Classes Baby Lock Serger Pizazz
Classes Baby Lock Serger Pizazz
Lines from Lori …………….. Summer Oh how quickly it goes! Hot weather-‐family reunions-‐picnics-‐ P.O. Box 815 1122 North Main Street Paris, Illinois 61944 Phone: 217-465-5541 Store Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. e-mail: [email protected] Friday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00of p.m. county fairs-‐vacaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty daylight hours and then school starts! Reality check for September-November October-December 2016 2012 Volume VolumeXXVII XXVI Issue Issue 34 everyone—not just the school age. Hey, autumn can be fun! The weather is cooler and at Lori’s we have lots of great events for you. Take a look at this newsleUer and you are sure to be excited about Lines from Loriplanned ………….. Lines from entering the nLori... ew autumn season. Didfrom you step and aalook at fdrom your daily like it is a new experience? through Lines Lori ever …a………….. from Lori take …e ………….. ……………..activities, Lines from ori … ………….. Lines from Lori ……………..Look Lines from Lori …………….. Special events three day back HLines andi Q uilter vent nd aLines two ay LHori usqvarna Viking event pLlus loads Summer Ohianclude how quickly it goes! Hot weather-family reunions-picnics-county fairs-vacations-swimming-plenty of daythe eyes of child and experience life’s little achievements, like everything is new, for the first time. Walking, of new products and fun cSummer lasses. Check it aqll out it in tSummer he Hnot ewsleUer have a gH reat w variety. Tfhese mreunions-‐picnic ake erfect giEw New Fabrics-‐Checking Oh how uickly goes! weather-‐ Oh how family quickly reunions-‐picnics-‐ it goes! Summer Hot weather-‐ Oh how family quickly reunions-‐picnics-‐ it goes! Summer Hot weather-‐ Oh how family quickly reunions-‐picnics-‐ it goes! Summer eather-‐ Oh how amily quickly it gpoes! Summer Hot light hours and then schoolstarts! Reality check for everyone—not just the school age. Hey, autumn can beot fun! The for sewing quilTng enthusiasts. Happy Sewing, talking, a visit to the zoo, seeing Santa Claus…..oh what wonder when we see life from the eyes of aand one, two AccuQuilt Go-‐new companion set cubes. A weather is cooler and at Lori’s we have lots of great events planned for you. Lori or three year old! In my lifetime I have met very few adults who can do this without the help of a child. Try before these New cubes re 6 inch, 8-‐inch, 9-‐inch Faabrics-‐Checking PS: This ust in at we this will bnewsletter e having a Handi uilter Truck load in about mid-‐September. Take a jlook andQyou are sure tosale bestarTng excited entering Look thefor the 12-‐inch blocks. The GO! Qubes provide you taking time today to notice life’s little miracles and see if it doesn’t change your whole outlook. HQ truck at our sseason. tore and receive free shipping plus loads of other perks! 72 block design options, but now with the n new autumn This newsletter is jam-packed full of new ideas, products, classes and events. Our storeCompanion Sets your design options increa has many of 144. Get ready to purchase these companio Specialjust-added events include three dayfrom Handi Quilter event andHusqvarna a two day Husqvarna sets on the release date of September 6. Sto these new aproducts Baby Lock Tech, Viking Convention, and Quilt Market. Also the store and reserve yours today. Viking event plus loads of new products and fun classes. Check it all out in the county f airs-‐ v acaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty county f airs-‐ o f d v aylight acaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty h ours a nd t hen county s chool f airs-‐ o f s d tarts! v aylight acaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty R h eality ours c a heck nd t hen county f or s chool f airs-‐ o f s d tarts! v aylight acaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty R h eality ours c a heck nd t county hen f or s chool f airs-‐ o f s d v tarts! acaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty aylight R h eality ours c a heck nd t county hen for school fairs-‐ of dsvaylight tarts! acaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty Rheality ours acnd heck then for schoo o you won’t want to miss the special events we have planned this fall. Classes Lines from …………….. everyone—not just the Lsori chool aeveryone—not ge. Hey, autumn just can the be sfchool un! The aeveryone—not ge. weather Hey, autumn is