Hope in Action, Spring 2013


Hope in Action, Spring 2013
in this issue:
Future is bright for
oratorical finalists
Plus-1 adds up
Julie & Craig Wright
value service
MIFA honors Dr. King
Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association • mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Spring 2013 • Volume 31 • Number 1
MIFA Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Rev. Steve Montgomery, Chair
Amy Poag, Vice Chair
Emily Woodside, Secretary
Ward Mayer, Treasurer
Milton Lovell, Legal Counsel
Paul Berz
Otha Brandon
Jef Feibelman
Yvonne Madlock
Deborah Craddock
Meg Crosby
Edward Dobbs
Jeffrey Engelberg
Mark Finestone
Michelle Fulmer
Rev. Milton Hawkins
Kojo McLennon
Judy Royal
Sehrish Siddiqui
Chris Suhoza
Bianca Sweeten
Peter Tosches
Blanchard Tual
Cathy Van Leit
Executive Director
Sally Jones Heinz
Hope in Action staff
Ellen Whitten, Editor
[email protected]
(901) 529-4507
Jessica Jones, Designer
James Seacat,
Communications Director
2 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
MIFA friends,
This month marks the beginning of a busy spring at MIFA! As we prepare for our various upcoming events and
campaigns, I’m excited to tell you about a few of the highlights.
Mark your calendars for Day of Reflection and Service, which will be held at MIFA on Saturday, April 6. The
winner of our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Teen Oratorical Contest is the keynote speaker at that event each year,
and in this issue of Hope in Action, we’ve included excerpts from our ten finalists’ submissions to the contest.
Students, staff, and mentors work very hard to make this program a success each year, and the products of their
labor are outstanding—please take a moment to review these inspiring words from our students beginning on
page five.
Also be on the lookout in the coming weeks for our exciting spring campaigns like March for Meals and the
No-Go Gala. And I hope you’ll use the envelope in this issue of the magazine to support the Plus-1 program—
quite simply, the more money we raise for that program, as for all of our programs, the more people we can
help, so please help us spread the word!
Thanks for all you continue to do to support MIFA.
Sally Jones Heinz
Executive Director
The FY2012 MIFA annual report is now
available online at mifa.org/financials.
Our vision: Uniting the community through service.
Our mission: Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-­impact programs.
Cover: From left, Cenishia Hines (2nd place), Clarissa Williams (1st place), and Camil Coleman (3rd
place) are the winners of the 2013 Martin Luther King, Jr. Teen Oratorical Contest.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Plus-1 adds up
A client recently came to Emergency Services with a utility cutoff notice. Both of her legs
were broken in a recent car accident, and because she had been at her job for less than
a year, her benefits didn’t cover her loss of work. Through Emergency Services and the
Plus-1 program, we were able to stop the cutoff and arrange a payment plan with MLGW.
Stories like this are all too common: nearly half of our clients are forced to seek assistance
for medical reasons; another 20% are seniors; and many others are struggling to find
For 30 years, Plus-1 has allowed MLGW customers to add a dollar or more to their utility
bills to support their neighbors in need. Every dollar raised goes directly to MIFA to help
keep the power on for families in crisis.
Last year, Plus-1 prevented utility cutoffs for 1,300 people. In FY12, more than 1,700 new
donors gave an average of $2.61 per month to the program; their support will allow us to
help an additional 270 families.
Support for Plus-1 doesn’t only come from individuals—groups and congregations contribute as well. Members of The Girls’ Bridge Club, led by Dorothy Newman, decided a
few years ago to pool their money at Christmas and make a substantial gift to MIFA. They
give about $500 each year.
If you already give to Plus-1, we want to thank you. If you aren’t yet a contributor, we ask
for your help—about 2% of MLGW customers currently give. As Mayor Wharton said,
“If every MLGW customer donated $1 per month, we could help over 20,000 families
per year!”
For more information or to donate to Plus-1, visit mifa.org/plus-1.
FOR OVER 1,300
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• Spring 2013 • 3
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Teen Oratorical Contest
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Teen
Oratorical Contest was created to offer local
teens an opportunity to put their oratorical
skills to work, to engage in friendly competition with their peers, and to be matched with
mentors who guide them through the revision
process. This year’s contest is open to COOL
students; the 12 finalists were announced at
MIFA’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration, and the winner will deliver the keynote address at Day of Reflection and Service
on Saturday, April 6.
Participants were asked to look to their futures
this year, and to outline their plans to pursue
higher education. The following excerpts were
taken from the finalists’ speeches.
Clarissa Williams (first place winner)
Sophomore, Central High School
Career aspiration: Registered nurse
“When I first stepped into a children’s hospital, I automatically knew I wanted to have a career there. I saw all the children lying in their sick beds, and I
wanted to go help each and every one. It would have warmed my heart to walk
in their room to give their parents good news.”
Cenisha Hines (second place winner)
Senior, Middle College High School
Career aspiration: Criminal attorney
“The MIFA COOL program has allowed my level of courage and confidence
to skyrocket. Before entering this program, I was a mediocre student with a
low grade point average and the lack of desire to succeed. Now I have built-in
confidence to do nothing but succeed.”
Camil Coleman (third place winner)
Senior, Hollis F. Price Middle College High School
Career aspiration: Forensics
“A leader is someone who is strong-minded, reliable, open-minded, caring, and
giving. I lead in order for others to follow.”
Michael Curtis
Junior, Central High School
Career aspiration: Pharmacist
“I love to volunteer and mentor younger children. It’s obvious that I enjoy partaking in developmental organizations that benefit the community while bettering
me as a growing young man.”
4 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
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Morgan Dixon
Senior, Memphis Health Careers Academy
Career aspiration: Undecided
Jovita Jones-Cage
Senior, Hollis F. Price Middle College High School
Career aspiration: Plastic surgeon
“At the end of the day, to change this world we cannot conform to it.
We have to do what is right, even if it contradicts what society says is
right, and we as leaders have to take the first step and do it together.”
“Failing is not an option for me; education is my gateway to a
better life.”
Breana Dove
Senior, Central High School
Career aspiration: Computer engineer
Brandon Morris
Senior, Hollis F. Price Middle College High School
Career aspiration: Design studio owner
“I see myself as a highly successful young woman, giving back by donating, not just to charities, but also to neighborhood organizations to
reconstruct damaged buildings or homes and apartment complexes in the
area. I would love to see the communities of Memphis improve and I would certainly be
happy to give as much of myself as possible.”
Ke’von Eskridge
Junior, Overton High School
Career aspiration: Actor/computer engineer/professional golfer
“I would like to thank MIFA COOL for giving me those opportunities to experience new things and broaden my landscape, and for
believing in me and my goals.”
Eneso Humphrey
Senior, Central High School
Career aspiration: Attorney
“I hope to someday become an attorney specializing in civil rights. Civil
rights are the rights of people to political and social freedom and equality.
