LiDAR - NSGIC - National States Geographic Information Council
LiDAR - NSGIC - National States Geographic Information Council
USGS Base Specifications V1.2 Presented by: Jason Caldwell, Vice President of Business Development and Sales Date: February 25th, 2015 LiDAR Accuracy National Research Council of the National Academies • • • • “LiDAR produces very-high-resolution three-dimensional point clouds in a wide variety of land cover types at accuracies equivalent to or better than photogrammetry…” “LiDAR can be acquired day or night, in cloudy conditions, leaf on or leaf off and no sun angle limitation…” “LiDAR is able to penetrate to the bare earth in vegetated area better than either IFSAR or photogrammetry…” “LiDAR data processing and feature extraction can be incorporated seamlessly into the production environment designed for photogrammetry…” Hydro-electric dam, Puerto Rico 2 LiDAR Accuracy USGS 30 Meter DEM vs. 3 LiDAR DEM LiDAR Accuracy . 0 7 .15 Legend EG Max WS WS Max WS 5270 Elevation (ft) from 7.5-minute quadrangle map .15 5280 Crit Max WS Ground 5260 Bank Sta 5250 5240 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 Station (ft) .15 . 0 7 5280 .15 Legend EG Max WS Crit Max WS from LIDAR data Elevation (ft) 5270 WS Max WS Ground 5260 Bank Sta 5250 5240 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Station (ft) 4 f/tm11-B4.pdf 2/25/2015 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. 5 New Terminologies • NPD = Nominal Pulse Density (2 ppm; 4 ppm; 8 ppm) – NPS and NPD Evaluated on first return data of single swath – NPS = Nominal Pulse Spacing (0.35 m; 0.7m; 1.4m; ) • ANPS & ANPD = Aggregate Nominal Pulse Density/Spacing – The new specs have provided some provision on meeting the required densities using swath overlaps as long as it is agreed upon with the customer. • • • • DPA: Defined Project Area BPA: Buffered Project Area: DPA + 100m buffer NVA: Non-vegetated vertical accuracy VVA: Vegetated vertical accuracy LiDAR Quality Levels Quality Level (QL) RMSEZ (nonvegetated) (cm) NPS/ANPS (m) NPD/ANPD (pls/m2) QL0 ≤ 5.0 ≤0.35 ≥8.0 QL1 ≤ 10.0 ≤0.35 ≥8.0 QL2 ≤ 10.0 ≤0.71 ≥2.0 QL3 ≤ 20.0 ≤1.41 ≥0.5 LiDAR Data Acquisition: Flight-Planning • Requirements and guidelines for flight-line overlap and scan angle limits have been removed. o V1.0 used to call for Minimum 10% - 30% overlap and max 40 degrees scan angle (full -angle) o As long as the final dataset has no gaps and meets the accuracy requirements, there is no limitation on overlap and scan angle • Minimum 100 m buffer around the project area • The required project density can be achieved using overlap as long as it is agreed upon with the customer in the proposal • No requirements for baseline distance: – 30 kms for QL-2 – 40 kms for QL-3 Relative Accuracy Quality Level (QL) Smooth surface repeatability (cm) QL0 ≤3 ≤4 ±8 QL1 ≤6 ≤8 ±16 QL2 ≤6 ≤8 ±16 QL3 ≤ 12 ≤ 16 ±32 Swath overlap Swath overlap difference, RMSDZ difference, (cm) maximum (cm) • There is no guidelines on how relative accuracy is evaluated and reported • USGS is trying to come up with some standard process • There is no spec for the relative accuracy in X, Y Absolute Accuracy VVA at NVA at 95-percent 95th confidence level percentile (cm) (cm) ≤ 9.8 ≤ 14.7 Quality Level (QL) RMSEZ (nonvegetated) (cm) QL0 ≤ 5.0 QL1 ≤ 10.0 ≤ 19.6 ≤ 29.4 QL2 ≤ 10.0 ≤ 19.6 ≤ 29.4 QL3 ≤ 20.0 ≤ 39.2 ≤ 58.8 • There is no spec for the absolute accuracy in X, Y (Horizontal) TIN CONTOURS LiDAR Check-Points Accuracy Assessment Data Courtesy 11 of State of NC CHECK POINT MASSPOINTS LiDAR Check-Points Accuracy Assessment • The check points should be well distributed • All the land cover types should be well represented. • No objective guidelines are provided for ‘well-distributed’ and ‘well-represented’ terms Fundamental Vertical Accuracy (FVA) Supplemental Vertical Accuracy (SVA) Class number 1 2 3 4 5 Land cover class or Description Clear or Open, bare earth, low grass; e.g. sand, rock, dirt, plowed fields, lawns, golf courses Urban areas; for