shaped by suffering - The Faith Mission Website
shaped by suffering - The Faith Mission Website
COMMUNICATION AMPLIFY YOUR MESSAGE WITH STORY-TELLING THE SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE WAS THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN WON WITH A SIMPLE METAL WASHER? FORGIVENESS I CAN’T FORGIVE MYSELF. HOW CAN I KNOW THAT GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME? SHAPED BY SUFFERING PERSONAL STORIES OF OVERCOMERS 01_FC_UK_mar-apr_2011.indd 1 28/01/2011 20:07:55 ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ (Matt.6:33). FIRST! No. 1274 March/April 2011 EDITOR: Lin Pearson E-mail:¿UVW#IDLWKPLVVLRQRUJCONSULTING EDITORS: John Townend and Sandy Roger THE FAITH MISSION OUR VISION STATEMENT To reach through passionate evangelism the lost of all age groups, particularly in the villages and rural areas of Great Britain and Ireland, and by biblical teaching to encourage holiness of heart and life in Christian people. COUNCIL MEMBERS President - Rev. N. Darragh General Director - J. Townend Mission Administrator and Treasurer - J. McNeilly, J. Bennett, Rev. J. Brand, Miss A. Brown, D. Chambers, Rev. J. Currie, N. Liddle, I. MacLeod, Rev. J. Magee, J. Matthews, Miss A. Paul, R. A. Potts, Rev. A. M. Roger, J. Sandall, Rev. W. Smylie, D. Stevenson, Directors and Superintendents. GENERAL HEADQUARTERS Govan House, 548 Gilmerton Road, Gilmerton, Edinburgh EH17 7JD. Tel: 0131-664-5814 Fax: 0131-664 2260 Email: [email protected] Website: General Director - John Townend Mission Administrator & Treasurer - Joe McNeilly (Email: [email protected]) 2I¿FH$GPLQLVWUDWRU - Carole Townley Warden (Gilmerton Complex) - Stephen Williams Bible College Principal: Rev. John Brand 2 Drum Street, Gilmerton, Edinburgh EH17 8QG (Tel. 0131-664-4336) (Fax 0131-672-1322) Email: [email protected] Website: English Headquarters Director: A. Patterson Red House Farm, Fen Lane, Earl Stonham, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5EG. (Tel. 01449-711877) Email: [email protected] Irish Headquarters Director: T. Matthews 62 Glenavy Rd, Lisburn, Co.Antrim,BT28 3UT (Tel. 028-9262-8286) Email: [email protected] Scottish Headquarters Director: J. McNeilly 548 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh, EH17 7JD (Tel. 0131-672-2149/1419) Email: [email protected] Faith Mission & Missionary Training Home (known as The Faith Mission) is a charity registered in Scotland No SCO05119 LOCATION OF WORKERS SCOTLAND South Scottish District : Superintendent – JOHN & LINDA TOWNEND, 548 Gilmerton Road, Gilmerton, Edinburgh EH17 7JD. (Tel. 0131-664-5814) Email: [email protected] Japanese Outreach: Yuki Williams East Scottish District :Superintendent – NOEL McCLINTOCK, 43 Great Southern Road, Aberdeen AB11 7XY. (Tel. 01224-587112) Email: [email protected] Kirkaldy: Kathy Wood Peterhead: John & Liz Macdonald Missions: John McCartney Highland District : Superintendent – DONNIE & CATHERINE MACLEOD, 1 Lodge Park, Inverness IV2 4YR. (Tel. 01463-238160). Email: [email protected] Fort William: Justin & Carol Cummings Anglo Scottish Border District : Superintendent – WILLIAM & CAROLYN HARRISON, The Steadings, High Barbuchany, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, DG8 6QF.(Tel. 01671-403632). Email: [email protected] West Cumbria: Gordon & Helen Bingham Bookshops : General Manager – NORMAN & PEARL LIDDLE. Email: [email protected] EDINBURGH, 548 Gilmerton Road (Tel. 0131-672-2152) DUNFERMLINE, 4 Canmore Street (Tel. 01383-720643) PETERHEAD, 2 Erroll Street (Tel. 01779-471961) STIRLING,36 Barnton Street (Tel. 01786-451152) BERWICK-ON-TWEED, 31 Church Street (Tel. 01289-304505) FRASERBURGH, 40 Cross Street (Tel. 01346-517088) PERTH, 240 Old High Street (Tel. 01738 638142) ENGLAND East Anglian District : DIRECTOR – ALISTAIR & SHARON PATTERSON, Red House Farm, Fen Lane, Earl Stonham, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5EG. (Tel. 01449-711877) Email: [email protected] Norfolk: Stephen & Cynthia Walker Kent: Arabella Paul North District : Superintendent – JOHNATHAN & JANET SLATER, 10 Millgates, York YO26 6AT. (Tel. 01904 798357). Email: [email protected] Preston: James & Lynda Bovenizer Durham: Mark & Sheena Nelson Central District : Superintendent – DANIEL & GRACE HOWSON, Glebe Farm, Langar Lane, Harby, Melton Mowbray LE14 4BL. (Tel. 01949-860313). Email: [email protected] Derbyshire: David & Donna Ohin Associate Workers: Simon & Rebecca Walsh South West District : In Charge – IAN & HAZEL GILKINSON, 8 Willow Tree Close, Okehampton, Devon EX20 1NL. (Tel. 01837-53922). Email: [email protected] Outreach: David Lewis WALES Regional Representative – PAUL & ELIZABETH CROWE, 5 Glandulas Drive, Mochdre Lane, Newtown, Powys SY16 4JB. (Tel: 01686 628779). Email: [email protected] ŹŹ(Locations are continued on the inside back cover) COVER PHOTO: Choosing a good book (see page 23). Photo—Jupiter Images BLIFBXNBPDUDSUBLQGG Bruised Hearts Thoughts from the Editor A s the material for this issue of FIRST! was coming to hand recently, I could see that several articles were on a similar theme. Sometimes it happens that way; perhaps God means you and me to consider a particular WRSLFPRUHWKRXJKWIXOO\WKDQEHIRUH,WZDVZKHQ,ZDVORRNLQJIRUDVPDOOÀOOHU article, I came across this quote from an unknown author, hidden deep in a folder on my computer: “Just as torches burn most brightly when swung to and fro; just as the MXQLSHU SODQW VPHOOV VZHHWHVW ZKHQ ÁXQJ LQWR WKH ÁDPHV VR WKH ULFKHVW qualities of a Christian often come out under the north wind of adversity and suffering. Bruised hearts often emit the fragrance God loves to smell.” Many of you, I am sure, will have “gone through the mill” of hard circumstances. We know that there is no pat answer to the question of why we suffer. But the people highlighted in this edition have become, like burning juniper, fragrant Christians. There are African women worshipping joyfully, despite poverty and persecution (page 11); a Chinese Christian is beaten to death for his faith, and remembered by his brother (page 16); another article shows that patience and perseverance can win the day, despite horrendous odds (pages 23). They are all telling us that there is a way through the suffering and struggles; that God wants to give us the grace to cope; that in it all, he will shape us, use us and never stop loving us. Why are these writers so sure of that? Read on and see! 03_bruise.indd 1 08/02/2011 15:11:19 SUNRISE PEOPLE By Sam Gordon W hat a fantastically upbeat vision Paul has in Philippians chapter 3 of the bright future for the believer. What a breathtakingly beautiful vista he gives us of the unfolding purpose of God. That explains why he was living his life in the future tense. It all makes sense. Obligation And that realization means the apostle Paul is incredibly aware of his responsibilities in his present environment. We are here because God has placed us here. And until the Lord comes and takes us out of this world we have an overwhelming obligation resting on our shoulders to reach those who are still outside his international family. 4 Circulation A story about Oliver Cromwell illustrates what God wants us to do in the time that is remaining to us prior to the second coming of Jesus. At the time, England was running out of silver for making coins. So Cromwell sent his men to the cathedrals to see if WKH\FRXOGÀQGDQ\VLOYHUWKHUH7KH\ UHSRUWHG´7KHRQO\VLOYHUZHFRXOGÀQG is in the statues of the saints standing in the corners!” To which the crusty statesman replied: “Good! We’ll melt down the saints and put them into circulation!” Life-changing In 2011, that’s where we all belong, in circulation! We don’t belong in an inconspicuous corner of some ancient or modern church building, gathering dust. Our natural habitat is out there among people. We have a potentially life-changing message that is well worth sharing. We have a full-blown mandate from heaven. We have a gloEDOPLVVLRQQRW\HWÀQLVKHG:HDUHWKH men and women whom God is looking to so that the great task of reaching a world without Jesus might progress with speed. It seems to me there are some people who look at the way things are and ask, “Why?” There are other people who look at the way things could be and ask, “Why not? In the light of Paul’s stirring challenge, the six million dollar question facing each of us in these early months of 2011 is, "Where do you VHH\RXUVHOIÀWWLQJLQ" I really believe in my heart that we need to be a "sunrise" people—people dreaming of the future, not a "sunset" people drooling over the past! March/April 2011 04_sunrise_people.indd 1 28/01/2011 16:03:56 Why we believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ By Kurt E. DeHaan I f Jesus did not rise from the dead, the Christian faith is a foolish fantasy. However, if the resurrection of Christ did occur, it confirms his life, message, and atoning work. It is the basis of our hope of life beyond the grave. Christ is alive, and the evidence is overwhelming. Here are some of the reasons we can be so sure. Jesus predicted His resurrection (Matt 16:21; Mark 9:9-10; John 2:18-22). The Old Testament prophesied it (Psalm 16:10; compare Acts 2:25-31; 13:33-37). The tomb was empty and the grave clothes vacant. If those who opposed Christ wished to silence his disciples, all they had to do was produce a body, but they could not (John 20:3-9). Many people saw the resurrected Christ. They looked on his face, touched him, heard his voice, and saw him eat (Matt. 28:16-20; Luke 24:13-39; John 20:11-29; John 21:1-9; Acts 1:6-11; 1 Cor. 15:3-8). The lives of the disciples were revolutionized. Though they fled and even denied Christ at the time of his arrest, they later feared no one in their proclamation of the risen Christ (Matt 26:56, 69-75). The resurrection was the central message of the early church. The church grew with an unwavering conviction that Christ had risen and was the Lord of the church (Acts 4:33; 5:30-32; Rom. 5:24). Men and women today testify that the power of the risen Christ has transformed their lives. We know that Jesus is alive not only because of the historical and biblical evidence but also because he has miraculously touched our lives. Title design by Tonya Christner 05_believe_jesus_rose2.indd 1 First! 