cooler just can athe nd be safchool un! t Lori’s The aeveryone—not ge. wwe eather Hhey, ave autumn is cooler just can athe nd be safchool un! t Lori’s The aeveryone—not ge. wwe eather Hhey, ave autumn is cooler just can tahe nd be school afun! t Lori’s Tahe everyone—not ge. we H eather hey, ave autumn iCs lass cooler just can tahe bnd e sfchool aun! t Lori’s The age. w we eathe Hhey, avea newsletter UFO fw or Q uilter's Stop in the store and check it out. Happy Sewing, Lori lots of great events planned for lots you. o f Take great a elook vents at pthis lanned newsleUer for lots you. aond f Take great you a aelook re vents sure at pthis lanned to bne ewsleUer excited for lots you. aao bout nd f Take great you a aelook re vents sure at pthis lanned to bne ewsleUer excited for lots you. aoabout f nd Tgake reat you ae alvents ook re sure at ptlanned his to bne ewsleUer efxcited or lots you. aoabout f nd Take great you a elook avents re saure t pthis lanned to nbewsleUer e efTeacher: xcited or you. aJbout nd anice Take y Summer t how quickly it goes! Hot w eather-‐ reunions-‐picnics-‐ entering the new autumn season. entering entering entering entering the new autumn season. he Onh ew autumn season. the new afamily utumn season. new autumn season. new autumn season. them itn he and geVng fabrics rentering eady for tyhe ou—Mary Happy Sewing, Special events include a three dSpecial ay Handi events Quilter include event aa nd three a two dSpecial ay dHay andi Heusqvarna vents Quilter include eVvent iking aa end three vent a two d pSpecial ay lus dKay Hay loads andi H&eusqvarna uilter include eVvent iking aa end three vent a two d pSpecial ay lus dHay loads andi Heusqvarna vents Quilter include eVvent iking aa tend hree vent a tdwo pSpecial ay lus dHay landi oads Heusqvarna vents Quilter include event Viking aa nd tehree vent a two dpay lus dHay landi oads Hu vents BQeth of new products and fun classes. of Cnheck ew piroducts t all out ain nd the fun newsleUer classes. of Cnheck ew piroducts ll out ain nd the fun classes. of Cnheck t all out ain the fun ewsleUer classes. of Cnheck ew products it Funny all out aind n the fun ncewsleUer lasses. of Cnheck ew piroducts t all out ain nd the fun newsleUer classes. Check it Lori New Products n t Sanowman anewsleUer nd Glee aew re pibroducts rand nnd ew pnaUerns Happy Sewing, Happy Sewing, Happy Sewing, Happy Sewing, Happy Sewing, Happy Sewing, from Happy Hollow!Lori Lori Lori Lori Lori Lori PS: This just in-we will be having a Handi Quilter Truck load sale starting in PS: This just in we will be having PS: a HTandi his just Quilter in we Truck will bload e having sale PS: satarTng HTandi his just iQ n uilter min id-‐September. we Truck will bload e having s Lale ook PS: satarTng f H or Tandi his the just iQ n uilter min id-‐September. we Truck will bload e having s Lale ook PS: satarTng f H or This andi the just iQ n uilter m in id-‐September. we Tw ruck ill ble oad having s Lale ook PS: astarTng H for Tandi his the just Q in uilter m in id-‐September. we Truck will bload e having s ale Look satarTng H for andi thei HQ truck at our store and rLook eceive HQ free truck shipping at our sptore lus truck laoads nd receive of at other HQ free tpruck erks! sstore hipping at our and sptore lus laoads nd receive of other HQ ffree ree tpruck erks! shipping ashipping t our sptore lus laoads nd receive of oHQ ther free truck perks! shipping aof t them our s tore pilus nd rgeceive oeVng f oHQ ther free tfruck pabrics erks! shipping at orur sptore lus flaoads nd yrou—Mary eceive of other free perks sh mid-September. for the HQ our receive plus loads other perks! n aaloads nd eady or Kay & Beth Design 925-‐great tunic paUern for use with New Fabrics-‐Checking rayon baTks. Both the county fairs-‐vacaTons-‐swimming-‐plenty of daylight hours and then school starts! Reality check for paUern and the fabrics everyone—not just the school age. Hey, autumn can be fun! The weather ooler and at we W have are is acvailable t LLori’s ori’s. atch for Marge’s class New Embroideries from Viking Software lots of great events planned for you. Take aHusqvarna look at this newsleUer and coming you are siure o be excited New about n Steptember. Farm-‐this is one of the many new collecTons at Nicholson Saturday, September 17, October 15 or November 19 great variety. These Funny make perfect 9 have a.m.