PLoS One. 2012; 7(1): e30260. IF: 4,092 19Escrich L, Grau N, de Los Santos MJ, Romero JL, Pellicer A, Escribá MJ. The dynamics of in vitro maturation of germinal vesicle oocytes. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Nov; 98(5): 1147-51. IF: 3,775 170 4 20Labarta E, Bosch E, Alamá P, Rubio C, Rodrigo L, Pellicer A. Moderate Ovarian Stimulation Does Not Increase the Incidence of Human Embryo Chromosomal Abnormalities in in Vitro Fertilization Cycles. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Oct; 97(10): E1987-94. IF: 5,967 21Estella C, Herrer I, Moreno-Moya JM, Quiñonero A, Martínez S, Pellicer A, Simón C. miRNA Signature and Dicer Requirement during Human Endometrial Stromal Decidualization In Vitro. PLoS One. 2012; 7(7): e41080. IF: 4,092 22Rubio C, Bellver J, Rodrigo L, Bosch E, Mercader A, Vidal C, De Los Santos MJ, Giles J, Labarta E, Domingo J, Crespo J, Remohí J, Pellicer A, Simón C. Preimplantation genetic screening using fluorescence in situ hybridization in patients with repetitive implantation failure and advanced maternal age: two randomized trials. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Dec 20. IF: 3,775 Reconstruction of Human Endometrial Tissue from Side Population Cells. Identification of Side Population (SP) cells in the human endometrium (upper panel). Lower panel; macroscopic image, H&E staining and positive expression of human progesterone receptor (green signals) in new glands reconstructed in an animal model showing regenerated tissue after a subcutaneous injection of SP cells. rrasco L, Jönsson T, Pineda-Lucena A, Ballesteros A, Domínguez F, Simón C. Differential metabolic profiling of non-pure trisomy 21 human preimplantation embryos. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Nov; 98(5): 11571164.e2. IF: 3,775 25Aguilar-Gallardo C, Rutledge EC, Martínez-Arroyo AM, Hidalgo JJ, Domingo S, Simón C. Overcoming challenges of ovarian cancer stem cells: novel therapeutic approaches. Stem Cell Reviews. 2012 Sep; 8(3): 9941010. IF: 3,739 26Medrano JV, Ramathal C, Nguyen HN, Simon C, Reijo Pera RA. Divergent RNA-binding proteins, DAZL and VASA, induce meiotic progression in human germ cells derived in vitro. Stem Cells. 2012; 30(3): 441-51. IF: 7,781 27Niakan KK, Han J, Pedersen RA, Simon C, Pera RA. Human pre-implantation embryo development. Development. 2012; 139(5): 829-41. IF: 6,596 28Paule S, Aljofan M, Simon C, Rombauts LJ, Nie G. Cleavage of endometrial a-integrins into their functional forms is mediated by proprotein convertase 5/6. Human Reproduction. 2012; 27(9): 2766-74. IF: 4,475 Letter 1Bosch E. Can we skip weekends in GnRH antagonist cycles without compromising the final outcome?. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Jun; 97(6): 1299-300. IF: 3,775 23Santamaria X, Massasa EE, Taylor HS. Migration of cells from experimental endometriosis to the uterine endometrium. Endocrinology. 2012 Nov; 153(11): 5566-74. IF: 4,459 24Sánchez-Ribas I, Riqueros M, Vime P, Puchades-Ca- THESIS 1Thesis mano. title: Estudio proteómico del endometrio hu- Scientific activity Doctoral candidate: Tamara Garrido Gómez Director(s): Carlos Simón Vallés and Francisco Domínguez Hernández Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Thesis title: Endometrial study of a novel in vivo em- bryo culture device. Doctoral candidate: Manuel Fernández Sánchez Director(s): Antonio Pellicer Martínez, José Antonio Horcajadas Almansa and Carlos Simón Vallés Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 3Thesis title: Inducción de la meiosis en células germi- nales obtenidas in vitro a partir de células madre pluripotentes humanas mediante expresión ectópica de las proteínas de unión al RNA DAZL y VASA. Doctoral candidate: José Vicente Medrano Plaza Director(s): Carlos Simón Vallés Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 4Thesis title: Estudio del receptor 2 de la dopamina en ovario humano y efecto de su modulación sobre el síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica. Doctoral candidate: Francisco Manuel Delgado Rosas Director(s): Antonio Pellicer Martínez, Francisco Gaytan Luna and Raúl Gómez Gallego Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 5Thesis title: Identificación, caracterización y aislamiento de células madre somáticas en los miomas humanos. Doctoral candidate: Aymara Mas Perucho Director(s): Carlos Simón Vallés and Irene Cervelló Alcaraz Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 6Thesis title: Mecanismos epigenéticos en las células estromales endometriales. Doctoral candidate: Isabel Herrer Mambrona Director(s): Carlos Simón Vallés and Carlos Estella Sagrado Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude ovárica controlada Application number: EP12382032.6 Priority date: 01/27/2012 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND GRANTS FOR RESEARCH Reference: 08/09 Title: Caracterización de las células madre neoplásicas en el cáncer de endometrio. Implicaciones patogénicas, pronósticas y terapeúticas. Principal Investigator: Carlos Simón Vallés Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary institution: Fundación IVI Duration: 2009-2012 Total budget: €54.418 Reference: PROMETEO 2008/163 Title: Aislamiento y caracterización de la población de células madre somáticas endometriales en la endometriosis: implicaciones patogénicas y terapeúticas. Principal Investigator: Carlos Simón Vallés Funding body: Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2008-2012 Total budget: €610.245 Reference: EC11/299 Title: Nuevas terapias en el abordaje del Síndrome de Asherman y atrofia endometrial basadas en transplante autólogo de células madre de médula ósea. Principal Investigator: Carlos Simón Vallés Funding body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012-2013 Total budget: €91.707 Reference: RD06/0010/1006 Title: Red de Terapia Celular. Principal Investigator: Carlos Simón Vallés Patents Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Duration: 2008-2011 Inventors: Carlos Simón, David Blesa and Antonio Pellicer Title: Diagnóstico de fallo masivo de generación de ovocitos maduros en tratamientos de estimulación Beneficiary institution: Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana Centro Investigación Príncipe Felipe Total budget: €313.377 4 171 Scientific activity 4.2.Other scientific contributions from the Hospital divisions and the Clínico-Malvarrosa Health Department 4.2.1. Admission and clinical documentation Department Main lines of research National Registry of Childhood Cancer. Epidemiology of chilhood cancer: incidence and survival of chilhood cancer in Spain, geographic, temporal, national and international variations, epidemiology of the biological characteristics that have a clinical relevance in childhood cancer. Publications Total Number of Publications: 1 Cumulative Impact Factor: 2,01 172 4 Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €30.855 • Reference: LSSH-CT-2008-219453 Title: Europe Against Cancer: Optimisation of the Use of Registries for Scientific Excellence in research (EUROCOURSE). “Working Package 3: Tools for improving the quality, coverage and use of cancer registration data in Europe (WP3)” y dentro el “Working Group on the expansion of the Geographic coverage in childhood cancer registration in Europe (task 3.5)”. Principal Investigator: Rafael Peris Bonet Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Original articles Duration: 2009-2012 1Gavin AT, Francisci S, Foschi R, Donnelly DW, Lemmens V, Brenner H, Anderson LA, EUROCARE-4 Working Group. Oesophageal cancer survival in Europe: a EUROCARE-4 study. Cancer Epidemiology. 2012 Dec; 36(6): 505-12. IF: 2,01 • Reference: 261474 Research projects and grants research Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Title: European network for cancer in children and adolescent (ENCCA). Principal Investigator: Rafael Peris Bonet Funding body: Comisión Europea, 7º Programa Marco Duration: 2011-2015 • Reference: RD06/0020/0033 Project title: Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa (RTICC). Grupo Clínico Asociado “Registro Nacional de Tumores Infantiles (RNTI-SEHOP)”. Principal Investigator: Rafael Peris-Bonet Total budget: €11.997.958 4.2.2. Allergology Unit Funding body: European Commission Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2007-2012 Total budget: €55.680 • Reference: PI10/01617 Project title: Incidencia, supervivencia y tendencias del cáncer en adolescentes en España: un estudio cooperativo de 11 registros de cáncer. Principal Investigator: Rafael Peris-Bonet Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Main lines of research • Application of the basophil activation test (Basotest) for the diagnosis of respiratory and brought about by medication allergies. • Relationship between patient’s allergenic profiles and the efficiency of the immunotherapy with mites. • Use of the anti-IgE (omalizumab) in the treatment for the cutaneous allergic pathology. • Application of the diagnosis by allergenic components (microarrays and recombinant allergens) in the alimentary and cutaneous allergy pathology. Scientific activity Publications Total Number of Publications: 5 Cumulative Impact Factor: 11,839 Original articles 1Colás C, Galera H, Añibarro B, Soler R, Navarro A, Jáuregui I, Peláez A. Disease severity impairs sleep quality in allergic rhinitis (The SOMNIAAR study). Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2012; 42: 1080-1087. IF: 5,032 2Martorell Aragonés A, Martorell Calatayud C, Pineda F, Félix R, Cerdá JC, de las Marinas MD. Persistence of allergy to goat’s milk after specific induction of tolerance to cow’s milk. Journal of Investigational Allergology & Clinical Immunology. 2012; 22(4):301-2. IF: 2,269 3Félix R, Martorell C, Martorell A, Pineda F, Cerdá JD, de las marinas MD. Induced bronchospasm after handling of orange flavedo (zest). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2012 NOV 10. IF: 2,269 4López-Hoyos M, Lizaso MT, Rodriguez JJ, Sanz ML, Labrador-Horrillo M, Ramos R, Martin-Esteban M, Pastro R, Hernandez MD, Casas ML, Peláez A, García BE. Quantitative Measurament of Allergen_specific Immunoglobulin E Levels in Mass Units (ng/ml): An Interlaboratory Comparison. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2012 ; Vol. 22(5): 387-389. IF: 2,269 2Brignole M, Menozzi C, Moya A, Andresen D, Blanc JJ, Krahn AD, Wieling W, Beiras X, Deharo JC, Russo V, Tomaino M, Sutton R, International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology 3 (ISSUE-3) Investigators. Pacemaker therapy in patients with neurally mediated syncope and documented asystole: Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3): a randomized trial. Circulation. 2012 May 29; 125(21): 2566-71. IF: 14,739 3Díaz-Infante E, Macías Gallego A, Ferrero de LomaOsorio A. Spanish Catheter Ablation Registry. 11th Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias (2011). Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012 Aug 14. IF: 2,53 Research projects and grants research • Reference: TSI-020100-2009-332 Title: Predictores eléctricos y biológicos de remodelado ventricular en pacientes hospitalizados por disfunción sistólica del ventriculo izquierdo (VPREDICT+). Principal Investigator: Ricardo Ruiz Granell Funding body: Co-funded by Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 5Olaguibel JM, Quirce S, Juliá B, Fernández C, Fortuna AM, Molina J, Plaza V, MAGIC Study Group. Measurement of asthma control according to Global Initiative for Asthma guidelines: a comparison with the Asthma Control Questionnaire. Respiratory Research. 2012 Jun 22; 13: 50. 4.2.4. Department of General Surgery // Visceral Surgery Main lines of research 4.2.3. Cardiac stimulation Unit • Coloproctologic surgery: quality standards in coloproctology, 3D endorrectal ultrasound, sacral neuromodulation, perianal fistula surgery. Publications Total Number of Publications: 3 Cumulative Impact Factor: 19,249 Original articles 1Izquierdo M, Ruiz-Granell R, Ferrero A, Martínez A, Sánchez-Gomez J, Bonanad C, Mascarell B Morell S GarcíaCivera R. Ablation or conservative management of electrical storm due to monomorphic ventricular tachycardia: differences in outcome. Europace. 2012 Jun 13. IF: 1,98 • Hepatic-biliary surgery: acute pancreatitis, genic transfection, duodenus pancreatectomy. • Endocrinus surgery: laparoscopy, suprarrenal tumors, Study on recurrences in tyroideal surgery, intraoperative localization, parathyroid adenomas. • Bariatric and Metabolic surgery: physiopathology of post surgical alterations. • Mammary surgery: use of the fibrin sealers in the postsurgical seroma. - Esophageal-gastric surgery: mutations in GIST tu- 4 173 Scientific activity mors, over expression of HER2 and HER3 in gastric tumors, post-surgical QT in advanced gastric cancer. Publications Total Number of Publications: 18 Cumulative Impact Factor: 33,102 Original articles 1Felipo V, Urios A, Montesinos E, Molina I, Garcia-Torres ML, Civera M, Olmo JA, Ortega J, Martinez-Valls J, Serra MA, Cassinello N, Wassel, A Jordá E, Montoliu C. Contribution of hyperammonemia and inflammatory factors to cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2012 Mar; 27(1): 51-8. IF: 2,198 2Escobar J, Pereda J, Arduini A, Sandoval J, Moreno ML, Pérez S, Sabater L, Aparisi L, Cassinello N, Hidalgo J, Joosten LA, Vento M, López-Rodas G, Sastre J. Oxidative and nitrosative stress in acute pancreatitis. Modulation by pentoxifylline and oxypurinol. