2014 Annual Report


2014 Annual Report
Annual Report
from the executive director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About SPO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
SPO 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mission Center News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
reach: Forging Friendships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Call: Awakening faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Form: Welcome Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Send: The school of the new evangelization . . . . 14
HOW YOU CAN HELP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2013-14 financial overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-34
Episcopal Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Brothers in Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
SPO’s first bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
THANK YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Meet Tim Gallic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
from the executive
by Gordon DeMarais
It was a year ago that Pope Francis
promulgated the Apostolic Exhortation,
“Evangelii Gaudium” (The Joy of the Gospel).
A new pope’s first letter of his pontificate is
often said to articulate his priorities and vision
for the Church. Pope Francis is calling the
Church to focus on what is essential, and for
him, this is the centrality of love in the Christian
message and experience. Evangelii Gaudium
calls each of us to enter more deeply into the
mystery of the saving and merciful love of God
revealed to us in Jesus Christ. It is a call to
deeper conversion and the experience of joy
that comes from the Gospel.
This great treasure is not meant for ourselves
alone, but rather this love of God compels us
to share with others what we have come to
know. And so writes our Holy Father:
If something should rightly disturb
us and trouble our consciences, it is
the fact that so many of our brothers
and sisters are living without the
strength, light, and consolation born of
friendship with Jesus Christ, without
a community of faith to support them,
without meaning and a goal in life.” (#49)
How urgently necessary it is for us as Catholics
to embrace this missionary call! We are
witnessing — particularly in the Western
world — a turning away from the faith in a
way never experienced before in Christian
history. Our young people are losing their faith
and abandoning morals in alarming numbers.
According to a national study, only 10% of
Catholic millennials attend Sunday Mass
The Need for a new Approach to
“If something doesn’t change in the next ten
years it will cease to matter whether there is a
priest shortage,” states Sherry Weddell in her
recently published book, Forming Intentional
Disciples. In the face of this crisis, we need
fresh approaches and new strategies to
mission and ministry in the Church.
Pastoral ministry in a missionary key
seeks to abandon the complacent
attitude that says: ‘we have always done
it this way.’ I invite everyone to be bold
and creative in this task of rethinking
the goals, structures, styles and
methods of evangelization.” (#33)
I feel privileged to serve in a position of
leadership in a new work of the Holy Spirit
in the Catholic Church that has a fresh,
new, and bold approach to evangelizing
college students. With each passing year,
we are reaching more young people, calling
them to life-changing conversion, forming
them to be mature Catholic personalities,
and sending them out into the world as
leaders. Saint Paul’s Outreach is transforming
the way Catholic campus ministry is done.
With your help, through our work the Holy
Spirit is transforming young people, who are
transforming the Church and the world.
The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are
few. Thank you for your partnership with us
in this important work. Please find hope and
encouragement in the pages of this 2014
Annual Report.
ew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life: “Faith in
Flux,” conducted in 2008 and released in 2009 (online at
With my faith life strengthened by my time
in SPO, I have solidified my identity as a
Catholic and continue to be passionately
involved within the Church. My encounter
with SPO was an incredible gift of God’s
grace that changed my life forever.”
— marc, davenport, ia
Saint Paul’s Outreach
actively invites college
students to a life of
Christian discipleship. With
St. Paul as our example, we
create vibrant, faith-filled
environments that challenge
students to deepen their
relationships with Christ in
the fullness of the Catholic
About SPO
Reach out to college
students by building
relationships and
community (page 9)
• Peer ministry
• Social events
• Sporting events
Call students to
embrace faith and
salvation in Christ and
His Church (page 10)
Form students to
maturity in the
Catholic faith and life
(page 13)
• Retreats
• Households
• Bible studies
• Formation
• Prayer events
Send students out
as missionaries and
leaders in SPO, the
Church, and the world
(page 14)
• School of the New
• Missionary Corps
The numbers
Annual Student Impact
reached by SPO Missionaries through a
personal witness of faith or invitation to
participate in SPO
formed to maturity in the Catholic faith
and life through SPO’s Households and
called to embrace faith in Christ through
their weekly participation in SPO programs
Formation Program
sent out to spread the Gospel as SPO staff
members and Student Missionaries
Saint Paul’s outreach Chapters
The following Chapters serve students at more than
40 local colleges and universities:
Arizona State University (AZ)
Benedictine College (KS)
Johnson County Community College (KS)
Kansas City Young Adults (KS)
Ohio Dominican University (OH)
The Ohio State University (OH)
Seton Hall University (NJ)
St. Olaf College (MN)
Texas State University (TX)
University of Miami (FL)
University of Minnesota (MN)
University of St. Thomas (MN)
West Virginia University (WV)
Alumni Impact
Results gathered from 2014 online survey
98% Attend Mass weekly
97% Donate to the Church
90% Spend at least 5 minutes in prayer daily
84% Currently volunteer for the Church
Consider themselves to be passionate Catholics after
81% participating
in SPO, compared to 33% before participating
Share Jesus with others in words and actions frequently after
63% participating
in SPO, compared to 17% before participating
serve the Church full time (priest, religious, SPO, youth
27% Now
ministry, parish work, etc.)
2% Divorce rate
Average margin of error: ±3.7%
Choices: Passionate Catholic, Practicing Catholic, Non-observant Catholic, Christian (not Catholic),
Atheist/Agnostic, Other
Choices: Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely, Never
SPO 101
Missionary: A young adult
recruited and trained to carry out SPO’s
evangelization strategy on a college
campus. Some are recent graduates
serving full-time, while others are parttime student volunteers.
Chapter: An evangelistic community
of students and SPO staff on a college
campus. The life of a Chapter is based
on Christ-centered relationships and a
structured pattern of frequent events and
Mission Center: An operational
hub that establishes and supports
SPO Chapters within a geographic
area. Today, SPO Mission Centers are
headquartered in Arizona, Florida, Kansas,
Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, and Texas.
SPO Arizona is thriving thanks
to strong student investment in
the mission and the leadership
of Arizona State University
Student Missionaries! After a
year filled with new initiatives — a
Two Kingdoms retreat, the inauguration of
the “New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating”
speaker series, “SPOken” prayer meetings,
and a worship event with other Christian
groups — things are settling into a lively
routine for the 2014-2015 school year.
Perhaps most promising: the Formation
Program continues to expand as students
agree to commit valuable free time for
SPO Kansas is having its
best year yet! Johnson
County Community
College selected SPO as
its Most Outstanding New Club, more than
60 young adults are now participating in
faith formation through the Kansas City
Young Adults Chapter, and for the second
time Missionaries at Benedictine College
led 400 freshman students through an
opening semester Alpha retreat. SPO was
also recognized by the Archdiocese of
Kansas City for its inaugural Summer of
Service program, and more than 50 students
and young adults are now living in SPO’s
8 Kansas Households.
SPO Florida is beginning
its second year of formal
collaboration with University of
Miami campus ministers. Efforts are
underway to form a fraternal Bible
study, and students are beginning street
evangelization and embracing the charism
of SPO. For the first time, the University of
Miami Fall Retreat was at capacity two weeks
in advance, and praise & worship events on
campus continue to grow in numbers and
energy! Together with St. Augustine Catholic
Church, SPO is blessed to be the main source
of Catholic campus ministry for students
at all three major Miami colleges: Florida
International University, Miami Dade College,
and the University of Miami.
SPO Minnesota is expanding
its influence on Twin
Cities campuses thanks
to new partnerships and
programming. Most notable
is the enhanced collaboration
between SPO and the University of
Minnesota St. Lawrence Newman Center,
which has witnessed an exponential growth
in daily Mass attendance and the launch
of Gopher Catholic. The University of
St. Thomas also kicked off its Alpha speaker
series, challenging students to answer deep
questions such as, Who is Jesus? So far this
school year, more than 2000 students have
participated in events at the U of MN, UST,
and St. Olaf College.
Mission Center News
New Jersey
Future Mission Centers
SPO New Jersey continues to
grow, adding two more Mission
Leaders to Seton Hall University’s
Missionaries-in-Residence program
and purchasing a new house as a
center for programs located less
than a quarter-mile from SHU’s
campus. The 2014 Fan into Flame retreat was
the largest yet with 90 attendees, and new
Coadjutor Archbishop Bernard Hebda has
already become a familiar face (see page 19),
joining SPO for Household dinners and benefit
banquets. The current focus for SPO’s 12
staff members in New Jersey is drawing new
students into the ministry through 26 small
groups and helping to run SHU’s campus
ministry fall retreat.
SPO Texas continues to go
big with every event and
is meeting with success
every step of the way! The
women of SPO moved into
a new Household on frat row, and
the number of regular participants has
grown to 80 students. Open prayer meetings
with Texas State University’s Our Lady of
Wisdom Catholic Church are held every other
week. This year’s Fall Hog Roast fed and
entertained more than 200 students at the
Men’s Household, and there is a large group of
freshman women who have already become
engaged in the mission, providing much
promise for the future of SPO Texas.
Ten years ago, SPO only existed
in Minnesota. Since then, we have
opened six additional Mission
Centers across the country. We
want as many college students as
possible to encounter Christ and
the fullness of the Catholic faith. Our vision is
to continue expanding our impact nationwide,
with 30 Mission Centers across the United
States, each with Chapters on various local
campuses including most major universities in
the country.
SPO Ohio is celebrating 10 years,
and kicked off the 2014-2015
school year with a 660-person
banquet to celebrate the milestone!
Among the highlights of this past year are
the dedication of a new men’s Household on
the south side of The Ohio State University
campus, the formal establishment of a Chapter
at Ohio Dominican University, and the growth
of the small group program to more than 300
students. Today, more than 40 students live
in SPO’s 6 Households at OSU, ODU, and
West Virginia University. Just last year, 4 SPO
Ohio alumni entered formation for priestly or
religious life, and 11 more agreed to serve as
full-time missionaries with Catholic ministries.
I’ve always winced at the word “Catholic.” To me, the term
connotes self-righteous rituals and hollow rules, enacted
to hopefully curry favor with God. How then is my view
of the Catholic faith being altered? Simply put, through
the sincere and active faith of SPO missionaries. I was
wandering on campus during an extended break between class
and I stumbled unknowingly upon SPO when I approached a
group of slack liners.
I’ve quickly befriended Anna and Kim. They’ve embraced my
long unmet desire to openly wrestle with my doubts, my
concerns, my questions regarding the Catholic faith - not
in wanting to possibly be converted, but in wanting to
move to a place of understanding the historicity
and the tenets of the Roman Catholic faith.
Because of the Lord’s work through SPO’s
faithful ministry, I’m beginning to see anew
the reasons behind and motivations for the
rituals that formerly caused negative
emotions in me toward Catholics. I still
have much ground to cover but I’m
thankful that Kim and Anna (and Joe
and John!) are walking with me in
this transformation of heart.
Praise be to God!”
— Paige, Kansas city, KS
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Forging Friendships
by Becca Shrake
So I live in the dorms. But I don’t live in the
typical tiny closet with a roommate and no
space and no privacy. To be honest, I’m living
like the Queen of England. My apartment
• A bedroom with two beds in case I
want to have a slumber party
• A living room with a love seat and chair
and some sweet decorations made by
yours truly
• A bathroom
• A full kitchen with brand new
• A washer and dryer
Sounds pretty nice, huh? But the reality of
the situation is I’m a 22-year-old living in
the freshman dorms. This means I live with
students who are experimenting with the new
freedom college brings.
I remember being a freshman well: that
exhilarating feeling of a life without your
parents’ watchful eyes. The world becomes
your playground, but you don’t realize how
easy it is to misuse this newfound freedom.
The off-campus house party with a new group
of friends, the drinking, the sex — these are
all among the temptations facing college
freshmen not only here, but also on campuses
throughout the country. The cliques, the
petty jealousy, the one-night romance, the
emptiness after a weekend of partying all
warp the meaning of truly healthy and lasting
friendships. These issues are real at colleges
everywhere, and are literally right outside my
I am immersed in the life of today’s college
freshman, and I don’t think the Queen of
England experiences the same thing.
Reality Check
But that’s just one side of the spectrum. I also
live with girls who knock on my door to hang
out. I live with students who leave little notes
on my dry erase board saying how cool my
room is, how cool they think I am, or just to let
me know they walked by. I live with students
who ask to come cook in my otherwise unused
kitchen. I live with students who ask me to
take them to Mass every Sunday. I live with
students who want to join me for a meal in the
dining hall. I live with students who play sand
volleyball with me on the court right outside
the building. I live with girls who text me to see
if I’m free to come get coffee and chat. I live
with students who are seeking, searching for
something more.
I am also frequently reminded that I am no
longer a student — especially a freshman
— and am kinda weird for living with them.
I spent the weekend meeting new students,
walking up and down the halls of the dorm
saying hi to anyone and everyone.
Most conversations went like this:
Me: “Hi, I’m Becca, what’s your name?”(Insert
small talk about what they’re studying, where
they’re from, what their plans are for that
night, etc.)
Them: “So what year are you in school?”
Me: “Oh, I actually graduated in May.”
Them: “O…k.”
[Confusion spreads across their face. They think,
‘She doesn’t even go here. Why is she living in my
Me: “So you wanna come see my sweet
apartment? It has a kitchen and we can bake
Friendship made.
Becca is a Mission
Leader serving with
SPO New Jersey. As
one of Seton Hall’s
Missionaries-inResidence, she
befriends freshman
students, begins
to introduce them
to a life rooted
in Christ, and
invites them to
participate in
SPO programs.
Awakening faith
Aristotle once said that every man is searching
for happiness. Unfortunately, the pressure
to look for happiness in all the wrong
places abounds on college campuses. As
St. Augustine proclaimed, however, “You have
made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts
are restless until they rest in you.”
Knowing the faith is wonderful, but allowing
it to permeate the fabric of your daily life is
what sets Saint Paul’s Outreach Missionaries
and members apart and brings true happiness.
The journey between these two checkpoints is
often made during an SPO retreat.
Each year, SPO Mission Centers across the
country offer a variety of
faith retreats designed
to bring students from
a place of simply
knowing about the faith to a personal
encounter with Christ and the desire to follow
Him despite the many challenges they face in
the culture today.
Fan into flame
Fan into Flame is the most well known and
established SPO retreat and is inspired by
what the apostle Paul writes in 2 Timothy 1:6
— ”I remind you to fan into flame the gift of
God which is in you.” The focus of the weekend
is on the proclamation of the Good News of
Jesus Christ and celebrating the fact that God
is alive! Throughout the retreat, participants
are challenged to respond to an invitation to
follow Christ. The retreat culminates in a time
of prayer and the opportunity for students
to commit - or recommit - their
lives to Christ, and they receive
prayers from others asking God
to release afresh the power of
the Holy Spirit in their lives. Many
experience the love of God in a
new, powerful, transformative
reach Call form send
Everybody says that Fan into Flame
changes their lives, and when I would
hear that I used to just roll my eyes.
But my perceptions have changed. It
really is a profound experience.”
— John, Benedictine College
the power of community
Without a supportive community in which
to live out and grow in this new way of life,
retreats like Fan into Flame can easily become
weekend experiences that quickly fade away.
Thankfully, SPO has a strong small group
program that leads up to and builds on these
Throughout the school year, students meet
weekly in small groups, usually led by an SPO
Student Missionary or Mission Leader, to study
the Bible or simply discuss faith and things that
are happening in their lives. As students come
to trust those who are in their groups, a door is
opened that allows for deeper evangelization
and strong friendships of brotherhood and
As human beings, we are greatly influenced
by those with whom we surround ourselves.
College students are no different, and most
of the peer pressure they experience steers
them far away from Christ and His Church.
SPO small groups provide students with the
ongoing support they need to continue to say
“no” to immoral things and “yes” to the path of
holiness and the joy of true freedom in Christ.
Iron sharpens iron. So one man
sharpens another.” — Proverbs 27:17
Fan into Flame turned my college life around. I had fallen deep into the party scene
because I felt like that was what I had to do to belong. I still made it to Mass on
Sundays, but I was convinced I could live out my faith on my own. Fan into Flame
showed me that community is vital if we want to live a Christian life. The rest is
history. I went to every One Gospel [prayer meeting]
afterwards, hung out in Households, developed
new and deeper friendships, joined Formation,
and grew in my zeal for the Lord. I am
eternally grateful for the guidance, love,
and support of this community. It
continues to call me on to greater
holiness and lead me to the Lord. I
praise God daily for His providence
and blessings. Thank you for all that
you do.”
Through my years
in Household I
encountered the Lord in
a deeper way, through
prayer and most of all
through my sisters
in Christ. Living with
women who challenged
me and called me on to
a higher standard of life
taught me patience and
humility in a way that I
will value for the rest
of my life.”
— Alexandra,
North Plainfield, NJ
reach call Form send
It has been said that SPO Household isn’t just
a living situation; it’s a way of life. One of the
best ways to grow in faith and virtue is to be
immersed in an environment where everyone
else is striving for the same thing, day in and day
out. This is what SPO’s Household Program is all
about, and God is using it to form students into
the men and women that He made them to be:
faithful, virtuous leaders who are the future of
the Church.
Bases for Formation and Mission
For too many college students, the people they
live with are a matter of convenience, and it
often doesn’t work out well. Students living in
one of SPO’s 32 HOUSEHOLDS, on the other
hand, become part of a community of brothers
or sisters who care about them and challenge
them to grow as human beings and followers
of Christ. And because this growth takes place
in the context of daily living over the course of
the school year or longer, habits are formed that
last a lifetime — Catholic habits of prayer, virtue,
service, selflessness, and evangelization.
Household members also participate in the SPO
Formation in Christian Living Program, which
centers around a weekly pattern of formation
courses, small groups, and mentoring.
Households aren’t just for those who live in
them, though. They are at the heart of the
missionary community that SPO builds in each
of its Chapters — a community that reaches out
to students on campus through friendships and
various events, inviting them into an attractive,
vibrant Catholic life. Some of those students
Welcome Home
even become “extended Household members,”
joining in aspects of Household life without
actually living in an SPO Household.
A Day in the Life
In Household, students are works in progress,
earnestly striving together toward holier
lives. This typically entails waking up around
6:00 a.m. for Morning Prayer and breakfast.
