Family Health Team Coming To HRRH!
Family Health Team Coming To HRRH!
Humber September 2010 Volume 4 Number 8 Monthly A publication for HRRH Staff, Physicians and Volunteers Family Health Team Coming To HRRH! HRRH Family Health Team (FHT) Committee: from left to right: Janice Wood, Dr. Art Kushner, Barbara Willitts and Scott Jarrett.To read more about our FHT see Rueben’s Message on Page 8. Humber River Regional Hospital What’s Inside... DELLving into Redevelopment In August, members of our Redevelopment Team travelled to the DELL company headquarters in Austin, Texas. Page 2 Accreditation 2010 The dates for our 2010 Accreditation survey have changed. See Page 3 for the revised dates and to learn about our Accreditation Patient Safety initiatives. Saving with Steamplicity Since the launch of Steamplicity in 2009, the food service is pleasing patients and reducing our carbon footprint. See more on Page 5. Foundation News Women’s Health and Wellness Day is fast approaching. See Page 6 for the details, including the event’s new time. Humber River Leading Anti-Stigma Awareness In August, Dr. George Awad (second from left) participated in a national film production with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. More on page 2. Humber River Regional Hospital Humber River Leading Campaign to Combat Stigma Across Canada Dr. George Awad, HRRH Chief of Psychiatry, discusses Humber River’s anti-stigma initiatives with Romie Christie from the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Congratulations to our Mental Health and Addictions Team for launching a one-of-a-kind campaign that increases awareness about the stigma surrounding mental illness. This launch is especially significant as it was followed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC) announcement about their commitment to a 10 year anti-stigma initiative. 2009 Mental Health Clinical Day with its theme: “Stigma of Mental Illness – Combating the Enemy Among Us.” The event was a huge success and featured well-known speakers on anti-stigma from across Canada, including Dr. Heather Stuart, an international expert on anti-stigma and a professor in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Queen’s University. Background: During the summer of 2007, while in Berlin as a member of the International Advisory Board for the German Centres of Excellence in Schizophrenia Research, Dr. George Awad, HRRH Chief of Psychiatry, realized the need for an anti-stigma campaign in Canada. Last month, after seeing Dr. Awad’s work in this area, the MHCC approached him to participate in a national film production on how stigma presents itself in society, in particular in the health care system. The film will be released in October and used as a component of an MHCC education program that targets health care professionals across the country. By the summer of 2009, our Mental Health and Addictions Team had implemented an energetic anti-stigma campaign at our hospital and had begun educating our staff, physicians and volunteers about the stigma surrounding mental illness. It was this campaign that formed the basis for Humber River’s Dr. Awad and his team are proud to be leading a campaign that is helping to change the face of mental health and addictions programs across Canada. Stay tuned this Fall for more information on Humber River’s anti-stigma campaign and how you can get involved. Stigma is a barrier for care. Stigma, prejudice and discrimination are closely related. Prejucide stems from ignorance or unwillingness to find the truth. The belief that patients with mental illness are violent and dangerous has been proven to be a misconception. Abuses of human and cival rights and denial of legal entitlement can often be traced to stigmatizing attitudes. Ignorance, prejudice and negative public attitudes towards people with mental illness lead to a cycle of alienation and disadvantage. Discrimination leads to social distancing and exclusion. The stigma of severe mental illness exacerbates the patient burden of the illness and chronic social impairment. Fear of stigma often delays seeking help to avoid labelling and discrimination. Negative public attitudes towards people with mental illness complicates the establishment of community mental health services. Medical and psychiatric professionals are not immune to stigmatizing behaviour. Stigma is a barrier for care. Stigma, prejudice and discrimination are closely related. Prejucide stems from ignorance or unwillingness to find nd the tru truth. uth. TThe he b belief elief that pa patients with mental illness are violent nt and an nd dangerous dangerous has has been been proven to be a misconception. Abuses busses of human and ci cival ival rights r and denial of legal entitlement me ent can often be traced tracced to stigmatizing attitudes. Ignorance, ce, prejudice and negative public pu attitudes towards people with mental mental illness