5 07/02/2011 19:00:41 As I see it By John Townend 5HÁHFWLRQVDQGQHZV IURPRXU*HQHUDO'LUHFWRU A s you read this issue of FIRST! and note the challenge or encouragement which the articles bring, you may be left ZRQGHULQJ´:KRLVVXIÀFLHQWIRU these things?” Perhaps this is because we are prone to try to meet the challenge in our own strength. Past experience reminds us that our attempts will at best be futile and unproductive. Yet we still press on, ]HDORXVO\DWÀUVWDQGWKHQRXWRID sense of duty as our natural drive begin to wane. All too many of us end up as casualties—emotionally drained, barren in soul and bankrupt in spirit. $%81'$175(6285&(6 Recently, I was greatly blessed by a comment I read in Ruth Paxson’s study of the book of Ephesians, The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian. Referring to the words “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all (every) spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph.1:3), she highlights the resources God has made available to each of his children and states: “Nothing that love can give has been withheld from his children…there is not one of the thousands of promises that he has made that he has not the SRZHUWRIXOÀOµ 6 $9$,/$%/(5(6285&(6 Paul is not speaking of the blessing, sometimes referred to as “Common Grace”, which every living person enjoys, as God gives us air to breathe, day and night, health and strength and much more. Rather, he is speaking about the blessings which are available exclusively to those who are “in Christ”, having trusted him as their Lord and Saviour from sin. He has made available everything that we need to live for him. These resources are not laid aside to await our reception into heaven. “He has blessed us” means that all the blessings of the Holy Spirit’s ministry are already available right now to those who are resting in him—every resource needed for: Past, present and future 6DOYDWLRQVDQFWLÀFDWLRQ sustenance and service Triumph in trial and temptation These are already deposited in Christ and available to be drawn upon. Sadly, we often fail to recognize the abundant provision with which God has blessed us. $335235,$7('5(6285&(6 What a tragedy to have available to us all the resources of heaven and yet to live as spiritual paupers, trusting only March/April 2011 06_07_as_I_see_it_edit2.indd 1 07/02/2011 19:46:12 in our own meagre reserves! It inspires confidence and courage when we realize that God does not want us to rely on our own strength, but to draw from the unlimited supply which he has already made available to us. We may face the responsibility of living a holy life in an unholy world, of sharing Jesus with those who do not want to know him, of bringing up our children to live for eternal not material values, of facing the trials of persecution or the pressures of everyday life. But whatever your responsibility is, remember God has placed at our disposal everything we need to live faithful, fruitful and flourishing lives for his glory. May he help us to take from him all that he is waiting to shower upon us, as we pour out our lives in full surrender and willing service for him. Mission News We value prayer for our on-going endeavours to obtain validation of the academic standard of our Bible College Course. We have just submitted an application to Middlesex University for degree course accreditation. . Our annual staff meetings take place in Edinburgh and Portadown during the week beginning Sunday 17 April. Following this, the Easter Convention at Bangor, Northern Ireland, will take place. We value prayer that these important spiritual highlights in our Mission calendar will be blessed by the fresh wind of God blowing upon them. Naomi Fox withdrew from the Mission at the end of January to pursue the opportunity of working alongside another organisation doing Children’s and Youth ministry 06_07_as_I_see_it_edit2.indd 2 in Northern Ireland. We wish her much blessing in her new sphere of service. Scripture encourages us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. It is with this mixed sense of emotions that we report the safe birth of a daughter, Shannon Naomi, to Johnathan and Janet Slater on 13 December 2010. However, we were greatly saddened on February 4 to learn of the tragic death in childbirth of Margaret, wife of Derick Mackenzie, one of the Bible College students. At the time of writing the new born baby boy is critically ill following delivery by caesarean section. Please uphold Derek and his other children Jane (11), Mark (9), Sarah (8) and Paul (6) in prayer. First! 7 First! 9 07/02/2011 19:45:51 KATHERINE WALDEN tells of an email she received from someone who had asked God’s forgiveness, but who could not forgive himself. I was once asked: “I am in a mainline denomination and I’ve asked forgiveness for my sins many times, but I don’t feel that I can forgive myself, or that God has forgiven me. How do I know I am forgiven?” I responded: You ask a good question. How do we know we are forgiven? Do we have to prove to God how sorry we are before we are forgiven? You don’t have to prove yourself to God; you only have to confess to him. Confession If we confess* our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 KJV.) 8 *Confess: To take complete ownership of specific thoughts, actions, words and behaviours; to admit to God and perhaps admit to others as need be that these specific actions, thoughts, behaviours and patterns have harmed ourselves and others and have offended God. Repentance If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). As we repent by resolving to abandon our sins through a conscious choice to turn March/April 2011 08_09_10_forgiveness.indd 1 08/02/2011 15:20:31 behaviours and actions, we can embrace deep and lasting freedom through God’s forgiveness and empowering grace in our lives. Forgiveness without limit The good news is God’s forgiveness is instant! Through Jesus’ death on the cross and through his resurrection, he earned forgiveness for us. Our slate is wiped clean. When God looks over our “criminal record” there is no mention of the sins we previously confessed. If we stumble and fall back into that specific sin, God’s offer of forgiveness is still valid, we only need to return to him once again. There is no limitation on God’s offer. Realization Before we can experience forgiveness, we first need to come to a realization of just what we need forgiveness from. Many people generalize their confessions to God, painting themselves with the harsh broad stroke of condemnation. “I am a terrible, terrible person. You must hate me God.” When we come to God with such a blanket statement of self-loathing, it is difficult for us to feel God’s forgiveness. God, in his mercy and wisdom, convicts us of specific sins. He is a masterful surgeon, using his sharp two-edged sword (his Word, the Bible) to go right to the meat of the matter. (Hebrews 4:12). In modern terms, God’s conviction is more accurate and exact than the most advanced surgical laser. He pinpoints very specific sins in our lives with the longing that we will come to him for forgiveness and walk with him into freedom from the bondage of those specific sins. 08_09_10_forgiveness.indd 2 Consequences Unfortunately, while God completely frees us from any eternal consequence of our sin upon our confession to him, we are often left with the earthly consequences of our sin. For example, those who have made poor food choices, those who have smoked heavily or have drunk to excess for decades may have health difficulties as a result of these abuses to their bodies. The good news is that God can and does heal today. With his help and our determination to submit ourselves to the help he provides, whether that be through medical, spiritual or emotional counsel and peer support, we can walk in freedom. Restitution We sometimes find those who we have sinned against choose not to forgive us, even though we have taken full responsibility for our actions against them. At that point, all we can do is go as far as we can in restitution, by making right what wrongs we have done as much as that individual feels comfortable to allow. Restitution could require paying for the damage we have caused others. It could mean legal ramifications in the court system. It is important to note that such consequences have nothing to do with the fact we are forgiven by God. These earthly consequences and costs are not a sign of God’s long-term judgment and punishment over us. Jesus paid our debt and in the eyes of God, there is nothing between us and his loving arms. At the very instant of our confession, we are given the opportunity to walk in the complete freedom provided First! 