April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 School Office: 773.486.1334 School Fax: 773.486.1782 www.stjohnberchmans.org 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 Wayne’s World Our Cross: Our Joy Dear Friends, So on this Easter Sunday I bid you welcome. I pray that as you come to Saint John Berchmans on this fifth day of April you will allow the joyful welcoming spirit and the hope the liturgy of Easter offers to inspire you and instill in your heart a desire to return – wholeheartedly to an intimate relationship with God and his Church. I pray that the joy that presents itself on this Easter day will consume you and inspire you to carry hope and joy into our troubled world. Our world needs hope. Our world needs joy. Our world needs you to be the bearers of that hope and joy. Our world needs more Easter people, committed to Christ, and living with joy. Alleluia! Jesus Christ is risen – and today we rejoice and celebrate. I welcome parishioners, visitors and those here today seeking a church home. Saint John Berchmans proclaims, as we rejoice in the victory of Jesus Christ, that all are welcome! If you have been away from church, for whatever reason, for a short time or a long one, know that we want this to be your church home. At Saint John Berchmans great things happen. We live our mission. I share our mission with you here. Living in Christ demands a change, a different way of living. Passion, compassion and mercy constitute life in Christ. In the Easter Gospels those that first heard the good news of the Resurrection, immediately and urgently conveyed the news to anyone who would listen. Allow their contagious enthusiasm to infect you. As we are invited to live in newness of life, let’s do so compassionately, passionately, mercifully and enthusiastically. Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place. We can only have and live this mission if and when we allow ourselves to be partakers in the victory of Jesus and his paschal mystery. Cardinal Dolan declared years ago that the cause of his joy (and if you have ever seen him you’d know he’s filled with joy!) is the Cross. Just two days ago we marked the crucifixion and death of the Lord and today we gather with the hope that Easter offers. We must believe and partake in the victory of Jesus. On this Easter weekend, please join me in welcoming our newly initiated members of the Roman Catholic Church, Kelly Cisneros, Cayli Johannesen, Jesus Lara, Megan McCabe, Gerardo O’Campo, Isela Ortiz, Jose Omar Ortiz, Norma Ortiz, Laura Perez, Luis Reyes and David Sampen. Their participation in the life of this great community will make it even richer. I pray that the Holy Spirit, who led them to our door, will continue to direct their lives (and ours!). As we sing our Easter Alleluias, let’s let the light of Christ’s Resurrection touch the darkness in our lives. Let’s allow the power of Resurrection joy to wash over any sadness we may possess. Let’s permit Easter hope to permeate our entire lives, and joyfully wait for the day when we too will appear with him in glory. With all that happens in our world and in our own city, it might be tempting to lose hope. So God gives us Easter to remind us to hope, to trust and to rejoice in Jesus’ victory over sin and death. We can all think of obstacles to hope – I need not even mention them here. We can either focus our attention on the obstacles or we can fix our gaze on reasons to hope. Saint Paul says it clearly when he admonishes the Colossians. “Brothers and sisters, if then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth…then you too will appear with him in Glory.” Happy Easter! God in his infinite wisdom, allowed Jesus to suffer and die that you and I might have the promise of eternal life, eternal bliss, eternal joy. Today we celebrate that promise and the hope it offers. When we fix our gaze on the promise, when we seek and think of what is above, our attitudes and subsequent actions shift. When we have hope, joy fills our hearts. When joy fills our hearts it brims over into our loving actions. When loving actions come from us, our world is a better place and great things happen! P.S. I thank, in a special way, all that have made these Holy Week and Easter liturgies so beautiful. Jennifer, Carlos, Jean, Joe, Father Paul, Maria, Jorge, Willie, Martha, Judy, Cathy… You know who you are. Thank you! Our Mission: Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place. 