Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 1 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Children celebrating in the new Citizen of the World Village built and sponsored by Teleperformance volunteers. We help and support the communities in which we are present and also provide disaster relief aid around the world in time of emergency. Our teams come together to aid those in need in our communities through our “Citizen of the World” (COTW) charitable activities. We assume our responsibility of protecting nature and lessening our impact on the environment with our “Citizen of the Planet” (COTP) actions which are focused on carbon footprint reductions. In 2014, Teleperformance raised more than $4 million in cash and in-kind donations, far exceeding its Clinton Global Initiative* (CGI) annual commitment of $1M (USD). Since 2006, Teleperformance has raised nearly $18.5 million dollars in cash and in-kind donations and has exceeded its CGI commitment every year of participation. Also in 2014, Teleperformance people volunteered over 45,000 hours of time for charitable and environmental causes all over the world. This 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Summary shows just a few examples of our efforts. We invite our friends and families to join us in our efforts. So as our Teleperformance family grows, our positive social impact grows as well. Our objective is to strengthen bonds and deepen commitments to each other and to the communities where we live and work. Thanks to each and every Teleperformance teammate around the world. You can and do make a positive difference in people’s lives and in making the world a better place to live! *The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is a non-political global summit of selected government and business leaders to address the world’s biggest issues. 4 United Nations Global Compact 10Teleperformance/Microsoft 5 2014 Citizen of the World Results 6 Best Place to Work Global 11 Citizen of the World and policies Contents Recipients 7 2013-2014 CSR Awards and Certifications 8 Citizen of the World Village 9 2014 Blood Drive Computer Technology Centers Country Highlights 15Teleperformance/Feed the Children Partnership 16Citizen of the Planet 2014 Results 17 Citizen of the Planet Country Highlights Pg. 3 Teleperformance continues to support the United Nations Global Compact Current Global Policies • Teleperformance Code of Ethics • Teleperformance Environmental Policy • Teleperformance Anti-Corruption Policy • Teleperformance Equal Opportunity Policy • Teleperformance Data Privacy Policy In 2011, Teleperformance Group officially signed the United Nations Global Compact and since then it reports to the UN on its progress every year. In 2012, the Teleperformance Global Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, a governing council that oversees implementation and adherence to the Global Compact, was instituted. Anti-Corruption Environment In 2014, the CSR Committee concentrated on developing new, strong policies to ensure that the group not only protects the privacy, health and safety of our employees and clients, but also that suppliers respect the environment, honor all international human rights and labor laws and are actively engaged in the fight against corruption. Teleperformance believes that the principles comprising the UN Global Compact are not only in complete harmony with its five corporate values of integrity, respect, professionalism, innovation and commitment, but serve as a literal extension of its credo. Teleperformance commits to apply these principles in the way it operates to ensure honesty, fairness, equality, sustainability, transparency and basic human decency. Teleperformance believes that adhering to these universal principles can enrich individual lives, its business and the world. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Labor Human Rights Pg. 4 2014 Teleperformance Social Responsibility $4,097,522 2 total donations that went towards feeding, clothing, and bringing joy to the needy. *All values in U.S. Dollars / COTW 2014 fiscal year is November 1, 2013 – October 31, 2014 $2,461,426 donated in in-kind items such as clothing, school supplies, and other needed items. $ $979,805 in cash donations donations by by the the Teleperformance family. Telepeformance family. 31,269 underprivileged infants and children received toys during the Holiday Season. 45,048 3 total employee donated volunteer hours. $656,291 2,207 service value for volunteer hours donated during Teleperformance working hours. computers donated to poor schools. ²Total donations include cash + In-kind + services ³ Based on the Independent Sector’s estimate of the average value of a volunteer hour Impact Report Program to Date $18,566,952 USD in total donations* to help underprivileged people or victims of natural disasters. 11,610 computers donated to impoverished schools which benefits 40,635 children. 346,649 infants & children were fed through several monthly feeding programs. 250,601 infants & children benefited from in-kind items such as clothing, school supplies, and other needed items. 222,499 employee donated volunteer hours. 340,335 needy infants & children received toys during the Holiday Season. Includes total donations from November 1, 2006 –October 2014 *Total donations 2014 Corporate Social31, Responsibility Report include cash + In-kind + services Pg. 5 Teleperformance Best Employer Recipients 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 6 2014 Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) Outstanding Community Project of the Year Award. 2014 2014 Transparency Grand Prize Teleperformance was awarded the 2014 Transparency Award for the second consecutive year for its Communication to Shareholders in the Consumer Services category. 