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Tuesday 11th November, 2014 Week 6, Term 4 Our Lady Help of Christians School • 18 Balaclava Road Earlville 4870• Telephone 07 4054 2566 • Fax 07 4054 2426 • Email [email protected] Outside School Hours Care • Telephone 4033 1920 NEWS FROM THE PRINCIPAL “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” Goethe Dear Parents, Last week our Year 5 students took time out of their busy schedule to engage in a leadership process to select student captains for 2015. Each child who nominated for a position delivered a speech to their peers and a voting process involving all Year 5 students took place. I would like to congratulate all students who participated in the process. The number of students seeking a position was a recognition of the depth of leadership talents in the cohort. It is my great pleasure to congratulate the following students who were recognised by their peers and will be our student leaders for 2015. School Captains: Joshua Dimarco and Charlotte O’Callaghan School Vice Captains: James Cross and Amielle Byrne Sports House Captains: McSweeny (Gold) – Alex Petrie & Sophie Burrell McKenna (Red) – Xavier Morzone & Shalita Sam McAuley (Blue) – Matthew Greenland & Rachel Cavallaro MacKillop (Green) – Harrison Laska & Nelly Piva Congratulations Mrs Burns I am pleased to inform you of the appointment of Mrs Rebecca Burns to the position of Assistant Principal Religious Education at St Rita’s Babinda from the start of 2015. Whilst we will miss Mrs Burns here at OLHOC it is wonderful to see OLHOC staff being recognised and rewarded. The gifts Mrs Burns has shared with us here at OLHOC over the past three years will no doubt lead to success at St Rita’s. I know the entire school community will share with me in congratulating Mrs Burns on her appointment. At this time of the year teachers and students are busy with assessment and reporting. It is also a time of organisational change as we prepare for the following year. Here at OLHOC there has been a large amount of planning and work being put into preparations for 2015 and responding to both internal and external priorities. In this week’s newsletter I have outlined some of the significant initiatives on the OLHOC radar for 2015. Technology upgrade In 2015 a significant upgrade of our technology resources will occur here at OLHOC. In preparation for next year the school has recently acquired 60 additional iPads and over 140 additional google chrome books. These devices will be distributed across the school and will enhance teaching and learning across all classes. This roll out has been part of an ongoing project that started over 12 months ago. This roll out will provide a minimum of 10 devices per class across the school. In Year 5 each student will be provided with a google chrome book for school use. From 2016 both Year 5 & Year 6 will be 1 to 1. All devices will be for school use and will therefore remain the property of the school rather than individual students. This upgrade will be funded in 2015 by existing school budgets and there will be no additional cost to parents passed on in the 2015 school fees as a result of this roll out of devices across our school. Continued Over…... NEWS FROM THE PRINCIPAL CONTINUED... The appointment of Mrs Rebecca Burns to the position of e-learning coordinator has been part of this project. Mrs Burns has worked diligently to implement this roll out and importantly support staff with the ongoing development of the necessary skills required to use the technology effectively. Our aim is to improve student learning outcomes and the provision of technology is designed to serve this purpose. Increasing the number of devices in our school and using appropriate pedagogy is a strategy to achieve learning gains for students. With the appointment of Mrs Burns to her new role the school will be appointing a new e-learning coordinator. Details of this appointment will be announced at the end of the year. Languages In recent years there have been a number of changes to the teaching of languages in schools. Recently this has included the Australian Curriculum as well as guidelines put forward by the Queensland Government and Catholic Education Services, Cairns. All of this has occurred within the broader context of our place as a nation within the Asia region and an associated push for schools to engage with Asian languages. As a result at OLHOC we will be moving from the provision of Italian in 2014 across the school to providing Indonesian in Years 5&6. This change will reflect the ongoing changes associated with the Australian Curriculum and we envisage it will address the issues outlined in the Commonwealth White Paper – Australia in the Asian Century. Indonesian has been identified as one of four ‘priority’ languages within the report. The Arts With the changes to the languages program, OLHOC will be enhancing the opportunities for students to engage with the Arts. From the start of the 2015 school year all students will receive specialist tuition in Music, Dance, Drama, Media and Visual Arts. This change will build on the well-established place of the Arts in our school as well as preparing for the anticipated implementation of the new Arts curriculum. This initiative will also include the provision and resourcing of a specialist visual arts room in the school. The school is currently interviewing a number of high quality applicants for these specialist positions and appointments will occur in the near future. Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation In 2015 OLHOC will be an active member of the Kitchen Garden Program which is currently offered in over 730 schools across the country. The program will provide an opportunity for students in Year 3 and Year 4 to get their hands dirty as they learn to plant, grow, prepare and cook seasonal produce. The program will provide opportunities to develop skills based learning opportunities that will meet the requirements of many curriculum areas. This program will building on the work that has been done in promoting healthy eating and the successful school vegetable patch. Mrs Kendall Jones is to be commended for her hard work in bringing this project to fruition. I would also like to acknowledge the following sponsors who have generously supported the program; LJ Hooker South Cairns Bunnings Toscas Espresso Bar Piccones Shopping Village Angelos Fine Food Should any business be able to support this project through either donations and or time, please contact the school office to register your support. Further information about the program can be found at http:// . Cheers, Luke Brown Principal Expression of Interest Before-School Care Family Name: Number of Children: Days Care Required: (If you would be interested in using Before-School Care, we are looking for expressions of interest to see whether offering the service would be feasible.) (Please return completed form to the Office) Congratulations! Isaac Gee has made the U12 Cricket Far North representative team that will play in the U12 State Championships in Toowoomba from the 15th - 19th December 2014. Well done Isaac!! Prizes to be won for using our Travel Smart Activities! Activities for the next 2 weeks! Winners will go into the Newsletter handed out 25th November 2014. Scooter Bus - we have a scooter to give away Park & Walk - $20.00 sports voucher to give away Bus Bus - $20.00 voucher to give away For more details on these activities, please pick up a brochure from the office. We hope to see you all there. Thank you! Travel Smart Committee Active Kids are Happy Kids The Healthy Active School Travel Program is well underway and it’s great to see children walking and cycling to school. The survey for the active travel program is now available! You can access the survey at this link: You will also receive a paper copy of the survey. If this is more convenient, fill in and drop into the travel survey box at school admin. You will automatically be in the running for a $50 Woolworths voucher Sarah Gosling | Active Travel Officer Parks & Leisure Community,Sport&Cultural | Cairns Regional Council Dear Parents/Carers, The special for the next 4 Wednesdays are TACOS + small Popper at $ 4.00. Please remember to do a separate bag for morning tea and big lunch orders. Also please do not use sticky tape or staples on the brown bag orders. Our school now has a new phone menu. When you contact the school by phone (still the same number) you can choose to be put through to the School Tuckshop by pressing 3 on the menu. You are now also able to leave a message for us . There will be no changes to the menu this term. If you need a menu they are always available from the School Tuckshop, please just pop in and collect one. Note: - if your child has any special requirements or you have concerns please do not hesitate to come and see us. Thank You Ann & Simone - Semester 2 School Reports As the Semester 2 School Reports will be mailed out in the coming weeks, can you please ensure that the Office has your current mailing address. Please either call the office on 4054 2566 or email [email protected]. Thank you! PRE-PREP PLAYGROUP When: Friday mornings for the remainder of Term 4. (7th - 28th November inclusive) Time: 8:15am - 9:30am Where: OSHC & Prep Playground area (18 Balaclava Rd - opposite Night Owl) What to bring: Hat, water bottle, covered shoes, a snack and a parent. OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARENT AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION Minutes for General Meeting held on Wednesday 8th October 2014 Meeting opened: President: Prayer: Attendence: Apologies: Minutes of Previous Meeting: Correspondence In: Correspondence Out: President’s Report: Treasurer’s Report: Principals Report: Diocesan Report: Safest Committee: SEL Report: Travelsmart: 6.07pm Mrs Simone Underwood for Mrs Kristen Turner. Mr Luke Brown. As recorded in the Attendance Book. Alan Lee, Nancy Goncalves, Kristen Turner. Nil Nil Nil Mrs Simone Underwood for Mrs Kristen Turner. Welcome back to Term 4. Still require parent volunteers to help with World Teacher’s Breakfast on October 31 st. Gifts- Parent volunteers, Narelle Cavallaro and Joel Steele. Members present were told about gifts and progress so far. Ms Louise Nicholson As per