Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Department Middle School


Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Department Middle School
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Department
Middle School Athletics Program
Our philosophy
All students are encouraged to participate in athletics regardless of skill level, as educational opportunities are provided
for ALL in skill development, teamwork, leadership, social growth, sportsmanship and respect for others. Participation
takes place in a safe and enriching environment.
Our Winter 2011 Program Activities
Program Dates
Days Meet
Nov. 22 – Jan. 20
6 ,7 &8 *
M, T, W, TH, F
Nov. 29 – Jan. 21
Boys Basketball
7 *&8 *
M, T, W, TH, F
Jan. 24 – Mar. 10
Girls Basketball
7 *&8 *
M, T, W, TH, F
Feb. 22 – Apr. 14
Girls Dance Team
6 ,7 &8 *
M, T, W, TH, F
Mar. 21 – Apr. 14
Boys/Girls Basketball
6 *
M, T, W, TH
* Physical examination needed to participate. Examinations good for three years. Call your Community Education
Office (763-506-5412) or the Middle School Health Office for a form, or to confirm your student has a current physical
form on file.
Our Program Information
• Community Education Office: 763-506-5412 @ Northdale Middle School
Coaches: Certified coaches, licensed teachers and/or knowledgeable staff.
Practices/Games: Practices after school until 5 p.m. Games at 4:00 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Schedules: Visit our website at
Fee Assistance: Available to students on free/reduced lunch. Contact the Community Education Office.
Refund Policy: Refund requests with five-business days notice of class start may qualify for a partial refund (cash, credit or coupon)
Activity Bus: Provided Monday–Thursday. Parent’s responsibility on Fridays and after games.
Equipment/Uniforms: Provided for most sports. Students reimburse if lost, damaged, or stolen.
less $10. Refund requests with less than five-business days notice of class start are not eligible for a refund.
How to Participate
1. Complete the registration form below. Detach and return to your Middle School Community Education Office with payment.
(VISA/MC/Discover information or check payable to Anoka–Hennepin ISD #11, or register on-line (VISA/MC/Discover
required) at
2. Complete Eligibility and Emergency Healthy Forms. Download at or request from your
Middle School Community Education Office
3. Schedule and undergo a physical examination, complete form and return to your Middle School Community Education Office
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration Form – Winter Middle School Athletics
Register on line or mail in/drop off with payment at school Community Education Office.
Student Name
Middle School
Course #
Charge to my VISA MC Discover (Circle one) Exp. Date
Card #
Check #
Parent Name:
Signature required
Phone # (Home)
If student has previously participated in Middle School Athletics, what sport did he/she play in the following seasons?
Is an Athletic Physical Examination on file at the Community Education or Nurse’s Office? Yes No (Circle One)
Accommodation Needs
Refund Policy – Customer initiated cancellations with 5 business days notice may qualify for a partial refund (cash,
credit, coupon) less $10.00. Cancellations within 5 business days notice are not eligible for a refund.
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Athletics Department
2727 North Ferry St
Anoka, MN 55303
Middle School Athletics
Coordinators Manual
I. Philosophy
We encourage all students to participate regardless of their skills and we provide educational
opportunities for students in skill development, teamwork, leadership, social growth, sportsmanship
and respect for others in a safe and positive environment. We follow Minnesota State High School
League policies and procedures.
