Greenways produktem turystycznym Europy
Greenways produktem turystycznym Europy
“Greenways: a tourism product of Europe” Mercedes Muñoz, EGWA Director [email protected] TIME FOR BIKING! Can cycle tourism become a brand tourism product of Poland ? 13 February 2016 r. / Tour Salon, Poznan / Pavilion 7 • EGWA presentation • Greenways and asset for sustainable tourism and cycle tourism • Developing tourism product around greenways • Greenways in Europe In 1998 the European Greenways Association (EGWA) was created in Namur (Wallonia, Belgium) Objectives: inventory, encouraging the creation and promotion of Greenways in Europe. Secretariat and executive seat in Madrid (Spain). 51 members from 16 countries EGWA MEMBERS AUSTRIA : FUTURE BASE WEINVIERTEL (FBW) - BELGIUM : CHEMINS DU RAIL (CDR) ; INSTITUT BRUXELLOIS GESTION ENVIRONNEMENT (IBGE) ; REGIERUNG DER DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN GEMEINSCHAFT ; RÉGION WALLONNE - D.G. OPÉR. ROUTES ET BÂTIMENTS ; - D.G. OPÉR. MOBILITÉ ET VOIES HYDRAULIQUES ; -D.G. OPÉR. AMÉNAGEMENT DU TERRITOIRE, DU LOGEMENT, DU PATRIMOINE ET DE L’ÉNERGIE ; PROVINCIE ANTWERPEN ; VILLE DE CHARLEROI - CZECH REPUBLIC:ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP for SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (EPSD) - FRANCE : ASSOCIATION DES DÉPARTEMENTS ET RÉGIONS CYCLABLES (DRC) ; ASSOCIATION FR. VÉLO ROUTES ET VOIES VERTES (AF3V) ; ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT ET LA PROMOTION DE L’AVENUE VERTE LONDON/PARIS; CLUB DES VILLES CYCLABLES ; MINISTÈRE DE L’ÉCOLOGIE, DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE, DES TRANSPORTS ET DU LOGEMENT (MEDDTL) ; ECO-COMPTEUR; HUNGARY : GREENWAYS METHODOLOGY ASSOCIATION (GMA); - IRELAND: GREAT WESTERN TRAIL ; GREAT SOUTHERN TRAIL; HERITAGE COUNCIL OF IRELAND - ITALY: ASSOCIAZONE ITALIANA GREENWAYS (AIG) LATVIA: VIDZEME TOURISM ASSOCIATION - LUXEMBOURG: MINISTÈRE DU TOURISME – NORWAY ROGALAND COUNTY COUNCIL; POLAND: STOWARZYSZENIE GREENWAYS POLAND (GREENWAYS POLAND ASSOCIATION- PORTUGAL: ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE CORREDORES VERDES; CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE MONTEMOR-O-NOVO; CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE VALENÇA ; COMUNIDADE INTERMUNICIPAL DA REGIÃO DÃO LAFÕES; COMUNIDADE INTERMUNICIPAL DO MINHO-LIMA (CIM–ALTO MINHO) MUNICIPIO DE MONÇÃO; REDE FERROVIARIA NACIONAL (REFER); - ROMANIA ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIAL & HEALTH TOURISM ASSOCIATION ; - SPAIN: ADMINISTRADOR DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS FERROVIARIAS (ADIF); BASQUETOUR-AGENCIA VASCA DE TURISMO ; CONSELL COMARCAL DE LA TERRA ALTA ; CONSORCI VIES VERDES DE GIRONA ; CONSORCIO TURISTICO PLAZAOLA; CONSORCIO TURÍSTICO VÍA VERDE DEL NOROESTE ; CONSORCIO VIA VERDE DEL TARAZONICA ; DIPUTACIÓN FORAL DE ALAVA; DIPUTACION PROVINCIAL DE JAEN; FUNDACION FERROCARRILES ESPAÑOLES (FFE) ; FUNDACION VIA VERDE DE LA SIERRA ; GENERALITAT VALENCIANA. D. G. DE TRANSPORTES, PUERTOS Y COSTAS; MANCOMUNIDAD VÍA VERDE DE LA JARA – UNITED KINGDOM: SUSTRANS. Honorary members: BELGIUM: SNCB-HOLDING - SPAIN: ADMINISTRADOR DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS FERROVIARIAS (ADIF); MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y MEDIO RURAL Y MARINO; USA: RAILS TO TRAILS CONSERVANCY (RTC). What EGWA does? To promote greenways • Awards • Conferences • Observatory • Greenways Day, within the European Mobility Week • Best Practices Guides, • European projects (REVER, Greenways4Tour, Naviki, Greenways Product, Outdoor) • information exchange, initiatives diffusion, networking, cooperation, advise, lobbying, (...) Biennaly: European Greenways Awards 2003. I EGA was handed by Environmental Commissioner Margot Wallström. (Brussels). 7th EGA Award ceremony Namur, Belgium, in cooperation with the Wallonie. 