ACH MANUFACTORY., ,.,, limnission Bl
ACH MANUFACTORY., ,.,, limnission Bl
AL. i JAMES W. KELLKR. fcrnc« OM "MAIN ST-, CUKCT* BOOM OLD HOTEL, CDAHLI-KTOWX; 9*7X031 NIP ~S,iirI» o' tfeflerson," i* published every y Muniiue, at $2 !•«' in advaiue—82.50 if paij ttmr'the v<rir—»r ?3 OU if Dot paij Until after tlie j pirati>'» of the y*ar. o Clubs.—Sii oopiw-nf tin Spirit of Jefferson be *e»l w'"»« oftke for TEN .DOLLARS in adwhich reduce* tlie nibacriprion .to ouly OKI: R sixrr-su cevrs PER copr—making it tbe ^jfWe OE. -.trad OK the .most rtu^-n At tke shone* MierifiV. .\rn{ t>i- .* H*n«ail» and S»le »id KT A. supply of BLANK IE.APEST PAJ'EU L\ VIRGINIA. •Advertisements-vrjll be inserted at the rate 1 uo p*r tqnare fur ihel first three niKi;ni<int>, and -nt» fur eucti continuance. Those not iaarki-d on uwript ioc a *f»cifled time, will .be iffflrbid.-and CIIARCZ& .v Vab«ay«i on" liatid. ; K3r t)ur - _ ttw Valley *m M«i»*»t-d U» ^ ^^ THOMAS reading, writing, arithmetic, and whenever it is pracof Jetli-rwv <.n!or ticable, E iigl ish g ram mar, geography, h is tory , nic ra CoriSerning.-District Free \w-1 The trial of Mf! B«rroogli3 for • and such olh't-r and higher branches as t-on,shallb collected in -'""d Mil Ryai , - . - ^ , at m'of State litxea upoii the saia«» >w!>j«»c's, tJ" fausintr JUiiWV l*Ii Ui Otrtitr tf*>WH«*-**f«*i» ***** •»«•»».-«t.-«.^j ^-, *-^ • . » .-.< • , the collect ll.vVB now on hand, at my Coach and liar- "flit Natite \Land, Good Night!": tbe, board of school commissionere may direct. And HABITS. :'io-tbe.U«a4ii«r ttb* ui board uf }Sm.* Hill,Md.. w-FebruaiTfc"M>y *ho,rfiu ? h o M . ;8Y JAMKl W. snatoss; :• Factory, a large assortment of •> . al I w bite child Hen, male- and female* between the ages ; Wberea*H is represented |mwil»P«i l« ».^.:.|.» .^...J .1,^^,1 -owSa^ardoy -nuMnlar.-lftV wi'h U ) l ' ha > -it-rdiff f f f d l f f of j wiU*a-pis=.tol,-et<*t>il •, '' . ! • -- ' O pan h ! whote fiallow'd breast school c«>u n:8§iwiers. ' . , ] • ' '• • ,• of five and tweDty-ofie years, r^iuent withiu tb« tfon from the county df Jeff " is .noijiinjj more familiar to our dally «HenctH!*v4eg.pfo»«Ji " Rows of imp patriot father* rr*i; 13 8* 'further&iacl&lj That any.person IPJ. . spective districts, .eUHiled to. receive: iui observation; than tjte power and inveteracy of mentioned irt the act of the |every description, which will be sold very Whp»« in^mury (lill pcrvaila.- the jwd. who 4>r coimruUea on4«r r^»o«aoje_,a^p»er»j;n« n^Um^j^^r^'tHBittn^Viffider a t sacb". schools tree ' ' ' b March twentieth, eighteen' : habii* inKomuch ifcat any decided propensity is l'>hl t>y ilifir Carnal focilbtep^-i.-oil— ; ip for cash, or on a."credit of 32 months. v _ rm any oFt of; the i fie di A trt ie* gre*t b»>dily.rjarirj; ( . *£1^verd: c;t"sceni« t.*> ti tPbri'nesJJeW'-iWl^riiini strengtliene'd by every iie*y act of indulgence, an3 entitled;" an act amending t The sail t h a t iMtfu me from Ihy side ing «iy stock mar be. found Coaches,- six- Now"floats at>?ive tJie lifiaving tMe, tiSWf apTohfiMSw'ti^iti gf«*l: ioH BiiiBt-ient fffR^ Vu^in^'b^'th>te3tiracny : for h t•Ha"»uvirtuous principle is more- firmly established than February,eighteen hundred a to tbtS dtiijigfr of tBe 5deer Rockawayf, Singh1 Kockaways, Dou- Dim in i lie del line night— ucb rt't'ifc'iil ur .tie ^!ert, shall, if a.n exist- cfnce of.p«witivB §i«X)fJW fur of the commUsionerB of the districts sgid | by the asi c district free schools in the c~ befbrrt by every rieiv act of resolute obedience to ceased, the *tt«.«h4 the..hsHfruajrc|>«A-««-ni n>;<Pha:ton'.-i BnggieB.HGig Rocka way's; SJul- •• My native land, good night." : Tprleit and p^y-to the board «f sellout fthe'effe'c- sent t)f the board .of school, cuonmissiuners enitsdh; fates. The law wliichronriecis ouractings Jefferson," have been adopt N aesion with the &t«l inteniew, jiwiilwdno ulh?f , &c'.\ all of fashionable stylej firet-ntte workcoinmissio ers;of the cuniifj' lfie sum.bffifiy dollarnr in the tninutcs^ of tbeir proceedings. itg to. the <ered oi 'bojiiood or ofyotith <Hth. tfie character of man-' tors of'said county q uali fjed tooroerijt—e re th« dream b« <jVr--r. • ; .strip.—Built of iin> !>[•<«» wjitt'Tia) mid by -the IAgaze -7. Be it farther enacted, ."Hiat the board of school and if any rEcer tiiiJer'thw'iitWYslJiaTi SflfrfeltH.nU pay verdict. It waa flot for ilr. Bttm.ughs^to•*,*' up()ii.tliy wc'-ll known rliure-, previsions of said act; 'and on has hood,; is the'ideutical law which connects our actworkmen/and aItwarranted. J And mitrli iln- c-id familiar irrt-s. tihall appoint a teacher or teachers fur lotheaaid xrrtrd tite sum 61 twtMi<y:dij!isrSi,tu be re- taiti the liiind of llie assaifant, nor to d^enr ings in time with;on) 1 character in eterrifiy. The held for school commissiooe )W linishing some «>np ard two horee Ba- Clad with a>llktm»ind roemuric!), tbe school in each of sajd districts, shall Us his or their covered by motion in! i-ir< jit suptTiur com t o! law whether he-was arrned. TbeeharacterT.^^^^ a-of .said 'county, who' bare ._ . \vay jo which the njoraJ discipline of youth-pre!iei=,a first-rate article, Ihnt 1 wHl sell for two Dear ax the «o|! that gave nie birth. sault. aijgravated by thff eircumst^n.vs «.•! i'.-"* ! nnderinepro- salaries, superintend his or their conduct in every- arid chanr ry.,fnr/lbe counly, on ,paresifor the honorSafld.?r:joyment8ofa'vJr'tno 06 school commissioners 'for eai They are a much better article My childliuodS home, my roulbe; earth, ,_ precedirtg ^vruinjt, was siKli «« K> r.*u«« OMtur«? notice th^r So*?; anJ it shall!6e the-duty >;f thing relating lo said school, and shall haye-povyer to visions of .said act, and tbsVfL rnankood, is ibe wsy JH which the moral and egislation is neNow fading on.thu'iiglil— ; Pennsylvania' Coach Makers sold last- •"My 'in^iid-i apprehensions ot violences and the t'e^,tittuu.)(. «-f such im'.ive Itud. gobd night" j ]-. spiritual discipline of the whole life .'prepares /or cessary to carry into effect more4Bljjr the purposes of teinove biafor-tbeniVfor good ciutie : •PntfitKflf'^tt.l for the c nm'oi|wealtta "W ten 82*5, arid I arn determined -to compete i^^eci i tbe prosecution ostablisiit'd nothing inr*8T..lli«n e shill be iut'orni«ii uf »ny sucfi whenever no teacher shall be'appoin tetl whose qual ifir.ations us said act, by amendments and ^tteralons thereof: a virtuous and happy Immortality; and on the ; ai:v cne of th^tn that pay thfir d^bts. The stranger ti'earln within thy lialts, ' . - . . 'rrrKparJtii'in ' fur for defence. de-fence. For thru the" pn-aner >a perlbrui any of waid duties. I. 'Be it tltertfirre' enacted tip?I«£ ftineral] assembly, a teacher, and whose inordl character shall not have or .r«t»sal other Hand the eoccessiob of cause and eflect from ; : Carriages taken :iu exchan<re for new And dimly now il>e mind recalls,' not ame'nftWe tr>-ihe fa*« of the UTtlter enac/t^^'i'bat JJje i board of school been examined audapproved by said board, or by "« That John Tates^William CviW<j|WH^ton; George {'a proll'gate youth and idiylioneBt manhqdd to a Pats'd like ihi/ic. diK-ient race atvay— i, and all. kind? of produce, at market prices. Tli«? : hi* re**ponslbilrtyi inay ba in ah. eccie&iastiru! eraIii the cottrfty shall annually present couiuiisbio committee appointed hy it for tiiat purpose. It shall trac-es of tiiy fcirmer day ! Alexander, Ricbj difgra<:ed and worthjlsEs; o'd age, is JQst the fcuc- W. tittle, D. Hoffiiaoi ' sold oi.i.couimt^ion. ' . ^••iSL i".,;' . Sarf^as the leaves hy Autumn shed, also be t he d u ty o.Cjsaul,.-.bpatd^ to pro vide books and, tu tlie pres deril'-a'ntl dire'cf^s of- the Lilerary- Fund a, ard S. Blackburn, James V. Thompson, '•ceHsioo alfio of cause and eflect between the misthe fhortost i.jtice. Cold at- the fiutnrrti of thedeitti r ; Tbe defence, we underefRnd,cr>n»<«M stationary for the children attending tbe said schools, statement xhibiting the number of eohaol.-i in tlie 'deedsand depravjtie<5 of-b,«r history on earth,'and Benjamin Moor, jr., C. H.: , An'i a* forcotlvii (jtiite — AV J, HAWKS. additional (nets to the issue, and u price paid for tuition, the branches of couniy, th or such of them aa it may think ougnl to be provided David Fry, Edmund I. Lee, \V<t)iatj O.sbourne, John ourenelurance of wbrlhlesHnessarid wretchedness •' My native laii-.l, good night."' ;—Chahn.ers. •;". " ' 1; - • • Moor, sen., William H. Moo^ JR^bert W. llaylnr, therewith . Pruevktii • -Tb'at-'ho books' bf an immorsl learning t, ught, the number, of; children in.structni mony a^ to di«racter, which Vet, nnt hy nvMhe lecsm i ; George Lictclider, Jacob R rJ^PiBtfer, Geo. Mauzy, or irreligious tendency, and none of a- Strictly secta- in said sch o!c-, and generally !!Iho vajue aiid opera- and bnnorable.- ; . -''•-tan 4 Slmdrs of rii'i' tathei*! in your lives; . The speech of vMr. Wi?9 is A DEA F MOTHER. !v" . . John Niswanner, William £!pgle, John F. Smith, rian character shall be used therein. A nd t he said lion of the system. _ uiul Summer Gvods. Jn all ihnt ye wire Tel I aud Uioii^ht,.' of the moat^mat'lerly. !»}f,ra?dt*ud cogent urj(vifufthef eniJetedi Thtit the dHlrict* now 1 I 15. Be board .shall 'give orders "or drafts on its treasurer for John Locke,Richard Ilender»ou-autlftlartin Billmyre, foirrful MIKH! survives! |!1K subr-rriber Imp taken the Sion Room in : menta ever addrefiBed to a jury, ile or^-tipied Tht following curious a nr-cdote is related of tbe n\ar**A r c of? an i designated-kti the said county us tltc liid the payment of the salaries" of the leachersVand for elected as aforesaid school:iNi§tnroMipi»erB for the •e from.whicli it iJowM, ILIW ri rocen'lv in *hp orcufiaucv of AJr. •)• ™ " '° '''<? 1 nineliburs iu" it* deliveryi anrf ia the. Cflwrae- o: iearts-tn wjiirh it glo*v'j, j CQuni!?ss-of Orkney, who died in 1790, aged 76 : school,, districts in said couniy be an I they ore hereby alliptlier authorised expfeuseB; payable- tb'thsr persona school 'diet ' • icti*of said county, shall remain unaltered , where he is now opening an en- i .Now mmiltlerU.-jr In blitfii— :^ ? \^- : Hifr lady ship wia deaf abd dumb, and rriar- constituted a bodyy politic ujttfer the^uameof '' The entitled thereto, and shall do and perform all other until the ir crease or decrease of the> inhabitanls, or liis remarks, reviewed wild such" keen and caus-'ir nrw stork of. " Aly unlive lar-i), good night.'' ' i tied iij[1753by9ignV: phe lived with her husband Board of School (,'oininissioneriof tie hoonty of Jef- things necessary for the establishment and mainte- atiy. other ood and sufficient caude m the opinion ot reproof the uidiacreet and ini;v.h»Vuiw cou^e o-r ' j.Mujtttjitgh, first Marrjuis••<>('. Tfiomond, wh.o was ferson, "and shall have power in that name to sue and nance of the said school s. . liicii school commission- the board School commtssioriera, shall at any lime the Shield, published at Snow Hill, that it* etliu>r, 'Mine ! by (lie-memory of tlit* just, «. trdiviire, <£;sffii»v, .•«!-<•. Boots, j:alsoh4r first cousin, at his ieat, Roste Jan, on' be sued ; to have perpetual success bn ; to purchase, er shall receive' the amount of his necessary expenses render any aiteratiun of aobli districts 'necessary or whu waa present,; rose and a?ked the protecitou 31 ihe ! by thfiij .consecrated du»l; 'I'he lufiy spirit;, }'rimd and free, ; of the court. The coti'rt s'ared ttmt if:matter j the harbor of Cork. Shortly after the birth of receive, and hold to theuisehiJs.aud their successors w h i l e attending the meetirigs-of said hoard, and shall convenient AN hill* 11.:it In..;, upoD theeea; 5 her firat child v the norse w i t h considerabltaston- in office and lo convey real aud personal estate for in time of peace be exempt from Militia duty during '.further, enacted, That all acts and parts was introduced'irrefigyarit to the 'issue, if i !«,• .r i.l'i*r;iiij on a- gopdfifiiat letter terms, i A II oilier ties diiUulvi-d, no more ! ri.shmeitt, saw tbetnoiher L-audously approach the school purposes in the coonty &ff«re)aid, of for any his continuance in office, and also from serving ou of .acts he 2U,lore passed by the yeueral assembly, interpose its authority ; but Mr. Wise sn t>l i be pr.'cnri'il in ihe county. :Hi_s stock | J ifenil-. »» once lliey trod, thy bluire cradle: in which the infant -waa sleeping, < vident- district therein j and to have all the tights and privi- grand and petit juries, within the. > u r v i e w of this act, shall be and the same the course of Uie Shield with hia argument .lielbre . > i r t - . v i:.".v. ;t;i'l M'i'H-'.ei) with frr-citl euro *) vv n - i i r . ! now !-]*HiJ oiir flin|it— ' • Ly full;pjf some deep design. The counte !»J hav•• .My native lai.U," cuuil uighi." are hereby repealed: ProvidedhoweKei, That all pro- the jury, and chowed its immediate''connexiuu d. Be it furllier enacted, That the school commisleges of a corporate body ferl the purposed 'hf esta..IK&TII citiH*. he solicit* a call irom the j ] ing peftectly assured her.tclf that the: child aiept blishitfg, supporting, protecting, and mainiaining the sioners in each,; district shall visit the school in his dis- ceedinga h relofore had by the people of said county with the issue, thisithe proceeded with.ciu» iiiierbiiriio<xl !ar and. tieir, jeelinglconfideiit tliat.: N" Hi-ire with Nniure in thy haunts, l^hore, iiook out a Jarjg-e-elpuc, which she fa wl con- schools in tbe several districts of the said < otiuty of trict. at least T>nce a; month, examine! the register'bf of Jetirirsoi and tbe board of Hcho»l commissioners rupl ion. He closed - at 8 J o'clock bfa - Fritlay jUi't- ta-iti- rsn bfigrttiilfit'd","TtiJd t hi? waul* ofJ {•'••rei'ilins pasHBCi!- and low xviinl.s-^{cealedl under her shawl, ami, to the horro'jof the Jefferson. " „•'! orm'l biuilrv MJ|).pri«'d: the teacher or teac hers, enquire into the! mode of teach- of said con ty authorized by the said acts, shall be, in night. The argument for the State was resunir-iJ •\1> s-uul ^llall itty her down tu rest, f nurse, who, like all persons of the lowestuirder in up manne impaired or aflected by the passage.of by .Mr. Franklin on Saturday morning, who«poks ;"•' i"t!)| i A i r kinds n! CmiMry'rraduix taken inVx- ! Omcli'il 1on Ilia; drnr iiiaternul hrrast! ;*. Be it further enacted,'_jL bat the; saidIroard.r of i'lmrin ni i j i y W!hHJ< for tile is |ia.'js'd i her coiintry—indeed in mort coiiiitries—\v is fully school commissioners shall rS ^uire an election to be this act, b t the same as fUr as authorized by said with great force and ability for some three hours, ""'' : ~ 3< if irtiodt* Hi tii*.* iti Tiit-ir j;!fll. thai boundjne, bnaks at when the case was gi.tefi to tbe jury. They re,'j iuipre(-:|,od with an i<i?a oi the'peculiar canning held iu the month ol March, h '-xt, at the school-house acts shall be valid. .. :i:.ll!i i l K M i V . WALTON. 'ITirir vi'iy fonii* arlriplil^ ',. • tired to their room, ana* after aniabeence of"about t:uid malignity of'durr.bies.' seized it will an itt• .-!!<! I act ehajl be in force /from the passage |17. This stall require, the condition-of the school in the above of each; district, or at sucb-'jp'fa be as they may appoint, ".My native laijui, good night." an hon r and a ball, returned wi.f b a verdict of **nu: j t'lit Ui fling it down vehemently. Beft re the and at such time in 8aid-rnl)i b as fbey may appoint, enumerated particulars, and suggest any alterations thereof. ,.—..^.tlioii to mt<i nurse could interpose, the countess had fl ing the fora school"coinmissiotwrof such district, being a Which, in his judgirient, may tend to the improvemenl p.'r-'fi.-; ai. !eb!«}d luflhe late firm of Gib- Then welcotnii, ooean tsrly'-friend. Oh«ii;!. bee After the-yeriJict waa rendered, Mr. Burroughs H .ehe-r-not, however, as' the servant"had appre- resident thereof. Ten da^tf.jKrtiee of s,ncfi];election of the said school: Hefshull, moreover, have power! >v iS_.x'j-,:* uui pii'arie cali and pay dit-ir .. in-:^. Of's'l'ile ihe lerfurs of lliy -'ore-M, ; Amending lie act, enliiled.-'', An act concerning I)is- waa surrounded by numerous friends, at.d rorheudeiii, at the child, but on tlie floor, wliere, of ind m-i-ifiriit-BI • . It is hoiJed mvne will-diere- The to suspend during pleasure, or expel from school durshall be given, by advertisement posted at ibe front who (Jt-ep v v i i i i i n thy breast! trict Freje Schwik jn tlje. county jdL Jefi«r£on," 'gratulated Warmly upon the Jesuit He ieftSncsT t; jurse:. if made a great noise. jThe child imm'e- door of the Court-house of the county, and also at the ing the current sessions' nil,pupils found guilty, |ns iuit;ce, ' jr.ii is very, important to close For iin- lliou hftvt enduriln! i-t.:irins Hill immediately'for Chestertown, where h : s I B^areh 27th, 1S18. dmtelyi awoke and cried. The counresS-,: who most public place iii t he dietrict. , They shall appoint on strict examination, of gross ly reprehensible com! act W i t h i n :Lin- eji.>-rUu>ling ariiu! cdi v as-nussiblel \vi t'e and family remained duri ng.thc peritd of his liad looked with maternal"eagerness Jo Lhe .re- three persons residents of the district to superintend or incorrigibly bad habits, and shall amiuttlly report :'j.,l) GIBSON, ~ Anil li'ively ib|tpV wiglit— [PASSED MARCH 12, 18-19.]. " iJy nalive lui.j, youd nigh:." iraprisomhentandirtal.—>Bolt.~ &un. " r. f'.ult of J:er experiment, fell oil her knees in i .trans- the election, any one of whom act. At the annual to the board, at stich time as it shall require, the dum- . i l . Beit •-J ^1 nacled by the general assembly. That the 1 port of |joy. tshe hat diafeovpred that he r child elections .hereinafter provided for, and at such elec- ber of White children in his district o/vfir fivekud under teirm of offi of the members of the boaj-drof school t<-ar for friemi^. a smile for ("PS, A NEW PRBVEBTTVK op THE CHOLERA.—Ths the pcnse which was wanting in her- tion, the electors -now Qualified to vote under the pre- twenty-one yeara of agei, for which servite he ahaH be commissioi ejrsidrtbe fur ihesi ami t-coni for llio^e ; county of Jefferson tiiall comphysicians at ConntantinopJe have,recommended 1 the. wives i t i ; a»sd?ljnentT<»r-fi«x»ik4j Statiotiarv. ,Uije si^h-^—as r self.' j She exhibited, on many other occasions, sent constitution, and all other white- male ci izens of allowed a sum not exceeding ten dollars. The school incnce on t e first dkjr. of April in;each year, instead the, use of .figs, with great success, ad a preverfr.~. have IKM-II ju-i rccL-ivi'd auil.a"rtf ior #nle. Tin; sun—abui ifcise Haored gra'Jes !• . similar! proofs of intelligence, buHnone ip inte- the said county- of Jefferson, over tbe age of twenty- commissioner of each district shall attend at the open- of the time now by- law.-.' tive cJf cholera. The.fruit ts.siid to..exorcise i ' a f;o(Kl fiolectmh of School And the scene li>»«>!—welcome,inow and one years, who were assessed witb any portion of the ing o! each session of the school in his district, :n. i daunilesv brow,| Thy urther enacted, Thai the funds authorized salutary influence upon the stomach" and boweia, 2. Beit : ucd of : Mi cfilnneon? O bark;! with bright—; State revenue, or witbtte county levy and poor .rates shall also superintend the public examination of the to be raisei by the said board undi-r the act- of the and is highly useful in dfireanea wfttcfi manifpst FBEEDOM OF MI AD. addilioud . \vi!l be. " Aly ijative buld, good nightl" of ihe preceding j«ar,i and bave 'actually paid j the pupil? which shall take place at the close of every genera1! ass ttiblv. passed Mairch:lfre twenty seventh. themselves in a derangement of the" digeetiva game,shall be entitled to Vote for school commissioner session. v _•;.:. .eighteen h mdrejahd forty-eigh*,- efitffled Van aci functions, and cooomouly precede an attack of tht) I call that mind free, which is not impriaoried of ks'ofovtn-y dfscriplion, w i l l : A B'lloy Ay SCHOOL.