FREE Volume 3 No. 9 • OWNED BY MILLER PRINTING & PUBLISHING • 4177 RT. 19, PERRY HWY. COCHRANTON, PA 16314 • MARCH 2, 2013 814-425-7272 WANTED TO RENT PUPPIES FOR SALE Wan te d s u mm e r p as tu re to ren t fo r d a iry he i fers . Fo r sa le : Bo rd er C ol li e m ix p up p i es $ 50 . 724-646 -0606. MARCH 2, 2013 AKC ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS Wormed, 1st sho ts, born 1/19/13, readyto go 3/4/13. 6 black & wh ite , 2 fe mal es, 4 males, 2 liver/white 1 female 1 male $650 1992 GOLD WING fe ma le $ 55 0 ma le . 1500 Cash only. 440-344Red, 42,00 miles, with 7272 Andover Ohio cam per $800 0 ob o. FOR SALE 814-724 -9973. 1 98 3 Ch e vy ½ to n 4 x4 , 35 0 GM Crate motor, 57,000 miles n e w tran n y, n e w Mastercraft MT tires, too m any new parts to list. No rust, oiled every Fall, parked for the w in te r $ 5 ,0 0 0 firm. Jeff at 724-8155009. SPRAYER FOR SALE Berth ou d 40 0 ga l l o ns , vi n e ya rd /o rcha rd fo lair sprayer, good condition, with e le ctric va lve s an d ca b sw itch es, large selection of ceramic no zzle s $ 420 0 ob o. 814-725 -6459. WANTED Own e r Op e ra to r & Co mpa ny Drive r for fla tbed or van. Must have 2 yrs.experience & CDLA. Good starting pay, home weekly a nd on we e ke n ds . Fo r m o re i nfo ca l l 7 2 4-3 7 2-1 7 0 7 o r 724-372 -5895. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTERNET READ THE AREA SHOPPER ONLINE AT www.theareashopper.com OHIO AREA SHOPPER FOR SALE Mobile home 28x80 4 b ed ro om , 2 b a th , fam i l y roo m , l i vin g room, full porch, AC, 3 sh e d s, l arg e w oo d e d l o t, Gro ve MOBILE HOME Ci ty a re a. $ 35 ,0 00 . 14 x7 0, go od co nd i- 814-786 -7680. tio n , w /1 .6 a cre , 2 4x4 0 g a rag e , ce PIGS FOR SALE m en t fl o o r, p ave d From A-I s ire s , 1 0 d rive , L a w ren ce mon th o ld b reed ing Co unty, Scott Tow n- purebred Duroc Boar. s hi p , O/G tran s fer, Three younger pure55K. 724-530-7405. b re d Du ro c b o ars . Also little pigs Hamp HAY FOR SALE X Blue Butts from A-I Sq uare b al es. 81 4- si re s. C al l an ytim e 967-2 602. 814-827 -4197. PAGE 2 PLYW OOD WANTED FOR SALE BMW, mo to rcycle , Trea ted 4x8 shee ts, 196 5-19 85, runn ing co ndi tio n prefe rre d. slightlyblemished. ¾ $ 28 & 5 /8 $ 2 5 e a . 814-725 -6459. Whil e supp lies l ast. Call 1-814-425-1266. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME IS HERE COLLECTION OF Find all the savings at DOLLS Mi c h a e l a n g e l o ’ s 1 95 0 ’ s, very go o d Sunday Flea Market!! con diti on. BO $3 75. 6 a m-3 p m! Gi fts , 412-276 -5641. ki tche nware, robe s, WANTED incense, sandpaper, tools, jewe lry boxes, STANDING TIMBER a ntiq u es , pre ci ou s Paying top dollar for your timber. Skid with metals, groceries! horses. For free estiwww.notaryandflea marke tpa.com. 724- mates call 814-6946816. 652-6 244. OHIO AREA SHOPPER The Area 814-425-7272 Shopper MARCH 2, 2013 PAGE 3 AUCTION GUIDE THE FOLLOWING AUCTIONEERS ARE MEMBERS OF THE STATE & NORTHWESTERN PA. AUCTIONEER’S ASSOCIATION JOHN HUEY SIMON BAK ER & BELLIS TAMMY LOUCKS NICOLLS & AUCTIONS Member of NAA, PAA MILLER AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER 814-33 3-1988 KEVIN MILLER Slippery Rock, Pa. BILL BELLIS, JR. 814-68 3-5120 www.nicanda uctions.com 814-42 5-7276 PHONE 814-671-1978 www.theladyauctioneer.com fax 814-425-2386 or 814-425-7779 724-79 4-4737 www.bba 411.com TRACE AUCTIONSERVICE 814-382-2922 w w w .csallenauctioneer.com MOWRY AUCTION SERVICE REIMOLD BROTHERS Charles P. Mowry Auctioneer AUCTION SERVICE 724-37 6-2122 BOB REIMOLD & ASSOC. or 724-699-0912 724-64 6-1771 Visit: auctionzip.com Code #15093 Licensed in PA and Ohio ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT MACHINERY AUCTION SATURDAY APRIL 6, 2013 @ 9:00 A.M. LOCATED AT THE AREA SHOPPER COMPLEX DIRECTIONS: 9 miles south of Meadville, PA on Rt. 19 and approx. 20 miles North of Mercer, PA on Rt. 19, Just off of Exit 141 of I-79. Watch for signs. ~TRACTORS ~ SKID LOADERS ~ TILLAGE EQUIPMENT ~HARVEST EQUIPMENT ~ ~LAWN & GARDEN ~ ATV’S~ ~FARM RELATED ITEMS~ Taking consignments Mon.-Fri. 8a.m.-4p.m. If you are bringing something that needs unloaded please call ahead to make sure someone is available to unload!! GET YOUR ITEMS CONSIGNED EARLY FOR FREE ADVERTISING!!!! TERMS: Cash or check with proper ID, Major credit cards accepted. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS THAT DON’T SHOW UP! MILLER’S AUCTION Simon J. Miller - AU002019-L Kevin Miller - AU005084-L Joe Miller - AU-001554-L Andrew D. Baker #AA019366 814-425-7276 or 814-425-7779 www.simonmillerauctioneer.com “THE WINNERS CIRCLE” NEW YORK STATE PREMIER 4-H FEEDER SHOW PIG AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 13TH - 9:01 AM DANIEL A. CARTER FARMS 2593 W. 5 MILE RD., ALLEGANY, NY 50+ TOP QUALITY ELITE SHOW PIGS 50+ PUREBREDS - CROSSBREDS - EXOTICS AUCTION STARTS AT 12 NOON (9:30 AM) SHOW RITE NUTRIENTS SEMINAR (9:30 AM) Guestspeaker Jason Engle @shamelmilling.com will be speaking on how to select and feed champion pigs. Show Rite Feeds will be available for purchase on truck day of auction. ATTENTION 4-Hers - THIS WILL COUNT AS 1 EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR CREDIT!! TIM HORTONS COFFEE & DONUTS LUNCH AVAILABLE - COMFORT FACILITIES ON SITE - HEATED AUCTION TENT SET AUCTION NOTE: Viewing at 9:00/ Seminar at 9:30 - auction at 12:00 noon. OUTSTANDING GROUP OF SHOW PIGS!! AUCTION TERMS: Cash / Check / Credit Cards. Premium sale. Removal Sale Day. Pigs will have up to date shots. AUCTIONEERS: Daniel A. Carter - 372-5059 Office 474-9244 Cell Donald Benz 432-2377 Cell www.cartera uctions.com 716-372-2059 - 716-372-5059 - 716-474-9244 2383 WEST 5 MILE RD., ALLEGANY, NY 14706 LIC. #AU-003527-L TRUCK FOR SALE 2 00 4 N is s an Ti ta n silver, crew cab,4WD, le ather PWR everything , 162,000 miles, $ 9 98 0 . 8 1 4 -85 3 6056. FOR SALE Jo hn D ee re 83 5 0 grain drill with grass s ee d atta ch m e nt. Price $1,895. Call Elde r Sa les 72 4-37 63390. Full Service & Computerized 814-336-4160 www.traceauctions.com BETH C. HILLMAR AUCTIONEER MERCER, PA 724-662-4039 LICENSED IN PA & OHIO DAVIDAPHELPS AUCTIONEER 814-425-3927 or 814-720-3870 Check out these auctions online at www.theareashopper.com LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION SUN., MAR. 10 AT 2:00 PM 601 OLD RTE 8 HARRISVILLE, PA 16038 WESLEY GRANGE Jewelry, Gold, Sterling Silver, Coins & Stamps: 18K Chopard 5 Floating Diamonds Ring, 18K Sliding Diamonds Ring, 14K & 10K Rings, 1870's Victorian Locket, Sterling Silver Indian Bracelets, Silver Quarters, Halves & Dimes; Mint Sets, Silver Art Bars, Wheat Pennies, Watches, Stamps & MORE An ti qu es & C ol le ctib le s:10 0+ Pie ce s of Kin g Crown, Nippon Vas e, Red Imp erial Slag Glass, Waterford Bird, Carnival Glass, Fostoria, Crocks, Murano Bowl, Hull Brown Drip, Radio Flyer Model 8 Car, Daisy Targeteer, Arthur Armour, Wendall August Forge, Candlewick, Copper Pitcher & Server Set, Vintage Lighters, Pocket Knives, Hubley Cap Gun, Kendall Can, International Ha rvester Farm Operating Equipment Book, 1896 History of Mercer County, Comics, Mad Magazines, Peters Ammo Box, African Slit Drum, Griswold, Slag Glass Light Shades, Aladdin Oil Lamp, Electric Butter Churn, Coat of Arms Stain Glass Window, C herry Blossom, McCoy, Wood Hoosier Top, Hall Jewel Tea, Fisher Price Movie Viewer w/Movies, Gingerbread Clock, Majolica, Floor Lamp w/ Lead Glass Shade, Quilt, Rooster Coal Iron, 2- R. Atkinson Fox Signed Prints, Chenille Bedspread, Hand Crafted Chess Pieces, Fenton Hats, Police Badge, Ames Knight Swo rd, Marbles & A LOT MORE Tools: Grind er, Jump Start System, Craftsman Blower & Scrolling Saw, Work L ight, USA Vise, Wrench es, Channel Locks, Hand Tools, Tie-Downs & MORE Furniture: Oak Server, Bakers Rack, China Cupboard, Needle Work Chair & Rocker, Oak Wall Cabi net, Coffee Table, Maple Drop Leaf Table, High Chairs, White Wicker Love Seat & MORE.. Household Items & Misc: Telepho ne, Hoover Vacuum, Fleece Blanket, Toaster, Knives, Stock Pot, Coolers, Pyrex, Tea Pots,Schmid Musical Boxes &ALOT MORE Terms: 6% Sales Tax applies to this auction. Cash or PA che ck, Ma sterCa rd , Vi s a, D is co ve r Acce pted . C ha i rs & Fo o d w i l l b e p ro vi d e d. Vis i t www.auctionzip.com for details – ID # 9563 CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L DON CRESSWELL AU2938L MEMBER PAA 724-372-1066 www.paa uctioneerbullock.com MEADVILLE LIVESTOCK REPORT 2-20-13 Cows Good 70.00 To 80.00. Medium 60.00 To 69.00. Common50.00 To69.00.Shells 49.00 And Down.Bulls 80.00To 90.00.Feeders70.00To 125.00.FatHol. 90.00 to 105.00. Calves BackToFarm Bulls 90# To130# 75.00 To 170.00.Little Pigs 45.00 To49.00. StrHogs56.00 To70.00. Sows 49.00 to 53.00. Males 25.00.Lambs 100.00 To 180.00.Sheep 55.00 To 70.00.Goats 75.00 To 150.00. Top Dairy1100.00.Top Horse 250.00.Square Hay 2.40 To 7.00ABale.Round Hay47.50 to 90.00ABale. Square Straw 2.75 a bale. EarCorn 4.25 to 6.25 a Bag.Shelled Corn7.25 aBag.CrackedCorn 7.00a Bag. RoastedCorn 8.00 a bag.Oats 10.00 a bag.Roasted Beans 13.00 a bag.Shavings 2.50 a bag. Firewood 40.00 to 70.00 a Load.Total Head:248. ESTATE AUCTION SAT. MARCH 9TH AT 11 A.M. 55 CLINTONVILLE RD. MERCER, PA. LOCATED: 1 6 21 8 Sta te H i g h wa y 1 98 W, Saegertown, PA 16433, ½ Mile West of I-79 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 11A.M. HAY & GRAIN AUCTION CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED SALE DAY STARTING AT 8:00 A.M. TIL SALE TIME Ter m s of Sa le : C ASH , KN OWN C HEC K o r Mastercard, Visa and Discover. 3% Buyers Premium waived for cash or check. Driver’s license/ photo ID will be required. Call: Chad Loucks for details & information Regarding Sale.