9 28/01/2011 17:13:32 Self-forgiveness For you have no delight in sacrifice; if I were to give a burnt offering, you would not be pleased. The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise (Psalm 51:16-17—NRSV) When we don’t forgive ourselves, we hold ourselves in chains that keep dragging us down, back into the very sin we want to avoid. As we embrace God’s forgiveness, however, and as we forgive ourselves, we give God the permission to snap those heavy chains, releasing us from the overbearing weight of guilt and self-loathing. Forgiveness is not feelings Forgiveness is not an emotion, it is a legal transaction. God knows you are guilty of your sin, and he knows the only way for you to find forgiveness of sin is through the death of his Son. Jesus stands with you in the court of Law (1 John 2:1-2, Hebrews 7:24), and J says, “I have taken the punishment for this sin on the cross and I rose from the dead so this one can be set free.” Jesus took our punishment. We do not need to wait for a warm, fuzzy feeling to know we are forgiven. We have only to look to the Cross, a stark reminder of the price God paid in order than he could pronounce forgiveness over his beloved children. Jesus paid the price; he took our place, and took our punishment. My final comment to the writer was: It is said in your tradition, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” You are part of that world, and as a result you have been given an invitation to live in that forgiveness. You have full access to that forgiveness, every day, every hour. ©2010 Katherine Walden. Used by kind permission. Katherine lives in Canada and heads up I Lift My Eyes web ministries ( TITLE IMAGE by Michael Hickman Death by Probing ames Garfield, president of the United States (1881), was shot in the back after only six months in office. At the hospital, the doctor probed the wound with a metal probe to find the bullet. Unsuccessful, he tried with his little finger, but without success. Over the coming weeks sixteen doctors tried, and failed, to find the bullet, probing the wound again and again. Garfield was growing very weak. In desperation they asked scientist Alexander Graham Bell if he could locate the bullet with his specially devised metal detector. He, too, failed. The president hung on for a further six weeks and finally died—not from the wound, but from infection introduced by unsterile fingers. The repeated probing, which the doctors thought would help, eventually, killed him. This account of the sad and avoidable death reminds us of the danger of digging and probing into parts of our lives where God has forgiven and made us clean. When God has done the work, leave it be! Accept his forgiveness and live in the light of it. 10 March/April 2011 08_09_10_forgiveness.indd 3 08/02/2011 15:20:03 Amazing Women! An Easter conference in Nigeria JEAN GARLAND is a nurse from Belfast who has worked with Mission Africa (formerly Qua Iboe Fellowship) in Nigeria for twenty-three years. *RGÀUVWFKDOOHQJHG-HDQDERXWPLVVLRQVZKHQIURPWKHDJHRIWKLUWHHQVKH attended a Faith Mission Prayer Union at Ballyhill, Northern Ireland. God used the missionary meetings at the Faith Mission Bangor Easter Conventions to challenge her about being open to God sending her overseas. For the last sixteen years Jean has worked in the area of HIV and AIDS education and caring for those affected and infected by HIV. Many of these dear people have trusted Christ as Saviour. Jean writes: “SOME OF OUR WOMEN AMAZED US!” That was the verdict of two men who, despite being told of an empty tomb and a vision of angels, did not believe Jesus was alive (Luke 24:22,23). These men were surprised that the ÀUVWSHRSOHWRZKRP-HVXVUHYHDOHG himself after his resurrection were women. Jesus is still revealing himself to millions of amazing Nigerian women who worship and serve him, and proclaim that Jesus is alive. CAMPING NIGERIA STYLE These women own a campsite. It is just DELJXQHYHQÀHOG2QFHD\HDU amazing Christian women travel, often hundreds of miles on dangerous roads, with highway robbers and rickety transport, for a weekend of Christian fellowship. They cook, eat, perform other indispensable bodily functions and VOHHSRXWGRRUVLQWKHÀHOG2QHVPDOO luxury is that water is made accessible for cooking and bathing. Coming from many backgrounds and hundreds of different tribes, each area has its own colour of uniform. But all have a wrapper (long skirt), blouse and head-tie with a printed verse of Scripture in various languages saying “It is the Lord Christ we are serving.” It is a remarkable sight and a dramatic symbol of their unity. Ź [More overleaf] FIRST! 11_12_13_amazing_women.indd 1 11 08/02/2011 16:26:38 The programme contains teaching, preaching and enthusiastic singing and dancing. There is a carnival atmosphere at times, and at other times there is serious discussion and teaching. Judging by the noise level and merriment it is obvious that the women are immensely delighted to be at the conference. Often I see women running to embrace, greeting at length and then sitting on the grass, basking in the joy of being together this year again. There is also teaching from the platform about how to avoid HIV infection, and our HIV and AIDS ministry team offer free HIV testing and counselling. Some of our team are themselves HIV positive. They testify to Christ’s help in the face of stigma and discrimination. Under a make-shift canopy, we test and counsel more than 1,000 women each GD\6DGO\VRPHÀQGRXWIRUWKHÀUVW time that they are HIV positive. We offer spiritual counsel and a follow up appointment, leading to treatment and care. I hold many hands that day as I take their blood samples. HANDS TELL A STORY In another part of the Easter story Thomas doubted Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus graciously appeared to him and said: “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see” (Luke 24:39). Our Lord’s mangled hands bore the marks of the crude nails that had pinned him to the cross and tell us that Jesus loves us. I feel privileged to hold the hands of these dear sisters and as I draw their blood for testing, each hand imparts its own story. Most hands need energetic cleaning to produce a patch where blood can 12 be taken safely. Many are so calloused and tough it is tricky to get the lancet through the skin. These hands work KDUGLQWKHÀHOGVGLJJLQJSODQWLQJDQG weeding. They raise heavy loads of ÀUHZRRGDQGZDWHUWRWKHLURZQHUV· heads. When I look into the faces of these ladies I see that they are very dark, wrinkled and weather-beaten, the result of manual labour out in the tropical sun. Some hands are pale and it is challenging to get red blood from them. Many have had multiple pregnancies on a very poor diet. Meat is a luxury eaten only at Christmas. Some hands are healthy looking and it is easy to get blood. These women probably know what it is to eat meat, green vegetables and a balanced diet. A few hands, belonging to women from the north, are painted with elaborate henna decorations, bringing a certain delicacy to them. Some tell me of their recent conversion to Christ and how glad they are to be with other Christians. Ź [More overleaf] PHOTOS: Opposite— Jean with a grandmother who is raising her two grandsons, orphaned when their parents died from AIDS. Below—Conducting an HIV test. March/April 2011 11_12_13_amazing_women.indd 2 08/02/2011 16:24:09 A very few hands are manicured and smooth with colourful painted nails. These women do not do much manual work in the farm or in the market. They are the hands of the privileged. These wealthier ladies have someone else bending their backs and providing the food for them. But these ladies also play their part in this diverse body of Christ, generously contributing to meet travel and feeding costs so that others can attend the conference. Some hands, like those of Jesus, have scars that tell their own stories.Farm accidents, knife accidents and other mishaps have left their mark. 2QHODG\LVPLVVLQJSDUWRIDÀQJHUDQG it is still a festering sore. She is advised to see a doctor. As we test and counsel these amazing women, and pray with those found to be HIV positive, we have joy in pointing them to Jesus, the one whose scars bring healing to sinners like us. SURVIVING TOGETHER 1LJHULDQZRPHQÀQGVXVWHQDQFHLQ times of grief from other women in the fellowship. They endure and survive together. Some have faced persecution when they have had their family members killed, their homes and churches burned. Some pastors’ wives have had their husbands killed by those of a different faith. With their sisters they are Above:RPHQDWWKHFRQIHUHQFHTXHXLQJ IRUDQ+,9WHVW comforted and encouraged. These dear women are the backbone of the church LQ1LJHULD7KH\UHÁHFWDELJSDUWRI what is good, vibrant and infectious about Nigerian Christianity. 2QWKHÀUVW(DVWHU6XQGD\ZRPHQ amazed the disciples with their report of seeing the resurrected Lord Jesus &KULVW2QWKLV(DVWHU6XQGD\LQ1LJHULD 20,000 of us sing, in various languages, to this same Lord Jesus. No one there could question our joy in knowing the living Jesus. We clap our hands, sway, dance and do it all with full hearts as we acclaim our Saviour with the scars in his hands. Jean has written AIDS is Real and It’s in our Church, a book which has sold more than 50,000 copies in Africa and is available LQ¿YHODQJXDJHV-HDQLVPDUULHGWR6LG DQGWKH\KDYHWKUHHDGXOWFKLOGUHQDQGWZR SUHFLRXVJUDQGVRQV FIRST! 