II. Responsibilities
A. Coordinators - Coordinators are responsible for the following:
Supervise their site activities and program
Stock First-aid Kits
Develop procedures for Blood Clean-up
Develop Crisis Management and Emergency Care Procedures
Report student or staff accidents and/or injuries
Work with Mike Race in coordinating schedules, data information and activity issues
Work with Carla Hylle in coordinating bus schedules
Work with Marv Johnson to monitor and evaluate activity/program success
Work with coaches to:
a) Provide positive and safe supervision for participants
b) Develop appropriate skill, team and sportsmanship practices
c) Develop appropriate participant/parent a communication plan
d) Develop appropriate participant discipline policy
e) Provide timely information regarding schedules, policies and duties
f) Stock first-aid kits
g) Evaluate performance
III. Program Staff
A. Middle School Coaches, Instructors, and Advisors Contact – Mike Race
1. Maintain a current master list of middle school coaches, instructors, and advisors
B. Middle School Coaches Meetings/Tournaments/Officials/ Rules – Mike Race
1. Schedule coaches meetings/tournaments; contact and coordinate officials’ schedules; determine
specific sport rules
2. Serve as specific activity/athletic coordinator
C. Middle School Activity/Athletic Coordination
1. Bowling – Brad Giesbrecht
2. Golf – Brad Giesbrecht
3. Tennis (Girls) – Nancy Knop
4. Tennis (Boys) – Brad Giesbrecht
5. Volleyball – Jamie Law
6. Wrestling – Tim Dahlheimer
7. Track – Nancy Knop
8. Dance Team – Mike Race
9. Soccer – Mike Race
D. Middle School Coaches Training – Mike Race and Reid Mortensen
1. Plan and implement a coaches training program
E. Middle School Athletic Scheduling/Standings – Tim Dahlheimer
1. Schedule MS Athletic teams (coordinate with Carla and MS Coordinators)
F. Middle School Transportation – Carla Hylle
1. Schedule MS Athletic transportation schedules (coordinate with Tim and MS Coordinators)
Coaching Ratios*
A. Baseball:
1 up to 24; 2 for 25 or more
B. Basketball:
1 up to 22; 2 for 23 or more
C. Dance Team :
1 up to 24; 2 up to 55; 3 for 56 or more
D. Football:
1 up to 24; 2 up to 55; 3 for 56 or more
E. Soccer:
1 up to 20; 2 up to 20 or more
F. Softball:
1 up to 24; 2 for 25 or more
G. Tennis
1 up to 25; 2 for 26 or more
H. Track
1 up to 24; 2 up to 55; 3 for 56 or more
I. Volleyball:
1 up to 22; 2 for 23 or more
J. Wrestling
1 up to 24; 2 up to 55; 3 for 56 or more
*Note: Coaching assignments are to be based on the verified and cleared number of
participants on the sixth day of the sport for grades 7 and 8 or grades 6, 7 and 8 and the
fourth day of the season for grade 6 only. Exceptions to the above ratios need to
requested to the Program Supervisor through Mike Race
V. Compensation
A. Coaches (initial placement)*:
$10.00/ hour - Assistant coach, high school or college student some coaching experience
$11.00/ hour - Assistant coach, college student some coaching experience
$12.00/ hour - Assistant coach, non-teacher, 1-2 years of school or community coaching
$13.00/hour - Assistant coach, non-teacher 3 or more years of school or community coaching
$14.00/hour - Head coach, non-teacher, 0-1 years relevant college degree or experience
Assistant coach, teacher, 0-2 years of experience
$15.00/hour - Head coach, teacher, 0-2 years of experience
Head coach, non-teacher, 3 or more years of relevant experience
$16.00/hour - Head coach, teacher, 3 or more years of relevant experience
$17.00/hour - Head coach, 4 or more years of high school, community or college experience
$21.70/hour - Salary cap
*Salary increase - 3% after three coaching seasons or every two years whichever is less and no more
than one raise per school year.
B. Equipment Manager - $750 per season (three seasons)
C. Student time keepers/scorekeepers - $5.00 per game
D. Staff time keepers/score keepers – See Wage Administration Guidelines
E. Activity Assistants:
1, Track Staff
Starter - $50
Event Staff - $10
Timers - $10
Recorder - $50
A. Accident and/or Injury Reporting:
Any student, staff, or spectator who is involved in an accident or is injured while participating in
your activity should complete an accident report. The coach, the administration, and the District
are expected to provide a safe environment and a supervised activity. We are liable for these
conditions. Therefore, it is imperative that this report be on file.
The Accident Report is obtained from the school nurse and should be returned to her. If there
is an emergency involving medical service, do not call an ambulance directly. Either have the
police or use 911.
If an athlete is currently in season, is actively participating and receives some type of injury that
may inhibit his/her playing ability, medical personnel should see them before further activity is
allowed. These athletes must then present a signed note from a licensed physician. This note
must contain instructions about the status of the athlete and any restrictions or limitations that
must be followed. If the athlete does not provide a physician’s note, they will not be allowed to
return to competition until they comply. Notes from physical therapists, nurses, parents, etc.,
will not be accepted as adequate release from liability.
B. Emergency Care*:
1. Administer immediate First Aid – control bleeding, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, treat for
shock, fractured bones.
2. Notify Parents
3. Call 911 if parents cannot be reached and/or there is a medical emergency (head, neck,
back, breathing, bleeding, internal injuries, shock or fracture, or if unconscious).