-‐3 ap .m. Sfor ign suewing p for UFO (unfinished objects). This class is and quilTng enthusiasts. designed to help you set acside Tme to finish AccuQuilt Go-‐ new ompanion set qcuilTng ubes. projects. Bring something to share for lunch. before these cubes are 6 inch, 8-‐inch, 9-‐i entering the new autumn season. 12-‐inch blocks. The GO! Qubes provide yo Special events include a three day Handi Quilter event and a two day Husqvarna Viking event plus Lori’s. loads New quilt panel and fabric book. Stop in 72 block design options, but now with th and cnd heck out the fabric snowman elecTon! Beginning of new products and fun classes. Check it all out in the newsleUer New Products New Products n Snowman New Paroducts nd Glee are brand n nSew nowman pNew aUerns Paroducts Glee are brand n nSew New paUerns Products and Glee are brand n nSew nowman New paUerns Products and Glee are brand n nSew nowman paUerns and Companion Sets your design options incr QuilJng Happy Sewing, from Happy Hollow! from Happy Hollow! from Happy Hollow! from Happy Hollow! from Happy Hol New Fabrics-‐Checking have a 144. Get ready to purchase these compan great variety. These make perfect giEs Teacher: Lori sets on the release date of September 6. for sewing and quilTng enthusiasts. BuKo Janice PS: This just in we will be having aNew Handi Q Truck load sale starTng in mid-‐September. ook for the Fuilter abrics-‐Checking have a g Lreat variety. These make perfect giEs AccuQuilt Go-‐ companion set cnew ubes. As the store and reserve yours today. Funny Farm-this is one ofnew the many Button Snowman Friday, HQ truck at our store and receive free shipping plus loads o f o ther p erks! Design 925-‐great tunic paUern fDesign or use w 925-‐great ith tunic paUern fDesign or use w 925-‐great ith tunic paUern fDesign or September uClasses w 925-‐great ith tunic paUern Design for use 9w25-‐grea before tse hese cubes 6 inch, 8-‐inch, 9-‐inch, &ith 2, 9, are for s ewing a nd q uilTng e nthusiasts. Lori’s. New and 23, &Q 30; 5- tChe rayon bGlee aTks. Both paUern arayon nd the bfaTks. abrics Both the paUern arayon nd tcollections he bfaTks. abrics Both the at paUern arayon nd 16, tUFO he faTks. abrics Bquilt oth ppanel aUern arayon nd the baTks. fabrics Bo and arethe brand 12-‐inch bb locks. The GO! Qubes provide you with for uilter's lass 8p.m. AccuQuilt Go-‐ naew companion et ccubes. A s are available at Lori’s. W atch for are Marge’s available class t Lori’s. Watch for are Marge’s asvailable lass at LFarm-‐this ori’s. Watch i72 block design options, but now with the new fs or are M arge’s available class am t Lany ori’s. n W atch for are Maarge’s vailable aJt Teacher: an oin ne of Fee: the ew cthe ollecTons act lass fabric book. Stop and check out new patterns from Class Companion Sets your design options increase to coming in September. ithem n September. coming in September. coming in plus September. coming in Septe in and geVng fabrics eady for 9y-‐inch, ou—Mary $50.00 supplies before coming these cubes are 6 inch, 8r-‐inch, Lori’s. & N ew q uilt p anel a nd f abric b ook. S top i n 144. Get ready to purchase these companion Do you want to learn fabric selection!sets on the release date of September 6. Stop in Happy Hollow! Kay & Beth and check out the fabric selecTon! 12-‐inch blocks. The GO! Qubes provide you with Funny the store and reserve yours today. Stop in and check out designs like New Products Check it out! Maroccan Tiles #248, Mega TruEmbroidery is Endless Floral #249, Majestic designed for the Applique #250, Dimensional Mac computer Elements #251, Yarn Art #252, enthusiast. Many Elegant Cases #253, Endless features you love are now available, and especially Ribbon and Straps #254, and designed for Mac computer users. 72 block design options, but now with the new Classes UFO for Quilter's Class BuKo Small Square Hoop Designs #255. BuKo BuKoCompanion Sets your design options increase to BuKo BuKo Teacher: Janice New Products n Snowman and Glee are brand new paUerns them in and geVng fabrics ready 5D for you—Mary from Happy Hollow! 144. Get ready to purchase these companion Stitch Editor Plus-take your Siesta J ewelry-‐ Y ou a re Kay & Beth Nicholson Siesta Jewelry-You are go-the 925-great New HusqvarnaDesign Accessory Feettunic pattern forsets on the release date of September 6. Stop in Funny editing capabilities to ultimate. Saturday, September 17, October 15 or November the store and reserve yours today. 9 a .m.