2 April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord THE YEAR OF THE SACRAMENTS Pope Francis’ Vision of Healing and Communion (JULY 2014 - JUNE 2015) Parish Announcements STRENGTHEN The very word confirm means to strengthen or to make stronger. Baptism gives us new life in Christ and makes us sons and daughters of God in the Son, Jesus Christ. Confirmation strengthens us in that identity with another outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Even more, Confirmation makes us stronger to live out that identity. As we walk through this world, we often feel pulled in many directions. There are many forces, some good but many quite negative, that press in on us. How will we respond? Will we feel overwhelmed and unable to do anything? From what can we draw the strength and courage to make the right decisions, to stay on course, and to follow through on our commitments? For believers who have been confirmed in the Holy Spirit, the answer lies in the strengthening that is already within us. Faith alerts us to the precious and graced resource that we carry within ourselves. EASTER EGG HUNT The Saint John Berchmans Easter Egg Hunt will take place today, immediately following the 9:45am & 11:30am Masses. Come out after Mass and join us in the courtyard. Parents, please be mindful that many small children participate in this event. This is the perfect opportunity to share a lesson in Christian charity with your children, by asking the older ones to help the little ones. This way it will be enjoyable for all. ANOINTING MASS On Saturday, April 11th there will be an anointing Mass at 5:00pm. All those who are ill in body or mind are welcome to come and be anointed. 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Debt Reduction Program “Your Gift Gives Twice” ONLINE GIVING TO SJB Save the hassle of envelopes, checks, and Sunday memory lapses by giving to Saint John Berchmans online! Log on to GiveCentral to set up an account, and your weekly offering will be deducted directly from your checking or savings account. If you have questions, please contact Joe or Jennifer in the parish office. Stewards of God’s Creation SAINT JOSEPH TABLE By NicoleVilches Peace & Justice, Paz y Justicia Commission Co-Chair Thank you to all who helped and all who came to our 2nd Annual Saint Joseph Table. We enjoyed preparing for it, and the joy and enthusiasm of all who joined us, made it all worthwhile. If you didn’t have a chance to join us, mark your calendars now for next year’s event MARCH 19, 2016. SEE YOU THEN! Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Care for God’s Creation “We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.” All are Welcome at Saint John Berchmans! Happy Easter from the Peace & Justice, Paz y Justicia Commission! As we join in joyful celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, all around us we can see signs of life returning to Logan Square after the long Chicago winter. Throughout the month of April, the Peace and Justice Commission invites you to join us as we explore the many ways that we can help to be stewards of God’s creation. Watch the bulletin each week for reflections and invitations to action. Together, we can make a difference! If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are happy to have you share in today’s celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become a part of our parish family. To register as a parishioner, please contact the rectory office. Registration forms can also be found in the vestibule of the church or on our website at