11_12_13_amazing_women.indd 3 13 08/02/2011 16:24:26 Training the Tongue By Bill Winning W HO WE ARE DEEP DOWN COMES out through our mouth, in what we say and how we react.Even if I put on a façade, but the essential "me" will always show itself.1 But if we are in Christ, and Christ has made us overcoming, new creatures in himself, then we have come to a point of redemption; we are being changed by the glory of God. If we are not only hearing the word of God, but doing what it says, then God's Word is working in us. What is inside us will be truth and that is what will come out. Our tongue is there to exalt the living God.2 When we get to heaven we won't be talking about our mansions or the golden street, we'll be talking about the Lord. Christ will captivate our minds and he will be the essence of what comes out of us. We will glorify and worship him. And right now, here on earth, our tongues can be instruments of worship, healing and building up others. As a teacher I have seen the destruction in some young lives, caused by the negative things they have been told, at home and elsewhere. We should be giving out words of encouragement, not destructive comments. When a child gives the wrong answer to a question, rather than belittling him or suggesting he is stupid, we can encourage—"That's an interesting idea, Sam. You're not quite there yet, but well done for trying." 14 Mind you, it isn't enough just to say it. Kids can see through glib words. You have to mean it. It is easier to guard our tongues in some situations than in others. Think of someone you admire. Would you say negative or thoughtless things to them? No? Then train yourself not to say it to others. Don’t tell yourself, "It doesn't matter, they are only my family, they know me." It does matter. We serve Christ. He is the Living Word and he lives in us. So, that Living Word, the Truth in me, should be evident in what I say. Take control! James asks, "Who can control our tongue?"3 We can—in Christ. The Bible principles that we absorb must be seen in who we are. They must come out in our daily living. Among our own families and workmates, we need to watch what we say.4 Then we can walk under the covering of Christ, carrying an atmosphere of Jesus, so that when people walk into our homes or work areas they sense the peace of God. At home we should not give way to bickering and petty point-scoring. Before I am a husband, I am a Christian, so I have to behave like a Christian. I can't let myself off, just because it's my family I am berating. Perhaps, for you, work is a hard situation. How should you react? Go March/April 2011 14_15_tongue.indd 1 08/02/2011 15:26:59 come easily, but we need to master our tongues. At school I control myself, because to give way to frustration, irritation and anger is wrong and unprofessional, and would get me into trouble. We all know the situations when we must control our tongue. But we can control it even more when we come under his control at all times, by making our tongues available to him. Regarding swearing, once I started following Christ, I realized I shouldn't use expletives. So I trained myself not to use them when they came to mind. But now, these words don't even enter my head. It's down to the training! When you want to speak as Christ would, and trust him to continue his purifying work deep within you, eventually such language is not part of who you are any longer. to Christ. You are Christian, so you need to be Christ-like. It isn't easy, but by the grace and power of God, and with determination, we can all train ourselves to be Christ-like with our tongue. In my youth, my sister and I hated each other. When I became a Christian, I realized I shouldn't swear at her and be nasty. I wasn't perfect, but I tried my best. I wanted what was inside to be the same as what came out. I wanted to be real. I was learning that if we allow the purity of Christ to come into our hearts, then our words will be truth, because the truth is living in us. What we think and what we say will be the same, and it will be Christ-like. Would you like that? Then tell Christ, "Lord, I give my tongue to you, as I give you my whole life." This doesn't When you feel upset (perhaps MXVWLÀDEO\GRKDUVKZRUGVFRPHWR mind? Think—would Jesus speak like that? How would he react? That brings a sense of purity; it establishes the truth inwardly. It allows God's glory to touch us more deeply. As we speak the truth in Christ-like love, it will not only EHQHÀWWKRVHWRZKRPZHVSHDNLWLV also good for us.5 Trust God to help you think, speak and act as a Christian. It is simple teaching, but it brings holiness into our lives.Ż 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Luke 6:45 Psalm 118:28 James 3:7-8 Matthew 12:33-37 Proverbs 15:23; Proverbs 25:13 Bill is a primary school teacher in East Lothian, Scotland, where he pastors a small church. Image used with thanks to Justin Stagge. FIRST! 14_15_tongue.indd 2 15 08/02/2011 15:28:07 Do We Over Protect Our Children? By Wanda Parker J UST AFTER MY THIRD CHILD in a little over three years was born, I felt so overwhelmed I couldn’t think straight. It was then that I begged Jesus to teach me how to raise my children so that they would walk with KLPIRUHYHU,ZDVWHUULÀHGWKDWRQH day they would walk away from him. The Lord took my husband and me on quite a journey as he taught us. I’d like to tell you about one experience that became an important plumb line as I raised my children. CHINESE RED GUARDS My husband Joe was on the staff of Open Doors with Brother Andrew when our children were in early primary school. Joe and I were on a team sent to take Bibles into China. While in Hong Kong, we met a family who had only recently escaped from China. The mother told us the story of her family, while her eldest surviving son translated for her. She said that in the mid-1960s, during the Cultural Revolution, Red Guards had come to their home and wrenched away their four children. The soldiers had set up a bench in front of their home and made the four children, aged eleven, ten, six and three, sit on it. Then the soldiers went from child to child asking 16 each one if he loved Jesus. When the child responded, “Yes, I love Jesus,” the soldier would hit him, knocking him to the ground. The soldiers went to each child several times, but the oldest, Stephen, got beaten over and over because he refused to renounce Jesus. Finally the soldiers turned from the children to attack the parents. Stephen crawled into their home and lay down on his mat. Daniel, the ten-year-old followed him in and knelt beside him. “Don’t tell mama, but I’m dying Daniel, I’m dying,” the eleven–year-old declared. Just then Mama came and knelt beside her son. Her head had been shaved. “Mama, mama, I’m dying. Mama, you have to forgive them.” Then, lifting his hand toward heaven, he cried out, “I see Jesus, Mama. I see Jesus.” And he was gone. THREE THINGS TO REMEMBER This woman, who had just told me how she had seen her eleven-year-old son beaten to death, had peace on her face. “Mama, how do you raise a child so that at the age of eleven, he will not renounce Jesus, when being beaten to death?” I quietly asked. March/April 2011 16_17_overproteced.indd 1 03/02/2011 18:23:04 She looked me in the eye and she said, “There are three things you must do. Firstly, from the time your child is born, you must teach him that he must never renounce Jesus or another Christian. Your life might be dependent on that other believer.” Secondly, you must SUD\VDFULÀFLDOO\IRU your children. That means you are praying so much for your children that you are giving up things you want to do for yourself because you are praying for your children.” I will never forget the little chuckle she gave before she continued, “Thirdly, and this is hardest for you in the West, you must let your children suffer. They will never grow strong if they don’t suffer. If there is nothing natural that causes suffering in their life, then create a reason for them to suffer a little.” AN “AH-HA” MOMENT I was so excited when I got home. I could hardly wait to share these principles with my friends. I spoke to a close friend and she wept as I shared Mama’s VWRU\:KHQ,ZDVÀQLVKHGP\IULHQG looked at me and said, “But Wanda, if my children suffer, then I will suffer and I don’t want to suffer.” It was one of those “ah-ha” moments of life. How much of our parenting, how much of our nurturing of children is about what makes me feel good rather than what the child really needs? We must constantly look at what each child’s real need is. This would play in the back of my head as I disciplined, or set boundaries for my own children. MY SON LEARNS A LESSON One day, when our son Joseph was about eleven, he was upset because he didn’t have a bike and all his friends did (we didn’t have the money to buy a bike). The oldest living son in the story I have just told, Mama’s son Daniel, happened to be at our home. When he heard our son complaining, he asked Joseph to come and sit with him. He then told Joseph about his own childhood and how he not only didn’t have a bike but he didn’t have any friends. “Who would want to be the friend of a Christian?” he asked. Through his suffering Daniel has learned endurance and developed the wisdom to know and appreciate what was really important in life. BUILDING RESILIENCE Those of us who are blessed to have an input into the lives of children must take care not to do what makes us feel good, or what makes the children feel good today, but might be harmful for their future. We need to nurture them with an eye to building resilience, so that when problems and even persecution come, our children will determinedly persevere for God. Wanda is the Founder/Director of Kid Trek( This organization trains and empowers caring adults in local churches to minister God’s love and support to at-risk children. FIRST! 