Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - St Dominic`s Catholic Church
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - St Dominic`s Catholic Church
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 Intentions for the Week Mon 7/20 7:00AM †Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Cardozo & Family 8:15AM †Felicisima Arreola Tues 7/21 7:00AM Christine Trias & Family (T) 8:15AM †Mr. & Mrs, Manual Xavier & Madelena Wed 7/22 7:00AM Living & Deceased members of the Lobo Family (T) 8:15AM †Claudio Renato Miraflor Thur 7/23 7:00AM Residents of Angel Care Home (H) 8:15AM †James Jenkins (B) Fri 7/24 7:00AM †Consuelo Grepa & Bela Lobo 8:15AM Sofia Lavdiotis (H) Sat 7/25 8:15AM Christine Block (H) 5:30PM †Mary Pedemonte Sun 7/26 7:30AM For the Intentions of the devotees of the St. Jude Shrine 9:00AM For the People of the Parish 11:00AM Bettencourt Family (T) 12:30PM †Socorro Perez-Hernandez 5:30PM †Froilan Negro Legend: († ) Memorial (H) Health (A) Anniversary (B) Birthday (T) Thanksgiving Dominicans Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P. Pastor Fr. Corwin Low, O.P. Parochial Vicar Fr. Victor Cavalli, O.P. (In Residence) Fr. David Farrugia, O.P. (In Residence) Deacon John Flanagan (Retired) Schedule of Masses Weekdays: Saturday: Saturday: Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:15AM 8:15AM only Vigil Mass 5:30PM 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 12:30PM(English/Spanish), 5:30PM (Youth) 1st Sunday of Month: 3PM (Vietnamese Mass) Last Saturday of the Month: 8AM (Special Needs Family Mass) with fellowship in the parish hall to follow. Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00-5:00PM in the church or by appointment. St. Dominic’s Catholic Church 475 East I Street - Benicia, CA 94510 (707) 747-7220 @STDOMBENICIA Announcements This Week’s Readings: On this Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time we read from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah that God himself will shepherd his people and that a descendant of David will rule with wisdom and justice. Mark's Gospel paints a picture of Jesus trying to gather together his disciples for a rest but the people kept coming to them: “his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.” Diocesan Mission News: Thank you to all of your parishioners that generously supported Fr. Joseph last week. We raised Over $9400 for the Church’s Mission in Ghana and we are still receiving donations. SVdP Food Pantry SVDP Food Pantry Needs Please help stock our pantry. We are always in need of peanut butter, jelly, Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, pasta mixes, cereal, mayonnaise, and tuna. Also food coupons. Thank You! If you are in need of food or assistance with rent, temporary living arrangements and/or utilities, please call the SVdP Food Pantry at 707-746-1773 and leave a message. God Bless Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, RCIA, is a program for people interested in exploring and possibly joining the Catholic Church. Adults wishing to enter the Catholic Church typically receive the sacraments of Baptism (unless baptized in another Christian faith), Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist at Easter. Our new program has started. Feel free to join in at any time. All are welcome! RCIA meets every Tuesday evening at 7PM in the Siena Room. It is not necessary to sign up. Please contact Sally at 707-731-7933 for more information. UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Returning Catechist Meeting Mary Magdalene Room July 22nd, 7PM Special Needs Family Mass Fellowship in the Hall to Follow July 25th, 8AM RCIA Inquiry Meeting Mary Magdalene Room July 29th, 7PM RiverCats Game (AAA Baseball) Faith and Family Night in Sacramento July 31st, 7PM Retreat for College Bound Students Morello Retreat Center Aug 7-8th Returning Catechist Meeting Mary Magdalene Room Aug 7th, 7PM Cemetery Mass Hillcrest Ave. Aug 8th, 9:30AM Feast of St. Dominic Mass Aug 8th, 8:15AM Hospitality in Courtyard After Mass with Dominican Laity Mass on the Grass Benicia Community Park Aug 9th, 10AM Kids Choir & Catholic Camp Aug 10-14th Here at St. Dominic’s, Registration