www.stjohnberchmans.org. The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the Garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it. — Genesis 2:15 3 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 Wayne’s World Nuestra Cruz: Nuestra Alegría Queridos Amigos, compasivas salen de nosotros, nuestro mundo es un lugar mejor ¡suceden cosas maravillosas! ¡Aleluya! Jesucristo ha resucitado - y hoy nos regocijamos y celebramos. Doy la bienvenida a todos los feligreses, visitantes y los que se encuentran aquí hoy buscando un hogar en la iglesia. ¡San Juan Berchmans proclama, mientras que nos regocijamos en la victoria de Jesucristo, que todos son bienvenidos! Si usted ha estado alejado de la iglesia, por cualquier razón que sea, por un tiempo corto o largo, sepa que desearíamos que este sea su hogar espiritual. En San Juan Berchmans suceden grandes cosas. Vivimos nuestra misión. Comparto con usted nuestra misión aquí. Así que en este domingo de Pascua le doy la bienvenida. Oro para que al llegar usted a San Juan Berchmans en este cinco de abril permita que el alegre espíritu de bienvenida y la esperanza de la liturgia de Pascua ofrezcan inspirar e infundirle en su corazón el deseo de regresar - de todo corazón - a una relación íntima con Dios y con su Iglesia. Oro para que la alegría que se presenta en este día de Pascua le consuma y le inspire a que lleve la esperanza y alegría a nuestro atribulado mundo. Nuestra palabra necesita esperanza. Nuestro mundo necesita alegría. Nuestro mundo le necesita para ser los transmisores de esperanza y alegría. Nuestro mundo necesita más gente de Pascua, comprometidos con Cristo, y viviendo con alegría Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la Palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios está cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar. El vivir en Cristo exige un cambio, una forma diferente de vivir. La pasión, compasión y misericordia constituyen la vida en Cristo. En los Evangelios de la Pascua los que primero escucharon la buena noticia de la Resurrección, inmediata y urgentemente transmitieron la noticia a quien deseaba escuchar. Permita que su contagioso entusiasmo le infecte. Como se nos invita a vivir una nueva vida, hagámoslo de manera compasiva, con pasión, misericordia y entusiasmo. Solamente podemos tener y vivir esta misión, siempre y cuando nos permitamos ser partícipes de la victoria de Jesús y su misterio pascual. El Cardenal Dolan declaró hace años que la causa de su alegría (y si lo ha visto alguna vez sabrá que él está lleno de alegría) es la Cruz. Hace sólo dos días marcamos la crucifixión y muerte del Señor y hoy nos reunimos con la esperanza que ofrece la Pascua. Debemos creer y participar en la victoria de Jesús. En este fin de semana de Pascua, por favor, demos la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos miembros iniciados a la Iglesia Católica Romana, Kelly Cisneros, Cayli Johannesen, Jesus Lara, Megan McCabe, Gerardo O’Campo, Isela Ortiz, Jose Omar Ortiz, Norma Ortiz, Laura Perez, Luis Reyes and David Sampen. Su participación en la vida de esta gran comunidad hará que sea aún más enriquecida. Le pido al Espíritu Santo, que les guió a nuestra puerta, continúe dirigiendo sus vidas (¡y las nuestras!). Al cantar nuestras aleluyas de Pascua, dejemos que la luz de la Resurrección de Cristo toque la oscuridad en nuestras vidas. Permitamos que el poder de alegría de la Resurrección elimine cualquier tristeza que podamos poseer. Permitamos que la esperanza de la Pascua se impregne en nuestras vidas, y con alegría esperar el día en que nosotros también apareceremos con él en la gloria. Con todo lo que sucede en nuestro mundo y en nuestra propia ciudad, podría ser tentador que perdamos la esperanza. Así que Dios nos da la Pascua para recordarnos que esperemos, confiemos y nos regocijemos en la victoria de Jesús sobre el pecado y la muerte. Todos podemos pensar en los obstáculos a la esperanza – ni siquiera necesito mencionarlos aquí. Así como podemos centrar nuestra atención en los obstáculos