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2012 Jan 1; 83(1): 122-30. IF: 4,705 3Ortega J, Ortega-Evangelio G, Cassinello N, Sebas174 4 tia V. What Are Obese Patients Able to Eat after Rouxen-Y Gastric Bypass?. Obesity Facts. 2012; 5(3): 33948. IF: 1,856 4Ortega-Serrano J. Commentary on “A standard approach to expose the recurrent laryngeal nerve during endoscopic thyroidectomy”. Journal of Laparoendosc & Advanced Surgical Techniques A. 2012 Apr; 22(3): 264. IF: 1,198 5Molina Rodríguez JL, Martí Obiol R, López Mozos F, Ortega Serrano J. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome. Cirugía Española. 2012 Jan; 90(1): 53. IF: 0,874 6Herrero MJ, Sabater L, Guenechea G, Sendra L, Montilla AI, Abargues R, Navarro V, Ariño SF. DNA delivery to ‘ex vivo’ human liver segments. Gene Therapy. 2012 May; 19(5): 504-12. IF: 3,71 7Fernández-Cruz L, Sabater L, Fabregat J, Boggi U. Complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Cirugía Española. 2012 Apr; 90(4): 222-32. IF: 0,874 8Ortega J, Cassinello N, Baltasar A, Torres AJ. Recommendations for the peri-operative management of bariatric surgery patients: results of a national survey. Ci- rugía Española. 2012 Jun-Jul; 90(6): 355-62. IF: 0,874 9Planells Roig M, Garcia Espinosa R, Cervera Delgado M, Navarro Vicente F, Carrau Giner M, Sanahuja Santafé A, Arnal Bertomeu C. Ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A cohort study of 1,600 consecutive cases. Cirugía Española. 2012 Dec 13. IF: 0,874 10Ortega J, Fernandez-Canet R, Alvarez-Valdeita S, Cassinello N, Jose Baguena-Puigcerver M. Predictors of psychological symptoms in morbidly obese patients after gastric bypass surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Disease. 2012 Nov; 8(6): 770-6. IF: 3,929 11Moro-Valdezate D, Buch-Villa E, Peiró S, MoralesMonsalve MD, Caballero-Gárate A, Martínez-Agulló A, Checa-Ayet ,F Ortega-Serrano J. Factors associated with health-related quality of life in a cohort of Spanish breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer. 2012 Aug 28. IF: 1,363 12Garcés-Albir M, Marti-Obiol R, López-Mozos F, Calabuig-Fariñas S, Navarro-Ros S, Ortega-Serrano J. Results on prognostic value of mutations in localized gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) in one single center. Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas. 2012 Sep; 104(8): 405-410. IF: 1,548 13Pereda J, Pérez S, Escobar J, Arduini A, Asensi M, Serviddio G, Sabater L, Aparisi L, Sastre J. Obese rats exhibit high levels of fat necrosis and isoprostanes in taurocholate-induced acute pancreatitis. PLoS One. 2012; 7(9): e44383. IF: 4,092 14Planells Roig M, Cervera Delgado M, Garcia Espinosa R, Navarro Vicente F, Sanahuja Santafé A. Evaluation of the gastrointestinal quality of life index as a system to prioritize patients on the waiting list for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Cirugía Española. 2012 Nov 12. IF: 0,874 15Garcés-Albir M, García-Botello S, Esclapez-Valero P, Sanahuja-Santafé A, Raga-Vázquez J, Espi-Macías A, Ortega-Serrano J. Quantifying the extent of fistulotomy. How much sphincter can we safely divide? A three-dimensional endosonographic study. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2012; 27: 1109– 1116. IF: 2,385 16Herreros MD, Garcia-Arranz M, Guadalajara H, De-LaQuintana P, Garcia-Olmo D, the FATT Collaborative Scientific activity Group. Autologous Expanded Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for the Treatment of Complex Cryptoglandular Perianal Fistulas: A Phase III Randomized Clinical Trial (FATT 1: Fistula Advanced Therapy Trial 1) and Long-term Evaluation. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 2012; 55(7): 762–772. Letter 1Garcés Albir M, López Mozos F, Martí Cuñat E, Martí Obiol R, Ortega Serrano J. Mesenteric hepatic portal pneumatosis: is it always an ominous diagnosis?. Cirugía Española. 2012 Jun 2. IF: 0,874 2Báguena G, Calvete J, Caballero A, Burgués O, Martinez Agulló A. Granular cell tumours: An uncommon lesion in the breast. Cirugía Española. 2012; 90(8): 537-539. IF: 0,874 Research projects and grants research nero, Susana Roselló, Desamparados Roda, Samuel Navarro as collaborating researchers). Funding body: Grupo ERESA Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2012 • Reference: CSD2007-00020 Title: Papel funcional del estrés oxidativo y nitrosativo en grandes sistemas biológicos. Principal Investigator: Santiago Lamas Peláez (Juan Sastre as the person incharge of the Grupo de Gastroenterología Experimental and Luis Sabater as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Beneficiary institution: CSIC Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Duration: 2007-2012 • Title: Identificación de perfiles de expresión en el adenocarcinoma ductal de páncreas. Implicaciones clínicas en relación con la supervivencia. Principal Investigator: Luis Sabater Ortí Funding body: Fundación Gent per Gent Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €460.000 • Reference: SAF 2011-27002 Title: Terapia génica hepática mediante inyección de DNA por cateterismo en territorio vascular estanco: modelo preclínico en cerdo y humano. Principal Investigator: Salvador Aliño (Luis Sabater as collaborating researcher) Total budget: €46.000 Funding body: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte • Reference: FIS PS09/01800 Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Title: Demora diagnóstica y estrategias de seguimiento en el cáncer colorrectal: su influencia en el pronóstico. Duration: 2012-2014 Principal Investigator: Alejandro Espí Macías (Luis González and Marta Maia Boscá as collaborating researchers) • Reference: SAF 2009-09500 Total budget: €108.900 Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Title: Identificación de dianas de estrés oxidativo y nitrosativo claves en la Pancreatitis aguda en obesidad experimental. Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario Valencia Principal Investigator: Juan Sastre Belloch (Luis Sabater as collaborating researcher) Duration: 2010-2013 Funding body: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte • Title: Aplicación de la resonancia magnética de difusión y perfusión en la estadificación preoperatoria del cáncer del recto: detección de ganglios metastáticos y evaluación de la respuesta a la quimio-radioterapia neoadyuvante. Principal Investigator: Alejandro Espí Macías (Daniel Monleón, Salvador Campos, Álvaro García-Gra- Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €120.000 4 175 Scientific activity 4.2.5. Department of Dermatology Main lines of research Lines focused on Malignant Melanoma and Psoriasis. • Performing of a test in patients with moderate and severe psoriasis with adalimumab. • Related to melanocritical injuries, both benignant and malignant (melanoma), several studies have been open. 6González Rodríguez AJ, Gutiérrez Paredes EM, Molina Gallardo I, Jordá Cuevas E. A rapidly expanding mass of the first toe. International Journal of Dermatology. 2012 Nov; 51(11): 1343-4. IF: 1,142 7Gavrilova M, Martin-Gorgojo A, Ruiz-Domenech C, Alonso-Salvador MD, Gomez-Mateo Mdel C, JordaCuevas E. Unilateral facial ulceration. Archives of Dermatology. 2012 May; 148(5): 641-6. IF: 3,888 - determining of clinical-pathologyc and molecular parameters involved in the spontaneous regression of cutaneous melanocytic lesions. 8Martín JM, Bella-Navarro R, Jordá E. Vascular pat- Publications Total Number of Publications: 22 Cumulative Impact Factor: 20,218 Original articles 4 dá Cuevas E. Pityriasis lichenoides chronica associated with herpes simplex virus type 2. Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine. 2012; 2012: 737428. - epidemyologic surveys on chronic sun-exposure in patients with precedents of malignant melanoma. - determination of cytokines that intervene in the melanoma dissemination and methastasis. 176 5González Rodríguez AJ, Montesinos Villaescusa E, Jor- 1Reig I, Monteagudo C, Gámez L, Martí N, Martín JM, Jorda E. Follicular mucinosis with loss of ephelides. International Journal of Dermatology. 2012 Mar; 51(3): 332-4. IF: 1,142 2González-Rodríguez AJ, Gutiérrez-Paredes EM, Revert Fernández A, Jordá-Cuevas E. Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Benzocaine: The Importance of Concomitant Positive Patch Test Results. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Apr 30. 3Cochrane SA, Salt LJ, Wantling E, Rogers A, Coutts J, Ballmer-Weber BK, Fritsche P, Fernández-Rivas M, Reig I, Knulst A, Le TM, Asero R, Beyer K, Golding M, Crevel R, Clare Mills EN, Mackie AR. Development of a standardized low-dose double-blind placebo-controlled challenge vehicle for the EuroPrevall project. Allergy. 2012 Jan; 67(1): 107-13. IF: 6,271 4Alonso-Castro L, Boixeda P, Reig I, de Daniel-Rodríguez C, Fleta-Asín B, Jaén-Olasolo P. Carbon dioxide laser treatment of epidermal nevi: response and longterm follow-up. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Dec; 103(10): 910-8. terns in dermoscopy. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jun; 103(5): 357-75. 9López V, Jordá E, Monteagudo C. Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome: An Update. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Apr; 103(3): 198-206. 10Martín JM, Monteagudo C, Bella R, Reig I, Jordá E. Complete Regression of a Melanocytic Nevus under Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Axillary Hair Removal in a Cosmetic Center. Dermatology. 2012; 224(3): 1937. IF: 2,053 11Felipo V, Urios A, Montesinos E, Molina I, Garcia-Torres ML, Civera M, Olmo JA, Ortega J, Martinez-Valls J, Serra MA, Cassinello N, Wassel A, Jordá E, Montoliu C. Contribution of hyperammonemia and inflammatory factors to cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2012 Mar; 27(1): 51-8. IF: 2,198 12Monteagudo C, Ramos D, Pellín-Carcelén A, Gil R, Callaghan RC, Martín JM, Alonso V, Murgui A, Navarro L, Calabuig S, López-Guerrero JA, Jordá E, Pellín A. CCL27-CCR10 and CXCL12-CXCR4 chemokine ligand-receptor mRNA expression ratio: new predictive factors of tumor progression in cutaneous malignant melanoma. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 2012 Aug; 29(6): 625-37. IF: 3,524 Letters 1Gutiérrez-Paredes E, López-Castillo V, Revert-Fernández A, Jordá-Cuevas E. Nevus Oligemicus on the Breasts: A Report of 2 Cases. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jan 26. Scientific activity 2Bella-Navarro R, Alonso-Usero V, Gutiérrez Paredes EM, Jordá-Cuevas E. Persistent labial edema secondary to hemifacial spasm. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Mar; 103(2): 157-8. 3Gutiérrez-Paredes E, González-Rodríguez A, Molina-Gallardo I, Jordá-Cuevas E. Neutrophilic dermatosis on postmastectomy lymphedema. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Sep; 103(7): 649-51. 4Gutiérrez Paredes E, Bella Navarro R, Montesinos Villaescusa E, Jordá Cuevas E. Porokeratosis of Mibelli: A New Indication for Photodynamic Therapy?. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Oct 23. 5Bella-Navarro R, Martí-Fajardo N, Martín-Hernández JM, Jordá-Cuevas E. Follicular mucinosis in childhood: a case report and review of the literature. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 May; 103(4): 335-6. 6Martín-Gorgojo A, Alonso-Usero V, Gavrilova M, Jordá-Cuevas E. Dermatosis Neglecta or Terra Firma-Forme Dermatosis. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Dec; 103(10): 932-934. 7Gavrilova M, Martin JM, Martin-Gorgojo A, JordaCuevas E. Follicular acneiform eruption induced by bevacizumab. Dermatology Online Journal. 2012 Sep 15; 18(9): 15. 8López V, Alonso V, Jordá E. Efficacy of topical imiquimod 5% in a patient with chronic radiodermatitis on the hands. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 Jun; 103(5): 441-2. 9Martí N, Alonso V, Jordá E. Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis and didymosis aplasticopsilolipara. Actas Dermosifiliográficas. 2012 May; 103(4): 341-2. 10López V, Ricart JM, López I, Martín JM, Marton D, Ortega C, Costa S. Vascular malformation of the glans penis successfully treated with Nd: YAG laser. Dermatology Online Journal. 