This Week in Palestine`s Print Edition


This Week in Palestine`s Print Edition
This week in
Free Copy
Issue No. 151, July 2002
Message from the Editor
Tony A. Khoury
Advisory Board (Alphabetically)
The article, Internal Tourism, describes what
that has come to mean of late. It is not going to
visit some attraction but rather to observe the
most recent site of destruction.
Christiane Dabdoub Nasser
Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation
Ghassan El-Khatib
For Better or Worse
In spite of all that we are going through, the
natural cycle of life goes on. Young couples
do get married, children are born, and people
die, young and old alike. For a change we
enjoyed a very nice wedding at the Augusta
Victoria Lutheran Church up on the Mt. of
Olives. A handsome young couple, both
Lutheran, exchanged vows in the presence
of family and friends. The Lutheran Pastor
and Bishop Younan officiated. The music
was lovely, and the sound of the pipe organ
was very majestic. For a change we forgot
everything about the occupation as we sang
hymns, which brought back lovely memories
for me and my sister-in-law, when we used to
worship at the little Anglican Church in Birzeit
where we went to boarding school.
every aspect of our daily existence.
As we gathered in the hall above the
church for a reception, it was a treat to see
so many people whom we had not seen for
so long. Some of the friends from Bethlehem
had sneaked out of the town when the curfew
was lifted and spent the night in Jerusalem
to be able to make it for the wedding. The
bride's home is in Beit Hanina, a suburb
north of Jerusalem, but very recently the
checkpoint was moved forward and caught
the bride's home behind the checkpoint, so it
was indeed a hustle for the bridal entourage
to make it to church on time. Inspired by that
situation, my brother-in-law suggested to the
Bishop that the vows, "For better, for worse,
for richer or poorer," etc. should certainly
include, "with checkpoints or barriers!!!" I
thought that was really funny when I heard it.
But the more I thought about it I realized how
sad our predicament is. Even the happiest
moments in one's life get marred by the ugly
reality of the occupation that has affected
A young teacher, from Tulkarem, at
Rawdat El-Zuhur School had to have two
weddings; one in Tulkarem for her family,
and one in Kufr Aqab, beyond the Kalandia
checkpoint, for his family. But you have not
heard the end of these stories, which have
left scores of families in a dilemma, and very
often with a forced separation. It is probably
difficult for you to envisage such situations
when you take your daily life so much for
granted. So the worst part is when those
couples do get married, and their living
together in Jerusalem is considered illegal
if one of them is from Jerusalem and the
other from the West Bank. Is there anything
more absurd than this? Of course there is.
The mere fact that Israel can get away with
these measures is what makes all our living
under this brutal occupation very absurd. But
we are still surviving and trying to maintain
our sanity.
So falling in love with a person living on
the other side of the barrier can cause a
lot of frustration. I suppose parents have
to check out the location of their children's
dates, and encourage their children to let
the geographical factor determine the path
of their hearts, so that they will avoid the
agony of crossing barriers every day to pick
up their dates, let alone wedding and living
arrangements. It should really have nothing
to do with the throbbing of the heart, the
attraction, or the common interests. One
needs to be practical and down to earth
under occupation, like a robot without any
emotions, to be able to survive.
Minister of Labour
United Travel
Michel Naser
Bethlehem Peace Center
Mariam Shahin
Dr. Salim Tamari
Institute of Jerusalem Studies
Personality of the Month ..20
Artist of the Month ........... 20
Book of the Month ..........21
Cyber Palestine ...............22
Website Review ..............23
Museums .........................24
Cultural Centers...............25
Accommodation ...............27
Restaurants .....................32
Palestinian Kitchen ..........37
Herbal Medicine...............37
Restaurant Review .........38
Transportation .................39
Travel Agencies ...............40
Airlines .............................41
Banks .............................42
Emergency ......................43
Diplomatic Missions .........44
Health ..............................46
Statistics ..........................47
Maps & where to go....48-55
Al-Irsal St., Hanania & Kharraz Bldg., Ramallah
For correspondence: P.O. Box 14160, Jerusalem
Telefax: 02-2951262; e-mail: [email protected]
The views of all signed articles do not neccessarily reflect the views of the publisher
Photos: Palestine Image Bank/TURBO; Garo Nalbandian; UNICEF
Cover Photo by Davide Fusco (Italy)
Printed in Palestine by Studio Alpha
Samia Khoury
Dalia Habash
In Personality of the Month we pay modest
tribute to a noted literary personality whose
untimely death a few months ago at the age
of 48 robbed the Palestinian cultural world of a
prolific poet and playwright.