Personal prayer time follows, before heading
onto campus for classes and evangelistic
opportunities such as conversations after class
or eating lunch with a friend. They are chances
to share the love of Christ with students who
are lost, looking for love in all the wrong places,
searching for meaning and truth.
Evenings often involve hospitality, sometimes in
the form of hosting an SPO men’s or women’s
night, or other times simply having a student
or two over for dinner. Because of this, houses
must be kept clean — no small task for college
students! — and members ready to welcome
visitors and prepare food for them and for one
another. Yes, part of being a Household member
means learning how to cook! It’s all great
preparation for life after college in the “real
world,” especially for marriage and family life.
guests for the formal dedication of SPO’s new
Household at The Ohio State University, paid for
by generous local donors. The new men’s house,
named Antioch, is located just steps from the
Ohio Union and across the street from fraternity
houses in the heart of the off-campus student
culture at OSU.
On September 24, 2014, SPO NEW JERSEY
purchased an amazing new house less than a
quarter mile from Seton Hall University campus.
The 7,300 square foot home ­— which includes a
chapel, more than 10 bedrooms, and an acre of
property ­— will be a center for programs, with
the potential to serve more than 17 colleges and
universities within 12 miles of the front door.
May the Lord bless all those who live in and visit
SPO’s Households this year!
The Gift of Home
Most SPO Households are rented, but Saint
Paul’s Outreach owns some, including two
recently purchased homes.
On September 9, 2014, Bishop Frederick
Campbell joined SPO OHIO students, staff, and
The school of the
new evangelization
The School of the New Evangelization (SNE) is
the swan song of summer for college students
involved in Saint Paul’s Outreach programs.
The annual conference is a week packed with
dynamic orthodox teaching, powerful prayer,
and rich community living among peers. Cosponsored by the Saint Paul Seminary and also
attended by Brotherhood of Hope missionaries
(see page 20), SNE trains students in the art
of peer evangelization. Participants leave
equipped to be beacons of hope and truth on
college campuses, which are battlegrounds for
the minds and souls of the next generation.
What makes the School of the New
Evangelization so effective? Simply put, it is
an intentional immersion into the evangelistic
heart of Catholicism, from sunup to sundown.
From participating in praise and worship to
evangelizing on the streets, those who have
heard the Good News become heralds of the
Good News; disciples become apostles. For
the young adults who attend, it is a uniquely
transformative and empowering experience
that fosters freedom and fearlessness in Christ.
A Campus Approach to
Campus life is at the heart of every SNE talk,
as this is the mission field for SNE participants.
The college years are among the most crucial
for the future life of the Church, and also the
most challenging for mission work. Away from
home for the first time, young adults
are making critical choices that
will determine their future faith and
moral path in life. Sadly, they rarely
feel free to follow Christ.
There is no one in this room that
doesn’t have a bit of captivity, a
bit of oppression in our souls,
in our spirits, in our lives. We can’t
share freedom with others if you
and I aren’t free. If the call to be a
light to the world comes to us and
we’re not free, then it’s just a burden.
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And the Lord didn’t come here to lay a
burden on us that we can’t carry. Only
the Lord can give us this freedom, and
we are in a great place for Him to do
that… And then, we will bring a new
chapter of fearless, courageous, joyful,
unburdened missionaries back to our
— Br. Ken Apuzzo during SNE opening session
In addition to great teaching, SNE provides
ample time for recreation, service, and small
group fellowship, allowing participants to
invest in relationships throughout the week.
Praise and worship, sports competitions,
and overall fun help balance the intensity of
daily training. In a spirit of service and global
responsibility, this year’s SNE participants
also generously donated more than $10,000
from their own pockets to build a LifePump in
Malawi, which will provide fresh water to the
African community there.
Thanks to SNE 2014, there are now
278 young people equipped with the tools
and talents to bring the love of Christ to their
peers — freely and fearlessly.
I had the honor of living one of the best experiences in my life amongst
a true community of Christian students. I want to thank you with
all my heart for providing the time, place and environment for me to
reconnect with God. SNE 14 was definitely a time that I shall never
forget; and I can only hope to bring such fire for the Lord to my own
outreach in Mexico. In all possible ways, the Lord has spoken into my
heart and has given me a certainty unlike anything I’ve ever lived before.
Know that I will work so that the love and wisdom that I’ve experienced
this past week impacts the lives of my brothers and sisters back home.”
— Luis, Monterrey, Mexico
Saint Paul’s Outreach Missionaries labor tirelessly to provide the environment and opportunity for
an encounter with Christ. Yet, we are still dependent on students’ openness to God’s work in their
souls. Your prayers for the success of our outreach are invaluable. Please pray and even fast for our
Missionaries and the students who are in such desperate need of the Gospel. Apart from the grace of
God, we can do nothing: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)
Saint Paul’s Outreach has an effective and time-tested model of inviting young people to a
relationship with Christ in His Church. As the saying goes, however, “no money, no mission.” Our
existence is dependent upon those who partner with us financially in this work. We frequently receive
invitations to start SPO Chapters on campuses all over the country, but we cannot continue our
growth without the necessary resources. To donate, visit www.spoweb.org/donate.
Tell your friends, your children, and your grandchildren about Saint Paul’s Outreach. Encourage your
diocese, friends, family, and fellow parishioners to pray for and partner with us. Together we can
mobilize the Catholic community in the New Evangelization of our young people!
2013-14 financial
Income: $5,344,476
Expenses $5,187,347
Institutional Funding
Contributed Services
Other Programs
General Fundraising
as of fiscal year end
June 30, 2014
Current Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Pledges Receivable Prepaid Expenses Investments Property & Equipment Other Programs
Personal Support Raising
Balance Sheet
Houses Office Equipment Less: Depreciation
Other Assets Security Deposits 597,806
Net Income: $157,129
Personal Support Raising: Funds raised by
SPO Missionaries from families and friends
Contributed Services: Value of time volunteered by
SPO Missionaries
The Saint Paul’s Outreach annual audit is conducted
by Lethert, Skwira, Schultz & Co. and is available on
our website: www.spoweb.org.
Liabilities & Net Assets
Current Liabilities Current Maturities of Long Term Debt
Accounts Payable
Accrued Employee Benefits Security Deposits Unearned Revenue
Long-Term Debt Mortgage Payable Less: Current Maturities 16,393
Net Assets $2,273,291
Robert Devereaux
Dixon Golf, Inc.
Henry Crommelin
Ramsey & Monique Echeverria
Katie Rohan
David Edwards
Deb & Deborah Ellis
John & Rosemarie Evans
Laura Fellows
Spencer Hodgson
Dan & MaryLou Figueroa
Susan Leveque
Lorena Flores
Daniel Mayer
Arnold Gasca
Ricky Shoop
Larry & Heidi Gass
Brad Tombers
Gayle Gibson
Abe Gross
Brandt Haglund
John Harney
Elizabeth Hatounian
Peter & Marjorie Abele
Dan Alston & Rosemary Celaya-Alston Rob & Tracey Heller
Catherine Hernandez
Brien & Debra Bensel
A.J. & Patricia Hoyt
Aaron Bensel
John & Mary Hoyt
Angela Bevilacqua
Jaclyn Hurd
Chelsey Broermann
Patrick & Bridget Hurley
William & Michelle Buhs
Peter & Elizabeth Jacobson
Monica Butler
Gerry & Carole Johnson
Pauline Caldwell
James & Carol Jones
Maria Campbell
Lisa Kempson
Henry & Hyeon Ju Cappello
Brad Kidd
Richard & Beverly Carey
Michelle Kmetz
Gabriel Castellanos
Dave & Jean-Anne Knebelsberger
Catholic Community Foundation
L.T. & T
Louie & Helen Celaya
Jeffrey LaBenz
Sherry Celaya
James & Riley LeBeau
Mary Ann Clark
Gail Lessard
Bob & Kay Cozzens
Steve & Linda Crane
David & Maryrose Lins
Ryan Lippincott
Christopher Lishko
Mark & Barbara Lishko
Sean Logan
Shawn & Elaine Logsdon
Jeff & Pam Looker
Marilyn Looker
Theresa Looker
Bill & Elizabeth Marcotte
Jerry & Eileen Marfe
Nick & Jo Markette
Doris Martinez
Christopher Matson
Christine Mayberry
Andrew Mayer
Jenny McDaniel
Joe & Lisa McDaniel
Michael & Annette Jo McDonough
Thomas & Kathleen McGuire
Michael McIntyre
Maureen Mead
Matt & Sandra Mees
Paula Menefee
Matthew Michaels
Luke & Caitlin Mills
Marc & Amanda Missildine
Howard & Jana Morrison
Martin Nagy
Most Rev. Thomas Olmsted
Tiffany Otto
Rev. John Parks
David & Kathleen Patterson
Frandy & Lisette Pena
Michael & Pamela Peters
Peter & Sharon Poppleton
Clarissa Quiring
Tricia Reeve
Sarah Reger
Wayne Rich
Dorothy Rodgers
Thomas & Julie Ronai
Tim & Celesta Rowland
Justin Rucker & Julianna Pyde
S.D. Crane Builders Inc.
Linda Sandish
Daniel & Marion Sauer
Candice Schreiber
Rob & Theresa Schweitzer
Joe & Kim Scoggin
Brian & Emma Shell
Geoffrey & Sandra Shell
Dub & Julie Sitton
Todd & Cheryl Smith
St. Andrew the Apostle
Kathy Stowers
Daniel Tansill
Tracy Towne
Ana Usher
Mark & Jenelle Van Brunt
Connie Jo Vekve
Bob & Estelle Wallace
Peter & Kelly Walterscheid
Katherine Whitaker
Trevor & Karen Wieman
Sydney & Julie Winter
Jeffrey & Maureen Zimmerman
Gary & Tanya Stowe
Josie Traino
Birdie Tunes
Wesley Uyemura & Roberta GarciaUyemura
Tiffany Wend
Joseph & Debra Castrodale
Michael & Kamaya Mayor
Hannah Sayre
Therese Aaker
John Arachtingi
John & Renee Arceneaux
John Ayers
Allen Becker
Daniel & Janet Brown
Amy Burt
Shawn Clyncke
Marc Dubois
Dale & Sarah Feichtinger
Jerome Flammang
Clare Fleming
Michael Fleschner
Eduardo Godinez
Joseph Heasley III
Knights of Columbus #12979
Thomas Lyons & Virginia Trumpolt
Chelsea Martinez
Anna McDonald
Justin Pesta
Alan & Olga Rainosek
Tim Sexauer
Jordan & Kaitlyn Siebenaller
Caleb & Lauren Smith
Paul & Margaret Spotts
Joseph Tellaw
Maggie Vettel
Tim & Sharri Vettel
Daniel & Bonnie White
Jeff Wittreich
John Wurth
Ricardo & Irene Alvarado
Kayla Avila
Randy & Tammie Begotka
Frank & Catherine Bondanza
Zachary & Brett Briers
Gary & Teresa Burk
Joe & Jan Caputo
Leonard & Allison Comma
Timothy Dawson
Dean & Jossie Diaz
Eric & Regina Flaten
Stephen Flemings
Bernadette Garcia
Dolores Garcia
Brooke Garibaldi
Miguel & Susan Gasca
Greg Gomer
Wendy Gries
Phillip & Renata Guidry
Phil & Jillian Hoffman
Virginia Jimenez
John & Laura Keber
Linda Kester
Stephanie Ladisa
Matthew Lulling
Andrea Lynch
Annette Mackliff
Daniel Mascarenhas
James Montavon
Linda-Anne Norton
Daniel & Rosemary Nunez
Jandi Pereida
Joseph & Katherine Phillips
James & Teresa Planeaux
Phillip Popp
Maria Fernanda Reyes
Bo Roberts
Andrew Schaaf
William Schroeder
Schwab Charitable Fund
Michael Scott
John & Mary Shepanski
Nathan & Catherine Shrake
Irma Silva
Kevin & Morgan Spenla
Joann Abbate
Donna Anderson
Barbara Bagnato
Carl Bailey
Rev. David Blanchfield
Melanie Blanco
Bobby & Lisa Bloom
Claire Budnik
Patricia Conlin
Agnes Conover
Virginia Cox
Robert & Judith Dennehy
Nick & Angela DiNapoli
Melissa Ely
Regina Flaherty
Robert Flittner
Connie Gardella
James Gardella
Louis Gardella
Rob & Cynthia Gardella
W. T. Gardella
William Gardella
Keith & Marcela Garvey
Kimy Garvey
Michael Garvey
Rafaela Garvey
Efrosyni Gavrielidis
Alton & Karen Hall
Robert & Susan Hall
Dorothy Hartnett
Matthew King & Lauren Bonenfant
Achim & Pauline Knust
Kent & Marma Lametta
John & Janice Leetch
Stew Leonards
Richard Maiberger
Christopher & Carol Mandras
Linda McDonald
Maureen Morrissey
Francis & Susan Norris-Oliva
Daniela O’Callaghan
Edward O’Hara
Jack & Lisa O’Melia
Pat Olson
Kathryn Owens
Rev. Mr. Joseph Palacino & Mary Corica
Stan & Mary Ellen Pastore
Ann Salvino
Zita Sebastian
Alexander Sgoutas
Alan Silverio
Steve Silvi
Cherrie Sludock
Brenda Smith
St. Jerome Roman Catholic Church
Howard & Jo Stecker
William & Rebecca Sweeney
Jeanne Tarrant
Leidy Toro
Dianne Turchick
Viridian Energy Inc
Kristi White
Robert Whitney
Jane Williamson
District of
Daniel Mittnacht
Network For Good
Douglas & Lisa Adel
Jamie & Leeann Adley
Everado Aguilar
Tracy Allen
Diane Holt
Holy Faith Charismatic Prayer Group
Virginia Howell
Kenneth Iglesias
William Iglesias
Christian & Ana Jaramillo
Huntley Johnson, Jr.
Ketsia Julmeus
Glenn & Ursula Karlen
Chuck & Judy Kasza
Cheryl Kennedy
John & Frances Kenney
Harvey & Joyce Kiley
Krizia Kracker
Christopher & Kathleen LaCroix
David Lafontant
Richard & Lynnette Leising
Olivia Macke
Frank MacKritis
Ernie & Susan Maier
Michael & Maureen Malloy
James McKeown
Jacqueline Moreno
Connie Mueller
William Naranjo
Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company
Jeffry & Naomi Oldham
Toni Pallatto
Heriberto & Myrna Pena
Kristyna Pena
Aramis Perez
Jessica Perez
John & Jenny Pettito
Yader & Bertha Portocarrero
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Robert & Joanne Rizzardi
Jean Roach & Jennifer Yanez-Calvo
David Robles
Oscar & Lourdes Robles
Oscar Robles, Jr.
Lance & Nicole Rodriguez
Eduardo & Lisa Smith
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
St. Patrick Church
James & Janet Stevens
Grace Stokes
Vincent & Diana Toups
Jose Trespalacios
Julian Urrego
Joel Valencia
Oscar & Denise Varona
Oscar & Margarita Varona
Ronald & Joan Villella
Edward & Tina Wells
Gary Wong
Christopher & Leticia Zavatsky
Paul Francis Photography
Ronald & Marcia Anderson
Penelope Arango
Nestor & Gloria Arguello
Nestor Arguello, Jr.
Asset Protection Advisors, LLC
Gary & Margaret Augensen
Margaret Augensen
Basilica of Saint Paul
Elaine Baumgartner
Marilyn Beddor
Matt & Adrianna Birk
Eugene & Sandy Bolger
Carl & Dana Boyd
Michael & Nicole Bradica
Maria Brown
William & Maida Brown
Will Carter
William & Sharon Cekala
Harold Childs, Jr.
Jose & Zulay Chirinos
Manuel & Elizabeth Corrales
Tom & Sherri Cousins
Jenny Craft
Thomas & Patricia Dehaan
Noel & Christina Delgadillo
Ana Luisa Deliz
Maria Virginia Deliz
Matthew & Anna Deutsch
Andy & Jeaninne DeWitt
Adolfo Diaz & Lilly Rangel-Diaz
Daniel Diaz
Estibaliz Diez
Anh Vu Dinh
Peter Dionne
W. Thomas Doar, Jr.
Heather Donovan
Maria Donovan
Andrea Escobar
Camila Escobar
Catherine Eskin
Christopher & Nicole Fernandez
Lucy Ferris
Rachel Friesema
Bob & Sally Fritz
Christine Galan
Abram Garcia
Michelle Gauthreaux
Michael & Claire Giblin
Francis Giuffrida & Jennifer Hackett
Antonio & Sheilachu Gomez
Julian Gomez
Maria Gongora
Jiovanny Gonzalez
Michael & Danette Good
Jeffrey & Sara Grass
Jose Gutierrez
Wayne & Jennifer Hackett
Megan Harris
Rev. Walter Heinz
Lynda Henry-Alexander
Christopher Holcomb
Christine Cleemnts
Kenneth Hampton
Catherine Hartney
Jacquelyn Liebenthal
MaryKate McAdams
Troy & Laura Menendez
Joetta Prost
Angie Spann
Judith Spann
Chris Turner
Ali Wulf
Michael Zenner
Thomas Bachman
Brian & Jennifer Bartley
Michael Bernhardt
David & Michelle Beto
Steven & Denise Bielejeski
Blue Consulting
Sarah Bradford
Amelia Christ
William & Anne Christenson
Daniel & Ruth Cornelius
Loretta Davis
Jason & Haylie Elmendorf
Stephen Embree
Kenrick & Bridget Feldpausch
Kelly Foyle
Marisa Foyle
Thomas & Susan Freise
Mary Lee Garrison
Donna Gnuechtel
Rev. Brian Grady
Darren & Katrina Greca
William & Anna Haine
Jerome Hall
Ellen Holian
Betsy Iversen
Michael & Nancy Kalkowski
John & Joan Kane
Phyllis Lakin
Kent Liederbach
William & Mary Anne Linsey
Hannah Martin
Destin McIntosh
Ron & Judy Medrich
John & Stacey Miller
Loretta Murphy
Fred & Jill O’Connor
Jim Olofson
Christina Oslance
Sara Otto
Marie Palmer
Arlene Paolicchi
Joan Perisin
Raymond & Barbara Perisin
Adam Pesta
Episcopal Supporters
Most Rev. Frederick F. Campbell
Columbus, OH
Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann
Kansas City, KS
Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson
St. Louis, MO
Most Rev. Eduardo A. Nevares
Phoenix, AZ
Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens
St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN
Most Rev. John C. Nienstedt
St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN
Most Rev. Edgar Moreira da Cunha
Fall River, MA
Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted
Phoenix, AZ
Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn
St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN
Most Rev. Richard E. Pates
Des Moines, IA
Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda
Newark, NJ
Most Rev. Lee A. Piché
St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN
Most Rev. Arthur L. Kennedy
Boston, MA
Most Rev. Paul D. Sirba
Duluth, MN
Most Rev. John M. LeVoir
New Ulm, MN
Most Rev. Joe Vasquez
Austin, TX
Most Rev. John J. Myers
Newark, NJ
Most Rev. Thomas Wenski
Miami, FL
Brotherhood of Hope
Brothers in Mission
Saint Paul’s Outreach partners closely with the Brotherhood of Hope.