I have a strong belief in civil rights of citizens in the United States of
America. I am inspired by leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.”
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
“I was first interested in art at a young age, but I was never able
to attend classes and receive the correct teachings to become one of
the masters. I had to cope by doing my own independent study and
drawing with different techniques. Building this studio and creating this business
would help many people that had to learn to draw the hard way, as I did.”
Chrysta Smith
Senior, Memphis Academy of Health Sciences
Career aspiration: Nurse practitioner
“Martin Luther King’s legacy is shaped around keeping his dream
alive. As I embrace my postsecondary aspirations, the MIFA
COOL program has encouraged me to fulfill that dream.”
Thomas Williams
Senior, Central High School
Career aspiration: Undecided
“Another essential part of managing time wisely is resisting the urge
to procrastinate. Procrastination is the enemy of all students. Not
only that, it is a major waste of time.”
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 5
MIFA honors Dr. King’s legacy
On Monday, January 21, MIFA held its annual observance of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Rev. Dorothy Sanders Wells of Church of the
Holy Apostles in Collierville delivered a moving keynote address about
MIFA’s founding and the importance of keeping Dr. King’s dream alive in
our youth. The program also featured musical contributions from Haley
Harris and COOL student Kayla Little.
During the celebration, the 12 finalists in MIFA’s Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. Teen Oratorical Contest were announced. This annual competition,
sponsored by Nina and Matthew Thornton, is open to COOL students,
with prizes awarded to the top three winners. The first-place winner will
deliver the keynote address at MIFA’s Day of Reflection and Service on
Saturday, April 6.
Rev. Dorothy Sanders Wells of Church of the Holy Apostles in
Collierville delivered a moving keynote address during MIFA’s Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day celebration. Photo by Steve Freno.
6 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Julie & Craig Wright teach
their sons the value of service
One of MIFA’s core values is to serve individuals and the community
as an act of faith.
For Julie and Craig Wright, and their sons Will (10) and Ben (7), helping
MIFA serve our neighbors is not only a way to put their faith into action, but also an opportunity to spend time together giving back to the
community as a family.
Julie first learned about MIFA in high school when she delivered Meals
on Wheels with other students from St. Agnes Academy as part of
her community service commitment. On the recommendation of her
friend and MIFA board vice-chair Amy Poag, she returned years later
to serve as a member of the development committee, spearheading the
MIFA Champions young donor society. Her successful efforts to attract
supporters from the 30-50 year age group were recognized when she
was named 2011 Development Volunteer of the Year. She and Craig,
a senior vice-president at Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance, have also served
on several occasions as hosts for the annual Feed the Soul fundraising
event and the No-Go Gala.
Of their decision to introduce their sons to MIFA during the recent holiday Family Service Day, Julie says, “As parents, we continually remind
our children that there are so many people in need in our community.
As Catholics, we are willingly compelled to think outside ourselves and
look for ways to edify others. Being involved with MIFA helps us nurture that mindset in our boys.”
For Craig, Will, Julie, and Ben Wright, giving back to their
community is a family affair. They recently participated in Family
Service Day at MIFA.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 7
Families sharing and serving together
MIFA recently welcomed more than 50 energetic young volunteers and their families for our Family Service Day event and related winter
break Meals on Wheels deliveries.
Starting with conversations about poverty in our community on their drives to MIFA, children and adults then gathered in the new Family
Center where they made colorful, personalized holiday cards for our senior Meals clients. Next, everyone had the chance to experience what
it’s like to grow older in a series of hands-on activities simulating limited mobility, impaired vision, and other physical challenges of aging.
Equipped with new understanding of how MIFA’s high-impact programs work to support the independence of vulnerable seniors, our newly
trained volunteers helped pack coolers before heading out to deliver Meals and share the holiday spirit with their neighbors.
As one mom commented, “We can tell our children about the good work MIFA does, but nothing compares to actually experiencing what it
means to serve. Thank you for opening their eyes – and their hearts – to the needs of others.”
Members of the Collierville LOBOS Rush 2004 soccer team made holiday cards for MIFA Meals on Wheel clients (left). A young volunteer navigates
an obstacle course to learn about the challenges facing seniors with limited mobility and eyesight (center). May Eggleston, Nonie Leopard, and Ella
Peeples experienced reading through the eyes of seniors with impaired vision (right).
8 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Days of Hope
January 21, 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thornton III
in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 24, 2013
Mary Minor
in honor of Lucian Minor
on his birthday
February 11, 2013
Billie Anne Williams
in memory of David G. Williams
on his birthday
February 24 – March 3, 2013
Joanie & Andy Taylor
in honor of Reverend Drew
& Mrs. Kim Tucker
March 31, 2013
John & Sara Dobbs
April 14, 2013
Louise Mann
in honor of Jeff Mann, Sr.
on his birthday
April 15, 2013
George T. Johnson
in honor of Betty Johnson
on her birthday
May 18, 2013
Julie & Jim Raines
in honor of Bryan Testerman, Jr.
& Mason Cody Testerman
April 16, 2013
Gerre Gourley
in memory of Dr. Robert P. Gourley
May 20, 2013
Glenna Flautt
in honor of her birthday
April 23, 2013
Jack Moore
in honor of Betty Moore on her birthday
May 30, 2013
Matthew & Carmen Bond
in honor of their anniversary
May 8, 2013
Jeff Mann, Sr.
in honor of Louise Mann
on her birthday
Sara Holmes
in memory of Elmore Holmes III
on his birthday
Mary Lapides, Jason Shela
& Cathy Lapides
in memory of Mark Lapides
on his birthday
June 3, 2013
Pam & Fred Montesi
in memory of Mrs. Evelyn T. Palmer
August 30
Rose Johnston
in memory of Thomas Johnston
on his birthday
September 15, 2013
in memory of Elizabeth T.
& John W. Caldwell
October 10, 2013
Anne & John Stokes
in honor of their 53rd anniversary
October 17, 2013
Julie & Jim Raines
in honor of Tracey & Ken Harrigan
on their anniversary
November 26
Anne & John Stokes
in honor of Teresa & Terry Richardson
on their anniversary
December 18, 2013
Joanne & Morgan Morton
in memory of Bess C. Morton
on her birthday
These generous individuals
Days of Hope with their annual gifts of $5,000 or more in FY13 (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013). To sponsor your own Day of Hope, or if you’ve
• (901)
made a gift at this level and not yet selected your special day, contact Dorothy Lane McClure at (901) 529-4523 or [email protected].
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 9
C o n t r i bu t i o n s
Circle of Hope Level Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard R. Crews, Jr.
Sylvia G. Marks
$25,000 - $29,999
The Mustang Fund
$20,000 - $24,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craddock
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dobbs
$10,000 - $19,999
Peter Formanek Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Morton
Jean F. Norfleet
Ms. Sarah R. Perkins
Mr. Andrew B. Scoggin
Phyllis & David Scruggs
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stokes
Jeanne & Henry Varnell
$7,500 - $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Marion S. Boyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Engelberg
Mrs. Rose M. Johnston
$5,000 - $7,499
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence M. Bloch
Carmen & Matthew Bond
Mr. & Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards
Doris & Fred Feder
Glenna Boales Flautt
10 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following cash or stock received between October 1 and December 30, 2012.