If there is any doubt as to the seriousness of the injury and/or the injury to the neck, back or
pelvic are DO NOT MOVE THE ATHLETE – wait for emergency medical personnel to arrive.
4. If the athlete must leave the field or court, a coach or parent should accompany him. If you
are the only coach, suspend the practice or game until another responsible staff member
can observer and care for the injured athlete.
5. Report the injury to the following as soon as possible:
a. Middle School Community Education Coordinator – call at home if necessary
b. If the Middle School CE Coordinator cannot be reached, contact the building Principal
c. Contact the school nurse no later than the next day so that a District Accident Report can
be filled out.
d. All coaches are strongly encouraged to keep a written record of all reported injuries and
the treatment administered.
*At no time should an athlete who has been unconscious be allowed to re-enter a game or
practice or be allowed to go home unattended.
C. First-Aid Kit:
1. Procedures for Blood Clean up
What to do when an athlete is bleeding, has an open wound, or there is blood on the
uniform, floor, or equipment. Do not allow participants to assist unless it is their blood.
2. Priorities:
a. Wound
b. Uniform
c. Floor/Equipment
3. Procedure for Wound Clean Up:
a. Put gloves on both hands.
b. Have athlete do any of the procedure that is possible – athlete cannot contaminate
c. Clean wound with sterile gauze and betadine, cinder suds or hydrogen peroxide.
d. Cover wound with sterile gauze, telfa pad, band-aid, butterflies, tape, etc.
e. Keep gloves on until completely finished dressing the wound.
f. Dispose of contaminated materials into baggie and then into the garbage.
4. Procedure for Uniform Clean Up:
a. Put gloves on both hands.
b. Use alcohol and gauze to disinfect contaminated portion of uniform.
c. Use alcohol and gauze to wipe blood from the athlete’s skin surrounding the wound. DO
d. Dispose of contaminated materials into baggie and then into the garbage.
5. Procedure of Floor/Equipment Clean Up:
a. Put gloves on both hands.
b. Spray alcohol on contaminated floor/equipment.
c. Wipe floor/equipment with paper towels or gauze.
d. Dispose of contaminated materials into baggie and then into the garbage.
1. Inform athletes of their responsibility for the use and return of athletic equipment and
uniforms. Explain procedures for issuing and returning and penalty for loss or misuse.
2. Inform athletes of their responsibility for proper laundering of uniforms.
3. Inform athletes that uniforms are only to used for athletic activities sponsored by the
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Athletics Department.
4. Athletes quitting a team are to clear with the equipment manager and the Middle School
Coordinator immediately. Coaches are to notify the equipment manager and the Middle
School Coordinator of all athletes who have quit or have dropped.
5. Inform students as to the turn-in date for uniforms at the end of the season. All uniforms
should be returned to the equipment manager no later than one week following the close
of the season.
6. In conjunction with the equipment manager conduct an equipment inventory of all
equipment. Copies of the inventory are to be retained by the equipment manager and the
Middle School Coordinator
1. Students may ride the activity bus to a reasonable distance within their homes Monday –
Thursday. Parents are responsible for providing transportation home on Fridays.
Students must ride the bus to and from games, matches and meets unless approved by
Community Education coordinator or coach and parent/guardian permission.