Open RCIA Inquiry Meeting Mary Magdalene Room Aug 12th, 7PM Movie Night in the Parish Hall Bella, (PG-13) Aug 14th, 7PM First Day of School at SDS All School Mass Aug 20th 9:15AM in Church Family Movie Night in the Parish Hall Aug 28th, 7PM The Mighty Macs (G) See details for these events and more in bulletin and online. Next Week’s Readings 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I: Jer 23:1-6 Reading II: Eph 2:13-18 Gospel: Mk 6:30-34 To easily reference alternative and upcoming Sunday Readings, visit: Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus proudly introduce our new Officers for the 2015-2016 Calendar Year KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FR. VILLAROSSA COUNCIL 7268 GRAND KNIGHT DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT FINANCIAL SECRETARY CHANCELLOR RECORDER TREASURER WARDEN ADVOCATE INSIDE GUARD OUTSIDE GUARD TRUSTEE 1ST YR TRUSTEE 2ND YR TRUSTEE 3RD YR CHAPLAIN LECTURER SK. PATRICK FITZGERALD SK. MICHAEL JACOBS SK. CORY STANHOPE SK. MARC ROSE MIKE SCAFANI JIM GUINASSO BOB MORLEY SK. ED MURPHY JOHN KELLY TONY MASKELL JOE THURIN SK. TIM WADE SK. JAMES GILLUM FR. DAVID FARRUGIA, O.P. SK. STEVE NARATIL If you’d like to learn more about membership in the Knights of Columbus or our service in the community contact: Pat Fitzgerald at 707-853-1978 or email [email protected] Find us downtown at the Peddler’s Fair next Month! Nothing says summer like the Benicia Peddler's Fair, Saturday August 8th. And nothing says Peddler's Faire like our own Knights of Columbus peddling fresh hot kettle corn, sodas and goodies. So come on down, get a fresh bag of the Knights kettle corn then stroll the Faire. Don't forget to buy an extra bag to take home too! Weekly Reflection These weekly guides offer us an opportunity to practice being “contemplatives in action.” For us busy people, it is possible to pray - “to lift our minds and hearts to God” in the midst of our everyday, active lives. Prayer is really about our relationship with the Lord, a relationship that is always a gift of the Holy Spirit. That relationship can stay alive, and grow in its intimacy, to the degree we can let the daily events, responsibilities and relationships of our lives become a part of our relationship with our Lord. All it takes is a little focus and some practice. Every morning this week, we can begin our day with a brief conversation with our Lord that expresses a desire that comes from within us and is shaped by the scriptures this week. We might say, “O Lord, help me trust your presence in what you call me to do today, letting me remember how tiny seeds grow.” I may pray: “Dear Lord, thank you for this day. Let me trust your care for me. Let me not be afraid or grumble, but fill me with the nourishment of your presence today.” Or we might ask, “Lord, let me do your will today, and experience the closeness you offer me as I do so.” Perhaps, we can pray, “Thank you, Lord, for the gift of my children. Help me to trust that even though not everything I say or do will seem to work, you will take care of them and allow my efforts to be fruitful.” Throughout each day, we can repeat and refine these desires and prayers in our hearts. Each thing we do, each person we relate to, each request that is made of us will help us say this or that expression of gratitude or request for grace. The practice comes in having this ongoing conversation and connection with our Lord in the background of our day - in the brief in between times: in the shower, while getting dressed, on the way to work, while walking to a meeting, during a meeting, while shopping, as we transition from any part of our day to the next. It all comes together as we take a brief bit of time at night, before we go to bed, to say thanks for the graces we have received, for the opportunity to feel connected and know that we are not alone throughout the day. Sometimes, we'll ask the same thing for several days. At times, we'll notice a pattern in what we are asking for and what we experience ourselves as receiving. In this very simple way, with just a little focus and practice, we will find a pearl of great value - a growing relationship with our Lord that transforms our