Your donations help sustain seniors, support families in crisis, and guide urban teens in our community.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gerber
Mrs. Sara Holmes
Dr. Jeanne & Mr. Frank Z.
Jemison, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Johnson
Lou Pate Jones
Louise & Jeff Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson W. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Morgan, Jr.
Julie & Jim Raines
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Webb Tucker
Ms. Emily Woodside & Dr. Bill Falvey
$2,500 - $4,999
Michael & Bette Ferguson Arndt
Gwen & Chris Beard
Dr. & Mrs. Felix L. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lester Crain, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Crosby
Camilla & Mark Evans and children
Mr. Gary Feather
Babs & Jef Feibelman
Sondra & Bill Fondren
Mr. & Mrs. Price D. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fulmer III
Gerre W. Gourley
Marilyn L. Haas Family Foundation
Lee & Bob Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Jekels
Ms. Virginia H. Klettner
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Kosten
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lichterman
Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Lovell
Liz & Arsen Manugian
Mr. Michael Mathias
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Maxwell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Plunkett
Michael & Debbi Fields Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Shela
Constance F. Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Smith, Jr.
The Sunshine Fund
Mrs. Lucy W. Turnbull
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon M. Wellford
Laurel & Russ Williams
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Ben C. Adams, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Allen
Norma & Olin Atkins
Mrs. Pam M. Beall
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Bell, Jr.
Dottie & Jack Blake
Mr. Richard H. & Dr. Peggy Bodine
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Boren, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul O. Bower
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Boyd III
Mr. & Mrs. Hallam Boyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Bayard Boyle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joel W. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Bryan
Gail & Steve Buckman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Burleigh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Byers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Callihan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. George Cates
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Cates
The Reverend & Mrs. Reynolds S.
Cheney II
Suzi & Mike Cody
Congressman Stephen I. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Coleman
Mrs. Louise W. Collier
Ms. Renée Castle & Mr. Robert L.
Alice & Matt Crow
Dr. & Mrs. Roger J. Cunningham
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Daughdrill, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dawson
Mrs. Barbara A. Denley
Mr. & Mrs. John Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. John Dicken
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Douglass
Eddie & Gloria Felsenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Finestone
Martha & Robert Fogelman
Margo & Mark Fogelman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Francis
Mrs. Dorothy K. Gerwin
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Gillis
Aimee G. Ginsburg
Donna & Bob Goodman
Martha & Jerrold Graber
Rabbi Micah & Mrs. Sheril
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Griesbeck
Brenda & Fred Grinder
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Grinder
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gwatney
Mr. & Mrs. Everett P. Hailey
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mrs. Henry Haizlip, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Harris
Kathy Hayek
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Hendrix, Jr.
Mrs. Page Price Henrion
Mrs. J. H. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hodges
Ms. Bernice Hussey & Dr. Hal Brunt
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Jones
Mr. John M. Jones
Lynn J. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Jones, Jr.
Bruce Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Katz
Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Kopald Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Landau
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Landau
Kathy & Scott P. Ledbetter
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Lee
Nell R. Levy
Barbara & Ira A. Lipman and Family
Drs. Judith Soberman & Leonard
Ms. Margaret Maiden
Betty & John Malmo
Dr. Mike Martin
Mrs. Theresa M. Mauer
Mr. & Mrs. Will E. May
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Mayer
Mary Jack & Claude McCord, Jr.
Mr. William D. McCorkle
Mr. & Mrs. McNeal B. McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McEniry
Dr. & Mrs. Jesse E. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. McStay
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Ms. Joyce A. Mollerup &
Mr. Robert H. Buckman
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen R.
Mrs. Shirley P. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. O’ Leary
Ms. Valerie Peavy
Mrs. James H. Prentiss
Barbara & Allie Prescott
Mr. Thomas B. Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Prosterman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Richards
Dr. & Mrs. S. G. Robbins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thad S. Rodda, Jr.
Meryl Rosen
Mrs. Susan B. Russell
Suzanne Satterfield & John
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Schaffler
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scharff, Jr.
Mr. Michael Schwartz
Drs. Melissa & Timothy H. Self
Mr. Harry B. Sharp, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Shea, Jr.
Estie & John Sheahan
Dr. Barbara Kay Jackson & Dr.
Thomas B. Shelton
Carol & Glenn Sigman
Ms. Kathleene Ann Sims
Lisa & Bayard Snowden
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Svoboda
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Shepherd D. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Taylor
Mrs. Cindy L. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Taylor
Louise & Blanchard Tual
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Vaughan, Jr.
Warren Family Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Dabney S. Wellford
Mr. Theodore Wells
Dr. Benton M. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Williamson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Spence Wilson
Mrs. Mydelle L. Wilson
Mrs. Richard O. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Witherington, Jr.
Cornerstone of Hope
Level Gifts
$750 - $999
Drs. Heather & Ravi D. Chauhan
Dr. & Mrs. Carl R. Cutting
Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hanna, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kaiser
Mr. John N. Klettner
Dr. John C. Larkin, Jr.
Mr. Tom Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Morris
Ms. Kimberly Ring
Mr. & Mrs. R. Clinton Saxton
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Scoggin
Dr. Janet Scott
Ms. Nancy Sue Shaw
Mr. Thomas R. Wood
$500 - $749
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Beaty
Lenore Binswanger
Mr. & Mrs. Guilbert L. Brandon, Sr.
Nancy & Louis Brenner
Jeffrey Bronze
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Campbell
Mr. Charles B. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Preston C. Carpenter Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Catmur
Doug & Laurie Daniel
Jeanne & Rabbi Harry K. Danziger
Mr. C. O. Daugherty
Mr. Michael DeStefano
Mr. & Mrs. D. Michael Edelmuth
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ehrlicher
Mrs. Gayle D. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Evetts
Lane & Troy Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hussey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Irwin
Lida & Bill Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Keeler
Mr. John S. King III
Ann & Roger Knox
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Lazarov
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Lee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lemmi
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Long
Susan & B. Lee Mallory
Mr. & Mrs. David G. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Kojo McLennon
Ms. Joan L. Mosley
Mr. Edward Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pope
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Priester III
Mr. & Mrs. Keshav Rao
Mr. & Mrs. David Rea
Mr. Andrew Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Schaefgen
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 11
Dr. & Mrs D. D. Sidhu
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Siegel
Caprice & Art Snyder
Judy & Winn Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. John Straton
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Suhoza
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Temme
Ms. Shonda Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Tichenor
Mr. Peter L. Tosches
Mr. & Mrs. William Troutt
Mr. Julius C. Turner
Mr. Justin B. Usery
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. VanLeit
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wallace
Dr. Jewell C. Ward & Mr. Jim Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wernet
Mrs. Ernest B. Williams III
Ms. Elizabeth A. Wilson
Ms. Sheffield M. Worboys
Friends Society Level Gifts
$240 - $499
Dr. Katherine Abraham
Mr. Logan Abrahams
Ms. Mary Adams
Mrs. Gloria Andereck
Jane Antrobus
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan D. Arant, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Arkin
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Balducci
Ms. Donna L. Banta
Mrs. Kimberlie Barrett
Mr. Dale Bass
12 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
Mr. John Gregory Baudoin & Mr.
