May 25, 2015 - Modoc County Record
May 25, 2015 - Modoc County Record
Memorial Day May 25, 2015 THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Vol. 123, No. 49 Alturas, California May 21, 2015 50 Cents 20 Pages City moving forward on Wall Trust projects It’s wet. . . THE WEATHER since May 11 is something Canada Geese are enjoying. Since then, it has rained nine of the 10 days in Modoc. The Alturas weather station has measured 1.28 inches of precipitation to date, well above the to date normal of .71 inches and nearing the monthly average of 1.36 inches. The heaviest rain fell on May 15 at .43 inches; May 17 at .19 inches, and May 19 at .15 inches. Duane McGarva at the weather service’s Jess Valley location said it has rained the last seven days there and .44 inches Tuesday. He reports that the total precipitation from July is at 17.03 inches, just over an inch for the annual average of 18.5 inches. He also reports some snow in the higher elevation, but not at Jess Valley. Photo by Lea Huetteman City chip seal plan one of many projects The City of Alturas awarded the bid for a major chip seal project to Advantage Paving, of Yreka, during Tuesday’s meeting. The company had the lowest bid. The project which involves several miles of City streets, was estimated at about $600,000 and the low bid came in at $580,390. According to Public Works Director Joe Picotte, the funds come from a CalTrans grant for repair and maintenance and the project includes Carlos from Main Street to the Warner Street project. Picotte predicts that re-surfacing should add about seven years of life to the street before any major repairs are needed. He said if the work isn’t done now, Carlos would soon be plagued by potholes. Other streets getting needed attention include West C from the highway to Second Street, Howard Street, Brooks Park streets and other areas where a chip seal will help. That project is expected to begin in June. The Alturas airport is getting a chip-sealing project now of about $400,000. Those funds come from a Federal Aviation Administration grant. In addition, CalTrans will be overseeing the State Route 299 rehabilitation project, worth over $2 million. The bid award went to the second bidder, Rocky Mountain see Streets, page 4 The City of Alturas has two committees working on projects under consideration for the John Wall Trust funds, of over $2 million. One committee is charged with the Alturas Pool and the other a Community Center. The City of Alturas Swimming Pool Committee held its first meeting on Monday, May 18, in the City Hall Council Chambers. Committee members present were Cheryl Nelson, Dick Steyer, De Funk, Karen Shimamoto and Mark Steffek. The Committee reviewed the Walls Trust and results from the community workshops which clearly stated the number one priority of having a covered swimming pool. “The Committee will work toward this goal along with other options regarding size, location and potential services eg. physical therapy sessions. Also discussed was the development of partnerships and fundraising activities, including seeking available grant opportunities,” said City Councilman Mark Steffek. As a first step, the Committee will invite three regional engineering firms to present their experience and success with other community swimming pools and what they feel would be feasible in Alturas. The Swimming Pool Committee will report their findings to the City Council at their June 16 meeting. Additional information regarding the activities of the Swimming Pool Committee will be posted on the City of Alturas website as it becomes available The Community Center committee is also meeting, and at Tuesday’s City Council meeting reported that it was working on securing a location as well as discussing just what would be included in the center. It was reported that Modoc Medical Center had sent a letter to the Council offering to help and pledging some of its Wall Trust funding to the projects. Mayor John Dederick suggested the two committees come together with engineers to look at the options on the table. Both committees will probably have a progress report at the June meeting. The Council also agreed to donate $1,000 to help offset costs of the upcoming Modoc Outdoor Recreation and Tourism’s Sportsman and Outdoor Expo to be held June 20-21 at Veteran’s Park. The Council also opted to send three cadets to the Police Academy in June. They would graduate in December and Outgoing Chief of Police Ken Barnes said that see City, page 4 County, City adopt Community Facilities Districts Modoc County and the City of Alturas have both opted in to the California Home Finance Authority and the Community Facilities District to finance renewable energy improvements for property owners. While the programs may seem a little complicated, basically it allows property owners to get into the program to install solar energy, for example, and the financing will be placed on their property tax bill. Prop see Energy page 4 Remembering their sacrifices The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pete Christensen Post 3327, with the assistance of American Legion Post 163, will hold a Memorial Day Services at the Alturas Cemetery at 11 a.m., Monday, May 25. The public is invited to the service. The Surprise Valley Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 7888, will be holding a Memorial Day service for all veterans at the Fort Bidwell Cemetery at 11 a.m. on May 25. This year, gather at Jack MacDonald’s grave, to honor Jack and all veterans who have served their country. Cool and tasty. . . IT WASN’T exactly watermelon eating weather for the Modoc Children’s Fair Saturday, but that didn’t keep the kids from munching down on the cold, red fruit during the watermeloneating contest. The weather did break up and offer some warmer hours in the afternoon. Photo by Jamie Hoover. Page 2 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 Off The RecoRd LeTTeRs To The ediToR By Rick Holloway, Editor Notes. . . Well, it’s been raining quite a lot in May, which is a really good thing, but it may not be enough to avoid summer problems since the snow pack in the high mountains is either gone or well below average. That’s not a good thing. While the City is working on water conservation issues, these last 10 days probably will help in the 25 percent cutback from 2013 the State’s looking for. There are going to be some tense days in the summer if we don’t get some needed precipitation between now and when it turns hot. It’s supposed to remain wet through Saturday with sunshine coming back after that for the week. I just read a report from the Klamath Forest in Yreka and the snow pack on their snow courses are all zero. It can’t get much worse than that, since in some of those places, the historical average is over 50 inches. Modoc does not look any better, with Cedar Pass having none until yesterday when it got two inches. Surprisingly, Dismal Swamp in the North Warners shows no snow now and Adin Mountain has one inch. That just does not bode well for summer. One bright spot for water is Jess Valley, where the season average for precipitation is only about an inch short of an 18.5-inch average. The snow level in the mountains however is at a high elevation. We are trying to run down more information on both the XL Reservation and Alturas Rancheria medicinal marijuana projects, and are making some inroads. Both are underway and going full bore, with the XL greenhouse growing like a weed – no pun intended. We know there is some opposition from tribal members in both tribes, and those issues are historic and deep set. We also know there is a lot of support for both projects and both tribes are well aware of the laws, federal, state and local, that they’ll have to follow. Our DA has said he feels the projects meet legal standards, and there are meetings going on throughout the state and here to ferret out what can or cannot be done. The one thing we do know is there will be no sales or distribution of marijuana at either site. That’s definitely not allowed. We’ll have quite a bit more about the ins and outs of the issue as we go forward, and I do expect there will be serious disagreements in law enforcement decisions. My hope is that local county law enforcement doesn’t jump the gun and get the county into a drawn out, expensive court battle. We’ll be watching their activities closely. We will also have a story here shortly with the Chief of Police concerning the real drug problem in Modoc, which is opiates and methamphetamine use. Those drugs are much more dangerous, and deadly, than marijuana and that’s where law enforcement should concentrate. Marijuana is just an easier target. Have a great week. The Modoc County RecoRd Alturas Plaindealer-Times, Surprise Valley Record Court Decree No. 6356, Modoc Superior Court July 7, 1958 The Modoc County Record (PUB No. 358-160) is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by statutes of the State of California and is published weekly, each Thursday morning in Alturas, Ca. Periodical postage paid at Alturas, Ca. and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions mailed within Modoc, Lassen or Siskiyou counties, and New Pine Creek, Or., $25; elsewhere, $30. Single issue: .50 cents, including sales tax. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, California, 96101, Copyright: The entire content of the Modoc County Record, print and online, is copyrighted. Any republishing, broadcast, rewriting, in whole or in part, without express written permission is prohibited. Publishers Richard R. and Jane S. Holloway Rick Holloway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nancy Richardson . . Accounts, Legals Nicole Hinton . . . . . . . . .Advertising Manager/ Webmaster Jamie Hoover . . . . . . Advertising Sales Vanessa Thomason . . . . . . Classsifieds The Modoc County Record is privately owned. 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas, Ca. 96101 PHONE (530) 233-2632 FAX: (530) 233-5113 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] Proud members of: California Press Association Dogs did good job training Dear Editor: The HPHS dog show at last Saturday’s Children’s Fair brought home several truths about dogs and their people. While it’s a fact that dogs’ behavior improves drastically with human care, contact and training, a less frequently acknowledged truth is the improvement in humans who are dog owners. While this dog show revealed the gentle side of a variety of canine participants – Rottweiler, Pitbulls, Chihuahuas, Papillon, Miniature Schnauzer and several other breeds and mixes of breeds - it also revealed the good nature, kindness, generosity, humor and sensibility of the participating dog owners and handlers. I conclude that our dog friends do a very fine job of training their humans. If the world were actually “going to the dogs,” all our lives might be greatly improved. Sincerely, Dodie McGough Alturas, CA Critical ecosystem in danger, California’s primary water supply at risk The Sierra Nevada Region is the source of more than 60 percent of the state’s water supply. It provides drinking water for 23 million people and irrigation water to the nation’s most fertile agricultural land. Climate change, catastrophic forest fires and ongoing drought are placing this important region at risk. The impacts to forests, habitat, agriculture, public health, energy and safety are far reaching. On March 4, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, in partnership with the United States Forest Service (USFS), will launch the Sierra Nevada Watershed Improvement Program (WIP) in a half-day summit called “Save California: The Urgency to Restore Our Primary Watershed.” The agenda included a stakeholder discussion to craft solutions that will l restore the forests and watersheds of the Sierra Nevada and make more resilient to changing climate stressors. About the Watershed Improvement Program The Sierra Nevada Watershed Improvement Program (WIP) is a coordinated, integrated, collaborative program to restore the health and resiliency of California’s primary watershed through increased investment and needed policy changes. The WIP builds upon the broad consensus that more must be done to restore Sierra Nevada forests and watersheds. The pace and scale of science-based ecological restoration needs to dramatically increase in order to stem the tide of large, uncharacteristic wildfires and further degradation of these ecosystems. This comprehensive effort is being organized and coordinated by the state’s Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the federal United States Forest Service, in close partnership with additional federal, state, local agencies, and diverse stakeholders. For more information about the WIP please visit wip. Created in 2004, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) is a state agency whose mission is to improve the environmental, economic, and social well-being of the Sierra Nevada Region. The SNC has awarded over $50 million in grants for projects to protect and enhance the health of California’s primary watersheds by improving forest health, remediating mercury contamination from abandoned mines, protecting critical natural resources and reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Funding for these projects came from Proposition 84 passed by voters in 2006. The Sierra Nevada Region spans 25 million acres, encompasses all or part of 22 counties, and runs from the Oregon border on the north, to Kern County on the south. The Region is the origin of more than 60 percent of California’s developed water supply. Additional information can be found at Letters An Open Forum: Mail letters to the Editor to P.O. Box 531, Alturas, Ca. 96101 or email to rick@ modoc record. com Where to write Modoc County Supervisor – District 1 Dave Allan (530) 279-2172 [email protected] District 2 Patricia Cullins (530) 640-0080 [email protected]. District 3 Kathie Alves, 530-233-6201 [email protected]. District 4 Jim Wills 530-640-1963 jimwills@ District 5 Geri Byrne 541-891-7518 [email protected] State of California Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr. c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-316 Fresno Office 2550 Mariposa Mall #3013 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 559-4455295 Fax: 559-4455328 Los Angeles Office 300 South Spring Street Suite 16701 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone: 213-8970322 Fax: 213-8970319 State Senator - District 1 Senator Ted Gaines State Capitol, Room 3056 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 6514001 Fax: (916) 3242680 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 112 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Phone: (916) 9337213 Fax: (916) 9337234 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 112 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Phone: (916) 9337213 Fax: (916) 9337234 33 C Broadway, Jackson CA 95642; (209) 223-9140 State Assembly - District 1 Brian Dahle State Capitol PO Box 942849 Room 22174 Sacramento, CA 94249 Redding Office 280 Hemsted Drive, # 110 Redding, CA 96002 (530) 2236300 (530) 223-6737 fax US Congress Representative Doug LaMalfa 506 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3076 Fax: (202) 225-5444 Oroville Office (530) 534-7100 Redding Office (530) 605-4339 Senator Barbara Boxer SH-112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3553 1130 O Street, Suite 2450 Fresno, California 93721 (559) 497-5109 Senator Dianne Feinstein SH-331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3841 1130 O Street, Suite 2446 Fresno, California 93721 (559) 485-9689 Looking Back 75 Years Ago - 1940 “GONE WITH the Wind” is coming to the Niles Theatre, Sunday…. Seventytwo teachers and instructors are taking part in the school workshop at Modoc Union High School…. Francis L. Drag, Rural Supervisor for Modoc Schools, has accepted an appointment to the State Board of Education in the elementary division…. Ralph “Cash” Lightner has been named to head the Fourth of July Parade Committee…. Dr. Ed Conwell will head the delegation of 20-30 membership to the state convention at Hoberg’s…. City and county workers began preparing the Alturas Municipal Airport that is laid out and contemplated west of Alturas…. Mrs. Cecil Baker has been named chairperson of the Modoc Republican women…. 70 Years Ago - 1945 FARMERS EXCHANGE has expanded with a branch office in Cedarville, which will be located in the Robinson Building on Main Street…. Heavy spring rains have raised the annual precipitation mark to 14.15 inches…. Brunel Christensen, a Lieutenant with the Rainbow Division, has been cited by three men. He was also one of the first officers into the infamous Dachau concentration camp…. 65 Years Ago - 1950 THE ANNUAL Rotary Fish Derby has 32 youngsters participating Tuesday, and 82 fish were weighed in during the two hour contest. The youngest fisherman to catch a fish was Bobby Schorch…. A hotly contested primary election will be held this year. There are 4,595 registered to vote in Modoc…. Forty acres burned at Long Bell Camp in the first forest fire of the season…. Walt Rodman, Modoc Fair manager, has been named Modoc bull sale chairman, replacing Jack Hays…. There are 77 head of animals consigned to the second annual Junior Livestock Show and sale…. 60 Years Ago - 1955 HESTER STEIL has been named to Girls State…. Likely ropers have changed the rodeo date from July 3 and 4 to June 18 and 19…. 50 Years Ago - 1965 THE GODESS of Liberty contest will be reinstalled for Fandango Days and local girls are presently being lined up to be judged entirely on looks and personality…. Ann Koza of Alturas is this year’s candidate for Girls State representative for Modoc…. The rattlesnake is the least advertised member of Modoc wildlife, for obvious reasons…. Don’t miss the Record! A full subscription on line at www. modoc record. com Just $15 per year. May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 3 Court activity *We would like to remind the public that all persons charged with crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.* May 19, 2015 Arraignments Mishell Wong was arraigned on a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 148.5(a), filing a false police report. She was released on her own recognizance. Kelly Peile was arraigned on a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 242, battery. He was released on his own recognizance. Andrew McDaniel was arraigned on a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 14601.1(a), driving on a suspended license, and infraction violations of Vehicle Code section 4000(a), no registration and Vehicle Code section 16028(a), no insurance. He was released on his own recognizance. Sean Wolfe failed to appear for his hearing. A bench warrant was issued in the amount of $4,000. Samuel Thompson failed to appear for sentencing. A bench warrant was issued in the amount of $15,000. Tina Risa Penn failed to appear for her hearing in three cases. Bench warrants were issued in the amount of $12,500. Ashley Levan failed to appear for her hearing. A bench warrant was issued on the amount of $3,500. Justin Oakley failed to appear for his hearing. A bench warrant was issued in the amount of $3,500. May 19, 2015 Sentencing Dominic Herrera pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 23152(b), driving while under the influence with a .08% BAC or higher. He was sentenced to 48 hours in county jail, placed on three years summary probation, ordered to complete a 1st offender DUI program, and ordered to pay fines in the amount of $1,964. Ty Law pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 23103/23103.5(a), driving recklessly while intoxicated. He was sentenced to three years summary probation, ordered to complete an education component of a 1st Offender DUI program, and ordered to pay a fine in the amount of $1,494. Morning Martinez pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 23152(b), driving while under the influence with a .08% BAC or higher. She was sentenced to 48 hours in county jail, placed on three years summary probation, ordered to complete a 1st offender DUI program, and ordered to pay fines in the amount of $1,964. Fernando Andradeleon pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 23152(a), driving while under the influence. He was sentenced to 48 hours in county jail, placed on three years summary probation, ordered to complete a 1st offender DUI program, and ordered to pay fines in the amount of $1,964. James Ostrander pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 23152(b), driving while under the influence with a .08% BAC or higher, and admitted his BAC was greater than .15%. He was sentenced to 48 hours in county jail, placed on three years summary probation, ordered to complete a 1st offender DUI program, and ordered to pay fines in the amount of $1,964. Ralph Lancaster pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor violations of Penal Code section 647(f), public intoxication. He was sentenced to 60 days county jail. PUBLIC MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT The Net: www. modoc record. com dance. Please feel free to join us for this meeting. If you cannot attend please direct comments to the Modoc County Road Department at 530-2336422. Minor injuries in accident Only minor injuries were reported in a single vehicle rollover May 13, 8:19 p.m. on Termo-Grasshopper Road, about .5 miles east of Mitchell Road. According to the California Highway Patrol, Frank G. Orosco, 79, of Termo, was eastbound in a 2013 Fiat at about 50-60 m.p.h when he reached to the passenger floorboards to grab a piece of paper. He felt the Fiat drive off the pavement onto the gravel shoulder. The car left the road and traveled down a small embankment before rolling an undetermined number of times across a field. It came to rest in the field south of TermoGrasshopper Road. After the wreck, Orosco called a friend and Pioneer Towing and awaited their arrival. He said he was properly wearing his lap and shoulder restraint. The Fiat’s side-curtain airbags deployed during the wreck, limiting his injuries to a complaint of pain to his left side. MJUSD menus Breakfast: Friday, May 22 - Scones, juice/fruit and milk. Monday, May 25 - No School. Tuesday, May 26 French toast sticks, juice. Wednesday, May 27 Cinnamon rolls, juice/ fruit and milk. Thursday, May 28 Pancake on a stick, juice/ fruit and milk.. Friday, May 29- Biscuit and gravy, juice/fruit and milk.. Lunch: Friday, May 22 - Grilled chicken sandwich, chips, peas, chocolate chip cookies and milk. Monday, May 25 - No school. Tuesday, May 26 - Hamburgers with pickles, chips, green beans, fruit and milk. Wednesday, May 27 - Pizza Nada, refried beans, tomatoes, oranges and milk. Thursday, May 28 Chili with beans, carrots, cornbread, apple slices and milk. Friday, May 29 - Hot dog, salad with broccoli, frozen fruit cups and milk. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 23 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. located at 425 archer ave., altUras 1992 3 Bed/2 Bath Home in Brooks Park. Property goes with this well cared for home. All appliances and some furniture also included with the home. Low maintenance yard and a large metal shop. Shop could easily be made into a 2 car garage. All for only $65,900. for more information call terrY QUirK at 530-640-2070 5/21 The Modoc County Road Department will be holding a public meeting at the Canby Fire Station on June 11, 2015 at 4:00 p.m., to discuss possible solutions to the traffic problems at County Road 82, 83 and State Highway 299 in Canby. The Modoc County Road Department, Modoc County Transportation Commission members and representatives from Cal Trans will be in atten- CHP report-- CA DRE LIC#01261538 • 530-640-2070 • [email protected] 5 DAY FORECAST MODOC • MAY 21 - 25, 2015 Point Forecast - 4 Alturas, CA • 120.55ºW (Elev. ft) Issued by National Weather Miles S 41.43ºN 4398 NOAA’s Service Thursday: A chance of showers, with thunderstorms also possible after 11am. Cloudy, with a high near 64. West northwest wind 3 to 6 mph. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Thursday Night: A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy, with a low around 46. Northwest wind 6 to 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 40%. Friday: A chance of showers, with thunderstorms also possible after 11am. Cloudy, with a high near 63. Northwest wind 6 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Friday Night: A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 43. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Saturday: A 20 percent chance Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a of showers and thunderstorms high near 68. after 11am. Mostly sunny, with Sunday Night: Partly cloudy, with a high near 63. Saturday Night: Partly cloudy, a low around 39. with a low around 38. Memorial Day: A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly sunny, with a high near 69. 5year7s Maxwell’s Nursery Our Business is Growing! DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES Paul F. Dolby Call us for help with any of your insurance needs •HOME•AUTO •LIFE•HEALTH •RANCH INSURANCE 1030 N. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-2616 5/21 It’s The Perfect Time To Plant. . . Potato & Onion Sets While Supplies Last! "Modoc's Premier Nursery" 512 W. 4th Street, Alturas CA 530-233-5766 Maxwell’s Nursery Memorial Day % OFF 15 SALE Friday - May 22, Saturday - May 23, Sunday - May 24 & Monday - May 25 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ALL Annual Bedding Plants PANSY, PETUNIAS, WAVE, SUPERTUNIAS, ALYSSUM, IMPATIENS, BEGONIAS & MORE! AVAILABLE IN 6 PACKS, 4” & MORE ALL Basket Stuffers & Premiums 2” & 4” BASKET STUFFERS AND 4” PREMIUM ANNUALS ALL AVAILABLE IN #1 SIZE & 4” Hardy Perennials ALL ALL Vegetables Bagged Goods AVAILABLE IN 6 PACK, #1 SIZE & 4” LISTED IN OUR AD, CHECK IT TOMATOES, PEPPERS, CABBAGE, SWISS CHARD, BROCCOLI & MORE! OUT ON THE SPORTS PAGE! NOTE: ALL SALE ITEMS TO BE CARRIED OUT AT TIME OF PURCHASE “HOLD ITEMS ~ NO DISCOUNTS” LIMITED TO HUGE STOCK ON HAND “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” Our Business Is Growing! “Those who know, know where to go! That’s Maxwell’s Nursery!” 5/21 512 W. 4th St., Alturas, CA • 530-233-5766 Page 4 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 from front page Streets from front page Construction will likely begin in June and be completed by October. For additional information please contact Pedersen, MCTC at 530-0233-6410 or Eric Akana, Caltrans Project Manager at 530225-3530. The project goes from Oak Street west and has been in the works for years. The California Department of Transportation will begin road improvements from 0.2 miles west of Mill Street to 0.1 mile east of Oak Street. Improvements will include eight-foot shoulders, from Warner Street to Oak Street, to provide additional width for bike and pedestrian traffic. New gutters and culverts will be installed to prevent standing water and ice and improve drainage. Paving will also take place in front of businesses between Juniper Street and Oak Street along SR 299. The road will be widened to accommodate a left turn pocket in front of the proposed hospital on North Nagle Street. In addition, a radar speed advisory sign will be installed near Mill Street to help warn traffic as it enters Alturas. Work on the project is expected to occur during daytime hours. Traffic control, with flaggers, will be in effect Monday through Friday from May through November. CalTrans has established a Road Construction Hotline to keep motorists updated on this and other Caltrans projects. Please call (530) 225-3452 . City gram and be subject to the property tax assessment that is used to repay project financing. Again, this can only be done if: the County and City adopted a resolution consenting to the inclusion of parcels in the unincorporated areas of the county to be in the PACE program and; Each participating property owner consents in writing to the annexation into the PACE program. The following are PACE program considerations: Supports development of renewable energy sources, installation of energy and water efficiency improvements, reduction of greenhouse gases and protection of the environment. Only property owners who voluntarily choose to participate in the program will be subject to assessments or special taxes. This method makes payment more secure for lenders and the program financing becomes an affordable method for property owners seeking to reduce energy bills or improve their property. The program financing can be transferred upon sale. This benefits owners such as seniors or others who may seek to improve their property lower energy costs, but know they may sell in the future. Early payment of premiums may apply in some circumstances, but property owners can choose to pay off the program financing at any time. The county or city does not incur financial obligations by participating in the program and it only has a minor increase in responsibility by the Tax Collector, Auditor and Administrative offices. Top five questions about financing and the Ygrene financing company. 1. What does Ygrene (the financing entity) do? Ygrene provides special financing known as Property Assessed Clean Energy (P.A.C.E.), which allows you to finance improvements to your property by putting the financed amount on your property tax bill. Ygrene offers our program in partnership with your local city or county government. The partnership enables the program to provide low cost financing over long terms with zero money out of your pocket. With Ygrene, you will save energy and money and your city gets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 2. How can I use the funds? Our funds can be used by both residential and commercial property owners. Funding is available for any project that creates renewable energy such as solar, saves energy such as a high-efficiency heating and air-conditioning system and water conservation projects such as net-zero landscaping. 3. Why is making a payment on my property tax bill a great idea? Making payments on your property tax bill is a great idea for many reasons. First, it saves you money and makes Ygrene America’s best financing option. The payment is tax-deductible which reduces your effective cost. Additionally, just like property The Record Online at www. modocrecord. com email: record1@ modocrecord. com from front page would bring the department up to full staffing. The APD has not been up to full strength for some time. Barnes is retiring on June 16, and the Council voted to advertise within the City for five days for applicants to fill the position. Barnes said he will be available to work after he retires, and will, but is restricted to how many hours he can be officially on duty. California Pines Lodge PHONE (530) 233-5842 SPECIALS of the WEEK $17.95 Filet of Orange Roughy 750 Shasta View Drive, Alturas Reservations Are Recommended Boneless Pork Loin Chops Two pork chops breaded, fried and smothered in country gravy. Jalapeño Chicken Bacon & $9.95 Ranch Sandwich **SALAD BAR NOT INCLUDED** 5/21 4/9 Thank you to All Who Have Served. For Appointment CALL 530-233-4900 151 N. Court Stree t • Alturas, CA 96101 5/21 Triad Properties and Vernon Knoch ARE RETIRING! All Agriculture related real estate should be directed to Dennis Tate at Modoc Realty 335 N. Main St. • Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3133 MMC logo – JPG format can be resized and inserted in Word documents The subjects for presentation and discussion will be: •SummaryofthePreliminaryArchitecturalReport •Presentationanddiscussionregardingthepreliminaryfloorplan. Anyonewithinterest,questionsand/orinputisencouragedtoattend. If you have questions before the meeting, you can contact Dee Blondo, LFHD Clerk at 530-233-7022. 228 W. McDowell Ave. • Alturas, CA 96101 Keep In Touch With CLIP OUT & MAIL IN MODOC COUNTY Please mark the appropriate box below and give us your information to start your new subscription. NAME CITY STATE IN COUNTY ADDRESS ZIP PHONE OUT OF COUNTY Use this box if you live IN Modoc, Use this box if you live OUTSIDE of Modoc, Siskiyou or Lassen Counties Siskiyou or Lassen Counties $ 25 $ 00 ST BE UE! L VA IncludeONLINE ONLINESubscription Subscription Include Add $5 to your subscription cost for a total of $30. ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $ 00 Sunday Brunch Special $9.95 15 Plus, Soft Serve Ice Cream Sundae Bar 3000 Mail Subscription Mail Subscription $18.95 Lounge open: Thursday & Friday, 4 p.m. To Close • saTurday & sunday, 10 a.m. To Close Dining Hours: Thursday, Friday & saTurday, 5 p.m. To 9 p.m. • sunday, 10 a.m. To 2 p.m. Happy Memorial Day, Last Frontier Healthcare District will be holding a public meeting to discuss the proposed building of a new hospital and clinic. The next meeting is: •Thursday,May28that5:00pm •IntheCityCouncilChambersatCityHall. Saturday Specials Breakfast & Lunch Entrees, Salad Bar & Dessert. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet CAREY’S GROOMING NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Entrees include salad bar and ice cream sundae bar. We only use USDA Choice Meat. USDA Choice Slow Roasted Prime Rib Dinner We will be closed May 28 for a special event. $14.95 tax, the payments can stay with the property when you move. The new owners make future payments while also enjoying the energy and tax savings benefits. Further, depending on when you install your upgrade, you won’t have to make a payment for up to 17 months. There are many more benefits to this innovative financing. Please contact one of our certified Ygrene contractors or Ygrene financing specialists to learn more. 4. Why would I use Ygrene financing over traditional financing? Our longer terms and tax advantages deliver the lowest monthly payments – saving you up to 50 percent or more over traditional financing. Add in other benefits such as payments that stay with your property, zero money down and no payments for up to 17 months. 5/14 erty owners have the choice on whether to get into the program. The program offers property owners the opportunity to finance many energy and water efficiency improvements visa the annual property tax bill. This is an elected assessment, which the property owner must agree to enter into. The assessment follows the property, not the property owner and, in most cases, may be pre-paid. According to County Chief Administrative Officer Chester Robertson, Senate Bill 555 amended the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act to allow for the creation of Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) for the purpose of financing or refinancing the acquisition, installation and improvement of energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy and electric vehicle charging infrastructure improvement permanently affixed to private or publicly-owned real property. Individual properties can be annexed into the district and be subject to the assessment or special tax to repay project financing only if: the County adopted a resolution consenting to the inclusion of parcels in the unincorporated areas of the county to be within the CFD and; each participating property owner provides unanimous (some properties have more than one owner) written approval for annexation of a property into the PACE CFD. AB 811 PACE Contractual Assessment Program: The Assembly Bill 811, the California Legislature added Chapter 29 to the Improvement Bond Act of 1911, being Division 7 of the California Streets and Highways code. The legislation authorizes cities and counties to establish voluntary contractual assessment programs for the purpose of financing private property improvements that promote renewable energy generation, energy and water efficiency and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. As with the SB 555 Community Facilities District, properties can be annexed into the AB 811 PACE pro- ST BE UE! L VA Include ONLINE Subscription Add $5 to your subscription cost for a total of $35. Make checks payable to Modoc County Record. We accept credit card payments. Please call our office at 530-233-2632 if you prefer to pay this way. Online Subscription RECORD THE MODOC COUNTY 01/10 Energy P.O. Box 531 • Alturas, CA 96101 Ph (530) 233-2632 •Fax (530) 233-5113 • [email protected] May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 5 Cattlemen’s Field Day set Modoc County Cattlemen’s Association Spring Field Day will bring together cattlemen and others interested on Sunday, June 7. Meet at the auction yard at 9 a.m. A guided tour through Devil’s Garden will be followed by a provided barbecue lunch at noon at Crowder Flat Station. Please bring a chair, as seating for lunch is limited at Crowder Flat Station. Starting this Friday, May 22 through Labor Day DAVIS CREEK MERCANTILE FRIDAY NIGHT BARBECUE Every Friday • 5 - 8 P.M. Serving Beef & Pork Ribs, Tri-Tip & Chicken with Coleslaw, Beans & Bread to go orders welcome, call 530-233-3758 41942 HWY 395 • Davis Creek, CA 96108 5/21 Sam Hadwick, Kaycee Cuzick and Haley Dancer, Davis Creek 4-H Club staffing the Children’s Fair booth. Project Pillowcase closing in on goal 2015 Modoc SportSMan’S & outdoor Expo JunE 20 & 21, 2015 Saturday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Veterans memorial park • 500 S. main Street/HWy 395 • alturas, Ca Sage Cuzick, Davis Creek 4-H is excited about the colorful pillowcase materials. Alturas. “Special thanks to all of the ladies in town who donated material and their sewing time already. Modoc 4-H members are excited to show how much they care about their community and their state by completing this lofty goal of 500 pillowcases,” Hadwick expressed. We now have new Behavioral Health Providers BARBARA BUCHANAN PATRICK CURRAN ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED E-mail: [email protected] Appointments may be made by calling the 140 P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 (541) 533-2105 Westside Rd. LAKEVIEW 395 Behavioral Health receptionist at 530-335-0340 SATURDAY APRIL 26, 2014 Reed Rd. REED ROAD - LAKEVIEW, ORE. SALE SITE 140 Available 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday Garrett Road From Klamath Falls Available 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! Lic. Marriage & Family Therapist Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. Licensed Psychologist, Ph.D For insurance eligibility please contact our Intake Eligibility clerk prior to scheduling an appointment at 530-335-3651. 5/7 Modoc County Transfer Station LOCATIONS & SUMMER HOURS INC. AUCTION PARTIAL LIST WE’VE GOT MORE CONSIGNMENTS COMING IN DAILY! lls ath Fa LAKEVIEW FARM AND CONSTRUCTION AUCTION AUCTION SATURDAY APRIL 26th, 2014 LAKEVIEW 11:00 A.M. PREVIEW Friday April 25th 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday April 26th 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. Food Concessionaire! Limited Consignments Being Taken! • Tractors • Trucks 140 • Farm Equipment BLY From Lakeview • Trailers Westside Rd. • Vehicles 140 • Miscellaneous 140 From Klamath Falls P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 541-533-2105 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Eric 541-891-7863 Jeff 541-891-2551 Sale ManagedE-mail: and Conducted by nikki@ P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 541-533-2105 GOOSE LAKE Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. Garrett Road SALE SITE Reed Rd. 10 A.M. AND 6 P.M. BEATTY 395 Newell WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! Lookout Reed Rd. From Sprague River GOOSE LAKE Lake City Garrett Road SALE SITE Fort Bidwell Water Reed Rd. Users Rd. Eagleville Klam Davis Creek From lls ath Fa nanza Klam BLY From Lakeview Ivory Pine Road Adin nanza SALE SITE WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! From Bo From 140 From Bo BEATTY AUCTION From Sprague River Ivory Pine Road Alturas Sale Managed and Conducted by Interested in learning TRUCKS & TRAILERS - LINK BELT 50 TON 4X4 CRANE • 1995 more from experts about SATURDAY May 23rd, 2015 SPRING FREIGHTLINER W/FLATBED, 2 5/16 TRAILER BALL, 22.5 TIRES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Open Wednesday, growing a garden? Stop CUMMINS 9SPD W/ JAKES, EXCELLENT CONDITION • 1966 KW For receipt of a registration number buyer agrees that CONSIGNMENT if highest bid is accepted the following terms of the sale 923A NARROW NOSE BIG CAM 3 400 5X4 TRANS SSHD REARS are by part ofthe the then formed workshop contract between the Seller free on Saturday & Sunday 16135 Co. Rd. 60 • 1998 FORD GAS 7 YARD DUMP TRUCK • 1984 FREIGHTLIN(represented by the Auctioneer) and the Buyer. The contract AUCTION ER CAB OVER BIG CAM 400, 13SPD MERRIT CATTLE BOX W/ is enforceable when the auctioneer accepts28 the buyer’s offer. Thursday, May at 7 1. Property is sold “As Is - Where Is” and Buyer relies MERRIT PULL TRAILER • 1996 16’ FEATHERLITE ALUMINUM exclusively on pre-auction personal inspection and not May 23rd, 2015 p.m. at the Church of STOCK TRAILER • 1978 18’ NECKOVER STOCK TRAILER • on representation or warranties expressed or implied in Open 2nd Friday 2007 12’ CHALLENGER CARTO TRAILER W/SIDE DOOR AND any way. While descriptions are believed to be correct, PREVIEW JesuswillChrist of Latterauctioneers not be held responsible for advertising 2 REAR DOORS • WALTON 24000# EQUIPMENT TRAILER W/ discrepancies. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. FRIDAY 22nd NO100 PARKING of each month Co. Rd. 88A RAMPS, EXCELLENT CONDITION • TOWMASTER EQUIPMENT day inSaints, East 13th 2. Payment full must be made 104 at conclusion of the auction. ON HWY. 140 TRAILER • 40 TON LOWBOY W/BEAVERTAIL • 24000# EQUIPNo items will be allowed to be removed until satisfactory 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. payment has beenjust made. Payment to be made in cash, MENT TRAILER W/RAMPS • 5TH WHEEL 24’ SINGLE AXLE Street, behind the cashier’s check, certified check, MasterCard, Visa, or AUCTION HD TILT BED TRAILER • 10 YD HYDRAULIC DUMP TRAILER • Open 1st Friday Discover. Company or personal checks over $2,500 will AT THE JUNCTION OF HIGHWAY Essex Motel, Alturas. 1998 BLAKE GOOSENECK 16’ STOCK TRAILER • 2000 BLAKE not be accepted without letter guaranteeing payment SATURDAY 23rd 140 AND IVORY PINE ROAD GOOSENECK 16’ STOCK TRAILER & MORE! made out to Duarte Sales, Inc.. Federal and State laws of each month Co. Rd. 133E Clayton BLY,100 OREGON and Cedarville’s penalties for failure to settle and pay shall apply. and 10:00 A.M. TRACTORS - KAMATSU D65E W/SEMI U BLADE W/HYDRAU3. Duarte Sales, Inc. may, under certain conditions, bid on LICS TILTS • IH 5088 TRACTOR W/CAB • 2004 NH LS180 SKID behalf of pre-approved absentee buyers. Vickie Oilar will be the 4. Bidder acknowledges that an auction site is a potentially dangerous place. Flammable, noxious, corrosive and AT THE JUNCTION OF HIGHWAY 140 AND STEER • JD 4430 120HP TRACTOR W/CAB AND DUALS • WHITE Open 1st & 3rd pressurized substances are present, heavy equipment is being operated and electric circuits may be live. Every 120HP TRACTOR W/CAB • FERMEC 640B 4X4, 4 IN 1 BUCKET, featured speakers. ClayIVORY PINE ROAD person at the auction site at any time shall be there at his own risk with notice of the condition of the premises 8 WAY HYDRAULIC GANNON BOX SCRAPER • CASE 580 SUBLY, OREGON and the activities thereon and Bidder shall so advise his agents and employees. No person shall have any claim Sunday each month 100 Co. Rd. 38A ton was the Agricultural PER E 4X4 BACKHOE W/THUMB • FORD COMMERCIAL BACKagainst Auctioneers, their agents, employees, or principals for any injuries sustained, nor for damages to or loss of property which may occur from any cause whatsoever. HOE • FARMALL TRACTOR W/MOWER DECK • KUBOTA B7200 SALE Teacher and FFA Advisor SITE 4X4 TRACTOR W/LOADER • CASE 580D BACKHOE 4700HRS, 4 Open 1st Thursday IN 1 BUCKET • W9 MCCORMIC DEERING TRACTOR • 9N FORD for many years at CedarTRACTOR W/BLADE • FORD 9N TRACTOR • JD 7700 & MORE! WATCH VEHICLES & ATV’S - 2005 CHEVY 2500 4X4 4 DOOR • 2004 FOR THE 100 Co. Rd. 3 of each month ville High School. His stuSIGNS! DODGE 1500 4X4 SHORT BOX • 1997 FORD F350 W/TOOL BOXES AND AIR COMPRESSOR • 1993 DODGE 4X4 CUMMINS DIESEL W/ dents often won top honors NO PARKING FACTORY FLATBED • 2009 4X4 700 FUEL INJECTED RANGER W/ Open Friday & ON HWY. 140 in soils at FFA Contests. TOP AND WINDSHIELD • 2006 700 RANGER 4X4 FUEL INJECTED W/FULL CAB • POLARIS 450 SPORTSMAN 4X4 • HONDA RANCHER 4X4 ATV & MORE COMING! FOOD CONCESSIONAIRE! 100 Co. Rd. 15C Vickie and Clayton are Saturday HAYING EQUIPMENT - HYSTER HAY SQUEEZE • NH 580 BALER 2 TIE LIKE NEW, LESS THAN 500 BALES – OWNER SOLD FARM AND MUST SELL! • NH BR780 ROUND BALER • FREEMAN perpetual Blue Ribbon 10% Buyers Premium on gross sales 330 BALER W/WISCONSIN ENGINE • FREEMAN 370 HYDRAULIC DRIVEN BALER • NH 580 of $500 or less. No Buyers Premium BALER • NH 216 HYDRAULIC RAKES • HESSTON ROUND BALER • NH 2 TWINE BALER • 3PT winners at Modoc District on gross sales of $501 or more. 12’ DISC BINE • HESSTON GRAPPLES • SITREX TEDDAR U400 RAKE • KUHN GMD 700 DISC Open Sundays Fair for their garden harMOWER • KUHN GMD 66 DISC MOWER • 8 WHEEL RAKE & MUCH MORE!! 100 Co. Rd. 93B FARM EQUIPMENT - 10’ TUF TURF PASTURE AERATOR • 3PT BACKHOE ATTACHMENT • 3PT 5’ vests. Sheila Gilliam will HOWSE BRUSH HOG • 16’ SPIKETOOTH HARROW • 3PT DEMCO BOOM SPRAYER 25’ W/TANK Sale Managed and Conducted by & PTO PUMP • RING ROLLERS • IH 10’ OFFSET DISC • 6’ BRUSH BEATER • CORWELL WATER explain how anyone can INC. PUMP W/DEUTZ DIESEL ENGINE • (2) JD FERTILIZER SPREADERS • HYDAULIC POSTHOLE Open Saturdays AUGER W/2 AUGERS • SNOW CO. GRAIN ELEVATOR GAS POWERED ON WHEELS • JUMBO 250 Co. Rd. 178 begin and build a threeRIPPER • 3PT 4’ PTO ROTOTILLER • JD 3PT POSTHOLE AUGER • 7’ 3PT REAR BLADE • P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 PULL MF 6’ BOX SCRAPER • HAY FORKS FOR TRACTOR • PALLET FORKS • ROUND BALE CARRIER month storage program. P.O. Box 6 Sites are open between the hours of (541) 533-2105 • FRONT END LOADER FOR TRACTOR • M&W LITTLE RED WAGON HAY FEEDER & MORE! Beatty, OR 97621 WE WILL START AT 10 A.M. ON THE SMALL Joanne Montague will LIVESTOCK & MISCELLANEOUS - LOADING CHUTE • POWDER RIVER SQUEEZE CHUTE • ITEMS. AT 12 NOON WE WILL START ON THE 541-533-2105 Office WEST GUARD SQUEEZE CHUTE • CATTLE BLOCKING CHUTE • 6” MAINLINE • 4” HANDLINE • Eric 541-891-7863 LARGE ITEMS. DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE E-mail: [email protected] have some garden treats 541-891-2551 Jeff 3” HAND LINE • 2” HAND LINE • HAY ELEVATORS • PIPE FITTINGS • 5” MAINLINE • PRESSURE AUCTION WE MAY HAVE A SECOND AUCTIONEER Jeff 541-891-7863 541-891-2551 Eric WITH TWO AUCTION RINGS WORKING TO BETTER WASHER • DRILL PRESS • PORTABLE GAS POWERED WELDER / GENERATOR • ELECTRIC Call 530-233-7660 for information or station fees. to eat. Everyone welcome. SERVE OUR BUYERS AND CONSIGNORS. HACKSAW • COMMERCIAL PIPE THREADER • SNOW BLOWER • HONDA YARD TRACTOR W MOWER AND ROTOTILLER • JD LAWN MOWER W/GRASS CATCHER • CRAFTSMAN MOWER County of Modoc Administration For info please call Rollie ADDRESS SERVICE& Conducted REQUESTED Sale Managed by • CUB CADES RIDING LAWN MOWER LT 1042 204 HOURS, LIKE NEW! • TOOLS • 3PT RMI-C 5/21/15 Duarte Sales, Inc. 204 S. Court Street • Alturas, CA 96101 120 GALLON SPRAYER WITH BOOM• LOTS OF SHOP TOOLS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! Gilliam, 530-233-6669. 5/14 P.O. Box 6 • Beatty, OR 97621 541-533-2105 Eric 541-891-7863 Jeff 541-891-2551 AUCTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS PHONE (530)335-3651 • 36977 Park Ave. • Burney, CA 96013 For receipt of a registration number buyer agrees that if highest bid is accepted the following terms of the sale are part of the then formed contract between the Seller (represented by the Auctioneer) and the Buyer. The contract is enforceable when the auctioneer accepts the buyer’s offer. 1. Property is sold “As Is - Where Is” and Buyer relies exclusively on preauction personal inspection and not on representation or warranties expressed or implied in any way. While descriptions are believed to be correct, auctioneers will not be held responsible for advertising discrepancies. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. 2. Payment in full must be made at conclusion of the auction. No items will be allowed to be removed until satisfactory payment has been made. Payment to be made in cash, cashier’s check, certified check, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover. Company or personal checks over $2,500 will not be accepted without letter guaranteeing payment made out to Duarte Sales. Federal and State laws and penalties for failure to settle and pay shall apply. 3. Duarte Sales may, under certain conditions, bid on behalf of preapproved absentee buyers. 4. Bidder acknowledges that an auction site is a potentially dangerous place. Flammable, noxious, corrosive and pressurized substances are present, heavy equipment is being operated and electric circuits may be live. Every person at the auction site at any time shall be there at his GOOSE LAKE own risk with notice of the condition of the premises and the activities thereon and Bidder shall so advise his agents and employees. No person shall have any claim against Auctioneers, their agents, employees, or principals for any injuries sustained, nor for damages to or loss of property which may occur from any cause whatsoever. Hear expert gardening tips early bird registration May 27 from 4 – 6:30 p.m. at Alturas Elementary School Multipurpose Room. Discount fee, $45. After May 27, fee increases to $55. Other registration dates TBA. Players must be age four by July 31, 2015. For more info please call Andria Young, 530-708-0853 or Jayme Bateman, 530519-5708. Each child will receive a pair of socks and ball when season starts. 5. It is buyers responsibility if purchasing a vehicle to know his or her states protocol and regulations. Auction company and its employees make no claims as to vehicles eligibility in to any state. Celebrating its 60th annual Junior Horse Show, the Modoc County Sheriff’s Posse invites youth horsemen, up to age 18, to participate in the 60th annual Posse Junior Horse Show on May 23, starting at 9 a.m. at the Junior Livestock Ground in Alturas. Spectators encouraged. Free entry with ribbons for all age groups and classes; top finishers in each age category and Best All Around recognitions. Class divisions include: GreenHorn for ages 7 and younger; Junior for ages 8 -13 and Senior for ages 14-18. Obtain entry forms at True Value, Modoc Farm Supply, Modoc Veterinary Center, Likely General Store and Adin Supply. Mail entry forms to Sheriff’s Posse, P.O. Box 1408, Alturas, CA 96101. 