2012 - 2013 annual report


2012 - 2013 annual report
2012 - 2013 ANNUAL REPORT
To all alumni, parents, parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends who gave to
Rowland Hall in 2012-2013, your support of the extraordinary education our children receive
is greatly appreciated. Every gift makes a difference.
Head of School
Alan Sparrow
Associate Head of School
Julie A. Barrett
Beginning School Principal
Carol Blackwell
Lower School Principal
Deborah Mohrman
Lower School Assistant Principal
Linda Tatomer
Margaret Rose (through June 2013)
Middle School Principal
Tyler Fonarow
Middle School Assistant Principal
Mary Jo Marker
Upper School Principal
Lee Thomsen
Upper School Assistant Principal
Ryan Hoglund
Bob Steiner, Chair
Philip McCarthey, Vice Chair
Richard Badenhausen, Chair, Nominating and Governance Committee
Amy Baker
Brian Barker
John Bird, Chair, Finance Committee
Alex Bocock, Chair, Major Gifts Committee
Priya Junnar Chodosh
Pastor France Davis
Sam Goldstein
Scott B Hayashi, Bishop Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Joshua Kanter
Jill Lang
Kurt Larsen
Vivian Lee
Ben Logue
Akemi Louchheim, Chair, Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Rachel Sweet Martin, ’88, Chair, Alumni Leadership Committee
Margaret Niver McGann, Chair, Legal Committee
John McNamara, Chair, New Campus Building Committee
Rhonda Nicoloff
Melissa Orford
Jennifer Price-Wallin, Chair, Campaign Steering Committee
Ira Rubinfeld, Chair, Education Committee
Saba Siddiqui
Michael Weinholz
Alan Sparrow, Head of School
Julie A. Barrett, Associate Head of School
Trustee Emeriti
Peter Billings, Jr. ’63
Ian Cumming
Christopher “Kit” Sumner, ’64
2 012 - 2013
Student Body President Tyler Labov
Kathy Adams
Susan Koles Rickman
Mason Fetzer
Kirsten Hepburn, Stephanie Orfanakis,
Stuart Ruckman, Michael Schoenfeld
Mary Moore McLean Photography, Durham, North Carolina
Erica Rankin, Studio Altius, St. Louis, Missouri
Kirsten Hepburn Photography, Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear families, alumni, grandparents, and friends:
When reflecting on the last few years, it is impossible to ignore how advances in technology have challenged
Rowland Hall to change the way it educates its students. In fact, the ongoing technological revolution compels us
to continually evaluate our pedagogy, and to adapt quickly, but thoughtfully, to better equip students for careers we
could not imagine just five years ago.
In recent years, top educators from around the country have encouraged schools to focus on a new set of
competencies for students. Pat Bassett, former president of the National Association of Independent Schools, has
referred to these as the six C’s: creativity, character, critical thinking, communication, cross cultural competency,
and collaboration. As we examine our use of technology, it is important to remember that although technology is
not the only educational tool available to us, it is a powerful tool when used intentionally to meet well thought out
educational goals. The Board of Trustees has made it possible for the school to take two important steps to achieve
these goals during the coming years. One, the Board authorized the creation of a new full-time position, Director of
Curriculum and Instruction, for which we are conducting a nationwide search. Two, we have recently hired Middle
School mathematics teacher, Christian Waters, to fill the new position of Director of Technology Integration. These
individuals will play vital roles in disseminating current research on how children learn, and, most importantly, in
training and supporting our faculty as they adapt to new educational methods and best practices.
As we look to strengthen our program in all areas while maintaining the best of traditional education, we will
continually question how new technologies, applications, and software can best help us realize an ever-changing
set of targets. The collision of digital learning and traditional education is a major topic for the current strategic
planning steering committee of the Board of Trustees. I have to say that it is an exciting time to be an educator
exploring these issues. We welcome your suggestions and insights as we navigate the technological world and help
our students acquire the competencies and confidence necessary to achieve success.
I hope you will enjoy reading about how much Rowland Hall has accomplished during the recent school year,
and particularly call your attention to the stories of a handful of our successful graduates. Those who generously
agreed to be featured are among the many we are proud to call our alumni.
Alan Sparrow
Head of School
2 012 - 2013
Since early June, mountains of dirt just west of the McCarthey gymnasium have been moved daily.
Before the earth movers and cement pourers could get to work on our new athletic fields, scores of
Rowland Hall loyalists like you removed obstacles from our path to help us reach this point in the
school’s history: you gave money to pay for the construction; you gave suggestions about designs;
you helped us plan future steps; and you nurtured the vision that all our students could, one day,
learn, play, and grow together on one campus.
This is an era of change at Rowland Hall. Our facilities are improving. Beginning School
students are using iPads. This year, the daily class schedule will change for the middle and upper
school students.
These changes are taking place in an environment where there is one great constant – Rowland
Hall’s teachers. They endeavor to integrate digital connectivity in the classroom, they adjust
schedules and courses and incorporate best practices, and they excite our children about their
possibilities and passions. Our faculty wholeheartedly engage with our children, and our efforts are
directed toward reinforcing the relationship between teacher and student.
I hope you will join me in taking pride in the collective energy our community continues to
generate, enabling us to break ground for new playing fields this summer and eventually new
classrooms, gymnasiums, and art spaces that are fit for great teaching and learning.
Bob Steiner
Board of Trustees Chair
2012 - 2013 FINANCE REPORT
The finance committee of the Board of Trustees is pleased to report that the school
enters the 2013-2014 year on sound financial footing.
For the recently completed year, our actual revenues and expenses were in line with
forecasts; of particular note was the strong finish for the Annual Fund. With a few
months to go the Annual Fund was below its target goal, but thanks to the generosity of
community donors we reached the Annual Fund goal. The importance of the Annual
Fund cannot be overstated. Without it, the school would be challenged to provide the
breadth and depth of programs we all value.
Each year we benchmark the school against similar schools across the country, and
from a financial perspective, our rankings remain impressive. Tuition costs are at the low
end of the group of peer schools and the percentage of revenues directed toward faculty
salaries is at the high end. Even with our comparatively low tuition, our faculty salaries
remain above the peer school average. The most valuable aspect of the school is the
quality of our faculty, and we are pleased to see that our budget reflects this belief.
Thanks to many generous donors, Rowland Hall enters the new school year in a
strong financial position. The endowment fund has grown through Capital Campaign
donations, financial controls are sound, and we have sufficient reserves to weather
disruptions. Through the Board of Trustees’ strategic planning process, we will continue
to explore ways to ensure Rowland Hall’s business model is financially sustainable well
into the future.
John Bird
Chair, Board of Trustees Finance Committee
2 012 - 2013
INCOME Year to Date
% of Budget
Tuition $15,192,794
Auxiliary Income
Fees & Miscellaneous Income
TOTAL INCOME $19,632,401
Administrative and General
Building and Grounds
Marketing and Communications
Auxiliary Services
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Transfer to Plant Account
Miscellaneous Expenses
TOTAL EXPENSES $19,631,197
These numbers are audited each year in August after the Annual Report press deadline. Historically, very few changes are required as a result of the annual financial audit.
JUNE 30, 2013
Average Cost Per Student: $19,950
Average Tuition Per Student: $15,440
Percentage of Cost Paid by Tuition: 77.4%
2 011 - 2012
At this time each year we express our gratitude and fondly say goodbye to the
trustees who have completed six years on the Board. We thank them for their service,
support, and valuable advice.
Ben Logue served six years and was active on the finance committee and
the new campus project. His knowledge of construction and development
was valuable in helping make major decisions on building the athletic fields.
He also provided good counsel on the implementation of the solar panels
at the McCarthey Campus and on many other components of the school’s
sustainability program.
Rhonda Nicoloff completed two terms on the Board and worked on the
finance committee and the Capital Campaign for the new campus. She was an
effective liaison with families and a reliable source of information and guidance
for school administration. Her participation will be missed.
Priya Junnar Chodosh served the Board and school in many capacities during
her five years of volunteerism. She explored efficient ways to improve the
school’s food services as chair of the cafeteria/food committee. She brought
insight to the diversity committee and sound advice to the education and
nominating committees. Her influence was strong and she was known for
never saying “no.”
Margaret McGann was instrumental during the legal process of acquiring the
Mt. Olivet property, both as a neighbor and parent. She joined the Board six
years ago and served on the finance and education committees. She brought
her legal expertise to Board discussions and for the last two years served as the
Board legal advisor.
Thank you to all of our outgoing trustees for their hard work and dedication to the
school. All of our students and faculty benefited from your strong efforts.
We are pleased to welcome Richard Badenhausen as the new Chair of the
Board of Trustees.
Richard is a professor and the Kim T. Adamson Chair at Westminster
College, where he has spent the past decade directing its Honors program. He
has also taught at Marshall University and the University of Michigan, where
he received his Ph.D. in 1989. He concentrates his research and writing on T.
S. Eliot and other modernist authors. Richard served on the board of directors
of the National Collegiate Honors Council, an organization that represents
over 700 collegiate honors programs around the country, and on the board
of River Valley Child Development Services, the largest early childhood
education provider in West Virginia.
He first joined Rowland Hall’s Board in 2006 and has served on various
committees, including education (for five years as its chair), finance,
nominating (for one year as its chair), strategic planning (twice), the World
Languages subcommittee, and numerous search committees.
Richard is married to Katherine Venti, an attorney and shareholder at
Parsons Behle & Latimer. They have two children who both entered Rowland
Hall in 2001: Will, a 2012 graduate who attends Gonzaga University, and
Liza, who started her junior year this fall.
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2 011 - 2012
Luz Robles holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing and a Master of Public Administration
from the University of Utah. In 2008, Luz was elected to the Utah State Senate to represent District 1,
which encompasses the west side of Salt Lake City and parts of West Valley City. In 2012, she was
elected to a second term and serves as the Senate minority caucus manager. She also serves on the Health
and Human Services Appropriations and the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committees, and
has focused her legislative work on public safety, veteran’s affairs, and health-related issues. In 2005,
Governor Jon Huntsman appointed Luz to be the first director of the State Office of Ethnic Affairs to
oversee the Offices of Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino and Pacific Islander Affairs. She currently works as
vice president for Zion’s Bank.
Luz is committed to equality and justice for all people and has been a member of the Diversity
Committee at Rowland Hall since it was created. She has served on the boards of many non-profit
organizations, both city and statewide. Luz is currently on the boards of Guadalupe School, Kingsbury
Hall, Primary Children’s Medical Center, and the College of Social and Behavioral Science Advisory
Board for the University of Utah.
The Robles have been part of the Rowland Hall community since 2007. Her daughter, Aileen, looks
forward to beginning third grade in the fall.
Anna Topham spent her childhood years in the suburbs of Chicago, Boston, and New York City.
She received her dual Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Economics from Bowdoin College and
earned a Master of Business Administration from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at
Dartmouth College. Between degrees, Anna worked as a financial analyst in Merrill Lynch’s Investment
Banking Group in New York City, where she met her husband, Reed. After graduating from business
school, Anna joined American Stores Company, working in various marketing and project management
capacities. She brought her organizational and leadership skills to Toysrus.com, where as director of
product management she led a complete overhaul of the company’s fledgling website. She has advised
several start-up companies and currently serves as manager of a private investment fund.
After the births of three children in as many years, Anna stepped back from corporate work, and has
focused her energy on her children and home life. She has coached her boys’ sports teams, organized a
family reunion, and managed her children’s performance violin group.
The Tophams have been part of the Rowland Hall community for seven years. During this time,
Anna has volunteered on picture day, collected used books for donation, and helped out in the
classroom. Anna has served as a room parent and Annual Fund liaison, and has participated on the
Sustainability Committee, Food Services Committee, and the Auction Solicitations Committee. Reed, a
Utah native, is an attorney with Stoel Rives. Their three children are Rowland Hall students: Austin and
Cole are in seventh grade, and Natalie is in third grade.
Carol Clawson was born and raised in Salt Lake City, where she attended Rowland
Hall Middle School. Carol received a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master of Arts
in Education from Stanford University. She later received her J.D. from the University
of Utah. She has practiced law in Salt Lake City for 20-plus years, and currently is “Of
Counsel” to Kruse Landa Maycock and Ricks, where she focuses on alternative dispute
Carol likes to spend the rest of her time training her dogs for sheepdog and agility
competitions. She has served on a number of community organizations, including the
Board of Trustees for Utah Legal Services, “and Justice for All,” and the Community Legal
Center. Carol is married to Stephen Hull, also a long-time Salt Lake City attorney. They
have recently moved to Charleston, Utah (near Heber City), where they share their home
and pasture with five border collies and several sheep.
