Press Concepts - manroland web systems GmbH


Press Concepts - manroland web systems GmbH
April 2013
the classics
> Page 03
The ORIGINAL secures
the production
4.32 million pages
per hour
> Page 13
> Page 05
Print advertising
goes East
Asia’s printing industries
discover heatset web offset
in web offset
> Page 07
Digital printing:
> Page 09
here in the world
will the majority of
heatset products
be printed in 2016?
That’s right: in China. According
to prognoses from Smithers Pira,
the volume will reach about
2.71 billion A4 pages. This will
primarily include magazines, but
also catalogs, books, address
books, and advertising inserts.
A swift annual growth of 11.4 %
will catapult China to the very
top of this segment. Western Europe will follow in second place;
North America will move into
third. Together, these three markets will represent 71 % of the
global volume of 10.65 billion A4
Heatset volumes on the rise
Researchers have registered
an annual growth of 1.7 % in the
global heatset market since 2011,
following a decline from 2008 to
2011. Growth in Asia, Africa, Latin
America, Eastern Europe, and the
Middle East is countered by decreases in Western Europe, North
America, and Japan. Developments in the individual regions
reflect dynamic changes in media
consumers’ habits.
Print as a lifestyle product
In the classic emerging nations of Asia and South America,
as well as in some regions of Arabia, Africa, and in Turkey, a growing and confident middle class
has adopted printed media as a
lifestyle choice. It thus comes as
no surprise that industry and
commerce are capitalizing on
this high acceptance of printed
for product
advert­ising. Magazines are becoming increasingly important. In industrialized countries, more and
more consumers use digital online offers for information and
leisure. The advertising industry
is shifting its budget in favor of
Internet ads. The losers in this
process are primarily newspapers; smaller declines are also
predicted for magazines.
With these varying development prognoses come varying
economic environments in different regions throughout the
world. And it comes manroland's
adaptable production technology for all demands.
Messenger #8 / April 2013
April 2013
Dear Readers,
Press Concepts
16-pagers: classic products.............................................................. 03
ROTOMAN HiPrint: reliable breadwinner......................................... 04
Sustainable expertise: autoprint...................................................... 07
Press Concepts
Digital printing: finishing solutions.................................................. 09
World premiere in Kempten.............................................................. 11
Going live at Times of India............................................................... 12
THE ORIGINAL.................................................................................... 13
Integrated Inkjet................................................................................ 15
You are holding a copy of the Mes- and developing rapidly. We offer a
senger magazine in your hands wide range of products that are taithat is proof of a marvelous Ger- lor-made to serve the requirements
man-Chinese coproduction. We at of the newspaper and commercial
manroland web systems prepared printing industry. This includes our
the magazine in far-away Germany, successful commercial press series,
and then it went all the way to from the 16-page ROTOMAN, via
Shenzhen in China to be printed by the EUROMAN, up to the 96-page
our customer Toppan Leefung LITHOMAN. Our renowned newsPrinting. The project not only dem- paper presses include the well-esonstrates first-class production tablished CROMOMAN, UNISET,
quality, but also illustrates the truly REGIOMAN, GEOMAN, and COLORcooperative partnership between MAN press series.
our two companies. Both sides
highly value this partnership and However, we are much more than
“just” a supplier of first-rate printcontinuously develop it further.
ing technology. In this MessenBeyond any doubt the Chinese ger, find out all about manroland
market is very important for man- web systems as a full-service proroland web systems. It is dynamic vider for the printing industry
and, above all, your long-term expert partner.
Creative Newspapers in India........................................................... 16
Eckhard Hoerner-Marass
Managing Director
manroland web systems GmbH
­ anroland web systems GmbH
86219 Augsburg
Eckhard Hoerner-Marass
Managing Director
Sabine Sirach
Product Marketing Newspaper
Editorial Staff
Sigrid Brust, Gerhard Konrad,
Martina Ruckdäschel,
Natasha Tandon, Ingo Woelk
GraPHIc Design
Büro Backer
GmbH & Co. KG
Toppan Leefung Printing
(Shenzhen) Company Ltd.,
Republic China
Printed on ROTOMAN HiPrint
from manroland web systems
on the occasion of the Toppan
Leefung Printing customer event
and China Print 2013
UPM Finesse Classic gloss paper,
Total circulation 25,000 copies
© manroland web systems GmbH
Breaking News
Just so versatile and imaginative –
the Guardian’s Bookmarks and
test copies
The Guardian is not only one of the
UK’s most renowned but also one
of its most innovative newspapers.
It is also a dedicated manroland
COLORMAN user. With the in­
stallation of its last presses,
it changed to the unusual and
beautiful Berliner Format.