Greg Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bean
Joy & Leo Bearman
Mr. James O. E. Beck III
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Belisomo
Ms. Linda A. Bennett
Ms. Becky Boone
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Otha L. Brandon
Olivia & Wallace Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Brunson
Ms. Kathryn Cannon & Mr. James
L. Waller
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carney
Ms. Ann B. Clements & Mr. J.
Robert Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Cecilia B. Clanton
Susan Clark & Mark Jones
Dr. Karen H. Clark & Mr. Michael
S. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Trentwood Cobb
Drs. Robert & Sheila Cohen
The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. James M.
Mr. & Mrs. John Colmer
Ms. Maxine Coven
Mr. & Mrs. John Willis Cox, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Craddock, Sr.
Mr. Michael F. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Raj Dave
Mrs. Adrienne D. Davis
Ms. Willene S. Davis
Mrs. Patricia P. Demetriou
Mr. Marshall A. Depka
Dolores Clara Dobbs
Beverly & Henry Doggrell
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Edmundson
Ms. Nancy D. Ellis
Sylvia Beck
The Honorable William H. D. Fones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Forell
Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. C. Bradford Foster III
Charley Foster
Mr. & Mrs. John Gaskill
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Gassaway, Jr.
Dot Gilbertson
Mr. Franklin L. Gilliam
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gilliland
Judge & Mrs. Alan Glenn
Ms. Elizabeth Graber
Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin
Mr. Wayne Gutch
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hankins
Mr. Larry J. Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. Tre Hargett
Ms. Sheila Harkins
Sally & Brad Heinz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Helsley
Mr. Edmund O. Howard
Julia & Gordon Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hutton
Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Jack
Professor Jeffrey Jackson
Mrs. Carolyn L. Jennings
Mrs. Emilie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Jones
Mr. Mark G. Jones
Dr. Kenneth C. Kasper
Barbara & Joe Katterjohn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Keeney
The Kriger Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Lee
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Levy
Tom Leyden
Robert & Dana Longfield
Ms. Jane M. Lovelace
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Lyle
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Madlock
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie J. Mannerino
Ms. Vivian A. Mason
Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. McCrary
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil J. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Alec McLean
Mr. & Mrs. William A. McWaters
Mrs. Tina B. McWhorter
Randy S. Meeks & James L. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Rodgers Menzies, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Miller
Mrs. Houston N. Moore
Cindy & Scott Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morehead, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mosley
Ms. Mary V. Nease
B. G. Oates
Dr. Frank & Mrs. Sarah Ognibene
Mr. Eric Ollerman
Jan & Jim Orick
Drs. Ruth & Kurt T. Patton
J.C. & Cindy Pendergrast
Ms. Stephanie Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Poag
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ragan
Dr. & Mrs. Collins Rainey
Mrs. Priyamvada B. Rao
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Roberts
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin G.
Robertson IV
Ms. Myriam Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Rosson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Colin James Ruthven
Ms. Robin Salant
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Sargent
Marshall & Molly Sashkin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Schersand
Phil & Fran Shannon
Judy & Ron Shinault
Dr. Thomas D. Shockley
Ms. Sehrish Siddiqui
Ms. Madeline R. Simonetti
Mr. William A. Singleton
Mr. & Mrs. Ben G. Sissman
Ms. Sandra L. Smegelsky
Mr. Michael Stein
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Stock
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stroud
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Sumner
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Taylor
Sally & John Thomason
Dr. Alicia C. Tilley
Mr. & Mrs. Corey B. Trotz
Ms. Elaine Tuomanen
Bill and Anni Walker
Ms. Michelle H. Webb
Judge & Mrs. Harry Wellford
Dr. & Mrs. James M. West
Mr. Henry Wetter III
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Whitaker, Jr.
Libby E. Whitten
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wright
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
$5,000 - $9,999
Church of the Holy Communion
$2,500 - $4,999
Calvary Episcopal Church
Church of the Holy Apostles
Fullview Missionary Baptist Church
Idlewild Presbyterian Church
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
$1,000 - $2,499
Second Presbyterian Church
St. John Orthodox Church
The First Unitarian Church of
$500 - $999
Balmoral Presbyterian Church
Central Church
Collierville United Methodist
Church, New Beginnings Class
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
of Germantown
Ellendale United Methodist Church
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
New Direction Christian Church
St. Luke Lutheran Church
United Methodist Church,
Memphis Conference
White Stone Missionary Baptist Church
$250 - $499
Castalia Baptist Church
Central Christian Church, Christian
Women’s Fellowship
Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Oakville Missionary Baptist Church
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
Temple Israel
$1 - $249
Anointed Temple of Praise
Buntyn Presbyterian Church,
Presbyterian Women
Christ United Methodist Church,
Bible Class
Colonial Baptist Church
Embury United Methodist Church,
Pilgrim Class
Emmanuel United Methodist
First Assembly Of God
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Jackson Avenue United Methodist
Morning Sun Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist
Richland Baptist Church
Salem Gilfield Baptist Church
Sledge Avenue Church of Christ
St. John’s United Methodist
St. Stephen’s United Methodist
Church, United Methodist Women
Wesleyan Hills United Methodist
Church, United Methodist
Corporations and
$100,000 - $124,999
Helen and Jabie Hardin Charitable
$90,000 - $99,999
The Irvin Lansky Foundation
$35,000 - $49,999
The Medtronic Foundation
The Charles A. Frueauff
$20,000 - $34,999
Children’s Foundation of Memphis
Goodlett Foundation
Memphis Grizzlies Charitable
Texas Gas Transmission, LLC
$10,000 - $19,999
The Katzenberger Foundation, Inc.
Orgill Inc.
Speer Charitable Trust
Tennessee Valley Authority
$5,000 - $9,999
Bluff City Jaguar - Land Rover
IBEW - Jonnie Dawson Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
S/G Electronics, Inc.
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 13
The Schadt Foundation, Inc.
$2,500 - $4,999
Combined Federal Campaign of
Horatio B. Ebert Charitable
Latino Memphis
Memphis Restaurant Association
MGM Resorts Foundation
Travel Leaders
Valero Memphis Refinery
Pauline Acree
Charlene & Bruce Person
The Adair Family
Michelle H. Webb
Dr. Brent Addington
Leo Bearman
Janice Akins
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Albright
Flora & David Bratten
14 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
$500 - $999
A Better Source
Colliers International
Felicia Suzanne’s Restaurant
Formulary Productions
Inventory Locator Service, LLC
LPL Financial Services
Macstell’s Restaurant & Catering
Security Signals, Inc.
