February 7, 2016 - Community United Methodist Church
February 7, 2016 - Community United Methodist Church
SERVING TODAY AT THE 8:30 AM SERVICE Liturgist: Todd Miller Greeters: Toni & Don Buddemeyer and Polly Geiger Acolytes: Ben & Samantha Hollerman Musicians: Organist: Kim Thoma Sound Technician: Pianist: Linda Lorenz AV Team SERVING TODAY AT THE 11:00 AM SERVICE Liturgist: Sherry Mains Greeters: Pam & Neil French and Heather & Jarrod Rodehaver Acolytes: Allison Staymates and Jared Miller Musicians: Organist: Kim Thoma Sound Technician: February 7, 2016 “To Know Christ and to Share Christ with Others” Pianist: Linda Lorenz AV Team Ministers: All of the Church Family Pastor: John E. Ciampa - Ext. 115 Email: [email protected] Pastor: Rich Phipps - Ext. 116 Email: [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries: Scott Uhlinger - 724-610-3037 Email: [email protected] Minister of Pastoral Care: Pastor Jim Decker – 724-515-7252 Email: [email protected] Director of Connectional Ministries: Elizabeth Somes –Ext. 204 Email: [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries: Erin Kerstetter - Ext. 214 Email: [email protected] Director of Communications: Katie Morgan - 724-446-1579 Email: [email protected] Director of Traditional Worship Arts: Keeley DiMartino - 724-713-5273 Email: [email protected] Director of Current Worship Arts: Jessica Wegley - Email: [email protected] Director of Food Ministries: Kendra Simpson - Email: [email protected] Facilities Manager: Deb MacAllister - Email: [email protected] Director of Technical Ministries: Leigh Casale Email: [email protected] Dir. of Childcare, Safe Sanctuary: Colleen Mosser - 412-952-9286 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Heather Dolhi - 412-855-2515 Email: [email protected] Financial Secretary: Melanie Barrett - 724-392-4212 Email: [email protected] Secretaries: Carole Helsel Email: [email protected] Wendy Johnson Email: [email protected] Church Telephone: (724) 744-3413 Church Fax Number: (724) 744-4758 Church Address: 3487 Route 130, Irwin, PA 15642 Church E-mail: [email protected] Church Web Page Address: www.communityumchurch.com Resident Bishop: Thomas J. Bickerton District Superintendent: Patricia Nelson Parsonage Address: Pastor John - 6 Brook Valley Drive, Harrison City, PA 15636 (724) 744-2289 Parsonage Address: Pastor Rich - 404 Longview Drive, Manor, PA 15665 (724) 454-1395 Ministry Areas: Discipleship: Pam French - (724) 744-5011 Email: [email protected] Worship: Ric DelleCave (724) 594-7384 Email: [email protected] Evangelism: Don Dolhi - (724) 744-2986 Email: [email protected] Ministry: Krista Karnbauer - (724) 861-0286 Email: [email protected] The Lord’s Supper WELCOME TO COMMUNITY CHURCH SHARING OF PRAYER AND PRAISE A United Methodist Congregation PREPARING TO PRAY UMH #382 -verse 1 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” We cherish the presence of everyone who has come to worship our loving Creator. May God touch each of our lives today. Welcome! Let Us Worship God. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will, While I am waiting, yielded and still. PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE CONGREGATIONAL WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THE LORD’S PRAYER MUSIC LEADING US TO WORSHIP PEOPLE: LEADER: PEOPLE: LEADER: ALL: Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in our likeness. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. AMEN! HYMN UMH #154 “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE (unison) Holy God, we offer you praise for the depth and breadth of your love. Just as harsh days of winter can force disruption, silence and rest, your harder demands of discipleship summon us to that portion of faith we tend to ignore. Like the disciples with Jesus upon the holy mountain, we consider again the discipline required for prayer, the necessity for guidance from the past to direct the future, the urgency of listening for and to your voice. All praise be to you, O God, for worship, on the mountaintop or quiet valley, calling us again to the essentials of our faith. Enlighten us! Amen! SHARING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS CALL TO WORSHIP -from Philippians 2:5-11 LEADER: SINGING IN RESPONSE UMH #328 “Surely the Presence of the Lord” Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place; I can feel his mighty power and his grace. I can hear the brush of angels’ wings, I see glory on each face; Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. CHILDREN’S MOMENT Kids4Christ Worship -Children are invited to Choir Rm/Fellowship Hall for an exciting children’s ministry! (You are invited to the altar rail to pray) SONG OF THANKSGIVING - UMH #94 “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow: praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, Whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! MINISTRY OF MUSIC 8:30am 11:00am ―How Great Is Our God‖ By Pam Ramsey ―Most Blessed, Most Glorious!