January News: School News: Welcome back


January News: School News: Welcome back
January News:
School News:
Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed a blessed, restful Christmas break.
St. Clement in giving spirit!!!
Some students in the MYP visited The Mustard Seed on Dec. 10. They sorted, folded and
organized clothes and other household items for the store located on site. They also helped to
load presents to be delivered to children in need.
Sign of Hope:
Jack Wharry donated an XBox One to be raffled off. All
proceeds were donated to the Sign of Hope. Thank you to
the Wharry family who helped raise $763 to the Sign of Hope
Campaign! Congratulations to James Vinuya in grade 3C who
won the Xbox One!!!
Our school wide fundraiser in November and December
raised $6200!! This money will be donated to the ECSD
Foundation’s Dreams for Kids campaign.
Reading Stars:
Kindergarten AM -Madison
1A Ms. Olesiw - Ema
Kindergarten AM– Higgins
1B Mrs. Woods - Mikayla
Kindergarten PM Vienne
1C Mrs. Greenwood Cooper
2A Mrs. Graber - Zoee
2B Mrs. Granger –
2C Ms. Milite - Jacob
3A Mrs. Min – Rafael
3B Mrs. Troccoli - Josefa
3C Mrs. Malcolm - Justin
4A Ms. Borys - Amber
4B Mr. Somogyvari –
4C Mrs. Hemphill – Yair
5A Ms. Pedersen – Angelo
5B Mrs. Fowler - Carlo
5C Mrs. Koziak - Cole
Holy Door:
Pope Francis declared this year a Jubilee
Year of Mercy. On December 8, 2015 the
Holy Door in the Vatican was opened to
begin the Year of Mercy. As a district each
school will also create a holy door within the
building. At. St. Clement we have our Holy
Door as the entrance between the Learning
Commons and the gym. Thank you to our
grade nine student Rikki Abesamis and his
team for creating such a beautiful doorway
for our school.
Sacramental Preparation:
The winter session for sacramental preparation at St. Theresa Parish will begin soon. The winter
session dates begin in February. Please see website for more details.
Congratulations to the following students who received their First Eucharist in the fall round:
Frenand Abesamis
Mikaela Domingo
Ivan Kasilag
Axel Almanza
Stella Dowler
Michael Lindop
Eliza Rodolfo
Jen Simbulan
Jeim Almanza
Erwin Fecundo
Kennedy Milne
Jacob Sumaylo
Maite Valenzuela
Maddox Villanueva
James Vinuya
Lianie Balandra
Ronn Flores
Nathan Obleada
Andre Tian
Antonia Castillo
Rayver Gamad
Aaron Tober
Stephen Dado
Gerard Hamili
Alvin Peter
Josefa Valenzuela
Winter clothing: Please label
With the colder weather upon us, we remind parents to please ensure that
your children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Also, have a
conversation with them about dressing properly for recess independently for
the younger students. We would also ask that you please label winter clothing
especially winter boots. There are many boots on our boot shelf and it would make things
much easier if all boots were labeled with the student’s name.
On December 16th our grades 4-6 classes will be going skiing to Snow Valley. They will have
their second visit to Snow Valley on January 13th 2016. The grades 7-9 classes will be attending
Rabbit Hill on the same day. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to make our day a
Hot Lunches:
St. Clement will now be offering hot lunch through the Lunch Lady. Hot lunch will be
delivered every Monday, beginning on December 7th. We are pleased to offer your
School an ONLINE ORDERING experience. Thanks for thinking about all those trees and
going paperless! To get started you will need a PASSWORD. Go to
www.thelunchlady.ca >ORDER NOW and click through to the login screen. Select
“REGISTER NOW!” and fill in the required Account Holder Information and Submit. You will
receive a Welcome email indicating your set up was successful. Go to “My Students” and select
“Add a Student” function. Set up accounts for your child[ren]
You can learn more about us by visiting our website at www.thelunchlady.ca
School Council:
There will be a School Council Meeting on January 25th at 6:30pm. There will be childcare
available, so please join us. We would like to introduce our School Council: The SAC board was
voted in as follows:
1. President – Trina Tober
2. Vice President – Christine Lim
3. Secretary – Melissa Nedeljak
4. Casino Chair – Kim Villanueva
5. Treasurer – Alan Mauricio
Dry Pond Update:
The Final Preconstruction meeting for the Dry Pond will be held at the school on January 18th at
6:30pm. Please join us to find out more information about the construction in the school yard.
This concerns all residents of the area using the school field throughout the year including our
Alice, the St. Clement Production is looking for donations for their
set production:
-Pocket watch
- croquet set
-plastic flamingoes
-tea cups
- fake flowers
-Skelton keys
-toy doll
-chef het and apron
-mouse ears
-extra lumber
-extra/leftover fabric (solid colors) – playing cards
-wrapping paper tubes or paper towel tubes
If you are able to donate any of the above items, please drop them off in the office or room 107
(Mrs.Petersen). If you have any questions or inquiries please contact the school or email
[email protected]
Girls Basketball Roster
Emily Greenfield
Camille Villoso
Monique Tuazon
Hannah Dixon
Daniella Villagra
Johnna Baldivino
Ruth Ventor
Gertrude Benko
Jannelle Delasan
Allyson Grossman
Courtney Lees
Julia Villoso
Mr. D. Kiryluk
Mr. S. Rodriguez
Dear St. Clement Community,
We are asking for your prayers and financial help for the DeClercq Family. Their son Riley, who is a
student in our grade 3 class, has had a brain tumor removed on December 22, 2015 and has now been
diagnosed with Grade IV Medulloblastoma. The best treatment to fight this cancer is located in
Jacksonville, Florida which leaves the family in a difficult position.
Please see attached the whole story and below a link if you wish to donate to this worthy cause:
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours in Christ
Mrs. Neynens
As a school we will be participating in a Walk For Riley next Thursday. Please send in donations to
support Riley and his family. We are only asking for a loonie or a toonie for this fundraiser. Each class in
St. Clement will Walk for Riley throughout the morning of January 14th. Thank you for your support