Pin Pricks...........................3
In Service of Sharon ..........4
Internal Tourism .................5
Aboud ................................6
Feature Article ...................8
Events.............................. 11
Film Reviews ...................17
Pin Pricks
Cultural centres are going ahead with their
plans to hold musical festivals and concerts
throughout the summer, to inject a modicum
of normalcy in these abnormal times and to
provide the public with the opportunity to take
its mind off the dire situation it is in. However,
due to the volatile situation, please call the
organizers beforehand to make sure that the
event you are interested in is indeed taking
Summer should be a time spent lounging
around the cool and crisp waters of a swimming
pool sipping long drinks or, better still, on
some sandy beach, with little else to occupy
the mind. It is a time when hedonistic pursuits
come to the fore, with work and other serious
responsibilities relegated to second place.
Alas, our predicament makes all that little more
than a dream. With the deteriorating economic
situation, going on a badly needed vacation is
beyond the reach of many nowadays. Even
getting to the seashore is nearly impossible
for most of the residents of the West Bank.
Summer, for them, means endless hours
spent queuing to cross one of the countless
checkpoints, sweltering under the heat, or
walking through fields and climbing hills to
bypass a checkpoint - no leisurely hike that.
Bush's Speech
Ainsi font font font les petites marionettes
(Thus do the little pupetts - A French nursery rhyme)
In Service of Sharon
We are engaged in a battle between a
mighty army, equipped with technology and
armoured vehicles, and a people carrying
stones for the most part and occasionally
the equivalent of machine guns. It is not a
battle of equals! We cannot protect ourselves
from this destructive force with such meagre
weapons, but we must, as I have said so
often, protect ourselves from this assault
and continue to resist the horrors of the
occupation by focusing our resistance on
the enemy - soldiers and armed settlers and refraining from carrying out any suicide
operations inside Israel, especially those that
target civilians.
This is because the essential weapon
the Palestinians possess is national justice
and the fact that they are victims of a racist
occupation that is tearing their homeland
apart and is practising torture and persecution
and is humiliating them every day of their
lives. This weapon, if used well, should help
mobilize international public opinion and
pressure the international community into
adopting practical and firm stands to stop the
aggression and end the occupation.
This is the central strategy now, and we
must not allow anyone, whether an individual
or a group, to harm the higher national
interests of the Palestinians by carrying
out operations inside Israel, because, at
the very least, these have transformed the
Israelis into victims and the Palestinians into
terrorists in the minds of the international
community. We must concentrate on resisting
the occupation - soldiers and armed settlers
- because this will reinstate the truth in the
mind of the world; the truth that states that
the Palestinians are victims of a racist and
terrorist occupation, and that Israel is a racist
country that persecutes our people, killing
civilians, destroying houses, uprooting trees,
imposing a siege on our cities, villages and
camps so suffocating that more than 78% of
the people are now below the poverty line.
We must resist by exposing the evils
of the occupation and this should be our
strategy. We must unite behind this strategy
and not allow anyone to harm the higher
national interests of the Palestinian people.
Our cause is just and our call for freedom
and independence is one based on justice,
international law and unanimously approved
United Nations Security Council resolutions,
the most important of which are 242, 338,
1402 and 1397.
We know very well that the West in
general has demonstrated, and continues
to demonstrate, blind support for Israel, but
the West and the U.S. cannot ignore the
war crimes and massacres that Israel is
committing if the suicide operations against
Israeli civilians had not provided these
countries with excuses to claim that Israel
is defending itself. These operations have
made it possible for Ariel Sharon to mobilize
the Israeli public fully behind him in his brutal
and racist war against the Palestinian people
under the banner of a battle for survival. The
Palestinians were stunned by the brutality
with which the Israeli army stormed, with its
tanks, machinery and planes, their cities,
villages and camps. Their indoctrination was:
kill them before they kill you - it is a battle of
survival for the Jews.
If Sharon seeks to escalate matters and
commit more war crimes and evict hundreds
of thousand of Palestinians then why do
these factions send suicide bombers into
Israel (to kill civilians)? Do they do it to give
him an excuse or to deprive the Palestinians
from presenting their just cause in the best,
rather than the worst, possible way?
I call on everyone to stand firmly against
the type of leadership that sends our young
people to their death, to kill Israeli civilians
and kill with it any hope for dialogue that
would ensure peace for us and our children.
I call on them to concentrate their efforts
on resisting the occupying army and the
armed settlers in the Palestinian territories.
