08 - The Unger Memorial Library


08 - The Unger Memorial Library
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Unger Memorial Library
835 Austin
Plainview TX 79072
Zone 2 (6-07)
..~· . . Y~E ' PAPER ~
3(' k p,ayuh.' llt s
dol.U., M.ny
~~ !9~q -9 b~ ~t I
, Volume 2, 'Number 6
February 8, 2007
, LUVlto,m .'
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doubt. c Ollt :Jo.~ 1
Bride.·.. and Groom
With this issue being our Valentine the Lakeview Baptist Church and this one slight snag ,though. Shirley was
edition of T HE PAPER, I thought it is where they met. Shirley liked Les just 16 and the couple knew her parwould be nice to highlight a long;. but thet~ was, a, problem - he had a ents would not consent to her martinle ' married couple this week. Lei
rying at such a young age. She' did :'
and Shirley Overstreet came to mind
"Les 'and Shli-Iey had planned a
wear her engagement ring - on a
as their' wedding anniversary falls on
Friday the 13'11 wedding. lInchain around her neck so her parValentihe's Day itself and I thought
foreseen circumstances (and
ents wouldn ' t know!
an interesting story might be behind
uncooperative cOlln~v clerks)
What is a young couple to do
their wedding date. BOY! What' an
forced them to Yo ed on the day
when they know they will face
understatemel.lt! I had no idea wh~t I
o.lIove. FebruOl:v 14'11. 1953. ..
certain opposition to their getting
was in for . when 'I went this. pas,t Sat......................- ...._-_.lnarried? .. Why, elope of course!
urday t~ intel:View the Overstreets in girlfriend. Les thought Shirley was a, They decided that would be the
i their neat little white house in town! ·
"mighty pretty little girl" and once only solution to their problem. They
Shirley,Oyerstreet (nee Beard) was the old ,girlfficmd in Gonnan was no picked Friday, February 131h
. an ·Abern,~ t.hy" girLwll~ gr~~ ~1?..9,I) ·ij .. ' ;:!nqre; t ~ ,t~o'l started ~tep'pi.~~ l ~ut. ...:.d~Y_~~~J'"'t.~.ex~ I~~\q;~t~ee'_--: __:-: ' : "-' ''''' '' ' J
farm outSIde.' Abenla~I1y ;:- R er family-',;rheir ,fir~t , dat,e was a movie af the- -'SI11rte¥,\\!cnt to sdrool, tI-rat.'ilIijvc.alnd;:,af"''''''''~'''''
"nloved to- town in ' 1951 when her Abernathy. m'ovie' theatre. Their ' lunch time ' Lesplcked her up and
daddy ' developed " heaJ~t trouble ·' and church helped"'the courts~ip out quite they headed out of town. They had
Shirley and Les Overstreet, 1953
couldJl' p farm ' anym·~re . Les was a a bit because , there .; were so many put some thought into this and
good ' old farm boy who l11(')ve.d to church activities, th~re were plenty of Shirley had taken a bunch of her elope but that they were finding it
Lakeview frolll Gornutn Texas at. the opport,unitles to be together. This was clothes to the dry ~Ieaners earlier in harder than they thought it would be.
age of 17 with bis 2 other· l?rqthe~sa good- thing. beC,altse this way Les the week where Les then picked Uncle JD, being a 'romantic as well as
and parents. Both fami,Iies, attendeq didn 't b~ye to !lsk S,~iJ:ley ' s da~dy if them up. This ' way Shirley didn't the maverick in the family, declared
; ••••• ~ ••••• , •••••• ~ ..... ~ •• ; lie. ~ould take. Shirley out every raise her p.a~ents ' s~spicions by gOi~lg he
, ' .
" , • w.eekJ
to.school With a sUitcase packed With
see LOVE page 6
•• MY VALENTINE WISH •• 'Fina,,lly',- Les." decided that , clot,hing! She confessed to her
; I'd like to hang a vaientine : . Shirley wa.s the girl for him brother Billy that day at school ~hat •
; , Upon the world's front dQQr,
; and he decided to propose. He she was abo~t to do and. asked. If he :
• ,With hearts Qf love and peace
• was nervous about the actual , wanted to With them. Billy said no, : For God so 10
ed the WQrld, ;
t . d
; proposing so he ate a Milky he wanted to, be home to watch daddy •
en wme
• . Way candy bar to calm his when he got the news!
That He g ve
: . To last fQrevermQre. .
: nerves. Back in -the good old
Off Les and Shirley went, driving :
'; With IQve to. guide-Qur daily path,
; days, candy bars; had two literally into the su?set, I.ooking for a :
His 011 y
There' d be no. one in need'
"wrappers on them - a paper place to get a marriage hcense. They •
; , God's blessings would be' sh~red by ·all ; wrapper and then , the foil tried Clovis, NM ; Portales, NM; and:
: . Of every race ~md creed.