The Guardian keeps innovating: its
Print Centre is a source of creativity
inspiring customers by showing them
a lot of the great stuff print can do.
Take the Bookmarks for example:
they are a striking strip part page,
either as an external wrap or on an
inside page, an ideal advertising
or information platform. Highly
appreciated by customers, they
are now used regularly with the
Guardian and the Observer.
Yet there are many more imagina­
tive ideas for campaigns or prod­
uct launches. They all show the
liveliness and vitality of print – with
bright papers, neon and metallic
inks. Look at a few of them here.
Press Concepts
16-pagers: classic products
with a promising future
manroland customers can choose from four proven alternatives
he 16-page signature is
the most important
standard product in
publishing worldwide.
Either as a finished product or as
part of a magazine or book,
16-pagers are the building blocks
for diverse applications in magazines and advertising products.
The different approaches to pro­
duction are just as varied.
Demand-based configurations for
optimal efficiency
In a highly competitive marketplace, selecting the right production system to match individual product mixes with varying
run lengths and overall volumes
is a key factor to success. manroland web systems currently offers four basic concepts for printing companies that would like to
specialize in 16-page products.
EUROMAN – double circumference
for newcomers
The double-circumference EUROMAN is the optimal choice for
smaller and medium-length runs
in classic four-color printing.
With a web width of 965 mm in
double circumference and a maximum production speed of
35,000 cylinder revolutions per
hour, printers can achieve an
hourly output of 70,000 16-page
copies or 1.12 million A4 pages.
The EUROMAN is also suitable for
collect runs with 32-page signatures. Potential applications
range from advertising inserts
and brochures to telephone directories, magazines, and catalogs.
EUROMAN presses are successfully and predominantly employed
in South America and also com-
They make for
numerous applications in the
printing industry.
32 / 48 / 64 / 72 / 80 / 96
pages long-grain
32 / 40 / 48 / 64 / 96 pages
32 / 48 pages
24 / 32 pages
16 pages
mon in India, Turkey, Eastern Africa, and North America.
duces an hourly output of up to
880,000 A4 pages.
ROTOMAN HiPrint – for classic
print production
The ROTOMAN HiPrint produces medium-length runs of
classic four-color 16-page products in premium quality. The system was developed for all-round
printing companies in search of
efficient solutions for producing
magazines and inserts in dynamic
markets. HiPrint combines high
performance and durability. Automation functions such as PPL and
automatic blanket washing accelerate changeovers and minimize
required maintenance. The PFC231 folder with multiple-motor
drive and an optional, adjustable
second cross fold is extremely accurate and virtually maintenancefree. At a maximum speed of
55,000 cylinder revolutions per
hour, the ROTOMAN HiPrint pro-
ROTOMAN DirectDrive – all-rounder for demanding tasks
The DirectDrive is the latest
generation of the successful ROTOMAN series and was developed for demanding 16-page
commercial printhouses. With a
web width of up to 1,000 mm
and a maximum speed of 75,000
revolutions per hour, up to 1.2
million A4 pages can be printed
on an hourly basis. Optional autoprint features such as APL, InlineDensity Control, InlineFinishing modules, and extra folder
equipment provide convenient
and ultra-versatile production
options. Systems from the ROTOMAN DirectDrive series are
therefore primarily suited for
medium and small runs. With
the right equipment, the high
production capacity of the ROTO-
MAN DirectDrive also makes it
suitable for the efficient production of larger runs. The system is
thus often used to print magazine covers, while flyers, inserts,
and catalog signatures are just a
few of the many additional application options.
32-page LITHOMAN – the solution
for high-volume production
For extra high-volume production, but also for smaller and
medium-length runs, the 32-page
LITHOMAN provides the ideal
prerequisites, even for printing
16-page products. Developed for
industrial printing, it offers a
wide range of customer-specific
equipment options for the configuration of the printing units
and folder, as well as for automation. This high-performing press
can achieve output levels of up to
1.2 million A4 pages per hour.
he newest member of
ROTOMAN family is actually a traditionalist.
High performance and economy
are the basic pillars of its design.
The proven printing unit is
equipped with automation options for fast changeovers and
minimal maintenance. Solid basics are rounded off by sophisticated modules such as the PPL
system for fast, automatic plate
change, manroland film inking
units with temperature control,
Inline Control systems, bearer
rings for smooth operation, and
the PFC-231 folder with multiplemotor drive. These features provide the basis for excellent printing and folding quality. Up to
55,000 16-pagers can be produced
per hour. In sum, the new series is
utterly robust and backed up by
solid details at every turn.
Messenger #8 / April 2013
Press Concepts
Reliable breadwinner for dynamic print markets
China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, or Turkey, but also among
customers from dynamic markets in Eastern Europe, South
America, and Africa.