2012; 18: 16. Principal Investigator: Gloria Ribas Despuig (Isabel Pinazo, Esperanza Jordá, Zaira Mª Pellicer, Antonio Javier González as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €97.647 • Reference: AP-032/10 Title: Determinación de parámetros clínico-patológicos y moleculares implicados en la regresión espontánea de las neoplasias melanocíticas cutáneas. Principal Investigator: Carlos Monteagudo (JM Marín as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Conselleria de Sanitat – EVESP Beneficiary institution: Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €6.500 4.2.6. Department of Gastroenterology and Digestive diseases Publications Total Number of Publications: 2 Cumulative Impact Factor: 3,746 Original articles 1Felipo V, Urios A, Montesinos E, Molina I, Garcia-Torres ML, Civera M, Olmo JA, Ortega J, Martinez-Valls J, Serra MA, Cassinello N, Wassel A, Jordá E, Montoliu C. Contribution of hyperammonemia and inflammatory factors to cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2012 Mar; 27(1): 51-8. IF: 2,198 Editorial Research projects and grants research • Reference: PI10/00405 Title: Impacto de la susceptibilidad genética y de la exposición solar sobre los niveles de vitamina D en pacientes con melanoma. 1Mínguez Pérez M, García-Granero E. Usefulness of anal ultrasonography in anal fistula. Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas. 2006 Aug; 98(8): 563-72. IF: 1,548 4 177 Scientific activity 4.2.7. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Main lines of research • Gastroenterology Division: Gastrointestinal bleeding; Acute Pancreatitis, Inflammatory bowel disease; Digestive motor diseases; Non-malignant rectal-anal Pathology. • Hepatology Division: Hepatic Encephalopathy. Clinical, diagnostic and biochemical aspects; Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects; Hepatitis virus: epidemiologic, therapeutic and immunoprofilaxis aspects. Publications Total Number of Publications: 2 Cumulative Impact Factor: 3,746 Original articles 1Felipo V, Urios A, Montesinos E, Molina I, Garcia-Torres 178 4 ML, Civera M, Olmo JA, Ortega J, Martinez-Valls J, Serra MA, Cassinello N, Wassel A, Jordá E, Montoliu C. Contribution of hyperammonemia and inflammatory factors to cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease. 2012 Mar; 27(1): 51-8. IF: 2,198 • Reference: Expediente 2010/001 Title: Determinación del flujo sanguíneo en diferentes áreas cerebrales de pacientes cirróticos. Correlación con alteraciones neurológicas. Evaluación de su utilidad en el diagnóstico de la encefalopatía hepática mínima. Principal Investigator: Carmina Montoliu Félix (Miguel Ángel Serra Desfilis, Abdallah Wassel, José Manuel Rodrigo as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Grupo ERESA Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €30.000 • Title: Estudio de la alteración de la capacidad de conducción de vehículos en pacientes con cirrosis hepática. Identificación de posibles indicadores psicométricos y neurofisiológicos. Principal Investigator: Vicente Felipo (Carmina Montoliu, Miguel Ángel Serra, Abdallah Wassel, José Manuel Rodrigo as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Fundación Abertis Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Editorial Total budget: €12.000 1Mínguez • Reference: BFU2009-12909 Pérez M, García-Granero E. Usefulness of anal ultrasonography in anal fistula. Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas. 2006 Aug; 98(8): 56372. IF: 1,548 Research projects and grants research • Title: Capacidad de conducción de vehículos durante el tratamiento antiviral de la infección crónica por virus C de la hepatitis. Relación con test psicológicos y mecanismos bioquímicos inmunomoduladores. Title: Factores endoteliales en la obesidad mórbida con estatosis o esteatohepatitis no alcohólica. Principal Investigator: José María Vila Salinas (Paloma Lluch as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €70.000 Principal Investigator: Juan Angel del Olmo Puchalt Funding body: Fundación de la Investigación Médica de la Mutua Madrileña Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2009-2012 Total budget: €40.000 4.2.8. Department of Pharmacy Main lines of research • Pharmacological evaluations on oncology treatments. Scientific activity Research projects and grants research • Reference: EC10-318 Title: Tratamiento anticipado con ganciclovir de la infección activa por el citomegalovirus (CMV) en el paciente crítico en ventilación mecánica con sepsis grave o shock séptico. Principal Investigator: Teresa Torrecilla Junyent Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2015 Total budget: €38.500 4.2.10. Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Analysis Main lines of research • Non-invasive prenatal genetic diagnosis: extraction of fetal DNA from the maternal plasma. Quantification and validation of this technique. • Profile of RNA expression in limphocytes after oral overload with unsaturated fat in two insulin-resistant models: abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes. • Implication of polymorphisms in PCR and System IL-18 genes in the modulation of the insulin-resistance risk and the development of arteriosclerosis. • Receptive sensor for calcium and osteoformation. 4.2.9. Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Publications Total Number of Publications: 8 Cumulative Impact Factor: 23,053 Publications Total Number of Publications: 4 Cumulative Impact Factor: 8,695 Original articles 1Castillo JC, Dolz M, Moreno J, Gijón L, Ferrer R, Ferrero E, Bonilla-Musoles F. Triggering with GnRH agonist in oocyte-donation cycles: oestradiol monitoring is not necessary during ovarian stimulation. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2012 Feb; 24(2): 247-50. IF: 2,042 2Bonilla-Musoles F, Castillo JC, Caballero O, PérezPanades J, Bonilla F Jr, Dolz M, Osborne N. Predicting ovarian reserve and reproductive outcome using antimüllerian hormone (AMH) and antral follicle count (AFC) in patients with previous assisted reproduction technique (ART) failure. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012; 39(1): 13-8. IF: 0,429 Letters 1Raga F, Bonilla-Musoles F, Castillo JC. SonoAVC: a new tool in early diagnosis of patent urachus with bladder prolapse. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology. 2012 Feb; 39(2): 241-2. IF: 3,007 2Solves P, Perales A, Fillol M, Bonilla-Musoles F, Mirabet V. Cord blood quality after vaginal and cesarean deliveries. Transfusion. 2012 Sep; 52(9): 2064-6. IF: 3,217 Original articles 1Núñez J, Núñez E, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Fonarow GC, Miñana G, Palau P, Bertomeu-González V, Carratalá A, Mainar L, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Antigen carbohydrate 125 and brain natriuretic peptide serial measurements for risk stratification following an episode of acute heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012 Aug 9; 159(1): 21-8. IF: 7,078 2Codoñer-Franch P, Tavárez-Alonso S, Simó-Jordá R, Laporta-Martín P, Carratalá-Calvo A, Alonso-Iglesias E. Vitamin D status is linked to biomarkers of oxidative stress, inflammation, and endothelial activation in obese children. Journal of Pediatrics. 2012 Nov; 161(5): 848-54. IF: 4,115 3 García de la Asunción J, Perez Solaz A, Carrau M, Belda FJ, Perez Griera J, Garriges B. Different oxidative stress marker levels in blood from the operated knee or the antecubital vein in patients undergoing knee surgery: A tourniquet-induced ischemia–reperfusion model. Redox Report. 2012 vol 17 no 5. IF: 1,732 4 Torregrosa I, Montoliu C, Urios A, Elmlili N, Puchades MJ, Solís MA, Sanjuán R, Blasco ML, Ramos C, Tomás P, Ribes J,Carratalá A, Juan I, Miguel A. Early biomarkers of acute kidney failure after heart angiography or heart surgery in patients with acute coronary syndrome or acute heart failure. Nefrología. 2012; 32(1): 44-52. IF: 1,00 4 179 Scientific activity 5 Bodi V, Sanchis J, Morales JM, Marrachelli VG, Nunez J, Forteza MJ, Chaustre F, Gomez C, Mainar L, Minana G, Rumiz E, Husser O, Noguera I, Diaz A, Moratal D, Carratalá A, Bosch X, Llacer A, Chorro FJ, Viña JR, Monleon D. Metabolomic profile of human myocardial ischemia by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of peripheral blood serum: a translational study based on transient coronary occlusion models. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012 May 1; 59(18): 1629-41. IF: 1,456 6 Soro M, Gallego L, Silva V, Ballester MT, Lloréns J, Alvariño A, García-Perez ML, Pastor E, Aguilar G, Martí FJ, Carratalá A, Belda FJ. Cardioprotective effect of sevoflurane and propofol during anaesthesia and the postoperative period in coronary bypass graft surgery: a double-blind randomised study. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2012 Sep 6. IF: 2,231 7 Sanchis J, Bardají A, Bosch X, Loma-Osorio P, Marín F, Sánchez PL, Núñez J, Carratalá A, Barrabés JA. Usefulness of high-sensitivity troponin T for the evaluation of patients with acute chest pain and no or minimal myocardial damage. American Heart Journal. 2012 Aug; 164(2): 194-200.e1. IF: 4,651 delos con resistencia a la insulina: obesidad abdominal y diabetes tipo 2. Principal Investigator: Juan Francisco Ascaso Gimilio (Arturo Carratalá as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €88.330 • Reference: PS09/01687 Title: Receptor sensor del calcio y osteoformación. Principal Investigator: Antonio Cano Sánchez (Paz Laporta as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €89.782 8 Monge-Argilés JA, Sánchez-Payá J, Muñoz-Ruiz C, Pam180 4 pliega-Pérez A, Gómez-López MJ, Rodríguez Borja E, Montoya-Gutiérrez J, Leiva-Santana C. Patients with mild cognitive impairment and a reduced CSF Ab(1 – 42) protein progress rapidly to Alzheimer´s disease. Neurología 2012 Jan; 27(1):28-33. IF: 0,79 4.2.11.Department of Maxillofacial surgery Research projects and grants research Main lines of research • Reference: FIBLEX08/04 Title: Implicaciones del estrés oxidativo en la esterilidad masculina: análisis de marcadores bioquímicos en plasma seminal y su asociación con parámetros del seminograma y la capacitación espermática. Principal Investigator: Mª Consuelo Tormo Díaz (Celia Villalba as collaborating researcher) • Research for the development of added-value implantations through the additive manufacture for the sociosanitary sector. • Research on the approaching via for installing a neuromodulator in the sphenopalatine ganglion oriented to the treatment of Cluster cefaleas. • Research on planning in Dentofacial Deformities. Funding body: Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital General Universitario de Elche • Research on cervical metastatic adenopathies: diagnostic study. Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia • Research on materials involved in ostium regeneration. Duration: 2012 • Reference: PI10/00511 Title: Perfil de expresión de ARN en linfomonocitos tras sobrecarga oral con grasa insaturada en dos mo- • Research on prosthesis reconstruction in the ATM: oral infection and Cancer. Publications Total Number of Publications: 6 Cumulative Impact Factor: 10,663 Scientific activity Original articles metabolism in the Acute Coronary Syndrom in cooperation with the Nephrology Service. 1Puche M, Guijarro-Martínez R, Pérez-Herrezuelo G, Miragall L, Iglesias ME, Martínez-Costa C. The hypothetical role of congenital hypotonia in the development of early coronoid hyperplasia. Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery. 2012 Sep; 40(6): e155-8. IF: 1,643 2Hernández-Alfaro F, Guijarro-Martínez R. Endoscopically assisted tunnel approach for minimally invasive corticotomies: a preliminary report. Journal of Periodontology. 2012 May; 83(5): 574-80. IF: 2,602 3Hernández-Alfaro F, Ruiz-Magaz V, Chatakun P, Guijarro-Martínez R. Mandibular reconstruction with tissue engineering in multiple recurrent ameloblastoma. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. 2012 Jun; 32(3): e82-6. IF: 1,197 4Triaca A, Brusco D, Guijarro-Martínez R. Nasal wall lateralization: a novel technique to improve nasal airway obstruction. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2012 Feb 18. IF: 1,95 5Guijarro-Martínez R, Hernández-Alfaro F. Management of maxillofacial hard and soft tissue discrepancy in Möbius sequence: clinical report and review of the literature. Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery. 2012 Jan; 40(1):11-6. IF: 1,643 6Bagan J, Sheth CC, Soria JM, Margaix M, Bagan L. Bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a preliminary study of salivary interleukins. Journal of Oral Patholology & Medicine. 2012 Nov 15. IF: 1,628 4.2.12. Department of Critical Care Publications Total Number of Publications: 14 Cumulative Impact Factor: 40,866 Original articles 1Torregrosa I, Montoliu C, Urios A, Elmlili N, Puchades MJ, Solís MA, Sanjuán R, Blasco ML, Ramos C, Tomás P, Ribes J, Carratalá A, Juan I, Miguel A . Early biomarkers of acute kidney failure after heart angiography or heart surgery in patients with acute coronary syndrome or acute heart failure. Nefrologia. 2012; 32(1): 44-52. IF: 1,00 2Juan-García I, Puchades MJ, Sanjuán R, Torregrosa I, Solís MÁ, González M, Blasco M, Martínez A, Miguel A. Echocardiographic impact of hydration status in dialysis patients. Nefrologia. 2012; 32(1): 94-102. IF: 1,00 3Martín-Loeches I, Sole-Violán J, Rodríguez De Castro F, García-Laorden MI, Borderías L, Blanquer J, Rajas O Briones Ml, Aspa J, Herrera-Ramos E, MarcosRamos JA, Sologuren I, González-Quevedo N, FerrerAgüero JM, Noda J, Rodríguez-Gallego C. Variants at the promoter of the interleukin-6 gene are associated with severity and outcome of pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia. Intensive Care Medicine. 