february 1-11, 2017 - Santa Barbara International Film Festival
february 1-11, 2017 - Santa Barbara International Film Festival
SA N T A B AR B AR A INTE RN A T I ON A L F I L M F E S T I VAL F E B R UA R Y 1 - 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 SAN TA BAR BAR A IN T E R NAT I O N AL F I L M FEST I VAL Since 1985 Santa Barbara International Film Festival has been dedicated to discovering and showcasing the best in cinema from around the globe. Each year, SBIFF offers 11 days of 200+ films, Celebrity Tributes, Industry Panel Discussions, filmmaker Q&As, and symposiums that transform beautiful downtown Santa Barbara, CA into a rich destination for film lovers. SBIFF presents free education programs and community film screenings that tie into SBIFF’s year-round programs; designed to instill a better understanding, and incite an appreciation of film as an art form. Partnering with SBIFF guarantees reach of national and international media, plus the added-value benefits of event marketing, client entertainment, branding, and VIP Festival access all built into a customized partnership. 3 2 nd S A N TA B A R B A R A I N T E R N AT I O N A L F I L M F E S T I V A L International Media Exposure Santa Barbara International Film Festival invites you to become an official partner of the 2017 Festival. Through your sponsorship of the Festival, you will be supporting independent and aspiring filmmakers, while reaching affluent Festival guests, industry leaders, and international press. The timing of the Festival, after the Oscar® nominees are announced and just weeks prior to the Academy Awards® ceremony, makes SBIFF a high-profile stop for celebrities, filmmakers, and media. Over 300 international press cover the Festival and feature interviews and highlights from SBIFF events. The 2016 Festival generated 40 BILLION international media impressions. International press outlets include: • Travel+Leisure • Deadline Hollywood • Variety • IndieWIRE • Los Angeles Times • LA Confidential • Entertainment Tonight • USA Today • Access Hollywood • People Magazine • Entertainment Weekly • Vogue UK • The Hollywood Reporter • Just Jared SBIFF was recently chosen by USA Today as one of the top 10 film festivals in the United States! ‘I have sponsored many events over the years but few deliver the professionalism and brand ROI of the SBIFF. My companies have been multi-year sponsors of the festival and I highly recommend this as a way to expose your brands to an amazing demographic and build brand relevance on an international stage.’ - John Kochis, President, Gemini Consulting SB LET ’S WO R K TO G E T HE R Santa Barbara International Film Festival offers a range of packages to help showcase your business to new and existing customers. Sponsorship opportunities start at $15K. HEIGHTENED COMMUNICATION Generate product trials and intensify your consumer relationships via sampling, product displays, ad space and website exposure. Meet your potential customers and clients face-to-face. BOTTOM-LINE IMPACT Attendees are passionate about SBIFF and are extremely loyal in supporting the Festival’s corporate partners. CUSTOMIZED PARTNERSHIPS A customized package to fit your needs to ensure a successful partnership. PA RT N E R B E N E F I TS HIGH-PRESTIGE AFFILIATION SBIFF has been recongized as one of the premiere film festivals by USA Today and partners with some of the top international brands. INTERNATIONAL REACH 90,000 attendees from 61 different countries and a large international media presence, SBIFF is the perfect vehicle for you to expand your brand message. MULTIPLE BENEFITS Your one partnership with SBIFF guarantees reach of international media, plus the added-value benefits of event marketing, client entertainment, branding, and VIP Festival access are built into your customized partnership. E D U C AT I O N I S T H E K E Y Education and community are at the heart of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival’s mission and play a key role in the annual film festival. SBIFF’s free programs use the art of film to stimulate creative thinking and provide the community with access to role-models and industry professional involved with the arts. Over 17,000 people participated