e.g. tall, dense man-made structures Tall grass, tall weeds, and crops; e.g. hay, corn, and wheat fields Brush lands and short trees; e.g. chaparrals, mesquite Forested areas, fully covered by trees; e.g. hardwoods, conifers, mixed forests Previous Reporting group FVA SVA Current reporting group NVA SVA SVA SVA VVA LiDAR Check-Points Accuracy Assessment • • • • The no. of check point calculation comes from the new ASPRS specs Instead of the FVA, SVA and CVA there are new terms now called the NVA and VVA No of check points required is based on the square miles of the project There is no clear guidance of the horizontal accuracy testing of LiDAR data. Vertical and Horizontal Accuracy Testing of Elevation Data sets Project Area (square Number of Static 3D Number of Static 3D Total Number of Static kilometers) Check Points in NVA Check Points in VVA 3D Check Points <500 201-750 751-1000 1001-1250 1251-1500 1501-1750 1751-2000 2001-2250 2251-2500 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Classification Levels Code Description 1 Processed, but unclassified 2 Bare earth 7 Low noise 9 Water 10 Ignored ground (near a breakline) 17 Bridge decks 18 High noise • Classes 17 and 18 are new mandatory classes introduced • All deliveries in LAS 1.4 format • Tolerance for Misclassification • QL-0 and QL-1: 0.5% • QL-2: 1% • QL-3: 2% DEM Spacing Quality Level (QL) QL0 QL1 QL2 QL3 Minimum cell Minimum cell size (m) size (ft) 0.5 0.5 1 2 1 1 2 5 Hydro Flattening/Enforcement • No changes in the tolerances of double-line streams and water-bodies – 100 ft. wide rivers/streams – 2 acre water-bodies • Provision for single line streams added – No guidelines provided. Collection of single line streams depends on the special requirements from the customer Hydro Flattening Vs. Enforcement • Hydro-flattened describes the specific type of DEM required by the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) for integration into the NED. • A traditional topographic DEM such as the NED represents the actual ground surface, and hydrologic features are handled in established ways. • In HF surface Roadways crossing drainages passing through culverts remain in the surface model because they are part of the landscape (the culvert beneath the road is the manmade feature). Bridges, manmade structures above the landscape, are removed. – In HF: Terrain topography gets preference – In HE: Hydro-features get preference over terrain features Hydro-Flattening Examples Lidar only Hydro-flattened Lidar Hydro Flattened Breaklines Base Earth LiDAR No Hydro Breaklines • DEM created only using Bare-Earth LiDAR points. • Surface contains extensive triangulation artifacts (“tinning”). • Cause by the absence of LiDAR returns from water. • Breakline constraints that would define buildings, water, and other features. • Aesthetically and cartographically unacceptable to most users. Triangulation in Water Hydro Flattened Topographic Surface • Removes the most offensive pure LiDAR artifacts: those in the water. Constant elevation for water bodies. • Wide streams and rivers are flattened bank-to-bank and forced to flow downhill (monotonic). • Carries ZERO implicit or explicit accuracy with regards to the represented water surface elevations – Typically used for Cartographic/Aesthetic enhancement. • Most often achieved via the development and inclusion of hard breaklines. Water Body Stream Hydro Flattened Monotonicity (downhill order) Flat Water Bodies Hydro Enforced Hydrologic Surface • Surface used by engineers in Hydraulic and Hydrologic (H&H) modeling. • NOT to be used for traditional mapping (contours, etc.) • Similar to Hydro Flattened with the addition of Single Line Breaklines: Pipelines, Culverts, Underground Streams, etc… • Terrain is then cut away at bridges and culverts to model drain connectivity. • Water Surface Elevations are often set to known values typically from surveying methods. Culverts Cut Through Roads Automated Building Extraction: Example 1 Automated 3D Building Extraction 25 Thanks