2012; 38(2): 256-62. IF: 5,399 4Lorente L, Iceta R, Martín Mm, López-Gallardo E, SoleViolán J, Blanquer J, Labarta L, Díaz C, Jiménez A, Montoya J, Ruiz-Pesini E. Survival and mitochondrial function in septic patients according to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. Critical Care. 2012; 16(1): R10. IF: 4,607 5Delgado-Rodríguez M, Castilla J, Godoy P, Martín V, Main lines of research • Involment in the Research Study on PROCELL, in cooperation with the Cardiology Service about Acute Ischemic Cardiopathy. • Involment in the TAO Research Study in cooperation with the Cardiology Service about Acute Ischemic Cardiopathy. • Research on glucid metabolism in the Acute Coronary Syndrome. • Research on the phosphorus-calcium and vitamin D Soldevila N, Alonso J, Astray J, Baricot M, Cantón R, Castro A, Gónzález-Candelas F, Mayoral JM, Quintana JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Sáez M, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group. Prognosis of hospitalized patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza in Spain: influence of neuraminidase inhibitors. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2012 Jul; 67(7): 1739-45. IF: 5,068 6Díaz E, Martín-Loeches I, Canadell L, Vidaur L, Suárez D, Socias L, Estella A, Gil Rueda B, Guerrero JE, Valverdú-Vidal M, Vergara JC, López-Pueyo MJ, Magret M, Recio T, López D, Rello J, Rodríguez A, H1N1 4 181 Scientific activity SEMICYUC-CIBERES-REIPI Working Group (GETGAG). Corticosteroid therapy in patients with primary viral pneumonia due to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza. Journal of Infection. 2012; 64(3): 311-8. IF: 4,126 7Laserna E, Sibila O, Aguilar P, Mortensen E, Anzueto A, Blanquer J, Sanz F, Rello J, Marcos Pj, Velez Mi, Aziz N, Restrepo MI. Hypocapnia and hypercapnia are predictors for ICU admission and mortality in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Chest. 2012; 142(5): 1193-9. IF: 5,25 8Picazo J, Alonso L, Aristegui J, Bayas J, Sanz J, Del Amo P, Cobos J, Rodríguez-Salazar J, Sánchez-Pastor M, De La Cámara R, Carratalá J, Cañada J, GonzálezDel Castillo J, Aldaz P, Pérez-Escanilla F, Barberán J, Rodríguez A, Vigil-Escribano D, Espinosa J, Blanquer J, González-Romo F. Consensus document on vaccination against influenza in health care workers. Revista Española de Quimioterapia. 2012; 25(3): 226-39. IF: 0,81 182 4 12Launes C, García-García J, Martínez-Planas A, Moraga F, Astigarraga I, Arístegui J, Korta J, Salado C, Quintana JM, Soldevila N, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group. 2009 H1N1: risk factors for hospitalization in a matched case-control study. European journal of pediatrics. 2012; 171(7): 1127-31. IF: 1,879 13González-Candelas F, Astray J, Alonso J, Castro A, Cantón R, Galán JC, Garin O, Sáez M, Soldevila N, Baricot M, Castilla J, Godoy P, Delgado-Rodríguez M,Martín V, Mayoral JM, Pumarola T, Quintana JM, Tamames S, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases And Controls In Pandemic Influenza Working Group. Sociodemographic factors and clinical conditions associated to hospitalization in influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infected patients in Spain, 2009-2010. PLoS One. 2012; 7(3). Epub 2012 Mar 7. IF: 4,092 Letter 9Domínguez A, Castilla J, Godoy P, Delgado-Rodríguez 1Núñez J, Chilet M, Blasco ML, Clari MA, Sanjuan R, M, Martín V, Saez M, Soldevila N, Quintana JM, Mayoral JM, Astray J, González-Candelas F, Cantón R, Tamames S, Castro A, Baricot M, Alonso J, Pumarola T, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group Spain. Effectiveness of pandemic and seasonal influenza vaccines in preventing pandemic influenza-associated hospitalization. Vaccine. 2012; 30(38): 5644-50. IF: 3,766 Muñoz-Cobo B, Bodí V, Costa E, Bravo D, Sanchis J, Miñana G, Navarro D. Low rate of detection of active cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection early following acute myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis. 2012 May; 222(1): 295-7. IF: 3,794 10Godoy P, Castilla J, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Martín V, Soldevila N, Alonso J, Astray J, Baricot M, Cantón R, Castro A, González-Candelas F, Mayoral JM,Quintana JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic Influenza Working Group, Spain. Effectiveness of hand hygiene and provision of information in preventing influenza cases requiring hospitalization. Preventine Medicine. 2012; 54(6): 434-9. IF: 3,216 11Capelastegui A, Quintana J, Bilbao A, España PP, Garin O, Alonso J, Astray J, Cantón R, Castilla J, Castro A, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Godoy P, Gónzález-Candelas F, Martín V, Mayoral JM, Pumarola T, Tamames S, Soldevila N, Baricot M, Domínguez A, CIBERESP Cases and Controls in Pandemic InfluenzaWorking Group, Spain. Score to identify the severity of adult patients with influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infection at hospital admission. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases. 2012; 31(10): 2693-701. IF: 2,859 Thesis 1Thesis title: Control metabólico e infeccioso en pacientes críticos mediante la administración de una dieta enteral específica para diabetes suplementada con glutamina. Doctoral candidate: Mª del Mar Juan Díaz Director(s): Alfonso Mesejo Arizmendi and Juan Francisco Ascaso Gimilio Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude 2Thesis title: Influencia de los biomarcadores de lesión cerebral BNP, DD, MMP-9 y S-100B y de marcadores de la inflamación en el pronóstico de la hemorragia cerebral espontánea en fase aguda. Doctoral candidate: Ainhoa Serrano Lázaro Director(s): Alfonso Mesejo Arizmendi and Josep Redón i Mas Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude Scientific activity 4.2.13.Department of Preventive Medicine labelled purple tomatoes. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2012 Apr; 10(3): 341-52. IF: 5,442 2Alcalá • Comparative evaluation of Corporal Decontamination protocols in patients infected/colonized by multiresistant germs (SAMR). L, Martín A, Marín M, Sánchez-Somolinos M, Catalán P, Peláez, Bouza E, Spanish Clostridium difficile Study Group. The undiagnosed cases of Clostridium difficile infection in a whole nation: where is the problem?. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2012 Jul; 18(7): E204-13. IF: 4,54 • Avoidable hospitalization and evaluation on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. 3Midgley SE, Bányai K, Buesa J, Halaihel N, Hjulsager Main lines of research • Habits modification after a health education intervention in a population in risk of suffering colorectal cancer. • Evaluation of the effect of sistematized evaluation processes and planification in nursing care on patient’s security. Publications CK, Jakab F, Kaplon J, Larsen LE, Monini M, PoljšakPrijatelj M, Pothier P, Ruggeri FM, Steyer A, Koopmans M, Böttiger B. Diversity and zoonotic potential of rotaviruses in swine and cattle across Europe. Veterinary Microbiology. 2012 May 4; 156(3-4): 238-45. IF: 3,327 Letter Total Number of Publications: 1 Cumulative Impact Factor: 1,326 Original articles 1 Martínez Morel HR, Nebot Marzal CM, Sánchez Torres S, Ortí Lucas RM. The risk of nosocomial infection in informed consent documents. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012 Oct 16. IF: 1,326 1Núñez J, Chilet M, Blasco ML, Clari MA, Sanjuan R, Muñoz-Cobo B, Bodí V, Costa E, Bravo D, Sanchis J, Miñana G, Navarro D. Low rate of detection of active cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection early following acute myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis. 2012 May; 222(1): 295-7. IF: 3,794 Thesis 1Thesis title: Análisis filogenético de los genes VP7 y 4.2.14. Department of Microbiology NSP4 de cepas de rotavirus de niños con gastroenteritis en Valencia y Castellón. Doctoral candidate: Carlos J Téllez Castillo Main lines of research • Molecular epidemic of rotavirus and norovirus. • Production of pseudo viral particles of norovirus and analysis of epitopes recognized by monoclonal bodies. Director(s): Francisco Javier Buesa Gómez Date of the defense: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude Research projects and grants research • Functional nourishment in infections by enteroviruses. • Reference: PI 09/02065 • Maternal nursing’s role in the protection before norovirus infections. Title: Calicivirus humanos causantes de gastroenteritis: análisis de prevalencia, epidemiología molecular e interacciones virus-receptor. Publications Total Number of Publications: 4 Principal Investigator: Francisco Javier Buesa Gómez Cumulative Impact Factor: 17,103 Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Original articles Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia 1Juárez P, Presa S, Espí J, Pineda B, Antón MT, Moreno V, Buesa J, Granell A, Orzaez D. Neutralizing antibodies against rotavirus produced in transgenically Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €68.365 4 183 Scientific activity Sanchis J, Bodi V, Nuñez E, Puchades MJ, Palau P, Merlos P, Llacer A, Miguel A. A Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis as a therapeutic alternative in patients with advanced congestive heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2012; 14(5): 540-548. IF: 4,896 • Reference: CSD2007-00063 Title: Nuevos ingredientes de alimentos funcionales para mejorar la salud. Principal Investigator: Francisco Tomás Barberán (José Vicente Gil as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte 4Torregrosa I, Montoliu C, Urios A, Emilili N, Juan I, Puchades MJ, Solis MA, Sanjuan R, Blasco ML, Ramos C, Tomás P, Ribes J, Carratalá A, Miguel A. Biomarcadores precoces de fracaso renal agudo tras la angiografía coronaria o cirugía cardiaca en pacientes con síndrome coronario o fallo cardiaco agudos. Nefrologia. 2012; 32(1): 44-52. IF: 1,00 Beneficiary institution: Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura Duration: 2008-2012 4.2.15. Nefrology Service Main lines of research • A Study on the oxydative stress that was started on patients with dialysis is nowadays continued together with the nutritional study in patients with chronic kidney disease in stages 3, 4 and 5. • Study on predictive markers of acute renal failure after a cardiac surgery and hemodynamic study (N-gal, KIM-1, cistatine). 184 4 • The effect of peritoneal dialysis on patients with refractory cardiac insufficiency. • Study on hepcidin and inflammation markers in patients treated with dialysis and its implication in these patients’ anemia. Publications Total Number of Publications: 5 Cumulative Impact Factor: 10,426 Original articles 1Juan-García I, Puchades MJ, Sanjuán R, Torregrosa I, Solís MÁ, González M, Blasco M, Martínez A, Miguel A. Echocardiographic impact of hydration status in dialysis patients. Nefrologia. 2012; 32(1): 94-102. IF: 1,00 2Herrero-Calvo JA, González-Parra E, Pérez-García R, Tornero-Molina F, Grupo de Estudio Español Sobre Anticoagulación en Hemodiálisis. Spanish study of anticoagulation in haemodialysis. Nefrologia. 2012; 32(2): 143-52. IF: 1,00 3Nuñez J, González M, Miñana G, Garcia Ramón R, 5 Nuñez J, González M, Miñana G, García Ramón R, Sanchis J, Bodi V , Puchades MJ, Palau P, Merlos P, Mascarell B, Miguel A. Continuos ambulatory peritoneal dialysys and clinical outcomes in patients with refactory congestive heart failure. Revista Española de Cardiología. 2012; 65: 986-95. IF: 2,53 Thesis 1Thesis title: Integración de la bioimpedancia multifrecuencia, parámetros ecocardiográficos y bioquímicos en la voloración y manejo del estado de hidratación de pacientes en diálisis. Doctoral candidate: Isabel Juan García Director(s): Juan Alfonso Miguel Carrasc and Rafael Sanjuán Máñez Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude Research projects and grants research • Reference: PI10/01434 Title: Valor de Cistatina, NGAL, KIM-1, L-FABP e Interleukina-18 como marcadores precoces de insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes sometidos a cirugía y cateterismo cardiacos. Principal Investigator: Juan Alfonso Miguel Carrascosa Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2013 Total budget: €64.130 Scientific activity between inflammatory activity and brain atrophy in natalizumab treated patients. European Journal of Radiology. 2012 Mar 3. IF: 2,606 4.2.16. Neurology Service Publications 8 Linde M, Gustavsson A, Stovner LJ, Steiner TJ, Barré J, Katsarava Z, Lainez JM, Lampl C, Lantéri-Minet M, Rastenyte D, Ruiz de la Torre E, Tassorelli C, Andrée C. The cost of headache disorders in Europe: the Eurolight project. European Journal of Neurology. 2012 May; 19(5): 703-11. IF: 3,692 Total Number of Publications: 15 Cumulative Impact Factor: 140,39 Original articles 1Landgrebe M, Azevedo A, Baguley D, Bauer C, Cacace A, Coelho C, Dornhoffer J, Figueiredo R, Flor H, Hajak G, van de Heyning P, Hiller W, Khedr E, Kleinjung T, Koller M, Lainez JM, Londero A, Martin WH, Mennemeier M, Piccirillo J, De Ridder D, Rupprecht R, Searchfield G, Vanneste S, Zeman F, Langguth B. Methodological aspects of clinical trials in tinnitus: A proposal for an international standard. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2012 Aug; 73(2): 112-21. IF: 3,296 2Dávalos A, Alvarez-Sabín J, Castillo J, Díez-Tejedor E, Ferro J, Martínez-Vila E, Serena J, Segura T, Cruz VT, Masjuan J, Cobo E, Secades JJ, International Citicoline Trial on acUte Stroke (ICTUS) trial investigators. Citicoline in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: an international, randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled study (ICTUS trial). Lancet. 2012 Jul 28; 380(9839): 349-57. IF: 38,278 3Bas E, Van De Water TR, Gupta C, Dinh J, Vu L, Mar- 9 Färkkilä M, Diener HC, Géraud G, Láinez M, Schoenen J, Harner N, Pilgrim A, Reuter U, COL MIG-202 study group. Efficacy and tolerability of lasmiditan, an oral 5-HT(1F) receptor agonist, for the acute treatment of migraine: a phase 2 randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-ranging study. Lancet Neurology. 2012 May; 11(5): 405-13. IF: 23,462 10 Cubo E, Benito-León J, Coronell C, Armesto D, ANIMO Study Group. Clinical correlates of apathy in patients recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease: the ANIMO study. Neuroepidemiology. 2012; 38(1): 48-55. IF: 2,305 11 12 Benito-León J, Cubo E, Coronell C, ANIMO Study Group. Impact of apathy on health-related quality of life in recently diagnosed Parkinson’s disease: the ANIMO study. Movement Disorders. 2012 Feb; 27(2): 211-8. IF: 4,505 13 Castelló M, Boscá I, Pérez-Miralles FC, Burgal M, Casanova B. Neuronal antigens recognized by cerebrospinal fluid IgM in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 2012 Jun 15; 247(1-2): 63-9. IF: 2,959 Blanco M, Vivancos-Mora J, Castillo J, registro EPICES. Compliance with the measures for preventing vascular risk factors in hospitalised patients with acute stroke. Analysis of a national multi-centre registry: EPICES registry (III). Revista de Neurología. 2012 May 1; 54(9): 523-9. 14 Comi G, Jeffery D, Kappos L, Montalban X, Boyko A, Rocca MA, Filippi M, ALLEGRO Study Group. Placebo-controlled trial of oral laquinimod for multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine. 2012 Mar 15; 366(11): 1000-9. IF: 53,298 Arias-Rivas S, Vivancos-Mora J, Castillo J, investigadores del registro Epices. Epidemiology of the subtypes of stroke in hospitalised patients attended by neurologists: results of the EPICES registry (I). Revista de Neurología. 2012 Apr 1; 54(7): 385-93. 15 Castillo J, Vivancos-Mora J, registro EPICES. Hospital arrival times and delay before acute stroke patients receive neurological care. Analysis of a national tínez-Soriano F, Láinez JM, Marco J. Efficacy of three drugs for protecting against gentamicin-induced hair cell and hearing losses. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2012 Jul; 166(6): 1888-904. IF: 4,409 4Magraner MJ, Coret F, Casanova B. The effect of intravenous immunoglobulin on neuromyelitis optica. Neurologia. 2012 Jul 27. IF: 0,79 5Beltrán E, Hernández A, Lafuente EM, Coret F, Simó- 6 7 Molinuevo JL, Hernández B, Grupo de Trabajo del Estudio TRACE. Assessment of the information provided by the medical specialist on Alzheimer’s disease and that retained by the patient caregivers. Neurologia. 2012 Oct; 27(8): 453-71. IF: 0,79 Magraner M, Coret F, Casanova B. The relationship 4 185 Scientific activity multi-centre registry: EPICES registry (II). Revista de Neurología. 2012 Apr 16; 54(8): 461-7. 4.2.18. Otolaryngology Service Research projects and grants research • Reference: FP-ENV-2008-226873 Title: Las tecnologías de la comunicación, el medio ambiente y el cáncer del sistema nervioso central en la juventud. Principal Investigator: María Manuela Morales (José Miguel Láinez as collaborating researchers) Publications Total Number of Publications: 7 Cumulative Impact Factor: 4,409 Original articles 1García-Callejo FJ, Marco-Algarra J, Pla-Gil I, MonzóGandía R, Juantegui-Azpilicueta M, Martínez-Beneyto P. Pathologic erythrocyte deformability in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Jul; 63(4): 249-257. Funding body: Comisión Europea, 7º Programa Marco Beneficiary institution: CREAL (Centre de Recerca en Epidemiología Ambiental) Duration: 2009-2012 2 Muñoz-Fernández N, Morant-Ventura A, Achiques MT, Dualde-Beltrán D, Garcia-Callejo FJ, Monrroy-Parada MV, Pitarch I, Latorre E, Marco-Algarra J. Evolution of otosclerosis to cochlear implantation. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Jul; 63(4): 265-271. 4.2.17. Ophthalmology Service Main lines of research 3 Conill Tobías N, Paula Vernetta CD, García Callejo FJ, Marco Algarra J. Objective tinnitus from palatal myoclonus. Use of botulinum toxin: a case report. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Sep; 63(5): 391-392. • Development of the Splenectomy. • Development of the Canaloplasty. 186 4 Publications 4 García Callejo FJ, Fernández NM, López NS, González PM. Inflammatory pseudotumor of the tonsil. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Jan-Feb; 63(1): 62-4. Total Number of Publications: 2 Cumulative Impact Factor: 7,23 Original articles 1 2 Shields CL, Kancherla S, Patel J, Vijayvargiya P, Suriano MM, Kolbus E, Badami A, Sharma P, Jacobs E, Voluck M, Zhang Z, Kansal R, Shields PW, Bianciotto CG, Shields JA. Clinical survey of 3680 iris tumors based on patient age at presentation. Ophthalmology. 2012 Feb; 119(2): 407-14. IF: 5,454 Vila-Arteaga J, Stirbu O, Suriano M, Vila-Mascarell E. A New Technique for Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation. Journal of Glaucoma. 2012 Oct 10. IF: 1,776 5 Muñoz-Fernández N, Morant-Ventura A, Achiques MT, Dualde-Beltrán D, Garcia-Callejo FJ, MonrroyParada MV, Pitarch I, Latorre E, Marco-Algarra J. Evolution of otosclerosis to cochlear implantation. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Jul-Aug; 63(4): 265-71. 6 Monzó-Gandía R, García-Callejo FJ, Calatayud-Blas AM, Calvo-González J. Laryngeal leishmaniasis. A case report. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012 Oct 29. 7 Bas E, Van De Water TR, Gupta C, Dinh J, Vu L, Martínez-Soriano F, Láinez JM, Marco J. Efficacy of three drugs for protecting against gentamicin-induced hair cell and hearing losses. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2012 Jul; 166(6): 1888-904. IF: 4,409 Scientific activity 4.2.19. Pediatric Service centre epidemiological study. European Respiratory Journal. 2012; 40: 1502-1507. IF: 5,895 7Nagel Original articles G, Weinmayr G, Flohr C, Kleiner A, Strachan DP, Isaac Phase Two Study Group. Association of pertussis and measles infections and immunizations with asthma and allergic sensitization in ISAAC Phase Two. Pediatriatric Allergy and Immunology. 2012 Dec; 23(8): 737-46. IF: 2,459 1Puche M, Guijarro-Martínez R, Pérez-Herrezuelo G, Research projects and grants research Publications Total Number of Publications: 7 Cumulative Impact Factor: 20,506 Miragall L, Iglesias ME, Martínez-Costa C. The hypothetical role of congenital hypotonia in the development of early coronoid hyperplasia. Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery. 2012 Sep; 40(6): e155-8. IF: 1,643 2Rives S, Estella J, Camós M, García-Miguel P, Verdeguer A, Couselo JM, Tasso M, Molina J, Gómez P, Fernández-Delgado R, Navajas A, Badell I, grupo cooperativo SHOP (Sociedad Española de HematoOncología Pediátrica). T-cell pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: analysis of survival and prognostic factors in 4 consecutive protocols of the Spanish cooperative study group SHOP. Medicina Clinica. 2012 Jul 7; 139(4): 141-9. IF: 1,385 3 4 5 Flohr C, Nagel G, Weinmayr G, Kleiner A, Williams HC, Aït-Khaled N, Strachan DP, ISAAC Phase Two Study Group. Tuberculosis, bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination, and allergic disease: findings from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase Two. Pediatric Allergy Immunology. 2012 Jun; 23(4): 324-31. IF: 2,459 Morata Alba J, Alpera Lacruz R. Guillain-Barré syndrome and anti-ganglioside antibodies. Anales de Pediatría. 2012 Oct 16. IF: 0,77 • Reference: AP-094/11 Title: Análisis del riesgo de úlceras por presión en neonatos hospitalizados mediante una nueva escala de valoración. Principal Investigator: Pablo García Molina Funding body: Generalitat Valenciana Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total budget: €7.000 • Title: Estudio básico sobre el consumo de productos fermentados con prebióticos de horchata de chufa valenciana en el estreñimiento funcional y diarrea vírica en la población infantil. Principal Investigator: Cecilia Martínez Costa Funding body: Alimentos funcionales y de origen tradicional Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2011-2012 Total budget: €35.000 • Reference: PI11/02884 Strippoli Mpf, Frischer T, Barbato A, Snijders D, Maurer E, Lucas Jsa, Eber E, Karadag B, Pohunek P, Zivkovic Z, Escribano A, O’callaghan C, Bush A, Kuehni Ce. Management of primary ciliary dyskinesia in Europe: recommendations and clinical practice. European Respiratory Journal. 2012 Jun; 39 (6):1482-1491. IF: 5,895 6 Pérez-Ruiz E, Caro P, Pérez-Frías J, Cols M, Barrio I, Torrent A, García Ma, Asensio O, Pastor Md, Luna C, Torres J, Osona B, Salcedo A, Escribano A, Cortell I, Gaboli M, Valenzuela A, Alvarez E, Velasco R, García E. Paediatric patients with a tracheostomy: a multi- Title: Estudio de la utilidad clinica del perfil de estrés oxidativo y de la expresión de MIRNAS, en sangre y en condensado de aire exhalado en pacientes con déficit de alfa-1 antitripsina. Principal Investigator: Francisco Dasí Fernández Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total budget: €43.240 4 187 Scientific activity • Title: Evaluación de la función mitocondrial en leucocitos de pacientes con déficit de alfa-1 antitripsina. Principal Investigator: Francisco Dasí Fernández Funding body: Ayuda Intramural para grupos de Investigadores emergentes 2012. Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico de Valencia Total budget: €3.750 • Reference: PS09/02065 Research projects and grants for research Duration: 2012 Title: Calicivirus humanos causantes de gastroenteritis: análisis de la prevalencia, epidemiología molecular e interacciones virus-receptor. Principal Investigator: Javier Buesa Gómez (Cecilia Martínez Costa as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia Duration: 2010-2012 Total budget: €68.365 4 2Noelia Muñoz Fernández, Antonio Morant-Ventura, Maria Teresa Achiques, Delfina Dualde-Beltrán, F. Javier García-Callejo, María Victoria Monrroy-Parada, Ignacia Pitarch, Emilia Latorre, Jaime Marco-Algarra. Evolución en la otoesclerosis hacia la implantación coclear. Acta Otorrinolaringologica Española. 2012; 63 (4): 265-271. Beneficiary institution: Fundación de Investigación del Hospital Clínico de Valencia 188 lective Aurora A kinase inhibitor – in patients with advanced solid tumors. Clinical Cancer Research. 2012, 18 (17): 4764-74. IF: 7,742 4.2.20.Radiology and Diagnosis Service Main lines of research • Treatment of the Asherman Syndrome through uterine stem cells injections. • Ablation the sympathetic peri-renal plexus performed through radiofrequency, in patients with refractory hypertension in several lines of pharmacologic treatment and with systolic cardiac dysfunction. Publications Total Number of Publications: 2 Cumulative Impact Factor: 7,742 Original articles 1Cervantes A, Elez E, Roda D, Ecsedy J, Macarulla T, Venkatakrishnan K, Roselló S, Andreu J, Jung JA, Sanchis-Garcia JM, Piera A, Blasco I, Maños L, Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Fingert H, Baselga J, Tabernero J. Phase 1 pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of alisertib (MLN8237) – an investigational, oral, se- • Reference: FP-ENV-2008-226873 Title: Las tecnologías de la comunicación, el medio ambiente y el cáncer del sistema nervioso central en la juventud. Principal Investigator: María Manuela Morales (Delfina Dualde as collaborating research) Funding body: Comisión Europea, 7º Programa Marco Beneficiary institution: CREAL (Centre de Recerca en Epidemiología Ambiental) Duration: 2009-2012 • Reference: EPI-CT Title: Estudio de cohorte de niños con exposición diagnóstica sustancial a radiaciones ionizantes. Principal Investigator: Elisabeth Cardis (Julio Palmero as collaborating researcher) Funding body: Comisión Europea, 7º Programa Marco Beneficiary institution: CREAL (Centre de Recerca en Epidemiología Ambiental) Duration: 2012-2015 • Reference: EC11/299 Title: Tratamiento del Síndrome Asherman mediante inyección en arterias uterinas de células madre. Principal Investigator: Carlos Simón (Julio Palmero, Francisco Gil, Cristina Arbona, Francisco Raga as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación Hospital Clínico Universitario Valencia Duration: 2012-2014 Total budget: €91.707 Scientific activity 4.2.21. Ortopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service Hospital Clínico Universitario Valencia Duration: 2010-2013 Total budget: €58.685 Publications Total Number of Publications: 3 Cumulative Impact Factor: 14,753 Original articles 1 Clérigues V, Guillén MI, Gomar F, Alcaraz MJ. Haem oxygenase-1 counteracts the effects of interleukin-1? oninflammatoryandsenescencemarkersincartilagesubchondral bone explants from osteoarthritic patients. Clinical Science. 