Their son, Robbie, was a “lifer,” having started in 2PreK and graduated in 2009. He
recently graduated from Pomona College and is headed to Duke Law School this fall.
While Robbie was at Rowland Hall, Carol served as a room representative and soccer parent
representative. She continues to serve as school photographer for several of the school’s
sports teams and has provided continual legal assistance to the school.
Oscar Wood Moyle IV, ’90, was born and raised in Salt Lake City and is a new
member of the Alumni Committee of the Board. He received a Bachelor of Science in
History from Lewis and Clark College and a Master of Business Administration from
Westminster College in 2006.
Wood is director of the Board of Trustees for the R. Harold Burton Foundation and
the Edward L. Burton Foundation. His heartfelt commitment to the Salt Lake City
community is reflected in the charitable boards on which he simultaneously serves,
including the Utah Museum of Natural History, Westminster College’s Board of Trustees,
and the Western Folk Life Center in Elko, Nevada. His wife, Marianne, is also an active
civic volunteer, focusing much of her efforts as a board member of the Utah Zoological
Society (Hogle Zoo). Marianne also volunteers on Rowland Hall’s Home and School
Board and has been a room representative for both 3PreK and 4PreK. Wood and
Marianne will also be Annual Fund liasons this year.
Wood is an avid reader of military history and science fiction, and spends “way too
much time” engrossed in college football.
Wood, Marianne, and their son, Ocky, reside in the Avenues neighborhood and are
excited for Ocky to begin kindergarten this fall.
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2 012 - 2013
Johanna Edwards taught advanced levels of math in the Upper School
for more than 10 years and leaves Rowland Hall to return home to
England to be closer to her family.
Peter Hayes reluctantly retired last spring due to illness. He taught
biology and study skills to Rowland Hall freshmen for over 17 years.
Lynne Peterson, long-time Lower School teacher, is returning to her
home state of Montana to be a school administrator at the district level.
Lower School teacher Carolyn Schabel is relocating to Bend, Oregon.
We wish the best to Mary McIntyre, who guided the school in instituting
its successful and award-winning sustainability program for the past
five years as our Director of Sustainability. She also revamped our food
services program to include more healthy food choices and composting.
Finally, Margaret Rose, Lower School assistant principal, and her spouse,
Laurie, have moved to Saipan to pursue once-in-a-lifetime personal and
professional adventures.
We will miss them all and wish each the best of luck and happiness.
The 84 members of the Class of 2013 clearly understood the
counseling office’s philosophy that college choices are first and
foremost about the fit between institution and student. We
congratulate them as they matriculate this fall into 47 institutions
both around the country and the world. As in previous years,
more than half of our senior class received offers of merit
scholarships. This class has the highest percentage of National
Merit Scholars Semifinalists in the State of Utah, the highest
percentage of Rowmark Ski Academy graduates ever, and the
highest number of “lifers” of any class at Rowland Hall to date.
What follows is a list of the colleges and universities to which our
graduates will matriculate, followed by a list of the schools to which
our graduates were offered admission.
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2 011 - 2012
Isabella Louise Andreini
Guthrie Zak Burnett
Ethan Thomas Arsht
Max Adler Byck
Claude Sageon “Sage”
Nathaniel William Carlisle
University of Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska
George Washington University
Washington, DC
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Paul Carlyn Ausbeck
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hampshire College
Amherst, Massachusetts
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Bailey Mackay Carver §
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Department of Modern Dance
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Wesley Isaac Austin *
Bryan James Cookson
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Samuel Robert Ball * §
New York University, Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Cameron Louis Ballard *
New York University, Shanghai
Shanghai, China
Shannen Elizabeth Balogh *
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education,
and Human Development
New York University
New York, New York
John Alexander Beaufort * §
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Matthew Isaac Bernstein University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
James Ezekiel Bradley
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Bailey Carver and Abeni Murdock Czajkowski
University of Calgary
Alberta, Canada
Katherine Mary Edgley *
Cameron Jessup Galt
Reed Elizabeth Esparza *
Willem Turner Griffiths * §
Ethan W. Fedor *
Meagan Elizabeth Hall College of Film and Media
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Ariel Cecile Feola
Corrie Maya Harris Maci Marie DeBlanc
Duncan Coltrin Flint
Katherine Toshiko Hayashi *
Madeline Marie Foley * §
Alexander L. Ho *
Ikwo Efanga Frank
Micah Monoco Howard
Kyle Thomas Cowdrey
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Kiersten Jean Cutler *
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Abeni Lu Ying Murdock
Czajkowski *
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Joseph Michael Diehl *
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
McKarah Caitlin Dreyfous §
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, Utah
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
Simmons College
Boston, Massachusetts
University of San Francisco
San Francisco, California
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California
California College of the Arts
San Francisco, California
CL AS S o f 2 0 1 3 / A N N U AL REPORT
Leigh Kathleen Hunt * §
Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Mathew Robert Jackson
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UtAH
Helena “Mowgs” Ruby Jarman
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California
Anna Elizabeth Jobe
Post Graduate Year
Rowmark Ski Academy
Breanna Marie Johnson
College of Film and Media Arts
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Breezy Noble Johnson * §
Post Graduate Year
U.S. Ski Team National Training Group
Kumbee Kim
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Bailey Ane Kirby *
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, Texas
Douglas Andrew Labov
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Front Row: (l to r) Reed Esparza, Abigail Levinson, Maci DeBlanc, Nathan Liou
Back Row: (l to r) Alex Beaufort, Meagan Hall, Joe Narus, Micah Howard, Cameron Galt
Tyler Clark Labov
Drew Alexander Maggelet *
Carl Christian Noble
Allyson Frances Larcom *
Shelby Kim Matsumura *
Sara Katherine Patterson *
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Eleanor Margaret Layfield * §
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Abigail Renee Levinzon §
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Nathan James Liou
University of Miami
Coral Gables, Florida
Annenberg School for Communication
and Journalism
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Sydney Tolland Maves *
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
2 012 - 2013
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
Chase Alexander Pope §
Pitzer College
Claremont, California
Dalton F. Provost
Brighton Anne Moreton
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California
Joseph Alexander Narus
Honors College
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
1 6
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire
Emir Rahislic *
Kaitlin Ramsey
Sage Louise Sterrett
Ji Eun “Jinny” You
Nitika Thootkuri Reddy *
Aurora Christine Marie Siguenza Stone
Dylan H. Zanker
Griffin Matson Robillard
Hunter Richard Stuercke
Jonathan Michael Zubair *
Cari Elisabet Sanyer *
Corinne Mitsuye Sugino
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Colorado College
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Megan Taylor Scaglione
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Benjamin Isaac Schloesser
Reed College
Portland, Oregon
Saeed F. Shihab *
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
James Henry “Hank” Shipman
Montana State University
Bozeman, Montana
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Post Graduate Year
Rowmark Ski Academy
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Hannah Scout Swenson *
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California
Anya Tchoupakov *
Global Liberal Studies
New York University
New York, New York
Blake Walker Shott
Gabriela Rosenada Valdes
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington
Honors College
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Matthew Alan Zubair
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
* Denotes World Languages Award for
continuous study of one language for four
years of high school, having met all academic
§ Denotes Distinction in service.
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Thomas Tooze *
Scott Daniel Silverstein §
University of Miami
Coral Gables, Florida
Lila Bettina Thulin * §
School of Kinesiology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Rocky Mountain College
Billings, Montana
Occidental College
Los Angeles, California
Austen Claire Van Burns *
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CL AS S o f 2 0 1 3 / A N N U AL REPORT
Lila Thulin and Eleanor Layfield
Student Leadership Award
Abeni Lu Ying Murdock Czjakowski
Sydney Tolland Maves
A gift from the school to an elected member of Student
Council who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership
to the council and the school.
The English Department Award
Lila Bettina Thulin
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in English.
Lila Bettina Thulin
Eleanor Margaret Layfield
Katherine Mary Edgley
The Aunt Henri Award
Kiersten Jean Cutler
A gift from the school, in memory of administrator
Henrietta Pearson, chosen by the faculty, to a student
who has demonstrated loyalty and dedication to the spirit
and ideals of our school.
The Bishops’ Award
Eleanor Margaret Layfield
Lila Bettina Thulin
A gift from the Alumni Association, in memory of Bishop
Daniel Sylvester Tuttle and Bishop Abiel Leonard, to
the student with the highest academic record in the
graduating class.
The James Fessenden Award
Shelby Kim Matsumura
A gift from the family of James Fessenden,
Class of 1969, to the senior selected by the
student body who has been most receptive
and responsive to the needs of others.
The Chaplain’s Award
Kiersten Jean Cutler
A gift from the Chaplain to the student
who has best represented the philosophy of
Rowland Hall: integration of body, mind,
and spirit.
The Community Service Award
Samuel Robert Ball
Reed Elizabeth Esparza
Gift from the school to a senior who has
given outstanding community service.
The Faculty Award For Service
Ariel Cecile Feola
A gift from the faculty to the student who
has given outstanding service to the school.
The History Department Award
Benjamin Isaac Schloesser
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in history.
The Humanities Award
Austen Claire Van Burns
A gift from the faculty to a student for outstanding
achievement in the humanities.
The Science Award
Ethan W. Fedor
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in science.
The Peter Hayes Science And Advocacy Award
Lila Bettina Thulin
A gift from the school to a passionate student of science
and an advocate who has made Rowland Hall a better
place for his or her peers.
The Michael G. Koetter Mathematics Award
Cameron Louis Ballard
Katherine Mary Edgley
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in mathematics.
Scout Swenson, Bailey Kirby, Kaitlin Ramsey, Cari Sanyer, and Maddi Foley
The Latin Award
Leigh Kathleen Hunt
The Mandarin Chinese Award
Cameron Louis Ballard
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in Latin.
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in Mandarin Chinese.
The Françoise Bernhard Scholarship
Hannah Scout Swenson
Senior Rowmark Award
Griffin Matson Robillard
In recognition of a student whose exuberance and love
of the French language has been exemplary.
A gift from Rowmark Ski Academy to a senior in
recognition of outstanding achievement.
The Spanish Award
Samuel Robert Ball
The Lee Athlete-Scholar Award
Madeline Marie Foley
Jonathan Michael Zubair
A gift from the school to a student for outstanding
achievement in Spanish.
A gift from the S. Whitfield Lee family to seniors
who have excelled academically and athletically and
demonstrated leadership in competitive team sports.
The Outstanding Athlete Awards
Wesley Isaac Austin
Scott Daniel Silverstein
Shelby Kim Matsumura
Cari Elisabet Sanyer
Awarded to athletes who have competed on multiple sports
teams and displayed an outstanding work ethic, dedication,
coachability, and support of teammates and coaches.
The Winged Lion Award
Abeni Lu Ying Murdock Czajkowski James
Henry “Hank” Shipman
Awarded to athletes who have demonstrated a high level of
athletic ability, as well as characteristics such as commitment
and dedication to the sport and team, leadership,
sportsmanship, and coachability.
CL AS S o f 2 0 1 3 / A N N U AL REPORT
The Senior Debater Of The Year Award
Ethan Thomas Arsht
A gift from the school to a senior for outstanding achievement in debate.
The American Psychological Association T.O.P. S.S. Award
Anya Tchoupakov
Gabriela Rosenada Valdes
A gift honoring excellence in the study of psychology, from the American
Psychological Association.
The Tony Larimer Award
Cameron Louis Ballard
Cameron J. Galt
A gift from the Salt Lake Acting Company, in memory of a beloved teacher,
to a student for outstanding achievement in theater.
The Senior Music Award
Mathew Robert Jackson
A gift from the school for outstanding achievement in music.
The George Fox Award
Micah Monoco Howard
A gift from the school, in remembrance of a beloved former teacher, to a
student for outstanding achievement in the visual arts.
The Senior Dance Award
Bailey Mackay Carver
A gift from the school to a senior for outstanding achievement in dance.