spirits in the midst of our busy lives. Taken from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer" on the Creighton University's Online Ministries web site: Used with permission. Confirmation & College Bound Kids We are very excited about our new online tool that lets you update your family’s records and ministry service preferences on the web! It’s called My Own Church and it’s available now. It’s convenient. It’s secure. And it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Here are a few things we think you’re going to love about My Own Church: Accurate records! Whether we’re preparing sacramental certificates or getting in touch by phone, mail, or email, having up-to-date information, with properly spelled names for all your family members, helps us serve you better. Fewer forms! My Own Church integrates with the other systems we use, so you’ll only have to update your information in one place. Ministry preferences and schedule! If you serve in ministries, or would like to do so, you can let us know when and where you want to serve, and we’ll schedule you accordingly. (available in Fall of 2016) Giving history! View your family giving history anytime you like – no need to ask for a statement. It’s all right at your fingertips, but behind a secure login. Online registration! When it’s time to register for religious education classes, you’ll be able to fill out and submit the form online. (Confirmation available in 2015. RE available in 2016!) Online pictorial directory! Get in touch with other church families, and let them get in touch with you. You’ll be able to choose whether you want your photo (or other information) to be visible to other members who’ve logged in, or you can keep some information private and available only to church administrators. With your updated information, we’ll be able to contact you when we need to so you don’t miss anything important. Just visit sacramento/, click the New User? button, and create an account. Once we authorize your account, log in to update names, phone numbers, addresses, emails, and upload photos. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 707-747-7220. YR II Confirmation 2015-2016 YR II Confirmation will begin with a parent/teen orientation meeting in September. Information about YR II Teen Registration can be found on the Parish website at: Go to the Faith Formation tab and then the Confirmation tab. The YR II Registration information can be found under the heading, “Teen Confirmation Registration Instructions for the 20152016 School Year.” YR I Confirmation 2015-2016 Teens who have been baptized and who will be in the 8th grade or older in the fall of 2015 are invited to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. To register, please go to the Parish website at Go to the Faith Formation tab, then the Confirmation tab. The YR I Registration information can be found under the heading, “Teen Confirmation Registration Instructions for the 2015-2016 School Year.” Retreat for College Bound Students: Now that you’re admitted to college, and an exciting world of educational opportunities awaits you, how can you best navigate the course? Where can you find support, strength, friendship, and direction? The answer lies in your faith. Soon the responsibility of being a “guardian of the faith” will be yours. Nurture it, treasure it, and carry Christ with you to college! You are invited to participate in a college bound retreat offered through Marello Youth Retreat Center. Ideal for newly-accepted college students or transfer students moving away from home for the first time. It will provide an opportunity to explore the faith resources at your fingertips. It is a gift to yourself that will endure throughout your life. Retreat Details: August 7-8, 2015 at the Marello Youth Retreat Center 6530 Wells Ave. Loomis, CA 95650 (916) 652-6155 Retreat Application required. RSVP deadline is July 31, 2015. $45 per person. Includes Friday night BBQ with peers heading to college, a Saturday breakfast, and a light lunch before departure. Questions: Please contact Lisa Toomey at 335-4697 or by email at [email protected] Join us for our next RCIA Inquiry session July 29th, 7PM In the Mary