‖ By Chancel Choir THE MESSAGE “Thy Kingdom Come” Luke 9: 28-36 –pew Bible, N.T. pages 69, 70 Pastor John Ciampa THE LORD’S SUPPER - UMH pages 12-15 During the Distribution of the Bread and Cup, verses of Scripture will be shared. HYMN UMH #172 “My Jesus, I Love Thee” BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH RESPONSE UMH #382 -verse 4 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! Hold o’er my being absolute sway. Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see Christ only, always, living in me! LECTIONARY READINGS – February 7, 2016 Transfiguration Sunday Exodus 34: 29-35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12–4:2, Luke 9: 28-36 (37-43) please stand if able ~ Trouble Hearing the Service? Please ask an Usher for a Hearing Assist System device. ~ Connect Guides Available At the Welcome Centers This Week. Please check the area(s) that interest you, and provide your contact information in the space provided on the front. Leave in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. EVENTS AT OUR CHURCH February 7 - 13, 2016 SUNDAY 8:30am 10:45am 11:00am 5:00pm 6:30pm 8:00pm Traditional Worship - Sanctuary Current Worship - Multi-Ministry Room Traditional Worship - Sanctuary Youth Worship Team - Multi-Ministry Room Youth Worship - Multi-Ministry Room AA’s Open Meeting – Ministry House MONDAY 9:30am 10:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:15pm Disciple 4 - Room 211 Worship Team Meeting - Patterson Parlor Trustees Meeting - Room 207 United Methodist Women - Multi-Ministry Room PraiseMoves - Fellowship Hall 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Staff Meeting - Pastor John’s Office Praise Moves - Multi-Ministry Room Disciple 1 - Patterson Parlor Special Olympics - MMR Divorce Care - Patterson Parlor Young Life - Room 207 Upwards Practice - Multi-Ministry Room WEDNESDAY 6:30am 9:30am 10:00am 12:15pm 6:00pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Ashes - Sanctuary Disciple 2 - Patterson Parlor Bible Study - Room 207 Ash Wednesday Service - Sanctuary Disciple 1 - Patterson Parlor Disciple 2 - Room 211 Disciple 3 - Pastor John’s Office Disciple 4 - Room 209 Kids Small Groups - Fellowship Hall Men’s Group - Room 207 Ash Wednesday Service - Sanctuary THURSDAY 9:00am 9:30am 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm Busy Hands - Room 207 Women’s Group - Room 209 Upwards Practice - MMR Girl Scouts - Patterson Parlor Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary Easter Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary 9:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm MOPS - PP, 201, 203, 205, 207 Lenten Lunch - Multi-Ministry Room Patterson Parlor Reserved Room 210-212 Reserved Lenten Dinner - Multi-Ministry Room Parents Night Out Childcare - Fellowship Hall Art Of Marriage - Patterson Parlor, Room 210-212 8:00am 9:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm Upwards Games - Multi-Ministry Room Art of Marriage - PP, 210-212, 207, 209, 211 Current Set Up - Multi-Ministry Room Current Worship - Multi-Ministry Room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like information about: □ Becoming a Christian □ Church Membership □ Children’s Ministries □ Youth Ministries (grades 7-12) □ Adult Ministries □ Music Ministries TUESDAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please Remember to Fill Out the Other Side With Your Contact Information. PLEASE PRINT Guide Book & Directory □ This is my updated information for the Church records. □ Please publish my information in the Guide Book & Directory. □ Please do not publish my information in the Guide Book & Directory. Interested in a Small Group? □ Yes, Please Contact Me ================================== Prayer Request (Please Print All Information) My Name:_________________________ FRIDAY (Optional) Please Pray For: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ (Please select one option below - Request will not be printed in bulletin if nothing selected) Please put in bulletin _____ Please keep confidential _____ Please remove from list _____ SATURDAY \ Please Note Deadline Information: Bulletin Information Deadline: Wednesdays at 4:00pm. Monthly Newsletter Information Deadline: 10th of Each Month. 