The Urban Child Institute
$250 - $499
The Alliance for Children’s Rights
Allied Waste Services
Dacosa Speedway LLC
DePouw Engineering, LLC
The Eclectic Eye
Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc.
Lana’s Cafeteria & Catering
The Printer
Simply Divine Plus Size
Wells Fargo Advisors
X-L Service, Inc.
MLGW Plus-1
$1,000 - $2,000
$500 - $999
Heritage Woman’s Club
The Memphis Coin Club, Inc.
$250 - $499
United Way of the Mid-South
The Girls’ Bridge Club
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following cash or stock received between October 1 and December 30, 2012.
Your donations are meaningful to the people you honor and the people we serve.
Stephanie & Mark Anderson
Hazel & J.R. Anderson
$1,000 - $2,499
Buckeye Technologies Inc.
Gayle S. Rose Foundation, Inc.
The Hohenberg Foundation, Inc.
Jim Keras Nissan
The Knapp Foundation, Inc.
Priority Insurance Agency, Inc.
Southeastern Asset Management, Inc.
Standard Electric Company, Inc.
State Systems, Inc.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Ansbro Family
Camille & William Gotten
Nancy & Tom Bell
Bonnie Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. John Bobango
Christine Garrett
Ivory & Ella Artis
Sandra & Dale Hudson
Sheronda Peeples & family
Janice & Ira Berlin
Rita & Bill Bruce
Allen Bolen
Rubye Carlile
Bobbie M. Bessire
Charlotte Sanders
Elise Bone
Frances & James Flood
Mamta Bhargava
Himani & Raj Dave
Allen Boone
Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc.
Irma S. Binder
Louise Guff
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Iolis & Wilson Carruthers
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Blumen
Shirley Manis
Mrs. Maury Bronstein
Donna & Bob Goodman
Sue & Bud Balkin
Marguerite & George Douglas
Betty & Joe Barnett
Pat Moody
Alex Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie L. Price
Betsy Behling
Amy Berthouex
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Anne & Milton Brown
George Brown
Margaret Craddock
Ann & Roger Knox
Ellen & Jere Fones
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Fran Hollowell
Linda & Dossett Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Waldrup Brown
Tom Miller
Rebecca Cullison
Pam Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Galbreath
Anne & Joseph Fisher
Karen Holmes
Burleigh Consulting Group, Inc.
Sue & Steve Brunson
Kate Sedgwick
Melissa & Edward Cychowski
James Johnson
Sandy & Bill Gates
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Rose Hugo
Cindy & Bill Rosson
Arthur Buring
Janet Kisber
Jay Daneman
Shirley Manis
Hazel Gentry
Cynthia Gentry
Dede Huish
Amy Berthouex
David Buring
Janet Kisber
Barbara Denley
Marilu Davis
Aimee Ginsburg
Lani Drody
Betty & George Johnson
Emilie Johnson
Millie Cafculus
Jack Clark
Fran & Eddie Denney
Mary Fergus
Gerre Gourley
Jackie Ellis Stewart
Charlotte Jones
Anne Fisher
Ann & Felix Caldwell
Lida & Bill Jones
Linda & Claude Paddock
Tracy & Aaron Dennis
John Dennis
Micah Greenstein
Victor Butcher
Frank A. Jones
Lisa & Jody Brown
Nancy & Paul Dorman
Jimmie Price
Tamah Halfacre
Jeffery Halfacre
Mimsy & Frank Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William Haltom
Dorritte Early
Goodloe Early
Barbara Hanneman
Charlotte Sanders
Zane Kay
Louise Guff
Katie Earnest
Margaret Barker
Sally Heinz
Mr. & Mrs. J. Bayard Boyle
Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc.
Diane Jalfon
Jana Kinkle
Jeanice Hayslett
The Canon Family
James Spake
Mary & Charles Cape
Harrison Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Carl
Mona Hoover
Jane & Allen Carpenter
Thomas Carpenter
Mrs. Vicki Chandler & Sons
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Little
Rev. Reynolds Cheney
Lucy Turnbull
Louise & Jim Cirtain
Louise Guff
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Cheri & Jim Ensor
Maggie & Boots Boyd
ETI Principals
Shelia Harkins
Jeanne Fisher
Rita & Bill Bruce
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Parker
Sue & Jess Hipsher
Cornelia Swain
Leslie Holland
Laurie S. Holland
Peggy Holliday
Donna Holliday
Dorothy Kirsch
Jeanine Mah
Virginia Klettner
Ann & Roger Knox
Brin & Eric Wulf
Congratulations to Fred’s, Inc.,
Volunteer Mid-South’s 2012
Corporate Neighbor Award winner!
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 15
Betty & John Klinke
Eliot Cohen
Louise & Jeff Mann
Rosalie Rudner
Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Raj Dave
Linda Marks
Ken Hall
Celeste LaChapelle
Nina Blockman
Sylvia Marks
Sandra Patterson
Corrinne Lane
Darlene Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Markwell
Christine Garrett
Frank Langford
Charlotte Sanders
Dan McBeth
Jeff Hassen
Mynda Lehman
Shirley Manis
Dorothy, John & Corrinne McClure
Darlene Haas
Evy Levy
Mary & Bill Levy
Mary & Mac McConnell
Thomas McConnell
Ira Lipman
Wayne Gutch
Lee McGarity
Linda Sklar
Sue Ann Lipsey
Norma Fisher
Sara & Steve Kaplan
Saralyn Kaplan
Sharrel & Frank McGrew
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Phil George & Tim Lockey
William S. Bard
Mr. & Mrs. George Long
Mary & Charles Cape
Cynthia & Jim Maddox
Ginny Bugg
Julia Maddux
Charlotte Sanders
16 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
Linda McNeil
Martha & Jim Boyd
Valerie Peavy
Ted Medlin
Christine Garrett
Anna Katherine Metzger
Chris Colomb
MIFA Emergency Services
Janice Vanderhaar & Ed Wallin
Sally Clicque
Anna Kathryn & Hank Word
Blanche Miller
Mary M. Cunningham
Buck Miller
Jessyca Robinson
Anne Mullis
Charlotte Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Muscari
Camille & William Gotten
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Neal
Mary & Charles Cape
Katie Miller
Tom Miller
Jean Norfleet
Christine Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. John Laughlin
Pam Montesi
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Kittie Nowlin
Mr. & Mrs. David Tichenor
Steve Montgomery
Minna & Alan Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Jones