Founded in 1980, the Brotherhood of Hope (BOH) is a religious community of
men focused on holiness and developing authentic relationships rooted in God.
They answer the Lord’s call to spread the New Evangelization by serving on
college campuses including Florida State University, Northeastern University in
Boston, and Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Stronger Together
The BOH/SPO relationship first began when SPO opened its Mission Center in
New Jersey in 2009. Since then, Brothers could be found participating in various
SPO events. In recent years, it became apparent that the two organizations
could do God’s work much more effectively together. In January of 2014, two
Brothers moved to St. Paul to further this collaboration.
With a partnership now in place, the Brotherhood of Hope is serving hand in
hand with Saint Paul’s Outreach. In May of 2014, Br. Ken Apuzzo was hired to
be the Director of Campus Ministry for the University of Minnesota, opening up
additional opportunities for the SPO Chapter there. Four Brothers now serve on
SPO’s staff at both the national and Mission Center levels, and BOH founder
Fr. Philip Merdinger is SPO’s National Chaplain.
The benefits of this partnership were clearly noticed this summer: BOH
Missionaries participated in SPO’s Mission Leader Training and the School of the
New Evangelization (see page 14). Several Brothers also assumed leadership
roles for SNE, lending unique perspectives and experience to the week.
Please pray for both Saint Paul’s Outreach and the Brotherhood of Hope,
that the Lord will use this new partnership for His greater glory.
Dean & Denise Ramis
Vija Reed
Alan & Sue Schulz
Stephen & Ann Scott
Alissa Serio
Gary & Vicky Serio
Susanne Sikora
Phillip Skeba
Vito & Carolyn Spadafino
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
John & Alice Stirton
Susan Tatman
Kristin Theros
Marilyn Tucker
Alan & Dianna Van Booven
Michael Van Dorpe
Douglas & Nancy Venne
Tim Weiske
Michael Winn
Mallory Winters
Theresa Yerkes
Glenn & Dorothy Atkinson
Marco Lanave
Rick Nilles
Matthew & Emily Nolting
Michael O’Hara & Jane Engeldinger
Most Rev. Richard Pates
Mary Pedersen
Gwendolyn Schimek
Emily Schmid
Steven & Jana Schmitt
Jeremy & Bethany Tatman
Edward & Heidi Touney
Michael & Ann Touney
Phil Agee
Kaylee Amerin
Bill Arachtingi
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
Kevin Bailey
Terry & Kay Barker
Michael & Patricia Bartkoski
Jason & Karynn Adamowicz
Regina Bauer
Lisa Barnes
Mary Bickford
Douglas Carey & Linda Petit
Bishop Miege High School
John & Ann Cunningham
Blessed Seelos Foundation
Nathan Deig & Megan Todd
Richard & Dana Bowers
William Escoffrey
Sean & Jennifer Bragdon
Elizabeth Flinner
Robert & Cathryne Burns
Jennifer Gall
Wayne & Anne Byrd
Craig & Elaine Gillis
Mike & Mary Ann Caffrey
Ed & Amy Gniadek
William Carey
Christine Goodwin
Frank Caro
David Huneck
John & Laura Caulfield
James & Audrey Kirkwood
Len Chmelka
Maxwell Layman
Church of the Nativity
Robert Marben
Ernie & Lu Ann Collyer
Margaret Morgan
Maggie Crider
Our Sunday Visitor
Joe D’Amato
Joseph Perry
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. Anna DeMarais
Julia Dick
Kyle Roshak
Jeremy Didier
Teresa Smith
Lowell Dolney
Branden & Alea Stanley
Thomas & Eileen Drape
Shannon & Jill Starr
Harold & Janine Eastman
Richard Storey
Gerald & Connie Euston
William Stucker
Justin Farrell
Richard & Kearney Szevery
Delores Fiorella
Jeffrey & Shannon Ulrich
Don Foley
Darla Willett
Jean Fuller
David Wright
Elizabeth Gaffney
Brooke Yessa
Michelle Gagne
John & Tina Zimmerman
Michael & Susan Gangel
John Gillcrist
Bradley & Kimberly Grandon
Dean & Shirley Gutsch
Donald Hail
Robert & Teresa Hamilton
Nick & Melissa Hardesty
Mark & Abby Henke
Brian Hilton
Randy & Deborah Huber
Lamar & Rita Hunt
Jeffrey & Laura Jaworski
Brooke Johnson
Ryan & Megan Johnson
Samuel Kettinger
John Kindhart
Ann Klein
Knights Of Columbus Council #9856
Anna Knowles
Christopher & Rose Kopecky
Jon & Rachel Krebsbach
Joshua Kuestersteffen
Anna Larsen
Lee Legault
Jeffrey & Joan Lipp
Jerry Malone
Andrew Marsh
John Martin
Brent Mathis
Tom & Theresa McChesney
Michael McDonnell
David & Terri Mehrer
Charles Mehrer
Rev. Mark Mertes
Joseph & Elizabeth Meunier
Mason Miller
Jean Minardi
Stephen & Amy Minnis
Elizabeth Montolio
John & Joanie Muehlberger
Christopher & Ann Muehling
Mark & Patsy Muessig
Tom & Jan Mulvenon
Lynn Myers
Patricia Mykins
John Nauman
Nelson & Marcia Newcomer
Rachel Noffke
Tom O’Connor & Barbara McGrath
Brad & Anna Oliver
Charles & Camille Osborn
John Ostrowski
Robert Pascuzzi
Piper Funeral Home
Ron Poole
William & Catherine Powers
Christopher & Cathryn Radiel
Sarah Rajewski
William & Mary Ellen Raymond
Natalie Reeder
Rick & Mary Ellen Reese
Donald & Desrae Richter
Gary & Susan Ripple
Frank Roberts
John & Julie Romano
Jon Schaffhausen
Sam & Patricia Schoenfelder
Eugene & Sharon Schreiner
Terrence & Michelle Sexton
Lizzie Shell
Michael Shirley
Curt & Amy Skoog
Larry & Kathleen Smith
Tony & Laurie Smith
Lisa Snead
Claire Sorteberg
Timothy & Connie Sullivan
Msgr. Thomas Tank
Richard & Kathleen Teahan
Brian Timberlake
Annie Tompkins
Sean VandenAvond
Lauren Vaughan
Susan Vogliardo
Gregory Waddle
Jeff Wasinger
Madison Wasko
Brian & Michelle White
Thomas & Dianne Whitehead
Pat Wilkerson
Kenneth & Diane Williams
Stephen & Courtney Williams
John & Nancy Wilson
Bonnie Winston
Kathryn Wolfe
Linda Zemke
Nkechi Amadife
Joan Bauer
Betty Beall
Michael Berheide
Clinton Campbell
Patrick Carroll
Kevin & Vicki Conder
Andrew & Gail Costa
Zack & Autumn Cravens
Emily D’Angelo
Kenny & Renee Fister
Matthew & Haley Fitzgerald
Marilyn Fleener
Christopher & Jennifer Glaser
Thomas & Teresa Grant
Carl Greenwell
Greenwell Chisholm
Joseph & Marie Hancock
Daniel & Sheila Heckel
David & Marcellla Henderson
Michele Jackson
Knights of Columbus #14290
Robert & Brittany Lawson
Emily Martin
David & Tracey Metzger
Matthew Monsour
Dick & Donna Murphy
Joe & Linda Ohnemus
Marty & Debbie Rhodes
Lane Rhodes
Denis & Catherine Roux
Robert & Adrienne Saffell
Ann Schindler
James Smith
Juanita Smith
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Dana Stephens
Joseph & Laura Sullivan
John & Susanne Thomson
Edward & Stephanie Unger
James & Becki Alford
Vance Balado
Benson Technology
Brian & Lisa Butler
Robert & Sheila Butler
Taylor & Patricia Casey
Adrian Castro
Charles & Karen Coe
Congregation of the Mission Western Province
John & Tammy Dupuy
Marie Enright
James & Joellen Frederick
Marc Garcia
Carl Guggenheimer
Kelly Guidry
Michael & Chris Guidry
Carolyn Haar
Ed & Julie Hanks
Brian Hughes
Jorge & Maureen Lavastida
Brian Liggio
Judith Martello Robarts
Jeanne Mauldin
David & Laurie McCann
Wesley & Therese McCann
Matthew Murrell
Clayton & Betty Nepveux
Steven & Yvette Pettus
Steven & Susan Pisciotta
Quality Services & Transfer, Inc.
Jocel Ravannack
Katherine Schluter
Jose Soberon, Jr.
St. Andrew the Apostle
St. Luke the Evangelist
St. Patrick’s Church
Tracy Starwalt
Kristi Stewart
Al & Patricia Tortorich
Tom & Julie Waller
Wayne Wellmeier
Rita West
Lawrence & Victoria Winter
Thomas & Anne Anderson
William & Jane Applegate
P. Barnett
John & JoAnn Beal
Anita Brady
Kristin Cahalan
Elizabeth Cannon
Mary Carlisle
Irma Carpenter
Lauren Davin
Kurt & Kate Delker
Glenda Dickonson
Michael Donnellan
Meave Duggan
Paul & Margaret Durbin
Mark Dwyer
Mary Fava
Carolyn Ferris
Lisa Fetsko
John & Sharon Freiland
Zachary & Lauren Froelich
Mark & Lea Gargulinski
Jean Gendron
John Goldsby & De Loris Suto-Goldsby
Melanie Gonzalez
Robert & Susan Greving
Joe Grossnickel
Maureen Hand
Nancy Hand
Paul & Jeannye Hencke
Stephen Herrera
Ron & Diane Hess
William & Kathleen Hurley
Josenolito & Merlita Jarin
Walt Jura
Evelyn & Evelyn Lashley
Andre & Theresa Leyva
Jesse & Jennifer Loznak
Orlando & Dolores Marinaccio
Thomas Marshall
Rev. Francis Martin
Donald & Tami Matson
Bob & Nancy McCambridge
Kevin McDermott
Rick & Theresa McKinney
Brian McNiff
Hall & Laura Miller
Margaret Miller
William Miller
Scott Montgomery
Eric & Grace Morrison
Mark & Christine Murphy
Laurie Njoku
James & Ella Pantazis
Mary Anne Patchen
Leonard Pawlak
John & Margaret Payne
Edward & Audrey Primozic
Darwin & Terese Rigel
Rev. Mr. Stephen Robinson
Robert & Joanne Roche
John & Theresa Rush
Jeff & Annette Schomisch
Douglas & Lisa Sharafinski
Margaret Sitka Walsh
Jeffrey & Jeanne Smith
Therese Smith
Sodality of St. Mary’s
Thomas & Theresa Stief
Linda Stubbs
Elizabeth Sullivan
Elizabeth Swan
Christine Wallyn
Rev. David Wells
Marty Wild
Wendy Wilmowski
Leonard & Sheila Yoritomo
Daniel Boyd
Eric Ewanco
Marc & Christine Laverdiere
Stacy Matseas
Griffin McHaffie
J. William Mees
Stephen Miller
Hannah Raymond
Drew Segadelli
Peter & Michelle Tomasello
Shea Family Foundation
W.J. Murphy Construction Co.
Mary Jeanne Annala
Jason Beach
Paul Bede
Charlotte Brinkman
Dominic & Joanna Bruno
Joseph & Julie Cahalan
Eduardo Caldwell
Claire Cherniawski
Gregory Codouni
Mike Cook
Brendan & Hannah Cousino
W. Dickson Crawford
Kevin Dahlberg
Timothy & Esther DeWaters
Catherine Downes
Dave Downes
Joan Downes
John Downes
Cary & Sara Dumas
Charles & Julie Dumas
Ralph Eble & Regina Jacoby
Nathan Everts
Daniel & Tricia Feldpausch
Stephanie Feldpausch
Christian Fenton
James Fenton
David Flanagan
Richard Fockler
Michael & Rebecca George
Peter & Jacqueline Giles
Hannah Gornik
Robert Gray
Peter Harrison
Drew Klein
Kyle & Krysta Koenigsknecht
Thomas & Susan Kreiner
Ying Lu
John & Lisa Lynch
Robert & Shelley Lynch
David Macari
Daniel McNally
Patrick & Judy McQuillen
Melissa McSweeney
Michael & Kimberly Mickunas
Nathan & Sarah Mikkelson
Mike & Peggy O’Dea
Karen Pline
Michael Polus
Kirra Pope
Salvatore Randazzo
Maria Rebbert
Michelle Reineck
Edmundo & Melanie Reyes
Rev. Mr. Vincent Richardson
Thomas Salapatek
Clifford Sanders
John & Jan Sauter
Patrick & Sarah Schloss
Dan & Janice Schoonmaker
Robert & Linda Shannon
Steven Shannon
Jonathan Shibata
Brent & Carolyn Simon
Robert Sipe
Chiara Smith
Stacey Smith
David & Shelley Steinmiller
Mark & Julie Stenske
Susan Stout
David & Valerie Taccolini
Anthony & Celena Thelen
Anthony & Mary Thelen
Bob & Rosemary Thornton
Patrick & Patrice Tinetti
Mark & Diana Tobin
Dennis & Linda Toth
Tim & Diane Van Goethem
Dave & Catherine Weber
Lorraine Weber
Charles & Jeannette Wesley
Gary Wieber
Joshua Wohlfert
Gary & Mary Wolfram
Ned & Debra Wyse
Matthew & Anne- Marie Yanoschik
John & Joyce Yurko
2 Gingers Whiskey Company, LLC
AALFA Family Clinic
Nathan & Kari Aamot
Angeline Abbott
Rev. Gregory Abbott
Jay & Julie Abdo
Jim & Theresa Accurso
Brian Acker
Thomas Adair
Jerome & Michelle Adam
Mary Beth Admunson
James Aerts
All Saints Catholic Church
Jarod & Renee Allerheiligen
Kirk & Karen Allison
Anna Altman
Ben & Mona Altman
Donna Amaral
Bjorn & Leah Amundson
Dan & Lisa Andersen
David & Laurie Anderson
Timothy & Elaine Anderson
Todd & Karen Anderson
Roz Andreucci
Betty Andrews
Annunciation Church
Paul & Pat Archambault
Archdiocesan Office of Marriage,
Family & Life
Mark & Elizabeth Archibald
Rev. Todd Arends
Paul Armstrong
Phillip Ashfield
Roger & Maureen Athman
Gary & Elizabeth Atkinson
Scott & Amy Augustine
William & Marcia Bach
Kevin & Catherine Baier
Gordon & Jo Bailey
Mark & Peggy Bakko
Jerry & Mary Ann Bambenek
Tony-Alpha Bangura
Keith & Ann Bares
David Barkmeier & Audrey Murray
Allan & Gail Barta
Christopher & Barbara Barth
Elizabeth Barth
Martha Barth
Duane & Kathy Barthel
David Baumgartner
Francis & Denise Beaudry
April Bechtold
Becker Building and Remodeling LLC
Cary & Diane Becker
Caroline Becker
Rev. Michael Becker, Jr.
