Wishing You - Modoc County Record
Wishing You - Modoc County Record
Wishing You Happy Easter! THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Vol. 122, No. 44 Alturas, California April 17, 2014 50 Cents Amanda McAdams selected as Modoc National Forest Supervisor Amanda McAdams will takeover as the Modoc National Forest Supervisor and will begin her position June 2, 2014. Her selection was announced this week. McAdams is currently the District Ranger on the southeast zone of the Fremont-Winema National Forest. As she begins the transition into her new position she comments, “Being a Forest Supervisor is a humbling experience. I’m excited about this opportunity and take this responsibility seriously.” She began her career with the National Park Service in 1992, and immediately became interested in learning about the role of fire on the landscape. “Fire is a part of the ecosystem, but can be dangerous to manage,” McAdams said. “We will use risk-based decisions to identify the best opportunities to be successful.” She has worked as a fire effects monitor and fire ecologist for the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She served as AMANDA MCADAMS will take over in June. the Regional Fire Strategist/Fire Use Specialist in the Intermountain Region prior to moving into her current position. When asked about community and collaboration, McAdams commented, “Collaboration takes time and trust. We need the support of our partners to be effective. We represent the whole U.S., but we work locally and need to recognize the value in participating locally in our community.” She has a B.S. in Biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.S. in Forestry from Northern Arizona University. Amanda’s family includes her husband Bill Goodman (a Hydrologist on the Fremont-Winema NF), Audrey (age nine) and two dogs (Cisco and Pinyõn). McAdams and her family own a hot air balloon named “Butter Fly.” It is a great fam- ily activity and keeps them outdoors, active and enjoying a shared interest. The Modoc National Forest is very fortunate to have McAdams as the new Forest Supervisor. Please join the Forest in welcoming McAdams and her family to Modoc. For more information, please contact Punky Moore, Public Affairs Officer, 530233-8713. Lions roll out Easter Egg Hunt Saturday “Get there early,” is the advice given for all children, infant to age 10, who want to participate in the Alturas Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19. The hunt starts promptly at 1:00 p.m. at the Veterans’ Park, So. Main St., Alturas. Arrive early to locate the age-designated areas before the hunt begins. Infant to age two will hunt on the front lawn, in front of Veterans’ Hall. Special Needs children will hunt in front of the former Chamber of Commerce office. Four other age groups (ages three and four; five and six; seven and eight and nine and 10) will be designated by lawn signs around the park. Children should bring their egg gathering containers to collect the 144 dozen eggs donated by Holiday Market. The Lions will provide an additional 200 plastic eggs, filled with candy. A handful of Lions Club members will head to Kettler’s see Hunt, page 5 24 Pages Alturas mill gearing up for operation It appears the small log mill at the Alturas Mill site is going to be up and running in the next couple of months. The Council held its first Tuesday afternoon meeting since 1984 this week. John Lance, of Warner Mountain Lumber Company, told the Alturas City Council Tuesday that four to five employees arenow working at the site and he expects the mill to start producing in May or early June. Once it goes on line, Lance told the Council it should provide about 20 jobs. The mill will use small logs up to about 12 inches in diameter to start. The finished products would be four-by-fours, two-by-fours and possibly some oneinch lumber. In some cases, the products could be more landscape oriented. Lance believes there is good potential for the mill’s success in Alturas and likes the idea of putting local people back to work in the logging and lumber business. The Council is supportive of the new mill and agreed to a rent offset until August. That rent is $1,500 per month. The regular rent agreement will come back into place after August. Lance told the Council that there were logs decked at the mill site and work is ongoing to get the mill set up and operable. One big thing will be the installation of the electric power. The City granted an easement to Pacific Power on Tuesday to bring the power lines underground to the control panel. He also said he appreciated working with the City and Public Works Director Joe Picotte in a very cooperative manner. The Council also agreed, under protest, to continue to pay the Sheriff’s Office $375 per month for dispatch services. Mayor John Dederick said he didn’t agree with the Sheriff’s contention that outside entities pay for the service, but felt they had no choice. Alturas Fire Chief Keith Jacques voiced a very strong “no” vote, while the Council voted to pay the fee. The Council also heard from some local pilots who rent hangars at the Alturas Airport. Those pilots received a contract for the hangar rent recently and questioned the need for it, and the contracts seemingly overbearing language. A rental contract had not been required earlier. The Council listened for about 40 minutes, then agreed that a pilot group should get together with Picotte and come back with a proposal that meets their wishes as well as the requirement of the City, including but not limited to liability insurance. Coyote hunt, wolf on state radar Two items involving Modoc County were discussed at the California Fish and Game Commission this week, one involving the Coyote Hunt in Adin and another to list the Gray Wolf as endangered. Both have been also discussed by the Modoc Fish and Game Commission. According to reports, Project Coyote, submitted a letter to the California Fish and Game Commission on behalf of 25 organizations representing more than one million Californians asking that recreations or contest hunts be outlawed. That could include the annual coyote-killing contest in Adin. The Adin hunt got a lot more media attention over the past two years and statewide scrutiny brought other contests into the light. The commission will accept public comment on a proposed draft rule that would ban killing contests for all mammals. Project Coyote will submit a letter on behalf of more than 30 scientists making a case for the ban. Key points include: • Killing an animal without an adequate reason is unjustified and unsportsmanlike. • Indiscriminate killing is ineffective and it is plausible, perhaps likely, that when associated with a wildlife-killing contest it would lead to increased risk of (livestock) depredations. • Wildlife-killing contests are not a reliable means of increasing ungulate abundance as some contest supporters contend. The commission will accept public comment on this issue through Aug. 6, when it will take a final vote on the issue at its public meeting in San Diego. The commission will also consider granting the gray wolf endangered species status on Wednesday. One wolf, OR7, from Oregon has been tracked in recent years crossing into Northern California including Modoc, renewing interest in returning the species to a thriving population. Northern California ranchers are adamantly opposed to listing the wolf, as is Modoc County government. The last gray wolf in California was killed in 1924. Warm ... THE WEATHER has been pleasant and more birds are appearing at the Modoc Refuge. This Sandhill Crane struck a nice pose for local photographer Lea Huetteman. Look for some fairly good weather with a possibility of some thunderstorms as the week progresses. The weekend is looking fair and nice. Page 2 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Off The RecoRd LeTTeRs To The ediToR By Rick Holloway, Editor Notes. . . I’m sure we’ll get some comments about Modoc Sheriff Mike Poindexter and the Constitutional Sheriff’s Association and that’s just what needs to happen. There is plenty to discuss and there is also plenty to point out where that organization is could be quite dangerous to both the Constitution and democracy as a whole. The major premise that County Sheriffs have some special authority over federal or state agents and the like, just doesn’t wash. But we’ll get more into that as this election goes on and I’m sure Poindexter will be defending his position. I’m equally sure there are a lot of people in Modoc who would prefer his interpretation of the law, but that’s not his job. One should always remember that Congress has the power to make laws, and the arbiter of those laws is the court. The rule of law is important and non-negotiable. I guess the old adage that “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” comes into play here. It’ll get interesting. The elections are gearing up and we expect things to get a little tense as we go forward here in a couple of races. There are plenty of issues on the table and serious differences in the manner each candidate will deal with those issues. This won’t be an election to try to choose between cups of vanilla. It appears the small log mill at the Alturas Mill Site, Warner Mountain Lumber, will be up and running this summer. The owners believe they will be employing about 20 people once the facility is up to full capacity. They got a heavy dose of support from the Alturas City Council on Tuesday. By the way, the Council held its first daytime meeting on Tuesday since 1984. I know there are good arguments for both day or night meetings, but I liked the daytime one better. Actually, I haven’t gone to a lot of the night meetings for years. The meetings during business hours just seem to make sense. The Board of Supervisors meet during the day as well. There are some good things in the works, some for economic development here and others that will move the City and County forward. A lot of them are still in the planning or formative stages, but many people are working at many levels to get things moving. A new Modoc Forest Supervisor has been hired, Amanda McAdams, and she will assume the position in June. It appears she has a solid resource background and will be coming into a County and City that appears to be ready for progress. Bringing the Forest Service staffing levels up to a better level will be a big help. What I still want to help with and see movement on, is the biomass and geothermal capability in the County and City. Geothermal is a ready resource that we just haven’t taken advantage of in a meaningful way. And it’s just resting underground. Have a great week. The Modoc County RecoRd Alturas Plaindealer-Times, Surprise Valley Record Court Decree No. 6356, Modoc Superior Court July 7, 1958 The Modoc County Record (PUB No. 358-160) is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by statutes of the State of California and is published weekly, each Thursday morning in Alturas, Ca. Periodical postage paid at Alturas, Ca. and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions mailed within Modoc, Lassen or Siskiyou counties, and New Pine Creek, Or., $25; elsewhere, $30. Single issue: .50 cents, including sales tax. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, California, 96101, Copyright: The entire content of the Modoc County Record, print and online, is copyrighted. Any republishing, broadcast, rewriting, in whole or in part, without express written permission is prohibited. Publishers Richard R. and Jane S. Holloway Rick Holloway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Angela Randall . . . . Accounts, Legals Shonna Widby . . . . . . . . . . . Classifieds Nicole Hinton . . . . . . . . .Advertising Manager/ Webmaster Rocci Lutz . . . . . . . . Advertising Sales Nancy Richardson . . . . . .Front Office The Modoc County Record is privately owned. 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas, Ca. 96101 PHONE (530) 233-2632 FAX: (530) 233-5113 Internet: www.modocrecord.com E-mail: [email protected] Proud members of: California Press Association Modoc and the Constitutional Sheriff’s Association revisted Anarchy: a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority. • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. Editors Note: Modoc County Sheriff Mike Poindexter is a member of the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association, a fringe right wing organization consisting of a few County Sheriffs across the west. He was one of those Sheriffs who signed the proclamation below in January. There are several local people who will agree with this ideology and it will be coming up as a part of this upcoming election, so it’s good to get it out on the table now. Their proclamation and its intent have some real stretches in the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and in the authority of a County Sheriff. In many cases, the proclamation is actually unconstitutional and ignores settled law. In the end, Modoc voters will have to decide whether they want a Sheriff who enforces the law, or one who thinks he can make the law and then enforce it selectively. More explanation of the misinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution and law and what it entails will be part of the upcoming discussion. The following was drafted at a meeting of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) on Jan 24, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada and approved by the members present. We encourage all sheriffs, peace officers Wills thanks the voters Dear Editor: Now that the recall election is over, I want to thank all of my constituents, campaign workers, Board members, the Modoc Record and everyone else who took the time to help me retain my seat as your District Four Supervisor. I was very impressed with the large number of voters that came out and voted in this very important election and again thank you for voting and believing in me. Remember your votes count and they help shape the future of our county. I want to reassure the public that this current Board and the County employees are working very hard to do the right thing and they are working very hard to make our county a better place to live and work. The county still has its issues, but the Board along with the very dedicated county employees are working hard every day on these issues and things are slowly getting fixed. The Board and its employees need your help and continued support. Thank you again, Jim Wills District Four, Modoc County Supervisor Yes on Measures Dear Editor: I am writing to urge the citizens of Big Valley and surrounding areas to vote yes on Measures X & Y. Measure X will form the Southern Cascades Community Service District. The District will provide a locally controlled Advanced Life and those in public office to sign with us. We also welcome the signatures of all other U.S. citizens. Resolution Of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Pursuant to the powers and duties bestowed upon us by our citizens, the undersigned do hereby resolve that any Federal officer, agent, or employee, regardless of supposed congressional authorization, is required to obey and observe limitations consisting of the enumerated powers as detailed within Article 1 Section 8 of the U S Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The people of these United States are, and have a right to be, free and independent, and these rights are derived from the “Law of Nature and nature’s God.” As such, they must be free from infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, unreasonable searches and seizures, capricious detainments and every other natural right whether enumerated or not, pursuant to the 9th Amendment. We further reaffirm that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” (10th amendment) Furthermore, we maintain that no agency established by the U. S. Congress can develop its own policies or regulations, which supersede the Bill of Rights or the Constitution, nor does the executive branch have the power to make law, overturn law or set aside law. Therefore, in order to protect the American people, be it resolved that see Sheriff, page 4 Support Ambulance Service to this area. Measure Y supports a $65 per parcel, with a 2-parcel cap per unique property owner, that will fund our ambulance service. This is about $6 or a maximum of $11 a month! No one likes to see property taxes increased; however, this tax will provide great benefits to our local communities and people traveling through our area. The tax money will fund a desperately needed Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service along with providing local jobs. Tax monies will stay in our area. The ambulance service from Mayers and Frontier hospital Districts is a temporary fix. Property owners in those Districts pay for that service. When these resources are exhausted, we face a longer response time and possible loss of service. Returning our local Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service will improve response time to local emergency services. Vote Yes on Measures X & Y. Rose Marie Thompson Bieber CA 96009 Vote no on measures Dear Editor: Let’s be clear. Big Valley already has ambulance and ALS services. If you slip or fall, then it is 911 you call. An ambulance will be dispatched from Alturas or Fall River. In recent weeks there has been considerable press coverage about the proposed Community Service District (CSD) for ambulance services in Big Valley. Most of this coverage purports that we need an ambulance stationed in Big Valley. I am offering a different perspective. While it would be nice to have everything we want, including an ambulance sitting and waiting at a station in Big Valley, I maintain that we cannot forward an annual budget of $358,000 to have what we want. We do have what we need. We have ambulance and advanced life support services available to Big Valley. And it doesn’t cost us any new taxes. We also have First Responders in Big Valley who provide first aid and basic life support. The proposed CSD requires a new tax (not a fee). The $65 or $130 annual tax may not seem like much to some. To others it will be a considerable burden (i.e., fixed income). Besides, do we really believe that the depressed economic conditions in Big Valley can handle another $358,000 being taken out of our combined pockets every year? Other service districts (fire, weed abatement, cemetery, etc.) operate on little or no budgets, relying on community volunteers. We have what we need in these service districts, even though we might not have what we want (and cannot afford). It is further purported that “other agencies support” this proposed CSD. In reality, these other agencies have cooperated with the hard working committee, doing their job. But that cooperation should not be construed as ‘support for’ the proposed CSD. It is up to ‘we the voters’ and not agencies to decide whether or not they see Letters, page 5 Looking Back 104 Years Ago - 1910 THE TRIAL of the case of the NCO and the firm of E. Lauer & Sons concluded and the jury awarded $85 an acre for the land and damages to the extent of $1,000, the latter sustained by the taking of the right-of-way for the railroad… William Tocher, the McArthur Hotel man whose mysterious disappearance last week caused great alarm among the people of Fall River Valley, appeared at the Wilcox Ranch, sound of body after three days and three nights and tramping many miles. 99 Years Ago - 1915 MISS RETA Weigart closed a very successful term of school at Clover Swale. A picnic was given the scholars with a befitting program… Chas. Rice of Alturas went to Lakeview on the train last Friday to furnish music for the Elks Club annual ball. 89 Years Ago - 1925 THE LOCAL dance at the KP’s last Friday night was very pleasant. Dance at Clover Swale April 11… The Post Office Store in New Pine Creek has evaporated apples, 25 cents per pound; dried prunes, 15 cents; #1 grade dried figs, apricots and peaches, 25 cents a pound. 80 Years Ago - 1934 PERCY HARRIS is putting the finishing touches this week on his new lumber yard in Cedarville… The railroad track laid west of Canby that was intended to supply the Pickering Lumber Company in Alturas, is now being torn up. The steel will be sold to Japan… Joseph Oard, a veteran of the Civil War and a resident of Ft. Bidwell at the age of 94, was killed when the car he was driving went off the highway north of Cedarville. Captain Smith of the Highway Patrol attributed the mishap to excessive speed. 69 Years Ago - 1945 THE CUT of government timber for the 1945 season will be in excess of 50 million feet… The appointment of Philip Goulden was announced today for the Veterans Certifying Committee of Modoc County. 64 Years Ago - 1950 BOB NELSON and Mick Jones were high point men in a seven cornered race for two seats on the Alturas City Council… Easter Sunday at an afternoon ceremony in the Federated Church, Robert Brooks and Jeanne Baehr were married. 54 Years Ago - 1960 THE 20-30 Club will hold its annual Easter egg hunt Sunday afternoon at the high school football field at 1 p.m… Mrs. Esther Shoults was elected president of the Alturas Business and Professional Women’s Club… Less than 50 percent of Alturas’ 1503 registered voters turned out Tuesday. 44 Years Ago - 1970 THE ALTURAS Rotary Clubs annual Kids Fish Derby will be held Saturday morning… La Mar Dippery and Sarah Ryan have been named delegates to California Girls State. National Weather Service April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 3 Modoc Sheriff’s Blotter April 7-14 April 7: At about 1:00 p.m., a trespass was reported at the 13000 block of Co. Rd. 54 west of Alturas. The reporting party advised she had received a call from a friend, who reported that an older blue car possibly a Lincoln or Buick was behind her home. She related that no one was supposed to be there. Sheriff’s Deputies responded to find that the vehicle was gone upon their arrival; about 9:00 p.m. a party reported a cow that has been stuck in a muddy ditch for three days just off C/R 18 in Surprise Valley. April 8: An American Flag owner on High Street in the Town of Cedarville reported that someone had lowered and taken his flag during the night. This case is under follow-up investigation; about 3:30 p.m., a reporting party from the Lake County Railroad reported a burglary at the old train depot on C/R 115 south of Alturas. The front door had been kicked in and copper wire was reported to have been taken. The complete inventory of items taken will be complied and the victim will recontact. April 9: About 12:20 a.m., reckless driving was again reported in Modoc Recreational Estates. An older yellow Chevy pickup and an older baby blue Chevy step-side were racing past homes on Pintail Road. A Sheriff’s unit responded, but was unable to locate the vehicles in the area; about 4:00 p.m., the sons of their deceased father, reported the theft of estate property occurring in the Dry Creek Basin area off of C/R 58-B. Through an intensive investigation by Deputy Stacy Callaghan three subjects were arrested in the case. Arrested for burglary and possession of stolen property were Gary H. Sweetin, 51, Ryan R. West, 54, and Efrain B. Quezada 35, all of Alturas. Bail was set at $30,000 each for all three suspects. April 11: About 1:30 p.m., a “Dogs causing a Disturbance” call was received occurring on C/R 71 in Cal-Pines. The R/P reported that two Pit Bulls had charged him. He related he fired a shot and the dogs continued to charge. He fired a few more rounds and the dogs ran toward the Cal-Pines fire station. One of the dogs was brown in color and the other was white with a black spot. This case was handled by the Sheriff’s Animal Control Officer; about 1:45 p.m., the Modoc County Water Master and the Deputy Water Master called the Modoc County Communications Center requesting a deputy for a reported water theft investigation. Their investigation revealed that there is an on-going water dispute between two landowners on C/R 18 in Surprise Valley. Deputy Main was assigned to the investigation and made contact with both parties and will be submitting the case to the District Attorney for legal review; about 11:00 p.m., Oregon’s Lake County Sheriff’s Office called requesting assistance in the New Pine Creek area. The Lake County Sheriff’s Office was investigating a missing female juvenile taken from Grants Pass, Oregon and possibly in the company of a former Oregon deputy sheriff. The male suspect was last seen in the New Pine Creek area driving a 1978 Tan Ford Bronco. Modoc County Sheriff’s Deputies responded and searched two homes for the suspect and juvenile with negative results. Deputies were assigned to this case for the next 48 hours, assisting Lake County and the Oregon State Police Criminal Investigation Division. It was later learned that the former deputy resigned the week prior and turned himself in April 13 at the Lake County Jail on outstanding warrants charging him with three counts of third-degree sex abuse and three counts of contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor. The 17-year-old missing Lakeview juvenile was later found unharmed in the Lakeview area. April 13: About 10:30 a.m., Sheriff’s Deputy Scoma was traveling eastbound on Co. Rd. 54 when he recognized the driver of a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction as a subject with a known suspended drivers license. The vehicle was stopped and it was confirmed that the driver identified as Leonard J. Denton, 35, of Cal Pines license was suspended. He was arrested and secured in the patrol unit. During this arrest Deputy Scoma found a passenger in the vehicle under the influence of narcotics. In speaking with one of the individuals, she exhibited multiple signs and symptoms of being under the influence of a controlled substance. She related to the deputy that she had ingested methamphetamine, marijuana and an unknown prescription drug. Arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance was Idahlia S. Miller, 33, of Rio Linda, California. Denton and Miller were arrested and booked into the Modoc County Jail; about 1:00 p.m., the Modoc County Communications Center received a call of one person threatening another near Goose Loop and N. East St. in the MRE. When deputies arrived they found Freddie Baca, 52, of Alturas, Baca was subsequently arrested and booked into the Modoc County Jail for public intoxication; At about 2:00 p.m., another water dispute report was taken on Co Rd. 90 near Lookout. Sheriff’s Deputies responded and documented this reported dispute. National Weather Service Modoc booking report 5 DAY FORECAST Point Forecast - 4 Miles S Alturas, CA • 41.43ºN 4398 Issued by: National Weather Service Medford, by OR NOAA’s ft) Issued Last Update: 8:44 am PDT Apr National 16, 2014 Weather Service NWS Forecast for: 4 Miles120.55ºW S Alturas (Elev. CA Modoc • April 17 - April 21 This The following are the bookings in the Modoc County Jail for the past week. April 8: Sean Salisbury Slinkard, arrested by Alturas Police on a Ramey warrant alleging continuous sexual abuse of child. April 10: Gary Howard Sweetin, arrested by Sheriff’s Office alleging burglary, receive known stolen property; Ryan Randall West, arrested by SO alleging receive known stolen property; Efrain Bustillas Quezada, arrested by SO alleging burglary, grand theft. April 11: Richard Alton Chapman, arrested by APD alleging public intoxication. April 13: Leonard James Denton, arrested by SO alleging driving while license suspended/ revoked; Idahalia Sue Miller, arrested by SO alleging use/under the influence of a controlled substance; Robert Shawn William McGuire, arrested by APD alleging willful cruelty to child, possible injury or death. April 14: Denyiel Marie Gans, arrested by APD alleging inflict corporal injury to spouse/cohabitant. Dry Creek burglars nabbed The Modoc Sheriff’s Office received a report April 9 from Tony Ewing that his father’s residence had been burglarized in the area of Dry Creek Basin. His father had just passed away two days earlier. An investigation revealed that the father’s estate had been forcibly entered and ransacked. Suspects gained entry by force, opening a door to the main residence. A motor home, garage and “connex” container were also entered and multiple items were taken. The victims stated that there were thousands of dollars worth of personal possessions missing. Some of the missing items immediately recognized as missing, were a “Misery Whip” two man old crosscut saw, a metal wood stove, a wooden gun cabinet, two vinyl glass doors, solar equipment, welding supplies and numerous other items. From physical evidence left at the scene, at least two vehicles, both pulling trailers were involved in the burglary. Fresh tire impressions, shoe impressions and witnesses, led investigating Deputies to several suspects at the see Burglary, page 4 Tonight Thursday: A slight chance of thunderstorms Afternoon after 5 pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 69. Light and variable wind becoming west 9 to 14 mph in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 21 mph. Chance of precipitation is 10%. Thursday Mostly Partly Slight Chc Sunny Cloudy Thunderstorms Night: A chance and thunderstorms. Hi 69 °F Hi 63 °FCA Lo 34 °F NWS Forecast for:of4 showers Miles S Alturas Thursday Night Friday Friday Night Chance Showers Lo 35 °F Slight Chc Showers Hi 66 °F Partly Cloudy Lo 33 °F Thursday H Mostly cloudy, with a low around 35. West northwest wind Issued by: National Weather Service Medford, OR Mostly sunny, with a high near 63. Light northwest wind. This 15 to 20 mph to 13 in the evening. Winds could Lastdecreasing Update: 8:44 to am8PDT Apr mph 16, 2014 Afternoon gust as high as 30 mph. Chance of precipitation isPartly 30%. cloudy, with a low around 34. North northwest wind 5 to 10 mph becoming light an Tonight Friday: A This 20 percent of showers Tonight chance Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday A slight chance of thunderstorms after 5pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 69. Light and Thursday Afternoon Night Night before 11am. Mostly sunny, with theaafternoon. highWinds could gust as high as 21 mph. Chance of precipitationNight is 10%. near 66. Light and variable wind. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 35. West nort Thursday Night 13 mph in the evening. Winds could gust as high as 30 mph. Chance of precipitation is 3 20 percent chance of showers before 11am. Mostly sunny, with a high near 66. Light a Friday Night: withA Chance a low Slight Chc Partly Mostly Partly Partly cloudy, Slight Friday Chc Mostly Partly Sunny Cloudy Thunderstorms Showers Showers Cloudy Sunny Cloudy around 33.Hi 63 °F Lo 34 °F Hi 69Friday Partly °F Lo 35cloudy, °F with aHilow 66around °F 33. Lo 33 °F Hi 69 °F Lo 33 °F This Afternoon Night Mostly sunny, with a high near 63. Light northwest wind. Mostly sunny, with a high near 69. Saturday: Mostly sunny,Saturday Easter Sunday: Mostly sunwith a highTonight nearPartly 69.cloudy, with a lowSaturday ny,34.with a high near 71. around North wind 5 to 10 mph Partly northwest cloudy, with a low around 33. becoming light and variable after midnight. Night with a high near 71. Mostly Sunday Saturday Thursday Night: Partly A slight chance of thunderstorms afterMostly 5pm.sunny, Mostly sunny, with a high near 69. Light and variable wind becoming west 9 Sunday Night: the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 21 mph. Chance of precipitation is 10%. cloudy, with a low around 33. cloudy, with a low around Mostly cloudy, with a low around 36. Sunday Mostly cloudy, with a low around 35. West northwest wind 15 to 20 mph decrea Thursday A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Night 36. Night 13 mph in the evening. Winds could gust as high as 30 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 70. Monday Monday: Mostly cloudy, with a high near 70. Friday A 20 percent chance of showers before 11am. Mostly sunny, with a high near 66. Light and variable wind. Friday Night Saturday Monday Night Mostly cloudy, with a low around 40. Tuesday A slight chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 59. Partly cloudy, with a low around 33. Mostly sunny, with a high near 69. 5year6s Maxwell’s Nursery Our Business is Growing! Mostly sunny, with a high near 71. Let’s Get To Diggin’. . . DOLBY Sunday INSURANCE Saturday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 33. 4 Miles S Alturas CA Point Forecast: 41.43°N 120.55°W (Elev. 4398 ft) Visit your local NWS office at: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr SERVICES Sunday Mostly cloudy, with a low around 36. Paul Night F. Dolby Monday Potato & Onion Sets Are Here! Mostly cloudy, with a high near 70. Call us for help with any of your insurance needs http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=41.43840&lon=-120.534&unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=text&T cloudy, with a low around 40. Monday Mostly Night MN •HOME•AUTO Tuesday A slight chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 59. Pansies Are Perfect, •LIFE•HEALTH •RANCH Get Them Now INSURANCE Point Forecast: 4 Miles S Alturas CA 1030 41.43°N N. Main 120.55°WStreet (Elev. 4398 ft) "Modoc's PremierNursery" Alturas, CA 96101 512 W. 4th Street, Alturas CA Visit your local NWS office at: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr (530) 233-2616 530-233-5766 No-Cost Chipper Service You Stack It – We’ll Chip It! Call the Modoc Fire Safe Council at (530)233-5516 to request Chipper Program services for fire hazard reduction. HOW TO STACK ROWS FOR THE CHIPPER PROGRAM: 1. Stack cut brush and limbs in a row within five feet of the road of driveway edge. Stack with the ends facing towards the road or driveway. 2. Rows should be stacked no more than 4 feet high. 3. Keep mud, rocks, roots and rootballs out of the Cut ends must face the same direction, pointing towards the driveway or road that the chipper will use to access the piles. rows. 4. Locate the rows so the truck and chipper can easily access them; no off-road locations allowed. Rows should look like the photo above. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=41.43840&lon=-120.534&unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=text&TextType=2 PLEASE NOTE: Chipped material will be broadcast in the area, not hauled away. The Chipper Program does not provide chipping for orchard or harvest timber materials. Limbs up to six inches may be chipped. Only Outside City Limits Residents Are Eligible. MODOC CALL TODAY! Modoc Fire Safe Council Phone (530)233-5516 09/22 g n i n e p O SHOTOKAN ! n Soo Karate Instruction International Rank Recognition KARATE DOJO Self Defense Family Rates Available Affiliated with Independent Karate Schools of America CALL 530-640-0975 • www.shotokankaratedojo.webs.com 4/17 S PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE! [email protected] Page 4 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 from page 2 The following abuses will not be allowed or tolerated: 1. Registration of personal firearms under any circumstances. 2. Confiscation of firearms without probable cause, due process, and constitutionally compliant warrants issued by a local or state jurisdiction. 3. Audits or searches of a citizen’s personal affairs or finances without probable cause, and due process, and constitutionally compliant warrants issued by a local or state jurisdiction. 4. Inspections of person or property without probable cause and constitutionally compliant warrants as required by the 4th Amendment and issued by a local or state jurisdiction. 5. The detainment or search of citizens without probable cause and proper due process compliance, or the informed consent of the citizen. 6. Arrests with continued incarcerations without charges and complete due process, including, but not limited to public and speedy jury trials, in a court of state or local jurisdiction. 7. Domestic utilization of our nation’s military or federal agencies operating under power granted under the laws of war against American citizens. 8. Arrest of citizens or seizure of persons or property without first notifying and obtaining the express consent of the local sheriff. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the undersigned Sheriffs, Peace Officers, and other Public Servants, do hereby denounce any acts or agencies which promote the aforementioned practices. All actions by the Federal Government and its agents will conform strictly and implicitly with the principles expressed within the United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. There is no greater obligation or responsibility of County proposes Over-the-Horizon Radar site study Blood moon. . . THE BLOOD moon was visible in Modoc Tuesday morning and Rocci Lutz stayed up to get this photo Burglary east end of North Street within the City of Alturas. Taken into custody for burglary and possession of stolen property were Ryan Randall West, 54, Gary Howard Sweetin, 51, and Efrain B. Quezada, 35, all of the City of Alturas. West and Sweetin are being held in Modoc County Jail on $30,000 bail each and Quezada is currently out on bail. The suspects apparently entered the property on several occasions taking the property from the decedent’s estate. Sweetin owns property nearby and just below the decedent’s property. With the assistance of Undersheriff Ken Richardson, three deputies served a search warrant on a residence on the East North Street residence of Sweetin in the City of Alturas. A total of 56 stolen items in all were recovered from the homes, property and businesses of the suspect(s). The property recovered included the “Misery Whip” saw, a small wooden pull wagon, 3-55 gallon cardboard containers containing Christmas decorations, an old metal wheel barrow a Husquarna chainsaws just to name a few. There are still thousands of dollars of property outstanding including: several firearms, all types of hand tools, a complete solar-inverter system worth an estimated $40,000, hydraulic cylinders, starters, alternators, silverware, dishes, fishing poles, a new refrigerator, an 80-gallon fuel tank, a Sears and Roebuck antique wood stove and priceless family pictures and albums. If anyone has any information in regards to this burglary or information about the stolen property please contact the Sheriff’s Office attention: Deputy Stacy Callaghan at 233-4416. Happy Easter! CAREY’S GROOMING 151 N. Court St., Alturas CALL 530-233-4900 Golf CourSe & rv reSort Jess Valley Road in Likely • (530) 233-4466 [email protected] • www.likelyplace.com The Doublehead Ranger District of the Modoc National Forest is seeking public input on issues, concerns, and opportunities associated with a proposal to issue a five-year site survey and testing permit to the County of Modoc. The County plans to conduct studies focused on the feasibility of renewable energy generation at the existing Over-the-Horizon Backscatter Radar Site. Studies would involve determining the capacity of existing utility lines and the feasibility of upgrading capacity to move any generated power. County activities would take place at and near the existing decommissioned 936-acre radar site located directly south of Doublehead Mountain and about three miles south of the Clear Lake National Wild- from page 3 any government officer than to protect the rights of the people. Thus, any conduct contrary to the United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights will be dealt with as criminal activity. 4/17 Sheriff OPENING DAY Saturday, April 26 SATURDAY NIGHT PRIME RIB DINNER 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. Call Lynn or Kathy for reservations at 530-279-1330 • Limited Seating life Refuge. Access to the study area would be by existing roads with no ground disturbing activities proposed. All County activities would be conducted without disruption to the operations of Come meet Steve miller, our New oN Site Golf iNStruCtor! 4/17 see Radar, page 5 WANTED KEN BARNES for Modoc County Sheriff KEN IS FOCUSED ON OUR FUTURE •Brings new ideas, new vision and technology to the Modoc County Sheriff’s Department. Turning it into the state of the art organization that it should be. • Committed to providing the resources needed for public safety. REWARD A Sheriff who is concerned with public safety in Modoc. Working professionally with the Board of Supervisors and all departments for the BETTERMENT OF OUR COMMUNITY! You deserve a sheriff that truly represents YOU, and not simply the interests of his political party or special interest. KEN SUPPORTS YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS! Ken’s 30 years of accomplishments have earned him the respect and admiration of civic leaders throughout California. He is endorsed by the Alturas Peace Officers Association and the California Police Chiefs Association. Join us in electing Ken Barnes Modoc County Sheriff on June 3 802 E. 7th St. • Alturas CA 96101 • (530)233-8343 WWW.KENBARNESFORSHERIFF.COM Paid for by the Committee to Elect Ken Barnes 4/17 April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 5 from page 2 support this proposed CSD and the burdensome tax. I’m tired of taxes. How about you? I love and respect our democratic process. It encourages me to know the issues, to speak up and to vote. I encourage all voters and taxpayers to do the same. Know the issues, speak up and vote. As for me, I know the issue, I am speaking up and I will vote. It is not necessary to form this CSD. We have what we need already. My vote will be No on both measures X and Y. Rob Erickson Big Valley Ready to assist City Dear Editor: The City of Alturas is a great little community because of the hard working and spirited people who live here. Our city offers its residents many services that help make this a wonderful place for families and individuals to live and well managed businesses to thrive. Still, the City currently has many challenges that I am fully prepared to assist with. Therefore, I am announcing my candidacy for the Alturas City Council. The City is tasked with developing a new General Plan and updating its zoning ordinances. In addition, the sewer treatment plant and the downtown flood plain issue needs resolution soon. I have worked over 32 years as a USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil conservationist and project coordinator in Wisconsin, Michigan and California. I have lived in Alturas for 17 years and I take pride in my participation to develop strong partnerships during that time to make things happen for the people I served to improve quality of Hunt life and standard of living through developing projects based on natural resource management. The projects I facilitated include wildfire defensible space, watershed planning and management, tourism, biomass heating and sage-steppe ecosystem restoration. I am now retired from NRCS and ready to use my skills to plan for and work with the community to address our resource, recreational, safety, and transportation issues and create positive conditions for economic development in Alturas. I encourage everyone to please vote on June 3 to help make things happen for the City of Alturas. Mark Steffek Candidate, Alturas City Council SV park treated Dear Editor: In response to last week’s letter expressing concern over risks to human health posed by spraying 2,4-D for dandelion control in Cedarville park. Yes, the dandelions were sprayed with a two pint/acre rate of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on April 14, 2014 even though my office received several complaints about the practice. My office also received many more comments to please keep spraying the park to control (I wish we could eradicate) the significant dandelion infestation in the very same park. When the first complaint was voiced, I took the time to go and ask the people whose houses and backyards are adjacent to the park as well as most of the residents directly across the streets from the park. This activity then led me to the hardworking people who have been volunteering their own time to maintain the park by watering, mowing and maintenance improvements, like the Veterans flag, poles and street lights. Not surprisingly (to me anyway) almost each person thanked me for our ongoing weed control efforts and made it very clear that they want the dandelion in- festation controlled and are not worried about the small amount of herbicide (about a gallon) it takes to do this. Since I could not keep everyone happy in the situation, I felt most obligated to the wishes of the property owners in and across the street from the park since they would be the group most directly impacted by the millions of dandelion seeds blowing out of the park should control be suspended. The park was donated to Modoc County and the County wants to be a good neighbor and not the major source of dandelion seeds in Cedarville. As to the human health concerns, and I fully recognize people like expecting mothers have them, I must also be concerned about the risks to kids and others being stung by bees visiting the pretty yellow flowers that will take over the park all summer long. It is a fact that more people in the U.S. die each year from bee stings than snakebites, and herbicide residue risk in this case is not measurable. The toxicity argument is dose dependent, and yes, the rate we use over the acreage involved has been shown to be safe for people to visit the park after the spray has dried. We are physically present during the application and we stay to warn people afterwards should that be necessary. Posting is not required as this product is a caution label. 2,4-D is actively up taken by the leaves, stems and roots of treated plants and it acts as a selective growth hormone analog causing epinasty (twisting) and eventual plant death in annual and perennial broadleaved plants. Grasses are tolerant. The compound breaks down in warm moist soil by microbial degradation and at the rate we use, it does not build up in the soil and does not pose any real threat to nontarget organisms, i.e.: birds, fish, bees, etc. It is effective on dandelions, as our own experience has shown and over the decades we have never harmed, much less killed, Radar the U.S. Air Force that manages the radar site. Public involvement in the analysis of the County application is encouraged and comments are welcomed. For more information on the County application to conduct site survey and testing, please contact Jayne Biggerstaff at jbiggerstaff@ fs.fed.us. Please submit written comments to Modoc National Forest, 225 W 8th St., Alturas CA 96101, or email comments-paanything but the dandelions in all this time. As to the dandelions, they are a problem in the park. We know how to control them and we do it because most of the neighbors want us to. It’s not personal, they (the dandelions) have my sympathies and may they rest in peace. Oh yes, always read and follow label directions, wear proper protective gear when using pesticides, practice caution and keep out of reach of children. Joseph Moreo Modoc County Agricultural Commissioner LAKEVIEW LOCKERS MOBILE MEAT PROCESSING SERVING YOUR AREA 541-947-3789 207 N. ‘L’ St. • Lakeview,OR 3/27 B li ss y Boutique Beauty & Bod Full Spa Pedicure - ONLY $30 Appointment time 1 hr. 15 min. Full Spa Pedicure with Gel Nails - ONLY $40 Appointment time 1 hr. 30 min. APPLIES TO SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS ONLY. 323 S. Main Street • Alturas, CA 96101 4/17 PHONE 530-868-6806 ELECT ON JUNE 3, 2014 MARK STEFFEK FOR ALTURAS CITY COUNCIL 530-233-5985 • [email protected] PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT An affiliate of Lake Health District in Lakeview, Oregon We’re Proud To Welcome Our New Family Wesley Nurse Practitioner! Stevens, DO Family Medicine ROSANNE FITZGERALD, FNP Mark Bradbury, MD, FACS NOW ACCEPTING PATIENTS! General Surgery MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) TECHNOLOGY IS AVAILABLE AT LAKE DISTRICT HOSPITAL! Barbara Gilbertson, DO Family Medicine Most Insurance's Accepted Sliding Fee Discount Offered to Qualified Patients Phone (530) 233-2288 • 535 S. Main St., Alturas, CA 96101 Open Monday through Friday 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR HEALTH SERVICES AT WWW.LAKEHEALTHDISTRICT.ORG 4/17 You Are Invited By The Body Of Christ To The All Church Easter Celebration Computer DoCtor “Do You Believe?” - fRIDAy 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 605 N. MAIN ST., STE 3 • ALTURAS•530-233-3321 MoNDAy anD saturDay 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHO SAYS NOTHING’S FREE ANYMORE?! Easter Sunday - April 20, 2014 Bring Your Computer In, I’ll Look It Over & See If You NEED An Upgrade! Service starts at 10:15 a.m. at the Modoc High School Gymnasium, Alturas WINDOWS XP SUPPORT HAS ENDED! As of April 8, 2014, support and updates for Windows XP are no longer available. Don't let your PC go unprotected, come in or call - I CAN ASSIST YOU! UPGRADES • SALES • CALL 530-233-3321 IT’S TIME TO BARE YOUR SOLE! StevenS Parkview HealtHcare the 4/17 cificsouthewest-modoc@ fs.fed.us. It will be beneficial to have comments submitted by May 9, 2014. The Net: www. modoc rrecord. com “HE’S THE GUY YOU WANT” Let Us “Meat” Your Expectations from front page Hot Springs on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. to boil and dye the eggs, which then cool on the ride back to the park. Lions roll out eggs in time for the 1 p.m. hunt. Lions President Pat Budmark returns as this year’s event coordinator once again. The original Easter Egg Hunt was started in 1956 with eggs prepared at Kelly Hot Springs by 20-30 Club Chapter members of Alturas. Some 200 children showed up in 1956, then 500 in 1957 and the rest is history. The location has moved over the years from the Modoc High School lawns to Arrowhead Golf Course and circled back around to the Veterans’ Memorial Park in Alturas, where it all began. No matter what the weather, the hunt is always held. from page 4 4/17 Letters All seats are FREE, there will be an offering taken at the end of service for the T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Food Bank. This event is sponsored by the Alturas Ministerial Association and the churches they serve. Call 233-2804 for information. 4/17 Page 6 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Obituary Obituary Marion Mackey Lorraine L. Dishman Marion Gordon Mackey, a longtime rancher, homemaker and artist, passed away April 12, 2014 in Alturas, CA. Born in Hollywood, CA on February 5, 1917, Marion graduated from South Pasadena High School and studied at Pomona College for three years. Marion married Robert H. Mackey in San Gabriel, CA on July 12, 1939. MARION MACKEY After the couple visited friends in Modoc County, they decided to purchase the Wells Ranch in 1946 and relocated to Modoc County from San Gabriel. In 1957 they bought the adjoining Kincade Ranch. Marion and Robert created a world of wonder for their three sons, who could explore and discover without fear of reprisal. Together they showed their sons the joy of work, the power of peace and the wonder of love. Marion called Canyon Creek Ranch and Modoc County her home for 68 years. She loved gardening and painting and was a member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority, Modoc County Arts Council, Alturas Garden Club and Cedar Pass Ski Club. She is survived by three sons, Richard “Dick” Mackey and wife Karen Shimamoto of Alturas, CA; John Mackey and wife Kathy of Olympia, WA; Bruce Mackey and wife Chris of Olympia, WA; brother Hugh Gordon and wife Shona of New Zealand; grandchildren Noelle Knight and husband Jeremy of Alturas, CA; Aaron Mackey and wife Mitzi of Black Diamond, WA; Jenette Mackey, Olympia, WA; Jason Mackey and wife Patricia of Tukwila, WA; Rachel Mackey of Tacoma, WA and Jessica Mackey of Olympia, WA; great-grandchildren Cache, Easton and Paisley Knight of Alturas; Macey and Bo Mackey, Black Diamond, WA; Tyler and Sydney Mackey, Olympia,WA and Roman Mackey, Tukwila, WA. The family is planning a service for a later date to be announced. Donations in memory of Marion Mackey may be directed to Modoc County Arts Council, P.O. Box 2015, Alturas, CA 96101. Lorraine Leila Dishman began her long awaited walk in heaven on April 6, 2014, at the age of 92. Lorraine was born on August 10, 1921 to the late Arthur and Johanna Gruenwald on their family farm in Oakfield, Wisconsin. She graduated from Oakfield High School in 1939 and went on to graduate from St. Agnes School of Nursing as a Registered Nurse LORRAINE DISHMAN in 1942. Shortly after graduating, she enlisted in the U.S. Navy as an Ensign. Lorraine spent over 40 years nursing throughout the country. In 1944, Lorraine married Ralph Dishman and welcomed a son in 1945 and a daughter in 1950. They raised their family in Whittier, California and after 20 years in Whittier, they decided to relocate to Carson City, Nevada. Lorraine made Carson City her home for over 30 years. She was a proud member of the First Presbyterian Church of Carson City. Lorraine enjoyed crafting, traveling and nurturing her Iris garden. Most of all, she enjoyed spending time with her family and spoiling her granddaughters and great-grandsons. In 2001, at the age of 80, Lorraine reunited with her High School sweetheart, Orville Erdmann and moved to Lompoc, CA. She and Orv spent the next nine years enjoying every moment they had together. After Orv’s death in 2010, Lorraine relocated one last time to Alturas, CA to be closer to her family. Lorraine was an extremely loving, faithful, and giving woman who always put the needs of others above her own. Her desire and devotion to help others not only made her an extraordinary nurse, but also an amazing friend, mother and grandmother. Her strength and love will be deeply missed by those who knew her. Lorraine is survived by her son Lynn Dishman and wife Marylynn of Upland, CA; granddaughter Melissa Carlson of Alturas and her son Trace Holdorff, age 8; granddaughter Beckie Lewis, her husband Ted of Alturas and their three sons Scott, age 12, Troy, age eight and Bruce, age three. Lorraine was preceded in death by her daughter Diane Carlson; great-grandson Jordon Nay; parents Arthur and Johanna Gruenwald; brother Gordon Gruenwald and nephew Lee Gruenwald. THE RECORD publishes announcements free of charge for engagements, weddings, births and obituaries as space allows. Go to www.modocrecord.com for forms. The A memorial service will be held at The Church of Christ in Alturas on Sunday, April 27 at 2 p.m., a private family gathering will follow at Burney Falls. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that all donations be directed to the California SIDS Program, 3164 Gold Camp Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. Ph: 800-369-7437 or to Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital Ph: 800-805-5856. How to submit an obituary For information on submitting an obituary, please contact The Modoc County Record by phone at 530-2332632, email [email protected] or fax at 530233-5113. There is no charge for a death notice or obituary, published as space allows. Please provide information for contacting the mortuary.Our office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. For forms or to read more: www.modocrecord.com. Alton Howell Plumbing L ICENSED & B ONDED C ONTRACTOR • Drain Cleaning • Plumbing Repairs • Senior Discount • 24-Hour Service A Happy Customer, Is A Happy Plumber Call Now For An Appointment! 703 W. 3rd Street Alturas, CA 96101 CPS14 20+ Years Exp. CSL#945557 530-233-4743 530-640-3511 Alturas Branch Office & Lending Center Serving Modoc County 333 N Main Street, Alturas 530-233-4626 Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm • Fri 9am-6pm Federally insured by nCua pacificcrestfcu.com 2013_pcfcu_alturas_open_ad_ver4.indd 1 12/19/13 4:37 PM Friendliest Little Casino In Northern California Groove to the R&B tunes of THE METHOD this Friday, April 18 and Saturday, April 19 starting at 9 p.m. at the Club Del Rose! Easter Sunday - April 20 $ 10BRUNCH ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Per person with drink. Only $8.00 for Seniors. From 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. l i r p A s r e w Sho of CASH and FREE PLAY! Over $3K in cash and free play! Sunday through Thursday for the entire month of April! HOT SEAT DRAWINGS EVERY OTHER HOUR - ALL DAY LONG Win up to $100 cash just by playing with your Rose Rewards Club card! Management reserves the right to alter or cancel all promotions without prior notice. • Gaming • Lounge & Bar • Café • Event Center • Smoke Shop • Entertainment PHONE (530) 233-3141 • Internet Jukebox Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. Until Close • Pool Table & More! Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 You must be 21 years of age. Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. 