-‐3 p.m. Design 925-‐great tunic paUern for use with ingYou to love our new sterling use with rayon batiks. Both the are going to love Sign up fthe or UFO features (unfinished objects). This class is rayon baTks. Both the pClasses aUern and the fabrics designed to help you set aside Tme to finish quilT jewelry. Quilt blocks as pattern fabrics are asure available Threeand newthe feet, you are are available t Lori’s. to W atch f or M arge’s c lass on this brand new editing program. UFO for Quilter's Class projects. Bring something to share for lunch. going to love our ocharms nf ew terling jew ewelry. Quilt at We Nicholson coming in September. Farm-‐this is one the sm any nor collecTons pendants, earrings. have atwant Lori’s.toWatch Marge’s class Teacher: Janice for add tofor your collection Saturday, September 17, October 15 or November 19 Register Jerri’s 5Da New problocks a s p endants, c harms o r e arrings. W e Lori’s. New quilt panel and fabric book. Stop in 9 a.m.-‐3 p.m.or quilt, maybe you are self-taught and would like som great variety. These make perfect gifts for coming in September. them in and geVng fabrics ready for you—Mary include Multi-line Decorative Foot, and check out the fabric selecTon! pointers? Janice will take youTher through S ign u p f or U FO ( unfinished o bjects). his class ithe s skills of cu gram introduction class and let Beginning designed to help you set aside Tme to finish quilTng sewing and quilting enthusiasts. Kay & Beth QuilJng Bring something to share for lunch. Changeable Decorative Guide Foot, show you whyprojects. this program will be BuKo Farm-‐this is one of the many new collecTons at Teacher: Funny Lori’s. New quilt panel and fabric b ook. S top i n and Free Motion Echo Quilting Janice want for your the addition you will Friday, and check out the fabric selecTon! AccuQuilt Go-new companion set Newembroiderers, FabricsBeginning Siesta September 2, 9, Jewelry-‐You are Foot. Also for you 5D software. $5.00 to register QuilJng 16, 23, & 30; 5cubes. As before these cubes are 6 Checking them80 inby Teacher: the new Small Square Hoop, 8p.m. Janice Class Fee:12-inch blocks. inch, 8-inch, 9-inch, & and getting fabrics Friday, $50.00 plus supplies 80 mm, is available. This hoop September 2, 9, Do you want to lea The GO! Qubes provide you with 72 16, 23, & 30; 5ready for you—Nicholson will fit the entire Designer series 8p.m. Saturday, September 17, October 15 or Nblock ovember 19 design options, but now with Class Fee: Mary Kay & Beth $50.00 plusn supplies going to love our ew sterling jewelry. Quilt including the Diamond, Ruby, 9 a.m.-‐3 p.m. Do you want to learn to the new Companion your design as pendants, Sets charms or earrings. We Sign up for UFO (unfinished objects). This class blocks is and Topaz machines. options increase to 144. Get ready to Farm-‐this is one of the many new collecTons at Lori’s. New quilt panel and fabric book. Stop in and check out the fabric selecTon! designed to help you set aside Tme to fiJnish quilTng Siesta ewelry-‐ You are projects. Bring spurchase omething to these share for lunch. companion sets on the release date of September 6. Stop inYou the Siesta Jewelry-‐ are store and reserve yours today. with the ever-‐popular leggings, 12-‐inch blocks. piecing, usingThe GO! Qubes provide you with borders, quilting and binding .In this class Hear pair of dress slacks, or your com have a great variety. These make perfect giEs you will make a log cabin or rail fence wall-hanging or 72 block design options, but now with the new for sewing and quilTng enthusiasts. Companion Sets your design options increase to for this class and be ready for c table topper. AccuQuilt Go-‐new companion set cubes. As with this great addiTon to your 144. Get ready to purchase these companion before these cubes are 6 inch, 8-‐inch, 9Falling -‐inch, & Leaves Table Runner Christmas Stocking Workshop sets on the release date of September 6. Stop in 12-‐inch blocks. The GO! Qubes provide you with Teacher: Janice Christmas Stocking Workshop UFO for Quilter’s Class Teachers: Mary Kay & Beth the store and reserve yours today. 