Kiersten Cutler
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2 012 - 2013
The Rotary Scholarship Award
Lila Bettina Thulin, First Place
Eleanor Margaret Layfield, Second Place
James Henry Shipman, Third Place
The Salt Lake Exchange Club Youth Of The Month Awards
Eleanor Margaret Layfield and Scott Daniel Silverstein
Kyleene Johnson, ‘12, Peter Hayes, and Charis Benjamin, ‘12
National Merit Scholarship Program Award Finalists
Cameron Louis Ballard, Matthew Isaac Bernstein**, Madeline Marie Foley, Alexander L. Ho, Lila Bettina Thulin**,
Austen Claire Van Burns
** Denotes National Merit Scholarship Winners
Class Of 2013 Longevity Awards
Awarded to students who have attended Rowland Hall for at least twelve years.
Cameron Louis Ballard, John Alexander Beaufort, James Ezekiel Bradley, Guthrie Zak Burnett, Kiersten Jean Cutler,
Abeni Lu Ying Murdock Czajkowski, Reed Elizabeth Esparza, Duncan Coltrin Flint, Madeline Marie Foley, Cameron Jessup
Galt, Meagan Elizabeth Hall, Micah Monoco Howard, Helena “Mowgs” Ruby Jarman, Breanna Marie Johnson, Allyson
Frances Larcom, Eleanor Margaret Layfield, Drew Alexander Maggelet, Brighton Anne Moreton, Sara Katherine Patterson,
Chase Alexander Pope, Dalton F. Provost, Kaitlin Ramsey, Saeed Shihab, James Henry Shipman, Hannah Scout Swenson,
Lila Bettina Thulin, Jonathan Michael Zubair, Matthew Alan Zubair
Samuel Robert Ball, Ariel Cecile Feola, Sydney Tolland Maves, Austen Claire Van Burns
CL AS S o f 2 0 1 3 / A N N U AL REPORT
Jacob Ball
Bowdoin College
Joseph Oh
St. Lawrence University
Nikita Abraham
Brandeis University
Sonia Grunwald
University of Chicago
Zachary Deneris
Brown University
Trevor Falls
University of Rochester Frederick Douglass
& Susan B. Anthony Award
Ally Moore
Bryn Mawr College
Jack Veverka
Kenyon College
Lucius Bynum
University of Rochester George Eastman
Young Leaders Award
Adria Lam
University of Rochester Xerox Award For
Innovation and Information Technology
Lachlan Murphy
University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb
Connor Nelson
University of The South
Emily Sundquist
Yale University
Congratulations to the group of Lower
School teachers and staff who were honored
with the 2013 Marquardt Award for Faculty
Development: Sarah Button, Tyler Fonarow,
Patrick Godfrey, Sheri Harris, Brent Larsen,
Mary Jo Marker, Chad Obermark, and
Christian Waters.
The Marquardt Award was established
in 2011 through a generous gift from Bob
Marquardt, father of three Rowland Hall lifers
and a long-time former trustee and Board chair.
This gift to our endowment annually funds
an extraordinary professional development
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opportunity to benefit the school as a
whole. A faculty member submits a proposal
outlining the professional development
opportunity he or she would like to pursue.
This group of fifth and sixth grade
educators and staff submitted a proposal to
attend a three-day iPad Summer Seminar
at the Hillbrook School’s Center for
Teaching Excellence in Los Gatos,
California. This summer they had
an opportunity to reflect on how
iPads have changed instruction in
the classroom, discuss the changes
with others who implement
similar technology, and learn
about best practices.
Congratulations to the following teachers who received awards this June for
outstanding service to their profession and to the school.
Erin Littlefield
Christa Sinclair
Sara Dacklin
Gary Lindemann
The Sumner Family Faculty Awards are given each year to outstanding
faculty members in each division who have demonstrated a love for
teaching and excellence in their fields. It is an award given by a family
who has shown an unparalleled commitment to the school for three
generations. The award symbolizes the Sumner family’s high regard for
the faculty. Congratulations to the 2012-2013 recipients of the Sumner
Family Faculty Awards:
Beginning School: Erin Littlefield, Enrichment Lead Teacher
Lower School: Sara Dacklin, Second Grade Teacher
Middle School: Christa Sinclair, French Teacher
Upper School: Gary Lindemann, Theater Teacher
The Cary Jones Faculty Mentor Award was established through an anonymous gift
to the school in honor of Mr. Jones’ dedication to the faculty when he was a trustee
and chair of the Board. This year Rowland Hall proudly honors Mary Lawlor, who
teaches sixth grade language arts and social studies and is a cross-country coach,
with the Cary Jones Faculty Mentor Award for demonstrating excellence in the
classroom and service to the entire Rowland Hall community.
Mary Lawlor
“As an M.D./Ph.D. student at Duke University, the road I have taken
has been long, and some might say crazy, but I feel lucky to be here. The
support of family, friends, and teachers that started with my Rowland
Hall education makes me excited to start each day with the hope of
discovering something new or helping a patient through a difficult time.
From my earliest years in Lower School, I remember learning about the
magic of the world around me through both experiential and classroom
learning. In high school, Mr. Hayes’ biology class sparked what would
become my academic passion. The intensity of his interest in the subject
was contagious. From the time we spent learning about the adaptive
attributes of the flora and fauna of the Utah desert in southern Utah to
pneumonic songs to remember the Krebs cycle, his teaching encouraged
my curiosity in the biological world to blossom.
As strong as my science classes were, equally important were lessons
I learned in more subtle ways. While learning French in Mr. Wortham’s
class, I also garnered a respect for humanity and the integrity of the
individual that informed my decision to go to medical school. The
belief that I could tackle challenges helped me pursue my interests, even
when obstacles made the road to accomplishing my goals unclear. The
sense of community with my teachers, coaches, and teammates, and the
friendships I carried throughout my tenure at Rowland Hall allowed me
the confidence to explore and find what best suited me.”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bachelor’s Degree, 2006
Currently enrolled in the Duke Medical Scientist Training Program, M.D./Ph.D. Program
Awards/Publications: Fitzgerald Poster Award, rare codons regulate KRas oncogenesis
(2011); Current Biology (2013) vol. 23 (1) pp. 70-5, with Benjamin L. Lampson, Joseph
A. Prinz, Joshua R. Lacsina, William F. Marzluff, Christopher V. Nicchitta, David M.
MacAlpine, Christopher M. Counter, RALA and RALBP1 regulate mitochondrial fission
at mitosis; Natural Cell Biology (2011) vol. 13 (9) pp. 1108-15, with David F. Kashatus,
Kian-Huat Lim, Donita C. Brady, Adrienne D. Cox, Christopher M. Counter.
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Nicole Pershing, ’02, is an MD/PhD student at
Duke University in Durham, North Carolina
“I was not the easiest child to raise. I had a lot of energy and
liked to do things on my own terms. My parents still joke
that at age three I told my mom, ‘I am the boss of my own
person!’ That strong will and independence, although difficult
to appreciate when I was young, drove my entrepreneurial spirit
and fueled my passion to create and build my own business.
I came to Rowland Hall my sophomore year. Coming from
the public school system, it was a welcome change. For the first
time in my educational experience, I was encouraged to think
outside the box and was given numerous tools to explore my
creative thinking. One of the unique attributes of Rowland Hall
is that it not only provides, but also encourages, students to
pursue a variety of interests to help shape them for the future.
Whether it is debate, fine arts, science, or athletics, Rowland
Hall provides a safe environment for kids to explore and learn.
The small class sizes, relationships with teachers, and supportive
culture give students the confidence to take risks and develop
life skills. My experience at Rowland Hall allowed me to
embrace my independent spirit and become an entrepreneur.
Rowland Hall exemplifies the true meaning of a well-rounded
University of Utah, Bachelor’s Degree, 1999
Career Highlights: Diabetic Connect (one of our communities), largest digital diabetes
platform with 1.7 million unique visitors per month and over 800,000 registered members
Successfully raised over $20 million in venture capital.
Built the Mayo Clinic’s social networking platform.
Medify (Alliance Health property) Accelerator Finalist at 2012 SXSW, Health Technologies
Medify (Alliance Health property) 2012 Webby Winner for Health
Geoff and Adria, ‘95, have three children enrolled here.
Geoff Swindle, ‘94, founder and president of Alliance Health
Networks, Inc., a digital health company that owns and operates
a portfolio of condition-specific online communities.
“Rowland Hall taught me the importance of seeking out
mentorship throughout my academic career. The small class sizes
of Rowland Hall always appealed to me, and they were one of
the main reasons I wanted to attend the school. In the classroom,
there was ample opportunity to interact not only with my fellow
classmates but also with teachers and faculty. I built fantastic
relationships with many of my teachers over the years; some have
even been over to my family’s home for Thanksgiving dinner.
Whenever I am in Salt Lake, I make it a point to try to visit
the school, even though it has been several years since I walked
its hallways as a student.
These foundational experiences set the stage for the rest of
my academic career. The familiarity I had with my teachers at
Rowland Hall, instilled in me the confidence to approach college
professors with questions or when seeking advice. The Rowland
Hall student-teacher relationship gave me the self-assurance that
will benefit me throughout my life and my career.”
Harvard University, 2011, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors
Currently enrolled in medical school at Washington University, St. Louis.
Honors/Awards: Harvard College Research Program (2010), Program for Research in
Science and Engineering (PRISE) Fellow (2010), Recipient of a Certificate in Mind, Brain,
and Behavior (2011), Recipient of the Alex G. Booth Fellowship for Travel to Haiti (2012).
Lawrence Benjamin, ’07
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Ashley Rothwell, ’95
“Rowland Hall laid the foundation for who I am and taught me many things
that I have carried into my adult life – most notably confidence, a strong work
ethic, and persistence. I was lucky enough to be a Rowmark Ski Academy
student beginning in eighth grade and went on to ski for an NCAA Division 1
program at St. Lawrence University in New York for which I was named MVP
my freshman year. I learned how to be responsible, self sufficient, and confident.
I experienced the ups and downs of competition and all that comes with success
and failure. Just because I work hard doesn’t always mean I am going to make
it. But I can never give up, and that’s what I learned from my experience at
Rowland Hall.
After college I spent roughly 10 years in an advertising career in San
Francisco before taking the plunge to open my own business. Owning a
business had always been a dream of mine, and fashion is my passion, so on
September 8, 2007, I married the two concepts and opened Apt. 202 Boutique,
named after my apartment number in San Francisco, in the 9th and 9th area of
Salt Lake City.
I spent a year conducting market research and preparing myself for the
opening with the hopes that it would be well received. Here I am six years later,
with a beautiful new location that also houses my husband’s business, Salon MC
(a hair salon). We bought and remodeled the building and together we enjoy a
wonderful clientele and two businesses that we are proud to own and operate.
My store is truly a unique shop. I love fashion and I love styling, but I also
understand that many women appreciate a little help getting dressed, and that’s
where I come in. Whether you are a repeat customer or a first-time shopper,
I take time to help customers choose the right outfit for the occasion—be it a
cocktail party, wedding party or just some great day-to-day pieces. I take the
stress and labor out of shopping and make it a fun and easy experience.”
St. Lawrence University, Bachelor’s Degree, 1999
Owner of Apt. 202 clothing boutique in Salt Lake City
Career Highlights: Awarded Best Women’s Boutique in Salt Lake Magazine 2010
Sam McConnell, ‘95
“Growing up I always knew I wanted to do something in the arts, and I hoped I might
have some positive impact, but I had no idea what that might look like, or how to
get there. Luckily, Rowland Hall gave me the freedom to explore my imagination, the
confidence to pursue my own path, and an appreciation for the community around me.
Rowland Hall offered an abundance of creative opportunities, and I dove right in.
I played saxophone in the band, I acted in plays and musicals, and I took as many
ceramics, drawing, and painting classes as I could. I was also drawn to storytelling,
whether it was memorizing Shakespeare with Tony Larimer or analyzing Toni Morrison
with Leslie Helm Stone. These experiences provided a window into the world and gave
me the confidence to develop and believe in my own perspective.
I am enormously grateful to teachers who went beyond their specific subjects and
taught us about humanity. In French class Doug Wortham taught us French, no doubt,
but he did so using Renaissance paintings, Edith Piaf, and existentialist philosophy.
George Henry taught all the history relevant to the AP exam but gave equal weight to
the history of the oppressed, whose stories are under represented. Being a young gay
kid growing up in Utah, I felt particularly drawn to the stories of those who struggled
on the margins of society, and I was inspired to learn more about the civil rights
movement, the labor movement, and the movement for LGBT equality.