4/17 April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 7 Obituary Saturday Services Kenneth W. Neal Kenneth Wayne Neal, a Likely, CA resident since 1982, passed away April 11, 2014, of natural causes in Redding, CA at Shasta Regional Medical Center. Mr. Neal worked at Pepperdine’s Peat Moss Plant running a Cat and Oakmeadows Ranch for Rich Hamel and Dwight Beeson, haying. Born in Fresno, CA on August 31, 1958, he attended Piner High School in Santa Rosa, CA. KenKENNETH NEAL neth never married or had children of his own. He loved his parents and siblings. He loved his nieces and nephews, as if they were his own children. He enjoyed spending time with family and friends. He was a Nascar fan and his favorite driver was Jeff Gordon, #24. Kenneth was also an NFL Dallas Cowboy fan. He enjoyed target practicing. His father Kimble Neal died in 1996. He is survived by his mother Joy Neal of Likely; brother Gary Neal of Likely; sisters Sherrie Hampton of Likely and Kelly Voth of Alturas, CA; nieces Julie Williams of Alturas, Brandy McElhaney of Susanville, Danielle Wilson of Alturas, Stephanie Elsea of Alturas; nephews Dustin Conner of Magalia, CA and Kyle Voth of Magalia, CA. Services will be held Saturday, May 3 at the Likely Fire Hall, Likely at 2 p.m., with potluck to follow. Celebration of Life Friday Alice Harker A “Celebration of Life” service for Alice Harker will be held on Friday, April 18 at the Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas from noon until 4 p.m. Alice was a resident of Alturas for 30 years. She was in TOPS for the whole 30 years. She loved going to the Monday Night Jam and playing her harmonica. She loved to play cards and “Go” places. Come and join us for coffee and cookies and talk about your memories of this wonderful lady, our beloved Mother. CARD OF THANKS We, the family of Georgia E. Smith, extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who offered love and support to us for her memorial service in Alturas on April 11, 2014. We especially thank Reverend Ben Zandstra for the beautiful memorial service for our mother, and the wonderful friends of the Federated Church who lovingly decorated and prepared the fellowship hall for a gathering place for Georgia’s family and friends to celebrate her life. Thank you to everyone who provided desserts, to Stan Yagi of Antonio’s for catering the lunch, to Nick Contaxis of Kerr’s Mortuary who kindly offered assistance, and to our family and friends in Modoc and beyond who gathered with us for her service. Sincerely, Richard and Karen Smith and Family Carolyn and Larry Cranford and Family Carl A. Parks Carl A. Parks, 94, was found dead on April 2, 2014, on an isolated Forest Service Road, south of Adin, California. He died in inclement weather conditions, while attempting to find assistance for his wife Marian, who had been left in their stuck vehicle. Carl was a U.S. Marine who was involved in most of the major campaigns of the Pacific during WWII. A Memorial Service will be conducted April 19 in the Fall River Mills Masonic Building at 10 a.m., graveside Military Funeral will be conducted at the Nubieber Foothill Cemetery (approximately 11:30), a reception with a potluck lunch to be held in the Big Valley Saint Stevens Catholic Church around noon. Instead of flowers, the family requested donations be made to the Masons/Shrines Lodge in Fall River Mills. 1932-2013 Herbert William Mardon was born in Los Angeles on January 20, 1932, to Alberta Mardon and Alice Holmes. Herbert spent four years serving in the military and when he was discharged he spent many years living in southern California. He worked at Goodyear Tires and for Sears and Roebuck Company. His hobbies were painting, cooking, spending time in the California sun and enjoying his family. In 1990 he moved to Cedarville to live with his sister Mary Phillips in the Bush house where he tended his beautiful flower garden at the vintage Dutch Colonial home. While living in Cedarville he enjoyed family and made many friends. He would frequently take trips to the nearby hot springs with his sister and was always involved in the senior and community events helping with the cooking. After the passing of his sister in 2000, he moved to Eugene, OR to live with his niece Wynne Clancy. Herbert was considered the heart of his family with many nieces and nephews looking up to him as a second father figure. He was known for his wonderful cooking and the family shared many happy times together enjoying his delicious meals. Herbert passed away on November 19, 2013 after complications from surgery to remove colon cancer. We know that he is in a better place and is living HERBERT W. MARDON GUITAR & MERCANTILE • Guitars, Amps, Ukuleles, Drums & Accessories Strings, Cords, Straps & More • Maintenance & Repairs • Guitar Lessons FOR ALL YOUR MUSIC EQUIPMENT NEEDS CALL (530)233-7664 Westside Rd. GOOSE LAKE www.duartesales.com E-mail: [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 750 Shasta View Dr, Alturas, CA 96101 4/17 Lounge Open Thursday & Friday, 4 p.m. - Close • Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. - Close Phone 530-233-5842 Sunday, April 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tri-Tip & Ham Buffet for $14.95 Plus - Eggs Benedict & Fresh Strawberry Pie for Dessert! Treat your loved ones to brunch at the California Pines Lodge! Call 530-233-5842 Reservations Are Recommended Lounge Open Thursday & Friday, 4 p.m. - Close Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. - Close APRIL 26th, 2014 11:00 A.M. PREVIEW Friday April 25th 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday April 26th 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. Food Concessionaire! Limited Consignments Being Taken! • Tractors • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Trailers • Vehicles • Miscellaneous 140 From Klamath Falls LAKEVIEW Westside Rd. AUCTION Westside Rd. Reed Rd. Garrett Road P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 Sale Managed & Conducted by Duarte Sales Sale Site on Reed Rd. in Lakeview, OR - WATCH FOR SIGNS! (541) 533-2105 California Pines 140 WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! 395 SALE SITE Reed Rd. AUCTION Reed Rd. Garrett Road Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. 4/10 www.duartesales.com E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 541-533-2105 www.duartesales.com Eric 541-891-7863 Jeff 541-891-2551 P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 (541) 533-2105 P.O. Box 6 • 541-533-2105 www.duarte Eric 541-891Jeff 541-891- Sale Managed and Conducted by P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 541-533-2105 www.duartesales.com Eric 541-891-7863 Jeff 541-891-2551 Face Painting • Three Legged Race Fun For The Egg ‘N Spoon Race & Easter Bunny Head Bands Whole Family! Easter Sunday Brunch Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. GOOSE LAKE Sincerely - Eric 541-891-7893 Jeff 541-891-2551 www.duartesales.com 395 SALE SITE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! Sale Managed and Conducted by Games & Prizes for the Kids!! AUCTION SATURDAY LAKEVIEW FARM AND CONSTRUCTION AUCTION LAKEVIEW APRIL 26th, 2014 140 AUCTION SATURDAY 140 From Klamath Falls 6. All purchases must be removed from auction site by April 28th unless prior arrangements made. Disclaimer: All item(s) may be added to or deleted from the auction. Duarte Sales Company cannot guarantee the availability of item(s) for sale on auction day. Please call the auction site to confirm an item(s) availability. 11:00 A.M. PREVIEW Friday April 25th 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday April 26th 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. Food Concessionaire! Limited Consignments Being Taken! • Miscellaneous 5. It is buyers responsibility if purchasing a vehicle to know his or her states protocol and regulations. Auction company and its employees make no claims as to vehicles eligibility in to any state. • Tractors • Vehicles 395 SALE SITE 4. Bidder acknowledges that an auction site is a potentially dangerous place. Flammable, noxious, corrosive and pressurized substances are present, heavy equipment is being operated and electric circuits may be live. Every person at the auction site at any time shall be there at his GOOSE LAKE own risk with notice of the condition of the premises and the activities thereon and Bidder shall so advise his agents and employees. No person shall have any claim against Auctioneers, their agents, employees, or principals for any injuries sustained, nor for damages to or loss of property which may occur from any cause whatsoever. • Trucks • Trailers 395 • Farm Equipment LAKEVIEW • Trucks • Farm Equipment 140 GOOSE LAKE • Tractors • Trailers Westside Rd. • Vehicles Reed Rd. • Miscellaneous 140 From Klamath Falls WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! Garrett Road SALE SITE Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. 11:00 A.M. PREVIEW Friday April 25th 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday April 26th 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. Food Concessionaire! Limited Consignments Being Taken! LAKEVIEW Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. Kids 10 and under will enjoy Chocolate Chip Pancakes and Strawberry Milk FREE with purchase of an adult Brunch! California Pines Garrett Road ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED www.duartesales.com E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 (541) 533-2105 LAKEVIEW APRIL 26th, 2014 3. Duarte Sales may, under certain conditions, bid on behalf of preapproved absentee buyers. Brunch served at 10 a.m. LAKEVIEW FARM AND CONSTRUCTION AUCTION 140 WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! Kids 12 and under for the Egg Hunt To All Supporters & The County Of Modoc For Your Continued Support - SATURDAY APRIL 26, 2014 140 EASTER EGG HUNT from 2 - 4 P.M. CROSSROADS 4/3 REED ROAD - LAKEVIEW, ORE. From Klamath Falls OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. . on Sunday April 20, 2014 SATURDAY APRIL 26, 2014 140 AUCTION SATURDAY 2. Payment in full must be made at conclusion of the auction. No items will be allowed to be removed until satisfactory payment has been made. Payment to be made in cash, cashier’s check, certified check, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. Company or personal checks over $2,500 will not be accepted without letter guaranteeing payment made out to Duarte Sales. Federal and State laws and penalties for failure to settle and pay shall apply. Frankie’s EASTER EGG HUNT & BREAKFAST REED ROAD - LAKEVIEW, ORE. Westside Rd. 395 Sale Managed and Conducted by P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 541-533-2105 www.duartesales.com Eric 541-891-7863 Jeff 541-891-2551 LAKEVIEW FARM AND CONSTRUCTION AUCTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS Shop The Blocks Tonight!!! April 17 - Open Until 8 P.M. 4/17 TERMS AND CONDITIONS From Klamath Falls 140 WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! SALE SITE Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. Reed Rd. PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS CONSIGNED Tractors and Backhoes - Kubota M125X w/Loader CA1601 2269 hrs., Nice Tractor • NH TM 130 w/Loader & Hay Grapple 6376 hrs. • JD 410 3pt Double Hydraulic 85 hp • Cat 112 Grader 12’ Moldboard Scar Fire, Good Rubber • JCB 8000 lb. Forklift Rough Terrain w/Side Sift • Hough 90 Front End Loader 5 yd Bucket • 1980 Bacyrus 300 Excavator w/36” Rock Bucket • 590 Case 4x4 Backhoe w/ Ext. Hoe 24” Rear Bucket & Canopy • Rago Rusher Roller 4’ Double Drum • MF 1105 Diesel Tractor Good Rubber • With More to Come! Trucks and Equipment - 2012 Ram 3500, 10,721 mi., Like New • 2004 Ford F350 • 1997 Ford F250 • 1977 IH 4200 10-12 yd Dump Truck 318 8U71, 13 spd. Ready for Pup Trailer • 1976 IH 4300 350 Big Cam Cummins 13 spd 10-12 yd Dump Truck • 1995 T 800 Kenworth 8 Bag Air Wet Kit Sliding 5th Wheel, Excellent Condition • 1988 Peterbilt Transfer - 425 Cat, 13 spd, 2 spd rear end, Excellent Condition • 1999 Freightliner 4 axle, 18 spd Fuller Transmission Tuck w/New Detroit 12.7 Liter 500 hp Diesel Engine with 3 yr 200,000 mile warranty • 40’ Great Dane Flatbed Trailer w/Winches • Buel 18’ Tilt Trailer • 1989 Peerless Pup 3 Axle Trailer • Barber Green Tow Behind Paver 8-12’ • Small Mitsubishi Pickup • 1995 50-ton Load King 3 Axle Hydraulic Detachable Lowbed Trailer • LG 40’ Manlift • 1986 Ford 250 4x4 Propane Powered & 8 Ton Winch • Much More! Hay and Farm Equipment - NH 2450 Swather w/2300 Series 14’ Header, Diesel 3629 hrs • HW 320 w/2300 Series 14’ Header Diesel 3332 hrs • BR 7090 Round Baler, Like New, 3279 Bales • NH 660 Auto Wrap Baler • NH 515 Baler 2465 Hrs Deutz Diesel 3 Cycle Motor • NH 1048 Harrow Bed • NH 1068 Harrow Bed, Runs Good, Great Shape • NH 420 2 Twine Baler 4 Cycle Wisconsin • Pro Ag Round Bale Feeder PTO • JD 8300 Grain Drill • Hesston Stackhand 30 Loafer • Fuel Tank & Stand • And More! 1. Property is sold “As Is - Where Is” and Buyer relies exclusively on preauction personal inspection and not on representation or warranties expressed or implied in any way. While descriptions are believed to be correct, auctioneers will not be held responsible for advertising discrepancies. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Luggage, Purses, Bling Jeans, Jewelry & Much More! 210 S. Main St., Alturas • Phone 530-708-0051 For receipt of a registration number buyer agrees that if highest bid is accepted the following terms of the sale are part of the then formed contract between the Seller (represented by the Auctioneer) and the Buyer. The contract is enforceable when the auctioneer accepts the buyer’s offer. 1. Property is sold “As Is - Where Is” and Buyer relies exclusively on preauction personal inspection and not on representation or warranties expressed or implied in any way. While descriptions are believed to be correct, auctioneers will not be held responsible for advertising discrepancies. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. 2. Payment in full must be made at conclusion of the auction. No items will be allowed to be removed until satisfactory payment has been made. Payment to be made in cash, cashier’s check, certified check, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. Company or personal checks over $2,500 will not be accepted without letter guaranteeing payment made out to Duarte Sales. Federal and State laws and penalties for failure to settle and pay shall apply. 3. Duarte Sales may, under certain conditions, bid on behalf of preapproved absentee buyers. Garrett Road AUCTION For receipt of a registration number buyer agrees that if highest bid is accepted the following terms of the sale are part of the then formed contract between the Seller (represented by the Auctioneer) and the Buyer. The contract is enforceable when the auctioneer accepts the buyer’s offer. Come By & Check Out The Latest Trends! Herbert W. Mardon 4. Bidder acknowledges that an auction site is a potentially dangerous place. Flammable, noxious, corrosive and pressurized substances are present, heavy equipment is being operated and electric circuits may be live. Every person at the auction site at any time shall be there at his GOOSE LAKE own risk with notice of the condition of the premises and the activities thereon and Bidder shall so advise his agents and employees. No person shall have any claim against Auctioneers, their agents, employees, or principals for any injuries sustained, nor for damages to or loss of property which may occur from any cause whatsoever. 5. It is buyers responsibility if purchasing a vehicle to know his or her states protocol and regulations. Auction company and its employees make no claims as to vehicles eligibility in to any state. 6. All purchases must be removed from auction site by April 28th unless prior arrangements made. Disclaimer: All item(s) may be added to or deleted from the auction. Duarte Sales Company cannot guarantee the availability of item(s) for sale on auction day. Please call the auction site to confirm an item(s) availability. An All Church Good Friday service will be held April 18 at Grace Point Church of the Nazarene, located at 134 Main Street, Alturas. The service starts at noon and will feature various Pastors of the Alturas Ministerial Association, sharing on the last seven things Jesus said from the cross. For more information, call 233-2804. THE RECORD publishes announcements free of charge for engagements, weddings, births and obituaries as space allows. Go to www.modocrecord.com for forms. Obituary AUCTION All church Good Friday service the rest of eternity painting, cooking, gardening and most of all surrounded by the family who went before him. 4/17 Jim Wills Modoc County Supervisor Dist. IV A Sale Managed and Con Page 8 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 MAKE SOMEONE feel special or just say thanks in your own words with a ‘Card of Thanks.’ Call (530) 233-2632 or drop by 201 W. Carlos, Alturas Our sincerest thanks to Dr. Farson and all of Modoc Medical Center. The care we received was excellent! ~ Jeff, Michele & Dennis 4/17 huge ammo Delivery .22 lr, .357 mag, .45 apc - stock up now! Elks take new seats Brotherhood of Protected Order of the Elks, Alturas Lodge 1756 held their officer installation recently with the following seated (not in order pictured): Exalted Ruler (front center) 2014-2015, Rodney Chainey; Lead Knight Marshall Kirkpatrick; Loyal Knight Daniel Vierria; Lecturing Knight Kyle Williams; middle left: Esquire Larry Cavasso; Chaplain Doug Waterman; Inner Guard Gary Harden; Tiler Joseph Moreo; Secretary Leonard Weber; Treasurer Jim Rollins; One-year Trustee Don Blair; Two-year Trustee Curtis Leslie; Three-year Trustee Jerry Wendland; Four-year Trustee Steven Brown; Five-year Trustee Brian Harden. Births BENTLEY DANIEL COCKRELL was born to Katelyn and Casey Cockrell of Alturas, CA on April 14, 2014 at 5:13 a.m. at Lake District Hospital, Lakeview, OR. Dr. Tim Gallagher attended the birth of the 7 lb., 3 oz. boy who measured 20-1/2 inches long. Sister Ellee May welcomes his arrival. Maternal grandparents are Natalie Callei of Alturas, CA and Randy Schoenauer, Grants Pass, OR. Paternal grandparents are Rendy Rees of Alturas, CA and Tom Cockrell of Eagleville, CA. RICHARD PETE MALCOLM was born to Brandy and Rick Malcolm of Alturas, CA on April 4, 2014 at 9:55 a.m. at Sky Lakes Medical Center, Klamath Falls, OR. Dr. Arielle Metz attended the birth of the 6 lb., 11 oz. boy who measured 19-1/4 inches long. Siblings include Adrean, Lauren, Lynnzi, Hanna, Katelynn and Tyler. Maternal grandmother is Sandy Sphar of Alturas. Paternal grandmother is Cindy Wood of Alturas. Paternal great grandparents are Pete and Delores DeWitt of Alturas. CARD OF THANKS The Eighth Grade Class of Surprise Valley Elementary would like to thank the businesses and supporters very much for the generous donations to the Eighth Grade Bingo event held March 17. The event we held helped us very much. The money we earned from this event will go towards our college campus visits to University of Reno, Shasta College and Southern Oregon University. Bingo was a huge success thanks to your support. The people who attended were very excited to have such awesome prizes. Thank you again for your generosity. -- Mrs. Heather Pratt & the Eighth Grade Class, James Wilson, Taylor Townsend, Dakota DeCaire, Maya Schulz, Charisse and Brandon. huge Delivery of hanDguns & long guns just in - 250 throwing knives, pocket knives anD machetes FISHING DEPARTMENT EXPANDED Fly fishing, rods, reels and tackle. Ask our knowledgeable staff about hot fishin’ spots! large selection of ammo • shipments arriving weekly hunting & fishing licences available Mon. - Sat. 8a.M. to 5p.M. Sunday 10a.M. to 3p.M. 43471 hwy 299e • fall river mills, ca 530-336-7007 10/03 www.fallriveroutfitters.com Please Attend Free Childbirth Education classes start tonight expectant women Now is the time to sign up for the next five-week series of free Childbirth Education classes. Classes will be held on Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., starting April 17 and continue through May 15. Classes will be held at the Early Head Start Center, 901 N.E. “A” Street, Alturas. All expectant women and their birth partners residing in Modoc County are welcome to attend. Classes are taught by certified instructors Karolyne Breiner and Tanya Schulz RN, PHN. Topics covered include fetal development, breathing techniques, timing contractions, stages of labor, breastfeeding and many other issues surrounding the birth of an infant. Instruction on labor support for fathers or labor coaches will also be addressed. Modoc County Public Health and Early Head Start offer the free series. For more information or to sign up, please call Tanya at 233-6311 or Karolyne at 233-7317. Reserve Yard Sale space at Modoc Med Auxiliary fundraiser FOOD • REFRESHMENTS • FUN • GIVEAWAYS 4/10 “Ladies Day” May 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parking lot of Modoc Medical Center, Modoc Medical Center Auxiliary will host a Yard Sale. Anyone who would like a space to sell items may call Lau Miller at 708-1106. Spaces are $20. Members of the Alturas Lions Club will be offering a barbecue. There will be a small fee for hamburgers or hot dogs. Set up is at 8 a.m. Please bring your own tables and shade. So far, the sale will be featuring Dining Sets, bed sets including mattress and box spring, living room furniture, household appliances - big and small, computer games and much more. Open HOuse May 16 & 17 DiscOunts & Sales Refreshments & Snacks Will Be Served 38620 Hwy. 299W • Alturas, CA 96101 APRIL 24, 2014 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. Ed Staub & Sons Alturas Bulk Plant Alturas, California Ed Staub & Sons staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. Service This Sunday - April 20, 2014 at 11 a.m. 508 S. Main Street (Alturas Veterans Hall) For an uplifting resurrection Sunday service with powerful preaching, special music and a great time of fellowship! FREE LUNCH & EASTER EGG HUNT Hot Dog, Potato Salad, Beans, Salad, Water, Tea & Punch Luncheon Don’t forget the kids’ Easter baskets! Plus, enjoy our Relay Egg Race, Activities for All Ages & Sunday School for Children. OldPastor TimeJonBible Baptist Church Dabill • Phone 530-569-0371 Come See What’s Available! Call 530-233-4481 for more details! VALUED CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP Special Easter [email protected] 4/17 In celebration of our You’rtoe Invited a A special “Ladies Day” will be held May 3 at Faith Baptist Church from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Theme for the day is “...to be Like Christ.” The program includes seminars, a workshop and a dynamic speaker, Ivy Oto, a missionary to Uganda, Hawaii and Navajo nation. Bring the children; there will be a special program for them. Cost is $5 to cover a lunch. Call 2332015 for registration. you’re invited JUST FOR YOU!!! 04/17 508 S. Main Street, Veterans Hall• Alturas, CA April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 9 RC&D projects awarded $1.15 million Life science majors: Scholarship available THE REVERENDS Clarence and Kathleen McCarty. Reverend Kathleen McCarty advances Reverend Kathleen McCarty has advanced her ministry credentials to the next level of ministerial recognition in the Assemblies of God. Having completed and passed all the requirements of biblical studies and working through the credentialing process, she was presented with a Minister License on March 30, 2014 by her pastor and husband, the Reverend Clarence McCarty. Reverend Kathleen is already working on the next level of ministerial study that will earn her a Ministerial Study Diploma from Global University when she completes the third level of biblical studies. She has worked alongside her husband in ministry since 1981. Reverend Kathleen received letters of congratulation from both the General Council of the Assemblies of God in Springfield, Missouri, The Assemblies of God Northern California and Nevada District Council in Sacramento, California. The Shasta Chapter of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is offering a $2,000 scholarship to local high school or community college students entering a bachelor’s degree program with a life science major. Eligible students must be graduating or transferring from a school within Shasta, Siskiyou, Lassen or Modoc Counties. Shasta Chapter of CNPS has awarded scholarships over the past 20 years. Scholarship Chairman Jay Thesken states that past recipients of this award have gone on to pursue degrees in biology, botany and environmental science in universities throughout the western states. Applicants must have a 3.0 (B) grade point average and must submit their application to CNPS by May 2, 2014. Applications may be picked up at any local high school or community college, or may be retrieved from our website: www.shastacnps.org. For any further information, contact Jay Thesken at 530-221-0906. Local members of CNPS work throughout the year to raise hundreds of native California plants, which are sold at Fall and Spring plant sales at Shasta Community College in Redding. These sales generate funds for this scholarship and for other plant-related grants. Make plans to attend June Jamboree The Friends of the Modoc County Library’s 10th Annual June Jamboree is scheduled for Saturday, June 28, 2014, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Every year has been a sellout, and you won’t want to miss it. Friends of the Modoc County Library members are entitled to advance ticket purchase privileges, beginning April 21 -- so join the Friends today to get your best choice of train ride! Tickets will go on sale to the general public on May 5. Fun for the whole family includes train rides, barbecue lunch, live entertainment, demonstrations, historical displays, book sale, live auction, self-guided garden tours and more. Still at $15 (with a train ride) or $13 (without a train ride) for a day of fun that helps support the Library. For more information, call Cheryl Baker, County Librarian, at 233-6340. project review committee and were recognized because they addressed critical water management needs for human health and safety as well as natural resources. Over 80 projects, totaling over $40 million in value were identified by local agencies and organizations for inclusion in the Upper Pit River IRWMP and potential eligibility for DWR, as well as other funding. DWR implementation grant applications were submitted in the spring of 2013 with final award and commitment letters being issued in February 2014. Northeastern California Water Association received planning funding from DWR to develop the Upper Pit River IRWMP in 2011. Through public meetings, stakeholders input and hours of writing and re-writing the plan was finally completed and adopted in December 2013. For more information about the plan, projects in the plan and the evaluation process for inclusion in the plan please contact Stacey Hafen, North Cal-Neva RC&D Council at (530) 233-4314 ext. 114. www.modocrecord.com CASCADE FENCING Residential, Commercial & Agriculture Fences Barbed Wire • Field Fence Horse Fence • Privacy Fence Chain Link Fence Bobcat Work Available 530-640-2768 Marcus Plank • LIC#981603 RADIATOR NEED FIXIN’? • NEW & INDUSTRIAL RADIATORS • RE-CORES & ROD OUTS • GREAT PRICES • NEXT DAY OR TWO DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE HOLDORFF’S RECYCLING 3/20 North Cal-Neva RC&D Council was recently awarded $1.15 million from the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation funds for three locally identified projects. The three projects were identified during the preparation of the Upper Pit River Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) and include: a Joint Leak Detection and Repair Program to benefit Burney, Fall River, McArthur and Bieber; Bieber Water Tank Refurbishment Project; and McArthur Water Tank design and construction. These projects were chosen by a local 605 N. Court Street, Alturas • Phone 530-233-3723 Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY Before You See NOAH, The Movie, Please Read The Biblical Account had gone down, 4 and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. 5 The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains Genesis 6:5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, became visible. and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 6 After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark 7 and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and So the LORD said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created- and with forth until the water had dried up from the Earth. 8 Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the them animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground- for I regret that I have surface of the ground. 