72 block design options, but now with the new Saturday, September 24; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mary Kay & Beth Teachers: Teacher: Janice Nicholson Classes Frida Companion Sets your design options increase to ClassQFee: $25.00 plus supplies UFO for uilter's Class 144. Get ready to purchase these companion Friday, October 28; 5-8 p.m. Saturday, September 17, October 15 or November 19 Janice uses the new table runner book from Anka’s Teacher: sets on the release date of September 6. Stop in ClassJanice fee: $18:00 supplies 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Treasures to complete this beautiful project. You plus will enjoy the store and reserve yours today. g fabrics ready for you—Mary Just in time for your Christmas Sign up for UFO (unfinished the class, plus it will be just in time for your fall decorating. Classes decorating. Learn to make a objects). This class is designed UFO for Quilter's Class Teacher: Janice Funny Christmas Stocking including to help you set aside time to y Teacher: Marge how to applique and finish a finish quilting projects. Bring stocking. You should have your something to share for lunch. Friday; November 4 & project close to completed Class Fee $35.00 plus during the class session. Nicholson Beginning Quilting p.m. Learn how to make a Saturday, September 17, October 15 or November 19 Teacher: Janice 9 a.m.-‐3 p.m. a great iE ite Class This fee: $is 18:00 plus sgupplies Nicholson Hearts and Stars Rag Quilt September 9, 16, 23, piecing, using borders, quiltingFriday, and binding class Sign u p f.In or Uthis FO 2, (unfinished objects). This class is Hearts a nd S tars R ag Q uilt Saturday, September 17, October 15 or November 19 Just iYou n Tme or lyearn our Christmas wfill how to you will make wall-hanging Teacher: Marge & fence 30;designed 5-8p.m. to help you or set aside Tme to finish quilTng 9 a.m.-‐3 p.m.a log cabin or rail Learn t o m ake a C hristmas table topper. Sign up for UFO (unfinished objects). This cprojects. lass is $50.00 Bring something Friday; Novemberquilt, 4 & 18; 5-8yp.m. Class Fee: plus to share for lunch. plus ou will Stoc le designed t o h elp y ou s et a side T me t o fi nish q uilTng how t o a pplique a nd finish a st the many new collecTons at supplies Class Fee $35.00 plus supplies This is a projects. Bring Table something to share for lunch. techniques. Falling Runner should have your project close panel and Leaves fabric book. Stop in Do you want to learn to Learn how to make a rag quilt in this Teacher: Janice probably w on’t b e ab during t he c lass s ession. s elecTon! n fabric Beginning Saturday, September 24; 10 a.m.-4 class. quilt,p.m. or maybe you are selfBeginning QuilJng Class Fee: $25.00 plus suppliestaught and would like some JaniceQuilJng uses the new table runner book from Anka’s Teacher: This is a great gift item, perfect for pointers? Janice will take you through skillsTof BaJk You Rthe ayon unic Teacher: Treasures to complete this beautiful project. will enjoy Janice graduates. You will learn how to Camp cutting, quilting Janice the class, plus itpiecing, will be using just inborders, time for your falland decorating. Serger Boot Teacher: Mbinding arge .In Friday, Friday, cut and assemble the quilt, plus this class you will make a log cabin or rail fence wallSeptember 2, 9, September 2, 9, Wed. Thursday, J 16,Saturday; 23, & 30; 5- October 8 10 a.m.-‐4 p.m. 16, 23, & 30;or 5- table topper. you will learn some basic & applique hanging 8p.m. 8p.m. Class Fee: $35.00 plus supplies Teacher: argeis a fun project and you techniques.MThis probably 7:30 p.m.won’t Class Fee: Class Fee: $50.00 plus supplies be able tto stop Iwith just $50.00 plus supplies great unic. t drapes Friday; N ovember 4 &one. 18; 5-‐8 p.m. Falling Leaves Table Do youRunner want toYou learn toare going to love this Class Fee: $40.00 p Classes Do you want to learn to Teacher:beauTfully Janice in our new rayon baTks. Looks pglus reat Class Fee $35.00 supplies Do you own a serge Serger Boot Camp with Saturday,with September 24; 10 Learn hyow make a rag Lori quilt in more this class. the ever-‐popular leggings, our to favorite about using i Wed. & Thursday, January 18 & 19th; 5-7:30 p.m. a.m.-4 p.m. This i s a g reat g iE i tem, p erfect f or g raduates. pair o f d ress s lacks, o r y our c omfy j eans! S ign u p Class Fee: $40.00 plus supplies Class Fee: $25.00 plus supplies help You wcill learn ow and to cwould ut and for t his c lass a nd b e r eady ooler wheather Dofor you own a serger likeassemble the Janice uses the new table Siesta piecing, Jewelry-‐ You borders, are quilting using and binding .Inthis thisAnka’s class toylearn more about runner book quilt, lus you will learn ome with from great addiTon to our pw ardrobe. Hearts and Susing tars Rit? ag sThis Q uilt basic applique you will make a log cabin or rail fence wall-hanging or class will help you “make TreasuresChristmas to completeSthis techniques. This is a ffriends” un project and you table topper. tocking Workshop with your serger. You will learn more beautiful project. You will enjoy probably won’t be able to stop with just one. Falling Leaves Table Runner Teachers: Mary Kay & Beth about threading, differential feed, the class, plus it will be just in Teacher: Janice Friday, O ctober and 28 a5-‐8 Saturday, September 24; 10time a.m.