6. All purchases must be removed from auction site by April 28th unless prior arrangements made. AUCTION PIT RIVER HEALTH SERVICE Youth Soccer 60th Posse Junior Horse signups Modoc Youth Soccer will open registration for boys Show this Saturday and girls ages 4-13 during Disclaimer: All item(s) may be added to or deleted from the auction. Duarte Sales Company cannot guarantee the availability of item(s) for sale on auction day. Please call the auction site to confirm an item(s) availability. The Modoc County 4-H Club is trying to raise awareness and collect 500 handmade pillowcases to be donated to various children’s hospitals in the state. The project stems from a challenge put forth from California State 4-H office to have all of the counties in the state bring pillowcases to the State Field Day on May 30 in Davis, CA. “The states goal is 500 and our Modoc County HI 4-H and All-star members wanted to bring 500 just from our county to match the state. We are well on our way after our booth at the Children’s Fair,” explained Heather Hadwick, Modoc County 4-H Coordinator. Modoc County 4-H hosted a Children’s Fair booth last Saturday, set up with machines and material, for children and adults to sew pillowcases to donate. “Over 60 pillowcases were made just on Saturday and we are now up to 364,” said Sara McCoy of Providence 4-H Club. “We are asking anyone who can sew, to make one or two pillowcases to donate if they can. We have come this far, one by one, and plan on making our goal of 500. We can accept pillowcases until Thursday, May 28, as we leave for the State Field Day on Friday,” added Hadwick. Pillowcase or material donations may be dropped off at the County 4-H office at 202 W. Fourth Street in WATCH FOR THE SIGNS! AU 140 From Klamath Falls Westside Rd. LAKEVIEW 140 • Miscellaneous PERMIT NO. 25 KLAMATH FALLS, OR 395 U.S. POSTAGE PAID FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORTED Page 6 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 Obituary Obituary Frederick Derner Frederick (Fred) William Derner, born April 26, 1938, and went to be with Our Lord on May 15, 2015 at Modoc Medical Center in Alturas, California at 8:30 a.m. He is preceded in death by his father Jacob Derner, mother Anna Derner and nephew Zachery Derner. He is survived by his wife Diana Gay Derner, their four children: Phillip William Detlef FRED DERNER Derner, Dawn Jacqueline Christine Veverka, Georgiana Gay Derner and Kimberly Lou Derner, his brother and sister in law John and Betty Derner and sister Marie Carpenter. He is also survived by his nephews and nieces: Jake and Monica Derner, Stephanie Young, Kurt Carpenter, Caroline Carpenter and Brian Carpenter. His immediate grandchildren: Brendan Derner, Justin Derner, Anna Cavasso, Christopher Derner, Bryan Derner and David and Amelia Bocanegra. Also, numerous great-grandchildren and great nephews and nieces. Fred’s father Jacob and cousin Detlef Derner immigrated to America in the early 1920’s. After homesteading (Jacob in Likely and Detlef in Canby) they returned to Germany to marry their wives, Anna and Annie Derner and returned to America in 1931. Jacob and Anna Derner settled in on a ranch in Likely, California and had three children: Marie, John and Frederick. Fred’s Dad died when Fred was 14. Marie went to college, John joined the military, while Fred remained on the ranch with his mother and began his 60-plus year ranching career. December 14, 1969, Fred married Diana G. Mapes and adopted her two children, Georgiana and Kimberly. Shortly after that, Dawn was born in 1970 and then Phillip in 1971. In 1975, Fred and Diana sold the Likely Ranch to Dwight and Joann Beeson and bought the old Caldwell Ranch in Canby, California. Fred loved the ranch life. He farmed the land as well as raised livestock ranging from chickens to Diana’s pure bred Quarter Horses. Hence his CB handle, “Chicken Rancher.” In the mid 80’s, when the ranching economy went down hill, Fred began working at the mill in Canby. He eventually moved his family to the Alturas Area. Fred and Diana purchased a home in Modoc Recreational Estates, where he resided until his recent illness and Diana resides today. After the mill in Canby closed, Fred began to work for Bobby Bushey, Jr. as a rake operator/foreman and continued to do so, just up to before his passing. Fred was an active member of the community. He was a member of Elks B.P.O.E. and was the Exalted Ruler 1969-1970. He was also a member of Canby 4-Wheeler Club, Canby Fire Dept., amongst other things. Memorial Services will be on May 30, 2015 at 12 noon at the River of Life Church located on Eighth Street in Alturas, CA, next to Blevin’s Glass Shop. A potluck to follow immediately. If you would like to bring a dish and are not sure what to bring, please feel free to call Dawn Veverka at (530) 233-3197 or Georgiana Derner at (530) 233-0959. Services Joe L. Ontiveros A celebration of life for Joe L. Ontiveros will be held on Saturday, June 6 at 2 p.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Mr. Ontiveros was a 28-year resident of California Pines. W Where to get your Record The Modoc County Record publishes every Thursday morning, available at 201 W. Carlos St., Alturas, from the green newspaper vending machine in front of the office and at many businesses throughout Modoc County. Subscribe online, in person or phone for print or online versions at www. or subs@ Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Fridays, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Record business office will be closed on Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day holiday. MAKE THE WORLD a better place - - reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle. Gary M. Hays Gary Michael Hays was born August 26, 1960 in Healdsburg, CA to Gary Hays and Doris Dederick Hays Groff. He passed away May 16, 2015 in Alturas, CA. Affectionately called ‘Curly’ by his brothers and sisters, he attended schools in Alturas and graduated from Modoc High School in 1978. Gary worked at many different occupations including: cooking at the Beacon Coffee Shop; apprentice at Hays FiberGARY HAYS glass with his grandfather Charlie; Maintenance Man for Cal Pines Lodge; Hog Ranch Mine, where he became Lead Man on the crusher and later a driller and then he started working for the County of Modoc as a seasonal flagger, seasonal weed abatement and then for ten years as building and grounds maintenance for the Road Department. For the past five years he has worked for BLM, performing weed abatement on public lands. Gary was a kind, quiet man who loved the outdoors and traipsing around Modoc County. He enjoyed hunting, creek fishing, collecting shed horns, shooting squirrels, collecting and refinishing antiques, yard sales, collecting camo clothing and HATS! He had a huge collection of hats. Gary is survived by his parents Gary (Karen) and Doris Groff of Alturas; children Ashley and Clayton; grandson Collen; brothers Chris (Loree) of Susanville, CA.; Jason (Monica) of Alturas and Hunter (Kamaryn) Groff of Alturas; sisters Lisa Cummings of Alturas and Hannah (Shane) of Weed, CA.; numerous aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. A celebration of his life will be held Saturday, May 23, 2015 at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church at 2 p.m. in Alturas. Potluck to follow. Modoc High Class of ’85 plans Reunion Modoc High School Class of 1985 is planning its 30th Class Reunion for the Fourth of July weekend 2015 in Alturas. Classmates are asked to contact either Eric Nelson, Monica Derner or Janet (Young) Server. Classmates are welcome to join the MHS Class of 1985 Facebook page for details. THE RECORD publishes announcements free of charge for engagements, weddings, births and obituaries as space allows. Go to for forms. BOOT AND SHOE FOUR GENERATIONS OF SOLE SAVERS SPECIALIZING IN WHITES, DANNER & COWBOY BOOTS NEW SOLES, HEELS, REBUILDS TO MINOR REPAIR 530-233-7664 OR 277-7664 EOW We’re Here To Service Our Community... Ourproviderisavailableformedical appointmentsonaweeklybasis, everyThursdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m. Dentalappointmentsare available on a weekly basis, everyTuesdayfrom10a.m.to2p.m. Alturas XL Clinic Hours Monday-Friday•8a.m.to5p.m. Closed from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ForAppointmentsCall530-233-3223 1034LakeviewHwy•Alturas,CA 12/18 North Of Alturas - Turn Left After The Bug Station Dan Dockery, the host of Old Time Radio Hour invites radio listeners in Surprise Valley to tune in to KDUP 88.1 FM this Sunday, May 24 at 8 p.m. for two of radio’s most listened to western themed shows, The Lone Ranger “Silver Mine Surprise,” followed by The Cisco Kid “Meanest Man in Arizona.” Dockery has several thousand episodes of different shows and has voluntarily put together the next 20 weeks worth of one hour programs. An Athletic Event for Community Members with Special Needs NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CALL 233-3141 INVITATIONAL To Order Ahead or To Go! MENU - Monday, May 25 • Philly Cheesesteak Melt with Fries Tuesday, May 26 • Chicken Enchiladas with Refried Beans Wednesday, May 27 • Pot Roast with Mashed Potatoes & Corn Thursday, May 28 • Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo with Salad Friday, May 29 • Popcorn Shrimp Basket with Fries & Coleslaw Sat., May 30 • Western Burger with Curly Fries Sunday, May 31 • Brunch from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 28, 2015 Registration 9 a.m. • Opening Ceremony 10 a.m. Modoc High School Football Field - Alturas Participants receive a FREE T-SHIRT! Drinks Hamburgers & Chips provided Come & Support the Participants Friends & Family Welcome! Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at Co. Rd. 56. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. You must be 21 years of age. UNTIL CLOSE Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. 5/21 There’s still time to see the May gallery featuring the Modoc Joint Unified School High School Student Art. Also, The Art Center is open for nominations for the Executive Board until June 3 at 5 p.m. Nominations can be submitted in person or by mail to The Art Center, 317 So. Main St., Alturas. Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid air s for Lunch ’ t a h ?! PHONE (530) 233-3141 Submit TAC nominations 5/7 For more information contact Tammy at 530-233-3111, Terri or Stacy at 530-233-6311. May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 7 ple, Bob Boring, Janice Marsh and Gary Esget, all of whom served on Pacific Crest’s Board of Directors and/ or Supervisory Committee. www.modocrecord. com attlemen’s As ounty C soci C c at do SPRING FIELD DAY o M ion Sunday, June 7 Join the Cattlemen of Modoc County! Guided tour through Devil’s Garden with barbecue provided. Don’t forget to bring your own chair, seating is limited for lunch. Elks install officers The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Alturas Lodge #1756 Installed their new officers for the 2015-2016 year on April 4. Pictured left to right standing, Tiler-Joe Moreo, TrusteesBrian Harden, Curtis Leslie, Leonard Weber, Secretary-Stephen Riley, Trustee Jerry Wendland, Treasurer-Jim Rollins. Seated, Inner Guard-Don Collier, Chaplain-Gary Harden, Leading KnightDan Vierria, Exalted Ruler-Marshall Kirkpatrick, Loyal Knight-Kyle Williams, Lecturing KnightLarry Cavasso, Esquire-Doug Waterman. Not pictured, Trustee-Steve Brown. The officers hope for a very fun and fulfilling year. Photo by Dawn Waterman Obituary Harriet P. Libby Invitational opens in Alturas May 28 Meet at 9 a.m. at the Modoc Auction Yard, Hwy 299. Barbecue Lunch at 12 p.. at the Crowder Flat Ranger Station 5/21 Get Discounts in May on HOME AGAIN MICROCHIPS Businesses, organizations and individuals are invited Former Alturas resiand encouraged to offer a big Modoc welcome to the spedent, Harriet Pauline cial athletes gathering in Alturas on Thursday, May 28. Libby, 92, of Sioux Falls, The Northern California Invitational (NCI), formerly Summer vacation is just SD, died May 10, 2015 at known as Modoc Special Olympics, is hosting the event Avera McKennan Hosaround the corner that will bring athletes from throughout northern Calipital after complications Get your dogs and cats fornia. It is expected that more than 250 will participate of a stroke. Harriet was this year. chipped today! born to Harry and Myrtle The events will take place at the Modoc High School (Crockett) Johnson on Nofootball field beginning at 9:00 a.m. and expected to last vember 18, 1922 at home until early afternoon. Families typically spend time on the kitchen table on browsing and shopping while here. East Bridge St. in Westbrook, Maine. She was Regularly $53 born the youngest child A 50% savings! HARRIET LIBBY and only girl to two older brothers, George and Albert. Her brothers doted on her CALL 530-233-4156 TODAY! Pacific Crest Federal Credit Union is proud to angiving her anything she wanted for she was much loved. nounce their 2015 Scholarship winners: She attended Westbrook Schools graduating from WestGary & Mariah Esget Scholarship to Tyler Ewing brook High School in 1941. from Alturas, CA. She married Ernest Maxwell Libby on August 26, 1942. Dave & Lois Stemple Scholarship to Steven Hedlund 501 Highway 395 N. • Alturas, CA 96101 To this union were born four children: George Albert, an from New Pine Creek, OR. infant son Harry Paul, Harry Edward and Evangeline. 5/7 VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.MODOCVETCENTER.COM Bob & Carol Boring She was a homemaker until the early death of her husScholarship to Coby Tayband. She then went to work at Sebago Moc until her retirement in 1987. Harriet enjoyed knitting, crochet- lor from Tulelake, CA. Janice & Hubert Marsh ing, picking blueberries at the farm in Dresden, Maine, Scholarship to Mariah sewing quilts and watching wildlife. She traveled many The Canby Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary would Baldwin from Dorris, CA. times to Alaska to visit family. She had fond memories Each of these high like to thank all the businesses and individuals who generously of going to camp at Bonny Eagle Pond and of the lady school graduates will redonated for our bingo. Fun was had by all who attended. slippers that grew there. In her later years, she loved ceive $1,000 towards their going to the casino to play the slot machines. She loved Surprise Valley Hot Springs Ed Staub & Sons Top Hat Entertainment playing Bingo with her dear friend Ginny Williams. She financial education. These Modoc County Record Ace Hardware Maxwell’s Nursery was proud to tell anyone she met, she was 92 and from scholarships are awarded Antonio’s Cucina Italiana Four Corners Market Lazy-B-Grill in memory of Dave StemMaine. She was a memHair Dimension’s Kaleidoscope of Hair Fashions Carey’s K-9’s ber of Bar Mills CommuWagon Wheel Les Schwab Tire Center Wild Mustard nity Church. Ted’s Barber Shop Johnnie Looper Holiday Market She is survived by son El Agave Azul Alisha Romesha Sweet Pea Cottage Harry (Jeanne) of RayA Happy • Drain Cleaning Tangle’s Hair Salon Carsten’s Motors AmeriGas mond, Maine; daughter Is • Plumbing Repairs Customer, True Value Bear Creek Café Nail Essentials Evangeline “Sis” of Sioux A Happy Falls, SD, formerly of California Pines China Gourmet Modoc Steel & Supply Plumber • Senior Discount Alturas, CA; Paula JesJanet’s Flower Shoppe Spoiled Day Spa Shawn Sherer • 24/7 Service Available sup of Alturas is one of Bindi’s Beauty Works her nine grandchildren; Call Now For An Appointment! If you received a gift from Bear Creek Café and were unable to use it, 13 great-grandchildren, 5/21 703 W. 3rd Street 20+ Years Exp. 530-233-4743 please contact Carol Ann at 530-233-5192. two great-great grandAlturas, CA 96101 530-640-3511 CSL#945557 children; her cat Max and her many friends in the Alturas area who came to know her while she lived in Alturas/Cal Pines. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, brothers, infant son Harry, son George Albert and longtime companion Guy Getchell. + Green Fees for Non-Members A memorial service is Wednesdays - Men’s League Game Day planned for late July in Maine. May she be reThursdays - Ladies League Game Day membered with fondness. June 10 - Business League begins at 5:30 p.m. ONLY $25.00 Pacific Crest names local scholarship winners A BIG THANK YOU Alton Howell Plumbing 50/50 SKINS GAME CPS15 Remember those who’ve served. . . CATCH MORE DEALS Happy Memorial Day! We’re expanding our store to meet your outdoor needs, especially hunting and fishing! WE CARRY May 31 - Individual Low Net Tournament $25 per person • 9:30 a.m. Tee Off June 16 • Youth Golf League, Ages 12-18. Call 233-3404 to learn more or sign up. Four SeaSonS Supply Center June 20 - Father’s Day “U.S. Open” Tournament 304 S. Court Street, Alturas • Phone (530) 233-4441 • DRIVING RANGE • RESTAURANT SPECIALS Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. • LESSONS BY PGA CERTIFIED PRO Ph 530-233-3404 • Open Daily 1901 N. Warner Street, Alturas, CA open 5/21 Daily, Dine With Us - 8 a.m. to close! 5/7 The Modoc County Museum is open to the public Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $2; 16-year-olds and younger admitted free. Children need to be accompanied by an adult. The museum is located at 600 So. Main St., Alturas. FISHING & HUNTING LICENSES June 13 & 14 - Lakeview Home & Home Stop by Museum service helpfulness convenience Page 8 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 Planning/Zoning Issues Status for Obtaining Approval from the Planning Department From conversations with the City of Alturas Planning Department, the planning requirements for this project are minimal and with the exception of a use permit, which is discussed below. Site, landscape, parking and lighting requirements are regulated under the City of Alturas Planning Department. The City Standards describe what is required and include some of the following notable items: The landscape standards describe the use of “drought tolerant plants appropriate to the area.” Ten percent of the project area shall be landscaped. Areas left as native vegetation cannot count toward this requirement. At least 50% of the trees shall be evergreens. Lighting should be some form of cut-off fixture that is consistent with the architecture and reflects the community. Parking will be reviewed when submitted, recognizing the unique nature of the facility. Current ordinance would likely be less than actually needed for the facility. Snow storage areas should be designed in the layout for winter storm events. Strongly advocate that the building have a presence from Highway 299. The building should represent permanence and a sense of place in the community. The hospital is seen as a significant component of the community’s economy. Ideally, the hospital would act as an anchor for future medical development in the area. The site and building design will reflect these requirements. Zoning Variance This hospital will require a use permit for the proposed site. In discussion with the Planning Department, it was unclear if the medical office building is a permitted use. To avoid any potential issues in the future, both the hospital and the medical office building will be included in the use permit application. The City of Alturas does not anticipate any serious issues and anticipates that the use permit will be granted. The projects timeline for the use permit process, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, and planning approval is approximately six months. Discuss any Ingress/Egress, Set-Back and Parking Issues Primary access from and to the site will be Highway 299. The Fire Department requires two access points remote from each other. Conversations with California Transportation Department (CalTrans) have been initiated to determine the precise alignment of these encroachments and road improvements. The hospital does not anticipate any issues that cannot be mitigated. MODOC MEDICAL CENTER’S NEW DESIGN and Exterior Preliminary Perspective Drawing from Architectural NEXUS’ report shows a combination of stucco and stucco with stone veneer. Future design, plans unveiled for proposed Modoc Medical project Preliminary plans are progressing for a new hospital, outpatient and support services facility that offers room for expansion in a new Alturas location south of SR 299 across the highway from the old Forest Service building. The purchase of that land has been completed. MMC Chief Executive Officer Kevin Kramer said he is very optimistic that the Last Frontier Healthcare District will be able to qualify for and receive the United States Department of Agriculture loan for the project, at about $40 million. As planning continues on the new facility project, the second of a planned series of four public meetings will be held on May 28 at 5 p.m. at the Alturas City Hall Council Chambers. Preliminary architectural review has now been completed and a discussion of the draft floor plan will take place. The third public meeting will be held to discuss the financial feasibility of the project. WipFli, an audit firm, has been engaged to perform the financial feasibility for the new facility project. In the interest of the public, the Modoc Record is publishing the latest Preliminary Architectural Report 3-18-15, provided by MMC CEO Kramer from Architectural Nexus, to allow Modoc residents to read and learn for themselves about the new Modoc Medical Center plans, and understand what’s involved, beginning with the need for the facility. This report will be published in two parts consecutively. The first segment of the report follows: “Modoc Medical Center (MMC) is a critical access hospital serving the residents of Alturas and surrounding area, covering about 4,500 square miles. The geographic reach of the hospital district is large and MMC represents the only local option for hospital services in their community. The current hospital was initially constructed in 1949. While minor alterations to the hospital have been performed over the years, the hospital has not been significantly altered. As a result, the hospital building does not provide the space or infrastructure required to meet current healthcare service delivery needs. Many departments do not meet the minimum State requirements for hospitals under the current code. In addition, the mechanical and electrical systems are running on maximum capacity. Further, the facility does not meet the California-mandated seismic safety standards for hospital buildings. Lasted, the hospital site is located within the 100-year flood plain. To maintain long-term viability as a hospital, the existing facility would either need to be retrofitted, which is practically and economically impractical, or replaced. For these reasons, the hospital Board of Directors (BoD), Administration, and community have determined that the best solution is to replace the hospital with a new facility that is both seismically compliant and designed to accommodate effective and efficient delivery of healthcare in the future. As the major employer in the region, the facility has a significant role in the future of the community. The existing hospital facility has been supported by the community over the years and has served the community well. If hospital services are to continue in the community, a new seismically compliant building is required. One that will provide the infrastructure to deliver stateof-the-art healthcare, meet the future needs of the community, and attract and retain quality physicians. Description of the Proposed Facility MMC intends to construct a new, modern facility, situation on a new site that is owned by the District. The site is located along the northern edge of the city of Alturas and will provide both a home for the new facility and the ability to expand services over time. The site is directly accessible from Highway 299, which is one of the area’s main transportation routes and is served by utility infrastructure on both the north and south edges. This project will consist of new hospital facility and a new outpatient and support services building. The two buildings will be physically attached from an operational standpoint, but physically separated by both fire and occupancy separations. Square Footage The new hospital will have a building area of approximately 27,000 gross square feet. Attached to the hospital there will be an outpatient and support services building of approximately 16,500 gross square feet. The new hospital facility will consist of: Registration/ Admitting/Lobby; Nursing Department (8) beds; Sur- gery Department (1) OR; Central Sterile Supply and Processing; Emergency Department; Radiology Department, (1) RF and (1) CT and (1) Ultrasounds; Clinical Laboratory; Pharmacy; Dietary; Housekeeping/Laundry/Storage. The new outpatient and support services facility will consist of: Administration; Support Services; Maintenance; Clinical Laboratory (spaces not required within the hospital); outpatient Clinic: Physical Therapy; Materials Management. New Construction or Rehabilitation The entire project will be new construction. Type of Construction (e.g., wood-frame, metal building, etc.) Hospital: Type 2A non-combustible construction. The primary structural system will be steel with metal interior studs. The roof structure will be a combination of steel with metal deck, light-gauge metal framing and steelbar joists. Interior walls will be metal stud and drywall. The building exterior will be a combination of stucco and stucco with stone veneer. Outpatient and Support Service Building: Type 5A construction. The primary will be steel with metal interior studs. The roof structure will be a combination of steel with metal deck, light-gauge metal framing and steel bar joists and same interior and building exterior as hospital. See New Design page 9 ZERO DOWN 1303 MAIN ST. • SUSANVILLE 251-0101 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Like us on SEE MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS OF THESE CARS & TRUCKS AT DELIVERS! susanvil THERE’S NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO BUY THAT CAR OR TRUCK YOU’VE BEEN WANTING... CALL TODAY! ASK FOR DOUG McDONALD or MIKE SCHMIDT We are the ONLY QualityPlus Certified dealer GOOD/BAD/NO CREDIT IS NO PROBLEM in Lassen, Plumas & Modoc Counties! 