lead to a cycle cyclle of alienation and crimination leads to social sociia distancing and disadvantage. Discrimination exclusion. The stigma gm ma of severe mental illness illn ness exacerbates the patient tiient burden burden off the th he illness illness and chronic chron nic social so all impairment. impairme Fear arr of of stigma stigma often ften delays delays seeking seekking help help to avoid void labelling labelli and d discrimination. diiscriimiinat n Negative public pub blic attitudes towards tow d people l with i LEARN THE FACTS KNOW THE TRUTH END MENTAL HEALTH STIGMA STIGMA Look for HRRH anti-stigma awareness materials like this one throughout our organization. Redevelopment News HRRH Visits DELL Our New Home Soon our vision will become reality as we design and build Ontario’s first digital hospital. It will be the most environmentally-friendly building of its size in Canada and will be equipped with the latest technology possible. Stay tuned for regular updates on our redevelopment, here in Humber Monthly and on our website. Remember: for the latest news, highlights, facts and stories about the redevelopment project, read Barb’s Blog at: barbblog.asp As always if you want to get in touch, call or write to: [email protected] (416) 249-8111 ext. 2755 An important part of Humber River’s redevelopment project is looking at leading healthcare facilities around the world for best practices we can learn from and improve upon. As part of that process you’ve read in previous newsletters and on Barb’s Blog: ( about members of our redevelopment teams visiting global healthcare leaders like the University of Oslo Hospital in Norway and the Hill-Rom headquarters in Batesville, Indiana. From lean and green to the latest in digital technology, we have gained knowledge from some of the most reputable healthcare teams around the globe. In August, Rueben Devlin, our President & CEO; Barb Collins, HRRH Chief Operating Officer; and Peter Wegener, our Chief Information Officer, travelled to the DELL main headquarters in Austin, Texas. DELL is recognized as one of the leaders in technology, its future applications and its role in healthcare service delivery. The purpose of this trip was to meet with DELL senior executives, exploring their vision for the future for healthcare and healthcare technology. During the two-day trip, our HRRH contingent toured the DELL Global Command Centre and gained insight into electronic medical records management and intelligent data management. One of the many highlights of the trip was a visit to the DELL Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas. This tour helped our team gain an even greater appreciation of the possibilities digital technology could play in our new hospital as we prepare to build Ontario’s first digital hospital. Dr. Berger Anthony DiCaita Medical Director of Physician Education A warm welcome to Anthony DiCaita, Humber River’s new Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer. At the beginning of September, Dr. Sam Berger was appointed as the Interim Medical Director of Physician Education at Humber River. Dr. Berger, an Oncologist and Haematologist, is a long-serving and dedicated HRRH physician who has been actively committed to physician education for many years. He is also the inaugural chair of the Physician Education Committee and the Chair of the Physician Information Technology Committee. Humber River is grateful for Dr. Berger’s strong leadership and level of commitment to our hospital. His support was a key component when the hospital signed the Affiliation Agreement with the University of Toronto. Dr. Berger has been at Humber River since joining our hospital in 1973. He has held many leadership roles in the organization, including Chief of Medicine and Head of Oncology & Medical Director of Chemotherapy. Congratulations and best of luck in your new role, Dr. Berger! Before joining Humber River, Anthony was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer with the Chatham-Kent Healthcare Alliance, where he initiated the hospital’s Emergency Department Process Improvement Project and led redevelopment efforts for the hospital’s facilities in Chatham and Wallaceburg. He has worked in healthcare for over 20 years and brings a high level of expertise and diverse experience to HRRH. Previously Anthony also held positions at York Central Hospital (Vice President), Toronto Grace Hospital (Vice-President), and Women’s College Hospital (Chief Financial Officer). In 2008, he worked in Cairo, Egypt where he was the Project Director, recruited to develop start-up operations for the largest children’s cancer hospital in Africa. Anthony was born and raised in the Humber River community and holds a Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Administration. He is a Certified Management Accountant and a Certified Health Executive. Anthony, best of luck in your new role! Accreditation 