8 Events & Announcements ~ February 7 - 13, 2016 LOOK WHO’S TURNING 50! Pastor Rich is turning 50 on February 9th! His family would like to invite you to go to his birthday wall and wish him well. https://www.birthdaywall.com/boards/66ec0d257401 LENT BEGINS FEBRUARY 10th This Lent: “Every Member – Every Week” Before we meet again for worship next Saturday or Sunday, Lent begins. Ash Wednesday, February 10th, marks the beginning of the journey. This is the yearly remembrance of the self-denying life of our Lord. The church has long used a period of six weeks or forty days (Sundays not counted) to encourage believers to walk in the humility of Christ. Self-denial and devotion are the hallmarks of this journey toward the cross. Begin now to think of ways you will keep Lent this year. Plan to come and join with your sisters and brothers of Community Church on Ash Wednesday, at 7:00 P.M., as we gather for communion, and for those who choose, the imposition of ―ashes.‖ May this week find us all ready to mark the first day of forty days of deepened devotion and service to our Lord. There are two other Ash Wednesday devotional offerings as well. All are invited to the sanctuary for an informal time of meditation, music, readings, and imposition of ashes, offered from 6:30am to 7:30am and from 12:15pm to 12:45pm. STILL TIME TO JOIN OUR EASTER CHOIR Please join us for 8 weeks of rehearsal Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm in the Sanctuary. Our Easter Choir will sing during Holy Week as well as Easter morning. Our primary focus this year will be on a special Good Friday cantata, offered during our evening Community Service, hosted by CUMC. We will be doing a Tenebrae service that combines music, scripture, and candle extinguishing. All voices, with or without experience singing, are welcome to join us. Practice CDs will be available. If you have any questions contact Keeley at [email protected] or 724-713-5273. LAY SERVANT MINISTRY SCHOOL IS COMING!! Greensburg District Lay Servant Ministries and Community UMC, Harrison City will be hosting Lay School on February 14, 21, 28, and March 6, 13, 2016. Courses will be offered for personal enrichment as well as for continuing education for Lay Servant Ministries. Brochures with additional information at the Welcome Centers. IT’S TIME TO ORDER EASTER FLOWERS! Order Forms for Easter Flowers are at the Welcome Centers. Easter Lilies, Hyacinths, Tulips, Daffodils & Hydrangeas are available. Deadline for orders is Sunday, March 6th CUMC Annual Guide Book & Directory We will be working on a new guide book and directory for our congregation that will be updated and delivered directly to your home. This book is the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of our Church. The book will be provided at no cost to you or our Church. Local business will be solicited to advertise in the book. If you own or manage a local business and would like to advertise in our book, please call or email the Church Office with your information. Is Your Family Information Up-to-Date? It is time to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in your family over the past year. Have you changed your phone number? Cell phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? New email address? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, we will need your updated information for the new Guide Book & Directory. You may call or email the Church Office or submit your information on ―The Tear-Off‖ section of the bulletin. Important: if you do not wish to have your information published, please note it on ―The Tear-Off‖ and include it in the offering plate. All Information Due To The Church Office By Wednesday, February 17th Financial Peace University Financial Peace University will be offered at CUMC beginning February 16th on Tuesday evenings at 6pm in Room 210-212 and Wednesdays at 10:30am in Room 209. This lifechanging class taught by Dave Ramsey and the FPU teaching team on video and coordinated by Edward Malinoski will help you achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. Pick either day Tuesday or Wednesday to attend the classes. Classes will last 9 sessions. The course materials are $75. Contact Ed Malinoski at [email protected] for details and to sign up. ALL Women Invited! MOMSnext would like to invite ALL women to join them for a guest speaker coming February 18th from 9:30am to 11:30am in Patterson Parlor. They have invited Anna Frye to speak about ―Pursuing a Fierce Flourishing In