16 October 2015 Greenways Communication car-free routes Satisfactory standards •width, •gradient, and •surface condition... user-friendly and low-risk for users of all abilities. Greenways Refitted infrastructures, such as: • abandoned railways • canal towpaths • disused military roads • other paths closed to motorized traffic Daily mobility, active tourism, healthy leisure, sport and exercise for everyone urban or rural Phil Cheattle/Sustrans Greenways and abandoned railway lines Europe possesses thousands of kilometres of disused railway lines which form part of the cultural and industrial heritage of the continent Greenways: a way to preserve the cultural and industrial heritage of the disused railway lines in Europe, thanks to the restoration and maintenance of structures such as tunnels, viaducts and station buildings. Greenways safeguard the continuity of transport corridors; the trails could revert to their original use as railway lines. Infraestructures facilitating access Reconditioning of railway bridges Infraestructures facilitating access Tunnels Signposting of the Greenways Rehabilitation of disused railway stations To install Services and tourism equipment for Innumerable examples in Europe. Greenways promote: • sustainable mobility for daily travel (to work, school, shops) and leisure journeys. • Sustainable tourism, rural development and local employment creation Greenways: an asset for sustainable tourism Gradients less than 3 %, rectilinear tracks, wide curves. Exceptional and respectful access to nature, due to the use of preexisting infrastructures integrated into the landscape allowing movement around the countryside, offering enjoyment of the culture and history of Europe. Greenways: great infrastructure for cycle tourism The need of a continuous, safe, attractive and sign-posted trail is accepted by all, and these are the characteristic of the greenways! Cycle tourism in Europe • Cycle tourism not recorded in (European) statistics • Market generally seen to be increasing • Growth of cycle tourism uneven across Europe • 2,300 million cycle day trips per year • 20 million cycle holiday trips per year • €44 billion of gross revenues per year Updated september 2012 Available: “Greenways4tour” • Best practices guides, • Leaflets, • Video, • Workshops, • Observatory Greenways Product From “Tourism Resource” to Tourism Product” Greenways Outdoor The project is about the creation and transnational promotion of an outdoor tourism product linked to European greenways, and on the improvement of the capacity building of SMEs located in their vicinity, so that they can tailor their services to the demands of customers and so become more competitive. New project 2015: Greenways Outdoor Greenways Outdoor 10 partners from 5 countries: Spain, Latvia, Portugal, Italy and Belgium • ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DES VOIES VERTES AISBLEUROPEAN GREENWAYS ASOCIACION (EGWA) (Belgium European scope) Lead partner/coordinator • FUNDACIÓN FERROCARRILES ESPAÑOLES (Spain), • VIDZEMES TURISMA ASOCIACIJA (Latvia), • PANGEA EDUCACION Y DEPORTE EN LA NATURALEZA SL (Spain), • COMUNIDADE INTERMUNICIPAL VISEU DAO LAFOES (Portugal), • GRUPPO DI AZIONE LOCALE POLESINE DELTA DEL PO - ROVIGO (Italy), • FUNDACION VIA VERDE DE LA SIERRA (Spain), • TOURISMUSAGENTUR OSTBELGIEN (Belgium), • DIVERSPORT EMPRESA DE SERVEIS ESPORTIUS SC (Spain), •-Budget: SERVICIOS DEPORTIVOS, CULTURALES Y DE ANIMACION 320,000€ DXOCIO SL (Spain). -Implementation period: June 2015-November 2016 “Greenways Outdoor ” WP2: Diversify Tourism Offer. Lead: FFE • Workshops • Diversify Tourism Offer : – Tourism packages and European catalogue of outdoor tourism products on Greenways. – Adaptation to the market and improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs. – Sporting events on greenways. – Fam/Press trips – Promoting