-4for p.m.your fall decorating. adjusting tensions, variety of quilt, or maybe you are self-taught and would like some Class Fee: $25.00 plus supplies pointers? Janice will take you through the skills of cutting, ew s terling j ewelry. Q uilt techniques. BaJk RJanice ayon Tunic uses the new table runner book from Anka’s Treasures to complete s, Teacher: charms o r e arrings. e this beautiful project. You will enjoy Serger Boot Camp with Lori Batik MRayon arge WTunic the class, plus it will be just in time quilt, for your fall decorating. or maybe you are self-taught and would like some with your serger. Yo pointers? Janice will take you through theT-Shirt skills of cutting, Teacher: Saturday; October 8 10 a.m.-‐4 p.m.Marge Wed. &Quilts Thursday, January 18 & 19th; 5-‐ differen threading, Teacher: Peggy Saturday; October 8; 10 a.m.Teacher: Marge Class Fee: $35.00 plus supplies 7:30 p.m. Friday, January 20, & 27 4 p.m. tensions, and a var Friday; N ovember 4 & 18; 5-‐8 p.m. You are going to love this gClass reat Fee: tunic. I t d rapes Class F ee: $ 40.00 p lus s upplies 5-8 p.m. $35.00 plus Class Fee $35.00 plus supplies beauTfully in our new rayon baTks. Looks great Learn Do $40.00 plus supplies supplies a qsClass erger and would like to learn ou own how yto make a rag uilt in Fee this class. Are you planning to make a quilt using You are going to love with the ever-‐popular leggings, your favorite This is more a great a giE item, upsing erfect ift? or gTraduates. bout his c lass w ill t- shirts this great tunic. It S drapes nd those assemble the that are keepsakes pair of dress slacks, or your comfy jeans! ign up You will learn how to cut aall y ou “ make inhelp the dresser drawer?friends” This class will beautifully in our new rayon quilt, plus you will learn some basic applique for this class and be ready batiks. for cooler w eather you plan Looks great with the techniques. This is a fun phelp roject and you the quilt and create with this great addiTon to ever-popular your p.m. wardrobe. a finished memory quilt, just in off to C college leggings, your probably lasses-‐Do yo won’t be able to stop with just time one.forClub Christmas Stocking Workshop days. Bring in your shirts and let Peggy help you with favorite pair of dress slacks, plus supplies Class fee: $18:00 Viking Club with D techniques and fabric choices, to help you complete your orBaJk your jeans! this class and be Teachers: MRcomfy ary & BSign eth up forJust ayon KTay unic in Tme for your Christmas decoraTng. project. ready for cooler with this addition to Monday and Tuesd Serger Boot Camp with Lori Teacher: MargeweatherFriday, Ogreat ctober 8 5-‐8 Learn to m2ake a Christmas Stocking including your wardrobe. Saturday; October 8 10 a.m.-‐4 p.m. Wed. & Thursday, January 18 & 19th; 5-‐ 3:30p.m both days finish a stocking. You Class Fee: $35.00 plus supplieshow to applique and 7:30 p.m. $72.00 for 1 yr. or Club Classes-Do you want to get involved? Viking Club with DeAnn-meets the 3rd Monday and Tuesday each month 1:30-3:30p.m both days or 6-8 p.m. Tuesday. $72.00 for 1 yr. or $45.00 for 6 months. Embroidery Club with DeAnn-meets the 1st Monday and Tuesday each month; 1-4 p.m. both days or 6-9 p.m. Tuesday $72.00 for year or $45.00 for 6 months Classes Design Creating Club (Digitizing) with Jerri-meets the 4th Tuesday each month 9:30-11:30, 12-2, 2:30-4:30, or 6-8 p.m. 1 year $84.00 or 6 months $50.00 Extra Software Club with Jerri (for 5D or 6D Extra owners and beyond) new session starts in February. Meets 4th Thursday 9:30-11:30 a.m., 12-2 p.m., or 5:30-7:30 p.m.; 6 months $50.00 or 12 months $84.00 Details about Handi Quilter Event on October 20, 21, & 22. For times and dates on these classes. See the insert in this newsletter. 1. Long Arm Boot Camp Basics Does longarm quilting interest you, and you’d like to learn more about it? Or do you just need a review of longarm quilting basics? This class takes the mystery out of longarm quilting by explaining the basic terms, machine features, how to load a quilt, and the purpose of gadgets. Longarm machines come in a variety of sizes and configurations for every budget, and are designed by a quilter, for quilters – just like you! 2. 