
Lubbock Area United Way
Executive Committee
Board Chair: Wil Carter, West Texas Independent Financial Services
Vice Chair: Judge Judy Parker, Lubbock County Court at Law #3
Treasurer: Crystal Roach, TrustPoint Hospital
Campaign Chair: Douglas Sanford, Sanford & Tatum Insurance
Agency Review Chair: Tony Peña, FirstCapital Bank of Texas
Community Impact Chair: Eddie Owens, City Bank
Marketing/Communications Chair: Eric Finley, UMC Health System
Planned Giving Chair: Alan Lackey, Lone Star State Bank
Board Members
David Alderson, Alderson Enterprises
Danette Baker, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Byrnie Bass, Bass Law Firm
Vickie Bennett, FirstBank & Trust
Keith Bryant, Lubbock-Cooper ISD
Butch Davis, Parkhill Smith & Cooper
Amber Dean, City Bank
Terri Duncan, Texas Tech University System
Lynda Dutton, Literacy Lubbock
Crystal Edwards, WestMark Realtors
Dave Gilles, Suddenlink Communications
Bill Howerton, City of Lubbock
Meredith Imes, Texas Tech University
Joe Landin, Reagor Dykes Auto Group
Tony Lloyd, RE/MAX Lubbock
Keith Mann, Concord Medical Group
Kevin McConic, United Supermarkets
Kevin McMahon, McMahon Vinson Bennett
Brad Moran, Fox 34/Ramar Communications
Richard Parks, Covenant Health
Norval Pollard, City Bank
Cathy Pope, StarCare Specialty Health System
Elena Quintanilla, City of Ransom Canyon
Dr. Gonzalo Ramirez, Lubbock Christian University
Dr. Scott Ridley, Texas Tech University
Dr. Berhl Robertson, Lubbock Independent School District
Jon Stephens, Southwest Bank
Marsha Teichelman, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Eric Thomas, Nexstar Broadcasting - KLBK/KAMC
Glenn Cochran, President/Chief Executive Officer
Janis Putteet, Vice President/Community Impact Director
Amy Berry, Vice President Resource Development
F. Wayne Thornton, Vice President Finance
Nicole Ashley Lee, Marketing and Communications Director
Carolyn Simpson, Community Impact Associate/Success By 6 Director
Lynn Owens, Annual Campaign Director
Paula Miser, Campaign Division Director
Ashley Ammons, Campaign Division Director
Kimberly Pruitt, Database Manager
Gail McDearmon, Office Manager
Lubbock Area United Way
2015 was another busy year for United Way. Spring
was an active time as 52 volunteers participated in
the Program Review process. These volunteers served
on teams that visited our Partner Agencies, toured
their facilities, and reviewed their financial records to
ensure their programs are being managed effectively
and efficiently.
Volunteers in the Loaned Executive Division also
kicked off in late Spring and participated in agency
tours and hands-on service projects prior to assisting
United Way with the Annual Campaign in the Fall.
During the Summer, Partner Agency staff and
volunteers participated in a newly revamped
Speakers’ Bureau training. The training ensures
United Way is represented in the community by the
best people to tell our stories.
Fall kicked off the 69th Annual United Way Campaign.
With the help of hundreds of volunteers, more money
was given than ever before, ensuring that United Way
will continue our mission in the Lubbock community
of Giving • People • Hope.
Table of Contents
Community Impact..................4
Focus on Education..................5
Agency Allocations...................6
Community Partners................7
Resource Development............8
Financial Statements................9
2015 Supporters....................12
Student Volunteers................15
2015 Annual Report
Lubbock Area United Way works year round in the community to meet needs and
empower change. United Way also implements an extensive accountability process for
the 23 Community Partners and their 33 programs.
Advocacy, Engagement and Leadership
As part of Child Abuse Awareness Month in April, Carolyn
Simpson, United Way’s Success By 6 Director, continued her work
on the “Go Blue Lubbock” Child Abuse Prevention Campaign. The
goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the prevalence
of child abuse in our community. At a breakfast event kicking off
the month, volunteers carried in containers filled with 1,303 blue
gum balls. Each gum ball represented one confirmed victim of
child abuse or neglect in Lubbock the previous year.