2010 Dates for Accreditation 2010 changed! Accreditation Canada has changed the dates for our 2010 survey. The Accreditation Surveyors will now be at Humber River from Monday, November 29 through Thursday, December 2. Look for posters like these around the organization or on iHumber to help be prepared for Accreditation later this year. http://cweb02/intranet/accreditation Humber River Regional Hospital In the Spotlight - Jennifer Duteau Dr. Barkin In May, Dr. Jack Barkin was honoured with the award for Best Symposia at Toronto’s Primary Care Today Education Conference and Medical Exposition. During the conference, Dr. Barkin delivered a talk on prostate disease and the use of combination medical therapy. His presentation included a progressive patient case that helped to identify actions required for primary care physicians regarding the treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH). Dr. Barkin’s session explored the diagnosis, management and problem solving of participating physicians by reviewing this progressive case study. Dr. Barkin was chosen to receive this award from a group of over 150 presentations that took place during the annual two-day conference at the International Centre. The conference targets family physicians and is organized by the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Congratulations Dr. Barkin! Congratulations to Jennifer Duteau, HRRH Clinical Practice Leader in Nephrology, for publishing an article in the Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technologists (CANNT) Journal last Spring. The article, entitled “Understanding the Lived Experience of Loss and Grieving in Persons with End Stage Renal Disease: A Human Becoming Approach” is Jennifer’s first publication and appears in the Journal’s April-June 2010 issue. Jennifer is currently completing her Master of Science in Nursing degree from York University and was inspired by her professor and nurses in her field to submit the paper for publication. “My passion for nursing practice is based in Rosemarie Parse’s Human Becoming Theory. The human science philosophy of nursing draws upon multiple nursing theoretical perspectives that are consistent with the human sciences. Human science focuses on the human experience and the meanings, patterns and themes that emerge in human living. Rosemarie Parse is one of a few human science nursing theorists who have changed nursing practice from a process driven theoretical base to one of humanity.” Jennifer Duteau Occupational Health and Safety Check-in The PREVENTION of VIOLENCE AND HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE POLICY (ADM.268.1) pertains to all hospital staff, physicians, volunteers, students, contractors/suppliers in the workplace. The policy was created in conjunction with brand new legislation by the Ontario Government; Bill 168 amends the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Within the policy there are four types of workplace violence: • Type 1: (Criminal intent) Perpetrator has no relationship to the workplace • Type 2: (Patient or Customer) A patient, visitor or family member of a patient at the workplace becomes violent toward a worker or another patient • Type 3: (Worker to Worker) Perpetrator is an employee or past employee of the workplace • Type 4: (Personal Relationship) Perpetrator has a relationship with an employee e.g. domestic violence Assessment Humber River’s Occupational Health and Safety and Security Services Departments have been involved in tracking patient actions, outside threats and staff incidents within the hospital for many years. The Violence Free Workplace Committee has organized task groups to assess and examine all potential violent scenarios in the hospital. New Training Be Safe Humber River recognizes that all employees are busy in their day-to-day functions and with this in mind the hospital has taken previous training modules – such as Respect and Dignity in the Workplace and the Domestic Violence training – and developed an overall training program on Prevention of Violence and Harassment in the Workplace. Please visit LIME and complete the required course before December 31, 2010. Currently Crisis Prevention and Intervention (CPI) training has been established for our high risk units. If you have any questions about violence or harassment or related training in this area at Humber River please feel free to contact Human Resources or Occupational Health and Safety for more information. Smart Commute Humber River Regional Hospital together with Smart Commute recently launched their online commuter ride-matching program: Carpool Zone. As noted by the Canadian Automobile Association, owning and operating a car costs approximately $9,000 per year. Carpooling cuts these operating costs by 50% to 75% by sharing fuel and parking expenses but it also helps to improve air quality by reducing the number of vehicles on our