October_ 2004
October_ 2004
The AIREPORT #367 an AMA “Gold Leader” Club O f f i c i a l C o m m . o f t h e Po n t i a c M i n i a t u r e A i rc ra f t C l u b “ RE AD Y” “GRRRRR!” © George Dzahristos © George Dzahristos George Dzahristos~Editor of the Aireport 954 LaSalle Waterford, Mi. 48328 Meeting Schedule Tegge r dine R d. Meetings begin at 7:30pm the first and third Wednesday of every month, Business meeting on the first and the Technical meeting on the third Wednesday respectively. October through May meetings are held at Mason Junior High (room 161, access from east side of building only) located on Walton Blvd, just east of Dixie Hwy. in Waterford Twp. June through September meetings are held at the PMAC field on White Lk. Rd. just east of Teggerdine Rd. in White Lk. TWP. (see map). White Lk. R d FIELD P o n ti a c . A ir p o r t In t. A ir p o rt Rd. M-59 October 2004 V i s i t t h e P M A C W e b s i t e a t w w w . p m a c . u s Get your color newsletter online at http://homepage.mac.com/geod1/PMAC_Newsletter/Menu17.html PRESIDENTS MESSAGE This will be my last President's notes as I have decided not to run for reelection. I have been your president for 4 of the last 5 years and it has been a privilege to do so. Without all of the help of all the Executive Boards that have accompanied me through this journey, a lot of what I thought needed to be done would not have. I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for all the work and "free time" you have donated back to the club. A special and much appreciated "Thank You" goes out to my Field Committee. Without you, there really is no PMAC. You will always be special friends to me and thank you all, Keith, Fred, Dave, Loran, Bill, Bob, Alan and Dave S. You guys are sure appreciated by me! Well , what can I say about our accomplishments under my direction. Well the club has secured a home at Pontiac Lake, after our forced move away from Scott Lake Rd. My first year as president was our first full year at our current field. The conditions here have improved dramatically and we now have the Shelter and a brand new Storage Building. We have taken over the clean up of White Lake Road under Dave Stephens directive and this has put us in good stead with state and local governments, thanks Dave. A special thanks go out to my friend Don Hines for his never ending gifts of time and craftmanship. Without his skills and devotion to RC flying, a lot of the stuff you see would still be in the planning stage. To my friend George, my VP and newspaper editor, you have taken PMAC's newsletter to "World Class'', your drive for perfection and quality is evident in your planes and in your newsletters. Rick Rottach could always be counted on for putting the best Banquet together based on the restrictions we put on him, thanks Rick. To Dick and Smitty, thanks for being there to keep me focused and pointed in the right direction and both of you always have everyone's best interest at heart. Thanks for keeping me in check. To my wife Linda, thank you for letting me be a little boy and play with all my"nerdy" friends and support me whenever I needed you. "I'm coming home to the ranch Linda, so put some soup on and keep the fire lit". Support the next president as much as you guys supported me..... Thanks all....Stay warm, see you at the Ice Fly! PMAC President Frank D Vella "Words of Wisdom" from your President " A smile is an inexpensive way of improving one's looks!"....... (248) 589-8111 OB Futaba, JR, Hitec Radios. Lots of electric goodies. OS, Saito and much, much more! Th e B e t t e r H o b by Pe o p l e *10% off on non sale items to club members (Club membership card required) H Mon-Sat 10-8 Sun 12-5 BIE S PR OP S P 32115 John R Madison Heights 48071 HO Madison Heights “Your complete model shop since 1975” Detroit’s Dome Flyer Supply House L a r g e S u p p l y o f A i r c r a f t & A c c e s s o r i e s Ava i l a b l e Zagi 400x~GWS Park Flyers~Mikado Helicopters Light Machine helicopters~APC Props~Astro Flight Futaba~Graupner~Great Planes~GW~HiTec~Hobby Lobby JR~and much more www.prop-shop.com Prop Shop Hobbies, Inc. 23326 Van dyke Ave. Warren, Mi. 48089 Phone (586)757-7160 Fax (586)754-4060 page1 T H ETDH E SE KTO PE S K T O P FFRR OOMM D F R O M T H E D E S K TO P PMAC Pontiac Miniature Aircraft Club FROM THE DESKTOP Well it’s time for another newsletter t o c o m e y o u r w a y. M o r e administrative stuff for the club these days than flying....and mostly due to my work schedule. Cool projects but not a lot of time between them for flying or hanging out with my buddies. In fact even though the newsletter has grown I feel (and some others feel) that it hasn’t been timely enough