3B’s Backgrounds, Borders, & Blocks Blocks, backgrounds, sashings and borders – these are the basic components of every pieced quilt top, and there are tricks to quilting them differently while creating a cohesive overall look. Learn how to select and adapt designs to complement each area, and how to accomplish the quilting efficiently and easily. Tried-andtrue fillers and go-to designs will be featured. 3. Custom Waves, Curves, and Circles This class on circle templates and curved rulers presents a new world of design options. Learn how to read and use the markings on the templates, and the tricks for making half circles, flattened circles, and perfectly curved lines. Create beautiful quilting designs using swags, clam shells, ovals, arcs and half circles. 4. Fancy Footwork The ruler hopping foot will always be the workhorse of machine quilting, but Handi Quilter has created new quick-change machine feet to take your quilting to the next level. Add surface embellishments easily with the Couching Foot, and use the Echo Feet to create impressive echo quilting in a variety of widths and designs. The Glide Foot enables quilting around surface embellishments and dimensional appliqué with ease. Come discover the fun you’ll have with the new Handi Feet! 5. Moving On with Pro-Stitcher This class is an extension of the basic Introduction to the HQ Pro-Stitcher. Focused on additional functions of the HQ Pro-Stitcher that go beyond the basics, this class also focuses on problem-solving typical situations you may encounter. Tips and shortcuts for using the many features and functions of the HQ Pro-Stitcher program will be included. 6. Crossover Quilting-Modern Meets Traditional Modern quilts have several general characteristics: expansive negative space, contemporary designs, no borders, asymmetrical elements, and improvisational piecing. Learn how to adapt traditional quilt designs to modern quilts, using modern tools to create special effects with geometric shapes and updated design elements. Great Buys on New Baby Lock machines Baby Lock Destiny Regular $14999.99 Special $8999.00 Baby Lock Symphony Regular $3699.99 Sale $1899.00 Baby Lock Sashiko Regular $3999.99 Sale $1999.00 Prices on these machines are valid while supplies last STD. PRSPRSTD. RT STD AUTO P.O. Box 815 U.S. Postage Postage Paid U.S. Paid PermitHaute, No. 746 1122 North Main Street Terre IN PRS RT STD AUTO Champaign, IL PERMIT NO. 101 P.O. Box 815 Paris, Illinois 61944 U.S. Postage Paid 1122 North Main Street Terre Haute, IN PERMIT NO. 101 Sto Paris, Illinois 61944 In Home Delivery Requested Return Service Requested Monday-Thursd October 19, 20, and 22, 2012 Friday 9: Saturday 9 In Home Delivery Requested Return Service Requested In Home Delivery August 31, September 1, & 2, 2016 Service Requested OctoberReturn 19, 20, and 22, 2012 *Check out the new Lines from Lori …… Husqvarna Viking and Baby Lock Did you ever *Check out the new Sewing Machines the eyes of a child a talking, a visit to the sqvarna Viking and Baby Lock or three year old! In *Margaret Tully, Baby Lock Educator Sewing Machines taking time today to November 9 & 10 • HQ Truck Load Sale This newslet garet Tully, Baby Lock Educator these just-added new Sale 20, November & 10 3 *Anniversary • Handi9Quilter day event October you won’t want to m November 21, & 22. Details inside 17 & 18th Stop in the store and *Anniversary Sale Happy Sewing, Find us on Facebook-link from our website • Husqvarna Epic Adventure and November 17 & 18th Lori What’s Happening at Lori’s! What’s Thank New you Event November & Facebook! Stacey for the great11, job on 12. Details inside nd us on Facebook-link from our website k you Stacey the great job Viking on Facebook! • forHusqvarna & Baby sewing New Lock 5D Embroidery Software Introduction Class 5D Stitch Editor Plus & 5D Quilt Design Creator New 5D Embroidery Software Introduction Teacher: JerriClass Ricketts 5D Stitch Editor Plus &November 5D Quilt 13th Design Creatorp.m. or 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, 2:00-3:00 $5.00 Jerri to register (refunded if you purchase software) Teacher: Ricketts is a demo computers not required Tuesday, November 13thThis 2:00-3:00 p.m.class, or 5:30-6:30 p.m. $5.00 to register (refunded if you purchase software) This is a demo class, computers not required machines and sergers on sale Handi Quilter Truckload Sale! Come