In November, the United Way hosted a post Legislative Session Briefing focusing on health and human services
and education legislation. Senator Charles Perry, Representative John Frullo, and Representative Dustin
Burrows, briefed the audience on the accomplishments in the Legislative session. Highlights included PreK
funding and the reorganization of the State Health and Human Services Departments.
Community Status Report
For 17 years, United Way has produced the Community Status Report, a collaborative
effort sponsored by Covenant Health, the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Lubbock
ISD, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Texas Tech University, and UMC Health System.
The report has become a way to build awareness and understanding of issues facing
our community. This year’s report highlights school readiness rates for kindergarten
children throughout the region and reiterates the importance of education for all
stages of life. This information will serve as a benchmark for future comparisons. The
report can be viewed online at
United Way continues to work with and assist a variety of partnerships and collaborative efforts that address
many of the issues that are consistent with our priorities. These include the South Plains Coalition for the
Prevention of Child Abuse, P-20 Closing the Gaps Council, Early Childhood Intervention, free income tax
preparation for low-income families, South Plains Homeless Consortium and the Building Strong Families
In 2015 we continued to focus on education and make progress on our
goals of getting children who enter kindergarten healthy and ready to
learn, keeping young people on track with the goal of graduation from
high school ready to enter the workforce or continue with some form of
higher education, and creating opportunities for adults to gain the
literacy and job skills they need to work and live independently. The
Volunteer Center of Lubbock, with United Way funding, continues to grow
the Education Matters program started in 2008. In 2015, seven agencies
participated, logging over 20,963 hours with 547 volunteers.
Healthy Start, Ready for School
Children who enter kindergarten healthy and
ready to learn have a much greater chance of
being successful in school.
Stay on Track, Finish on Track
Success In School connects young people with
the resources they need to graduate from high
school and move on to a bright future.
Literacy and Job Skills
Success For Life creates opportunities for
adults to gain the literacy and job skills they
need to work and live independently.
2015 Annual Report
American Red Cross serving the Texas South Plains
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock-Plainview
Boy Scouts of America, South Plains Council
Boys & Girls Clubs of Lubbock
CASA of the South Plains
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Lubbock
Children’s Advocacy Center of the South Plains
Communities In Schools on the South Plains
Early Learning Centers of Lubbock
Family Counseling Services
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains
Goodwill Industries of Northwest Texas
Guadalupe-Parkway Neighborhood Centers
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock
Literacy Lubbock
Lubbock Children’s Health Clinic
The Parenting Cottage
The Salvation Army
Upbring, The New Lutheran Social Services
Voice of Hope (Lubbock Rape Crisis Center)
Volunteer Center of Lubbock
Women’s Protective Services
YWCA of Lubbock
Together with 23 Community Partners, Lubbock Area United Way works to advance the
common good and provide real and lasting change. Below is a summary of services provided
by our Community Partners in 2014.
American Red Cross serving Early Learning Centers of
The Parenting Cottage served
the Texas South Plains provided Lubbock provided developmental 420 families through parenting
disaster relief services such as food,
clothing, and shelter to 443 people;
communications and financial aid to
148 military personnel and families
during emergencies; trained 2,922
individuals in lifesaving skills such
as First Aid/CPR/AED.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Lubbock-Plainview served 249
children by matching them with
mentors to provide positive role
childcare program activities to
4,704 children, meeting physical,
emotional, social, and cognitive
The Salvation Army assisted
1,875 individuals with social
provided high-quality, affordable,
services, shelter, food and
individual, marital, family and group emergency services.
counseling for 1,229 individuals.
Family Counseling Services
Upbring, The New Lutheran
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Social Services Health for Friends
Clinic provided free health
Plains served 2,811 girls in
programs aimed to inspire them and
help them grow strong through
Boy Scouts of America, South character building activities and
Plains Council served 2,856 youth service projects.
in programs that focus on character
Goodwill Industries of
building, leadership development
Northwest Texas helped 279
and community service.
individuals with barriers to
Boys & Girls Clubs of Lubbock employment with job training and
provided daily educational and
recreational programming for 2,337
Neighborhood Centers provided
CASA of the South Plains
after school and summer programs,
provided volunteers who advocated
including academic, recreational,
for 464 abused and neglected
and character building activities to
children to help secure permanent
1,077 children.
placement in safe and caring
Legal Aid Society of Lubbock
Catholic Charities of Lubbock
Emergency Assistance Program
provided dentures, medicine,
hearing aids, eye glasses, and
transportation for 443 low income
people aged 60 years and older.