(814) 763-2020 Sale Office (814) 282-4155 Cell AH-001941 www.wtcauction.com Cresswell Auction Service Cresswell Auction Service Directions: From Mercer, Pa. court house go east on Rt.58, a short decline don’t take ytoward Grove C ity, g o s tra ig ht o n Scru bg ra ss Rd . rig ht o n Clintonville Rd. to auction. Watch for auction signs. BOAT; ZERO TURN; MOWER & HOUSEHOLD Boat & Misc: 18 ft. Lund alum. Boat w/35hp Suzuki m oto r (ca n op y, co ve r & tra il e r); 1 6 ft. ca n oe ; Evenrude boat motor; misc. fishing poles & tackle boxes; Cub Cadet Zero turn mower w/50” deck; rear tine tiller; Mighty Mac chip per; Man tis til ler; Huskie 22 ton log splitter;Artic Cat 300 cc 4 wheeler w/sno w plow; 1973 Spo rtsman m otor hom e for parts or scrap; misc. scrap; misc. hand tools & ladders; Bear recu rve bow & m ore. Household: Premier water dispenser; Crosley ref; washer & dryer; dorm ref; sofa & chair; rocker air conditioners; tread mill; misc. chairs & stands; deskw/chair; lots of misc. magazines including PlayBoy; Game News & gun books. Note: Could be manysurprises; garage & basement are full. Terms: Cash or Pa. che ck, Maste r Card, Di scover & Visa same as cash. 6% Pa. sales tax collected. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L LARRY PORTER AU2927L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L DON CRESSWELL JR. AA18927 PAT SIMINETTA AA19296 MEMBER PAA 724-253-3493 www.cr esswellauction.com TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTERNET Visit: www.theareashopper.com CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE MOOK’S WEST ROAD AUCTION DIRECTIONS:¼ mile east on West Rd. off Rt. 98 at Thomas Corner across from Meadville Livestock Auction Barn. EVERY WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM OPEN FOR WALK THROUGH & CONSIGNMENT CALL 814-547-1009 WILL TAKE GOOD CONSIGNMENTS ON WEDNESDAY BUT MUST CALL FIRST. #AH00 1870 WE HAVE OUR WEEKLY SALES ON FRIDAY NIGHTS BEGINNING AT 6:00. New & used items, cheese, meats, households, tools & misc. The last Friday of the month seller with frozen foods, new & different items. Hope to see you. CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE -- CLIP & SAVE LOUCKS WHOLESALE TRACTOR CONSIGNMENT AUCTION LLC HARDY OUTDOOR WOOD STOVES Sal es a nd Servi ce . Heatilator Indoor Pellet Stoves. Wood Pellets. Hot Water Heaters • In Floor Heating Systems • Forced Air & Electric Furnaces & Boi lers . License d & Insured. PA014648. www.gilesheat.com 814-42 5-2278 JUNK WANTED R e cycl in g cars , trucks , va ns , etc. Need not be towable, tilt bed service availa bl e . Pl e as e ca l l Moe. 724-376-3810. We wa nt yo ur jun k, thank you! HEATING COST TOO HIGH! Ca ll th e Alternative, yo ur l oca l C e n tra l Bo il e r d e a le r. Ch oo se from wo od b u rn e rs, d ue l fu e l stoves or corn & pelle t bu rnin g m odel s. Th erm ope x, in flo or h ea t su p p li e s a n d stove parts in stock. Located 1 mile north of the Courthouse Rt. 62 mercer. Call for an a pp o i ntm e nt 7 24 977-3 785. SCHIESTLE’S AUCTION CENTER AH00 1848 537 N PERRY HWY MERCER, PA. 724-30 1-0623 We have our weekly s a le s on Frid a y nights beginning at 5 :0 0 . En tire Es tates-H ouse hold s. Consignm ents are ta ken on Monda ys fro m 11 -4 b y ap po intme nts . H au ling a vai l a bl e . Ple a s e ca ll 7 24 301-0 623. RESTAURANT TABLES Top quality. Bargain p ri ce s . Ba r s to ol s tall and short, great co ndi tio n and sa vi ng s . Sta r Su pp l y Bargain Ou tlet, 875 Ma ho n i ng Ave ., Yo un g s to w n , OH 3 30 -7 46 -2 96 9 “An adventu re i n sh opping.” FOR SALE 1961 Impala 283 cubic inch engine $750. 7 2 C h e vy Bl aze r p roj e ct tru ck. 72 4 964-8 391. FOR SALE Team of work horses. 716-499 -0611. FOR SALE In te rn ati o na l 14 6 6 tractor, 5 40 & 10 00 sh aft PTO, dua l h yd ra u l ic rem o tes , $ 8 50 0 . 8 1 4 -57 3 5388. FOR SALE 1 9 98 Inte rna ti on a l 9300 Eagle; 3406E 475 hp C AT; 13 o ver tra n s mi s s io n ; 3 5 4 rears on LP11R22.5 tire s ; a b ou t 10 0 m il es on o ve rha ul . New steer tires; 70% or better d rives; alumi num out/ste el i ns id e ; tw i n ch ro m e s ta cks; ne w s ta in less 1/4 fenders; alum i nu m he a d ach e rack; new PA inspection. in excellent condition, readyto work n e ed to re tire . $ 14 ,50 0 . 8 1 4-7 63 1124 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FIRTH & HOAGLAND FARM AUCTION 1333 MERCER WEST MIDDLESEX RD MERCER, PA 16137 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2013 @ 9:30 AM LOCATED: Approx 3 ½ Miles West Of Mercer, Pa OR 10 Miles East Of West Middlesex, Pa. On RT 318. Watch For Huey Auction Signs. TRACTORS * COMBINE * DOZER * ROCK PICKER * FARM MACHINERY * SKIDLOADER * 4 WHEELER* POTATOE EQUIPMENT AND MORE. TRACTORS: Case IH JX1090U Maxxima MFWD,CAH, only1338 hrs; 2003 MF 4253 2WD Dual Outlets, Ft Weigh ts, 1 8.4 x 34 rea rs onl y 633 hrs; Case 970 Cab, 18.4 x 38 rears, snap on T rail duals, 4186 hrs; Case 930 cab , di esel , WF, Du al Outle ts, good rubber; C ase 630 Diesel WF, Triple Rang e Trans, w/ NI 501 loader. COMBINE: JD 4420, CAH, 1993 DAM Only 2380 hrs, Nice;JD 443 4RN Corn Hd,nice; JD 913 13’ Flex Hd Black Tear Drop R eel , N ice; (Sold Sep arately.) . DOZER: CAT D6 w/ 11’ Blade, Pony Start. ROCK PICKER: Lockwood 5’ PTO Dbl Chain w/ Bi n. TRUCKS: 19 97 IH 4 70 0 DT46 6 Eng, 7 sp, w/ 11’ Alum D um p Be d , 2 5 ,00 0 GVW, 234,000miles; (Real Nice Cond. Totallyrebuilt); Ford 900 gas 5 & 2 Sp, w / 12 ’ Alu m Du mp Bed; 1996 Chevy Hon Dump 4 sp, w/ 90 ,2 61 m il es . SKIDLOADER: Bob C at 7 20 w/ forks . FARM EQUIPMENT: Case 4 x 16 Hyd Rest semi mted plow; MF 880 4 x16 Hyd Reset semi Mted Plow; MF 880 5 x16 semi Mted Spring Reset Plow; Krause 14’ Trans. Disc; Bril lion 1 4’ Cul timulcher; Ki ld e Fi e l d m o d # 28 0 0 1 3 ’ Vibrotill Field Finisher w/ Rolling Baske ts; Glenco 5 Shank Disc Ch is el ; Cas e IH 51 00 2 0 DD Gra i n D ri l l w/ Gra ss se e d & Wheel Track Remover; JD 7200 4 RN Notill Corn Planter dry fert, h yd m arke rs w / Mo ni to r (rea l N i ce ); Wa l sh 5 00 g al Tra i l sp raye r; 3 00 gal Cen tury Tra il Sprayer w/ Manual Controls; 400 gal Pol y Ta nk Trail Sprayer w/ man ual Co ntrols ; 200 gal trail sprayer; WestCo 2010 4 row 3 p t cu lti va to r o n 6 ro w fra me ; Vicon 3 pt spin spreader; JD 925 MoCo Discbine 10’ cut 540 PTO side pull Real Nice; Hesston 3717 4 star Hyd Fold Ted der; Mil lerPro 1150 Pull Typ e Ro tary Rake; Hesston 450 Sq Baler w/ Chute; Peaque 818 Pipe Bale Wagon; (3) 16’ Flat Wagons; 24’ Bale Elevator; 2004 Woods 3180 15’ Batwing Mower; NI SB PTO Manu re Sp reade r; Bea r Cat 1250 Grin der Mixer; Kelley 3pt Backhoe; J & M Gravity Wagon o hvy gear;; (2) 175 Bu Gravity Boxes On Gear; (2 Set) 18.4 x 34 Duals; (2) Grain Aerators; 4” & 6” Hyd Fert Augers & More. ***** HONDA 300 4 WHEELER *** POTATO EQUIPMENT: (STORED INSIDE) Lockwood 2 row Planter w/15 gal Liq Spray Tank & Gandy Applicator; Lockwood 2 row Harvester; JD 2 Row 3 pt Danish Tine Cultivator; 3 pt Cultivator w/ Ins ecticid e Boxes ; 3 pt Hill ing Sho vel s; (3) Dahlman 14’ Live Btm Potato Wagons; Dits Wetzel & Troyer Potato Cutters ; Seed Conveyor; Troyer Articula ting Potato Bin Eleva tor; (2) Lockw ood Bagging Machines; Troyer Advanced 36-132 Potato Grading System; 24’ Belt Conveyor; Haines & Trescot Pick out Tables; Sprouter Washer; Grader Ele vato rs; Lockwood Wash er; Boxe s; Platform Scales ; Woode n Crate s; Pall ets; Extra Digg er Ch ain s & Mu ch Mo re. ANTIQUES & MISC: (5 ) Wooden Wagon Wheels; Michigan Style Bob Sled w/ Box; Slei gh; Wood H ex Barrel Churn; H and Crank Potato Clea ner; (6) Rod Iron Chairs; Assorted Dried Walnut Limber * More. OWNERS: LESLIE & ELAINE FIRTH & BILL & DOT HOAGLAND TERMS: Cash Or Check w/ Current Photo ID. ALL OUT OF STATE CHECKS NEED BANK LETTER PROOF OF FUNDS. *** Lunch & Rest Room Available. AUCTION SCHEDULE: 9:30 am Smalls &Antiques & Farm related Items. 10:30 am Tractors, Farm Machinery, Trucks, Skidloader, Rock Picker, Dozer, 4 wheeler etc. Log onto auctionzip.com to view photo & full listings, use AU ID # 1361 Les Firth & Bill Hoagland have been neighbors & Farmed together for many years. Les is a retired Mercer Co Agent. Both Of These Gentleman have taken great pride in their farms & farm machinery. Both very well know farmers. This is an excellent line of shed kept well-maintained farm equipment. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND. *** AMPLE FIELD PARKING ** DRESS FOR THE WEATHER JOHN R HUEY II AU-001588-L SUE ANN WEIDNER AU-001781-L SLIPPERY ROCK, PA (724) 794-4737 FOR SALE 1929 Farm all Regular on steel. Ca ll for d eta i ls . 81 4 -38 2 0640 PAYING CASH for u n wa nted ca rs . Fre e p i ck u p . 