— One of the such district; the reirsan or persons superintend- ; 9. Bf i( further enacted. That the teacher bf eyery concern in i district free schools id the fiopnty of Jef- cholera.' in it^ellor in a^ect—which recognizes iil all hu• iUeuded tu. n vvi'fioi:( f«i! by -— juvenile b'hoyg, though considerably nifln beings the imago of ,God, and sympathizes ing s^id election shall'certify that the polls of said district school shall keep a book, to be furnished him 11 be deemed the school fund bf the conni; s ; . A?: IsFAtUiLB CoaR jfOR: -.CHOtESAi—rTaka advanced, prejsc-tued himselt tjot lung ;wilh fruilerings wherever^ they are seen,'which election were fairly taken and correctly kept, und re- by the bdaribf school conirhisBioners, iti which He ty, and ma be applied to the purposes of education three.'table spoons full of easier oil, rJiree tablo turn the same to the flaid baar.d^pf scbobl comrotssionshall register the names and ages of all the pupils, since tor admission to. a public" school conquers" pride aiid sloth, and offers itself .up a in the said :ounty 6T Je'fiensciri, andfo provide "school-. lli« fcmt'r* of illie yi'«t.'d! ers, who shall enter iBfcnames of the persons so elec- and the names of their parents and guardians, the lime houses in t e dieiricts as the said board may deem spoons full of the best French Brandy, and forty -. utur^ near Dry pock. .' lie WHS a'1 :willing;:victim to the cau e cT mankind. hew procjtfpdrSoEB*' Prime JCJGARS, at s ted on "the m»«iC^aw'"faa the isaid report amone of their entering and leaving school, and tneir ^aily most expedient send-proper: fVoewferf, That in such drupa of laudanum, mixed well together, and Ii-f •v pric leapt 5 y o u r s . n M . :uid-t<K) 6t.rt»ng-for any s»>at. and in tlie. cob rse of the morn-0 . 1 ca^t, that mind free, *vhk;h is not pi&siveiy tlio pajiers ol said commissioners, t h e persons re- attendance, together with the date of the times the. the patient drink it off. The body must tb** b* ;:•. ."cueB ing, the masU'r resolved to tnter in' trained;Kyowt.vira circumstances, wjiicl ' is nut ceiving tb# highest .number of votes in each district school commissioners of the district visited ihe school ; application two-'thirds of the members present, when rublied over with brandy and a hot flannel cloth. t tiii«. to \\li:o""w?.itivltft the attention a littje examination of the -youth's c*such application is made, shall concur. • crckfure of- accidental impulse, bui 'which ;i-> o: tho/artjcliy, as we can wll them fiacitira and Itnawledge. priori to^sshall be declared by said board duly elected school and at the end of hirterm the taid teacher shall de3. Be it.fiirtJter enacted, TJiat whensoever it may, Should the. condition of tbe patient uot improvo ({tpr than any evfericff-redin this tow'n. sigiiiiig him tu. a class. Calling the. l-ends events to its own injprovement; atte upon commissioner thereof, and the 'persons so- declared liver the said book to the clerk of the board of school be' necessar? to provide a'sch6ol-b6use for any district witRib one hour, and the nails of the fingers been inw^-d spring froj.n art- immutable j ijnciple elected shall collectively constitute the board bf school commissioners with an abstract in proper form, showAJuiinpn;ou8, Tauies River b'hoy to stand up, he asked : j ' in said courity of Jefferson, or to riepair or to enclose gin to get black, administer one rabfe spoon full •vvhich. \V; has deliberately espoused. |o!i;ic'ci>. * Ti'liHCco Wrappers; of castor <Jil, one of French brandy, and ten drops commissioners for the county of Jefferson, under the ing the commencement and termination of the session, " I)o you kiiow auv thing of gram, : , - . • : S. Till I 1 caW that inind free, u-bich protec itself •name and with the rights, duties, privileges, jand au- the number of male and. female pupils registered, and the same,.'or the satns with proper fixtures, it ol l a u d a n u m . Tliis geneinlly throws the sufierer !=< arid ^cf>'' - li Snafijof tln> jljcst quality miu.'" : : ! f xrH shall be lawful for said board;to levy iu said district, Kirainst the usiirpatii.h of human society which thorities declared in the.firel section of this "act, and rrv. . T..G KAWl.l.NS &. (JO. ' " I don't kntjiv any thing eUe." 10 I 1*1 <Q does n>)t coyfer to iiumati opinion; w. ch ire- shall continue in office Until the first annual election the aggregate number of days attendance of the whole, for such purposes, a tax on the subjects of taxation into profound sleep, from which bd will,* waken of the compensation of the teacher shall specified id said act of assembly, notwithstanding a perfectly well. This treatment has been found " Very welljoow attend— 'in the be- epects ibelflibo^mucli to be the slave of tlie many 1 hereinafter mentioned. There shall be an annual be withheld until this duty is performed. fateiit ginning God ( the world' ;• .parse lax may have been levied the same year for the other njpsteffectual. in India, where the cholera 'first apor the si-wr.; if x..% ':'.' > \' election held in the month of March in every year, at 10. Be it further enacted, That a fund sufficient for purposes of said act: Provided howecer, That neither peared, and thousand^ of persons were ;cor<tfby Ihjvo for sale tin 1 cr-lebratod Atmnspheric 'world." -. • i v .• » the school-house of each district, or at such place and all tbe purposes of this act, to be called the school of said levies shall exceed Die amount Authorized by this very simfile remedy.— iis; AUo, Tu h . Ivirrol aud f taff Churns, All the b'hoy knew of gramtnar was BLIND BRIDLES. at such time in said month as the. said board of school fund pPthe couniy,,npder the control and jtnan- the said act of assem bly. iz.'.i. KKVUS what he had liitard that very tntirninjr SUDDEN I)EATH.— John Starke, of New York, Yes; fase your thinkiiijr powersi fr ndsl- 'commissioners shall appoint fora school commission- agement of the board "of school commissioners, and from the different classes arojjjno him. 4. Be it further eiiacted, \ That the-said board of— but;he had !b«en taught that when .—._, were given yo'ti to u^e,. and not' si Li use — er in each district, who sball continue -in office for to be appropriated by them for school purposes of the school commissioners may charge for eat h child going while walking the street in Washington, one day To t!>e f,:idi<'*. last week, a* though under Ihe influence of disvr.-jijncii-n^rHi'Strt the"'^! f f n I ion of he was fighting in the dark. he must iHlii d bf-idles! Truly naniosl.'surely. A ri never one {year from the time of bis election ; and the com- county alone, shall be raised, as follows : First,by the Urtbe schoolsestablishr-d by the said act,'* tuftiqniee ease or liquor, .suddenly foil, and dtetl at the asyrnissioners elected shall • have and exercise the same quota of the Literary fund, to which the county is enstrike straight ut from tho Shoulder iifvt nted a more fatat thing lo the eyes o jhorses not exceadinp one dollar per •quarter; instead of the it :.';,_M.-e, lifs to lii.s jstock oi F-auuv Uress 1 ! . • . » ; . » - _-,_ .i' "__".•.! _'L1 J. . . *!._»••"_! i i.' tl " . • i - V i: * lum, at 5 o'clock. ,, Th'e verdict rendered was • powers,!rights, duties,' privileges,;and authorities asi ].titled, and any other amount that may be allowed by 'thai i wtrei) she devietd-thif plan of depri riVrlit and left ';; and il would all be: ingthe amount authorized by the said;act; which fee shall be •.':iri!s off .i.-:i:—j.--.t._.^;j:x^.^-i -I—.:.;iu-ii L^ |j ealtb,fo the said couniy, to he paid to laceration of the brain produced by the fall. Ho t e co(ninonw their predecesbors; the said annual election tihall be riffiit. "Parse world ?" he drawled hurt e;oi what nature ilutendcd be should i ascertained aud collected in the manner specified in (•!=. I'lain.M'liM nm1 Figured'; waa a grandson of tbe cdetjrateJ Guueral S[arke, conducted in the same nunner asr the first Election.. treasurer of naid board of school commissioners i by a .aaj-8 one, how ere .blinders injuriou out enquiringly, so as to gain . time. said act, and be subject to the'provisoes contained in to the; f k 1'Veiich and Auicrii-an ; :i oi the Revolution. . Ves, , Because they gntber dirt ai d heat •for school commissioner it .directed to be conducted warrant on ibe treasury of the proper officer -Se- 'said act. Yes. 'Iu"thl-beginnitigl7od Mti th' liod made | !' uu*.-a 4jr*>R( vai-letv';-] |:v • :V,! uroi nd (lie eye. Dirt irritates the eye, iid .heat by this • section : Provided',- That if from any cause cond, by such fines and forfeitures as shall accrue un- j 5. Be it further enacted, That whensoever any tax the world'; pa«e world." L^-irc. Piaid and I'laih; '.-Aini MAD Cows—Nqrrow Escapei*-A correspon. Wall, world is the biggeist kind of [;proc ac^k iDfla.mation. Ti:eLe bridles so hliram- the said annual elections shall not be held, the school der this act.; Third, by suck donations, bequests,and shall be; imposed"by (he said, board of school commis- dent of the Hagerstown Herajfl of Freedom, WritC'aniljric, extrn Fine; devises as may from time to time be madF to the commissioners-for the preceding year shall continue the. iffy es^f the horse that he is coinf elled to sibnerB&nder:tbe said act, it shall be specified in the' ing from eiearspring, says that »ix cows and three a noun, masculine gender, all sorts of lenses, past aixiltWure. and (slappmg be confetentl|fctraining-tl3C-tii, to see his way.— in office u n t i l the tiext annual election: And provid- board of school commissioners for school purposes order of ruinate of the said board, and recorded in the dogs have gone mad from the bite of a dbg, four [J,tti t »n- (JuiirtiHrn."very fine;! IfnjdhW,Plain Hnd-Figiired for Dresses Ins.hands riov.ii oh the duiik with a The ov^r exertion of the nerve bripgs on iscase. ed also, That all vacancies, occurring in said board within the county. Fourth, by, a tuition fee not ex- record of their proceedings, at what time such lax sball weeks ago, and it ia feared that uthaw will follow. fojce: that Shook the building) ie gov- If'ye3. vijjjre not made Jn' vain. Had tb y been shall be tilled by the :said board of school commis- ceeding fifty.''Cents ; a -quarter,-lo be paid by the be paid or settled for by. the wlier iff of the county. •' Hone of tbe families bave l»en u»i»g ih» ruilk o*f |n. Pink and \\liite. ; erned, by God! Now floU'.h on your fleet les£, the Creator would 'not have bcated sioners at ite meeting after such vacancy occurs/ • parents or guardiinA of all children going to the 6. Be'it further enacted. That it shall, not be lawful many othrr very deHrnh!p goodp uhicl 3. \-BJ it further enaUed, Tbat the said board of schools established by this act; which tuition fee for the said, board of school commissioners to assess or cowa. A mad cow run W, HV HauJcy^ Kd'i » Sunday school scholars, old boss, and fbeni ia-' the 'head. They were placed: on ibe l-'much pleased to show the iliad'es. aud nothing but bis activity saved him. erof the head that he might have the advan- school commissioners shall -bold 'an annual meeting shall be aecertained by the school commissioners, levy any tax upon htwi process bfany kind, or upon see il they can:beat; that." j HARRIS. r in the month of March in each year at the court-house ' • and • shall be collected and accounted ibr • fay -tbe of Ijtiokirig in dirlerent directions. Men in any certificate under tbe seal of any of ifte courts of laotwe of Mra. Wfigbt near JBridgewa. Sew Good*. anA ani'h o/linni-noil meetings rru»>»;nrro oe.;» »«.«> B |ierift' of the county ih the following year, as tbe said county, or of any notary public in said county. ihe y.^r, county, such adjourned as it may nr i-kU nf<, and abundance of their wisdom; !coo'e|o<led,that of A lacly .in thi> city used an onion, Stnv-W gham county, wa« buruud .do\v:i on the pave rurcivtH our Sj>rin«r supply of Goods the other eveni^ig, to stick her needles IJje hptvit* had .too much sigl j.,*arid : fegs and taxes im posed [for; the purposes of thia act they w dhfedto deem necessary, and «ucb special meetings as one7. Be it further enflC/eJ, That BO much of the act of 26th. of Apnl, during her tJisepc^ from home, and, \.i 4. j VV. ]l &. A~. .F. SEEVERS. in 'hence the origto of 'blind brid es and third of the members may require to be held ; and that are to be collected and accounted for by the sheriff: the general assembly, passed: March the twenty; melancholy to relate, two of. Ijer children were in, instead of a .pincushion, and when __ 1S!9. &re insepiaratcly coiinectec Cus- a majority of the said school commissioners in the Provided, That no tuition fee be demanded of those setenthr, eighteen fa nod red ano* fortyTeight, entitled burned op; Tbe fire was therwork bfaeiacea. she went to BCSV .the next iporning, of the said board of school com- '.' an act concerning district free schools in the coun- diary. --. V >m hoodwinks the een'FCs of men, as niich as conn ty' shall constitute a board for tbe transaction off who, in the opinion the found they ail had liars in their ; » • • . . • - • " ; ' ,qi ... IJOOK business: Provided, That any smaller number may missioners, are : unable to pay it: And provided also, ty of Jefierian,"as comes within the purview of Uii* br&lles do the v\>!!."—fj.jjj | oi Teachers and ^tiie. K>adiu| eyes.—J'hil. Spirit of the Wines. ~ adjoi rn from time-to time until a board for the transac- That no child shall be excluded from the; said schools act, is hereby repealed. Wftit Js nmmiiiy is called to ihe followin list o tion af business eball attend. KAIKon:acconnt of the non-payment of said fees. Fifth, "Now, Palrir;k,"rFaid the Hecorder 8. This act shall be in force from tbe passing thereof. New England Conference, dpeiared that "• true 1.-received afrthe Drug "and Boo Store V 4. Be it further enacted, That the said .board shall by a tax on all white titheables in tbe county between tempencn^e impjie* a:tatai ^tBUfience from all to a modest ecu Of Erin, tbe other day, IP riiin is not mbre necessary to ra se the rat it t first meeting aftefcevery eleetion.'elect one of the ages of sixteen and sixty years, notexceeding one thingg Jnjnrloruno heiiltb, and dtilj a moderate '• what do you «ay lo the charge, are OL BOOKS—Mitchell's Geography & - ; FRUITS OF THE GOSPEL. use of tljpse thing* which profnote Iti'' and they you\guilty or nut guilty?" "faith ; rt.'ed!, th^; sun U not more necessary to ring it their own number president there of, and that at every dollar per head. And sixth, by an aesesemenl not ;iittffi do-; Oniey'sdo ; Worcester's d therefore resolved to discontinue the ruijjar n«e ' Klem'entary do ; l>avies' Surveying but tfiiit'a diiiiiu'lt for yer honor to ax, io matuiuty, than is tlhe work of the Hoi Spirit annual meeting the said board shall appoint a clerk exceeding fifty, per cent, on the amount of state reIn Eastern poetry they tell of a wondrous tree, on Qavies' l^gendre; do. E lemon ine'self. Wail till. I hear the evi- ''in trie «^n version of naen. Bat! it is one hingto out t f their number, who shall also be tbe treasurer Venue paid by eacji and every individual in the courj- which grew golden apples and silver bells; and every, cf tobacco-: "Tberi art then, &'£n\it miay in. if/febe tljat there is an agency of the Sp it, and of the board, to continue in office one year, whose dnty ty, to be' assessed .and levied by ibe board of school temperate temperanca men. . . . . inetry: dn. Analytical d<>.; do Calcnl'as : .'aiftsi atijJ.irrace8;t)f the Holy Ghost, tt render it ehull be to keep a fair record of the proceedings of commissioners upon all such subjects of taxation ex- time tRe'Breeza;•tyent by, and tossed, the fragrant |;. i.Vj, i::-rsoi fcra; Pierce's do ; Tower's :do.; Davies ; branches, "a shower of these golden apples fell, and '- •• ,, AV.tshinfij |o; do. introdiiction to do.; Pake's Aritli- • At Fanny Kpmbie's list reading, -''iiristiai|ify beneficial to njen, and quite notber said ward, and also to receive any money thai may cept licensesj atd upon i!I! euch persons within the Old W/iiiey ouhi$'way to to Jiavea deep and praatiaalpcrsuas\ ft of it, be d tie and payable to the board, and pay all draft? of county, in equal proportions, to be collected as the living bells—they chimed and tinkled forth their the Capitol— We.Iearn . n (aays lb« New 1 •rsou's do . & 3d parti'; Smith's in the Ma^oflic Temple, Boston, the t.; t.hing . ij. J«._.i_. _,i 'L f i± t_ airy ravishmfnt. On the Gospel-tree there grew do ; Murray's Gnunmer : XVell'scid daughter of a wealthy man asked her .<> ud (o rtigiilale all our fee huge and expec ations, the board to whom they may be made payable, and provided lorli) this &ci': I*r6vided, Thait tbe board of melodious blossoms—sweeter bells than those which ror, an-~uftlaH» Taylor orian.) that (Jeneraf <M< the juomentous Taylor's favorite borse, Old Wtetey, who watso ig the of convert keep a true account of all tlie money which he shall school commissioners shall apply the f nude to the purAnpefl's Union Series, iNos. 1, 2, 3 husband who Shakspeare was. { He by a continual reference ttf.thisiqos^io- recei 'e, and how applied, and at the cod of the year poses of education in the.county as they stand in ibis mingled with, the pomgranates or Aaron's vest—holy celeb/sited -in tbe Mexican campaign, i« nqw on in tt Sutlrey's do i ftos. 1, 2.-3, 4; \Vw York replied without beeitation,thathewak feelings, heaven-iaught joys; and when tbe .wind bis way to Washington, abd.wfaifrrive U settle his accounts with the board, and pay any balance 'sectioft, upon tbe same principles which now goverpVos. 1, 2 , 3 ; United Staffs . Speaker the man v>howr<ae.lhe.Neio Tesiamenli yrestin^lrnth.—-Robert Hall. blowing where it lisletli, liie Souih wind waking— that may be in his hands to die eaid board; and the the division of the Literary fund among tie several i Elocutionj^arJortal Reader; Jami'e when tbe"Holy Spirit breathes upon tbe soul—there : A WESSON FOR IcOUKG MEN. said i lerk add treasurer ehalI perforni such other du- cbitotleis of the state: Pfotided further, Tbat th e dis•• i;i' inal[e it ti The best do wry io advance the mart pto«c; Blair's Lectures; Comslock's is the shaking dqw.n_gJ.mel'oK_fruita».aod tie flow of ...- . » « . ' ' * - ' fc» * - a Stee. *- •• • — *-*'"^^JIf^*v» tribulion of the quota of the Literary fnod to which ties a s shall be required of him, and sball be allowed Introduction . to do.; Comstock'i riage of a young lady is, when she i ^Tti d|ilor bfxtbe Ms-tbodFst Protestant f Baihealthy odors. alLaround, and, the gush .of sweetest ver, charged with aiding- in tho escape of John a con pensation. by said board not exceeding one huntbe cotintjl.iftlntided, n»y be.made by...(nd.'bi^u^.'of has in her countenance mildness, in Mrs. Pfielp'a Botany;Tytler's Hiamusic, whose gentle, tones and joyful ecboings are Price, at th* tithrof tfa* tntkd«r at G&s W, cester"s Eieuienu ido.; Parley's His- her speech wisdom, in her behavior liiiiore cily.concludoe a notice of tbe mn ler rer dred c oliars per annum: Proctrfe^ That before the school commissioner among the districts, as the wafted through all tbe recesses of tbe soul. Difficult Campbell, was arrested yeatecday byj^ef Stoc, said c lerk and treasurer shall enter npon the dutieo members of the board ;m4y deern expedient: Ana to name-, and too etherea I to define, these joy a are on ; c ) i til modesty, and .irt her life virtue. cent!;r cemmitied by John Price, with tbe of his office, he shall execute a bond with approved provided moreover, That tbe board of school commis- that account, but "the more delightful. . The e.weet him toi bai! to af to s IICAL—Hietoriz Sacrtc : Latin Tutor; isiff't(onci.-ing.Hmatlcs.:\ '•:. . .• '• •_ secur ty, payable to the said board of school commis- sioners may select for assessment atii they may deem sense of forgiveness; the consckius exercise of all the A/Shoemaker in Portsmouth .thus |tin Header ; AuMion)s Cffisar; do Sil'.• • Price «s a noitoriou!?; character, well kn sionei s la the penalty of Jen thousand dollars; each most expedient out of such subjecfs of taxation as are devout auctions, are grateful and adoring emol ions >; Cooper's Virgil; Gould's Ovid; talks to hUdi-liuquonu. We Hope bo i^r-n}idi* as." City Jiihn.": \Tbe- writer >f this bond i o be recorded it* the clerk's orSce of the county embraced within tbe sixth provision of ttiia section. lj Cora. Dictionary.; Ainsworth's do. i Perrin's will have no occasion to blackball was a sc'iiool fi?llo\vL_\yilh him» and rem^mbera court of the county bf Jefferson, as the bonds of other And to enable tbe board to make out such assessment ** —--•» tbe Ifrll oif Rinful passioOB, it/elf munic; an paay in England charges ocf pence graph per mile fo» of them, or apply the strap : Jbies; Le Orion's Teletnaque; Bolmar's hen h.e was a playful, bap y little public officers.are, and the original to messages, wbic.b would make the cbarge on ^ I by the irram mar. " O.\ youaxArs!