public-private collaboration. “Greenways Outdoor ” WP3: Better information & marketing Lead: Tourismusagentur Ostbelgien • Workshops. • Best practices guide for the marketing and communication of the greenways tourism product. • Joint participation in specialized fairs. • Technical visit / revers visits “Greenways Outdoor ” WP 4. Promotion & communication. Lead: EGWA. • European Greenways Product Outdoor Award European photo competition. • Greenways outdoor campaign at European Mobility Week. • Creation of a website and some communication 2.0 marketing. “Greenways Outdoor ” WP 4. Promotion & communication. Lead: EGWA. • Press releases/Articles in newsletters • Brochure on the European Greenways Outdoor project. • Pan-European workshop • European conference about Greenways, EuroVelo and Cycletourism 2016, focus on Outdoor tourism product Greenways in Europe France Defined a national cycle routes and greenways network of 19.500 km, 35 % already in use. Of them: - Greenways 63 % (4320 km). - With smooth surface near 4.000 km and 1.800 km hard. 6.150 Km. of the national network, take part of the itineraries at European level. (July, 2010) From Atlas national des Veloroutes et voies vertes. Départaments & Régions cyclables de France in partenership wiht the Minister of the Ecologie . France 250 safe itineraries for pedestrian, cyclists, skaters and for people with reduced mobility Excellence 1st Prize / 1ère Prix L’Avenue Verte (France) Luxemburg 600 km of cycle routes 120 km using disused railways lines 90 % of disused railways lines have been reconverted in greenways PROGRAMA VIAS VERDES DISUSED RAILWAYS AND GREENWAYS IN SPAIN In 1993: 7.600 km of disused railways. In 2015 70 VV in use : 2400 km 954 stations 117 greenways 501 tunnels 1.070 bridges 1st Prize 4th EGA, 2009 -Sustainable, Development & Tourism Via Verde de la Sierra (Spain) Example of Sustainable Development and tourism & local generation of employment in an isolated and depressed rural area. 36 km crossing 6 small municipalities, with about 30.000 inhabitants 30 tunnels 4 railways stations restored Excellence 2nd Prize Vía Verde de la Sierra (Spain) For its determination on keeping on improving the excellence levels already reached, generating new and attractive equipments and accommodations to attract tourists and creating new jobs in a very rural area, despite the current crisis. ENTORNO ESTACION DE OLVERA 1.99 3 Portugal – “Ecopistas” Nacional Plan” Promoted by REFER (Railways Infrastructure Manager) oo nnççãã M Moo Ex-LINHA GUIMARÃES MAIA GUIMARÃES -FAFE RAMAL DE MONÇÃO RAMAL DE FAMALICÃO LINHA DO TÂMEGA LINHA DO CORGO LINHA DO TUA LINHA DO SABOR LLii LLiinn nnhh hhaa aa doo ddo DDo Tuu uur aa oo RRaa m maa ll dde FFa m ma lliiccãã oo LLiinn hhaa ddoo CCo rrggoo ll ddee m maa RRaa eeuu e VViiss all dd m m a a RR oo ttiijj onn M Mo ddoo aall m aam R RRaa m VVi aall llaa ddee VVii MM ççoo oorr ssaa a Raa m maa l dd ee M Mo uuraa EX-LINHA DO DÃO RAMAL DE VISEU EX-LINHA DO VOUGA RAMAL DE VISEU RAMAL DE PORTALEGRE RAMAL DO MONTIJO RAMAL DE MONTEMOR RAMAL DE MORA RAMAL DE REGUENGOS RAMAL DE MOURA RAMAL DE VILA VIÇOSA Ex-LINHA DO SUL- LOUSAL 748 Km elegibles 449 Km with contracts 580 Km with preliminary studies for projects 212 Km in use as “ecopistas” (2013) Portugal Minho Excellence / Excelência 3rd Prize / 3º Prémio Ecopista do Dão (Portugal) Dão Greenways – Tourist and Cycling Routes Belgium: Walloon Region 1300 Km. of RAVeL, 150 Km. préRAVeL and others greenways and 200 Km of conextion path. Tourism Product Vennbahn (Belgium / Bélgica) For the creation and commercialization of a tourism product related to the excellent, cross-border Vennbahn greenway, which connects 3 different countries. It offers tourism services packages, including accommodation, e-bikes, baggage transport, and a la carte packages. SPECIAL AWARD - TOURISM PRODUCT IN GREENWAYS