China: a good outlook for heatset
For China, the media research
institute ZenithOptimedia is expecting an increase in advertising expenditures in magazines
of over 13% in the coming years
(at constant prices), while spending on newspaper ads is predicted to decline by roughly
1.7%. However, in 2011,
the ROTOMAN HiPrint. Toppan
Leefung Printing in Shenzhen
uses the ROTOMAN HiPrint to
produce signatures for top-quality fashion magazines such as the
Chinese editions of Elle, Vogue,
and Esquire.
Just one of the
High performance
and robustness in
a single press.
The system is ideal for allrounders in the printing business, companies in search of an
economical, reliable solution for
the production of magazines and
inserts. The ROTOMAN HiPrint is
therefore a popular choice in
growth-oriented markets such as
ROTOMAN HiPrint in Shenzhen
and Hangzhou
It therefore comes as no surprise that two Chinese customers recently decided to go with
With more than 350 presses
ordered since 1995, the LITHO-
of Unterkaka in Saxony-Anhalt
received the second press, which
is equipped with two folders. The
third company to follow was Fr.
Ant. Niedermayr in Regensburg,
Bavaria, whose press was also delivered in 2011, equipped with
two folders for long- and shortgrain production. In 2012, the
next press took up operation at
Mohndruck in Gütersloh, North-
Rhine Westphalia. Two formers
allow printing of diverse products, including 12-page publications that are delivered on a folding system with a cylinder ratio
of 2:5:5. Soon a further 96-page
LITHOMAN S will take up operation, this time in the Dutch town
of Baarle-Nassau at Koninklijke
Drukkerij EM. de Jong. Two folding units with 2:5:5 and 3:5:5 cyl-
inder ratios offer maximum
productivity in both long- and
short-grain formats.
Impressed by the productivity
and quality of the first press,
Mohndruck in Gütersloh has recently ordered another press
from the series. The sister press
is scheduled to take up operation
4.32 million pages per hour
MAN from manroland web systems is the unchallenged market
leader for high-quality, high-volume printing, with the highest
number of pages and the largest
print runs. Its customers come
from all corners of the world. Depending on the specific needs of
each customer, the LITHOMAN
can be configured in long- or
short-grain format, from 32, 48,
64, 72, and 80-page presses, up to
96 pages, and as a two-web press
even 160.
22.5% of print advertising in China was spent for newspapers versus only 2.5% for magazines. Online ads amount to 14.2%. On a
global average, magazines receive approximately 9% of ad
budgets; 19% goes to newspaper
n the year 2013, the first order of a LITHOMAN from
manroland web systems
with a 96-page configuration came from Germany. The
second order of the year, a 32page LITHOMAN, was placed by a
company from Arizona, USA.
Messenger #8 / April 2013
The LITHOMAN prints 96 A4 pages per cylinder revolution
Standardized equipment features make it possible for manroland web systems to offer the series at a very competitive price
Press Concepts
Hangzhou Ribao in Hangzhou
has printed on a ROTOMAN HiPrint since mid-2011. The company mainly produces magazines and direct mailings with
production runs ranging from
20,000 to 200,000 copies.
Turkey: Bilnet goes with
manroland web systems
Bilnet Printing Systems, a
company with over 180 employees, is based in the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul. At its new
location, which also houses a 32page EUROMAN and a 32-page
LITHOMAN, the company has
been successfully producing on a
ROTOMAN HiPrint since January
2011. “We are extremely pleased
with the compact new machine
from manroland. It is the perfect
addition to our existing press
equipment,” Osman Öztürk, the
company’s owner, explains. Bilnet
primarily produces high-quality
publications, inserts, and brochures.
The 96-page LITHOMAN S operates with 45,000 cylinder
revolutions/h. Its capacity is
therefore up to 4.32 million A4
pages per hour. The 96-page configuration provides ultimate
flexibility for division and makes
it ideal for all types of products
including catalogs, magazines,
and supplements.
96 pages from Regensburg to
Baarle-Nassau – big is beautiful
The latest development leap
to 96-page offset production has
already been realized by five
printing companies, four of
which are based in Germany. The
pioneer was Weiss Druck in Monschau, North-Rhine Westphalia.
The LITHOMAN press with two
folders in a long-grain format already took up operation in mid2011. Almost at the same time,
Bagel Rotooffset GmbH & Co. KG
Impressive and
Messenger #8 / April 2013
for dynamic markets
A solid start in double-circum­ference
commercial printing
ighly ambitious and always on the lookout
for like-minded partners: our EUROMAN
press series. The overall heatset
press concept with 32 and 48 pages is a strong solution for the dynamic markets of emerging
The EUROMAN, offering web
widths of 965 mm or 1,300 mm
and 35,000 cylinder revolutions
per hour, presents a solid option
when it comes to expanding and
securing a company’s strong
market position.