—ThesojV purpose filoltir Price" y lit Is pair lul to think of the changes tU»i president of said board; and all rightB and remedies county is directed annually to make out and deli ve r coveqanL; the gladnes* of surety-righteoastiess, and message «eiR the 'dni*sfui frbm New York to of this notice ie to tbe end'that those LLAXEOUS—Fergnson'e" Republic>, the kind Spirit of adoption encouraging yon .;o say :— ib&Ve cotrte over that eir.ootli-faced child. : .AH our given by law upon the bondg of sheriff and oilier pub- to the boari of school commissioners a copy of the Cbic^gq, Ut»0 miles, ainoairt to18f*>f iwteadof 's History Reformation; do. do. oi indebted to the subscriber may be inof him are those of boyhood. Many lic officers an; hereby given to the said board of school land attd'pjrpperty books of'the said county at tHe an- ^Abba, JPaihen"— all tile Aappy feelings which 'ibe $ I, iW.charged by lie tjlegraph companiea iq ar Macaulay'e History England; Tyt duced to tcax the; thread of bis honest hjq^e-wje sighed in spirit aa we te»d; in the commissione|6 upon tbe said bond of said clerk and nual meetibg of said board of ^chool commisfiklbeTs; S{ irsl of God increased or creates, and which e this country. endeavors to improve their umkrsuindersa! History; Tbeirs' French Revosu med up in that comprehensive word, "Joy in tbe pap^rs and police reports (be. evidences of -•' Iiatui. and whenrequireVfso to do, to attend the meetiogsdf .'- " •-• " . - : ' ' - < ' • ' Consulate and Empire; Jrying'e Co- iag,by celling at h is courU«?r, examin- 4? deepfin ing deprsviU 1 , and his heartless! aban treasurer,jf; " of £r. by tha•- Ul 'Be itfa rther enacted, That the -board of BcbooT said board 'of scfaool commissionere, and give tbem ' ' ' Erescott's Mexico, 3 vols.jLtte of Tay- ing the/ooiing-sof their bills, and clos sey, at Hageratown, was run off. witb by two such information connected wijb his office of cbmmiscomm ssionei s Ehall select, purchaae, or lease for |l'i CHlifornia ; Lamartine'e Girondists, ing up. He irastfi this may be the fjorses OB Salurday, bi^ wife being alone in it, 11 is said that rhis ie the fourth case in ; Lr?£.—Change is; the constant feature .of society. b < istrict i convenient site, and build or canee^ to last necessary csil upon thoso indebtHoly Land; do. Oisclo&ures; Mrs. which ^tA had Been laid ; to his charge. How be boi t a go< d and sufficient scbool-bonse thereon, wbteh services frS,shaM.1*. The world is lift> a magic lantern,.or the shifting when it Wait s'pset and tfiw ;»dy dragged some i Wor^s, 15 voli«.; \Vorks of tfee Pnri- ed lo him, as be ieels it fox«/e« to atscenes of a pantomice. Ten years convert tbe popu- distance .under tbe vehicle... She waa taken no we know not but his naine has long whic'h shall t|e ericloaed loaed and: fnrnwhed with proper ing twenty dollars out of the fbnds of esid 1 , 5 vjilB.; Miss Pickering's Work;,, tempt to progress in busiuess while with (feeds :ef riot and iitfairij!; , , lation of Kboobj-iflto men and wimien, the yonng into seiwelew, though rjol sariorwlyiDJared. tbeclert ot tfe^i^^ail;aMeflyer r fixture s and lal tbe " of each district -and in 'fcvols.; Peter Parley'a Works; his all is in other iiand* than bis own. • *'-"--- *~~.~* -•• --C'-.i a^' i_i tiijZ*'--. to be gentle and easily macs fttliers and matrons, make and mar furtuneir, and said board a stateinint i>fthe tipto of Mife" M^; the sa a of school: commissionere sriall ermaa Mefcill*; Mardi _ Tod heart io the sense in w i^Jii^^-Ei'it-.J^^f^ fe.'-'ilUi k*«J<ii(to»^U«.-» -- •" ' . ' bnry the last generation but one. Twenty years conln:i»J 1'Jas'er, for ttbn.of ' a tax ( n tb& inhabitants of each district who shsllbe By ran desert lied r party. wit h wbieb oo, by Lippard ; besides a large vivert infant* into lovers, and talbers, and mothers; lc--!i s always " «ubje4 to ta*«tiOii onder i the 6fth and gilth ] .roribe dined ae follows:—"Like most miscellany. - * knnaTi'e n'rircsaniiBS ianers- under render yontb tbe' operative general ions t decide men's •ions i f section imposed by tbe^ parties of the kiad, it was first silent, r Iwedoubtleea *c V. \V. dlthVldunty, fortunes and rdiaUiictiona; cunvert active men into parcnasinr or then talky, then unintelligible, then i . ••. ' ... •.-- .^c^-r*»^*^ Water Cooler. who slialJ have Jhe samef«*«" to tollect tbe same crawling drivellers ; and bury all preceding generaaltoeethery, then ErUcolate,atid then at Water Cooler, for sale by tions'. Tbirty-yeaw^awe a» aciive general ion from daunt" ' ••'£ I J^IK: WOODS ft CJO. IJ»fB»fit.«» nonentity; change fasrinatmg- beaatira into bearable ;fu;tbe MB; -iscboe}, or sb«K>d Jn the oldr.wo«nen;coa»ertlovera. into.grandfather; received a large supply of the ____ proodea man on eartii is but 'in» erected a ll saroie play grouodi could have L bdry the acfi ve generation, or red ace Uiem t odecfepiEnglish, Waldron, and Aa»rictn uper, fed on the bounties of Heaa rod to for w and inabecility; Fiuty yfi»rg, iUwJ. cba^re tftfe ! ain Scytbes, jrbicb we are prepared We don't k n * doz..or single one, much cheaper tb*t, fault ii a irhtfa are i be bought m this 'section Cradle tbe exiwence of;» great-first c lorry nnd Ale'x^j Sad it to their interest to call before 1 or Merchandi* '•ewhere." •"-'!'• *rje Iin' a call. •; lbje«tT. G. RAWI3SB> CO. \^i— »>• 4^^r*'i 5i4''.ftj£»^ij *-*.';.!'_•; T^ iietds, bje asgrandil Forthelael I0< womboT-nainra. Fmjryeara— 6llOU)(| i* R guaranty -Eastern Mercer and other foe <be lees uri t'jf fat SB y • *j* ••. tbe more profoorrd they jflfnk you i b* invites a cal JOHN A fop ia like teionitiBon tree|f>. 184S—6mand Fortts, bark is wortb'rnofe toals tbe bod/. eti, for saleby I, No. I,- • . ' ^ - • i - - - ' ^:'--' : T. 43. RAWLIN8"«' Urfririj"5 nt CilAJBLESTOWN (VA.) ACH MANUFACTORY., ..,._ '$n.oEs,'iLi TS, CA i>$, 4-c., n ,.,, - • I ' 1 . " •, L-«»«" • • ' i ' _ . i " " l - j . - ' 1 ' ^ r - : -.„* ' •*. •• t limnission Bl : R. & A.' IIVM. R!; I. 1*848. " . CO. I X V "T"ff! Spirit of TB1 dria and cooot. ber, 1847; ihe Uo.ase of vote of 77 ayes i so: botb entitled to and Henry VV. seats as men r this vote ipmas is entitJUi) taltf House,"; ^_. , .., Oa tlie next day tbNfc'HoaseSWtBsed Ihe " ution: ?, K&j&icL TL ... is entitled^ a ^e^lfa^res^lHe^e of 'Delegates,"'by a%ote of (HKayesto 59 n i As soon as H \y. Thomas,by the overwlielrning ivbte of 101 lo 23, had taken his seat, the provision 'quoted from die act of March 13th-was filled.— was satisfied—that law under which _ ,„_ -au Integral part"of iVirginia Tfie constitttlifknal iibn*er of the House of Delegates' ^5 Acol4Bteife ' Bnt Alexandrra, like a SpWtqiJe * Company, In perfect aceSHance j*-i'.h the . and pro- i^jSince .tbe recent or ^ST;- JOSEPH^ Mo, May 5, i 0 apers lateby the selection of a most i live observed ii ready on our jsUhvfty. J^^J^jNpti1 °f uur scriptive policy ij; Ihe Tfay' ' "t JAMES *V. BELL.ER, C*HP Aisqi;rra, ihe Our eriti^e Company witt be here ftijj ^X^r^l^ii^^^^^^gg^/f «"* At TtcuDoUart per a^num, payable in.laJtante. Wicsos, JSgq, tfe^^ithfulijiBdJfffi X s<v 3 aud dau h tt and am inS P^H^>T C9*»4-* ^^ " S -! ter at HUjTpew^ryin tfiis c<Janry, has fc*es ^hertfoosel-'bHto feeksu^enanceaod benefi|:»f the line ;$Mhj* f$*Wc 'nteresJU made) .„.« B? Jis*& Umii-rJfc*e% the siuking o4 mules belonging tb; us. h U our'; bti% V?'*ks, aat snail as six t raarfiifct. By th^Urts oTjbe I'resijlent of th"ej .have bien feiurned 4- refused to b ijdl , the '"McreaBe of taxafibh^and *e general strike cur tents on {Monday niorning i stead. : Missouri river at ?his poini—and w " E fuois, ';[ eoiiilSn's VaUejr LiHeVlh? ' has not only been; j cerned, (his Ia>t i pebfiiie axe, nia^Jtu y feel^i .d passiooTot-tha spot wrought into tem- into liie old trail, at an early dayM Lineijaa redoc&t J k»ow not ho of the and cbntjptete P \yfil&-words i shbc-ked' pest, roll their dirSwa^eover ihe hirmorties of Onr guldie was despatched a few dayg is for m; ITOE CHOLERA-Tcirn Ordinance. Jejettlte^beatiitiinl for cresting ihe rhe>~i are adequate to e?rpresf,<{iat utter « owi and con^. its price tonear one-hsl|]u|^ it e bonds and mortified, On . sarnie day T society! decided iutavorof.Si, J.psepts. Si« ' ft from told at ninetjM i the bonds .?,'dtn(nitlr£i ,A messngs of ten words e|ij femnt, which so j attach to aa Dts'ih the do! ^ The other coU*te? l eflects which ate to flow The accounts lharr?tch us from all quarter?, of the ever/Norfolk from .tfce~ gfcr»ft'«nrof these-gfthprnps; demand a here (^'Jd ult ) tli« Terry.has. been a lion; who, as it were, has iiut just si-o e« miopow [Charleston to Baltimore 'or Carobejland for SO show that the progress of that fearful epidc-snic, fraud passing glance. The wisdom.oFrbjining an op jam— iade'ed you c&Bnol gft much '< " >*- I ^^^ndlUieir.tera.edia.e^Dcein par,aod |he Governninvsiies at 113—JSewlYork the Cholera, is fast l:u-.c\ii.:;^ lo our own hof*>cs, er b>' <ricke^' the RicbmojW, Fre^erjckSburgf one-fourth et« mik, at any .position line never be- the 8ame^P^«pJi .The^mshiog increase EBBS lQ7~Keiiidciy\i _ 06r*Ohr5p 104{—aiid( '^the by the Loriiaa'and Orange on foot, and then you musi edge betty^l and I ' U r c K n ccrnniuuitlcc. il Has spread from and Potomac rntnlry. ofbusmess at the offices of Winchester, Charles* bonds of this Obmaio^weahh at|98f cents| in xthe jnad£s^w_afilC58>AJr'l Wfepay. makeil •the t>*t reme poirstsNorrii tollie South and from i'r,e . • . ;i to cross.on MfljidKjr, bu.t I thmk we i " removal of Mr. and likeiall lovers who are squeezediiito-farnilied 'East to it be West, and in its erratic wanderings lsSand canie least iwo days unless we fare tnuth . Tfre Governor in bk last messfge. Etates that : .! -- w . .- T - - . * » i i " .. as «tajtter o • pronto the Con^ai J^p hundred and n o f e a v e t h a t t e . was consent, 'J rate8 various . luteritil -'|mj}overaent :-cotppanies • then bv a close vote,th£r.e ts of'eri rfo ckiipfortable po- The now bids fair to reach ihe inlerio'r. la no CRFC* . : Any:man; sition for the extra member. Therje was npucfaair ; ne Mid o r woi^ld . . 1101 however, do we Hpprehend,lhat its work of-tlraihi ^i' 135'lh. member. down the- I<ouis» roa.4 *°. J^^h/ ?*^ / gioian of . last. 'states that in the two the bonds of the Componwigakh ^> the .amount ; in tie ffonse of Defeajt«ss.fqr,tbe r it may fc'j ! donsville and sending it'.to. Akxambia, by ^the to say, that allin-.tfcetJonipany urid devastation will be M, great as when''in ^"M" °uf c°ra™»»%i- <" *»? otticr' ***>''* * •" ;T;here ig nib chair fr¥me H«Jase Of'Delegates now are wellj w ] of.nine hundred -and eVeniy-two liKwsand duldays previous one hundred and thirieen despatchlOraage and ; Alexftcdria' raihoai: .The,. the sanifc .fearful epidemic ro^hed our .hores- =«nver,ant«tl,t?Jvla1x,r.J0.)sPo?itl,)h,:Which Mfc fopthe-lSSth member . few whg-'ha^ejcold*—fndeei _ : es were sent and received at thet office aione.^- LITS, and these bonds'mst of couree be sold or the qt 'diverting the trade 7frora the ;fiappfthanBOck .every person in this place was thus Vy.'has occnpied, * jll uuhjjsitatinglyideclare that $3« i Knvk" 'An fir 1 Tr ^ r The experiencebf our pliysiciano, thp greater di*, works in the process .rt construclioii The other offices we doubt not, would furnish a ed,. - He also, allies liatbf the"numerons:appr.o- . gis)atijire had. . ai^a .frppi ; the county.rqf ( irnpnoVenipnt, to-whicrf the State baa toan«l tine of our Company, however,,at this •position among our people to use all ihe .prayer he lias disoharge.ii! ?iis duties io a r»ai??.iei'highly haniirrd thtfusand-dullars, and turning that trade y of,Fair{ and| proportionate exhibit, ..The people are becoming pr ia t ions in ade ;a t the as io ns ^rsvipus to. last . creditab.'e t»hims|!!:f,aud eyje;si|;tely to the fined] to bed ay sickness., Several of oar i preventives, «v*!l tend greatly to lessen the fr'b'm Frederickeburg to A}?xanirj^'L''be wisdom- tove, been an well, "but nothing more thj winter'a.6easipb.,on^«|pk*nd a. half wouldbe wi&the'ac|tqC!Jlwr!3w'Uar^ more and 'more convinced of 'the great advantages •of:"runhing c"* i_L^ * ! _ _ — .,*._•i» I . . t-». t-fi ftn^^Bnntorn nla Foil public g»Jod and Tji:; securiiy of tl.c Di'partiTirnl. an oppositiba.,tOi por^aotemplmted •corieeq denies of, it.s -progress. ; '.\Vl> have connected with oar; required in 18-ty a&] 856; This som also he : in the. f»CC, line, by way of Manase^h Ga-p^u teVal- luia. tgt one^siich dele-, .Central "have Quoted it, there' s 'In Virjginia", accountti hive reached us 'o lla Bi/t for this, office^ ;as -evejry other uri^erllie Goi- of this wonderfnl improvement, and should feel sa.ys most be raii wagcjii iyiiltexpre*s^Jpr carry ing thes » *«^ *«*. . . . ri . i. _ ~ ~ U . . . -• ™ ^ ** .1 ti 11 i •-'-^>,->*•• ; -Jili-•'. ' >±a just pride in sustaining, so far as itr tbefr powin angel with. however, we hope to have i,0 u-,e ;or prevalence both ;in Charleston and Norfolk, and "ve'rtimeiit, a place >:unst be given for titte of that; ... peculiar party; wlioiihad nu-frieuds to reward orn.o er. the eSprt^ of those jvho have made so if* ia Saving swprttgua toed the gates oJEjParadise, but fifteen wagons, tww.of the bodies of i .there wpst be- he Internal Improvemen cases have occurred all a!ong the' Kanawl»a,from - t guaridian geni^oflhe CommoriweaJtb,, with rhnfd.1 built ofsheel iron, and made perfectly * j enemies to punish |n ordejr that ihe" <3avernmcnt sacrifice, in time and in money, to erect the Line, raised two :nji iij and seventy-t^p by the same improvement from Winchester to . Point Pleasant to the Splines. In the former f -m.itlioa ,o"f this the 46uole-edged eworf of . the Constitution and . Alexandria : The wisdom 'of gu*rftntse4t>g the- ^They are built iu ihe shape of a-boat, tjjjj keep it ia successful operaliou, and in all things thousand dot lars. •• place, a number of deaths have occurred, andt-he might be brought bjck to fhe policjj' o&the.'early . Ihe'law, |was powerJesf tp protect the .dooig qf the approaching dea public goojd ainft'a'^publiicvbenefit. -.':the ml boijds1 of ithe^hesapeike and Glffrt canal for tUtee pabie of-beating op aome hundreds of« wh;»le coinrannity are inti.;iidely alarmed as to its Presidents'! ' Wei mands flti the Treasurj independent of tbe ap- HouEe of Delegate^. ^ It is imaossiblefli tBJsd>y |hnndred lhcwnpand-doliars;io finish the Gaiial'-tn freight, ahoald we wkh to use ihem a ; :I fact enough, in GY J'.-t nami.-, if that is a i that it; !o to! divine! the iinpurse'whid] produced this slate LATE MAJPR ciENJ WP^I;H.' crossing Jarge streams of water. 0«r c propriations of last/Wirtei'.- The Habiiities of the progress. I ten in \Mafgiand' to carry1 coal to Alexandra*-' The «*•-•*• from the approp/istiarisoftne. Uvo sessions of .things. ';Whethe;r it ^rqse .from abstract 'rea- Iwisdoni of guaranteeing two hundred thousand gobs ure strnngly built, and look as l t And (Us impels.with whwh Taj iorIn view of tie approach-of this fearful epidemic. Iven 'foH The death of this gallant-officer, whosej military ' upon eqiia-1 fights, or from thai renowned ika jie^l laiufei £flde& the/above sum of , . ' ! ; • . , .7 . . . =,, •• • 'T>T ' '?: r - ;• .i/l.' j !dol|*!;3 more, to- eriabre^ultimately^he Alekandjria would see us "over the plains safely. and as'a.'.commuti y iwho are.disp.ised. to ward off fam is moving onv aid to lhat MghteoiiiS indigna- career is one o{ the brighiest and bravest in A.oaerir —•'Tiia'.ij **ir*«i'• r*nr* £*m% - * Jli'»* "il" fquxllw ef those going; fromnhis poiat ever, .keeps, lent on | the danger, if possible, what is our' duty ?-r- , lion which awaits it, wiH,.ere a few; m«>bnB more can history, must excile -sorrow throughout lhe: much it seeras m^t-bi provided for at'an vance^f one crop. .Ife'that as it;oDiayi, the 'House 'Canal company to .pay its debt to! Alexandria :— —look where you will almost, ami rien ' all iW&Jo.the aggregate iutere*ts shall wax and wa "if-, be,go apparent lhat, ' jt\yi:wapd; .position andycke (twelve).aUadhefl to a Whilst we .have no desire to create unnecessary two and a half 8oon;,faandV)tself. fnj'ah ut cou.titry;; Returning lately from tfeW drleatis' t'o a'a(/,.so that it mayibe,- : a way faring man t toiigh afooUha'l ! spught at opce ; #pd mp^sejdujously to jrerjaedy quite lively Jo. see a d<zen 01 miiiions of t h o b o u d s o this. Common wealth Are " alarm, yet it wiil not Co !c say that ogr Coiwty ie 1 ti* c f his'command at San Snibnlo, Texas, tbe .fire the maUer, upon the r p c r l n c i r j e s of" teams"6irun» -along Ihe road,'aim K ^ J ? We Deceived "oe See of tliis last -re-mtv al, j nst at ' . . "" '_ I , - • " ,' - • " _ . . • i . . ' • ; ' .• now subsitautiatly in,ttei iffirket- $eek.wg'-aegoEdirfctt secure, .whilst other sections of die country are be' ! : the .court bf:c 'h anc'ery— in" other yifprds, to cushion almost; lhal we hear of him again, is his sudden tiafcion-.-.;-- 'i //?-t^h^ ;-:.;-.. ; ; j ."ii-..->«..,-•' ; niore-commtm berfrtban a c^rcinge w «(] the time of .pntlin; J.onr papier!to prefa, 4nd t ing daily attacked. With an eye solely to the •the chajr of the 135Uimeniber,by doing "that after town. ^ i demise by epidemic cholera. Me was in the flo: I ': .1 have nqt] the ifte^nijpliscertaiiring now much i— he liveiToijttie b'odnlyanU favor of»Jich man "public good, the corporate HUlhoriliesof our town postpone until our sext sonic pthtrmaijersapper- year of his1 age, and .had'escaped death while in this sum id swelled by the organization of other he \v as. on the door, which: ought lo have been VVebave, in »*$ provision way, iillir-.. iHe held and felt the humiliating f4« of.n sobordi. \ of flour and 2,008 .pounds of pilot bread;] : Companies frdrp tbe;^gi3}ation-of,l*st,w.inter.—- (Jone ib^ have put forth, as will be seen by Advertisement, taiaing tu-this app' fntrnenb prubitl nate.positiop^he knew 'that' in hi i father's house strepidjy leading to. victory in a greater number 6 The additional appropiiationof someone hundred of :two /distiaetiresoltttibns,' , After to 8(OUO pounds »f bacon; loti- of ISTERNA IMPROVEMENTS; f a series of regulations and rerjairements, so a-j to battles than generally has fallen to the Jot of an and sixty thousand dojars to tlie Alexandria and : one pflered -by Mr^ Shefifeyi,-amiitl ie! other by!Mr. I here were servants whose'lot Wi^'pretfrable to several barrels of molasses; beans, j »red ' came to himseif-^he so'u^lft.lhe home of insure a thorough cleansing bf all impure places, Our readers vfil to-day 'e paper a search America's officer, to be engaged : in- ..-i.-Genera Orange ft. lt.;G6.,m*ing:ith(. whole appropria- Ha-y>vood .to •re'Spporiiori toe representation-^— his infancy and childhooda -Bis utner'w.hen-oe fruit, <pofi^0 «"d tea in af>iti,il.tiire, ajree'ifse of lime and all proper' preventativus ing in vest ig-alio a Mr. {ScQttioQ the JJtu oHFebrnaryl 1848V moved ;a that we dwu'l look m.i>ch aatoo*gb v Worth was :a distinguished soldier in two wars tion to.thajlc6mBaoy fije bundr^d and forjy thoiia'" to tlie jcondition of uur , thatlai Select Cpmmitteefbe appoint-" was yet a treat way o5 had com >as:-ion, fell" on Our"wag»ti3 xvere lua'dvd ye and dollars, is probabl; c 1 i nched, and poss ibly llie respiuliMO,'' against epidemics". At this seaMn of the year, i cur —tlie wir"bFl812, in .which he fleshed his maiden Treasury, and tae bankruptcy and en.Qrjn.ous b e j j ^ e to SietLyncbburg &.Tennes Cd With instructions to bring in a bill increasing. it is well known lh£t fillh of any. kind engenders sword, and won hrig'ht.laurejs fbr,hisbrow —was the.uurober of Defegatesrfa 143v|'"so as to aswhich awaits "it u jless more orwitdois, more of ; it. R. Cb.,i bmo.unirng . to .n ppcniaa^ • disease, and it is ihe'delerraination of tbe authoriwitl» fhi.load. iiUrg to-run tile sign, one Relegitei'tp'tbe C3nnty of Alexandria/:' ^, and fosrhiii nd,r justice, more ef >lti J>, practical corntnon sense,-eri- one of the n osl trilliant heroes of the Mexican a ring on his finger and slioeii'on his feet— : ties lo have all such nuisances removed. We .&.C.", &c., which bjU,w.asreportetljand-on the 13th 11 Louisa: railroad through and beyond the'Blue ter our, legielat ve j c'dunciU, tJian1" prevailed for; war; dad terminated with -much success the to pri fattedcalf'.aiid domesticated the son thai ; The Compa ny had it general of March, wua rejected by i vote jot 67 ayes to 6-J hope every-family in the commumty will cheerne^dav-niortiiug lact, when the feUlow Ridge, are.jbeyobd Ab^-Teachibf' lay. act of the 1 ;ienr uu| dian war in Florida,/ The-P.biladeiphia was loEiU- . the last session or two. . \Ve 'hope the; length of nays... So thai ithe House Jecideatbal tjie,repregirilaiure saijpeQdis^g^pprdprla ;ions and surveys. fully acquiescejn a juieasure like this, so impera111 ! • • Bui we are'not toltj that ev^n tlie prodigal son men were-re^eived .a* membt»rs:. Notit this com mufltcatioR may d^ter none from -a care- jiyei the -fol owing sketeh of his career: So lhat;the:Tr^asjijrer:o!f tlie;J!talie, or whateyer sentajEipn; should -nol be rp-apportioned 'sr* as to •attempted to -disinherit his bi ethren and mo- James fti. Mauuuig and Lawrence B. j m»nta| , lively demanded by the health of the c o m m u n i t y iu'crease the 'nuplber. of the House of J>elegate8 3e ente ed the army, in the artillery service ,other official fntiQiicnsry prdsiles over its credit ful and candid tt»ves:»,»gatioirj of the subjects treat" Tiie ti« nppolize ihe whole estate.' ! 