Marriage‖. There is a $5 donation requested. Reserve your spot by February 15th by contacting Melissa Conte at [email protected] or 724-744-0008. You can visit Anna’s website at www.ChosenAndCrowned.com/blog. WE ARE GETTING READY TO CELEBRATE 12 YEARS OF SERVING GOD AND COD! LENTEN LUNCHES AND DINNERS EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Every Friday, February 12th thru March 18th Lunch Served 11:00am - 4:00pm (phone orders 724-744-7072) Lunch Includes: Fish Sandwich & Fries $7.50 Buffet Style Dinner Served 4:00pm - 7:00pm (no phone orders) Dinner Includes: Entrée, 1 Hot Side, 1 Cold Side, Dessert & Drink Adults: $10.00 Children (under 12): $6.00 2 “The Tear Off” Hospitals: Presbyterian: Rich Nickle Home: Ed Miller Nursing Homes / Rehab Centers: Autumn Ridge: Marcia Shaw Golden Heights (Penn Twp): Rhoda Deguffroy Golden Heights (Irwin): Jeri Jacobs Latrobe Care Center: Anna Mae Watt, Bill Iverson Nature Park Commons: Don Pitzer Redstone (Greensburg): Ruth Kunkle, Janet Cox St. Annes: Jessie Komara RNC Greensburg: Helen Parker Westminster of Presbyterian Home: Rev. Richard L & Leanna Wright William Penn Care: Margaret Hockenberry, Donna Anger, Don Graham William Penn Care Apartments: Earl Anger Week #1- God’s will to be done in our world, our church, our government, the armed forces, on our jobs, within our homes, for our families, and for: Growing Together...Building In Faith Andrea, Brenda & Sean Braden Families, Dani, Denise Champlain, Dave Francis, Ferraco Family, Shirley Glasgow, Jaison Grassel, Gary Hopkins, Marcy, Maria, Helen Paterline, Marcy Paul, Charles & Yvonne Rady, Rick, Ray Robson, Rodinger Family, Don & Jean Spillers, James Spillers Family, Paul Stark, Sally Y. Week #2 - Amy, Ann, Mary Virginia Annacelli, David, Art Fellers, Gina, Mike Hammer, Karen Grainy Family, Jim, Joe, Lee, Liz, Megan, Melissa Nolan, Dave Nolfi & Family, Sandy & Sean O’Block, Rick, Rob, Steve Santoro Family, Todd Schoeni, Carol Stewart Week #3 - Darwin Barton, Clay, Pastor Jim & Carol Decker, Bill Evangelist, Lynette Fetter, George Ann, Marcie Hart, Gwenn Heshizer, Jason, Jeff, Joanne, Sybil Kunkelmann, Valerie Laufer, Kathy Ligeros, Lindsay Lloyd, John Mazzoni, Linda Riley, Scavincky Family, Tina Shumaker, Ruth & John Wick, Tom Wolfe Week #4 - Andy, Vinnie Bacco, Al Caldarelli, Gina Feeney, Bill Gault, Grahman Family, Janice & Don, Pete Keller, Jean Langbein, Lucy, Melody, Diane Mishler, Maureen Moriarty & Family, Kathy Morrissey, Ann Price, Christine Shadler, Eliz & Bud Tedrow, Larry & Millie Utt, Janine Venturella Prayers For Fellow Churches Pray for our brothers and sisters at First United Methodist Church - Irwin Pray for God’s blessings on their ministry. 7 February 6 & 7, 2016 WELCOME! We would like to know you were here! If you are a guest or your contact information has changed, please complete this Response Card and place it in the offering plate or take it to the Welcome Center. _____ _____ _____ _____ Saturday 6:00pm Service Sunday 8:30am Service Sunday 10:45am Service Sunday 11:00am Service Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Mr. & Mrs. __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________ City __________________________________ State Zip Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ E-mail: ___________________________ ____ I am a member of CUMC ____ I regularly attend ____ I wish to join Child(ren’s) Name(s) and Age(s): _________________________________ _________________________________ Welcome Visitors We’re Glad You’re Here! I am visiting today, this is my: ___ 1st Visit ___ 2nd Visit ___ 3rd Visit What brought you to today’s service? ____ I am new to the area ____ I am considering a new church home ____ I am here for a special event ____ I am a guest of _________________ ____ Other ________________________ NURSERY / TODDLER CHILDCARE The Comfort/Cry Room - adjacent to the sanctuary is available for parents use during Sunday Morning services in the Sanctuary. Please clean up any toys or books used after using this room. CUMC Will Follow The Penn-Trafford School District Closings. When School is Closed OR The District Cancels Evening Activities, Our Kids Activities Will Be Canceled. Check Local News or Penn-Trafford School District Websites for Updates. Staffed Toddler Care (8 – 3 ½) Located in Room 120 on the 1st floor during all weekend services. Please Note: In the event we do not have the required number of adult volunteers, the Nursery/Toddler Room will be unavailable. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but for your child’s safety, we are required to have 2-3 adults in place at all times. For questions or information please contact Colleen Mosser [email protected] or 412-952-9286. Student Ministry NEWS! Join Us For Student Ministry THIS Sunday Night! Here at Student Ministries, we believe that church doesn’t have to be boring! We offer fun events, engaging services, and community building small groups designed to help students encounter and grow closer to Jesus. We meet on Sunday evenings from 7-8:30PM Super Bowl Party What’s Happening for KIDS and FAMILIES ... Kids4Christ Worship For all kids, age 3 ½ (& potty trained) to 3rd grade. Please sign your kids in prior to service. For K4C 8:30, sign in is in room 203. For the later services, sign in is in Fellowship Hall. K4C 8:30 - Kids will attend the beginning of worship with their families and will be dismissed from the children’s moment to room 203. After a Bible Story & lesson, worship & prayer time, leaders will guide kids to room 202 (the choir room), where kids will be singing praise songs with the children’s choir. Parents can pick up their kids from this room after worship. K4C Worship 10:45/11:00 - A time of worship that is modeled after adult worship services. Kids will hear a Bible Story, sing praise, experience prayer time, puppet ministry, video, or participation activities! At K4C, all kids will get to experience what it means to worship God, and learn ways to connect Him to their daily life! Kids Small Groups, Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:15pm Kids in kindergarten-6th grade will fellowship, praise, learn missions, and build relationships with Christ & each other! It’s February! Feb. 10th Ash Wednesday CUMC’S PERSON OF THE WEEK Would you like to send a smile? Each week we will highlight our ―Person Of The Week‖ whose name will be taken from our Nursing Home and Rehab Center listing. Some do not have family or friends who visit or send mail. Wouldn’t it be great to lift someone’s spirits with a little note to say hello and that they are being thought of? This Week’s Special Person Is: Marcia (Marcy) Shaw Autumn Ridge Assisted Living, 2560 Stroschein Road, Monroeville, PA 15146 4 Whatchadoin’ for the big game? How about hangin’ out with us at the Schlessinger home tonight at 6PM! Sign up on the STUMIN Board if you’re planning to come so that I buy enough pizza. If you’re a dude, bring some pop! The evening is FREE, but if your’re a dude, bring some pop and if you’re a girl (dudette sounded dumb), bring a bag of Doritos, chips, popcorn etc. The Schlesinger’s live at 118 Berrybush Dr. in Harrison City. See you all Sunday!!! What is FUEL????? Hmmmmm, stay tuned to find out! Parents Night Out Mission Trip Fundraiser Looking for childcare for your Valentine date Night and a great way to help out the youth of our church? On Friday, February 12th from 6-9PM we are offering our first Mission San Diego Parents Night Out! Drop your potty-trained 3-10 year old at off at Fellowship Hall for a fun night of chicken nuggets, games, movies and crafts. We are simply asking you to give a generous donation towards our Missions Trip. HAPPY 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO JOE & BONNIE RAMUS ON FEBRUARY 12TH! The flowers on the Sanctuary Altar are placed in honor and memory of our loving son Bob. By Ed & Danna Burmeister The flowers on the Sanctuary Altar are placed to Welcome Home the Uganda Mission Trip Team. By Your Church Family The flowers in the Sanctuary Narthex are placed to say “Happy 17th Birthday Drew!” Keep chasing your dreams! We love you lots! Love, Mom, Dad & Lauren (Myers) 5 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Please join us Monday, February 8th at 7:00pm in the Multi-Ministry Room for our regular monthly meeting. Hostesses for the evening are Ruth Bush and Audrey Hayes. Come out and bring a friend! MUSICIANS NEEDED FOR SPRING We are in need of the following instrumentalists for various services this spring: flute, oboe, cello, violin, trumpet, trombone, fiddle, and cajon. If you are gifted in playing any of these instruments, contact Keeley at [email protected] or 724-713-5273 for more information. Prayers For Kairos Prison Ministry The next spiritual weekend at SCI-Greene Men’s prison will be held March 3-6. We ask that you sign up on one of the many ―Sign-Up Vigil‖ forms at the Welcome Centers. Please pray any time from Noon March 3rd until 7pm March 6th. The ―residents‖ and team members so appreciate your prayers! Prayer’s names (1st only) are displayed on a bulletin board with no limit of names per half or full hour. Also, the men get packets of