My work today as a filmmaker and activist has been directly influenced by my years
at Rowland Hall. A documentary I produced, “The Out List,” which explores LGBT
identity in the United States premiered on HBO in June. My next project, a feature
length adaptation of the novel In the City of Shy Hunters, tells the stories of individuals
living in the NYC downtown arts scene in the 1980s, who were decimated by the AIDS
epidemic. I continue to seek challenging and engaging stories to tell that will hopefully
bring some enlightenment. I have Rowland Hall to thank for teaching me that there is a
compelling story to be found in just about every subject.”
Columbia University, Bachelor’s Degree, 1999
Columbia University School of the Arts, Master of Fine Arts, 2008
Career Highlights: Producer/Interviewer, The Out List, HBO, 2013
Partner, Producer/Director of McConnell/Hauser since 2005
Currently producing a documentary, Generation 8, and adapting the novel, “The City of Shy Hunters,”
for his first feature film.
Named a Rowland Hall Hall of Fame recipient in 2013.
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For the second year in a row, the Alumni Association sponsored a booth
at the All-School Carnival held on the Lincoln Street Campus in May.
The booth featured a duck pond game and lollipop tree perfect for the
smallest carnival attendees and raised more than $250 for the Alumni
Scholarship Fund. Families and kids of all ages enjoyed food, games,
activities, prizes, and carnival treats. Many thanks to those who played
with us at the Carnival.
<<< A little one enjoys some cotten candy.
The Alumni Association officially welcomed the Class of 2013 at the
annual Alumni Association Senior Breakfast held at the Little America
in May. Alumnus Chris Von Maack, ’97, spoke with humor and
sincerity to the Class of 2013 about the impact Rowland Hall has had
on his life, and encouraged the new alumni to stay connected with the
school throughout their lives. Congratulations, Class of 2013—we are
proud to call you alumni!
Alumni Breakfast >>>
Susan Sparrow, ‘04, is currently teaching at Charles Wright Academy
as a middle and upper school history teacher. For her passion and
dedication, she was awarded the Charles Wright Academy Parent
Association 2013 Inspirational Faculty Award, and was selected by the
student body to speak at its graduation on June 8, 2013.
Sarah Day, ’06, graduated in May with a Master in Professional
Accountancy from Montana State University. She completed a tax
internship with Galusha, Higgins and Galusha in Bozeman, Montana,
for the 2012 tax season. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking and
horseback riding.
Susan Sparrow, ‘04
Chance Crompton, ‘09, graduated from Harvey Mudd College
and received two awards in the field of chemistry: the Dotty and Art
Campbell Award given by Harvey Mudd College and the Inorganic
Chemistry Award given by the American Chemical Society. Chance
has been awarded a fellowship to pursue his Ph.D. at the California
Institute of Technology.
Looking for a good read?
Paul Landes, a former
Rowland Hall student,
recently published a novel
called Wings to Redemption
that is described as “a fast
paced romantic ‘who-doneit’ techno-thriller.” Check it
out or learn more by visiting
Paul’s website:
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Sarah Day, ‘06
Chance Crompton, ‘09
Drew Purdy, ’78 and Bill Welch, ‘78 at the
1972-1982 Reunion
The Classes of 1972 through 1982 held an alumni
gathering in June at the family home of Helen
Mulder and her son, Charles Smith, ‘78, in Ogden,
Utah. Local and out-of-town classmates enjoyed
catching up and sharing memories of their time at
Rowland Hall. Thanks to all who helped plan and
participated in this event.
We were happy that Jennifer Wait White, ‘77,
Bill Welch, ‘78, Martie Lowsma, ‘78, and Sarah
Ellingson, ‘77, came to the alumni office for a tour
of the McCarthey Campus. They enjoyed seeing all
the changes and reminisced over pieces of history
that will remain a treasured part of the school.
On Saturday, August 24, the Class of
1998 gathered for an afternoon family
picnic and a dinner in Salt Lake
City. Many thanks to Christina Lau
Billings, and Gina Larsen for planning
and hosting.
An Alumni Fall Social is scheduled
for Thursday, October 10, 2013, from
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at Squatter’s
Pub in downtown Salt Lake City. Plan
to join us for this annual tradition.
Join us to cheer on the Utes. There will be free parking for alumni who tailgate
in the McCarthey Campus lot. Don’t miss the gathering with food, beverages,
prize giveaways, and a chance to hang out with fellow alumni. More details will
be forthcoming and sent by email and an RSVP is required to secure your parking
spot, so check your inbox. We hope to see you there. Go Utes!
Alumni Tailgating Schedule
September 7 (Sat) U of U vs. Weber State — Tailgating 8:30 - 11:30 am, kickoff @ noon
September 14 (Sat) U of U vs. Oregon — Tailgating 4:30 - 7:30 pm, kickoff @ 8:00 pm
October 12 (Sat)
U of U vs. Stanford — TBA
Front Row: (l to r) Reed Esparza. Allyson Larcom, Abeni Czajkowski, Scout Swenson, Brighton Moreton, Madeline Foley, Kate Patterson
Second Row: Kiersten Cutler, Meagan Hall, Kaitlin Ramsey, Mowgs Jarman, Breanna Johnson, Lila Thulin, Eleanor Layfield
Third Row: Alex Beaufort, Hank Shipman, Zeke Bradley, Saeed Shihab, Jonathan Zubair, Cameron Ballard
Fourth Row: Dalton Provost, Micah Howard, Duncan Flint, Guthrie Burnett, Matthew Zubair, Chase Pope
Not Pictured: Cameron Galt
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We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of
Rowland Hall parent Steven Philip Goldman, age 53,
who passed away August 13, 2013, in Salt Lake City.
His daughter Julia, a senior this year, has been at
Rowland Hall since 4PreK and is an active participant
in debate and service learning. His wife of 20 years,
Kris McHugh, is a familiar and welcome face at the
Steve attended The Wharton School of Business at
the University of Pennsylvania where he received two
bachelor of science degrees in political science and
economics. He received his law degree from UCLA
and was admitted to the bars of California and the
District of Columbia. He married Kris McHugh on
September 25, 1994 in Seattle, Washington.
He loved cooking, photography and travel, but he
mostly loved his family.
We extend our sympathy to Stewart Ellington, ’89, on
the death of his father Stewart Ellington, Sr.
Marie C. Hurley Larmier
May 9, 1922 - May 25, 2013
Rowland Hall lost a good friend on May 25,
2013. Our love goes out to her family and
friends. Her sparkling personality will be
greatly missed.
Marie C. Hurley Larimer passed away
at the age of 91. A native of Staten Island,
N.Y., she is survived by her children:
Jack Newman, Pat Newman Miller, Gael
Newman Pardi and Merri Newman, ’80; her
two stepsons, Tim Larimer, ’86, and Grant
Larimer; seven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Marie resided in Salt Lake City for approximately 40 years and
was employed by Rowland Hall as an assistant registrar, but is fondly
remembered as the “Band Aid” lady.
She was predeceased by her husband of 25 years, Emmet (Tony) Larimer,
who taught at Rowland Hall for more than 30 years and was instrumental
in the activities of the Alumni Association.
A celebration of Marie’s life was held on May 30, 2013, at the Salt Lake
Acting Company, where she and Tony were very involved for many years.
She received a rousing standing ovation for a life well lived.
Donations to the Alumni Scholarship Fund are encouraged in
remembrance of Marie.
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fter decades of dreaming, details, and determination,
Rowland Hall officially broke ground on the first phase of the future Richard R. Steiner Campus on May 29, 2013.
Alumni, parents, faculty, and staff celebrated the occasion with
balloons, speeches, laughter, music, and shovels. The afternoon
culminated in cheers as parent Rin Harris climbed aboard a brand
new D-7 bulldozer to ceremoniously begin construction. Rin, as the
highest bidder for this experience at Rowland Hall’s auction last fall,
relished the honor of driving the big machinery.
This first phase of the Steiner Campus consists of: leveling,
grading, and setting the infrastructure for the entire campus
project; building two synthetic-turf playing fields; establishing the
entranceway and parking; and the construction of a storage building
that will also house restroom facilities. Additionally, the phase calls
for establishing a community garden and creating a large, grass
playing field to be used until construction on the final phase begins.
“This first phase of the Steiner Campus is evidence of the
marvelous results that emerge from members of a community
coming together with a sense of common purpose,” incoming Board
of Trustees Chair Richard Badenhausen said. “Thanks to all of you
who had a hand in bringing about this amazing moment.”
The first phase is slated for completion in November 2013.
Libby Ellis, who for the past seven
years has served as Rowland Hall’s
Director of Development, has
resigned to explore the next phase
of her career in the fundraising
world. About her departure, Libby said,
“With the funds raised for the first phase of
the Capital Campaign and a fantastic team
in place, I believe it’s the perfect time to seek
new opportunities.”
Associate Head of School Julie Barrett had
this to say, “Libby has been an incredible
asset to the school and responsible for the
success of the new building project start on
Phase 1 of the Capital Campaign. Her team
and the Campaign Steering Committee and
many generous donors help us successfully
meet the dollar goal that allowed us to break
ground this summer.
Libby was also largely responsible for the
school’s increase in its endowment from
$4 million to nearly $10 million during
her tenure. She felt passionately about this
project and can leave the school knowing her
efforts left Rowland Hall on secure footing
for future stability.
Julie continued, “We expect to hear great
things from Libby. Her son, Ellis, continues
as a student entering the eighth grade and I
know Libby is looking forward to being just
one among many wonderful school parents.”
Thank you, Libby, for all you have done in
behalf of Rowland Hall.
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Who would have guessed that during one of the worst recessions in decades the
Rowland Hall community would come together to raise $21 million to begin the
work of building exceptional, state-of-the-art facilities for its older students?
As the first shovels broke ground on the new campus, Associate Head of School
Julie Barrett expressed appreciation for the hard work of many and the leadership of
Capital Campaign Chair, Jennifer Price-Wallin.
“Jennifer never wavered in her vision and commitment to the project,” Julie said.
“All of our students will benefit from her hard work, tenacity, and positive focus.”
Phase 1A- Goal - $15,350,000
Endowment Goal - $4,000,000
Raised - $15,329,577*
Raised - $5,396,260
TOTAL GOAL - $19,350,000 TOTAL RAISED - $20,725,837
*The total costs of Phase 1A have been donated and pledged. The project came in a bit under the budget.
Ownership of 13 acres in the heart of SLC, adjacent to the existing
McCarthey Campus
Two advanced-technology synthetic turf athletic fields athletic storage
and restroom facilities
A temporary community garden for students and neighbors to enjoy
An additional temporary grass playing field
Infrastructure in place for planned gymnasiums and classrooms
An endowed fund for maintenance of the new property
Eight endowed, annual, full tuition scholarships
Home field advantage
Zero Debt
Eight endowed, annual, full tuition scholarships
Home field advantage
Zero Debt
Eighth grade English teacher Mike Roberts wanted to donate more
to the new campus than his personal income would allow. So he
combined his passion for the school with his training as an ultramarathoner.
Mr. Robs (as he is affectionately known) raised $25,000 in
donations, which was matched to total $50,000, by running from
Salt Lake City to Las Vegas. Cheering fans and television news
cameras waved him into high temperatures on the morning of
June 5, 2013, as he left the McCarthey Campus. Mike successfully
completed the run, all 451 miles, to Las Vegas on June 21, 2013.
“I appreciate the school letting me play out this crazy idea,” Mr.
Robs said after some recovery time. “It turned out far better than I
could have ever imagined.”
Two fun facts: He lost six pounds over the entire run and ate far
too many Egg McMuffins. Read more about the results:
Michael and Donna Weinholtz were so moved by their Rowland Hall experience as parents of
Chase, their Rowland Hall “lifer,” that they created an extraordinary opportunity for future
students. With a gift of $1 million, the couple established the Weinholtz Family Scholarship Fund
for McCarthey Campus students.
The Wienholz’s sum up their feelings with this: “We feel that our son not only received a worldclass education at Rowland Hall, but a transformative overall experience as well – one based on
caring, support, and individual attention from the most amazing faculty and staff imaginable. We
wanted very much to provide others with the opportunity to share in the Rowland Hall experience
of academic excellence and well-rounded personal development.”