Once around the globe
The EUROMAN demonstrates
its strengths from the very start.
Even today, Bilnet Printing Systems, the quickly growing printing company in Istanbul, Turkey,
still remains impressed by the
rapid delivery, assembly, and
commissioning of the press.
There, “expanding capacities” is
the order of the day, an objective
shared by Ediouro Gráfica, Rio de
Janeiro’s largest commercial
printhouse. In 2007, the printhouse achieved a huge breakthrough in production after installing one of the first EUROMAN
Hi Liter,
Ediouro added a second EUROMAN
to its ranks in 2010. Posigraf,
based in Southern Brazil, also
values flexible production. Three
of the company’s four EUROMAN
presses could be joined together
to print products in a 48-page
tabloid or a 64-page magazine
format. For Jagran Prakashan
Ltd., one of India’s largest printhouses, strengthening the company’s market presence was a
main objective that led to the
decision to invest in a 32-page
EUROMAN. Thanks to the new
EUROMAN, the company can face
SKN Druck
und Verlag,
Press Concepts
increasing market requirements
with an expanded product portfolio, allowing it to create a strong­
er profile in the marketplace.
Would the EUROMAN also be a
promising solution for China?
Dr. Frank Tietsche, Vice President
Sales manroland web systems,
explains: “The EUROMAN is an
excellent fit. Increased capacities
and flexible production are in demand among Chinese printing
companies. We are predicting a
strong increase in the demand
for press concepts such as the
EUROMAN in China.”
systems. Within just a few
months, the press more than
doubled productivity at Ediouro,
skyrocketing the monthly production level from 19 to 40 million signatures. The main
strengths identified by Ediouro
are the extremely short changeover times compared to other
presses with the same page number, as well as 24-hour service,
and the flexibility provided by
the different paper, format, and
type area options. The result:
Caglayan, Izmir
Biltur, Istanbul
Imprensa Nacional E.P.,
It opens up new
perspectives for
printing houses.
autoprint and APL
make changeovers extremely
autoprint: from job to job in under five minutes
ith autoprint, manroland web systems has developed a modular,
practice-oriented concept for allround automation of the printing process, as well as networking with pre- and postpress. In
addition to the newspaper printshops around the world already
producing on COLORMAN autoprint presses, autoprint is increasingly winning over commercial printing companies
from Europe to Australia.
The autoprint process integrates both proven and newly developed modules into a cohesive
overall concept. Today, autoprint
is available both for the LITHOMAN and the ROTOMAN DirectDrive.
Sustainable expertise
for commercial web offset
Jagran Prakshan Ltd.,
Posigraf, Curitiba (4)
Coan Gráfica, Tubarao (2)
D'Arthy, Cajamar
Gráfica Santa Marta, João Pessoa
Ediouro Gráfica e Editora S.A.,
Rio de Janeiro (2)
FTD, São Paulo
April 2013
Bottom line: copy costs
For customers, the bottom
line comes down to copy costs,
provided that quality and ontime delivery are given. The main
components of the autoprint
concept are therefore its costcutting modules. AutomaticPlateLoading APL primarily increases the availability of the press for
production. Manual plate changing is time-consuming, involves
more personnel, and thus higher
“Simply unheard of before now”
With APL, the plate loading
process itself only takes about
two minutes. Integrated in the
AutoJobChange package, rundown time is minimized, thus
reducing associated waste. This
phase is also used for automatic
washing of the blankets and ink
rollers. With autoprint, the production is automatically ramped
up to the predefined final speed
at the optimal time.
Eric Bongaerts from the Drukkerij Moderna in Paal/Belgium is
highly enthusiastic about the
APL system on the new ROTOMAN DirectDrive. “With APL and
changeover is extremely fast.
With eight plates, a complete
changeover, including all washup processes, can be completed
in less than five minutes. That
was simply unheard of before
Postpress regulates production
Once the target run has been
printed, the autoprint system receives an automatic run-down
signal from postpress. The job
changeover process is initiated
immediately. This automatic system eliminates delays, saves
time, and reduces waste.
Consistently high quality over the
entire run
With the autoprint system,
product quality remains constant throughout the entire run
thanks to Inline Control systems
for the color register, ICCD dynamic cut-off register, and the
InlineDensity Control system
for color density. InlineDensity
Control is currently the fastest
system available on the mar­
ket, measuring ten times faster
than other competitor systems.
WasteGate Control precisely re-
cords waste copies during ramping up and reel changes, and
separates and outfeeds these
copies via a waste deflector.