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VISIT US ONLINE: 5/21 * *PricesPLUS plus tax, smog and doc. fees.FEES • Prices goodUNTIL until 5/18/15 * PRICES TAX,license, LICENSE, SMOG & DOC. • GOOD 5/27/15. May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 9 New Design From page 8 While access from West 8th Street is also possible, the existing school drop-off and pick-up at this location could pose a concern if primary access to the hospital were located here. Therefore, any access from this street will be secondary. North Nagle Street is proposed to border the east edge of the site at some point in the future. While there is no easement at this time, it is assumed that the alignment would follow the current North Nagle Street alignment to the south. This is also a logical future point of access to the site from Highway 299 or West 8th Street. Setback requirements are minimal and the proposed building and parking are placed well back from these. The City of Alturas has minimal standards for parking the proposed use. The proposed parking design has been established based upon the hospital’s anticipated needs and exceed the City’s requirements. Environmental Initial environmental studies have been conducted on the proposed site. To date, no environmentally significant concerns have been identified. Adjacent to the site are existing residential parcels and government agencies that have been in this location for many years. As the community strongly supports the hospital, no concerns from these neighbors have been voiced to date or area anticipated. As a component of the project and the CEQA, an environmental report will be required. The City of Alturas will be the lead agency for this process. In discussions with the City, a finding of negative declaration (no significant environmental impact) is anticipated for the site and its use. As a component of this process, abutting neighbors will be given the opportunity to voice any concerns related to this development. If valid concerns are identified, a process to mitigate them will be initiated. Availability of Utilities Sufficient electrical, water, and sanitary sewer utility infrastructure is available to the site from Highway 299 to accommodate the needs of the project. Land Acquisition Status The proposed project will be located on a parcel that was recently purchased by the Last Frontier Healthcare District (MMC). The total available area on the hospital property is approximately 29.5 acres (approximately 4-5 acres will be required to accommodate the initial hospital construction and site development). Alternate Sites Considered The hospital BoD and Administration considered multiple possible locations for the hospital. The top three sites were identified as follows: The first was an expansion of the current hospital site. The second was a location in central Alturas. The third was the proposed site in northern Alturas along Highway 299. Site 1: The primary advantage of the existing hospital site was its proximity to the existing skilled nursing facility and clinic co-located on that site. The disadvantages of this site were: -The acquisition of sufficient additional land to build the hospital was, by no means, assured. -The site was determined to be within the 100-year flood plain, which rendered this option nonviable. Site 2: The primary advantage of the central Alturas hospital site was its location geographically central to the city of Alturas. The disadvantages of this site were: -The size of the site would accommodate the current needs, but might not accommodate possible expansion needs. -There were potential cultural (ABOVE) LOCATION OF PROJECT for Modoc Medical Center’s proposed new plan. The proposed Floor Plan, Budget and continuing story will be published in the May 28 Modoc Record. impacts to building upon the site making CEOA approval uncertain. -The site was also determined to be within the 100-year flood plain which rendered this option nonviable. Site 3: The primary advantages of the proposed location on Highway 299 are: -Its location along Highway 299 gives the hospital access from a primary vehicular circulation route. -The acreage available will support initial construction and long-term growth. -Utility services are readily available to the site. -Typography is well suited to full utilization of the site. -The site is not within the 100-year flood plain. See more New Design visuals, and the continuing story next week M EEN TA ENN TALLLH LTH HM MO ON N MM TA HHEEEA AALT LT H NTTTHH 220011555 Changing Way Changing the Changing theWay Way Think About WeThink ThinkAbout About We Mental Health Mental Health Health M E N TA L H E A LT H M O N T H 2 0 1 5Mental Changing the Way We Think About Mental Health WhenWhen we think about cancer, heart disease, we think about cancer, heart disease, When we think about cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, we don’t wait years to treat or diabetes, we don’t wait years to treat or diabetes, we don’t wait years to treat them. We start before Stage 4—we begin them. We before start before Stage 4—we begin them. We start Stage 4—we with prevention. When people are begin in the first with prevention. When people are in the first American adults will have a diagnosable When we prevention. think cancer, heart disease, stage ofabout those diseases and are beginning with When people are in the first 1 American adults condition will have ain diagnosable mental health any given year. stage of those diseases and are beginning or to diabetes, we don’t wait or years to treat American adults will have a diagnosable 1 show signs symptoms like a persistent mental health condition in any given year. stage of before those diseases and are beginning them. We start Stage 4—we begin to show signs or symptoms like a blood persistent mental health condition in any given year.1 cough, high blood pressure, or high with prevention. When people are in the first to show signshigh orare symptoms like aor persistent American adults will have a diagnosable cough, blood pressure, high blood stage of those diseases beginning sugar, we tryand immediately to reverse these mental health condition in any given year. tocough, show signshigh or symptoms like apressure, persistent blood or high blood sugar, we try immediately to reverse these symptoms. We don’t ignore them. In fact, cough, high blood pressure, or high blood sugar, we try aimmediately to reverse sugar, try immediately to We reverse these symptoms. don’t ignore them.these Inand fact, wewedevelop plan of action to reverse symptoms. We don’tWe ignore them. Inignore fact, symptoms. don’t them. In fact, stoptothe progression the and develop areverse plan of action toofreverse wesometimes developwe a plan of action and we develop a plan of action to reverse disease. why stop don’t weprogression do the same for sometimes stop So the progression of the sometimes the ofand the disease. So why don’t we do the same for of Americans will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition individuals who are dealing with potentially sometimes stop the progression of So with why don’t weofdo thethe same Americans will meetfor the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition individuals disease. who are dealing potentially sometime in their halfcriteria of those will develop conditions by the age sometime in their life, and half of those people will develop conditions byand the the age serious mental of Americans willlife, meet for people a diagnosable mental health condition serious mental illness? disease. So why illness? don’t wedealing do the samepotentially for individuals who are of 14. with of 14.2 sometime inwill theirmeet life, and of those will develop conditions the age of Americans thehalf criteria for people a diagnosable mental healthbycondition serious mental illness? with potentially individuals who are dealing 2 of 14. sometime in their life, and half of those people will develop conditions by the age serious mental illness? of 14.2 1 2 Stage 1: Mild Symptoms and Warning Stage 1: Signs Mild Symptoms Stage 1: and Warning SignsMild Symptoms Stage 2: Stage 1: Warning Symptoms and Increase in Frequency and Signs Severity and Interfere with Life Activities and Roles Mild Symptoms and Warning Signs Stage 2: Symptoms Increase Stage 3: in Frequency 2:and Symptoms Stage Worsen with Severity and Interfere Relapsing and Recurring Symptoms Increase withAccompanied Life Activities and Episodes in2: Frequency and byStage Serious Disruption in Roles Life Activities and Roles 5/21 Severity and Interfere Symptoms Increase with Lifeand Activities and in Frequency Severity and Interfere Stage 4: Roles Stage Symptoms are3: with Life Activities and Persistent and Severe Symptoms Worsen with and Have Jeopardized Roles Relapsing and Recurring One’s Life Episodes Accompanied Stage 3: by Serious Disruption Symptoms Worseninwith Life Activities and Relapsing andRoles Recurring StageEpisodes 3: Accompanied Symptoms Worsen with in by Serious Disruption Relapsing and Recurring Life Stage 4:Activities and Roles Modoc County Behavioral At Stage 1, a person begins to show symptoms of a mental health condition, but is still able to maintain the ability to At Stage 1, a person begins to show symptoms of a mental function at home, work or school—although perhaps not Health health condition, butthey is still ableto to maintain the ability to as easily as before started show symptoms. Often At Stage 1, a person begins to show symptoms of a mental health condition, but is still able to maintain the ability to function at home, work or school—although perhaps not At Stage 1, a person begins as easily as before they started to show symptoms. Often health condition, but is still there is a sense that something is “not right. ” to show symptoms of a mental able to maintain the ability to function at home, work or school—although perhaps not as easily as before they started to show symptoms. Often At Stage 2, it usually becomes obvious that something is there is and a sense that something is “not right.” wrong. A person’s symptoms may become stronger last longer or new symptoms may start appearing on top of existing ones, creating something of a snowball effect. there is a sense that something is “not right.” Performance at work or school will become more difficult, and a person may have trouble keeping up with family At Stage 2, it usually becomes obvious that duties, social obligations or personal responsibilities. function at home, work or school—although perhaps not Let started Us HelptoYou orsymptoms. Someone You Know. . . as easily as before they show Often something is there is a sense that something is “not right.” Phone 530-233-6312 or Toll Free at work or school willstart become more difficult, lastPerformance longer or new symptoms may appearing on top 1-800-699-4880 and a person have trouble keeping with family of existing ones,may creating something of aup snowball effect. duties, social or personal responsibilities. Performance atobligations work or school will become moreStreet difficult, 441 N. Main At Stage 3, symptoms have continued to increase in and a person may have trouble keeping up with family severity, and many symptoms are often taking place at the duties, obligations or feel personal responsibilities. same social time. A person Alturas, may as though they are losing CA 96101 control of3,their life andhave the continued ability to fill their roles At Stage symptoms to increase in at home, wrong. A person’s symptoms may become stronger and last longer new symptoms may start appearing onistop At Stage 2,or it usually becomes obvious that something At Stage 3, symptoms have continued toof increase in existing ones, creating something of a snowball effect. wrong. severity, and many symptoms are often taking place atA theperson’s symptoms may become stronger and Performance at work or school will become more difficult, same time. A person may feel as though they arelonger losing At Stage 2, it usually becomes obvious something is last or new symptoms may startthat appearing on top control of their life and the ability to fill their roles home, may have trouble keeping up with family and a at person of existing ones, creating something ofresponsibilities. a snowball effect. wrong. Asocial person’s symptoms may become stronger and work or school. duties, obligations or personal By Stage 4, the combination of extreme, prolonged and persistent symptoms and impairment often results in development of other health conditions and has the potential to turn into a crisis event like unemployment, hospitalization, homelessness or even incarceration. In the worst cases, untreated mental illnesses can lead to loss of life an average of 25 years early. work or school. severity, and many symptoms are often taking place at the same time. A person may feel as though they are losing At control Stage 3,ofsymptoms have continued to increase in their life and the ability to fill their roles at home, severity, many symptoms are often taking place at the work orand school. By Stage 4, the combination of extreme, prolonged and same time. Asymptoms person may feel as though often they are losing persistent and impairment results in Page 10 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 LIBRARY FRIENDS vice-president Dick Read among the books. Bookworm is full of treasures By Jean Bilodeaux Special to the Record Ever read a book about halfway through and realize that no matter the number of pages left, it’s going to be too short? Volunteers at the Modoc County Friends of the Library can help you into that pleasant situation. They can assist a reader on an adventure, stimulate thought, solve problems and add a bit of magic to your life. In fact they offer about 2,500 reasons to enrich your life. The group runs the tidy, well stocked and efficient Bookworm bookstore. It has an inventory for almost every interest including books, DVDs, CDs, puzzles and maga- zines for children and adults. The books are inexpensive, selling from 50 cents to $2.00. What better way to spend an afternoon than to browse the bookshelves in the Bookworm getting lost in literature. Or to give birthday children $5.00 gift certificates and let them pick and choose their favorite books to buy. The Bookworm is located next to the library on West 3rd Street and is open Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Friday from noon to 4 p.m. The Friends get their inventory from donations left at the store or on the porch. Modoc County Librar- ian Cheryl Baker checks the donated books to see if there are any books the library needs. Then, volunteer Marilyn Davis checks to see if any of the books are valuable and they don’t need Family Pack 2 $ 99 #1 PLATTER BACON Boneless 20% OFF DRESS SALE Our latest looks have just arrived SUMMER DRESSES FOR EVERY OCCASION Something for every style, age and fashion! Misses Plus & Juniors Classie Lassie • Calico Cow 301 S. Main, Alturas • Phone 530-233-5599 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. WEEKDAYS • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. SATURDAY Gift Wrapping Available with Purchase! No Holds or Layaways on Sale Items. 5/21 Lakeview Auto Parts Phone 541-947-4865 Valley Motor Parts Phone 530-336-5537 Valid through May 31, 2015 5/21 TRI-TIP ROAST LB. ate them and our customers,” said Elizabeth Cavasso, president of the Friends group. For information or volunteering opportunities contact Marietta Wellman at 233-3692. Just remember when life gets a little dreary, long winters get you down, or things don’t go according to plan, that, “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy books and that’s kind of the same thing.” 303 W. 12th St. Alturas , CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3556 LB. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK you!” laughs Friends vice president Dick Read. Meanwhile Marilyn Davis is busy cleaning 1,200 books that will be offered for sale at the upcoming June Jamboree. “We have a very active Friends of the Library group and would like to invite anyone interested to join us in promoting the library. People from the community have been very generous with their donations and help. We really appreci- ALTURAS AUTO PARTS Butcher’s Choice $ 99 $ 99 6 to be old to be worth money. She then cleans all the books and posts the valuable ones for sale on the Internet through The remaining books, such as adventure, thriller, craft, romance and almost every category, are placed on the Bookworm shelves. Proceeds from the Bookworm sales go to the library to buy books, laptops, pay the utilities for both the Bookworm and the library and help with the Summer Reading Program. The Friends also participate in the June Jamboree; Local Author’s Night; a Fall Event-How Sweet it Isa night of desserts and entertainment; and Clean Up Day at the library. This year they will help paint the outside of the library. “Volunteers are always needed for the Bookworm and various events. We’ll train 6 2 LB. $ 29 LB. PORK COUNTRY STYLE RIBS Produce Picks $ 69 $ 29 2 4 LB. LB. YELLOW PEACHES CHERRIES & NECTARINES 99 1 ¢ $ 79 LB. ROMA TOMATOES EA. VIDALIA ONIONS 2 LB. Bag WEEKLY SPECIALS JUST FOR YOU! Heinz 57 Lays Foster Farms $ 99 POTATO CHIPS $ 99 SLICED TURKEY $ 99 STEAK SAUCE 1 2/$ 3 $ 69 4 Reg. $4.29 Rojo’s SALSA Asst. 15 oz., Reg. $2.49 Busseto SLICED SALAMI Regular & Peppered - 16 oz., Reg. $7.19 4 Corners Market 3 $ 59 1 Oven Roasted, Smoked & White - 2 LB., Reg. $6.49 Lindsay PITTED RIPE OLIVES Large & Extra Large - 6 oz., Reg. $2.19 7 ¢ 99 2/$ Tillamook SLICED CHEESE Asst. 12 oz., Reg. $5.99 Foster Farms SLICED BOLOGNA Turkey & Chicken - 1 LB., Reg. $2.29 3 $ 19 2 $ 29 2 10 oz., Reg. $4.89 Jack Daniels BARBECUE SAUCE 19 oz., Reg. $3.29 Lawry’s MARINADES Asst. 12 oz., Reg. $3.79 HWY 299 & MAIN STREET, ALTURAS • (530) 233-3822 OPEN MONDAY - SUNDAY • 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. All Items Subject To Stock On Hand • Prices Effective May 21 - 27, 2015 Sports Knoch tosses perfect Modoc Record May - 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 11 game in playoffs MODOC’S TRACK team was led by first-time discus champ, Kelsey Sphar, who also grabbed the silver in the shot. Photo by Laura Van Acker Girls just short of defending SCL track championship Modoc Girls track missed defending their SCL title by 9.5 points losing to Etna 107-97.5. While Modoc girls beat up on Etna during head to head events, it was the events Modoc had no entries in that let Etna slip by for the win. Modoc was led by first-time discus champ, Kelsey Sphar. Kelsey also grabbed the silver in the shot. This was Kelsey’s first year as discus and shot thrower. A big boost was the ability of first year sprinter Kayla Aarstad to grab a first in the 200 meters, a second in the 100 meters. Aarstad also ran in both relays for Modoc. Emily Lowrey tried to pull off the most difficult task of the day. Lowrey was asked to run the 400m, 800m then the 300m hurdles and finally anchoring the 4 x 400m relay. While not uncommon to expect distance runners to complete the “Gauntlet” of 800m, 1600m, and 3200m, running 4 races out of the final six is just insane, remarked Coach Bill Hall. Lowrey won the 800, placed second in the 400 and anchored the final race of the day. Another big shot in the arm for Modoc was Megan Budmark. In only her second year of throwing, Megan grabbed a third in the shot and a fifth in the discus, both setting personal records. The 4 x 400 meter relay team of Taryn Burns, Stephanie Gouveia, Aarstad and Lowrey blew away the competition running a 4:42.26 and will be one of the favorites at Division on Thursday. Gouveia came back from a season long illness to grab seconds in the 1600 meters, 3200 meters, as well as a third in the 800 meters. Freshman Taylor Ryan set a blistering pace for her fellow see Track,page 12 THE SHOOTERS did very well at the Alturas Rifle and Pistol Range for the Modoc 4-H shooting contest. Modoc’s 4-H youths are the top shooters Modoc County 4-H held its annual Top Shot Competition on April 26 at the Alturas Rifle Club & Range in Alturas. Almost 40 4-H members fought for the Top Shot honor. Members competed in Rifle and Shotgun. Rifle competitors completed different obstacles including shooting lollipops, eggs, balloons attached to Hamilton knocks Braves out of playoffs Hamilton City knocked the Modoc Braves out of the CIF North Section Division Five baseball playoffs last week 9-3 in Hamilton City. “Coming into the playoffs, I felt Hamilton was the top team in our division,” said coach Tim MacDonnell. “We played them tough and had our opportunities. We out hit them, but gave up too many free passes. Seven of their nine runs were scored by guys that walked or were hit by pitch. I’m extremely proud of these young men for having the great season they did.” Neither team scored in the first two innings, but Hamilton took a 2-1 lead in the third, and went up 4-1 in the fourth. Modoc cut the score to 4-3 in the sixth, but Hamilton came up with a five-run bottom of the sixth for the win. Alex Valencia got the loss, going 5.1 innings, allowing seven runs on five hits, walked five, struck a moving wheel, and small animal targets. The members did all of this switching positions and differing between; scope, open sight, peep and competitor’s choice. Shotgun competitors competed in a trap shoot. The overall Top Shot Winner was Mavrick Farnam see Shooters, page 12 Maxwell’s Nursery Bagged Goods Sale! Save a BIG 15%! MIX or MATCH “With Purchase of 4 or More” Limited To (HUGE) Stock On Hand Gardner & Bloome Kellogg's Gromulch® Harvest Supreme® • Organic, long-lasting ingredients including chicken manure, bat guano & kelp meal make an excellent fortified natural soil amendment for all vegetable & flower gardens. 7.99 $ • Great for in-ground planting of trees, shrubs, ground cover, roses & more. Mix with existing soil or use as a mulch. Fully composted with natural fertilizer. 7.99 Cu.2.0Feet $ 2.0 Cu. Feet Kellogg's Amend® Gardner & Bloome • Great for in-ground planting of flowers, vegetables & herbs. Softens hard clay soil. Enriched with plant food & gypsum. Potting Soil® • Absorbs water quickly & provides excellent drainage. Complete & ready to use—no mixing. All natural. 9.99 Cu.2.0Feet 7.99 Cu.2.0Feet $ $ Gardner & Bloome Soil Building Compost® • Organic, long-lasting ingredients including chicken manure, bat guano & kelp meal make an excellent fortified natural soil amendment. see Baseball, page 12 Classie Lassie Calico Co w Modoc’s Melissa Knoch tossed a perfect game against the Etna lions Tuesday in the opening round of the CIF North Section softball playoffs. Knoch faced 20 batters, allowing no hits, no runs, no walks and didn’t allow a runner on base in the 10-0 win. The Braves scored seven in the first, added one in the second and two in the sixth. They had four hits, with Macie Larranaga 2-3 with a double, Mattea Wilson 1-3 with a double and Dawn Waterman 1-3 with a double. Modoc ran into a very tough team in the second game, losing to East Nicolaus 7-0. Modoc only got one hit in the game, a single by Lynnzi Malcolm. They also committed five errors. Knoch got the loss, going six innings, allowing four hits, seven runs, walked one, hit one batter and struck out five. “They were the best team in the playoffs,” said Modoc Coach Russell Turner. “We could not hit the ball and our defense allowed four unearned runs on five errors. East Nicolaus is an excellent team that deserves to move on in the playoffs.” Braves named to the Shasta Cascade All-league team were Pricila Madrigal, Kelly Schmidt, Melissa Knoch, with Macie Larranaga honorable mention. “I am proud of the girls for their hard work and dedication this season,” said Turner. “I would like to thank all the families, friends and fans who supported the lady Braves. A special thanks to an anonymous person(s), who donated $1,000 to the Lady Braves softball team earlier this year and K and K for their donation to our barbecue.” May 22 - 31, 2015 301 South Main, Alturas Cu. 9.99 Ft.3.0Bale $ Sale Dates “Modoc’s Source For Organic Integrity!” “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” Our Business Is Growing! 530-233-5599 “Those who know, know where to go! That’s Maxwell’s Nursery!” Clothes With Class! 