Magdalene Room of the Ministry Center Interested in Becoming Catholic? As people journey through life, eventually they long for something more meaningful and a greater sense of purpose. Many times you are searching for a faith community. We’d love for you to be at home in our Church. RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This journey of inquiring, learning and becoming Catholic will lead you to full communion in the Catholic Church. We have a inquiry sessions during the summer months. If you, or someone you know, is questioning becoming Catholic we would love to invite them to join us. Contact our RCIA team today! Call RCIA Program Leader Shannon Carter 707-980-1296 or email [email protected] for more information. LifeTouch Portraits LifeTouch is back this summer to photograph ALL of our parish families for a new Photo Directory Book. Rosary Confraternity You are invited to join in the mission of the Dominican Order by joining the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. We had over 100 families participate in our July sessions but there are many more to photograph. Each household receives a FREE 8X10 portrait and a hard copy of our Parish Directory. Please select a date and time during the following sessions: Tues-Sat, August 18-22nd or October 6-11th Make your appointment online or call or visit the parish office. Go to our website, click on the banner to our LifeTouch Session Sign Ups To help with this Family Directory project please contact Lori Telepak-Compton in our Parish Office at [email protected]. Helping Hands & You Helping Hands Needs You!! Amber Leighwood is looking for people to help chair this Helping Hands ministry, everything from fielding incoming requests to finding helpers, drivers, and serving others for a oneoff request. This ministry has recently merged with Labors of Love, which for many years has driven homebound parishioners to Mass or monthly apts. We still have many members that require assistance in this area and we are in great need for drivers to assist. Please consider if you have free blocks of time and are able to drive elderly members, or those without transportation, to appointments as needed. Your service is a blessing to those in need. Call Amber Leighwood at 707-280-6878 The Dominican Order has been praying this “sword of justice” for centuries, imitating Mary by contemplating the life of Mary’s Son. De La Salle Book Fair Christmas in July! You are invited to give the gift of summer reading to your child by joining Mrs. Cullen at the First Annual Scholastic Book Fair at De La Salle Academy in Concord. It will be held weekdays July 20–28, 2015 from 12–6PM daily, with extended hours from 6 – 8PM on July 22 and 27th. All purchases will not only be a summer treat for your child, but will help build the library at our new school! We are located at 1380 Galaxy Way, Concord, 94520 and would love to have you join us for the Book Fair and to see our new campus! For more information, call 925.288.8200. Financial Report Fiscal Year ending 6/30/15 Movie Night At St. Dominic’s FRIDAY, AUGUST 14TH & FRIDAY, AUGUST 28TH 7PM IN THE PARISH HALL Bella (PG-13) One moment can change your life forever. After Nina (Tammy Blanchard) is fired from her waitressing job for being late, she leans on the restaurant's chef, Jose (Eduardo Verastegui), for support. Though they don't know each other very well, Nina confides in Jose that she is pregnant and considering an abortion. Understanding that Nina is going through a tough time, Jose invites her to his home. They spend the day together and tell each other their most painful secrets, and what Nina learns about Movie Showings Aug 14th– Bella (PG-13) Aug 28th– The Mighty Macs (G) Families are welcome to bring comfy seating or “camping” chairs, snacks or other movie items in the Parish Hall . Jose changes her life forever. The Mighty Macs (G) From the inspiring true story of one woman who just wanted to make a difference and wound up making history! When Coach Cathy Rush (Carla Gugino) arrives at tiny Immaculata College, the women's basketball team has no budget, no uniforms and no gym. Refusing to give up, Cathy finds help from a young nun named Sister