Sarah Becker
Steve & Carolyn Becker
Steven & Ling Becker
William Belkengren
Zachary & Nicole Bennett
Al & Beverly Berchem
Hannah Berchem
Mark & Mary Berchem
Bill & Jane Berens
Elwin Berg
Julie Berntson
Russell Bertsch
Vivien Betland
Frank Bettin
Nicole Bettini
David & Apryl Bielejeski
John & Anne Bielejeski
John & Renee Bielejeski
Gerald & Mary Beth Biese
Scott & Ann Billeadeau
Bryan & Bridget Binstock
John Bird
Maureen Bird
Michael Bird
Kevin & Sarah Bittner
David & Cathy Blaeser
Mark & Kathleen Blando
Zachary Blaszak
Joseph & Anna Blessing
Maryann Bloch
Patricia Blumer
Carol & Sandra Bly
Ed & Pat Bock
Eileen Bock
Steven & Eileen Boehm
Phillip Boelter
Kathy Bomey
Tony Boniferro
Raymond & Mary Bonnabeau
Jennifer Boran
Curtis & Theresa Borchert
Greg & Jane Boster
Marianne Bovee
Thomas & Vickie Brand
Frank Brantman
Lorraine & Richard Brasket
Michael & Deborah Braun
Roger & Mary Braun
Gregory Breen
Richard & Katherine Breen
Thomas & Susan Breen
Breitenfeldt Group Independant Brokers
Scott Breuer
Dan & Rachel Brewer
Frank & Kathy & Kathleen Brewer
James & Janet Bricher
Robert & Christine Brickweg
Eric & Jen Brooker
Steven Broszko
Joseph Brough
Aryae & Elizabeth Brown
Sharon Brown
Elliott & Rebecca Brubaker
Chrysauna Buan
Dallas & Gena Buchite
Dawn Buchite
Roland & Coral Buchman
Jeanne Buckeye
Scott & Molly Buettner
Shelley Bunkholt
Mark Buntjer
Kathleen Burke
Michael & Stephanie Burke
Steve & Kathleen Burke
Jason & Sandra Burmeister
Andrew Burns
David & Basia Bursey
David & Gail Busch
Michael & Lisa Bushey
Brad & Kathy Byers
Charles & Susan Byrne
John Byrne
Vince & Irene Cahill
Rev. Theodore Campbell
Jeffrey & Sharlin Campeau
Matthew Cantrell
Paul & Elinor Capecchi
Robert & Sharon Cardinal
Brian Carey
Rev. Scott Carl
Faith Carlson
Jeffrey & Dona Carlson
Chad Caron
Stephen & Joanne Carter
Steve & Jennie Casalenda
Richard & Lisa Cash
Richard & Raquel Casper
Marty & Lisa Cassellius
Cathedral of Saint Paul
Catholic Community Foundation
Catholic Daughters of Americas
Catholic United Financial
Jerry Cawley & Patricia Huber
Timothy & Shannon Cayler
Mark & Barbara Cermak
Paul Cernohous
Donald & Gerry Chapdelaine
John & Jeanne Chapdelaine
George & Jodie Chappuis
Rev. Mr. Dennis & Annemarie Chlebeck
Warren & Theresa Christianson
Matthew & Tamara Christoff
The Church of Saint Agnes
Church of Saint Paul
Church of St. Mary
Church of the Holy Family
Bonita Clasemann
Tim Cleveland & Arlyce Richardson
John & Kathleen Cleveland
Deborah Collis
Community of Christ the Redeemer
Steve & Anne Conlin
Kevin & Catherine Conneely
Tom & Jessica Cooper
John & Kim Corey
Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens
John & Judith Cozzens
James & Mary Ann Crawford
Rev. Michael Creagan
Dan Cross
Chad & Marilyn Crow
John Crudele
John & Terri Crudo
Robert & Joan Cummins
Robert & Mary Cummins
Paul & Nancy Curti
Camille Curtiss
Stella Czeczok
Colleen D’Andrea
David & Paula Daggett
David & Debra Dalbec
Peter & Lulu Daly
Berik & Katie Damberg
Jill Dau
Jackie Daugherty
Douglas & Jacqueline Davidson
Matthew Davidson
Gary & Marilyn Davis
Joe & Colleen Davy
Ernest & Catherine Dawson
Cynthia Deal
David & Catherine Deavel
Angela Deeney
Donna Deering
Michael & Eileen Degnan
Rev. Donald DeGrood
Nery & Juliamarie Delcompare
Ana Teresa Deliz
Gordon & Teresa DeMarais
Marilyn DeMarais
Thomas & Annmarie DeMarais
Joe DeMeyer
Kevin & Cathy Dens
Conan & Angela DeWitt
Jeff & Michele DeYoung
Christopher & Peggy Dietzen
Matthew Dillon
Kaitlyn DiSalvo
Philip DiSalvo
Victoria DiSalvo
Mark & Joan Dittman
Douglas & Teresa Doboszenski
Joseph Docksey
Peggy Doherty
Daniel & Joan Dolan
Lori Dolan
Cord Dorcey
Rev. Mark Dosh
Taylor Dowden
Rev. Mr. Kevin & Linda Downie
Dennis & Megan Doyle
David & Barbara Dries
Daniel & Sarah Driver
Bryan Drumm
Don & Carol Dubay
Bill Dubbs
Duc in Altum Fund
Duke & Cynthia Duchatschek
Alison Duffy
Eric & Lori Dumas
Dennis & Susan Dunne
Marc Dvoracek
Ardell & Kim Dworak
Jon & Cheryl Dymit
Gene Earhart
Allyn & Dee Eaves
Amy Ebnet
Eckland & Blando LLP
Chris & Karin Ederer
Katy Ederer
Rose Ederer
Christopher & Karen Edge
Glen & Jennifer Edwards
Albert & Judy Eiden
Joe Eikmeier
Jeanne Eisenbarth
Don & Marilou Eldred
Kristin & Sharon Elsen
Kurt Elting-Ballard
Carol Emond
Suzanne Emslander
Chris Engelmann
Janine Engen
Arlene Englert
Rick & Britt Erisman
Erv & Kathryn Ertl
Diego Escalante
Mark & Sharon Eskola
Robley & Joan Evans
Vanessa Fangmeier
Denny & Mary Farrell
Robert & Elaine Feichtinger
Michael & Mari Fellrath
Michael & Jane Felmlee
Ryan & Nicole Feltz
Kevin & Carrie Ferdinandt
Adam Fergen
Dominic & Tracy Ferguson
Hubert & Pam Fernandez
Francis & Barbara Feyereisen
Norbert & Virginia Fiedler
Tom & Denea Fielder
Patrick & Arlene Finely
Joseph Fink
Rev. Kevin Finnegan
Bryan Fischer
David & Laura Fischer
Robert & Maasa Fischer
Colin & Kyloe Fisher
David & Helen Fitzgerald
Ken Fitzgerald
Mark & Laura Fjelsted
Eric & Laura Flaherty
John & Heidi Flanagan
Todd & Jane Flanders
Richard Fleischhacker
Timothy & Ann Fleming
Deirdre Fleming
Louise Flickinger
Paye & Sonya Flomo
David & Marie Flores
John & Angela Florin
Paula Fluck
Gabriel & Kristee Flynn
Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn
Robert & Sharon Flynn
Bernadette Foley
Pat & Sandy Foley
Mary Forbes
Robert & Julie Foley
Jonathan & Mary Foster
Catherine Frazier
Edward Frederick
Michael & Mary Frederick
Jerome & Karin Freihammer
Myra Frenz
Mark & Lori Froehling
Teresa Fruen
Chip & Mary Kay Fuhrmann
Kay Fulp
Doug Fulton
Dennis & Mary Beth Gaetano
Gregory & Nancy Gagne
Thomas & Jane Gainor
Amelia Gallagher
Molly Gallagher
Rev. John Gallas
Michael & Dawn Ganje
Timothy & Jenifer Garvey
Annie Gehrz
Kathryn-Ann Geis
Jeff & Cathy Gendreau
Daniel & Nancy Gerads
Dennis & Patricia Germann
Bernard & Brenda Gerold
Tracy Giannini
John Giesen
David & Barbara Gillham
John Gion
David & Kathy Gjengdahl
Joe Gjengdahl
Bernard & Sharon Goblish
Scott & Susan Goettl
Nohemi Gonzalez
James & Sandra Gooley
Michael Gorman
Gary & Nancy Grammens
Justin Grammens
Walter & Kristen Grant
Jean Gray, Jr.
Ronald & Karen Greenslade
Carol Griffith
William & Christine Griffith
David & Karen Groppel
Gary & Kathryn Grosland
Ed & Leslie Gross
Luke Gross
Jenna Grossardt
Megan Grubb
Zach Gruber
Tom & Jane Grundhoefer
Stephen & Adeline Gryskiewicz
Chris Guarnera
Charles Haben
Jack Haben
Rev. Benjamin Hadrich
Kevin Hadsall
Daniel & Colette Hagen
John Hagen, Jr.
Gary & Mary Hager
Albert & Colleen Haik
Rick Halbur
Alyssa Hale
Terry & Jana Hale
Curtis & Peggy Hall
David Hall
Eugene & Elizabeth Hall
Louis & Becky Hall
Nickolas & Natalie Hall
Sharon Hall
Thomas & Rosalie Hall
Tom Hall & Julie Kunkel
Jerome & Carol Halloran
Michael & Lynn Hamerlind
Andrew & Lindsey Hamilton
James Hamlin
Amy Hammers
Jacqueline Hannasch
Kevin Hannasch
Leonard & Betsy Hannasch
Anne Marie Hansen
Per Hansen
Peter Hansen
Doloris Hansmeier
Amer & Rita Harb
Brooke Harding
Brian & Mary Harens
Hannah Harren
Mike & Kathy Harrington
Michael & Seanne Harris
Fred & Beth Harrison
Rev. Robert Hart
Rev. Eric Hastings
Jim & Pam Hastings
Justin & Grace Hastings
Megan Hastings
Mike & Kathy Hastings
Jo Hatton
Brett & Hilaire Hauer
Aaron Hauge
Andrew Hausladen
Justina Hausmann
Erin Hauth
Jerome & Dorothy Hawkins
Brian & Joy Hayes
Teresa Hayes
Matthew & Jennifer Hazzard
John & Gretchen Healy
Tim & Helen Healy
Steve & Mary Heggernes
Sally Heimerman
Marc & Jeanette Heintzman
John Hellkamp
Brian & Courtney Helmstetter
David & Laura Hemler
John & Amanda Henderson
Karl & Renee Hendrickson
Robert & Marilyn Henley
Tom & Carol Hennen
Fred & Cheryl Hentges
Anne Herbeck
Kathryn Herbeck
Michael & Lauren Herbeck
Curtis & Karen Herbert
Tom & Mary Herman
Thomas & Christine Hermanson
Richard & Elaine Hertel
Lawrence & Barbara Hessburg
John & Kathe Hetterick
Mary Heuer
William & Virginia Hickey
Pierre & Sue Hilo
Robert Hinkley
Stuart Hoarn & Cathie Durham
William & Lori Hodapp
Paul & Ann Hoedeman
Janice Hoeschler
Meagan Hoeschler
James & Ann Hoey
David Hoffmann
Robert & Blandine Hogan
Mary Hoisington
Brian & Ann Holland
Lizzie Holmes
John & Kaylan Holmstadt
Holy Rosary Church
Wayne & Marlys Honeyman
James & Eileen Horan
Roy & Paula Hosek
Jason & Kathy Houle
Timothy & Jeannette Houle
Wayne & Christine Houle
Janis Hovda
LaDonna Hoy
Loren & Theresa Hubert
Bronwen Hudleston
Paul & Angela Hughes
Wayne Huls & Anne Sweet
L.R. Hurley
Tom & Julie Hurley
Tom & Therese Hurley
George & Maureen Huss
Mark & Jane Hustun
Immaculate Conception Christian
Women Society
International Cigars
David & Sarah Iverson
Paul & Kate Ives
James & Barbara Jacobs
Stephen Jacobsen
Kara Jaehnert
Matt & Jenna Jahnke
David & Sharon Jasper
Michael & Terese Jensen
Mark & Victoria Joerger
Rev. Mr. Mark & Nancy Johanns
Jerry Johansen
Angela Johnson
Brittney Johnson
Craig & Sherri Johnson
Daniel & Patricia Johnson
Henry Johnson
Jarid Johnson
John & Cathryn Johnson
Karena Johnson
Paul & Kristine Johnson
Steve & Rachelle Johnson
Gene & Cynthia Jones
Roger & Connie Joppa
Jim & Gail Jordahl
Mark & Nicole Jude
Kimberly Juncewski
David & Kathy Jungquist
William & Therese Junker
Donald & Rita Kainz
Michele Kaiser
James & Amy Kalthoff
Anne Kangas
Kara Kasper
Rev. Michael Keating
Sheila Keeling
Kevin & Heidi Keiser
Katie Keller
John & Paula Kelly
Rev. Jonathan Kelly
Robert & Sharon Kelly
Kelly’s Chrysler Center, Inc.
Robert Kemmerer
Susan Kempf
Robert & Barbara Kennedy
Steven & Mary Kennedy
Paul & Amanda Kietzmann
Richard Kilty
Tim & Katie Kiminski
Joe & Mary King
Charlie Kiolbasa
Danny Kiolbasa
Joe & Nancy Kiolbasa
David & Jill Kisby
Rev. Francis Kittock
John Klaers
James & Joyce Klas
Andrew Klein
Susan Klemond
Alan & Maura Klimisch
Knights of Columbus Council 8280
Knights of Columbus, Fr. Gibbons
Council #3657
Knights of Columbus, West St Paul, MN
Robert & Karin Knutson
Steven & Joanne Knuttila
David & Barbara Koch
Ed Kocourek III
Ed & Julie Kocourek
Ed & Suzie Kocourek
Kevin & Beth Koep
Timothy & Cynthia Koeppl
Mary Kohlhaas
Andrew Kolar
Daniel & Clare Kolar
Dale & Noreen Kolb
Joe & Bonnie Konrardy
Rev. Mr. Steven & Debra Koop
Shelley & Justin Kortuem
Caroline Kossek
Paul & Carole Koster
Lisa Kotchikian
Thomas & Michelle Koteles
William & Jean Kottemann
Paul & Elizabeth Kovach
Colin Kraker
David Kraker & Jody Rowland
David & Barbara Kraker
Kathryn Kraker
Alan & Emily Kraling
Norb & Michelle Kramer
Bill & Joan Krammer
Noreen Kroehle
Amy Kubas
Jerry & Rhonda Kucera
Matthew & Renae Kuettel
Christopher Kuhn
Matthew & Colleen Kulhanek
Chris Kulseth
Rod & Rita Kunkel
Rev. Mr. Ralph & Louise L’Allier
Bob & Dixie Labat
Joseph & Teresa Lahti
Stewart & Kathleen Laird
Tom & Karen Laird
Nate & Hilary Lamusga
Joe & Caroline Langfeld
Bernadine Langguth
Annette Larson
David & Ginger Larson
James & Rose Larson
Katherine Larson
Melissa Larson
Mervin Larson
Peter & Lynn Larson
Doug & Jenifer Latawiec
Katelyn Latawiec
Kurt & Theresa Lauber
Rev. Mr. Larry & JoAnn Lawinger
Amy Lawrence
Greg & Susan LeBlanc
LeClair Corporation
Bonnie Lee
Andrew & Suzanne LeFevour
Joseph & Betty Legatt
Thomas & Jeanette Leighton
Laurence & Jean LeJeune
Jeff & Debbie Lentsch
Leonette M. & Fred T. Lanners
Wallace & Pamela LeVesseur
Yaakov Levi
Most Rev. John M. LeVoir
Bill & Rita Lew
Dana Lewis
The LFL Group
Andrew Lien
Craig & Mary Lietzke
Stephen Lietzke
Deb & Debra Lindahl
Danny Lindsey
Elizabeth Litke
Rev. Benjamin Little
Donald Loberg
Don Loegering
Catherine Lopez
Ryan Lopez
Jeri Lose
Jean Lown
Stephen & Colleen Lucke
Christy Lueck
Timothy & Stacie Luy
Bill Lynch
Eileen Lynch
James & Christine Lynch
John & Jane Lynch
Kayla Lynch
Michael & Kathleen Lynch
Philip Lynch
James & Shannon Lyons
Dan & Jean MacDonald
Kevin & Pam Magyar
Elizabeth Maki
Rebecca Maki
Julia Mancuso
Thaddeus Marciniak
Dennis & Kay Marcussen
Greg & Julie Margarit
Rev. Thomas Margevicius
Catherine Marien
Kenneth & Bernice Markwardt
David & Julie Marquardt
Rodney & Pat Marquardt
Gerard & Monica Marschinke
Bill Marsella
Jordan Marsh
Abigael Martin
Leo Martin
Mary, Mother of the Church
Timothy & Dana Masek
Michael & Kathleen Maslow
Sabrina Maslow
Bob & Jean Masters
Jessica Mathew
Steve & Kristin Matlon
Stephen May
Al & Alice Mayers
Samuel Mayes
William & Cindy Mayes
Thomas & Shelia McCarr
Daniel McClure
Joseph McClure
Joshua McClure
Michael McClure
Randall & Mary McClure
Giles & JoAnne McConville
James & Robin McCormack
Ann McDonald
Rev. Thomas McDonough
Margaret McElhatton
Michael & Jessica McElhatton
Michael & Mary Kate McFadden
Patrick & Valerie McGill
Lawrence & Andrea McGough
Michael & Ann McGovern
Joseph & Paulette McGrath
Robert & Patricia McGuire
David & Marie-Laure McKee
Mark & Cheryl McKee
Harry McNeely, Jr.
Patrick & Megan McNulty
Daniel & Patricia McQuillan
Jim & Jennie McQuillan
Patrick & Sarah Mealey
David & Kayla Meier
Lloyd Meissner
Robert & Lorraine Melcher
Stephen Melcher
Buenaventura & Molly Mendoza
Michael & Kristi Merck
John Merck
Thomas & Danalee Merrill
Eugene & Judith Messing
Mark & Denise Meuer
Rev. Mr. Jim & Chris Meyer
Gerald & Kathleen Meyer
Robert & Marie Meyer
Becky Meyer
Rev. Mr. Joe & Isabelle Michalak
John & Catherine Michel
Mike Mohs Construction Company, Inc
Anne Miller
Chris Miller
Cory Miller
Geoffrey & Sharon Miller
Mark & Anne Miller
Rev. Marcus Milless
Paul Milner
Doug Milroy
Rebecca Minogue
Herbert & Betty Mischke
Rev. John Mitchell
Robert & Margaret Mock
Wayne & Kim Moen
Scott & Steph Mohs
Christopher Monroe
Donald & Marla Montbriand
Steven & Cheryl Moore
William & Eileen Moore
Chuck Moorse
Daniel & Pat Moran
Daniel & Sheryl Moran
Keith & Rachel Moran
Rev. Mr. Terrence Moravec, Sr.