'and the public goud. . !. to'l.4i!.: • . - - : / ' '-v -;. .. ;j! •' • We imve procured the services ott-i ed>fcs an array pffjtatislica'i facts are brbduccdj as a private soldier, d u r i n g the martial fever tha •miist look for means quickly U sustain ourliereA CITIZEN; WHO'. PAYS TAXES. 1 rage J in thi> northern States in J-812, during- llie IpforpVun^ullied repu4alion.iW &n amounl of(5at .- TWs bill- was reconsidered en the 20th March,' In addkiun jtq ihe purifying bf our cellars, atis-to conduct us to the"-Valley oftlie^ " ras i which will serve tp^tartle the mjiiid of every man Canada. lie signalized himself by least five JEntllions,bfdollirs. ^< iddsave tlie Com- and amended by. the-tollowing gubdtiiule, on molle'hus been over tlie route on several c L, JJlEETiNGxQP 1 HE lJ'3's. &c. We -*voi/?:! suggetst the present as a faa who regards the'credft, thejhonbf and the repuia- his tion ptMr. Floyd: . • j deporttnorji'rknd gallantijyj arid was ; mpnweHiUh; stndJlhe second AJK *,-. and is-represented 'as^rcan of goud eb it the I it -yorable time for a thorough cleansing of>' That ihe House of Delegates \T6 t!te EJfirtr <?/«, of Jefferson: tion of tlie old Gptemi<n\vt4lih,a:8 beii5*r- worthy soon .made a'. Lieutenant < in which capacity he Tlie members of bur-Company fcai -But" perils past- a4,wellsj«i Srbsaes to ensue" aw are ' 'li'e-Btreetsj On every one of them; dirt, faith,-rut: be increased to one hundred: and t h i r t y f i v e --Sir. LKLLE'R: You will oblige a sub^riborand of his future laurels, in Ihe suhjeqts for;refle.ctioni»-i eflaction llhe ma^omckUat lauiiltarizsd/wuh caiap lit'e.j of hid watchfuj i»g;i nee agd most ::,Th£i represeutation'oi'the four grand stockholder in tlitf (Jhesapeaka and (lino Canal, some are [ileased, rfiere are many wfc ;;bish):stone, &c. have been.sufiered to accumuin ijit iry sk'il. ; injl.- daring he displayedl At iher : bf wisdom -I \Ve .barely,!: escaped a::inilliqn trv ior shall remain as nniv established, except '.ifying the Polbraac emimies lhat the refiab tor thia aort of life. Ln^l ni^M late, ail of which could be'-removed in "-a few mo- COMBIXED BOTLERJAND STJ2AMJDU. dy's Lane h ! was badly wounded, and, for hia and. i quarter -wyg to Ihe Alexkniiria-tirid Yall^y •ihat. tlie;coun!y .of -Alexandria shall elect, one ces-on I lat bloody. tield,-as welLas at Cin'ppe- R« ft^amilliohfahd a Ualfimorb-totheCovinglon meeliiig of.lhe Company,, agreeably- to the perfect soaker in the way of a rnin. I: .-rnents tftne hy the different property holders.— 1 -X charter, takes place on. Llie tir^l ijondsy in June, ;in'torrent*,'aiid at times Captain anil thep and Kana wha R .'&% and appropriations: of fhouB-* Delegale, ' &e.'j'&c; . - . - . ' . These are Tin atfachmerjts for Cooking Stove?, wa, he was brevetwd, first to ' : Who will be first lo sel the example i m'lilafy career and, liuDdiBda of •.thousafldch like tha Bakes. \, ,TUis_ bill, on motion of Mr.- Scott, was laid oh- oul a'l what place I am not able t^ say. The last to be opeiiedf*and tl;>3 bosorn of tiie j Ranges, &,c.i foi coykingbjr Steam'alone without to M ajocr .'ii le^ ihe ,ttib)e) lies 10 this day^ So that the no Use than four brevets-oii tbe field.of battle.—4 place of meeting was at the'Kxchange in Baiti- i brokeu up. Porlanatefy, our pir<iii4J of-an'ow in a,w1' i.terstprriii. TRIAt, FOR ABDUCTIKG coming' iu Contacl »iih ivaieV, sufch as 13'cef, Veal, Onth'e fieltl ifPolakiakiaba, in.Ftorida, where^hf The Upvc/qo' inhis.message-'i^brethe,last, tlouse decided, it wouJd iiot re-apportion the re- liniore.-'; thai nothing fluwt ut n. si^ctiOif edition 'Mutton, Ham, PouhJ'y, andyeg^tables of nil kiiids. commanded ind gained a victorj over fJie.Indi uses jibe follow! j^/language^ ft-The bigh;."credil pres«n:aiion, so asio give tte-isfenty^of Alexafl- ; The next meeling-pf the Cornpany is one o f - fki'Hl cttuiU' bave inc«mmpd«;d us seriw In August last, an Irishman by the name of : numuef The; advantages 'of. the jCqnibined Bafler :and ana,.he was irevetted a brjgn'dier,—and age in, a of Virginia,: hot x i abroad .anit; at; home,: and. tlie dcia. one i nibre importance than 1ms ever hurel.ulore taken It is divertina' to; ''bojj •James Cek, was arrested in Berryvilte, chirgod Delegates to 135. Major General, in Mexico, in ooe of ahe; most place. . It will, be the. province of [.ihe : avidrty wiih.;whicb: investments are sougli|.<iahci text meet^pursue their ditfereiit rato«airir»us: T Stearher are that w^iileevejy description of cook1 '•with having endeavored to .persuade certain ne' The session was now drawins to ii^ c'cwe, and nig to reform and repair, au'd" ACTION , ACTIOS ' ; learmrjj to cook in filrie r'ylc. nn'l by! brilliaul <iam jajgas-thal ever.attended the inarch bonds leave DO 'oubt of our atilUy,^ &C^*8u<ding is done by Steatn, it cajises the art-des 'cook- ofan.'army. ;,. • . . • ..--'. .Bui rn. his last message a sad change .has'come ,al| CQBstitutioDal means haying failed io re ap- will, ber the watch.-word. tgroes of Mrs. L. Lewis and other citizens of ; • , ; g..: b-dcfc'ive can finnisLi the H«x ed to retain their original ifla|v<ir, much better than portion.the .rppresenlatiori, Fp as Tip increase the : The people al large are deeply, jnten s!ed—be- j °arj. speciiiVei'd. I saw some b'ie.i ..V Mis services, as;-a. brave aujl judicioas-pfficer, over the 6piritf af :hi» official' Clarke -county torun'away. His»finaltrial!carno r number in the House •of Delega'les/and ' if cooked in theordjjMry way, with au 'estimated were always ackuovvledged by, Ihe Commander- fie;;says, {nut! every la.c j\nypf rn Alary- w!;ich !.»-k(Ml i.-j .vJi'/las iho.igh it 're 88;activeljp tl e «de, o ' 'on ia Clarke at the last term of the Superior March, 1847, prpviding-ihftt[but phe, aind ah'd in chief, for, in nearly all the battles of Taylor bjn'ds •rv holder rt'Utivfs!, .hfuwever, -ISttl might not .o.n!y impair o*ir uusni lied credit saying of '9ge-th}rdi!me.aK'd fuel. Court, but jn conerqnence of the jpry failing to and• Scoit, \Vnrth .led. the advanced assaulting but serjously should represent ine-counties of Fairfax ;ui debtBgains: the . : weihave her linger in'jrie pie.ihe dongii ri.-T-s T.he Mesers. O'Btnhon^bf'fbis town:harve pur- diyJsiona.,, ^ it jMpqter^y he-carried the. priboipa : i agree, a change of venue was ordered to -the proto:aid." ;t-do nptth'ink.fce ciii rely safeiy ,an.d Ajexandria, -blill etaring the House; in the eiiongU aiiii If we could on' chased the right for. JeQers'Sn of this vaNable im- fortresses, '"ieassieted ; lp bombard ,Ver.a. Cruz OD,|6a«8 fqr njoire tha.« SWpiOpO.jjeri-anquni; -H 1 fac,e,;that eeclipn ;-was on the iJBth' of Mirch,.'by • Thereforei how would it do t&.caj! »:ee ingsto^be ; jri^liy 'sent te/sj'of our Court for JeSerson. Accordingt>Ugt, belujve il wu,«: a ti-m.ile's provement, 'and are row man nfttcturin<f a number and,was appointed Governor of the .town after-'its can see np other resource but taxation or the Bale ipai^.-sl-rengtat fepealedj'and; a iaw,/«i akl nefas. at Harpers-Ferry, $uepherd:4owfl, uiianed- | up tind dnvcu, and Uiri>u<;!i its i,inJ^l,»t ly^ fl»e trial charged as above, cbmineiiced on Frito -'--- -passed, th1at|hereafterthe,saidiconritv. |jf Afex- lowii &, fcsiiiiihlifid u« >Sa.tunJa;, t - v t n i l i ; next, w n d right'and tl wjtitd not du.auy thing of -the IJoilers for.f'ale or; inspection;:. Among capitulatipb..j,- At Cerro-Gordq he,: . -day morning last, and after a tedious and laborious . by i-equest all the couqtidsou.the L'Dlour.n to do u i- au'J ibaLiria little, leps thau -tlnets andrij. shall eicct o others who have given them a fair tesi, we are part, led the j ad vance lo J'-uebla,. diatji ng aishec : * ' ' : himself highly, at Cherubasco, fought;the most second Audito>C*ribii'q be clotB'eu: witlr Bie .p~(J w*i investigation was given to the'jury on Saturday the iiext meeting 1 one vi.'iisiir.stef tiiuugkt tu be t, . Y authorized. |to -refer^w Captj-Sappilngtoiiv- He, as .'anguinary engagement, of tK--> war at Molina of diBposin^.ortpam,"! &e. v ^prefl'enc^-pfpbufary aTter dinner If BO be, th» p only 8D; c«n e Clliltl UUt. bread to rise•night, j In this trial, however,-as in the other, no House. But ereTi|ih this'' _^t any rate^ by sending 'out ;t indeed all who have ifieUthem, speak \i\/tlie roost and carried his point though he lost nearly hall • As to taxation recommended by thfi Governor, from t&e lrn"ride$3 -of- the :>f Yea an: aware that the provi? I ; verdictjltta been ren d^red, Bndtbe'jS'ry after%havpreserits it8elfj(hat^rfe de- }_O, reconnoitre, OIK 'Ageites^ the Buarll of tre of llw Ctmipany v.vro. on' iho »ai extravagant termaf uf the. pud>erou3 aflyantagcs his men, and at die slormi ng of ('hapu! te pec anc 1 have looked carefully into the -tax. 'list,, and 1 vjOte^Uje'pheribm'erion ! > ! v ing beeic confined from Friday to yesterday noon Jegate frpii»rA lexandrfa -vb{eS' td'rjep4al the very /, and in- I came tp'tlns place. We, had * to be derived, if my of oar good frien-is should San Cosmo displayed tho same valor and con.lcmpt find the Legislature have already been astute and Jaw, iWhjcMhen on the statdte' book:was in the sideut and Directors miglit searching, foe subjects of taxation, and. that every.'discharged, and .the prisoner "remanded to of danger-iliat ever'marke'diui career.?. foriaatiun obtained as. 16 Ihe iilace midlime of Ii procuring wagons simf dtaysytp be considerate enough to send us a iiawi, we proA letter fn>m San Antpnio,'of the "tth, to -the thing 4S , no »v com parati vel v taxed • but .'our wives :iyvay opt-only Idf rhfa vote, fcot'of aj FUife' vnte^ giv- i:e.\ t annu-al meeting ! I iil for another trial at the Fall Term of the. Suour canijs bul al It?n'ij*l« .sut-Tc <J mise to have it cobkedacqofding to gydtier, and and oar preaclters, our cradles and our coffins.— en by .him duririg the SPission^-rhe iontesl in some bteunpss', • troiriile", in hiring a Ciiujiie. \Ve .Thers is perhaps e r h a s SfiOO,QOO Sf of v Picayune,; sayai: : rjor Court. The "counsel for the Commonhis vote d^c^ded the m'at- j(perhaps no't so much,) reach injf.froir tlif-iiiHn 'haul up Uvour encampment,thai As ^o the other aud only 'alternative. the: .iBank cases; being' ew close that repcrt the progress iti ourneiL . , U; : IJe'died as he'li.ved, a true snldier, conscious gjrtlhh, \vete &Iessr%. John E. Page and Richard Slpcks, the divJilendKon these for the .last year .Jer,,.^! mean' hbthirig thikirid ''.Ibv^Vdit'that CBti- that .proudly .su'rveys lit* wide aj>d-lun iy maisor (juil iit>, fOrtl'ltr Wouldn't do l« Ii GUAHDS. tp-the last, surrounded by. liis brqken'he.afted wl^e put into the Treasury the .= inn of one hundred and mable gentleman. Ho is an ornantentto the town down lo the. poor laborer^ piIstMiC ^rker^-for the Prisorer, 'Richard :£.,Byrd, J. iay our on the bank of the river. Tte and children,-a id by his military slaffand other e in whio,h ho lives, and.ia my, opinion to. human eflBCtl-O/rd'Oij sixtythre^ thousand three hundred and sixty -.six ;T!^ subscriber met; with a_ contracts ^ -JLandolph Tucker and-John A-'Thomaon, all o! hibiteil-thc senui-ne California. . 'piriti£;W We are Ttq tested; to state that ihe meeting, of frien'ds." ' I know hfm"\VeTl. ,ami'speaki "iftrewr. in. sing trotn \Vashingtoii-to Gevrgetoww ittie' tner day, We Imd trtree wi*rronAC'n>nrown dollar?, and . ttie ; ^eg; isla tu re'd ititing-u iahed al .least - L_ whom acquitted themEelves-with -great credit in the Jefferson Guard*, whiph was to l;«ve taken At ^(&w- iibi k, the, an,npuhcem«it -of O'euera! in this respeetiii >r, wliat if.didnotdo, most- wisely oiily $f. a civil wring, _qf the. inva; ionjas iveli_ot that held §1^^000 iff canal scrip, rfeceiv •U iu jray- cf Which were londed'at oru-e, and ft jtheir able^J^ masterly defence before the. jury. place on Saturday' iast, wks postponed until tofor work louy siuce done on tile «. ;uai,i, aad off by our own boya. 'i'he third v. Worth'* deafh was followed!by, a.suspension o; did not t h i n k it prudent to rip up the 'goose that my.ciyil Tights, as of every 'ptlie'e,'. citizen of the uient ]The"case,has =eltoited.some considerable interest ^riorrow evening, (WedneB^ay.) fall S o'clock.— k i he:kriows of many, more sioii trly silua ed. ed with -more tha'ti it •con'u <:t>in! i he "National;!? lag, half'mast, from ill the hotels 4aid, the golden; egg. Nor p?i>bably did they deem iCdmiaon:w,, _ t, jiowever i? at although the it sound policy !j inform spectators in this sectionof llie State, though we doubt the It is des ii able tliat every member of the Company JTtten come" up'to.iJte work qt reform. howe.ver', they had the f-p:iiik,am! stit« and publiff ll be only. 13 jmem- Let Delegates be sent-im; suggeatrd.defd that we.hac commenced eelting our estates Conti.litutidn;5ecl '!"-,:i<•! t f an^irt.l ilth f'.-...:.* h f t t l \ S 3>Ifc"^ * ' renSitioff of a-verdict for a long, dlong time to shall be present, and prepared to pay 'into the Thoy attached fi lhi pr .>. Ae ftiilh to. pay our debt's, tllill to'thia compleiiQQ itAhath bers in the House of Delegates n itiLa: reapporJLATE FB0A1 CALIFORNIA. : A SIOCKHOLDER: counted tUirry-fwui; ves up ' • <!ome. _ ' ' t _ - ' ^ ; . • ....- : Treasury '§5J the amount required.'from', each come. or probably w i l l come, ttnd it is a curious liqnmenl Lie rna'de, and although aJl efEirts at and they tafed lh>ws : •TII^l MAtlCIi OF IMfROVEJaEA'T. ' failed,\ ' ' although the and 03jay, be.jft prjlitable.eijbjie.ctot enquiry\tbdis- appprUoninent' "utterly "Pbe Pritia^ mail steamerSevern arrived a.t . 'HIE -VVEAT11ER. , member-fer, tlij? purchase.of Cloth and trimmings ji.-j ..-.-. • • - _ . -—,; a-Jl imn^ipabfe>eaee. Indt-eJ, ail 1 :i ,e Gonstitution [ ed, I do rx.jt Ih'iUt pur Company is for the uniform. -> •. ; ; • -\ : " ;H- i :•"» bile on the iust., in four days from VeraCruz: co.veri;whea,an(l liow, and forvhAt purp°se tha 5i(v Section] of tfie. 3d Article of tl .' )H iFOIt TUE-SKIIitT OF JEFFE8SI)S. ., nmade in the Se-; The Severn brings news from .San Francisco ctredit:of the-Stt te: is e$aJ{e'd;4o say the;.le46t in deciares-^—^' pb i.ijcrease shall^be After IhVloTig and most disagreeable spell of Thrtngli riot ike.oldest man, tl is Wiih,i my re- j any, in in.ilurhit'abl.? Brieryy. determine ' n^teiapd House of Delegatesr unle ss by a&jiicurto the flifr of April, confirming previous accounts extreraejer SUCCESSFUL . AtWg.NTUIlEH$.^-The "Jf^W York - idry, vpindy and dusty weather, the showers of ihe collection that a journey from Siaflnft; to'the}. ; Tt.e hgiii.ning of tiie Old Dominical x . , In tracing'ba k the history.-df this>m'onetary ren«;epf the yote. of1two-thirds, of ;}xjfii braii^lea Ferry occupied a week, and .When the rt nds were |as "vivid a.-* in this te-t-on ot'roi.intry-Jfti>PAt>.-+Ti • last day or two will refreshen vegetation, and Express publishes^ fetter .\yrilien,byB^C. Whiteof t.he.Legislature, ''yet, has this incteare been, Gambling and inebriety were on tBe i ncrease. cholera which has sosuddeiuy seized upf'in our very l.iantiy brilliant," ju^t liere. -Yt-.-u---. iressPd \\m not good, longer. • . make the heart of the farmer, leap for joy; It is head, and dated city! of Mexico, April 15, 1819, Provisions a t l h e placer's were still very h!g!i. vitalsr it ialstratige, by the way,.to job_aerver that made jpy '5,4 tnembers, an"d a pew eleinent ofpowit pfiyc'f+nany.p]eaaini> phani.i-ii " •team-.-r M i l l ] O!J Bucker with hia etflge, as lf>ag ai d as on the impression of many, that bi>£ Whfeat crop has in wRJch the writer says—i" there are three men In some parts uf Mexico whole town.s have been wje have beeDspii warned by the example «f.aeve)i ;err'baen; iiitrpduced'inlo ihe Houaejof Delegates ciishi'onedas a wood wagfrn;cra-w-ted:frbi the first i iky, but" at night-it- disappeared, ai urjknovi n ^to'^ the ' Constitutipn or lo any, laws o f l his before omr.,. "been serionsly'injured by the ity'and other cause*, here on their way r'lome from. Califorina, wjib .deserted by men who have gone to the gold mines. of come itawir. "You'd, ' ' belter belifV* enacted uiide^and. in'conformity with that Con-' to-the last named place—where the lm |er tar- seatiiieis and that the cropx:an in DO event be an average three hundred thousand dollars wotlh j of gold ; .'.-At| Vft|p9i?aiso;:the rush; tor the gc>ld eyes havo been awept into the gulph-of repudiajRaugKt U samf. f'nr ry/ing-an :nig!»f, rose the -next lijbniing b^tire day. ; .siituiion.' That-pbwerie taxing the citizens of 1 J mines conlinue; nearly all the luerchantiare pre- tion and. w.el|.nit;h of civil pefttiSon -• " very b^sl'material, iiws/n'K-h a-; thft •'at the Hwang of ihe stawe-horn, and . ?t>ne. .SVehope for the ibert, howeveriand regard dust w i t h : them, which ihey have nnaue in vne: paring to go there. >j |; , : ;,; r •': '• hy>the -quoULtion made, firort. the 6/>fhe N^hple'iCojnnio.nweallh. That ppfver,is. boat crpssed'to the rjp)iosite Maryland shore.r—j us completely/ ffom the vicferK Ht as yet too etriy to decide ^definitelyW: to 4hc year, and TI 'hichth°£? jsh'.tfwcjd 63.' The. a-)W6 the y aiding in originating, conducting and maturing A. convention ha* been propostd-io be held in Governor's, message of IJecember,>.l84!i that.up look out the next time you cr son the wiiJ>«L»t._..'Fho--e vH»<> had not Monterey on the 1st inst., to form a constitution tb,thal tiBS* ourpredit. waalttiiiajpaired, and that measures which are.swelling ihe debt of the State Traveller, yield. The CornTrias of cburse suffered .rhucli bring is l»etier thaft'tjver." | The E llailroad and see below the wit of pie: ure <PX* a'roiind their tents, 'paid for tr»eir-u« li and '<Jflyin^ her-intb cbnvulsionr, which may end for California. , A, /• '•• j , . . .„•,.;. " " a strain of gr^eftii;praise,Jikebtte of the song^ of V : . for the want of rain, and but very little of the late es that t ie writer is well knowu in this city,", /te^iftif nianner. Ho\V vastly cmn'ui" cursioivit must have'been. Commodore Jones has offered a pardou David, .per-vades lhat docuuieBt; bat when you ;in. that deep torpor from whicli all proper sensiAfi old friend informed me,shortly si ce. how the cold water roHUrgi smoothly p l a n t i n g ia $tet up. The crop of grass is a very and what i « «a.y^ fe? ihastem can: be relied ont" bility slirinks back aghast. .It is got .ihei mere reach the next communication of.Dacernbor, '48, deserlers, sailors and marines, who may surrenlie wandered into trie-kitchen before day n search little riv'tit--'. tiiuierneaUi yon, ami .Jfchort one, and;the Sprjing pasture ia thereby to a'; .-."...•-, : r-ifili'i '-: -, ••:; ••. ' [•;:'.,;'..'; it seeD«lO;haye:came, from £heilameDtatio'aB;bf. numerical u n i t Which has been added to the num- 'of: his .boots and. received the "harsh wa h-word, there is no-remedy^ but 5*u must, laj ST. Lot is FmE.-i-Tbe board ^of assirssprs of, der. ber of the 'House of Delpgatea-^jU.ia the" moral greatexteat destroyed. . ; Gold is .said to be more plenty At '.San FrancisJeremiah. -I commend to our present dislioguUhSl..Louia i eport tho joliowing as tlw ea«h value who is there? from the' old hostess, wlw t would lak-e it coolly.: co than it hads been. Nearly all l.he people wait- ed Ctiief Magistrate-, a-perusal erf Young's.Night streqglh-which that unii carriea-vvilh it. He seem There >re not $ never slumbered nor : sjepl! :ul then of building R A SESSION. ing there were about sell ingout for the mines. Thougbta, or Hirvey's Meditations anitvng the has rea^ Ii is books in vain,- and looked on the bounding : around nsat present as iln-n from rock to rock , nbtro-say | ecipice, tri*,-$441,500 Value e£b Tombs, for a spirit sympathetic and cungeuial to wordings of society hi vain, who does not know wended their way to Fw'detickjCity, ta tarrt The latrgs majority have rnaJe a (PROCESSION ing one . ; The Legislature o! jVirginia met1 bfl yesterday, 1C 4th ward, ;;. Ai* firstjexecBtive communicaiiou. -, , : v ; ',';; • • ! • whalone man' '"W.ho-oin'whato.yer arreston the motto, ".there's luck in ' AT mortal day—^and'thence to.Baltimore, tl next, <.o complete its revision o!" the 'Ciml Code. The •',Hir.,t *.{ 3d wardj 11 ' . And now, -I ask,' what new elemeiil of power ed. ihe progress.;of' a man that did not do Fome. . . The Po»l OfBce at tbi* pi _Nbw upon -'thewrn^sbf-stv^arn ihe !o omotive . .,,... -. . r. ». • ;.,:. . -~~";- • people confidently expect that no matters other entered into, or w,as inlrodaoed intw.our LegislAr: •Jthing to, arre8t;his owa:prpgreas.?