: w.rapper next to the candy. Les Lovington, NM. No. l~ck! The clerks .:
. was so nervous, he ate the were all rather SUSpICIOUS of the cou- •
; Peace WQ.uld CQmetQ all the wQrld
: candy bar; wrapper and all. He pie since · Shirley looked so young. ;
• . As nations great ahd small
• said it was the toughest candy They ended up driving to Oil Center :
hat whoever
" ; .. Would put aside,their selfish aims
: bar he has ever eaten! At any NM whereJD McCulley, Les' uncle, •
:r ,'- •• ~' To. wQrk fQr the go..Qd Qf a, II. .
• rate, the proposal was made · lived with his wife Lorene and seven-!. . .
n Him
• •- .
' • and accepted, a ring produced year old son, Jesse Don. They ex- •
: If I eQuId have my Wish tQday,
: and it was official. There was plained the situation of wanting to
I'd wish for riQJhing mQre ,
; r--------'-~------------------...., :
ot perish,
a way
d each
• Thank to. hang a great big valentine
Upon Qur world's front dOQr. .
~Kay HQfftmin .
"Love..,is what's in the room .with ,you at Christmas · ;•
if you stop opening presents and listen,"
Bob.by - age 7
,; '
.But have E
. verlastinglife.;
Pag<! 2
Thursday. J a~uary 4. 2007
Saturday, May 12,<2007 will be Election
Day for the City of Petersburg. Three City
Council positions will be open. Applications
are available at City Hall.
Monday, February 12th is the beginning
day to file for an application. The ending
date is Monday. March 12th at 5:00pm.
Please consider serving and helping our
community to grow.
Honest, reliable and experienced
Patios, Sidewalks, Driveways,
Slabs, Curbs and Fencing
Call Rigo at 241-2825
References available
Coloring Contest For'l~ids,
City ·of P~tersburg '.
Valentine's Day is a
day full of love, choco-'
lates and sweets. I
thought . it most appropriate to share with you
a fun recipe for Valentine Stained Glass. cookies. Audrey and I made
these last year using
two heart shaped cookie
cutters and handed them
out to her friends for
Valentine's Day: THey
are very pretty and extremely easy to make as
well as being rather impressive. Make some
. and impress YOllr
sweetie this Valentine's!
1 cunsalted butter,softened
y. (; sugar
1 large egg
1 t vanilla extract
Y4 t salt
2 Yz c flour
hard candies (we used Jolly
Ranchers but Lifesavers or
any other clear, hard candy
woul~ work just great)
", Using an electric mixer
at medium speed, cream the
.butter, gradually adding the
sugar. Beat in the egg until
evenly mixed, then blend in
the vanilla extract and salt.
", With a wooden spoon,
stir the flour into the
"When my -grandmother got a r - :
, .
thritis. she couldn't bend 'over arid
• "Love is when Mommy sees.
paint her toenails anymore. So my
: Daddy smelly imd sweaty and:
: still says he is handsomer:
grandfather does it for her all the
tiille. even when his hands got arthri: thaQ Brad Pitt."
tis too. That's love."
~ : ,~, C.hrjs :~ .age..? . •
.: .
'Rebecca - age 8
;.'\:( .- :~ •••••••••••'••••••
•. ":
'i. '. ',,-
• ',,'
N()\V IS THAT.A COLUl\rl~~~~:~APlNG:()~. w.1;J'AT?:-:- ~~~,
"_.,. •. ':;' •.•. .,: .....,.,."'-- '
"Love is. when a girl puts
on perfume and a boy
puts on shaving cologne
and they go out .and smell
ea~h other,'.' .
'''''-l.. Karl
.:: age
'S· ":
;l "'.
PILES UP BIRTH'D.AYS:r ~,/·~ "'~.
transfer .cookie to the sheet.
Cut out a smaller cookie
insidethe larger cookie and .
remove smaller cookie, Place
a hard candy in the, middle of
the cookie then bake about
8 to 10 minutes, or until
cookies start to brow~ . around the 'edges and the
, candy is' l1)elted,
. ". .Let the cookies coolon '
the baking sheertor 5 minutes then transfer them to a
wire rack to cooJ.completely.
". To prevent sticking, line
your serving p,latter or tin .
with waxed paper and. place
additional waxed pap~r between the layers,
". Makes about 30 cookies.
creamed ingredients, about
one third at a time until
evenly blended .. The dough
may seem soft but will firm
up-When refrigerated.
" Divide the dough in half.
Flatten each portion into a
disk and seal in plastic wrap.
Refrigerate several hours or
overnight. - .
II" Heat th~ oven to 37'5 0
F. Cover a sturdy cookie
sheet with foil and lightly
spray with Pam.
", Roll out the sugar
'cookie dough to Y4-inch
- thickness on a Iightly·floured
", . Use a large cookie cutter to cut out the cookie .
shape. Use a spatula to
,'1-~_../...:;;:~_ •• .,.~.,_ . .~":!...;;!...".-: ..• ~.~ ..~...:.. •· ..r ....~ .;.: ... ;- ~ .. :: ... "'!'