5/21 Mon-Fri., 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Sat, 10-3 P.M. *Credit Cards Accepted* 512 W. 4th St., Alturas, CA • 530-233-5766 Terrance Quirk Real Estate CA DRE LIC#01261538 • 405 Archer Ave., Alturas Phone 530-640-2070 • [email protected] 10 Acres Near Buck Creek, year around creek runs through it. Lots of pine trees to shade up under. Turn off on Fandango Rd., go east to Co. Rd. 133C, turn right, go to bridge and you are on it. Owner will carry with good down payment. $34,900 HUGE PRICE REDUCTION – WAS $57,500, NOW ONLY $49,900. 2 Bed/1.5 Bath, 998 sq. ft. home with 1 car garage and workshop. Property is located on East 1st Street, across from Federated Church. 5/21 4.85 acres located on E. Mountain Quail Rd. in Modoc Estates, yours for only $7,500. This is a great property! 0.92 Acres on Rover Road in Unit 54 of Cal Pines. Only $2,500 40 acres of land on Heron Road, west of Termo. Only $20,000 1.48 Acres parcel of land ready to build on, has well and septic, pump house, drive way, pad for your home and has cyclone fence around the outside of the property. Only $39,900. 1.13 Acre lot on McKinney Rd. in Cedar Pass Summer Land, very nice location. This is a wonderful area to like in, with great neighbors. Only $11,900. 1.5 Acre parcel close to town on Pencil Rd. Lots of trees, good views, on paved Co. Rd. 55. Only $6,000. 1.14 Acre corner lot, Lake Unit 2 in Cal Pines. 3 bed septic system in place, never used. All on a corner lot of Plumas and Santa Cruz. Only $8,500. 1.47 Acre lot with 3 bed septic system on Jaguar Dr., Modoc Estates. Listed at $17,900, MAKE AN OFFER! LOOKING FOR MORE GREAT PROPERTIES? VISIT WWW.TERRANCEQUIRKREALESTATE.COM 1 Acre Corner Lot, with septic, storage building and carport. All ready for you to make a home on it! Great views and lots of privacy. Be sure to look at it before you buy, All for only $10,000. 1974 upgraded 3 bed/2 bath home on 7+ acres, with hay barn and feed stalls. Fenced and cross-fenced, everything for you and your four legged friends to enjoy. All for only $179,000. Page 12 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2010 MORT gears up for 2015 Outdoor Expo Track runners in the 800 meters and also grabbed bronze in the 3200 meters. On the boys side, Modoc ran into a sprint-heavy Burney squad. Burney took home the championship by 17.5 points. Etna was second, Weed third with Modoc fourth. Allen Clark won the shot put, with Troy Culp grabbing a second. Culp also took home the silver in the discus. Both Culp and Clark move on to divisions at West Valley. Ruben Orozco took home a bronze in the1600 and 3200 meters, Michael Bratton took a third in the 800m. “Zach Norby, Bailey Doss, Cody Tiffany, Jonas Collier, Jeff Gouveia, Sean Anderson, Zach Fendler, Eric Van Acker, Jordan Wade Kylee Beneventi, Madison Toomey, Cindy Cohen, Izzy Cervantes, Annie Price all helped the team achieve great success this year,” said Hall. HOMEMADE BREAD COOKIES, & CINNAMON ROLLS! Four Corners Market: AT Niles Coffee Company: D THE Open Range BAKERY L SO Sweet Pea Cottage: All Week 7am - 8pm All Week 6am - 7pm Tue. - Sat. 10am - 4pm Want it fresh? Pre-order! Luke & Cheryl Sanders Alturas, CA ∙ 530.603.1267 ThisFriday,May22&Saturday,May23 Monday- Senior$10 MatchPlay HOT SEAT DRAWINGS from page 11 Tuesday- LadiesNight Every Thursday in May from 12 to 8 p.m. Win Our Shop Local Giveaway! $5MatchPlay Four lucky winners will be drawn each Thursday. Must be present to win, no purchase necessary. ED FEATUR H ONT THIS M Janet’s Flower Shoppe Wild Mustard • Niles Coffee, Starbucks Maxwell’s Nursery Wednesday- GuysNight $5MatchPlay DRC POOL TOURNAMENT SUNDAYS $10 Buy In Per Player Sign up 5 p.m. • Start 6 p.m. Play For 8 & 10 Ball Pot + DRC To Sweeten The Pot! $H! Fun & CA ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SUNDAY BRUNCH Sunday - May 24 $ 12 per person Only $10.00 for Seniors. From 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. MAY BUCK$ $500 CASH & FREE PLAY GIVEAWAY Begining May 1, receive an entry to win with every $25+ jackpot. Drawings held Sunday May 24 & 31 at 6 p.m. Must be present to win. $250 CASH, $100 Free Play & Three $50 Free Plays! n it st L e i dl no In North tle Casi ern Ca lif o ia rn EVERY Y THURSDA from page 11 out four, and hit two batters with a pitch. He was relieved by Daniel Beebout and Jarrett Royce. Modoc collected seven hits in the game, one each by Tyler Doss, Tyler Ewing, Valencia, Trevor Schluter, Alan Weber, Grady Ingraham and Royce. Modoc was the fifth seed in the tourney with Hamilton seeded fourth. Esparto was the top seed, Etna number two, Fall River number three, Quincy number six, Weed number seven and Portola number eight. Esparto beat Portola 10-3 in the first round, while Quincy upset Fall River 9-5 and Etna beat Weed 14-0. Modoc finished the season with a 13-11 record and 6-6 on the road. Modoc Braves named to the Shasta Cascade League team were Valencia and Royce, with Ewing earning honorable mention momentum in the future,” says coordinator Lorissa “Reese” Soriano of Alturas. There will be a few minor changes to this year’s event. “We will not be able to have the refuge walking course for the 3-D archery activity. Instead, we will still have 3-D targets but it will be more of a dis see Expo, page 13 Startingat9p.m.inClubDelRose from New Pioneer 4-H Club for Rifle and Paden Smith of Davis Creek 4-H Club for Shotgun. Both boys are also on the California State Shooting Team and will be competing in the National Championship this June in Nebraska. The overall Rifle winners were Junior-Jenna Nelson of New Pioneer 4-H Club. Scott Lewis, also of New Pioneer 4-H Club took the Intermediate age category and Mavrick Farnam was first in the Senior member category. The overall Shotgun winners for the Top Shot Competition were Sam Hadwick of Davis Creek 4-H Club for the Juniors. Cody Sphar from the New Pioneer 4-H Club in the Intermediate Category and Paden Smith in the Senior Category. Junior Participants (ages 9-10) in the Top Shot Competition were: Jesse Dancer, Justin Walton, Sam Hadwick, Michael French, Troy Lewis, Jenna Nelson and TJ Robbins. Intermediate Participants (ages 11-13) included: Zane Still, Allen Klefeker, Reagan Dahle, Cooper Albaugh, Jake Cuzick, Riley Atkins, Jake Fields, Natalie Walton, Jaclyn VanSickle, Jacob Worch, Tim Chainey, Peter French, Anabel Farnam, Hayden Frederick, Chance Galvin, Scott Lewis, James Lloyd and Cody Sphar. Senior Participants (ages 14-19) were Jason Collins, Grady Ingraham, Sara McCoy, Paden Smith, Larrell Smith, Logan VanSickle, Elly Viehdorfer, Nash Warnock, Mavrick Farnam, Seth Gibson and Noelle Macdonnell. Special thanks to all of the sponsors that make this event possible: Friends of the NRA, Pepsi Distributing, Modoc Fish, Game and Recreation Commission, Leopould & Stevens Inc., Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Alturas Rifle & Pistol Club. Over 75 people attended the event and were treated to a barbecued lunch after the competition. Awards were then presented and every competitor received a goody bag with a hat, beanie and ear protection, donated by Leopould and a custom t-shirt for the event. A big thank you to Warren Farnam and Ken Smith who organized the event and spend countless hours as instructors for the Modoc County Shooting Sports activities. Baseball this year’s event, giving it more notoriety and exposure to the public. “The Expo is quickly becoming one of Modoc County’s annual premier events. The response we had last year from the community and visitors was great. Attendance at the Expo nearly tripled since it started four years ago. M.O.R.T. expects that it will continue to gain D.J. Sam from page 11 Shooters is hopeful that the new location will help to attract the attention of on-lookers as well as visitors traveling through town. It is also M.O.R.T.’s intention to draw more attention to the downtown area of Alturas, so that local businesses will have the opportunity to capitalize on the event as well. The Modoc County Museum will also benefit from Fri e GAME WARDEN Brian Gallaher helps with the archery part of the Outdoor Recareation event. The Modoc Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (M.O.R.T.) Inter-agency group is gearing up to host the 4th Annual 2015 Sportsman’s and Outdoor Expo. This year the event will be held, on Saturday, June 20 and Sunday June 21. Admission will be free to the public. For the past few years, the Expo was held at the Desert Rose Casino, just outside of town (Alturas), however due to the closure of the Event Center, it will now be held at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Alturas. This new venue will offer positive changes. M.O.R.T. WITH YOUR REWARDS CARD! •Gaming•Lounge&Bar •Café•SmokeShop•Entertainment•InternetJukebox•PoolTable&More! PHONE (530) 233-3141 • OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. UNTIL CLOSE Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at Co. Rd. 56. 5/21 You must be 21 years of age. Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 13 Free meals for children in Surprise Valley, Tulelake for summer months Butte County Office of Education Migrant Education Summer Food Program, will offer free meals for all children (18 years and younger) at the following two sites: Surprise Valley Elementary, 790 High Street, Cedarville from June 23 through August 6 with Breakfast served from 10:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Tulelake Elementary, 461 Second St., Tulelake from June 22 through July 17, Breakfast will be served Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m.; Lunch served Monday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. All children are welcome during posted serving times. No pre-registration or documentation required. All meals must be eaten on site. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. To file a complaint of discrimination, write or call immediately to: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights 1400 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 202509410; 800-866-632-9992 or 800-877-8339 (TTY). USDA is an equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Births ROWDY JIM LUCKETT was born to Courtney and Vance Luckett of Alturas, CA on February 20, 2015 at 8:31 a.m., at Sky Lakes Birthing Center, Klamath Falls, OR. Dr. Wendy Warren was the attending physician. The boy weighed seven pounds and measured 20-¼ inches long. Brothers Dusty Luckett, age four and Wylie Luckett, age two welcome his arrival. Maternal grandparents are Kelly and Lori Holloway of Alturas; Paternal grandparents are Val and Dawn Luckett of Wessington Springs, SD. Great-grandparents were the late Omer and Theo McCulley from Alturas, CA and Charlie “Poppy” and Ruth Holloway of Alturas. Greatgrandparents are Rose Luckett and the late Jim Luckett of Wessington Springs, SD and the late Tex and Barbara Scofield of Alturas, CA. Expo Hunter Education Class An online/home study hunter education class will be held on Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, 507 E. 4th Street in Alturas. Admission to the free, four-hour class is either a certificate from an online course at or completion of a home study workbook obtained from the instructor. To obtain further information or to attend the class please call Department of Fish and Wildlife volunteer instructor Mike Wolter at 530-233-3632. Militia meets The California State Militia has open-public meetings in Alturas every Wednesday at 5 p.m., Federated Church on East First St. Cedarville meetings are every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Rancheria Offices. from page 12 tance shooting competition; the fishing pond will be located behind the Modoc County Museum and we will provide additional activities to keep the kids busy while they wait in line to fish. All other activities for children and adults will remain the same,” explains Soriano. In the past, the casino had always provided the concessions for the event. This year MORT is pleased to announce it is accepting applications for food vendors. For those who are working on various fund-raisers, this is the perfect venue to raise money and promote your organization. The intent of this event is to market and promote the frontier region of northeastern California, specifically Modoc County and neighboring communities as premier outdoor recreation destination areas, as well as to bring awareness to the natural, cultural and historical resources available here. It was also designed to provide and/or increase revenue to the community through tourism activities. For more information about the event contact by email at: [email protected] or call Reese Soriano at 530640-0125 or Dan Ryan at 530-640-3848. Contracts and Expo flyers are available on our website, just visit www.modocoutdoorrecreationandtourism. org. New information is added as updates become available. Remember this event is alcohol/tobacco free family friendly event! Programa de Alimentos de Verano de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Butte - Programa Educación Migrante Comidas gratuitas para todos los niños (18 años y menores) se estarán sirviendo este verano en: Este programa está patrocinado por el Programa de Alimentos de Verano de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Butte y el Programa de Educación Migrante. Todos los niños son bienvenidos durante los tiempos de servicio sin inscripción previa ni documentación. Todas las comidas deben consumirse en el sitio. Las comidas serán proporcionadas a todos los niños sin costo alguno y serán los mismos para todos los niños, independientemente de su raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, edad o discapacidad y no habrá ninguna discriminación en el transcurso del servicio de comida. Para presentar una queja de discriminación, favor de escribir o llamar inmediatamente a: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410; 866-632-9992 or 800-845-6136 (TTY). Holistic Management workshop coming soon Jefferson Center for Holistic Management is hosting a three-day grazing workshop at the Springs Ranch in Fort Bidwell, June 12 to 14. It will be taught by Spencer Smith and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Animal Science Professor Emeritus Rob Rutherford. Attendees from Oregon and the Bay Area are expected. Local residents welcome to register. For more information, please visit http://jeffersonhub. com/holistic-planned-grazing-workshop-at-springsranch. JOHN FREEMAN HORSESHOEING Horseshoeing and Day Work 4/9 CALL 530-640-1762 Garden Club preps for annual Plant Sale The Alturas Garden Club will hold its annual Plant Sale on Saturday, June 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Historic Whistle Stop Depot at East and 4th Streets. There will be an assortment of flowers, perennials, vegetables and herbs and seeds for sale. There will be a nice selection of house plants, as well. Additionally, members will offer a variety of baked goods for sale. The club’s new cookbooks have arrived. Cookbooks will be available for purchase for $10. Anyone wishing to donate plants and flowers to the sale may drop off at the Whistle Stop on Friday, June 5, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. If unable to drop off during this time, please contact Wendy Myers at 233-1266 and a club member can meet you for drop off. BV Fish derby June 13 The 20th annual Big Valley Junior Fishing Derby will be held June 13 at the Ash Creek Wildlife Area. The Derby is free for all junior anglers, aged 15 and under. It is sponsored by the Pit River Rod and Gun Club and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Fish Derby location is the Basset Road fishing access Ash Creek Wildlife Area, enter off Highway 299, one mile west of Adin at Bassett Road. Registration will be from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and fishing will be from 8 a.m. to noon. There will be prizes for all anglers and grand prizes for the largest and smallest fish caught. For more information, call 294-5824. WE’D LOVE TO HEAR from you! Send us your Letter to the Editor, Sign it and include your address and phone number. Phone & address will not be for print. Anonymous letters will not be printed. Email [email protected] or mail to P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101. Tune To 106.5 FM first�comes�love, then�planning�your Wedding Accommodations Photography HOTEL NILES 304 North Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3773 Cakes COUNTRY HEARTH 551 Main Street Cedarville, CA 96104 Phone 530-279-2280 MOUSE’S CAKES Handmade in a Cottage Kitchen Phone 530-640-1423 [email protected] Find me on Facebook! Custom Cakes- All sizes and shapes Catering 1/23 Modoc Rock 530-233-4842 Come See What’s NEW! Seab’s Electronics Seab’s Locally Owned & Operated By Jason & Jennifer Barcia Planning THE INSPIRED BRIDE WEDDING DESIGN 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Studio 530-233-4996 Mobile 530-640-0909 [email protected] Design THE INSPIRED BRIDE WEDDING DESIGN 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Studio 530-233-4996 Mobile 530-640-0909 THE INSPIRED BRIDE WEDDING DESIGN 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Studio 530-233-4996 Mobile 530-640-0909 [email protected] 115 N. Main Street • Alturas, CA [email protected] Salon & Spa BLISS Beauty & Body Boutique Venues BRASS RAIL Basque Restaurant, Lounge, Banquet Hall & Catering Available HWY 299 Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-2906 CALIFORNIA PINES LODGE 750 Shasta View Drive Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-5842 YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! HOTEL NILES 304 North Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3773 PLACE YOUR BUSINESS NAME HERE Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! Advertise your business for only $15 a month in the Modoc Co. Record Wedding Directory, runs twice a month. Phone 530-233-6660 5/21 RIDGE EVENTS PARTY & EQUIPMENT RENTALS 300 Co. Rd. 64-D Likely, CA 96116 Studio 530-233-4996 Mobile 530-640-0909 YOUR BUSINESS NAME GOES RIGHT HERE! Only $15 Per Month Two Weeks Of Coverage! Flowers Our latest shipment of TVs are here, Great gift of any Grad or Dad! Rentals HOTEL NILES 304 North Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3773 [email protected] Choose from our extensive line of ECHO® Weed Trimmers, curved shaft for simple trimming or long straight shaft models for those tough to reach jobs! Find me on Facebook! 323 S. Main St. Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-868-6806 Don’t Let The Weeds Win! [email protected] SUBWAY 110 W. 12th Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-4469 KALT ROBBINS PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN Phone 208-941-7132 4/16/15 Call 530-233-2632 Page 14 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 Gatherings “Gatherings” is meant to provide an information outlet for public service announcements for non-profit groups. Please include the name of the event, time and date it is scheduled and the place and address at which it is being held, name of sponsor, any cost involved and a phone number for the public to call for more information. Announcements are published free for non-profit groups as space permits. Send announcements to Gatherings: c/o Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 or stop by the Record office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas; phone (530) 233-2632 or email to [email protected]. Announcement deadline is 10 a.m. each Wednesday to make the following day’s Record. Thursday, May 21 Important MORT meeting The Modoc Outdoor Recreation & Tourism InterAgency Group will meet Thursday May 21 at 4 p.m. at the U.S. Forest Service Headquarters, 225 W. 8th St. in Alturas. This will be a very important meeting. Public welcome. HAM Radio ops meeting The monthly Modoc County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) meeting is this Thursday, May 21 at 139 Henderson, Alturas at 7 p.m. All Ham Radio Operators and folks interested in becoming a ham radio operator involved in public service communications are invited. Any questions, please call Jim at 640-3199 or e-mail at [email protected]. Humane Society meeting The High Plateau Humane Society will hold their general meeting on May 21 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be in the conference room located in the USDA Service Center at 221 West Eighth St., Alturas, behind Bear Creek Mall. For more information, call the Second Chance Thrift Store at 233-9277. Come for free meal A free meal will be served at Faith Baptist May 21 and every third Thursday of the month at 5:45 p.m. All are welcome. Come to the church located on the corner at 810 West Carlos St., Alturas. No reservations required. Best rates –great coverage Low, great rates for 52 weeks of local news access! Sign up for a Modoc County Record subscription at or email subs@modocrecord. com. Your choice - print, online or both. Call 530-233-2632 or stop by the Record, 201 West Carlos St., Alturas or mail your info to Modoc Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101. See what’s new: Bookworm The Bookworm is now open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, noon – 4 p.m. at 212 West Third St., next to Modoc County Library. The Bookworm is operated by Friends of the Modoc County Library. Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc teur Athletic Union Tournament on May 22, 23 and 24. Tacos will be $5 with homemade baked goods available too. For more info please contact Yogi McGarva at 530708-0361 or Rosalie Cook 530-708-0916. Call ahead of time to have your order ready. Event near Fall River Mills Shelly Creek Rendezvous, May 22-25. Meals served May 23 and 24. Inquire for more information through Fort Crook Museum in Fall River Mills or call 530-3365110. Help support local youth. Indian Taco Sale on May 22 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Strong Family Health Center in Alturas, 1203 Oak St. All proceeds go to a local youth teen who will be participating in Reno, NV at the Ama- If interested in attending call 530-279-2666, ask for Jan. Good deals on shelves The Bookworm is now open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, noon – 4 p.m. at 212 West Third St., next to Modoc County Library. The Bookworm is operated by Friends of the Modoc County Library. Closed for Memorial Day Monday, May 25. Send Plumbing Problems Down The Drain Problems never happen at a convenient time and fixing them is seldom as easy. Let our friendly, experienced plumbers provide a quick solution to your problem. We have the tools and the skills to save you from unnecessary stress and frustration. Heard Plumbing 208 E. 12 St. • Alturas, CA PHONE (530) 233-5181 Lic. #493927 Purchases aid Humane Soc. Second Chance Thrift Store features a wide assortment of children’s, men’s and women’s spring wear and even some jackets and sweat shirts. Thanks to generous donations, the store has many new house ware items. Plus, a couple of scared kittens await a new home. The store is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday this week. Saturday Recognizing fallen veterans Veterans will be placing U.S. Flags on veterans’ markers at the Alturas Cemetery on Saturday, May 23. Help from the public will be greatly appreciated. Project to start at 9 a.m. Ask about our senior discounts. 1/30 HAPPENINGS DJ Sam Dance Party Posse’s Jr. Horse Show Spectators are encouraged to watch youth riders up to age 18, participate in the 60th Annual Modoc Sheriff’s Posse Junior Horse Show on Saturday, May 23 at 9 a.m. at the Junior Livestock Showgrounds in Alturas. Entry forms are available at True Value, Modoc Farm Supply, Likely Store, Adin Supply and Modoc Veterinary Center. Call show chairpersons Jerry Wendland, 530-233-2607 or Chris Knoch, (530) 640-2682. A good diet deserves, a good work out! May 22 • 9 p.m. to close 21 & Over, Id checked at the door Smack Down Bull Riding After party May 30 • 9 p.m. to close 21 & Over, Id checked at the door 4th annual Street fair save the date - august 15 1/23 WEIGHTS & FIGURES vendors welcome, call dianna at 530-708-1086. Only $15 to Reserve spot before Aug. 1, After Deadline $20. 311 S. Main St. (530) 233-2443 or 233-5945 MODOC NEEDS YOUR HELP This Year’s State Exhibit Booth Needs Your Help In Making Modoc Stand Out! The State Fair exhibit booth theme is “Feast & Festivals of Modoc County.” Please help Modoc County “stand out” at the State Fair this year. STARBUCKS COFFEE Open 6 A.M. to 7 P.m. Dining room open Wednesday - Saturday 5 to 9 p.m. PHONE 530-233-3773 304 S. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 Monetary donations, pamphlets, photos & historic/cultural items are welcome. Exhibit contributions are due by June 15 and monetary donations by May 30, 2015. Check /Cash donations can be taken to T.E.A.C.H., Inc. at 112 E. 2nd St, Alturas. 5/21 s ArtisaWn anted! 