James & Jean Morehead
Jeffrey Morgan & Elizabeth Braun
Ronald & Kristin Moss
Mike Mraz
Barbara Mueller
Rev. Mr. Peter Muhich
Leroy Mulcahey
Donal & Diane Mulligan
James & Janice Munsch
Diana Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy
John & Janet Murphy
Jim & Joanne Murphy
Sharon Murphy
Tim Murphy & Beth Doyle Murphy
Timothy Murray
Denise Muske
John & Helene Nasseff
Michael & Teresa Naughton
James & Mary Neff
Bradley & Deborah Nelson
Jacob Nelson
Jesse & Jessica Nelson
Thomas Nelson
Gary & Mary Margaret Ness
NET Ministries
Edward & Julie Niebur
Manfred & Clara Nieder
Sean Niemic
Paul Niskanen & Erin Cassidy
David Nordin
John & Nancy Norris
Northland Capital Financial Services LCC
Carol Novacek
Thomas & Sandy Novitzki
Andrew & Shannon Nowak
Brent & Angelique Nowak
Michael & Jaana Nystrom
Scott & Kari O’Brien
Judith O’Connell
Michael & Angela O’Connell
Tammy O’Connell
Timothy & Dana O’Connor
Ryan & Jill O’Hara
Dennis & Mary Helen O’Hare
Cameron & Amber O’Hearn
Hugh O’Kane
David & Ali O’Reilly
Edward & Joan O’Reilly
Kevin & Mary O’Rourke
Daniel Oberpriller
Daniel Oertle
Mike & Ginny Ogle
Jenelle Ollerich
Daniel & Mary Ann Olson
James & Donna Oricchio
Timothy & Michelle Ornell
Lisa Orton
Katie Ossell
Tim & Beverley Ostertag
Ronald & Diane Otremba
Mary Ozbun
Delmar & Nancy Palacheck
Al & Dianne Parent
Bradley Parent
Chad & Elizabeth Parsons
Harold & Wendy Parsons
Daniel & Pam Patnode
Joel & Charlotte Patros
Christine Patzner
Myron & Deborah Pauly
Rev. Marc Paveglio
Richard & Agnes Pavek
Joseph & Debbie Pavlas
Shelley Pavlas
Patricia Pederson
Craig & Janelle Peine
Marisa Peine
Rita Peller
Bethany Pelzer
Darcy Pesta
Lauren Peters
James Peterson
Kathie Peterson
Terry Peterson
Larry & Judith Pfaff
John & Yvonne Pflugi
Most Rev. Lee Piché
Taylor Pickar
Nicholas & Melissa Pickert
Kevin & Patricia Pilon
Rev. Robert Pish
Thomas & Mary Plankers
Leesha Plante
Robert & Beth Plante
Cory & Ana Grace Plotts
Gerald & Bernadette Pohl
Arthur & Joanne Popehn
Jacob Popp & Melissa Hatch-Popp
Jerome & Suzanne Popp
Lenore Popp
Leonard & Jackie Popp
Ted & Bonnie Popp
Donald & Tina Posch
Michelle Pothen
Rev. Francis Pouliot
David & Christine Power
Scott & Cheryl Prater
Premier Bank Minnesota
Andrea Prisby
Matthew & Christina Prom
Trish Prom
Rev. Troy Przybilla
Greg & Michelle Pulles
Panel Pung
Puppies Up North
Daniel Purkapile
Paul & Veronica Putzier
Patrick & Gabriella Quillan
Scott & Eileen Quittem
Mark & Diane Rachac
Darin Ramey
Rev. Phillip Rask
Vicky Rasmusson
Nick Redd
Casey & Bridget Regan
Don & Jean Regan
Patrick & Mary Regan
Greg & Lisa Reichelt
Rev. James Reidy
David Reif
William & Joanne Reiling
Nate & Corinne Reinhardt
Richard & Mary Reitsma
Relevant Radio
Daniel & Sarah Rentschler
Tim & Justine Rethlake
Particia Rhodus
Suzanne Rice
Rev. Peter Richards
Kenneth & Karen Richelson
Craig Richter
A.J. & Patti Ries
Jacob & Ann Riley
David & Linda Rinaldi
Pat & Mary Rinella
Matt & Lori Roach
Charles & Angel Robbins
Russ & Anne Robbins
David Robinson
Mark Rode
Jonathan & Nicole Rodman
James & Elvina Rodriguez
Adam Roeble
Luke Roller
Dan Rooney
John & Kathleen Rooney
Tizoc & Avenna Rosales
Michael Rota
Daniel & Jackie Rother
Joe & Margaret Roueche
Kelly & Jean Rowe
Michael & Sara Rowe
Jody Rowland
Mavis Rubsam
Danielle Ruiz-Ponce
Judith Ryan
C.B. Rykken
Bill Rysavy
The Saint Paul Foundation
Michael & Joann Salonek
Thea Sanborn
Maritza Sanchez
Adam & Kristina Sandberg
Timothy Sandquist
Ronnie Santana
Christopher & Leah Santer
Norb & Lolly Santoski
John Sartori
Matt & Melissa Saxe
Sayer Charitable Foundation
Scott & Ellen Sayer
Nathan Sayler
Gary & Shirley Scapanski
Raphael & Shannon Scarfone
Scenic Specialties, Inc.
Danette Schad
Michael & Colleen Schaefer
Paul & Elizabeth Schaefer
Tom & Teri Scherber
David & Laura Scherf
Gregory & Ann Schiffer
Gene & Patricia Schimek
Kelsey Schimmel
Alexandra Schindler
Roy Schlichting
Doug & Mary Beth Schmid
Richard & Barbara Schmidt
Gregory & Tracy Schmidt
Patrick & Virginia Schmidt
Elizabeth Schmitt
Shirley Schmitt
Amanda Schmitz
Janice Schmitz
Stephen & Carrie Schmitz
Ronald & Nadine Schoenborn
Steven & Kristin Schoenborn
Jeffrey & Ardella Schoeneck
Robert & Marianne Schoenecker
Steven & Joan Schoenecker
Kenneth & Kathleen Schoenfelder
Matthew & Nichola Schoenfelder
Mark & Teresa Schoenfelder
Charles & Robin Schoenwetter
Tom & Judy Schramer
Trudy Schreier
Ryan Schroeder
Yvette Schue
Amanda Schueller
Diane Schulte
Jillene Schwab
Casey & Susan Scott
Michael & Mary Scott
Dan & Deb Selner
Jon & Teresa Sergott
Serra International District 7
Daniel Sevenich
Ephrem Shaffer
Thomas & Marlene Shaughnessy
Jaclyn Shepherd
Mary Sherry
Mark & Annette Shireman
Rochelle Shirk
Rev. Paul Shovelain
Richard Shrake & Elaine Kumpula
James & Jeanne Shrake
James & Laura Shrake
John & Patricia Shrake
Joseph Shrake
Mark Shrake
Patrick & Karen Shrake
Peter Shrake
© 2013 Communication Links Bob Conroy
first bishop
On December 9, 2013, Saint Paul’s Outreach alumnus and Board President
Rev. Andrew Cozzens was ordained as a bishop and is serving as an Auxiliary
Bishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis. Bishop Cozzens is a staunch
advocate for Saint Paul’s Outreach, and credits his time in summer Household
(see page 13) as critical in reawakening his call to the priesthood.
“When I met people from SPO who were really on fire with their faith and were
living a consistent Catholic life, I thought, ‘Oh, so that’s how I’m supposed to be
living,’” Cozzens recalled in a 2010 interview. “I realized that I couldn’t do it on my
own so I wanted help, and I found Household life. For me, the summer Household
was basic formation: Here’s how you pray every day. We actually sat in the
Chapel and prayed, we went to Mass every day, we went to confession together…
that’s why the Household concept is so powerful: you actually live with these
people. It’s positive peer pressure. It was the basic formation that I needed to be
able to go back to college and actually live a Christian life.”
Cozzens returned to school in the fall and began writing a plan to implement the
SPO Household program at his now-alma mater, Benedictine College. Today,
there are six Households on the Benedictine campus, part of SPO’s Kansas
Mission Center. Following graduation, Cozzens spent a year serving with NET
Ministries, and then worked for Saint Paul’s Outreach as a Mission Director at
the University of St. Thomas from 1992-1993. In 1994, he and five other SPO
Missionaries discerning the priesthood formed the Companions of Christ, a
canonically established public association of priests who pray together, support
each other, and reside together where possible. In 1997, Cozzens was ordained as
a priest for the Archdiocese.
“I did have a pretty strong priestly calling since childhood,” noted Cozzens, “but
the moments before [SPO] seemed a little more like miserable things: ‘God wants
me to do this and I have to do it.’ Whereas through my experience with the Lord
and my growing relationship with SPO, I realized that life with Jesus was the thing
that I most wanted, and that made it easier to respond to my vocation.”
As members of the Body of Christ, we are all called to participate in the Church’s mission to evangelize. St. Thérèse of Lisieux, patron saint of
missionaries, once said, “Some give by going to the missions, some by giving to the missions. Without both there are no missions.” Thank you to all
who partner with us financially in our mission, including those who attend our fundraising events:
Intimate Gatherings
Golf Classic
Throughout the year, individuals graciously open their homes to Saint
Paul’s Outreach, allowing us to introduce our mission to their friends and
business contacts in a relaxed setting. Local Church leaders often attend
to show their support as well.
Summer time is ideal for gathering friends and supporters for a day on
the course to benefit Saint Paul’s Outreach! Last August, the Minnesota
Mission Center hosted its 16th annual Golf Classic, which boasted a full
field of golfers and an impressive roster of corporate sponsors.
Benefit Banquets
Men on a Mission
As Mission Centers grow, Saint Paul’s Outreach provides the opportunity
for various individual, Church, and corporate supporters to come together
to celebrate the fruit of the ministry and to benefit Saint Paul’s Outreach.
Last year, benefit banquets were held in Minnesota, New Jersey, and
Men on a Mission is a monthly breakfast gathering of Catholic professional
men supporting the mission of Saint Paul’s Outreach. Presentations affirm
attendees in their vocations as husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and
leaders in their organizations.
Tom & Trena Siebenaler
Thomas & Lee Ann Silver
Trent Simpson
Rev. Robert Sipe
Joseph & Mary Sitek
Eugene & Faye Sitzmann
Joel & Debra Sivula
Steve Sjoblad
Mark & Steph Skeba
Jared & Beth Skinner
Rev. Michael Skluzacek
Paul & Sherry Skoog
Dan & Rosey Skorich
Aubry Skorich
Glenn & Nancy Skuta
Harold & Sharon Slawik
Dan & Christina Smith
Daniel & Julie Smith
Ronald & Mary Smith
Tony Smith
Michael & Catherine Snyder
Pat & Ann Soderlund
John Sondag
George & Gloria Sonnen
Gretchen Sonnen
Claire Sorteberg
John & Shirley Sorteberg
Charles & Kathleen Spaeth
Timothy Spangenberg & Julie Zenner
Luke Spehar
Gary Spickler
Jeremy & Nancy Springer
St. Benedict’s Church
Brian & Risa Stalboerger
Albert Starshak
Robert & Marisa Stefani
Thomas & Barbara Steigauf
Bob & Carol Steigauf
James & Catherine Stevenson
Dean Stinchfield
Stinson Electric Inc
Ryan Stinson
Dick Stockstead
Dan & Christina Stokman
Jean Stolpestad
Matt & Molly Stommes
Bob & Ann Strachota
James & Judith Strande
Rev. James Stromberg
Rev. Shane Sullivan
Thomas & Kathryn Sullivan
Vivian Sutch
Bret & Nicole Sutton
Rev. Brian Sutton
John Sweeney & Jenni Lilledahl
Dorothy Sweet
Donald & Mary Tadich
Rafael Tarrago
Steve & Amy Tatge
Brent Teele
Terraces Assisted Living, LCC
Marc & Wendy Terris
Jeff & Wendy Thames
John & Janet Thames
Rev. Mr. Jerry & Renee Theis
Dan & Gretchen Thibault
Michael Thoennes
Kelson Thomas
Michael & Jean Thompson
Dinh Thong
Charles & Catherine Thooft
Anne Thueson
Dale & Ruth Tiedeman
Rev. Craig Timmerman
John & Carrie Tinucci
Cat Tollefson
Rachel Tondryk
Scott Torborg
Michael & Anna Torchia
The Towers, LLC
Donald & Dolores Traxler
Peter & Jill Treacy
Paul & Julie Treinen
Joe & Dorothy Trepanier
Brad & Beth Tressell
Tri-City IV, Inc
Catherine Tristani
Mark & Ann Tristani
DeAnne & Paul & DeAnne Trudeau
Michael Truso
David & Marilyn Tucci
Ray & Jean Tuchner
Jerry & Kathleen Turner
Matthew & Christie Turner
Theodore Turnham
Marjorie Tushaus
John & Ashley Tushaus
Rev. John Ubel
University of St. Thomas Campus
University of St. Thomas Department
of Catholic Studies
University of St. Thomas - The Saint
Paul Seminary School of Divinity
Joseph & Margaret Utecht
Rev. Jon Vander Ploeg
Lue Vang
Timothy & Kathryn Vansickle
Anne Varevice
Rev. Craig Vasek
Jeffrey & Marcia Vettel
Matthew & Anita Vettel
Darian & Amy Vietzke
Stephen Villa
Nancy Villwock
Paul & Rosalie Vlahutin
Eric Volden
John Vonfeldt
Nicole Wagner
Peter & Jonmarie Wagner
Paeter Wait
Jeffrey & Jacqueline Wald
Andrew Waldbillig
Janet Waldbillig
Kevin & Nancy Waldbillig
Wayne & Debra Waldera
Vanessa Walsh
Nick & Breana Walton
James & Lynn Wangen
Jeanette Warburton
Jay & Lisa Ward
John & Donna Ward
Ann Warner
Carla Warner
Jeff Warner
Robert & Colette Warner
Rev. Gabriel Waweru
Barry Weber
John Wehrly
Eric & Alice Weiberg
Nicholas & Angela Weidenbenner
James & Julie Weiland
Arnold & Anne Weimerskirch
Bill & Gloria Welp
Clifford & Margaret Wenner
Gary Wenner
Duane & Karen Wentland
Margaret Werlinger
Mark & Mary Werner
Robert & Mary West
Benjamin Westby
Allen & Marcella Westerberg
Gloria Wilkie
Joe & Becca Williams
Rev. Thomas Wilson
David & Carol Wiltgen
Jeff & Marie Winker
Charles & Barbara Wocken
Donald & Karen Wojciechowski
Earl & Nancy Wolf
James & Lynn Wolf
Murray Wolf & Betsy Atkinson
Samuel Wolf
Peter & Monica Wolney
Woolley’s Restaurant
Thomas & Renee Wratkowski
Paul & Kim Wright
Jon & Kalley Yanta
David Young
Mark & Michelle Yungbauer
Timothy & Jan Zamzow
Sharon Zehe
Christopher & Lori Zeman
Mark & Carrie Zeman
John & Ann Zenner
Patricia Zenner
Todd & Marie Ziesmer
George & Sue Zirnhelt
Joe Zirnhelt
Sarah Zirnhelt
Valentine Zweber
Donald & Anne Boos
Jude & Alisha Landry
Christopher Adams
Paul Bauer
Matthew Berislavich
Angela Bohovic
Mary Bonderer
Chelsea Bulmer
Bruce Burkhart
Michael & Kelley Burns
Raymond Caffrey
Noel & Ruby Casino
Michael Conway
John & Mary Pat DeStefano
Elizabeth Fau
Eugene & Patricia Gerke
Greg Gignoux
Tessa Graybill
Theresa Gross
Joseph & Yvonne Gulino
Samuel & Tina Hall
Bruce & Kate Harry
Thomas & Margaret Hart
Pete Helgesen
Diana Hilliard
Larry & Teresa Hoeppner
Michael & Andrea Huelsing
Dominic & Catherine Ismert
Brian & Lisa Johnson
Wayne Judon, Sr.
Randall Kilgore
Tim & Sharon Kurt
Matthew Kutz
Elizabeth LaPorte
Jerome Leeper
James & Celeste Litton
Constance Lohse
Michael & Linda Makarewicz
Gerald & Kathleen Meiners
Mark & Gina Menard
Ed & Sheryl Murphy
Christopher Nelms
James & Carolyn O’Laughlin
Ryan O’Laughlin
Kathleen O’Neill
Andrew Ochs
David Pickering
Patrick Pinhero
Ronald & Myrna Powers
Bernice Prost
Evan Prost
Sybil Prost
Warren & Deborah Prost
Patrick Pullins
Albert & Hedy Rackers
Amanda Reynolds
Dominic & Rene Rizzi
Tom & Lisa Rose
Amy Ross
Carolyn Saucier
John & Katie Sauer
Bradley & Betsy Schleeter
John Schuebel
Leo & Mary Seiffert
Kyle Sellnow
Serra Club Of Kansas City Missouri
Richard & Adolphine Shaw
Alan Sims & Christine Lock
Sioux Chief Manufacturing Co., Inc.
St. Thomas More Newman Center
William Starke
Edward & Valda Stroesser
Salvatore & Debra Tesoro
Eric & Sheila Treptow
Elizabeth Vandagriff
Terry & Laurie Werner
Eric Wombwell
Paul Wostenberg
Elizabeth Young
Travis & Nancy Kinzler
Rev. JaFfugee
mes Benton
Kristen Rosenberg
Andrea Schroeder
John & Carol Baird
Ginny Bognar
Michael Brooks
Michela Brooks
The Bunco Ladies
Lisa Cruz
Marji Diblasi
Freddie & Miriam Evaristo
Davis Finley
Edmund Finley
Jimmy & Sharon Frank
Steve & Sarah Goldner
Tami Gordon
Edward Graveline
Ashley Griffith
Phillip & Andrea Leal
Mary Maffey
Mary Pedersen
Scott & Darcy Phillips
Jason & Janell Reed
Daniel & Tiffany Reineke
Pat Tremblay
Olaf & Kathleen Vancura
Vivian Weber
Elizabeth Winkler
Susan Woodruff
New Hampshire
Nancy Briefs
Bryan Carnahan
Rev. Mr. Eric Lambert
New Jersey
Gregory Allen, Jr.
Justin Anderson & Delphine Lebbe
Archdiocese of Newark
Jonathan Arena
Amanda Austin
Andre & Elizabeth Bailey
Jeffrey & Stacey Beer
Robert & Marianne Benson
Richard & Claire Birmingham
Matthew & Monica Black
Sean & Patricia Boman
Kurt Borowsky
David & Pamela Break
Birger & Bernice Brinck-Lund
John & Carmela Brunelli
Leo & Kaitlyn Buganski
Rita Buganski
Fred & Donna Bunsa
Marianne Burke
Peter Burke
Michael Burt
Bradford & Maria Bury
Matthew Byrne
Msgr. James Cafone
David & Kristin Camiolo
John & Margaret Camiolo
Jonathan & Ellen Camiolo
Donald Campbell
James Campbell
Mark & Anne Cantine
Michael & Karen Cantine
Judith Caruso
Mario & Mary Alice Caruso
Nancy Caruso
Alexandra Castano
Fabio Catassi
Caterers in the Park, T/A Nanina’s
Christina Chan
Claudia Chase
Joseph & Lisa Clemente
Christopher & Noreen Conant
Crane Associates, P.C.
Robert Cronheim
Kathleen Cuddihy
Timothy & Cecilia Cullen
Mike D’Amato, Jr.