Repeatability: more than just a
The autoprint mode records
all production data and makes
this information automatically
available for subsequent jobs.
Eric Bongaerts: “Thanks to autoprint, we have saved 50 to 70
tons of paper each month that
used to end up in the recycling
bin. This amounts to 650,000
euros each year!”
Image Data
Input Level
Speed Up
Initiated Stop
Press set-up
Messenger #8 / April 2013
April 2013
Press Concepts
Connecting the worlds
of digital print and offset
BRIDGEing the gap towards a fully digital workflow
The world's most mobile
operating concept
New operating
concept goes live
in the Dolomites.
The touch-pad generation finds its way to webfed printing
t’s a well-known fact: walking is good for your health.
However, unnecessary moving about in the pressroom
is not desirable. For this reason,
the control console now accompanies the press operator in the
form of a tablet. The MobilPad is
linked to the central control console, making press operation independent of time and place.
This flexibility is a key component of the new operating concept for all newspaper and commercial printing presses from
manroland web systems. A simple example clearly shows the
advantages: previously, when operators manually adjusted the
folder, they had to confirm the
settings on the central control
console, then return to the folder
to check the results. Equipped
with the MobilPad, they can now
set up everything while remaining next to the folder.
World premiere at Athesia
The world premiere of the
new operating concept took
place in South Tyrol, Italy, at the
printing and publishing company Athesia in Bolzano. Among
other publications, the publisher
produces its own “Dolomiten”
daily newspaper. The new operating concept was integrated into
the new COLORMAN XXL, which
took up production in August
2012. Athesia aimed at lower pro-
duction, material, and personnel
costs. Shorter production times
create room for additional orders. This was the exact intention
of manroland web systems, as
Manuel Kosok explains: “While
the new operating concept facilitates ergonomic operation, its
great time savings are the most
important issue for the printing
Intelligent intuitive control
The new operating concept
from manroland web systems
fully utilizes the potential of automation functions for newspaper and commercial printers.
The concept has been continuously perfected up to its smallest
details based on the input of
printers, scientific usability studies, and the needs and suggestions of pilot customers. The operator becomes a production
supervisor who controls and
steers all processes.
autoprint mode: secure navigation
Production efficiency is enhanced further by the autoprint
mode – the menu guides through
the printing process like a navigation device. Control processes
proceed in the background and
the operator can concentrate on
controlling standardized product
nvoices, shipping notes, official letters, customized
flyers and mailings, books
and book blocks, magazine
signatures, newspapers
with short and ultra-short runs for
targeted advertising
loss, brochures with individual contents – the list of
digitally printed products gets
longer every day. Now digital
print is finding its way into industrial applications via niche
TransPromo sector and direct
mailings. The aim is to combine
the productivity and quality of
modern offset printing with the
flexibility of digital printing. Intensive research programs have
provided us with in-depth experience in digital printing and
taught us to rethink our processes as well as master the finesse of
digitally printed products such
as newspapers, magazines, or
book blocks. Our business partner Canon Océ has a wealth of
expertise in the transaction market where they have been firmly
established for many years.
FormerLine plus VBC Collator
We have developed the FormerLine folding system for digit­
al book production on an industrial scale. FormerLine offers
unprecedented variability, allowing infinitely variable cut-
offs from 145 to 420 mm. In conjunction with the VBC Collator
from manroland web systems,
developed to carry the variability
further, or a book block stacker,
such as the RS 34 from RIMA Sys-
tem, the system enables highly
efficient, large-scale production
of stacked signatures or an output of up to 6,000 auxiliary
glued book blocks per hour with
a thickness of up to 100 mm. The
web travels across two or three
formers, as required, to allow
printing of 4 to 8-page or 8 to 16page products. Both inline production and offline processing of
pre-printed reels are possible.
Messenger #8 / April 2013
FoldLine – the multivariable pintype folder for finishing in digital
print production
With FoldLine, manroland
web systems has developed a
industriallevel finishing system for users
of digital webfed presses. Whether operating inline or offline, the
system has been designed for the
production of newspapers in all
standard formats (tabloid, broadsheet, Berliner), brochures, and
individual signatures for book
and magazine production. In further processing steps, the prod-
of up to 96 pages (48 pages
broadsheet), its web speed of up
to 300 m/min and a current
maximum web width of 1,060
mm underline the system's high
performance capacity.
printnetwork Bridge – full control
of finishing
For the industrial finishing of
digitally printed products, manroland web systems has designed
customized systems with formers and pin-type folders. We have
developed printnetwork Bridge
to efficiently operate these sys-
Digital printing
ing process, and finishing for
digitally produced print jobs
with variable data. This allows
highly automated finishing, efficient automatic production
changes with previously validated production data, economic
handling of printing substrates,
increased productivity, networking with the production environment, and data transfer/reporting to MIS systems. In other
words, printnetwork Bridge creates a fully digitized production
workflow that utilizes the advantages of digital production pro-
Postpress world
Data workflow & automation
Data preparation
Printer control
Postpress control
Logistics control
Press Concepts
Product tracking with BÖWE tracking
In cooperation with our affiliated company BÖWE SYSTEC we
can also offer our customers
BÖWE tracking as an additional
option. The solution was developed for BÖWE SYSTEC’s mailing
systems and provides real-time
information on all printing jobs.