- ,"The introduc' 'FBO3f ' IjHB WjtCHESTER overrun with business. We have sweeps over all this~gn>und in a briel hour, or tire functions to effect such a change as our late lion of the,delegate from Alexandria county not than ther-one-grett'-wwk, Bhitl be brpngbt fqrT "•Tbjei va liatiori fif bu a;week. Having some lette riday'^ we' ila^[tli'b straight-forward Governor advised ue, did occur only added another plate to ihe battery, but that ;tw,o—odcnpying not more hflurs than ay» Ibr- times Tie •s- me rcaadis^ ^od.,.ol5ieii:pmperly: w t icse ing •aurd either for dlsciii*ipn or legislation* The the oil;er dny,and finding the-out.' merly. , Truly .we live in an ajeof impr vement. by the Sops' an encouraging. in t he i uteri ra betwee n Dece m be n, 18 4,7, and De- delegate forraed at once an electric- conductor Extra" session itself will in rolve an immenee cost . building* vrbuid ceitjiinly amount to nl ieesi five; ^Temperaricbl'it^ruceto^ At: ^o early. hpnJr; cember, J848, There are no results without through which all the influences of a large, intel- ';] This brings me to thiu«i of the Irigra Jtude of u'tng over',.' with -tetters, I told tlie ' He came on! with a lar^e uaiJiej Ip.b'^lockv'th^^pjpcession, composed of;'Bi{uce causes,and..there, are,no resulU yet if the session is t be prolonged for the purligent, and inlluentialconnnunit.y—were bfonght man to man, »-_:-.:ii,fr«_'_ij tsti.^__-. n and White ''*-''* r*r~~ ' ' to me, '• VVell, this make* five aru . Returning to Winchestpr, there is an ther o-'d pushing Ihroi gK some bf '] Jbe obnoxious causes, aad there ar6;no resulu arising : .r full ot letters 1 have taken Irom that' ;that rer'piie tb .' y|a . Wiz-zard Clip, jTbrmed uritderthe dir4ctid0;bf|yi;. .j/osiarj J. frojh human means which cauoot be traced to the all this been done constitutionally, had. it been f Internal ImpToyement originating. Janney, as .^oief. Harahali.ind pr'pceedipd tb t ib legitimate iofluefleea wbich . produced them. A! qhe passage of;Ployd's bill, there wouli npwned>>spol Of-enebantfltent.) to Sheph- •dstown; morniog." This -is:.doing thuiji.'' j uncommonly vig&yuaa' the 4a*t-8e&46n, and- which will no doubt be AfeUipdisl iE, Ch'urch;N<Phei ^exercisea at. t IB. more Uj.rrific foreboding does not fill the bosom of haye f j b e n ; noj.cfcuaB r.fot:j."ioafrd6ejibuti.wijen near the toll-gate; llie modern travell«r, s he ap- the Post Office Deparlment, and Church, were .opened withi aXapprbpFiateijjraJH T, that unwary . mariner* who feels that his.' batqae. ;yoa diarejgard tbje barriers of the -Gonstitution^ proacHes itbis lalter "pkce, about (be th d house .aoroeidea.ol the crowd this . brought ftj'wu^ugai 3,- the (jetjjie of the State by tb«TlR.evJT.;:EI. -\V, Mbnioe^f Harpera. Feri y. is i8ppr^.clti%ith^ieddj^/fti;U}ft;i^ hut will be Veyy jnsll? imljgnant. at the wbb!e;prowiien yeu -violate a compact to whichhalf a mil- on his right, will -see A -smail loy hut. : AK UT L :Jt : : II aaim-^^ ' ^adfesVthrbag^Mir^p.;|^t^^ once cutftined-aiUhitt wnsriioMal " T h i s morning we struck our te:;:- Crrr MILLS <lo! 'vassenear ^cn'the.20r!iip3ta;ritr at Ihis.nwinent swells tbe heart olevery.pairtoiic iioo of mea. are -parties,. and which, waa formed L 'V^^ , .• 7; 'preEented'.'te .Bracetbwa Bi mortal of, RtHnsey,"tbe -first/ inventor f steam and had our ^plunder"- removetl citizen for Uie apprehewled file of the Commonesirenie di(pcuUy.and ooly by ; jlerculean.ef:. 'allowed a; rea co.i|}ise, all Qpe,ratibas":te!c|iect jit.. /•_ -^''-.'- -- .r'irft-l'-»»"f-f^- v - L - . ^ i ' • fPradilron recounts-and' -hwtrir records steamer Sacramento, Jor the" pu'p< rf *,|ien yon taint tne ch"aBtiiy" of "the Constl-" wealth^' for!.^ fcto L.f«b,( '</-;• — w, ;: iti ^ ;-i • having beei abiodoti iid. . The council had unaisiijS invenror, philosophers.^ great ovier'tbe river. There are "omeSW^pj,,,,,,,, yousdo tnat, w.bich'can only produce evil, In looking o^er the praceedinga of. the Legisla,- tution, : tor, ««adenProinaied 'ly the good peop] of Uiat 3,000 oxifn lying atf.the- river a** JjpH1 hb!«. The" public inleresL_Lc. ihe_ neighborhood of mously plat ««l ibe i» the pnly evil,^p(idia(lcoBtiruuiI!y. You counienanca ••4-Sale»c . • Be a!n?e he "turn" io tfco-;forry-boat. TLvre Kabietown, in this ctmnfy, wHlsno doabt be^great- Grabt,|of Is e'w;prlEahs,vwha was to e; , which will tind names^as. tliere recorded in; the yeas and nay* on and endorse-a rebkless sentinicni ; would not perhaps set in tar rcpms and g such a jam-ever since tcy arrival, an. excellent tggerita 5 its p.vyff ,way lli,rottfb aH the 6ther aven«es of l« ^ ly benefitted bj tiie -^UablrabiiteBt Yif-'ihe !^? •crevasse, a id cociiiwnce operations on tr,e • upon uon store stre boxes box vntfeD . riant, •ries"above and below are crbwded taTo tbe-.rairfeoinm,- we are •and any other resultq. their. causes, jpiipe.'iby^whicb a com miss ion has •Col. Tarnb iil- ftod-'Japt. Bernard, b'. Tltis great mart made- Ihe Grst -ex$e meal of lent, we snail have teams, for 'and. the told in tbe"Biblei,theidevit':7riMsf fat'chamed* If _ _,—Clover ?olunle^r<»d'te Jwin niin in ' proceeded ' i s i o n e - a - d a i i y •weers,4ie ia.loose he firtda his way into-the most sacred .mo.tive-ppwer^by'steaai npon our fithef f-wa'ters in length. there; were, d uriijg .tbe; greate t:i part of -that s '' 'to snia.ll .-;i at Shepha'rdstowri, in i groye,. wjhefe a" • uesence There-is:no Sabbath here— ?»terla ined t a t some W. OsEotiRKs has -becc Biqn, pnehundretJ-and thifty^five members-iu T ihe recesses. (>'••.!'• ^ .>"'.•-•: ; - ;: '•";-'-"-' t '- : ''';'--''•'•'-,• •'• ->' of bundreds, ,many Trek.—Keg] survivhigtothia-day wilh,'the saine regularity as though* , And no w,- thai the in t roiJ uclian of ih i s st ran gs o^-7f»7l mf] appointedPostmaster.] Thftaqiiifb'RrisU c4-. The ciiping lifyiiig tb what they gaw ! • - ' • . • • : had faewi sef apart. A merchant u aosl— Shoo fyJlhe ConstifuBpn of Virginia adopted on igh theiMelaire Ridge liad aot oniyi! ter for. that I^OB, will bev -p<Jiapiir«Bi witb , Tell it not in Gatfc! This rmnBdrtal cenu. end' Gebrgje nan re- •that ht sold irobds to the amount e! r been done, has-operated most : 4tu of January, 1839 JSamlli • *iiy other-ppctioo of Uw^xranty.- ; •. ny incrasse of water iu tnero is no :the public credit,'is palpable cfeiyed no " aid tttid comfort'* from hiB^own -<Jpirapaired, .fro*n that,l4me.;o this, provides in, the ; vernment, and wending his way across tr^e ooesn done in this -phtce. The JFflWWiM&eiiiiftT^ ?;"-''«*' • j,-193^ "TIIE 8C«IO!afc-;JLA,iM. to .England; -niade bis wa:y.lo ::tbe Philosophic*! chanics-ara "' coining rooney">herf. ^400«oS4 y So^jety of Lbadon7 and in bis second lecture beirAposaible ^^et am arDcls made' ;tbe; fojsil great divisions '" In accordance with ibe w4s1i .fore thai: teamed body, feH'an*ezj>lBed} ;<tFbd* Of ft W^B*fK» ''" pressed,-M the pan-afcbftx! wlib feel an interest perished oae of the greatestbenefactor* to .It U* repotrediia'carapthat the 1 lit-n.-r* -f -' JK - > vl*S.ld •in " ~ " ~ , ikxir mari f«By bad an engagement with tb*' 1 fivtf I andred-and O leaiporaf.Gmorei! SSSJHHR^fflJB decile mratin 8.elf - IndiuMi There aVe-so n»r>y cond** Ohat I scarceinow which to beli«*| to tte Ah? f**idyS«Ttbd . . : i floor ^I^ij-'e^yoa two of the reports " , a ?isbem» -_. ..,.„_ buried a cluefind^Iaccd toroe ;ft is-Ir^wr^ahd concede4-on ril " hapds tbat th^t n«^ 'the-«C B fti-v 103 on thentpsf^f ihaikpeased. blthe Ml sstf'riiegioui ii8.4*>w->:ol^FreaerickvMd t > Offer of th'e SgnsjolTemperarjcerfo; ^ HJetneutoa and^eafroyed them- " he nrofeaees to bcbner. We. have r ; -ciiinV^rifSiIafed7 atta'cked the Co* - , . , . . ai Staiiardaville k - ' - — -V-— — i »••«. p T J J ) » \ / i ni v \ty 1 1 aiJU \_U»J«»*«*'«*' • •.; «••»»-•» f ' i UO i i - • ^T*;^ • fc * 1 *^* V****> '"T*- ' 'ff — ™ "• '•"»^*i,t^ •• *• ..... • 1 ' - " * '*•" *' * ,.f*me * — 1 '" •" • ' * *."-'-'• '• K j-,1 ,1 A« r*< ,. .1 ] ,1 I. .1-1.1 ' " . i - _ . V - «-- ^-T-~ 1 . 1_ _ ' » » » nP _-- T*V 1-1 ll.i rT~ 'the SSt-^ * Q 1 Q A i ! J | y. -• ; ' ' . J--JL: ~ _ ' _ l _ _ l l •* .- . _ * . . » . . . . :t>(_'t ,. .' 'L A - •»'» i _ * '*'J T"T •; [ ^ 1" tl^W - I. ' I ,' , : -I- ; L< "iC'tbai tfiflf Ijidifciist stole tfieTmnles, •'a-'fcb't.erSiiedlni'^nicb -afe'luduitf da'tnafe*'were Urfeen ,l illastratic«i fight-look pjitfieaiin^ mileiHiwve,» vefi/oi* lb the story, '.reacbe* The report ' ; 1;-' (Irit ql Stt ""May 5, is^j fp AisQcrra..;,. here! cur "in niorriirg—,.' id gel day 4ie*f ; (few dhys £i g she rive;r, -10 imxrtVvrnience by the way, . i^orage, weUijgo lurough. . !„»„ probable, that Mr. Daniel M. kp"7ne place of ilr. James McCurdy, « sntinff to -California, Mr. Mc.C. ' second thought,1', and Mr: I'as anKioiss to jo.ra onr -enterprise as (Company tender Uieir lhanks fort he Vo»r fritix!, .3. ii. K. 0{ been one oos much nea time,t ze between^ jay make tiie i| hllik LTC tnucn^tieit, iLe Sleamer Caledoiiia. >A.YS LATERfFROM EtJIlOPE. n <f O'Brien—-TAe' ,,!,;-j—ltisurr<xli-->n tit Brcxlau—Ariny f D-f-a'-'J— DwHii? " »« Breadstuff's — • ST. ; «"^., X- 1?., May 25— 4 P. M. -MARRIAGES. .... . PtaSTPOSED SALE in C!ar VM.^A. Mct?UR-: K Mi«* CHARLOTTEF.7d»ugJ»te7 of U« lalft'.' KICHARD E. PARKER, of the Supreme Co«in ol of Virginia.: -. IV On the Bridge at H&Tf£f«.FVrry,mThundir , last;, by Rev. Mr. MONROE. Mr. 1THOS, BOTELrSii.of Htaumon. to Miss ALlJiJtA COCHORAS co., Va. On the 24ih just., by '. B*is«K, tb-j K. HCKDIE. «TH , Va.,"to Hue LINK bTKANSHO On the 17th nltimii. in 1 ; t>y the »r-h MrWALKE*. Mr:-JOHN W to Mi,-s ANN M_ Mel OUMICK, efVymohislet. ;; On iho 16«j inst, by i)i« Rev. IL&ukcr. SMITH, of Berkeley fnimty,, C-, f ILtsnv Loxt of CumberUnd lowk^l jp',' - ' ' , t"l3' ' Osi tlie iSiblnst.', W^.-.tnn,5(IasB.. Sir. WJjLLtiVAl C-" KlVliS. Jr.. «<i» of llin. AV. C.'Ulve^ of V irsiiiia, to" -Wi«.GSACE W. 8BAKS-! . i On .Ui« fot inat.. ti St. Louis; Wol, ;Mr. JA JlMs H SvVARTZ. formerly ef iUrtkuburg/io Miss LollSA "lCSO\VLESiifPilU^«irg, Pa. j: - ££CEIVE». " * 3N. ; -**' yd.. 311, 1 Vfe with" pkaiini%!ni lit l vwe annobnco i» the ?- .-f9nf^.fi>*e.oi' >!$ea»eiiief *f-the weather, I0 have pcw}j(>ne<i <he safe of *l*iaib< if tm'tb«» ijeepfe of VtrWrfta djellSpJewfr*' Eirtl ointit *rerttt be drttirbMh-tfce f^rra occiip1fcilj"hy. ^Ir. Bayliss Baylies Trqs $(& -dog of June, *t s^ Meailed •-» ansAfitom «i«*in ofMayiiaiey 'feel v,' :wjtif ni:l : wil t 'rseS at public aactton 7 bar*?1 bf 'wi»wb will fa»or;llienr with; Sfi*iF of a good prits. months iViH begitveD,3lhe..pprchi9& giving .<der« ma I •\ i. KLEIN,; ii at tifce sanw lime and plar.e, |*Mfis' W. HrjRsTiwill i-ell>at public sale, a demo&le little FARM oumeiaing i§>O.- Acres, J beioelbiat part of ihe above -rne-it'-.'ned tract ot Land South ot <T» *eed, wU% m .wood -lot on the North" Irijle of said road, -,'4^»el^niJ is well fej»ce^,find u^ajder s good state *.r cultivation. - .':! ' !:' ; -,- --.^! • i, TEEM.—&M& attlie time of sale, ihe balance ist ••-»!.!•-4 "-. .:4tri .. ":: 5th " Blh .",. 6lh. "."• llflt " Ilth- 13.MO 37^600, 10,000~ -;V:';.,;: - _ . ' . • • town to those ,,y... profe&jiohfir^ll theTetetfe 'Price* •n-oderitel give saiisfHciibtai ,Teethi i,at.^rVSr,aa siooft r SOiQOQ; V 9,65S • 24^4«H^: <ve perso-: i al alt s o t ion M^~.~, :fcftffi *>- l »k Cenfectibnary atad lcle 'Cfeiat " ^f\\ '• '. *T ' siibscnoer • dies a,od Ge UO.flOO.i11 J ao " 250 yfenfe, !te«w*^"^'&?*ra*> which-' h'e j 'til ceil at ll e unprecedeiiseti low .prite of 10 '. •-J. »,"-• *i2«»ji - ; ' : ' • -' • " and. Wool -Iffeach Stages, at .r,yW,,,:^,«,s, ^ | The Ri:a] French Organdi ; 'Embroidered Swi.=s Maoroi^reual! *w.,s Muslins *o^m- ; 0> i**.-nrj J<«; m; HnilE un^rk™? have at -j A'-V^Sf' -NuM-iow Ii»eue^-Bomba-» J^ of 0&6i,,gi£ H*j*5J> and Vesting?* ' . jtuai; tJeptenibcr. J..i»J9—:i>!ie.:third on.. 1st Sept., 1850., w:iversaMv . .wherever 1 tiie reiiiaiuiiij,' oue-ihird 1st Sept., i86lr,-\vith in"-. :i i'''.niniejiticu'ds biie of ihe'best iaipro\erupfl!-'> l J'u in-tan!,and has consequently I nestlc J<w t ; tfiest on il»«' two l.isi payinenis from the 1st day !3lh line, at the-*ortest -noiioe and hrtpes by strict t '°* ' «'?'* ewiry ;teSiW*«««Ji*fl of which ] the day. In the city of Bai'tirnofe! h>ii«iMib' «t <?f Septeinbevnext,.on .which daj a Deed-will be son herpa^ajre to-Hali- i ,Qi» «_ ihe = 17th -- m>t., ISAAC, ..A. f attenitentO'busffles^injd a desire W Please tore* '•'**'" b«l8oW at -rhote^ate'^rrtail, nUhe 4rfwert | thrm hrce oeen stilti daring tl»e>st fa* roonth.s LSlliil.e tvsecuied, uhii.borivl and deed of trust required lo Smart Fry Lbtfyty ::-\?f £40.000 sterling, in specie, or ! anil SABAII BLUE,of11kinp»hire.<)o.,.mttK! • 8th f * ar. of The B: ceive a share of the public' paTronac-e. *?"&* Men-hanJ^vwitwjr i &ihira&M will ,do \ and the certificate ol "near, every, {larohaser c»f at liiis time," ; i-eeure the ds^rreil; payments.. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Capitals— i:'Mitv:3Si!1849''' ' anil furtY nfl'«jtrnc7*»rBL * asts. •• ^' 5*-' P -BLEPSIxif*''''-' '-wer *° c&" *n* Examine .hw; slock before .-pur-, be produeed/that'wneor no.circtyjfi»itftnrea wow.c evera! of our Also,un ihe.26ih u!u »bc,nril«n^ w«-eks , ^-.. ^? <^_! ••.'.-»..Vi'.^—•'' •'•;•"•-• . '• ''i'.• .''-'ixfy"-'.I-'-ifli«hat>«>fr«l9ewW?ir». : ' r ; - : ; ' ^ ; . ' • '-I they: be wiihoul.themi Tlie Su»v* tft'nekijtfrrrr' » , iPackage.of WUol g more ;iit by her presents CAijlA. (laugUier of jtic »u.ine |>»Te"fa,,»" U»p'3ili year piteu -on tbe I ft day ef, April (W— 1 15. Biillimore. M»v 15,: 18 t9. ' ble, and couvenient.'and rather ornamental th,«: with our Reserved .,{ toe tjenanir " atyre- The immpy market cominues'i "'.'Tlerjlge-1 . .' . ;' ,'. opdtjreicoftfdeiHta.l.and ihe ptinied j otherwise. The pfice iaaless than thiU of -••Iu Sliepher«!s!f>wr»,flti ihe 13:h!u>:»t.. LffXEST, son tl>at :!.'!SM ii. i'it in coii-icqtiencb cff.the " be tent as soon as the Lottery; JB draw ii. of AI.LKN aud KcTHjtjRUisr, agei 1 yt-arand V*(<)->ulhs. 1 B=snbscfiber J.'VV., HUH.STj . ;.. Mw-HlijiROPQS&iigt Packages -; in 1' rau'i.t; aad Italy public fcecurn cities' ^vith |a jfrfrou aaaorlatertt o^-.- MT day of J P«rj Prize; addnesa »uepJ<J Pri .perfect !y-jyt <••)-1 intr at" the Union WOTICB3. j. t More eflectnitUy to preserve*1 tbe PARLIAMENT. materials to be usedA».far>*s^*artt«iibfe;) upon a | promptly att.;n;'.ed to. lleiB1 Corner. Town pi" C7harle*to Wn. «, ij -I-r vS.Tb.-'-'rV-'U-'-'^l'r' A (uundrvds of j % jA'N adjourMedjiU'eling.of the btocKholders of lur th> ni"'i;!i -.Vton of tlie Navigation plan in: the hands^f'thejiuoVNiynp^ com*ciuce,! toxviV, and rUe pet.ple «; JeS ifi!ay:29, 1849. asink. .the Ha, jiers Ferry'and-Shenandoal* Manjj-! . . _ • . . _ / • • _ * ., ,*"" '\\ *"i. _ f_'L* j ' * **!*'V * V\ j* : i Our i ' - - , fcrrVr Of i!,,. Mini-try This i ' r MV " ' CT-^T''-*:P-?^T?I Company, ^ill 'be he d at ihVir Ofiptei DAff Bfr ?nftAl n Wiii.r" \hnl rl' -• „ Sergeant of said Tijwn, to via.t andx:arehu!y in- ! On the IMbK. VirBiniiw,-»t Harpers^erry,! on: . 8" 1||ftft r ^llUIji B! L.i.:;.-- r.iit-ly. o>,,-e " ^ antl *f lhe ^^'V|?f8 &nd f^8 1lbe 1^WD.i Monday Ife^thdky of %e'n&ct. siockhold- T O^ T belw^en M^TV, te and.Chaj-les"|i Linn J ..iiit drif ".r -J r • L remove ail n;t!j tie may nnd in them. :v>J to ' pro are n.-rtiJirfkriv rpoiipsted to'hp nrpspnt in B ^Oi>T, 7 between , • •^ 4 Mr.T^teraan's ^"i S.£ g.m-.t on U writ of error brought hy! ; ^ ;lj tAwn.'last V'g^, A PO' t6wn, last iiiishtV'A POCiCEt BOQK, conie havean?nner8andrtewer 4ol -"'. nau ; ; purpose. '••••DAVID'-PRY,! • • . i I Giimui^.'.iritfj't'upl) general use.iiiat 4io..wurJ.of an«f " S ' 2 , - . M^.-,,; m.1 UeMdofiofehu been read ! d itHecew 'r .Km«l. " i Marv2« "is49 ^FW'f ^"'"i^tweerr'^0-«Hf« ; edan B v |l>-~tt V\ H^ull. : : fi -Gilt" jihd plVtetf Candleabriisi it 9efs rir single J. P.fcJHAULL,'..-> Committee. | comineodatioa hi needed., ilve^T FHrwer-i« the e three I dollar i-bflfi A jiberaj I..M).. \Vmi.\tH-1ipariiig t h e ' SEO. 2. ile itl*-ll,erentMed \ s^all he ' ' '-.'- ' -''' .'' ';: ' • .v ' " " - ' -Veand tens, one three doi r ', .\ t-iily . f , Bea;dsj,Retjcutef i ' -Wfti. CAMERONiJ. • • - . . - , . ; Valley id'forilie r& recovery af the -Pocket alley will consult his econcxiiyitQU'jtftjnfeniiiiice || iy .,A-u : tbe-lAW-lxd^nd.)...^^ ^|lu duty'of said ...Qicer. to ^ i s ^ i e x a f n i n e x . i d i u - j ,;. , ijilnrf (1 Davn^rPfJll VflPS ' rewarf^itl be pftid'foril* ••-i-a. i; J MftyctOi 1848..• '- • -I-' '-. • : t' hu .~ .Ool.d'and SJlKerPensLand Pericllsi-' : Uuok,rwiprthemoney. with the money, bv nnu*urin<r.Xua prucuriatr >cie. ' . -4 «u.u Lie error, ^signedby | cell.r and va-.ln, ,d T,»v.i, anil i ^__ ^!' ', J' ^^HTP |?P K ^ .Book 6pecl e VPry sa :• ^'- iri I . . c,,.Mi.u ; -t ..,- uii-.iiiaiiipd, therefore the i;,.M1.. l n l m rpmil . f . (i .,,..- ,-,„, ; r ,. nip0v ,_._ n ,.> l Ti / fR. -MOU1. ION, •J?» late late from from Baltimore," Baltimore, has. , •..;<. .-,* , . i ; : . , ;, GbQRGE ; WAYWARD. . Sapophane Cream, and fine Soap for shaving; At Jacob Foremau'a, Near Wager?8 llatel, arid will Wwki, > • rr^HE uritferSfi^ned begs leave • to inform t^'e.j MarylandjEefined • . - Qarri.age a-ful Aiding VV»ip>, "tabfe M iiUa. ilny'22, ' ' a likeness as can {betaken. 15, adjoinfrt; co'un- i .JL citizens ofjJefier5n *nd tlie adjoinni Wit,h a great variety Of . SlbuUon Has -operated in <bia *.»*») » v < jt, '^rrmnVKii* t-iuvFf\f**wmf ISAAC i public g/wierally willgive me ties, . 1that 1 he,- lias incateJ > •himst'.li'nt . , . ... Clmrloptowti. ,,. .*« , : "*rm»Jli.\ vx' CIC' 5Cv i'ii'" JLiK. 1^ A ulAii tjr. last iwo yeara in Baltimore^ in-ttie,shop formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. Hicks, j '-'•—,'«• nd a ' laite inipnirveirienl^,. Ii is time is c. 3. BcJlfuniierenKt&l, Tiiat.itahaHiiii thej *lml !^ ;; .©.SiS3 (oppoeite the Valley ilwvk-.) where -hfrwill«anu. f More, Screw* toosc I Great 'Charfes)'own,May'/3ivJ.849. ' 2j^r^.__;. Harpers-, ya.a of ,«a:d officer lo Ml Tan] '?"-' ^"'sooii. v; • 'ri'-T'ii^ I'vis ^ A vo--v' ; duly of,«a:d to visil and examine Mi Tan! '"KM?*: fucture, and kerp; corwlantlv nn Jtand,-a generaM Decline ittfPrtctjO'! ' ( - !1 with thp ? |b.V\p.^ X. j y.irds.Slaughie-iniures, Hogpen.-andot^pUce'sj In^rucUons'givon in tne.rti, ihe-itt^ together t assottiDentof.SADDJLEKr., vizt: , | C//EAP.' CHEAPER! .'CHEAPEST a: a ratns t m le c; tuny H.coiifiicl has a'.ready taken placp, j where caule of Hivy may ne,k«*pt-,iMuixiiusej; PP?'^ P ' ; l!,.;. a , - PLA f y,' SPA NISH, SHA FTER, ALliASD.sEE. — Tlia njnst janewor ev^k of a« depiie^ tor-thu peupie.- whx. -fiiujrirt . t o hi? removed ili^KM'ruiiii at Ui4 expen?f-}if tiie'j jjll'l^^^.^yi:.^*Sj 29«|Sl9 nlie^ V i r g i . w»4 SOMERSET SADDLES i ^vi'fiun.'iit pv.vnuii.-'iit irfiiiiw lr«ii}id for w?vt-n bours.^bours.-^- j owner or occupiL-r; occupier; nil vcHetalile vegetable 'and and aniiki! atmiuii aubJ i •; RE A T>y- SI ADE Ct Ut-tll NG lur «nvu - J ^~ NOTICE. ist\^mf^~~ aOen'i old J^ay O$cp buj.tdinp,T(o^2, of aH descripiioas-^ . • '', - , ' . 1'M' i.. j. . • in ILtrpers Terry ,4ia8 I wid very {irt-aL Tho railway.- • stances and-lhiitgi nf|an oil'en<iv'e ciiaracU',r. received &v the nd* ah which hejias lately reinoyed. >: May • Also, .Brass and Si|ve.r Mbanted Bo^uy and Car; T a mt "^; uf the President 'irul Directors preiientSPBSNO and SUM.• i ;o pr<jv.-ni ihtu(?ijr«iii! iieniuarTi- j. Seci 4. Ba it j\irtl\»r enacted, Tiial tlii»,0 22, 1J849.— 3t —:—iof the v'irjrjnin and '.Maryland .Bridge Comriage Harness-^ Wagon b1^,:Honse Collars,. &c , MEHStraije, at -their CU>THIKG . "'* "i"!'!''?-s t« ovfercower them.) nau.-c slrdll reiua'in arid' coiitiiiiie in foiA uuli where A of every descrifition, ?Wnks. Valises, Saddle* pnrcVasers can be accoiHHk.Ja.'jed.yviUi thefol U V^B'u's::i" '•''rt-V'!u)>v'-'V*?r'<'il"lt;'"ppfirtKriiely the .Ut dav uf Nuv. ijt-jci.; (hat ihe ufilt^r afore j pany, it -dUordt. red', Thai the tStockholdera beiesi \Vhips»;Riding,Br,id.^ >lartin£rales, and ing assorlmept of subscriber has're«u(nf>dt^e practice of g • ii...;ii.-ntary twiniuiiiiy-iecured by mil;- | s.iiid'ihal'S "visit -.iiwJ inspect the heroin spc^.q ill red. tu;pay to J jh'ii il:, McEndree.^ Treasurer 1 J of'the Cus6aany of five dollars a . . n't _ij. w, KIIU .will gi\e pTOrnpl i illienilOfl to in ahert every ^article in ,hU line of s ;*u-instalment . -.^. . •-..:-.--.--.*..-. ..^ .. ... 11 . ^ i^iiii-u ii/f Liitz'iiui Li 'r-.i,.^ nc 11? in ^f.iorc * XJi-r^iSi>cu j ^. •,»*<'*•" y ^ . j • ^ r hgbjl WasdrehesiyW the j ciliod jpr the purposses herein before.e u ...v of a i OD wor w | ll e best raate W'''^-.ll!l f'ay of June next, and-a-viiisul^..all business coittjnilted loliisiihargeJ'1 . ; n ,,uh.i,i!- u-.itii.ilie n.jrht-ot the 7ih,— once iiVevery t.vo weeksiuul'M t'he 'iiid kt Nov" Tff*' 'MJS1 is tl)e,Wst remedji, ih^Ujie wpiJd for the rHJs • ' (11 :(•: oi tiiCl nt tiv r doll!1 r8 tt ! al an K nF-iK*fl>*^f i?Jp.^ °^ ? lio w.,s H^i,! reiu-weit at 4 o'clock in the | next, and any citiy.ei, failinonr r«ifu.-iii!.'H.