16_17_overproteced.indd 2 17 28/01/2011 18:51:04 Things we know for sure By Alan Smith Some years ago a newspaper editor was instructing a new reporter in some of the important details of his job. "Never state as a fact anything you are not absolutely sure about," said the editor. "To avoid putting the paper in the position of stating something which it may not be able to prove, you should always use the words 'alleged,' 'claimed,' 'reputed,' 'rumoured,' and so on, unless you know positively that everything is true as stated." The reporter was sent out to get society items, and soon the following paragraph appeared in the society column: "It is rumoured that a bridge party was given yesterday by a number of reputed ladies. Mrs. Smith, it is said, was hostess. The guests, it is alleged, with the exception of Mrs. Brown, who says that she comes from Illinois, were all local people. Mrs. Smith claims to be the wife of Alexander Smith, who is rumoured to be doing a thriving business in town." We smile, but it is important to know those things of which we are absolutely sure. That's one of the reasons why the first letter of John was written. John had some things to say to those Christians who referred to themselves as "gnostics". March/April 2011 18_19_know_sure.indd 1 Photo Comstock 18 The Greek word gnosis means "knowledge" and these Christians thought they had more knowledge than "normal" Christians. John writes this letter to say two main things: 28/01/2011 18:53:41 (1) The Gnostics didn't know nearly as much as they thought they knew; and 2) All Christians know those things which are of greatest importance ("I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it." (1 John 2:21) Among the things which we can "know": We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. (1John 2:3). “…we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2). “But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin” (1John 3:5). “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1John 3:16). “We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit” (1John 4:13). “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life” (1John 5:13). “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1John 5:19). “We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true—even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life” (1John 5:20) . The Sufferings of Christ H. A. IRONSIDE expressed his EHOLHIFRQFHUQLQJWKHVLJQL¿FDQFH RIWKHVSLULWXDOVXIIHULQJVRI&KULVW LQDVHUPRQHQWLWOHGThe Sinless One Made Sin. “It was not simply the physical sufferings, which our Lord endured upon the cross that made the expiation for our iniquity. It was what he suffered in his holy, spotless soul, in his sinless being, when the judgement that your sins deserved fell on him… Then it was that he was made to be VLQIRUXV,QVRPHZD\RXU¿QLWH minds can not now understand, the pent-up wrath of the centuries fell upon him, and he sank in deep mire where there was no standing, as he endured in his inmost being what you and I would have had to endure through all eternity, had it QRWEHHQIRUKLVPLJKW\VDFUL¿FH´ 7DNHFRQÀGHQFHLQWKRVHWKLQJVZKLFK you know to be true! Alan blogs at Gordon’s Calvary from FIRST! 18_19_know_sure.indd 2 19 03/02/2011 18:27:48 Holiness By John Brand There are four great themes in Leviticus - holiness, VDFULÀFHFRYHQDQWDQGWKHSUHVHQFHRI*RG$OORIWKHVH DUHLQWULQVLFDOO\LPSRUWDQWWRWKHERRNEXWWKHPRVW LPSRUWDQWLVKROLQHVVVR,ZLOOORRNDWWKDWÀUVW 7KHPRVWFRPPRQZRUGVLQ/HYLWLFXVDUH¶KRO\·¶FOHDQ· ¶XQFOHDQ·RURWKHUIRUPVRIWKRVHZRUGV$QGRQHRIWKH PRVWIUHTXHQWO\UHSHDWHGVWDWHPHQWVLQRQHIRUPRU DQRWKHULVWKHDIÀUPDWLRQIURP*RG´)RU,DPWKH/25' \RXU*RG&RQVHFUDWH\RXUVHOYHVWKHUHIRUHDQGEHKRO\ IRU,DPKRO\µ/RRNDW Holiness is about POSITION 2QO\WKDWZKLFKLVKRO\DQGWKHUHIRUHHVVHQWLDOO\OLNH *RGFDQH[LVWLQKLVQHDUHUSUHVHQFH,Q/HYLWLFXVWKLVLV LOOXVWUDWHGE\VRPHWKLQJYHU\SUDFWLFDO³WKHOD\RXWRIWKH ZLOGHUQHVVHQFDPSPHQWRIWKHWULEHV 7KHWULEHVZHUHHQFDPSHGLQthe wilderness, the home RIZLOGDQGWKHUHIRUHXQFOHDQDQLPDOVDQGWKRXJKW WREHWKHSODFHZKHUHHYLOVSLULWVOLYHG7REHLQWKH ZLOGHUQHVVZDVWREHIDUIURP*RG ,WZDVoutside the campWKDWWKRVHZLWKULWXDOXQFOHDQQHVVDQGGLVHDVHVZHUHVHQWEHFDXVHWKHLUDIÁLFWLRQ EURNHWKHVWULFWUXOHVRQSXULW\DQGFOHDQOLQHVVDQGWKHUHIRUHVHSDUDWHGWKHPIURP*RGDWOHDVWULWXDOO\ 3HRSOHZHUHWDNHQWKHUHIRUMXGJHPHQWRUEXULDO The campLWVHOIZDVZKHUHWKHSHRSOHOLYHGERWKWKH FRYHQDQWSHRSOHRI*RGDQGWKRVHIURPRWKHUUDFHVZKR KDGFKRVHQWROLYHZLWKDQGEHLGHQWLÀHGZLWKWKHP $WWKHYHU\FHQWUHRIWKHFDPSZDVWKH6DQFWXDU\ZLWK LWVYDVWVXUURXQGLQJFRXUW\DUG“the court of the tabernacle of the congregationµZKHUHWKHSHRSOH ZRXOGJDWKHUIRUZRUVKLS -XVWRXWVLGHWKH+RO\3ODFHZDVthe altar of burnt offeringDWZKLFKRQO\WKH/HYLWHVZHUHDOORZHGWR VHUYHEHFDXVHWKH\KDGEHHQVHWDSDUWIURPWKHUHVWRI WKHSHRSOHIRUWKHLUVSHFLÀFPLQLVWULHVZKLFKEURXJKW WKHPFORVHUWR*RGKLPVHOI 0DUFK$SULO 20_21_22_leviticus.indd 1 04/02/2011 13:32:43 7KHÀUVWSDUWRIWKHLQWHULRURIWKH the Tabernacle and TempleZHUH VDQFWXDU\ZDVWKH Holy PlaceDQGRQO\ KRO\EHFDXVHWKH\ZHUHH[FOXVLYHO\WR SULHVWVZHUHDOORZHGWRHQWHUWKLVDUHD EHXVHGIRUWKHZRUVKLSRI*RG DQGWKHQRQO\ZKHQLWZDVWKHLUWXUQWR the peopleZHUHKRO\EHFDXVHWKH\ VHUYHDQGPLQLVWHU KDGEHHQFDOOHGRXWDQGVHWDSDUWIRU $WWKHYHU\KHDUWRIWKH6DQFWXDU\DQG *RG WKHUHIRUHRIWKHFDPS LWVHOI ZDV WKH Holy *RGSURPLVHVWRKLVFKLOGUHQWKDWDOOWKH of Holies RU WKH 0RVW UHVRXUFHVZHQHHGDUHWREHIRXQGLQKLP +RO\ 3ODFH 7KLV ZDV ZKHUH*RGSUHVHQFHG HPSRZHULQJXVWROLYHKRO\*RGOLNHOLYHV KLPVHOI DPRQJ WKH SHRSOH2QO\WKH+LJK 6RDSODFHRUDSHUVRQRUDWKLQJZDV 3ULHVW DQG KH RQO\ RQ RQH GD\ RI WKH KRO\ERWKEHFDXVHRISRVLWLRQLWZDV \HDUWKH'D\RI$WRQHPHQWFRXOGHQWHU LQ*RG·VSUHVHQFHDQGDOVREHFDXVHRI WKDWKROLHVWRISODFHV,IDQ\RQHHOVHDW SXUSRVHLWKDGEHHQGHGLFDWHGWRKLP DQ\WLPHRUKHRQDQ\RWKHURFFDVLRQ Holiness is about PURITY GDUHG WR HQWHU WKH\ ZRXOG KDYH EHHQ VWUXFNGRZQLQMXGJHPHQW /HYLWLFXVGRHVSUHVHQWDORQJDQG FRPSOLFDWHGOLVWRIUXOHVDQGUHJXOD:HDUHEHLQJFOHDUO\WDXJKWWKDWWKH WLRQVDERXWFOHDQQHVVDQGXQFOHDQQHVV QHDUHUVRPHWKLQJRUVRPHRQHLVWR SXULW\DQGLPSXULW\FRQWDPLQDWLRQDQG *RGWKHPRUHKRO\WKH\DUH+ROLQHVV SXULÀ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ÀFDWLRQ 7KHUHZDVQRVRFLDOVWLJPDLQEHFRPLQJ Holiness is about PURPOSE WHPSRUDULO\XQFOHDQLQWKHVHZD\V 6DGO\KROLQHVVWRRRIWHQLVJLYHQ LWZDVSDUWDQGSDUFHORIHYHU\GD\ QHJDWLYHFRQQRWDWLRQVWXUQHGLQWRD OLIH7KHLPSDFWZDVRQ\RXUDELOLW\ WKRXVKDOWQRWOLVW%XWKROLQHVVKDVWKH WRDWWHQGWKHSODFHRIZRUVKLS%XW SRVLWLYHDVSHFWRISXUSRVH:HDUHWR WKHZKROHSRLQWRIWKHVHUHJXODWLRQV EHKRO\EHFDXVHRIZKRZHDUHDQGWKH ZDVWRLQFXOFDWHLQWKHSHRSOHRI*RG SXUSRVHWRZKLFKZHKDYHEHHQFDOOHG LQWKHZD\WKH\LQVWLQFWLYHO\WKRXJKW DQGEHKDYHGWKDWWKHUHZDVWKLVDOO ,QWKH2OG7HVWDPHQW the SabbathZDVKRO\EHFDXVHLWZDV SHUYDVLYHSRODULW\LQOLIHEHWZHHQWKDW ZKLFKZDVKRO\DQGDFFHSWDEOHWR*RG VHWDSDUWIRUWKHH[FOXVLYHZRUVKLSRI DQGWKDWZKLFKZDVQRWŹ *RG ),567 BBBOHYLWLFXVLQGG 21 The call to become holy like God affects every dimension of life. Some activities will accelerate the process while some will take us in the opposite direction. While the demands of holy living may seem daunting, God promises to his children that all the resources we need are to be found in him, empowering us to live holy, God-like lives. Holiness is about PROCESS Some see holiness as being achieved by conforming to a set of rules, while for others it’s all down to God and there is nothing on our part to be done. The truth lies between these two extremes. Leviticus teaches that holiness or VDQFWLÀFDWLRQLVDUHFLSURFDOSURFHVV involving both God and the believer. Both aspects are seen in Leviticus: ´,DPWKH/25'ZKRVDQFWLÀHV\RXµ (20:8; 21:8,15,23; 22:9,16,32). You could translate this as "I am Jehovah M’Kaddesh", that is who I am; that is what I do. I make you holy. ´&RQVHFUDWH\RXUVHOYHVWKHUHIRUHDQG EHKRO\µ The call to holiness that comes to all true believers is a call to develop in ourselves characteristics similar to God himself (“Be holy, for I am holy”), to live to please God, to worship and serve him and to trust that the sanctifying power of God himself is unleashed in our lives.