también podemos concentrarnos en las razones para tener esperanza. San Pablo lo dice claramente cuando predica a los Colosenses. “Hermanos y hermanas, puesto que ustedes han resucitado con Cristo, busquen los bienes de arriba, donde está Cristo sentado a la derecha de Dios. Pongan todo el corazón en los bienes del cielo, no en los de la tierra...también ustedes se manifestaran gloriosos juntamente con él.” ¡Felices Pascuas! Dios en su infinita sabiduría, permitió que Jesús sufriera y muriera para que usted y yo pudiéramos tener la promesa de la vida eterna, la dicha eterna, el gozo eterno. Hoy celebramos esa promesa y esperanza que ofrece. Cuando nos concentramos en la promesa, cuando buscamos y pensamos en lo que está arriba, nuestras actitudes y acciones posteriores cambian. Cuando tenemos esperanza, la alegría llena nuestros corazones. Cuando la alegría llena nuestros corazones, estos se desbordan de acciones compasivas. Cuando las acciones P.D. Agradezco, de una manera especial, a todos los que han hecho estas liturgias de Semana Santa y de Pascua sean tan hermosas. Jennifer, Carlos, Jean, Joe, el Padre Paul, María, Jorge, Willie, Martha, Judy, Cathy ... Usted sabe quién usted es. ¡Gracias! Nuestra Misión: “Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios esta cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.” 4 April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord EL AÑO DE LOS SACRAMENTOS La Visión del Papa Francisco Sobre la Sancación y la Comunión (JULIO 2014 - JUNIO 2015) FORTALECER Anuncios Parroquiales La palabra “confirmar” significa fortalecer o hacer más fuerte. El Bautismo nos da nueva vida en Cristo y nos hace hijos e hijas de Dios en el Hijo, Jesucristo. La Confirmación nos fortalece en esa identidad con una nueva efusión del Espíritu Santo. Incluso, la Confirmación nos hace más fuertes para vivir esa identidad. Mientras avanzamos por este mundo, con frecuencia nos sentimos halados en diferentes direcciones. Hay muchas fuerzas —algunas buenas pero muchas bastante negativas— que ejercen presión sobre nosotros. ¿Cómo responderemos a esto? ¿Nos sentiremos abrumados e incapaces de hacer algo? ¿De dónde podremos obtener la fuerza y el valor para tomar las decisiones correctas, para mantener el curso y para respetar nuestros compromisos? Para los creyentes que han sido confirmados en el Espíritu Santo, la respuesta yace en la fortaleza que ya está dentro de nosotros. La fe nos alerta ante la fuente preciosa y llena de gracia que llevamos dentro. BÚSQUEDA DE HUEVOS DE PASCUA San Juan Berchmans tendrá una Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua, hoy, inmediatamente después de las misas de 9:45am y de 11:30am. Venga después de la misa y únase a nosotros en el césped. Padres, por favor tengan en cuenta que muchos niños pequeños participan en este evento. Ésta es la oportunidad perfecta de compartir una lección de caridad cristiana con sus niños, pidiendo a los mayores que ayuden a los más pequeños. De esta manera todos se divierten. MISA DE UNCIÓN El sábado, 11 de abril habrá una Misa de unción a las 5:00pm. Todos los que están enfermos física o mentalmente son bienvenidos a venir y ser ungidos. La Campaña Católica Anual para 2015 Programa de Reducción de Deuda “Su Regalo Da Dos Veces” DONACIONES ELECTRÓNICAS A SJB ¡Ahórrese la molestia de los sobres, cheques y lapsos de memoria de las donaciones del domingo a Saint John Berchmans donando electrónicamente! Inicie una sesión en GiveCentral para configurar una cuenta y su ofrenda semanal se descontará directamente de su cuenta de cheques o ahorros. Si usted tiene preguntas, póngase en contacto con Joe o Jennifer en la oficina parroquial. El Cuidado por la Creación de Dios SAN JOSÉ MESA ¡Gracias a todos los que ayudaron y todos los que vinieron a nuestra segunda Mesa Anual de San José. Disfrutamos preparándola, y la alegría y el entusiasmo de todos los que nos acompañaron, hicieron que valiera la pena. Si usted no tuvo la oportunidad de unirse a nosotros, marque su calendario ahora para el