Larry Hardy
Janice Vanderhaar & Ed Wallin
Roland Oser
Shirley Manis
Cindy Moore
Virginia Klettner
Mary & Corey B. Trotz
Houston Moore
William S. Bard
Pat Morgan
Charlotte Sanders
Joyce Moss
Dot Gilbertson
Judy Moss
Norma Fisher
Kate, John & Gracie Morton
Tom Miller
Glenda & Barry Owen
Rita & Bill Bruce
Dr. Kamlesh Parekh
Raj Dave
Judy Parker
Charlotte Sanders
Dr. Pravin P. Patel
Raj Dave
Carrie & Joe Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. James Spake
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Patterson
Mary & Charles Cape
Rev. & Mrs. Gerry Peak
Mary & Charles Cape
Peggy & Charles Perkins
Rita & Bill Bruce
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pietrangelo
Jackie Ellis Stewart
Carolyn Pinsel
Pearl Simkin
Dr. Charles Plesofsky
Judy & Jim Lindy
Anita & Ray Pohlman
Tre Hargett
Carolyn Powell
Alice Wood
Debbie & Marty Pryor
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Drs. Purnima & Ramesh Purohit
Raj Dave
Prasharith Raj
Emile Ratner
Betty D. Fowler
Gretchen & Charles Reaves
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Mamie Richardson
Ruby D. Holeyfield
Thomas Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence M. Bloch
Stiles Rougeou
Elizabeth Rougeou
Mandy Yandell & Rick Rough
Sally & Brad Heinz
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Catherine & Robert Morehead
Pamela Rowlett
Shan Tracy
Emily B. Ruch
Angela Weems
Rosalie Rudner
Dr. & Mrs. Lee Stein
Dr. Ilsa Sanchez
Raj Dave
Paul Sax
Barry Roberson
S. Francita Schermann
Alice Wood
Suzanne Scobey
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Jim Seacat
Richard Kohrs
Joel Seawell
Mr. & Mrs. John Laughlin
Fran & Phil Shannon & family
Lida & Bill Jones
Constance Shelton
Jane & John Shelton
Marsha Silverstein
Karen & Louis Stefan
Mrs. Wazir Singh
Dr. & Mrs. D. D. Sidhu
Sandy Smegelsky
Gail Murray
Ann T. Uhlhorn
Virginia Klettner
Faye & Donn Southern
Rita & Bill Bruce
UT/VA Infectious Diseases
Research Group
Jim Dale
Neil Southern
Myra Southern
Katy & Joe Spake
James L. Spake
Alvin Swiney
James Randle
Caprice Synder
Janice Vanderhaar & Ed Wallin
Joan Morgan & Deanna Temme
Charlotte Sanders
Susie Temple
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie L. Price
Jayne Terry
Casey O’Rourke
Kathleen Thayer
Victor G. Butcher
Pachy Torresola
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie L. Price
Charlie Trammell
Marty & Bobby Svoboda
Bridget & Phil Trenary
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Henry Turley
Carla Suzanne Landers
Lee Vieron
Maggie & Boots Boyd
Fr. Nicholas Vieron
Despina Karas
Sue Wanish
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie L. Price
Terri L. Washington
Michael Washington
Bernie & Marilyn Weinman
Rita & Bill Bruce
Dr. William Weiss
Janet Kisber
Mr. & Mrs. Geordy Wells
Mary & Charles Cape
Laurel Williams
Mark A. Jones
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 17
Nancy Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Lee, Jr.
Betty & Bob Armstrong
Ireys & Nathan Bryan
Sam Bomarito
John D. Lichterman
Mrs. Linda Work
Mary & Charles Cape
Louise Bagby
Beverly & Ben Froellich
Susan, George, Sarah & Forrest
Marty & Bobby Svoboda
Edgar Hull Bailey
JJ & Bobby Krauch
Ron & Linda Sklar
Baby Bork
The Abitz family
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Manuel Carrillo
Pam & Fred Montesi & family
Ewing Carruthers
John D. Lichterman
Marshall Bouldin
Merry Beth Camurati
Mrs. John Clark
The Adams family
Frances H. Smith
Sally & James Bailey
John D. Lichterman
Dr. Bobby Bowie
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Bowie
Pam Clark
Frances H. Smith
Joseph W. Barnwell, Jr.
Rita & Bill Bruce
Jean Bradford
Edwina Thomas
Blake Becker
Jane & Maury Strauss
Mary Helen Brock
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Adams, Lumpkin & Becker families
Katherine Becker
Rowe Mac Belcher, Jr.
Susan Belcher Russell & family
Barbara Bronze
The MIFA family
Ross Clark II
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Anne & Joseph Fisher
Sara M. Holmes
Harry W. & Katherine Wellford
Estela Alejo
Christopher Alejo
Joe & CC Bell
Mike Ehrlicher
Billy Brown
Rebecca Argall
Anna Rose Aiello
Judy & Butch Twele
Donald Joseph Bellott, Jr.
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Flora & David Bratten
Donald M. Brown
Rita & Bill Bruce
George Ronald Abraham
Katherine Abraham
David Abramson
Janet Kisber
Barbara Michel
Ashton Alford
John D. Lichterman
Carol Amagliani
Dr. & Mrs. David Usdan
Brooks Anderson
Anna Anderson
Courtney L. Anthony, M.D.
Kathleen M. Anthony
William Applewhite
Harriet Dixon
18 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
Agnes Benjamin
Katie Benjamin
Dorothy Berger
Edith Reiter
Morris Blachman
Susan & Harold Brooks
Margaret Bland
Maureen & Bruce Buchman
Shirley Brown
Louise Guff
Steve Butler
John D. Lichterman
Carolyn Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Hathaway
Mark Carmack
Burch, Porter & Johnson
B. J. Carney
Barbara & Leonard Richman
Dr. Lawrence Cohen
Derene Akins
Roberta & Steve Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Beverly Fourmy Carrick
Dodie Cheairs
Alice R. Fulmer
Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline
Mr. Bobby Collins
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Robert P. Colmer
Dale Bass
Chris Claude
Betty & Alfred Cowles
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Missy & David George
Tim Graham
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
William Griffin
Thomas Gruzs
Mark Gwyn
Diana Stein Kabakoff
JJ & Bobby Krauch
Christian Massetti
The MIFA family
Barbara & John Nash
Eric Ollerman
Larry Powers
Dr. & Mrs. W. H. Rachels
Ruth & Ron Thompson
Billie Anne Williams
W. A. Soefker & Son, Inc.
Amy Susan West
Jean Alexander West
Dr. Glenn Crosby
Mary & Charles Cape
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Cates
Peggy & L. R. Jalenak, Jr.