5/21 Modoc Joint Unified School District’s Annual Student Art Show, in its 30th year is being featured at the Art Center, 317 So. Main Street, Alturas during the month of May. MJUSD art instructor is Fawn Waterfield, new to the area this school year from Alaska. The Art Center is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Enjoy Spring Luncheon Good food for a cause Saturday, July 25 • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Last chance to see show Friday Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 3327 will distribute Buddy Poppies on May 22 at various locations in Alturas. Donations are welcomed. ART SHOW The Modoc County Museum is now open to the public Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $2; 16-year-olds and younger admitted free. Children need to be accompanied by an adult. The museum is located at 600 So. Main St., Alturas. TOPS 1954 meets Thursdays at the Senior Citizens Center, 906 West Fourth St., Alturas. Weigh-in 10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Meetings from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Come find support for Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, which has proven successful for many local residents. VFW Post has Buddy Poppy 20th Annual Country Hearth Visit the local Museum Help with weight loss A Spring Luncheon will be offered Friday, May 22 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Christian Life Assembly, 225 West B St., Alturas. Enjoy sandwiches, salads and desserts for $5.25 per ticket. Proceeds will go to Women’s Ministries. Jeanne Emerson is coordinating the special event. Tickets in advance and at the door. Everyone welcome. Invitation to all Artists & Crafters, join the Contact Amber Mason at (530)233-6201 For Information 5/21 May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 15 Gatherings Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc Saturday continued 27 from 4 – 6:30 p.m. at Alturas Elementary School Multipurpose Room. Discount fee, $45. After May 27, $55. Other registration dates TBA. Players must be age Fort Crook Museum in Fall River Mills is now open four by July 31, 2015. For more info please call Andria to the public. Hours are Tuesday through Sunday, noon Young, 530-708-0853 or Jayme Bateman, 530-519-5708. to 4 p.m. Admission is free; donations welcomed. See 13 Each child will receive a pair of socks and ball when season starts. buildings and much more. Stop by Fort Crook Museum Sunday Family History Library open calling Kay Minto, 233-1268. Time for Brush Arbor Brush Arbor Fellowship June 5,6,7 annual gathering just seven miles north of Alturas on Highway 395. Take a left tunr on BIA Route 77, XL Ranch. “When you see these things happening, then look up, your redemption draweth nigh.” Signs of the Times. All are welcome. For more information call Mike (530) 233-3015. Congratulate Your Graduate... The Family History Library located at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Cedarville is open Fort Bidwell Memorial Day Barbecue is Sunday, May each Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. The Library is located at 24 at the civic building grounds. Serving from 11 a.m. – 29971 County Road 1 (Surprise Valley Road) one mile 3 p.m. Tickets, $18 at the door; children, ages 6-12, $10. north of Hwy 299. Resources available to the public inSee display ad for pre-sale discount ticket locations. clude onsite genealogical assistance and high speed Internet access to, Family Search and other premium sites (all free of charge). With a 2x3 Graduation Ad for only Trap and skeet shoots are open for anyone interested in having fun and improving his or her shooting skills. The public is welcome to join Alturas Rifle and Pistol Email a classified ad to the Record before noon Club members at 9 a.m. and shoot or just come and Wednesday for the next day’s online and in print ediwatch. Cost is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. tion. Email [email protected] or call 530The range is located on Centerville Rd., Alturas. For 233-2632; Fax 530-233-5113. more information, call Club President Jack Nelson at 530-233-1265. Call (530) 233-2632 Meet at Fort Bidwell BBQ Trap, skeet shoots open Send us your classified 25 $ 00 Include a photo at no additional cost! The Modoc County 05/03 RECORD SUCCESS IS NOT A DESTINATION, IT’S A JOURNEY. Thursday, May 28 Monday Welcome NCI athletes Northern California Invitational (NCI), formerly known as Modoc Special Olympics, an athletic event for Observed Memorial Day will fall on Monday, May 25. athletes with special needs from throughout northern The Modoc County Record office will be closed, along California and Modoc, is set for May 28 at Modoc High with U.S. Postal Service offices, schools, County, City, School Ed Carver Field, Alturas. Registration, 9 a.m.; Federal and State offices and Banking institutions. opening ceremony, 10 a.m.; events expected to last until early afternoon. NOW ~ ZIG ZIGLAR OFFERING SYNTHETIC MOTORCYCLE & ATV OIL Memorial Day holiday Remembering their sacrifice Food Link Giveaway The Veterans of Foreign Wars Pete Christensen Post 3327, with the assistance of American Legion Post 163, will hold a Memorial Day Services at the Alturas Cemetery at 11 a.m. Monday, May 25. The public is invited to the service. A Foodlink truck will deliver to Veterans’ Park in Alturas on May 28. The fresh produce will be available to low income individuals and families. Please bring your own boxes. Food giveaway will start when the truck arrives, between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. And it ends when those present have received food once. The delivery is sponsored by the Modoc Food Bank, T.E.A.C.H., Inc., Foodlink Sacramento, USDA Commodities and Lassen The Surprise Valley Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) County Council. For questions, contact Jesika or Lola at Post 7888, will be holding a Memorial Day service for all 233-3111,TEACH, Inc. veterans at the Fort Bidwell Cemetery at 11:00 a.m. on May 25. This year, gather at Jack MacDonald’s grave to honor Jack and all Veterans who have served their country. Please plan to attend. Thank you, Veterans, for Last Frontier Healthcare District will hold a public serving our country. meeting on May 28 at 5 p.m. at City Council Chamber at Alturas City Hall, to discuss the proposed building of a new hospital and clinic. Anyone with interest, questions or input is encouraged to attend. Country Jams play each Monday night, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Veteran’s Hall on South Main Street in Alturas. Bring your voice, instrument or come to listen. Admission is free. Donations go to the Flag Fund and supplies. Everyone welcome. Memorial Day service New Hospital public meeting 5/14 Located across from the Auction Yard Cafe Tuesday Family Caregivers Support The Family Caregivers Support Group will meet on Tuesday, May 26, at 9 a.m. at the Wagon Wheel Café in Alturas. SV Preschool Round Up Surprise Valley State Preschool Round up May 26, 5 – 6 p.m. at the preschool, 790 High St., Cedarville. Meet the teacher and pick up preschool applications. Parents must have their applications completed before the child can attend preschool. For more information call Allison Walgenbach, (530) 279-2030. Improve with Toastmasters “Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.” -- Mark Twain Toastmasters provides an opportunity to overcome a common fear of public speaking by ‘doing the thing you fear most.’ Toastmasters meet each Tuesday noon at the Sheriff’s Annex Conference Room, 102 S. Court So. Street, Alturas. Enter at the east door with an accessible ramp. Guests welcome. Play Bingo at Vets’ Hall Anyone 18 and older is welcome to play to win at Bingo Night hosted every Tuesday at the Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary to Pete Christensen Post 3327 hosts the weekly games. Doors open at 5 p.m. Games start at 6 p.m. Rides to VA available The VA van transports veterans to appointments at the Susanville VA Clinic on Tuesdays and to the Reno VA on Thursdays. Veterans are reminded to schedule primary care appointments for those days. To reserve a van seat or to become a volunteer van driver, please call Tom Blanchette, van coordinator at 233-5414. Volunteer van drivers are desperately needed. For an application, please call the above number. Wednesday Youth Soccer signups Modoc Youth Soccer will open registration for boys and girls ages 4-13 during early bird registration May The Modoc County Cancer Support Group meets the first Tuesday of every month (June 2) at 6:30 p.m. at the Wild Mustard, Main St., Alturas. The group is open to everyone at no cost. Call Cathleen at 530-708-1966 with any questions. Lunch Group plans date Modoc Ladies Luncheon group will meet for visiting and lunch at the Alturas Golf Course on Wednesday, June 3 at 11:30 a.m. Reserve by Titus Martin Cell (530) 640-4474 YOUR ONE STOP DIESEL SHOP Landis Produce & Nursery Memorial Weekend Sale Saturday May 23 & Monday May 25 10% OFF Bedding PlantS Hardy Perennials, Garden Vegetable Starts & Herbs Too! Country Jam nights Coming . . . Cancer Support Group Independent Dealer We’ve even got potting soil! (530) 233-4964 or (530) 640-0374 Located at 45 Co. Rd. 257, Alturas 5/21 Go 1 Mile Past The Auction Yard, Turn Right On Co. Rd 257 ROGER DAVIS turns 70 On May 22, 2015 Come by Owl Creek Ranch this weekend to wish the old guy HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 5/21 We Love You Renee & David Misso and the entire Steering Committee MODOC COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR LOW INCOME FARM LABOR MIGRANT HOUSING APARTMENTS AVAILABLE AT NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER MODOC COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACEPTA SOLICITUDES DE VIVIENDAS EN EL CENTRO MIGRANTE DE NEWELL PARA TRABAJADORES DE LA AGRICULTURA CON ESCASOS RECURSOS ECOMONICOS (VIVIENDAS DE TEMPORADA) LAS VIVIENDAS ESTAN DISPONIBLES EN REQUIREMENTS - MUST BE LEGALLY ADMITTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OR A CITIZEN. HOUSEHOLD MUST PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THEY LIVE AT LEAST 50 MILES AWAY FROM THE CENTER 90 DAYS OUT OF THE PREVIOUS 180 DAYS WHILE THE CENTER IS CLOSED. MUST BE LOW - MODERATE INCOME, THE HOUSEHOLD MUST EARN AT LEAST $4,425 PER YEAR IN THE AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY. DEBERA SER RESIDENTE LEGAL O CUIDADANO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. DEMOSTRAR QUE LA FAMILIA VIVIO AFUERA DE EL AREA DE EL CENTRO MIGRANTE (50 MILLAS O MAS), POR UN PERIODO DE 90 DAIS O MAS DURANTE LOS 180 DIAS QUE ESTA CERRADO EL CENTRO MIGRANTE. DEBERA REUNIR LOS REQUISITOR DE INGRESOS. CABEZA DE HOGAR DEBERA GANAR POR LO MENOS $4,425 ANNUAL EN LA INDUSTRIA DE LA AGRICULTURA. PICK UP APPLICATIONS AT OBTENGA SU SOLICITUD EN EL NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER SIXTH & DUNSMUIR STREETS NEWELL, CALIFORNIA PHONE 530-664-3261 4/23 NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER SIXTH & DUNSMUIR STREETS NEWELL, CALIFORNIA PHONE 530-664-3261 4/23 Page 16 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 Surprise Valley News Ft. Bidwell BBQ week Legals continued from page 19 Preschool Round Up, May 26 to be able to sample all the delicious chocolate desserts. The Milano family sponsored awards for the 4-H entries. Maya Schulz, Duane Johnson, Henny Linker, Miranda Linker, Randi Townsend, Sydna Kennedy, Iris Klugherz and Cedar Klugherz all entered their best chocolate recipes. The Surprise Valley 4-H club had a kid’s table; they made paper airplanes, Mother’s Day cards and bookmarks. During the auction and raffle, 4-H’ers helped display the items. Clean up was easy and quick because 4-H was there to help. In the end, we were very full of chocolate and had lots of fun! Support the Modoc District Fair by becoming a part of its Internet auction. Auction items are being sold through the Modoc District Fair Facebook page. Potential bidders may bid on items until the auction close, May 23 at 3 p.m. Bidders will vie for several tons of hay, quilt wood art, a single person glider ride, barbecue, exercise equipment, lodge stays and lots of great steals. Winners will be announced online under the item sold. To learn more about the auction please call 530-279-2315 or email [email protected]. JLS Buyers Pool Donations Support local 4-H and FFA with a contribution checks payable to the SV Chamber, be sure to indicate that the donation is for JLS buyers pool and include contact information. Donations are due by Monday, June 8. Correction – The Fort Bidwell Barbecue is held every Sunday before Memorial Day, not Saturday as stated in the May 14 issue. Got news? Let’s hear from you! Contact Nicole Hinton at record1@ or call 530-233-2632. to the Surprise Valley Buyers Pool. SV chamber members welcome donations yearly to help with purchasing livestock animals raised by local youth at the Modoc County Junior Livestock Show. This year’s show is set for June 8 through 12 at the Alturas Livestock Complex. Kids will show animals all week and sell them on May 12 at 6:30 p.m. Persons interested in making a contribution can mail donations to the Surprise Valley Chamber at PO Box 518, Cedarville, CA 96104 or drop them off with Sandra Parriott or Wynarda Erquiaga. Make Fair Auction ends May 23 THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Rated PG • 141 Min. Friday - May 22 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday - May 23 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday - May 24 at 3:00 p.m. Digital Tickets - Adults $5.50, Students & Seniors(60+) $5 & Sunday Matinee, All Seats $4.50 Children 4 & under FREE with an adult. • 3D Tickets - Adults $8.00, Students & Seniors(60+) $7.50 NO ALCOHOL PLEASE - THANK YOU • CLOSED CAPTIONING & HEARING IMPAIRED DEVICES AVAILABLE • Tomorrowland COMING: 5/14 Niles Theater FOR MORE INFO CALL 530-233-5454 MMC logo – JPG format can be resized and inserted in Word documents It’s National EMS Week! MMC would like to honor those who are on medicine’s “front line.” Thank you to our EMS crew and all crews nationwide for all they do! MMC’s Ambulance Service provides emergency medical assistance to Modoc and parts of Lassen County. Modoc Medical Center 228 W. McDowell Ave. • Alturas, CA 96101 WWW.MODOCMEDICALCENTER.ORG 5/21 Thank you to this large list of businesses, community members and friends for making the 29th Children’s Fair possible! Karen Littler Bo Davis Kayte Christenesen Ellen Carey Dodie McGough Bill Marker Alturas Baptist Church Canby Hot Springs 4-H Modoc Middle School Leadership Modoc Co. Sheriff''s Office Modoc Co. Sheriff''s Posse Modoc Medical Center Warnerview Skilled Nursing Modoc Co. Public Health Modoc Child Care Resource and Referral Girl Scouts of Alturas Rubio's Tacos Modoc County Department of Social Services Warner Mountain Group Home Alturas Preschool Child Care Council Alturas Head Start Modoc County Behavioral Health Canby Family Practice Clinic Sunrays of Hope Modoc Football League Sage Stage Modoc Veterinary Center Modoc Motorsports Association New Pioneer 4-H Mouses's Cakes - Cupcake Decorating Demo - Jessica Burns 5/21 CHOCOLATE WAS the order of the day and Tanya, left, and Maya Schulz were into the effort. Photo by Melissa Harris. cakewalk, watermelonOn-site price is $18 for eating contest and other adults and $10 for kids fun festivities planned under 12. Children 5 and throughout the day. under eat for free. Adults may browse the Make sure to purchase Rain or shine, enjoy vendor booths and purtickets for the 40th annu- chicken or beef with all chase some raffle tickets al Fort Bidwell Memorial the fixings and some delifor the chance to win inWeekend Barbecue this cious peach cobbler topped credible prizes. Tickets Sunday, May 24. Save $3 with vanilla ice cream or are only $1 each; grand on each adult ticket when an ice cream cone. Meals prize is sixty pounds purchased early; tickets are available “to-go,” along of steaks and the runare available at Seab’s with entire peach cobblers ner up takes home forty True Value in Alturas or for individual purchase. pounds. in Cedarville at the CorKids can burn some Vendors are still welner Store, Brushworx Sa- energy during the sack come to sign up for a lon and Page’s Market. race, three-legged race, booth spot. Spaces are $10 each with the vendor bringing a table, chairs and canopy if clear title to the proper-NOTICEdesired. Ready-to-eat SURPRISE VALLEY ty. You are encouraged to foods, desserts and JOINT UNIFIED investigate the existence, drinks are prohibited. SCHOOL DISTRICT priority, and size of outSCHOOL BOARD To reserve a booth space standing liens that may VACANCY contact 530-640-0643 or exist on this property by A LETTER OF INTERcontacting the county re- EST FOR THE appoint530-640-1166. corder's office or a title in- ment to the Surprise ValBurn off a few more surance company, either ley Joint Unified School calories with a walk up of which may charge you a District Board of Trustees the street to preview fee for this information. If (Cedarville area) is being the Civic Club rummage you consult either of these accepted through sale. Members will have June 5, 2015. resources, you should be The Surprise Valley Town Hall open during aware that the same lendthe barbecue for patrons er may hold more than one Joint Unified School Dismortgage or deed of trust trict Board of Trustees to find lots of collectibles, will interview applicants on the property. NOTICE and make an appointclothing, kitchenware, TO PROPERTY OWNER: ment at the next regular small appliances, books, The sale date shown on scheduled Board of Trustfurniture and treasures this notice of sale may be ees meeting scheduled for to take home. postponed one or more June 9, 2015. The town of Fort If interested, please subtimes by the mortgagee, Bidwell looks forward beneficiary, trustee, or a mit your letter of interest court, pursuant to Sec- to: Attn: Cathy Laxague, to visitors from all over tion 2924g of the Califor- Surprise Valley Joint UniCalifornia, Oregon and nia Civil Code. The law fied School District, P.O. Nevada this weekend. Box 100, Cedarville, CA requires that informa- 96104. Grab the family and tion about trustee sale Published in the Modoc friends for a trip up postponements be made County Record on May 21, County Road 1. Enjoy available to you and to 28 and June 4, 2015. the scenic views, wonthe public, as a courtesy to those not present at the derful food and some dyLEGAL NOTICE sale. If you wish to learn REQUEST FOR namic people this Sunwhether your sale date PROPOSALS day. has been postponed, and, Notice is hereby given if applicable, the resched- that the Modoc County uled time and date for the Road Department will sale of this property, you accept Proposals from may call (916) 939-0772 qualified firms who have or visit this Internet Web experience in the performBuild a lasting foundasite www.nationwidepost- ing Construction, using the file ment Services. tion for preschoolers by number assigned to this The entire RFP includattending the Surprise case 063-50648. Informa- ing instructions for subValley State Preschool tion about postponements mittal, are available durRound Up on May 26 that are very short in du- ing normal business hours from 5 to 6 p.m.. Parents ration or that occur close from Modoc County Road with children age 3-4 in time to the scheduled Department, 202 W. 4th. are welcome to attend. sale may not immediately St., Alturas, CA. 96101. be reflected in the teleSubmit three (3) dupliThe Pre-school is locatphone information or on cate copies of the Proposed at 790 High Street the Internet Web site. The al, including any attachin Cedarville next to best way to verify post- ments and enclosures, and Surprise Valley Elemenponement information is one (1) digital copy, includtary. Meet teacher Alto attend the scheduled ing any attachments and lison Walgenbach, visit sale." TRUSTOR OR RE- enclosures, in a sealed enthe classroom and pick CORD OWNER: JOHN velope and in accordance L. HERYFORD AND with said instructions to up an application for the MICHELE HERYFORD the Modoc County Road new school year. ASLO KNOWN AS MI- Department, 202 W. 4th. Parents must have CHELE S. HERYFORD St., Alturas, CA. 96101. completed applications DATED: 05/07/2015 CAL- Submittals are due not submitted before chilSIERRA TITLE COM- later than 4:00 P.M. June dren can attend. Learn PANY, as said Trustee 11, 2015. Receipt at a latmore about enrollment BY: DAVID O. WINDLE, er date and time is not acby calling Allison WalPRESIDENT Trustee's ceptable. Address and Telephone /S/Chairman, Board of genbach at 530-279No: CAL-SIERRA TITLE Supervisors 2030. COMPANY 295 MAIN County of Modoc 4-H News STREET QUINCY, CA By: Mitch Crosby, Road by Miranda Linker, 95971 (530) 283-0700 Commissioner NPP0247791 To: MODOC Published in the Modoc SV 4-H Reporter COUNTY RECORD PUB: County Record on May 21, On May 9, Chocolate 05/14/2015, 05/21/2015, 28 and June 4, 2015. Wars was underway. 05/28/2015 There were crowds of Published in the Modoc www.modocrecord. people waiting for the County Record on May 14, com judging to be over and 21 and 28, 2015. By Nicole HiNtoN Marissa's Karate Kids High Plateau Humane Society Modoc National Forest & Smokey the Bear Alturas City Police Dept. Alturas Rural Fire Dept. Bureau of Land Management CAL FIRE California Pines Fire California Highway Patrol MMC EMS Crew & Ambulance Alturas City Fire Dept. 4 Corners Market Robin Brush & Band Warner Mountain Dance Center The Alturatones Wendy Easley & Sandy Ellsworth Early Head Start State Preschool Head Start Eagle Peak Rock & Paving Super 8 Motel Modoc Prevention Collaborative Modoc Farm Supply Seals After School Program Modoc Joint Unified School District Custodians & Maintenance Devil’s Garden Conservation Camp Pioneer 4-H Club Modoc 4-H Council K & K Distributing Dick Carter Jack Harris Antonio’s Cucina Italiana Stan Yagi Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Joy Wisser Tiffany Cox Shanna Britton Tim, Twister Balloon Man Natalie, Face Painter Captain Jack, Storyteller Roeschalub I’SOT Inc. TEACH, Inc. Monetary Sponsors Strong Family Health Center Modoc Prevention Collaborative Warner Mountain Group Home Modoc County Behavioral Health Wild Mustard John & Charlott Ford Alturas Baptist Church Alturas Indian Rancheria Modoc Co. Public Health Last Frontier Health Care District Four Seasons Supply/ACE Hardware Rim Rock Motel Canby Family Practice Clinic Les Schwab Tire Center First 5 Modoc Xi Zeta Kappa Niles Theater Marita Anderson Kenneth &Yolanda Lewis Eddie Hill Special thanks to all the people, groups and agencies who manned booths, helped with setup and take down. - The Children’s Fair Committee Page 17 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 Senior Corner We also offer homebound seniors (60 years or older), hot lunches delivered to their home. Please call us for more information. -------------- The Modoc Senior Center 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas 530-233-4438 Open 9:00 a.m., Monday - Friday Senior Services – -------------Transportation ServicesBus service provided for seniors, 60 years or older, aboard our wheelchair accessible bus, within a fivemile radius of our location by appointment; Monday through Friday, except holidays. This includes transportation for medical appointments, banking, post office and to our center. Please call early for your bus reservation 530-233-4438. Suggested donation is 50 cents. -------------Lunch Services Lunch served daily, during our regular business days at 12 p.m. Salad Bar is served at 11 a.m. on Salad Bar days. Please call a day in advance for reservations 530233-4438. Mondays: May 4, 11, 1: Exercise - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. May 25: Closed for Memorial Day Tuesdays: May 5: Pinochle - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Bingo - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. May 12: Bingo - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. May 19: Caregiver Education -10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pinochle - 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Bingo -12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. May 26: Bingo -12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Bunco -1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays: May 6, 13 & 20: Exercise - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. May 27: Exercise - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Thursdays: May 7, 14, 21 & 28: TOPS - 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Bunco - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Fridays: May 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29: Exercise - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Bingo - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Thank you for your support! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Modoc Senior Center Luncheon Menu Lunch is served at noon. Friday, May 22: Barbecue pork chops, fettuccini, carrots, buttermilk biscuits, melon slices, Birthday Cake and milk. Monday, May 25: CLOSED FOR MEMORIAL DAY. Tuesday, May 26: Baked ham, sweet potato casserole, baked beans, wheat rolls, salad bar, pineapple chunks and milk. Wednesday, May 27: Salisbury steak, rice pilaf, mixed vegetables, biscuits, lime Jell-O with cottage cheese and milk. Thursday, May 28: Barbecue chicken, potato salad, French bread, salad bar, bananas and milk. *Menus are subject to change without prior notice. MODOC COUNTY RECORD BU US S II N NE ES SS S D II R RE EC CT TO O RY RY Place Your Ad Today! Call The Modoc County Record at (530) 233-2632 • $10 per week - 3 month commitment required. Fortune Favors The Bold... Electrical McCombs Electric “Quality From Start To Finish” DANE MCCOMBS Owner 530-640-0067 Insurance Monuments DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES 1030 N Main St. Alturas (530) 233-2616 CA Lic#905055 Farm Supply Insurance Modoc Farm Supply Make Your Leap Today, Call 530-233-2632. MODOC CRISIS CENTER HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION Madison “Gene” Hamilton General Building Contractor CA LIC# 532643 • New Construction • Home Remodel • Concrete 112 East 2nd Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone 530-233-4575 24 Hour Hotline 1-855-855-6745 301 S. Main St (530) 233-5599 (530) 233-2202 new r hei Lic#794568 Class A & C12 ght s! Advertise your business in the Modoc Record Business Directory! WE’RE NOW • Quality Fixtures • Cabinets • Furnishings • Laminates Ben Snethen Lic#822780 (530) 233-6748 Carpet Cleaning Got DIRT? Call us! STARTING FROM $99.95 Truck mounted steam cleaning, 530-640-1900 HANDY HOME SERVICE Free Pet Odor Removal Nursery Recycling Tires 57 Years RECYCLING CENTER Tradition & Service Since 1915 (Caring For Modoc Families) Prearrangements (530) 233-3930 (530) 233-2022 233-5766 Insurance Oil Change MODOC INSURANCE SERVICES Quick Lube Plus + CALL TODAY 233-6311 HOLDORFF’S Weʼre Open: (530) 233-3432 Brad & Pam Williams 202 N Court St Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-1144 Modoc Child Care Resource & Referral Subsidized child care Referrals to licensed child care Toy & Lending Library DIRT WORK, CONCRETE & PAVING O THER S ERVICES : DRIVEWAYS & HOUSE PADS • DITCH CLEAN OUT • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES • IRRIGATION & MORE Call Laine Hoy YOUNG BROTHERS DAN YOUNG 530-708-7132 CA Lic#810905 112 E. 2nd St Alturas, CA 96101 Call Collect (530) 233-3111 Your Ad Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) DAVID YOUNG 530-708-0136 CA Lic#884177 • New Construction • Remodels • Custom Concrete • Home Improvement & More Electrical 605 N. Court St., Alturas (530) 640-2016 • 24 Hr. Emergency Services • Home Improvement • Roofing • Composition • Metal • Drywall/Windows • Remodels & New Construction • Professional Painting • FREE Estimates Ca. Lic. #714115 FRANK WATKINS AGENCY CCW CLASSES GUNSMITH LICENSED FFL DEALER & NRA LIFETIME MEMBERS Call For Hours 530-279-2004 • 425 MAIN ST. CEDARVILLE, CA 96104 Golf & Restaurant Arrowhead Golf Course & Restaurant • Pro Shop • Rental Cart & Clubs Available • Golf Lessons (530) 233-3404 Open 7 Days a week 8:00 A.M. to Close 1901 N. Warner St., Alturas Hardware Bob Howard, Contractor Lic #335279 (530) 233-3312 Value When you’re looking for every day items at low prices, shop at Tires Accepting Scrap Metal and Appliances We take CVR Items Tires, Shocks, Brakes, Alignment SAGE COUNTRY RECYCLING WINTER HOURS Monday - Friday, 9 A.M.-4 P.M. 504 West 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Questions? Call 530-233-2825 Irrigation-Domestic Geothermal John 299-3336 Duane 233-3837 Lee 279-6281 P.O. Box 92, Alturas LC# 709156 43124 HWY 299 E At the Y in Fall River Mills Many Vision Insurance Plans Accepted Including Medi-Cal Landscape Contractor A&M PUMP & PLUMBING Walt Smith lic. no. 680308 •Sprinkler Systems • Lawn Maintenance • Fencing 530-640-5968 Lumber WWE E D ELIVER Four Seasons Seasons Four Supply Center Supply Center Water Systems & Septic Tank Installations Lic#256441 39266 HWY 299E HC4 Box 40503, Alturas (530) 233-2773 Alton Howell Plumbing (530) 233-4743 Licensed Contractor CSL#945557 (530) 233-4441 Heating MEATS Plumbing Heard Plumbing • MOBILE MEAT BUTCHER • CUSTOM CUTTING & WRAPPING • FRIDAY NIGHT BBQ’S • CATERING • FULL SERVICE RETAIL MEATS CA Lic#1001592 HACIENDA 541-947-3789 WOOD FURNACES 207 N. ‘L’ Street ALTURAS, CA 530-640-1072 Lakeview,OR 97630 WWW.LAKEVIEWLOCKERS.COM Providing Services To Developmentally Challenged Adults (530) 233-4527 FAX (530) 233-5672 310 West “C” St. * Alturas, Ca 96101 Lic #251370262 • Adult Development Center • Respite Care (North Eastern Area) • Independent Living (ICAN) • Community Activities Support Service • Transitional Living • Integrated Work (Job coach services) • Supported Living Services • Self Advocacy Support Services Well Drilling MODOC DRILLING CO. Domestic - Irrigation (530) 233-5181 208 E. 12th Alturas, CA 96101 Lic#493927 Stressed Out? Don’t be! Help your business live up to its potential Get ahead of the game with an ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! with a Modoc Record Business Directory ad! Drain Cleaning Plumbing Repairs Senior Discount All Work Guaranteed *OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE LAKEVIEW LOCKERS Services Plumbing Advertise Here Advertise Here 304 S. Court Court St., St.,Alturas Alturas 304 S. ELECTRIC Dave Hohman Alturas, CA 96101 CONNERS WELL DRILLING 4th Generation Open Monday - Friday Plumbing 1201 Spruce St. (530) 233-3623 Well Drilling FAMILY VISION CARE Landscaping • New Tires, Recaps & Wheels Complete Auto Care Recycling Bill V. Brown, O.D. Seab’s True Value 115 N. Main•Alturas (530) 233-4686 DAVE’S PHONE 530-640-0164 100 N. MARKET P.O. BOX 478 BIEBER,CA 96009 Alturas Tire & Muffler Center Rusty Stanford 100 West 12th (530) 233-4347 530-336-5220 (530) 294-5677 • Payroll • Income Tax • Bookkeeping 530-233-3723 Saturdays & Evenings By Appointment B&D Electric Seab's True Construction Electrical Coastwide Contractors James Hertel T COT AGE P Y L A 115 West North St. Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-2113 • Goodyear • BF Goodrich • Cooper • Mastercraft • Toyo OPEN SATURDAYS! Mon-Fri, 8 A.M.-5 P.M. We pick up and deliver! 326 N. Main St. Alturas Enoch Wood Tax Matters ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ Ken Phillips, Agent Remember, for your insurance needs, State Farm is there. Taxes PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS Pre-conceptual Planning Pregnancy Education Smoking Cessation Breastfeeding Support Referral Services & More Maxwell’s PAVING! Construction Cabinetry MARCUS PLANK • LIC#981603 W HITE BEAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Soa Advertise Here Child Care (A 3 month commitment required) 530-640-2768 KL to Phone (530) 233-4875 Cell (530) 708-2272 Get ahead of the game with an ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! BARBED WIRE FENCE FIELD & HORSE FENCE PRIVACY & CHAIN LINK FENCE BOBCAT WORK AVAILABLE PERINATAL OUTREACH EDUCATION Your Ad Here Construction FIREARMS Insurance OPTOMETRIST $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Stressed Out? Don’t be! FREE ESTIMATES! FD-87 “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” “Honesty, Integrity and Quality Personal Service” AGRICULTURE, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL US Ardie’s Classie Lassie & Calico Cow Fencing CASCADE FENCING A Division of T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Everything A Lady Wants From Pre-Teen Up! • Jackets • Sweaters • Dresses • Blouses • Skirts • Jeans • Cosmetics • Skin Care & Facials • Gifts and More! 226 West 8th Street, Alturas (530) 233-2816 New Winter Hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-5:30PM Sat, 9AM-5 PM Construction Abuse Prevention Apparel Nutrena Quality Feeds Dealer Feed • Seed • Fertilizer • Tack • Pets • Supplies Kerr Mortuary Pregnancy Services Licensed Contractor No. 493927 (530) 233-2482 (A 3 month commitment required) $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Your Ad Your Ad Here Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) F IND Y OUR D IRECTION Advertise your new business here. Call for details! (530) 233-2632 C L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS Page 18 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 $7 For each standard Ad up to 35 * Standard Ad is first two CALL (530) 233-2632 or 233-3421, DEADLINE For words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE! lines bold. FAX (530) 233-5113 Classified Advertising Is DEADLINE for Classified Advertising Is Wednesdays At NOON. Your ad will also appear on our website E-mail: [email protected] $8.50 for each standard classified ad up to 35 words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Standard Ad is first two lines bold. Classifieds also appear on our website. Wednesdays At NOON! Guaranteed “Double Exposure!” CALL (530) 233-2632 • FAX (530) 233-5113 • EMAIL: [email protected] A nnouncements SPRING 2015 CONSERVATION Tree and Shrub Sale. Order Deadline extended to: May 29, 2015. Delivery: June 5. Order forms available at: Modoc RCD Office; 221 W. 8th Street Alturas, CA 96101. For Information Call 530260-0746. (21May) ----------------------------HELP SUPPORT OUR LOCAL youth. Indian Taco Sale on May 22 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Strong Family Health Center in Alturas, 1203 Oak St. All proceeds go to a local youth teen who will be participating in Reno, NV at the Amateur Athletic Union Tournament on May 22, 23 and 24. Tacos will be $5 with homemade baked goods available too. For more info please contact Yogi McGarva at 530-708-0361 or Rosalie Cook 530-7080916. Call ahead of time to have your order ready. (21May) ----------------------------C E L E B R A T E RECOVERY Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. at the Alturas Baptist Church. 500 West 4th Street. A bible based, twelve-step program for those with hurts, habits and hangups. All are welcome. (14May-21May) ----------------------------I, JOHNNY L. GEANEY, AM NO longer responsible for any debt incurred by Carmen St. Claire Ray-Geaney. (14May21May) ----------------------------SEND A BIRTHDAY WISH through the Modoc County Record Classifieds. Up to 35 words for only $5.00. Make sure to have it in by Wednesdays at noon for next day publication. Stop by 201 W. Carlos or call 530233-2632 or e-mail at [email protected]. (TFN) ----------------------------H E A L T H SPECIALISTS IS offering free and low cost birth control. All birth control methods are available by appointment. For information on all pregnancy options call 530221-0193 or visit the website: www. womenshealth (TFN) ----------------------------C A R P E T CLEANING service located in Alturas! Call us to schedule your carpet cleaning now! Starting from $99.95. Truck mount steam cleaning. Call Handy Home Service @ 530-640-1900 today! Locally owned and operated. (TFN) ----------------------------CALIFORNIA BANKRUPTCY Center Free consultation. Call 530-2221664 (TFN) ----------------------------MODOC RECORD CLASSIFIEDS work! There is no substitute for coverage. Place a classified in the printed Record and it goes on the Record online site for free and also to the Record subscribers. That means your ad has the potential of being seen by 6,000plus sets of eyes each week. We help you sell, buy, find stuff or get a job. Classifieds are just $8.50 per week for 35 words or less, 36-70 words is $17.00 and 71-105 words is $25.50. You can put your ad in by stopping by the office, calling us at 530-2332632 or by e-mail at [email protected]. (TFN) ----------------------------LOOKING FOR A GREAT GIFT FOR any occasion that keeps on giving? Modoc Record gift certificates are available for a subscription to the Modoc Record, print, online or for both. Subscriptions in Modoc, Lassen and Siskiyou counties just $25 per year for the printed version and $30 elsewhere. Online subscription is just $15 per year. Get printed and online for just $30. Send students the Record in print for just $20 for the school year. (TFN) ----------------------------NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Modoc Record makes every effort to reject fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Please investigate thoroughly before in-vesting money for information concerning job opportunities, investments, or loans. (TFN) ----------------------------PRE-PAYMENT POLICY! The Modoc County Record will request pre-payment on all classified advertising categories. MasterCard, Visa and American Express are welcome as well as checks, cash or money orders. (TFN) ----------------------------- F or r ent NICE, CLEAN 2 BED/1 BATH in duplex in town. Monitor heat, fenced back yard, water and sewer paid ($75 value). $500/ month. References, credit check and security deposit required. Call 530-233-2615. (21May-28May) ----------------------------FOR RENT: 2 BED/1 BATH, above garage apt., close to town. $450/month rent includes water and trash collection. Security deposit and references required. Call 530-2334295. (21May-28May) ----------------------------RENT-TO-OWN OR PURCHASE: 3 bed/2 bath, fully carpeted, monitor & electric heat, attached garage, covered patio, completely fenced, lawn front & back w/sprinklers, fenced garden area and 10x12 metal shed in town. Sale $110k or appraised value. Call Dick Travis 541-476-7884. (21May-28May) -----------------------------FOR RENT: 3 BED/1 BATH/2 car garage, fenced yard, monitor heat, trash paid. $750/month plus $750 cleaning deposit. Call 530-708-0321 for address and application. Available May 20. (14May-21May) -----------------------------3 BED/ 2 BATH HOME IN Cal Pines mobile home park. 12-month lease agreement, first and last plus cleaning and pet deposit required. $600/month. 530-6401441. (14May-21May) -----------------------------N E W L Y REMODELED 1 bed/1 bath house for rent. Fully equipped with washer, dryer, oven, cook stove and refrigerator. $450/ month plus deposit. For application please call 530-294-5996. (30Apr-21May) ----------------------------N E W L Y REMODELED 2 bedroom apt. Water, sewer and garbage paid. No pets, no smoking. $475/month plus $950 refundable deposit. Call 530-233-2012. (TFN) -----------------------------CALL UNITED COUNTRY Stevenson Realty, Auction Services and Property Management for rentals and management services. 530-2332440. BRE# 01375178. (TFN) ----------------------------AFFORDABLE LIVING! ALTURAS Garden Apartments is accepting applications for clean 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Spacious landscape, large play area and professional on-site management. If you qualify, you may pay as little as 30% of your adjusted gross income, which includes heat, hot water and garbage. For more information, please come by the office or call. 310 E. McDowell Street, Alturas. Office hours, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Monday – Friday. TDD 800-735-2929 or 530-233-3918. Equal Housing Opportunity. (TFN) -----------------------------PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parent or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. (TFN) ------------------------------ F or s ALe S M A L L FIBERGLASS, ten foot, boat - $75. Call 530-233-2464. (21May) ----------------------------GREEN LOVESEAT, great condition - $150. Call 503-961-4380. (14May-21May) ----------------------------FOR SALE: DRY JUNIPER FENCE posts. $7 for 8’ posts, $6 for 7’ posts. Call Joe at 530-233-2081. (14May-21May) ----------------------------J U N I P E R FIREWOOD FOR sale: dry split $160; dry rounds $125; green split $140; green rounds $135. Dead Ponderosa Pine: split $145; rounds $135. Dry Lodge Pole: split $190; rounds $160. Selling wood at all times. Also taking TEACH vouchers. – Looking for summer pasture for 20-30 calves from May to November 2015 - $10 - $25 per head per month. Serious inquiries only. Call Jacob at 530-640-2746. (14May21May) ----------------------------BONNY BLUE, CUSTOM BREW, organic, aerated compost tea. Perfect for all your gardening needs. Reasonable rates. Call Honest Joe at 530-2993436. (14May-4June) ----------------------------MIKE’S RV - PARTS, REPAIRS, storage, consignments. We sell used RVs no cost to you! LEER Canopy Sale, go online leer. com for factory direct discounts, over $200 savings-6/8/15. Clearance sale on three new 2015 Springdale Travel Trailers $250 over our cost, starting at $12,999. Over 40 enclosed cargo trailers: 4x6- $1,399; 6x12$2,395; 7x14- $3,595; 8x16- $4,395; 8 1/2x20$5,595; 8 1/2x22$6,695. Open quad trailers w/ramps: 5x8$1,095; 5x10- $1,199; 6 1/2x12- $1,299; 6 1/2x14- $1,495; Open 7 days/ week! 7350 Southside Bypass, Klamath Falls, OR. 541-273-1111. (14May4June) ----------------------------- H eLp W Anted MODOC MEDICAL CENTER in Alturas, CA has openings for the following positions: Full Time Radiology Manager, LVN, RN, FNP, ERRN, Physician and Physician Assistant. Full time and part time positions are benefit eligible. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www.modocmed or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (21May) ----------------------------THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS are open at Modoc Joint Unified School District: K-8 Multiple Subject Teacher/Intern for the 2015/2016 school year, MHS JV Volleyball Coach and MMS 7th Grade Volleyball Coach. To apply for the positions available, please go to or contact Modoc Joint Unified School District Office at 530-233-7201 ext. 101 for more information. (21May28May) ----------------------------MODOC COUNTY OFFICE of Education is accepting applications for the following position: (1) School Psychologist. 8 hours per day, 191 days per year. Site: Special Education School Sites. Beginning: July 1, 2015. Salary: $54,703.87$87,469.29 per year. Benefits: Health / Vision / Dental Insurance (pro-rated). Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university; Master’s Degree in Psychology or related field from an accredited college or university; Valid California Pupil Personnel Service Credential; Valid California Driver’s license. To apply please provide a cover letter, completed certificated application, resume and three (3) letters of recommendation. Anyone interested in applying for the following position for the 2015/2016 school year must apply to Sonya Murphy at 139 Henderson St. Alturas CA 96101 in writing or by email at smurphy@ by the closing date, June 12, 2015. (21May) ----------------------------CNA TEMPORARY, four-month, fill-in positions in Lakeview, OR for Long-Term Care and/or Hospital. Offering $500 if hired: $250 upon hire & $250 at end of four-months. Will pay for Oregon license. Experience preferred, current Oregon certification or able to obtain ASAP, may offer FT or PT with full benefits at end of 4 months temp work. Apply online: Call 541-947-2114 x230 for info. (21May-28May) ----------------------------THE PIT RIVER TRIBE Roads Department is taking applications for a Civil Engineer to design, develop and construct, a huge range of road, bridge and trail projects from conception through to completion. For a complete Job Description please contact Herb Quinn or Joey Silvas of the Roads Department at 530-335-4516. (14May4June) ----------------------------MODOC COUNTY LIBRARY IS accepting applications for Branch Library Associate Substitute for Cedarville Library. Part-time position, (Range 118, Step A, $10.81/hr), without benefits. Open until filled. For more information or to request and application, call Cheryl Baker, County Librarian, at 530-2336340. (14May-21May) -----------------------------ALTURAS TIRE HAS AN OPENING for an experienced mechanic. Pay BOE. Full time, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Must have Valid Driver’s License. Pick up application in office - 100 W. 12th St., Alturas. (14May21May) -----------------------------CANBY FAMILY PRACTICE Clinic is accepting applications for a full-time Registered Nurse. Applications are available at the Canby Clinic. Call Linda Mann at 530-7088905. Canby Clinic is an EOE. (14May28May) -----------------------------SURPRISE VALLEY HIGH School has an opening for an Agriculture Instructor. Seeking enthusiastic instructional teacher and leader to build Ag/ FFA program. As part of a secondary teach- ing assignment, the Permanent resident on all advertising. teacher teaches class- aliens who wish to be Check your contraces in the Agriculture, employed as peace of- tor’s status at www. Science, ROP, and/ ficers must apply for or 800(2752). or FFA area, assists citizenship at least one 321-CSLB persons in other school pro- year before applica- Unlicensed grams assigned, and tion for such employ- taking jobs that total follows general duties, ment. If a permanent less than $500 must responsibilities and resident alien has not state in their adverguidelines including: obtained citizenship tisements that they FFA advising, fund- within three years are not licensed by raising, project col- after application for the Contractors State laboration within and employment or is de- License Board. (TFN) outside the communi- nied citizenship, he or -----------------------------ty, promoting student she shall be disqualiAnted participation in lead- fied for peace officer ership activities, con- status. For a complete WANTED! GOODferences and contest job description and to HEARTED people to at the local, section, pick up an application, join the Modoc County regional, state and na- come to The Modoc Senior Citizens Board tional levels. Required County Probation of Directors. Interest credential: Single Department at 326 in welfare of our elderSubject Agriculture / South Main Street, ly required. Must be Special Instruction – Alturas, CA 96101. 60 or older and have Agriculture. Beginning If out of the area call time to be involved Fall Semester 2015. 530-233-6324 to have in the senior center, Salary: Appropriate it mailed, faxed or e- plus attend monthly placement on certifi- mailed to you. (30Apr- meetings with the dicated salary schedule. 21May) rector. Please contact Submit the follow- ------------------------------ Cathleen Williamson ing: Valid California LOOKING FOR A or Torrie Roberts at Teaching Credential, FEDERAL OR postal 530-233-4438, or come CLAD/EL authoriza- job? What looks like in for an application at tion, letter of intent the ticket to a secure 906 W. 4th St., Alturas, to apply and district job might be a scam. the Modoc County application form. This For more information, Senior Citizens position is open until call the Federal Trade Center. (TFN) filled. Telephone: 530- Commission, toll-free, -----------------------------279-6141 x 122. Fax: 1 - 8 7 7 - F T C - H E L P , Ard ALes 530-279-2210. (7May- or visit 25June) A message from the LAKE CITY YARD ------------------------------ Modoc County Record SALE. House hold items, furniture, E X P E R I E N C E D and the FTC. (TFN) yard equipIRRIGATORS need- ------------------------------ tools, ment, Mantis tiller, ed in Surprise Valley ivestock electric chain saw and at Alexandre Hay miscellaneous Ranch. Please contact GRAZING LEASES other RANCH items. Saturday, May Carols at 707-601- XL AND Gooselake 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 1952. (7May-21May) ------------------------------ Reservation, June to 2:00 p.m. 110 E. Plum THE COUNTY OF November 1. 6,000 Street, Lake City, CA. MODOC is currently acres of fenced range (21May) accepting applica- and meadow graz- ----------------------------SALE: tions for the position ing: up to 4,400 acres ESTATE CR 1, of Probation Officer of Gooselake range, 13782 I. Salary: $2,277.00 meadow and lakebed Eagleville. Saturday, – $2907.00 monthly grazing. Cross fenced May 23 from 9 a.m. plus County Benefit meadow, Fall grazing – 1 p.m. Furniture, Package. Final after harvest requires dishes, tools and more! 530-279-2547. Filing Date: May 29, NRCS grazing adher- Call 2015. Job Summary: ence. Applications are (14May-21May) Performs a variety of available at the XL ----------------------------Resources W I L K E R S O N ’ S professional adult and Natural juvenile probation du- office and XL Health TRADING POST – ties related to case Clinic. Send sealed Come shop till you to Natural drop on “Red-Nose management, field bids Manager Thursday”! A percentmonitoring and in- Resources 3 Box 588, age of your purchase vestigation, probation HC supervision, intake Alturas, CA 96101. will go to children and young people living in and other programs; (21May-28May) Fly-fishing performs related work ----------------------------- poverty. tying supplies, clothes as required. Probation Officer I is the entry- L ost & F ound sold by pound, kitchen level class in this pro- FREE FOUND ADS! items and more. HWY fessional probation Any private party 299 across from Sturdy series. Initially un- finding a lost pet or Built. (21May) der close supervision, item can run a classi- ----------------------------incumbents provide fied ad, free of charge probation intake, in- for a week. The ad also vestigation and case is placed on the Modoc management services Record’s website www. while learning poli- for cies, rules and proce- the week. This serdures. As experience vice is offered by the is gained, duties be- Modoc County Record come more diversified in hopes that we can and are performed bring these pets or under more general lost items together with their supervision. Minimum again Qualifications include owners. Call Record - License: Must pos- Classifieds 233-2632 sess a valid California or e-mail classifieds@ Class C driver’s li- modoc cense. Education: (TFN) Bachelor’s degree from ----------------------------an accredited college ervices or university with major course work in C A R P E N T R Y , criminology, social or REMODELS, repairs, behavioral sciences, decks, porches, kitchor a related field, OR ens, baths, drywall, 60 units earned for paintings, tile, roofs, course work completed windows, doors, conthrough an accredited crete, steel buildings, college and two years all work guaranteed, of full time experi- 24-hour emergency reence in a criminal jus- pairs. Not CA licensed. tice field. Background Call Shawn at 530R e q u i r e m e n t : 249-6847. (14MayPlace An Ad Incumbents shall not 21May) In The have been convicted of ----------------------------a felony in this state NOTICE TO Record or any other state or READERS: Classifieds! in any federal jurisdic- California law rePublished tion, or of any offense quires that contracevery Thursday in any other state or tors taking jobs that and posted in any federal jurisdic- total $500 or more online you’re tion, which would have (labor and/or matebeen a felony if com- rials) be licensed by sure to sell fast. mitted in this state, the Contractors State The Modoc County nor be under current License Board. State formal probation su- law also requires that PO Box 531 • Alturas pervision. Citizenship contractors include Call (530) 233-2632 Fax (530) 233-5113 R e q u i r e m e n t : their license number W Y s L Want Cash Now! s RECORD C L L DEADLINE For Classified Advert Wednesdays At N May 21, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 19 MODOC COUNTY RECORD NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Modoc County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the Alturas City Hall Council Chambers at 200 West North Street Alturas, California to consider the vacationment of County Road 26-B and County Road 26-C in their entirety, south of the town of Cedarville, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that: 1. Proposed documents of the vacationment are available for review at the Modoc County Road Department, 202 W. 4th Street, Alturas, California. 