to be useful to members. If you attended the September meeting a few members voiced the opinion that communication isn’t what it could or should be. I agree....it can always be better. But, in my own defense and others associated with the newsletter I have to say communication is a two way street and regular feedback from members and active seeking of information from them is just as important as timely distribution of that information. I have to argue the point that with the website, newsletter website, bulletin board, members only buletin board, live java chat (new!), email notices, the newsletter (distributed in both electronic and hardcopy form), and next year the field bulletin board (now under construction) there are far more methods of obtaining club information than ever before in the history of the club, for the members who bother to take it in that is. Often I wonder just how many members actually read their newsletter or visit the web bulletin boards for up to the minute info where you can post news yourself. Another point was made that email and electronic version of communication from the club is ineffective...Maybe, especially to the members who don’t bother to acquire or read the information. We have currently 143 members of which a least 115 have email addresses, meaning they have computers and therefore access to the information posted by the club. The electronic version of the newsletters have been downloaded over 1,000 times since January. Hmmmm. If all else fails there is the phone. The numbers as well as email addresses of myself and the others associated with the newsletter, web, and executive board are plastered everywhere from the field frequency board to the website. How many methods for distributing club info do we need? Elections for next years board of Directors will be underway shortly. An election committee has been formed (information found elsewhere in this newsletter) to find people interested in carrying the club forward next year. If you are interested please contact the committee to get on the list. For me~next year promises to be very busy with my business as I have added a few new customers in addition to the ones I all ready have. Too much demand and not enough time. Demand is good but not enough time forces some decision making on my part. So, I won’t be able to devote nearly as much time to club activities as I have in years past. December will be the end of my term as Newsletter Editor and VP. I do plan to continue to train new students and help on the occasional work party but that will be it for me. If you are interested in this position contact the nominating committee. That’s all for now, see you at the field. Contact the Editor/ Vice President George Dzahristos (248)681-2355 [email protected] Do you have anything you would like to submit for the newsletter? Send it to me at the address above. For inquiries regarding a printed black and white version of the newsletter make sure your dues have been paid for the year. Then contact Dick Schaeffer who is managing the PMAC database and generating the mailing list. Dick can be reached at the following (248) 681-1363 or [email protected] I N T H I S I S S U E Joe’s Your one stop R/C Center PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE FROM THE DESKTOP PMAC SCALE EVENT PMAC NEWS PMAC NEWS MINUTES pg.1 pg.2 pg.3 pg.4 pg.5 pg.6 Keep yourself up to date and informed of all the latest news. Chat with other PMAC members on the live PMAC Chat Line, get the weather, download photos and newsletters all in full color and much more. All at the PMAC web site. 35151 Grand River Farmington, Mi. 483335 (248)477-6266 *W ide Selection Of R/C P lanes And A ccessories * R / C H e l i c o p t e r s With On Site Support * Broad Line Of P ark F lyer And S low F lyer *All Your Control Line And Free Flight Needs PROVIDING R/C FLYERS WITH THE LATEST IN PRODUCTS AND EXPERTISE FOR OVER 50 YEARS PA G E 2 Joe Jacob’s Memorial Scale Fly in PMAC Pontiac Miniature Aircraft Club images by George Dzahristos Sunny skies and calm wind was in order for this years scale event. There was a very divers group of pilots from area clubs who participated and a wide range of sizes and types of aircraft flown that day. Simply put, it was one of the best scale events in recent history of the PMAC. Skymaster’s, RCCD, Midwest, and Holly clubs were well represented at our field and their pilots did a great job (along with our own) in keeping the crowd entertained and informed about the great diversity the hobby has to offer. Good ol’ Bob Fowler fed the pilots and spectators throughout the day, producing an endless stream of Hot Dogs, Brats, Burgers, and Corn on the Cobb donated by Hank