WyLaina's Reading Nook
. ~ At The National Ranching Heritage ,Center .
. The Education . Department at the page , go to http://www'.nrhcJtu.edui
'National Ranching ' Heritage Center ' home.htm, .click on Education and Dow.n By ' the Cool ' of thePold by
- Toy Mitton; illustrated by Guy
as starte~ a coloring sontest for kid< ' then Kid's Page.
, ages 3 to 12, The first contest has
' , _.
'. t 't rt d d - ' h ' h M ' h , N~tIOl1al Ranchll1g Hentage Center
List Price: $15.95
2~~7 e an 'runs t roug . arc . ,312:1.Fourth Street,
Published by Orchard
, . .
Lubbock.. Texas 79409
For the contest rules an.d coloringWith · winter here I thought a nice
(806) 742-049S" [email protected]
r~-~------------"----------" change
be to have
summer book
to savor.
In athis
. 9~~~@'tk"~o{tk"w..cntIv
"le,~t'>e mail '1our c.hec.~ t~ , !Ht, -PAPER.'PO ~oi(,4. Vetersburg.
or drop--it in the \IIhitemailboy-onthe .Northt.>i.de· of the
garage at our house (first house, 0'1, ,the ,£a&t "ide of FM1S1 onc.e lOU
go throu9h the ' ~'if>" ,c.urve on " the ·~tlth ",end of to\lln). If lOU do not
give 10llr mone~ to tohn or !,at 6Iic.ante at· THE PAPER there it; Mosquito Bite by Alexandra Siy;
.no 9uarantee 10~r ac.c.ount ~i" ,re,eive:the proper, 'r~it.. .'
illustrated by Dennis Kunkel
i)( 112-C;0
---...-IIIi!I--...... Published
List Price:
"JiInWalier .•
by Charlesbridge Publish$15.95
Mario Martinez
Crecetlcia Rodriguez'
Louis Gonzales
In Texas we always have a problem
bQQ~: ~t;~
ls ;H~<~~9rY of
the .lifecy~le
a mosquito, The illustnitions' give
you a close view of how mosquitoes
·:survive. lay eggs, and survive. Chil. dreh. especially boys, will love the
l . . -_ _ _-'--.,--,-:..~_..J
For nearly three boob tube, as does ·FW. but' there senger train:patroI., I . ~a~ _s~a.tioned at Well. wife was never into. crossweeks now First Wife soon gets to be a saturation point as Union Station in Los Angeles: My- _~o~d ·puzz.les. ~o I jlist picked her gift
and I have been pretty to just how many movies and repeti- seifand anothe~ MP. SP or AP 'wQuid ', l;IP .Qut of curiosity . .The first tpiilg I
much confined to tion of news casts that _the .old gray . travel on passenger trains and tend to knew I was on puzzle number Nine!
matter can absorb,
_. imy problems thatinight occur wHen 'The la~t two days I hav{ n'di even
By John Pcrry quarters, This is withA friend brought wife a giftpack~ _ there were military' people involved. ' tlin'led: on my TV. and. when not
out a doubt the longest we have ever been pretty much age of assorted items she felt would This was during the era that passen- working on a puzzle I." findmyself
out of direct contact with the outside give consolation to someone in this ger trains were the choice mode of trying to remember a word that has
world. One reason has been due to situation. The items were very moving large numbers of people from me stumped. It is no fun: to. look in
the extended winter blast that hit this , thoughtful and have certainly been one place to another.
, the back for the answer.
area. It has been unusual for this area appreciated. One thing in this lbundle . _ There were many times this duty
Now. back to the heading,: Piles Up
and seldom have we experienced so of items was something I have not was pure monotony. Gl's going home Birthdays. Four letters.- lt is."age.V" of.
much ice and snow and with such even thought of in years ... that being ,a on~ leave seldom caused any problem course. And Esau's father!? five let~
frequency. The second reason being a "Crossword ~uzzle" bo.ok. Goodness that might keep them from their des- ters. Why it is ..Uaa(' ... , anY,.on~ ,.ought
result of the first reason. that resulted gracious, I didn't even know they still tination. Those traveling to the west to know this. Now if you get,the \min FW slipping on the ice and falling published such. I ihought this form of coast to go overseas for the most part pression this column has .nothing to ,
and cracking her ankle.
ente11ainment went out with bubble did not want any incident on their do. with politics, world problems.terWell. all this has sllre made a gum, yo-yos and good manners:
records to attmct attention. It was at rible everits ... you are exactly right.lr
change in our daily routines. It has
This really brought back some ,this time I became "hooked" on does help put things .·in proper per-.
not been wise to get out and tend to memories. SQme fond and some not. crossword puzzles. I carried a book spective, or at least it does for me.
each and every whim as we have While I was in the Anny, during the of them on every trip and usually purAnyone worked a jig-saw p~zzle
been &::c~stomed to doing. I enjoy the . Korean War. I was assigned to pas- chased a new boo.k each trip.