The fund will be put to use immediately. This fall, two incoming Lower School students will
receive full scholarships. Income generated from the endowed fund will support the students
throughout their years at Rowland Hall.
“Donna and Michael are two of the finest people you will ever meet,” former Director of
Development Libby Ellis said. “They are selfless, give from the heart, and besides that, they are just
really fun. Our school community has benefited tremendously from their energy and generosity.”
Many thanks to the following donors for their generosity to the Capital Campaign building and endowment funds,
given or pledged between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
(12) Anonymous
Wayne and Kathy Adams
Jose Almenara and Liliana Unten
Robert and Alexandra Altman
Brad Anderson and Maija Holsti
Diane Hill Anderson
Roger and Susan Arsht
Holly Ausbeck
Richard Badenhausen and Katherine Venti
Mark Baer and Chris Sparrer Baer
Robert and Nancy Bagdasarian
The Ruth Eleanor Bamberger & John Ernest Bamberger
Memorial Foundation
Amy and Barry Baker
Brent and Anne Baranko
Brian and Karey Barker
Bill and Julie Barrett
Tim Beals
Patricia Bearnson
Andrea Beckman
John Bird and Rin Harris
Etta Rae Blazar
Roberta Bryan Bocock
Nancy Borgenicht ‘60
Glenda and Jim Bradley
Denis Brown and Kathryn Brookshire Brown
Branden and April Burningham
David and Susan Carlebach
Tom and Ashley Carlin
Patricia Christensen
Mary Ciminelli
Carol Clawson and Stephen Hull
Thomas and Mitzi Conover
Scott and Karen Cottingham
Madeleine Dugan
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Roger and Karen Edgley
The Ehrich Family Charitable Fund
Jeff Eisenberg and Tasha Savage
The Estate of Claudia L. Eland ‘52
David and Lexi Eller
Jim Eng and Faye Mitsunaga
Jordan Kimball and Rebecca England
Alexandra M. Estey
Charles and Annete Falls
Peter and Bonnie Feola
Hugh and Kate Ferguson
Ira and Lili Field
Kirk and Tanya Fleischer
The Foley Family
The Four Chickens Charitable Fund
Bob Frey and Sarah Ormsby
Spencer and Ann Galt
The Edward O. & Elizabeth B. Gaylord Charitable Fund
Tony Gianoulis and Marina Condas Gianoulis ‘88
Patrick Gibbons ‘93 and Hilary Amoss Gibbons ‘96
Elizabeth Gibson
Eric and Liza Gilbert
Tiffany and Robert Glasgow
Goldman Sachs
Sam and Sherrie Goldstein
Steve Goorman and Christa Zaro
Bert Granberg and Felicia Olivera
David Grunwald and Ellen Wilson
Ellen Guthrie
Charles and Fiona Halloran
Scott Hansen and Peggy Norton
The Right Reverend Scott Hayashi and Amy O’Donnell
Alan Hayes
Ashley and Troy Holbrook
Stanley Holmes and Rebecca Horn
Harriet, Leo and Eileen Hopf
Ray and Betty Huelskamp
Hunter Jackson and Lynne Kerr
George and Nancy Janes
Greg Johnson
Jeff and Sharon Jonas
Cary Jones and Kristin Hopfenbeck
Priya Junnar and Hiram Chodosh
Kanter Family Foundation
Doug and Erica Keil
Martyn and Louise Kingston
Blake Kirby/The Pi Fund
Matthew and Catherine Lake
Siew Hong Lam and Lee Min Lau
Jesus and Claudia Lamas
Jill and David Lang
Kurt Larsen and Tyrene Christopulos
Peter and Jessica Lindgren
Elaine Ling-Fukushima
Ben and Lisa Logue
Akemi and David Louchheim
Jim Macintyre and Liz Joy
The M Lazy M Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Colleen A. Martin
Rachel Sweet-Martin ‘88 and Scott Martin
Kyle and Evelyn Matsumura
Kevin and Robin Mayetani
Philip and Sandy McCarthey
Vivian and Kim McGuire
The David J. and Nancy L. McNally Foundation
John and Adrienne McNamara
Jim Michie and Wendy Smith
Teacher Mike Roberts surrounded by heavy machinery and students
Rin Harris
Steering Committee members,the Steiners, coaches and staff
Mark and Gina Miller
David and Gaynelle Mize
Mikelle Moore
Jiro and Keiko Mori
Wood Moyle ‘90 and Marianne Moyle
Sally Boynton Murray Fund
The Nash Family
Scott and Kathleen Nichols
Rhonda and Bill Nicoloff
Aaron Murphy and Jennifer Gully
Tim and Lisa O’Brien
Mark Oftedal and Sarah Wright
James Okland
Serge and Maura Olszanskyj
Mike and Stephanie Orfanakis
Melissa and James Orford
Jae Yoon Park and Wha Ja Kim
Kelly and Jeanene Patterson
Robyn Payne, ‘02
Ryan and Nora Peterson
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Richard and Jill Pope
The John and Marcia Price Family Foundation
Steven Price
Robin and Raj Puri
The Jeffrey and Janet Quay Charitable Foundation
John and Lee Rech
Will and Denise Reeves
Tim and Nia Reganis
Marcia Richards
Wallace H. Ring
David and Faith Ritter
Kyle and Kim Roberts
Michael and Robin Rollins
Rowland Hall, McCarthey Campus Home & School
Leon and Mary Ann Royer
Ira Rubinfeld and Willamarie Huelskamp
Ivy Ruckman
Stuart Ruckman and Libby Ellis
Jonathan and Tina Ruga
Karl and Natalie Sanders
Scott Schaefer
Gary and Alisha Schlichter
Peter and Margie Schloesser
Fred Schwab
David and Tiffany Shewell
William and Nancy Shott
Linda Smith and Lee Shuster
Jennifer and Dustin Silvester ‘93
The Smart Family
Jack D. Smith
John G. Smith
Alan and Nancy Sparrow
Carolyn Lowe Sterrett
The Stotts Family
Greg and Theresa Sueoka
The Sullivan Family Fund
The Sundquist Family
The Sweet Candy Company Fund for
Health and Wellness
Henry and June Takei
George and Mary Ellen Thomsen
Scott and Suzanne Tilson
Michael C. Tonneson
Reed and Anna Topham
Wayne and Linda Tyler
Sarah Uram
Jason and Allison Varner
Raul and Jacquelyn Villar
David Vitek and Jessica Arbogast
Jennifer Price-Wallin and Tony Wallin
Ryan and Lia Westermann
Mary Anne Wetzel, ‘01
Tony and Francis Yarlett
Gifts Made in Honor Of
Barry and Amy Baker
Conor Bentley, ‘01
Alexander Boynton and Benjamin Boynton
Robert L. Deans and Jania Sommers
Mario Feola ‘10, Ariel Feola, ‘13, Soren Feola ‘18
The Entrepreneur’s Circle is a group of Rowland Hall alumni, parents, and friends who
gather to share their business expertise, to network, and to give back to the school. We are
grateful to the members who hosted two interactive events this year.
Early last fall, Sarah Evershed Penna,‘02, co-founder and owner of media company
Big Frame and the Bammo channel, and her husband, Joe Penna, who maintains the
YouTube channel MysteryGuitarMan, spoke with Rowland Hall students about turning
ideas into functioning businesses. Their presentations were inspirational while providing
useful information, particularly in the realm of social media.
In addition, 12 Upper School students participated in an entrepreneurial Interim trip
this spring. The first stop was the University of Utah’s Pierre Lassonde Entrepreneurial
Center. Students were presented with the challenge of identifying a problem, creating a
solution, generating a business plan, and pitching their concept to the team. The next stop
was Silicon Valley, where they attended a Launchpad class at Stanford University. They
met with venture capitalists and founders of several start-up companies to learn the basics
of business.
“I loved visiting all the start-ups,” then freshman Haley Fort said. “The Da Vinci robot
from Intuitive Surgical was probably my favorite. Participating made me see all the hard
work involved in starting up a business.”
We would especially like to thank parents and trustees Alex Bocock and Mike
Levinthal for hosting and shaping these experiences for our students. A list of all the
members of the Entrepreneurs’ Circle can be found on page 49.
During the past year, Rowland Hall was fortunate to be the beneficiary of a number
of gifts from families who planned ahead and made either a lasting gift through their
estate plans or via other life-income-generating mechanisms. These gifts will provide the
school with financial options for scholarship funds, funds for the new campus, and vital
operating income.
Individuals and families who work with the school or have notified us of their
intentions to make bequests to the school become members of “The Legacy Society.”
This year we acknowledge Anne Sheldon DeBruin, ’43, Claudia Lang Eland, ’52,
and Sally Lehman Boynton Murray, for their generosity to Rowland Hall.
If you have named Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s School in your estate plans or would like
to discuss options on how to give a tax-wise planned gift to the school, please contact
Robyn Payne at (801)924-2961 or email [email protected].
4 0
2 012 - 2013
This year’s Annual Fund successfully raised $764,682.00.
During a year in which the school held both an auction and a capital campaign,
our community pulled together to surpass the 2012-2013 Annual Fund goal.
The funds provided support for an art specialist in the Beginning School, a
mathematics-teaching consultant to the middle and upper schools, technology
integration, and professional development for faculty. These new positions and
initiatives furthered Rowland Hall’s charge to offer an extraordinary learning
environment. Thank you, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, alumni, and
friends for your generous contributions!
Very Special Thanks to Annual
Fund Chairs Jill and David Lang
A huge thank you goes out to Jill
and David Lang for their tireless
dedication as this year’s Annual Fund
chairs. They worked hard to educate
our community on the importance
of contributing to the Annual Fund
and were an invaluable part of the
campaign’s success. We are thrilled
that they have agreed to chair the
Annual Fund again next year.
Jill and David Lang
Faculty and Staff
Yet again this year, our amazing
faculty and staff hit the 100 percent
participation mark for the Annual
Fund. Thank you for your support!
We apologize for not listing Fraser and Meg Smith as Hallmarker Bronze donors and
Peter and Bonnie Feola as Contributors in the 2011-2012 edition of the Annual Report.
Our goal this year was $740,000.
Special Thanks to:
Chairs | Jill and David Lang
2PK | Nicholl Doolin
3PK | Chris and Alexandra Von Maack
4PK | Michael and Robin Rollins
Kindergarten | Natasha Wallis
1st Grade | Courtenay and Steve Porges
2nd Grade | Marina and Tony Gianoulis
3rd Grade | Michelle and Jack Szwajkun
4th Grade | Erica and Doug Keil
5th Grade | Darcy and Jack Amiel
6th Grade | Ed and Melissa Barbanell
7th Grade | Katie and Kirk Aubry
8th Grade | Jill Lang
9th Grade | Faye Mitsunaga and Jim Eng
10th Grade | Ben and Lisa Logue
11th Grade | Johanna and Adrian Birkett
12th Grade | Tiffanie Provost
Saba Siddiqui, Robin Puri and John Bird
Rowland Hall wishes to thank all of the following donors who generously
contributed to the school’s 2012-2013 Annual Fund.
This Annual Report lists gifts made from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. While we make every effort to be accurate,
mistakes occur. If you have made a gift to Rowland Hall during the fiscal year and your name has been omitted, misspelled,
or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and advise us of the error by calling Robyn Payne in the Development
Office at (801) 924.2961. Out of respect and for purposes of consistency, all grandparents’ names are listed formally.
Annual Fund Donors 2012 - 2013
Anonymous (1)
Amy and Barry Baker
Bob Bennett
John Bird and Rin Harris
Kevin and Olga Bott
David and Susan Carlebach
Beth and Michael Chardack
Four Chickens Charitable Fund
Phil and Gloria Horsley
Kanter Family Foundation
Jordan Kimball and Rebecca England
Jill and David Lang
Kurt Larsen and Tyrene Christopulos
Vivian and Kim McGuire
Peter and Nicole Mouskondis
Jennifer Price-Wallin and Tony Wallin
R. Harold Burton Foundation
Bob and Wendy Steiner
Steiner Foundation, Inc.