Profit/Loss Statement to date. 1st- Simone Underwood 2nd- Narelle Cavallaro Mr Luke Brown School reviewing morning procedures, especially around Prep and Grade 1 area. 105 Prep students next year. Kids are arriving at school as early as 7am. May incorporate use of the hall in the mornings to keep numbers away from classrooms and off verandas. Concreting between Hall and walkway completed. Concrete to widen path in front of Hall completed. Shared space under construction. After Arborist consultation, it was determined that the old fig tree was unable to be saved as it was found to be unsafe. Bike cage expansion commenced over holidays thanks to the HAST and Travelsmart programs. Cement slab completed but still waiting on cage. Staff- presently conducting interviews for positions next year. Full time, Part time and Contract positions available. LOTE- Mrs Lyza Welch has accepted a position in a Secondary School. Diocese considering options for LOTE in the future. May only be offered to Grades 5 and 6 and looking at Asian languages. On October 14th at 6pm, the P & F State Rep will give a presentation at OLHOC to discuss the roles of the P & F. The aim being to create a P & F and environment in which people are happy to come to meetings, to contribute, to be an advocate for all children and to get the best possible outcomes for students of OLHOC. Meeting of Safest Committee to discuss progress to date for Balaclava Road. Need safer and more efficient ways of getting to school. Next meeting October 21st. Mr Nick Hardy. Next meeting Sunday October 26th. Will be the last meeting of the year. Louise Nicholson has made an offer to make a presentation to the next Council meeting on the OLHOC Travelsmart Programme. Vince Musumeci, the Chairman of the Council has accepted this offer. Nick Hardy will make contact with Vince about inviting Carmel Nash (Executive Director Federation of Parents and Friends in Catholic Schools Qld) to make a visit to Cairns to give a presentation on the roles and responsibilities of the executive members of a P and F. OLHOC will make the offer to host the event and the event would be open to other schools. Mr Nick Hardy. Safest Group has been reactivated. The group will meet with the Local Councillor, Council Officers and Police Officer on 21 October 2014 to inspect the current traffic arrangements and determine further action. Nil. Ms Louise Nicholson. Walking Bus, Park and Walk and Scooter Bus signs all in place. OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS PARENT AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION Minutes for General Meeting held on Wednesday 8th October 2014 General Business: Mrs Kendall Jones. In the past, the school has used Nutritionists, recipes and cooking to promote healthy eating. Now implementing the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden programme. Targets grades 3 & 4 in 2015. Has the Australian Curriculum integrated into it. Promotes healthy choices, hands on learning and lifelong learning. Relies on volunteers. Ratio needs to be 4-5 kids to 1 adult due to the use of sharp implements such as knives and secateurs. Kids do all work including planting, harvesting, cooking, and clean up and reporting. The students will also be required to blog and report progress to sponsors. Location of garden beds is still being decided on. Will cost approximately $14,000 a year to run. Next year will be for set up. After that some income needs to be generated. For example, selling plants, cooking etc. As the program requires donations to help set up, Kendall is requesting a donation from the P & F. The School will also help to fund. No amounts discussed. Mr Nick Hardy. As per discussion with Miss Dimitriou. Concern that the tents that were purchased this year are not big enough to accommodate the number of kids in each house colour. Request for teachers to let the P & F know how the money from donations has been spent, feedback about the event the money was used on and whether the amount donated was appropriate. Meeting Closed: 7.18pm Backpacks have arrived! If you ordered a backpack - please come in to the office to collect it . Thank you! Come and join the school board! For nibbles, a drink and a chat with the team before our final meeting of 2014. Where: OLHOC Library When: Monday 24th November Time: 6.30pm RE & SEL NEWS continued from back page. SEL AWARDS Andrei, Rian, Eric, Kadyn, Matthew, Jack, Ethan G, All of 2G, Kian, Lauren, Chase, Talisha, Ashton, Aaron, Tia, Jake, Kai, Griffon. Music Award: Chelsea. Italian Award: Joshua, Stephanie. SEL IN ACTION AT OLHOC It is amazing to witness the 5 keys alive and kicking within our school. The Year 5 Leadership Day held on Thursday was a prime example. Children were given the opportunity to self - nominate for leadership positions- including School Captain and School Vice-Captain as well as Sports Captains for 2015. Year 5 have been working on strategies within the classroom on how to become positive leaders and how to use their spiritual gifts to help build and strengthen the OLHOC community. They invited students from year 6 and 7 to talk about the qualities of a good leader. Teachers