in one of SBIFF’s free education and outreach programs during the 2016 Festival that included: • • • • • • • • Mike’s Field Trip to the Movies AppleBox Family Films 10-10-10 Student Screenwriting Competition 10-10-10 Student Filmmaking Competition Super Silent Sunday Film Week Classroom Visits Film Studies Program Daily Seminars Your support provides the next generation of filmmakers and film lovers the opportunity to learn from and interact with some of the top professionals in filmmaking today. G E T R ECO G N I Z E D Sponsorship of Santa Barbara International Film Festival provides numerous ways for you to get your name in front of a captive audience and increase your visibilty. Opportunites include: • Marquee signage • On-screen advertising • Print advertisement in SBIFF Tribute Journal • Logo placement in SBIFF Pocket Guide • Branded step & repeat on the red carpet • Theatre podium signage • Logo display inside venues • Lanyards • SBIFF website • Social media posts • Custom activation programs • Product sampling • Custom lounge EN G AG E O UR F I L M M A K E RS Santa Barbara International Film Festival’s highly acclaimed Panel Series features Oscar® nominated professionals who come together for lively, informative and revealing discussions. • It Starts With the Script (Screenwriters Panel) • Movers and Shakers (Producers Panel) • Creative Forces: Women in the Business (Women’s Panel) Going into its 4th year, the free Seminar Series provides guests an opportunity to hear discussions about current topics between industry professionals. The intimate setting provides an opportunity for guests to interact with panelists following the seminars. 2016 SBIFF seminars included: • A Conversation with Mark Osborn (Director of The Little Prince); • Documentary Filmmakers • Social Justice Documentaries • Santa Barbara Filmmakers • International Filmmakers • Global Hollywood E N G AGE O UR AUD I E NC E SBIFF offers partners an opportunity to extend their marketing message by creating unique spaces that reflect their brand image. From customized displays to VIP lounges to entire venues, SBIFF offers unlimited opportunities to connect with our attendees. Opportunities include: • Opening Night Gala • Opening Night Gala VIP Lounge • Theatres • Passholder Lounges • Pre-Tribute VIP Lounge • Post-Tribute VIP Lounge • Post-Tribute Passholder Parties • Filmmaker Happy Hours S A N TA B A R B A R A I N T E R N AT I O N A L F I L M F E S T I VA L Festival Overview and Audience Demographics 2016 FIL M F ESTIVAL DEMOGR APHICS Education Gender Female: 62% Graduate or higher: 44% Male: 38% College degree: 46% High school: 4% Income Age >$250K: 20% Under 45: 15% $150K - $249K: 20% 45 - 64: 46% $75K - $149K: 38% 65+: 39% <$75K: 22% 2016 FI LM F ESTIVAL OVERVIEW Fi l ms 211 Worl d Pre mi e rs 52 US Pre mi e rs 53 Cou ntr i e s Re pre se nte d 61 Vis iti ng Fi l mmake rs 237 2016 Oscar ® Nomi ne e s 45 F ree S em in ars 6 F ree Com m u n ity S creen in g s 15 F ree Ed u cation P rog ram s 3 O verall Atten d an ce 90 , 0 0 0 # of T itle I S tu d ent Atten d ees 1, 6 0 0 F ree P rog ram Atten d an ce 17 , 0 0 0 S A N TA B A R B A R A I N T E R N AT I O N A L F I L M F E S T I VA L Select Festival Partners J O I N US IN SANTA BARBARA! SBIFF is proud to partner with some of the most well-known and respected brands in the world. As a non-profit nonprofit 501(c)(3) arts and educational organization, SBIFF relies on the support of our sponsors to help create a world-class film festival that brings people together and exposes them to new ideas and new ways of viewing the world through cinema. CO NTAC T I NFORMAT ION THANK YOU for your interest in becoming a sponsor of the 2017 Santa Barbara International Film Festival. To learn more about the upcoming film festival and SBIFF’s programs, please visit www.sbiff.org where you can sign-up for the SBIFF newsletter. To request your custom sponsorship proposal, contact: Cindy Chyr Director of Advancement E-mail: [email protected] Benjamin Goedert Development Manager E-mail: [email protected] Santa Barbara International Film Festival 1528 Chapala Street Suite 203 Santa Barbara, CA 93004 Phone: 805-963-0023 Fax: 805-962-2524
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