evento del próximo año - 19 DE MARZO DEL 2016. ¡NOS VEREMOS! Por NicoleVilches Co-presidente de la Comisión Peace & Justice/Paz y Justicia Tema de Enseñanza Social Católica: El Cuidado de la Creación de Dios “Nosotros mostramos nuestro respeto por el Creador cuidando la creación. El cuidado de la tierra no es sólo un slogan para el Día de la Tierra, es un requisito de nuestra fe. Estamos llamados a proteger a las personas y al planeta viviendo nuestra fe en relación con toda la creación de Dios. Este desafío ambiental tiene dimensiones morales y éticas fundamentales que no pueden ser ignoradas”. ¡Todos son Bienvenidos en San Juan Berchmans! ¡Feliz Pascua de parte de la Comisión de Peace & Justice, Paz y Justicia! A medida que nos unimos a la celebración alegre de la Resurrección de Cristo, podemos ver en nuestro alrededor las muestras de vida retornando a Logan Square después del largo invierno de Chicago. A través del mes de abril, la Comisión de Paz y Justicia le invita a que nos acompañe mientras que exploramos las muchas maneras en que podemos ayudar a ser administradores de la creación de Dios. Vea el boletín cada semana para las reflexiones y las invitaciones a la acción. ¡Juntos podemos hacer la diferencia! Si usted es nuevo en nuestra iglesia o simplemente está visitando, por favor deténgase e introdúzcase. Estamos contentos de poder compartir la celebración de la Eucaristía el día de hoy. Si no tiene una iglesia, le invitamos a formar parte de nuestra familia parroquial. Para registrarse como feligrés, por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría. Las formas de registro se pueden también encontrar en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en nuestra página web www.stjohnberchmans.org. El SEÑOR Dios tomó al hombre y lo puso en el Huerto de Edén, para que lo labrase y lo guardase.-Génesis 2:15 5 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 School News Admissions are Open! Online applications for the 2015-16 school year are open to the public!There are still openings available, but our lower grades (PK-3rd) are filling up quickly. Families who are considering St. John Berchmans School for the 2015-16 school year are encouraged to complete the application as soon as possible. To learn more, we invite you to visit the Prospective Parent page on our website. On this page, you can learn a little bit more about our vibrant and growing school community. Here you can peek into our virtual windows and see just a small sampling of what makes St. John Berchmans School a great place to be! But we hope your journey with us doesn’t end here. We invite you to reach out to us and stop in for a visit, so that you can see in real time and space, the rigorous, innovative and collaborative ways our students, their teachers and our administration work together to live out our mission to LEARN, GROW, SHARE & BELIEVE, together! A school tour and a personalized admissions consultation can be scheduled at any time during school hours. Contact our Assistant Principal,Amanda Sullivan to schedule your private visit today! Why St. John Berchmans? At the core of our school mission and vision is the strong desire to nurture, engage and empower students to reach their full potential in all facets of their lives — academically, spiritually, socially and physically. ON APRIL 18TH OUR SCHOOL GYMNASIUM WILL BE TRANSFORMED INTO EAGLEMAN’S BOOKSTORE, A SPEAKEASY FROM THE 1920’S. Festivities begin at 6pm, immediately following our 5pm Mass. Enjoy an evening of food and fun in support of SJB School! This year’s event includes . . . Silent Auction Raffle Great Food Full Bar DJ & Dancing Try your luck at one of our roulette tables! Tickets are available at www.givecentral.org or in the school office For more information please contact Rochelle Brophy at 773-486-1334, or [email protected] 6 April 5, 2015 S J B Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord L E G AC Y C A M PA I G N Restore, Renew, Rejoice! On Easter Sunday 2011, we began our 4-year, $4.992 million