8 14 587-2 681. MARCH 2, 2013 VERY FINE POA/ESTATE AUCTION ANTIQUES ~ COINS ~ GUNS WEDNESDAY MARCH 6TH, 2013 - 4:00 PM WHITING AUCTION 305 EASY ST., NEW WILMINGTON, PA 16142 20 05 C hevy Cob alt 4 do or auto 31k mi. WP Emerson Bo sto n Vi cto ri a n Sq ua re Grand Piano 125+ years old, cl aw fee t g lass ba ll pia no stool . Ma rbl e top Victori an waln ut coffee tab le, 6 e arly plank bottom chairs, chestnut or walnut dropleaf table/ 6 boards, mahogany buffet, walnut Victorian dresser, Victorian Settee, vintage mirrors in wood frames, Taylor furnitu re co. m ap l e 4 p o ste r queen bed, dresser &stand, Standard Line cedar chest, Vi ctoria n Fa in ti ng C ou ch , spinning wheel, vintage box trunk, corner cupboard, antique lamps, 1950’s lamps, si de b y si de ref/free zer w/ water & ice dispenser, 5x8 po rtab le sh ed, Qui lts : fu ll size sparkling stars and kal ei d os co p es an d s eve ra l othe r Am is h ma de q ui lts, Linens, doilies & fancywork, 8 pc symphonychina made in Salem, OH; Boxes and Boxes YET UNPACKED. Gold & Sterling Silver rings & jewe lry. Partial listi ng - boxes and boxes un packed marked s ilver, glasswa re, fine china, etc. HUGE AUCTION!!! Large coin collection consisting large cents thru Carson City Morgan Dollars 1882 ,83,90 ,and18 93. Th is auction h as o ve r 16 rol l s w h e at p en n i es , 18 32,184 2,1 840 ,18 38,18 37,182 7 l arg e cents. Over 20 Indian cents including an 1859 and 1865 Indian. Over 200 buffalo nickles, 1916 and 1917 mercury dimes, Early seated quarter and type pcs 2 cent and 3 cents, approx 5-10 silver dollars and foreign silver just to name a few. Guns: Colt pistol 1884 38cal, Winchester m101 o/u 12ga, Win.m94 saddle ring car, Win. M94 carbine 30 us, Browning belg.T bolt 22 left hand deluxe, Weatherby 240 magnum, Win.double 20 ga deluxe, Rem.600 .308, Savage m 99- 25-35, Win.m 69 22. Clip, Crescent arms double 16 ga hammers verynice, Win.m 88 carbine, Savage arms o/u 16gs, Remington 7600 Carbine 30-06, Browning BLR .243, Savage 110 270 Win, Ruger M77 25-06, Savage 111 30-06, Sears Model 282 22LR (Savage), Remington Mod 14 (Pump) 35 Rem, Remington Mod 6 30-06, H&R 12 Gauge, Mauser Custom Griffen & Howel 270, R em i n gto n 1 9 0 6 3 0 -0 6 , Wi n ch e s te r 12 0 0 threaded choke 12 gauge, Mossberg 835 12 gauge 3 ½” mag, Weatherby Upland 12 gauge, H&R 45 L C, Japa nese Ariaka , Savag e 34 0B .222, Remington 1917 Winchester made 30-06, Thompson Center White Mountain 50 C al, Thompson Center Black Diamond 50 Cal, Winchester APEX 50 Cal, Thompson Center (Ha wkens) 50 Cal, Thompson Center Omega 50 Cal, Traditio ns 50 C a l, Th om ps o n R en ag a de 5 0 C al , Weatherby SA-08 12 gauge semi-auto, Charles Daley Field H unter 12 gauge, 9 8 Mauser Nazi marked 30-06, Rem 70 30.06, Moss 810 30.06, 54Cal inline,… ALL FFL Laws Apply, family member handles guns. Sale by order of Gosney/Keller Go to www.auctionzip.com #8930 for more! AUCTI ONEER Complete Auction Service 305 EASY ST., NEW W ILMINGTON, PA 16142 (724) 946-2024 PENNA. LICENSE AU-033437-L OH. LICENSE 57-96-7020 www.whitingweber.com and www.auctionzip.com #8930 PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT AUCTION TRUCKS-TRAILERS-HEAVY/SPECIALEQUIPMENT SAT. MARCH 23 – 10AM EXPECTING 150 UNITS!!! GREATER ERIE AUTO AUCTION (EXIT 16, I-90 & RT 98) FAIRVIEW PA. HELD INSIDE HEATED BUILDING! SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT WITH LIVE ONSITE AND ONLINE BIDDING ON BIG SCREEN TV “AT THE BLOCK” VIA EQUIPMENTFACTS.COM. 70+ EARLY CONSIGNMENTS! PARTIAL LIST: 4 Mack tri axel dumps (2w/heated beds), 2 FR-20 FIAT rubb er tired loaders, IH tri axel dump, ’05 CAT 246 skidster, ’03 CAT D5NXL Dozer, 2 International Cement Mixers, 2011 5500 gal. Tanker trailer, 2012 Mack Tractor-Day Cab – Twin Screw, International w/Manitex Boom, Bantam 4 wheel Boom Crane, 43’ Alum. Bottom drop trailer, 2 Drilling Rigs, 400 BBL Frac Tank, Steel locker dog house, and MORE! Call NOW to consign & receive free new spaper listings 10 days prio r to a uction ! Listing/Pi cs at: Aucti onzip.com (#20614), or www.greater-erie.com. Info? Call Ron @814-720-9297 or 814-474-3900 ext 102. AUCTIONEERS: TODD BRIGGS AU-000097-L BRODIE BRIGGS AU-003938 FOR SALE U s ed Joh n D ee re 2305 Compact tractor l oa de r - b ackho e m o we r. Ve ry l o w hours . Low Rate Fin a nci n g. Pri ce $1 3,5 00. Ca ll Eld er Sales 724-376-3390. FOR SALE 8x12 Playhouse with vin yl si ding, shin gle roo f, fron t p orch , 3 windows, 1 door,built to l ast. $ 1500 OBO. 2 7 0 R u ge r wi th Bushnell scope $425 OBO. 814-789-2078 after 4 p.m. PAGE 4 BYLER FARM AUCTION LOCATED AT: 2871 COTTON RD., NEW WILMINGTON, PA DIRECTIONS: From R t. 20 8 & R t. 1 8 a t Ne w Wilmington Cheese Plant go west on Rt. 208 2 miles to Cotton Rd. & turn left & go ¼ mi. to 1st farm. FRIDAY, MARCH 8,2013 - 9:00 AM 13 HEAD HEREFORD BEEF CATTLE: 7 cows from 2-6 yr. old, 4 cows will be fresh by sale time, 2 bulls 3-4 yrs. old, 4 feeders from 7 mo. to 1 yr. old. (Most cattle are black w/white heads). 3 BELGIAN DRAFT HORSES & 1 STANDARDBRED & 1 CROSSBRED: Team of 14 yr. old mare & gelding, 10 yr. old gelding. Horses are broke to all farm machinery, 6 yr. old standardbred gelding w/1 white - looks a little at trucks but sound & mostly trot & wome n can drive, 5 yr. old all purpose gel ding broke single and double. FARM MACHINERY: Int. Farmall M tractor on steel, McD #9 - 7’ trailer gear mower, McD #7 - 6’ mower, Int. side hayrake, Pequea 710G haytedder, NI hay loader, Gehl B 40 & C 40 ensilage cutters, McD corn binder, McD 8’ grain binder w/new truck, Pioneer & EZ Trail wagons, Van Brunt 11 disc grain drill , JD 10 ’ l ime sp read er, fe rti lizer s pre ade r, Pequea 85 manure spreader, 2 horse cart snow blade, 2 Host. riding plows, Syracuse walking plow, 7’ disc, 12’ spike tooth harrow, 3 section spring tooth harrow, 2 McD cultivators. cultipacker. PRODUCE MACHINERY & SUPPLIES: EZ Tra il raised bed plastic layer, 2 yr. old Nolts water wheel transplanter, potato planter, potato digger, potato plow, JD 999 plateless corn planter, 2 row I&J cultivator, 1 horse I&J cultivator w/seat, plastic layer hooks on I&J, orchard sprayer on wheels, 1 horse EZ Trail wagon, 24”produce washer w/round table, EZ Haul flower cart w/racks, Earthway 1 row garden seeder w/plates, hand bean planter, 2 Solo back pack sprayers, Che milizer greenhouse injector, platform scales, other scales , heavy duty tomato cages, tomato stakes, wooden & plastic buckets, approx. 450 - 8 ” - 10” & 12” n ursery & m um p ots , h e a vy d uty 12 0 4 ca rryi n g trays , Boontown produce sprayer w/14’ boons. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES: Irrigation pump mod. 2 P 5 w/suction hose & Honda motor, sand filter injector, approx. 800’ used 2” lay flat hose, new & used valves for lay flat & Drip, 2” quick couplers. BUGGIES & HARNESS: Sp ri ng wa go n , pe da l wagon w/shafts & also tongu e to hook d ouble, open buggy, gear, 3 sets double work harness, 1 set buggy harness, collars & pads. MOTORS: SRIZ 20-6 hp Lister diesel, LRIZ 19-4 hp Lister diesel overhauled & like new, 2-13 hp GX390 Honda motors, 4 hp GX-120 Honda, 4 hp Vanguard, 2.4 hp Vanguard, Wisconsin Robin for parts. MILKING EQUIPMENT:2.5 hp Frick compressor w/ radiator, 6 alum. milk cans, 3SS buckets , 2 SS strainers, milk chiller, SS double wash vat, Mod. 6 D 60 table top cream separator. FARM MACH.: Gang mower, buzzsaw, 40’ ext. ladder, NI hand crank corn sheller, manure & hay & silage forks, shovels, tamper post hole diggers, spud bar & post maul, fence stretcher, barb wire, log chai ns & binders, w recking bars, 2 block & tackl es, step & ext. ladders, plastic barrels , ½” hoses & nozzles, neck yokes, 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 horse eveners, 3 horse evener for tongue & wagon load misc., wheelbarrows. SHOP EQUIPMENT: Rockwell Mod. 10 contractors table saw, 6” Rockwell jointer, Guardian Power 5 speed heavy duty drill press, Rockwell Delta turning lathe, 6’ stroke sander, tilt cutter, mitre saw, 5 tool boxes, mason tools, brick carrier, shingle ripper, levels, squares, 4’ drywall square, hand saws, cross cut saws, picks, 2 Handyman jacks, screw jacks, gas lanterns & lots & lots more, 100’ drain snake. BUTCHER EQUIPMENT: Heavy duty cleaver, meat grinderw/stand, sausage stuffer, lard press, chopping block, hog scrapers, meat hooks, meat saw, butcher knives. HOUSEHOLD: Pioneer Maid cook stove, wooden bed,night stand, 3 rocking chairs, dressers,newspaper racks, babycribs, dough mixer, misc. dishes, 1 White & 2 Singer sewing mach. heads. SALE ORDER:Starting w/wagon load of misc. then shop equipment & household & butcher equip. farm machinery &produce machinery approx.noon - finishing w/livestock. TERMS: Cash or check w/ID. LUNCH STAND BY AMISH LADIES AUCTIONEERS ANDYRABER Pa.Lic. #AU005157 5345 T.R. 118 Baltic,OH 43804 330-893-2604 VERNYODER PALic. #AU005267 330-466-0520 OWNERS: Mr. & Mrs. David A. Byler 2871 Cotton Rd. New Wilmington, PA16142 BOILER CLOSEOUT Ga s fi re d . N e w 17 0,0 00 BTU, on ly $895.00 each. Reg. cost $2640 .00. Star Supply Bargain Outl et, 87 5 Mah on in g Ave ., You n gs to wn , OH 33 0-7 46 -2 96 9 “Fl e a Ma rke t Ba rg ai n s With o ut th e Fleas.” BRING IN THIS AD and get 10% off your n e xt s to re i te m a t Oakes & McClelland in Greenvil le. 1-800222-8 736. FOR SALE 1969 Chevelle Super Sp ort pro j ect ca r, $ 13 ,50 0 . 7 2 4-7 14 5469. BOAR HOG For sow service. 716499-0 611. HAY FOR SALE R ou nd a nd s qu are bales 1st & 2nd cutting. 814-573-5388. BOAT 16 ft. Grumman Minn Ko ta tro ll in g mo to r, H um mi n gb i rd fi sh / dep th fi nder, $11 00. 814-853 -6056. FOR SALE 1 9 90 D od g e Ramcharger LE, automatic, injected 360, a ir con d i ti o n in g , p o we r wi n d ow s , power door locks, rem o te s ta rt, d e lu xe stereo with CD player, 4 ” s u sp e ns i o n l i ft, 33x12.50-15 tires on MickyThompson aluminum wheels, dual s ta in l es s s te e l exh au s t. In e xce l l en t con d i ti o n . $ 7 ,0 0 0 FIR M. Ph o ne 8 14 763-1124 FREE HORSEBACK RIDING FOR SPECIAL NEEDS KIDS & ADULTS Our 13th year Thursdays April thru Octob er, Hi d d en H op e R an ch , vo lu n tee r side walkers always nee ded. C all Bo b & D o nn a 72 4 -45 8 1231. HAY FOR SALE Square bales oftimothy trefoil and grass, $6 per bale. 814-3822 41 7 p le a se l e ave mess age. FIREWOOD Seasoned 2011 $100 a truckload , free delivery within 20 miles o f H artstow n . 7 24 932-3 009. GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 99¢ lb. or less. Many other apple varieties, fresh cide r, do nuts, cheese, jams, honey, s pi ce s, e tc. Op e n Mon -Sat. 9-5 :30 . C l os e d Su n d ays . Apple Castle, Rt. 18 New Wilmi ngton, PA 1 6 14 2 . 7 2 4 -65 2 3221. RENTALS D u nki n g b o oth , snowcone machine, cornhol e ga me. We deliver & setup booth. R ea dy for s ch oo ls , p arti es , fu nd ra is er, chu rch es , re u ni on , fairs, fire dept. Clip & Save. Call now to reserve 724-932-5081. PAYING TOP DOLLAR Bu yi ng cars-tru cksvans. Paying $250 & u p wi th title s , l ittl e less without. Call today 3 30-727-1185 7 days a week. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MR. & MRS. URIE M. HOCHSTETLER FARM AUCTION 30491 HOGBACK ROAD, CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, PA 16403 - CRAWFORD CO. FRIDAY MARCH 8, 2013 STARTING AT 10:00AM LOCATED:Approx. 15 miles North of Titusville, PA through Centerville to Rt.77 West to Riceville. Turn 2 miles to Lincolnville and take Brown Hill Road approx. 4 miles to Rockdale Road. Follow signs approx. 2 miles to Hogback Road and 2 miles to farm. Watch for BEICHNER auction signs. 27 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS – POWER UNIT SAW MILL - FARM MACHINERY FARM RELATED MISC. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS: Approx 27 Holstein Heifers. (6) heifers bred 5 months; (4) bred 4 months, (5) bred 3 months, Jersey heifer due in April; (7) open or shortbred heifers; (4) yearling heifers. Very nice group of growthy h eifers. Vet checke d and Vaccinated. FARM MACHINERY: New Holland 77 baler w/motor; David Bradley trailer type manure spreader – reconditioned; Papec 3 knife silo filler – rebuilt; Massey Harris 9 bar green crop hayloader; Pioneer 12” rh walking plow; 7’ double disc; 14’ 3 section spring tooth harrow – like new; spring tooth corn worker on wheel;potato digger; potato planter; 1 horse sled; Bear Cat 17” feed grinder; McCormick feed grinder w/belt feed; Goodson feed grinder; McDeering tounge truck; small fertilizer spreader. FARMMISC: Seed cleaner;plate milk cooler;shoeing stock; 10’X16’ chicken coop; older table saw; winch w/long cable; cut off saw; 2”X6” moulder – older; 2 heavy duty lumber carts; several lots of lumber. Other misc. items. CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBORS: Holstein and Holstein/Jersey cross springer heifers; Holstein bred heifer; 13 yr. old Belgian gelding, works single and double to all machinery; Lister 80hp diesel power unit - rebuilt; John Deere 78hp diesel power unit – rebuilt; John Deere 2 row corn planter w/trip lift an d s ta inl ess ho pp ers ; 2 ro w cul tivato r; Ge hl grinder mixer; Papec #15 silo filler; John Deere 8’ grain binder;35 gal. cast iron kettle; 3” trash pump; work harnesses; 2 homemade ice boxes; misc. items. SAWMILL: Frick 00 portable sawmill 4 head block carriage; 14’ steel track & husk, 48” head saw. Mr. & Mrs. Urie M. Hochstetler – Owners Be On Time – Not Many Smalls – Amish Lunch – Comfort Station TERMS: Cash or Check w/ Proper ID SALEORDER: Wagon load of smalls, Machinery& Sawmill a pp ro x. 1 0:45 fo ll ow ed b y heifers. AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS SATURDAY MARCH 9TH @ 10 AM 8853 OLD WATTSBURG RD. ERIE , PA. REAL ESTATE: 1 ½ Story Home consisting of a LR, DR, K/DA, 3 Bedrooms, bath, Two car detached garage, all situated on a lot of 100 ft. x 310 ft. in Green Twp. Real Estate Taxes $1375.00 Call for showings. TERMS: $3000.00 down day o f sale, Balance in 45 days. Real Estate sells at NOON. GUNS:Marlin 30-30 w/ scope, Winchester 30/30 w scope, Winchester 1300 pump 12 ga. Shotgun, H&R Topper 20ga. Shotgun CONTENTS: 1988 Chevy1 Ton Dump truck w/ 30K miles, Farmall Super Atractor w/ snow plow, Cub Cadet LTX 1040 ri ding mower w/ 42 inch deck, John Dee re TRS 27 snow blower, Artic Cat Jag Deluxe snow mobile, 5 Ft x 7 Ft. Cargo mate enclo sed trai ler, 199 8 Coa chma n 30 Ft. Cam per trailer, 12 Ft. x 14 Ft. Canopy/Garage, New 3000# 12 volt winch, air compressor, stack tool boxes, hand tools, wrenches, socket sets, power tools, Craftsman cha in saw, chop saws, jack stands, bench top drill press, car ramps, weedeaters, fishing poles, H itachi 60 inch projectio n screen TV, Frigadare gas stove, Kitchen Aid Refrigerator, upright freezer, washer, dryer, cast iron bell, garden tools, lawn ornaments, brother sewing machine, record albums, Sonystereo, large bird cage, misc. household and much more. NOTE: Photos at www.roccoauctions.com, Dress for the weather, food and facilities. TERMS: Payable in full day of auction. Cash, Check & Major credit cards accepted. Out of State, Cash or Credit cards only. AU CTIO N S & APPRAISALS www.roccoauctions.com AU-2352-L / AU-5037-L PH. 814-476-1217 CELL 814-449-3162 EASTER BUNNY BRUNCH March 23 from 8 am to 2 p m a t th e Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department. Admission $6.00 which i n cl u d es m ea l , games, egg hunt and b as ke t g i ve a w ays . N ow b oo ki ng ven dors for Spring Flea Ma rke t Ap ril 2 7th , $ 2 0.0 0 ta b le . Ca l l 814-671 -5747. WANTED So ftwo od l ogs . Ca ll John at Jacob Weaver Co mp any 8 14-79 51326. BUYING GUITARS Old a m ps , b an j os , s axop h on es , d ru m s ets , a ccord i on s , synthe size rs, horns and most older mus i ca l in s tru m e nts . Mike 330-367-7100. MARCH 2, 2013 REINFORD FARMS FARM MACHINERY AUCTION RON AND JANET REINFORD 805 FROSTY ROAD. NEW BETHLEHEM, PA 16242 – CLARION CO. SATURDAY MARCH 9TH, 2013 – 10:30AM ALL SELLS ON THE FARM LOCATED: Exit 62 of I80 (Clarion) take Rt. 68 West approx. 3 miles to Zion/South Reidsburg Road. Follow auction signs approx. 6 miles to farm. From New Bethlehem , PA. take Rt. 8 61 West to Olean Trail Road turn right, go 4 miles to South Reidsburg Road make l eft g o 2 mi l es to Pa cki ng Ro a d a nd fo l lo w BEICHNER auction signs. TRACTORS – SKID STEER LOADERS – MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT -TRUCK – TRAILERS – FARM RELATED MISC, - NEIGHBOR CONSIGNMENTS TRACTORS: Case IH C70, diesel, hyd. ca nopy 16.9-30 rears; INT. 966, diesel, TA, dual remotes, good 18.4-38 rears; FORD 5610S diesel; FORD 4610 II diesel – recent overhaul. SKID STEERLOADERS: CASE 75XT; CASE 1 845C; GEHL 484 0, 2 sp d. & 48 35 Skid Ste er L oad ers. TRUCK AND TRAILERS: 2006 DODGE 3500 diesel 4wd. 6spd. Dually, 9’ Flatbed, 2002 Pequea 24’ Bumper Pull Flatbed Trailer, 14kgvw; CORN PRO 25’ Gooseneck Trailer. FARM EQUIPMENT: GREAT PLAINS Solid Stand #10 No-Til Grain Drill w/grass seed – all gone ove r; J MILLER AG Inlin e Ro und Bale Wrapper – 3 yrs old – NICE; J MILL ER AG Trail Model Single Bale Wrapper – 1 yr. old; STOLTZFUS tandem Lime Spreader – 3 yrs old – NICE! JOHN DEERE7000 Conservation 4 row 30” Corn Planter, dryfert. monitor, field ready; Case IH 955 4 row 30” No-Til Corn Planter, dryfert; INT 510 18X7” double disc Grain Drill w/grass seed – gone over; NEW IDEA 520 9 & 5 212 D isc Bines ; PEQUEA 2 010 HR1140 and 2009 HR930 Rotary Rakes – nice; PEQUEA TR8 Turbo Whee l Rake – d emo and TR10 Turbo Rake – 1 yr, old; NEW HOLLAND 256 and JD 640 Hay Rakes; Pequea 710 Hay Tedder; (2) PEQUEATT4000 4 Star Hyd Fold Tedders; Gehl 1 20 Gri nd e r Mi xe r, h yd; N EW H OLL AN D 35 5 Grinder Mixer; IVA 300 gal. Sprayer – 35’ hyd. fold booms; IVA200 gal. Sprayer w/28’ manual booms – ne w!; WESTFIELD 8”X56’ p to tran sport Grain Auger; AG-CHEM 500 gal. tandem Sprayer w/new IVA45’ Hy-Fold booms, foam markers, new pump; A&L 8”X5 1’ pto transport Grain Auger; Li ttle Joe 24’ transport skeleton Hay Elevator – new; (2) 3pt. fertil izer spread ers; INT 540 4 btm semi -mount plo ws; JOHN DEER E 210 tra nspo rt Di sc, new blades; WHITE 256 transport Disc; 3pt. PERFECTA I 15’ Field Harrow w/Roll ing Basket; (2) flat bed Hay Wagons on gears; JM & other Gravity Wagons; BADGER tandem axle 3 beater Silage Wagon w/roof; MF 3pt. 2 row Corn Planter; FARMCO 8X18 Pip e Bal e Wag on; GAP HILLS 8 X16 Pipe Bale Wagon; GAP HILLS 20’ Header Cart; STOLTZFUS Round Bale Hauler; 60” 3pt. Roto Tiller – new; 72” 3pt. RotaryMower; GAP HILLS 8 ton Running Gear; riding lawn tractor; Polaris Ranger utility vehicle. FARM RELATED: 60” universal mnt. Manure forks; hyd.grapple forks and rock forks; single and double bale spears; snow plow for skid steer; weld on attachment plates; 42”& 48” pallet forks;Selection of s eed to be offered – Timo thy, C lover, Alfal fa, Round Up Spray; 9000 twine; 20,000 poly Rd bale twine; assortment used imp. tires and rims; pair 18:4-38 tires on Int. rims; pair 16:9-30 tires on Ford rims; new 11L-15 tires and rims; skid steer tires; (2) sets of solid rubber skid steer tires and rims. And more. NEIGHBOR CONSIGNMENTS: Hi-CAP mod 40 basket g rain clea ner w/co rn a nd o ats screens; JOHN DEERE 1500 Power Till Seeder; TAYLOR WAY9 shank Disc Chisel; KRAUSE transpo rt 2 2’ Fie ld Cu ltivator; JOH N DEER E 15 17 Batwing Mowe r; 2 010 H ESSTON V12 hyd. fold Rake; BADGER BN900 Silo Blower; INT 56 4 row Corn Planter, 30” rows; JOHN DEERE 7000 6 row Corn Planter w/liquid fert; Set of H ARDI sprayer booms; CORN PRO 16’ Bumper Pull Stock Trailer; 18.4-38 Axle Duals for Int; Possibly more by sale d ay – no t res p on s ib le fo r neighbor no show items. NOTE: Very n ice line o f machinery Ron has gathered in to make a great sale. Ron’s line will sell absolute – Plan to Attend – Many pieces like new and field ready. See you on March 9th. TERMS: C ASH , C H ECKS. Full Settlemen t Auction Day. Lunch and Comfort Stations MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO OIL, GAS, & MINERAL RIGHTS ONLY AUCTION ONLINE ONLY Lo cation o f Mine ral Ri gh ts: McCoy Ri dg e R d. Sto ckp o rt OH 4 38 7 4. GPS C o ord i na tes are 3 9 .5 7 2 82 3 , -8 1 .7 5 4 33 3 an d 39 .5 69 7 2 2, 81.75 5052 ONLINE AUCTION ENDS: MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013 - 6:00 PM 46.5 Acres of Oil, Gas & Mineral Rights * Windsor Twp * Morgan County * Under Lease by HBP KAUFMAN REALTY & AUCTIONS 330.852.4111 OR 888.85 2.4111 www.kaufmanrealty.com or http://www.kaufmanminerals.com/ JR. MILLER, REALTOR/AUCTIONEER 330.231.1914 OR [email protected] TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTERNET Visit: www.theareashopper.com PAGE 5 Large Farm Equipment Consignment Auction March 9, 2013 9:00AM Held at: Country Side Equipment Sales 5064 Kensington Rd NE Carrollton, OH 44615 (330) 627-5100 TRACTORS-COMBINE-SHOOTING BOOM: Fo rd TW 35 4WD CHA w/ Duals, (16) Ford 100# Suitcase Weights, IH 1486 CHA, IH 1086 CHA, IH 1256 Canopy No TA, IH 1466 Fender Tractor, IH 574 Gas w/ IH 2250 Loader, Farmall H, Case 2290 