2. The Modoc County Board of Supervisors will meet in the Council Chambers of the City of Alturas at 200 West North Street, Alturas, California, on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at the hour of 10:30 a.m. or thereafter, for the purpose of adopting a resolution to vacate County Roads 26-B and County Road 26-C, and 3. Any member of the public may appear and be heard regarding the vacationment. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Published in the Modoc County Record on May 7, May 14, May 21 and May 28, 2015. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 15-23 Exp: April 29, 2020 New Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 2 D Sales, 649 Partridge Lane, Alturas, CA 96101. Mailing address: PO Box 176, Alturas, CA 96101. Phone: 530-640-2414 Registered Owner(s): William G. DeHaven, 228 W. ‘B’ Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Phone: 530-6402414. This business is conducted by: Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on April 1, 2015 (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ William G. DeHaven This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on April 29, 2015. Published in the Modoc County Record on May 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2015. NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF EDNA MAY TALBOTT. CASE NUMBER: PR-15-009 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: EDNA MAY TALBOTT A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Haroldine Smith in the Superior Court of California, County of: Modoc. The Petition for Probate requests that: Haroldine Smith be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the In- dependent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or have consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: June 1, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. Address of court: Superior Court of California, County of Modoc, 205 S. East Street, Alturas, CA 96101. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of the first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets and of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: Jeffrey Hedlund, 35 South G Street, Lakeview, OR 97630. Phone: (541) 947-3355 Filed with the Modoc Superior Court on April 24, 2015. Published in the Modoc County Record on May 7, 14 and 21, 2015. SEALED BIDS The Pit River Tribal Housing Board will receive sealed Proposals for the Supply and Delivery of Materials for the construction of Phase II of the Elders Center, 36968 Park Drive, Burney, CA 96013 until 2:00 P.M. local time on the 2nd day of June, 2015. Proposal form and documents are available at the Pit River Tribal Housing Board office. Call Raymond Rivera at (530) 335-4809 during normal business hours. Published in the Modoc County Record on May 14, 21 and 28, 2015. TRUSTEE SALE APN: 039-091-221-1 TS No: CA09000480-14-1 TO No: 95306631 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED August 6, 2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On June 8, 2015 at 10:30 AM, at the steps of the Modoc County Courthouse located at 204 S. Court Street, Alturas CA 96101, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust recorded on August 12, 2004, as Instrument No. 20040005472-00, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Modoc County, California, executed by EDWARD GREEN, REBECA GREEN, as Trustor(s), in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. as nominee for M & T MORTGAGE CORPORATION as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 160 WILLOWVIEW ROAD, ALTURAS, CA 96101 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $119,451.09 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. No- tice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call Priority Posting and Publishing at 714573-1965 for information regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit the Internet Web site address listed below for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA09000480-14-1. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Date: May 4, 2015 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA09000480-14-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949252-8300 TDD: 866-6604288 Amy Lemus, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT www.priorityposting. com FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: Priority Posting and Publishing AT 714-573-1965 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P1141682 5/14, 5/21, 05/28/2015 Published in the Modoc County Record on May 14, 21 and 28, 2015. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (LCAP / BUDGET 2015-16) MODOC COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION The Public Hearing on the LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and the 2015 / 16 Budget will be held in the Conference Room at the Modoc County Office of Education on Tuesday – May 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. A copy of the proposed budget may be inspected by the public at the Modoc County Office of Education from May 20th - May 22nd between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. /s/ Gary L. Jones County Superintendent of Schools Modoc County Office of Education Published in the Modoc County Record on May 14 and 21, 2015. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (LCAP / BUDGET 2015-16) SURPRISE VALLEY JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT The Public Hearing on the LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and the 2015 / 16 Budget will be held in the High School Library at Surprise Valley High School on Tuesday – June 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. A copy of the proposed budget may be inspected by the public at the Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District from June 3rd - June 5th, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. /s/ Gary L. Jones County Superintendent of Schools Modoc County Office of Education Published in the Modoc County Record on May 21 and 28, 2015. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (LCAP / BUDGET 2015-16) MODOC JOINT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT The Public Hearing on the LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and the 2015 / 16 Budget will be held in the District Office Conference Room at the Modoc Joint Unified School District on Tuesday – June 9th, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. A copy of the proposed budget may be inspected by the public at the Modoc Joint Unified School District on June 4th, 5th & 8th, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. /s/ Gary L. Jones County Superintendent of Schools Modoc County Office of Education Published in the Modoc County Record on May 21 and 28, 2015. TRUSTEE SALE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Foreclosure No.:063-50648 Title (TSG) No.: 000-55441 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 08/15/2006 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE is hereby given that CAL-SIERRA TITLE COMPANY, a California corporation, as trustee, or successor trustee or substituted trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by JOHN L. HERYFORD AND MICHELE HERYFORD ALSO KNOWN AS MICHELE S. HERYFORD Recorded on 10/13/2006 as Instrument No. 2006-5113 of Official Records in the Office of the County Recorder of MODOC County, California, and pursuant to the Notice of Default and Election to Sell thereunder recorded February 6, 2015 as Instrument No. 2015-211 of Official Records of said County, WILL SELL ON 06/04/2015 at 10:30AM At the steps of the County Courthouse at 204 S. Court Street, Alturas, CA. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at the time of sale in lawful money of the United States), all right title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State hereinafter described: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST. The property address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 366 CANYON CREEK RD, ALTURAS, CA 96101 The Assessor's Parcel No. is: 038-042-22; 038-042-23 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address and other common designation, if any shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $132,813.37. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specific in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty express or implied regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust with interest as provided therein, and the unpaid principle balance of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, fees, charges and expenses of the trustee and the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. This notice is sent for the purpose of collecting a debt. Cal-Sierra Title Company is attempting to collect a debt on behalf of the holder and owner of the note. Any information obtained or provided to this Company or to the creditor will be used for that purpose. If the Trustee is unable to convey title or if the sale is set aside for any reason, the successful bidder/purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to receive a return of the monies paid to the Trustee and said successful bidder/purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Lender/Mortgagee or Trustee. "NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive Legals continued on pg 16 R ECORD R E A L E S T A T E Featured ProPerties RMS Real Estate Roy Ferry • Broker • (530) 233-5888 Cell (530) 640-3110 • 135 N. Main • Alturas, CA • [email protected] DRE#01113115 ~ 39.6 Acres in Fort Bidwell extensively remodeled historical antique ranch house, irrigation #2622 ~ Historical Golden Bar & Res- #2708 from Bidwell Creek and from a irrigation well, two barns, outbuildings, small quiet town. $390,000 taurant, liquor license & all supplies, #2712 ~ Very Nice Small Ranch, 2 bath, 2 bedrooms attractive home, on 73.4 acres, pole barn, well equipment/furniture all in place ready to shop/storage, corrals, irrigation well (with no distribution system). In Davis Creek, CA. . $279,000 use, turn key operation & a rare opportu- #2701 ~ 24.2 Acres & Home, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is just S. of New Pine Creed, Or. Ground your animals and for you. Love country living and mountain views this is the place. . . .$165,000 nity to own a piece of history. $250,000 for #2711 ~ Ranch Style Home, on six lots in Cal Pines, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, nice kitchen, formal dining 5/21 room, den, living room, sun room/patio/large deck, 2 car garage-shop/carport area/storage. $162,500 #2593 ~ Two Story Home, 4 bedrooms/3 baths, vinyl windows, metal roof on home, garage, downstairs complete with bedrooms/bath/laundry/family room, right in town close to Main St. $149,900 #2706 ~ Manufactured Home/2 Car Garage-workshop, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths (1w/handicapped features) rustic add-on, enclosed porch at front entry, yard, outbuildings, all on 1.86 acres. $92,000 #2699 ~ Small Home, 2 bedrooms/1 bath, newer handicap walk-in bath, home is in good condition, ideal for 1 or 2 persons, yard, detached garage-workshop, in town with shopping close by. . $59,900 #2704 ~ 1.8 Acres, Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Mfg. Home, foundation, lots of extra’s, wet bar, family room, enclosed sun room, oversized garage-shop, new metal roof, dog run, space, views. . . $125,000 #2697 ~ 2 Adjoining Parcels, 20.09/40.3 acres, part in Thoms Creek Estates, Mt. Views. . . $85,000 #2495 ~ Alturas Home, 3 bed, 2 baths, open kitchen/living room with fire place insert, utility room, garage converted to family room, corner lot, near schools & the Alturas swimming pool. . . $89,900 #2498 ~ 2.94 Acres, Ready for a Home, artesian well/pump house/septic/power/pad. NOW $28,000 #2681 ~ 20 ACRE PARCEL, close to town on Co. Rd. 60, nice building site & offered at $38,000 AdditionAl ResidentiAl, CommeRCiAl, And lot listings AvAilAble!!! Surprise Valley Realty 530-279-1020 Mary Cook-Davis, Broker Davis Property Management 507 North Main Street Cedarville, CA 96104 CA DRE Lic# 01220869 NEW - Cedarville High on a hill this home has views, views, views! Two bedrooms and two bathrooms, grande kitchen with mega storage. Living room with views, office, decking. 5+/- acres of privacy with room for gardens, horses or whatever your pleasure. Shop with RV door. $259,000 80109 – Cedarville – Vintage home on 2 parcels, one zoned commercial in a very private downtown setting. Home has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, gourmet kitchen, enclosed porch, decking around the front with a pond. The grounds are immaculate, with shade and fruit trees. Detached shop and garage a plus! Seasonal water flows through property. $265,000 RESIDENTIAL Call (530) 233-6669 to speak with Rollie Gilliam or Kara Binning Looking to buy, sell, rent or manage property just call or come by 411 S. Main St., Alturas • The historic Sears Building CA DRE Lic#00469821 37010: Solar 2-story cabin. 800 sq. ft. 2 bed/1 bath on 1. +/- acres. 18x20 insulated work shop with wood stove, six solar panel 90 watts, 9,000 powered generator remote starter that powers house and 220 well pump. Fully fenced & gated. Price $70,000 NEED HELP FINDING A RENTAL? GIVE US A CALL FOR SALE: Country Living Close to Town; Beautiful 1,668 sq ft Fuqua manufactured home built in 2002 with 3 Bed 2 Bath, modern kitchen, spacious laundry room, dining area and sits on 1 +/- acre with shade trees and patio area. Home has central heat and air conditioning (heat pump.) fireplace, attached 2 car garage with automatic garage doors. Additional outbuildings, fenced yard. On the outskirts of town - $185,000 Comfort & Economy 4 bedroom 2 bath home in great condition. Beautiful hardwood floors. Master bedroom is set off from the other rooms and is adorned with a romantic fireplace and a door that opens to the beautiful garden. Master bathroom has a specially built walk in tub. Plenty of heat with a wood stove, monitor and propane wall heater. Gravel in the driveway and back yard to cut down on lawn maintenance. Many benefits to this house. $180,000 37050: A 3 bed/2 Carol bath 1,344 sq. ft. Hertel on 1.acres. A two Ext. 27 car garage, sun room, covered porches, trees, metal roof, new windows, wood burning stove and furnace. Price $90,000. 36290 1994 Skyline MFH 1,776 sq/ft. 3 bed/2 bath on .33 acres. Large living space, pellet stove, all appliances, central heating & air, monitor heater. 2 car garage, breezeway, Patio/deck, lots of parking. Price: $115,000 Beautiful Custom built home on 105+/- acres. Gorgeous kitchen with custom built cabinets. Tile, carpet, vinyl and hardwood flooring. Sun room with tile flooring that wraps partially around the house. Extra large closets, garage with cement flooring and monitor heat. All insulated for exceptional economy. Garden area, fruit trees, auto sprinkler system, beautiful views of the Warner Mtns. and the wildlife preserve - call to schedule a visit today! $498,750 Clean Manufactured home on permanent foundation built in 2002 nearly maintenance free, fully fenced with chain link fencing, gravel yard, mature trees and beautiful view on large lot, 3 bedroom 2 bath 1248 sq ft manufactured home. Home is well taken care of with a spacious kitchen, custom cabinets, pantry, walk in closets, separate laundry room and detached 2 car garage with automatic opener, security lights, Coleman Central Heat & Air. Priced to sell at $88,500 36170 A 2 bed/2 bath 940 sq. ft. home with 1/car garage, alley access, partly fenced, lawn, shed, wood stove, refrigerator, cook stove, newly painted convenience to shopping. Price: $75,000. Vacant land 280 +/- acres, fenced, borders BLM, not far from the town of Alturas and close to a county maintained road. Possible owner carry - $112,000 3 Bedroom, 1 bath home in town with fenced yard, double car garage with additional 1 bedroom and bathroom in garage - $70,000 Country home built in 1980 with 1,560 sq. ft., custom built cabinets in the kitchen, wood burning stove and electric baseboard heaters, separate living room, attached 2 car garage on 4+ acres. Garden area, cement patio, on it’s own well and septic - $168,000 Large 2 bdrm, 1 bath home with separate laundry room, wood and linoleum flooring, fireplace, monitor heat, attached garage and separate storage building, fenced yard with fireplace area in the backyard - $115,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, wood stove and monitor heating, large fenced back yard with additional storage building, close to hospital - $115,000 Great investment opportunity. Large windows, spacious and bright inside, monitor and fireplace for heat. Decking. 3 bedrooms/2 baths, newly remodeled kitchen. Bonus 1 bedroom house, 1 bath guest cottage in the back, 2 car carport - $150,000 Janie Erkiaga • Real Estate Broker CA Lic#1033704 • NV Lic#0039924 CALL (530) 233-4128 35190: Cheap starter home on .65ac. 2 bed/1 bath 1/car detached garage large back yard, large kitchen & Laundry room, storage. Good flooring (vinyl & carpet) monitor heating, metal roof and fruit trees. Price: $45,000 VACANT LAND 36460: 40.232 acres in NV & Surprise Valley, with spectacular mountain & valley vistas. Natural landscape & habitat of many flora and fauna. An extraordinary opportunity. Price: $40,000. 5/21 CELEBRATING 26 YEARS IN REAL ESTATE! 5/21 ROLLIE GILLIAM REALTY 5/21 Spacious home with 3264 s.f. 4 bedrooms, 2.75 baths, formal living room, open family room, Darth Vader Kitchen and dining area. Double car garage and shop, corner lot great home to raise children, many upgrades, slate fireplace, wood stove, turn-key..$235,000. 68 acre ranch, 55 acres irrigated meadow, 2004 Palm Harbor Home 2428 s.f., 58’x 60’metal barn, 3 bay storage shed, 2nd home site w/utilities, Hot Springs Irrigation, Rattlesnake Ditch Assn., well landscaped fenced and cross fenced......$398,000. 4 bedrooms, 1.75 baths with 2258 s.f. Of up to date living space on 1.19 ac with great views, near town, fenced garden area, chicken house/yard, shop, storage buildings, carport a must see that is formal, yet good family living home. Turn-key..reduced to..$225,000. Time Honored Home, very built, 2-story, 4 bed, 1.75 bath, 2113 sf., finished basement, corner lot, garage/shop, double carport, brick patio....$225,000 Inspire the Artist 2 bedroom 1 bath, double garage with art studio, old barn On 1 acre water right from Bidwell Creek reduced to…….$150,000.00 80 Timbered acres in the Warner mountains good access…$120,000.00 120 ac with domestic well and home site, great views, fenced, $65,000 Laundromat and Mobile Home Park in Cedarville, room for expansion, 9 mobile spaces, 9 RV spaces, 4 unimproved spaces. Includes full Laundromat, good income.….$225,000. No hand watering on 1 ac 3 bed 1 bath 1836 s.f. home in Lake City, garden, orchard, lawn, orchard flowers all on a drip system. Modern interior, large garage w/ shop, horse Paddocks, great views, good schools and neighborhood……$157,500. 86+/- ac Own a very private wildlife property with 2 bed 1 bath home, artesian well septic, 12 mile creek, many species of wildlife, beaver ponds, raptors, deer and other large wildlife borders BLM. …$375,000. Davis Creek Mercantile and Deli includes a 2 bed, 1 bath home and garage. Great business opportunity with home on 1+/- ac. Is the hub in Davis Creek…$240,000. Hafer Hills acreages with wells and septic systems. Lot 9, 19.99 ac…$110,000. Lot 10, 21.21 ac..$115,000. Both lots have good views of the Warner Mtns. View Lot in MRE...3.22 ac for $8,000. 3 Bed, 2 bath 1440 s.f. mfg, in Brooks Park, extra lot, fully furnished, excellent Condition, great recreation hideout, when you visit Modoc, reduced.. $75,000. 1023 North Court Street • Alturas, CA 96101 Phone: (530) 233-2440 • Fax: (530) 233-2406 WE WE ALSO ALSO HAVE HAVE RENTALS RENTALS AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE! 36470: 40.23 acres in NV & Surprise Valley. Mountain & Valley vistas. Natural landscape & habitat of many flora and fauna including native Indian Paintbrush, Mule Deer, & Chukar. An extraordinary opportunity. Price: $40,000. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD ONLINE EDITION FOR ONLY PER YEAR! 36590: 19.5 acres near Alturas: Fenced, well, pressure system & pump house, septic system, SVE power & panel, and spectacular view of Wildlife Refuge. Price: $80,000 We offer professional real estate, auction & property management services. We are happy to help you with any property in our local “Modoc Listing Service” (MLS) & the listings frequently change. ENJOY THE [email protected] ENTIRE ISSUE OF THE MODOC RECORD Email WITH today JUST THEto CLICK OF Ymore. OUR MOUSE! learn 5/14 #2700 ~ Very Nice 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Ba, Mfg. Home in Brooks Park, two lots. Has large rooms metal roof/vinyl siding, central air/encl. porch entry, foundation . . . . $75,000 Support Our Troops, Farmers and Ranchers No One Knows the Country Like We Do© CA BRE #01375178 WWW.MODOCRECORD.COM Remember “The Basque Broker” when you think Real Estate! HAS DENNIS TATE, BROKER • MARTHA WILLIAMS, SALES ASSOCIATE RESIDENTIAL: THE E M I T Come 335 N. MAIN, ALTURAS, CA 96101 • PHONE 530-233-3133 CA DRE License #00696849 & 01262595 RURAL RESIDENTIAL: #3378: Lots to offer at this property:2 lots, a 3 bed- #3384: Very well kept property with creek running room, 1 bath home, 2 car garage, shop area, outside through it. This home is approximately 2000 sq ft. with 3 entertaining area, paved driveway, vinyl siding, 3 year bedrooms and 2 baths. Home is a well kept 60’s era brick old roof, and vinyl windows. One of a kind home in and wood frame home on 172 acres. There is a den, large kitchen and utility room and lots of storage. Large, beautitown. Reduced to $98,000 fully landscaped yard with mature shrubs, apple trees and a #3385: Nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath home close to very large lawn. Approximately 72 acres are irrigated that downtown. Large lot with a double car garage. Open includes grass/pasture and an apple orchard. Large barn, floor plan with a large bedroom upstairs. $105,000 shop, equipment shed and an old historic grain mill are extras. $800,000 3303:BUILT IN 1909 ORIGINALLY BUILT AS ALTURAS CIVIC CLUB. 2 bed and 2 bath with an #3367: Country home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on 20 attached apartment. New carpet. New built in dishwash- acres. Double car garage w/opener, vinyl siding, seamless er, Jenair cook top. Garden window in kitchen. Large gutters, vinyl fencing around yard, underground sprinklers. deck on back. Very large city lot. Detached 2 car garage Covered patio in the back for your backyard barbecues. Diesel furnace and monitor heater heat this home. Two wells; one Reduced to $215,000 is an ag well and the other domestic. There are wheel lines VISIT WWW.MODOCREALTY.COM and hand lines for the planted acreage. Fabulous views of FOR MORE LISTINGS the Warner Mountains are stunning. Must see. $249,500 5/21 ODOCREALTY.COM Page 20 - Modoc County Record - May 21, 2015 #3380: 3 bedroom home on large corner lot. Has new flooring, new appliances, new paint. Vinyl windows. Partial basement with wood cabinetry and laundry facilities. Upstairs with 2 bedrooms/1 bath. Very spacious kitchen. Living room with a wood stove insert. Yard is completely fenced with a cyclone fence; roof is approx. 5 years old. A double car garage is an added feature to this very nice property. $130,000 #3386: This home was built in the 1920’s and has llovely built in cabinetry in bathroom and dining area, lots of character. 2 bed/1 bath home with the Pit River on the back side. Large lot of 1/3 of an acre. There is a storage shed and lots of room for a garden, parking, or additions. With a very large wrap around porch on the back of house for the added space. $65,000 To get the job you deserve! All you need to do is turn the page to The Modoc County Record Classifieds (530) 233-2632
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