Children’s Advocacy Center of
the South Plains conducted 700
forensic interviews of children who
were victims of abuse and neglect;
provided therapy for 64 children;
and reached 1,576 with education
and awareness programs.
Communities In Schools on
the South Plains helped 2,040
youth successfully learn, stay in
school and prepare for life by
connecting them with caring adults
and community resources.
programs, which strengthen
families with in-home and group
parent education.
screenings, education, and support
for 1,397 low income patients with
chronic health problems such as
diabetes, hypertension, high
cholesterol, and morbid obesity.
Voice of Hope (Lubbock Rape
Crisis Center) served 366 sexual
assault victims and family members
with medical and legal advocacy,
accompaniment and counseling
services. They also fielded 2,861 hot
line calls and reached 7,041 in
educational speeches.
Volunteer Center of Lubbock
connected 14,993 people to
volunteer opportunities, 635 people
attended Leadership trainings, and
18,785 participated in youth
volunteer opportunities.
provided 1,440 indigent families
help with domestic violence
protective orders, child custody and
support, elder law, and adoption.
Women’s Protective Services
They also provided information and provided direct services to 1,785
referrals for 6,814 individuals.
individuals in abusive situations.
They also reached 7,009 individuals
Literacy Lubbock helped 522
through the presentation of
adults learn to read and improve
education programs.
skills through individual tutoring,
pre-GED classes and English as a
YWCA of Lubbock served 2,097
Second Language (ESL) classes.
children in after-school and summer
Distributed 4,084 children’s books. camp programs. They also provided
breast and cervical health education
Lubbock Children’s Health
and screening for 582 medically
Clinic provided health care for
underserved individuals.
3,360 low income children,
including sick care, well exams, and
2015 Annual Report
Annual Campaign
Over 500 people volunteer each year to
assist with the Annual Campaign. These
volunteers assisted donors in
contributing $5,952,431 in 2015,
exceeding the campaign goal. This
represents the largest Annual Campaign
in our history!
Meredith Imes welcomes the crowd at the Annual
Campaign Kick-Off Luncheon.
Speakers’ Bureau
The five most important words in
communicating are “Tell Them a Great
Story”. That is exactly what our Speakers’
Bureau is created to do. In 2015, 43
people served on the Speakers’ Bureau.
They shared their powerful stories at 255
meetings, agency fairs, and tours,
reaching 9,500 people.
Campaign Chair Douglas Sanford and Golf Chair
Amber Dean at the Golf to Give Tournament.
Golf Tournaments
Endowment Giving
• The 8th annual Golf to Give
Tournament was held on September
21. Thanks to the many sponsors,
players, and donors, $105,612 was
raised and one lucky hole-in-one
winner walked away with a new Lexus.
• United Supermarkets’ Jacky Pierce
Charity Classic, benefiting United Ways
in West Texas and the Metroplex,
raised $95,000 for Lubbock Area
United Way.
• Stripes Turf & Surf Golf and Fishing
Tournament, benefiting United Ways in
the Stripes Stores market areas, raised
$28,431 for Lubbock Area United Way.
The Endowment Fund allows our donors
the opportunity to create a permanent
gift that will remain part of United Way
forever. These long-term gifts will serve
to meet the evolving needs of our
neighbors as the community changes
over time.
In 2015, the revenue generated by the
two United Way Endowment Funds and
funds held in partnership with the
Community Foundation of West Texas
totaled over $81,000. This provides
increased levels of funding for our
Community Partners. The 71 members of
the Red Feather Society, who have made
significant gifts to the Endowment Fund,
know that their giving will have an impact
each and every year.
Stephen Manning, hole-in-one winner
at the Golf to Give Tournament, displays
a big smile and the make and model of
his brand new Lexus!
Lubbock Area United Way, Inc.