Tim and Jane Sullivan
Roxane Googin and Kent Winterholler
HALLMARKER GOLD ($5,000-$9,999)
Ken Abdalla and Kitty Stoneburner
Roger and Susan Arsht
John Ballard and Karen Miller
David Borgenicht and Suzanne Simons
Elaine Burke
Gerald and Janet Carlisle
Roger and Karen Edgley
Chip and Gayle Everest
Spencer and Ann Galt
Goldman Sachs
Jeff and Sharon Jonas
Siew Hong Lam and Lee Min Lau
Steve and Michelle Lessnick
The M Lazy M Foundation
Phil and Sandy McCarthey
John and Adrienne McNamara
The Mark and Kathie Miller Foundation
Ira Rubinfeld and Willamarie Huelskamp
Tony and Carol Sweet
Target Bank
The Jacquelyn & Gregory Zehner Foundation
HALLMARKER SILVER ($2,500-$4,999)
Anonymous (2)
David and Rocio Andrews
Richard Badenhausen and Katherine Venti
Mike and Susan Balogh
Kevin and Linette Baneth
Elisabeth and Shamus Carr
Peter and Kirsten Ehrich
Alexandra Estey
Jeff and Katie Fort
Peter and Marjorie Friedman
Rob and Tiffany Glasgow
Mary W. Harriman Foundation
Fred and KK Heslop
Leo and Harriet Hopf
Gerald and Julia Johansson
Bobby Kwun and Patty Yun
Jerry Lanchbury and Margaret Hall
Michael Levinthal
Ben and Lisa Logue
Akemi and David Louchheim
Jim Macintyre and Liz Joy
Tami and Jane Marquardt
Terri McCarthy
The David J. and Nancy L. McNally
John and Amy Nichols
Steve and Courtenay Porges
RJ Foundation
Bill and Julia Reagan
Kyle and Kim Roberts
Saba Siddiqui and Faizi Siddiqi
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Paul Stotts
Reed and Anna Topham
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching
Gift Program
HALLMARKER BRONZE ($1,000-$2,499)
Anonymous (2)
Robert and Alexandra Altman
Jack and Darcy Amiel
Brad Anderson and Maija Holsti
David and Sandra Askew
Richard and Margot Badenhausen
Mark Baer and Chris Sparrer Baer
Robert and Carol Baker
Ruth Eleanor Bamberger & John Ernest
Bamberger Memorial Foundation
John Barabino and David Huebner
Brent and Anne Baranko
Robert Barbanell
Bill and Julie Barrett
Eileen Baynes
Timothy Beals
Joe and Gainor Bennett
Ray and Dale Berry
Denis and Kathryn Brown
Branden and April Burningham
Dann and Deanna Byck
Caridad Corporation
Jim Carlisle and Kris Kokeny
Nitin and Jane Chandramouli
Priya Junnar and Hiram Chodosh
Ben and Susan Chortkoff
Thomas and Mitzi Conover
Jacob Copinga and Frances Reagan Copinga
The Community Foundation of Utah
Chris and Cindy Cutler
Ben and Erica Dahl
Wes Davis and Leigh Travis
David and Karen Dee
Evan Deneris and Susan Opp
Derek and Michele Deubel
Peter and Joan Diamandis
Mike and Sue Diehl
Jim and Geralyn Dreyfous
Madeleine Dugan
Jim Eng and Faye Mitsunaga
Jason and Dawn Farrell
Kirk and Tanya Fleischer
Sandy and Floss Frucher
Brian Fukushima and Tammy Park
Dee and Colin Gardner
GE United Way Giving Campaign
Tony and Marina Gianoulis
Bill and Barbara Gibbons
Sam and Sherrie Goldstein
Charles and Janet Grissom
Rob Hauck and Libby Sunderman
John and Vicky Hoagland
Bob and Peggy Hunt
James Hyde and Angelina Beitia
George and Nancy Janes
David and Elisa Jenny
Matthew and Monique Jepsen
Wes and Lila Johnson
Cary Jones and Kristin Hopfenbeck
Ronald and Holly Jorgensen
Karl and Beata Kieffer
Robin and Jane Kim
Lisa Kimball
Andrea Smith
Mike and Diane Koetter
Daniel Labov
Garit Lawson and Erin Bolton
Paul and Sarah Lehman
Ann-Marie and Rob Lence
Ted and Kathy Liou
Will and Carter Lowrance
Macy’s Foundation
Scott and Veronique Markewitz
Bob and Suzanne Marquardt
Scott and Connie Maves
Margaret Niver McGann and Chris McGann
Meredith McManus
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Harold Miller
Steve Morgan
Mary Muir
Aaron Murphy and Jennifer Gully
NG Foundation, Inc.
Joe and Stephanie Nash
Jed and Amy Naisbitt
Clyde Nelson
Scott and Kathleen Nichols
Rhonda and Bill Nicoloff
Joe and Sylvia Nielsen
Chris Nolan and Angela Keen
Timothy and Lisa O’Brien
Mark and Karen Oliver
Marty Olsen and Christopher Cocke
Melissa and James Orford
Allison and Mark Paradise
Jae Yoon and Wha Ja Kim Park
Vince Pecora and Karen McCauley
Ryan and Nora Peterson
Josh Pollatsek and Alexx Koskella
Steve Price
Robin and Raj Puri
Chris and Jenny Ramos
Dewey and Kari Jo Reagan
James and Christine Riter
Michael and Robin Rollins
John and Ellie Roser
Leon and Mary Ann Royer
Robert and Katia Rubenstein
Brian and Janice Ruggles
Karl and Natalie Sanders
Scott Schaefer
Peter and Margie Schloesser
David and Tiffany Shewell
Joel and Lisa Shine
William and Nancy Shott
Allan and Thalia Smart
Luke and Tristan Smart
Fraser and Meg Smith
Gordon and Emily Smith
Zach and Janelle Smith
Ted and Doris Solomon
Robert and Sara Anne Spalding
Alan and Nancy Sparrow
Mark and Peggy Squiers
Carolyn Sterrett
Alan and Paige Stotts
Greg and Theresa Sueoka
Bob Sugino
Robert Summerfield and Isabel Moreira
Kit and Molly Sumner
Rachel Sweet-Martin and Scott Martin
Paul and Kathy Swoboda
Jack and Michelle Szwajkun
Brad and Susan Taylor
Tom Thorne and Holly Clark
Mike Tonneson
Steve and Lisa Towner
Katie Turnbull
Sarah Uram
Stuart Uram and Lilly Langotsky
Janelle Van der Werf
Jason and Allison Varner
Michael Varner and Kathleen Digre
Shari and C. J. Veverka
Raul and Jacky Villar
Christopher and Alexandra Von Maack
Paul and Charlyne Wozniak
Trustee Ira Rubinfeld and Veronique Markewitz
4 4
2 012 - 2013
Anonymous (33)
Bjorn Ablad
Wayne and Kathy Adams
Bruce and Coralie Alder
Vikki Allred
American Express Foundation
Pat Ammon
Carly Anderson
David and Alison Anderson
Bo Andreini
Apple Matching Gifts Program
Carl and Leila Armknecht
Jack Arnold
Aros, Inc.
Assistance Audio
Dan Ashbridge and Jennifer Throndsen
Roger and Lisa Atkin
Simon and Michelle Atkinson
Kirk and Katie Aubry
Holly Ausbeck
Amber Ayers
Richard and Sylvie Backman
Leta Baker
Abe and Lisa Bakhsheshy
Geoff Ballantyne and Mary Jo Sweeney
Nate and Jacee Ballard
Ed and Melissa Barbanell
Bill Barron
Ryan and Joy Bateman
Robert and Char Bauer
Dave and Linda Beaufort
Andrew and Rachel Bebbington
Andrea Beckman
Ivor and Carol Benjamin
Sarah Bennett
Jason Bergreen and Abby Bacon
Paul and Ann Bernstein
Kris and Phuong Bodeen
Doug and Donna Booher
Phil Bossart and Sharon Strong
Glenda and Jim Bradley
Tom and Heidi Brickey
Todd and Monika Brickson
Mike and Susan Brodsky
Julie Brown
Trace and Karen Browning
Luca and Francesca Brunelli
Lawrence and Isabelle Buhler
Zenon and Katrina Bulka
Steve and Cindy Burian
Ken and Ann Burnett
Matt and Valerie Burnett
Nick Burns
Tyler and Jane Bushnell
Cliff Butter and Marilyn Osborne
Mark and Sarah Button
Bill and Clarence Bynum
Pati Callahan
Connie Jo Manly Campbell
Martin Caravati and Wanda Updike
Tom and Ashley Carlin
David and Kerry Carlson
Lauren Carpenter
Keith and Yuri Chan
Dale and Margaret Chapman
Pat Christensen
Paul and Pat Christensen
Erik Christiansen
Michele Christiansen
Michael and Hannah Chung
Mary Ciminelli
Heather and Carlo Ciriello
Emily Clawson
John Climaco and Laura Kappus
Kelly Cockrell
Dave and Susan Cole
Lynda Coleman and Alisha Matthews
Bill and Carol Collard
Ross and Susan Collier
Bruce and Julie Cooper
Keith Cormier and Cassandra Van Buren
Scott and Karen Cottingham
Clifford Coury and Stanna Frampton
Scott Cowdrey
Toby Cox and Liz O’Brien
Randy and Stacey Curry
Sara and Kib Dacklin
Bill and Judy Dalgliesh
John and Alesa Davis
David and Karen Dee
Michael Deibele and Lee Ellington
Ric and Janice DelMar
Steve and Saundra Diehl
Ben and Alexandra Doctorman
Robert Donohoe
Curt and Susan Dowd
Jim and Susan Downs
Andre DuBois
James and Kris Dumas
Robert Dustman
eBay Foundation Gift Matching Program
EBJ Management
Jerry and Kathleen Eder
Nick and Kristyn Efstratis
Brian and Jean Elkington
David and Lexi Eller
Epic Brewing
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Dan and Anna Ernst
Gary and Paula Evershed
Beverly Facklam
Charles and Annet Falls
Barry and Cindy Feinman
Steve and Wendy Fenton
Peter and Bonnie Feola
Greg Ferbrache and Jennifer Hyde Ferbrache
Hugh and Kate Ferguson
Ira and Lili Field
Michel and Rebecca Filion
George and Jeanine Flint
Erich and Celeste Flynn
Tyler and Gwen Fonarow
Joe and Shannon Fox
Efanga and Ini Frank
Stan Freck and Tina Braun
Bob Frey and Sally Ormsby
David and Carol Frymire
Dave and Jackie Fuhrman
Mickey and Sharee Gallivan
Brian and Sarah Getzelman
Rebecca Gibson
Eric and Liza Gilbert
Greg Glazier
Ben and Destiny Gmelch
Patrick and Mardee Godfrey
Lawrence Framme and Sofia Gorder
Bert Granberg and Felicia Olivera
Michael and Jennifer Granger
Kipp Greene and Jeanne Zeigler
Patrick Greis
Missy Greis
David Grunwald and Ellen Wilson
Gema Guevara and John Reed
Diane Guido
Finn and Kathy Gundersen
Ellen Guthrie
John and Jessica Guynn
Cory and Kimberly Hacking
Dave and Becky Hall
Charles and Fiona Halloran
John and Jean Hamamoto
Linda Hampton
Dugg and Ann Marie Hannon
Chris and Megan Hanrahan
Scott Hansen and Peggy Norton
Kevin and Amy Hanson
Garth Hare and Tara Bowman-Hare
Sheri Harris
Mark Harris and Kris Doing-Harris
James Harvey and Christine Greenwood
Pete and Jen Hathaway
Chris and Tasha Hatton
Scott Hayashi and Amy O’Donnell
Peter and Thi-Ly Hayes
Rachel Hayes
Christie Manly Henrie
Peggy Henrie
Kirsten Hepburn
Dorothy Herrington
Chris Hill and Jacqui Wittmeyer
Eliza Hill
Aaron and Lindsay Hinton
Ryan Hoglund and Libby Mitchell
Troy and Ashley Holbrook
Phillip and Naomi Holm
Brian and Amy Homer
Robin and Cynthia Hori
Stanley Holmes and Rebecca Horn
Perry Hull and Liz Paige
Bruce Hunter
Gavin and Jennifer Hunter
Robert Immitt
Innisfree Foundation
Bret Jackson
Hunter Jackson and Lynne Kerr
Bill and Jane Janke
Floyd and Tamaris Jensen
Eric Johnson
Laura Johnson
Geoff and Kami Kahler
Natalie Kaplan
Anthony Kaye and Elizabeth Wright
Doug and Erica Keil
Bobby and Kathy Kennedy
Dave Kerwynn
Sharon Kessinger
Davar Khoshnevisan and Irina Gushin
Martyn and Louise Kingston
Christopher and Johanna Kirk
David and Stephanie Klein
Dieter Knecht
Joseph Kolb and Elissa Stern-Kolb
Rodney Kopish
Jeffrey and Jaime Kovnick
L-3 Communications
Alex LaCouture
Jack and Betty Lampros
Doug and Amy Lampson
Scott and Aimee Langone
Brent Larsen
Flemming Larsen and Polly Wiessner
Mary Lawlor
Lester Layfield
Linda Leaver
Dick Lemons and Diana Banks
Bill Patterson and Carolyn Leone
Beth Levine
Hank Levine
Ben and Katie Lieberman
Bob Ligget
Yuan Lin and Hongwei Xu
Gary Lindemann
Peter and Jessica Lindgren