as many encouraging, hand-written letters as we can collect. If you are willing, we need up to 24 one-page letters per writer, no folds, envelopes or stickers - addressed to ―Dear Brother‖ and signed with your first name. Call Larry or Diane Simmons at 724-744-1989 for prayers vigil or questions. Attention Crafters and Vendors Several people have expressed an interest in selling their crafts or donating profits from a home business for the building campaign. If you are interested in potentially being a part of a craft and vendor fair for proceeds to benefit the building campaign, please contact Jess Wegley at [email protected]. We need a coordinator for this event as well. GriefShare - New Session Starts Soon! Most people who have experienced loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend knows it’s difficult to feel optimistic about the future. GriefShare can help you face the challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. A new session will begin on Tuesday, March 1st from 6:30-8:30pm in room 210-212. For information please contact Winnie Kruhm, [email protected] . Looking To Join A Small Group? Capital Campaign UPDATE! To date, our ―Growing Together...Building in Faith‖ Capital Campaign has seen 227 cards returned for the total of $2,155,064. A number of cards have come in this week and many more cards are expected in the coming weeks. We have surpassed the ―Celebration Goal‖ of $1.5 million and are moving toward the ―Victory Goal‖ of $2.2 million. If you have not yet submitted a Commitment Card, please consider doing so. Cards are available at the Church. Even though ―First Fruits‖ month toward the Capital Campaign has ended, please continue to contribute as aggressively as possible. The ―Building in Faith‖ total given to date is $346,647.22. Please continue to contribute toward your 3 year commitment and know that your faith and sacrifice are deeply appreciated. There are special pink Building in Faith envelopes available—please be sure to use those for your campaign contributions. It will help our counters if you write a separate check for the building fund. If you didn't have a chance to make your commitment to the campaign, there is still time! Commitment cards are available at the church for those who would like to financially support the future of our church. We are thankful to the Lord and to the sacrificial generosity of our people! Online Giving If you'd prefer to give online, that option is available to you! On our website, www.CommunityUMChurch.com, go to the Resources menu and choose Online Giving. There you'll find an easy and secure way to contribute your tithe or offering as well as your commitment to the Building Campaign. Stephen Ministry Care and Training available Stephen Ministry is a care-giving ministry for those who are experiencing a transition, loss or difficult time in their lives. Need help? Want to learn more about becoming a trained Stephen Minister? Join us in the MMR after services on Saturday or Sunday between the 9:30 and 10:30am each weekend in February. Talk to a Stephen Minister to learn more about receiving care or taking the training to become a Stephen Minister. For more questions contact Elizabeth Somes at [email protected]. Small Groups Available! Fill Out ―The Tear Off‖ or contact Elizabeth Somes at [email protected] for more information. New Women’s Group Women, looking for a good book to read or group to join? Consider Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa TerKeurst. Lysa brings insight to help women resolve conflict in healthy ways and improve communication with those whom you're in close relationship. Discover what it means to "renew your mind" in Biblical and practical ways. This group will meet in a home in the Greensburg area every other week or so beginning, February 23 at 12:30pm, children are welcome. For more information contact Kara Forsyth at [email protected] or 724-875-4290. 6 2016 UGANDA MISSION TRIP UPDATES AND PRAYERS On January 21st, 18 Team Members left for Uganda for CUMC's 4th Mission Trip to Africa. The Team consisted of a small medical team, children's ministries, construction, and possibly pastoral teaching. We anticipate their arrival home this Sunday, February 7th. Please pray for their safe travels home. PLEASE CONTINUE TO COVER THESE TEAM MEMBERS IN PRAYER Beka Aber, Margie Book, Tina Croft, Nancy Denardo, John Dormire, Donna Gabler, Robert Gabler, Shirleen Johnston, Susan Lomicka, Diana Long, Becca Long, Scott Mains, Ed Murray, Steve Pincus, Loren Riggle, Charlene Schroder, Jeff Schroder, Ken Simmons 3