September - Cheyenne Middle School
September - Cheyenne Middle School
EDMOND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHEYENNE MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSTANG ROUND-UP V O L U M E SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: LABOR DAY SEPT. 7 NO SCHOOL BOOK FAIR SEPT. 8-11 PTO MTG 1:15 SEPT.8 KONA ICE SEPT.9 PICTURE DAY SEPT.15 ACADEMIC TEAM TRYOUTS SEPT. 16 FRIENDS OF RACHEL (FOR) MTG 7:25MEDIA CTR SEPT. 17 TEACHER PROF DEV. DAY NO SCHOOL SEPT. 21 STAMPEDE OF GIVING WEEK SEPT. 28 TO OCT.2 FAMILY FUN NIGHT SEPT.28 1 6 , I S S U E 2 Say Cheese!! Fall School Pictures Tuesday, Sept. 15 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 5 PAGE 2 Counselors Corner Welcome Back! We at the Counseling Office would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you. We have many exciting things happening in the counseling office this year, and we are excited to work with all of you and your children. Counseling Office Melissa Krause 6th Grade Kathy Parker 7th Grade Michele Kingdom 8th Grade Cheryl Byford Registrar One of the things we are most excited about is a continued partnership with Edmond Family Counseling. Through this partnership, we are able to provide small groups for students at Cheyenne. They take place at school and are at no cost to you and your family. These groups last for six weeks and cover many of the issues that middle school students face – communication, social skills, self-image, decision making, anxiety, anger, conflict resolution, and self improvement. If you would like your student to participate in one of these groups, please contact your student’s counselor. Groups will start at the end of September. At the beginning of the school year, many students struggle with the transition to a new routine. Some students are just moving up one grade at the same school, and other students are moving from a new school – some are moving to a different city, different state, and even different country! No matter your child’s situation, they may struggle with their transition into this school year. Sometimes, something as simple as helping your student get organized can be enough to help them feel in control. We are happy to work with your student if you feel like they need some help getting settled into the school year. Please let us know if we can help your student with the transition to Cheyenne. We look forward to getting to know you and your family! As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a great school year! Are you interested in earning free college tuition for your 8th grade student? Check out Oklahoma's Promise! Visit or see your student's counselor! Medication is not allowed on a student’s person. This includes cough drops, aspirin, and other over the counter items that may seem harmless. All medication that needs to be dispensed on a regular basis is kept in the office. You will need a signed doctor’s order with the student’s name, medication name, and dosage/frequency in order for us to dispense any medication to your child. School nurses are on call. We do not have a nurse on duty. If they call you feeling bad enough to lie down, please check your child out. If they are running a fever or throwing up, you must come and get your child. Student Lunches Meal Prices for 2015-2016 Breakfast: $1.60 Lunch: $2.65 Pay online at Go Green! Get your child’s menu emailed to you every month. Click on lunch menus. MUSTANG ROUND-UP If your student has been receiving free or reduced-priced meals, a new application must be completed at the beginning of each school year. Only one application per family is needed. Eligibility for this program brings much needed funds into our schools. If your family qualifies, the district will benefit even if your student chooses to bring their lunch occasionally. PAGE The online Scholastic Book Fair is Sept. 4 - Sept. 18th. The books people order from online, will be shipped to the school and handed out. The in-library Scholastic Book Fair is Sept. 8 - 11th. TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION TSA or Technology Student Association will meet next Tuesday, Sept. 8. Come check out all that TSA has to offer. Listen to the events we will be competing in. Find out when the robotics teams will begin meeting and building. If you are willing to do a little work outside your school day, you WILL see the benefits. TSA helps prepare you for life! Academic Team Tryouts Sept. 16 3:00-4:00 Students must have a ride home by 4:00 and students must have turned in an application to try out. Practices will be held after school on Wednesdays until 4:00 MUSTANG ROUND-UP 3 PAGE 4 From the Orchestra Podium What an exciting and fantastic year we have ahead! Thank you in advance for all of your hard work and commitment to your art! Here are some upcoming dates to remember: September 11: 7th and 8th grade North Central Honor Orchestra applications and money due for interested students. Mrs. Geist will have applications in class. September 15: Cheyenne band and orchestra magazine fundraiser ends September 25: 7th and 8th grade Mark Wood-Electrify Your Strings! afternoon practice and evening concert at 6:30 p.m. in the North gymnasium. October 3: North Central Honors Orchestra auditions at Santa Fe High School. Audition times are TBA. October 6: 6th grade orchestra parent demonstration night at 6:30 in the Cheyenne gymnasium. Students report at 6:20. November 10: 6th grade orchestra field trip to hear the Oklahoma City Philharmonic, schedule TBA, and chaperones will be needed. Please continue to check the orchestra website for updates and information and contact me with any questions, 726-5739 or [email protected] Thank you friends and family for your support of our orchestra and all of the arts. BAND BLAST Welcome to band! We are very excited to create music with this year’s band students! Be sure to mark your personal calendars with the important dates for band this school year. The first order/money turn-in for our annual magazine/cookie dough fundraiser will be Wednesday, September 9 and the final turn-in day for orders/money will be Tuesday, September 15. Thank you for your support of the Cheyenne Band program. CODA honor band auditions for 7th and 8th grade students will be on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at Santa Fe High School. If your child would like to audition for the CODA Honor band, please contact Mrs. Mills ([email