Ż John Brand is Principal of the Faith Mission Bible College. Graphic designed by Jason Gaines. A New House By C. S. Lewis I think that many of us, when Christ has enabled us to overcome one or two sins that were an obvious nuisance, are inclined to feel (though we do not put it into words) that we are now good enough. He has done all we wanted him to do, and we should be obliged if he would leave us alone. But the question is not what we intended ourselves to be, but what he intended us to be when he made us... ,PDJLQH\RXUVHOIDVDOLYLQJKRXVH*RGFRPHVLQWRUHEXLOGWKDWKRXVH$WÀUVW perhaps, you can understand what he is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on. You knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of -- throwing out a QHZZLQJKHUHSXWWLQJRQDQH[WUDÁRRUWKHUHUXQQLQJXSWRZHUVPDNLQJFRXUWyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage, but he is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself. 22 March/April 2011 20_21_22_leviticus.indd 3 04/02/2011 13:34:19 Featured anniversary It Can be Done! By Lin Pearson A s the daughter of a Royal Air )RUFHÁLJKWHQJLQHHU,ZDVLQWHUHVWHGWROHDUQWKDWthis year PDUNVWKHVHYHQW\ÀIWKDQQLYHUVDU\RQ WKHWK0DUFKRIWKH6SLWÀUH·VÀUVWWHVW ÁLJKWIURP(DVWOHLJK6RXWKDPSWRQ,W DOVRLQWULJXHGPHWROHDUQVRPHWKLQJ DERXWLWVGHVLJQDQGGHYHORSPHQW 7KH6SLWÀUHZDVDQDLUFUDIWGHVLJQHG WRFOLPEYHU\UDSLGO\DQGPDLQWDLQ VSHHGDWKLJKOHYHOV7RJHWKHUZLWKWKH +XUULFDQHÀJKWHUWKH6SLWÀUHVHFXUHG YLFWRU\LQ7KH%DWWOHRI%ULWDLQLQ ADAPTING TO IMPROVE %XWQRWHYHU\WKLQJZHQWDFFRUGLQJWR SODQ$QHDUO\SUREOHPZLWKWKHHQJLQHV ZDVWKDWXQOLNHWKH0HVVHUVFKPLWW %I(WKH6SLWÀUH·V0HUOLQHQJLQHKDG QRGLUHFWIXHOLQMHFWLRQ )XHOVWDUYDWLRQ ,WVFDUEXUHWWRUZRXOGEHFRPHVWDUYHG RIIXHOGXULQJFHUWDLQPDQRHXYUHV6R SLORWVOHDUQHGWRDGDSWE\KDOIUROOLQJ WKHDLUFUDIWEHIRUHJRLQJLQWRDVWHHS GLYHZKLFKZRXOGRWKHUZLVHKDYHHPSWLHGWKHFDUEXUHWWRU Flooded carburretor $QRWKHUVHULRXVSUREOHPZDVWKHIXHO SXPSVÁRRGLQJWKHFDUEXUHWWRUGXHWR ´QHJDWLYHJµGXULQJFHUWDLQDHULDOORRSV 7KDQNVWRWKHLQJHQXLW\RIHQJLQHHU 0LVV7LOO\6KLOOLQJDVLPSOHGHYLFHZDV PDQXIDFWXUHGWRFXUHWKLVSUREOHP$ PHWDOGLVFZLWKDKROHLQLWZDVÀWWHG LQWKHIXHOOLQHUHVWULFWLQJIXHOÁRZ WRWKHPD[LPXPWKHHQJLQHFRXOGXVH 7KHGHYLFHZDVLQVWDOOHGWKURXJKRXW )LJKWHU&RPPDQGDVDVWRSJDSXQWLO WKHLQWURGXFWLRQLQRILPSURYHG FDUEXUHWWRUVZKLFKDOORZHGIXHOWR ÁRZGXULQJDOOÁLJKWSRVLWLRQV $UPDPHQWSUREOHP 7KHUHZHUHDOVRGLIÀFXOWLHVZLWKWKH RQERDUG JXQVIUHH]LQJDWDOWLWXGH7R FRPEDWWKLVGXFWVIURPWKHUHDURIWKH ZLQJPRXQWHGUDGLDWRUVGLUHFWHGKRWDLU WRWKHJXQVDQGEXONKHDGVZHUHEXLOW DURXQGWKHJXQED\VWRWUDSWKHKRWDLU )DEULFSDWFKHVZHUHÀWWHGRYHUWKHJXQ SRUWVWRSURWHFWWKHJXQVIURPFROG GLUWDQGPRLVWXUHXQWLOWKH\ZHUHÀUHG 3LORWVHQJLQHHUVDQGPDQXIDFWXUHUV FIRST! 23_24_it_can_be_done.indd 1 23 08/02/2011 15:32:54 collaborated towards a constant stream of improvements. As a result, the VDIHW\DQGHIÀFLHQF\RIWKH6SLWÀUH continued to improve. A WINNING ATTITUDE In this electronic, digital era, it is inspiring to see what was accomplished through the relative simplicity of Mrs 6KLOOLQJV´ZDVKHUµVPDOOIDEULFSDWFKHV DQGDEDWWOH´RSVURRPµVHHSKRWR below) that seems to have operated with little more than a radio, blackboard and chalk and little wooden tokens! And, with God’s help, despite the chronic problems and lack of resources, the battle—and the war—was won. Let’s not get despondent or grumble when our spiritual progress suffer a setback, or allow bitterness to make a temporary failure a permanent one. Let’s trust God, and follow the encouraging advice of Edgar Albert Guest, who wrote these practical and inspiring lines during the Great War: 24 There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done; there are thousands to prophesy failure. There are thousands to point out to you one by one, the dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle it in with a bit of a grin, just take off your coat and go to it. Just start to sing as you tackle the thing that “couldn’t be done,” and you’ll do it. With a trusting, praiseful attitude, we will press through the setbacks and be overcomers. *Mrs Beatrice “Tilly” Shilling OBE, PhD, MSc, CEng raced motorcycles around the Brooklands circuit in the 1930s and was awarded the Gold Star for lapping the track at over 100 mph on her Manx Norton 500! PHOTOS: Opposite page: 6XSHUPDULQH6SLW¿UH XVI at Duxford, September 2006, photo by C. Howells Below: The Battle of Britain operations room in Duxford, by Jon Bennett. March/April 2011 23_24_it_can_be_done.indd 2 08/02/2011 15:32:13 Convention Tuesday 28 June to Sunday 3 July Speakers include: Alistair Begg Rupert Bentley-Taylor John Brand Jeremy McQuoid Programme: Morning Bible Readings . Seminars Evening Word and Worship Youth Track For more details of the programme and accommodation contact: The Convention Secretary, The Faith Mission, 548 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH17 7JD Tel: 0131 672 2149 Email: [email protected] Book online at: Faith Mission & Missionary Training Home (known as The Faith Mission) is a charity registered in Scotland No SCO05119 25_edinburgh_convention.indd 1 28/01/2011 19:25:40 Image by Mark Taylor from photo by Matt Gruber Faith Mission Events NORTH ULSTER Bible Weekend in the Marquee, Carnlea, BALLYMENA GALLOWAY Bible Week in the Marquee, High Barbuchany, NEWTON STEWART Programme 13 - 15 May Programme 7 - 12 June Fri 13 May......8 pm Sat 14 May......4.30 pm, 7.30 pm (sandwich tea between meetings) 9 pm (“The Anchor”) Sun 15 May.... 3.15pm (World focus) and 8 pm Main meetings Tue–Fri.....7.30pm Speakers Dr William Smylie Rev Henry Montgomery Also Special singing Come along and enjoy teaching from God’s Word in a relaxed atmosphere. For further details Contact: The Faith Mission, 3 Grange Avenue, Ballymena Tel. (028) 2565 6494 Email [email protected] 26 All Age Rally Sat 11.........3pm (Kids’ club for primary school children) Praise Rally Sun 13.........3pm Speaker Rev Eric Lewis And also... 6HPLQDU /DGLHV¶FRIIHHPRUQLQJ %DUEHFXH For further details of accommodation and of Day Trip from Ireland (Sat 11) Contact: William Harrison, High Barbuchany, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, DG8 6QF Tel. 01671-403632 Email [email protected] March/April 2011 26_bible_ads.indd 1 08/02/2011 16:53:10 The Christian Reader PAUL CROWE is the regional representative of The Faith Mission in Wales. He is a keen reader, and chatted to the editor about his reading habits and preferences. If you select a biography for example, prefer those where the author gives as full a picture as possible of the life of the person he is writing about. That way you will learn how they responded in many different situations and be able to learn from their experience. Paul, in this hi-tech world, when we can download audio books and sermons, watch videos and DVDs, is there still a place for the printed book? Certainly! A printed book will never have a mechanical break down. You can lend a book to someone. The printed book also makes a great gift. It may well be the tool used by God to minister to an individual in their particular situation. And what a real blessing and wonderful encouragement it is for a missionary to receive the gift of a book from someone who has been praying for them. Are there any types of books (even Christian books) that might be better to avoid? I would say, avoid the writings of any authors who repeatedly belittle others who hold different opinions from them. The purpose of a good book is to educate, build up and even to challenge us in our walk with the Lord, not to pull down others. Sadly, there are also Christian authors who write without passion, or without stimulating in the reader any sense of awe or wonder at God. Avoid such books; they would leave you feeling cold and empty or indifferent to the things of God. What criteria should we use to choose the books we read? In choosing a book either for yourself, or as a gift for someone else, choose one which will be edifying. The best ones will stimulate our faith and challenge us in our walk with the Lord. How should we read? What should our attitude and aim be as we read? We should read slowly, with a desire WRJOHDQDVPXFKEHQHÀWVSLULWXDOO\DV possible. We should also seek to read widely. FIRST! 27_28_29_reader_and_30.indd 1 27 01/02/2011 15:15:58 Don’t worry if you don’t agree with everything the writer says. Eat the meat and spit out the bones! We should read continually, particularly if we are in a leadership position. We should read prayerfully, asking the Lord to apply to our heart and life what we read. How can we prevent our reading from being a mere exercise? Are there any SUDFWLFDOZD\VZHFDQEHQHÀWPRUH from our books? Take time to meditate on what you read. Share with others what you have IRXQGWREHDEHQHÀWLQWKHERRN\RX are reading. Recommend the book to others. Take notes. This helps when you want to recall what you have read and where you have read it. What is your view on writing in the margins of your books? This is an excellent idea. When you reYLVLWWKHERRN\RXZLOOÀQGLWKHOSIXOWR recall the sentences which have blessed or challenged. But only write on the margins if the book belongs to you! :KDWÀYH&KULVWLDQERRNVZRXOG\RX suggest for someone who wants to start reading seriously. These are the ones I’d recommend: 28 Practical Religion by J. C. Ryle. The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer. The Making of a man of God by Alan Redpath. Power through Prayer by E. M. Bounds. Gleanings of Highland Harvest by Murdoch Campbell. Are there any others that you would never be without? If I was on a desert island and could take books with me, in addition to the Bible I would add these to the list above: The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes. The Fellowship of a Burning Heart by A. W. Tozer. What are you currently reading? ,XVXDOO\KDYHÀYHERRNVRQWKHJR-XVW now they are: The Art of Divine Contentment by Thomas Watson. Sermons on Romans chapter 8 by Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones 7KHELRJUDSK\RI*HRUJH:KLWHÀHOG by Arnold Dallimore (2 Volumes). Christian Leaders of the18th Century by J.C. Ryle. The Most Holy Place (sermons on the Song of Solomon) by C.H. Spurgeon. Paul, thanks for taking the time to give us a peek into your library! March/April 2011 27_28_29_reader_and_30.indd 2 01/02/2011 15:16:36 Top of my reading list Suggestions from NORMAN LIDDLE, Scottish FM Bookshop manager. 