Legacy Campaign. During this time we made restored and renewed many of our campus buildings. All of our buildings on the Logan Campus have new windows along with roof and masonry repairs. Our church basement has brand-new accessible bathrooms. Our Altgeld school gym has a new wood floor. All of our past operating debt has been repaid. El domingo de Pascua del 2011, comenzamos nuestra Campaña de Legado de 4- años, de 4,992 millones de dólares. Durante este tiempo hemos restaurado y renovado muchos de nuestros edificios del campus. Todos nuestros edificios en el Campus de Logan tienen ventanas nuevas junto con reparaciones de techos y mampostería. Nuestro sótano de la iglesia tiene nuevos baños accesibles. Nuestro gimnasio de la escuela Altgeld tiene un piso de madera nuevo. Se ha pagado la ultima deuda de funcionamiento. Thank you for your support this last four years. We have been very successful on this journey. However before we rejoice, we have one last task to accomplish and we need the support of everyone in this community to meet this goal. Through the Annual Catholic Appeal Debt Reduction Program, we have the opportunity to eliminate our outstanding construction debt. Are you in? Have you pledge? We are still hoping for 100% participation, and do not intend to rest until we reach that mark. I hope that all will use this Easter season to prayerfully consider what you can do to help our parish and our school. This is our legacy; let’s make it a good one. Gracias por su apoyo estos últimos cuatro años. Hemos tenido mucho éxito en este viaje. Sin embargo antes de que nos alegremos, tenemos una última tarea que cumplir y necesitamos el apoyo de todos los miembros de esta comunidad para cumplir con este objetivo. A través del Programa de Reducción de Deuda de la Campaña Católica Anual, tenemos la oportunidad de eliminar nuestra deuda de construcción existente. ¿Contamos con usted? ¿Se ha comprometido? Aun estamos esperando la participación del 100%, y no tenemos la intención de descansar hasta que alcancemos ese objetivo. Espero que todos ustedes utilicen este tiempo de Pascua para que consideren devotamente lo que pueden hacer para ayudar a nuestra parroquia y nuestra escuela. Esta es nuestra herencia; hagamos todo lo posible. Happy Easter! ¡Felices Pascuas! THANK YOU SJB! Many thanks to all who came to the Soup with Substance on Friday, March 20th to help sort and package the toiletries collected by our community. These packages will be delivered to Catholic Charities for distribution to the homeless. Restaurar, Renovar, ¡Gozar! L A C A M PA Ñ A D E L E G A D O D E S J B Stewardship Report ¡GRACIAS SJB! Muchas gracias a todos los que asistieron a la Sopa con Substancia el viernes 20 de marzo y ayudaron a clasificar y empacar los artículos recogidos por nuestra comunidad. Estos paquetes serán entregados a Caridades Católicas para su distribución a las personas que carecen de un hogar. March 22, 2015 Loose Currency In Envelopes Online giving at GiveCentral.org 1,031.26 3,129.00 2,764.48 Total Sunday Collection 6,924.74 Our weekly goal Surplus/(Shortfall) from weekly goal 7,947.00 (1,022.26) Children’s envelopes Thank you ~ Gracias Alleluia! 29.06 7 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 RCIA Spotlights Please Pray Norma Ortiz & Gerardo O’Campo My name is Norma and I’m preparing to receive my Confirmation. When I was 9yrs old, I received my First Communion. For some reason, I don’t know why, I distanced myself from the Catholic church. I decided to join the RCIA because I want to learn more about the Catholic faith. I’m extremely thankful to my family for introducing me to St. John Berchmans Church. I feel very welcome here and everyone is sweet and supportive. I’m grateful for Fr. Paul, Rita, Fr. Wayne and all the members of our Thursday night meetings. I feel so blessed to have this amazing opportunity and I know, thanks to them, I will learn to be closer to God and live by the Catholic faith. FOR THE SICK AND INFIRM OF OUR COMMUNITY For the health of Teresa