2012 Mar 1; 122(5): 239-50. IF: 4,317 • Reference: RD06/0013/2001-RETICEF Title: GrupoFarmacologíadelaInflamación. Principal Investigator: Mª José Alcaraz Tormo (Francisco Gomar Sancho as collaborating researchers) Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Universitat de València Duration: 2009-2012 2 Clérigues V, Guillén MI, Castejón MA, Gomar F, Mirabet V, Alcaraz MJ. Heme oxygenase-1 mediates protective effects on inflammatory, catabolic and senescence responses induced by interleukin-1? in osteoarthritic osteoblasts. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2012 Feb 1; 83(3): 395-405. IF: 4,705 3 Lassen MR, Fisher W, Mouret P, Agnelli G, George D, Kakkar A, Mismetti P, Turpie AG, SAVE Investigators. Semuloparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after major orthopedic surgery: results from three randomized clinical trials, SAVE-HIP1, SAVE-HIP2 and SAVE-KNEE. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2012 May; 10(5): 822-32. IF: 5,731 Thesis 1 Thesis title: Desarrollo de un método no lesivo, basado en la proyección de luz estructurada, para la valoración y ayuda al diagnóstico de las deformidades del raquis. Doctoral candidate: Francisco Javier López de la O Director(s): M. Fe Mínguez Rey Thesis defense date: 2012 Grade: Summa cum laude Research projects and grants for research • Reference: PI10/02600 Title: Estrés oxidativo celular y su relación con la osteonecrosis femoral idiopática. Principal Investigator: Francisco Gomar Sancho Funding body: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Beneficiary institution: Fundación Investigación 4 189 190 2 5 2 Clinical trials and other studies 19 5 191 Clinical trials and others studies 5.1. Activity of the Ethical Committee in Clinical Research (ECCR) INCLIVA Health Research Institute –through its Ethical Committee in Clinical Research (ECCR) – manages the clinical studies (trials, observational studies, and research projects) of the Hospital Clínico Universitario and the Health Department Valencia Clínico-Malvarrosa. Furthermore, as an Health Research Institute, it is able to complete new drug and medical product development phases. As a result of its activity along 2012, the ECCR has processed a total of 114 studies (clinical trials and observational studies): 111 assessed, 110 positively valued, and none denied; 3 are in the course of assessment and 1 pending of approval. Total of studies presented to ECCR Not assessed studies by ECCR 114 3 Assessed studies by ECCR 111 Approved studies by ECCR 110 Not approved studies by ECCR 0 Pending of approval studies 1 Number of studies presented to ECCR 5 193 Clinical trials and others studies The distribution of these trials by phase is: Phase I: 14, Phase II: 25, Phase III: 33, Phase IV: 2, Observational studies: 36, others: 4. The following table shows the number of clinical trials and other studies according to their typology. PHASE Nº % Phase I 14 12,3 Phase II 25 21,9 Phase III 33 28,9 Phase IV 2 1,8 Observational 36 31,6 Others 4 3,5 Total 114 100.0 Number of trials per phase 194 5 Clinical trials and others studies The Service of Medical Oncology and Haematology is at the top regarding the presentation of clinical trials. It is followed by the services of Internal Medicine, Anesthesia and Reanimation, Cardiology, and Neurology. These five services make over 75% of the total processed trials. The following table shows the number of trials presented per service and its percentage. SERVICE Number of PI’s % Anesthesia and Reanimation 7 6.2 Cardiology 6 5.3 Endocrinology 3 2.6 Digestive Medicine 4 3.5 Internal Medicine 9 7.9 Neurology 6 5.3 Medical Oncology and Haematology 58 50.9 Pediatrics 4 3.5 Psychiatry 3 2.6 Unit of Infectious Diseases 3 2.6 Others 9 7.9 Guardianship of other centers 2 1.7 Total 114 100 Number of trials per service 5 195 Clinical trials and others studies The PI distribution shown below indicates that the Service of Medical Oncology and Haematology has 13 PI involved in clinical trial. It is followed by the Services of Pediatrics and Cardiology with 4. Anesthesia and Reanimation, Internal Medicine and Neurology have 3 PI involved. Services of Endocrinology, Digestive Medicine, and Psychiatry close the table with 2 researchers each one. SERVICE 196 5 Number of PI’s % Anesthesia and Reanimation 3 6.8 Cardiology 4 9.1 Endocrinology 2 4.6 Digestive Medicine 2 4.6 Internal Medicine 3 6.8 Neurology 3 6.8 Medical Oncology and Hematology 13 29.5 Pediatrics 4 9.1 Psychiatry 2 4.6 Others 8 18 Total 44 100 Clinical trials and others studies Regarding the distribution of studies per promoter, 18 trials are considered Independent Clinical Research (trials from associations, groups, foundations, and private individuals), and the rest of them have been promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. When comparing these data with the one from 2011 (19 trials) the figures speak once again about the support to non-commercial research. PROMOTER Nº PROMOTER Nº Abbott Laboratories, S.A. 3 Inserm-ARNS 1 Amgen Inc 3 Independent Clinical Research 18 Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc 1 Janssen-Cilag 2 AstraZeneca AB 3 Jennerex Inc 1 Autonomic Technologies 1 Laboratorios Esteve S.A. 3 Baxter Innovations GmbH 1 Lilly S.A. 1 Bayer Hispania S.L. 2 MedImmune LLC 1 BHR Pharma, LLC 1 Medthronic 2 Bial- Industrial Farmacéutica S.A 1 Merck 3 Boehringer Ingelheim España S.A. 2 Merck Sharp&Dohme 3 Boston Scientific 1 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1 Bristol-Myers Squibb International Corporation 1 Mundipharma Pharmaceuticals S.L. 2 Celgene Corporation 2 Nektar Therapeutics 1 Celgene S.L. 2 Nestec Ltd 1 Cochlear Bone Anchored solutions AB 1 Novartis Farmacéutica S.A. 11 DAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE GmbH 1 Novo nordisk 2 Deutsche CLL-Studiengroup 1 Pfizer 2 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. 6 Pharma Mar S.A. 1 FGK Representative Service GmbH, München (Germany) 1 Roche Farma S.A. 3 Genentech, Inc. 5 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 1 Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd 1 Sanofi-aventis S.A 5 GlaxoSmithkline S.A. 3 Taiho Pharma USA, Inc 1 Grünenthal 2 Vaxon Biotech 1 Hollister Iberica SA 1 Vivia Biotech 1 5 197 Clinical trials and others studies 5.2. Assessment activity during last 5 years The table below confirms the importance of the Committee’s activity during the last five years. The number of studies processed yearly increases not only in the institutional field but also at a national level. Year Processed Studies 2007 86 2008 80 2009 77 2010 89 2011 106 2012 110 Number of processed studies 198 5 Clinical trials and others studies The ECCR acts as a National Reference Committee issuing a unique report of assessment in the multicentric trials detailed below. Year Processed Studies 2007 5 2008 5 2009 7 2010 6 2011 10 2012 7 One of the strategic aims of INCLIVA is to drive and promote translational research: during the period 2008-2012, the number of Phase I and Phase II trials remains stable or has increased as shown in the table and graph below. PHASE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Phase I 2 12 10 9 6 14 Phase II 23 23 19 22 30 25 Phase III 34 31 24 28 26 33 Phase IV 10 6 7 6 10 2 Observational 14 8 11 16 31 36 Others 3 0 6 3 3 4 Evolution of clinical trial distribution by phase 5 199 Clinical trials and others studies 5.3. Ongoing studies in the Health Department Valencia Clínico-Malvarrosa During 2012, 310 clinical trials have been active. The distribution of clinical trials per service analyzed below uses a semilogarithmic scale due to the great difference between the Service of Medical Oncology and Haematology, and the rest of the Department’s services. SERVICE Nº Anesthesia and Reanimation 13 Cardiology 13 Endocrinology 7 Digestive Medicine 14 Internal Medicine 14 Neurology 11 Medical Oncology and Haematology Pediatry 6 Psychiatry 5 Unit of Allergy 4 Unit of Infectious Diseases 11 Primary Health Care 12 Urology 6 Others 9 Total 200 5 182 310 Clinical trials and others studies The results of the distribution of trials and other studies depending on their typology are the following: PHASE Nº Clinical Trials Phase I 33 Clinical Trials Phase II 89 Clinical Trials Phase III 104 Clinical Trials Phase IV 21 Observational Studies 56 Others 7 Total 310 5 201 6 2 Initiatives for research promotion 20 6 203 Initiatives of research promotion 6.1. Grants for secondments in centers of excellence As every year, the Institute has announced its Grants for research secondments in centers of excellence, to allow the staff of the Hospital Clínico to acquire new knowledge and clinical techniques. The awarded researchers and the assigned training centers are shown in the following table: Teresa Arnandis Chinesta Laboratorio Naxionale del Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Biotecnologie (Italy) Clara Bononad Lozano Hospital La Paz, Madrid Laura Botella Maciá Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa, Sao Paulo (Portugal) José Antonio Carbonell López Hospital John Hopkins, Baltimore (USA) Nelson Díez Calzadilla London Bridge Hospital, London (United Kingdom) Meritxell Forte Vila New York University School of Medicine, New York (USA) David Fuster Molina Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels (Belgium) Álvaro García-Granero García-Fuster Hospital North Clinic Minnesota, Minnesota (USA) Raúl Gómez Gallego Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas CNIO, Madrid Andrea Gutiérrez Valcárcel Hospital Mount Sinai, New York (USA) Ignacio López Blasco American College of Radiology, Maryland (USA) María Jesús Montero Hernández Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (USA) Juan Montoro Gómez University of Washington and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle (USA) 6 205 Initiatives of research promotion 6.2. Training and Teaching Activities Training Program The Institute has continued developing, along this year, the Training Program for its professionals with seminars and courses, in order to make progress in the constant improvement. In particular, courses, seminars and educational conferences have been developed during the year 2012 in the following categories: Courses •RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM FOR INTERN AND RESIDENT DOCTORS – In progress. October 2011 - June 2013, October 2012 - June 2014.” •VI COURSE ON PEDIATRICS MECHANICAL VENTILATION. 7, 8 and 9 June. •5th HANDS-ON COURSE ON NEUROSURGICAL APPROACHES: CEREBRAL ANEURYSM. 10, 11, 12, and 13 July. •BREAST CANCER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS “OPTIMIZING AND ADAPTING TREATMENTS ACCORDING TO TUMOR BIOLOGY”. 24 and 25 April 2012. •EXCELLENCE IN THE RESPIRATORY TREATING UNIT OF THE PULMONARY SERVICE. 25 May, 26 October, 16 November 2012. •17th COURSE ON MECHANICAL VENTILATION. 7, 8 and 9 March 2012.” •ADVANCED COURSE ON THERAPY WITH CONTINUOUS SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN INFUSION (CSII) AND CONTINUOUS GLUCOSE MONITORING: OPTIMIZING TREATMENT WITH CSII IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. 23 September, 21 October, 11 November, 16 December 2011, 20 January, 24 February and 23 March 2012.” •III COURSE ON RESEARCH IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. 6, 8, 15, 22 and 29 November, and 13 December 2012. •II ADVANCED COURSE ON DIABETIC EDUCATION. 25 and 30 October, 6, 13 and 20 November 2012. 206 6 •COURSE OF CPR AND AUTOMATED DEFIBRILLATION. 17 and 18 December 2012. Seminars •“Toward optimal selection for treatment with anti-angiogenesis and with anti-EGFR drugs: identification of mechanisms of cancer cell sensitivity and resistance.” 18 April. Prof. Fortunato Ciardiello Full Professor of Medical Oncology Head Laboratory of Experimental Therapeutics, Head Division of Medical Oncology, Second University of Naples, Italy. Initiatives of research promotion •“Role of the HGF-MET axis in cancer: NSCLC as a model”. 22 June. Dr. George R Blumenschein, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX. •“The Biology of Cancer of Unknown Primary: Where do we stand today?. 19 September. Proff. Nicholas Pavlidis, MD Professor of Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Ioannina Greece. •“Lipids, immunity, and atherosclerosis: Ancient Concepts and new prospects”. 22 November. Dr. M. Castro Cabezas, MD, PhD Internist-endocrinologist/vascular specialist Chair Medical Staff SFG St Franciscus Gasthuis Rotterdam Dpt. of Internal Medicine Center for Diabetes and Vascular Medicine STZ Center of Expertise. Conferences •II CONFERENCE OF THE GROUP OF EXPERIMENTAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY (GRELCA) AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 30 January 2012. •CONFERENCE ABOUT DEPARTMENT EVALUATION OF THE CODE STROKE 2012. 