protected] and 7265729). Students will be given their audition time by the week of November 2. If the student is selected for the honor band, the band will be held on January 8-9, 2016, on the OU campus. The 8th grade band will have their first performance on the evening of Monday, September 28, 2015 at Cheyenne Family Fun Night. The band will be performing at 6:00. Make plans to attend this fun evening. The 8th grade band will have the opportunity to attend a football game listed on the calendar for the high school they will be attending next year. School transportation will not be available to these games. The Santa Fe game will be on 9/25, Memorial game on 10/1 and the North game on 10/9. The high school directors will be giving us information and music for these events soon. 6th grade students are ready to start making music on their instruments. We know they are eager to begin their instrumental music journey. Please encourage all band students to practice at home daily. Frequently ask them to perform something on their instrument for your family. We appreciate the support! Students who are rhythmically skilled also tend to better plan, sequence, and coordinate actions in their daily lives. - “Cassily Column,” TCAMS Professional Resource Center, 2000. Musically yours, JoeLee Mills Sarah Neely Will Bishop Brian Cook MUSTANG ROUND-UP PAGE ________________________________________________________________ Upcoming PTO Activities One of Cheyenne’s Biggest Fundraisers The STAMPEDE OF GIVING September 28th-October 2nd Home room contests! Gift Card Drawing! WILL YOUR CLASS WIN THE RACE?? Look for more information to come!! We Need YOU! Open Committee Chair Positions: HELP!! We need help celebrating our Veterans! Veteran’s Day Lunch November 11th Contact Kristin Stahel [email protected] First PTO Meeting of the Year Tuesday, September 8th 1:15PM in the Library Pizza DAY! ******** THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH! $1 a slice or $10 a box Directory Sponsorship Ads Kona Ice!! Come see and hear what’s going on in Middle School!! Due October 2 nd . Questions? Email [email protected] EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY $2, $3, $4 5 PAGE CHEYENNE MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 1271 West Covell Edmond , OK 73003 7:30 am to 3:30 pm Phone: 405-340-2940 Fax: 405-330-7397 School Starts at 7:50 am School Dismisses at 2:40 pm Susie Schinnerer, Principal Deby McWatters, Assistant Principal Students need to be picked up promptly at 2:40. They are not allowed in the building after 2:45 without an adult or teacher. Anthony Rose, Assistant Principal FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS AND STAFF VISITORS MUST SIGN IN THRU LOBBY GUARD TO ENTER THE SCHOOL You do not need to sign in to check your child out Homework Policy/Student Absences Our policy for sick students is to collect homework assignments after the student has missed their third day. Call or e-mail teachers to request homework. Please allow time for teachers to compile assignments. You may e-mail teachers. Addresses are the teachers first name.last [email protected], and are listed on the web page Remember to call the school each time your child is absent. If you do not call, your child’s absence will be unexcused. Please give the office time to record the absence. Attendance: 726-5707 M USTA NG R OU ND - UP 6 EDMOND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Empowering all students to succeed in a changing society August, 2015 RE: EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Dear Parent/Guardian: Edmond Public Schools personnel take very seriously the need to anticipate and, to the extent possible, to engage in advanced planning for responding to potential emergency and/or disaster circumstances that could arise in our schools or community. School site and district personnel, in conjunction with local, state and federal agencies and authorities, participate in awareness and strategy planning sessions for a variety of situations. Should a major disaster – such as a tornado, fire or criminal event – occur during school hours, plans have been formulated to care for your child at the school site. As would be expected during a time of crisis, additional precautions will be in place to help ensure your child’s safety and security. Your support and assistance with the following will be vital to success. 1. Do not telephone the school. Telephone lines may be needed for emergency communication. Turn your radio to KOKC-1520 AM, KTOK – 1000 AM and KMGL- 104.1 FM for emergency announcements. If electrical service is not affected, information will be relayed via Cox Channel 18 for Edmond residents, on EPS website and Facebook pages, local television channels and the district's mobile application. To install the EPS mobile app, visit the Apple or Android app store and search for SchoolWay (formerly School Connect). Download the app and then select Edmond. From there, you can easily activate PUSH notifications from both the district and individual schools which will convey valuable safety information and instructions. 2. Impress upon your children the need to follow the directions of school personnel in times of an emergency. Please instruct your student to remain at school until you or your designee arrives. 3. In the event of a serious emergency, students will be released only to parents and persons identified on the student’s enrollment card. Each campus will have a designated reunion site where parents or a designee will be required to show proper I.D. to pick up their child/ren. 4. In the event students must be evacuated, our website (, our Facebook page and Cox Channel 18 will display pertinent announcements. In addition, radio and television stations will be contacted informing parents where the evacuation site is located. At the evacuation site, parents will be directed to a secure area where school officials can process the release of students. Please discuss these matters with your immediate family and those people you place on your child’s enrollment card. Planning ahead will help alleviate concern during emergencies. Please contact Randy Decker, Chief Human Resources Officer or Jim Rothrock, District Safety Coordinator, at 340-2800, should you have questions. Sincerely, Bret Towne Superintendent 1001 West Danforth, Edmond, Oklahoma 73003-4801 TELEPHONE 405-340-2828 FAX 405-340-2279 E-MAIL: [email protected]