CHA, Case 1070 CHA, JD 2350 4WD w/ Loader, JD 5020 w/ Cab, JD 1050 2WD w/ Canopy, JD H, MM670D WF, NH 3930 w/ Cab, MF 2615 4WD w/ DL250 Loader, Ferguson 20, AC D17 WF, Oliver 770 NF Original, IH 1440 Combine Very Clean, Gleane r N5 Serie s III Combi ne w/ 6 Ro w Corn Head & 20’ Bean Head, IH 963 6XCorn Head, JD 216 Flex Head, Bob Cat Versa Handler 518 CHA Sh oo ti ng Boo m- Ha s ad ap te rs fo r QA. CONSTRUCTION: Bob Cat B250 4WD Tractor Loader Backhoe, Case 580B Backhoe, JD 444 Articulating L oader, JD 250 Skid Loade r, Case 1845C Skid Loader, ’68 Rogers Detach Trailer. TRUCKTRAILERS:’73Fo rd Grain Truck w / 14’ Be d,New 16’ Tilt Trailer w/ Ramps, New 6X12 Utility Trailer 3500#GVW w/ Tail Gate, New 77”X16’ 7,000# Utility w/ Tail Gate, New 77 ”X16’ 7,000# w/ slide in ramps, New 77”X18’ 9,999# GVW w/ Dovetail & slide in ramps, New 6X12 VNose Enclosed Trailer. TILLAGE: Kewanee 1020 FlatFold Disc,Kewanee 610 14’ Disc, Kewanee 12’ Trans Disc, Krause 21’ Wing Disc, White 264 21’ Hyd Wing Disc w/ Harrow, IH 475 21’ Hyd Wing Disc Total Reconditioned w/ Earth Metal Blades, M&W 5 Shank Disc Ripper, Brillion 14’ Cultimulcher, Fertuson 2XPlow, JD 7000 6X30 Planter w/ liquid Fert., IH 800 Cyclo Planter 6X30 w/ Liquid Fert., IH Stalk Shredder. HAY& MISC: JD 375 Round Baler, NH 488 Haybine, NH 256 Rake unused, Woods 3180 Batwing Brush Hog, Sukkup 15’ Brush Hog, 18.4X26 Combine Wheels, Pair of 15.5X38 Tires on Double Beveled Ri ms , 7 ’&8’ HD 3p t Bla de s, 6’ &7 ’ 3 pt Bl ad e, Cammond 10’ HD Hyd 3pt Blade, 5’ 3pt BoxBlade, 66” Manu re Bucket, 5’&6 ’ Rototillers, Lowe Hyd Skid Steer Mount Post Hole Digger, 66” Skid Steer Material Bucket, 12.5 Skid Steer Tracks w/ Spacers, Wood Chipper. THE FOLLOWING WILL BE SOLD ABSOLUTE HARVESTING & TILLAGE: Parker Gravity Wagon, DMI Cen ter Dump Gravi ty Wagon, JD Running Gear, ColbyRunning Gear, Parker GravityBox, JD 400 Grain Cart, NH 717 Chopper w/ corn Head, NH Hay Head, Brillion 12’ Mulcher, JD 7200 6X30 Planter w/ Liquid Fert., Yetter No-Tils& Finger Pick Up, JD 7000 6X30 Planter Dry Fert, Yetter No-Tils, Krau se 5200 No Til Grain D rill, JD 8350 Grain Drill, Landoll 20’ Soil Finisher w/ 10’ Base & 5’ Hyd Wings- could be reduced to a 10’ Tool, IH #37 12’ Disc, Kewa nee 1 0’ Trans D isc, Glenco e 5 Shank Disc Chisel, JD 1350-1450 4X Plow, FH 3Pt Plow, IH 2X Cultivator, JD 55 Corn Head. MISC:JD 55 Gas Engine, 18.4X38 Duals, 5’ 3pt. Over Seeder, NH 850 Round Baler, NH 851 Round Ba ler, JD 5 30 Rou nd Bal er, MC Ro tary Syth e, McC urdy 32’ Hay & Grain Eleva tor, Fron tier 10 Wheel Rake, JD 350 Sickle Mower, Skid Steer Pall et Forks , 60” Grapple Bucket, Bush Ho g 5’ Mower. DIRECTIONS: Located 6 miles North of Carrollton on SR 9. TERMS: Cash/Check or MC-Visa with a 4% Conveyance Fee. Financing is available thru Ag Nition or US Bank. Preapproval is necessa ry. Please contact Rona no later than March 4. Photo ID required to register. This is a partial listing and much more is expected before sale day. Consignments are being takenuntil March 7 @ 4PM. Low Commission rates. Call ahead to take advantage of free advertising. Last ad date will be March 4@ 9AM. Auctioneers not responsible for no shows or misrepresentation of equipment. Much more is expected. Follow the sale on www.auctionzip.com or www.countrysid eequipmentcarrollton.com for updates and photos. MICHAEL A. LOZIER, AUCTIONEER JASON MIRANDA, AUCTIONEER JAMES FALCONER, AUCTIONEER SHAWN HALL, APPRENTICE AUCTIONEER LICENSED & BONDED IN THE STATE OF OHIO COOKIE JAR AUCTION TO BE SOLD IN 2 PARTS SATURDAY, MARCH 9 - 10:00 AM SATURDAY, MARCH 23 - 10:00 AM 234 W. WASHINGTON ST - CORRY, PA Huge Cookie Jar Collection of over 1500 cookie jars brought in from Albany,Ny. This will be split up into 2 auctions with approx750 cookie jars at each auction. Cookie jars from Shawnee, Lenox, Mccoy, Cali fornia Orginals , Warner Bros, Twin Win ton, Treasure Craft, Fitz and Floyd, American Bisque, Cl ay Art, Enes co, Lefton, Reg al chin a, Metlo w, Napco, Certified international, Disney, Japan, and Hull, just to name a few. First auction will be Saturday Ma rch 9th @1 0 am Second auction w ill be Saturday March 23rd @10 am. These are all still boxed so keep checking website for photos. 814-664-7198 www.plossauction.com PLOSS AUCTION LARRY N. PLOSS AUCTIONEER CORRY, PA AU002859-L FOR SALE 2004 Ford 250 crew cab 4 -w h ee l d ri ve , 5 .4 a u to m a ti c, 107,000 mi les, n ice tru ck, $ 11,5 00. 7 24456-7 155. LAND FOR SALE 288x100 at 307 Linn Tyro Rd. Gre envill e, PA w ith 6 0 ft. w e ll , s ep ti c, g as , an d s he d . $ 70 0 0 OBO. 724-372 -5595. BAR STOOL SPECTACULAR Tall & short starting at $14.95 each. Values to over $125.00. Great seating. Great bargains. Star Suppl y Bargai n Outle t, 875 Mahon ing Ave., Yo un g s to w n , OH 330-746-2969. “Star Supply attracts a lot of squ irrels, ,a t our p ri ce s th ey thi n k we’re nuts.” 30 YEARS OF bu il di ng tru ss es a t Oakes & McClelland in Greenville with No Failures. 1-800-2228736. MORE MONEY For your Timber! Get paid today even if we do n’ t cu t to da y. L et ou r buyer wi th over 30 yea rs o f expe ri e nce te l l yo u h o w much your timber is w orth . C a ll tod a y Clinch-Tite Corporation 724-376-7315 OLD ADVERTISING ITEMS WANTED Sig n s , l i gh ts , ti ns , p os te rs , etc fo r p etro le u m , b e er/ alcoh ol, Coke/Pepsi & other soda, coffee, a irl i ne , to b a cco , railroad, dairy, sports, rock & rol l , a u to & m oto rcycl es . Ca l l MacKi nnon & Strella at 724-946-8617 FOR SALE 2 00 2 Ch rysl e r Concorde limited, 3.5 V6 lo a de d, cl im ate contro l heat and air, h ea te d s e ats , s u n ro of, new Go odye ar tires, not driven in winte r, excell en t cond ition . 103,000 mi les, dealer serviced regul arly $ 4,79 5 Ph on e 814-76 2-1124 FOR SALE Fa rm a ll M with loader $1800 or best offer. 10 bred Ewes $ 20 0 e a ch. Phone 814 -464-3 529, 8 144 64 -3 5 30 . W ante d Us ed tr aps and a ll types of fur. FOR SALE/WANTED Sorg u m Su da n h ayla ge b al es 4 x5 . Doberman pupp ies. Wa nted: h orse ha y, possible trade. 724932-3 997. FOR SALE NH 489 haybine, new gear box, $2800. NH 273 baler $2500. NH 56 ra ke $ 80 0 . Bu sh o g te d d er 2 sp in ne r 1 yea r ol d, $ 1 40 0 . 8 1 4 -76 3 2271. FOR SALE Miller Tig welder AC/ DC 250 am p, wa ter cooled, ready to weld, $ 1 40 0 OBO. 72 4 866-7 455. FOR SALE Ge hl 2 88 0 rou n d baler, hydraulic wide pickup, 3930 bal es, 5 ’ x6 ’ ne t or twi n e $ 16 ,5 00 . Ake y h ydrauli c post dri ver 3 p t. $ 10 0 0 . I-be a m s ta n d 2 1 0”x4 0’ 8 ” beams 10’ on center 9’4” high $1,500. 814671-1 905. BILL’S GUN SHOP Going out of business sale. 10% off e ve ryth i n g s tore w i de , gu n s i n cluded. Used guns - no w arra nty un l e ss i mp l i e d b y manufacturer. Stop in an d m ake yo ur best deal. March 131. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 2, 2013 PAGE 6 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 2, 2013 PAGE 7 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . SUZUKI JOE 2009 - 2010 - 2011 NEW 2013 SUZUKI SX4 LE POP SEDAN 12,895* $ 14,795* 3 20 1 ND B RA W E N 3 20 1 MSRP $18,899 STANDARD EQUIPMENT $ Automatic Transmission Tilt, Cruise Power Locks Alloy Wheels Power Windows AM/FM CD/ MP3 EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE NEW 2013 SX4 CROSSOVER PREMIUM ALL WHEEL DRIVE STANDARD EQUIPMENT ND B RA W NE MSRP $20,225 Automatic Transmission Tilt, Cruise Power Locks Alloy Wheels Power Windows AM/FM CD/ MP3 ALL WHEEL DRIVE EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE NEW 2013 SUZUKI KIZASHI BASE MT SEDAN STANDARD EQUIPMENT 14,995* $ 3 18,995* 1 20 ND B RA W NE 3 20 1 MSRP $20,784 $ Power Locks Power Windows AM/FM CD MP3 ABS EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE NEW 2013 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA PREMIUM 4x4 STANDARD EQUIPMENT ND B RA W E N MSRP $25,019 Stability Control Push Button Entry & Start Tilt Power Locks Power Windows Cruise AM/FM CD 4x4 IN DASH NAVIGATION EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE 10320 Wattsburg Rd., Erie, PA 16509 autoexpress superstore.com COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE LOANER AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS SUZUKI PALOOZA 814-825-4747 ON SALE!!! 11 MITSUBISHI GAL ANT 12 CHEVY IMPALA LS 11,995 $ $ 12 SUZUKI GR. VITARI “LIMITED” 4x4 8000 miles! 18,995 $ TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’s 12 CHRYSLER 200 TOUR 14,995 12 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS Low miles! 13,995 $ $ 12 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT 12 KIA SORRENTO 12 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOUR Alloy wheels, quad seats, low miles! 23,000 miles, running boards 18,995 18,995 $ $ 16,995 Power sliding doors, leather! DVD! 21,995 $ GET PRE-APPROVED CALL 814-825-4747 03 CHEVY IMPALA .................................................. $4,995 07 TOYOTA CAMRY ................................................. $7,995 07 CHRYSLER PACIFIC “AWD” ............................ $7,995 09 CHEVY HHR ....................................................... $7,995 08 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER AWD .................... $8,995 09 KIA SPORTAGE .................................................. $8,995 09 CHEVY COBALT ................................................. $8,995 09 MITSUBISHI LANCER ...................................... $9,995 07 SUZUKI XL7 PREMIUM “AWD” .................... $10,995 08 GMC ENVOY SLE 4x4 ..................................... $10,995 09 TOYOTA CAMRY .............................................. $10,995 09 SUZUKI CROSSOVER “AWD” ........................ $OLD!! 05 DODGE DAKOTA CREW CAB 4x4 ................. $11,995 10 FORD FOCUS ................................................. $11,995 11 SUZUKI SX4 SEDAN ...................................... $11,995 06 DODGE CHARGER SXT 3.5 ........................... $12,995 08 JEEP COMMANDER 4x4 ................................. $12,995 09 FORD TAURUS X “AWD” ................................ $12,995 11 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER “AWD” .............. $12,995 COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE LOANER 00 TOYOTA CAMRY Joe’s Power Buy $3,995 08 SUZUKI FORENZA Joe’s Buy er Pow $6,995 11 CHEVY HHR ..................................................... $12,995 09 SUBARU LEGACY “AWD” .............................. $13,995 11 CHEVY MALIBU LT ......................................... $13,995 11 MAZDA 6........................................................... $13,995 11 FORD FUSION SE .......................................... $14,995 06 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4x4 #H8561A ........ $15,995 06 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4x4 XLT .................. $15,995 06 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4x4 #K8593A ........ $15,995 08 DODGE DAKOTA EXT. CAB 4x4 SLT ............. $15,995 09 MAZDA CX9 “AWD” ........................................ $16,995 11 TOYOTA CAMRY LE ......................................... $16,995 12 CHEVY IMPALA LT “SUNROOF” ................... $16,995 07 DODGE RAM 1500 4x4 SHORTBED .............. $17,995 08 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB #S2390A ........ $OLD!! 09 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB 4x4 .................. $17,995 10 FORD EDGE - LOW MILES! .......................... $17,995 08 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4x4 XLT .................. $18,995 08 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4x4 ............... $18,995 11 HYUNDAI SANTE FE GLS “AWD” ................. $19,995 10320 Wattsburg Rd., Erie, PA 16509 autoexpress superstore.com 814-825-4747 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . OHIO AREA SHOPPER CES BEST PRI GOOD IDEA!! BEST BRANDS BEST SERVICE SAVE 20%! P225/70R15 Owl Cooper AT3 #1 . $108 P225/75R15 Cooper All-Season ....$79 P205/55R16 Goodyear All-Season $79 P205/60R16 Cooper All-Season .. $69 P215/65R16 Mastercraft 60K........ $85 P225/75R16 Goodyear All-Season $88 P235/70R16 Kumho All-Terrain ...$116 P235/70R16 Cooper AT3 - #1........ $129 P235/75R16 General A/S 70K ........ $99 P235/60R17 Cooper CS4 ................$123 P235/65R17 Mastercraft Avenger $129 P245/65R17 Goodyear 60K .......... $129 P245/70R17 Capitol All-Season . $109 P225/60R16 Michelin Harmony $136 MERCER TIRE SALES 724-662-3483 CASH & CARRY PRICES INSTALLATION & BALANCE AVAILABLE FOR SALE 1 9 87 For d F7 0 0 Chip Tr uc k, 6 .6 L dies e l, 6 0 ,0 0 0 miles, current DOT ins pection, nea rly ne w tire s , runs well,manual transmission,well maintained, $4400. 330770-2 884. BORDER COLLIE PUPS Will be great with child ren . Ma ke go o d Ea ster gi fts. Sh ots, ready to go March 9. $160 each. Jacob J.K. Byler. 1697 Methodist R d ., Gre e n vi l l e PA 16125 WANTED Me ta l sh e a r a n d m eta l b ra ke . Bo th mu st be at l eas t 4’ long and capable of 3/16” steel. 814-7750333. FOR RENT 2 b e dro om mo b il e h om e fo r re n t i n Sa eg e rto w n $3 5 0 plus utilities. Security req u i re d 81 4 -28 2 0474 814-425-7272 STEEL SHINGLES Stone Coated Steel Shingles Giving You The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. IN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. 716-355-4374 HARDSCAPE FOREMAN Exp eri en ced H a rd s ca p e Fo rem a n needed for retaining wa ll, paver install ations. Applicant must h a ve l ea d e rsh i p skill s, be se lf-motivated and have attenti on to deta il. Co mpe nsation is bas ed on successful applica nt’ s e xp eri e nce , certificati ons and ind us try kn ow l e dg e . Ple a s e s u bm i t re sume to: ann.warner@traceland scaping.com or mail to Tra ce L a wn & L an d s ca p i ng Inc., 117 3 4 N . Wa yl an d R d ., Mea d vil l e , PA 16335 BUY CARS AT PUBLIC AUCTION 2008 JEEP 422 Public Auto Auc- COMMANDER 4X4 tion. 1-800-422-8884 LIMITED V-8 www.422s ales.com Facto ry d em o , n o Lic. #AU005042 d a ma g e , g a ra g e kep t, l o a de d . H a s DELAGRANGE new tires and battery. STOVE ‘N’ COAL Hi tzer sto ves start- 65 ,3 00 mi le s. Da rk ing at $800. Anthra- gray (g rap hite) wi th cite co a l b a g ge d black leather, heated fro nt se ats-sunro ofb ul k $2 5 0 fo r 5 0 3rd row seats-adjustbags, size stove nut- ing p eddles-pa rking n -ri ce al so by th e sen sor-heated s ide skid . 17 58 4 Ti gh e Rd ., L in es vi ll e, PA m irro rs & s te e rin g wheel-power liftgate16424. satellite radio & 6 CD EZ BRICKS h o ld e r ru n ni n g C om p re ss e d s aw - b oa rd s-fa st s al e d us t bri cks . Bu rn $ 16 ,5 00 d a ys 7 24 cle a n er an d h o tte r 646 -377 5, ni te 7 24tha n firew oo d . 10 0 866-4357 Greenville, shrink wrapped pack- PAarea. ag es per ton. $2 00 per ton, deliveryaddiFOR SALE tional. Call 724-946- Adult hair sheep ram 8608. $225 814-789-4369 Your Garage Door Pro 814-282-9242 724-856-6019 mcoverheaddoor.com • Garage Doors • Openers • Springs and Repair Parts • Entrance Doors CALL MARVIN FOR YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS Free Estimates - Fully Insured • PA #52610 CRESSW ELL’S GENERAL STORE is NOW taking consignments for Thursdaynight weeklyauctio ns. Cons ignm ent will be taken on Mond ays an d We dn es da ys 9 am to 4 pm and Thursday9 am to 12 noo n. Sale s wi ll s tart at 6 p m . Fo r more information call 724-253 -3332. SELL, MOVE AND INSTALL HOMES W e don’t just s ell home s , w e move a nd ins ta ll pur cha sed else wher e. W e insta ll w her e others fear to tread. Know how , e quipment, licensed and insured to haul and install in Ohio andPA. RoMar Homes, 888255-8 191. CLOSEOUT WINDOWS Ba y w in dow s, ga rd en w in d o ws , dou ble hung , pa tio d oo rs . Grea t sa vi n gs , gre a t s i ze s . Star Supply Bargain Outlet, 8 75 Mah oni ng Ave ., Yo u ng stown, OH 330-74629 69 “Co me on in and embarrass us, catch u s wi th o u r prices down.” HOUSE FOR SALE Ha ndym an fixer u pp er i n Gree n vil l e $ 15 ,00 0 . 7 2 4-5 88 23 23 betwee n 7 am and 3pm. FOR SALE 1994 Wood MizerHDG24 s a wm il l w oo d m i ze r sh a rp en e r $ 1 0,7 5 0. Ma ss e y Ferg u so n G5 0 0 ro ugh terrain fo rkli ft $ 8 ,6 0 0 . Ki ln d ri e d l u mb e r R e d Oa k, Pop la r As h, L ocus t fen ce p o s ts . 81 4 789-3754 MARCH 2, 2013 MAYSV ILLE FENCE High Tensile Woven Wire Horse Cote Horse Rail Game Fence Free Estim ates 724-5882299 Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal! SELL YOUR CAR FAST AND EASY 422 Public Auto Auction. 1-800-422-8884 www.422s ales.com Lic. #AU005042 LOG HOME SERVICES AND SUPPLIES Su ga rcre e k Log Hom e Supp ly offers log home restoration s ervi ce s an d su p plies to bring your log or wood sided home back to life. Corn Cob Bl as ti ng , Sta i n in g , Ch in kin g, Weathe rization, and Spot Rot R ep a i rs a re j us t some of what we do along with complete h i sto rica l re s tora tions.We carry the full line of Sashco brand p ro d u cts su ch a s s ta i n s, cau l kin g , ch in ki ng a nd w oo d preservatives. Interior and exterior, new and o ld h om e s , w e ’ve b e en m aki n g l o g homes pretty again fo th e l a st 1 0 ye ars . Please call for a free estimate and to set up an ap pra isa l for yourhome...814-374990 8. PA Con tractor #PA08 1813 PAGE 8 NEW RANCH STYLE OPEN FLOOR PLANS WARNER’S Reg. # PA001873 HOMES and IMPROVEMENTS “The Area’s Largest Custom Modular Home Builder” 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 www.warnerconstruction.com Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Saturday & Evenings by Appt. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING FOR LEASE 5 40 0 sq u a re foo t building on 8 acres w ith 2 80 0 s qu are fo ot s tora ge buil ding. Lease includes s h op e qu i p m en t. Mercer are a . C al l 724-97 7-0020 FOR SALE Ta cs e w T111 -1 5 5 com mercial sewi ng machine with stand only one hour of use $750. 814-573-9245 FOR SALE Wo odb urnin g s to ve with electric blower, 7 in. ou tlet, good cond iti o n $ 3 90 . Al s o sma ller woo d stove with el ectric b lowe r, SNOW DOGG works good $90.Also STAINLESS 20 gal lon Sea rs a ir STEEL com pres so r w ith 5 PLOWS horsepower gas moStarting at $3700 tor, very g ood condiinstalled. tion $325. Also Stand a rd b red b ug g y FABIN’S h ors e, 12 ye ar ol d 814-899-6636 gelding, T.S.S., lots of www.fabins.com a ctio n , go od broke SEASONED $975.Also buggyharFIREWOOD ne ss with d ots , b io p la s tic, li ke n e w D e li ve ry a vai l a bl e . $350. 440-296-5322. 724-94 6-3296 STANDARDBRED BUGGY HORSES 3 ye a r o l d tro tti n g m a re s ire Stri ki n g Sabra Dam by Sierra Cosmos, very nice 3 yearold doublegaited ma re with 2 w hites behind. 7 year old trotting mare, nice family horse. 814-758-0176 Andy Mullett. SHOW FEED SEMINAR MARCH 4th 6:45 TO 8:30 PM At Hartstown Presbyterian Church Hartstown, PA 16131 Guest Speaker: Brian Hines Show Feed Specialist Come See What Sunglo Has To Offer For Your Animals!! RSVP Westford Milling Co. By March 2nd 724-927-2221 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 HOSTETLER CONSTRUCTION 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE MARCH 2, 2013 MENT ION THIS AD HOLIDAY SPECIAL $25.00 OFF ALL TRIFOLD COVERS • Commercial Buildings • Garages • Horse Barns • Farm Buildings • Residential • Churches • Post Frame Buildings Scofield’s Truck Accessories FLE XI BLE T O FI T YOUR DE S I RE S For All Your SUV and Truck Accessory Needs Call: 814-425-7965 - Pete Wagler Be tte r Bu ild in g s a re b y... #PA040598 Borkh older ANNUAL PARTS CASH FOR CARS DAYS! Trucks, Va ns, SUV’s & ATV’s. Any year, any March 1 8th - 2 3 rd . San dy L ake Imp le co ndi tio n. 724 -33 3m en t, 3 6 7 5 Sa nd y 0320. L a ke R d., San d y MIKE’S HYDRAULIC L ake , PA.72 4 -37 6 SERVICE 2489. Can repair log splitLITTLE PIGS ter cylinders, hydrauFOR SALE l ic cyl in de rs, p al le t ja cks , a ir cylin ders, Fe ed e r p i g s a n d snow plow cylinders show pigs. 100 ’s to a n d b e au ty sh o p choose from. Breedcha i rs. 46 2 3 Pe rry ing size bo ars and Highway (Rt. 19) Vol- g il ts . L o ca te d i n a nt, PA. 72 4 -53 0 - Sug a r Gro ve , PA. 615-497 -1606. 