• Middle School Athletics Checklists
• Coaches Agreement
• MSHSL Code of Sport Ethics for Coaches Statements
• Sexual Orientation and Harassment:
A Guide for Protocol and Response
• Coaching Essentials Online Course
Coordinator Checklist
Supervise their site activities and program
Provide positive and safe supervision for participants
Develop appropriate skill, team and sportsmanship practices
Develop appropriate participant/parent a communication plan
Develop appropriate participant discipline policy
Provide timely information regarding schedules, policies and duties including
participant emergency information and bus transportation protocol
Stock first-aid kits
Develop procedures for Blood Clean-up
Develop Crisis Management and Emergency Care Procedures
Report student or staff accidents and/or injuries
Work with Tim and Mike in coordinating schedules, data information and activity
Work with Carla in coordinating bus schedules
Work with Mike and Reid to monitor and evaluate activity/program success
Coordinate coach, participant, and parent evaluation
Evaluate coach’s performance
Coordinator/Coach Checklist
Review coaches’ training plan
Review the relevant parts of Anoka Hennepin Middle School Community
Education Middle School Athletics Handbook
Share expectations of skill, team and sportsmanship practices for participants
Review relevant community education, school, District and Minnesota State
High School League policies and forms
Develop and review the participant/parent/coach communication plan
Develop and review participant discipline policy
Review crisis management procedures including first aid
Develop and review coach discipline policy
Develop and review coach compensation and attendance policy
Provide timely information regarding schedules, policies and duties
Provide first-aid kit
Review evaluation plan and tool
Sign coaches’ code of conduct
Sign Middle School Coaches Agreement
Provide instructions and code for completing, Coaching Essentials
Coach Checklist
Develop a plan for a positive and safe supervision of participants
Develop an instructional plan for participants in the fundamental skills,
strategies and physical training necessary for their individual and team success
Review the Anoka Hennepin Middle School Community Education Middle
School Athletics Handbook
Review relevant Community Education, school, District and
Minnesota State High School League policies
Develop appropriate skill, team and sportsmanship practices
Develop with the Community Education Coordinator appropriate
participant/parent a communication plan
Develop with the Community Education Coordinator appropriate participant
discipline policy
Review appropriate crisis management procedures including first aid
Coach/Participant Checklist
Provide information regarding expectations, attendance, practice/game schedules
and other relevant information
Provide instruction in the fundamental skills, strategies and physical training
necessary for participants’ individual and team success including activities requiring a venue
Review the relevant parts of Anoka Hennepin Middle School Community
Education Middle School Athletics Handbook with students
Share appropriate skill, team and sportsmanship practices with participants
Share relevant community education, school, District and Minnesota State
High School League policies and forms with participants
Share the participant/parent/coach communication plan with participants
Share the participant discipline policy with participants
Share appropriate crisis management procedures including first aid with
Coaching Essentials Online Course
American Sport Education Program – A Division of Human Kinetics –
I. Coaching Principles
A. Unit 1: Your Responsibilities
B. Unit 2: Communication
C. Unit 3: Safety and Fitness
D. Unit 4: Teaching and Strategies
II. Planning Strategies
A. Unit 5: Coaching on Competition Day
B. Unit 6: Season and Practice Plans
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Department
Middle School Coaches Agreement
Welcome to the Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Department! As a middle school coach, we
invite you to embrace our youth programming mission of “Dedication to student success by providing
a variety of quality programs in safe accessible environment to enhance positive growth.”
To accomplish this mission we need from you as a middle school coach the following:
• Your support of the Anoka-Hennepin School District Community Education Department’s
Middle School Athletic Philosophy
• Your coaching to reflect the position duties as found in the Coaches Handbook for Middle
School Athletics
• Your
Harassment/Hazing/Bullying and Sexual/Racial/Religious/Disability Harassment and Violence
Student Policies
• Your words and actions to reflect the Code of Ethics for Coaches as found in the Minnesota
State High School League Official Handbook
• Your completion of the online training course, Coaching Essentials
A middle school coach in violation of this philosophy, these policies, these duties or these ethics will
be subject to warnings, suspension, or termination consistent with MSHSL penalties and Anoka–
Hennepin School District Community Education employment policies. Penalties will be based upon
level of offense, degree of impact, context, policy violation, and previous violations.
As an Anoka-Hennepin School District Middle School Coach I have read the documents identified
above and agree to:
• Support the Anoka-Hennepin School District Community Education Department’s Middle
School Athletic Philosophy
• Perform coaching duties as found in the Coaches Handbook for Middle School Athletics
• Use words and actions consistent with the Anoka-Hennepin School District’s
Harassment/Hazing/Bullying and Sexual/Racial/Religious/Disability Harassment and Violence
Student Policies
• Use words and actions reflecting the Code of Ethics for Coaches as found in the Minnesota
State High School League Official Handbook
• Complete the online training course, Coaching Essentials
Coach’s Name
Coach’s signature
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education Athletics Department
2727 North Ferry St
Anoka, MN 55303
Middle School Athletics
I. Philosophy
We encourage all students to participate regardless of their skills and we provide educational
opportunities for students in skill development, teamwork, leadership, social growth,
sportsmanship and respect for others in a safe and positive environment. We follow Minnesota
State High School League policies and procedures.