. The :et~rsb~rg Joul,,::11 \V~s estubl:she,d. in .1926. The Petersburg ~~st IVas cst:,blished 1963. The two.papers. c~nsoli~ated in 1967. TH E 1'04 I'ER was established in 2006. TH E I'A I' ER. and The Petersburg"Post consolidated In 2006. The ollte.: of : ~ ~ I .; I E.~ I ~ IO~ltCd at ~R 1 ~~.x ~-. H.w:.7R~ Pctcr,sburg, Texas. ThiS paper!s published weekly with exceplions oflh: w~ek of EaSIer und Ihe weckofChristin3s. It iscntered as Periodical,s
al Petersburg. Texas 79_50. The sUbscllpllon r.lle IS S_~,OO III Hale county and $30,00 out of Hal.: county or out ofTexas. Publication No- USPS 602-240 ISSN-1050-5 i 13- ' . '
.. .
POST MASTER send address correcllons to 1 HE I'A PER Po Box 64 Petersburg. Texas 79250, John and Katherine Gicante. Publishers
. ,'" . ',"
book. animals come together to dance
and play. , Starting with frog, the b~ok
goes thrQugh different kind of animal
movements and dances. -The end of
,the book has all the anirnals in the
PQol together. cooling off and playing . .
The illustrations are bright and colQrful qnct will engage children to get lip
and dance themselves. Recommended
./O/' ages 3-6.
+0 Y0U-". ~.HdPPY ~ir:-t~ayt0 yeu •• : ·
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r£'(1JR.(Jd{R:Y· 1~t rh
infonnation found and the story the
author tells. This book was nominated for the Texas Bluebonnet '
Award for 2005-2006. Recommended
forages 7-12,
.Bloodand Chocolate by Annette
,Curtis Klallse
List Price: $6.50
Published by Laurel Leaf
Vivian is no ordinary teenager, although she wishes she could be. She
is a werewo.lf. At Qnly 16, she knows
her destiny, The only problem is she
is in love with a human. Recently
made into a major motion picture, this
book tells the story of a girl who
wants t9 be sQmething she can never
be, human. Vivian is strQng-willed,
hQpeful, and knows what she wants
out of life, Will she choose what she
knows to be her destinY 0.1' will she
abandon her family to love a human?
Recommendedfor ages 16 and lip.
Books Oil' now:
. Jat1et EvanQvich: Plum Lovin'
Jti'lie'Oal;WOOa: 'Shadow Dance
Richard North Patterson: Exile: A
Thomas Harris: Hannibal Rising
THE PAPER and it's staff is not collaborating with, writing,
.,eqiting or' contributin.g to the .lQth Anniversary of the
Peter~burg Journal/Post issue. We are not affiliated with
- or endorsing this publication in a~y way.
p'e tetsburg Libra~yNews
"Operation Christmas Card;' - we received
$1792.00 in donations. This money is used to
help with our expenses in' 2007.
Memorial donations made to the library are
used to purchase new books. We invite you to
visit the -library and check out our best sellers.
We checked out 3713 books during 2006. We
ordered 60 froin the Inter-Library loan program.
If we do not have a book the patron would like to
read, we can order the book from Malion Library
in Lubbock, if they do not have the book, they
request it over the Internet, and whichever library
has the book, it is sent to our library from anywhere in the U.S. There is no cost to you to use
this service. If Lubbock has the book, I will receive it about a week after my request has been
made. If ordered from another library', it takes
several days to reach us.
Again, Thank You for your support throughout the 'year. We had about 50 people to attend
out "ChriStmas Tea". Bill Bruington was the winner of a beautiful <tl1ilt in Olll' drawing. We thank
Sharon Kurklin for making and donating the quilt
·........ ...
Bllffs on their win
Lady Hornets! The
E~I~IAY:~~~~l~ary::W\:'i .1J1I,win",p4~s .. ttu;: gids , in ' ~. tie", for a 'play., '
Te'1tative ,plansare to play Friday night at
in ·New peaLJhe plans;will be finalized
Thur~day,'s Whitharral-Amherst game ..
.Ii·om PISD Announcements
". ~w,w.petersburgisd.net , :;;. '(l.
~~ysBa s kdb~landb~v~ved~~eFCCLAaswella s bcing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
First Baptist Church
w~~~:~:a:~~~~i: :~m
2001 Main Street
Sunday School 9:45 am
Morning Worship 11 am
Evening Worship 6 pm
. '
Wednesday Servi~es:
rayer Meeting: 7 pm
Mission Friends: 7pm
Fellowship of Faith
First United Methodist'Church
1507 venue
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 11 am
Prayer Meeting 7:30pm
Wednesday Praise and Worship
Bible Classes 7:30 pm
Sunday School. 10 am
Morning Worship 11 am
East Side Church of Christ
East j.t and Ave. J
Sunday 'Morning Worship 10:30 am ,;
Hopewell Baptist Church
Sunday" School: 9:45 am
Morning Worship 1.1 am
BaptistTraining Union 5 pm
Tuesday Mission 2 pm
Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30pm
Main St~et Church of Christ
1204 West 5th Street"
Sunday Mass 1'1 am
: "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and:
; she takes Ii sip before giving it to him, to make sure ·the taste:
:is OK." .