9 But the dove could find nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the Earth; so it returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it bake to himself in made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. the ark. 10 He waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. 11 When the dove returned to him in the Noah and the Flood evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the Earth. 12 He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him. 9 This is the account of Noah and his family. 13 up from the Earth. Noah Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with By the first day of the first month of Noah’s six hundred and first year, the water had dried 14 then removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry. By the twenty-seventh day of 10 God. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. the second month the Earth was completely dry. 11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the 15 Then God said to Noah, 16 “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. 17 Bring out every earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, kind of living creature that is with you--- the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground--- so “I am going to put an end to all people, for the Earth is filled with violence because of them. I am they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it.” surely going to destroy both them and the Earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. 15 This is how you are to build it: The ark is to 18 So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. 19 All the animals and all the creatures that be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. 16 Make a roof for it, leaving move along the ground and all the birds--- everything that moves on land--- came out of the ark, one kind after another. below the roof an opening one cubit high all around. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life 20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. offerings on it. 21 The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground 18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark--- you and your sons and because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, destroy all living creatures, as I have done. male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal 22 and every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are “As long as the Earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and them.” 22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him. Genesis 6:5-8:22 (New International Version) 7 The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” 5 And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him. Noah was six hundred years old when floodwaters came on the earth. 7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the water flood. 8 Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of tall creatures that move along the ground, 9 male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth. 6 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the Earth forty days and forty nights. 11 On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 14 They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. 15 Pairs of tall creatures that have the breath of live in them came to Noah and entered the ark. 16 The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in. 13 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the Earth. 18 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. 19 They rose greatly on the Earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. 21 Every living thing that moved on land perished--- birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the Earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the Earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the Earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark. 17 24 The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days. 8 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the Earth, and the waters receded. 2 Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky. 3 The water receded steadily from the Earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water From Your Friends At The SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Page 10 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Hunter Ed class starts Tuesday California residents and first time hunters are required to take and pass a Hunter Education class before purchasing a California Hunting License. Participants must attend all three nights and pass the test to receive credit for the course and the certificate, which is re¬quired for obtaining a Cal¬i¬fornia hunting license. The Hunter Education class will be held April 22, 23 and 25 at the Alturas Elks Hall, 619 Main Street. Classes start at 5:30 p.m. and last about three hours per class. For registration and materials, please contact the Sports Hut or call 530-233-2423. The class is for anyone who plans to obtain a hunting license. Milano Scholarship deadline extended The application deadline for one of five $5,000 Milano Family College Scholarships has been extended to May 8. Applicants must be High School Seniors who will graduate in 2014. They must have attended High School or been home-schooled in Lassen, Modoc or Siskiyou County, CA. Although the scholarships are intended for youth who have participated in 4-H, current enrollment in the 4-H Program is not required. Past or current 4-H members who plan to attend a two or four year college next fall are encouraged to apply. To obtain a copy of the Application Form and Requirements for the 2014 Milano Scholarship, please call 2336400 or download a copy at: http://cemodoc.ucanr.edu/4H_-_Youth_Development_Program/ . Applications are due in the 4-H Office at 202 West 4th Street, Alturas, California, 96101 by 5 p.m. May 8. Western Night show will be a celebration www.modocrecord.com Support was great The Cal Pines Volunteer Firefighters would like to thank the community for all of their support in attending the Easter Family Bingo on Saturday, April 12, 2014. We would also like to thank the following businesses and people who donated their time and effort in helping make this a great success: Cal Pines Lodge for the use of the Banquet Room, Ace Hardware, Aloha Schaefer, Art Center, Main Street Antiques, Ardie’s Classie Lassie, Sweet Pea Cottage, Holiday Jewelers – Klamath Falls, Oregon, Antonio’s Cucina Italiana, Lazy B, Nancy Krueger, Kaleidoscope of Hair Fashions, Vera Sphar and Holly Sherer, Jean Nelson, Ruth Becker, True Value, Kathy Hassenmiller, 4 Corners Market, Kim Marchant, Jenn Anderson, Christine Jobe who was our Easter Bunny and David Erkle, the picture taker. We hope everyone had a great time too! We could not have done this without your support. Thank you so much! -- The Cal Pines Volunteer Firefighters Final Market tagging “Seventeen market steers were tagged during late January and February in preparation for the 2014 Junior Livestock Show,” reports Larrell Smith, Junior Show Board Secretary/Treasurer. The Alturas tagging for sheep, swine and goats is this Saturday, April 19, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Junior Show Grounds in Alturas. Tagging for market swine, sheep and goats at Big Valley and Surprise Valley have reported a total of 15 hogs and 10 lambs tagged at their April 5 taggings. Prospective exhibitors who are unable to attend the tagging are responsible for making arrangements. No makeup appointments will be scheduled. Please contact Junior Show office at 233-6400 for additional information. Auction YArd cAfé Thursday: Meatball Sandwich Friday: Grilled Chicken Salad SPECIAL EASTER BREAKFAST DELICIOUS SPREAD WITH ORANGE JUICE Open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday - Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 4/17 CLOSED MONDAYS • Hwy. 299, Alturas (530) 233-2966 WALTON’S AUTO CARE 1002 MAPLE STREET • ALTURAS, CA 96101 PHONE 530-233-1007 LET’S GET READY FOR SUMMER! FREE Battery Service with lube, oil, filter service. INCLUDES CLEANING BATTERY TERMINALS, CHECKING VOLTAGE & AMPS DON’T DELAY - OFFER ENDS APRIL 30, 2014. 4/3 JESSE MORGAN who won at bingo and picked out a stepping stone donated from Ace Hardware, was among the many who enjoyed the Second Family Easter Bingo last Saturday at Cal Pines. Submitted photo The fourth annual Western Night Show will be held on April 25, 7-9 p.m. at the Community Hall of the Surprise Valley Church. “Ranch Life built Modoc County and we celebrate our history and our present, with cowboy poetry and real western music,” says Clarence Wager. Admission is $5 at the door. Refreshments will be available at the intermission during the show. Come and be a part of our Western heritage and life! The show will include Lynn and Lavor Smith, JoAnn White and other musicians, members of the Flournoy family, Larry Birge, and various local poets, hosted by Clarence Wager. The show is a benefit for the Surprise Valley Community Church. CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT! April is P e r e s vent u b A io n d l n t o h i M Ch LETTER FROM SHERIFF MIKE POINDEXTER To the Citizens of Modoc County It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Modoc County for the past four years. Looking back for just a moment, we have come what feels like a very long way. I am proud of the family we have become at your Sheriff’s Office and the team work exhibited each and everyday by the very competent and professional men and women working in one capacity or another as either permanent, part time, extra help and/or volunteers, to keep the peace and provide for the health, safety and welfare of our citizens and visitors. I am proud to say that we have managed to meet each and every campaign promise made during the last election! By working for the Sheriff’s base salary only, I have saved the county well over $200,000 and promise to continue to opt out of the retirement system and refuse any county health insurance benefits. We have established state of the art policies and procedures, we now have an ongoing, verifiable and realistic training program and our perishable skills training is current and tracked through a database system that was designed and implemented by Sheriff’s Office staff. TEN WAYS TO PROMOTE CHILD WELLBEING DURING NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH We have a firmly established Rural Neighborhood Watch (RNW) program in nearly every township in Modoc County. We are very proud of the RNW program. It has opened doors of communication between you the people and those sworn to protect and serve. Our network of volunteers now working closely with your Sheriff’s Office through a direct line of communication, is not only proactive, but have proven time and again to be extremely effective. Thank you to the nearly 400 volunteers, the extra eyes and ears are truly appreciated. “Catch” your children being good. Praise them often. Our office of Emergency Services and I/T team has put us ahead of the curve in the Northern Inland Region III. Through coordination with the first responder community, various non-profit groups and county personnel, OES has provided training to over 500 participants in becoming NIMS/SEMS/ICS compliant as well as aiding various volunteer organizations in meeting Cal OSHA requirements. Additionally, we’ve been able to upgrade and narrowband all communication sites within the County, purchase radios, pagers, generators, safety vests, purchase and install transfer switches at key locations, generator upgrades, etc., for the medical and fire districts, as well as the City of Alturas. Reflect on the parenting you received as a child and how that impacts how you parent today. Ask your children who is important to them. Make time to do something YOU enjoy. Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) documented reports show that the Sheriff’s Office has increased assistance to our allied agencies by over sixty percent. For example, in 2009, CAD entries listed fifteen assists to the Alturas Police Department. In contrast, last year, 2013 CAD entries documented ninety-seven assists to the city police. Folks, I ask that you please be patient with me. My goal would be to personally knock on each and every door, discuss the issues and personally ask for your vote. The reality of things is that it is a very big job that you the people have hired me to do. It is very important to me that I not be so busy campaigning to keep my job, that I fail to do my job! I have and will continue to maintain an open door policy at the Sheriff’s Office so if you have any questions, please feel free to stop by at anytime. You can also call me anytime at 530-233-8917. Have a family game night! Even young children can play board games on an adults “team.” Establish a daily routine so your child knows what to expect. Talk to a trusted friend when you feel stressed, overwhelmed or sad. Teach your child to resolve conflicts peacefully. Role play emotions with your child- what do you do when you’re happy, sad or frustrated? Hold, cuddle and hug your child often. Parent Education classes and other resources for families are available at T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Call us today at 530-233-3111 for more information on the services we offer. THANK YOU AND PLEASE VOTE TO RE-ELECT SHERIFF MIKE POINDEXTER ON JUNE 3. Paid for by the committee to re-elect Sheriff Mike Poindexter, Modoc County Sheriff 2014. 4/17 T.E.A.C.H., Inc. 112 East 2nd Street • Alturas, CA 96101 April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 11 “WEAR DENIM TO WORK” Wearing jeans on “Denim Day,” during April’s National Sexual Assault Awareness Month has become an international symbol of protest against erroneous and destructive attitudes about sexual assault. ABOUT DENIM DAY - THE HISTORY Rome, Italy 1997 – An 18-year-old girl is raped and abandoned by her 45-year-old perpetrator in an alley. Undeterred, she prosecuted him and won. The perpetrator was convicted of rape and sentenced to jail. Months later, 1998 – The perpetrator appeals the sentence. The case makes it all the way to the Italian Supreme Court. Within a matter of days the case against the 45-year-old driving instructor is overturned, dismissed and the perpetrator is released. WHY DENIM? In a statement released by the Head Judge, he argued, “Because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them… and by removing the jeans… it was no longer rape but consensual sex.” Enraged by the verdict, within a matter of hours the women in the Italian Parliament launched into immediate action and protested by wearing jeans to work. This call to action motivated and emboldened the California Senate and Assembly to do the same and Denim Day was born. In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month each April, we are asking businesses, organizations and individuals to wear denim in support of sexual assault survivors and to raise awareness about sexual assault misconceptions. WEDNESDAY - APRIL 23, 2014 WEAR JEANS WITH A PURPOSE MODOC CRISIS CENTER A division of T.E.A.C.H., Inc. 112 East 2nd Street • Alturas, CA 96101 4/17 1-855-855-6745 24HR Hotline or 530-233-4575 Page 12 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 MMC Auxiliary helps hospital, staff, patients Walk into the lobby of Modoc Medical Center and you’ll notice a pleasant surprise. The MMC Hospital Auxiliary has a gift shop stocked with unique gifts, foods, handcrafted items and most importantly, smiles. Hospital Auxiliary volunteers are not paid, but seeing a person in pain respond to even little acts of kindness is their greatest reward. “Healing is not all medical. To truly heal a person you have to think about, touch and offer companionship; you must listen, laugh and cry with them; realize their spirit is suffering too and show compassion,” said Lau Miller, president of the MMC Hospital Aux. Three years ago hard working, dedicated auxiliary volunteers were struggling to maintain the presence of their gift shop in the hospital lobby. After all their work, the year’s profits amounted to $400. Then Lau Miller lost her bid to be elected to the MMC hospital board of directors. She was faced with two choices. She could forget her considerable knowledge and dedication to the hospital and go home; or she could re-channel her efforts in another direction and continue to help the needed medical equipment. The MMC Hospital Auxiliary is still working to better the health see MMC, page 15 Modoc Medical Center Auxiliary YARD SALE Saturday - May 3 • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Modoc Medical Center Parking Lot • Dining & Bed Sets Booth Spaces Available! • Furniture • Appliances, Big & Small Contact Lau Miller at 530-708-1106 • Computer Games for information, spaces are $20 each. • Much More! 4/17 booth, annual dinner, scrubs and book sales are split with half going for scholarships and half for medical equipment. Miller, a natural salesperson, has not only stocked the gift shop with unique items, but has persuaded vendors into discounting certain medical merchandise to the nurses and staff. Under Miller’s leadership and with the help of her dedicated volunteers, who donated more than 8,000 hours of work last year, the auxiliary was able to buy and donate $19,000.00 worth of By Jean Bilodeaux Special to the Record PETERSON CAT INVITES YOU TO A BARBECUE AT OUR KLAMATH FALLS STORE ON APRIL 25! Peterson Cat—your AGCO/Challenger, Caterpillar, Lexion, and Trimble dealer— recently acquired the Massey Ferguson & Hesston territory formerly served by Floyd A. Boyd, making us your authorized source for parts and service in Klamath, Lake, Modoc, and Siskiyou counties. MMC AUXILIARY President Lau Miller with Dawn Baird at the Gift Shop. struggling facility. Fortunately for the hospital, Miller chose to join the hospital’s auxiliary. When Miller joined the auxiliary it was on the verge of collapse. Soon she was elected president and things began to change. “At first we balked when (then) CEO Monica Derner insisted we get 501c3 status. But she was right and was doing us a favor,” explained Miller. The hospital auxiliary has two types of volun- Please join us for a barbecue and get to know us! Who? Anyone in the ag business in Klamath, Lake, Modoc & Siskiyou counties! When? Friday, April 25 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Where? Peterson Cat – Klamath Falls 1434 S 6th Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 850-8658 teers. “We have our member volunteers who’ve taken the training and paid their dues. Then we have volunteers who make gift items and donate them to the auxiliary to sell. It is working both ways, we’re thankful, and the auxiliary is growing,” said Miller. The auxiliary uses all their gift shop profits to buy needed medical equipment. Their profits from other events such as raffles, Fandango Days Peterson is your ag parts superstore— Call (541) 850-8658 or visit us online at petersonag.com Produce Picks $ 29 $ 59 Butcher’s Choice $ 49 $ 39 1 2 LB. 1 LB. HAM PORTIONS SPIRAL HAMS 5 6 $ 99 BEEF TRI-TIP ROAST 1 65 $ 29 LB. EA. RUSSET GREEN BEANS POTATOES 5 LB. BAG Sunnyvalley Cooks 1 LB. $ 99 ¢ LB. EA. COULOTTE STEAK EA. Single Dozen CELERY LARGE EGGS HOP INTO EASTER WITH GREAT SAVINGS! 2 $ 39 2 $ 19 2 $ 75 2 Western Family BUTTERMILK PANCAKE 32 oz., Reg. $2.69 Western Family MAPLE SYRUP Original & Lite - 24 oz., Reg. $3.39 $ 99 Gold Medal FLOUR All Purpose & UnBleached, - 5 LB. Reg. $3.89 4 C&H SUGAR 4 LB. - Reg. $3.69 Corners Market 2 9 $ 59 3/$ 99 +CRV PEPSI PRODUCTS 12 Pack Cans 1 79 $ 59 ¢ Franz DINNER ROLLS Sweet Hawaiian & Old Fashioned - 18 oz., Reg. $4.09 Western Family PINEAPPLE Chunk, Sliced & Crushed - 20 oz. Reg. $2.05 Western Family BROWN & POWDERED SUGAR 1 LB. , Reg. $1.29 2 $ 79 1 $ 89BAKING CHIPS Nestlé Asst. 10 -12 oz., Reg. $3.69 Western Family SWEETENED FLAKE COCONUT 14 oz., Reg. $3.49 HWY 299 & MAIN STREET, ALTURAS • (530) 233-3822 OPEN MONDAY - SUNDAY • 7 A.M. TO 8 P.M. All Items Subject To Stock On Hand • Prices Effective April 17 - April 23, 2014 Modoc Record Sports April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 13 Braves softball whips Lost River The Modoc Braves softball team trounced Lost River 18-8 April 15. They are hosting Mt. Shasta April 22. Modoc scored eight runs in the first inning, added one in the second, eight in the third and one in the fifth. Lost River scored four in the first, three in the second and one in the fifth. Melissa Knoch went 3.2 innings, allowing one run on nine hits, walked one and fanned one. Morgan Bagwell allowed seven runs in 1.1 innings, allowed four hits, walked eight and struck out one. Kirsten Jones led the offense with a 4-4 day, while Pricila Madrigal was 4-5, Kristen Reed 3-5, Macie Larranaga and Kelly Schmidt 2-3, Knoch 2-4, Valerie Froeming 2-5 and Beth Derner and Bagwell one hit each. PARTICIPANTS at this year’s Top Shot Competition included Junior 4-H members Anabel Farnam, Jenna and Megan Nelson, Cody Sphar, Jacob Worch, Riley Atkins, Jake Cuzick and Jess Dancer; Intermediate 4-H members Hayden Fredrick, Chance and Lane Galvin, Riley Lake, Scott Lewis, Noelle MacDonnell, Elly Viehdorfer, Natalie Walton, Nash Warnock, Mavrick Farnam and Hardy Ingraham; and Senior 4-H Member Kaden Knight. Not pictured are Seniors Zack Bickford, Haley Dancer, Grady Ingraham and Paden Smith. Modoc Dirt Squirrels shoot it out at range The Modoc Dirt Squirrels held their annual Top Shot Competition on Sunday, April 13 at the Alturas Rifle & Pistol Club with 24 4-H members from the Davis Creek and New Pioneer 4-H Clubs competing for the Top Shot title. When the dust settled, Anabel Farnam was named Junior winner, Mavrick Farnam the Intermediate winner and Kaden Knight the Senior winner. Mavrick Farnam was named the 2014 Overall Top Shot Champion. The Dirt Squirrels would like to extend sincere thanks to all the parents and project leaders Ken Smith and Warren Farnam and their leader teams for all the support and encouragement. Special thanks as well to the Alturas Rifle & Pistol Club for use of their facility, Billy Jacques of Alturas Pepsi who donated the soda, and K&K Distributing for furnishing the food for this year’s Top Shot Competition. Modoc runner sets meet record Mount Shasta hosted its annual Fair Weather meet on Thursday April 10th. Modoc sent 13 athletes. Stephanie Gouveia set a meet record in the 1600 meters, besting the record held by Modoc’s own Ashley Hoy. Gouveia also set a personal best in the 3200 meters. Modoc athletes use the meet as a training tool versus a meet to peek performance. Modoc High Braves top Lost River Modoc’s baseball team used several pitchers to beat the Lost River Raiders 8-2. The team is at the Central Valley Tournament this weekend. Modoc led 2-0 after two and added six runs in the sixth. Lost River scored one in the fifth and one in the seventh. Leading hitters were Tyler Ewing who went 3-4; David Buckley 2-4; Jarret Royce 2-4; Daniel Beebout 1-2, a home run; and Dillon Egle 1-3. was on spring break and any training was important for future success. Claudia Serrano set another personal best, but not in her specialty the discus. She tossed the shot put a distance of 28-6. Bailey Doss set two personal records in the discus and shot. Jonas Collier had another great day. Madison Toomey set personal records in both the 110 hurdles and 300 meter hurdles. Modoc’s next meet is on April 26th at the Sterling Invitational at Oregon Tech. MODOC’S Stephanie Gouveia set a new meet record in the 1600 meters. CCW CLASSES Certified California concealed carry permit classes Saturday, April 26 at the Alturas Rifle and Pistol Club Range. Instructor is Dave Purcell, career California peace officer with 20 years experience teaching CCW classes. Cost for the 8 hour initial permit class is $100; the 4 hour renewal class is $50. Certification for an Oregon CCW is included at no additional cost. 4/10 For Information Call (541) 947-2621 American Eagle Homes Best Prices In The Industry. . . Call Today! Building Tomorrow’s Homes For Today’s Communities American Eagle Homes specializes in beautiful rustic cabins and homes on permanent foundations. Kit West produces a wide range of manufactured homes to fit the needs and budget of your family. Dave LeRoy 530-825-2131 • Jerry Mc Millen 530-260-1725 686-920 Spalding Road • Eagle Lake, California Visit Our Website www.eaglelakeheritage.com and click on the American Eagle Homes link. 3/27 Your dream home awaits. . .Models are on display at 687-890 Magnolia Way in Eagle Lake. n u F g n i r p The S ! n u g e B Has April 17 - Ladies Club Meeting at 5:30 p.m. APRIL 19 - Two Person Best Ball Tee Off at 9:30 a.m. Why Not Make It TACO THURSDAY! Join us for lunch. Open Daily - 8 a.m. until Close Phone 530-233-3404 1901 N. Warner St, Alturas 4/17 Stop In For the BeSt Food In town Modoc county tobacco Education Proudly Sponsors Modoc’s Weekly Sports Schedule Modoc High School basEball - April 16 -18 • Braves at Central Valley Tournament April 22 • Braves host Mt. Shasta, Game begins at 2 p.m. softball - April 22 • Braves host Mt. Shasta, Games begins at 2 p.m. Golf - April 17 • Braves at Mt. Shasta April 18 • Braves at Henley track - April 19 • Oregon Relays in Eugene, OR Keep Butts Away From Where We Play! Phone 530-233-6311• 441 n. Main Street • alturaS, Ca 96101 This ad was made possible by funds received from the Tobacco Tax Health Protection Act of 1988-Proposition 99, under Grant number TCS 10-25 with the California Department of Health Services, Tobacco Control Section and the Modoc County Public Health Department. For more information on quitting tobacco, 4/17 call 1-800-NO BUTTS or Bill Hall at 233-6311. Page 14 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Two Modoc’ers named to RMEF Board The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation welcomed five new members to its Board of Directors. They are Phillip Barrett, Mike Baugh, Andrew Hoxsey, Bill Madison and Don Moss. “The incoming members offer a wide skill set that will benefit our organization as a whole,” said David Allen, RMEF president and CEO. “The success in their individual professional fields translates well to our shared goal of ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.” “These five men not only showed their dedication and allegiance to RMEF’s mission in the past but already stepped up for its future,” said Lee Swanson, RMEF chairman of the board. “They recently offered valuable input and guidance as the board mapped out RMEF’s strategic plan for the next five years.” Bill Madison has more than 38 years of experience in the insurance business and is the owner of Modoc Insurance. He joined RMEF shortly after his first elk hunt in 1985. Madison founded the RMEF Warner Mountain Chapter and served as its chair until 2001. He is also a Life Member and a member of the Habitat Council. He also served on numerous local boards and organizations. Madison lives in Alturas, California. “I am thrilled to serve on the board of one of this nation’s premier conservation organizations,” said Dunn places in Reno Modoc’s Ethan Dunn placed seventh in the World of Wrestling Tournament in Reno recently. The huge event attracts about 3,000 wrestlers and there were 100 wrestlers in Dunn’s 145-pound weight class. Dunn won five and lost two matches in the event. Tristan Osborne also competed and was one match out of placing in the heavyweight division, winning three and losing two. Zack Norby won two and lost two at 138 pounds and Troy Culp was 2-2 at heavyweight. Tim Reed also wrestled at 118 pounds. Modoc Coach Shaun Wood said he was very pleased with his wrestlers performance. Madison. “During the past year, while serving on the Lands and Conservation Committee, I have honestly reflected on how Teddy Roosevelt, Aldo Leopold and many others felt in the infancy of conserving the lands of our nation. I look forward to working with a group that not only focuses on habitat and conservation funding, but also understands and addresses the issues faced by today’s sportsman.” Andrew Hoxsey, originally from Modoc, is the managing partner of the Napa Wine Company and Yount Mill Vineyards. A fourth generation grape grower, he also enjoys spending time hunting. Hoxsey is a Life Member and Habitat Council member who served two previous terms on the RMEF Board of Directors (2002-2005 and 2005-2008) and will now serve as a past board member representative. He also serves in several other business and community positions. He lives in Oakville, California. “RMEF is a premiere wildlife group and a proven leader in placing dollars on the ground and the management of donated easements. I am proud to be associated with the industry leader in this area,” said Hoxsey. “The Board has changed substantially over the last seven years and I would like to add inputs from previous boards about what worked really well and where we can do better.” WA N T TO R E S TO R E T H E PERFORMANCE & FUEL MILEAGE OF YOUR CAR? C A L L O R S TO P I N TO D AY TO S E E H O W ! YOUR REPAIR HEADQUARTERS 4/10 Independent Dealer Located across from the Auction Yard Cafe Titus Martin Cell (530) 640-4474 YOUR ONE STOP DIESEL SHOP View our entire inventory ONLINE 2013 FORD EDGE LIMITED AWD V6, AUTO, LEATHER, BACK-UP CAMERA. $ BASED ON $2,700 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 84 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1458 • VIN #A15131 • PRIOR RENTAL ‘11 FORD F-150 EXT-CAB 4X4 XLT PKG., CAMPER SHELL, V8, AUTO, A/C. 27012*mo. $ BASED ON $1,800 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 72 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1344 • VIN #A77840 or $ 17,995 ‘11 SUBARU LEGACY 2.5i LIMITED ALL WHEEL DRIVE or $ or 28501*mo. 18,995 $ V6, AUTO, 3RD ROW SEAT, LEATHER. 