2014 Teleperformance Philippines CSR efforts with the Citizen of the World Village were recognized for the second consecutive year by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA). For more information on the COTW Village, see page 8. 2014 Teleperformance Turkey received the “Respect for Humans” Award. LATIN AMERICAN CONTACT CENTER OUTSOURCING GREEN EXCELLENCE AWARD 2014 Frost & Sullivan Green Excellence Award Frost Sullivan recognizes Teleperformance for the second time in three years (2012 & 2014) for outstanding sustainability programs & practices. Teleperformance is the only company in the Contact Center Outsourcing industry to receive this prestigious award. 2013 Teleperformance wins major award for EMEA Corporate Social Responsibility. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2014 Teleperformance UK received the Award for Corporate Social Responsibility by the National Outsourcing Association. 2013 Teleperformance Portugal was distinguished by IFE with the Social Responsibility award. 2014 Teleperformance India received the Contact Center World Gold award for Best Community Spirit. Awards & Certifications (2013-2014) FOR OUR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY EFFORTS Pg. 7 Mission Accomplished In April of 2013, Teleperformance Philippines was Teleperformance and the community. Along with the recognized by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority homes, the village includes a day-care center, multi- with the Outstanding Community Project of the Year purpose hall, fully furnished computer learning center, Award for their efforts with the COTW Village. For a library, and a children’s playground. A basketball the last 4 years, Teleperformance Philippines has court, water tower, and other general improvements been actively involved in building and managing a are currently in the works. small community initially for families left homeless Volunteers continue to support the community, by from the ravages of Typhoon Ondoy in 2009. In 2014 Teleperformance successfully fulfilled its commitment of building 100 homes for families in Tanay, Rizal. Volunteers worked hand-in-hand with families to paint the homes and build furniture. The village now stands as testament to the generosity and service by 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report holding skills & development training for its residents, as well as health and nutrition projects and tree planting activities. Because of Teleperformance Philippines more than 500 men, women, and children have a safe, comfortable place to call home. Pg. 8 2014 Global Blood Drive Teleperformance centers held blood drives all over the globe. Worldwide, Teleperformance employees donated over 1,300 liters of blood, helping to save nearly 9,000 lives. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 9 Teleperformance Computer Technology Centers Teleperformance has collaborated with Microsoft to offer classes on basic computer skills, completely free of charge to students. Working with local NGOs, Teleperformance provides the trainers and space to hold these classes and gives these students a foundational education on Microsoft Office. Currently, these Computer Technology Centers are operational in India, South Africa and Turkey. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 10 Sweet Season: TP Mexico bakes benevolence for local children. Holiday Sweets is a (delicious) campaign that has become one of Teleperformance Mexico’s annual traditions, held every December. Employees whip up sweet treats and offer them for sale at our cafeterias, with all net proceeds from the bake sale going to non-profit organizations. Speaking from the heart. Teleperformance China visits speech rehabilitation center Volunteers from Teleperformance China visited the Beijing This year, Michou y Mau I.A.P., an organization committed to reducing the Tian Yun hearing and speech rehabilitation organization number of firerelated accidents, was chosen to benefit from the fundraiser. new furniture, or playing and teaching the children to read, which focuses on the rehabilitation training for deaf children. Whether it was sharing fruit and biscuits or giving toys and Holiday Sweets raised cash donations for Michou y Mau draw, or clean, volunteers help to brighten the students’ time and the center. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 11 India Teleperformance India hosted 75 local children at one of their centers and treated them to treats, games, movies and gifts. Teleperformance employees volunteered their time and money, and personally shopped for gifts and goodies to give the children an afternoon they will cherish for years to come. Canada Teleperformance Canada & AllianceOne joined together to raise awareness for heart disease and stroke awareness. Taking to a 30-seat bicycle and cruising the streets of downtown Toronto, volunteers rang bells and shouted, “Pedaling for heart and stroke!” The subsidiaries also made financial contributions to the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation. Albania Nearly 1400 employees from Teleperformance Albania donated food and money to the “Food for Love” campaign held in December. Donations went to local needy families, mostly in rural areas of the country, who continuously struggle for life’s basic necessities. Because of Teleperformance Albania’s efforts, 137 families were helped. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 12 Tunisia Teleperformance Tunisia supports a number of local charities focused on providing for needy children and families. In partnership with one of these charities, Teleperformance Tunisia raised funds and collected more than 400 pounds of books, pens and backpacks for 66 students of a local school were donated. Tunisia also directly sponsors two local families in need. Costa Rica Teleperformance Costa Rica held its annual reading event, “Book Harvest” which promotes the adage, “Children that Read, Children that Shine.” Working with the RobinGood and RecreARTE foundations, Teleperformance employees donated, collected, and distributed 500 children’s books to Pozos de Santa Ana and Alajuelita schools. El Salvador Teleperformance El Salvador donated 53 computers to Tin Marin Children’s Museum to support the education of local, low-income children and families. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 13 Netherlands Teleperformance Netherlands joined the largest volunteering campaign in the Netherlands, NLDoet. Employees from training and development helped renovate the playground Bertha Muller School in Utrecht, a school providing special education resources to the deaf, speech impaired and to children with autism. Portugal 120 employees from Teleperformance Portugal gathered with others in the community in the warehouses of Banco Alimentar to collect and distribute food to impoverished families across the country. In total, Teleperformance employees help to collect and distribute more than 2300 tons of food for needy families across the country. Czech Republic During a special TV telethon hosted by the organization, “Help with humour“ celebrities performed while viewers called in to donated money to the charity. Teleperformance Czech Republic volunteers gladly took calls for the telethon in support of the worthwhile cause. Over 300 volunteer hours was donated to this campaign. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 14 & Since 2006, Teleperformance employees have played a vital role in improving the lives of thousands of children and families in the United States and around the world. Through our partnership with Feed the Children, Teleperformance’s Citizen of the World team provides immediate relief for families in poverty and those affected by natural disasters. 2014 Domestic Support & Collaborations Teleperformance USA employees distributed 18 truckloads of food, essentials and other services to 7,200 families in 17 cities across the country. Employees participated in Backpack Builds with school supplies and hygiene items, benefiting over 6,250 students in need across the country. Teleperformance Global Crisis Fund provided support for Ebola through community education for 11 villages / 13,169 people in Nimba County, Liberia. Teleperformance Global Crisis Fund provided immediate relief to the Philippines in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan and the devastating earthquake in 2013. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 15 In 2014, our total measured carbon emissions were 110,670 tons with a carbon footprint per employees (CFE) of 0.77 tons. A 2.6% decrease in our CFE (2014 vs. 2013) 2014 Carbon Footprint in Metric Tons % of Total Carbon Footprint per source Electricity 90,992 “It’s our commitment to minimize negative environmental impacts by acting in a sustainable manner to ensure future generations have the ability to meet their own needs. Citizen of the Planet (COTP) is a global corporate initiative aimed at ensuring Teleperformance operates in an environmentally friendly and responsible manner.” 82% Paper 9,715 9% Air Travel 9,963 9% Carbon Footprint per Employee 0.77 tons Observations: Electricity is the total annual consumption in kWh of all Teleperformance call centers worldwide. Paper includes both "bond" paper and toilet paper. Air Travel: we are using a standard calculated based on a web tool designed for this purpose. Indirect electricity consumption emissions are calculated with the “emission factor” for each country. On paper we are using an estimate of 6.73 tons of CO2 per each ton of paper consumed. TLS Contact facilities are in the "emissions base lining phase" and not included in totals Germany (June – Dec) data are estimated Argentina, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland did not report water consumption 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 16 For the greener good. recent center certifications Teleperformance Germany ISO 19001:2008 | ISO 14001:2009 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Teleperformance UK ISO 14001 Certification:2004 Teleperformance China 1 LEED Certified Center Teleperformance Colombia 4 LEED Certified Centers 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 17 Teleperformance Mexico Taking care of Baby Trees, Taking care of a Mountain. Seventy employees in Monterrey, along with their families and friends, joined Teleperformance Greece took similar action by caring for newly planted trees at the together in a massive reforestation undertaking. “Arboton 2014”, a campaign Mountain of Parnitha, turning over soil, removing weeds, and watering. organized by the city, planted more than 2,000 trees in 100 different parks and green spaces around the city. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 18 Russia & Ukraine Teleperformance Russia and the Ukraine employees donated an entire day to beautifying their cities. Over 150 bags of garbage were filled and disposed of and many trees were planted. Brazil Teleperformance Brazil celebrated Earth Day by holding activities at their centers that promoted environmental responsibility and policies to employees and encouraged them to help keep their local communities clean. India Employees of Teleperformance India recommitted themselves to environmental responsibility by assigning a team to spend 30 minutes each week to monitor and clean areas of the communities and present ongoing education seminars on the importance of caring for the environment and tips to keep natural and urban areas looking clean and beautiful. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Pg. 19
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