Support these merchants who pay for this ad:
, ' Oan'ny - age 7
: Kountry t<itchen, Mayo Agency, Petersburg ,Coop Grain, Porter Drug, Security Bank,
, Smith Service, Wylie LP Gas and J&R AutQmotive: . " '. .' " "
~ .~
t _t , . , ., , , ,:, ', : 1.11 , ,
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Ct r<:t;V\.0
OYVteyS :\.OY .
. ,
I love my dad veary much. I
will .like to tell him the truth. I
would like to grow up to be just
·.Vlitlev\,HIAe'S DCt~}.·"
lik~~~li~'k' YOU ' WOUld 'like too
en Dose ~I ro~ a, van,,ettj of baIIo0Vl:~:" gj;r-'
'f':'ba ' 4 grow up I!ke on of your hnpors- ., tant persoritOo. I like too grow
Iuts, ca~t.es, aV\.oI stlA.ffeol a~t.~aLs .
!-oroler tj0L-tr sweetn-e~rt so~ ros~s'lfor
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valeV\.HVI-t's Datj ..., . . . "
roses - ~~5-pLIA.S tax .
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:LI2.oIozeV\. roses - -t;32.50 -pllA.S tax
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1f .GGT-O~Tf
up like iny dad.
Oraer b!::l FebYlA.Clr!::l13tl1 ClI'\.Ol recetve {;I free
bo)(o{c(;l~!::l! . ~
. . ..
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.Go \WI! avalielYlhat'$ljeen PfGWn to Yield aton rI
ootIDn fl!erl)llrl(:le, ~ yourseed dealer orvis!t~at
b!~.CQm1or 10019 informatbn.
I ~.
•4 1w..OPS'S
N ' t · J...., .
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, .
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sunday School 9:45 am
Morning Worship l1;im
Sunday church training 5 pm
Sunday Evening Worship 6 pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible study 7 pm
n~:~ W~:~! str=sta
,We 'are running a s~ries for the next three , because I· like my dad to be realy happy real
weeks of some e~ceI.Ient (!OInpositi,ims ,that
.' I like to get happy too so I get a good
Mrs. Fox' s'4th graderS .wrote for an 'assign- grade in the grade book and I get those
ment. She pickedout .the top three coinposi- grades on· the report card. This is why I like
To our (;r~li\.vtcl1aolreli\.:
tions and we are publishing them 'in ,the_'Pa- to do my best because. My dad told me too.
rtCt'P'P!j VCt le V\i.ttillve'S DCt tj
per, starting. with Esmeralda :Parra 's essay. . . Next thing he tells me about is to tell peoWe an;. reproducing these es,say~just.. :the i' pIe· about the Lord. Mostly every night I
",BeeBee and PaPa
stu4ent wrote t~e~nl cOI~p.lete".witJ1 :, their nl ,hear him ,talk to my ·sister about, the Lord
spellings arid ' grammar. Wh'l;It .,inspiring .and since I heard him telling' people about
words these'young people have,to say!
the-Lord I wanted to start too because I want
"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
MY DAD - bY,Esn1eralda Parra
to grow up like him real nice. One day at
Elaine-age 5
Do you' have 'a important "person in 'your school I wanted to tell my friend about what
t1 ife'?... I_do it 'i's my dad. He teaches me it ·Iot my dad told my'sist r.. SQ did 'and I that Je!ofthi~g"'S:
l' ;: r, t',,''''J; ~;'~ J~;;7'
~iJs died on 'the ' '~ros; .fOr:. 'Our sins. My
. .J:~~ t}~~ thing is; that he;toid ;ne't~'d~ my frien~~ 1~~~4wh~1 1 ~aid. Then'( t<;>ld my d/td
best. Oi)c( onj he .first day. ?f s.chool ~e told - about It. I told IllY dad to tell' me' about the
me :to' do ITiy 'best! tach mornlllg ' of. school 'Lord.
he told me to eat beakfesf so h :an cOttsitblte ' : The "Iasf thirlg:i ;Jeard about is to te~1 the
on my' work and do' 'my b-~st's'o;:r do1eat'"lcf do'" '·truth .. 6ri~~ :~~~~:0~~'.·\V ensday ~i'~h~Jr~h:' my .
my best on tny work 'stH 'carl:tmi\(e 80(or ' ";'friend Eva told my class that if you lie God
higher. When I get to school 'Ftry teal' hard " \viII ptinish 'yo.~ 'so 'tI1iit is why I Jike,'tQ t~lI
to make those grades'. '1 '·III~e to 'do':my ' &~sf';"' · t~e truth and\ bme tithes if' ni~' r ~iII get
.: . "
~", I;',"
. • grounded. That is why I learn
l1 ·.' ~ from my· da~. Ilea? from him .