Wildman. The images above are from the mid day judging of only the planes that had flown up until then. There were probably another 10 or 15 still in the pits that were present but did not fly. Tom Wheeler Took home most of the first places and Hank wildman won the Kyosho Corsair in the raffle. Scott (Hanger 9 Ultimate) and Tom Wheeler (Troy Built Von 260) flew often and put on a great 3D demo with their large IMAC planes. A visiting Pilot from Skymasters flew his arf Stuka complete with shrieking siren (when diving) all day long. At one point there was a warbird fly. The Stuka, Vic Kerster’s p-51, Don Hines Sky Raider, and my Zero flew formation passes and took turns chasing each other all over the skies on that Sunday. With the zero tearing past, the Stuka shrieking, Vic flying inverted, and John Hoover conducting lawn cutting operations with Don’s Sky Raider (strafing runs only a foot or two above the deck!) it was a great example of cooperation, comaraderie, and entertainment all rolled in one. The weather was absolutely perfect the whole day long affording The pilots all the flight time they could handel and ensured the spectators of an aircraft or two constantly in the air. Fun but very tiring! I left around 7:00 PM, there were still guys at the flight line and a few spectators there But I was destine for a good hot shower and a hearty meal. Thanks to Don Hines, Keith Brown, Bob Fowler and all the guy that made this a relaxing and enjoyable event. If you missed it you did miss one of the club’s and area club’s finest hour. Joe would have been proud. ~Editor, G. Dzahristos PAGE 3 New Radio Impound The new radio impound is beginning to take shape! It will take up half of the space the current one does along the fence and also incorporate the frequency board for even more viewablity by spectators through the fence. The structure will hold 18 large radios and is constructed entirely of a plastic (recycled) wood that will last far longer that womanized wood. Don Hines, primary designer and builder, has also created new table tops of the same material to replace the old ones in front of the current impound. some of which are already installed. ~Ed. Barn Update: A few snags but construction continues images by Tom Boguslaski (taken 10/9/04) If you were at the meeting (Oct. 6) we were told due to some mix up at the state level we have been instructed by the DNR to "cease and desist" and remove the new building currently being built on our flying field. Oct.7th~As per the Presidents email to me: "I have just spoke to the DNR Commissioner and work may again resume construction of our building, upon submittance to them of the Building Permit. I have instructed Don to fax it to him....... BARN ON!" Oct.16~Framing is finished. Siding finished. Service door is installed. Main door is hung Roof and odds and ends to be done. New member Al Jenkins brought his famous chili! The guys worked in heavy winds and driving rain in cold conditions. Still think these guys do it because it’s fun?? Work continues every Saturday morning beginning at 9:00am. The field is closed during work on the structure. ~Ed. PAGE 4 PMAC Swap Til’ Ya Drop 4 thAnnual Sunday Sunday October 24 Buy, sell, and trade! Tables $10.00 in advance $15.00 at the door $3.00 for general admission Waterford Oaks Community Center L a k e R d . aw 8:15am-2pm P ab sh 15 Sa M e y. AFT CL U nc w E RCR lia to US 23 Wat kins Lk. Pontiac Lk. Rd. Rd. est.1965 AI Al H UR ie M I N IAT I-75 ix T IAC Scot t L k. Rd. B Elizabeth Lk Rd . for info or to reserve tables call Frank Vella (248)627-8060 M 59 (Huron) map not to scale N D Set up at 7:30 ON W a t e r f o r d Comm. Center Tele grap h Rd . W a t k i n s Pontiac Volunteers needed to man doors, help unload customers vehicles, set up tables, sell donuts and cider(SHHHHH) and coffee. I need people there at 7:00 AM as doors to sellers open at 7:30... I have about 30 tables reserved already, some guy is coming from KY! ~Prez H O B B Y & D O L L A R S U N D RY Hobbytown USA Yo u r s o u r c e f o r e v e r y t h i n g i n R C & H o b b y Crafts and educational items Wide selection of Dollar merchandise Helium Balloons! I f w e d o n ’t h a v e i t , w e c a n g e t i t ! FA S T ! Vi s i t u s o n t h e w e b @ B v s t e a m e r s . c o m (248) 684-6184 435 N.Main Street Milford,Mi. 48381 12821 S. Saginaw St. Grand Blanc, Mi. 48439 Phone: (810)695-9088 Fa x : ( 8 1 0 ) 6 9 5 - 9 0 9 8 PA G E 5 2004 PMAC Club Officials P TIA C M I N IAT UR E P.M.A.C. OFFICIAL ARCHIVE ON est.1965 AI RCRA U FT CL B ATT: All phone no. are 248 area code unless specified! President~Frank Vella 627-8060 (home) or 944-7154 (office) Vice President~Bill Ridenour 698-4336 Vice President & Newsletter Editor~George Dzahristos 681-2355 Treasurer~Bob Seeger 647-2719 Chief Flight Inst.