December 31, 2015
Lubbock Area United Way
Investments (Short & Long Term)
Pledges Receivable (less Allowance
for Uncollectibles of $732,413)
Endowment Receivables
Other Receivables
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets
Land, Building, and Equipment (at Cost, net of Accumulated
Depreciation of $729,492)
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Agency Allocations & Designations
Total Liabilities
Designated by the Governing Board for:
Capital & Technology Improvements
Casa de Amistad
Undesignated - General Activities
Equity in Fixed Assets
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Restricted by Time and Donor for:
Operating Budget
Future Campaigns
Other Commitments
Total Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted
Restricted by Time and Donor for:
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Public Support from Annual Campaign
Less: Campaign Support for Other Organizations:
State Employee Charitable Campaign
Combined Federal Campaign
Less: Provision for Uncollectible Pledges (2015/16)
Total Current Year Annual Campaign
Additional Campaign (Prior Years)
Collections in Excess of Allowance (2013/14)
Net Annual Campaign
Other Public Support and Revenue
Interest for Initiatives
Endowment Contributions and Pledges
Other Campaign Related Revenue
Investment Income
Grant Income
Other Non Campaign Revenue: Rental, Grants
Total Other Public Support and Revenue
Total Revenue
Allocations to Agencies
Donor Designations
Grant Funded Expenses
Capital Expenditures
Affiliated Organizations:
United Ways of Texas
United Way Worldwide
Total Allocations
Functional Expenses:
Community Impact
Supporting Services:
Management and General
Fund Raising
Total Functional Expenses
Total Allocations and Expenses
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
Net Assets - Beginning of Year
Net Assets - End of Year
Note: The above information is summarized from the financial statements prepared by the management of Lubbock Area United Way, Inc. as directed by its
Finance and Audit Committees. The public accounting firm of Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert, & Moss will audit these statements and additional related information.
Their report will be available at the United Way office and on the United Way website upon the report’s completion.
2015 Annual Report
Lubbock Area United Way COMMITTEES
Campaign Cabinet
Douglas Sanford, Chair
Amber Dean, Vice Chair
Wil Carter
Sherolyn Castleman
Jennifer Clements
Wesley Condray
Lindsey Diaz
Larry Doss
Eric Finley
Mark Heinrich
Rob Hogue
Jennifer Jones
Chris Mandrell
AJ Martinez
Tony Peña
Darcy Pollock
Kendra Rieff
Berhl Robertson
Chelsea Salazar
Rion Sanford
Seth Schulz
Jon Stephens
Megan Stevens
Colton Street
Kelsey Tubb
Tammi Wood
Linsey Warshaw
Emie Young
Alan Lackey
Keith Mann
Samantha McKay
Marsha Teichelman
Eric Thomas
Crystal Roach, Chair
Brad Burgess
James Doyal
Michael Nelson
David Park
Marsha Teichelman
Alan Watson
Eric Finley, Chair
Vickie Bennett
Amanda Graham
Cody Hutchison
Meredith Imes
Joe Landin
Jennifer Martinez
Allison Matherly
Diana Melcher
Abie Rampy
Sherry Saffle
Tori Sypert
Rico Vega
Planned Giving & Endowment
Alan Lackey, Chair
Byrnie Bass
Suzanne Blake
Adrienne Cozart
Greg Jones
Keith Mann
Laura Vinson
Golf to Give Tournament
Amber Dean, Chair
Brian Achilles
John Baker
Val Cochran
Ryan Curry
Rob Dean
Kelsey Johnson
Kevin McConic
Jordan McKay
Jarred McNeill
Miles Seybert
Jon Stephens
Michael Tatum
Kathy Timms
Community Impact
Eddie Owens, Chair
Judy Parker, Vice Chair
Agency Review
Tony Peña, Chair
Bill Howerton, Vice Chair
Stewardship Review
Bryce Bowley, Chair
Cheryl Brown, Vice Chair
Celeste Glover
Stephanie Hazuka
Chad Hill
Monique Love
Jake Mahan
Amy Marquez
Nadia Marquez-Berleth
Zoe Metcalf
Whitney Neal
Becky Palmer
Charles Parr
Jon Ruth
Caleb Shafer
Randy Silhan
Jennifer Wilson
Program Review
Jeff Klotzman, Chair
Rebecca Ramirez, Vice Chair
Geni Arndt
Cristina Ash
Keith Barbour
Roger Cardenas
Sherolyn Castleman
Stephanie Cole
Aaron Davis
Debbie Earl
Crystal Edwards
Riane Gay
Tiffany Gipson
Colton Glasscock
Kristin Hagins
Marinda Heinrich
James Hillman
Andy Hothan
Becky Householder
Michelle Hunter
Cody Hutchison
Dana Kerr
Tony Lloyd
Cameron Lust
Debby Luna
Julie Mandrell
Bill McCay
Eric McKnight
Corey Moore
Garrett Morgan
Grace Myers
Bradley Nelson
Charles Parr
Allyn Piland
Vanessa Pope
Darcy Pollock
Kenna Pruitt
Gonzalo Ramirez
Dana Reeger
Crystal Reich
Kathryn Reeves
Katie Salter
Miles Seybert
Caleb Shafer
Barbie Sisson
Ken Stout
Lauren Sullivan-Dawson
Kristi Thompson
Megan Vercellino
Peter Warrick
Nathaniel Wright
Thank you to all the volunteers who invest their time and efforts to
ensure our success!