Avery and Erin Littlefield
Dave and Rebecca Livermore
Larry Livsey
Dennis and Pat Lombardi
Joel Long
John Lopez
Brian Lunde and Sue Mark-Lunde
John MacFarlane
Joleen Mantas
Joel and Mary Jo Marker
Timothy and Claire Martin
Marva Match
Kyle and Evelyn Matsumura
Rob Mayer and Carol Blackwell
Kevin and Robin Mayetani
Stuart and Peggy McCandless
Tim and Erika McCarthy
Amy McDonald
Mary McIntyre
Melissa McKain
Andy McKerrow and Elicia Cardenas
Bud McManus
Jim McNeil and Alison Stone
Michael Measom and Rebecca Lucille
Rob and Susanna Mellor
Heidi Memmott
Nancy Merrill
James Stuart and Tammy Metz
Jim Michie and Wendy Smith
Travis Mickelson and Margot Miller
Derek and Phyllis Mikuriya
Brian and Lori Miller
Dustin and Whitney Miller
Mark and Gina Miller
Rick and Lisa Miranda
Himanshu and Arul Mishra
Dan and Joy Mitchell
Kim Mitchell
Tom and Bonnie Mitchell
Mike and Deborah Mohrman
Steven Mond and Jennifer Elsken
Mikelle Moore
Heidi Moreton
Julie Roberts-Morris
Derek and Melissa Muhlestein
John and Jennifer Muhlestein
David and Fran Munday
Dale Munoz and Pam Vickrey
Chris Neilson and Emma Godhard
Teresa Nelson
Ken and Janet Nelson
Allen and Kate Nevins
Jeff and Marsha Newman
Jim Ngo and Holly Drury
Pam Nichols
Kelly and April Nielsen
Daniel and Martie Nightingale
Paul and Christiane Nkoy
Mike and Karen Noble
Peter Novak and Teresa Ota
Chad and Kristina Obermark
Sonia Grunwald, ‘14,
played in the jazz combo for
the Hallmarker Dinner
Cathi O’Brien
Mark Oftedal and Sarah Wright
Alan Okawa and Allison Oki
Stan and Margaret Oldham
Megan Ollett
Jason and Jazmin Olsen
Serge and Maura Olszanskyj
Trey and Laura O’Neal
Mike and Stephanie Orfanakis
Brandon and Beth Ott
Ted Paisley and Tricia Petzold
Cheryl Palmer
Fred Parke
Kody Partridge
Sally Patrick
Kelly and Jeanene Patterson
Kip and Terri Paul
Jim and Lee Payne
PJ Pedersen and Mary Ellen Domeier
Joe and Holly Perrin
Micah and Becca Peters
Erich and Nancy Petersen
Derek and Shannon Peterson
Lynne Peterson and Greg Parks
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Nicole Pinnell
Jeff and Susie Polychronis
Richard and Jill Pope
Colin and Katherine Potter
Troy Price
Pierre and Laura Prosper
Tiffanie Provost
Patrick and Elizabeth Purcell
Scott and Vera Putman
Brendan and Leigh Quirk
Andre Ramjoue
Ravi Ranjan and Soni Krishna
Marc and Michelle Rasich
Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education Program
John and Lee Rech
Tim and Nia Reganis
Bart and Georgia Reuling
Betsy Revenaugh
Victor and Susan Rickman
Wallace Ring
Rio Tinto Shared Services
David and Faith Ritter
Christopher and Kari-Anne Roach
Heather Roberson
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Mike Roberts
Luz Robles
4 6
2 012 - 2013
Trell Rohovit and Jenny Wilson
Robert and Diane Rolfs
Margaret Rose
Camilla Rosenberger
Harry and Lisa Rosenthal
Debbie Rounds
Michelle Royer
Stuart Ruckman and Libby Ellis
Gina Russo
Thomas Rust and Gloria Gonzales
Pete and Pat Sadoski
Mohamed Salama and Nahla Heikal
Salt Lake Acting Company
David and Heidi Samuels
Osman Sanyer
John Sarbo and Kathryn Czarnecki
Nick and Heather Satovick
Katie Schwab
John Schwiebert and Ann Jefferds
Tillman Seebohm
Lynette Seebohm
Select Equity Group Foundation
Akram Shaaban and Inji Elkasaby
Mike and Carol Shackelford
Shaun Shakib and Sabine Koepf-Shakib
Kurt Shirkey
Dave and Stacia Sidlow
Hilary Silberman
Jonathan and Ruth Silverstein
Christa Sinclair
Dallas and Tara Sinquefield
Hubbert and Vicki Smith
Jon Snyder and Cindy Hall
Florian Solzbacher and Xiao Xin Chen
Angela Somerville
Troy and Julie Somerville
Rhonda Sparrow
Jodi Spiro
Miki Stephens
Garrett and Sara Stern
Stewart Education Foundation
Jason and Jackie Stinnett
Lynelle Stoddard
Pam Stone
Jeff Streba and Molly Lewis
Fred and Linda Strohacker
Wes and Nola Sundquist
Emily Sutherland and Jane Hoffman
Leslie Sutter
Ted and Sandra Sweetland
Kristin Takahashi
David and Cynthia Tanzi
Mike and Leslie Tate
Bill and Linda Tatomer
Kate Taylor and Molly Richardson
Kate Taylor
Matthew and Nancy Taylor
Tear A Part, LLC
Gus and Elaine Teseros
Michael and Anna Teter
Mark and Christine Thomas
Joan Thompson
Lee Thomsen and Julie Checkoway
Ann Till
Scott and Suzanne Tilson
Sarah Tobin
Robert and Tami Tokita
Kendra Tomsic and Kathy Howa
Cyndi Manly Toone
Richard and Angela Tooze
Larry and Ellen Toscano
Jim and Missy Tschabrun
David Turok and Annabel Sheinberg
Wayne and Linda Tyler
Carolyn Uhle
Alex and Sally Uhle
Cookie Underwood
Lincoln Ure and Maureen O’Hara Ure
Christopher and Renee Utgaard
Todd and Kristin VanOrman
Jamie Veghte
David and Barbara Viskochil
Karl Voelkerding and Mia Kenny
Matt Wachowiak and Ayako Yamaguchi
Emily Wagner
Charles and Ethanne Waldo
Luke Walker
David and Natasha Wallis
Haibo Wang and Jun Lu
Ken Ward and Pam Farrington
Christian Waters and Kelly Henderson
Thomas Weed and Janet Tulloch
LaVonne Wells
Sam and Kate Wheatley
Bill and Alane White
Chuck White
Sarah White
Christy Whitman
Matthew and Bireen Whitten
David and Kate Wiener
The Williams Companies, Inc.
Katie Williams
Cindy Willis
Jason Wills
Rob Wilson and Elizabeth Howard
Phillip and Beckie Winston
Doug Wortham and Nick Nero
Julie Wrathall
Ed and Marie-Claude Wrenn
Mark Yates and Lynn Cardey-Yates
Jason and Mary Rose Young
Sarah Young
Francis and Angelina Yubero
Faisel and Ayesha Zaman
Jeff and Ivy Zawalski
Ted Zeitler
Robert Zeng and Bin Lin
Imran and Dorothy Zubair
Includes gifts to the Alumni Scholarship Fund
Betsy Parrish Berry ‘36
Margaret Boothby Gwinn ‘41
Margaret Yeates Richards ‘41 and John
Margaret Dayton Jackson ‘42
Marilyn Nelson Kelso ‘43
Bette Jeanne Decker Sage ‘43 and James Sage
Patricia Pearsall Hartman ‘45
Nancy Tisdel Miles ‘47 and Lowell Miles
Chelsea and Dan Ihnat with Nora Peterson
Anne Carter Hopkin ‘50 and John Hopkin
Joan Bennett Firmage ‘51 and John Firmage
Shirley Peterson Smith ‘53 and Joseph Smith
Kay Hess Tiffany ‘53
Roberta Muirhead Jenkins ‘54
Connie Rouillard McGowan ‘55 and Dick
Stephanie Deck Jackel ‘56
Sally MacKinnon ‘56
Virginia Sweet Pringle ‘56
Elizabeth Fink Hecht ‘57 and Mervyn Hecht
Bette Bennett Penney ‘57 and Darm Penney
Jodie Ray Hunt ‘58 and E.K. Hunt
Floss Haines Frucher ‘59 and Sandy Frucher
Joan Schwartz Hodge ‘59 and John Hodge
Meredith McManus ‘59
Nancy Sandack Borgenicht ‘60
Zeese Papanikolas ‘60
Joni Friedman Pratt ‘60 and Russell Pratt
Sally Adams Prinster ‘60
Ellie Olwell Roser ‘60 and John Roser
Tony Sweet ‘60 and Carol Sweet
Peggy Rosen Feder ‘61 and Jon Feder
Ellen Smith Medway ‘61
Amanda Cannon Overly ‘61
Daniel Schwartz ‘61 and Teresa Schwartz
Penny Ray Vernet ‘61 and Andre Vernet
Bill Atwood ‘63 and Judith Atwood
Bill Gibbons ‘63 and Barbara Gibbons
Thalia Papanikolas Smart ‘63 and Allan Smart
Leslie Spear Stone ‘63
Bill Yaggy ‘63 and Amy Leveen
Lola Atwood ‘64 and Don Mabey
Nathaniel Goodman ’64
Kit Sumner ‘64 and Molly Sumner
Roxanne Christensen Lazzara ‘65 and
Anthony Lazzara
Jane Harrison ‘67 and James Carter
Vicky Gibbons Hoagland ‘67 and John Hoagland
Chris Burnham Helfrich ‘68 and Peter Helfrich
Jane Little Snider ‘68 and Sam Snider
Valli Gibbons Durham ‘69 and Steve Durham
Thom Jensen ‘69
John Roberson ‘70
Deborah King Cobo ‘71 and Juan Cobo
David Borgenicht ‘86 and Suzanne Simons
Bronwen Calver ‘86
Rob Claxton ‘87 and Leslie Claxton
Cory Lane ‘87 and Sarah Lane
Sara Anne Williams Spalding ‘87 and
Robert Spalding
Greg Ward ‘87
Joe Borgenicht and Melanie Borgenicht
Marina Condas Gianoulis ‘88 and Tony Gianoulis
Rachel Sweet-Martin ‘88 and Scott Martin
Marta Heilbrun ‘89 and Ron Penner
Jen Beck Lair ‘89 and John Lair
Adam Light ‘89
Ben Smith ‘89 and Lindsey Oswald Smith ‘92
Amy Hoeppner Taylor ‘89 and Ryan Taylor
Rachel Kulmer Burnett ‘90 and Matthew Burnett
Laura Hermance ‘90
Wood Moyle ‘90 Marianne Woolsey Moyle
Heather VanDeventer ‘90 and David Gortner
Heather Ure Dunagan ‘91 and John Dunagan
Kitty Northrop Friedman ‘91 and Peter Friedman
Grace Kong ‘91
Ben Dahl ‘92 and Erica Dahl
Mari Hoidal ‘92
Cari Johnson ‘92 and Dave Carlen
Libby Mitchell ‘92 and Ryan Hoglund
Rebecca Moyle ‘92
Reagan Tolboe ‘92
Adrienne McConnell Finnell ‘93
Patrick Gibbons ‘93 and Hilary Amoss Gibbons ‘96
Dustin Silvester ‘93 and Jennifer Silvester
Geoff Swindle ‘94 and Adria Muir Swindle ‘95
Niki Larsen Martinet ‘95
Tracy Gibbons Llanos ‘96 and Gabriel Llanos
Kathleen Tundermann Niles ‘96
Tacy Conard Quinn ‘96 and Brian Quinn
Emily Barrett Erlingsson ‘97 and Atle Erlingsson
Jesse Keene ‘97 and Jamie Wilhite
Jennie Ralph Oppold ‘97 and Paul Oppold
Christopher Von Maack ‘97 and Alexandra Lee Von Maack ‘99
David Billings ‘98 and Christina Lau Billings ‘98
John McIntosh ‘99
Nate Kogan ‘00 and Anna Kogan
Mary Lombardi ‘00
Conor Bentley ‘01 and Mary Anne Wetzel ‘01
Michael Elliott ‘01
David Hausser ‘01
Koshlan Mayer-Blackwell ‘01
Sarah Stevens Canfield ‘02 and Elliot Canfield
Emily Everest ‘02
Robyn Payne ‘02
Ian Anderson ‘03
Libby Biittner ‘03
Libbie Brown ‘03
Mikaela Martineau Larson ‘04
Liz Schackmann ‘04
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Dennis Tua’one ‘04
David Wetzel ‘04
Nathaniel Barusch ‘05
Henry Schwartz ‘05
Lindsey Adams ‘06
Dana Pool ‘06
Amanda Towner ‘06
Rosemary Tua’one ‘06
Alex Gardner ‘07
Sydney Hartsell ‘08
Jorgi Paul ‘08
Kanika Tua’one ‘08
Walker Adams ‘09
Jake Fuhrman ‘09
Blake Harries ‘09
Griffin Gilbert ‘10
Joey Polychronis ‘10
Wills Shott ‘10
Matteo Brunelli ‘12
Carter Dowd ‘12
John Gilbert ‘12
Andy Gilbert ‘12
Rainy Paul ‘12
K.J. Tua’one ‘12
The Class of 1961
The Class of 1992
Conor Bentley
Nancy Borgenicht and family
Mario, Ariel and Soren Feola
The Arthur and Bertha Frank Family
Emily Gordon
Peter Hayes
Anne Kirstin Holm
Karen Hyde
Olle Larson
Mary McIntyre
The Helen and Wally Sandack Family
Carolyn Uhle
Pat Brim
Ben Dolan Willardson
Tony Larimer
Ann-Marie Lence
Edmund T. Wrenn
Wes Johnson with his daughter, Jerica, ‘07
Current Rowland Hall grandchildren are listed
Mr. and Mrs. John Abdalla
Jordan Abdalla, Cory Abdalla
Dr. Nina Allen
Eileen Hopf
Ms. Diane H. Anderson
Sophie Uchitel, Jack Uchitel, Sasha Uchitel
Ms. Ilona Anderson
Caelum van Ispelen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson
Leonie Anderson, Livia Anderson, Josie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Badenhausen