DigiLink – connecting worlds
DigiLink is a software module
that is available as an upgrade or
complement to the PECOM
PressManager. It allows planning
of a combined product from a
central workplace, including parallel monitoring of production
during printing and in the mailroom. During production planning, DigiLink takes into account
press utilization and short-notice
changes to the print job (run
length, number of pages, etc.) to
help decide whether an order is
to be printed digitally or with a
modern web offset press.
Full automatic control of postpress
Up to 80% time saving of postpress set-ups
ready for sale
Job preparation
Production process steps
ucts can be finished with thread
stitching, back stitching, or gluing. The cutting unit for variable
cut-off lengths is equipped with
two cutting bars for extra reliability. Designed for production
Digital printing
tems in a synchronized production process.
printnetwork Bridge is a software solution that integrates
printing preparation, the print-
Packaging & delivery
cesses such as customized products or the production of
ultra-short runs both economically and efficiently.
The link between
printing and
Press Concepts
Messenger #8 / April 2013
World premiere in
Kempten, Germany
COLORMAN e:line in operation at Allgäuer Zeitungsverlag
ull speed ahead: at the
start of production at the
Allgäuer Zeitungsverlag
in Kempten, Germany,
280,000 regional advertising
supplements were printed by the
COLORMAN e:line. The advert­
ised food items looked mouthwatering – an indication of the
excellent printing quality of the
64-page coldset
web press from
manroland web
Since January 2013, the world's
first COLORMAN e:line has gradually taken up full operation in
Kempten. Prior to that, the eleven-member service team of Allgäuer Zeitung and manroland
web systems perfectly coordinated the project stages since delivery of the press in mid-2012. Not
even the adverse weather could
dampen the enthusiasm of everyone involved. This also included the Prime Minister of Bavaria,
Horst Seehofer. He was one of the
first to visit the publishing house
and the new COLORMAN e:line.
The keen breakfast newspaper
reader summed up his impressions of the innovation: “The fu-
Design and inner
Foto: AZ
ture is happening in Bavaria.”
Allgäuer Zeitungsverlag invested
euro 18 million in new pre-press,
printing, and distribution technology.
Managing Director Markus
Brehm: “One of the great advantages is the fact that makeready
times are
reduced to
three minutes per regional issue.
used to take twenty minutes to
half an hour on the old press.” After all, the publisher must produce eight regional issues of the
Allgäuer Zeitung every day on
workdays. Staff were trained upfront and are excited about working on one of the world's most
advanced newspaper presses.
Their list of favorite features is
topped by the automated plate
logistics, which vastly facilitates
work processes. Its central element is the fully-automatic, robot-assisted APL plate changing
system that dramatically accelerates makeready times and thus
Harmony inside and outside
The exterior of the COLORMAN e:line is particularly distinguished by the use of new and
intelligent materials. Instead of
sheet metal, which is limited in
terms of design and touch, synthetics with a resistant, easy-toclean surface are used. The creative
highlights and delineates the
press functions. The COLORMAN
e:line is equipped with four
printing towers in a
design, four reel
splicers, and two
folders. A third
ink form roller
improves the
print quality.
Many automated measuring and
quality, efficiency, and a stable
printing process. With a web
width of 1,400 mm and a cy­linder
circumference of 1,020 mm, the
press will produce copies of the
Allgäuer Zeitung in Rhinic format
with up to 45,000 cylinder revolutions per hour. Advertising journals and contract printing orders
are added to this during the day. It
is possible to print up to 90,000
newspaper copies per hour at a
printing speed of 12.75 m/s.
Messenger #8 / April 2013
CROMOMAN 4-1 goes live at
Times of India, Kolkata
Press Concepts
By the placement
of the superstructure, the Kolkata
press measures
only 5.4 meters.
New press to print newspaper in Bengali language
fter a successful debut
at Times of India in
Pune, the youngest
star performer from
manroland web systems CROMOMAN 4-1 product family has also
successfully started production:
since September 2012 it has been
running at Times of India’s plant
in the City of Joy, Kolkata, in Eastern India. The Times of India,
which is also India’s largest English-language daily newspaper,
launched a new daily newspaper
called Ei Samay in the regional
Indian language Bengali. It is
printed on the newly installed
CROMOMAN 4-1 press at their
The first
in Pune/India.