Bill Paulk from Suddenlink reads to a
student at the YWCA Hard Start as part of
the Loaned Executive Day of Caring.
JumpStart companies who ran their United Way campaign
early received recognition at the Campaign Kick-Off.
AJ Martinez, Heather Hocker, and Wil Carter attend the
Mid-Campaign Report Luncheon on October 14.
Jacob Lindsay from Atmos Energy and Robert
Giddens from Texas Mutual Insurance listen
to an agency speaker at the Loaned Executive
Lunch and Launch in May.
Linsey Warshaw and Kim Flenniken at
the LISD United Way Kick-Off.
Joyce Armstrong from the Lubbock Country Club and
Debra Rodgers from The Children’s Home of Lubbock
attend the United Way Campaign Coordinator Training.
Eric McKnight, Carolyn Tabor, and Betty Dotts pose for the
Special Gifts Division new retiree brochure.
Lindsey Diaz and Nicole Wyatt at the
Lubbock County United Way Kick-Off.
2015 Annual Report
Over $500,000
Covenant Health *
Texas Tech Employees
Texas Tech University * #
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
Texas Tech University System
$250,000 to $499,999
UMC Health System *
United Supermarkets * #
$100,000 to $249,999
Lubbock Independent School District #
Alderson Elementary
Bayless Elementary
Bean Elementary
Bowie Elementary
Brown Elementary
Centennial Elementary
Dupre Elementary
Ervin Elementary
Guadalupe Elementary
Hardwick Elementary
Harwell Elementary
Hodges Elementary
Honey Elementary
Jackson Elementary
Maedgen Elementary
McWhorter Elementary
Miller Elementary
Overton Elementary
Parsons Elementary
Ramirez Charter School
Roberts Elementary
Rush Elementary
Smith Elementary
Stewart Elementary
Waters Elementary
Wester Elementary
Wheelock Elementary
Whiteside Elementary
Williams Elementary
R. Wilson Elementary
Wolffarth Elementary
Wright Elementary
Atkins Middle School
Cavazos Middle School
Dunbar Middle School
Evans Middle School
Hutchinson Middle School
Irons Middle School
Mackenzie Middle School
O.L. Slaton Middle School
Smylie Wilson Middle School
Coronado High School
Estacado High School
Lubbock High School
Monterey High School
Talkington School for
Young Women Leaders
Byron Martin ATC
Matthews Alternative High School
Pete Ragus Aquatic Center
Priority Intervention Academy
Central Office
Reagor Dykes Auto Group * #
The CH Foundation
United Way Golf to Give Tournament
$50,000 to $99,999
A T & T Texas
Atmos Energy * #
Citibus #
City Bank * #
City of Lubbock Employees
FirstBank & Trust * #
Helen Jones Foundation
Jacky Pierce Charity Golf Tournament
Lubbock Association of Realtors
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Century 21 John Walton Realtors
Christine Nelson Real Estate
Coldwell Banker-Rick Canup Realtors*
Exit Realty of Lubbock
Firstmark REALTORS
H M Real Estate Services
Kearney & Associates, Realtors
Keller Williams Realty *
Lubbock Abstract & Title
McDougal Companies
Minnix Property Management
Murfee & Sons, Inc.