35088*mo. $ 26,995 $ BASED ON $3,350 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 84 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1476 • VIN #A59877 • PRIOR RENTAL or 43459*mo. $ 33,495 ‘11 MERCEDES BENZ ML 350 4MATIC ALL WHEEL DRIVE WHY BUY NEW? V6, AUTO, NAVIGATION SYSTEM, LEATHER, MOON ROOF. ONLY 33,000 MILES! THIS CAR IS LIKE NEW! Why PAY the difference when you can’t TELL the difference? BASED ON $3,500 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 84 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1420 • VIN #721603 First-time Auto Loan Program ‘05 NISSAN MURANO S ALL WHEEL DRIVE ‘08 LEXUS RX 350 ALL WHEEL DRIVE V6, AUTO, NAVIGATION SYSTEM, LEATHER, MOON ROOF. 4 CYL., AUTO, A/C, P/W, P/L, CRUISE. V6, AUTO, A/C, P/W, P/L. V6, AUTO, NAVIGATION SYSTEM, LEATHER, MOON ROOF. or 28501*mo. $ 18,995 BASED ON $1,000 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 60 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1453 • VIN #034094 17945*mo. $ $ or CALL TODAY! ASK FOR DOUG McDONALD OR JAMES RORIE $ 9,995 BASED ON $1,100 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 72 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1406 • VIN #424026 or 16654*mo. $ 10,995 13566*mo. or ‘01 HONDA CR-V LX 4X4 $ $ $ BASED ON $750 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 60 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1365 • VIN #129838 ‘07 LEXUS IS 250 ALL WHEEL DRIVE BASED ON $1,900 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 72 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1329 • VIN #009104 34,995 or V6, AUTO, QUAD SEATING, FRONT & REAR A/C. We are the only Quality Plus Certified dealer in Lassen, Plumas and Modoc Counties! ONLY 52,755 MILES! 45359*mo. $ ‘03 HONDA ODYSSEY EX MINIVAN ~~ Now Available ~~ 4 CYL., AUTO, LEATHER, MOON ROOF. BASED ON $1,900 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 72 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1348 • VIN #226782 2013 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED AWD ONLY 68,143 MILES! BASED ON $2,200 DOWN, CASH OR TRADE; 2.99% APR FOR 72 MOS., O.A.C. STK #1375 • VIN #094632 NOW OPEN SUNDAYS, 10-4! $ 7,495 32944*mo. $ or $ 21,995 Like us on 251-0101 4/17 1303 MAIN ST. • SUSANVILLE * ALL PRICES PLUS TAX, LICENSE, SMOG & UNTIL 4/21/14 DOCPRICES FEESGOOD GOOD UNTIL 4/23/14. *PAYMENTS INCLUDE TAX, LICENSE, SMOG AND DOC. FEES April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 15 MNF seeking comments on Clear Lake Sage-grouse PICTURED at the Vya meeting are: Bonnie Weber (center, Vice Chairman, Washoe County Commission, District 5), Dian VanderWell (left, Washoe County Planning Committee) and Bill Gooch (right, Road Supervisor Gerlach). Vya meeting proved instructive On April 2, 2014, a Meet and Greet occurred at the Vya, Nevada (Long Valley) Maintenance Station with lunch personally provided by Bonnie Weber. This meeting, facilitated by Bill Gooch, Tony Stobiecki and his wife Diane, included many residents of Long Valley. Topics of discussion included improved road maintenance and the Dugway cutoff; establishing an economic development plan; researching grants for electrical power; emergency medical services with agreements in CA, specifically Cedarville, to ensure communications and responses are adequate and properly documented; funding avenues including possible Ruby pipeline assistance; noxious weed control; zip code establishment; fire protection, commufrom page 12 and lives of our community member patients and to exceed their last year’s earnings. They are looking forward to working with the hospital on new programs that will save money and better serve the patients. “We could read to patients, run errands, do a welcome cart, and make blankets or pillows to distribute to patients who can take them home when they are discharged. Hospitals are worried about HIPPA (privacy) violations, but only one auxiliary volunteer has ever been charged with a privacy violation in all of the hospitals in the United States. We are trained and take our volunteer jobs seriously,” adds Miller. The MMC Hospital Auxiliary is always looking for new members. If you have a few hours a month to give, or have a hobby like woodworking, sewing, painting, etc. please think about volunteering. It really makes a difference in people’s lives including their own. Go to www. alturas-ca.com for further information, or stop by the hospital and get a Crews plan new fires Modoc National Forest fire managers are evaluating conditions and making plans to conduct prescribed burns in various areas across the forest throughout the spring. Fire specialists may implement the following projects: Doublehead Ranger District – South Bench Prescribed Fire – 893 acres, South of Co. Rd. 97, six miles west of Tionesta; Devil’s Garden Ranger District – Washington Mountain Prescribed Fire – 750 acres, west of Highway 139, and approximately eight miles west of Canby. For more information please contact Mark Deperro, eastside Fuels Officer, 530-233-8878 or Don Glenn, westside Fuels Officer, (530) 6678658. smile and some information. This week is National Volunteer Week and Miller, with the help of her volunteers is hosting at her own expense, a hospital auxiliary volunteer luncheon. “We could never pay our volunteers what they are worth, they are priceless. But a luncheon to express our gratitude for their help shows how much they mean to us and to our community,” said Miller. Property statements due The Modoc County Assessor’s Office mailed the 2014 Business Agricultural Property Statements to businesses located in Modoc County in January 2014. Pursuant to California law, businesses are required to report annually their fixtures, supplies, machinery and equipment and other taxable business assets. The Property Statements must be completed, signed and returned to our office no later than May 7, 2014 to avoid a penalty. Anyone needing assistance in completing the property statements, feel free to contact the Assessor’s Office, 204 S. Court Street, Room 106 at the Courthouse in Alturas, CA, 530-233-6218. We Sure Do Hate To Say It But. . . more information about this project visit the Modoc National Forest Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 230 S. Main St. Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 520-233-5433 HOP into the Easter spirit- We’ve got a great selection of dining tables and china sets. SHOP THE BLOCKS TONIGHT- OPEN ‘TIL 8 P.M. 4/17 Sweet Pea Cottage We Have Easter Flower & Herb Bowls! New Spring Decorative Flags Have Arrived! 216 S. Main St. • alturaS, Ca phOne 530-233-5055 Open Tuesday - Friday FrOm 11 a.m. TO 4 p.m. and saTurday FrOm 11 a.m. TO 3 p.m. 4/17 Landis Produce & Nursery NOW open for the Season! STOP IN AND CHECK US OUT! (530) 233-4964 or (530) 640-0374 Open Monday - Saturday 9AM to 6PM • Closed Sunday 4/3 Located at 45 Co. Rd. 257, Alturas Go 1 Mile Past The Auction Yard, Turn Right On Co. Rd 257 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Beef Ribs, Ham, Deep Fried Cod, Chicken Wings, Bacon, Sausage, Scalloped Potatoes, Eggs, Biscuits ‘N Gravy, Fruit Bar And So Much More! WE LOVE MEETING NEW FRIENDS BY ACCIDENT! 11 The Wagon Wheel Restaurant $ In the unlikely and unfortunate event you are in an accident, call us! COMPLETELY CUSTOM INC. Call Us For All Your Auto Body & Collision Repair Needs 107 S. MAIN ST., ALTURAS • PHONE (530) 233-5988 • MON.-FRI. 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. RESERVE YOUR RIDE! th 10 Annual June Jamboree June 28, 2014 Tickets on sale to Friends of the Library members April 21, 2014 Become a member or renew your membership! Membership benefits include having first choice on train ride times at the June Jamboree. Tickets on sale to the public May 5, 2014. Still $15 for barbecue and train ride, live entertainment and demonstrations. 4/17 95 PER PERSON AND SENIOR DISCOUNT! PHONE 530-233-5166 • 308 W. 12th St., Alturas 4/17 Conveniently located on Hwy. 299 Open Daily! Mon. - Fri., 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. , Sat., 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. • Sun., 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Modoc Medical Center Is Here For You... The goal of Physical Therapy is to make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, it may help with walking, going up the stairs, getting in or out of bed or returning to work. Physical therapy can help with recovery after some surgeries including knee & hip replacements. Modoc Medical Center is pleased to offer our community easy access to Physical Therapy, in both Inpatient and Outpatient settings, with hours to suit your needs 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday. See your primary care physician or call for an appointment,(530) 233-7054. M odoc Medical center “Healing Hands Close To Home” Ticket’s without a train ride - $13. Event held at Stephen & Cheryl Baker’s 10 acres Railway Garden in Alturas, June 28. web site at http://www. fs.usda.gov/projects/modoc/landmanagement/ projects. EASTER SUNDAY BRUNCH FROM 8 A.M. TO 2 P.M. 4/17 MMC nication capabilities (cell tower location/ feasibility) and Sheriff support/agreements. The organizers thanked the Commissioner, Washoe County Road Department and our local support personnel from California (Cedarville volunteer Fire Department, Surprise Valley Electric, Surprise Valley Hospital, NRCS and BLM) for their participation. This meeting allowed area residents and property owners the opportunity to meet and discuss the highlights of their individual concerns and desires for the Long Vally area. Ideas and information provided by all resulted in many folks remarking that the meeting was worthwhile and that they look forward to the Commissioner’s responses. The Doublehead Ranger District of the Modoc National Forest is seeking public input on a proposal to maintain and restore suitable habitat for sagegrouse on approximately 10,150 acres of National Forest system lands under the Clear Lake Sagegrouse Habitat Improvement Project – Phase III (CLP III). Comments can help refine the scope and inform the analysis of the proposed project. The project units are in the sage steppe ecosystems on the Modoc Plateau within or adjacent to the Clear Lake Active Management Area (AMA). The AMA was established in the immediate area around Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge as the priority area for sage-grouse population and habitat management until the population is capable of expanding into other locations. The encroachment of western juniper has made these areas less suitable for greater sage-grouse. CLP III proposed actions include hand felling western juniper – except those exhibiting old growth characteristics per the Sage Steppe Ecosystem Restoration Strategy – removing low limbs, and piling and burning some of the densest areas of juniper. It is most helpful to submit verbal, written or electronic comments by April 27, 2014. Please direct questions about this project to Jason Brewer, Wildlife Biologist, at (530) 667-8613, or to [email protected]. For Last Frontier Healthcare District d.b.a Modoc Medical Center 228 W. McDowell Ave. • Alturas, CA 96101• www.modocmedicalcenter.org 4/17 Page 16 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Gatherings Announcements are published free for non-profit groups as space permits. Send announcements to Gatherings: c/o Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 or stop by the Record office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas; phone (530) 233-2632 or e-mail to record1@ modocrecord.com. Announcement deadline is 10 a.m. each Wednesday to make the following day’s Record. Thursday, April 17 It’s National Library Week Celebrate National Library Week April 14-18, by visiting your local library this week. Discover the resources available for all ages -- story time, books, audio books, DVDs, magazines, computers with Internet access, microfilm, local history. Check It Out! For more information, call Cheryl Baker, County Librarian at 233-6340. Book discussion tonight Modoc County Library’s Third Thursday Book Discussion Group meets at the Alturas library from 5:15-6:45 p.m. tonight, April 17. The group will discuss humorous writings by various authors. You are invited to join this lively group at the Modoc County Library, 212 W. 3rd St., Alturas. Newcomers always welcome! Please call Cheryl Baker, County Librarian, at 233-6340 for more information. Childbirth Ed classes start Show up tonight for the next free five-week series of free Childbirth Education classes. Classes will be held on Thursday evenings from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., starting April 17 and continue through May 15. All expectant women and their birth partners residing in Modoc County are welcome to attend. Classes will be held at the Early Head Start Center, 901 N.E. “A” Street, Alturas. Sign up by calling Tanya at 233-6311 or Karolyne at 233-7317. LDS Open house The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints invites the community to an open house held every third Thursday of the month from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come and tour their building and see what the church has to offer families of all ages. The church has a genealogical library free to the public, with access to Ancestry.com and Family Search. The church is located at 104 E. 13th Street, behind the Essex Motel. Refreshments will be served. For questions, please call President Russ Davis at 530-708-0487. It’s Buck-a-Bag day Modoc County Library’s “Buck-A-Bag Trailer” is open for business Thursdays, noon to 4 p.m. All materials are $1 for a bagful. Donations of books, audio and video materials are eagerly accepted. Please no old encyclopedia sets or large quantities of magazines. Funds from purchases help sustain Modoc County’s public libraries. Subscribing is easy Sign up for The Modoc County Record online access at www.modocrecord.com or email subs@modocrecord. com for print, online subscriptions or both. Call 530233-2632, or stop by the Record office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Fridays 8:30-1 p.m. Or mail your information to us at Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 or stop by the Record at 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas. Friday Easter lunch at Sr. Center Easter Dinner will be served for lunch on April 18 at 11:30 a.m. at the Modoc Senior Center, 906 West Fourth St. The Center will host prizes for the craziest Easter bonnet/hat and the prettiest bonnet/hat. Fix up and don your hat, come enjoy the meal and Bingo games to follow. All church Good Friday An All Church Good Friday service will be held April 18 at Grace Point Church of the Nazarene, located at 134 Main Street, Alturas. The service starts at noon and will feature various Pastors of the Alturas Ministerial Association, sharing on the last seven things Jesus said from the cross. For more information, call 233-2804. Good Friday in Lake City Lake City Bible Church invites everyone to a Good Friday service at 7 p.m. at the church exploring “The value of Christ’s virgin birth at His crucifixion.” T.E.A.C.H., Inc. store open T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Thrift Store is open Wednesday thru Friday 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Winter clearance $1 a bag including coats and hoodies. We are getting ready to bring out our spring and summer clothing items. Stop by the Court Street side of the TEACH Building. Record open until 1 p.m. Sunday, Easter Easter Sunday service The Alturas Ministerial Association and the churches they serve will sponsor an Easter Sunday service at 10:15 a.m. April 20 in the Modoc High Griswold Gym, East Eighth Street, Alturas. The theme is “Do You Believe?” Everyone is welcome to this all-church Easter celebration. All seats are free. An offering will be taken at the end of the service for the TEACH, Inc. Food Bank. Sunrise service and more GracePoint Church of the Nazarene in Alturas will host Easter Sunday starting with a Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. and brunch at 242 Pioneer Way, just outside of Alturas. Sunday services at the church will begin at 9 a.m. at 134 Main Street, Alturas. On Fridays, The Modoc County Record office closes at 1 p.m. Regular hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas. Ph: 530-233-2632. Fax 530-233-5113. Spring arrivals at HPHS Baskets and bunnies, the plush type, are still available at the Second Chance Thrift Store in Alturas that supports the rescue of dogs and cat, kittens and puppies in Modoc County. The thrift store just received some sturdy, reasonably priced bookshelves, along with board games and special project kits for children. Visit the store between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Friday to see these and many more items at the corner of First and Court Streets in Alturas. Saturday Last tagging Market swine, sheep and goats will be tagged on April 19 at the Junior Show Grounds in Alturas. These taggings will begin at 10 a.m. and end at noon. Celebrate with GracePoint Cute, friendly cats need homes April 17 • We’re Open Late, Until 8 p.m. Starting April 17 through April 19 SAVE 20% ON ALL DRESSES, SWEATERS & SKIRTS COME IN APRIL 21 - 26 AND SAVE 20% ON ALL PANTS & TOPS! Classie Lassie / Calico Cow 301 S. Main, Alturas • Phone 530-233-5599 NOW OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT BUY ANY 12, 18 or 30 PACK OF BEER & GET A FREE BAG OF ICE! OPEN DAILY 530-233-5114 Corner of HWY 299 & 395 Offer Valid Through June 30, 2014 4/17 California Pines THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS N.Y. Steak & Grilled Shrimp Filet of Salmon Western Bacon Cheddar Burger USDA Choice Slow Roasted Prime Rib Dinner $18.95 Breakfast & Lunch Entrees, Salad Bar $9.95 & Dessert. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Plus, Soft Serve Ice Cream Sundae Bar Reservations Are Recommended 4/17 Dedicado Al Servicio A La Comunidad El Centro Autoayuda Esta Ubicado En 205 South East Street, Alturas, CA 96101 En la sala de espera del Robert Al. Barclay Justice Center 530-233-6516 530-233-6516 Call for an appointment with our Self Help Center Attorney • Wendy Dier 530-233-2008 A SSISTANCE : • Mediation • Court Procedures • Reference Materials • Legal Internet Access • Small Claims • Expungements • Landlord-Tenant •�Traffic PHONE (530)233-5842 A YUDA L EGAL G RATUITA In the lobby of the Robert A. Barclay Justice Center Open 8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. • Monday-Friday Dining Hours: Thursday, Friday & saTurday, 5 p.m. To 9 p.m. sunday, 10 a.m. To 2 p.m. Para Gente Sin Abogado Servicio Del Tribunal Superior Del Condado De Modoc Self Help Center located at 205 South East Street • Alturas, CA 96101 3/27 $12.95 SUNDAY BRUNCH Committed To Serving The Community OF Lounge open: Thursday & Friday, $18.95 4 p.m. To Close $16.95 saTurday & sunday, 10 a.m. To Close SATURDAY SPECIAL A service of Modoc County Superior Court A REA LODGE Entrees include salad bar and ice cream sundae bar. We only use USDA Choice Meat. F REE L EGAL H ELP For People Without A Lawyer • Child Custody/Visitation • Child Support • Divorce • Adoption • Computer Access • Legal Forms • Paternity • Spousal Support 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. WEEKDAYS • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. SATURDAY 4/17 Salmon filet sautéed in a lemon garlic butter sauce. Stop by the thrift store and local cat shelter between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. this Saturday at the corner of First and Court Streets in Alturas. SELL OR FIND something special in Record Classifieds Ads. Email classifieds@ modocrecord.com SHOP THE BLOCKS TONIGHT! A LTURAS C HEVRON GracePoint Church of the Nazarene in Alturas is having a variety of events for the community to celebrate Easter. An Easter Eggstravaganza will start at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 19 at Alturas Elementary School. Three thousand eggs to hunt and prize eggs for baskets and toys. Also a grand prize drawing for both a girl’s and boy’s bicycle. There will be crafts, Bible stories, old-fashioned games and a hotdog lunch provided. Celebrate with GracePoint GracePoint Church of the Nazarene in Alturas is having a variety of events for the community to celebrate Easter. Friday at noon and 7 p.m. will be Good Friday Services held at the church at 134 Main Street. An Easter Eggstravaganza will start Saturday, April 19 at 11 a.m. at Alturas Elementary School. Three thousand eggs to hunt and prize eggs for baskets and toys. Also a grand prize drawing for both a girl’s and boy’s bicycle. There will be crafts, Bible stories, old-fashioned games and a hotdog lunch provided. Easter Sunday will start with a Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. at 242 Pioneer Way just outside of Alturas, regular services will begin at 8:30 a.m. along with a brunch. Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc Abierto •�8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. • Lunes-Viernes Llamar para cita con el abogado de nuestro Centro Autoayuda, Wendy Dier 530-233-2008 S ECTORES D E A UTOAYUDA : • Custodia de hijos/visitas • Mantenamiento de hijos •�Divorcio/Disolucioin •�Adopcion • Acceso A Computadora • Documentos Legales • Paternidad • Mantenamiento de conyuge/alimenticia 3/27 • Mediacion • Tramites del tribunal • Materiales de consulto • Acceso al ayuda legal en el Internet • Tribunal de instancia de asuntos menores • Trafico/transito • Suprimir cargos • Duenos/Inquilinos April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 17 Gatherings Evangelists at Ft. Bidwell, Full Gospel, Alturas Evangelists Tapitha and Jack Smith, Native Americans from Dresslerville, Nevada, will bring dynamic ministry in music and word on Sunday, April 27 to Modoc Full Gospel Indian Mission, 1010 W. Henderson St., Alturas at 11 a.m. and then to Fort Bidwell Indian Community Park at 2 p.m. If more information is needed, contact Pastor Carrie Trejo, 530-708-1604. Lake City hosts Easter Lake City Bible Church invites everyone to Easter Sunday service at 9 a.m. at the church to explore “Why is the man Jesus Christ worthy of our worship?” A potluck brunch will follow. Easter Service Old Time Bible Baptist Church will hold special Easter Services on Sunday, April 20 at 11 a.m. with special music. A free luncheon will follow, with Easter egg hunt and activities for all ages at Alturas Veterans’ Hall, 508 So. Main Street. Sunday trap, skeet shoots Alturas Rifle and Pistol Club Range is going back to normal hours, starting the trap and skeet at 9 a.m. on Sunday, March 2. Trap and skeet shooting is for anyone interested in having fun and improving their shooting skills. The public is welcome to join the members and shoot or just come and watch. Cost is $5 a round, so get those shotguns out and come join us. The range is located on Centerville Rd., Alturas. For more information, call President Jack Nelson at 530-233-1265. Monday Country Jam night The Alturas Country Jams have returned to Veterans’ Memorial Hall at So. Main Street, Alturas from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bring your voice, instrument or come to listen. Admission is free. Donations go to the Flag Fund and refreshments. Everyone welcome every Monday night. Tuesday, Earth Day! Hunter Ed class begins The Hunter Education class will be held April 22, 23 and 25 at the Alturas Elks Lodge Hall, 619 Main Street. Classes start at 5:30 p.m. and last about three hours per class. For registration and materials, please contact the Sports Hut or call 530-233-2423. Toastmasters meet Tuesday is the new day for Toastmaster meetings from noon to 1 p.m. The Art Center remains as the location for Toastmaster’s weekly meetings. Guests always welcome. The Art Center is located at 317 So. Main St., Alturas. ALTURAS AUTO PARTS 303 W. 12th St. Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3556 4/17 Prices Effective April 1 - 30, 2014 Win at Bingo night Bingo night doors open at 5 p.m. Tuesday nights at the Veterans’ Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Games start at 6:00 p.m. Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary 3327 host Bingo nights open to all players 18 and older. Bookworm open - stop by Bookworm Used Books is open in the west wing of the Modoc County Library each and every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from noon to 4 p.m. Used books there are priced from 50 cents to two dollars and are always in new or near-new condition. Bookworm Used Books is a fund-raising effort of the Friends of the Modoc County Library. Proceeds benefit Modoc County libraries. Phone ahead for VA ride The VA van transports veterans to appointments at the Susanville VA Clinic on Tuesdays and to the Reno VA on Thursdays. Veterans are reminded to schedule primary care appointments for those days. To reserve a van seat or to become a volunteer van driver, please call Tom Blanchette, van coordinator at 233-5414. Volunteer van drivers are desperately needed. For an application, please call the above number. Wednesday Meals on Wheels has new boundaries The Modoc County Senior Center is proud to announce that we are now able to deliver meals out to 12 miles from the Senior Center. To have Meals on Wheels delivered to you or your loved one, there is certain criteria that must be followed. The recipient must be 60 years old and be too disabled to cook for himself or herself or have no one that can cook for them. The senior must be unable to get out on a regular basis, be frail and need some assistance with daily chores. A Doctor’s order (Prescription) is needed to confirm the Client’s need. Please call the Senior Citizen Center at 530-233-4438 to get more information and to sign up for service. “This is a service to keep our frail, elderly folks in their own homes and happy,” says Modoc Senior Center Director Jan Romero. Let Us Help You! Don’t let your plumbing experience become a wrenching problem! TOPS offers option, support Keep that New Year’s Resolution! Rosanne Fitzgerald, FNP, is leading the new Surprise Valley Chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) every Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. at the Surprise Valley Hospital, Cedarville. Everyone is welcome, and you can join at any time. Call Diana Dix at the SV Radiology Dept at 530279-6111 x1237 or check out www.TOPS.org for more information. T.E.A.C.H., Inc. store open T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Thrift Store is open Wednesday thru Friday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Winter clearance $1 a bag including coats and hoodies. We are getting ready to bring out our spring and summer clothing items. Stop by the Court Street side of the TEACH Building. MORT Expo planning meeting The Modoc Outdoor Recreation & Tourism Inter-Agency Group will meet April 24 at 4 p.m. at the BLM office, 708 W. 12th St./Hwy 299 in Alturas. This will be a Sportsman’s Expo planning meeting. Public welcome. Ask about our senior discount! From your sink to septic we are here for you. Heard Plumbing 208 E. 12 St., Alturas • (530) 233-5181 TF N Lic. #493927 “We’re More Than Just A Cell Phone Store” 204 West 12th Street, STE#1 • Alturas, CA 96101 PHONE 530-233-2100 HAPPY EASTER! After your egg hunt, come get Thursday, April 24 your real hunting gear here! We’ve Got Great Prices On Everything Guns • Ammo • Knives • Targets • Cleaning Kits • Cases & More 4/17 Sunday, Easter continued Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc Page 18 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Gatherings Coming . . . Worship service, open house Saturday Market meeting Surprise Valley Saturday Market will be hosting a meeting for people interested in selling produce, baked goods, arts and crafts at the market in Cedarville Park during the upcoming season. Meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 26 at the Senior Center, Cedarville. For questions call Leah at (530) 249-3202 or email [email protected]. You can also find information at svsaturdaymarket.org. Court of Honor Michael Blankenship and Matthew Froeming will be recognized in a Court of Honor Ceremony to receive their Eagle Scout Awards on April 26 at Faith Baptist Church in Alturas at 4 p.m. The community is invited to attend. Sorority presents May Wine Tasting Preceptor Delta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority is hosting their ninth annual wine tasting event on Friday, May 2 at the Niles Hotel from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Appetizers will be featured to accent and compliment the flavors of six wines, making it an appealing and fun evening, say organizers. Three white wines to be featured include Elizabeth Rose Chardonnay, Milat Chenin Blanc and a Russian River Valley Pinot Grigio. Three red wines to be poured include Oakville Zinfandel, Simi Cabernet Sauvignon and Simi Pinot Noir. Wines are being donated by Napa Wine Company and American Ag Credit. Raffle door prizes prepared by sorority members, will be given away during the evening. Pre-sale tickets are $15 each available from Sheila Jacques at American Ag Credit or Cheryl Knoch at the Modoc County Tax Collector’s office. Tickets for eight tastings will be available at the door. Proceeds will benefit Preceptor Delta’s scholarship fund for deserving Modoc High School graduates. Special raffle See beautiful items in Art Center window The Art Center Quilters and The Art Center present the 4th of July Quilters Raffle. The raffle tickets are selling for $1 or six for $5. The quilters and staff at The Art Center will be selling tickets until the Fandango Day festivities. The raffle which includes: a “Snail’s Trail” full sized quilt created by the Art Center Quilting group and donated to The Art Center; a tall vase, donated by Dick Mackey; a large slumped and fused Art Glass bowl, donated by Terry Olson; “Wood Duck,” a Susan Cunningham framed acrylic painting; a fused glass necklace donated by Patt Swanson and other gift gallery items will be on display at various locations throughout the community. Several items are currently on display in the front window of the Art Center at 317 So. Main Street, Alturas. C Mon. - Fri., 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. & Saturday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 530-233-3531 1-800-462-3531 4/17 Day of Prayer National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 1. For those in and around Alturas who would like to participate, meet at the front steps of the Modoc County Courthouse at noon to pray for the nation. II Chronicles 7:14. Tune To 106.5 FM KALT 1/23 Modoc Rock 530-233-4842 Reserve Yard Sale space at MMC Auxiliary fundraiser May 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parking lot of Modoc Medical Center, Modoc Medical Center Auxiliary will host a Yard Sale. Anyone who would like a space to sell items may call Lau Miller at 708-1106. Spaces are $20. Members of the Alturas Lions Club will be offering a barbecue. There will be a small fee for hamburgers or hot dogs. Set up is at 8 a.m. Please bring your own tables and shade. Beef Ambassador wanted Young people with a keen interest in the sale, production, or promotion of the beef industry may apply for the Modoc County Junior Beef Ambassador contest, being held May 2. Applicants must be at least 15, not over age 21, unmarried, have no children and no criminal record, have parental consent if under 18 and be in good health and willing to serve as Modoc County Jr. Beef Ambassador for a full year; be able to skillfully ride a horse while representing the beef industry in parades, rodeo grand entry, or other events, which require horseback riding and be a resident of Modoc County for at least six months. Contestants will be judged by a panel of three judges and evaluated on knowledge of the beef industry, speaking ability, personal appearance, personality and poise. For entry forms please contact JoAnn White at 530-6402584 or Nicole Hinton at 530-233-2018. Entries are due April 28 by 5:00 p.m. modocrecord. com 4/17 301 South Main, Alturas 530-233-5599 THURSDAY, APR. 17 Open until 8 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5p.m. WEEKDAYS 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. SATURDAY *Credit Cards Accepted* Kitchen looking more like an office? At this rate, you might want both. Get a great rate on a Home Equity Line of Credit. Over 53 Years Of Service Chevrolet • Buick & Forest River Trailers 2013 CHEVROLET CAPTIVIA 19,995 $ PLUS - TAX, LICENCE & FEES 4 CYLINDER, AT, FWD, PWD, PW, PL, TILT, CC, CD & MUCH MORE! Home Equity Line of Credit 1.99 y! oda Hop In T % APR* Introductory Rate for 6 Months Rates As Low As 3.99 % There’s never been a better time to make those home improvements you’ve been thinking about. U.S. Bank is offering a Home Equity Line of Credit at a great rate with no closing costs. Not to mention potential tax advantages, great service and convenient branch locations. Start adding value to your home today. APR* Variable Rate after Introductory Period branch STK#A208 Modoc Ladies Luncheon group will meet at Arrowhead Golf Course for visiting and lunch on Wednesday May 7, at 11:30 a.m. For reservations please call Betty at 233-5217. Call today - Save a space MOTORS AND IT’S A GM CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLE! SEE DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS. The Board of Directors for the Modoc Recreational Estates Association will meet at the Sons of the Pioneer Park meeting hall at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 1. ARSTENS n What Aent Deal! Egg-cell Lunch group makes plans MREA Directors to meet Classie Lassie The Surprise Valley Community Church is sponsoring the 4th Annual Western Night on April 25 from 7 -9 p.m. Participants include some old friends and some new talent. One highlight of the evening is the famous “Dessert Bar” set up during intermission. Western and country music, cowboy poetry and storytelling are featured in the program. Bring your friends for a delightful show and “sweets binge”! Admission is $5 and the church’s location is at 405 Bonner Street in Cedarville. Call 233-5185 or 279-6225 for information. Experience a worship service for yourself. Join the open house service on April 27 at 11:45 a.m. at 104 East 13th Street, Alturas behind the Essex Motel, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A hosted potluck luncheon will follow the meeting. Shop the Blocks at Local talent, dessert night 245 N. Main St. Alturas, CA 96101 Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc usbank.com/lowrate 800.209.BANK (2265) *1.99% Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is available on Equiline Home Equity Lines of Credit with a U.S. Bank Package and a 70% or 80% loanto-value (LTV) or less, depending upon the market. The introductory interest rate will be fixed at 1.99% during the six month introductory period. A higher introductory rate will apply for a credit limit of $15,000 to $24,999 and an LTV above 80%. After the six month introductory period: the APR is variable and is based upon an index plus a margin. The APR will vary with Prime Rate (the index) as published in the Wall Street Journal. As of February 1, 2013, the variable rate for home equity lines of credit ranged from 3.99% APR to 8.99% APR. Higher rates will apply for a credit limit below $99,999, an LTV above 80%, a low credit score and/or not having a U.S. Bank Package relationship. The rate will not vary above 25% APR, or applicable state law, or below 1.99% APR. An annual fee of up to $90 may apply after the first year. Offer is subject to normal credit qualifications. Rates are subject to change. Property insurance is required. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. Other restrictions may apply. Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit are offered through U.S. Bank National Association ND. © 2013 U.S. Bank. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 19 Surprise Valley News By patricia Hemsley Pizza and science SURPRISE VALLEY FFA students attended the State FFA Leadership Conference last week. Fund. For more information and a full list of the contest rules, an entry form, or general information on the event, please call 530-279-6111 or visit This year’s Chocolate www.DrRobertsFund.org Wars, scheduled for Saturday, May 10 at the Modoc District Fairgrounds in Cedarville, will feature four special, new categories of competition just for 4-H members! In addition to the stanNine Surprise Valley dard categories all com- FFA students joined chappetitive bakers may enter erones Alyssa Fee, FFA to win cash prizes and Advisor Phil Bentz and priceless bragging rights. over 4000 fellow Califor4-H members are now en- nia FFA members at the couraged to participate by 86th California State FFA age group: Primary (ages Leadership Conference in 5-8), Junior (ages 9-11), Fresno this past week. Intermediate (ages 12-13) Following a sweet detour and Senior (ages 14-19). to explore the Jelly Belly Apart from winners in Candy Co. Factory in Fairthe primary age category field, the group arrived in (due to 4-H rules), the top Fresno last Saturday. 4-H junior, intermediate They enjoyed a whirland senior winners will wind week centering on receive an additional $50 this year’s theme, “Pave prize award, thanks to a the Way.” Woven throughgenerous donation from out the event, the theme the Milano family of Can- helped planners “build by. on and teach skills in the All levels of 4-H partici- areas of premier leaderpants will also earn cred- ship, personal growth and its toward their star ranks career success.” Nightly as they complete their re- speeches and inspiring cord books. talks by state and nationIn addition to the new al student officers built on 4-H categories, bakers the premise of building a from all over NE Califor- strong foundation for leadnia and with any level of ership in all areas of life. aptitude for creating a Along with performancscrumptious dessert pre- es by the State FFA band, sented with flair are en- FFA choir and country couraged to enter! Pull out music star David Nail, the that favorite recipe for a local contingent particicake, cupcakes, pie, cook- pated in electing state offiies, brownies, candies or cers for the 2014-15 term, pastries and start practic- voted on amendments to ing. The only caveat is that the FFA constitution, and each entry must contain – enjoyed hearing from acand celebrate – some type claimed youth motivationof chocolate. al speaker and radio host The day’s Grand Prize Jeff Yalden. Winner will receive $100 Students traveling from and the “Chief Chocolatier” (ok, it’s just figurative) Crown of Glory. First place finishers will take home $50 and there will be plenty of ribbons and trophies to honor competitors in each category (you may enter as an individual or as part of a team and there are no age limits). Those who just can’t make flour, butter, sugar and chocolate taste like heaven but who love to taste the fruits of others’ labors are certainly in luck! Members of the public may come to the event (tickets are $5 and $2.50 at the door) at 2:00 p.m. and sample any of the entries. Many will go home with a full-size version of each entry depending on good fortune and bidding skills. Chocolate Wars 2014 benefits the Dr. Roberts Chocolate Wars gets sweeter FFA at state conference in Fresno Surprise Valley High School to attend the April 12-15 conference at Fresno’s convention center included Henny Linker (9th grade), Dianna Lopez and Bayley Fee (10th grade), Anna Estill, Hank Linker and Ivan Coronado (11th grade) and Olwyn Bostic, Deyci Lopez and Taylor Thornton (12th grade). Looking Ahead: Surprise Valley FFA members are planning a “Drive Through Burrito Night” for Wednesday, April 30. Mark your calendars and watch next week’s paper for more details. Everyone is invited to Surprise Valley Elementary School’s first-ever Family Science and Pizza Night on Thursday, April 24 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Experiments designed for everyone in the family will be available in each classroom. Simply try your hand at three stations out of seven and earn a free pizza dinner with salad, dessert and a beverage! “Each family will receive a card,” explained SVES Principal Janelle Anderson this week. “Each time they complete an experiment, the card will be stamped at that station and then they will be free to move to another station.” Experiments will take place in the Kindergarten, first, 2/3, 4/5, 6/7 and eighth grade classrooms. Once families complete tasks at three out of seven possible stations and fill out a short parent survey, they may present their stamped card for a free dinner provided by the school. Pizza dinners will be served until 7:00 p.m. In addition to the science activities and dinner, families with children who will soon enter or who are eligible for kindergarten H A O N are invited to the school’s annual “Kindergarten Round-Up.” “Kindergartners who will be 5 by September 1 are eligible for registration”, said Anderson. “Students who will be 5 between September 2 and December 2 are $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Wearable/Broken Gold Jewelry or Scrap $ Sterling Silver Flatware, Pocket Watches & More $ $ $ $ $ $ 126 N. Main St - Alturas • 530-640-2940 $ 3/13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ NEED CASH NOW? We Buy Gold Jewelry! BIG SAVERS THRIFT STORE first�comes�love, then�planning�your Wedding Accommodations Photography MAHOGANY RIDGE GUEST RANCH 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Phone 530-233-4996 www.mahoganyridgeranch.com Email: [email protected] Cakes COUNTRY HEARTH 551 Main Street Cedarville, CA 96104 Phone 530-279-2280 ADMISSION Digital Movie Tickets - Adults $5.50, Students & Seniors(60+) $5 & Sunday Matinee, All Seats $4.50 • Children 4 & under always FREE with an adult. 3D Movie Tickets - Adults $8.00, Students & Seniors(60+) $7.50 NO ALCOHOL PLEASE - THANK YOU uPCOMinG MOVieS: 4/17 Consulting RIDGE EVENTS 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Phone 530-233-4996 www.mahoganyridgeranch.com Email: [email protected] YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! Design RIDGE EVENTS 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Phone 530-233-4996 www.mahoganyridgeranch.com Email: [email protected] Flowers RIDGE EVENTS 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Phone 530-233-4996 Niles Theater FOR MORE INFO CALL 530-233-5454 THE EASTER BUNNY LOVES US! From the latest in computers to stereos, cases, cables and fun little gadgets - We’ve got all that you need! Great Sale Deals On Accessories! Seab’s Electronic’s www.mahoganyridgeranch.com Email: [email protected] YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! Invitations YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! [email protected] Find me on Facebook! RIDGE EVENTS 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Phone 530-233-4996 www.mahoganyridgeranch.com Email: [email protected] Salon & Spa BLISS Beauty & Body Boutique 323 S. Main St. Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-868-6806 Venues CALIFORNIA PINES LODGE 750 Shasta View Drive Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-5842 DESERT ROSE EVENT CENTER County Road 56 Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3141 HOTEL NILES 304 North Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3773 www.nileshotel.com MAHOGANY RIDGE GUEST RANCH 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Phone 530-233-4996 www.mahoganyridgeranch.com Email: [email protected] YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! What Are You Waiting For, Advertise Today! Advertise your business for only $15 a month in the Modoc Co. Record Wedding Directory, runs twice a month. Call 530-233-2632 4/17 Locally Owned & Operated By Phone 530-233-6660 • 115 N. Main Street • Alturas, CA Jason & Jennifer Barcia ROBBINS PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN Phone 208-941-7132 Party & Equipment Rentals SUBWAY 110 W. 12th Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-4469 Need for Speed & The Muppets: Most Wanted 7 North East Street Lakeview, OR 97630 Phone 541-947-3233 Find me on Facebook! Custom Cakes- All sizes and shapes Catering • CLOSED CAPTIONING & HEARING IMPAIRED DEVICES AVAILABLE • Plus, Formal & Semi-Formal Wear Rentals - Tuxes & Gowns Rentals Phone 530-640-1423 [email protected] Friday April 18 at 7:30 p.m. HOLLOWAY PHOTOGRAPHY Handmade in a Cottage Kitchen MOUSE’S CAKES Rated PG-13 • 2 Hr. 18 Min. Saturday April 19 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday Matinee April 20 at 3 p.m. eligible for Transitional Kindergarten and can register also.” For more information on the Kindergarten Round-Up or the Science Open House and Pizza Dinner, please call Surprise Valley Elementary School at 279-6161. 2/20/14 Page 20 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 Senior Corner The Social Security Administration is no longer visiting this site due to cuts in their administrative budget. Anyone needing to do business with Social Security should consider using their web site www. socialsecurity.gov or call 888-366-6145 or 1-800-7721213. The nearest office is located at 1852 Ft. Jones Rd., Yreka. -------------Come join us for Bingo every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. -------------Please call ahead for reservations 530-233-4438 We request that you give us at least one days notice in advance so your cooks know how much to prepare. Thank you. -------------- The Modoc Senior Center 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas (530) 233-4438 We provide grocery shopping transportation for seniors, 60 years or older, aboard our wheelchair accessible bus within a five mile radius of our location by appointment, Tuesday through Friday, except holidays. We also provide transportation for medical appointments, banking, Post Office and to our center. Please call early for your bus reservation. Suggested donation is 50 cents. -------------The Senior Legal Service of Northern California offers a free monthly legal service at the Modoc Senior Center. If you would like an appointment or would like to discuss a legal matter please call. The Senior Legal Center provides free services to seniors 60 years of age or older who live in Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties. Phone Jan Hollenbach at (530) 241-3565 or (800) 822-9687 for an appointment. -------------- Modoc Senior Center Luncheon Menu Lunch is served at noon. Friday, April 18: Ham Easter special meal, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, wheat roll, pears and cheese cake. $5.00 donation. Monday, April 21: Cook’s choice fish, butter noodles, peas and tapioca pudding. Tuesday, April 22: Pork chops, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, apple sauce, salad bar and a cookie. Wednesday, April 23: Russian chicken, ranch potatoes, California vegetable blend and an apple. Thursday, April 24: Beef roast, mashed potatoes with gravy, cauliflower, sliced peaches, salad bar and a cookie. *Menus are subject to change without prior notice. The Record Online: www.modocrecord.com email: [email protected] MODOC COUNTY RECORD BU US S II N NE ES SS S D II R RE EC CT TO O RY RY Place Your Ad Today! Call The Modoc County Record at (530) 233-2632 • $10 per week - 3 month commitment required. Electrical Insurance Residential & Commercial James Prince Owner - CA LIC#991470 530-233-2708 530-708-2007 CELL HC1 Box 11301 - Alturas, CA Modoc Farm Supply Nutrena Quality Feeds Dealer Feed • Seed • Fertilizer • Tack • Pets • Supplies 226 West 8th Street, Alturas (530) 233-2816 New Winter Hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-5:30PM Sat, 9AM-2PM Abuse Prevention Carpet Cleaning Advertise Here A Division of T.E.A.C.H., Inc. 112 East 2nd Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-4575 24 Hour Hotline 1-855-855-6745 Got DIRT? Call us! STARTING FROM Truck mounted steam cleaning, 530-640-1900 HANDY HOME SERVICE Free Pet Odor Removal (A 3 month commitment required) Your Ad Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Call Laine Hoy Modoc Child Care Resource & Referral Subsidized child care Referrals to licensed child care Toy & Lending Library 112 E. 2nd St Alturas, CA 96101 Call Collect (530) 233-3111 Construction (530) 233-6748 GUNSMITH LICENSED FFL DEALER & NRA LIFETIME MEMBERS 530-279-2004 • 425 MAIN ST. CEDARVILLE, CA 96104 Dining DAVIS CREEK MERCANTILE NOW SERVING DINNERS FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS FROM 5:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. DAVIS CREEK, CALIFORNIA PH 530-233-3758 Electrical Arrowhead Golf Course & Restaurant • Pro Shop • Rental Cart & Clubs Available • Golf Lessons (530) 233-3404 233-5766 MODOC INSURANCE SERVICES 326 N. Main St. Alturas (530) 233-3432 FRANK WATKINS AGENCY (530) 233-2202 (530) 294-5677 100 N. MARKET P.O. BOX 478 BIEBER,CA 96009 Walt Smith Landscape Contractor lic. no. 680308 •Spring Cleanup • Tree Pruning • Fencing Hardware Lumber Seab's True Value When you’re looking for every day items at low prices, shop at WWE E D ELIVER Four Seasons Seasons Four Supply Center Supply Center Weʼre Open: Brad & Pam Williams 202 N Court St Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-1144 530-233-3723 (530) 233-3312 Monday - Friday, 9A.M.-5P.M. • New Tires, Recaps & Wheels Complete Auto Care Accepting Scrap Metal and Appliances We take CVR Items Winter Hours Begin 12/2/13 4 P.M. 504 West 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Questions? Call 530-233-2825 Electrical McCombs Electric “Quality From Start To Finish” 530-640-0067 Ca. Lic. #714115 CA Lic#905055 DANE MCCOMBS Owner Plumbing A&M PUMP & PLUMBING (530) 233-2616 10 Well Drilling CONNERS WELL DRILLING 4th Generation (530) 233-2773 233-SPUR Plumbing Services Well Drilling Alton Howell Plumbing Drain Cleaning Plumbing Repairs Senior Discount All Work Guaranteed (530) 233-4743 Licensed Contractor Heard Plumbing Corner of th and Main Street, Alturas • Walk-ins welcome • Appointments Appreciated • Referrals loved! Providing Services To Developmentally Challenged Adults (530) 233-4527 FAX (530) 233-5672 310 West “C” St. * Alturas, Ca 96101 Lic #251370262 • Adult Development Center • Respite Care (North Eastern Area) • Independent Living (ICAN) • Community Activities Support Service • Transitional Living • Integrated Work (Job coach services) • Supported Living Services • Self Advocacy Support Services Shipping LOCAL PICKUP & SHIPPING CENTER P LU S - C O P Y & FA X S E RV I C E S AVA I L A B L E Licensed Contractor No. 493927 JANET’S FLOWER SHOPPE (530) 233-2482 P211H S.530-233-5654 MAIN ST., ALTURAS Pregnancy Services Kerr Mortuary (530) 233-3930 Salon Women, Men & Children Insurance Monuments 1030 N Main St. Alturas (530) 233-3623 Lic#256441 39266 HWY 299E HC4 Box 40503, Alturas • MOBILE MEAT BUTCHER • CUSTOM CUTTING & WRAPPING • FRIDAY NIGHT BBQ’S • CATERING • FULL SERVICE RETAIL MEATS Tradition & Service Since 1915 (Caring For Modoc Families) Prearrangements 1201 Spruce St. Irrigation-Domestic Geothermal John 299-3336 Duane 233-3837 Lee 279-6281 P.O. Box 92, Alturas LC# 709156 Water Systems & Septic Tank Installations Plumbing FD-87 Rusty Stanford 100 West 12th (530) 233-4347 Tires, Shocks, Brakes, Alignment Many Vision Insurance Plans Accepted Including Medi-Cal MEATS DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES • Goodyear • BF Goodrich • Cooper • Mastercraft • Toyo Tires At the Y in Fall River Mills Heating WWW.LAKEVIEWLOCKERS.COM Tires RECYCLING 43124 HWY 299 E (530) 233-4441 Lakeview,OR 97630 • Payroll • Income Tax • Bookkeeping Alturas Tire & Muffler Center Open Monday - Friday 304 S. Court Court St., St.,Alturas Alturas 304 S. ALTURAS, CA 530-640-1072 115 West North St. Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-2113 FAMILY VISION CARE Seab’s True Value 115 N. Main•Alturas (530) 233-4686 LAKEVIEW LOCKERS ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ Recycling RUSSELL’S RECYCLING Bill V. Brown, O.D. CSL#945557 *OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE HACIENDA 541-947-3789 WOOD FURNACES 207 N. ‘L’ Street • 24 Hr. Emergency Services • Home Improvement • Roofing • Composition • Metal • Drywall/Windows • Remodels & New Construction • Professional Painting • FREE Estimates www.coastwide.us Quick Lube Plus + Call For Hours 530-336-5220 P.O. Box 596 • Alturas, CA 233-4878, Cell: 640-5968 B&D Electric HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION Madison “Gene” Hamilton General Building Contractor CA LIC# 532643 • New Construction • Home Remodel • Concrete Oil Change Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM We pick up and deliver! Open 7 Days a week 7:00AM - 8:00PM 1901 N. Warner St., Alturas Bob Howard, Contractor Lic #335279 (530) 640-2016 Lic#822780 E QUIPMENT : 330 EXCAVATOR, MINI EXCAVATOR, GRADER, DOZER, BACKHOE, SKID STEER, FINISH SCRAPER, ROLLER & DUMP TRAILER. Phone (530) 233-4875 Cell (530) 708-2272 Coastwide Contractors James Hertel Ben Snethen $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) • DRIVEWAYS & HOUSE PADS • DITCH CLEAN OUT • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES • IRRIGATION & MORE Cabinetry Construction • Quality Fixtures • Cabinets • Furnishings • Laminates with a Modoc Record Business Directory ad! Lic#794568 Class A & C12 Advertise Here Child Care Get ahead of the game with an ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! (530) 233-2022 Remember, for your insurance needs, State Farm is there. CRUZ & KIM SALAZAR S ERVICES : 301 S. Main St (530) 233-5599 Enoch Wood Tax Matters Saturdays & Evenings By Appointment W HITE BEAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Ardie’s Classie Lassie & Calico Cow HOLDORFF’S RECYCLING CENTER “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” “Honesty, Integrity and Quality Personal Service” Construction Golf & Restaurant Landscaping Everything A Lady Wants From Pre-Teen Up! • Jackets • Sweaters • Dresses • Blouses • Skirts • Jeans • Cosmetics • Skin Care & Facials • Gifts and More! 56 Years Ken Phillips, Agent $99.95 Apparel Stressed Out? Don’t be! T COT AGE P L AY US MODOC CRISIS CENTER Help your business live up to its potential Taxes FIREARMS Insurance OPTOMETRIST KL CALL 530-233-2632 Recycling Maxwell’s Farm Supply Insurance Advertise for just $10 per week! Plus, you get online advertising, too! Nursery PERINATAL OUTREACH EDUCATION PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS Pre-conceptual Planning Pregnancy Education Smoking Cessation Breastfeeding Support Referral Services & More CALL TODAY 233-6311 Your Ad Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) MODOC DRILLING CO. Domestic - Irrigation (530) 233-5181 208 E. 12th Alturas, CA 96101 Lic#493927 Windows V INYL W INDOWS D EALER L.B.L & E.P.I. • New Construction • Replacement • Free Estimates T ONY D ARST C ONT . C.L. #405635 (530) 640-0996 Yarn CLASSES & SUPPLIES THURS., FRI. &- SAT . 10 AM- 5 PM 459 S. MAIN STREET CEDARVILLE, CA WWW.WARNERMTNWEAVERS.COM 530-279-2164 C L A S S I F I E D S L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 21 $7 For each standard Ad up to 35 * Standard Ad is first two CALL (530) 233-2632 or 233-3421, DEADLINE For words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE! lines bold. FAX (530) 233-5113 Classified Advertising Is DEADLINE for Classified Advertising Is Wednesdays At NOON. Your ad will also appear on our website www.modocrecord.com E-mail: [email protected] $8.50 for each standard classified ad up to 35 words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Standard Ad is first two lines bold. Classifieds also appear on our website. Wednesdays At NOON! Guaranteed “Double Exposure!” CALL (530) 233-2632 • FAX (530) 233-5113 • EMAIL: [email protected] A nimALs EASTER SPECIAL: WHITE RABBITS, 10 weeks old for only $15 each. Call 530233-5087. (17Apr24Apr) A nnouncements M O D O C HORSEMAN’S Association Silver Streak Gymkhana is Saturday, April 19 starting at 1 p.m. at the roping arena in Alturas. ----------------------------FREE PACKING PAPER AND moving boxes! Call 530-6400349. (17Apr-24Apr) ----------------------------WILKERSON’S TRADING POST and Barber Shop. Lots of new items. Clothing (some at $1 per bag). Most prices less than Goodwill. Next to Auction Yard. We buy, sell, trade, consignment and take donations. 