Liza Badenhausen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bagdasarian
Andy Merrill, Louise Rech, Amelia Merrill, Charly Rech
Mr. and Mrs. Lenox Baker
Baker Campsen, Jack Campsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker
Caroline Purcell, Charlie Purcell
Ms. Joan Ban
Jade Cole, Joshua Cole
Ms. Irene Baptista
Hailey Stephens, Kienna Stephens
Mr. Robert Barbanell
Calvin Barbanell, Zach Barbanell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Batal
Alex Fort, Haley Fort
Mr. and Ms. Joe Bennett
Blair Alley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry
Nick Orfanakis, Emilie Orfanakis
Mrs. Etta Rae L. Blazar
Soren Feola, Ariel Feola
Mrs. Roberta B. Bocock
Elisabeth Bocock, Mary Bocock, Jimmy Bocock,
Scottie Bocock
Ms. Nancy Borgenicht
Elias Borgenicht, Max Borgenicht, Sophie
Borgenicht, Jonah Borgenicht
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Bown
Isabelle Bown, Auden Bown
Mr. and Mrs. Conor Boyd
Niamh Wallis, Aurelie Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brickey
Eli Brickey, Mia Brickey
Ms. Julie Brown
Tatum Brown-Barbero, Ellison Brown-Barbero
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Browne
Lily Ferguson
Ms. Elaine Burke
Alex Deubel, Anna Deubel, Jason Cowdrey,
Kyle Cowdrey
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Calderon
Brock Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carlin
Nick Carlin, Emma Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Carlisle
Zach Carlisle, Nate Carlisle
Mr. Richard Miner and Mrs. Anita Catron Miner
Nick Orfanakis, Emilie Orfanakis
Mr. and Mrs. James Chandler
Max Smart, Leo Smart
Mr. and Mrs. James Clayton
Sara Swenson, Scout Swenson
Ms. Vasiliki Condas
Katerina Gianoulis, Giorgio Gianoulis
Mr. and Mrs. John Cottingham
Kayla Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crawford
David Chortkoff, Drew Chortkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cross
Nicholas Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crow
Erin Stotts, Hayden Stotts
Mrs. Jean Czajkowski
Abeni Czajkowski
Mr. Robert L. Deans and
Ms. Jania Sommers
Iain Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diamandis
Sasha Diamandis, Skylar Diamandis
Mr. Duane Duernberger
Ross Cooper
Ms. Madeleine Dugan
Alan Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duncan
Bella Efstratis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Durham
Lilli Durham
Ms. Linda Eesley
Hailee Eesley
Ms. Alexandra Estey
Brody Carr, Arianna Carr, Skylar Carr
Ms. Gail Flanagan
Owen Keil, Maddie Keil
Mr. John F. Fort III
Alex Fort, Haley Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fowler
Benjamin Fowler, Emily Fowler
Mr. Jeff Geisler
Christian Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbons
Jack Gibbons, Sarah Gibbons
Ms. Elizabeth Gibson
Cooper Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Glasgow
Garrett Glasgow, Sommer Glasgow,
Matthew Glasgow
Mr. and Mrs. Don Granberg
Macy Olivera
Mr. and Mrs. David Grissom
Jackson Byck, Max Byck
Mr. and Mrs. James Grotstein
Margot Grotstein, Max Grotstein
Ms. Debbie Haley
Timothy Elkington
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Helfrich
Julian Stacey
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hipsher
Aspen Sulte
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hoffman
Paul Hoffman
Mr. Lawrence Hornak
Sarah Eatmon
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Horsley
Mei Mei Johnson, Teddy Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Jaffe
Ben Espinosa
Ms. Lorraine Jensen
Alyssa Jorgensen
Ms. Cynthia Johnson
Kate Warren, Will Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Johnson
Cate Christiansen, Adie Christiansen
Mr. Jeff Keil
Owen Keil, Maddie Keil
Mrs. Retta L. Keil
Owen Keil, Maddie Keil
Dr. and Mrs. Sung W. Kim
Chiara Kim
Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn Klein
Xander Klein, Zachary Klein
Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer
Devon Tonneson, Izzy Tonneson
Mr. Kent Larsen
Gillian Larsen, Georgia Larsen,
Gray Larsen
Ms. Bea Lehman
Tyler Lehman, Will Lehman,
Samantha Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lesser
Grant Dacklin, Madison Dacklin
Mr. Lindsay Logue
Sally Logue, Simon Logue, Andrew Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lowe
Jess Sterrett, Sage Sterrett
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lunde
Cole Lunde, Ty Lunde
Ms. Jane and Ms. Tami Marquardt
Briggs Ballard, Boston Ballard
Ms. Miyoshi Marumoto
Allison Mayetani
Mrs. Norma W. Matheson
Will Matheson
Mr. and Ms. Kevin Mayetani
Allison Mayetani
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. McCormick
Charlie Tate, Marguerite Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merchant
Hannah West
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metzger
Maya Rabbitt, Sydney Rabbitt
Dr. and Mrs. Jon Middleton
Samantha Baneth, Madeleine Baneth
The following individuals have pledged a future gift to the school via the
Entrepreneur’s Circle of a minimum of $50,000.
Eric and Cynthia Baughman
Stead and Kendall Burwell
Ben and Erica Dahl
Ken Jacquin
Blake Kirby
Michael Levinthal
Mary McIntyre
David and Nancy McNally
Dave Stockham
Tom Stockham
Tim and Jane Sullivan
Geoff and Adria Swindle
Dan Urmann
Mr. Harold E. Miller Jr.
Riley Miller, Reece Miller
Mr. Richard Miner and Mrs. Anita Catron Miner
Nick Orfanakis, Emilie Orfanakis
Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Miranda
Alessandra Miranda
Mr. and Mrs. David Mize
Cooper Porges, Shelby Porges, Davis Porges, Taylor Porges
Mr. and Mrs. Jiro Mori
Josef Sueoka, Maxwell Sueoka
Ms. Wendy Morris
Sarah Kaye
Mrs. Mary M. Muir
Luke Swindle, Ella Swindle, Lilly Swindle
Dr. and Mrs. Jed Naisbitt
Aurora Winger
Mr. Clyde F. Nelson
Rachel Nelson, Connor Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Nielsen
Sophia Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Nugent
Isaac Ball, Jacob Ball, Sam Ball
Mr. James Okland
Madsen Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Olsen
Arielle Flynn
Ms. Susan Olszanskyj
Greg Olszanskyj
Ms. Martha Paige
Anna Hull
Dr. David Paisley
Heidi Paisley, Samantha Paisley
Mr. Jae Yoon Park and Mrs. Wha Ja Kim
Andrew Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Parkinson
Adrienne Parkinson
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Peters
Stella Vie Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Potter
Nicholas Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Raj K. Puri
Alison Puri, Amber Puri
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Reagan
Brooke Copinga, Spencer Reagan, Will Reagan
Ms. Marcia Richards
Greg Olszanskyj
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Riven
Emily Gordon
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Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rollins
Olivia Rollins, Tripp Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Royer
Maya Royer
Mrs. Shirley Rubinfeld
Sonia Rubinfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rust
Enzo Rust, Isabella Rust
Mr. Fred Schwab
Zachary Schwab, Alexa Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shirkey
Deja Shirkey, Branden Lawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smart
Max Smart, Leo Smart
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smith
Lochlin Michie, Daphne Michie
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Solomon
Zeke Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Sparrer
Liz Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Squiers
Garrett Glasgow, Sommer Glasgow, Matthew Glasgow
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Steinhart
Ben Amiel, Joey Amiel
Mrs. Catherine O. Stone
William Stone, Harry Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stone
Aurora Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stoneburner
Jordan Abdalla, Cory Abdalla
Mr. Paul Stotts
Erin Stotts, Hayden Stotts
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sueoka
Josef Sueoka, Maxwell Sueoka
Mr. Gary Sugino
Corinne Sugino
Mr. and Mrs. Kit J. Sumner
Quinn Burwell, Sayre Burwell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sweet
Bea Martin, Nina Martin, Leo Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swindle
Luke Swindle, Ella Swindle, Lilly Swindle
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Takei
Arden Louchheim, Carter Louchheim
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Taylor
Gwyneth Park, Owen Park
Ms. Alison Tennyson
Luke Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas
Becca Glazier
Mr. Lynn Throndsen
Isabel Ashbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Trujillo
Heather Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull
Emily Barron
Mr. Stuart Z. Uram and Mrs. Lilly Langotsky
Sasha Diamandis, Skylar Diamandis
Ms. Mieke Van Der Werf
Nicolas Van der Werf
Mrs. Huong Vu
Finley Bodeen, Giselle Bodeen
Ms. Wilma Wachowiak
Ana Yamaguchi, Alex Yamaguchi
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wallin
Lucy Wallin
Ms. Marianne West Elkington
Timothy Elkington
Mr. Jeremy Whitfield
Josie Fonarow, Tessa Fonarow
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willis
Micah Willis
MISSION We inspire students to lead ethical and productive lives through a
college preparatory program that promotes the pursuit of academic
and personal excellence.
Inspiring students who make a difference.
Inspiring a passion for life and learning.
Our evolving curriculum encourages students to become enthusiastic
and successful learners.
Striving for excellence
Students thrive in an environment where challenge is expected,
learning is supported, and personal best efforts are celebrated in class,
on stage, and in athletics.
Fostering ethical development
Rowland Hall values integrity and responsibility. We guide our
students to make good choices and to learn from their mistakes.
Creating a diverse and inclusive community
Rowland Hall encourages religious, ethnic, racial, and socio-economic
diversity within its community and promotes understanding and
acceptance of various cultures and points of view.
Nurturing a spirit of service
Students develop a commitment to change their world for the better
through an expansive service learning program.
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