~ ~,-, ~1" ',;be~a,use 1 want t~ grow up and
2200 Main Street
Sunday Bible Study 10 am
Sunday Worship 10:50 am
Evening Worship-5:30 pm
Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
I I ' Ba '
• you shOllld "start with a friend who.
.; you hate,"
Nikka - age 6
lasLJlig~t ;I;)V.~~ , t~e, 'l,oreQzo
Carr's ,C~apel
· T,he Most Important Pe.r son In Your Life ...
: "If you want to leal'l1 ' to love better. =
'. I IConglr!\tl,1.1.atI011~ , ~OAb~ /.;.~dy
Sunday Morning Worship 9:00am
Sunday School 10:00am
annual FCCLA Best , Beau
Banquet will be held ,at the 50
Yard Line on Saturday, February 10. The membe{s ,w ill announce. the 'winner of their Best
Beau. The nominees this year
. Jaime Resendiz, John
and Isidro Avalos. I
a member of the track team. In her free time she likes to play
basketball and hang out with her friends. Linda's favorite foods
are pizza and chicken strips while her favorite song at the moment is Stuck with Yo II. She really likes the music group Montez
de Dllrallgo and says that'there are too many great movies she
likes to name a favorite. She does claim Eddie Murphy and Jessica Alba as her favorite actors to see on the screen. Linda's
plans for the future include going to college and becoming a
nurse. Her favorite saying is, "The choice you make today will
determine your tomorrow" and the individual who has most inspired Linda is Ana Geba"da. Congratulations Linda!
The day I..fell in lov~ with YOli' ~a~ the best day of my life.
lam glad we are taking life's journey together.
f don't know,when;'1 would be without you:and I'm happy
that I don't have to find out. Our relationship is a true blessing.
1·love you with all my heart now and forever.
Shawna Thompson
_ "_,,"
Linda Avalos, a freshman at PHS, E!xhibits numerous characteristics of a dedicated learner. She arrives promptly to
class, gets her materials ready, and always gives 110% to ,
her work. Linda also has success O!1 lt~e basketball court ;
and in her musical endeavors. One ~ of the outstanding :
characteristics of Linda's demea.!loc·,js :ber .genuine politeness to her teachers andclassmates::Linda's performance
in all academic and extracurricular areas is commendable; ' I~~_
hence, she is my choice for Student-of-the-Week.
-Mrs. Lyde
Isidro and Maria Avalos are the parents of Linda.Avalos, the
student of the week. Linda is 15 and a freshmanthts year. She
.••.. ...... .... .... .... ....
.... ...............•.. .. .......
The Petersburg Library Board would like to
'~ say "Thank You" to all who made a donation to
. " " ,
, , , , , , 1 , , , , , ." , , " 'f "
would help them find a way! They 7-year old Jesse , Don witnessed 'the the Abernathy gin and then -at, the . them to wed on the day of love. Feb: John Deere dealership painting trac- , ruary 1411'. 1953., They are now living
spent the night at the McCulley house whole thing!
An 'impromptl!wedding luncheon tors; Les was ,hired by Hale County " ':happily ever after". enjoyillg their ,.
- in separate bedr90ms of course - '
and the next day~ eyeryone piled into back at the McCulley's house waS ' and moved ' his family to, Petersburg, chi Idren, 9 grandchildren, : and : 6'
the car and , drove ~to · Portales. They , n'ext with lots orlhe Overstreet clan in 1956. ' He w9r~~d fo~· the "c.Ollnty: ·great~grandchildren . .If you see them
caught the county clerk "leaving the in' ',attendance. Th~ ' happy couple then for 46 years and retired in March of , around town this week. wish thema
very' happy anniversary - Illis , year
court house, coming 'down the steps, ' went home to face the music in Aber- 1998:
Shirley st!lyed at hOllie to be a'full , will mark their 54'h ,ye,~r. ,of marriage:
He asked if he could doanything for ' nathy. After being appropriately out' ,
thelTl and was gtaciOlis enough to go raged ; for about three weeks, time ~ife and mother: 'They started What a story!!
back inside and whte up a 'man~iage Shirley's daddy accepted ' the mar- their family a little 'oyer a ye!lr after '
license. There were affidavits to sign , riage >and welcomed the spontaneous they married and had four childreil since Shirley was so young. Les' aunt couple back into the family fold. Les two boys and two girls.
swore ' Shirley was her niece (well, and his father-in-law became very Shirley was ' an active
she was going to be really soon after close over the years and when Mr member of the library
all() and that she had permission t,o , Beard passed away, it was a hard board and in ' November
of 1980. took the place 'of
marry and finally! ,a marriage license time for Les.