busy roads! Carpooling may also reduce your total commuting time if you’re able to use the designated carpool lane as well! Carpool Zone uses precise technology to look for commuters as close to your home and work address as possible. Search options let you decide how flexible you are in distance, driving times, and other preferences. You can also add various preferences to assist your search for the right carpool. These include: • Will you share driving? • Smoking or non-smoking? • Top 40 or classical music? • Will your carpool be co-ed? Registering is easy and only takes a few moments. HHRH Carpool Zone is provided for free year-round to employees to use at their convenience – why not give it a try? Go to and select Humber River Regional Hospital as your employer to sign up! Congratulations to Wai Fong Lee, HRRH Pharmacist (right), for winning the Raleigh Mountain bike in June’s Clean Air Commute contest. The contest was part of our Traffic Demand Management initiative, led by Mike Orrico (left), Director of Security, Emergency Preparedness and Traffic Demand Management, that began in May. Green news Saving with Steamplicity Steamplicity: Pleasing Patients and Helping Humber River ‘Go Green’ Thanks to the fresh and tasty restaurant-style Steamplicity menu – launched in 2009 – our patients are enjoying more diverse food choices, and helping us to save over 41 tonnes of food waste each year. Steamplicity meals are steam-cooked and made to order; therefore, food is fresh and nutritious. We are also saving electricity, natural gas and reducing our water consumption. We are using less environmentally taxing equipment and there is a reduction in on-site cooking and less food waste because meals are being prepared upon the receipt of orders. Using Steamplicity is helping our patients and helping Humber River to reduce our carbon footprint. Members of our Food Services Department (from left to right): Cynthia Friesen, Viebe Muratovski, Sara Baker and Lina Casciaro. HRRH Steamplicity Environmental Fast Facts Electricity (kWh) Natural Gas (m3) • The average Canadian consumes an estimated 16,279.411 kilowatts each year • Humber River’s estimated annual electricity savings resulting from the implementation of Steamplicity approximately represents the annual consumption of almost 13 Canadians • The average Canadian household consumed 2,675m3 of natural gas in 2008 • Humber River’s estimated annual natural gas savings resulting from the implementation of Steamplicity is approximately 23 per cent of the annual consumption of the average Canadian household in 2008 Water (m3) Food Waste (tonnes) • An Olympic-sized swimming pool can hold 2500m3 of water • Humber River’s estimated annual water savings resulting from the implementation of Steamplicity is approximately 60 per cent of an Olympic-sized pool • The male African elephant can weigh up to 15,000 pounds (6,800 kg) • Humber River’s estimated annual food waste savings resulting from the implementation of Steamplicity is approximately the weight of six male African elephants Humber River Regional Hospital AWESOME! On August 23, golfers from our community and beyond put their best swing forward for the AWESOME Invitational Golf Tournament in support of our Foundation. Over 120 golfers enjoyed a glorious day at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club to raise money for our new hospital. Under the leadership of event chair Frank Ciccolini Jr. and the entire AWESOME committee, this year's tournament offered golfers a one-of-a-kind golfing experience, including a personal caddy per foursome; an exquisite dinner with expertly paired wines; many fun activities and delicious refreshments on the course to complement a great day of golf. The foursome from Holcim Canada, the Really, Really, AWESOME Sponsor, enjoys a beautiful day at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club. During the post-golf dinner, Dr. Bill Francis (aka “Dr. Awesome”), honourary patron of the Tournament, and Frank Ciccolini Jr., awarded the famous pink jacket to long-time Humber River supporter and former Foundation board member, Rossana DiZio Magnotta. Special thanks to all the golfers and sponsors who made this year’s AWESOME tournament such a success, including the Really, Really AWESOME Sponsors - TD Commercial Banking and Holcim Canada. AWESOME golfers are already anticipating next year’s event at the Bayview Golf and Country Club. Stay tuned for all the details! Rossana DiZio Magnotta (centre) poses with some past recipients of the famous AWESOME pink jacket. From left to right: Eddy Battiston, Chair, Humber River Regional Hospital Foundation; Frank Ciccolini Jr., Bob Gough, Rossana DiZio Magnotta, Dr. Bill Francis, Frank Fazzari and Tony Hooper. The Hullmark team, a Really AWESOME Sponsor, enjoys a great day on the golf course. Frank Ciccolini Jr., Chair of the AWESOME Golf Tournament, takes a swing. Compliments to