The MIFA family
Vincent Daugherty
Bernia L. Daugherty
Mary Edith Eckert
Dr. & Mrs. D. D. Sidhu
Mother of Jo Anne Fusco
Shirley Manis
David R. Davis
Guy Massey
Jean Wittenberg Ellis
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Dodie Cheairs
David L. Gambrell
Ella Thompson
Mr. Decrow
John D. Lichterman
Frantz Delva
Brandon Harrison
Bob Dempsey
Kathleen M. Anthony
Dr. A. Wayne Denton
Ann Denton
Cindy Devereaux
Richard M.Devereaux
Louise Dold
Michael Old
Jack Doty
Rosemary Gallen
Father of Lisa Cross
J. O. E. Beck III
Bernice Dowty
John D. Lichterman
Dr. Roy Culp
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Peggy Doyle
John D. Lichterman
Papatya Curtis
Katherine Gordon
Myrna & Fred Dreifus
Nancy & Lewis Brenner
C. O. Hara Daugherty, M.D.
Bernia L. Daugherty
Rev. Willie DuBois
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Cleo Daugherty
Bernia L. Daugherty
Teresa Dugger
Mary & Clint Saxton
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
James Evans
Gayle Evans
Randall Evans
Janet Kisber
Shirley Manis
Frances S. Evensky
Susan Moore
William Steinberg
Robert Rick Fallis
Barbara & John Nash
Molly Fergus
Mary Fergus
Virginia Finley
Mary & Clint Saxton
Andrew Fox
Rita & Bill Bruce
Melinda Ann Fox
Beverly & Shelley Brown
Jo Ann Schadrack
Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Francis
Thomas P. Francis
Yetta Friedlander
Pearl Marks
Olivette Fuess
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Bernard Garfinkel
Gale Gordon
Thomas A. Garrison
Rita & Bill Bruce
Ann Hill Gates
Sara M. Holmes
Connie Gerber
Bobbie Miller
Neil Gibson
Hope Logan
Emma Gilliland
Mr. & Mrs. Alec McLean
David Gingold
The MIFA family
John Goodwin
John D. Lichterman
Danny Goodwin
John D. Lichterman
Leona Garfinkel Gordon
Gale Gordon
Jimmy Graham
John Gregory Baudoin
Dodie Cheairs
Julia James
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi & family
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 19
Guy Graves
Adrienne Graves
Edward F. Greaney, Sr.
Dorothy Greaney
William A. Grehan
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Charles W. Griesbeck
William G. Griesbeck, Jr.
Dorothy G. Gronauer
Aimee Ginsburg
Peggy Gunther
Stephanie Cheney
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Ronald C. Haas
Curt & Jeffrey Ward
Dot Halliday
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Dorothy Allen Halliday
Billie Anne Williams
John Hannahan
Bess H. Kimzey
Peggy Harwell
Flora & David Bratten
Mr. Raybon Hawkins
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Papaw Helms
Linda & Ernie Mannerino
Reba Hemphill
Rita & Bill Bruce
20 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
Anne Marie Heuer
Flora & David Bratten
Barbara & John Nash
Sandy Humphrey
Steve Kisber
David Tual Ivy
Derene Akins
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Jeanne & Harry Danziger
Peggy & Bill Douglas
Betty S. Drummond
Betty D. Fowler
Tommy Harkins
Sara M. Holmes
Ann M. Hunt
Carolyn & Jack Ivy
Virginia Klettner
Mrs. Robert Lockwood
Missie McDonnell
The MIFA family
Dr. & Mrs. W. H. Rachels
Mrs. Edward Smith
Billie Anne Williams
Jane Williams
Mary B. Winton
Jamie Wright
Peggy & Jerry James
Patrick Bailey
Elizabeth & Lewis Jayroe
Charlene Jayroe Allen
Frank M. Jones
Martha S. Jones
Ken Krohn
Audrey Mehlhorn
Dorothy & Jameson Jones
Sally & Brad Heinz
Christa & Calvin Jones
Jessica Jones
John M. Jones
Miriam Jones
Sara E. Jones
Sharon & Sam Jones
Dr. Roy Kulp
Tom Fowler
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Marshall Phillip Jones
Lynn Jaseph Jones
Don Jurgensen
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Dhangauriban Kapadia
Asan G. Tejwani
Blema Tenenbaum Kaplan
Barbara & Norman Towbin
Fred Kesselman
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Shirley Manis
Mr. Kent Kimball, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
E. Lamar Kimzey
Jean Holt
Mrs. Victoria King
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Frank J. Knotter
Sharon Roney
Ferdinand Landau
Ros Kimmelman
Leslie & Nat Landau
Martoiya Lang
The MIFA family
Carl Langschmidt, Jr.
Barbara & John Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Charlotte Sanders
Bernard J. Lansky
Janet Kisber
Shirley Manis
Laurie Stark
Guy Lansky
Dr. & Ms. Burt Bodan
Mrs. Laverne Lehman
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Sylvia Lieberman
Ken Barnett
Mary Ann Lemm
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Alice Levitch
Shirley Manis
Linda & David Usdan
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mr. Gregory Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Sylvia Lieberman
Ken Barnett
Sylvia Hutkin Lipschutz
Joy & Leo Bearman
Grandfather of Lauren Listin
Janet Kisber
Martha Dailey Livingston
Linda Sklar
Robert MaBray
Barton Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mard
John D. Lichterman
Marion (Mickey) Marshall
Judy Pera
Betty C. Marston
Rita & Bill Bruce
W. Emmett Marston
Rita & Bill Bruce
W. Emmett Marston III
Rita & Bill Bruce
Beulah Massey
Carolyn Davis
Evelyn Matthews
John D. Lichterman
Dr. Alvin M. Mauer
Theresa Mauer
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Ethel Taylor Maxwell
The MIFA family
Betty Janes McCord
Elizabeth & Jerry Marshall
Bastie & Oscar Plunket, Jr.
Jane Plunket
Dianne Miller
Sue & Chuck Shaffer
David Poulin
Dr. & Mrs. Burton P. Bodan
Janet Kisber
J. Q. Miller, Jr.
Mary M. Cunningham
Maggie & David Posner
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Weiss
Susan Proctor
Vive, Charles & Warren
John D. Lichterman
B. Y. Raju
Pat Montgomery, Olivia
Mr. & Mrs. Keshav Rao
Montgomery & Eugina Mr. Glenn Reeves
Montgomery Williamson
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
George E. Morrow
Steve Rhea
Rita & Bill Bruce
Flora & David Bratten
Frank Norfleet
Mrs. Leonia Rice
Flora & David Bratten
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Libby & Jim Daughdrill
Marcella Richardson
Polly Owen
John D. Lichterman
Judy Royal
Mrs. Jack Richey
Johnnie Mae Peters
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Angela Ford Hayes
Clay Roland
Ryan Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Ryan
The MIFA family
Mrs. Rosen
Dr. Willie Ren Phillips
John D. Lichterman
Jane Plunket
Lindy Ruffin
Ronnie Pierotti
Nat Cooke
Pam & Fred Montesi & family
Ala Jo Russell
Mrs. Deborah Pittman
Flora & David Bratten
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Mary & Charles Cape
Harry W. & Katherine Wellford
Alvin Salomon
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Francine Brown
Ina & Dick Eiseman
Tillie & Walter Folk
The MIFA family
Edith Reiter
Dr. Katherine Tackett
Linda & David Usdan
Mr. & Mrs. David Whipple
Faye Sandford
Anna Vance Anderson
Ms. Vivian Sandidge
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Charles Saunders
Rita & Bill Bruce
Clayton Saunders
Rita & Bill Bruce
Robert Mills Saunders
Richard Schelp
Billie Schelp
Richard Schiff
Betty Jewett
Linda & David Usdan
Cynthia B. Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Marquita Scott
Jennifer Sanders
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 21
Irma Sumners Scruggs
The MIFA family
Frank Shaffer, Sr.