Sunday. Together, their relentless drive reignites the team's spirit and the Mighty Macs start conquering bigger and better-funded schools. As financial troubles rock Immaculata, the Macs charge into the championships against all odds. You'll stand up and cheer for the heartwarming, incredible season that made the real Cathy Rush a Basketball Hall of Fame legend! Adult Confirmation Calling for Catechists Each year, Bishop Jaime Soto extends an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to practicing, adult Catholics of the Diocese of Sacramento, who have received religious instruction, but for various reasons were never confirmed. The next celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at St. Joseph Church in Vacaville. This opportunity is presented for those informed, adult Catholics, who practice their faith in the parish community. Because it is appropriate that each parish offer formation for those who wish to be confirmed, classes will begin in late September. For further information, please contact Deacon Errol Kissinger at (707) 335-4674 or [email protected] or Lisa Toomey at (707) 335-4697 or [email protected]. Square Dancing in the Parish Hall Join us for an evening of FUN on Saturday, July 25th, 2015 6:30PM - 9:00PM in St. Dominic's Church's Parish Hall. Square Dancing and Potluck dinner are being planned now. Plus, we will welcome back Bert as our amazing caller! Please contact Larry Burne at [email protected] or Amy Collins at [email protected] if you would like to help with the organization or bring a dish for the Potluck. Faith Formation Attention Returning RE Catechists! Please join Fr. Jerome and our Faith Formation Team on either July 22nd or August 7th for an evening of prayer, reflection, fellowship and a preview of some new and exciting programs planned for religious education. Both meetings will be held at 7PM in the Mary Magdalene Room. Please plan to attend only one of the two meetings. Meeting for Returning Catechists July 22, 7PM, Mary Magdalene Room August 7,7PM, Mary Magdalene Room Interested in becoming a Catechist? For those who are discerning a call to become a catechist volunteer as a religious education teacher, please join Fr. Jerome and our Faith Formation Team on September 25th for an evening of prayer, reflection, fellowship and a preview of some new and exciting programs planned for religious education. The meeting will be held at 7PM, Mary Magdalene Room. Meeting for Potential Catechists September 25, 7PM, Mary Magdalene Room Prayer of a Catechist: Here I am, Lord. I am not worthy to be the one to teach your truths, but you, in your infinite wisdom, have called me to this place. Give me the wisdom to use my abilities for the good of your kingdom. Give me the courage to be a witness of the Gospel. Give me the grace to deepen my Faith so that I might share that Faith with others. With your help, I will speak your words. Reveal your presence. Show your love. Now and all the days of my life. Amen. Catholic Kids Camp! Where kids (ages 8-17) learn Catholic singing styles, the theology of the Mass, and why it’s great to be Catholic ! August 10-14th, 2015 9:00am– 3:00pm At St. Dominic’s, Benicia Join Fr. Corwin Low, O.P. and Mary Ann Carr Wilson, a trained teacher and expert in vocal performance, for an uplifting week of song, education, fun and faith. Catholic Camp offers kids: a fun way to learn the unique style of singing including Gregorian chant interactive instruction on the Mass with Fr. Corwin confidence through team vocal training a special Vigil Mass performance Through scholarships we are now able to offer everyone access for just $50 for the full week of camp! Ministry Contacts Please only contact people on this list for the service they represent. Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center: Cathy 707-428-3300 Altar Servers: Shawn Carter and Fr. Corwin [email protected] or 925-250-0193 Catholics Returning Home: [email protected] Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration We are very happy to welcome our Mother/daughter team, Lucy Tamondong and her young daughter Abigail Velasco, who will spend a holy hour in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. A warm welcome also goes to our new adorers: Lena Leveriza, Katherine Dhawan and Dolores Lundin. Catholic Social Services: Jackie Ho 707-745-2729 Consolation Ministry: Joanne Flanagan 707-747-9416, Cursillo: Lydia Pasco 707-656-5109 Dominican Laity: Roger Bueno 707-373-2778 Mark Lazzaro 510-750-8246 [email protected] Donut Ministry: Eleanor Santos [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers: [email protected] Friends in Faith (formerly Singles): [email protected] Garden of Hope/ Bible Study: Jude Potter 707-745-4914 & Bridget DeMers 707-746-8108 Helping Hands: Amber Leighwood 707-280-6878 [email protected] Guadalupana: Patricia Chavez 707-642-4513 Knights of Columbus: Pat Fitzgerald 707-853-1978 [email protected] Lazarus Ministry: Ann Espinosa 707-745-0640 Linda Watson 707-745-0334 Lectors: [email protected] Legion of Mary: J. Werder 707-853-3107 A. Williams 707-297-6338 Life Abortion Alternative: 642-5001 Prayer Line: Kathy: [email protected] or Christina: 707-745-3575 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ministry: Shirley Cortez 208-2004 Laura Batts 649-0603 RCIA: Shannon Carter 707-980-1296 [email protected] Respect Life Ministries: Jude Potter 707-745-4914 Adoration coverage is needed for Sat 7am. Call Rose Gallagher 707-746-6312. Please share your comments and feedback with us at [email protected]. Feast of St. Dominic Celebrate the Feast of St. Dominic Saturday, August 8, 2015 Please join the Dominican Laity in the Mass celebration at 8:15am. Hospitality follows immediately in the church courtyard. Then on Sunday, August 9th at Mass on the Grass in Benicia Community Park. Sacrament Prep Reconciliation: Sat. 4-5PM or by appointment. Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Communion Calls: Please call the Parish Office. Marriage: Please call 12 months in advance; family must be registered parishioners. St. Vincent de Paul: J. Kroner 746-1872 P. Bidou 745-4384 [email protected] Children’s Sacraments: We encourage parents to inquire about Baptism and attend two classes (offered monthly) before the birth of a child. Ushers: Richard Montgomery, Sr. 745-9256 [email protected] For Baptism & First Eucharist scheduling contact Debi Thurin at 335-4688 or visit the Ministry Center. St. Dominic Cemetery: Barbara Everingham 319-2465 Please pray for the recovery of the sick listed in our Book of Intentions and the following PARISH OFFICE (707) 747-7220 Pastor Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P [email protected] Bookkeeper Lori Telepak-Compton, [email protected] Secretary Alisa Aquino, [email protected] Business Manager Teresa Stone, [email protected] Communications Erin Jacobs, [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Closed Mondays Tuesday-Friday: 9AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM Saturday: 10AM-1PM Sunday: 8:30AM-1PM OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION (707) 747-7240 Director of RE Deacon Errol Kissinger 707-335-4674 Admin. Assistant Joy Urbina 707-747-7240 Teen Confirmation & Special Liturgies Lisa Toomey 707-335-4697 Children’s Sacraments Debi Thurin 707-335-4688 ST. DOMINIC’S YOUTH GROUP (SDYG) (707) 747-7220 Youth Minister Joe Lucero [email protected] ST. DOMINIC SCHOOL (707) 745-1266 Principal Katie Perata, [email protected] ST. DOMINIC PRESCHOOL (707) 745-4430 Directors Janet Casarino & Tanya Sanchez Pat Quinn John Galvan Ann Hansen Cyndi and Dan Wolke Jennifer Figueira Carolyn McKay Susan Furey Henderson Family Leroy Howell Bernice Clark Ted Trias Marie Tscheekar Francis Tortosa Aurora Bareng Brian Smith Peter Stewart Fr. Kenneth Brown Lisa Santini Cristina O’Brien Lisa Montgomery Eileen Brennan Mark Silva Christine Block Branson David King Jack Curran Michelle Christle Matthew Bidou Charlie DeGrange Monica Jaime Tom Mitchell Gladys Haddad Al Rohleder Jeff Mues Mili McDermott Scott Dziuban, Mary Carbullido-Anderson Charlie White Pete Raine Scott Reeder James Werder Lana Lagunera Brian Irwin Maria Carvalho Bruce Harris Valerie Quillin Miller Doris Seitz Elizabeth Miller Monika Romo Dorothy Szabo Chelsea Labra Patsy Vogelpohl Bill Earp Dorothy Lindsay Charlie Gallagher Demetria Mitchell Smith Elda Slaviero Debra Shinnette Tom Vogelpohl