Patricia Dale
John & Kathleen Dalessio
James & Larissa Dannenberg
David R. Clare and Margaret C. Clare
William & Maureen Debrot
Patrick Decelie & Carol Heffernan
Maria DeLuca
John Lawrence Dequina
Diane DiFrancesco
James & Danielle Dill
Dolores Turco Foundation Inc
Gabriel & Jo Esteban
Andrew & Sofia Farmiga
Rev. George Farrell
Rev. Nicholas Figurelli
Michael & Beth Ann Fitzpatrick
Sean & Marjorie Flanagan
The Ford Foundation
Leonard & Kathy Forman
Christen Furka
Peter & Judy Furka
Patrick & Yolanda Gaffeney
Fran & Marisa Gallic
Christopher & Carol Garavente
Robert Garofalo
Roxanne Gazal
David & Janellen Gerstein
Anthony & Suzan Giancristofaro
Stephen & Doreen Gliebe
Steven & Kristy Goulart
William Gouveia
Lisa Greey
Therese Greey
Michael & Arleen Guerin
Charles Gusmer
Rev. Warren Hall
John & Amanda Harmon
Peter & Edwarda Harmon
Jeffrey & Marie Hays
HealthSpine and Anesthesia Institute
Most Rev. Bernard Hebda
Elizabeth Heldak
Francis & Rosemary Helfrich
Kimberly Herbert
Tom & Joyce Hessemer
Olivia Higgins
Joseph & Wendy Hoffman
Rev. Paul Houlis
Denise Imperiale
Ingrassia Construction Company, Inc.
Ricky Jewell
Trevor Jones
Joshua Gonder Memorial Foundation
Gilbert & Mary Kelly
Msgr. Michael Kelly
Nick Kelly
John & Ana Kirk
Kenneth & Jennifer Kruger
Richard La Belle
Hoe Yong Lee & Eun-Sook Cho-Lee
Dina Letizia
Msgr. Richard Liddy
Kevin Lusardi
Thomas & Bonnie Mahala
Paul & Claudia Major
Nicholas & Adrienne Malanga
Joe & Carolun Mangino
Steven Manole
Mary Margiotta
Ria Marinos
James & Sonya Masterson
James & Joyce Maynard
Maureen McGovern
Donald McKeon
Michael McKeon
Rev. Joseph Meagher
Rev. Douglas Milewski
John & Nancy Miller
James Minogue
James & Sue Minogue
Anne Moccia
Carl & Therese Moccia
Edward & Daria Moccia
Carol Molnar
Christiana Molnar
Raymond & Rose Molnar
Montclair Council #1277 Knights of
Gary & Alicia Montemurno
Patricia Moran
Mary Morgan
Rev. John Morley
Nilo Natural
Paul & Pattie Nolan
James Orsini
Thomas & Pat Oswald
Dorothy Ott
Our Lady of Peace Church
Our Lady of the Mount Parish
Laura Pachella
Rev. Bryan Page
Anthony Perro
Christian & Eileen Pinsonault
Rev. Charles Pinyan
Rex Poyaoan
Prince Street Investment Co. LLC
Scott Pringle
Bill & Christie Quense
Hannah Quense
Mollie Quense
Jason Quense
John & Mary Quense
Peter & Mary Quense
Msgr. John Radano
Blair Ransom
Jim & Deborah Ransom
Rapid Pump and Meter Service Co, Inc
Lee & Kathy Ravaioli
John & Eileen Reges
Msgr. Joseph Reilly
Joseph & Dorothy Roche
Michael & Faith Rose
David Ruffner
David & Michelle Sandomenico
Rev. Mr. John & Cathy Scansaroli
Paul & Taryn Scarfone
Anthony & Julie Sciglitano
Seton Hall University
Msgr. Francis Seymour
Thomas & Noreen Shea
Scott & Alicia Shearer
Sharon Shearer
Rebecca Shrake
Rev. Mr. Thomas & Nadine Sicola
Bridget Sloan
John & Mary Smith
Ken Smith
Hendrick & Katherine Soule
Joseph & Tammy Spada
St. Anne Church
Richard & Julia Stein
William & Annemarie Stolting
Mark & Pam Swartzberg
Elito Tanyag
Richard & Aleta Taylor
Christopher Temple
Jonathan Temple
Michael & Anna Temple
Paul & Carolyn Tomasello
Phillip & Esther Tomasello
David & Judith Touhill
Jonathan & Elizabeth Touhill
Peter & Kristin Touhill
Victor & PeggyAnn Tuma
Jeryl Turco
Eugene Vater
Robert & Debra Wagner
Michael Waraksa
Rachel Waraksa
Samuel & Kathleen Waraksa
Albert & Patricia Wickens
Daniel Yacykewych
George & Zwen Yacykewych
Stephen & Kimberly Yacykewych
Jason & AnneMarie Yanchuck
Michael Zavada
Rev. Anthony Ziccardi
Howard & Virginia Zipf
New Mexico
Brian & Jane Bamman
Jane DeRose-Bamman
Al Goldberger
Joseph & Victoria Gonzales
Cathy Keller
Albert & Annabell Muniz
James & Ann Peery
Elizabeth Salazar
Rebecca Vigil
TLC Driving School
United Way of Central New Mexico
New York
Gerald Bamman & Cecil Mackinnon
Rev. W. Jerome Bracken
John & Jane Carey
Mark & Eileen Carson
James & Joanne Cesiro
Robert & Margaret Cusumano
Patricia Defendini
Daniel Downes
Edgar & Martha Doyle
Wesley Falcao
Jill Gadwood
Mark & Donna Gargiulo
Stephen Graham
Jane Grimes
Guerrino Dentistry of Hartsdale P.C.
Francis & Kathleen Hager
Thomas Haine
William & Gisela Iglesias
Larry Libra
Mario & Donna Loomis
Rebecca Loomis
James Mallen
Thomas & Rose Mallen
Nathan Maurer
Zachary Mees
Robert Murphy
Susan Murray Tetz
Martin & Jean Murrer
Trevor Nicholls
Jessica Patterson
Michele Patterson
Alyssa Pintar
John & Dawn Rolando
John & Susan Rumore
Anna Scharfenberger
Anthony & Mary Scuderi
Joseph Scuderi
Vincent Scuderi
Joanne Sinclair
Rev. Luke Sweeney
Brian & Christine Tighe
Timothy & Margaret Webb
William & Martha Weiss
Matthew Willimann
James & Wendy Wood
Timothy & Marge Woods
Rev. Mr. Don Zirkel
North Carolina
Joesph & Sara Aiello
John Lautz
Denise Maeyaert-Piszczor
Allison Prisby
North Dakota
Theresa Crawford
Cathy Faltersack
John Fischer
Sonya Fischer
Erica Holo
Rebecca Jasper
Michael & Erin Koeppe
Nicholas Kramer
Dakota & Danielle Krout
Scott Mastel
Tracy & Jane Porter
Lloyd Prischmann
Kathy Redekopp
Suzanne Redekopp
Rev. Edward Sherman
Ron & Mary Sorvig
Mary Van
Christopher Vettel
James & Luverne Vettel
Dan & Susan Abraham
Action Door of Lorain County, Inc.
Helen Aichholz
Cindy Aiello
John & Cynthia Aksel
Jennifer Albrecht
Eugene & Judy Alfonsi
All Saints Catholic Church
Nathaniel & Katherine Allwein
Altar Rosary Society
Martin & Paula Alves
John & Beth Aman
James & Bernie Anderson
Joseph & Eleanor Andres
Kyle Andrews
Carmen & Marjo Angelo
William & Stephanie Angelos
Philip & Rhonda Anglim
Maria Anthony
James Anzelmo
Robert Armstrong
Thomas & Christina Atzberger
Benjamin Babeaux
Andrew Baker
Barry & Susan Baker
Lauren Baker
William & Andrea Balas
Paul & Bobbie Bankovich
Leonard & Deborah Barbe
Zach & Coleen Barber
Jonathan & Allie Barbour
Gregory & Patricia Barga
Kevin & Lisa Barlage
Jillian Barrick
Austin Basinger
Bill & Diane Bates
Emily Bauer
Phil & Karen Bauer
Roger & Sarah Baughman
Philip & Rachael Bede
Jo Ann Beerman
Matthew Begley
Rose Ann Beickelman
Mary Ann Beining
Kathryn Beiter
Kristina Beiter
Jerry Bennett
Justin & Erin Bennett
Brian & Beverly Berheide
Kent & Sara Berheide
Lisa Berheide
Martha Berheide
Myles & Elizabeth Berling
David Bethel
James & Debra Bethel
David & Michele Bianconi
Michael & Deborah Bissonnette
Bradford & Sharon Black
Kelli Black
Donald Blake
James & Christine Blank
Blessed Margaret Guild
Daniel & Mary Jo Bockrath
Mary Boll
Rev. Mr. Tony & Elaine Bonacci
Jane Bonifas
James & Kathleen Boos
Katrina Boos
Robert & Theresa Borchlewicz
Herman & Rita Borgelt
Tim & Tina Bowie
James & Liz Bownas
Adam & Rebekah Boyden
Dominic Boyden
Bruce & Linda Boylan
Richard & Teresa Boyne
Chuck & Venetia Bramlage
Robert Brandstetter
David & Renee Brehm
Dennis & Jo Brennan
Donald Brey† & Diane Richards-Brey
Loren & Stacey Brown
Jeffrey & Sandra Brubaker
Elizabeth Brundage
Theresa Brundage
William & Irene Brundage
James & Nancy Brunner
Bradley & Lillian Bruns
Michael & Judith Burgei
Martin Burke
William Burke
Mike & Kay Burkholder
Megan Burwell
Elizabeth Butler
Bonnie Buzenski
Terry Cahalan
Denny & Deb Cain
Rev. Mr. Carl & Gloria Calcara
Bruce & Kristyn Campbell
E. Scott & Susie Campbell
Jeff & Sandy Campbell
Denise Canda
Donald & Josephine Canda
Ronald & Denise Canda
Fernando & Maria Canlas
Michael & Mary Lou Cannone
Sonia Cantu
Joe & Lori Cardamone
Jamie & Brealie Caridi
Robert & Mary Jo Carlisle
Dennis & Christine Carter
John & Cindy Carter
David & Telena Cassidy
Kenneth & Mavis Castrop
Regina Chabot
David & Marianne Chaloupek
John & Karen Cheatham
Michael & Beth Chenevey
Edward & Vicki Chinnock
Gerald & Linda Christman
Christopher W. Schmidt DO, P.C.
Church of St. Francis Xavier
Church of the Holy Spirit
Rev. Joe Ciccone
David & Paula Clapp
John & Carol Clark
Sondra Clark
John & Barbara Clayton
Cynthia Clopper
Harold & Linda Clyburn
Steven & Ruth Coble
Anita Cochran
Debbie Coleman
Charles & Cindy Collier
Steven & Annie Colliflower
The Columbus Foundation
Columbus Investment Advisory
Jeff & Cherie Compton
Douglas & Maureen Cones
Michael Conley
Erin Connell
Faith Conroy
Chris & Deanna Conti
Helenann Conway
Robin & Valerie Coolidge
James & Marcia Cope
Ryan & Shanna Cote
Christopher & Linda Cotter
John & Jennifer Coyne
Sandra Cozzens
Caitlin Craig
David Critser
Al & Lori Crock
Betty Crock
Brian Crock
Todd & Cheryl Csorba
David & Mary Ann Culver
Michael & Elizabeth Cumpston
Michael & Faith D’Andrea
Robert D’Orazio
Ray & Pamela D’sa
Barbara Dandurand
Leslie & Linda Daniels
Michael & Julie Dattoma
Nick & Elena De La Torre
Alex & Lisa Deak
Sarah Deak
Arthur & Liz Decrane
Alexandra Dedels
Holly Deliduka
Joseph Deltosto
Christopher & Theresa Demas
Daniel & Amber DeMatte
Dominic DeMatte
Maria DeMatte
Mark DeMatte
Rita DeMatte
John & Cynthia Dennis
Barry & Ann DeRoo
Brent & Allison Diller
Brooke Diller
Cathy Diller
Neil & Patricia Diller
Wayne & Elizabeth Diller
Diocese of Columbus
Diocese of Columbus Office of
Cliff & Lisa Dixon
Gabriel Doman
Donald D. Lynch Family Foundation
Timothy & Jeanne Dooley
Jacob & Alicia Doran
Robert & Barbara Doran
Rev. Thomas Dorn
Brian† & Jennifer Doucher
Gregory & Janine Douglass
David & Cynthia Doyle
Thomas & Nancy Drought
Jeffrey Dudziak
Theodore & Joann Dudziak
Glenn & Mary Duey
Robert & Catherine Duling
Timothy & Leslie Dunlea
Joe & Amanda Dunlevy
Brant & Theresa Dunn
Taylor Dunn
Stephen & Mary Therese Duraney
Phyllis Durgham
William Durrant, Jr.
David Easterbrooks
Keith & Kelly Ebare
Julia Eberwine
Jason & Katie Eck
Dan & Cindy Eddingfield
Richard Ehrbar
Ann Ehrhardt
Robert & Kathleen Eisenacher
Brad & Colleen Elchynski
Theodore & Mary Lou Elchynski
Electric Power and Design
Cole & Michele Ellis
Msgr. Paul Enke
Paul & Patricia Ernenwein
George & Debra Esham
William & Marika Esham
Nathan Esselburn
Rev. Bob Fahalluride
Joe & Barb Faller
Margaret Farrin
Brady Fayen
Brad Feltz
Rev. William Ferguson
Nathan Fernandes
Michael & Kimberly Ferrell
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
David & Joan Field
Patrick Finneran
Tayler Finsel
Ken & Julie Fischbach
Doug & Edith Fisher
John & Judy Fisher
Katherine Fisher
Larry Flaus
Chad & Jackie Flowers
Patrick & Julie Foley
Ron & Carol Folian
Stuart & Julie Foos
Rev. Tony Fortman
Tom Fortman
Michael & Teresa Marie Franckhauser
Rev. Donald Franks
Clayton & Melissa Frederick
Donald & Donna French
Adam & Lauren Fromme
Lee & Diana Fromme
Michael Fry
Phillip & Susan Fuerst
Richard & JoAnn Fulks
Mairead Fyda
Chris & Lauren Galdeen
James Gallasher
Michael & Lora Gampp
Andrew & Mary Gantzer
Billy & Maura Gardner
Jeff & Mary Gardner
Rev. Mr. Tom Gardner
Paul Gassman
Brian Gatch
Rev. Lawrence Gearhart
Roger & Judith Geers
Urban & Irene Gehret
Patrick & Virginia Gehret
James Gerchak
Dan Gerdeman
Dale & Ruth Gerding
Jerry & Mimi Geswein
Carrie Ghiloni
Kathleen Gibbons
Dean & Susan Gibson
John & Vicki Gigliotti
Robert & Janice Gillespie
Kevin & Teri Gilmore
Jeff Gilzow
Jennifer Glassmire
Tim Glockner
Frederick Gohmann
Christine Gohring
Gary Goodchild
Laurie Goodchild
David Goth & Margaret Murphy
James Graf
Brennon & Kim Graham
Stephen Grant
Mick & Lisa Green
Charles & Lydia Grieb
Most Rev. Roger Gries
JonMarc & Teresa Grodi
Mark & Kimberly Grube
Michael & Rosemary Guerriero
Richard & Kathleen Gummer
Ronald & Lisa Hadsell
Michael & Catherine Haemmerle
Rev. Bill Hahn
Scott & Kimberly Hahn
Daniel & Suzanne Haines
Anita Hall
Larry & Shirley Hammond
Michael & Beth Haney
Michael & Karen Hanigosky
Pamela Hansen
Peigi Hanson
Andrea Harpen
Andrew & Jennifer Harris
John & Angela Harris
Benjamin & Lynn Hartings
Joe & Rachel Hartings
Jeff & Karen Hartman
Michael & Margaret Hartshorn
Vince & Therese Hatem
Marc & Tonya Hawk
Micheal Hawn
Beckie Hayes
Michael Hayes
Rev. Timothy Hayes
James & Sharon Hays
Julie Heilman
Charles Hein
Dan & Gelene Heinlen
Gregory Heithaus
John & Alice Heller
Ronald & Anne Hemker
Keith & Beth Hempfling
Jerome & Janet Henderson
Margel Henning
Adam Hertzfeld
David & Therese Heskamp
Mike & Natalie Heskamp
Carl & Dodie Hess
Mark & Molly Heuser
Charles & Susan Hickey
Diane Hider
Kyle & Jill Hilgefort
Duane & Linda Hill
Phil & Teresa Hill
Sean & Hannah Hill
Erik & Kelly Hillebrand
William & Mary Beth Hinger
Gregg & Barbara Hinterschied
Richard & Regina Hinterschied
Frank & Joan Hiti
Ryan & Erica Hobbs
Arthur & Kathleen Hoehn
Jim & Lois Hoersten
Amy Hoffmeister
Phillip & Linda Hohler
Robert & Katie Hohler
Mark & Cynthia Holko
Ashley Holland
Holy Name Roman Catholic Church
Doris Honigford
Michael & Denise Honigford
Alan & Kathryn Hoover
Chad Hoover
Kelsey Hoover
Rev. Matthew Hoover
Scott & Sandi Hoover
Timothy & Kelli Horn
Jerome & Emma Horstman
John & Kathy Houck
Russell & Patricia Howard
Jeff & Chris Huber
Dave & Betsy Hudelson
Jerry & Bonny Hudson
Carol Huelskamp
Paul & Jill Huelskamp
Paul & Laura Huelskamp
Matthew Huffman
Thomas & Mary Huffman
Daniel & Jamie Huggett
John Hughes
John & Louise Hummel
Bret & Ellen Huntebrinker
The Huntington National Bank
Leroy & Virginia Hushak
Ho Huynh
Mike & Nicole Hyzdu
John & Dolores Igel
David & Janis Imwalle
John & Linda Imwalle
Donald & Elaine Inkrott
John & Judith Irvin
Michael & Elenita Irwin
Jeanne Izzo
Douglas Jaeger
Greg & Tracy Jelinek
Michael & Janet Jenkins
Stephen & Mary Ann Jepsen
Rick & Theresa Jeric
Dave & Mary Pat Johnson
Robert & Kathleen Jones
Jason Jonovski
Mire Jonovski
Brandt & Joan Junker
Mark & Marlene Kahle
Linda Kahlig
Alan & Melanie Kaiser
Deborah Kaiser
Mitch Kaiser
Mitchell Kaiser
James & Jo Ann Karam
Mike Karhoff
Patricia Kasson
Steven & Ruth Katona
Gerald Kaup
Forest & Cynthia Kayser
Andrew & Carmen Kebe
James & Debbie Kebe
Sarah Kebe
Steve & Becky Kebe
John & Ann Kelley