PrimeLending Lubbock
RE/MAX Lubbock Realtors * #
Stewart Title
Title One
Westar Commercial Realty
Western Title Company
WestMark Realtors *
Lubbock County Employees #
Lubbock National Bank *
Parkhill, Smith & Cooper *
PlainsCapital Bank * #
Prosperity Bank * #
Suddenlink Communications * #
SYSCO West Texas * #
UMC Physician Network Services * #
Xcel Energy * #
X-FAB Texas * #
Zachry Group #
$25,000 to $49,999
Albert G. and Eleanore J. Barsh
Endowment Trust
Alderson Enterprises * #
Betenbough Homes *
First United Bank *
FirstCapital Bank of Texas * #
Fox34/Ramar Communications *
Frenship Independent School District
Bennett Elementary
Crestview Elementary
Legacy Elementary
North Ridge Elementary
Oak Ridge Elementary
Westwind Elementary
Willow Bend Elementary
Frenship Middle School
Heritage Middle School
Terra Vista Middle School
Frenship High School
Reese Education Center
FISD Casey Administration Building
Happy State Bank * #
Lone Star State Bank * #
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal *
Peoples Bank * #
Plains Cotton Co-Op Assn. *
Rip Griffin Companies *
South Plains Electric Co-Op * #
StarCare Specialty Health System * #
Stripes Turf+Surf Golf+Fishing Tournament
Texas Mutual Insurance Company *
Wells Fargo Bank * #
$15,000 to $24,999
American Bank of Commerce * #
American National Bank * #
Benchmark Business Solutions * #
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
KLBK & KAMC News *
Lubbock Power & Light
Sanford & Tatum Insurance Agency * #
Scoggin-Dickey *
SouthWest Bank * #
Tyler Technologies
United States Post Office
$10,000 to $14,999
ARAMARK Education K-12 #
Barricades Unlimited #
Bayer CropScience
Centennial Bank #
Coca-Cola Refreshments Lubbock
Computer Transition Services Inc. * #
Costco Wholesale
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
Fiesta Motor Co.
Frontier Dodge Chrysler Jeep
Gandy’s Dairies *
KCBD - NewsChannel 11
Lubbock Area United Way
Lubbock Central Appraisal District
Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District
Lubbock-Cooper Administration Offices
Lubbock-Cooper Central Elementary
Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary
Lubbock-Cooper South Elementary
Lubbock-Cooper West Elementary
Laura Bush Middle School
Lubbock-Cooper Middle School
Lubbock-Cooper High School
McMahon Vinson Bennett * #
Platinum Bank *
Robinson Burdette Martin & Seright #
Sodexo School Services #
Standard Sales Co. #
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice - Smith Unit
TrustPoint Rehabilitation Hospital
TTU Federal Credit Union
Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic
Walmart & Sam’s Locations
Wells Fargo Texas Customer Service
YWCA of Lubbock
$5,000 to $9,999
Alan Henry Insurance *
All Saints Episcopal School
Amerigroup *
Bolinger Segars Gilbert & Moss
Caprock Business Forms *
Carillon Residents
DADS - Lubbock State Supported Living Center
Durham School Services #
Early Learning Centers of Lubbock
Farmers Cooperative Compress
FirstCare Regional Office
Goodwill Industries of Lubbock (NW Texas)
Greenstreet, Inc. * #
Howard Cowan Bond Agency
Innovative Healthcare Management
Kuykendall Foundation
Lee Lewis Construction #
Lubbock Aero
Lubbock Chamber of Commerce #
Lubbock Economic Development Alliance
Lubbock Christian University *
Lubbock Heart & Surgical Hospital
Lubbock South Plains Retired Teachers Assn.
Mass Mutual Southwest Financial Group
National Weather Service
Officewise Furniture & Supply *
Partners Financial Group *
PYCO Industries
Robert Madden Industries * #
South Plains Association of Governments
Spirit Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Formby & Wheeler Unit
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice - Montford Unit
The Children’s Home of Lubbock
TRUNO Retail Technology Solutions
Texas Department of Transportation
Vista Bank
$2,500 to $4,999
All American Chevrolet
Armstrong Mechanical Inc
Bank of America
BBVA Compass Bank
Brandon & Clark
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
Cardinal’s Sport Centers
Catholic Charities - Diocese of Lubbock
CEV Multimedia *
Communities in Schools on the South Plains
Crenshaw Dupree & Milam
Department of Adult Protective Services
Department of State Health Services
Evelyn M. Davies Foundation Trust
Exxon Mobil
H Construction Systems Inc.