7396. FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 www.fabins.com USED Gas range, washers, dryers , refrigerators, chest freezer and portab l e d i s hw a s he r. Also store wide s ale on new appl iances. Fry’s TV & Appl., 217 Main, Green ville, PA. 724-588 -6270. FOR SALE SBC En gi n e pa rts , 350 4 bolt long block rebu ilder 400 4 bolt WANTED std. bore block 3 400 HERSHBERGER Stan di ng tim be r on cranks 400 .20 over FENCING site, m illi ng o r co nfl atto ps o n ro ds 3 ve nti o na l lo g g in g . We build all types of s ets o f 4 00 h e ad s horse/livestock/resiTop prices paid. We Ed el b rou ck pe rde ntia l fen ce . Wi ll n e ed l arg e pu l p former intake HEIdiswood, tracts and low ta ke out o ld fen ce tributors LT1 corvette a n d cl ea r fen ce grade timb er blocke xh a us t m a n ifo ld s ing trees for on site rows. 8 years expe- more parts available m il l i ng / 81 4 -69 4 - rie n ce. C al l Jo h n Pri ce d to se ll 8 14 724-588 -2550. 6446. 724-5 602. 14, 18, 24 Karat Gold UPTOWN UPTOWN UPTOWN GREENVILLE SHENANGO WARREN 145 Main Street Shenango Valley Mall 531 E. Market St. Greenville, PA Hermitage, PA Warren, OH 724-885-1112 724-979-1930 330-369-8600 RACING GO CARTS FOR SALE Due to myhusband’s dea th, am se llin g 2 complete race ready carts with engines, 2 o the r en g i ne s , mounted tires, tacks, new clutch & lots of misc. Serious inquiries o nly - one package $3500. McMaster 814-425 -7724. 19 Lake Road Hadley, PA 16130 Phone: 724-253-2623 Phone: 814-282-2272 email: [email protected] ARMY & NAVY STORE J.Amato & Son 814-33 3-8299 L o ca te d i n th e Me ad vi ll e D ow n tow n Ma l l a cros s from Dollar General. We h a ve vi n ta g e L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d Wrangler jeans size 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t VERY CHEAP! Also h ave Bi b ove ral l s a nd coa ts -g rea t sizes. See our large se lection of shou ld er b ag s , d u ffl e b ag s an d ba ck packs. We print military d og ta gs . We have a large selection of 550 paracord; ma ny different co lors. Military surplus a nd col l e cti b le s . New and used:Adult a nd you th , l a te s t s tyl e s o f s tree t ca mo, shorts, fie ld ja ckets, s we aters, a n d EMT p a nts . Combat an d jungle boots . Huntin g and military knives, cots, s l ee p i ng b ag s , socks, gloves, caps, h el me ts , b la nkets and more. MRE’s by the case of package. Gas masks and filters. We alsobuymilitary items from individuals and estates. GARAGE DOORS AND REPAIR Do es your gara ge d oo r ne e d re pai red? Or do you n e ed a new e n tra n ce d oo r, g a ra g e d o o r o r o pe n e r? C al l Ma rvi n a t M. C . Overh ead Door for all your door needs. 814 282 9242 or WANTED Open Jersey heifers, 500 lbs. and up. 724456-4 044. FOR SALE 75 a cres , exce ll en t h u nti n g, m o stl y wo od ed , ATV trai ls , creek, HBP minerals, Mu ski n gu m Cty. Saltcreek Twp. Orus Mast Northwood Realty 330-473-9077 WANTED H on e s t cl ea n de p e nd a b le d ri ve r to haul work crew to & from work.Mini van or s m al l tru ck i d ea l . And o ver o r D o rs e t area. 440-293-4228. LANDSCAPING FOREMAN This person will oversee and assist in the p la ntin g, g ro om in g and maintaining of all o rn a m en ta l tree s , s hru b s, flo w e rs , lawns and softscape features. The supervis o r m u s t a s si g n d utie s to the la nd scape w orkers a nd s up ervi se the ir fin is hed pro ducts a nd i ts re s po n si b le fo r the quality of the finis hed prod uct lan ds ca p e . Th e l a nd scap e supe rvisor is also respo nsible for eva luati ng al l of the e mp lo ye es ’ pe rformance. Wage based on e xp eri e nce . Ple a s e s u bm i t re sume to ann.warner @tracelandscaping.com o r m a il res u m e to Trace Lawn & Landscapin g, Inc. 117 34 N . Wa yla n d Rd ., Meadville, PA 16335. FOR SALE 14 ft Sea Kin g bo at wi th Tee Ne e trai le r a nd a cce s so ri es . 814-28 2-3340 FOR SALE Proven herd bull. A1 H i gh l a n d/H e re fo rd cro s s . Bl ack wi th white face, polled, 2 yea rs o l d i n Ma y $ 1 ,2 0 0 . m a y s e e sired calves on farm. 814-43 6-7607 PA# 52610 EXCAVATION, DOZER WORK & LANDSCAPING We b u i ld p o nd s , dri veways, retain ing walls, clear land, install drains & lan ds ca p i ng . We a ls o s tock la n d s ca p e s up p l ie s , s to ne , m ul ch, bo u l de rs & p l an t ma te ria l . Bl oo m i ng Va ll e y Landscape & Supply. 814-724-5296, Rt. 77 in Blooming Valley. FOR SALE Ame ri ca n Staffo rd s h ire te rri ers , e xta b li s h ed 1 97 7 , home of #1 Amstaff in co untry, p ups a vai lable $800 to $1,500 local 814-438-8041 VEHICLES WANTED Dea d or Alive. Profe ss ion al ro llb ack/ removal services to pick up and properly recycle your clunker. Buying cars, trucks, va ns & mo re ! Ca ll 724-456 -9906. H-B HARDWOODS Buyer of standing timb e r, s ki d d in g wi th horses. “Land owner s a ti s facti o n i s o u r goal.” Portable sawmill. 330-983-3856. Custom Butchering, Processing & Wrapping Peden’s Freezer Meats 6989 St. Rt. 88 • Kinsman, OH 330-772-6631 WED., THUR., FRI. 9-5 SATURDAY 9-1 CLOSED MON. & TUES. Beef & Hogs By the Side, Whole or Half Friday & Saturday - Fresh Sausage & Ground Chuck TWO AQHA/APHA GELDINGS FOR SALE Both shown ha lte r, a lw ays in r ibbons , gorgeous palomino, prof. trained Showmanship, Pleasure. Ready to finish. Sorr el. Sa ddle d and gr ound work done, very willing. Great all ar ound prospec ts . No vic es, load, clip. 724-372 -1656. SNOW WATER FUR TRADING Paying prem ium for fin i sh e d su p er se lected beaver, bobcat, co on, co yote , fish er fo x, m in k, m us krat, otter. Unfinished fur at CAMPER WANTED m arke t. Sup p l ie s . L oo ki ng to b u y a 814 -382-2 501, 8 14- camper in any condi573-7259. Conneaut tion or size. 724-456Lake, PA. 9906. FOR SALE MasseyFerguson 40/ 5 0 Hi C ro p $ 20 00 . L on g 44 5 w /l oa de r $2800. 25 bu. ground d ri ve m a n ure s pre ad e r on ste el , l i ke n ew $ 15 0 0 forecart for Haflinger $485. 4’ back blade, new $155. AC 2 btm. ro ll over pl ow $ 27 5. Ca rryal l 3 pt. $12 5. Fo rd 903 p ost ho le d ig g e r $ 5 35 . Jo h n D e ere 85 0 tra cto r, d ie s e l $ 1 80 0 . Ya nm a r 2 5 h ors e d i es e l tra cto r wi th mower $3750. Other equipment. 814-4507011. FOR SALE We lg e r R P1 2 4 x4 round bale r with net w ra p , $ 5 ,5 0 0. C al l 7 2 4-3 7 2-0 4 9 1 o r 72 4-748 -3 61 0 a fter 5pm. Hauling for Slaughter on Monday Slaughtering on Tuesday www.mcoverheaddoor.com WE WILL PAY AN EXTRA 5000 Any combination of 10, $ LIL HOSS FUN CLUB TACK SWAP & Flea Market, Sat., March 23rd, 9 to 3 at Cl arks Mill s Un ited Meth o di s t C h u rch . $ 10 a ta b le o r $ 5 bring your own table. Please pre-pay. Intere ste d ven do rs cal l Kathy 814 -425-1952 o r Su e 8 1 4 -38 2 2234. PAGE 9 Area’s Largest In Stock Inventory WANTED/FOR SALE Wa nted Fib ergl as s stakes round, L channe l, C chan nel . For Sale: Hand pick ear corn $ 1 80 to n. An drew R. Troyer, 5187 Atla n tic L ake Rd ., Hartstown,PA16131. MILLER’S METAL Me tal roofing 8 ’-1 6’ rai n b ow $ 1.0 0 p e r L .F.--Prim e r & d ul l Galv. $1.13 Lin. foot, s o me # 3 p a i nte d $1.35 L.F., can order cu t to l e n gth no n standard colors, red, evergreen, charcoal, & blue $1.50 L.F. only while supplies last. In s tock 15 co lo rs b ake d o n pa i n te d metal 8’ to 20’ $1.80 L.F. Also available 40 yr. painted galvalume $1.95 L.F. 1 mile N. or Atlantic, PA. 9730 Laird Rd. Hours 8 to 4:30 M., T., W., Fr., 8 to 1 Sat. Closed Thurs. & Sun. REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS Farms /Homes/Businesses. Reimold App ra i sa l s. 7 2 4-6 46 2100. WANTED TO BUY Antique & Collec tibles Old Paper Goods Cleaning an attic or ba se me nt? Liquidating an estate or have items to sell? Good price s paid for ite ms prior to 1 96 0 : fur niture , glassware, pottery, lighting silver, clocks, advertising, linens , toys, fire man, railroad, photographs, marbles, m ilitar y, politic al, fraternal, sporting, c hildr e n’s ite ms , W or ld’s Fair and othe r s ouve nirs ; books , brochures, c ale nda r s , c a ta logs , m aga zines , ma ps , pos tca rds, pr ogram s, sc ra pbook s, sheet m usic. Ca ll 7 24-94 68617. 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA Mon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 724-58 8-6443 COME SEE DARRIN, JIM OR IAN FOR YOUR NEXT VEHICLE PURCHASE! 05 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD SALE $ 13,995 PRICE 4x4, 4 doors, 5.7L Hemi, 20 in. chrome wheels, PL, PW, tilt, cruise, sharp. 03 CHEVY S-10 EXT. $ SALE PRICE 2,495 FIREWOOD FOR SALE $1 90 .00 fo r a cord, cut a nd s pl i t, i n Greenville area. Call me at 417-388-4180 ask for Emma. As Traded Special. 6 cy l., 5 spd ., am/f m C D, LS pkg. FRUIT TREE PRUNER Wou l d yo u l i ke a “bountiful” harvest? I ha ve over 3 5 yea rs experience. I’ll prune and teach proper fruit tree care. Enjoy your “own” fruit! Call 440293-5 034. 4x4, 4 doors, V6, auto., air, cruise, tilt, PL, PW, black. 05 FORD F250 SUPERCAB $ SALE PRICE 14,995 4x4, 5.4L V8, XLT, auto., air, cruise, tilt, PL, PW. 10 COROLLA 09 COLORADO 08 TRAILBLAZER 08 EQUINOX 08 FUSION 08 ACADIA 08 LIBERTY 07 OUTBACK 03 FORD F350 CREW 13,995 SALE $ PRICE Dually, powerstroke 6.0L, Lariat, 4x4, leather, auto. 02 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4,695 SALE $ PRICE 2 Dr., 6 cy l., auto., air, cruise, tilt, PL, PW, am/ f m CD. www.gordonsautosales.com 02 CHEVY S10 CREW CAB SALE $ PRICE 7,995 00 JEEP GR. CHER OKEE $ SALE PRICE 4,895 4x4, Laredo, 4.0L 6 cy l., auto., PL, PW, tilt, cruise. 