^ompiv ^ ! ' . share each monlh thereaf' . . ' • ; ; I . T B, BRALli, various affections to'•'•whicaj this, animal is i ' 4 ! «$ lateel and mijef fashionable siyli»i Coats, Pants, Vests, J3Wrt$, all qnalitjeA, Dr« v 4 1 ; Iu • ancl n l ler unll! l118 6ubscr S r a1 1 JNVar liajble, viz:—Swelled'. Joinla,,, Sprains, Calsi, Sa^d° '° l>e surpasssd ia this or any^ ather iStute ai,p a .i-^lly WHrta-e wa= going oa in vv.ih any r^qui.-ition made hyi iaiil offici-ir unde'r ' -P!!?" L? ®, ' E*" , "!i ' . iw«»«n. , Boots, Ha^ithifiejjuaUlies, Baiugliainl Reidy m . . . » t r • " > i -i i.' • ' • ' ir^tJM III 1 li»\\7 L^'PT* ILf 'Ci.^ • *»k^. <t » -r\. : .. _ • >•.! cha M. J13WBTT, .Mav 2-2, am 849—St.^ •• . dl? and:Gyli<ir .Galls, Bite'Oftlnaeiata apdi Snakea1 a« *P nealnesa anddui'ahilijyji^ '. Uie jirevisioiw ol this ordinance, ior iho -^>ace ot Hats, Capp, a vary larga .«npply;.iill of which wi)! • v l.uve i V'f». And Uttl, Br'idge>Company. ahv rnaiiiiig'tii crfate a rovolutioii 24jnvura afier the same shall 'have beety W> njjadp.. Scralches, Polievij, andPiktula. 1 Btlo w ar« nw! Persons want ins work .;n| Dia line, will do well be soldi oa reasonable terms anil, ».t pri«'e* that ... sjiji hl'e,ju wn,.,\hiy29, 1949—tf; : to give him a cal], ' In t»«M, Iruiu 1'urfii I-rPertii, tho xhall lorleil and pay ihe.sum ol §5 for eyfefy puch determined to sell cannot; fail lo please. Also, a. superfor :l(>t..o* en Certificates from .among^thie many, hund^ds r riuiiy svhc HR St!bc1;ho1der4of thyShepherdatQwrn ajid ' .m^t accimiTibdatin^ terms. He Si&i- ^otioo, and Gingham Packet and" JNeck jr. inv^Ki-d.ur.uu ll.JO brink of hosthat ctrtild bis secured where thiliacVluaWp pre' and'neglect, ;uid the lui'lijer sa^a of §-2, i . i < % nt«l|t'. Smithfield TurnpiHe Company are hereby piratlon' JiaVbeenj used/: R6j:rifan; hai. tr,re$ti would *tate to persons at a distance,Jhai if they Handkerchief, Gravaia, Gbvee, Sooks/Sue for every day fnch relusal or neglect si-all coni r n. It ( ' s, oftho ..tit If, state that a lintie. Suclistini or sum? to IK^ a war- j ?, anJ will ad- derg, Umbrelliia, T O ' R O A.» BI'X I£,E',U"S . . - notified that art election will hie' held! at tlie'Hotel >vho does .not speajk of it j* terms of tite|higjVes( "desire (o ria^rpne. Umbrellas, Cauea, i'eu KuivcJ. U " ' of hi* June 3d, forthe praise. dress him'"by le'tfer, 'fie will furnish" th?m with a Strops,&c., &c. tthe court sof*G.feat 1'fiia.rn anil rant betore the Mayor or. Recorder of tifii Town, j ' A LK11. Proposal -'wilFlno received by theof Daniel Enller, bn^Satadday, ; |n -M-d in i!n- (jaoiuei urSi. l'eieis: panel in he appii^d KS the 'Taxes iut ihe T»;\vn are ,;Lonnty, Va., ) I Isijperior artide' free of freight -charg*. 'All wetk Truuks, Tall^ts, aud Carpet-Bagi. utidei-t- i r n r d . until ihe 18th day of Junei 1849, purpose of -«lecting a IVea'ident, fife IMrectors, hope*bj* ' - Btnct at\Hitioh' fo •i "their d-gapprov'itl.Of Die intB-j-- required'tii b^afiplied bylaw. in e,10, 1^41. C ' insured.-- 'lie wn. .lefterfoh Co., Va.,' for-opWing. and;ar.TreKsnrer,nQ. manage lu0..JBfeirfl oY the •l trr -• • - i .-*5 : • * 10 merit, a altare^f .poblifti 'patrons^e. ': i-ricea \.f _.feiiher_an4 Hair Trunks of.a Superior^nality. u iu tiie oiutt'si bi'twt'oii Aiistri;i' g!. t'.n d .MtAddmizinij'trie " Berry ville alid ;Cpraipany fpc.theen^ijing.jiear. •,; 6 T ' ETThia beingihe.h.rg<tet«tocl; r.f Ready-Malk . >.'\i, ii iu^irtiii}''U:ii scud iulprlcieiice morleWe! - ' '^0HfNi;P/GORMAN. // Tm.-.M s, X '' ' ' Clothing ewei; offe»ed in-.tfftrperB-Ferry, Ihey a»k •Sh"pherdftrftyBVmtty.g.jt ^49.— [F. May 1, 1849;—jF. JP.' copy. ' year, M o e out i.o un^ng B«re... ' The ••K:'i;i 1 lo he opened and r.lcare'd 'ftrffy feel' a call from all purchasers ?'"••«»»•n«:iw»in« Jn^*«.i Ml y 1 Spring ttwitli ' in width, an d sumed'eigtileen feet'Jn'widfn'/wuh' atfonited, twitli; Jlfe s'\VItiie Oll.'^Dd • nttention of the '' N,' B; VVanfVd.^^|jiat.eTyV^3^iq".AppTenPatent Improved it effected^ '.perfect .c?4re,,'; ^l, aJs'ci^Ka'd anathei1 i'CeHo the above''uu,Vih'efe6;ja'lBOY of 1C or 17 on -reaeoriable terms. |rqpt:'t r,! a. rnnturi> bf.wet-n.thc IVesidpni Town to ino (Jriiiaance, iliy uni Yi'- stone b>t;k« n !o.a two iiich'ri'ng, twelve infchea in Persons tint cannot "he 1 4 dept-h. "ui -lii t' c« is! re, and ten".; inches on the sides. horse, which had'bewi tor's me tirlfie afficted ;witri ears of aye—of industriimd habits,* and good with oiur present '1'tiij .iarrel is j-iiid signed would r^specttuily ui;je!'ii|iuH;xwt. tiie id t!-.i> stock ol Clothing, are fpformed ; On Practical, an^JSeientatfiG: Swiune.': Thisii'aa cnra I b a good siiun that we are; prepared'. Increased by the the^usp tjave mn,ni- cessity of. stricily tihstrvitig its. i,l>jrct!j". uiid n;- The grioi lo exceed foiir degree?. BrrJges ' of the moral character. I ; 'To'such an one to have: Cfolhiiig rriaife-f : . , X, P. G. quii-ejnenis. A strict n-garJ to lieaUki', at all •'ft'pd Uulvfjrto to ba-of stone and contracted for by : 'and most cmicenient Article in-itse far moling, same remedy." Therefore,! 1feel fully'authorised linn isoffired,: , ! [ ' caused lax<r order at short notice, and a guatautied FIT at tria and preserving. ' • Meafs, Milk, :Brfter,' fruit, the Perc?!]. ' ••?• in •'•;•• times, but particularly during tire ht-ats of iiui same' low prices. ^. ; (II irrOiltl'y VVrt)ii;jill.i4p<ii) by nier, requires a close allenlionU) theiiiji j?d poiitt- : ;j No proposal1 icceived^'for a less distance tftaTi " *** We return out «nc«r»-iSani8,"t<)"{hp cH;'are vs6 arranged thif tire fee-water e-i- oul in the OrOiimnce. Al t one mile! :J r7U>ns of HirperiiFerry and -vicinity, for the j«ry urnns slowly :throngh each shelf, «nd 'being when 'that MV. ,O! .scosirge to jaur racv is dai'ry iUati piace nt For , further jinformafcion ^application hiay be >!ct,ali4 liberal >alronagewe hive racei'.-ed, and respect I !tr:-a;:r -.;....!-ii HI the hoiol of 'he striking down its legions, m:d is hourly, it-may .m^ile tu .Al fret! i'aetleinan^Kiqvi'i'eeideni'ot the confined -from tb^ =eflFeciB of -"-tbe' hot-air, fully solicit a 'Conlinuance of the, samp, ita'v^ I '-hfu^ •' 'I 'had a.lTorse" wltli galf on' e^.ch^eh;bi|idf>r, of •ij'fr Boychtft, -ha'wng inul he, approaching tjur .beaiitifuliVjiliry, i-iie sana- Company.. S.W. \UAGK bAND', , them'' .at .the coldest pointycati8ing!ther ; pledge ourselves there shall, be nnt;hinsf'W»atint 1 of th'e'Bize'bT'my iwo hanq-He -'was '.enlire(y ting iafluence lo fie tb&'same iKfinigkout •• tory regulations of ihe Town i-l ot t'he ^orinl dk ahouid BOO T ASl) SHOE, ;l$fAXUFAC TOR Y. on orir part to reader geaerar84ti£facthjn,,bolh iu ' " • Treasurer" and Becre'tary^ . : apparatus. <ThiS;.i^effected.fey the'dr-fpfririgd'frcrm cured by Litrie's'Whjte'Oij for 1 torses',-ffioiigli'l nr<K|iar AV:IJ8 wonldiireepecifully inform the. Goods aud Prices. : ..'. receive our hlfju The 29, 1849. , . . ; ' the ice. wiiicri i* Wist in att'ofter'RefHgeralora. used 1him:every day wh'Walhe cure was'jn'p'ro- cf\ citizens n f-.tllrarlesto.wn and it^vicinity, that .'ii br-. '.KM!-" iv!£M<ed. hut ihis lK>injj roFrom the experience of llu1 hiost.. , R. ' VV ALTElE. it BRO. on tho front and . bo!li-*Kied,tliK.t -*Kie,[t • tnsucd. gresa. ' t have been a ' waioner for" forty years, he has removpd'.Ma Shop to the buifding in the subsi.'iibers • have \j,u«t rp.tiirne4 from !j -U-1U' bout 4 Harpers Ferry,. Apri ntirt~ HU\. n -U«...n . h>f.vo LZir."_A • .-i^L:-!•'• • . . cl;* *'.?:. •• . 1849,; piece oP furhii ure^capF be placed 'iri ''any in cholera, t!ier<i is far greater d«-j>eiulp\nce i-jiendK • a.renxedy l>Mlt;imoTe y/titi a. large and extensive assort- ro6m;.and^ have it wafer jar. by which perfeclly plctc .and effectual' m case^of ihe'kind ile-d dwaJiiog, where bf-; is atJ: • i .-,"'.ne i in acid of prevent ion than iu ellurts l<> c.ujre,— 1 ; .all tirnes prep their linff f which added to their ID maku to order every ilKdCrip 'fi'-y.thi> hdvatiec Jif (lit Fro".u:h tjcpediiloh In vit-w t'ftliis.'we find the p'eo'-la: oTj-fer T^uwns ment of ^ . Vti.l, u.l ,/ X ;;. water can at alt tinier b(j had- wHhVat add!* tion of L,a<l ;;s' and faah« l«-<!n- tus i.KM'n *'.i«T.-keiJ l>v -ihe re^int- and ciliea annshd us keenly, alive to tUtt will; of focmet t=iock; maj-es if full and cQrnpleie. 'Iliey Fonrth streetj etweca h aua JHiUke' , ioqable w^rk.X* tbeshorteat notice and tfpon the most r^sfjecUu'M.y ihvit-e'a cull from Uie fawners prevenlion. "iJet vs then rdunt not .tHo cost,; haye^jeeh^n enccesaful'bperatiiin for upmost reaso^nanle/.terme.";-:;!!^ warrants his work of Jeijerson iio'i .'Clarke^ feelj-igjassu-ed thal.|.neir '.. Kr..|ic;i wgR? thi'irn back'wilfl i;ri>al rvtsa.^ - s e V e n " years, to-the-gratiljcation of th'osie of tii« trouble, Wheh'the he-iith c'Y vii 1 locqmparei.f>4'{trably. wJih;anyMn the County. HE PKOfRIETOK8HI» ku »""relafi*e of dene'ruil Oudtnot, complain ni:f j c 'who "tiivc th'ein in use as, thei r cerYt/Ica'es'-'will p»iHTnut»1tv a:nl the lives of. ;ouj |>eep!e .are at ta liiNiiiiib.'!!! '-in Virginia: l!. -* This .is to'certify: thaj I VliAve.,,.. . ' • i , . . . . a liberal palironapjei heretofore ! ; f this weM know^hotel, (xviilcn1.!* Iscated'iu . Th ! All k;.(!d? «.f cuuulry'produce taken in exchange xAojc, and a-fe now riie^most approve^ before the Wrhite Oil, pr epar,eu and ibid bnly'Dy John B. extended to h|n\, he hopes at his/new Stand, lo the. . very centir , iT:,:-)-iinJ.:i-I, ir);.r(;p<trfi! t'ur such a ro:-.pp- sTako. i Eel us bolup and lining all iiv l>ur po\vcr s day ' : - ' . ' ' l i t Oft public.' !fhe improvementa^recently addedj, by wkiraj'titFihei en'emy ahogcjher, or, Vf he should for^o'.»uti at .. ofthisi place, and have fQjyid.iitTar.eiiperior meri:acontin;inace of ih^aarete. * I .T:. !.!•«• his-tjprtiLs fniir len"iies from the ed into the hanoVbf thesabBcfifers.thejrbeg.leavu In at the'r : which a great sayinjr-of ice; has ibee.n obtairiedi *~s, be fully prepnrjud i?.:r him. uWiif-4.have ever'betbfe-seefl; f •Its-effect3 May 1,18-J9. ivtHy^o, ; ]STE\V^RT;& to state that it-is their parposato render U wor. : - I (|llf murefmgid air produced>.and dtirttbiKly eflectedi ure .'ilniD^t niiraculoii);. ffe .rnan who owns a N. S. "WH1TR, < = flr"in thy oflher!iberal patronage wiiB.: «yb'cHlt rirj> .i -A ;t certainly places flwm-fftrdnvdt'a^ceof-.any-^mg horse ehould'be without'arUtjq'oj' it^,.,, beanjheretofpre sugtiijned, ^ndtppe.'.hy.unreAirr ; beanjeretofpre "My oV-ino§e . ever offered lor public patronage:!. - - ii, ; •.' .—3l. y 29, Copy. •-sA Siu fe (\, ;A. •iLtti]B^A'4irr.HE underaigned rfesj^citoiiy informs the citi- ting attention, to deserve ;the patronage of their i:: i .i'i:: a.:r,.'.i'ii ^VuivlfH. • It tfa l.iwn Ves:irigs, just received^by •' !". | n ;._ , . .: '' , GALVANIZED IKON ,«ena of Jefierso^ Berkeley, and friends, whp may visit the city on . oiisine** or ffiW®37WJ.^& ' , j. K-i-VVOOS-..&,. Infii-lfflA :>j .J (ii J Prepare'd arid sol^'-Mid fsale and reta-il, at rick xj^un/ies, and.the public gener«J!y,th»t,lie iii- pleasure. C. JSt J. nas'been:.fiubstifntetl for the; interior Win and ! :r.' .Tt HVN MAHKET.—At'-I.iverpoolon lends carrying oh theab<>ve jestahiishtoeot.ia^al! JOltN B.; HBART'S-jDrii? StorejAlbemarld . Fjlottiy&c. ' shelving, \n lieu oif Forntcrly of ihe Exchange ILitel, Piitsbarg.. j^ yi -enablineus to ; B house of the underr<i2nf>(i ieiiow,ready 'i. t'n- t..n.' i.i iiier(»tton,nlai4;ei was iteadv. 1 County, Vja.' Also at khelJiiUg Store of Dr. L. S. its various b'njuche*, and is now, rcadyjbr receivKIirH'tX Riihey's, Eichipjbe-ger's and Win' May8, • opfe'r theiA' entirely-free from oxydizaiipnland cdrroIL .ui.ingsj • t ! t ' i:.-! \Yti-Jr, iinnierliaielv aiter lit-! refor coinftiiiiy-' Few wateriii" ollc-r .. i •* j o '.fr.aceS r " "" ing work, sutili as Cariding MS/'ooT jp)(o;H<il* and chester F!"iir Coh>ta6tly,on nand; also,sjlV xton, amd; consequenlly void ot' that disagreeahie E l B • c -,'-. ; - —* jo: sdvicw t'y ilte A'noricnn ncail stes-me'r," greater atlrRiMions to persons seek'inj-ei! her health : LVre8«i«g6lpU»s>lo i»rd^rj,whickhe pledges hime'd Htid unsiftt'd Coru Meal; for st ; ^ which ha-s heretofore been Bp objectionable cats a Bottle. \< ! • 'loi'i p«.j~ition,-and J-i:ui.!i ildtrs «'i>re"active With <jr«stfirmness,' nr pleasure, .a. ml the essy accesfe, ; self shall beJone'. in-tbeivery.besWnftnner. |M«ylj9. J. W s &:'co. ; iti 'other ^Refrigerators, fri-additidnto'ilieir be None- jteh'iine b4hihtJ3e signed by. THE0. 'I'linnic convenientmansgem^nl lor familial .'Jit ihe aclk;u M-i.-iu descriu!iou< advanced ____He. will -recelue.. .ys?!iciure irrto. ibgso vitstly superior t<j ' b ^ W.:Lrr'HLfcl,on4htf ontsr* • ' * . ,: owing tq^their wrapper, . JSacoai & Flour. •i; i-i-o.f.'itry |!-..u>snu>-s.~ i'no heavy U-t.-!;n>"\vhich ha-1 oommtidatinM!*, make this-a most de.sirhble rfireal *Broad;oi Nkrjrow/SJothsiFalled.and JRlaid Lioseys, lions •don venient arrangements ^n 1.B8 Country cured Bacqnv. , i-.'Ziuflp ; Tweeds, Cassiuets, -d3iankefiiig, CiSunterpanea trade |»revious-1plhesH.iliti»of. for such as leave lhe cities and Uivv country J-u r—they are. more,^ow'coh^il: 20 bb'js, Farhilyvand Esira Flour; ['. : .i..:.tris in :t-j>i H^i-u: A • |od Carpel ings ;9r-w»Hie2tchaage the itxaveiarticontinued.' American" llojr in?. the oJarm uumths. -] ' - • ; . 'edf ilia! Galvahijsed Iron iribore (IriraBte trran'anf Ai?o, Id bushels-Corii ! Meal;"", h -. ITC Besides tUe valuable Medicinal properties of |hea\y,-ajid i^.\ (iJ. bc-Cii acc^ptO'l fot cles.for Wool im theraftst nccoBnnodiitiBff terms. Bacon' metali as not\affeiited by aria's,' salt wi*' ; T: C. $IGAFOO^E. other • - ter ^ •Is of Wp<tem Can-il.." 'r'here, the JtKA:TJb^Iir its.elftcacy &te a liA'l'll lias been «b«nttiy cu'ri \ Hav^Tgr^MWeA*" MtperieiKsed w.orfcm8n tq tn Morse & Myers, ter,&c:. . t & : ' ','' ' .'• ' " • • " ' . v i 'u'r .\enta . . -' ; ; •23s , and of |?r:nie thoroughly proven iu conduct tb'e «oncera,:he feela con6d?nt:of giving ffl For sale bnly -intliii city 6y : OULD annonncpio the citizens of Ifarpers sale by ITSu-ic! Music! ! , ^/'y Ilht'ttraaUc and ^"er.vif KS - j fnlisatisfacJfeik^o'W?!; Vho^rtay favor him with J. : CORl LAN W"S0N; " ISvBait.' Si; ; Ferry and vicinity, Ihat.lhey &4ve entered : list week lliere W:is an a{rections,ar)d in relaxed conditions sml irfeg their cueUiUir ; >• • '-m^J .•.-...'•|. , > > / ; li(yp-b(nvvt Mua'rc, re'ee'ive^ at- :'--"f'' K. ;= -' •••••**•• -: ••/ into Copartnership i» tiie••erbove basihesa, and '. mil carefR uettcr prices, but ti.e ad- ties of lhe •system to which the otftrr .sex -are iSflijf -2DV, t S. EICHELBERGBR?3l; -. , JOHN CUAMBERLINV will keep.cqnst.aolly jjn1 hand, at'their stand or. Baliiroore, JId,; t . .- • .. ... ; -. n The , J»*y;i.;iJ84a~3ra., IJST receded one case . M«ta streei, betwe>a Wager'* and Garrell & Aap' 'Mil ^llia -rai.v: 3Is.'to 3:is. have been , ^. I,;will:atal} .tjmes pay the.bigbest mari v»>l\iii .Staje'aeciimrrioila?:6n wi!l;b»> ' ?:la BeBnajFig.Paste^a ^.oin.ted agetjls! for .the, sale bttr4.ejRefr.igera'.«r3 ^ and v and fpr.yi-liow-, provided" to con:iect-whh ket price for all kind* of Grahii J. -G. j & Oiiio ,. .hand V^elcft's 4tid other superior brand?. all desert jj'fiorr of Nuts.,,; " ,•, if; ".K.. ' andLwill furnish t e m ' I , .- (Mil : " " r?{. .lulm's—distance only- |H 4 FHmifr'an.! E&tjfa iFlour, Cflrh'lMe^l, Dried fact'urera pjrices, l-V \> :irUbl laj ,":,>n';J=-^W9dri..W.«j|«i!t Wool!-I!- • nnd\jnMlie ito order at the shortest notice a: I, Saratoga', and orher Mineral Fruits.. IjaroTf, Lard, and .many :other BriicleS-of Surfinglit.Po'iy't. Mayday ,1 ybceries^i-We' havli'.on' teJndC'Jn-large ^^ ^WISHtoinforni'lne.publ^thkt'I shallvid.a ^^^^i™*' ! j ^ : ^ate9t ma°tersxonstautly oa hand iitUje'bar. 1 1 stock:-pf Groceries'***'-' * SJ™,nii.^jiaaj^'vii- ... vary short U*.e»*aN;e the. WooUenPaetwy al ffSaSSSSS ^v . : .-• ir.atty eO "n.Wtfceirplaces of point»«|t6wn free'-of ihivg'e'.' ;?». L;; . ;1 • v <-rt>. •> best termj». ICEYESi Jti 5 this place in full operation*, having been eri<rh2ed j res~eflci t»W»urerta.-er» and ; work returned ai May 29,'1849—tK Fayj B9 1 MaviBS"-' E' ?.' MlteEttr flpHE^^ arih'uir nj^eUbg ot'the Over6*eers'::of,the 8 April a^U ': 8ejfcpgi4tctKl e\ea' MABJK.E3L ttajhig the winter, ittifcatVittg H largely e«tended r-con ^-^^" ^T• vc -r ;pF^all ° ^8^^®:X J».flair:ODy<B.;^;>^ " v ; The Mew flind tfldmaflhl^-eoaired.setlin* etiiiriilv n^vanil sianuy np.pawi. | •'^»>!ff 'V C^tarJest6wn,,at;Carder'd If^ibtet,"o^i'0>&'jtrst'fiton¥7^ tiierial Oil, and (Mri ,iafor burning Bftrne^ 'd weekly forth* • Spirit of Jefrerson,' by WAL-, , HarperV^FeTry^May 8, 1849. . ... stipply of Al^xan'der's .-Tijifsobapbe, |K &. Co., Fluiir and Commuuoo JlcccbuiiUi and XJJ for sale by ;KEARSLE¥. 'have' make ROLLS and daall kinds of.connTJ! Produce Uealers, Bahim»re. l>ress present'ye'ar «[ii) then b^laiil. All p^rsorra havApril-24. i e lejieii OHN K. \VHlT.Eand E)UG.;H^NKLE jaave iry;'sir.btk «i addftion :tothe;daaunfactare:Qf gy&a, N'WSH. V frig^claimB win presenttherh:pn »hal day. . _ all the lute, stylea. iqoporlec Jtbeir Nejw Woollen Pactory, iti SbephKrdsaltimore .MaMs.4^feO Keia'-.fealtii»or(s i.-Hajiing.ertirafied.theaerVHseB of onejjf tl«i'be«>t 'WtotOMij. ,:.l '• A ptrnctBaljattehdarice of'allthe niemtjera of this season, fur si^le by , neai!y;«ofl|ipietetl. The Machinery .is of Nails etiiora'cinrf'alT sizes and kiffiis, for eal§ Dyers in the Uniied fcUatep.-nnd aieo-af^a first[ \V. BKI.LKR. D^r Sir—The marWst tor . S , ^Old Rje Whiskey ;. . -, \^ , the Board is requested..., JOHN P,. BRmyN, , T, C. •• • l)y. hfcs rulwl Ju!l diiriog the past vtcek. Flour the most &ppruved kind, and the moss skillfid and rate experienced manayer, I hope to meet fuliy by •- kfiYES;&."KE-AR:SL,Ey. | t \f'. Conimoiu ^Whiskey' siviabje tqt hajryest *n \n rrquen, auJ ill iwiist-mteiice of l^lit roi. experienced workmen have been eii AniiiP&i. 184*'-' -«;•• '?':"•<'••• •(•^'•v •'••'-•• : ' the wislies and the -ittterests of-the erzrtre -Wool upe/f('-r Sale :!ow by ihe" barrel; or paTlo;n.' * /" no advance Juul {^a, realiieU «j;"tu"«lju'rd«y. those wool {!«owere andmerchant; w bo patronize Xnat -Arrived and for desire;saoviJ«:foform29, 1 g49.. , ' T., C. Di bnme news cans*) FURTHi JR jopply „ slight — ••'' 'dm estabtiJimcnt,may rely upon get.'ing'lhe;best a large aesortmeht of i » ! rntitermls, Uie best fabrics and fastc^iitn. Rolls •• : hajjfe tei roblkioeil. p'or safeH; the.? arfe , 1 various oew;PaUe?ns wtl,lisiMine« -;..-'W-^' <; i:.ii'-nt, and 1 1 , at »4 50, mud 3JO do. . at «» -6?".} On ^v^ vxr which/1 will se !! low for cash to^ihe i jfffiuft rdinarj Or,!" .*" ' ' ^qnal to.lhe. Oa'Ciirap-fut-bftiliancy; la.inj and Brass very. cheap.—= C/VSE ,Wfejie,]bea?er 3i«W4- Also, Plasten'rig laths and Salt, Fleh by-the bar. :iuv;al ihiil ne*day. Thursday aqd Vod %y, about! .200 oW8.«t carded and ulher country \vork donoat the shortv they are vajst jp M..H splendid article for summer. . Bnperiqr~for chf apne«3,^bey »fe est notice. ' ; -.4 ' '. . . _____ _______ . rel or thousand; it a small "advance over ATexan- descnptipD,«kich ^viii be §old lower lhan else^t * _ "_ • _ " 'L- r -r.'ti - . ' ' • ' . -» f-^Mr-*<^.~-~ ~-. *...«.», - „ , . . anaOrpasse'd%»»d .yiejpl-j^J has neither the stair We wrHl. wr.tenge^or VV^OL; csvthemost-acdria prices. ^OSEPHf 1X)WLJNG. . ;. Ip the naercnant^ of our own; 0ja^bexdoiw-40 V MILLS do9.Nbt ranch in market Biks e»»» ial ' ' T, G. JlA.VYJLIN.$ & GO. i - which c ' et b e re tepret m " ' ' ' commodatinii tefniSj^our fabrics,'vjjjj:: • .'• :"'. ; ;— White -Berlin Cbrfl !pr e ra-Farry '. i made generally ai f< 73. ' J849; • "•*"- Coiinty iis.wellli8tth«»,ihat4 will ,al- ble. Tie pruzes o.Ptfiese larra'ps i-ary from^ft to : j u / v re do.— Sm».ll sales I5t quality , at §3. or ,ii,f : 'or«ri« ' ' ^change^ aur^jBauufacinred Goods "". we ge..with - ' cents per D*o.cKiu\:tA do.-^Asah) ofCoO $4 7">. Cost." , lilapkeu'o^ MKY 29. ;T. C. ,them fur AVooly a nd! inteooN as soojiias t u n- gallon,forsaftiby | d&.. of Flour for tii» «eek, 6.9S9 bbb. and 433 r. Stocking Yarn, &c. Also," any other l:inds ced my stock of .Goods to about. Uie river der: way^ to wait -oil (hem wiih sampieaiaf siu:]r Bif bbl?. . ci cit ior'sale by g(3C^;^^.sl|iaU.tba£e, which I cannot but lliink S»te«of ^«*d'to prims Reds have uuifornjly of merchandip;;, that may he prefprred to our own i three thousand dollarsvl havererao_ve<lto HoDtandrEye make, at i he Sore of John K. YV^ihe, wWre «H the boiue one door above_«)iy residence, on Ger- P*irrie!re P»TJ«feShioUeV _ u y artivaljlj wilVgiya-tnein e>rery ^•gree of Batistaciion. ,. . . vRr'^akfiir e man street, where 'f' sjiilt^cont|nae-.offtHnjg .t the wool will he received. . ;-... ; , / V: just.received.and for sale'by !