II. Program Activities
Middle School Athletics for students in grades 6–8 is offered at all Anoka-Hennepin School District
#11 Middle Schools: Coon Rapids Middle School, Fred Moore Middle School, Jackson Middle
School, Northdale Middle School, Oak View Middle School, Roosevelt Middle School and
Sandburg Middle School.
A. Fall Season
Boys Tackle Football - Grades 7, 8 - This is full contact tackle football league. Players will be
taught the skills and strategies of tackle football. Based on registration numbers an A and B
level teams will hopefully be formed. Teams will play against the other schools within ISD#11
(and maybe surrounding school districts).
Boys and Girls Soccer- Grades 6, 7 - This is a modified game of soccer–short-sided. Players
will be taught the skills and strategies of soccer. Teams will be formed based on skill levels.
Teams will play against the other schools within ISD#11 at the Coon Rapids Soccer complex.
Girls Volleyball - Grade 6 - This is a modified league to introduce the game of volleyball to 6th
grade students. Emphasis will be on skills development. Teams will be formed based on skill
levels and students will get the opportunity to play two matches.
Girls Volleyball - Grade 7, 8 - This is a competitive volleyball league. Players will be taught
the skills and strategies of competitive volleyball. Teams will be formed in both 7th and 8th
grades based on the player’s skill levels. Teams will play against the other schools within
ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school districts).
Girls Tennis - Grades 6, 7, 8 - Players will be taught the skills and strategies of playing
competitive tennis. All players will be able to play a match against an opponent of similar skill
level. Teams will play against the other schools within ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school
districts), and will also have an end of the year singles and doubles tournament.
Boys and Girls Golf - Grades 7, 8 - This is a league for students who has golfed before - it is
not for beginners. Students must have an average of 55 or below for 9 holes in order to qualify
for this league. Green fees will be paid to each day to the golf course.
B. Winter Season
Boys Wrestling - Grades 6, 7, 8 - This is a competitive wrestling league. Players will be
taught the skills and strategies of competitive wrestling. Teams will wrestle team matches
against the other schools within the ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school districts) and also
will have an individual tournament at the end of the season.
Boys and Girls Basketball - Grade 6 - This is a modified league to introduce the game of
Basketball to 6th grade students. Emphasis will be on skills development. Teams will be formed
based on skill levels and students will get the opportunity to play two games.
Boys and Girls Basketball - Grade 7, 8 - This is a competitive Basketball league. Players will
be taught the skills and strategies of competitive Basketball. Teams will be formed in both 7
and 8 grades based on the player’s skill levels. Teams will play against the other schools
within ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school districts).
Girls Dance Team - Grades 6, 7, 8 - This is a competitive Dance Team league. Players will be
taught the skills and strategies of competitive Dance Team. Teams will have Dance competitions against
the other schools within the ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school districts), and will also have an end
of the year District 11 Dance competition.
C. Spring Season
Boys Baseball - Grades 6, 7, 8 - This is a competitive Baseball league. Players will be taught
the skills and strategies of competitive Baseball. Teams will be formed in based on the player’s
skill levels. Teams will play against the other schools within ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding
school districts).
Girls Fastpitch Softball - Grades 6, 7, 8 - This is a competitive Fastpitch Softball league.
Players will be taught the skills and strategies of competitive Fastpitch Softball. Teams will be
formed in based on the player’s skill levels. Teams will play against the other schools within
ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school districts).
Boys and Girls Track - Grades 6, 7, 8 - This is a competitive Track league. Players will be
taught the skills and strategies of competitive Track & Field. Teams will have Track Meets
against the other schools within the ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school districts), and will
also have an end of the year District 11 Track Meet.
Boys Tennis 6, 7, 8 - Players will be taught the skills and strategies of playing competitive
tennis. All players will be able to play a match against an opponent of similar skill level. Teams
will have matches against the other schools within the ISD#11 (and maybe surrounding school
districts), and will also have an end of the year singles and doubles tournament.
III. Program Staff
A. Program Supervisor - Community Education staff–reports to Community Education Manager
B. Middle School Coordinators- Community Education staff–report to Program Supervisor
C. Coaches - Certified, licensed teachers or knowledgeable staff–report to Middle School
D. Equipment Manager - Knowledgeable and trained staff–report to Middle School Coordinators
Program Description
A. Academics
Middle School athletic participants are expected to exert effort and satisfactory academic
progress in the classroom. Any participant not exerting effort, not making satisfactory
academic progress or having two F’s or I’s or more per grading period may face suspension
from participating based upon review by the Community Education coordinator, coach,
teacher(s) and (Assistant) Principal
B. Cell Phones and other mobile devices
Use of cell phones is not allowed in the middle school locker rooms. Students should leave
their cell phones outside any locker room facility. Taking pictures or “taping” other students or
staff is not allowed.