5 books for a Christian who wants to start reading seriously: The reason for God by Timothy Keller The pursuit of holiness by Jerry Bridges The purpose driven life by Rick Warren The good and beautiful life by James Bryan Smith The grace awakening by Charles Swindoll What am I currently reading: The unshakeable truth by Josh and Sean McDowell The church awakening by Charles Swindoll 2 books every home should have: A Study Bible—I would strongly recomment the ESV study Bible. Though it is not my favourite translation, especially for public reading, it is equipped with outstanding study notes. Operation World (2010 Edition)7KLVLVWKHGHÀQLWLYHSUD\HUJXLGHWRHYHU\ nation and it is hard to beat for information leading to intelligent praying. All Norman’s suggested books can be be ordered from any FM Bookshop (see list on inside covers) and online at Called Home Mrs Sheena Urquhart (nee Craig) was converted as a child through the ministry of The Faith Mission; she entered the Bible College for training in 1953, serving in the Mission until 1964. Over the years her love and loyalty to the work never waned. Tom Dunn, Superintendent of Barnard’s Court Mission, Greenock, and with his wife Moira joint-leader of our Greenock PU, will be greatly missed for his interest in and commitment to mission at home and abroad. Miss Catherine (Katie) Cordiner had a long association with the Mission, her late twin Mary having worked with the FM. Their home was open for the Lord’s servants. The Leven PU met in Katie’s home until failing health necessitated her moving into a nursing home. Mike Campbell was a founder member of the Lossiemouth PU which latterly met in his home. He had a kind gentle way, consistently asking after the workers and showing a genuine, prayerful interest in the work. Mike was bright to the end and always enjoyed the uplifting times when the PU met. Mrs Cissie O’Driscoll held the Dunmanway PU in her home for many years. Her daughter Susan is a former FM worker and her grandson James Bovenizer is an FM worker. Cissie’s faithful prayers and interest in the work will be much missed. Mary Monk died at the age of forty-seven. She was devoted to helping in the Fort William Hall, happy just to be in the background. Mary was a woman of prayer, kind and caring. Many lives have been touched through her faithful witness and love for the Lord. Ź [Continued overleaf] FIRST! 27_28_29_reader_and_30.indd 3 29 08/02/2011 15:39:45 Called Home (continued) George Main was a long standing member of Hopeman and Burghead PU and was fully committed to the Lord’s work. He was a capable preacher and had a strong interest in the work of the Mission. His fervent praying will be greatly missed. Katie Campbell was a long standing member of the Harris PU. Her life radiated Christ and visiting her home was always an enriching experience. Katie was a bright witness and godly example in the community Mrs Jessie McArthur of Ahoghill was a very hospitable lady with a sweet spirit. She was a great support to her husband, Willie, a former Pilgrim who managed the old FM bookshop in Edinburgh. Arthur Sykes was a true prayer warrior and supported the work of The Faith Mission for many years. The work in Co Wexford and throughout the South of Ireland will miss his presence and prayerful interest. It was a shock to learn of the homecall of Robert and Jean Reid, within a week of each other. Both were converted in their youth. They joined Cullyvenny PU in 1969, where they faithfully remained. Their influence and example will be greatly missed. Mrs Rita Kennedy was saved during a mission in Cullyvenny Hall, conducted by FM workers in 1939. She is now with the Lord whom she loved and served. The Roe Valley area has lost a respected Christian witness, in the homecall of Mrs Lily Fleming. She was saved at a young age, and was a faithful member of Largy PU for fifty years, which in latter years met in her home. Mrs Kathleen Chambers was a faithful member of Edentrillick PU. Her godly life and quiet witness were a real blessing to many. For quite a number of years, she and her husband Harold were missionaries in Africa. Tommy Ferguson was a faithful prayer warrior, having served for 50 years as Representative of Brookhill PU. In recent years, poor health prevented him attending any meetings, but his loyal support for the Mission will be greatly missed. Willie Thompson was a deeply spiritual man, a good preacher and a wise man of integrity. Converted in 1953, he joined Beragh PU and later Tullyrush PU, where he was a faithful member right up until his recent illness. 30 Alex Johnston was a real man of prayer. He attended conferences and conventions all over Ireland and was a member of Rawe PU, Co Fermanagh. He was killed in a traffic accident and will be greatly missed. Bert Duncan had a concern for his area in Trillick, Co Tyrone. He recently arranged a mission two of our workers conducted in Lakemount. He was a local businessman and will be a great loss to the community. Pam McFarland trusted the Lord implicitly, not only in health, but also in the short illness before her homecall. She gave loyal support to Christian work in the Omagh/Newtonstewart area, and will be remembered as a person who lived for God. Tom Agnew was a very faithful member of Ballee PU since his conversion to Christ over thirty years ago. He had a great passion for souls and although in his nineties still had a clear interest in the work of The Faith Mission. He will be greatly missed. Miss Mary Barkley was a member of Craigs PU for over eighty years. Latterly she was unable to attend due to ill-health. She loved to pray and supported many missionaries. Miss Agnes Hutchinson was a member of Corby PU for over sixty years, latterly as PU Rep. She attended many FM meetings and was also a member of Broughshane PU. Despite age she loved visiting people and distributed forty-five copies of First! Mrs Ruth Evans was a faithful member of Castledawson PU until four years ago when ill health prevented her attending. She is greatly missed. Lowry Stewart was a founder member of Glenavy PU from 1988 and attended faithfully until ill-health prevented him. Mrs Sadie Hall was a member of Gorey PU and attended faithfully while able. She invited many to hear the gospel in the mission hall there and lived consistently for the Lord. Mrs Nan Brown attended the PU and regular meetings in Ballynakelly Mission Hall, Co Tyrone. She lived for the Lord and supported the work of God faithfully. Gilbert McClelland was a faithful member of the Tandragee PU until ill health prevented. He went home to be with the Lord in January. Norman Best took a keen interest in the work of the FM and hosted the Donaghadee PU for many years after his retirement. March/April 2011 27_28_29_reader_and_30.indd 4 01/02/2011 15:08:19 Advertisements Children’s Ministry Free Resources – PowerPoint Bible teaching and review games. Printable visuals. By former FM children’s workers Catherine Slight and Lin Pearson. Download free from Co. Donegal – Christian farmhouse, self catering accommodation available. 10 minutes drive to Rathmullen beach. For further details Tel: 074-9158334 (from UK: 00-35374-9158334). Cornwall – nr. Callington. B&B. Comfortable en-suite accommodation. Convenient for moors, towns, coast or stopover. Tel 01579-384197. Email [email protected] Christian Breaks and Times of Fellowship at the Killyhevlin Hotel in Enniskillen, If interested contact for brochure at 15 East Street Court Newtownards Co. Down N.I. Mobile 07977637282. Properties to let: Florida – Orlando, Private villa to rent. Lake views, private heated pool – select neighbourhood, 20mins from Disney etc. Warm year-round climate – ideal for arthritic conditions winter/summer. Short/long term rentals. Couples special rates. Evangelical church nearby. Northern Ireland – Luxury self-catering apartment – Antrim Coast, panoramic views – quiet location, minutes walk to town, 20 minutes Giant’s Causeway. Spain – Enjoy quiet peaceful ideally located coastal apartment complex (minutes to beach/restaurants). Year round sunny climate perfect for long/short term rentals. Special monthly rates for couples in winter and large families in summer. Public transport available, Christian fellowship nearby, car hire/pickups from airport can be arranged. Contact: Gerald 028-42738559 Yorkshire Dales – Holiday Caravan on farm, also B&B in bungalow. Settle area, for details Tel: Mrs Irene Fawcett on 01729-823949 Adverts Space for advertisements is limited and unfortunately we cannot guarantee inclusion. All communications should be sent to FM Publishing Dept., Govan House, 548 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh EH17 7JD, a minimum of 7 weeks preceding the month of issue. The charge for advertising is 20p per word + VAT minimum £4.70. Enclose SAE for receipt if required. SUBSCRIPTIONS First! is published bi-monthly and costs 75p per copy, plus postage. The annual subscription is: UK £6.30 ; EUROPE (incl. EIRE) £11.22 OTHER OVERSEAS £10.44. All postal payments should be made to The Faith Mission Publishing Department, Edinburgh, to which changes of address or alterations in the number of copies should be QRWL¿HGE\WKHWKRIWKHPRQWKSUHFHGLQJWKHPRQWK of issue. 