Camp Wanakita
Camp Wanakita
Camp Wanakita The Hemophilia Society The Canadian Hemophilia p Society exists to improve the quality of life for all persons with hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders and to find a cure. Hemophilia Ontario is a chapter of the Canadian Hemophilia Society. Society Camp Wanakita The Camp p Wanakita Bleeding Disorders Program allows children and youth living with bleeding disorders to participate in a residential summer camp program. The Camp Wanakita Bleeding Disorders Program Our challenge was to create a camp atmosphere where children and youth living with bleeding disorders would be safe, while allowing them the freedom to participate fully in camp life. The result is the bleeding disorder program program, a program that has been operating successfully for over 15 years. One of the unique features of the bleeding disorders program at Camp Wanakita is that children living with bleeding disorders are fully integrated into the regular camp program. At camp, children with bleeding disorders participate in activities that they may have otherwise not had an opportunity to engage in previously; i l activities ti iti such h as a hi high h rope course, canoeing, kayaking, swimming and hiking. Our Nurses During the first two weeks of th h the hemophilia hili program att Camp Wanakita, six nurses from hemophilia clinics across the province are on hand to supervise p infusions,, treat injuries and to ensure the health and well being of campers. Self Infusion A key learning component for youth at Camp Wanakita is self-infusion self-infusion. Selfinfusion is the administration, by intravenous injection, of clotting factor concentrates by the individual who is living with a bleeding disorder. Self infusion confers a great sense of control over ones bleeding disorder. Under the supervision and guidance of the clinic nurses, children as young as 7 years old learn to administer their own treatment at camp. When youth self administer their very first infusion, they are videotaped so that they p with family y can share the experience members when they return home. Our Objective To p provide an integrated g camp p experience p for children and youth y with bleeding g disorders with the purpose of: •Providing children & youth living with a bleeding disorder an opportunity to learn how to self infuse, and learn how to maintain a positive self care regime. •Providing a safe environment where children & youth can network with each other and establish bonds with other children experiencing similar health situations. •Providing qualified hemophilia nurse specialists to be on site for care and education support. •Providing a fun, integrated summer camp experience where children and youth with bleeding disorders can experience what it is like to be a child first and “patient” second. Outcomes •Numerous campers have learned to self infuse and many perform their first self infusion while at camp. In 2008, we had 6 children perform their first infusion independently. •Those who infuse f for f the first f time receive a videotape of their self infusion to share with family. •We encourage leadership and ongoing peer to peer support. •Stronger working relationships are often established between nursing staff and campers providing the children with an opportunity to interact with their clinic nurse in a fun environment. •Children/youth develop more independence; many go on to participate in leadership training. •Over the years, former campers have returned to be employed as camp counselors. •Many inner city children get to experience nature for the first time and learn about the environment while participating p p g in outdoor activities that might g otherwise be unavailable to them.