10 February 2012. •III CONFERENCE ABOUT RESEARCH IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. 28 November 2012. •IV VALENCIAN CONFERENCE “TOBBACO USE AND BREATHING”. 8 November 2012. •CONFERENCE ABOUT TRAINING IN DIABETES. 14 and 15 December 2012. •CONFERENCE “MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION IN INSTITUTES OF HEALTH RESEARCH”. 8 November 2012. •III CONFERENCE OF THE GROUP OF EXPERIMENTAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY (GRELCA) AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 20 December 2012. Other events and activities •ONCOLOGY AND GYNECOLOGY PRECEPTORSHIP. 8, 9 and 10 March 2012. •SEMINAR “MULTICOLOR FLOW CYTOMETRY: ANALYSIS AND SORTING”. 25 May 2012. •SEMINAR Jorge Gayoso “Biological bases and clinical experience in haploidentical hematopoietic transplants”. 20 June 2012. •WORKSHOP ABOUT ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION. 12 and 13 November 2012. 6 207 Initiatives of research promotion Other activities in which INCLIVA participates •OFFICIAL MASTER IN BIOINFORMATICS. October 2012 – June 2013. Universitat de València, INCLIVA and CIPF. •MASTER OF CLINICAL STUDIES AND TRIALS. November 2012 – June 2013. Universitat de València. Doctoral thesis The teaching activities, in which the researchers attached to this institution also participate, are represented by the 35 doctoral theses defended in 2012. 208 6 PhD Student Thesis Title Reading date Thesis Director Pedro Font, María Teresa Efecto de la sobrecarga oral con grasa insaturada sobre los marcadores de estrés oxidativo e inflamación. Estudios de lipemia postprandial en sujetos con hipercolesterolemia familiar heterocigota 01/23/2012 Real Collado, José Tomás; Carmena Rodríguez, Rafael González Segura, Ana Caracterización de tumores del sistema nervioso central mediante el análisis de imágenes de microscopía de resonancia magnética nuclear 01/23/2012 Monleón Salvadó, Daniel; González Darder, José Manuel; Cerdá Nicolás, Miguel Palau Sampio, Patricia Estrategia invasiva en el síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento ST. Aspectos pronósticos. Análisis en población infrarrepresentada en estudios controlados 02/10/2012 Nuñez Villota, Julio; Sanchis Forés, Juan; Such Belenguer, Luis Laguna Fernández, Andrés Modificación de la expresión génica en células endoteliales humanas por factores aterogénicos y ateroprotectores 02/24/2012 Hermenegildo Caudevilla, Carlos Medrano Plaza, José Vicente Inducción de la meiosis en células germinales obtenidas in vitro a partir de células madre pluripotentes humanas mediante expresión ectópica de las proteínas de unión al RNA DAZL y VASA 03/01/2012 Simón Vallés, Carlos Téllez Castillo, Carlos J Análisis filogenético de los genes VP7 y NSP4 de cepas de rotavirus de niños con gastroenteritis en Valencia y Castellón 03/28/2012 Buesa Gómez, Francisco Javier Blas García, Ana Mecanismos celulares y moleculares implicados en la hepatotoxicidad inducida por efavirenz 03/30/2012 Esplugues Mota, Juan Vicente; Apostolova Atanasovska, Nadezda Ibarrola Villava, Maider Búsqueda de genes de susceptibilidad a melanoma esporádico: análisis de las rutas de pigmentación y reparación del ADN y en procesos de estrés oxidativo 03/30/2012 Ribas Despuig, Gloria Initiatives of research promotion PhD Student Miñana Escrivá, Gema Thesis Title Marcador tumoral antígeno carbohidrato 125 como marcador biológico en la insuficiencia cardiaca Reading date Thesis Director 04/03/2012 Chorro Gascó, Francisco Javier; Núñez Villota, Julio Ruiz Marzal, Fernando Prune belly versus válvulas uretrales posteriores, estudio comparativo retrosprectivo 2D-3D 04/27/2012 Bonilla Musoles, Fernando; Bonilla Bartret, Francisco José; Raga Bauxauli, Francisco Cebrián Cuenca, Ana Mª Estudio epidemiológico de incidencia y análisis de costes de herpes zóster y neuralgia posherpética en atención primaria en la Comunidad Valenciana 05/04/2012 Navarro Pérez, Jorge; Díez Domingo, Javier Oltra Sempere, María Rosa Monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial: valor pronóstico en el seguimiento de pacientes con hipertensión arterial resistente 05/07/2012 Redón Mas, Josep; Pascual Izuel, Jose Maria Lacalle Alba, María Pilar Trastorno de aprendizaje inespecífico y su relación con el peso bajo/normal al nacer: una visión neuropsicológica 05/16/2012 Gadea Domenech, María Engracia; Espert Tortajada, Raúl Juan García, Isabel Integración de la bioimpedancia multifrecuencia, parámetros ecocardiográficos y bioquímicos en la valoración y manejo del estado de hidratación de pacientes en diálisis 05/17/2012 Miguel Carrasco, Juan Alfonso; Sanjuán Máñez, Rafael Guirado Guillén, Ramón Neuronal structural plasticity of the rodent telencephalon: role of PSA-NCAM and modulation by the antidepressant fluoxetine 05/24/2012 Nácher Roselló, Juan Salvador 05/29/2012 Simón Vallés, Carlos; Domínguez Hernández, Francisco Garrido Gómez, Tamara Estudio proteómico del endometrio humano Fernández Sánchez, Manuel Endometrial study of a novel in vivo embryo culture device 06/01/2012 Pellicer Martínez, Antonio; Horcajadas Almansa, José Antonio; Simón Vallés, Carlos Díaz Díaz, Beatriz Efecto del ejercicio físico crónico sobre las características de la fibrilación ventricular, la refractariedad y el proceso de activación miocárdica durante la arritmia, en el corazón normalmente oxigenado y tras isquemia regional aguda 06/08/2012 Such Belenguer, Luis; Such Miquel, Luis Parra Giraldo, Germán Estudio de los efectos del entrenamiento físico sobre algunas propiedades electrofisiológicas miocárdicas ventriculares, mediante el análisis de la fibrilación ventricular inducida. Una investigación en corazón aislado de conejo 06/08/2012 Such Belenguer, Luis; Such Miquel, Luis 6 209 Initiatives of research promotion PhD Student 210 6 Thesis Title Reading date Thesis Director Serrano Lázaro, Ainhoa Influencia de los biomarcadores de lesión cerebral BNP, DD, MMP-9 y S-100 y de marcadores de la inflamación, en el pronóstico de la hemorragia cerebral espontánea en fase aguda 06/19/2012 Mesejo Arizmendi, Alfonso; Redón Mas, Josep Juan Díaz, María Del Mar Control metabólico e infeccioso en pacientes críticos mediante la administración de una dieta enteral específica para diabetes suplementada con glutamina 06/19/2012 Mesejo Arizmendi, Alfonso; Ascaso Gimilio, Juan F Delgado Rosas, Francisco Manuel Estudio del receptor 2 de la dopamina en ovario humano y efecto de su modulación sobre el síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica 06/26/2012 Pellicer Martínez, Antonio; Gaytán Luna, Francisco; Gómez Gallego, Raúl López De La O, Francisco Javier Desarrollo de un método no lesivo, basado en la proyección de luz estructurada, para la valoración y ayuda al diagnóstico de las deformidades del raquis 07/04/2012 Cibrián Ortiz, Rosa; Mínguez Rey, M. Fe; Salvador Palmer, María Rosario Khodayar Pardo, Parisá Capacidad protectora de la leche materna frente a las infecciones por norovirus 07/18/2012 Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Buesa Gómez, Francisco Javier Guill Ibáñez, Antonio Estudio de los efectos electrofisiológicos de la modificación local de la temperatura en un modelo experimental de corazón aislado mediante un electrodo específico de alta densidad con modulación térmica 07/20/2012 Tormos Ferrando, Álvaro; Chorro Gascó, Francisco Javier; Millet Roig, José 07/23/2012 Catalá Pizarro, Montserrat; Rojo Moreno, Juan Bonafé Monzó, Neus Valoración de los efectos clínicos del óxido nitroso Borraz Gracia, Soraya Nutrición artificial domiciliaria mediante gastrostomía. Análisis de la respuesta nutricional y de la aceptación familiar del procedimiento 07/30/2012 Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Calderón Garrido, Caterina; Pedrón Giner, Consuelo Bañuls Morant, Celia Esteroles vegetales en bebidas lácteas: efecto sobre el perfil lipídico y estimación de su biodisponibilidad 09/13/2012 Lagarda Blanch, María Jesús; Hernández Mijares, Antonio Alfaro Rubio, Alberto Estudio estructural de la mucosa respiratoria post intubación orotraqueal 10/03/2012 Carda Batalla, María Del Carmen; Armengot Carceller, Miguel Herrer Mambrona, Isabel Mecanismos epigenéticos en las células endometriales estromales durante el proceso de decidualización 10/16/2012 Estella Sagrado, Carlos; Simón Vallés, Carlos Hernández Jiménez, María Jesús Violencia en relaciones de pareja jóvenes 11/13/2012 Barreto Martín, Pilar Initiatives of research promotion PhD Student Thesis Title Reading date Thesis Director León Carsí, Irene Estudio de la respuesta inflamatoria en diferentes estrategias de cirugía de revascularización coronaria 11/19/2012 Ortega Serrano, Joaquín; Vicente Guillén, Rosario Más Perucho, Aymara Identificación, caracterización y aislamiento de células madre somáticas en los miomas humanos 11/30/2012 Simón Vallés, Carlos; Cervelló Alcaraz, Irene García Herrero, Sandra Transcritómica de la infertilidad masculina 12/04/2012 Meseguer Escrivá, Marcos; Garrido Puchalt, Nicolás Gallego Ligorit, Lucía Toxicidad hepática y renal causada por la administración de sevoflurano 2,5% durante procedimientos sedativos de larga duración, en modelo animal 12/14/2012 Belda Nácher, Francisco Javier; Soro Domingo, Marina 6 211 7 2 INCLIVA in figures 21 7 213 INCLIVA in figures 7.1 Dissemination of scientific activity Since its creation, INCLIVA has shown a gradual increase in the number of scientific publications generated. The indicators of research quality such as the participation in international journals or the impact factor prove a clear upward trend: the number of indexed works in Medline database has been 512 along the year 2012, figures that represent a 4% over the number of publications from the previous year. The following tables and figures show the trend in the last years, and the number and quality of the published manuscripts. YEAR NUMBER OF ARTICLES (PMID) TOTAL IMPACT FACTOR AVERAGE IMPACT FACTOR 2007 286 1079,569 3,77 2008 268 1306,366 4,87 2009 310 1225,780 3,95 2010 434 1791,476 4,13 2011 491 1962,977 4,00 2012 512 2059,85 4,02 Cumulative impact factor evolution Number of articles 214 7 INCLIVA in figures It should be highlighted that the 82% of works published in indexed journals belong to the quartiles 1 and 2 of their corresponding thematic categories. The distribution by quartiles of journals within their thematic categories is shown below: INDICATOR VALUE Publications 512 Cumulative Impact Factor (IF) 2059 Average Impact Factor 4,02 Publications with IF>7 45 First decile publications 118 International Collaborations 153 Quartile distribution 7.2 Networks of cooperative research The Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) develops – through the General Sub-management of Networks and Centers for the Cooperative Research – the creation of Research Network Structures as RETICS (Thematic Networks in Cooperative Clinical Research) or CIBER (Centres for Biomedical Network Research). INCLIVA participates in many of these research structures through its associated groups. The following table shows the participation in networks according to the line prioritized by the center and by the principal investigator of the network group publication. 