Ralph Hayes Amelia Lacey Emma Ramirez Jean McInerney Audrey Hirth Tony Fitzgerald Mrs. Verna Cabrera Barbara Donley Maura Yanner Bernice Cure Catherine Weir Marian Wright Maria Silva Julienne Diers Carmela P. White Andre Davis Dale Amorosia Nancy Morey Please remember the following recently deceased parishioners (and their families) in your prayers: John Galvan, Millicent Duvall, Maria Elena Perez , Emilia Sanchez Aquillera, Rickey Henderson, Michael Kennedy, Max Henry Schwarz, Tia Lorica, Karen DeNatale, Cathy Lerner, John “Jack” Hayes, Aurora Atinaja, Ricardo Santos, David Allen, Antonio Quejado, Jr., and Dr. Rodger Petrie *sick and remembrances will be listed for a period of 3 months respectfully Please patronize the following businesses owned by members of our parish community. Their contributions each week underwrite our Parish Bulletin. Thank you! A & S Chem Dry 707-748-7726 Anthony & Shelly Trevino Tuolumne Street Auto Repair Serving St. Dominic’s Parish for 18 years! John McLaughlin, Parishioner 707-648-3434 ATS Tax & Financial Solutions Tax Angels to your rescue! Returns/ QB 707-745-1040 Kindred Spirits Pet/HouseSitting Dorothy Doscher 707-334-3776 Rick Brown Construction All Phases Home Remodel 707-746-8596 707-246-9975 Kristine Passalacqua Studio of Interior Design 707-746-7123 Sac’s Tasty Hot Dogs George & Karolyn Maichel 2445 Springs Rd, VJO 707-642-2442 Affordable Quality Cabinets Allan Lemone, Sales and Installation 707-745-2100 Law Offices of Randal M. Barnum Employment, Personal Injury Litigation 707-745-3747 Shutters and More Bill Simpson, Parishioner 707-746-8187 Benicia Voice and Piano Lessons 32 Yrs experience coaching children & adults Emily Russo Tel: 707-750-3818 Law Offices of Thomas R. Healy Wills/Trusts/Estate Planning/ General Practice 707-553-7360 George Schandelmier Landscaping 707-554-2722 Buddahful Salon Amy Pappas, Owner/Stylist 814 First St., 707-745-4409 Law Offices Robert A. Schroth Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning 707-745-0130 Smitten Flowers Fresh flowers, free local delivery! 707-722-7516 Care Network, LLC Home Care Services/Placement Referral 707-747-2720 / Carmen Haban Mr. Lawn Garden Service Landscaping, Maintenance and Installation 707-747-5273 Spiritual Direction, Katrina Cooper 707-748-7581 Parishioner Trained at Bread of Life in Sacramento Crane Station, Inc. Rex Sevilla–Crane and Electrical Services 800-891-3888 Napoli Pizza and Pasta Chris & Lisa Guerrera- Owners 707-746-8906 T&T Electric – Tim Wade Residential & Commercial 707-315-8285 Eagle Vines Realty-American Canyon Ron Banasik Broker/Owner (707) 373-3139 Lisa Guerrera Agent (707) 333-9656 Old Capital Lockshop Automotive Lock Specialist 707-746-Keys (5397) Tuolumne Street Auto Repair John McLaughlin, Parishioner 707-648-3434 Fregosi & Co. Paints– Mike Fregosi Concord, CA 925-609-9925 Olson Realty, Inc. Kathleen McInerney Olson/Broker 707-745-3602 Up2Code Plumbing Owner Mike Pitta - 24 hour service 707-333-5992 Furniture Service & Repair Charlie H. White, Design/Shopworking 707-746-0169 Passalacqua Funeral Chapel 707-745-3130 Vincent R. Maher, Attorney at Law 724 Texas Street, Fairfield, CA 94533 Tel: 707-427-2800 / Fax: 707-427-2220 Gavin/Schreiner Insurance , Tom Gavin Chartered Financial Consultant 707-745-5626 Piel Med. Aesthetics, INC. Rita Wergowske, RNC, CWS, FACCWS Medical Aesthetician 707-745-3040 Warring & Assoc. Realtors Bill/Diane Brokers/Owners 829 First St. 707-746-6990 Hamann Real Estate 513 First Street Tim and Jeannie Hamann/Broker-Owners 707-747-9300 Reyes Electric Co. & Design LIC#32877 Residential/ Commercial 707-747-6818 Internet Marketing Management Svc LLC Dennis Garvey– Owner 707-746-7382 Richard Joyce, O.D. Optometrist Exams, Glasses, Contacts 874 Southampton Rd. 707-745-6266 James M. McVeigh Certified Public Accountant 707-746-5604 John Passalacqua/Greg Silva, Directors For advertising opportunities here e-mail [email protected] For professionally designed ads and placement in our new annual publication coming soon contact ejacobs@stdombenicia for more info. 475 East I Street - Benicia, CA 94510 - Tel. (707) 747-7220 - Fax. (707) 745-5642
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