31_IBC_UK_mar11.indd 1 Locations IRELAND Headquarters and Central District Director - TREVOR & SANDRA MATTHEWS, 62 Glenavy Road, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT28 3UT. (Tel. 028 9262 8286) E-Mail: [email protected] Mission: Andrew McCullough and Tim Condy Auxiliary workers: Trevor & Yvonne Bennett West District - Superintendent - GEORGE & ANDREA CONN, 15 Derry Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone BT78 5DY. (Tel. 028 8224 2286). E-Mail: [email protected] Assistant (part-time): Anne Brown North-West District - In Charge - GARRY & ALISON TUTTY, Sheephill House, 74 Tully Road, Limavady, Co.Londonderry BT49 9HW. (Tel. 028 7776 8871). E-Mail: [email protected] Donegal: Gary McKitterick North District - Superintendent - LESLIE & MABEL BRUSH, 3 Grange Avenue, Ballymena, Co. Antrim BT42 2DX. (Tel. 028 2565 6494). E-Mail: [email protected] Assistant: Ian Booth Border District - Superintendent - PAUL & SHARON ACHESON, ‘Cherith’, 131 Mahon Road, Portadown, Craigavon BT62 3SF. (Tel. and Fax 028-3833 2806). E-Mail: [email protected] Co Cavan: Ronnie & Carey Killops South District - Superintendent - DAVID & MARJORIE BENNETT, ‘Bethany’, Oakvale, Stradbally, Co. Laois, Eire. Tel. 00 353 5786 25288. E-Mail:[email protected] Co Cork: Ben & Heather Mason Midlands: Mervyn & Rachel Tomb Bookshops-General Manager- JOHN MATTHEWS (028 9060 2102) Accounts - Linda Collins (028 9062 4438) Purchasing - Trevor Wilson (028 9060 2102) BELFAST (Queen Street): Mark Conroy (028 90 233733); ARMAGH: Craig Beattie (028 37 527927); BALLYMENA: William White (028 25 649443); BANBRIDGE: Stephen Dundas (028 40 626761); BANGOR: Stephen Dundas (028 91 453222); BELFAST (C’reagh Rd): Jackie Smith (028 90 731779) COOKSTOWN: Iris Farrell (028 86 766569); KILKEEL: Elsie Baird (028 41 764934); LISBURN: Tracy Brown (028 92 665888); LONDONDERRY: Brian Kerr (028 71 345137) LURGAN: Liz Lavery (028 38 325304); MONAGHAN: Elsie Moynan (From UK- 00 353 47 82728, From IR- 047 82728); OMAGH: Dean Mallison (028 82 241334); PORTADOWN: Jim McKee (028 38 334123) PORTADOWN – Clearance Shop: Glenn Yeman THE BIBLE COLLEGE Principal: Vice-Principal: Bursar: Staff Lecturer/Counsellor: Staff Lecturer: Ladies’ Supervisor & Outreach Coordinator: Chef: Secretary: Property Maintenance: Librarian: John Brand Adrian Holdsworth Daniel Chambers June Chambers Heather Holdsworth Jenny Kilpatrick John Frame Alistar Frater Scott Worth Valerie Robertson 07/02/2011 18:38:13 Friday 22 - Tuesday 26 April A weekend of: t Bible Teaching t8PSTIJQGFMMPXTIJQ t$IBMMFOHFFODPVSBHFNFOU t3FOFXFETQJSJUVBMWJTJPO t.JOJTUSZUPBMMBHFT Dr Patrick McElligott Dr Robert Murdock England Canada Dr Harold Peasley Rev Jonathan Currie South Africa N. Ireland For further details contact:The Faith Mission Office, 62 Glenavy Road, LISBURN, BT28 3UT [email protected] or (028) 9262 8286 *UDSKLFE\-XVWLQ6RGHUEHUJ Plan to join us for our Events! ONTARIO /$',(6¶5(75($76 May 27-29 Speaker:0DUWKD'RGGV -XQHSpeaker:7H[7LSSLW B.C. 635,1*%$148(76 0D\.DPORRSV0D\6FRWFK&UHHN 0D\6LFDPRXV0D\9HUQRQ 6(1,25¶65(75($7 -XQ 7+,567,1*)25*2' &RQIHUHQFH June 24-26 Speaker: Dr. Gregory Frizzell )RUGHWDLOVFRQWDFW (PDLOIPFDPSEHOOYLOOH#DROFRP )RUGHWDLOVFRQWDFW (PDLO)P)DONODQG#WHOXVQHW STAFF LOCATIONS HAMILTON - Brenda Thiessen 133 June Street, Hamilton, ON L9A 2S1 Tel: (905) 575 5975 MOUNT FOREST - Glenn & Robin Deane 340 Church Street, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L2 Tel: (519) 323 9400 MONTREAL - Jen Moldovan and Debra Hewitt 202 - 481, Boulevard Perrot, L’Ile Perrot, QC J7V 3H4 Tel: (514) 425 0740 KIRKLAND LAKE - Andrew & Melissa Porter 21 Broadway Avenue, Box K8, King Kirkland, ON P0K 1K0 Tel: (705) 567 2956 COLDSTREAM - Brian & Julieanne Spence 326 Inverness Drive, Coldstream, BC V1B 3W1 Tel: (250) 558 1805 NAPANEE - Jennifer Armitage and Emma Martin 395 Ginger Street, Napanee, ON K7R 3X8 Tel: (613) 354 9882 FALKLAND CENTRE - Stewart and Jill Megaw RR1 C25, Cedar Hill, Falkland, BC V0E 1W0 Tel: (250) 379 2422 ST.THOMAS - Cheryl Mitchell 24 Sifton Drive, St. Thomas, ON. N5R 6C7 Tel: (519) 631 8774 KAMLOOPS: Kevin & Janice Evans 219 Wade Place, Kamloops, BC, V2C 5T2 Tel: (250) 573 4434 CAMPBELLVILLE CENTRE - Bill and Heather Bott 10463, 2nd Line, Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: (905) 854 - 6455 MELFORT: Jeff and Jani Goudy Box 4109, Melfort, SK S0E 1A0 Tel: (306) 752 3103 The FAITH MISSION (in Canada) - Incorporated General Director: John Bennett Secretary: Isabel Bennett +HDG2IÀFH: PO Box 376, Campbellville, Ontario L0P 1B0 Tel: (905) 854 3284 Fax: (905) 854 3827 Email: [email protected] Website: COUNCIL OF REFERENCE5HYV:P&OD\WRQ-DPHV5HHVH'UV*URYHU&URVE\*HUDOG%*ULI¿WKV$3/HH-RKQ 0RRUH7HG5HQGDOO,DQ5HQQLHDQG-:HDWKHUDOO %2$5'0(0%(563$OL-%HOO+%RFN:5+DWFK(+RH\-,OOPDQ'6FRWW04XLJOH\:5REE'5REVRQ 57KRPSVRQ $%28786,QIRUPDWLRQDERXWRXU$LPVDQG3ULQFLSOHV3UD\HU1HZVOHWWHUFRPLQJHYHQWVHWFPD\EHREWDLQHGIURP DQ\$UHD2I¿FHVHHDGGUHVVER[RQWKLVSDJHIRU\RXUQHDUHVW canada_04_mar-apr_2011.indd 1 01/02/2011 19:22:39 COMMUNICATION AMPLIFY YOUR MESSAGE WITH STORY-TELLING THE SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE WAS THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN WON WITH A SIMPLE METAL WASHER? FORGIVENESS I CAN’T FORGIVE MYSELF. HOW CAN I KNOW THAT GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME? SHAPED BY SUFFERING PERSONAL STORIES OF OVERCOMERS 01_FC_UK_mar-apr_2011_2.indd 1 01/02/2011 20:29:47 Canadian farmer plowing—Getty Images/ Some plant, others water… Christ who died on the cross for our VLQVZKLWHVLJQLÀHGWKDWZHFDQEH clean from our sin,through the forAST SEPTEMBER, I had the rare JLYHQHVVRIWKH/RUG-HVXVDQGJUHHQ opportunity of working alongside encourages Christian growth. the Christian community of Elgin All day greeters stood outside the tent County at the International Plowing 0DWFK7KLVLVKHOGIRUÀYHFRQVHFXWLYH LQYLWLQJSHRSOHWRFRPHLQWRKHDUWKH "story of the beads”. So many people days each year at a different location. wanted to come into the tent that As well as horse and tractor plowing sometimes they had to wait in line for competitions there are many exhibits WKHLUWXUQ7ZHOYHWKRXVDQGSHRSOH dealing with machinery and farm life. heard the gospel message. In exchange OUR PURPOSE for a hand-made bracelet or a walking 2XUJRDODQGWKDWRIWKHYROXQVWLFNZHDVNHGIRUVHYHUDOPLQXWHV teers, was to present the gospel to of their time to sit and listen to the thousands of people. I worked under story, which was presented in a nonthe auspices of the Fellowship of confrontational way. The people were Christian Farmers International. This DEOHWRGHFLGHIRUWKHPVHOYHVKRZIDU group is made up of dedicated farmers ZKRKDYHDEXUGHQWRUHDFKWKHORVWLQ they wanted to go. RESPONSES the farming community. In their tent Some found us amusing and a small at the Match, trained presenters told QXPEHUZHUHYHU\XSVHWDQGOHIW7KH WKHJRVSHOVWRU\E\XVLQJÀYHFRORXUHG EHDGV7KHJROGVWRRGIRUKHDYHQEODFN PDMRULW\RISHRSOHZHUHYHU\FRXUWHRXV Ź Continued on inside back cover for sin, red represented the blood of By Cheryl Mitchell, S.W. Ontario L canada02_03_march11.indd 1 01/02/2011 17:17:44 [Continued from page 2] ZHUHGHÀQLWHO\QRW&KULVWLDQV$WWKH HQGKHXQDVKDPHGO\SUD\HGULJKW LQIURQWRIWKHPHQWRDVN&KULVWWR forgive and save him. :KHQ,ÀQLVKHGWDONLQJDERXWWKHUHG EHDGWRDFRXSOHWKHZLIHFXUWO\VDLG “We know this story. We go to the FKXUFKHYHU\ZHHNµ,UHSOLHG´%XW do you know the rest of the story?” The husband never said a word but continued to listen. At the end he chose WRSUD\WKHSUD\HURIIDLWKPXFKWRKLV ZLIH·VFKDJULQ WAS IT TOO EASY? ,KDGP\FRQFHUQVDWWLPHVUHJDUGLQJ ´HDV\EHOLHYHLVPµEXWWKH/RUG reminded me that someone may have SODQWHGWKHVHHGSHUKDSV\HDUVDJRLQ D6XQGD\6FKRROFODVVDQGRWKHUVKDG watered the seed from time to time. 1RZLWZDV*RG·VWLPHIRUUHDSLQJWKH PEOPLE HELPED KDUYHVW:HGRQ·WNQRZZKDWWKHÀQDO I found several anxious about their UHVXOWVDUHDQGZHOHDYHLWLQ*RG·V spiritual condition. hands. It is like the farmer who scatters Two separate senior gentlemen asked the seed and hopes and prays it falls on me questions about eternity. One said good ground. WRPH´,SUD\DQGJRWRFKXUFKHYHU\ $WWLPHV,VWRSSHGDQGZDWFKHGWKH ZHHNEXW,DPQRWVXUHµ,WZDVFOHDU crowds and thought to myself that he was involved in church rituals and WKH\DUHVXFK´QLFHSHRSOHµEXWWKH yet had no personal relationship with majority of them are on their way &KULVW$WWKHHQGKHSUD\HGWRUHFHLYH to a lost eternity. They would never &KULVWDQGVRGLGWKHRWKHUPDQ JRWRDFKXUFKEXW*RGJDYHXVWKH $PLGGOHDJHGZRPDQSUD\HGWR RSSRUWXQLW\WROHDYHRXUFRPIRUW]RQHV receive the Saviour. She told me her to tell them the Good News right where IDWKHUKDGEHHQDGHGLFDWHG&KULVWLDQ they are. EXWKHKDGUHFHQWO\GLHG6KHVDLG´, know if I were to die I would never see The Lord continues to help CHERYL in her my father again." She had walked away pioneering efforts and has provided open doors to bring the gospel into the rural IURPKHUIDWKHU·VIDLWKPDQ\\HDUVDJR communities in South-Western Ontario. and I am sure he had prayed much for The Fellowship of Christian Farmers her. International have part of their website ,ZDVDOVRDPD]HGDWWKHFRXUDJHRI devoted to their work in Canada among the VRPH$VHYHQWHHQ\HDUROGER\VDW agricultural community. You can visit it at ZZZIF¿RUJFDQDGD EHWZHHQKLVIDWKHUDQGXQFOHZKR and listened intently. At the end of the presentation we would ask. “If you were to die tonight are you 100% sure you would go to heaven?” True believers immediately answered in the DIÀUPDWLYHEXWQRQ&KULVWLDQVJDYH WKHXVXDODQVZHUVVXFKDV´1RSH 0D\EH,KRSHVR'RQ·WNQRZ DQG,·PVXUHEXWQRRQHFDQ completely certain.” Many were facing this question for WKHÀUVWWLPHDQG,DSSUHFLDWHGWKHLU honesty. Most knew a little about *RGVLQDQG-HVXV ELUWKGHDWKDQG UHVXUUHFWLRQ0DQ\WKRXJKGLGQRW know “the rest of the story”—that they QHHGHGWRDVNWKH/RUG-HVXVWRIRUJLYH WKHPUHFRJQL]LQJWKDWKHKDGSDLGWKH penalty for their sins. canada02_03_march11.indd 2 08/02/2011 15:42:07