831-2066419. (17Apr-24Apr) ----------------------------SEND A BIRTHDAY WISH through the Modoc County Record Classifieds. Up to 35 words for only $5.00. Make sure to have it in by Wednesdays at noon for next day publication. Stop by 201 W. Carlos or call 530233-2632 or e-mail at [email protected]. (TFN) ----------------------------H E A L T H SPECIALISTS IS offering free and low cost birth control. All birth control methods are available by appointment. For information on all pregnancy options call 530-221-0193 or visit the website: www. womenshealth specialists.org. (TFN) ----------------------------C A R P E T CLEANING service located in Alturas! Call us to schedule your carpet cleaning now! Starting from $99.95. Truck mount steam cleaning. Call Handy Home Service @ 530-640-1900 today! Locally owned and operated. (TFN) ----------------------------CALIFORNIA BANKRUPTCY Center Free consultation. Call 530-2221664 (TFN) ----------------------------MODOC RECORD CLASSIFIEDS work! There is no substitute for coverage. Place a classified in the printed Record and it goes on the Record online site for free and also to the Record subscribers. That means your ad has the potential of being seen by 6,000plus sets of eyes each week. We help you sell, buy, find stuff or get a job. Classifieds are just $8.50 per week for 35 words or less, 36-70 words is $17.00 and 71-105 words is $25.50. You can put your ad in by stopping by the office, calling us at 530-2332632 or by e-mail at [email protected]. (TFN) ----------------------------LOOKING FOR A GREAT GIFT FOR any occasion that keeps on giving? Modoc Record gift certificates are available for a subscription to the Modoc Record, print, online or for both. Subscriptions in Modoc, Lassen and Siskiyou counties just $25 per year for the printed version and $30 elsewhere. Online subscription is just $15 per year. Get printed and online for just $30. Send stu- dents the Record in print for just $20 for the school year. (TFN) ----------------------------NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Modoc Record makes every effort to reject fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Please investigate thoroughly before in-vesting money for information concerning job opportunities, investments, or loans. (TFN) ----------------------------PRE-PAYMENT POLICY! The Modoc County Record will request pre-payment on all classified advertising categories. MasterCard, Visa and American Express are welcome as well as checks, cash or money orders. (TFN) F or r ent HOME FOR RENT. 1 BEDROOM, fantastic sunsets and sunrises, carpets, washer, dryer, 3 acres and horse corral in New Pine Creek. $450/month. Call 530233-4096 or 530-2600595. (17Apr-1May) ----------------------------HOUSE FOR RENT: THREE bedrooms, one bath, double garage, carport and fenced backyard. Rent: $575 plus security deposit. Taking applications. Call 530-233-4128. ----------------------------ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR rent. New carpet and paint. One block to Post Office. Water and disposal paid. No pets. $450/month. Call 530-640-2637. ----------------------------CEDARVILLE HOMES FOR rent: May special, ½ off May rent. Well maintained rentals, looking for reliable tenants. First: Clean 2 bed/1 bath, quiet neighborhood, new kitchen appliances, freshly painted and SVE $450/month. Second: Homey 2 bed/2 bath, great view, garage, workroom and monitor heat - $525/ month. Both units have a washer and dryer; garbage and water paid and lawns mowed. Credit and references checked. Call 530-279-6393. (17Apr-1May) ----------------------------HOME FOR RENT. WOOD STOVE, 4 bedrooms, shared laundry, swamp cooler, A/C, fenced yard and fruit trees. Pets ok. Water and trash paid and only two miles from town. $850/month with $1,150 security deposit. Look for sign “Rattle Creek.” Call 530-708-0241. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------SEVERAL ROOMS FOR RENT IN A home two miles from Alturas. Full house privileges. From $250 to $350 per month. Furnished or not, private entrances, Jacuzzi, large shower, microwave, small refrigerator in each room. Call 530-7080241. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------ONE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT AT $420/month and one 1 bedroom apartment at $400/month. $400 security/cleaning deposit each, negotiable with solid references. Water, sewer and garbage included. No pets, drugs or alcohol. Call 530-233-7400. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------2 RV SPACES FOR RENT. $285 OR $295. BBQ, laundry and fenced. You can clean or make repairs for rent. Rattle Creek. Call 530-7080241. Available now. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------CLEAN, QUIET 3 BED, 2 BATH ON 2+ acres close to town. All appliances, woodstove and laminate flooring. Annual lease, $650/month plus $1,200 deposit. Pets maybe. Credit and background check required. Available May 1. 541-430-5780. (13Mar-17Apr) ----------------------------ALTURAS: NICE, CLEAN 3 BED/3 bath in 4-plex, $550/ month and 2 bed/1 bath in duplex with wood heat, $500/ month. Water and sewer paid. References, credit check and security deposit required. Call 530-233-2615. (6Mar24Apr) ----------------------------2 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR rent. Water, sewer and garbage paid. No pets. $475/month plus $950 refundable deposit. Available March 15. Call 530233-2012. (TFN) ----------------------------3 BED/2 BATH, 2 STORY HOME. Monitor and electric heat. No smoking and no pets. References and cleaning deposit required. $800/ month. Call 530-7081202. (TFN) ----------------------------EL RANCHO APARTMENTS located at 400 & 401 East 12th Street, Alturas is accepting applications for studio and one bedroom apartments. Applications available at 506 East 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101. 530-233-5511 or 1-800-735-2929TDD. Carpet, appliances, blinds and fixtures. Laundry facility on-site. All utilities (with the exception of cable and phone), are included. Handicap accessible upon request. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. (TFN) ----------------------------1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS IN Cedarville, modestly furnished. $345$400. Pick up applications at United Country Stevenson Realty, 1023 North Court, Alturas. Shown only to qualified applicants. DRE# 01375178. (TFN) ----------------------------A L T U R A S M E A D O W S Apartments are now accepting applications for 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Applications available at 506 East twelfth Street, Alturas, CA 96101. 530-233-5511 or 1-800-735-2929TDD. Carpet, appliances, blinds and fixtures. Laundry facility on-site. Assistance available to those who qualify and handicap accessible upon request. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. (TFN) -----------------------------MODOC WEST APARTMENTS located at 310 W. second Street, Alturas is accepting applications for 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Applications available at 506 East twelfth Street, Alturas, CA 96101. 530-233-5511 or 1-800-735-2929TDD. Carpet, appliances, blinds and fixtures. Laundry facility on-site. Assistance available to those who qualify and handicap accessible upon request. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. (TFN) -----------------------------AFFORDABLE LIVING! ALTURAS Garden Apartments is accepting applications for clean 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Spacious landscape, large play area and professional on-site management. If you qualify, you may pay as little as 30% of your adjusted gross income, which includes heat, hot water and garbage. For more information, please come by the office or call. 310 E. Mcdowell Street, Alturas. Office hours, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m.- 4 p.m. Monday – Friday. TDD 800-735-2929 or 530-233-3918. Equal Housing Opportunity. (TFN) -----------------------------PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parent or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. (TFN) F or s ALe FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JUNIPER $130 a cord. Free delivery. Call 530-2335768. ----------------------------BURN BARRELS AVAILABLE! Only $15 each. 55 gallon capacity. Can deliver. Call Larry at 530-6400059. ----------------------------MOVING SALE: OAK CHINA cabinet (lighted) with matching oval oak table, lighted oak entertainment/display center, golden oak and tile dining table, old world map and leather chest and other furniture. Call 530-233-5746 for appointment to view. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------ATV HONDA 400EX, NEW tires, Pro Armor nerf bars and always garaged. $2,350. Call 530-6400748. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JUNIPER rounds $145; juniper split $160/dry, $150/green; juniper green rounds $135; Ponderosa pine split $145; Ponderosa pine rounds $135. Also do lawn mowing. Call Jacob at 530-6402746. (10Apr-17Apr) H eLp W Anted PIT RIVER TRIBE IS ACCEPTING applications for the following positions: Accounting S u p e r v i s o r . Department: Finance and Accounting. Compensation: to be determined based on experience. Accounts Payable Specialist. Department: Finance and Accounting. Rate of Pay: $14 - $20. To apply, call 530-3355421 ext. 1201 or go to http://www.pitrivertribe.org. (17Apr8May) ----------------------------MODOC JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL District has a vacancy for an Agriculture Teacher for the 20142015 school year. Salary per placement on the Certified Salary Schedule, ranges are from $36,788 $70,646 plus $800 for a Masters Degree. Extended contract if Ag. Incentive Funds received, 30 additional days paid at employee’s regular daily rate. District paid health, dental and vision benefits up to cap in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Position is open until April 29, 2014 at 4 p.m. Successful applicant must hold or be able to obtain prior to employment, a valid California Single Subject Credential in Agriculture. Applicants can apply online at www.edjoin. org or contact the district office at 530-2337201 ext. 101 for more information on how to apply. (17Apr-24Apr) ----------------------------RECEPTIONIST OPENING IN THE Modoc Site Office for California Tribal TANF Partnership. Full time with benefits. Application and job descriptions at www.cttp.net. Deadline: April 25, 2014. Fax resume and application to 707-264-6530 or email to cttpresumes@ cttp.net. Phone: 707262-4404. Native American hiring preference applies. ----------------------------COMMUNITY OF BIEBER IS currently accepting resumes for the position of manager/operator of a small rural water and sewer district. Salary of $35,000 to $40,000 depending on experience and PERS retirement. For further information, contact the District Office at 530294-5524 or go online to bigvalleynews.net. (17Apr-24Apr) ----------------------------MODOC JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL District has an opening for a Food Service Worker I, 10 month position, 3.5 hours per day. Salary range from $8.67 to $10.95 per hour. High school diploma or equivalent preferred. Duties include setting up tables, garbage cans, etc., help serve, clean up, tend to garbage at Alturas Elementary School and other duties as assigned. Deadline for filing applications is April 23, 2014. Must have current TB test and successfully pass a District-paid fingerprinting. Union membership/agency fees are employee paid. Applications should be directed to the Superintendent, 906 West 4th Street, Alturas, CA 96101. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------- MODOC JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL District has an opening for a Classified Administrative Assistant, 185 work days per year, 8 hours per day. Salary range from $17.39 to $22.18 per hour. Union membership/ agency fees are employee paid. District paid health, dental and vision benefits up to cap in accordance with the Teamsters Collective Bargaining Agreement. Must have current TB test and successfully pass Districtpaid fingerprinting. Qualifications include a high school diploma or equivalent; a verified work history with increasingly responsible positions in the operation of an organization (non-profit, public or private), and/or the completion of significant projects within and organization and a demonstrated ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Previous experience in a public school setting and ability to communicate in Spanish is desired. Under general supervision of the school principal, perform a wide variety of responsible functions and tasks in the area of school operations, including organization and coordination of playground supervisors, assist in routine minor discipline, site safety inspections, follow-up on identified truants, work with volunteers and other related duties as assigned. Position is open until April 18, 2014 at 4 p.m. Applications and letters of interest should be directed to the Superintendent, 906 West 4th Street, Alturas, CA 96101. (10Apr-17Apr) ----------------------------MODOC COUNTY SHERIFF’S Office is currently accepting applications for the following full time 37.5 hours per week benefited position of Sheriff’s Fiscal/Administrative Assistant/OES. Successful applicant in this position will perform a variety of fiscal, budgetary, administratively confidential and analytical functions for all departments of the Sheriff’s Office: Dispatch, Jail, Civil, Animal Control, Office of Emergency Services, Patrol and Coroner/Sheriff. Minimum job qualifications are a minimum of an Associate’s degree or technical certification from a post-secondary institution, with course work in accounting and finance, with a minimum of five years combined education and experience in related field. Salary and benefits: $2,966 $3,786 per month; PERS Retirement 2 percent at 57; health, dental and vision; paid vacation/sick leave accrual; paid holidays. A detailed job description and application may be obtained from the Sheriff’s Office Annex, 211 E. 1st Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Applications must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. April 17, 2014 to the Sheriff’s Annex, 211 E. 1st Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Modoc County is an equal opportunity employer. (3Apr17Apr) ----------------------------- THE COUNTY OF MODOC IS currently accepting applications for the position of Probation Officer I or II. Salary: Probation Officer I - $2,277 $2,907 monthly plus county benefit package and Probation Officer II - $2,502 $3,193 monthly plus county benefit package. Final filing date: April 30, 2014. Job summary: Performs a variety of professional adult and juvenile probation duties related to case management, field monitoring and investigation, probation supervision, intake and other programs; performs related work as required. Probation Officer I is the entrylevel class in the professional probation series. Initially under close supervision, incumbents provide probation intake, investigation and case management services while learning policies, rules and procedures. As experience is gained, duties become more diversified and are performed under more general supervision. Minimum qualifications: License: Must possess a valid California Class C driver’s license. Education: Graduation from a four-year college or university with major course work in criminal justice, psychology or a closely related field preferred. Background requirements: Incumbents shall not have been convicted of a felony in this state or any other state or in any federal jurisdiction, or of any offense in any other state or in any federal jurisdiction, which would have been a felony if committed in this state, nor be under current formal probation supervision. Citizenship requirements: Permanent resident aliens who wish to be employed as peace officers must apply for citizenship at least one year before application for such employment. If a permanent resident alien has not obtained citizenship within three years after application for employment or is denied citizenship, he or she shall be disqualified for peace officer status. For a complete job description and to pick up an application, come to the Modoc County Probation Department at 326 South Main Street, Alturas, CA 96101. If out of the area, call 530-233-6324 to have it mailed, faxed or emailed to you. (3Apr24Apr) ----------------------------S U R P R I S E VALLEY Elementary School has an opening for (2) full time tenure track teaching positions for grades K-8. Application procedure: Submit the following: Letter of intent to apply, District application form, three (3) references letters, resume of teaching experience and copy of credential. Salary: Appropriate placement on certificated salary schedule and health benefits package offered. Qualifications: valid California credential. Deadline for application: May 15, 2014. Beginning date: August 18, 2014. Contact person: Cathy Laxague, District Secretary, Surprise Valley JUSD, 470 Lincoln Street, P.O. Box 100, Cedarville, CA 96104. Telephone: 530-279-6141 x 22, fax: 530-279-2210. (27Mar-17Apr) L ost & Found FOUND NEAR 4TH AND C STREETS near Maxwell’s Nursery: eyeglass case with glasses inside. Call 530-7082129 to identify. ----------------------------FREE FOUND ADS! Any private party finding a lost pet or item can run a classified ad, free of charge for a week. The ad also is placed on the Modoc Record’s website www.modocrecord.com for the week. This service is offered by the Modoc County Record in hopes that we can bring these pets or lost items together again with their owners. Call Record Classifieds 233-2632 or e-mail classifieds@modoc record.com. (TFN) r eAL e stAte 20 ACRES FOR SALE! Good view, pump, well & septic tank. Ready to build on, $78,000. 530-2335181 (TFN) s ervices CARPET, VINYL AND LAMINATE installation and repair. 20 years of experience. Please call 530-640-0630. Not California licensed. (17Apr-8May) ----------------------------PARK’S LAWN AND YARD WORK. Mow, weed and trim shrubs. 10th year. Call Roger Park at 530-299-3431. (17Apr-1May) ----------------------------WIG SALES AND NOW OFFERING wigs and hair pieces cleaning, conditioning and styling. Call or stop in at Bindis Beauty Works at 130 N. Main St., Alturas. 530-708-1605. (27Feb17Apr) ----------------------------NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www. cslb.ca.gov or 800321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. (TFN) v eHicLes 2 VEHICLES FOR SALE: 1994 FORD F-250 truck with cab over camper, turbo diesel XLT and fully loaded. Camper is a Lance 900, 11.3 $8,500 and a 2005 Subaru Outback, 4 door, fully loaded, low miles and in excellent condition - $8,500. (17Apr-24Apr) You can e-mail your classified ads to: classifieds @modoc record.com C L L DEADLINE For Classified Advert Wednesdays At N Page 22 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 MODOC COUNTY RECORD LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION ON MAY 10-13, 2014 OF TAX-DEFAULTED PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Made pursuant to Section 3692, Revenue and Taxation Code On February 11, 2014, I, Cheryl Knoch, Modoc County Tax Collector, was directed to conduct a public auction sale by the Board of Supervisors of Modoc County, California. The tax-defaulted properties listed below are subject to the tax collector’s power of sale. The sale will be conducted at www.bid4assets.com starting Saturday May 10, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. PT through Tuesday May 13, 2014, as a public auction to the highest bidder for not less than the minimum bid as shown on this notice. If no bids are received on a parcel during the course of the sale, the minimum bid may be lowered, at the tax collector’s discretion. Research the item prior to bidding. Due diligence research is incumbent on the bidder. The winning bidder is legally obligated to purchase the item. A computer workstation will be available at the Treasurer and Tax Collector’s office, 204 South Court Street, Room 101, Alturas, California. There is also a Public Computer and Internet access available at the Alturas, Adin, Cedarville and Lookout branches of the Modoc County Library. Bids may be submitted via the Internet or by fax. Preregistration is required. Register on-line at www.bid4assets.com or by fax using an offline bid form. For an offline bid form, contact the Tax Collector’s office at (530) 233-6223 or Bid4assets at 1-877-427-7387. Bidders must submit a refundable deposit of $500.00 + $35 processing fee to participate in the auction. Bid deposits must be in the form of a wire transfer or certified check and must be in the custody of Bid4Assets no later than Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. PT or 4:00 p.m. ET. The $500 deposit will be applied to the successful bidder’s purchase price. Full payment of winning bid(s) and deed information indicating how title should be vested is required within 3 business days after the end of the sale. Only wire transfers and cashier checks will be accepted for payment. A California transfer tax will be added to and collected with the purchase price and is calculated at $.55 per each $500 or fraction thereof. All property is sold as is. The county and its employees are not liable for the failure of any electronic equipment that may prevent a person from participating in the sale. The right of redemption will cease Friday, May 9, 2014 at the close of business (5:00 p.m. PT) and properties not redeemed will be sold. If a parcel is not sold, the right of redemption revives up to the close of business of the last business day prior to the next scheduled sale. Parcels that are not sold in the May 10-13, 2014 sale will be re-offered at 8:00 a.m. PT on June 14 to the closing time on June 17, 2014 on the www.bid4assets.com website. If the properties are sold, parties of interest, as defined in California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4675, have a right to file a claim with the county for any excess proceeds from the sale. Excess proceeds are the amount of the highest bid in excess of the liens and costs of the sale that are paid from the sale price. Notice will be given to parties of interest, pursuant to law, if excess proceeds result from the sale. More information may be obtained by contacting the Tax Collector at 204 South Court Street, Alturas, California 96101, phone number (530) 233-6223, Modoc County’s website: www.co.modoc.ca.us – Departments – scroll down to Tax Collector and click, then click on link to Tax Sales, or on the web site: www.bid4assets. com/modoc. PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) when used to describe property in this list refers to the Assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map, if applicable, and the individual parcel number on the map page or in the block. A parcel number, such as 048-523-13-21, is analyzed as follows: 048 would be the map book number, 523 would be map page 52, and block 3 (if the “3” were a “0”, that page would not contain a block), 13 is the parcel number, and 2 is a coded suffix to the parcel number denoting the interest held in parcel 13. The suffixes used in conjunction with the parcel number are as follows: -11 Total ownership of interest and rights -21 Multiple ownership -31 Multiple ownership The maps referred to are available for inspection in the office of the Assessor, 204 South Court Street, Alturas, California, or on the web site: www.bid4assets.com. The properties that are the subject of this notice are situated in Modoc County, California, and are described as follows: APN Last Assessee Name Min Bid 002-075-0711 WARRINER, WILLIS D (DEC’D) & 4,490 WARRINER, LENA V. (ESTATE) 002-152-1311 HERNANDEZ, MARCELO & 4,225 RUBIO, GRACIELA 005-110-2611 KREBS, DONNA 2,691 005-291-1411 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE 1,129 SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-291-1711 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE 776 SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-291-1911 WALDON, JACK L. & 1,503 WALDON, CARRIE S. 005-291-3011 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE 844 SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-292-1411 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE 776 SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-292-2611 AVERETT, JORGINE 1,280 005-301-0211 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE 776 SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-301-0411 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-301-2711 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-302-3011 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-303-3911 GIRTMAN, ADAM & GIRTMAN, CHRISTOPHER 005-341-0611 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 005-365-0211 MORRISON, JAMES ROB’T ESTATE SCHWEITZER, HAROLD ESTATE 012-281-0111 KAVA, ATELAITE T. 013-044-0411 POWELL, TERRY 013-045-0411 BRYAN, WILLIAM & BRYAN, ABBIE 013-046-2311 AGEIL, ABDULLRAHMAN H. & PETERSON, TREVA JT. 013-047-0111 MINERVA, BENJAMIN 013-049-1011 MACMILLAN, J. MICHAEL 013-051-1611 JONES, PATRICIA F. 013-052-1611 SANCHEZ, JOSE M. 013-061-0311 BOEHM, BRIAN L. 013-095-0211 LLANOS, RAMONCITO LOPEZ 013-126-2811 RUDERMAN, SYDNEY & RUDERMAN, JUANITA J. 013-127-2611 DOMINGO, FRANK ANTHONY & DOMINGO, PHYLLIS TRUSTEES 013-137-1811 GARVEY, ROBERT J. JR. (ESTATE) % GARVEY, JESSE 013-154-0511 JOHNSON, BURTON J. & JOHNSON, JANET L. 013-179-0311 ARREDONDO, SHELLI RENE VILLA 013-179-0411 ARREDONDO, SHELLI RENE VILLA 017-100-2711 PHILPOTT, CHARLES & PHILPOTT, GAYLA 017-514-0511 WEIGEL, JEROME & MARY 021-120-2211 PIERCE, JOE E. 022-420-2611 SOOKHOO, ROY 022-430-5911 NOVAK, JOHN 022-430-6111 WELLS, RALPH F. & WELLS, PATSY R. 022-430-6211 WELLS, RALPH F. & WELLS, PATSY R. 024-031-0111 YANCEY, CHAD CORY 024-040-0211 YANCEY, CHAD CORY 024-043-0611 YANCEY, CHAD CORY 024-300-2711 DJAVAHERI, DARIUSH DAN 024-420-2011 EQUITY TRUST CO. CUSTODIAN ADAMS, MICHAEL A. IRA (FBO) 035-063-1611 JABSON, BIENVENIDO S.A. & JABSON, NORIE J. 035-094-0611 HOWELL, WALTER LEE 035-094-1111 DURAN, GABINO ESPINOZA & FRANCO, BERENA 035-101-0211 CAPARELLI, WILLIAM D. & CAPARELLI, PATRICIA A. 035-132-2111 ANTUNEZ, YANET 035-171-0711 TAYLOR, DESIREE 035-172-0111 GUERRA, SALVADOR & GUERRA, MARIA 035-212-0511 BARNES, DELIA J. 035-223-0911 JAIMES, BORIS R. HERNANDEZ & ROMERO, GERARDO PRADO 035-223-4511 GESULGA, CHRISTOPHER C. 035-243-2211 LANDRETH, WILLIAM R. 035-243-2311 LANDRETH, WILLIAM R. 035-261-0311 KNOLLMUELLER, MARK 035-272-1111 POYNTER, BARBARA D. 035-281-2411 PARSONS, RONALD E. & PARSONS, JACQUELYNNE E. 035-282-1911 SMITH-BURKS, MIRIAM 035-301-0811 MENDOZA, AGUSTIN 035-304-0211 SCOTT, HENDERSON J. & OLLIE B. C/O INGRID SCOTT WEEKLEY 035-343-1511 BERNARDO, MARIALINA & BERNARDO, FELICIANO 035-373-0111 HARDY, THOMAS A. SR. 035-381-1011 ORELLANA, GLORIBEL E. 036-031-0411 SALAZAR, ENRIQUE & SALAZAR, MARIA 036-094-0111 GAMBOA, GUSTAVO SILVA 036-101-2711 CUMPSTON, WILBUR L. TRUSTEE 036-191-0611 WATTS, WALTER E. 036-203-0311 COBIAN, MANUEL & & ANGELICA 036-203-0411 036-262-2111 OCHINERO, OPHELIA C/O OPHELIA APODACA 036-333-0411 EQUITY TRUST CO. CUSTODIAN ADAMS, MICHAEL A. IRA (FBO) 036-343-0511 GLOBAL FINANCIAL & ASSETS INC 036-352-1011 GLOBAL FINANCIAL & ASSETS INC 036-352-1511 GLOBAL FINANCIAL & ASSETS INC 036-361-0311 GLOBAL FINANCIAL & ASSETS INC 036-391-0411 MULLEN, JERRY & SARAH 036-391-0511 MULLEN, JERRY & SARAH 036-391-0611 MULLEN, JERRY & SARAH 036-391-0711 MULLEN, JERRY & SARAH 036-391-0811 MULLEN, JERRY & SARAH 036-391-0911 MULLEN, JERRY & SARAH 776 844 845 3,337 794 757 1,725 2,353 2,282 2,366 2,357 2,100 2,349 1,667 2,577 2,828 2,360 2,385 2,006 2,135 2,277 903 2,894 2,636 3,753 2,230 2,488 2,532 1,197 990 1,708 3,429 2,085 1,749 3,207 3,207 2,541 2,774 2,849 3,194 1,793 2,221 2,206 3,067 2,790 1,304 3,091 2,511 2,860 2,939 2,401 2,732 3,565 2,867 3,439 2,561 2,622 2,606 2,833 4,794 2,803 2,612 1,932 1,932 1,932 1,932 1,934 1,915 1,915 1,915 1,915 1,915 037-011-5911 CORONA, FELIX & TAPIA, EDUARDO 037-041-0611 ROBB, CURTIS & TRACY 037-041-2811 SUWANDI, SIONG & IKARI, CHU JUNG 037-053-1611 HERRON, PAMELA A. C/O PAMELA BLACK 037-102-1011 NATIONAL REC. PROP., INC. 037-133-2511 SNOOZY, THOMAS G. 037-151-0911 GALLEGOS, JUVENAL & GALLEGOS, BEATRICE 037-193-1511 LEISURE INDUSTRIES, INC. CORFIELD, GEORGE & MERCEDES 037-193-2011 POYNTER, GARY S. & POYNTER, BARBARA D. 037-243-0611 NATIONAL REC. PROP., INC. 037-361-2511 PARDUN, DAVE 037-373-0711 HERNANDEZ, MIGUEL A. 037-383-1411 MOTA, ELIAS 037-391-1711 LAUDON-FLORES, MARY TRUSTEE 037-391-1811 LAUDON-FLORES, MARY TRUSTEE 037-403-1511 JONES, BARBARA J & JOANN S YARMAN, JENNIFER A. HENDRIX, DAVID J. 037-431-4711 COLEGROVE, SCOTT 037-431-5011 COLEGROVE, SCOTT 037-442-3111 FOOTE, JIMMIE D. 037-442-3211 FOOTE, JIMMIE D. 037-472-1311 HOWELL, RODNEY D. & REICHENBACH, SUE Z. 037-513-0111 URENA, MARVIN O. & FLORES, REINA LIGIA 037-522-1011 BELTON, KEVIN 037-522-1511 ALLEN, DAVID WILLIAMS & KAHLER, TRESSA 037-522-1611 ALLEN, DAVID WILLIAMS & KAHLER, TRESSA 038-032-0911 KING, JEFFREY 038-092-0711 CHARLEBOIX, STEVE 038-102-2211 COLLIER, MATHEW T. 038-111-1811 MORENO, ELI & CAMBRAY, BEATRIZ PADILLA 038-111-2911 LOZANO, SANTIAGO 038-131-0811 SNYDER, BARBARA 038-131-0911 SNYDER, BARBARA 038-132-0711 WALL, VINCENT E. & VIRGINIA M. C/O COLLEEN MILLER 038-132-5311 CRUZ, INDOLFO 038-132-6111 SCOTT, D’WAYNE D. 038-162-0211 CIG POINT PROPERTIES 038-181-1911 RAMIREZ, JESUS 038-202-0511 HEBERT, ANDRE & HEBERT, CHERRELL 038-242-0311 LIM, ROBERT T. MCNAIR, KATHYRN R. 039-011-1011 DABERDAKU, PJERIN & DABERDAKU, BERNARDINA 039-031-0411 ARMAS, PANFILO JESUS 039-081-0211 HUYNH, KIET 2,925 039-102-0711 AYALA, JUAN JOSE DIMAS 039-111-2111 COFFEE, JUDY I. 039-161-1011 VILLALOBOS, BERNARDO M& VILLALOBOS, FELISA C 039-201-1011 DABERDAKU, PJERIN & DABERDAKU, BERNARDINA 039-421-1211 JACKSON, RUSSELL 039-442-1211 VAZQUEZ, HILARION BADILLO & ACOSTA, MARTHA 040-041-0711 FANTON, MONTE & FANTON, SHERRI 040-062-0611 ROMERO, NATIVIDAD M. 040-141-1211 BOUTIN, DARRELL & BOUTIN, CECILIA 040-211-1511 KUVSHINIKOV, BENJAMIN 041-042-2911 ECHEVARRIA, WILLIAM M. & ECHEVARRIA, CARMEN 041-061-4111 MCGRAW, MICHAEL PATRICK 041-081-0911 YASUMI, TAKASHI TRUSTEE 041-081-1011 YASUMI, TAKASHI TRUSTEE 041-122-3911 AVILLA-KINTZ, BRENDA 041-131-0311 AVILLA-KINTZ, BRENDA 041-141-1111 RYAN, MICHAEL & LEEANN % RASK, MARLENE 041-252-0311 ZHAO, JACK Z. & XIE, HONG 041-293-0911 DAVIS, CAROL LYNN 041-294-0411 BRADSHAW, CARLOS E. 041-312-0411 CORSER, RON & CORSER, DONNA RAE 041-312-0511 CORSER, RON & CORSER, DONNA RAE 041-321-0511 THAI, DANNY VI. & CHAN, HELEN HOI-LAN 041-341-0811 LAWRENCE, ANTHONY CARL 041-422-2011 CLARK, RAYMOND T. & CLARK, TOMIE 041-451-4811 MEDINA, VERONICA DEL REFUGIO 041-463-2811 ELLIOT, RICHARD J. & ELLIOT, CAMELLA TRUSTEE 041-542-2011 KENYON, KRISTEN 041-551-1411 ALTMAN, ADELAIDA B. & ALTMAN, ROBERT JOHN 041-602-1411 SMITH, GEORGE L. & SMITH, CLAUDIA J. 041-603-1311 KORBANI, GEORGES N. 041-611-1311 WILLIAMS, ANTHONY 041-613-0411 N.R.L.L. EAST LLC Legals continued on page 23 2,337 2,821 3,071 2,687 2,481 1,853 3,430 2,470 2,529 1,301 2,190 2,957 1,842 2,446 2,089 2,500 1,966 1,861 1,951 1,870 3,173 2,443 1,980 1,919 2,006 1,965 2,695 2,666 1,745 3,192 3,167 1,681 2,774 3,129 2,972 2,151 2,325 3,209 3,141 2,945 3,732 2,401 2,993 3,439 2,029 3,372 3,121 2,965 3,659 3,605 3,436 2,108 2,456 2,379 1,549 2,383 2,178 2,948 2,703 2,313 2,530 1,511 1,048 2,255 1,389 2,427 2,705 2,221 2,777 2,696 2,486 1,575 2,096 1,669 April 17, 2014 - Modoc County Record - Page 23 MODOC COUNTY RECORD Legals continued from page 22 041-631-1611 MOWERY, V. 1,913 GAUTHIER, MATHEW P. 041-641-0311 LAND SALES GROUP, LLC 2,399 041-644-0111 BUNTHANOM, AMNUOY 1,316 041-671-1711 LAND SALES GROUP, LLC 2,023 041-741-3211 & WALDON,JACK & CARRIE 3,231 041-741-3311 I certify (or declare), under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. /s/ Cheryl Knoch Modoc County Tax Collector Executed at Alturas, Modoc County on March 21, 2014. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 10, 17 & 24, 2014. PUBLIC NOTICE The Tulelake Basin Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees will discuss and consider the adoption of a Resolution approving the sale of the former Newell Elementary school site located at 407 County Road 160, Tulelake, CA, to the Tulelake Multi County Fire District, during the meeting of the Board on May 1, 2014. Open session begins at 6:00 p.m. in the District Conference Room at 400 “G” Street in Tulelake, CA. The proposed Resolution and Purchase and Sale Agreement are available for inspection and copying at the District’s office, 400 “G” Street in Tulelake, CA. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 3, 10 and 17, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 14-13 Exp: March 31, 2019 New Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Biomass Heating Solutions, 201 E. 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Mailing address: 201 E. 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Registered Owner(s): Terry L. Olson, 201 E. 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101, 530-640-1072. This business is conducted by: Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Terry L. Olson This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on March 31, 2014. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2014. MODOC COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Modoc County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 22, at 11:00 a.m. or soon thereafter in the City of Alturas, City Council Chambers, 200 W. North Street, Alturas, California 96101, for consideration of the following project: 1. Finger Print CAL-ID Program: California Vehicle Code Section 9250.19 authorized the County Board of Supervisors to impose a onedollar ($1) vehicle registration fee and a three-dollar ($3) for commercial vehicle registration fee to enhance the capacity of the county to provide automated fingerprint identification of individuals who may be involved in driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or vehicular manslaughter. 2. Vehicle Theft Program: California Vehicle Code Section 9250.14 provides for the collection of a one-dollar ($1) vehicle registration fee and a three-dollar ($3) commercial vehicle registration for every vehicle registered to an address within Modoc County; and for registration renewals upon adoption of a resolution by the Board of Supervisors; and whereas Assembly Bill 767, allows counties to increase the original fee an additional one-dollar ($1) for a total of two-dollars ($2) for vehicles; and additional four-dollars ($4) for a total of six-dollars ($6) for commercial vehicles to be expended for programs which would enhance the capacity of the Sheriff’s Office to deter, investigate, and prosecute vehicle theft crimes; and for the prosecution of crimes involving driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or vehicular manslaughter. Per Government Code Section 65009 (b)(2), “if you challenge the action described in this notice in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors at, or prior to, the public hearing.” At this said time the Board will hear any and all interested persons. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 10 and 17, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-16 Exp: March 1, 2019 New Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Gun Bling Accessories, 112 Spicer Lane, Alturas, CA 96101, 530-640-0961. Mailing address: 806 N. Warner Street, Alturas, CA 96101, 530-640-0961. Registered Owner(s): Patricia Lorraine Gilbert, (Physical) 112 Spicer Lane, Alturas, CA 96101, (Mailing) 806 N. Warner Street, Alturas, CA 96101, 530-640-0961. This business is conducted by: Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on March 1, 2014 (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Patricia L. Gilbert This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on April 4, 2014. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 10, 17, 24 and May 1, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014-15 Exp: April 13, 2019 New Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Shotokan Karate Dojo, 117 West Modoc Street, Alturas, CA 96101, 530-640-0975. Mailing address: HC 4 Box 43039, Alturas, CA 96101, 530640-0975. Registered Owner(s): Miran M. Reynolds, HC 4 Box 43039, Alturas, CA 96101, 530-233-4836 This business is conducted by: Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Miran M. Reynolds This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on April 3, 2014. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 10, 17, 24 and May 1, 2014. LEGAL NOTICE The Modoc County Department of Agriculture invites bids for Noxious Weed Management purchase of approximately 850 gals and 24 lbs. of herbicides. Sealed bids should be mailed to the Modoc County Department of Agriculture, 202 West 4th Street, Alturas, California 96101 or faxed to 530-233-5542. Bids must be received by 5:00 p.m. April 18, 2014. Details may be obtained at the Modoc County Department of Agriculture, or by calling 530-233-6401. The Department reserves the right to accept the lowest or best bid and the right to reject any or all bids, no substitutions will be allowed. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 10 and 17, 2014. LEGAL NOTICE The Modoc County Department of Agriculture invites bids for Roadside Weed Management purchase of approximately 300 gals and 200 lbs. of herbicides. Sealed bids should be mailed to the Modoc County Department of Agriculture, 202 West 4th Street, Alturas, California 96101 or faxed to 530-233-5542. Bids must be received by 5:00 p.m. April 18, 2014. Details may be obtained at the Modoc County Department of Agriculture, or by calling 530-233-6401. The Department reserves the right to accept the lowest or best bid and the right to reject any or all bids, no substitutions will be allowed. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 10 and 17, 2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1361945-36 APN: 013-194-1711 & ** TRA: 057007 LOAN NO: Xxxxxx5538 REF: Hunter, Kimberly IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED December 06, 2011. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On May 07, 2014, at 2:30pm, Cal-west- ern Reconveyance Llc, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded December 19, 2011, as Inst. No. 2011-0003034-00 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Modoc County, State of California, executed by Kimberly Hunter and Walter J Hunter, Wife And Husband, As Joint Tenants With The Right Of Survivor, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the financial code and authorized to do business in this state: On the front steps of the modoc county courthouse 204 S Court Street Alturas, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust **013-194-1611 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 329 Partridge Lane Alturas CA 96101 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $234,032.47. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (619)590-1221 or visit the internet website www. dlppllc.com, using the file number assigned to this case 1361945-36. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web Site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. For sales information:(619)590-1221. CalWestern Reconveyance LLC, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: March 24, 2014. (DLPP-437250 04/17/14, 04/24/14, 05/01/14) Published in the Modoc County Record on April 17, 24 and May 1, 2014. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Modoc Fire Safe Council (MFSC) is seeking contractors for the Defensible Space Chipper and Residents Assistance Program. Proposals shall be submitted to MFSC on or before April 30, at 4:30pm. A copy of the full description of duties may be requested by email. Please send your request to modocfiresafecouncil@gmail. com. The MFSC encourages the submission of proposals by minority-owned and women-owned business enterprises. The Contractor shall possess the appropriate California license or a combination of classes required by the categories and types of work included in this contract at the time the contract is awarded. The MFSC reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any nonmaterial informality in any bid and to determine which bid, is the best bid and to make that award which is in the best interest of the MFSC. Contact the MFSC at 530-233-5516. Dated: 4-14-14 Stacey Hafen, Project Coordinator Published in the Modoc County Record on April 17 and 24, 2014. OPPORTUNITY TO OBJECT Triangle Sage Steppe Ecosystem Restoration Project Modoc National Forest Devil’s Garden Ranger District As the Responsible Official, Acting District Ranger Timothy E. Davis has prepared a draft Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact (DN/ FONSI) for the Triangle Sage Steppe Ecosystem Restoration Project Environmental Assessment (EA). The project would implement juniper treatment over 1,090 acres to help restore sage steppe habitat to benefit sage obligate species, including greater sage grouse. The EA and draft DN/FONSI are available for review at the Devil’s Garden Ranger District, 225 W. 8th Street, Alturas, CA 96101; or, online at http://www.fs.usda. gov/projects/modoc/landmanagement/projects. This proposed decision is subject to objection pursuant to 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B. Objections will only be accepted from those who submitted project-specific written comments during scoping or other designated comment period. Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted comments unless based on new information arising after the designated comment period(s). Objections must be submitted within 45 days following publication of this legal notice in Modoc Record. The date of this legal notice is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection. It is the objector’s responsibility to ensure evidence of timely receipt (36 CFR 218.9). Objections must be submitted to the reviewing officer: Ann Carlson, Acting Forest Supervisor, Modoc National Forest; Attn: Triangle Sage Steppe; 225 W. 8th Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Objections may be submitted via mail, FAX (550-233-8809), or delivered during business hours (M-F 8:00 am to 4:00 pm). Electronic objections may be submitted to: [email protected] with Triangle Sage Steppe on subject line. Objections must include (36 CFR 218.8(d)): 1) name, address and telephone number; 2) signature or other verification of authorship; 3) identify a single lead objector when applicable; 4) project name, Responsible Official name and title, and name of affected National Forest(s) and/or Range District(s); 5) reasons for, and suggested remedies to resolve your objections; and, 6) description of the connection between your objections and your prior comments. Incorporate documents by reference only as provided for at 36 CFR 218.8(b). For additional information, contact Jenny Jayo, Rangeland Management Specialist, Devil’s Garden Ranger District at (530) 233-8817. Published in the Modoc County Record on April 17, 2014. For local news, sports, classifieds, gatherings, real estate and more log onto www.modoc record.com SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND? Write a “Letter to the Editor” PO Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 Letters must be signed. Writer’s address and phone number required, but not for print. Page 24 - Modoc County Record - April 17, 2014 R ECORD R E A L E S T A T E Terrance Quirk Real Estate Janie Erkiaga • Real Estate Broker CA & NV Licensed Homes • Ranches • Commercial • Land • Exchanges • Timber Call (530) 233-4128 www.modoccounty-realestate.com CA DRE LIC#01261538 2903997 - 1999 3 bed 2 bath 1557 sq. ft. mfg. home on 0.22 acres on Applegate Rd in Lake Unit 4, priced at only $65,900, has fire place. 2903821 - 2.94 acres, with approx. 1900 sq. ft. Shop building, has well and septic all ready installed, never been used power at the side of the road located on Goose Loop, Modoc Estates $42,900. 2904084 5 acres with well and septic, and some old buildings that could be salvaged Located on Rye Grass Swale, only $30,000. 1023 North Court Street • Alturas, CA 96101 Phone: (530) 233-2440 • Fax: (530) 233-2406 www.alturas-ca-real-estate.com www.stevensonauctionservices.com 2904129 20 acres with well and septic on paved road #76, about 3 miles south west of Alturas. Great views, nice homes in the area, only $45,000. WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS, GIVE ME A CALL 530-640-2070 The Gibson House, great old Victorian, 2 bed 1 bath, partial basement, carriage house and ice house, needs TLC…reduced to $59,000. For the Artist…in a quiet country town on the banks of Bidwell Creek this very nice 2 bed 1 bath home with ranch style porch, double garage, 2 studios attached, 1860s feeder barn on one acre. Very well kept, waiting for you to move in…reduced. . .$235,000. Davis Creek Mercantile and Deli, includes a 2 bed, 1 bath home and garage. A great business opportunity with home on 1+/- acre, a good business in a small quaint town just waiting for you to take over and make it your. . . . . . .$250,000. 86+/- ac Recreation Paradise with 2 bed 1 bath home, artesian well septic, pond, 12 mile creek, borders BLM. Snowmobile or ATV to hearts content…$375,000. Quaint Retirement Cottage at the edge of town, on a cul-de-sac, with a greatview of the Warner Mtns. 2 bed, 1 bath, garage, turnkey condition. . .$110,000. No hand watering on 1 ac 3 bed 1 bath 1836 s.f. home in Lake City, garden, lawn, orchard flowers all on a drip system. Modern interior, large garage w/shop, horse paddocks, great views, good schools and neighborhood. $165,000. 3 Bed, 2 bath 1440 s.f. mfg, in Brooks Park, extra lot, fully furnished, excellent condition, great recreation hideout, when you visit Modoc owc, $89,900. 4.28 ac with 3 bed 2.5 bath, 2450 s.f., turnkey country home, beautiful views, garages, carports, garden spot, horse property, in SV, on SVEC, make this yours. $250,000 160 acres in Joseph Creek, meadows, timber, springs, water right, fenced for cattle. Will make a great place for a summer home. . . .$196,000. Large Shop, 2 bed 1 bath, completely new inside, outbuildings, fruit trees, quiet home in Lake City, wood/propane heat, reduced to. . .$110,000. Good investment, 3 bed 1 bath, 1142 s.f. home, wood floors, garage/carport, fenced backyard, garden area, good neighborhood, patio, priced to sell. . $99,500. Laundromat & Mobile Home Park in Cedarville, room for expansion, 9 mobile spaces, 9 RV spaces, 4 unimproved spaces. Includes full laundromat, good income. . .$225,000. In Cedarville, 2 bed, 1.75 bath, 1440 s.f. home, garage, 3 sources heat, garage, good landscape, views, near park, new roof reduced. . .$129,900. 20 acres with well in Conestoga Ranches, perk test, owc call for terms….$62,000. 160 ac at Butcher Flat Nevada, spring, stock pond, old stone house, secluded and private, borders BLM, wildlife, views, off the grid, survival property, reduced to $95,000. Support Our Troops, Farmers and Ranchers 4/3 2903928 - 3 bed 2 bath 1260 sq. ft. living room, kitchen and laundry room. Has laminated floors in bedrooms, hallways, lino in kitchen, carpet in the living room, plus close to schools, and shopping. Priced at only $84,900. 405 Archer Ave., Alturas • Ph 530-640-2070 • [email protected] 35830: 3 bed/2.5 bath with 1916 sq. ft. of comfortable living. This home is located in town and close to all amenities! View of Mountains and landscaped to perfections. Price: $178,900 35850: Spacious 4 bed/2.5 bath 2005 Manufactured home Nadene with open floor plan Berryessa Ext. 23 and 360 views with over ½ acres in a quiet location. Price: $122,000. RESIDENTIAL 35610: Gentlemen’s Country Estate: 3 Bdr/2 Bath, 2,664 sq. ft country home w/basement, 2-car attached garage, large metal barn, pole barn, shop building, livestock corrals, irrigation wells, fencing, suitable for cattle grazing. Price: $459,000 35720: Nice 2 bed/1 bath 1026 sq,ft, home in town for your convenience. Nice upgrades including crown molding, pedestal sink, new cabinets and large yard with garden area for growing your own. Price: $103,000 35550: 1419 sq. ft. 3 bedroom/2 bath home on 21 acres. The property has an agricultural well, outbuildings and fencing. Near Dorris Reservoir and the Modoc National Wildlife Refuge. Price: $175,000 35650: 1615 Sq. Ft. 3 bedroom/2 bath, 2 story home with a full basement. There is an outdoor bar and hot tub in the back yard. Home has quite a bit of charm, in a prime location. Price: $168,000 35640: 1436 sq. ft, 3 bed/2 bath home on almost an acre. Knotty pine, rustic interior, large, covered front porch. dog kennels, attached 2 car garage + carport with tons of storage. Landscaped, mountain setting. Price: $144,900 29840: 2 bed/2 bath, 1,356 sq ft mobile home w/additions. Over an acre of pasture, 2 wells, fruit trees, nice storage/canning room. Owner financing available. Price: $80,000 4/17 WWW.TERRANCEQUIRKREALESTATE.COM Featured ProPerties RMS Real Estate Roy Ferry • Broker • (530) 233-5888 Cell (530) 640-3110 • 135 N. Main • Alturas, CA www.RMSRealEstate.com • [email protected] DRE#01113115 ~ Wagon Wheel Restaurant/Motel, Full ser. restaurant, lg. kitchen prep area, seating for 60, #2695 ~ Nice 4 bed/3 bath, split #2600 6-unit motel upgraded/rated one of the best in area, family operation. Owner motivated. . . . $445,000 level handicap accessible family #2690 ~ One of A Kind, Move in Ready & Priced to Sell, 3 beds/2 bath, modern kitchen w/ panhome, metal roof, vinyl siding, dual try , laundry, downstairs bonus room, detached hobby shop, carport, storage shed, back entry at pane windows, individual A/C in ground level, home is on a hill overlooking Alturas with lots of mountain views. . . . . . . $149,000 rooms, RV/boat parking in fenced #2699 ~ Quaint Home, 2 bed., 1 bath, quiet neighborhood, has a newer handicap walk-in bath, is back yard. . . . . . . . . . . $164,900 in good condition, ideal for 1 persons or as a home to downsize for 2. PRICE REDUCED $66,950 #2692 ~ Home In Town, 2 bed/1 bath, dining room, living room, office, siding, large lot and a Commercial Building with commercially approved kitchen, property on HWY 299. . . $148,500 #2689 ~ Excellent home, 3 bed/2 bath, kitchen and dining rooms, living room, panty, laundry, attached garage, special features inside and outside, storage, ample car & RV parking. . . $174,000 #2688 ~ 93.7 Acres/Mfg. Home, 2 bed, 1 bath, open floor plan, close to town, acreage is native dry forage, property has a 2nd mobile home pad with water and septic available. . . . . . . $130,000 #2681 ~ 20 ACRE PARCEL, close to town on County Road 60, good building site. . . . . $50,000 #2498 ~ 2.94 Acres, Ready for a Home artesian well, pump house/septic/power/& pad to build on. $32,000 #2696 ~ A Frame Home, kitchen, loft, bath, wood stove, garage, shop storage, domestic well #2495 ~ Alturas Home, 3 bed, 2 approx. 3 years old, trees , pond, next to Oregon State Park, New Pine Creek, CA. . . . . . $179,900 baths, open kitchen/living room #2694 ~ Cabin & 40.73 of isolated timber type property. Cabin not considered a livable living and is accessible only during the summer months, clean up needed. . . . . . . . . . . $80,000 with fire place insert, utility room, structure #2536 ~ 722.9 Acres Scenic Rangeland, 18 miles NE of Alturas, portion of acreage is highway garage converted to family room, frontage just off U.S. #395 in the Willow Ranch area, overlooks Goose Lake . . . . . . . . $200,000 corner lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99,900 AdditionAl ResidentiAl, CommeRCiAl, And lot listings AvAilAble!!! 4/17 SHARE THE GOOD NEWS ROLLIE GILLIAM REALTY IF YOU NEED HELP FINDING A RENTAL GIVE US A CALL. Call ROLLIE GILLIAM REALTY at (530) 233-6669 and talk to Rollie Gilliam or Kara Binning to buy, sell, rent or manage property, or come by and visit us in the Sear’s Building, located at 411 South Main Street, Alturas CA DRE Lic#00469821 FOR SALE: 2 bdrm, 1 bath home that has been well taken care of and is in good shape, garage, storage and fenced off garden area - $67,500 Announce the arrival of your newborn child for free. Visit www.modoccountyrecord.com for a Birth Announcement form or call us at 530-233-2632. Newer 3 bdrm, 2 bath modular home built in 2006 on 6+ acres fully fenced, surrounded on 3 sides by BLM property. A seasonal creek running through - $110,000 Horse property on 5+ acres fully fenced, outbuildings, newer 2 car garage/ shop including roll up doors allowing for larger equipment, 3 bdrm, 2 bath modular home built in 1987 with newer flooring -$108,000 Property with livestock grazing, includes a 4 bdrm, 2 bath 1404 sq. ft. manufactured home built in 2004, barn and greenhouse, property is nestled on 196+ acres all fenced with a year round creek that runs through it and bordered by Modoc Forest - $280,000 3 bdrm 2 bath home with attached garage, and large fenced backyard, monitor heat, refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher - $69,000 3 bdrm 1 bath cottage home new paint and flooring, in town with large yard - $65,900 FOR RENT:1 bdrm, 1 bath home fully furnished, gas heat includes water - $475 per month The Modoc County No One Knows the Country Like We Do© CA BRE #01375178 RECORD Ph (530) 233-2632 Fax (530) 233-5113 record1@ modocrecord.com Horse property with 3 bdrm, 2 bath newer home, fenced yard, large garage/ shop, horse area on 6+ acres - $800 per month 4/10 We offer professional real estate, auction & property management services. We are happy to help you with any property in our local “Modoc Listing Service” (MLS) & the listings frequently change. 4/17 Remember “The Basque Broker” when you think Real Estate! WE WE ALSO ALSO HAVE HAVE RENTALS RENTALS AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE! THE E M I T Come HAS 335 N. MAIN, ALTURAS, CA 96101 • PHONE 530-233-3133 DENNIS TATE, BROKER • MARTHA WILLIAMS, SALES ASSOCIATE 233-5625 CA DRE License #00696849 & 01262595 RURAL RESIDENTIAL: #3362: Beautiful custom home on acreage, this home has many, many nice features, including granite counter tops, oak wainscoting, wood flooring, tile flooring, Vermont casting wood stove, composite decking, vinyl railing with solar lighting, and over 2200 sq ft. of living space. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, and a room for either a den or office. A 2 car garage, beautiful landscaping, and stamped concrete walkways. $229,000. #3361: Lovely two story family home. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath. Hardwood flooring, oak cabinets, dining area, and tile flooring. A wood stove insert and a diesel central heating unit heat the home. There is also a bonus room off of the living area. This home has ample storage, as it has built in shelving and lots of closet space. There is also a large 2 car garage plus shop.. The yard is wonderfully landscaped with lawn and trees including apple trees. Don’t let this one go by $160,000 #3301: BEAUTIFUL LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 bed, 4 bath. Modern kitchen with all appliances, hickory cabinets, master bath with Jacuzzi, new vinyl windows , propane heater in master bed and furnace, 2 car attached garage. Fenced yard .Dog run. Storage shed. Auto sprinklers. Fully landscaped. Too many nice features to mention, #3345: Unique 3 bedroom, 1 bath home . This home is con- must see. $268,500 veniently located to schools and shopping. Nice big fenced yard. Rock home with quaint little front porch. Detached garage. Must see $80,000 4/17 #3363: Pride of Ownership!! One of a kind 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on 3.71 acres. Over 2100 sq ft of living space. Walkin closets, built in shelving. Master bath features double sink and double closets, along with Jacuzzi tub. Kitchen features stainless steel appliances, induction range with convection oven. Wood stove and ACREAGE & LOTS: forced air unit.46’ x 25’ 3 bay garage. 25’ x 30’ insulated sheet rocked shop. Lots of upgrades in this Palm Harbor Home. Asphalt 3314: VERY NICE! 3.39 ac Cedar Pass Summerland, First Addriveway, 50’ x 50’ deer proof garden area. Open floor plan. dition. $22,000 Auto sprinklers. Too much to mention. Only $232,500 RESIDENTIAL: 3312: 9.35 acres amongst the Pines and meadows. Cedar Pass #3322: Home on a corner lot. This 3 bed/1 bath home is well and all it’s beauty. Close to ski hill. maintained along with a well maintained yard. The yard is easily main- 2 separate parcels. $38,000 tained by automatic sprinklers. There is RV parking as the lot is very large. Home is heated with a monitor heater along with an oil central #3340: Close to town and on a paved road in MRE with a pole furnace. A very nice finished room is in the back for that extra guest. barn/storage $12,000 Reduced $119,500 #3359: Nicely renewed home, New bathrooms, new kitchen, which includes DW ,flooring, microwave, and stove. New paint, carpet, vinyl, new deck, garage door and opener. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. New outside paint and fence. Must see!!! $121,500 To get the job you deserve! All you need to do is turn the page to The Modoc County Record Classifieds (530) 233-2632 www.modocrecord.com
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