Staff & Physicians Rueben Devlin, M.D. President & CEO Humber River Regional Hospital At Humber River we are committed to patient and family-centred care, and that begins with primary care. Many of our patients do not have a family physician and rely on walk-in clinics and emergency rooms for treatment. These patients suffer from complex care issues requiring a comprehensive care approach. That's why the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care's approval for us to develop a Family Health Team (FHT) is great news for our hospital and another way we can address health issues in our community. Welcome Aboard! AUGUST Rueben’s Message... Our new FHT will help to provide those patients with coordinated family health services and complement care that is already taking place in our community, helping to reduce emergency patient load and wait times, and improving public health in general. In addition to physicians, nurses and allied health resources, our FHT will provide many key patient care services, including support groups for various illnesses run by behavioural-trained therapists; assessments, when necessary, by mental health and addictions service workers who will meet the needs of episodic care; integrated cancer screening and chronic disease prevention and management, with a focus on diabetes. Our hospital serves a diverse population and having a FHT will help us to further meet the care needs of our various communities in the same way we've successfully done so through other specialized clinics at Humber River. Bringing care to our community and providing our patients and their families with quality care and service is a priority for us. Our Asthma and Allergy Clinic and Paediatric Outpatient and Neo-natal Follow up Clinics are strong examples of how we're assessing the needs of specific groups in our community and delivering appropriate quality care efficiently. Farhana Akthar, Omobola Anavhe, Anna Augurusa, Justin Ballantyne, Phyllis Barbieri, Maria Isabel Carmona, Preetha Cherian, Esther Chung, Zara Clarke, Lori D'Amore, Anthony Di Caita, Veronica Fitzgerald, Natoya Forsythe, Courtney Fraser, Fran Gilmor, Leigh Guertin, Binimol Joshy, Sybil Leslie, Anna Lim, Brian Nelligan, Omisola Olubunmi, Erin Pellar, Donald Quinney, Andrea Rennie-Taverner, Faiza Shamji, Sandra Vo, Jason Willert Humber River extends warm wishes to our new employees who participated in the August 9th and 10th Orientation Program. We wish you lots of success and happiness in your new careers! Green News The planning process for our FHT is starting and our Team leaders in this area have been working hard to organize this project. As we prepare to have our Team in place in the next several months, I know we can count on your support. In so many ways, you help to make Humber River a safe, caring and friendly place to receive quality care. Let's continue to work together to improve the health of our patients, their families and our community. Rueben Editor’s Note Humber River is all about great people doing great things. In August, it was an honour for me to watch as Dr. George Awad was interviewed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada for a national video production about the stigma of mental illness. In our Nephrology Department, I was amazed at Jennifer Duteau’s passion for nursing and how her inspiration from Rosemarie Parse and the Human Becoming Theory led to Jennifer publishing her first paper in the CANNT Journal last Spring. From Mental Health and Addictions to Nephrology to so many more relevant and remarkable stories you will read in this issue of Humber Monthly; thank you Humber River for sharing your stories with all of us. Sarah Quadri Magnotta Humber Monthly is dedicated to providing staff, physicians and volunteers with news about Humber River Regional Hospital, its people, services and programs. For more information, visit us online: At the end of July, Brad Achtenberg (left) HRRH Director of Engineering and Maintenance Services accepted a cheque on behalf of our hospital and the HRRH Green Committee for over $41,000 from Catlin Matei (right), Energy Consultant with Enbridge Gas Distribution Incorporated. The cheque was awarded to HRRH for our Steam Insulation Jacket project. Currently, we save almost $150,000 per year in gas savings with this project. Upcoming events @ HRRH September 27 to October 8 October 4&5 All sites Keele Auditorium Patient Safety Culture Survey Editorial Committee: Sarah Quadri Magnotta Leon Rakopoulos Andrew Aggerholm New Staff Orientation November 29 to December 2 Accreditation Survey All sites We welcome your input. Feel free to get in touch! [email protected] (416) 249-8111 ext. 4531 [email protected] (416) 249-8111 ext. 4624 [email protected] (416) 249-8111 ext. 8221 Humber River Regional Hospital Church Street Site 200 Church Street Weston, ON M9N 1N8
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