Andy Kelly
William & Kathy Kelly
Andrew Kennedy
Richard & Jane Kennedy
Todd & Kelley Kennedy
Patrick & Mary Ann Kent
Jon & Kim Kerschner
Jeff & Mary Ann Kieffer
John & Susan Kiesewetter
Denis Kigozi
Jason & Jessica Kile
Anthony & Jennifer King
Brian & Lynda King
Eddie Kise
Anne Klamar
Daniel & Mary Ellen Klear
Thomas & Dianne Klein
Jason Kleman
Joseph & Marcia Kleman
Paul & Marlene Kleman
Luke & Rene Klosterman
Mark & Darlene Knight
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council 1757
Knights of Columbus Council 5429
Knights of Columbus Council 5669
Knights of Columbus Council 8115
Knights of Columbus Council 11187
Knights of Columbus Council 11207
Knights of Columbus LaSalle Council
Joseph & Kathleen Kohler
Chuck & Teresa Kohlhepp
Joseph & Christine Kokoruda
Fred & Marjorie Kottenstette
Doug & Barb Kourie
Douglas & Carolyn Kramer
Erich & Margaret Krammer
Daniel & Yvonne Krekeler
Michael Kremer
Pete & Heidi Kresge
Eugene & Agnes Krietemeyer
Carl & Saundra Kroskey
Thomas & Linda Krueger
John & Libby Krugman
Nate & Sarah Krugman
Debra Kruse
Kenneth & Carmela Kruse
Thomas & Caroline Kurtz
Rev. Joseph Labak
Rev. Mr. Peter & Paula Labita
Bruce & Debbie Lackey
Herman & Linda Lammers
Eileen Lanzillotta
Kathleen & Randall LaTour
David & Ruth Laudick
Robert Lazarow
Scott & Mary Leathley
Jeffery & Christina LeBlanc
Norm Lebrecht & Ann Liebrecht
Rev. Matt Lee
Cyril & Helen Lefevre
Martin & Christine Lehenbauer
Timothy & Mary Ellen Lehman
Tony & Anne Lehnig
Ronald & Meridith Leopold
Lynne Leshnak
Allen & Kristin Lewis
Philip & Lori Liebrecht
Zachary & Rhonda Liebrecht
Christine Locher
Scott & Lori Lofton
Michael & Jane Logan
Chris & Debbie Logsdon
Frederick Long
William & Susannah Longenbaker
Joe Lorenz
The Lubrizol Foundation
Carl & Dee Luersman
Edward Luersman
Mary Luersman
Ralph & Susan Luersman
Roger & Nora Luersman
Keith Luscher
Kenneth & Kathy Lutter
John & Lillian Lux
Emily Machuga
Richard & Mariellen Mackenzie
John & Linda Mackessy
Leo & Jacqueline Madden
Mark & Helen Maddox
Rachel Maddox
Timothy & Rachel Magree
Rev. Mr. Edward & Loretta Maher
John Mahan
Mike & Beth Manahan
Michelle Mangan
Julie Mango
Lauren Manson
Duane & Rachel Marchyn
Frank Marino
Benjamin & Ellen Marrison
Matt & Anna Marrison
Michael Marsh
Ernest & Robin Marsteller
Rev. Theodore Marszal
David & Michelle Martin
Jacquelyn Martin
Mike & Lisa Maurer
Mark & Kim Mazzon
Casey & Sarah McAndrew
Ronald & Linda McCain
Jeffrey & Mary Beth McCallister
Peter & Kathryn McCann
Rev. Donald McCarthy
Larry & Ginny McCarthy
Devon McCarty
Carolyn McCluskey
Patrick & Cheryl McCurdy
Patrick McDonald
Stephen & Annette McKee
Michelle McKenzie
Scott & Lori McKenzie
Patrick & Margaret McKeon
Sean McKeon
Michael & Elizabeth McManus
Belle Jean McMillen
Thomas McSweeney
Michael & Elaine Melliere
Veneice Mercer
Andrew Merry
Luke Merry
Thomas & Amy Merry
Charles & Ardith Mers
Leo & Karen Mertens
William Messerly
Gary & Diana Meyer
Deborah Michael
Charles & Kristin Mifsud
Kristen Mikulcik
Georgiana Miller
Lucinda Miller
Mary Lou Miller
Timothy & Jan Miller
William & Kathleen Miller
Jeff & Alana Milton
Jennifer Minor
Michael & Monica Mitter
Thomas & Ellen Montgomery
Thomas & Kathryn Moosavian
Robert & Stephanie Moraine
James & Nancy Mott
Michelina Mucci
Robert & Margaret Mucci
Ron Mucci
Rosemarie Mucci
John & Esther Mueller
Michael & Jeanne Mueller
John & Mary Mulach
Frank & Mary Ann Myers
Lee & Sharon Myers
Mary Lou Nadaud
Elisabeth Nadler
Tom Nance
Francis & Brooke Nappo
National Door & Trim
Daniel & Kim Neary
Michael & Cynthia Nease
John & Michelle Nehrbass
Tom & Marjorie Neidecker
Dane & Karen Newlove
Ron & Linda Newlove
Dennis & Edna Nienberg
Neal & Michele Niklaus
Rev. Paul Noble
Andrew & Kelly Noll
Michael & Julia Novena
Perfect & Afua Nutor
Daniel & Kimberly O’Brien
Jim & Becky O’Connor
Sean O’Connor
John & Monica O’Keefe
John & Lori Ogden
Rev. Jim Ogurchock
John Okuley & Regina Langen
Michael & Debbie Ondens
Stephen Ondrey
Dennis & Sharon Ontrop
Edward & Beverly Orazen
Dennis & Diana Osting
Robert Ostrander
Rev. Walter Oxley
James & Lisa Paccioretti
Jeannine Palmer
Matthew & Lisa Palmer
Megan Palmer
Amy Jo Paluch
Michael Parker
Shawn Parker
Claudio Pasian & Leslie Malek
Matthew & Molly Pasternack
Joseph & Ann Marie Pastore
Ralph Pastore, Jr.
Christine Patella
Lillian Pater
Zachary & Stephanie Pavol
Paul & Leslie Peltier
People of God’s Love
Nayda Perez de Ponce
Annette Perhay
Darius Perkins
Lisa Perlaky
Marty & Suzi Perlaky
Brian & Susan Pero
Richard Petersen
Mary Pat Peterson
George & Carolyn Pettit
Chris & Amy Pfahler
Sal & Laura Piazza
John Pierron
Bruce & Janet Piombo
Darvin & Mary Planeaux
Rev. Mr. Donald & Julie Poirier
Dave & Cindy Poltier
Vincent & Suzanne Pompili
Johnathan Porter
Rick & Julie Pothast
Michael & Christy Prakel
Art & Joanne Prendergast
Linda Price
Tim & Tracey Price
Julie Priest
Kathy Prinz
Kevin & Maureen Pugh
Kyle & Kelsey Racette
James Ragland
Michael & Kelly Raies
Peter Range
Joseph & Anastasia Rayen
Hector & Mary Raymond
John & Virginia Reade
Christopher & Janet Reale
Shelly Reardon
Brian & Angela Recker
Earl & Brenda Recker
Kelley Recker
Anthony & Louise Redden
Jim & Michelle Reese
Andrew & Brittany Reinhart
Joseph Reinhard & Sharon Brown
Rev. Justin Reis
Patrick Reis
Timothy Renner
Ronald & Teresa Reolfi
Steve Retrill
Patricia Reynolds
Bob & Jen Rice
Jamie & Kate Richardson
Aaron Ricker
Stephen Riederer
Virgil & Mary Lou Rieman
Donald Riepenhoff
Robert Rieth
Harry Rimmel, Jr.
Donald Ritchey
Douglas & Kerrie Ritchey
John & Emelie Ritchey
Maria Ritchey
Anjelo Rivera
Anna Maria Roa
Peter & Kathleen Roche
Warren & Vivian Rose
Brian & Donna Roselle
Kevin Roshak
Tim & Mary Roshak
Matthew Ross
Ben Rossi
Matt & Kerry Rouhier
Dennis & Kathleen Rowland
Tommy & Elizabeth Rowlands
Rev. John Rozembajgier
Donald & Anastasia Rozmarin
Barbara Russell
Don Russell
Douglas & Carrie Russell
John & Denise Russell
Patrick & Anastasia Russell
Matt & Karen Sacco
David & Elyse Salisbury
Louis & Mary Sandor
Damian & Aimee Santiago
Michael & Amanda Santiago
Christopher Sarka
Michael & Karen Sarka
Rev. David Schalk
John & Lisa Schechter
Brandon & Laura Scherer
Nicholas Schilling
Ethan Schimmoeller
Karl & Joan Schimmoeller
Lawrence & Janice Schimmoeller
Louis & Eileen Schimmoeller
Norman & Margaret Schimmoeller
Thomas & Patricia Schindler
John & Marlo Schipfer
Gary & Janice Schlagbaum
Laura Schlagheck
Richard & Joan Schlagheck
Anna Schlater
John & Debra Schlater
Matt & Ginny Schlater
Rachel Schlater
Rebekah Schlater
Peter & Patricia Schlom
John & Tonya Schmidt
Thomas & Janet Schmittgen
Terry & Cynthia Schneeman
George Schneider & Carol Puhlmann
Art & Bernice Schnipke
Donald & Karen Schnipke
Shana Schnipke
Rev. Kyle Schnippel
Brian & Bethany Schnur
Louis & Rebecca Schoettle
Scott & Barb Scholten
Jeff & Jeanne Schram
Mark Schreck
Adam Schroeder
Alan & Elaine Schroeder
Brent & Carole Schroeder
Clifford & Janet Schroeder
Douglas & Nancy Schroeder
Dwain & Anne Schroeder
Gene Schroeder
Glenn & Cynthia Schroeder
Jeff & Louann Schroeder
Martin & Linda Schroeder
Sara Schroeder
Wilson & Sandra Schroeder
Bob & Marian Schuda
Rick Schultz
Kevin & Jessica Schulze
Rodney & Carrie Schuster
Marc & Carol Schwartz
Frank & Anita Segreti
John & Veronica Seguin
Elizabeth Seiler
Michael & Kelley Selegue
Paul & Deanna Selegue
Rebecca Selegue
Stephen & Kimberly Selegue
Mark Sellers
Steve Serrano
Dave & Sharon Shallenberger
Julia Shallenberger
Ruth Shaner
William & Lorraine Sharon
Mark & Teresa Shary
Frederick & Donna Shidell
Sean Shockey
Richard Shoop
Dan & Rene Shotwell
Karl & Tina Shuster
Douglas & Cheryl Sickels
Dean & Sharon Siebeneck
Ted & Janet Siebeneck
Michael & Mary Lynn Silvestro
Mark & Betty Silvio
Rev. David Sizemore
Robert & Claudia Skidmore
Anthony & Cheryl Smartnick
Jerry & Sue Smedley
Bashrel Smith
Florence Smith
Michael & Laura Smith
Neal & Janet Smith
Joseph & Mary Jane Sobczyk
Eric & Pam Soiu
Tony & Irene Solazzo
James & Kitty Soldano
Matthew Sparks
William & Marlene Sparks
Scott & Ellen Spinner
St. Andrew Parish
St. Catharine of Siena Church
St. Edward Church
St. Gertrude Church
St. Ignatius Church
St. John Neumann Church
St. John the Baptist Parish
St. Joseph Parish
St. Mary Delaware Core Team &
Youth Group
St. Mary’s Church
St. Matthew Church Charitable Works
St. Matthew the Apostle Church
St. Michael’s Altar Rosary Sodality
St. Michael’s Church
St. Peter in Chains
Anthony & Julie Stalford
Howard & Ann Stammen
Gary & Tina Stammler
Beverly Stechschulte
Donald & Ruth Stechschulte
Michael & Rose Stechschulte
Robert & Sharon Stechschulte
James & Carol Stefaniak
Jim & Peggy Stein
Timothy & Therese Stepanek
Charles & Mitzi Stephens
Danny & Kimberly Stevenson
John Stevenson
The Stewardship Foundation
David & Elizabeth Stilp
Tim Gallic
Saint Paul’s Outreach is pleased to
welcome Tim Gallic of Westminster,
Colorado, as our new National and
Minnesota Development Director.
Tim is a native of New Jersey
and has spent the past five years
serving as principal and president
of Holy Family High School in Broomfield,
Colorado. During his tenure at the largest Archdiocesan Catholic
high school in the state of Colorado, Tim’s efforts have resulted in a tripling
of annual giving, an increased and balanced budget of more than $7 million,
a reinvigorated Catholic identity on campus, and a return to 100% student
enrollment for the first time in more than 40 years. Prior to his presidency at Holy
Family, Tim spent more than twenty years as an educator. He holds a Master of
Arts degree in School Administration.
“While secondary education has been my mainstay, the power of Saint Paul’s
Outreach speaks to my own personal conversion,” noted Tim. “I myself benefited
tremendously by finding a similar ministry during my college years and by living
in a men’s household. It is a sad fact that too many of the high school students
I work so hard for now will go on to college and lose their faith. I want to work
in an area that not only helps these students keep Christ in their lives, but also
brings Christ to other students and forms men and women into strong adults.”
As the National & Minnesota Development Director at Saint Paul’s Outreach, Tim
will oversee the national development department, facilitate fundraising in SPO’s
seven Mission Centers, pursue national fundraising opportunities, and lead SPO’s
fundraising efforts in Minnesota.
Tim and his wife, Laura, are parents to seven children, two of whom are in
college at present. He is a member of Legatus, and may be contacted at
[email protected].
Board of Directors
Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens, Chair
Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Paul
& Minneapolis
Mr. Joseph Lahti, Vice Chair
Principal, JL Holdings
Mrs. Katie Damberg, Treasurer
AVP, Green Tree Investment Management
Mrs. Jessica Nelson, Secretary
Attorney, Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt, PA
Mr. Jeff DeYoung, Finance Chair
Office Managing Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow
Krause, LLP
Mr. Steven Kennedy, Board Affairs Chair
Partner, Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Mr. Jim McQuillan, Development Chair
President, RJF Financial Services
Mr. Gordon DeMarais, Founder & Executive Director
Saint Paul’s Outreach
Mr. Mark Berchem
Founder & Executive Director, NET Ministries
Mrs. Laura Hemler
Mr. Michael McGovern
President (Retired), Catholic United Financial
Mr. John Miller
Managing Director, Lenox Advisors, Inc.
Mr. Dan Moran, Jr.
First Vice President & Senior Financial Advisor,
Merrill Lynch
Jordan & Jill Streicher
Rev. Adam Streitenberger
Marybeth Stucker
Patrick Stucker
Robert & Dorothy Stucker
Kurt & Gina Stull
Cynthia Subler
Daniel Subler
Tim & Cindy Subler
Frank & Denise Sukup
Michael & Margie Sullivan
Howard & Jacqueline Sutton
Victor & Donna Swartz
David & Mindy Sybert
Gary & Joann Szelagowski
Mike & Karen Szolosi
Rev. Ronald Szudarek
Ray & Kathleen Taylor
Todd & Michelle Tegenkamp
Brian Tejkl
Michael & Jacqueline Temple
Virgil & Marsha Temple
Jeffrey & Rene Tennant
Leonard & Mary Tetlak
Gary & Mary Thomas
Jason Thomas
Nelson Thomas & Elizabeth Nelson
Pam Thomas
John & Marcia Thompson
Roger & Therese Thompson
Paul & Patricia Timmel
Rosemary Tkacik-Scuba
Tokar & Co., LLC
Mark & Elizabeth Tomson
Rev. Ty Tomson
Jane Toops
Alyssa Tortorete
Michael & Jane Townsley
David Truxall & Alycia Paige
Daniel Turnwald
Mark & Carol Tyson
Jerry Ugrin
Steven & Linda Unverferth
Adam Upah
Kurt & Diane Utrup
Paul & Sarah Vandermeer
Jim & Rita VanHentenryck
Mark & Kim VanHuffel
Patrick & Barbara Vanwert
Kevin Vargyas
Richard & Peggy Vargyas
Doug & Emily Varner
Theodore & Teresa Vatter
Robert & Victoria Vennemeyer
Jose & Debbie Ventosa
Randal & Sharon Verhoff
John & Nancy Vetter
James & Diane Vincent
Jonathan & Lea-Ann Virnig
Norman & Dorothy Von der Embse
Jennifer Von der Embse
Cyril & Phyllis Vorst
Thomas & Carol Wagner
Susan Waible-Rose
Caroline Waidelich
Dana Waldron
James & Kelly Walker
Melody Wallace
Bill Walsh
Christopher & Deborah Walsh
Jenne Walter
Shane & Heidi Walter
Kayla Walton
Michael & Claire Ward
Phillip Ward
Robert & Tina Warnecke
Rev. Michael Watson
Jonathan & Abigail Weber
George & Jane Weckenbrock
Deborah Wehri
Clement & Ann Weidenbenner
Nicholas & Molly Weiland
Kenneth & Frances Weise
Steve & Mary Beth Weisenburger
Kevin & Allison Weldon
Stephen & Vickie Weldon
Erin Wellman
Patrick Welsh
Richard Welsh
Sharon Welsh
Terry & Sharon Welsh
Gary & Linda Weltlich
Jeff & Jodi Wendel
Mary Wentz
George White
White Castle System, Inc.