Angulo, Mark Baker, Katarzyna Bielarz, Jim Browne, Florence Brzezinski, Frank Buttitta, Antonia Calderon, Audrey Barr-Calmes, Gary Calmes, Mike Cokins, Adriana Collado, Nan Condit, Jean Condon, Brian DeLeon, Daniel Dombrowski, Danny Doyle, Anna Duski, Edwin Duvall, Francis Cardinal George, Ruth E. Gomez, Maureen Gramling, Dennis Hanson, Colin Hayes, Jack Hayford, Lois Hinkens, Jane Jones, Michael D. Jones, Helen Kadar, Theresa Kattner, Mildred F. Kur, Mary Ann Kosiba, Robert Lauer, Hector Lorenzo, Celia Gresens MacNaughton, Alice Maestrazi, Ewing Metoyer, Kay Meyer, Humberto Moya, Katie O’Connor, Sr. Margaret Ormond, Norine Ortega, Debra Parsons, Genevieve Podraza, Jorge Rojas, Maria E. Rosario, Anastacio Salgado, Margarita Sanchez, Glydden Santiago, Rev. John Schlegel, Celeste Schwilck, Joseph Slocki, Aurora Tapia, Jorge Tapia, Marina Tinajero, Gladys Torres, Maria Torres, Sylvia Torres, Rocio Valdivia and Lucille Wozny My name is Gerardo and I am receiving my First Communion and Confirmation. Honestly, I don’t know much about the Catholic faith, and my family weren’t really church people. I guess it all started when I met my wife and was spending time with her family that I saw how much they talked about God and how they practice the Catholic faith at home, I became more interested in what they were doing and what it all meant. My wife and I, along with my brother and sister in law have all joined the RCIA. For me it really has been a positive experience and I have learned a lot more about God and my religion, even though I still have a lot more to learn. I’m very grateful for Father Paul, Father Wayne and Rita for giving the time to teach us and give us the knowledge of God and the history of the Catholic religion. I started classes not really knowing anything and now as the classes are coming to an end I have a better understanding of God and in all I feel like a better person. I will, of course, still be coming to St. John Berchmans church for Mass and to continue my journey with God. SJB STAFF CONTACTS PASTOR: Fr. Wayne F. Watts, [email protected] RESIDENT: Fr. Paul Reicher, [email protected] PASTOR EMERITUS: Fr. William Gubbins DEACONS: Jorge Cabrera (773) 625.2581, [email protected] Guillermo (Willie) Mendizabal, (773) 276.5502, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Joseph P. D’Arco, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP AND LITURGY: Jennifer Cortez, [email protected] COORDINATOR OF ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Rita Kattner, [email protected] COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Marie Jochum, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Jean Tuohy, [email protected] SPANISH CHOIR DIRECTOR: Carlos Ortiz, [email protected] Thank you to all of those who helped prepare and support our RCIA candidates through this process, especially Fr. Paul, Fr. Wayne, Joyana Dvorak, Kristi Koegle, and Eric Varavadekar. We also extend our gratitude to those who helped prepare for the celebration after the Easter Vigil as we continue to welcome our newly initiated Catholics. PARISH SECRETARY: Guille McMahon, [email protected] PRINCIPAL: Margaret Roketenetz, [email protected] ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Amanda Sullivan, [email protected] God Bless, DIRECTOR OF EVENTS: Rochelle Brophy, [email protected] Rita Kattner SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Judy Ciukowski, [email protected] 8 April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord HOLY SATURDAY WEDNESDAY, April 8 – Wednesday within the Octave of Easter SATURDAY, April 4 – Holy Saturday 7:00am +LUIS NIEBLA Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts 7:30pm (Bilingual) THURSDAY, April 9 –Thursday within the Octave of Easter Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Con-Celebrant: Fr. Paul Reicher 7:00am THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Deacons: Jorge Cabrera and Guillermo Mendizabal Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Lectors: Elvia Arroyo, Lucie