Vennbahn (Belgium ) UK “National Cycle Network”: more than 20.000 km, (1/3 aproximately are car-free including“greenways” Developed and built by Sustrans in collaboration with numerous local authorities and other collaborators The first route was the Bristol and Bath Railway Path, a 17-mile traffic-free trail along a disused railway. This is the most popular greenway in UK 4 Towards Bristol, Bristol & Bath Railway Path Exemplary Initiatives / Iniciativas Exemplares 3rd Prize / 3º Prémio Sustrans Connect2 Two Tunnels Greenway (United Kingdom / Reino Unido) Ireland 1. Great Western Trail ( 42 Km) 2. Great Southern Trail (35 km) 3. Cork city to Dougla’s estuary (aprox.5km) 4. Mullingar in Royal Canal – (pilot phase, aprox. 5 km) 5/6. Grand & Royal Canals in Dublín 7. S2S (Sutton to Sandycove) around Dublin Bay– in phase of planning. 8. Lagan Canal - Belfast – Lisburn (Nord Irland) 9. Foyle - Derry City (4 km) (Nord Irland) 10 Newry Canal – Newry to Belfast (Nord Irland) 11. Waterford to Dungarvan - in phase of planning (in grease colour on the map) Exemplary Initiatives / 1st Prize Great Western Greenway (Ireland) For the transformation of an old railway line in excellent greenways, successfully achieved thanks to a partnership approach that is being an inspiring model for other current developments on Ireland. It allows both local residents and tourists to discover the most beautiful landscapes of the west of the country. VALORIZZARE TERRITORIO E PAESAGGIO ATTRAVERSO IL RECUPERO DELLE FERROVIE ABBANDONATE COME GREENWAYS Italy Disused railways Linee non più in esercizio (165) Tratti abbandonati in seguito a varianti (50) Linee incompiute (16) Totale (233) Linee FS Trento non in esercizio (3.000 km) Aosta Trieste Venezia Milano Linee FS sottoutilizzate (2.500 km) nonininconcessione esercizio (3.000 km) Linee Torino non in esercizio (3.400 km) sottoutilizzate (2.500 km) Genova Linee in concessione Linee in esercizio Bologna non in esercizio (3.400 km) Firenze 5.000 km Ancona Perugia Linee in esercizio Pescara 900 km L'Aquila Roma Campobasso 500 km Bari 6.400 km Napoli Linee a scarso traffico e a spola 2.500 km Totale 8.900 km Cagliari Potenza Catanzaro Palermo ® DR. ROBERTO ROVELLI - PROF. ALESSANDRO TOCCOLINI UN’OPPORTUNITÀ PER LA VALORIZZAZIONE DEL TERRITORIO FERROVIE DISMESSE E GREENWAYS Italy From railway to greenway EX-FERROVIA BERGAMO-P. BREMBANA EX-FERROVIA CALTAGIRONE-DITTAINO DR. ROBERTO ROVELLI EX-FERROVIA GENOVA-VENTIMIGLIA EX-FERROVIA CASALBORDINO-VASTO Excellence 2nd Prize / 2ème Prix PARCO COSTIERO DEL PONENTE LIGURE (Italy) Czech Repúblic Czech Greenways Greenways in Central Europe Excellence 3rd Prize / 3e Prix Koleje (Train tracks), (Czech Republic) Greenways Product Greenways in Poland… Greenways in Poland… Greenways in Poland… Hight potential Wishing Coming soon ! Some conclusions about greenways and tourism • Greenways are greatly advancing in Europe • They are an tourism initiative from the EU • The creation and promotion of Greenways can greatly help to diversify the economy in rural areas attracting visitors, but also to be used for local people. • The economic impact that tourism generates is a reality for a growing number of greenways. Some conclusions about greenways and tourism • The Greenways Outdoor project will help this to be true for other European greenways, many of which still have a long way to go before they can turn what is an attractive resource into an excellent greenway product. • The success stories and the conditions that have made them possible will serve as an inspiration to embark on new initiatives in other European countries that do not yet have a greenways program but have a strong potential for setting one up. Thanks for your atenttion / Dzięki za uwagę Enjoy Greenways! cieszyć greenways Join EGWA! Dołączyć EGWA!
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