Andy Whiteman
Teresa Whiteside
Lyle & Annette Whittemore
Christopher & Deborah Widrig
Frank & Elizabeth Wiesner
Richard & Jane Williams
Thomas & Geraldine Willke
Paul & Kim Wills
Chris & Angela Wilson
Larry & Jean Wilson
Thomas & Kathy Wojciechowski
Mark & Andrea Wood
Luke & Patty Woods
Linda Wright
Stuart & EJ Wright
Timothy & Carol Wright
Jeffrey & Dena Wuebker
Andrew Wurth
Edwin & Sandy Wurth
Kenneth Wurth
Paul & Mary Wurth
Evan & Christine Wuthrick
Bernard & Linda Wynk
Chris Yakkel
Ronald & Susan Yakkel
Milan Yakovich
Steven & Tracey Yakubov
Robert & Mary Yanko
Brett & Therese Yarmesch
Daniel Yarmesch
Joel Yarmesch
James & Meredith Yonushonis
Chelsey Young
Greg Young
Kenneth & Penny Yunker
Robert Zamary
Kimberly Zeiler
Rebecca Zimmer
Alan & Louise Zink
Jenna Zins
Michael & Anna Zuk
Nicholas & Judy Zuk
Ralph Zuponcic
Bill & Nicki Moore
Tony & Amber Smith
Crystal Young
Matthew & Pamela Koehmstedt
Suzi Santilli
Ross Acheson
Joseph & Lisa Alfonsi
Beverly Bendiksen
Susan Brett
Barbara Cahalan
Kathleen Cahalan
Matthew Cahalan, Jr.
Matthew & Teresa Cahalan
Robert Cahalan
Rev. Mr. Samuel & Joan Cammarata
Christopher & Janice Caruso
Paul & Ellen Cervone
Robert & Terry Chesky
Rev. Sean Code
Margaret Connelly
Dennis & Barbara Cornetti
Rosemary Corsetti
Mary Craig
Sam & Kara Cross
Julius Davin
Richard & Carole DiClaudio
Bruce & Joyce Driehorst
Andrew Emerick
Sean Finneran
Regis & Elizabeth Flaherty
Vicki Fountain
Jackson Goetz
Matthew Gorsich
James & Terri Haupt
James & Christine Hilts
John Hilzendeger
Joseph Huber
Elizabeth Jarocki
Mark & Nancy Jarocki
Eileen Johnson
Nicholas Kalo
James Kellam
Donald Kester
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus #4427
Stephen & Patricia Lampe
Aaron Ledgerwood
Paul & Marianne Linn
Bob & Mary Lisella
Patricia Locke
Richard Loomis
Vivian & Stephen Maio
James & Viola Maletta
Mark Mannerino
John & Brigid Maurer
Christopher McMahon & Debra
Milo & Joanne Milburn
Patrick John & Andrea Molyneaux
Stephen & Clare Morrison
Dan & Karen Murphy
Brian Murray
Miguel & Xhonane Olivas
Rev. Angelo Patti
Seth & Mary Porterfield
Eileen Reeher
Roger Rees
Mark Roberts
Michael & Deborah Rodriguez
Kathryn Roth
Daniel Rubino
Eugene & Louise Scarberry
Donald & Patricia Scholly
Elton & Jeanette Schroeder
Michael & Debra Sealy
Michael & Elizabeth Spohn
Irene Stilp
Robert & Ruth Synowiec
Valerie Tilson
Michael & Michelle Vitale
Bob & Caitlyn Waruszewski
Peter & Karen Wojtechko
Joe & Mary Ann Workosky
Melanie Yonushonis
Puerto Rico
Philip Perez-Campo & Astrid DelizBauza
Rhode Island
Alex and Ani Retail, LLC
South Carolina
John & Graziella Weldon
South Dakota
Curtis & Kay Behrends
James & Julia Cady
Adam Fergen
Jake & Esther Flaherty
Rev. Roger Geditz
Bruce & Cynthia Geier
Maxine German
Allan & Mary Knippling
Laura Knippling
Tyler Mattson
Rev. Jeff Norfolk
Don Pavek
Rebeka Stowe
Rev. Anthony Urban
Marc Cahalan
Britt & Wendy Hunt
Gordon & Elizabeth McDaniel
William & Audrey Price
Howard Sentell
Gayla Suddarth
Barbara Woodward
Jimmy Abreu
J. Adame
Adriana Alcala
Gregory & Julie Alexander
Mike & Lana Allen
American Petroleum
Kirk & Amy Anderson
Rev. John Ayang, SOLT
Dane & Teresa Aziz
Paul Bain
John & Tammy Baldauff
Matthew Bandy
Roland Bandy
Patricia Barickman
Tim & Inger Barker
Matthew Barnes
Martha & Gustavo Barreda
John Paul & Amy Barrera
William & Elizabeth Barry
Carol Barwick
Seana Baughman
Justin Bell
Alonzo & Maria Beltran
Andrew & Heather Bennett
Joseph Berger
Rev. Edward Bernal
Kimberly Bertrand
Paula Bird
Jeffery Blaszak
Douglas Bock
Lawrence & Kim Bock
Rusty & Mickey Boggess
Alfred Borm
Matt Brinkman
Debbi Brooks
Nina Bueche
Kristin Bueno
Patricia Burger
Gail Butler
Michael & Criss Butler
Stacy Butler
Guy Cagle & La Rinda Horan
Andreina Calzada
Victor Canales
Ann Candea
Ismael & Sylvia Cantu
Darrell & Mary Carder
Vincent & Michele Carr
Margie Carrasco
Ray Castillo
Roy & Azucena Castillo
Lucille Cavazos
Michael Chaffin
Leonard Chan
Ricardo & Gretchen Chapa
Bryant & Marcie Chapman
Mary Chapman
Daniel Chartrand
Gary & Joan Clark
Sarah Clark
Catherine Clarke
William & Barbara Ann Clary
Alex Cobarrubias
Adolph Colaco & Veena Sylva
Kimberly Comstock
Mario Contreras
John & Deborah Corcorah
Paul & Sue Croteau
Kevin & Annemarie Crowley
Rev. Barry Cuba
Patrick & Mary Cunningham
Sarah Currier
Stephanie Curtis
Brian D’Andrea
Carolyn D’Andrea
Thomas & Patricia D’Andrea
Matthew Dangel
Carl & Lois Davis
Ryan Davis & Stacey Steger
Mike & Miriam De Anda
Luis De La Cruz
Lisa Deaven
Christopher Dehan
Maria Del Rosario Barrios
Bradley Delaune
David Denker
Bernard & Lois DeRoo
Sam & Trudy Dick
John & Kathleen Donoghue
Stephanie Dougherty
Robert & Marilyn Doyle
Steve & Martha Drillette
Michelle Duerr
David & Christine Dunn
Betty Dury
Maria Dwyer
Sarah Dyke
Michele Dyogi
Judith Eaton
Patrick & Cheri Eaton
Anne Edwards
Deborah Edwards
Rev. Robert Edwards
John & Ronna Egan
Rev. Brian Eilers
Curtis & Paige Elliott
Sylvia Erben
William Erben
Albert Espinoza
David Espinoza
David Espinoza, Jr.
Michael & Patty Ewert
Kayla Felderhoff
Danette Fennesy
Westley & Therese Ferry
Jimmie & Monica Fielding
Giovanna Figueredo
J. Patrick Flanigan
Celeste Flynn
Peter & Kristin Fontana
Sara Fontana
David & Regina Foreman
John & Cheryl Franklin
Anne Frazer
Freedom Federal Bonding Agency
Nancy Freudenburg
Kenneth Fullmer
Michael & Renee Furtado
Edna Fuster
Justin Futral
Patsy Futral
Owen & Kim Gallagher
Alice Gallegos
Ruben & Norma Gallegos
David Garcia
Edgar & Tricia Garcia
Juanita Garcia
Katherine Garcia
Analiza Garrido
Pedro & Nancy Garrido
Leanna Garza
Ma Dolores Garza
Rodrigo & Sara Garza
Anthony Gerhart
John & Mary Gilbert
Robert & Andrea Gilbert
Patrick & Brigid Gillock
Daniel Gluze
Gil & Jerri Gomez
Joel Gomez
Lilvia Gomez
Marissa Gomez
Veronica Gomez
Amado Gonzalez
Stewart Goodson & Annette Stewart
Amilee Green
Grover Green
John Griffin
Scott & Ginger Griffin
Peter & Terry Gruning
Bill Guajardo & Cynthia Gonzales
John & Rosie Guerra
Ann Marie Haney
Stephanie Happe
Debra Harkiewicz
Aldon Harris
Nathan & Diana Harris
David & Meghan Harshman
Wilbur & Kerri Hatch
Adam Hauser
Thomas Hawxhurst
George Hays
Colleen Hein
Michael Heinzman
Ashley Hermes
Andrew Hernandez
Guillermo Hernandez
Rudy Hernandez
William Hickl
Tammy Hicks
Tanner Hicks
Victoria Hinojosa
Michael & Michele Hoffman
Kelley Hogan
Richard & Patricia Hogan
Robert Houdek
Beth Ann & Russell Huber
Randy & Katheline Hunt
Emily Hymel
Keith & Kathleen Hymel
Daniel & Monica Isely
Fredrick & Roberta Jacobson
Hilary Janysek
Norbert & Robin Janysek
Pat Jefferson
Clarissa Jetter
The Karis Group
Barbara Kasper
Logan & Julie Kibodeaux
Zack Kibodeaux
Steven & Lisa Kienlen
Jenny Klement
Rev. David Konderla, Jr.
Andrius & Tamara Kontrimas
Dillon & Sara Konvicka
Ted & Gloria Kotlarz
Glenn & Monica Kveton
John & Carmen Lackups
Scott & Christine Lammert
Vincent & Jennifer LeBlanc
Jessica Lehnhoff
Marcel & Kristy LeJeune
Hunter Lockhart
Jennifer Londene
James Love
Thomas & Amy Luttrell
Yvonne Macredie
Jerry & Kathleen Mambretti
Marvin & Judith Marek
Armando Marines
Marco Marquez
Alejandra Martinez
Fernando & Veronica Martinez
Ruben Martinez
Margret Mata
Gregory & Heidi Matherne
David & Lora Matlock
Heather Matlock
Alfredo & Cynthia Mayorga
John & Jessica McComb
Patricia McGarrity
Brian McGinnis
David & Leanna McIlvoy
Dennis & Freda McInnis
Tyler McKee
Francis & Barbara McKeever
Bill & Susan McMahon
Patrick & Sherry McNutt
Gary & Cynthia Mechler
Medtronic YourCause, LLC
Thomas & Mona Mengler
Rodrigo Meraz
Ann Meyn
Kendall Mielke
Rick & Cara Miller
Toni Miller
Velia Minjarez
Bruce & Belinda Minzenmayer
Ross & Jackie Moczygemba
Manuel & Susana Montoya
Jeffrey & Marcelina Moore
Maureen Morrison
Andrea Mosher
Michael & Natalie Motl
Nadine Mouser
Holly Mowbray
Ronald Moy
Matthew Mrasek
Terri Mullins
Lucas & Grace Myhre
James & Suzanne Nawrocki
John & Kelly Neill
Elizabeth Nelson
Ben Newman
Marcos Nino
Brianna Noonan
William Norris
Daniel & Amy Northrop
John Oberg
Adam Odomore
Lisa Okafor
Maria Olascoaga
Adrienne Ornelas
Paul & Belinda Orsborn
Kristen Ostrowski
Greg Packer
Bryan & Rebecca Pagenstecher
Eric Painter
Adrian & Lucy Palitza
George Pappas
James & Martha Pappas
John & Doris Parsons
Ricardo Pena
Victor & Karen Perez
Ben & Sammy Peterson
Robert & Rachel Phillips
David Pietruszynski
Therese Platts
Patty Polk
Shawna Pooley
Perry & Lisa Popp
Molly Potter
Rachel Poyo
Sonny & Karen Privett
Rick Pulatie
Peter & Mary Quoyeser
Ryan Ramirez
Benjamin Ramos
Ress & Sarah Reed
Ian Robbins
Andrew & Cheryl Robison
Freddy Rodriguez
Jose & Debra Rodriguez
Jesus & Sally Rodriguez
Roger & Julia Rodriguez
David & Sharon Rohrbach
John & Alma Rucker
Julianna Rueda
Ronald & Joan Rust
Celeste Ryan
Cynthia Saha
Allan & Marlene Sander
Jose & Terelyn Santos
Andrew Schaeperkoetter
Steven Schell
Charles & Virginia Scherpereel
G.V. Scott
Mary Sedeno
Miles Sedillo
Mark & Kathleen Siebert
Michael & Pearl Silvera
Bonnie Smith
Janet Smith
Kenneth & Alisa Smith
Katie Smith
Denise Sotelo
John & Doris Spellmann
St. Bartholomew Church
St. Laurence Parish
St. Mary’s Catholic Center
Richard & Shelley Stanzel
Zane Stehling
Daniel & Carol Stevenson
Don & Jamie Stevenson
James & Laurie Stevenson
Joan Stevenson
Paul Stevenson
Robert & Gloria Stinson
Konrad Stoick
Joseph & Grace Stokes
Rev. William Straten
Jonathon Strawther
Joan Summers
Shirley Surman
John & Lori Syrko
Lyndsey Syrko
George Tan
Debra Trabanino
Dan & Laurie Tragni
Tres Belle by Design
Jaclyn Treviño
John Trollinger
William Trotty
Daniel & Lisa Tschoepe
Fiona Turett
Ralph & Jo Ullrich
Joseph & Susan Upton
David Varela, Jr.
Charles & Bridgette Vieh
Gilbert Villarreal
Jose & Rosario Villegas
Donald & Yvonne Volz
John & Elenor Vrzalik
Daniel & Diane Walz
Harry & Laura Weaver
Christopher & Carly Webb
Ben & Helen Wehman
Joseph Weich
Olga Weich
Robert Welter
Madeleine Wenske
Alice Whiteman
Andrea Wisinski
Rev. William Wood III
Fred Wulff
Margaret Yackel
Kevin Yeary & Mary Basey Yeary
Amy Young
Carlos Zaffirini, Jr.
Lee Zapp
Jonathan Zmikly
Paul Braden
Patricia Coan
Christopher & Christine Greene
Jonathan & Katharine Boulos
James & Mary Carroll
Ann Conant
Mario Dance
Joseph & Monica Davis
Monica Davis
Carmen Garcia
Joseph Haine
Dominik & Elsa Rose Hoffmann
Luis & Lourdes Matos
Megan McDonnell
Barbara McNiff
Greg McNiff
James McNiff
Joseph & Sharon Tatman
Nathan Verschaetse
Patrick Carre
Mark Cross
John & Laura Ehardt
Elizabeth C. Oldham
Justin Popp
West Virginia
Eric Bauer
Camille Brady
James Chetock
Frank & Allison DeGeorge
Pauline Lanciotti
Mike O’Reilly
Mary Paul
Suzanne Pinion
Timothy Przybysz
Mike & Andrea Santer
Eric Smithberger
Stephanie Soloman
Gary & Barb Akgulian
Lee & Pamela Alt
Gregory & Rose Anderson
Norbert & Marlys Arnoldi
Theresa Bennett
Philip & Paulette Biwan
Roger & Catherine Bohl
Peter & Carol Braam
Russ & Nadine Brown
John Bye
Mary Byrne
David & Amy Capelli
Anna Carter
Charity Inc
Anthony & Tammy Christopher
Thomas & Marcella Claridge
Brad & Katy Conners
Juanita DeHaan
Rev. Mr. Albert & Helen Dietz
Harold & Kathleen Dolan
Ray & Jo Ann Draeger
Judith Ehrfurth - Wendt
Peter & Joyce Flanagan
Ben Foley
Susan Gallagher
Dale & Judy Garfield
Tom & Mary Gelhaus
Jane Gerend
Randy & Joyce Gershman
Terese Halm
Michael & Stephanie Hansen
Garrett & Marie Hebel
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this list.
Saint Paul’s Outreach apologizes for any errors.
Special thanks to our many anonymous donors as well!
Dennis & Debbie Hebert
Joel Hedman
Dennis & Annette Hunt
Wendy Huntley
Cheryl Imhoff
David & Jodi Isom
Russell & Cassandra Jablonsky
Tim & Cindy Jahnke
Lucas & Amber Johnson
Rita Johnson
Steve & Kelly Johnson
Rev. Steven Kachel
Brian & Jean Kaiser
John & Lois Kastern
Danielle Kinderman
Dan & Christy Kitzhaber
Keith Kitzhaber
Mark & Kathryn Koehne
Jerry & Mary Kuehl
Jake Kujak
Michael Kujak
Paul & Barbara Kujak
Daniel & Katie Kusilek
Leanna Leverich
Lori Lorentz
Joseph & Virginia Magner
Elaine Mancl
Joseph & Jean Mauthe
Gary & Allyson Mayeux
Celia McKee
Paul & Darlene Meagher
David & Lynda Meleski
Scott Miller
Mandy Jo Mlsna
Bridget Molitor
Bob & Kris Mollen
Joann Mueller
Nathan & Jennifer Mueller
James & Mary Nelson
James & Mary Packard
Steve & Cindy Parent
Eric & Katherine Peters
Frank & Angela Pintar
Luke Pribbenow
Jeffrey & Mary Prickette
Phillip & Dana Prusinski
Robert Radtke
Rick’s Classic Painting & Wall
Covering, Inc.
Austin Riordan
Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated
William & Elizabeth Rose
Richard & Jennifer Rubenzer
Winston & Sara Ryan
David & Patricia Schimmel
Steve & Jill Schimmel
Benjamin Schmitz
John & Jean Tretow Schmitz
Charles & Beverly Schnitzler
Michael & Mary Jean Seelen
Jason & Grace Simon
St. Charles Borromeo Church
St. Patrick’s Youth
St. Peter Catholic Church
Jeff & Sue Sternberg
Jeffrey & Anne Stocker
Clarence & Diane Stoffel
Paula Thelen
Peter Ullrich
Rob Valentyn
Phillip & Deborah Van Someren
VMR Communications LLC
Dave & Sue Whooley
Eric & Rachel Wiita
Lawrence Winter
Brian & Carol Yohnk
Jacob Zander
Marilyn Armstrong
Richard & Kathy Barrett
Donnie & Traci Keating
Keat O’Hearn
Richard O’Hearn
Sarah O’Hearn
James Themig
Santiago Carranza
Piotr Chlapowski
European Outreach Trust
Laura Miller
Kenneth & Samantha Moak
Martha Palmer
Elie Rizk
Doug Smith
Diocese of Columbus
of Newark
110 Crusader Avenue West
West St. Paul, MN 55118
(651) 451-6114 | www.spoweb.org
Let us go forth
to offer everyone
the life of
Jesus Christ…
If something
should rightly
disturb us and
trouble our
it is the fact
that so many of our brothers
and sisters are living without the
strength, light and consolation born
of friendship with Jesus Christ.”
— Pope Francis