The press has a radically new
floor-mounted space-saving design with reel splicers placed in a
90 degree angle to the printing
units and turner bars placed on
top of the printing units converting a 4-1 press into a simple operation 2-1 press. In addition, the
press design suits local market
conditions with an inbuilt power
tolerance feature preventing web
severance on power outages
making it ideal for Indian newspaper pressrooms. With a height
of just 5.4 meters with the turner
bar on the side of the printing
unit, the press can fit easily into
existing pressrooms designed
for single-width presses and
therefore significantly reduces
overall capital expenditure on
the building.
Asian printers celebrate first
Substitutes don’t stand a chance –
there is only “THE ORIGINAL”
Gain cost savings and production reliability with original parts
Open House in Pune
successful premiere:
at an Open House in
Pune in September 2012,
the Times of India
presented the CROMOMAN 4-1
from manroland web systems.
The elite of the Asian newspaper
industry, around 100 Asian printing experts, paid close attention
to the live demonstration and
concluded that this printing system is “Made for India”, in other
words perfectly matched to the
special space and power supply
conditions prevalent in India.
The right response to these conditions is the CROMOMAN 4-1, as
Sanat Hazra, Vice President Production & Engineering Times of
April 2013
India, emphasized during the
Open House. He was full of praise
for the excellent cooperation between the Indian and German
teams during the project, the exceptionally short installation
time, the compactness of the
press configuration, and the possibility to use local consumable
materials. In short: the new
­CROMOMAN 4-1 that has been in
production in Pune since February 2012 is perfectly “Made for
India”. The first CROMOMAN 4-1
in Pune was installed within
eight weeks by the manroland
web systems team of Indian and
German engineers.
y investing in a premium traditional brand
like manroland web systems, users automatically have high expectations regarding reliability, precision, and
high quality. Our customers do
not settle for average or secondrate spare and wear parts – they
choose “THE ORIGINAL”.
There is no substitute for the
When it comes to spare and
wear parts, compromises are a
thing of the past – today, an evergrowing number of our customers rely on the expertise in manufacturing and installation of
original spare parts provided by
manroland web systems. The increasing demand of users for
“the original” supports our
decision to further expand our
product portfolio of spare and
wear parts.
With a number of pilot customers, we have made an agreement to supply a fixed quota of
wear parts for individual segments of the printing system at
an affordable rate. As a result,
they benefit from transparent
and clear-cut budgets. Our customers also realize that the consistent use of original parts leads
to maximum printing quality
and high availability of their
equipment, combined with great
savings potentials. Most importantly, original parts ensure that
the printing system always remains a true manroland printing
press down to the very detail.
This actively contributes to pre-
serving the value for
resale, a very
side effect.
Original parts ensure cost
effectiveness – guaranteed!
1 + 1 = 3, or in other words: investing in original spare and
wear parts offers sizeable savings
potentials. For example, vastly
increased press availability
through minimized downtimes
or high efficiency through the
long service life of the original
parts and thus an optimized
cost-benefit ratio. Another plus
is the consistently high quality
of the printed products.
Guaranteed quality across the
entire supply chain
Each original part by manroland complies with high quality
standards that are constantly developed further. The expertise in
manufacturing products is essential when it comes to the
“heart” of the production process – the printing system. With
all our subcontractors we attach
the greatest importance to precisely defined manufacturer
specifications, uncompromising
quality control, and stringent
Online shopping around the clock
The manroland STORE online
shop offers our customers a convenient way to order spare and
wear parts as well as tested and
certified pressroom products. In
addition to customized shopping
lists and easy order processing,
One of manroland's
spare and
wear parts.
Latest news from manroland web systems
our attractive online prices and
short delivery times make the
manroland STORE popular among
webfed press customers.
What distinguishes an Original
manroland web systems GmbH – THE ORIGINAL
research and
Defined part
Tested technical
Determination of
the required tolerances and adjustment dimensions
Defined manu­
facturing pro­­
cesses for all parts
Easy replacement
of the parts on the
printing system
Great wear
Perfect fit of
all parts
High quality
Promise to our
and exclusive
manufacturing by
certified suppliers
Warranty on
original parts
Quality control
and tests
Short delivery
times due to
quick availability
Qualified staff,
Optimal costbenefit ratio
Constant check
of technical and
geometric data
© rangizzz -
Messenger #8 / April 2013
or publishing houses, it
is about establishing solutions that are both
profitable and attractive
to the reader. Offset and digital
printing work together, just as
paper and computers complement each other cross-media. Integrated Inkjet fits into this development by printing variable
information via Inkjet into the
newspaper while production is
running. This could be lottery
numbers, variable images, QR
codes, graphics, and text infor-
ation has resulted in the development of patented processes that
include numerous applications
in newspaper printing.