7 215 INCLIVA in figures Research Area INCLIVA PI Scientific Proposal File Carlos Hermenegildo Caudevilla HERACLES network RD06/0009/0005 Rafael Carmena Rodríguez CIBERdem CB07/08/0018 Juan Sanchis Forés HERACLES network RD06/0009/1001 Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó REDINSOR network RD06/0003/0010 Empar Lurbe i Ferrer CIBERobn CB06/03/0039 Ana Lluch Hernández RETICC RD06/0020/0080 Samuel Navarro Fos RETICC RD06/0020/0102 Esteban Morcillo Sánchez RIER network RD08/0075/0016 María Jesús Sanz CIBERes CB06/06/0027 Federico V. Pallardó Calatayud CIBERrer CB06/07/0073 José Viña Ribes RETICEF network 2006-RED13-027 Julio Sanjuán Arias CIBERsam CB07/09/0006 Guillermo Sáez Tormo PREDIMED network RD06/0045/0006 Antonio Hernández-Mijares CIBERehd CB06/04/0071 Reproductive Medicine Carlos Simón Vallés Network of Cell Therapy RD06/0010/1006 Others Rafael Peris Bonet RETICC RD06/0020/0033 Cardiovascular Oncology Metabolism and Organ Damage Other initiatives of the Carlos III Health Institute (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), in which INCLIVA also participates, are as follows: The National Biobank Network (Red Nacional de Biobancos), whose mission is to storage and manage the samples for 216 7 research. It is to join the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMR). The CAIBER iniciative (Consorcio de Apoyo a la Investigación Biomédica en Red), headed by Dr. Andrés Cervantes, that is a qualified network for clinical trials which study the most relevant health problems for the Spanish population, such as cancer, rare diseases, neurological and mental diseases, chronic or cardiovascular diseases. The Institution’s director is Dr. Ruipérez. INCLIVA in figures 7.3. National and international scientific collaborations One of the main factors of success for an institution devoted to biomedical research is the development of its potential for the establishment of scientific collaborations of quality. It is listed below the main research centers that collaborate actively with researchers from INCLIVA in the development of scientific projects. NATIONAL COLLABORATIONS (by Spanish autonomous communities) ANDALUCÍA • Hospital Universitario Carlos Haya, Málaga • Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Córdoba • Hospital Universitario de Valme, Sevilla • Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla • Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Granada • Universidad de Granada, Granada • Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla CANTABRIA • Instituto de Formación e Investigación Marqués Valdecilla (IFIMAV), Santander CATALUÑA • Hospital Clínic, Barcelona • Hospital Duran i Reynals, Barcelona • Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona • Hospital Universitari del Mar, Barcelona • Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona • Hospital Verge de la Cinta, Tortosa, Tarragona • Institut d’Alta Tecnología-PRBB de Barcelona • Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM), Barcelona • Institut d’Investigacions Biomédiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona • Institut de Recerca Biomédica, Lleida • Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, Barcelona COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Médicas e Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (CSIC-IBV), Valencia • Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia • Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Valencia • Hospital Universitario Dr Peset, Valencia • Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia 7 217 INCLIVA in figures • Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (IVO), Valencia • VCL Campus de Excelencia, Valencia • Universitat Jaime I, Castellón • Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia • Universitat de València, Valencia • Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Valencia • Fundación Oftalmológica del Mediterráneo, Valencia CASTILLA LA MANCHA • Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Ciudad Real • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha CASTILLA LEÓN • Hospital Universitario Río Hortega de Valladolid, Valladolid • Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid GALICIA • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela • Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela MADRID • Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC-UAM, Madrid • Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, CSIC, Madrid • Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid • Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), Madrid • CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid CSIC-CNB, Madrid • Fundación Jiménez-Díaz, Madrid • Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid • Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid • Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid • Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Madrid • Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid • Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid PAÍS VASCO • Hospital Universitario de Donostia, San Sebastián 218 7 • Universidad del País Vasco INCLIVA in figures INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS (by countries) GERMANY • Aachen University Hospital, Aachen • Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Giessen • Universität Hamburg, Hamburg • Universität Würzburg, Würzburg BELGIUM • Ghent University Hospital, Ghent • University of Leuven, Leuven BRASIL • Universidad de Sao Paulo, Riberao Preto, Sao Paulo CANADA • Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia • Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University, Hamilton • University of Calgary, Calgary DENMARK • University of Southern Denmark, Odense ESTONIA • Tartu Ülikool, Tartu FRANCE • Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint-Étienne, Loire • Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris • Hôpital Bichat Claude Bernard, Paris • Institut de la Génétique et de la Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC), Strasbourg • International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon IRELAND • University College Dublin, Dublin ITALY • International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste • Istituto Nazionale Tumori di Milano, Milano • ITN Cancer Research Center, Mercogliano • Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano 7 219 INCLIVA in figures • Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo • Università di Torino, Torino JAPAN • Keio University, Tokyo MOROCCO • Universidad Abdelmalik Essaadi-Tetuan, Tetuán NORWAY • NorLux Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, University of Bergen, Bergen NETHERLANDS • Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam • Comprehensive Cancer Center & Erasmus MC, Rotterdam • Maastricht University, Maastricht • Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen • Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht PUERTO RICO • Centro de Cáncer Auxilio Mutuo, San Juan UNITED KINGDOM • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge • The European Bioinformatics Institute - European Molecular Biology Laboratory. EMBL-EBI, Cambridge • Imperial College, London • King’s College, London • London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London • MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge • National Institute for Biological. Standards and Control (NIBSC), Potters Bar • Newcastle University, Newcastle • University of Glasgow, Glasgow • University of Leeds, Leeds • William Harvey Research Institute, London • Wolfson Institute, London UNITED STATES 220 7 • Harvard School of Public Health, Boston • MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston • Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York • Rosalin Franklin University, Chicago INCLIVA in figures • Stritch School of Medicine - Loyola University Chicago, Chicago • University of California, San Francisco • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill • University of Texas, Austin • Washington State University, Pullman RUSSIA • Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Moscow SWEDEN • Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg • Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg • Universitetssjukhuset MAS, Malmö • University of Uppsala, Uppsala 7.4 Knowledge transfer With the mission of “driving, promoting, coordinating, and executing a research of quality, incorporating the basic and clinical aspects of the research process, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of citizens’ health and quality of life”, INCLIVA is fully committed to innovation in health and to the transfer of the knowledge generated to both the National Health System and the industrial sector. Knowledge transfer to the Health System Clinical guidelines are one of the best indicators of transference from research to clinical practice improvement. The following table shows the published guidelines in which authors attached to INCLIVA have participated. 7 221 INCLIVA in figures PROMOTING JOURNAL OR ORGANIZATION RESEARCHER INVOLVED Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. 2012; 59:3-24 F Iturri, C Honorato, I Ingelmo, N Fàbregas, P Rama, R Valero, F Buisán, E Vázquez, AM Verger, R Badenes, L Valencia and Section of Neuroscience from the Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor Clinical guideline of neuroanesthesiology in surgery of fenestra. Considerations and post-surgical neuroanesthesiological behaviour Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación. 2012; 59:25-37 I Ingelmo, F Iturri, N Fàbregas, C Honorato, P Rama, R Valero, F Buisán, E Vázquez, AM Verger, R Badenes, L Valencia, J Hernández and Section of Neuroscience from the Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor Guidelines of Antibiotic Treatment for the Critical Patient in the Resuscitation Units Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Consensus Meeting, Valencia, 1 June 2012 Gerardo Aguilar and Group GTIPO-SEDAR EPICO: Educational Project for the Critical Patient: Panel of Experts. Consensus Meeting: Approval of Action Measures in patients suspected of having invasive Candidiasis Consensus Meeting, Madrid 20 June 2012 promoted by the Asociación Española de Micología (AEM) Aguilar G and Working group EPICO Menoguideline osteoporosis from the Asociación Española para el Estudio de la Menopausia Revista Española para el Estudio de la Menopausia, DL. B: 18.824-2012. 2012, Pages: 1-44. Antonio Cano Sánchez Clinical Therapeutic Protocols of Endocrinology Médica Esteve, ISBN: 9788469981320. 2012, Pages: 1-474 Antonio Hernández Mijares, Marcelino Gómez Balaguer Hypothalamus-Hypophysis Functional Evaluation Médica Esteve. 2012, Pages: 10-25 Carlos Salvador Suárez, Antonio Hernández Mijares Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias Médica Esteve. 2012, Pages: 444-460 Marina T Bergoglio, Antonio Hernández Mijares Cardiovascular preventive recommendations Atención Primaria. 2012, Volumen: 44 Supl 1: 3-15 A Maiques, C Brotons, F Villar, J Navarro, JM Lobos, R Ortega, et al. TITLE Clinical guideline of neuroanesthesiology in surgery of fenestra. Pre-surgical considerations and intra-surgical neuroanesthesiological use 222 7 INCLIVA in figures TITLE PROMOTING JOURNAL OR ORGANIZATION RESEARCHER INVOLVED Guideline of Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Schizophrenia Edika Med Madrid, ISBN 97884-7877-730-3, 2012 L Marti-Bonmati, J Sanjuán, G Garcia (coord) Respiratory therapies and neuromuscular care of patients with respiratory involvement Manual de Procedimientos SEPAR, ISBN 84-7989-152-1. 2012 C Cabrera, F Del Campo, S Díaz, J Escarrabill, V Casolivé, JL García, J Sancho, C Zamarrón Normative on the management of respiratory complications in patients with neuromuscular disease SEPAR, ISBN 97884-940708-22. 2012 E Farrero, A Antón, CJ Egea, MJ Almaraz, J Masa, I Utrabo, M Calle, H Verea, E Servera, L Jara, E Barrot, V Casolivé Guideline of clinical care practice in B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia GELP, ISBN 978-84-695-68088. 2012: 1-65 Anabel Teruel, María José Terol, Mafer Palmero, María Ángeles Ruiz, Encarna Monzó, Aurelio López, Isidro Jarque, María José Fernández, Alfonso García, Félix Carbonell, Rafael Andreu Guidelines of national consensus for the Management of B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia GELLC, Springer SBM Spain, 2012 José A. García Marco, Pilar Giraldo Castellano, Javier López Jiménez, Eduardo Ríos Herranz, José Luis Sastre Moral, Mª José Terol Casterá, Francesc Bosch Spanish Guidelines of diagnosis and treatment of MDS and CMML. Treatment of high-risk MDS. Hematologica (Spanish ed.). 2012; 97, Suppl 5: 5-58 Guillermo Sanz, David Valcárcel, Consuelo del Cañizo, Javier de la Serna, María Díez-Campelo, Mar Tormo, Salut Brunet, Joan Bargay, María Luz Amigo, Valle Gómez, Teresa Bernal, Patricia Font, María Jesús Arilla, Mónica Ballesteros, María Calbacho, Fernando Ramos, Nuria Hernanz, Santiago Bonanad, José Cervera, Lourdes Florensa, Blanca Xicoy ESH position paper: renal denervation - an interventional therapy of resistant hypertension Journal of Hypertension. 2012; 30: 837-841 RE Schmieder, J Redón, G Grassi, SE Kjeldsen, G Mancia, K Narkiewicz, G Parati, L Ruilope, P van de Borne, C Tsioufis Knowledge transfer to industry The number of patents developed in 2012 – a total of 5 – also benefits the ability to innovate, whose aim is the Knowledge transfer. At the moment, the licenses detailed below have been requested: Inventors: M Carmen Alvárez, Arturo López, Irma García, Manuel Pérez, Rubén D. Artero, José R. Tormo and Diego Cortés Title: Phenanthrene derivatives for use as medicaments Number of Application: EP12197087 Priority Country: Spain Priority Date: 2012 Entity-holder: Valentia BioPharma 7 223 INCLIVA in figures Inventors: Carmen Carda, Gloria Gallego, José Luis Gómez and Joan Carles Monllau Title: Device for fixing a macroporous material to regenerate joint cartilages Number of Application: P201131625 Priority Country: Spain Priority Date: 10/10/2011 Entity-holder: UPV (52%) UV (24%) FIRHSCSP (24%) Inventors: Carlos Simón, David Blesa and Antonio Pellicer Title: Diagnosis of massive failure in the generation of mature oocytes in treatments of controlled ovarian stimulation Number of Application: EP12382032.6 Priority Country: Europe Priority Date: 01/27/2012 Entity-holder: IVIOMICS S.L. Inventors: José Luis García-Giménez and Federico V. Pallardó Title: Procedure of Identification of carbonized Histones Number of Application: PCT/ES2012/070406 Priority Country: Spain Priority Date: 06/08/2012 Entity-holder: CIBERER-UV Inventors: Felipe J Chaves, Ana B. García-García and Sebastián Blesa Title: Methods for DNA rearrengements analysis Number of Application: 300077376 Priority Country: Spain Priority Date: 11/30/2012 Entity-holder: Fundación de Investigación Clínico de Valencia-INCLIVA 224 7 7 225 Avda. Menéndez Pelayo, 4 accesorio 46010 Valencia [email protected]