02 GMC SIERRA 1500 8,995 02 SUBARU FORESTER S 7,995 SALE $ PRICE 4x4, Regular Cab, 8 f t. bed, auto., air. SALE $ PRICE A WD , a u to . , l e at h er , sunroof , PL, PW. 00 CHEVY K2500 EXT. CAB SALE $ 97 DODGE GR. CARAVAN SALE $ 9,995 PRICE 4 x4 S il v e ra do ¾ t on , a ut o . , a i r, LT p k g. , leather, alloy s. 2,495 PRICE As Traded Special, 3.8L V6, leather, quad seats. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 2, 2013 A.R.E.truck caps, running boar ds, bug shields, rain guards, bedliner s, mud flaps, hitches, nerf steps, floor mats. www.fabins.com Erie, PA, I-90 Exit 32 1-800-957-0000 FINANCING AVAILABLE Mob i l e h o me s fo r sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r qualified buyers. Super Loan Originators a t Ro Mar Ho m es . 724-927-6341 NMLS #323651 FOR SALE Mos sberg Model 88 1 2 g a ug e , 3 i nch , b la ck s to ck $ 27 5 obo. Mossberg Model 500, pump 12 gauge, BBL 1 28 inch modified (2 barrels), BBL 24 inch RS cyl. Bore, non-rifled slug barrel (ne w in b ox) $4 0 0 obo. 814-382-3521. WANTED Ma ck Tru cks 19 70 2 00 0. Prefera bl y R Models, C H Models, DM Models, U Model D u mp Tru cks a n d Road Tractors. [email protected] or call 724-866-2077 NOW OPEN AC SECOND HAND STORE Lots offurniture at disco unt prices, so me a n ti q u e fu rn i ture , g la s sw a re , l in e ns , too l s , n e w i tem s we ekl y. We bu y e states . 40 Ki tch Rd , Greenville , PA. 72 4588-3 344. 4TH ANNUAL far m-All Fa rm er s 4-H Club Pig Sale. Saturday, April 20, 20 13 a t 4PM. Loc ate d at the Cra w ford County Fairgrounds 13500 Les lie Road, Meadville, PA. Concessions available. Purchase your 4-H swine project! Animals available for viewing at 2PM. For more informa tion or cons ignme nts call:Lloyd Harvison 8 1 4-8 2 7-2 0 2 7 or Jack Boulton: 814282-9003 APARTMENTS Rt. 2 7 Me adville C ou n try, mi n u te s from town.2 BR, bath, L R , e a t-i n -ki tch e n (stove/frig include d) yard, basement storage, laundry hook up, garage & add itio nal parking. $550 month + utilities + security. Char lton Stre e t Meadville - 3BR, LR, DR , ki tche n (s to ve / frig i ncl u d ed ), sun room , dry ba seme nt, l au nd ry ho ok u p. $ 57 5 mo n th + gas + electric. Eagle St., Greenville - 1st floor, 7 rooms & b ath, (stove /fri g in cl ud e d ) o ff s tre e t parking for 1 vehicle. Ba se me nt storag e, l au n d ry h oo k up . $625 month + utilities + security.Application a nd re fe re nce s re qu ired . no pe ts. No smoking inside. Call 724-25 3-2156 DINING SET Old country style dinin g set. H ea vy ro ck maple. table extends to approx. 7ft., 6 high back chairs, 5 drawer 2 d o o r s i de b o ard . L arg e te a ca rt w / w i ng s on w h ee l s $ 1,8 0 0 OBO. 8 14 922-3090 CATTLE AND EQUIPMENT 30 Holstein cows all 2nd and 3rd lactation, all AI breed and in different stag es of lactation. Ra whide portable corral hydraulic w ith b ui l t i n ch u te . $ 5,5 0 0 OBO. 8 14 282-1165 FOR SALE 2007 Chrysler Aspen Limited 4WD, 65,000 m il e s , 5 .7 H e mi , le athe r, po we r wi ndows, doors, seats... 4 bucket s eats, 3 rd row seating, loaded, e xce l le n t, a s ki n g $ 18 ,9 00 8 14 -5 66 6616 FOR SALE ABCA Bord er Coll ie p up p i es . 6 w e eks old, black & white and b lu e me rl es . Ni ce m a rki n gs , 9 to cho o s e from . Fe ma les $ 325 . Mal es $300. 440-293-4551. Andover Ohio. FOR SALE Tem p u rp e d ic m attress - Ki ng $1,2 00 OBO. Kitch en cab inets including island - 5 base and 8 upper ca bi ne ts . C al l 81 47 20 -3 44 7 for m ore info. ADORABLE PUPPIES ON SALE Fi na n ce, C re d i t o r cash.$189 and up on m a ny p up s . 36 2 0 Belmont Youngstown www.ohiop uppy.com Yorkies, Morkie, FoxChi,York-Chon, YorkiPom , Pu gg l e , C hi h ua hu a , Shi h-Poo , Mal -Shi h , Mal te se , Eng l i sh Bul l d og , C a vch o n, Pom s , Pug s (1 b la ck, 1 fa wn). Cal l for sa le prices . Op en: Mon .Thu. 11-3. Fri-Sat-Sun 11-6. 330-259-1286. 42 ACRES WOODED LAND WITH AMISH HOME AND OUTBUILDINGS C o nn e a ut Twp ., C ra w ford Co . Al l m i ne ra l ri gh ts o w ne d by s e ll e r sha ll transfer s ubj ect to l ea s e s o f record. Call Russell T. (R usty) Kiko , Jr. 3 30 -49 5-0 92 3 (0220201 3-4186) Kiko Realtors www.kikorealestate.com UPCOMING EVENTS a t Old Sa le m U.M.C., 1 031 Methodist Roa d, Greenville. April 6, 4-7 All you c a n ea t Spa ghetti Dinner $7.00, a dva nc e tic ke ts available. Apr il 20 9 -3 Spr ing Cr aft Show, a ls o Soup, HAY FOR SALE Bake Sale, Crafters 4x5 orchard & timothy ne ede d, $ 1 0.0 0 rou n d b a l es w ith table : Flea Ma rket, plastic sleeve $60. 50 coming Sat. June 1, s qu a re b a le s of 2 Ve ndor ’s ne ede d year old alfalfa hay$6 $5.00 fee. More info WEATHER GOT YOU a ba le. 3PT rota ting call Joyce 724-588DOWN? hayspear $650. 814- 6518 Rent our Villa. Tooth4 25 -2 53 1 or 8 14 brush , b athi ng sui t, 853-2957 WOOD FURNACE/ all you ne ed. 2 bedSTORAGE room beauti fully furFOR SALE Ro yal l i nd oor wo od n is h e d l arg e Vi l la . 201 0 Gree n Pola ris fu rn ace , h oo ks in to La kesh ore Flo rida . Sportsman 500 HO, e xi sti ng d u ct wo rk, Renting April and next front/rear bumpers, b lo w er & fi l te r, 26 ” se aso n. Re nti ng or ha nd/thumb war m- lo gs , 8” fl ue, h ea ts sell. Easy life - pool, e r s, title in hand, 1,87 5 sq . ft. $ 24 44 hot tub, shuffle,bocci, original owner, ready n ew / $ 1 ,40 0 ob o ten n is , b a ske tb a ll , to ride, 278.2 hours, Tra de fo r 48 ” l aw n h ors e sh o e s, l ake , 28 94 m ile s, $4,5 00 tractor 14x28 storage boating, fishing. 863OBO. Call 81 4-49 9- bu ildi ng $ 125 . 72 4- 696-2856 details and 1099 458-4 377. pictures. FOR SALE Standardb red Buggy h ors e s, a lw a ys a g oo d se l e cti o n o f fa mil y o r bo ys typ e. Free de livery w ith in 5 0 m i le s . 2 w ee k guarantee. 814-3166637 INDOOR RC CAR RACING! Dirt ova l, offr oa d, carpet ova l, tra ctor pulls, rock crawling and more. Full Hobby Shop & Snack ba r. Yea r r ound indoor family FUN! Spectators FREE! www.bigdogrc.com. Call 724-376-2379 TRUCK ACCESSORIES Be dco vers $ 19 5 , Traile r hi tche s, Bug shields $4 8, goosene ck h itch es , Be dliners $125, step bars $180, mud flaps, vent vi so rs , ru n ni n g boards, to nneau covers. Buy/Sell/Trade. No lf’s Tru ck Acce ssories 814-382-0395 FOR SALE C ap e Co d , 5 b ed roo ms m as ter/w ith b ath , 3 b ath s u p stai rs-16’x30’ fa mily roo m 16 ’ x20 ’ be d room 2900 sq. ft. full basement $259,000. 814-398 -2799. PAGE 10 SPORTSMAN’S BANQUET MARCH 16th - 6 PM At the First Baptist Church in Linesville Featuring Biologist and adventurer WADE NOLAN Presenting a whitetail deer seminar & sharing stories from Alaska & Africa Barbeque pulled pork dinner, dessert, “Taste of the Wild Table” Door prizes & giveaw ays. Tickets $10 - available at the Church office and Rebecca’s Family Restaurant. Seating is limited. If not sold out tickets w ill be available at the door. Call 814-382-6227 for info. FOR SALE-CAMP Lotsize 100 feet x130 fe et, loca tion Gre en Oaks Pesident Towns hi p , m a ture oa k trees , border gamela nds $10 ,00 0 ob o. Wil l ema il p hoto album per inquiry. Contact jhncx196@ gmail .com. NEWMANSVILLE CAMP FOR SALE 30 0X175 l ot, 1 2x50 mo bile ho me, ele ctric, holding tank, no running water, mostly furn i sh e d , b e ds , cou ch es , re frig ., WANTED stove, mic, most evSTANDING TIMBER erythi ng s tays . 72 45 acres or more, skid- 813-5 118. d in g wi th h o rse s . Landowner satisfacUKC REDBONE tion is No. 1 Priority. PUPPIES Dan s Sa wmil l, con- 9 w e e ks ol d . 3 fe tact No . 72 4 -58 8 - males available now. 4392. Gre at hu ntin g lin es. Friendlytemperment. POLE BUILDINGS 724-735 -4783. H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding areHORSE FOLKS!!!! nas, agriculture buildHELP WANTED ing s, ga rage s, ro of- HELP WANTED-parting, decks. Hostetler time box stall cleaner; C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 - experience w/horses 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to required. LESSONSPete. from beginner to adva n ce d -d re s s a g e , driving, halter, hunter, CONSTRUCTION and western. EQUIPTOOLS FOR SALE MENT FOR SAL E1 0’6 Va n Ma r k Mea do w bro ok, l ike brake $950. Space new 7 6” shave s, no heater $340. Exten- fenders-$1100; many s ion la dder s 16 ’ o th e rs from $ 15 0 . $50, 24’$115. 4’mini Me ad vi ll e , PA 81 4 werner scaffolding 333-9 343. with rollers $ 65. 1 [email protected] hea vy duty whee lWANTED TO BUY barrow $55. 1 regula r w hee lba rr ow Radiator for B or C AC tracto r. Pho n e $40. 5/8 H clips $12 box. 724-815-1580 8 1 4-3 9 8-2 9 6 9 o r 814-572 -5827. MULTIPLE ITEMS 3 year old Bay gelding “bottle baby” very qu ie t, g rea t grou nd manner $400. 9 year old paint mare, excell en t on tra i l s, very quiet, great for kids/ beg inne rs $ 850. 12 yr. ol d AQHA Sorre l mare, veryquiet great for kids/beginner, exce ll e n t a l l a rou n d horse $2950 OBO. 4 yr. old AQHABuckskin mare Peppy San Badg er s tarte d ro pi ng , great on trails, excellent ground manners $ 2 95 0 OBO. 72 4 964-8 449. PARTS AND PROJ ECT 1 93 5 Pl ym ou th C o up e s ol i d ch as s i s’ s bo d y needs floors and total resto. not many left? Make offer 5.0 electric water pump, lon g tube head ers m ac cen te r p i pe . 5.0 5 sp ed . tran s. 5.0 radi ator fra me ti es 3 5/w h ea d s aeromotive electric fu el p um p BBK. s tru t p la te s . 8 14 382-0 438. FOR SALE AR-15 custom bui lt. DPMSlower with jewe le d tri gg er. D PMS stai nl es s stee l 1-8 CRYO barrel. Green laser, Accushot 3-12 lighted mil dot scope. Five 30 round magazines. Leather sling. Ca rryi ng case . Wi th ammo. $3,500. 724588-9559 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 2, 2013 PAGE 11 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 2, 2013 PAGE 12