<«*/»•> •ll't . W. L. WSBB. t ; Or •Btifih'tic* kF the lat«8tdesigns and newest fabriegoutjfor May rwWleH48to50, and yellow at 5< Li. o. jfrlvtlCi Nothing that can te -done on our part sltall .be April 2 4 / , T. Gii»; at i OST, -untiK - j r-either is :Jr hui ! Sh»phf>r T849— lOct.J. (isf6wh.,Sv!Ry.22, Vest, Pants and O>at»; for sa!o bv' - faceiHa..; . . . - . . . ' ; • -•• •'•••' ~ ' • •' * ;. . ' ' • ' ^j•• • urr-r left undone, to render entire satit-fRftion^to those ^tcltell inia, just received at retail or wholesale, fe* -mon^yW cloantry pro24-. * . _ MUDS.—Cioverseej, staaU B»le« prime al R3 CiJi, a . •..• .-,<• (jijroceries. •who irade with us, either by exchange of wool or ...... aad foj aalc tyLW . « ^.H..duce o£ **y)sxat, ' jti, email talcs ai$ 120 per bushel. cr^HP 5J would .H..-. ' ' .i^cei^e^ direct from ;Ne w Ypr k,i subscriber IIHB jost"received a larae and; !«••••"• SR.—Keg u 5a7,8|»d roll GaS.cents. purcUase otour^ouds. . >refer . t. y as . Si ETCSTELWER6EEL :genenil sappry^nf rety. superior and fresh -?t*7l m Kaj», awdSU^f e«ra« in bHls."' WHITE, s^eh, as. wqul'd gi ve aatisfaetioa 'tft A bonnet8W&& re- ,he.te|iHS ! I Bioes—Shoulder* 4laS,-Sidtti*t«iaJS»aua lUmg deem it. unnecessary atT «rson wishing t&'cpTOiro&nce.or;eBlai ge:hi8*buav the SF« insii§ ||£-2Uer.tiox r»ySwwk:i8«i» large «ndi| otBSnSeTee ; l{wd Soap, fiee* Koet»»at4 85 to $1 K. rberc is n'6' • general as any other, and aa low as'U.ey can be ; CATrn^-^SiO.head^Bewwiere oH w»nte<Ui Tlie me bought in this county. I Monday, 193 of uhicij -were sold « prices varvin»6 [ money *00w»475 -.1 particularly in«te: the fa-rnf rs of Clarke and Kespectfntlsi • esimine ray stoeki u Con»t}^ • ' • it • • . **_ —. — — - ^. : i .. • .5 BbJa,; that tfte " '^Clarified •For Whitewashioe e fiw tnarket..k ears-JhkviagjPlajpsedl ive <tecnB( iric?ieiier%irne • u t of Jiines |e many for *omn*m W 08 "cnsiSnV 'supplied 'With , ¥*-;- aboot half liich to the report*! " laced,^)S fiS«Bl»forre£*fl4Ii3ai 25J ecea&ed. OUN» Alam rilegk can be f uth*6ddf-.iiijtowii. > of frail ife«h bjpbn if.' ! j-ed them. J kcked tne1? "Subs* . [rttipany. count ry»f.areo ule the^mt rncaived. QOD8& CX». arrived al Halifax at Site sailed from I,i. bee who have |jy, ii may |t"h. the i a 'week ago, WalcljeSvlliFe^y i ~" 'T L ~-v '•••••'••{Miixri*eo\v&, ~ G ! i' ' • - . ' , . • ' ' ' " .-*..' • .r Illlttl !' .• -llliT^f-'t\t tt\.-m Trli '» I _I^ll.. !._!._ . '."! I ."l '_ * : * ' * . * ' r - - T . ' I J ; T NOTICE.:- : Eft • • • ' • i Lj'" -' ••" -"'it, o l T T S Boot and Shoe W J G '---I, - - • • - .' ' ~ •• ' '• ' ' [ -\ < - ; . - • T.-*~. -» I . B I B N H M v *i -' - ~ • •_••*! *"?. 1 1^* ,;»"**S*-1 chpice«t£hiaj«J». toy trom Mi^.lt4^8U-J *¥l 1 MAKTIIf-A WHJTELEr'S o clicttl. From lh» rbsmuijg Demorrat. .-^T« Tille. Tfcjr m>K. while h;iudi. hiutg oVr ihy LtU IUi«j» »!er rome roM>»fe ya*e; When Usi, with r«J ierriphic grarr . Tb«u «akf*j«*'~/*few«lL" The tremblrd worl« liting on ihy jon I.:fcr ui-iii'Tirii of '•arly liou!*; And waa, like oiui-tr, *adljr eunp, ' 1'tijr Mveet f&rewel!. V A JLUE Y TCE.KCCIIAPlf' Dr.SweetserV ;N AT ID NIA-L^T^^I C, H , iie^ r«ridea,Bitaated 7 miles West ofCJwIestbwn, the county seat of Jefiefson coonty, Va,>:wifJun li njiles of SntithfieW, and-near the VVincbester ALVING of aaai.z«l according' ttr the ferme ol their C h r t e r , oflef lo ri.e pua'-'o t/ifc service oY a-ine^iuoi of r.u-:i,muni>a{jon raj>i<f, s?firtlf.?pritule~iis>siiiiig by a great dedyctiofi'.i cliarg^alur ibe UttfiftinittHouo! ineasAg^s and ^u- enforcement o'f l?ie subjoined regulntiiuBj (*v-|» 'ihey' hope wHI IB* apprjoyed,) lo^>rOTB,«|te'iijO«J: fully tuuu he.-e'ulwe ttlJ ' po*"»:»oftpn{ lie- ^nveniouce and'utHfiy, th>>y peel wUliconfi.§;j)cetoIieJ*ustainrd;lijf nn'ml&rg' , and-re»jpeciru:ly*>- X contain.; _ Ague and Fever, aud Dyspepsia. sive Sublimate, Arsenic!' -ty deierhjnsr mineral. The principle upon N our widely extended country, then) are no - . .by assfisthi" anj ha: termiUenlAad', ' : particukr'stirfy to : fiad«ut some remedy to stop I °r* ~.WM>> a that truly distressing ecoorge, and think," by this j scientific compound, wediave effected this great ' in we think, the not strengthened by the 1 in D YSPJSPSIA, and if our directions are fol-. se&ses tie reajarktWe j.., lowed,--will not (ail to e fleet a cure. Get the Pamphlet from one of the Agents, (and yob can ce*y from the bonea ;iiid i PCJR ERUPTIONS 0£, obtain it gratis) and we think you will'be convinced we are right. _ Read the following'from a Scorvey, Scorbutic Agecti, "la or King's Evil, White highly reepectahfe acmirceV: r ,|;. Ulcers, Cancers, f Mr. SJBSE?T Augusta Co., Va. > time and a deterraii FebVnajrj 3d, 1849. \\ SwrsEMKE's PANACEA wiiij Messrs.-Martin <$• Whiteley: FOR ,j Gentlemen: I bad been afflicted for some time Rejection of Food,: with a disease, which I believe was Dyspepsia, and. was induced" fay the representations o 1 'you adections, Billious compiainu,^ Agent here, Mt; James E Rosa, to try a bi I tie o ness, or Female irregulariii« \ your IVatioual Tonic, and I must.ny il PANACEA will soon et&ct a c»'' gave me more relief than any Medicine^ ever or aitpnded with gripingfi, fly need for that purpose, acd I believe it is the bea should be increased, and the c, Medicine for that disease I have ever met 7itb fected. Let not the patieou fr: with the idea that they are ton Yours respectfully, ALEXANDER COLBY. -medicine'; but bear in mind i rating medicine puts not wet Prepared and sold bybut most certain'y draws « MARTLN& WHITELEY, strength .ia its place, and by" .No. 48, South Calveti **. Bolt. sleep at night, and »u appetitek. AND FOR SALE BY re-animates the wh'ole frame wii&J 'L. P. JIARTMAN. clearinjf the mind and impronatl Dr. JOHN G, SCHMIT, Woodstoe, DYSPEPSIA OF o YEARjj Dr.L S. EICHLEBJSRGER, Chart Accompanied with .Yertout' Dr. A. R. MOTT, Leesburg, -by The use of WM. H. HESLETINE, CORE FOB BALI JCQ THE PCBLia I Pin HE sub crifcer take . JL this mell od of return pe«3-Ferry Turnpike, :and boundeid HOD, the. East rrtHfiaubsrribers having Boats constantly rub end fay public roada; containing tlartsanksto f»00 'JL sung jo ,GeorgetbwB;^4 Alexapdriaidtf {re all purchaser of his Paten. ,e*r. ,H ai5 Acres ol X*»e«t« spectfolly inform airpereons having : Platform Sc les, and fo —Six i About one-half cjearedi and in a-gbod state of. the better co ivenience b s offiefel P-R01>IICE the those in wan : of Platform to •end to either market, that they. *il| Wat it on Uier iniproveiaeiit available Tit .'rerjr 'littlp exr B.'uL* Srer <ir<TF ;>rrifd lliose azurfl or any other S ;a!es, in vite reasonable terms, they also have a warehona pense. The greater part of the WOOD-" ' A? Jrep: nnH purr , «• welkin *kie« ; all to call an c examine hi situated on Ibe Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, an< LJLSD Sv Jiru freio :i)"'r <i?ittli>, ] nw eru.e, {about 108 acres) • is enolwe*! very large assortment o and on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and wS for pastnragft^liie; limbed principally' 1'lieir W fkrewrjl. ._" OF T every kind of weighing ap j forward produce to any point «n the Baltimore Thef)p*rito> Vet eum« '«h»i hand, co lately thine. to be ab*al fro« cobeists of Oak aai Hickory, wit4» a tor*' p^ratas,that is now in oee road, or on the Winchester road, at a very smaJ" A <vftl= . thai uui£UK, «o hew divine ; tl«e hours appointed for CUABOKD| ha atl«adan<e. sufficiency of Locust, Cedar, and.Mulberry, : at id much cheaper than for Sjteak tUi<.-r lip1, a:id eye*. now mine, 1 charge. bV , jjer««Hicxr.t.-yt an officer i)l tfia Nrte nil 11 be, The improvements consist of a/Sabetj —" ' JSu more farewell. , A SUP PL Y Of to pas^-bebind the b .rduri.fiff bB.,7:nea8 c.oinnio<3i"iis UVV rjJL.JjJI'ivi, a gooc , June, 184M. 109 Plaster, Salt, £iBh, Tar. Shingles, .Laths, LnmSCALES, invented by the li{>tir«i.or to converse wiih th at •|Op>fr«tur jivhile Bkrn/with Stabling sufficient for 20 jcr, &.c., always on hand, and for sale low, undersigned, have great tran-*iniUing-or r<-ceivin^"4 m«.-t?ay<»Vi .-. ' •:' HbrsL's, and all other houses necessaFor the JLadiea. WILLIAM H. ELGIN &. CO. __________ in iprovementsf o»erF' those No pe»*uj »v?l! be perinittet , anyiaiiesry to have on a Farm—aihtrge Cistern ; for i HarpierR^Fefry, Jaii. 9,'I8ll9—Stf.' £ would ask a call from the ladies beretofore in user fts s iperiority consists: age« (in h'le.or posing tfiroiigi lh« at the! door, and a never-failing Well of water— itcd 7 mil i»< cvuulry, toiotn-atock of DRES& 1st—In" the aimplicity and strength of construcNo per^im wilt^w pnriniiiedKi a*k a and pools that supply: all the stock on the farm at i of Jefl ? J' ffOOtf.S', celibating iu part ae full tion, by which the liabilny to injury by wear, is of; tlie Operator rt;specliiig;.,oi wiiiich" all eeasonK of the year. : 'There are also two ORW«at Printed Beragea, . ^ thuy ar« ( iiut individually interested. rrt1HE subscribers having_ taken possession ol CHARDS cf choice: Fruit of all«orfa jnfull*ear- ehtifefy obviated. ' . . • : • I, Railnmd " Paris Lawns,...- • • .: ' . . M^aisagpf concerning »icknep» or 2d—In the greater accuracy with Which light, ip'afl -A the Depot in Charlesti wri, are anxious to ing. In every respect this property combines spike, " • printed Muusline*, <ia«eH to have pri<Ki'ty ft(riraajsfaiet>ioaA{ ;': mrciiaseany numberof bus iels of . , :hc requirernentp of a comfortable residence, with heavy or medium drafts lean be weighed. road a; Embroidered Tarlatan*, A'l mewages r«:«>ived'tq be sent out Jlnm'ediiate3d—In ita cost; which is considerably lower a well-improved and. productive Farm. It is qfWHEAT ANJ> COR1V, ' sre» «t Iy i/i*rta/eJ encebqffis io their direction. , If jojit of ,•• fered for sale on the most reasonable terms, both than any similar Scales. Linen Ltwfree, alf cleared, town, Jo bVfurwcr^ed'.by'tiie first maifor ehrliest "or which they will pay t hed ighest market price as to price and time of payment. ThesiP-ar^ilI important considwationB in the " ' n cash, on delivery., They kino have possession Raria Brazijliann, rith abund and safest opportuuiiy. . purchase of Scales. Andaff to their very geneFtfr further particulars apply to the subscriber French Ginghams, nnd many other article ent; avail] ri wiist betpaid for at tlie timse of of the Warehouse at therOId Furnajce until the jeraonally, or fay .letter. Address, near Middle- ral use, I refer yon to the following listof gentlefirst of'April next, where they will purchase any satiable for dro.-nes, which tve would be pleasei I greater i ' ' men and corporations that have them now in use. irgin ia. ,vay, JeffersoQ county, Vi to ibow to the ladiea. Al*o— 108 acretq No uiessHge passing over the line shuli be ffiade numb?? of busnelsiflf Wheat and Corn, to bedeJESSE MARDE]ff i; . GEORGE HffiTT. ivered on or before that time. French Worked Collar*, "* the timb public by the Operator. :~ Vi ; ; Baltimore, April 3,1849. 1848—tf. ALSO—On hand and for sale, 1O0 Tons of 'Light; darkraud black Kid Gloves, and Hi No smoking, crEiiking, gambling, or .proiane Mohair M its, jlf Locust^ I VALUABLE IxAI¥» FOR SAJLE. language will be Allowed in the ofli^e at;any Plaster, at the Old Furnace. ••• They are also anxious topurchase any number 8'.v tn» Cambric and Thread Edging!", rementa • time. ;. ;? ;; . JEFFEESOH COUBTY. * " Inserting*, &.c. bmm<xiions HE': undersigned, trustees of the estate of No message cVujveying a personal.; threap or of bushels of Wheat and Corn to, be delivered at April -ft. J. K. WOODS &, CO. Wm. Andersop & .with language tO be despatched bvt^e Opera- their Warehouse in Sbepherdstpwn,. where they t ;Wiiliafn;Ci VVfaJton, dec'd-, offer at private Samuel; Ridenour, have a large quantity of Plaster for sale. Harpere-PeTry Co,,] ThQ«. Ralwlina & Co.,, brses, and sale, the very;' tor, DR. SWEETSER'S Wltite Lead, ofa, Paiuts . M. H. &.V. W. MQQRE. M. H.<fey. W^Moore, U. S: Army, to have on i DR MARTINS UNIVERSAL PUKGAAny want of att^ution or accomtn<>dal|on iu, the UST received, : V A L U-AB L E F A R M t,Cultey & Bockey, Feb'.: 13,'11849. Philip Ob SOB, [and a never! offices IP be made known tb the President ; for 700 Jbs. Lewis' Pure White Lead ; TIVE'PlLLS, by the: name of "BETHAITY," seven miles R. H. Hollmdn, I certify, thatfor the. last fire John Little It supply all correction. .; '- . , •; . Ohrfane Yellow.; ' . MKDICIIVES. DRUGS -.outh of Charlestowb, Jefferson County;Virginia, Joseph Russell, Lewis Prey, f the year, A remedy for all seasons, and safeat all times. afiected with Dyspepsia and \V: 'Do Green ; Linseed Oil ;, : •\ TARlFfi OF CHARGES t adjoining tlije fefmsjof H. It. Opieand Mrs. Lewis,1 M one & 1 lerbach, Win. R. Seevers, 'choice Frnl The most superficial observer is; aware that one paniod with a general wcaknest Copal Varniali ; .Japaiii'do. ; ,R.vLUs. EICHELBERGER, htreihg taken * 'BETWEEN WISCHHSTEE A5D andi lying immediately on the west bank of.the A/rTRefef tern, particitlariy distressing ~ Jones Augusteen, sry respect) jrea't cause of disorder is Costieeness, and^that by Bright do.; For sale 7ow by ' the prngStoreof Mr. T.AI.llint>ohedoor Shenaridoah riverJ There are two good springs For a men ;age ol. 10 wofd* or l^s M. Enotta. Q cts. P. O. Littlejohn, its of a cc ihej jtrm'ely taking of a 'purgative ibe system « re- At. times iny digestion wa-. & May j. L. S. EICHELHERGFR. Wr*est| of Sappington's Hotel, is of never-failing water, a good' }^- *$ '•' scarcely keep any thing on my 10 to 20. words M " do ived and pr stpred to its accustomed energy. By such a BERKELEY, COtJUlT. now receiving a full and fresh ' Freeh Groceries. * .'' Brick Duelling Honse ^ Each: wort over i!0 words 1 cent adcjjjona!— ^ on the mo oureethe lives of hundreds are saved, who wouk fee f .could not- tonch. I had ^ E. Shipley, ' Richard H. Bailey. sdpplyof 10 and Java Cpflee ; ' . of •. or signature ad lime of ] otherwise have fallen victims tod\sesse. These several Doctors, and had taken a and Out-building|.'| This farm is-re-'|feL COUHTT. i' Drugs, Medicines, iine New Orleans Molaieea ; achptipns. without receiving any er particula Pill's speedily remove ait irritating matter from CHARt.SSTOU'K AMD markable for' iTr adaptation to theJlJJajL H. S. Bai-row, I Benjamin Miller, rSugar at 5 and G'j cents; Paints, ;;Ojls, Dyeslnifs., &c. Towth of wheat, corn, clover, &c., and is one of ; by letter. | hejbowels,Aand ;excite the bilious function! to-a weeks ago I commenced takinj or Wm. Miller & Co., B. B. & T. Beallj '.Lump, Loaf, and Pulverised Sugars, from JO which will be sold on terms as he most beautiful on the river.'. county, lealthy action. The press is teeming wit i the Panacea, and before 1 had Kui^hei AMD HABPERS FERI&-. | Lloyd Logan , K ; , ; : to 1-6 cents ; reasonable as can be .had any recommendation of Purgative Pills gotten ! ;p by I felt eeVfain- il wwjfd cur*' me, There are two hundred arid eighty acre|i of For a message: oil 0 words or !e<ss ' |5 ctsi i IbtiDotrs COUNTY. Rice; Spices of all kinda; Salaratns; where, this side the Eastern leared Land, and one hundred and forty-leien meawhoknow nothing of the eflecfs;of Medi ines 1 had taken hud such an'elfecti IJoj do 30 words f| -.*-->-.*-.-. Johnson &! Willace,. | C» C. Brown,; G. P., Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas; 'now/lftken three battle's, snil feel ^^ market. . . m_ on the human system, and hence are endan well Timbered,.making in all 427 acres, j Each, word over '•''•) words £ cent aclJit ionafAll of which will be sold as cheap, if not cheaper I am, howev?r, taking another buoVfl I>If *• *l* CLARKE CotJHir.—T. Smithl A knowledge of the Theraputical .application hejjiyes of thousands, who are daily using EPA good titl^,can be, gi_ven. exclusive of address#>r signature. en my neryona system. I ninlie -J^jBilKicriber, age than any grocery in town! of Medicines, and the: importance o.f their purity [n'jjjffering these Pills to the public, we thi Application for purchasing may. be made' to HlcBOWEL,L, & G A B L E , •: April 34. T. G. RAWLTNS & CO. publicly, to let the aliiiried know Ji|U8urance Con as remodial agents^—-induce him'rokeep"o'n*hand, Ir.iRqbert Jamison, of Alexandria, Va., and to are doing a public good as they are the pre*rip : Importers and dealers in April IsJ to Or.if ist.—From 8 A. \I. to 1^ P none but siffch aa may be safely and confidently ohn T. Hargrave^Sheeherds,town,Ieffir8pn Co.j, mfeued lo re'ct>i^ ion'of a regular Physician who baa used them in laiu relief. it is onj y •' . \ '•. M-;"2J to 5$ P. ST.; 6£ to 8'P. M., recommended to-, the public.! The dispensing of CARPETING, FLOOR- OILJJLOTH, &C, iis practice lot 10 or 15 }'eara. BOX fresh Macaroni, for sale by. or by letter, poat paid. j however,' Oct~ 1st to "Apr I 1st.—8J A. M. I U P. M. Medicines'' \yill at all times be attended to* with Valjeitherpenjonatly J UAVE) ,, '^Vo. 264,.xJlIarte« Street, . May 1. T. C. SIGAFOOSE, ROBERT JAMIESON, > : Prepared and sold by profit* of t| J to6P.M;7\ti)C- P. M. iP . ': • .50 Iwris Jfc«g npatness, caution and despatch. (DIRECiniy OPPOSITE HASOVER STREET,} ! JNO.;T. HARGRAVE,^ Ha|H aud MARTIN &. WHITELEY, mg the On Sundays.—JFnim 2 to 3 P..M. • He has and will always keep on hand, a f u l l -June 20, 1848—tf \ ^^ALTIMQRE, MDJ •.•-,-•. SCROFULA AND GLA,\ PASE Spring Style Black Hats ; At Uieir wholesale Drug Store, qnarteriy, and complete assortment of 'By order bf t|iel}Joard: March 13,: 1849?—ly. , .1 " ' " " White " FECTW3S. No. 48, South Calcerl st. Bait. t '.he prbmil FASIIIOIVABt.E I«ILI,U«EJar. Perl umery, Fancy Articles, &c., i-dpzen Black, Brown and Drab Slouch do,;insured in I ScroSuUfis saidiki be hrrediUry, AND FOR SALE BY iRS. MARY E. DA VIS, presents'her comto which the attention of the ladies is especially April 24. j 849.J 10, ": Palm lea'f, boys' and men's •' Itbe corjioral^ ceiving From its parents the seeds; L. P. ILiBraiAS, Winchestpr, pliments to'the Ladies of CharWrown and invited. y $ ' " Men's Straw, assorted do.; : " of premiut which increases with iu years, i»i Dr. J. G. isoHMtTH, Wpodatock, icinity, and takes pleasure in informing;them </harlestowr», March 13, 1849. and BROTHER, J. .li. JttclPiHAIL N Childrert's- Leghorn Hatsj ^> are as lo* not Hiinmitted to f.reqnftif puriticsij Dr. L. S. EjcHLEBERffEBjCharleatown, bbaccoi embracing e ve?y bat she has just received from Baltimore, her Boys' Straw Caps, in store and for sale by 132 Ba^t. sir: adjoining the Clipper Office;- reIry, and lov Sweetser's Panacea. , The.glaniii Dr. A. R. MOTT, Leesbnrg. variety of quality arid price. •[ Spring and Summer Fashions, May 1. . T. C. la with onl| the cornerB-of the'body,anii outot'ii W.H. " HAVE, removed niy • Boot and Shoe;store br all descriptions of MILLINERY.V Sliia-^vill spectfully inform their friends and the public ge260,000 Half Spanish Cigars j a aabject nc reel rommnnica^'ii'in;* their real osti to-the, room lately occupied by Mr. James leach, alter'or trim, braid, straw or other'Bon- nerally ,tb|at they are now ready to frunieh them flosiery. 50,OC)p .Yellow And Brown Spanish cid J. myjelf with their Spring Style of Hats, together Dr. Martin's Compound Syrup of on which much dil&rence of itpiniw ENT'S, Ladies' and Children's Hose and 40,pOO sapericrlOId Principe , -4o ' '• . Clothier as a| Merchant Tailor store,, two'doors 1 etsj at the shortest notice and on the lowest with the styles introduced by the principal Hatof the Cor s'umYrs to know'llral wht-n in Half Hose; • 30,000 Lord Byron, Rifle ' ^io ; west of Mr. Sappington's Hotel, where ! " WILD CHERRY & SARSAPARILLA. erms. Thankful fur past favors, a continuance operation, i ers in the country, to enable them to . suit the they are capabfeof Being_ Silk, Liele, Thread and Kid Gloves ; to•''.' v 30,000 superior Castilloes ' d^v : keep on hand, and make to order, s solicited. ' ,' aatesof all who may favor them with a call. '. no rnljes of I course of Dr. Sweecser's gether with a large assortment of Purse Twist, 20,(tOO dp Panetelau ao \| The Wild '.Cherry and Sarsaparf I- a long CT Hei; residence is a few .doors East of the • I LADIES' AN& GENTLEMEN'S jgh to any J To Dealers in the county of JetTerson and other In ca:?es t>( Jaundice. Asthma, Steel Beads, Knitting Cotlnn, Spool, do., and a . 35,000: Old^Regiilia -I .' -«lo :|\ a, which are the basis of this Medicine have long Jourt-House', and immediately opposite the r >arta of Vi rginia, who have heretofore patronized y variety of othergouds in this line, just received^ 15,00^ do GBriones ffo. ence of Mr.Thos. A Moore. is so liberally, we are determined to offer induce- >een'celebrated ihGonsumplimi, Scrofula, Duga Gnu', Dr. SvveeUjer'i Panacea canant 49—Culand for sale by .CRANE & BROWN. OF EV^RT KIKD. 5,000, Cheroots ' d.o ::April 17^1849—F. P. copy. ments in the Spring purchase, which cannot fajii as fljf] the Skin, ^Coughs, .Injluenia, '^Spitting of Iy extolled; it searches oui rii«» veij1 ; April 24, 184J). 