Cleary, Edmundo Mendez, Judy Ciukowski, Esther Uruchima, Art DeLeon, FRIDAY, April 10 – Friday within the Octave of Easter Wanda Reyes, Jennifer Cortez 7:00am JOEL ZUÑIGA EMHC: Herminda Bonifazi, Juliana Sampen, Ken Ciukowski, Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Martha DeLeon Altar Servers: M. Cerrillo, I. Ibarra, L. Melvin, D. Uruchima, SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER J. Uruchima SATURDAY, April 11 [Anointing Mass] EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 5:00PM +VIRGINIA AND PETER KOWALSKI SUNDAY, April 5 +WINIFRED DUFFY 8:15am +NANCY J, NANCY M, AND MARY ANN BRAVATA Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts +PATRICK D’ARCY Deacon: Guillermo Mendizabal Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Lectors: Ed Pennington, Commentator: Kathleen Wetstein EMHC: Magda Cardona, Lectors: Patricia Harris, Anna Wozny-Ramirez Altar Servers: C. Cardona, C. Cardona, A. Rios EMHC: Krystyna Bielarz, Nancy Krause, Dan Wetstein Servers: R. Rojas, R. Rojas, L. Santiago SUNDAY, April 12 8:15am +FRANK L. GAPINSKI 9:45am +J. R. MCBRIDE Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher CHARLES F. STRUBBE FAMILY Commentator: Olga Perez Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Lector: Art DeLeon Commentator: Jennifer Cortez EMHC: Krystyna Bielarz, Jeffrey Bowen, Anna Wozny-Ramirez Lectors: Amy Bizzari, Joseph Harrison Server: L. Santiago EMHC: Gary Aistrup, Roberta Anelli, Raghda Fakhoury, Orlando Guerra, Natalie Kenny, Noreen Russo, 9:45am +EILEEN BOLAND Rocio Valdivia, Magda Cardona, Joe Kenny Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Altar Servers: B. Amil, J. Guerra, R. Guerra, E. Ham, Commentator: John Swinford Y. Sanchez-Peña Lectors: Kathleen Dillon Narko, Lucie Cleary EMHC: Herminda Bonifazi, Judy Ciukowski, Ken Ciukowski 11:30am+ALBERTO ZUÑIGA Altar Servers: J. Ortiz, S. Rodriguez, N. Swinford EDWARD DIAZ Oficiante: Pd. Kevin Birmingham 11:30am+CARMELO ZUÑIGA Diácono: Guillermo Mendizabal Oficiante: Pd.Wayne F.Watts Comentarista/Peticiones: Esther Uruchima Diácono/Homilista: Jorge Cabrera Lectores: Maria Gudino, Alice Vila Comentarista/Peticiones: Socorro Torres MESC: Ninfa Rangel, Estela Izaguirre,Wanda Reyes, Ivette Gudino, Lectores: Ivette Gudino, Manuel Cerrillo Armando y Maria E. Salgado MESC: Guadalupe Pantoja, Maria Acevedo, Gaby Uruchima, Monaguillos: J. Arroyo, I. Ibarra, A. Uruchima Ivette Gudino Monaguillos: L. Melvin, A. Reyes, D. Uruchima ***There is no 6:30pm Mass on Easter Sunday 6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS MONDAY, April 6 – Monday within the Octave of Easter Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts 7:00am +PETER FINLEY DUNNE Commentator: Kathleen McCormick Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Lector: Kitty Tunca EMHC: Gary Aistrup, Mark Dombrowski, Orlando Guerra TUESDAY, April 7 – Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Altar Servers: J. Guerra, R. Guerra,Y. Sanchez-Peña 7:00am CESARIA ZUÑIGA Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts 9 1354 West Wabansia Chicago, Illinois USA www.hideoutchicago.com BOULEVARD BIKES JANE KAMINSKI SIMERS CASEY LASKOWSKI & SONS Expert Sales & Service Wills, Trusts, and Decedents’ Estates Pre-Arrangements Available 2535 N. Kedzie 773-235-9109 www.boulevardbikeshop.com ATTORNEY AT LAW 4 Parking Lots - Suburban Locations Available 2729 N. Francisco Tel: 773-342-4020 Fax: 773-342-4859 4540-50 W. Diversey (773) 777-6300 Parishioner of St. John Berchmans Classic Hand Car Wash Quencher’s Saloon $5 OFF on Deluxe • M-Thur. 8am-11am Washing by hand is the Best!! Serving the Neighborhood Since 1979 2933 N. Elston Ave., Chicago IL EARLE JOHNSON-Proprietor 773-267-2157 2535 North California Fullerton & Western TONY ZASKOWSKI 773-289-3800 Real Estate Agent 773-744-7869 www.buona-terra.com ChicagoUltimateHomes.com Property Consultants AMERICAN FOOD BREAKFAST LUNCH-DINNER DINE IN OR CARRY OUT OPEN SEVEN DAYS 2400 W. FULLERTON AVE. 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