' The honeymoon was a short one. long .:time · librarian:
was given'to the couple.
The next , snag they encountered They nlarried in February 1953 and' Matjorie Hildreth when
was finding a ~preacher t~ °m a~ry in March. Les, got ,drafted by the us she retil'ed. · Shirley has
them. They looked and looked and Army and went off in April tor basic been the Petersburg Pub,never could find the Baptist preacher training. Shirley got to see hirri only ' . lic Librarian ever since: '
but they did find the Methodist min- twice during those long 16 weeks of
Although Les and
ister of First Methodist Church in trai ning and finally in July got to Shirley had planned a
Portales who said he would do the inove into a house: with him.' After 'Frida5' the 1:3,h' wedding.
job for them. The minister's wife serving his two year I~itch. Les arid ' ' unfOreseen' circllmstartces
played the organ. Uncle JD and Aunt Shirley moved back to Abernathy and (a nd II nc o:opera ti v~
Lorene stood up with the couple and after helping his dad farm. working at county clerks), torced Shirley and Les still going st.,-ong after ~4 ye~rs
"Love is when y'('litgo out to eat aJ~d 'giv~ s9;n~~6~~ ;n~st ~f;~u;'"
French fries without making them give-tyoli atlY of theirs. "
Chrissy - age 6
,i;. . - · ,
"When youloye,somebody, YOllr'ieyelashes,go <up an{down and
little, starHoille out of you." (what an image)",
" .. '..
Karen - age 7
Vac,ation ,Eun,TurnS Shoeking:1
Do you ever feel like. you know.
you've lost that certain spark'? Well.
now you can get it back -- 50.000
volts' worth. The latest fun activity
in Las Vegas'? Getting Tasered.
That's right. people recently lined
up at the Consumer Electronics Show
in Las Vegas for the opportunity to
be Tasered.
Here's a description of the fun
you've been missing. courtesy of the
"Las Vegas Sun:" "When [Adam]
Devlin is stunned. however. his legs
lock rigid and his back keels. stiff as
a plank, to the floor. There. on convention hall ground. Devlin rocks
from side to side for a few seconds
and then gets up. stunned." And the
best part, it's free I I'm afraid I wouldn't be a good candidate because,
frankly, I was stunned just reading
The article also helpfully mentions
that Metro Police reported just 'three
in-custody deaths tor 2006. Only
three deaths! So your odds are pretty
It doesn't say how maJ~y people
were Tasered in-custody and didn't
die. but I'm guessing it's lots and'iots.
So go ahead; enjoy yourself.
Still I'm wondering. is this the kind
of no-holds-barred fun they're talking
when they slyly say, "What happens
in Vegas. stays in Vegas"?
I guess I'm behind the times. I al- '
ways assumed they were referring to
good old-fashioned sin and debauchery -- like eating potato chips and ice
,cream in bed at 3 a.m. while watching "Nip/Tuck" rerLms.
Generally, when planning a vacation. 1 don't think to myself, "Where
is the best place to be tortured?"
Which brings up the question, which
Web sites offer the best vacationtorture deals? Or, to save money,
should family members stay hOlne
. and torture each other? But the new
trend d'oes ,open up new vistas for Las .,: Taser Internutional was holding its
Ve~as,:Wliich always has to find new~, " complimentary torture sessions. to
,~<IY,s to j.l'lI·jll ""merica's ihcreasiIi~ly -'. u~yeil , its new "stylish". Taser gun
' I'"
", ., aJ\lled ,at women (figuratIVely speak- :
¥. Waterbo~ rd World -- ~~ill -Iive ex-, ing): , It comes in titaJiium , silver~
CIA operatives use the infa'llious wat ; black - pear.!, electric blue: , and ofJ
t,erboarding technique fo pry: the iti '; , coui·se., metallic pink. It's ''SOtier' andi'
formation out of you. 'Better yet. the feminine-looking ~- the kind of de- .
merriment lasts a\ld lasts bec,a,use,YO~I " vice that would be appropriate to use,
don't have any secrets to qivulge. Flill for example. at a dinner party:
for the whole family!
"While I would defend to the death
¥ Dental Adventure -~ Tl)el)1e park ,your right to say what you just said. I
highlightst~,e growing popularity Of do find it a",lihle irritating:" ZAP!
dental tourism. which "' allows people Don't worry, they'll probably enjoy it.
to enjoy the pleasures of painful procedures. especially when they're' unnecessary. No need to ' wait six
Write to Don Flood in care of Ki'ng ,
months for YOlU' i1ext~~pd[nt;\lent. _ ' Features Weekly" Service, P.O. 'Box
¥. Club Chalkboard -- An all-inclusive 536475, Orlando, FL 32853~-6475,
resort featuring unlimited chalk- send e-mails to
boards and professionals who know [email protected].
how to makt! the most irritating
(c) 2007 King Features S~.nd.; Inc . .
sounds imaginable tising their fingernails. Visitors also receive training so
they :~an ,bring their Club Chalkboard
experience 'home with them.
ot '
M~ssionary, T-rip
, " PaDajachel, ,: Guatemrua'.