300 Doz. Gutiand Dry Tobacco, " ' . ' T , ouid respectfully invite the attention of citto give satisfaction. The. quipHty of our stock 3loodi Asthma, <f-c. 5 Bbls. Old Virgiuia SmolHng do zens and strangers visiting the town lo my large Right Rev W. R. WHITISGHAM, BisP,op disease, and by removing fr<-.»i ittlw O. RAWXiINS & Co , are now w ATTENTION none will question, and the prices shall be made f Tiie ' \yQ{)£, 50 Boxes aborted Pipes,:: : •'' . : assortment of Boots, Gaiters, and Shoes, made of theiProtestant Episcopal Church, Maryland. a cure certain and permmirDt. • ceiving a large assortment of HEauhscriber respectfully informs the Farm- to correspond with the times. For diseases of tlie lil<iii<i*r nr. I !\'••..., V \viflTK i : 1,000 Reams Cap, Crown, and Double .lie very pest material aud in the most fashionaHardware and Cutlery; era of Jefferson and the adjoining counties, •; ' faa authorized us to say, he has nse'd it in hi»o Vn lure»,~ Grasel, Htmie* Pitts, Fistula, ;j|.|E;W VVoollet Cro^vn Piper; })e manner. X Boots made to order on an improv- that he-keeps.constantly on hand a large quantity ; . Baltimore.! March 13, jlS49-|-'3mv )ers'on with desired benefit, andcnany of our R!eCi'oper'u and Carpenter's Tools; 10o;ReanwJ?fge and small Tea.p»$er. '\: ed principle—drawings taken of the feel and lasts of ground ^PLASTERj which he'will eell^at f6 i ' , itarlv complftedl iditi" friends dS not hesitate to recommend itfin Wood Ware, Brushes, Cordage; !T. W. .; 100 do ,putj?nt,a!l sizes •'' «ljcr-'- : cept expressly for each customer, by which my 50 per ton, cash, or in exchange tor produce at beir practice.—^(SeeDr. Sam lief Hooper's letter Panacea is toe be.-! remedy ever trieii; Groceries, Oils and Paints; 200" do assorted Cap ' do new; Boots fit as easily as old ones. My Boots the highest market cash price. He xfiRncctfiilly I.ADI3ES o us in the Pamphlet, which you can obtain gratis all these acrimonious humors Irun A variety of Fancy Articles; which gives rise U> the vm -. Ag«-nte> : 220 do . : do Letter • do : BOOT AND are made of the best French calf, Baltimore and solicits » oail froui all in want of the article, beMusical Instruments &c.—AH" selected ket-ping me Wood ID a pure,condi The BoonsBoronghrOfltl Fellow of Washington 30 Grose; Brunei Boards, : . • i Philadelphia sole, and -warranted to w«»»* cqnol lore purchasing'eJae where. .mint, may ' No. 161, Baltimore S'i, Baltimore, Md. with the greatest care, with the object of selling >' o., Md., of June20,1848, says: As before s'.at- health.. to airy wurk manufactured in the United States. 400 Doz. £nutf Boxes, assorted. >„ ^GJKORGEIW, FOX. cheaper than has ever been offered in this mar1 66 do Pint iind hall pint Flaeks/f A^TIIMA AND BRO.VC* I would expressly.invite the Ladies to call and ^Shepherdetbwri, March 13, 184Q-j-3m. i -;d we are not in the habit of puffing medicir ea. cot INE Morbc'Cbtfbd Kid Slippers; - . ket We wish all to call end judgfc for them260 do Tianblers. assorted, • i y examine my stock of Gaitere, Walking Shoes, or " fove cr for money," but when an article, jas Dr Sweetser—For inany'yar.-'I selves. , April 34,1849. BrOnze, Black, and Light colored Gaiters and : 50 Boxes M.and N Blue and Black Ink^ and Turnrounds, and compare them with those afforded relief to so many persons as HOGAX & THOIUPSOS, change tc ed terribly Jrotn the eflecis of the Act Half Gaiter Boots, of superior quality and work'Hats and Caps. ' 50 do Scbtch Snuff, r sold in the place-rl feel confident jf my work is term*, oil despaired ot'ever again gluing Dr. Martin's Compound Syrup of WilU manship— together with a complete assortment ILK and Beaver Hate; 139 do Gi^M,7by», 3 by 10, lOby; compared with that brought from the East I .will Plaid upwards ot two rimidpeil I CHERRY' V of SHOES, &c., for Misses and Children, to China Pearl " (new style ;j 2, 11 by 14,11 tiylti, 12 by 14, 12 by 15, S5 b"^ have ready sale—myi prices are aslotoas any in Blanket : AND ^PUBLISHERS, V ! :V which the attention of Country Merchants and ws done, we feel bound to make it known. Tftere of Syrups and Balsams. Howt-ver,1 Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats; 16, 12 by 18 and 12 by 20. . the town.' . ^JOHN AVIS, Ji . ever was an article in this country that has at- of a friend. I was induced to try No'. 30 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia,. Families are respectfully invited. Panama and Slouch " 60 Doz. Pile Cut for Chewing* and: April 10,1849. \: s qrded; relief and gave more satisfaction than this, .nd'tivo bottles have perfectly cured routing >Yarn, Wholesale and Retail. Ah»o, a new article of summer Cape, received NNOUNCE to their friends, ami to meriEhan js Smoking: { j 1 n the neigbborhoo'd of Brownsville, in this coun- ce.dtiy hari an artauk ot Intluenzi .i;;;:-,b*ndi!«« , that: and for sale by . J. K. WOODS & CO. generally, in the Valley of Virginia,that their Baltimore, March 13, 1849 . j 3 Bbls. Cl;i:y and Stone Pipes ; , f, it baa efiected several important cures, and ud a couple of buCdea entirely rt'.s:ore»|i|iii 3tore of. ^ April 34. J849. •.,.'. stock of Books and Stationary for the coming busi6 Halfbbl-?l '3o do A. WiLrf vrUI be re;cet« •om our own.certain knowledge.of: it,-we oroNEW STRAW GOODS. BOOT & SHOE ness season of'l848 will be larger and belter asRappee, Maccubis, Scotch, Congress, Tir- l's f Carpeting. AdJ;.-on, Somerset, Co., Pa. injf that can bej punceit unequalled or the Cure of Coughs, Coldd T the old established Bonnet Store, 193 Baltisorted: than at any former period. It will embrace Mixture, Natchitncbe^, and Ottered SnnJTs,; witlr PIECE best lugrain Carpeting; :ioMiito render and disekfies of this kjind. more Strgp<t, near Light, the most complete every article in the trade which is required for every, other article suftbd to oar trade.; Mertjrants 1 " " Lia " \lh thfe Clergyman'^ Sore Throat, {Bronchitis^ • :PILES ASD , stock of STRAW BONNETS, HATS and the*68Jes of ,1110 country merchant. and other* willfind i*H this stock great induce-, 1 " ' " Handsome Oil Cloth ; Dear Doctor—Allow me tq ofler mi*:iour 80( ds;1 In consequence of the change in their, terms of FLATS in the city, the stock being entirely; new it may t r u l y be said to be "Sovereign Balm" aa '• I " Rosewood " " for Tables; cnents to purchase. We will endeavor t<| sell seKtW,they; are enabled to ofler SCHdOL AND and fresh. Purchasers can rely upon obtainin the Odd Fellow of the 6th January, rS^tS,calls it (raise of your celebrated Panacea. Its low, and make terms fe suit. .'•# .. i , ALSO—4-4 trod 6 4 Matting, for sale by • wn, It also differs from mbst other remedies in being > • • • c* , Iy ij \*»**c«» v^i.^ti^ A i t f j and tfciju m^ywy j/. . • - — fc best goods, in. tbe latest style• .-aud fashion. cared iki^r me pfjthe Pries MISCELLANEOUS I BQOKS, PAPERS, and the M.OYD LOGAN & C'p. r So April 24. J, K. WOODS & CO. • N . **.* . °- -«1L -. . ' *« % remarkably, pleasanti and in not having any ot i .5f f . \ p | y rsM »uiter«**w a «P wor orm or t wee ea French Lace, Chiua r^kris, BLANK BOOKS, &c^ at prices so greatly reduced Winchester, April 24, 1849. those heating, stupefying or disgusting properties, Umbrellas aud Parasols, erticiating p^iri from the piles, and you?:«t the highest Tnlip Braid, ' Rice, .. do, from former rates, ae to make it to the interest of : which; at* found in most other preparations of the wag the uuJy- thiag that ever guve me p?py. ; VERY li\rge assortment; Also, Sunshades Laton do., English Straws, ( ""• TO AUL. TIKE WOIil/.D .':! ; all who deal in these articles to purchase from VViild Cherry or Sarsaparilla. of every description and quality, at reduced HE subscriber would respectfully announce theirstock. 'Florence-Braids, j prices, for sale by CRANE &, BROWN. ReadlPamphlets, which you can obtain gratis to his customers and the public generally, Cobnrg ;r do., Brilliants, The greatest bargains ever yet'ofYours respectfullv, • J LT Hitherto the system of crediting small amounts April 24, 1849. ^ . of any of our Agents. that he has just received from Baltimore and has uivolved an expense in their collection, and ' , Jenny Linds, i'Lamartine, ; Philadelphia, the best stock in his line, which he as H. it T. now-sell only for CASH, or such ne- ; '; White tace, PHICE 75 CENTS JL BOTTU5. *- Coarse Straws. Uoprecedente*! Excitement. Carpets, Rugs, &c. < : 1 hae ever had the pleasure of offering to the pnb- gotiable notes as are sure to be paid in bank at ;! NEAPOLITAH BORHKTS, No. land 2; every va Prepared and sold-ty;; •;' Wilmington, December 20, 1847. ". C'TP T f^>l "C ,PLENDID Ingrain Carpel; O Jt^ L\jt Li &, lic, consisting of . .MARTIN & WHITELEY, their maturity, the saving to those who choose to rfely of colored Rough, and Coarse.Straws; alsc Rag do; French and city dreaeed calf skins, gectlemens' deal in this manner will be a very considerable per Misses'and Children's Bonnets, Hats arid Flats I Not. 48, South Calceri street, Baltimore, M<J. AS juet returbec) from the Eastern Splendid Ruga; ' ... SEVERE COLD. in Braid and Leghorn. . with the largest snd most complete assort- j mam,a. leo cenlage on their ptjrchase. ; ,._ ;^ ,' Floor Cloths; for sale by - AND FOR SALE BY PHir-iDELPHfA, Jan. «• K ment of 'SPRING ASD SUMMER* CLCrTH- I .P *nd_C«pe Morocco skins, Few dealers in the country buy more than $200 April 34. \ T. C. SIGAFOOSE, LEGHORN AND BRAID HATS, '. It. .P. >Hartman, Winchester; To Dr. Sweetser:—Dear Sir Cordova and Seal ING ever brought 10 rhis Marker, and at p-ic worth of stationary in a season, many not over. Men's, Youth's and Children's in every shape am • ' , jDr. J. G. Schmitt, Woodstock, ago I contracted a very severe cold, wbkj? Pfailadelpbla Shoes. Tampico, Kid and Seal, (>'' " Ladies very much reduced. : one-half, and. a large portion not more than oneform. [ '.';. '-Dr. L. -S. Eichleberger. Gharlestotcn, ened to settle on m^lnnga ; my head S' Kid French Ties and Slippers; « Colored'Morocco and Kid, , "Misses Coats, of eiyery. vuriety, embracing alijjtl fourth of that amount. There; is not a .dealer, ':. Panama, Gnya*q.uil Dr. A. R, Matt, Leesburg,\ " Colored and Black G niters and | Gaiters; : pletely stopped up, so that I cou Wscarc? J Ready-Made work for Ladies,Gentlemen, Misses, latest styles, and of nn . improved cnt and therefore, who visits Philadelphia who would be , Leghorn, . Palm, Wm. H. Hesletine, Marlinsburg. " Bronzed -Kid Slippers and Ties; ' from it into my face and gums and c subscriber wd 76 cents to 10 do.'lars. ^ •" . ~ TJoys and Children, to wit: inconvenienced by paying these small sums in Florence, •„ Braid, &c., 6ic. March 6, 1849~ly. : ,. Children's colored and bronzed do., for teeth to acl/e very much. Hearing of'.' *'JBn8tora«trff| Best English Kid Slippers;, . Pantaloous, df ill - kind.?, froni 75 cfen a Cash, and as .each can save money by doing so Country'and city buyers desirous of selecting sale by T. C. SIGAFOOSE. just derful good your Panacea was-doing, f " French Morocco Buskin; to 4 dollars. CASH FOR H. & T. believe they are offering an.indncemjant i from the best and most fashionable stock are in•April 24, 1849. the best| ed, at the solicitation of a friend, in try ". •$']' Walkingmoes; HE subscribe r is anxious to purchase alarge and I can truly say that it h a < realized Vests, of every and^ny description, com: which will gladly be embraced by those who make vite'd to'call. G H. POND, the ptea •«•_ For tli« Gentleman. " Jefferson ing Silk, Satin, jCashmvre, Maraeillee, Vaie JL numberof Negroes, of both sexes,aound and ^anguineanticipations; my cold haaeni their purchases in Philadelphia. Those who en'No. 198; Baltimore S^treet^ Ing rff E would ask a call from the gentlemen to from 50 ceiitu to 3 dollars. Together '*' Seal / ^ '•?*& likely. Persons haying Negroes to dispose of, and I am every way. ter into such an arrangement will be enabled to BaWmoreMd.r March 13,1849— 3ms. indl city dresi examine our stock of Cloths, Cassimeres preat variety oiTShiKte^Drawera, Handkercljrje . will find it to their interest to give him a call besell at prices much below their former rates at Yours respectfully, V' Fancy Gaiters; Rtid Vestings, which have bean bought in Phila- S uependers, &c :, &c. j In fine every artic^ fore selling, as he will pay. the very highettcash home, and will consequently reap a larger aggreERASML'^'llIGGjcrajid Ua delphia, ana can be Fold as low as they can be pur- Gentleman 'e Wear always kepi on batid.aud is i Misses' colored Gaiters ; prices. | ., gate profit from the increased amount of their - J. 4b I,. ASH'S WHOJLESALE . B.*iMrSfea chased at any house in town. Kid Shoes. Morocco Shoes, be sold at greatly reduced prices. * |> : He can be seen at the Berkeley Courts,at Marsales. , •.}." -.' > - x , » ,idandSea CAP $ CLOTfffNG ESTABLISHMENT AprilJH. -I- K. WOODS & CO. i . ' " , ' ' GoatShpein Leather Shoes; CASE OF,.SCROFVLA Harpers-Ferry, Aprri^J 7, 1549. —2m. Having a ."*.PKINTIBG OFFICE for copperplate and tinsbarg, oa the second Monday, u n d at Berryville .f co and ':'• I ' • . r a _ . ' W. _ _'_ - . * _ _ *•* o m • Yelvet, and fancy But toned Shoes; type work, and an extensive BIHDERT, H. & T. Nol 16 Charles' St.; one Door South of German. on the'fourth Monday in each month v and usualLooking Colored Morocco Shoes. ^ LARGE lot of Looking Glasses, for sale by a're prepared to fill orders from Banks and Public HARNESS M.\ ^I/FACTORY. ly at his residence in Charles town. o Dr. Sweefser:—This will Childf Great variety of children's and boys' shoes, Ofiices", when forwarded through mercbants, at exODNTRY-Merchants buyihe Reatly^Made May 8. T. C, SIGAFOOSE, All letters addressed to him will be promptly OHN BftQQK would reapectf ally ^all th€»k different valuable Panacea:hus eifecied a Kid SHp : : qualities and prices; men's fine shoes, Clothing^ wilf do well to call at the above tremely low prices. ' . ?V-', -' »i't attendedito. WILMAM CROW. tention ot th4 public- to hie fine assortment. cure on me/. Por the last three years I hi^ JLlaie. Morocco j prices to sail purchasers ; men's Slippers, MonEstablishment before purchasing elsewhere. We Philadelphia, January; 18, 1848.— tf. ChaVleatpwn, Dec. 3,1847—tf BBLS..Winch«st€r Lime,_for eaje by a perfeet, martyr to t^ej scrofula, and roe 'sand Jefferson's common shoes for women, a -—• Lbaye also a sol May 8. six bottles of your valuable mediri&e.atn : " \ TURNER & MtJDGE, • ood assortment and prices IOTV, together with a -table for the Califorinia trade. X)ne of bur firm ia IJOTEI,. ' : Together with ei-e'ry other article in hfe Hpliiof § on my neck.and on my face lj»e healed ; Seal Groceries. . :-*• irge asaortment of our own manufacture, which iat ISan .Francisco,"andwe therefore have more 'DE.&LERS PAPER ROM the liberal encouragement extended to Hook and feel like another man. ^Leather HAVE a fall stoc-t of'Groceries in Store business, which have b<%n manufactured, on; of comprise a very complete stock, and the best ever knowledge of the Goods sold there than any other F all descriptions, the proprietor, he hae been induced to add to the choitest material, auil will ;be sold on thf iSos t offered in tjjis markeu .-. . "]. a i - / ! Youra respectfully, ; TJsiters f.\ which I am selling atKnm'H advance. Establishment. . , I*ruiitingi4ia Writing InSa, Bleaching f»c bis establishment Ten new and very commodious reaaoijable termi IJis work Is all made ap|b r : Also, a full assortment of latest style lasts, BENJ. R. L. G*it May i: HR- C. SIGAFOOSE. March 13,1849—6m . , .^.-.n. t ^k1ip8,*cV|' -'• rooms; he is therefore prepared to entertain in a experienced hands, aod fie feels assured CSUKJOL Ladies1, Gentlemen's, Misses', and children's. * _ A - - _li JEitf; Sinoes. i ' W.ood Wore. §£• Cajsh paid for $*&£very comfortable manner many more visiters and . IIOBSOiY A: KIRBF, Shoes, Also, 3 to 400 pair Ladies', M»se*,' and chilUBS, Buckets, iBaskett, Waeh-bowh, & xjanJers than lieretoforey— -and while he continues Baltimore. any establishment in Jhii< region of country. ' ' dren's shoes on hand, a good article, which will --Jan. Dr. Sweetser—This fenll inform yoo,u loraaleby V T. C. SIGAFOOSE. to beep his house in the same style, hopes to Hto has on hand a ^oi wf COLLARS'i war ; ' .. ,-;».... l>a sold at cost prices. . of the greai good your jPanacei has dcae May 1,1849. meritand receive the same genera ua share ofpubNo. 6, Light Street, Bnltimore, ed tojbe_pf ' I wouW most- respectively solicit a call 'from J, M. OKEU. K, 3. K)TKIS8^ For ae\en years I have [been truly a mattf I •*flf.ty °1 Hc patronage. ^ ™Ing.) this market, . Bru&bex I Oru>>he«! : the ladies, as;I am induced to believe that I ahall OBEM Ai^CO,, • : . =. "'7' HE aubscribers having associated them- He further promises, that bis Table shall be anp»AINT, Wfiite-Washmnd Clothes Brushes of : lie refers those whp : have never patronised be enabled lo suit them in work, both as to qualipliol n? Bsual, with all the delicacies of burTa- digestion was so bad jhAt I coold eat selves toether', fortbe . every description, for sale by him and who may be n?,xllydestro'isof procnring ty and prices. ' be&soBs, and hfeBar ahall always be BUD rice for months at a lime. I bad thebaJ Defers in Clo^'itJassimeres, Vestings, frig :ffierTAtLOIfING: BJTSINBFSi would; re durable and beau fifu I mirk to his host of ida^E'o- : I would here avail myself of llieoppcBtniuity of April 34. L. S. EICHELBERnRR. epectfully inform 'their friends and the public in with the best \V5se4, BrawJiee, (foreigii and cal advice our city could afi'ord, TrimuiingB, No. 230 Market SC If. oiere in this aod the ssujruunding couiitics, .-tnd tendering my. sincere thanka to a liberal public, Saddler). ~ ' A-'-Iarjpe general, that they intend keeping on hand a well Domestic") and other Liquor? -i superior quality, of oar most talented physicians, but my on their award he is w-'illiiig to risk his ojecniai: E have just recehred a boantifn! tsaorttnent sal reputation. •or the natrpoage heretofore exlended—and by iieaorttaent offteadyTMide Clothing bf it^ " selected assorttnent«if -. _ -; : -^ ; He has also e additional stalls to hia eta-1 beyond their skill and comprehension.: : strict attention, and exertions to please, hope to perioVqoalJtf. One price tmly. : of Steel, Plated and Braes Bridle Bits; : ID*Orders from a dislKffce will be panctoftiiy )te, whe»«tt B«pply of H»y, OatB ana gave me up, I tried i great manykindia Clotbs, CassimereSi and VcsUngs ; Spurs, Stirrup*, Cttrbs, *e. of new patterns ; aim Ellttd, and on -as good tfit-tna as though tbefft&r- «,erit a conlinuanre of the same. wlrich only appeared to {iggrivate thedi*" bfwhi al x e in the most fashionable Buckles ofart kinda, Htrnwemoontin^-Haime*, sb»Hti.iit9& JjPMeot. ,:;" ..? .-.-". . : ; : - j ; ' - - - - : ' . increase m'y nervousness. I then trial O* Hacksi Ca style, on reasonable" terms, a.t the. shortest March Fly Nets, Ac. T. G. RAWtfNS &. OO. Bxiot and Sltoe H« grateful. thanka:3» re tendpred to ihose TC!JO vers, always ready for the accommodation of .visit- kiTodaoJ Sarsapanlla,add took of them »fi ' ' • ' • F, 1849. eighrbottlea; withcini;ai if change for tb« have stood by and giv«a jtiim lh(.-ir!gro<>f!opi &« mW^ lueit coc-cluded I mnat due, as nothing " tronage pnde* eijeirjijclijcuinBiance^ ^ Jf4»cl«j^Dd j fedtistanlly Jq do me any good. ' A t laatafrleodbfi etertion to pleisebeu merit at all, then" wijlfje me one of ytiur circulars; and after ^onfidootly cslculatfe; <* .-ijeir favors hei*after;«B overv I became comrioeed that your noefibrt will be*parodo?i hw^wrt. • ^^9 CTCal! around anid ^e* me, inKnediately in 4e tftfe in regard-to all diseases arising fn»t ESPJBCTFdiLY inforni* hft old friends in. avail BfoodjBortdeterbalDe^ aa a last resort die thej^IghborJng cdunties of sincer 1 -v 3--.^V^ ; >'" •-• f __ tf. ^ — ^L j:»i' t^^mr- ! Toor Panacea-«~tml; and J«m rejowe". 1^8. KICHfeLBEAGSB. has exceeded, efeSOhe MMtettfent flede i« Shopi wli be execnted to circular^ 1 had not taken two bottles b« to give-"way from its tafafffln-aWiMrfeen bottles, the: first time in eight, years, feel perfect '•WF* f hope all 'the afflicted ,will- give it a '^*» « **Yoare truly, ^ FOllB 82 Mercer . I certify ?hat tha aljoye statetne pfife ia conect in every respect. -HBWMANFO] ilar - . ' •; ' I W , ... T i U ' L T I tijn* . ^nnr file Charleston rti Depot, T J 1 Spring Style of Hats for 1849, ^ M G T T F Wholesale Booksellers, Slatiphers, S JEFFERSON A •-L. . -I-' - - . - . . . . - . ' ' ._ I 'n -_.---___-r— _- - -— A 1 t J A S . D H W ;! 1 : ( J j. K; WOODS & co. Saddles, Bri j* laraess, & [ F O T T W [10^wifroy Hoesu ,1; r '--•: ' - • »m-m :\".-• -^%*; ••:•.,;. . ,j"^ ;. - ; -. . •: M «J«NwSfc - :-.;••:;; y ;; .: •-•;;k i -y y -^ > t