C. Costs
Fees vary according to sport and range from $52–$97 per sport and season. Fee assistance
for half the cost of the sport fee is available to students on free and reduced lunch programs.
No refunds are given after the first week of practice except in the case of injury. Contact the
middle school Community Education office for information.
D. Crisis Management
In cases of crisis including injury, safety, building, transportation and community, staff and
students will follow appropriate crisis management procedures as detailed in building,
community education or District Policy.
E. Discipline Policy
The discipline policy is based upon conduct and consequences that follow coaches’ rules,
school rules, Minnesota State High School League rules, and local and state laws. The
Community Education coordinator, coach and (Assistant) Principal may review individual cases
regarding appropriate consequences.
F. Equipment and Uniforms
Equipment and uniforms are provided for most sports. Students are responsible for equipment
and uniform costs when lost, abused or stolen.
G. Evaluation
Participant, parent and coach evaluations are used to review individual activities on a cyclical
H. Harassment/Hazing/Bullying
1. It is an expectation that each Head Coach will address the issue of harassment, hazing and
bullying with every member of his or her team. This type of behavior is not tolerated in any
activity. It is the Head Coach’s responsibility to communicate to their student-athletes and
parents these expectations and code of conduct violations that will occur if a student(s)
takes part in any of these behaviors. If a student-athlete feels as though they are being
harassed, hazed or bullied, they should report the behaviors to a coach or administrator.
2. The Language of Harassment is addressed in section B paragraph six of the AnokaHennepin School District discipline policy. Anoka-Hennepin ISD#11 is committed to creating
an inclusive and positive climate in all of our schools, where all students feel comfortable,
safe and ready to learn, thus the Language of Harassment has no place in our schools. The
Language of Harassment is language that creates a hostile, offensive or intimidating school
3. It is communication of any kind (words, writing, symbols) that is intended to hurt, demean,
degrade, abuse, insult and/or intimidate another person or groups of people, related to a
student’s race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation
or disability. Such communication, even a single incident, may constitute a violation of the
4. The Anoka-Hennepin discipline policy addresses and gives consequences for such
language, but we as a community have to work together to stop this type of harassment.
Parents and school staff need to let all of our students know that such language is wrong
and it should not be tolerated. In order to create an inclusive and positive learning
community students, parents and school staff must work to end the Language of
Harassment through education and appropriate consequences.
5. Grades 6 – 8
a. After an investigation an administrator will use his/her discretion to determine if there has
been a violation of policy concerning the Language of Harassment.
b. An administrator, with the approval of an associate superintendent, may use his/her
discretion to apply more appropriate consequences when needed to provide for safety of
all students.
c. All Federal and State rules and regulations concerning special education students will
apply to these policy procedures.
6. A first offense will result in a minimum of a one day assignment to a learning center and/or
up to ten day OSS (out of school suspension), an education session concerning the
language of harassment, and may include one or more of the following:
a. Parent conference
b. Parents and student will be notified that any further offenses may result in a referral to
the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year.
c. Possible referral to a local law enforcement agency
7. A second offense will result in a two to ten day OSS (out of school suspension), an
education session concerning the language of harassment, and may include one or more of
the following:
a. Parent conference
b. Possible referral to the board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
c. Possible referral to a local law enforcement agency
8. Further offenses will result in a five to ten day OSS (out of school suspension), an education
session concerning the language of harassment, and may include one or more of the
a. Parent conference
b. Possible referral to the board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
c. Possible referral to a local law enforcement agency
I. Sexual/Racial/Religious/Disability Harassment and Violence Student Policy
It is the policy of the Anoka-Hennepin School District to strive for a learning environment that is
free from sexual, racial, religious and disability harassment and violence. This policy will be
enforced before, during or after school hours on all school property, including the school bus,
school functions, or events held at other locations. Any action toward or by a student of this District
to harass through conduct or communication of a sexual, racial, or religious nature or relating to a
disability; or to inflict, threaten to inflict or attempt to inflict, sexual, racial, or religious violence or
violence related to a disability as defined herein shall be a violation of this policy.