within the school helped prepare students for the leadership process. courageous enough to deliver a heartfelt, positive speech, that informed their peers of their unique capabilities to become a role model for the future. Persistence was evident directly through the children’s speeches. They were exceptionally well rehearsed and beautifully delivered. Obviously hours of practice had been done prior to the day. Children demonstrated the foundation of Getting Along after the speeches. Classmates congratulated fellow students. There were lots of pats on the back and positive reinforcements for their peers. This proves that the entire cohort will be wonderful leaders next year. Children were able to demonstrate the 5 keys through the way they were organised by preparing their well thought out speeches and taking time out of their regular routine to rehearse. This was on top of their normal weekly homework expectations. Emotional Resilience was evident when staff witnessed children bounce back quickly and appropriately after the election results were announced. The children were positive and congratulated those successful candidates with sincerity and warmth. Confidence was evident as children took to the microphone to present their leadership speeches. Some children were obviously more nervous than others but this did not stop them. It is outstanding to know that 17 girls were Prayer to begin the election of 2015 Captains: Centred in God’s Peace. It is wonderful to see the SEL keys alive and thriving within our school. Congratulations to those students who had the courage to nominate themselves for a leadership position. Everybody that took part in that process was successful. Candidates for 2015 Boy School Captain prepare to speak to their peers. “Love one another as I have loved you,” should be engraved on our inmost souls, and shown forth in our whole conduct. Mother Catherine McAuley Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy IMPORTANT DATES CLASS LITURGIES & EUCHARISTS Formal School Uniform is the standard dress for students celebrating in class liturgies including Eucharists. OLHOC PARISH MASS TIMES Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am Reconciliation - Vigil Mass with Children’s Liturgy Saturday 11:30am at St. Monica’s Cathedral or before any parish Eucharist WE REMEMBER THEM As the sun rises and as it sets, We remember them. When we enjoy our life and our freedom, We remember them. When we witness courage and strength We remember them. When we feel protected and supported, We remember them. When we celebrate our friendships and share our burdens, We remember them. When we strive for peace and justice, We remember them. When we give thanks for those who lay down their life for their friends, We remember them. When we pray God’s blessing on all, We remember them. THE VALUE OF RESPECT After reading and viewing In a Christian context, the value of Respect is rooted in the notion that all people are created by God and created in the image of God. Accepting this understanding presents Christians with quite Year 6 & 7 Eucharist or Liturgy on Camp: 8:45 am, Tuesday 18th November. Formal school uniform not required. WHOLE SCHOOL PRAYERS, EUCHARISTS & LITURGIES School Prayer led by Mrs. O’Donnell and selected Music Students 8:15 am, Wednesday, 12th November. Yr 6 Thanksgiving Eucharist 6:30 pm, Tuesday, 2nd December Formal School Uniform Required Yr 7 Thanksgiving Eucharist 6:30 pm, Wednesday, 3rd December Formal School Uniform Required Advent Eucharist 8:45 am, Friday, 5th December Formal School Uniform Required a challenge. If all people are created by God and in the image of God, then all people, the young, the old, the sick, the imprisoned, the unborn, the homeless, the refugee, the rich, the poor, have an innate dignity. If I believe that the person that I am talking to is an image of God, then this demands an attitude of respect, even reverence, in my interactions with them. Respect doesn’t equate to lashings of warm fuzzy rhetoric, however. For example, in order to help the young grow into ethical, responsible adults, parents and teachers, will ensure that those in their care are accountable for the consequences of their decisions, even the no-sopleasant ones. There is a common adage that says something like ’respect must be earned, not expected’. This particular view of respect stands in stark contrast to the Christian position. Jesus dealt respectfully with all, particularly those who were on or beyond the boundaries of his society. He didn’t wait for them to do something to earn his respect, because it was something that was already theirs: they were created in God’s image. And Jesus, as always, is the model for our attitudes. Typical expressions of respect for our children include: Keeping hands and feet to themselves. Using words to please not to tease. Saying good things about others. Speaking and acting in a positive way rather than putting others down. Listening to others. Looking after themselves, others and their property. Treating others as they would like to be treated. Bryan Grech & Linda Mann-Jones
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