J & B Industrial Services
Jarvis Metals Recycling
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson Controls
Kinetico Water Systems
Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock
Lubbock Emergency Communications District
McWhorter Cobb & Johnson
Merrill Lynch
Mullin Hoard & Brown #
MWM Architects #
NuStar Energy
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
O’Reilly Automotive
Pharr & Co. Construction #
Pollard Friendly Ford
Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock
Service Title Company
Shallowater Independent School District
Shallowater Administration
Shallowater Elementary
Shallowater Intermediate
Shallowater Middle School
Shallowater High School
Woodward Academy
Social Security Administration
St. Clair and Massey Orthodontics
State Comptrollers Office
Subaru Share the Love Scoggin-Dickey
Superior Health Plans
Target Store #2190
Target Store #83
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Region 5 Satellite Office
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice - Rudd Unit
Txploration Capital #
Transportation Security Administration
Wells Fargo Advisors
Western Bank
$1,000 to $2,499
Accolade Home Care & Hospice
Acme Electric Co.
AimBank #
All-State Fence #
ARAMARK (Covenant)
Associated Supply Co
B G R Architects
Baker Brown & Thompson Law Firm
Bass Law Firm
Becknell Wholesale Co. #
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock
Blue Sky Texas #
Border Management #
Border States Electric
Boy Scouts of America-South Plains Council
Boys & Girls Clubs of Lubbock
Brandon Bird Utilities
Bruckner Truck Sales
Carey Chiropractic #
CASA of the South Plains
Children’s Advocacy Center of the South Plains
Children’s Protective Services
Condray Design Group
Consolidated Pipe & Tube Company
Craig Terrill Hale & Grantham
Crane Wise Certification
DADS - Community Services
Danny’s Catering Service
Department of Public Safety
Discovery Healthcare Consulting Group #
Diversified Lenders #
Education Service Center, Region XVII
Energen Resources
FAA Flight Standards District Office
Family Counseling Services
Field Manning Stone Hawthrone & Aycock Law Firm
Freese and Nichols
Geiger Promotions #
General Steel Warehouse
George McMahan Development *
Gilbreath Properties *
Guadalupe-Parkway Neighborhood Centers
GVH Distribution, Lubbock
H & H Trailer Sales
Hamilton Acoustical #
Health & Human Services Commission
Henthorn Construction #
Howard Cunningham Houchin & Turner
Hugo Reed & Associates
IA Consulting
Knox Gailey & Meador
Live Oak Animal Hospital
Lubbock Children’s Health Clinic
Lubbock Country Club
Managed Care Center for Addictive Disorders
Mason Warner & Company
McCleskey Harriger Brazill & Graf #
McLane High Plains
McWhorter’s #
Neal Aircraft
Occidental Petroleum
Osteogenics Biomedical
Overhead Door Co. of Lubbock
Overton Hotel & Conference Center
Pan-Tex Plywood & Lumber
Pennington, Bass & Associates
Plains Cotton Growers
List Continued on Page 14
2015 Annual Report
$1,000 to $2,499 continued
Pratas Smith & Moore *
Randy Neugebauer Congressional Office
RD Thomas Advertising #
Reese Technology Center
Retail Merchants Association
Robison Johnston & Patton
Schwarzentraub Foot Clinic
Security State Bank
Shropshire Insurance Agency
Slate Group
South Plains Sonic
Splawn Simpson Pitts Law Firm *
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Texas Tech Alumni Association
Texas Workforce Commission
The Price Group
The Salvation Army
Triple J Chophouse & Brew Company
UnitedHealth Group
Upbring, The New LSS
Volunteer Center of Lubbock
Wayland Baptist University
Women’s Protective Services
Workforce Solutions South Plains
Wylie Manufacturing
$250 to $999
Access International
Ag Texas Farm Credit Services
Allstate Insurance
American Red Cross
Anderson Brothers Jewelers
Anthony Mechanical Services
Area Insurance Associates
Ashmore Agency
Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corp.