J. Medical Insurance Coverage
Participants need medical insurance coverage. In the event that participants do not have
insurance coverage, parents/guardians either assume responsibility for any medical bills caused
by athletic injury or if registered with the school district for the free and reduced lunch program,
medical coverage will be provided by the School District when requested.
K. Officials and Referees
Officials and referees are people with knowledge of the rules of the various sports who are hired to
run the various games and competitions. Sports Officials Association’s are contracted to provide
these services. In some cases individuals not involved in an officials Association are contracted to
provide these services.
L. Practices and Games:
Practices begin after school and continue until 5:00 PM. Games, matches and meets usually
begin at 4:00 but can vary depending upon the sport and transportation schedules. Practice and
game schedules handed out during the first week of practice and are placed on Changes in school schedules, weather and transportation
will impact schedules and will follow School District cancellation policy.
M. Registration Procedures
First a student must registration by either completing a registration form and returning it to the
Community Education office at the middle school along with a payment by Cash, Check or Credit
Card, or register online at with a Visa, Mastercard, or Discover
Card. Second the student must complete the Eligibility and Emergency Health Forms and also
complete a physical examination form.
N. Sportsmanship
We strongly promote the value of good sportsmanship by participants, coaches, parents, students
and other fans at all practices, games, matches, meets and events. Participants and coaches are
to compete in a fair manner, treating their opponents and officials with dignity and respect.
O. Transportation
Students may ride the activity bus to a reasonable distance within their homes Monday –
Thursday. Parents are responsible for providing transportation home on Fridays. Students
must ride the bus to and from games, matches and meets unless approved by Community
Education coordinator or coach and parent/guardian permission.
Anoka-Hennepin District #11 Middle School Eligibility Information
An athletic committee composed of an assistant principal, the community education coordinator and the student’s coach will
review the eligibility cases referred by teachers, coaches, students, principals or parents. A majority vote will determine the
result. The following rules from the Minnesota State High School League are the minimum standards that must be met to make
a student eligible for participation in athletics.
An athlete shall behave properly. Any player referred to a coach by a teacher for improper conduct of a serious nature in class,
in the hall, or elsewhere may have his/her case reviewed by the committee. If the player’s behavior merits suspension from the
team, he/she shall be ineligible until such time as he/she shows genuine interest in acting in the proper manner.
I will respect the rights and beliefs of others and will treat others with courtesy and consideration.
I will be fully responsible for my actions and the consequences of my actions.
I will respect the property of others.
I will respect and obey the rules of my school and the laws of my community, state and country.
I will show respect to those who are responsible for enforcing the rules of my school and the laws of my community, state
and country.
I will assume responsibility for checking on and maintaining my academic eligibility.
An athlete shall exert effort in the classroom. Any player having two F’s or I’s or more per grading period will have his/her
case reviewed by the committee. If allowed to participate, a weekly check will be made by the coach.
A student shall not use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away a beverage containing alcohol (regardless of
quantity) or participate in an unlawful event that involves the use of alcohol during the calendar year. Participate includes
being at a party where alcohol is being consumed.
A student shall not use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell, or give away marijuana or any substance defined by law as a
drug, unless specifically prescribed by his/her doctor for the student’s own use, or participate in an unlawful event that involves
the use of drugs during the calendar year.
A student shall not use, have in possession, buy, sell or give away tobacco during the calendar year.
Students involved in vandalism of school property or violation of the criminal code may be subject to the same disciplinary
action specified for alcohol/drugs.
First Violation: After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next two (2) consecutive
interscholastic events or two (2) weeks of a season in which the student is a participant, whichever is greater.
Second Violation: After confirmation of a second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next six (6) consecutive
interscholastic events in which the student is a participant or three (3) weeks, whichever is greater.
Note: Each student involved in a violation involving drugs/alcohol will receive from the school’s chemical dependency or
community education coordinator, information about the effects of misuse or abuse of mood-altering chemicals. After
confirmation of a second violation, the student shall show evidence in writing that he/she has sought or received counseling
from a community agency or a professional individual outside the school.
Eligibility Form
Student’s Name
We have read and understand the above eligibility information regarding behavior, academic, mood altering chemicals and
Student’s Signature
Parent or Guardian’s Signature