Marian & Frank Shaffer
Charles J. Shannon, Jr.
Marie P. Shannon
Harry B. Sharp
The MIFA family
Mrs. Sally Sheffield
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Lou Siegel
John D. Lichterman
Charlene Simi
Gina Bennett
Elizabeth A. Hume
John Simi
Mark S. Wittman
Zettie Sims
Marjorie Webster
Jasmohan Singh Singh
Asan G. Tejwani
Catharine Sitterley
Sandra & Clifton Lipman
William Skinner
Virginia Klettner
David Sloas
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Jane & Maury Strauss
Bonnie Smith
Stephanie Cheney
22 • Spring 2013 • HOPE IN ACTION
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Peggy & Dwight Drinkard
Gary Jones
The MIFA family
Oscar Lee Smith
Harold Steinberg
George Sneed
John D. Lichterman
Ronney Snell
Rita & Bill Bruce
Elizabeth Sossaman
Shirley Davis Conner
Harriet Stern
Dr. & Ms. Burt Bodan
Fran Buchalter
Helen Cameron
Margaret Craddock
Randy Meeks
The MIFA family
Nora Rothschild
Jane & Maury Strauss
Gloria Daugherty Strange
Bernia L. Daugherty
Inez Symonds
Derene Akins
Joseph Tagg
John D. Lichterman
Whit Tagg
John D. Lichterman
Dr. Jack Howard Taylor
Betty & Bill Turner
Ralph Taylor
Lea C. Davis
Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Claire Barnett
The MIFA family
Jimmie Tibbs
Virginia Connors
Ora Traulvetter
Kim C. Hall
Spencer Ryan Trusz
Peter Limper
Baxter H. Turnage, Jr.
Rita & Bill Bruce
Helen Hamm Turner
Rebecca Argall
Edward L. Twele, Jr.
Judy & Butch Twele
Emmett T. Vincent
Nancy Perryman
Dorothy Wade
Lottie Wilson
Beverly Wakenell
Rosemary Gallen
Catherine Guthrie Walker
Edna G. Guthrie
Elaine Walsh
Drs. B. Kay Jackson & Thomas
B. Shelton
Roane Waring, Jr.
Stephanie Cheney
Mary & Clint Saxton
The MIFA family
Mrs. Irma Warren
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Mr. George Watkins
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Sargent
Alvin Weber
Mary & Charles Cape
Dr. Tom Weems
Dodie Cheairs
Mary Weinberg
Janet Kisber
Faye & Jack Marks
Dorothy Turk Wigley
Beverly Carrick
Earl Marcus Wiggs, Jr.
Jane & Brent Alexander
Margaret & Brett Cupples
Susan Fijman
Holly Lange
Lisa Long
Betty & Billy McCann
The MIFA family
Evelyn H. Mills
Beth Orlansky
Charles & Lee Parrott
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Susan Payne
Mary Mills & Spencer Ritchie
Kathleene Sims
Marie & Carson Swinford
Watkins & Eager
John Shelton Wilder, Sr.
Rita & Bill Bruce
David Williams, Ph.D.
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Alfred E. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Higdon
Lewis Donelson
The MIFA family
Marci R. Mosley
Pam & Fred Montesi
Lisa Thompson
Sylvia & Jack Foster
David Gambrell
Pam & Fred Montesi
Meg O’Shaughnessy
Pam & Fred Montesi
Susan Thompson
Pam & Fred Montesi
Linda Gatlin
Pam & Fred Montesi
Susan Plough
Pam & Fred Montesi
Stephanie Poje
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Sybil & Donald Tucker
Lynn Jaseph Jones
Leigh Ann Poole
Pam & Fred Montesi
Ellen Wells
Pam & Fred Montesi
Janie Greenwood
Carol & Bert Barnett
Anne Gusmus
Pam & Fred Montesi
Joseph R. “Pitt” Hyde
Cindy & Jody Pendergrast
Rick Avery
Pam & Fred Montesi
Nancy Klepper
Pam & Fred Montesi
Norma Britt
Pam & Fred Montesi
Myron Lewis, M.D.
Mary & Maury Bronstein
Judy & Jim Lindy
Beverly Buchalter
Mary Lynn & Charlie Mansbach
Deborah Budge
Pam & Fred Montesi
Paula Buttross
Pam & Fred Montesi
Gregory Capshaw
Bhrugu Shah
Mary Davis
Claire & Dick Ashley
Cheri DelBrocco
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Sue Matthews
Pam & Fred Montesi
Matthew McGuire
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mrs. Rao
Vinaya Rao
Carolyn Schabel
Jo Buck
Elma Schnapp
Pam & Fred Montesi
Bhogibhai Sheth
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Mrs. William A. Smith
Frances H. Smith
Patrick Walker
Sylvia & Jack Foster
Shirley Whiteside
Pam & Fred Montesi
Mimi & Ron Grossman
Tami Eiseman
Pat Newberry & Ernest Kelly
The MIFA family
Gwen Montague
Pam & Fred Montesi
Blanche Montesi
Pam & Fred Montesi
Terry Montesi
Pam & Fred Montesi
Congratulations to ServiceMaster, the 2012
Association of Fundraising Professionals Crystal
Award winner for Outstanding Corporation!
Beth Moore
Pam & Fred Montesi
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2013 • 23
Volunteer opportunities at MIFA
910 Vance Avenue • Memphis, TN 38126
Private donations combined
with funds from these partners
make MIFA’s services possible.
TN Departments of Human
Services & Transportation
To volunteer for any of our programs, call or email the appropriate contact below for available
opportunities. Please review our volunteer requirements online before selecting your
volunteer opportunity, as each program has a different set of guidelines for volunteers. You can
fill out a volunteer application online! Visit mifa.org/volunteer for more information.
Congregations – Linda Marks, (901) 527-0208 x218, [email protected]
COOL – Carlos Royston, (901) 529-4557, [email protected]
Long-Term Care Ombudsman – Katie Earnest, (901) 527-0208 x230, [email protected]
Senior Companion – Dennis Moy, (901) 529-4535, [email protected]
Special Events/Development – Charlie Nelson, (901) 529-4514, [email protected]
Meals – Rick Finkey, (901) 529-4513, [email protected]
Volunteer orientation and tours are held every Wednesday at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Contact Charlie Nelson to reserve a spot at (901) 529-4514 or [email protected].
The Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association,
Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charity.
Saturday, April 6, 2013 • 10 a.m. • 910 Vance Avenue