~Frank Pulte 738-5694 Secretary~Glenn Hendershott 620-1316 Field Marshal~Keith Brown 674-1157 Web~Mike King 674-1497 Certified Club Instructors Dave Stephans John Robertson John Hoover Alan Wesley George Dzahristos Rich Rottenberk Fr a n k P u l t e (Chief Instructor) 681-3991 853-9414 681-5480 674-1303 681-2355 738-5484 Dave McDonald Dave Taulbee Jon Fox Mark Schoenhals Alan Johnson Stan Strobel 214-1082 cell 738-5694 363-7277 673-9707 682-6211 334-3749 634-6428 698-8618 Minutes October 2004 President Frank Vella called the meeting to order at 7:40pm with 32 members present. The minutes of September’s meeting were read and accepted. Bob Seger gave the financial report. Up coming Events: th PMAC Swap Meet, Sunday, October 24 , 2004. Waterford Community Center. Set up is 7:30am, PMAC members at 8:00am, open to the public at 8:30am through 2:00pm. First order of business: Joe Jacob Memorial Scale Event was profitable, thanks to all that contributed to the fly in. Frank V. informed the membership that PMAC has been directed to stop construction of the Storage facility by Park Ranger Floyd Karas, at the directive of the DNR. This comes as a big shock to all of us as we have dragged our feet all year long awaiting approval from Lansing. Work commenced only after we had verbal assurance that approval was confirmed. The Executive Board is investigating other possibilities. No further information is known but updates will be posted on the PMAC Web Page. Before sending the minutes out Frank V. contacted the right people to keep the storage facility rolling along. Work will resume Saturday after State Reps Stachow and Pastor stepped in on our behalf and steamrolled the approval....... Our club owes them and Frank a heap of gratitude. Frank V. has asked the membership to form an Election Committee for the upcoming year. Hans Bolte, Al Johnson, and Dave M c D o n a l d h ave a g r e e d t o b e o n t h e c o m m i t t e e . Restructure the annual dues as stated in the Constitution: A special mailing was sent out late to club members last month, appears that many of us did not receive the notice, in the event, this did not side line the vote. After much discussion and the advent of motions coming forth and then defeated it was agreed upon to stick with the motion nd made by Hank Wildman and 2 by Ron Leek, the motion was accepted as stated below. The annual dues as stated in the Constitution will be changed per Article 4, Section 4: Annual dues will be assessed against each member according to the following schedule: 1. Junior $10 per year 2.Senior $15 per year 3.Spousal $0 per year 4.Open $80 per year unless 8 hours or more of volunteer work is recorded with a *designated director then the amount would reduce down to $40 per year. 5.Open members who are 65 years and over $45 per year unless 8 hours or more of volunteer work is recorded with a *designated director then the amount would reduce down to $25 per year. Note *: Pertains to CD, Team Leader, or Field Marshall. A vote was taken and there was a tie, 10 had support and 10 opposed the motion. The Executive Board voted in support of the motion, the motion was passed and the volunteer work will take effect in 2005 for the 2006 membership annual dues. Prizes: 50/50Roger Warren won $14. Air Plane RaffleAl Wesley, won and picked out Thunder Tigre .46 size engine. Congratulations. rd The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 3 , 2004 at 7:30PM at Mason Middle School. Hope to see you there. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25pm. Submitted by Glen Hendershott, PMAC Recording Secretary PA G E 6 Fo u n d A i rc ra f t From the PMAC Message board posted 10/2/04: Smitty called me tonight and asked I post this message. A hunter came to the field this evening with a trainer aircraft he had found in some scrub to the north and east of our flying field. No name or address was found inside so Smitty has taken the aircraft home. If this is your aircraft or know who's it may be, please contact smitty (248) 673-2883 with a detailed desciption to reclaim it. All major components are present and the aircraft has fairly light damage. PMAC Nomination Committee appointed Frank V. has asked the membership to form an Election Committee for the upcoming year. Hans Bolte, Al Johnson, and Dave McDonald have agreed to be on the committee. If you are interested in running for office or any other position the club may need please contact the election Committee: Hans Bolte Al Johnson Dave McDonald (248) 396-0346 (248) 634-6428 (248) 363-7277 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]