L,acey. Thompson.
daughter ' of Kyle and"
Shawna Thorripson. has
nioved to Saint George Island, Florida to Ijve with
Shawii~'s step-mother and
dad: She is "findil1gherself:' and deciding what she ,
wants to do wit~ her future.
While she has cbee~
down in Florida •. _she has
become very active if! the '
church, and would "like to
go on a missionary trip to
Panajachel, Gu.ateqtala
(Porch de SaloinanJ
June 6,through th~ 131h of
,ing , ,and ' medical ' supplies., Thetrip'is expensive
so they' have to rely, on donations ' from friends and
family" ' to , help. , Any
amount s~nt would ,be
: greatly appreciated~ "
• Checks ,can be made out to
St. .Oeorge ',.Island , United
,MeihodistChurch and ear- '
marked " for ~missi'on trip
2007. This donation . is re.fundable .if' ~hey ' cannpt
.lTiake the trip and the dona,tion is tax deduc,tible. They
, hav'e been , holding seyeral
different' fund 'raisers to
neliloffset the cost as well.
iOOrShe~wduld be goltlg;--"c ,If ybUcannot contribute
,with her grandparents and money. please pray for this
other Christians 'from the trip and the folks whO'- are
church. LaceY,and her parents feel ' this will .be a
growing experience for her tim'e.
ill1d alHhe church members for
involved. They .'wHl be ", God's
working primarily' in ,the " himd (
surrounding Villages, with ," protec"'
prejects being construction. - ' tion and
repair of ~ homes, medical that.;>",
cliniCs and Bible school for ' they-" ~
the children, tThey' will' be will 'be
taking ,much Ileeded cloth-
,..' , ..;. 'DC> "FROM
4 2 6 9 5 3 a '7 1
3 a 7, 2 : 1 4 9 .:5 6'
lAC, :
9 1 5 , ~ " 7" 6 ,4: 3 2" .
5 7 4 ' 1 6 a -2 9 3
2 9, a 5 3 7 6 1 4
6 3 1 4 2 9 5 8 7
4- 2 7"" 9 1 3 " ,6 5
1 6 9 3 ' 4 '5, 7 2 a
7 5~ 3 6 8 2 1 4' 9
ing to the people in Panajachel. Guatemala!
Thank you for your love
and support.
Any donations can "be
mailed to Kyle and Shawna
Thompson POBox 117'
Petersburg, TX 79250,
dropped off at Wylie L.P.
Gas or Mailed to JR / Lana
Heady 849 E. Pine Saint
George Island, 'FL 32328.
, "We promi&enone of the
money is for Lacey's extended vacation on the island!"
If YOl\ have any questions please feel free ,to call
Sha wna at 667~J98i vor
I Diamond Head
King Crossword '
5 Taxi
8 Pub refreshments '~-4--4.--+-12 Press agent?
13 Dos Passos trilogy ' "'. I ';, ' .
14 Stick in the mud
15 Languid
17 Largest of the
= 18 Pianist• ' colnposer Erik
19 Tea Party figure
. 21 One-on-one
'. battle
24 Conk out
25 Cheat on a test
28 Faction
, 30 Thanksgiving
33 Monokini's lack 1-.-1-.....1'--"'-_
..34 Argonauts' skipper
35 Cain's mother
I Rembrandt's c~ea,1) 6 O.e. VI~
, 37 Anise-flavored
iMet melody
3 Emcee
3'8 Boast
4 Sloppy
'39 Comic-strip squeal
5 Poolroom need
'U Small combo
6 Ninny
43 Toppled
7 Wild party
,46 Seedy bars
8 Cremona craftsman
, .. 50 Pelvic bones
9 Audience member
. 51 Believer in perfec10 Pennsylvania port
II Bum somewhat
54 Hit ABC series
16 Romanian money
'~5 Sticky stuff
20 Mideast gulf
56 Differently
22 Birthright barterer
57 Apponi9\1
23 "Mephisto Waltz"
58 Coop occupant
59 profound
25 "60 Minutes" home
26 Raw rock
27 "Meet the Press"
29 Entrance
31 Eggs
32 What couch potatoes do
34 Monologue component
38 Prepared lobster
40 Cheer up
4~ Mrs. McKinley
43 Movie
44 Lotion additive
45 Almost here
47 Contemptible
48 Being, to Brutus
49 Dance lesson
52 A female deer
53 A billion years
Thursday , January 4, 2007
, ~
3 Bedroom, 2 Bath,
.', 2 ear Garage home . 1"
-.. ~th' fence,:" yard and a shop buil~g
.'.' ": 2010 'Ave. F
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