printing house to
plan the distribution and to record
Readers, advertisers, logistics
staff: everyone wins
With Inkjet applications,
newspaper products gain added
value that can enthuse readers as
well as advertising customers
and stabilize print runs. With
variable number codes, Integrated Inkjet is the ideal solution for
lotteries with unique ticket num-
Inkjet expands
business model
In production,
Integrated Inkjet
ensures accurately
positioned imprints
without a loss in
speed, added waste,
or longer changeover times. Howev-
Integrated Inkjet:
a true broad-based solution
After a development phase with manroland web systems,
Axel Springer launches its business model nationwide
mation. manroland web systems
is at the forefront of this technological development and Axel
Springer AG is its first pilot user.
The Berlin-based media conglomerate will now equip all of
its newspaper presses with a total
of 33 inkjet installations. manroland web systems will integrate
the majority, a total of 23 units
including previous orders, in existing press equipment at nine
Springer printing sites. For manroland web systems, this cooper-
bers, a campaign such as the BILD
newspaper's "Cash Million" lottery in 2012. With Integrated Inkjet, advertisers can create customized, “hyperlocal” ads. From
an editorial view, the Inkjet also
makes your daily even more upto-date: top news or sports results
can be added later. Inkjet barcodes convey tailor-made content
at a click-of-the-button on your
mobile phone. The logistical organization of printed products also
benefits. The barcode helps the
er, the quality of the technology
is not the only crucial factor.
Models such as the Prosper S30
inkjet system from Kodak need to
be optimally integrated in the
production workflow and operating concept. Integrated Inkjet accomplishes this thanks to the
implementation of two modules:
the automation module lays the
foundation for electronic and
software-related requirements,
and the web lead module ensures
the constructive, mechanical, and
Integrated by
manroland web
technical adjustment of the web
lead. Automation focuses on inkjet software integrated in the operating concept. It bundles the
requirements and commands of
key components such as the control console with multi-touchscreen, the central encoder for
speed, and the SmartCam mark
reader. The software transmits resulting control commands to the
imprint system from Kodak.
manroland web systems has produced an open solution, a welcome development for the industry: Integrated Inkjet is available
for all newspaper and commercial presses, regardless of
model or manufacturer.
The excitement of
inkjet imprinting.
In December 2012,
BILD Hamburg ran
a Bingo game with
Welt kompakt
Featuring variable images and
individual lottery
April 2013
goes glam
Toppan Leefung: Chinese excellence
in magazine printing
or its high-gloss products, the Shenzhenbased printing company
Toppan Leefung relies
on a ROTOMAN HiPrint press
from manroland web systems.
The single-web 16-page press
produces up to 55,000 copies per
hour and is equipped with a reel
splicer, four printing units, a dryer with integrated afterburner,
and a folder. The press also features the proven PPL system for
automated plate change, tried
and tested in various applications worldwide. It went into production in the fall of 2010. Toppan’s objective is not only to
maintain, but also increase its
high quality standards. The company’s print edition of “Elle” received numerous awards in recent years, including the Gold
Award at the Shanghai Printing
Exhibition (2010, 2011). Yet another accolade for Toppan Leefung and its performance: the
printing company was a certified
supplier of the 2008 Olympic
Games in Beijing, as well as
Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
Solid priceperformance ratio
in Shenzhen achieves a utilization level that is unparalleled
in China and also rivals that of
many European companies. This
makes the ROTOMAN a perfect fit
for Toppan Leefung’s core principles. The printing company values experience, combined with
state-of-the-art technology and
Expertly glued
A little piece
of italy
Stunning new ideas
8-page Italy
Times of India is diligently
applying glue – to produce creative advertising combinations
with halfcovers, flaps, and butterfly applications.
Welt am Sonntag. “A little
piece of Italy” was perfectly implemented by an 8-page Italy
supplement. A glued super panorama showed the “Little Italy”
Fiat ad on the cover that grows
on the inside into “Large Italy”,
the larger car.
eople love to glue
things for decoration
or to generate more attention. What goes for
lashes or fingernails also applies
to newspaper printing where gluing is a rather simple technology
that can be used to great effect.
Gluing heads usually come in
pairs and can be retrofitted in the
folder superstructure of the
press system.
A page-wide
ribbon glued to
the middle of
the page.
the latest equipment. These elements provide the ideal combination to satisfy the needs of both
customers and shareholders.
Two half-page
wide ribbons can
be folded out like
an altar.