in for a demo Sewing Machine Clinic Sewing Machine Coupon-Free Shopping New Embroideries S M E E E R S New Husqvarna Ac 15% 18-October off All Regular Priced Merchandise September 2, 2016 ($20.00 minimum purchase) Saturday, November 3, 2012 Any Make or Model Clean, Oil, Minor Adjustments Clinic Coupon-Free Shopping T or machine purchase w Free Freight with any HandiQuilter 15% off All Regular Priced Merchandise 20% Off All Regular Priced Merchandise Saturday, November 3, 2012 in (promotion includes the HandiQuilter Long Arm machines and the $49.00 ($20.00 minimum purchase) C with $60.00 or More Purchase of Any Make or Model Sergers & Embroidery Machines Sweet $59.00Sixteen) an Clean, Oil, Minor Adjustments Regular Priced Merchandise Please bring your machine in on Thursday, November 1 or or by 12:00 Noon on Saturday. Fo 20% Off All Regular Priced MayMerchandise not be combined with other discounts $49.00 Next Clinic is December 22, 2012. th (classes and service charges exempt) Plus your choice of: with $60.00 or More Purchase of gers & Embroidery Machines $59.00 80 mm, is available. Regular Priced Merchandise bring your machine in on Thursday, November 1 will fit the entire De • 36 months interest free May not be combined with other discounts (classes and service charges exempt) OR • a $500.00 gift certificate toward regular-priced merchandise from Lori’s or by 12:00 Noon on Saturday. Next Clinic is December 22, 2012. including the Diamo and Topaz machines Amy Van Gurp-National/International Handi Quilter Educator-Amy’s love for the Handi Quilter machines and products is her passion. Amy has been quilting for more than 12 years. Come and learn from Amy as you embark on your own Handi Quilter options. Join Amy and learn many tricks of the trade as she presents our Handi Quilter classes! Thursday, October 20; Friday, October 21; & Saturday, October 22 Amy Van Gurp-National/International Handi Quilter Educator-Amy’s love for the Handi Quilter machines and products is her passion. Amy has been quilting for more than 12 years. Come and learn from Amy as you embark on your own Handi Quilter options. Thursday, Oct. 20; 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Long Arm Boot Join Amy and learn many tricks of the trade as she presents Camp Basicsour$35.00 Handi Quilter classes! Thursday, Oct. 20; 1:30-4:30 p.m. 3B’s-Backgrounds, Borders & Blocks $35.00 Thursday, October Friday, Oct. 21; 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Custom Waves, 20; Friday, October 21; Curves and Circles $35.00 Saturday, October 22 $35.00 & Friday, Oct. 21 1:30-4:30 p.m. Fancy Footwork 22 9:30 a.m.-12:30 on Saturday, Thursday, October Oct. 20; 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.p.m. LongMoving Arm Boot with Pro-Stitcher $35.00 Camp Basics $35.00 Saturday, 22;1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 p.m. Crossover Quilting: Thursday, October Oct. 20; 3B’s-Backgrounds, Modern Meets Traditional Borders & Blocks $35.00 $35.00 up Friday, 21;$210.00 9:30 value a.m.-12:30 Custom Waves, Sign for all 6Oct. classes you payp.m. $175.00 Curves and Circles $35.00 Sign up for 5 classes $175.00 value you pay $150.00 Sign for 4 classes valuep.m. you Fancy pay $125.00 up Friday, Oct. 21$140.00 1:30-4:30 Footwork $35.00 Lori’s Pins ‘n Needles 1122 North Main St. PO Box 815 Paris, IL 61944 Saturday, October 22 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Moving 217-465-5541 [email protected] on with Pro-Stitcher $35.00 Saturday, October 22; 1:30-4:30 p.m. Crossover Quilting: Husqvarna Viking presentation with Susan Ford, educator Saturday, November 12; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the 4-H Multi-purpose Building Share a fun-filled day with friends who love to sew, quilt, & embroider Check out what is new-the latest and greatest products from Husqvarna Viking Demos you are sure to enjoy—sign up and plan to come for a funfilled event $38.00 including your lunch Join Susan for a Designer Epic Adventure on Friday, November 11; 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the 4-H Multi-purpose Building Hands-on class you are sure to enjoy Sign up and come—no need to bring your machine, just sign up and plan to spend your day sewing on the new Husqvarna Viking Epic. Susan will show you great tips on making your projects, plus you will get to try out new techniques on the Designer Epic sewing machine by Husqvarna $25.00 plus $15.00 project kit fee. Your cost will include lunch.