Best Buy #226
Boerner Dennis & Franklin
Brand Source Radio Lab
Capital Farm Credit #
Cecil-Dunn Insurance Agency
Chapman Harvey Architects Inc
Collins Tile & Stone
ConAgra Foods
Craftsman Printers #
CST Brands
D. Williams & Co.
DARS - Division for Blind Services
Child Care Licensing
Downtown Self Storage
Dr. Brent Simpson Dentistry
Dr. Colton Street Dentistry
Dr. Frank M. Ryburn Ophthalmology
continued from Page 13
Dr. J. Michael Calmes Rheumatology
Dr. Jay C. Adkins Family
& Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Nevan G. Baldwin Neurosurgery
Dr. Thomas R. Mattison Pathology
Dr. Victor S. Chavez Family Medicine
Economy Mills
Edward Don & Co & EPI #
Eli Lilly & Co.
Farmers Insurance Group
First State Bank of Shallowater
Fouts & Fouts Law Firm
Girl Scouts Texas Oklahoma Plains
Glazer’s Distributors
Grace Clinic/Grace Medical Center
Grady Henly Decorators
Grimes Insurance Agency
Hill & Ioppolo Oral &
Facial Surgery of Lubbock
Hobart Corporation
J B Mann Insurance Agency
J C Penney Company
Jack D. Thornton Company *
Jordan Wheatley Custom Homes
Keeling Orthodontics
Kellogg Co.
Kincaid Roofing
Lexus Champions for Charity #
Liberty Mutual
Literacy Lubbock
Loveless & Dallen General Dentistry
Lubbock Area Association of Health
Lubbock Electric
Lubbock File Room #
Lubbock Wholesale Florist
Nash & Associates Landscape Architects
ONEOK West Tex Transmission
Parkview Pediatric Dentistry
Payne & Cribbs CPAs
Peaceful Gardens Memorial Park
Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott
Pharr RV’s #
Phillips & Associates
Physical Therapy Associates
RD Thomas Advertising
Rick’s Tire Warehouse
Roy W. Neal, Jr. Agency
Sandefur & Swindle
Small Business Administration
Snelling Staffing Services
Strong Custom Builders
SWAT Surgical Associates
Texas Tool & Equipment
The Parenting Cottage
Voice of Hope
West Texas Oral & Facial Surgery
Western Building Specialties
Wilkerson Storage Co.
Yellowhouse Machinery Co.
* 2015 Meal Sponsor
# 2015 Golf to Give Tournament Sponsor
All donations are deeply appreciated.
However, due to space limitations
organizations giving less than $250
could not be listed. Every effort has
been made to include pledges received
by January 15, 2016. We apologize for
any omissions or misspellings.
Texas Tech Student United Way
Texas Tech Student United Way is a student-led organization on the Texas Tech
University campus advised by Carolyn Simpson at Lubbock Area United Way. In 2015,
multiple speakers from the 23 Community Partners spoke at the Student United Way
Meetings. Additionally over 30 students participated in several projects including:
YWCA of Lubbock: raised money to fund
a youth Lemonade Day stand in May
Handed out blue ribbons for Go Blue
Lubbock Child Abuse Prevention Day
Toured Children’s Health Clinic and
delivered books for children to take
after well-checks
Volunteered at the Girl Scouts
Volunteered at Catholic Charities
2013-2014 Officer
Texas Tech students delivered books to the
Lubbock Children’s Health Clinic.
President: Asia Hawkins
United Way Youth Division
The United Way Youth Division (UWYD) is a program coordinated by the Volunteer
Center of Lubbock. The program is open to all area high school students in grades
9 -12 who are interested in meeting other teens, learning more about Lubbock Area
United Way agencies, volunteering, and performing community service. Through
agency presentations and “hands-on” service projects, teens receive an in-depth
view of United Way agencies. Through collaborative partnerships, we seek to create a
culture of service and develop the next generation of leaders.
UWYD had 140 unduplicated youth members in 2015 and members completed
1,308 volunteer hours with 18 United Way agencies for a total of 138 meetings/
2014-2015 Officers
President: Adithi Govindan (Lubbock High School)
Vice-President: Pretom Shome (Lubbock High School)
Secretary: Mariama Poquiz (Lubbock High School)
Historian: Massiel Gonzalez (Talkington School for Young Women Leaders)
Public Relations Officer: Matthew Adams (Lubbock-Cooper High School)
Project Coordinator: Catherine Latour (All Saints Episcopal School)
2015 Annual Report
1655 Main Street, Suite 101
Lubbock, TX 79401