The concerted effort to end the occupation
should start with an immediate withdrawal
to the September 28th, 2000 lines as the first
confidence-building measure on the part of
the Israelis, removing the roadblocks and
concrete barriers so that the Palestinians are
able to move between their villages, cities and
camps. This is also directly connected to the
Palestinian demand that international forces,
even if only American, be sent to protect the
Palestinian people from the repeated criminal
attacks that have touched and still touch our
Internal Tourism
In the 19th century, the Holy Land was in
the top five tourism destinations in the world,
but as time passed and, as one major U.S.
magazine declared that, "God is Dead," the
marketing of Palestine and Israel as premier
tourism destinations has become increasingly
difficult. Most of the tourists these days are
politically motivated. They either support
the Zionist Ueber Alles movements or are
solidarity groups coming to act as human
shields for Palestinian civilians, most of
whom are getting deported by Israel.
Prayers for peace, mediation and a search
for our souls have become ever-distant
concepts not only for the tourists that are
not here, but for the people of the Holy Land
as well. All that appears to be left is internal
tourism and, with checkpoints and tanks all
over, that is becoming tricky as well.
So this summer Palestinians are keeping
strictly to themselves, so to speak. After every
rocket attack, every tank explosion and every
missile blow, grandmothers in headscarves,
fathers with five-year-olds in hand and young
men and women head for the latest disaster
site, simply to have a look. And so it was
with the latest entry in the "Kabul look alike"
contest in Ramallah, hundreds headed to
the presidential headquarters, also known
as the mukata'a - a pile of rubble at best.
Families eating nuts and children drinking
juice fell over the rocky terrain that was once
a helicopter landing pad. As they came and
left, journalists waited for hours and days in
the hot sun to talk to a president without a
state, the leader without authority and the
chairman without a functioning headquarters,
to ask him how he felt and if he could "stop the
violence." Naturally, he had no comment and
would not see a soul except a few solidarity
delegations. Sad looking security men, who
had visibly had no sleep on the beds they no
longer have, spewed people away from the
trench-like entry into the only building that is
still standing in the compound.
So tourism to Palestine is on hold for the
moment, except for visits to disaster sites. A bit
like those who visit Ground Zero in New York
City, Palestinians look reality in the eye and try
to understand why they are hated so much.
Mariam Shahin
The writer is co-author of an upcoming
Aboud is a scenic Palestinian village some
17 kilometres northwest of Ramallah.
to annihilate historic vestiges of tolerance
and harmony. The church was originally
built to honour Saint Barbara, a third century
Christian martyr. The town-folk and all those
who were able to reach the site have been
laying flowers over the destroyed gate of the
church as a sign of solidarity with the local
With a population of 2,500 people, Aboud
is often described by travellers as a small
hamlet. Local lore has it that Jesus himself
was one of those who travelled through the
village in ancient times.
The oldest and most famous of Aboud's
four churches is the fifth century Byzantine
Church of St. Barbara, which lay in much
disrepair since it was last renovated in the
10th century. This June the remains of this
medieval church became a renewed site
for pilgrimage. During the early hours of
Saturday, June 1st, the Israeli army used
high-powered explosives to blow up the
gates of this Orthodox shrine, to the dismay
and chagrin of the local community. Coming
on the heels of the siege of the Church of
the Nativity in Bethlehem, the destruction
of the 1500-year-old Christian sanctuary
was seen as yet another assault on the
Christian history of Palestine. In contrast to
the international outcry at the destruction
of the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan, the
desecration of Christian sites in Palestine
has been largely met by silence by all but
a very few.
HeadStart account.
A promising future
for your children
The only one of the original churches
to have survived, this Byzantine church is
believed to have been built around the time
Empress Helena visited the Holy Land. The
church was restored and renovated and
its mosaics were uncovered after years of
neglect in the late 1990s under the auspices
of the Palestinian department of antiquities.
The confines of the village have other
remains of Byzantine churches and
monasteries. The ruins of the Anastasia
Church and the ruins of the church of Saint
Siman, on which the new Latin Church was
built in 1952, can still be seen. A 20th century
Muslim sanctuary also exists in the village.
There are three olive-oil presses in the village,
which serve the surrounding villages as well.
As a result of illegal settlement activity in the
area, some 5,000 dunums of the village's
agricultural lands have been confiscated
or destroyed. When the roads are open
again, visitors are encouraged to visit Ab
The shrine of Saint Barbara was one
of several sacred sites in the Arab world
venerated by Christians and Muslims alike.
In an age in which inter-communal tolerance
is being promoted, the Israeli army continues
further information, please call our7 product champion at 02-2988636
Feature Article
"In every child there is a 'God,' and no one has the right to kill that 'God,'
especially in the name of God."
camps. Palestinian children observe
settlers zooming by in fast, well-protected
cars that project an aura of power and
security, in contrast to their own feelings
of vulnerability.
extent of their exposure to traumatic events
is horrific even in absolute figures.
When, in 1993, the Oslo accords were
signed between Israel and the PLO, a
sense of hope gripped the nation. The
Palestinians were excited; at last they
would be free. But peace still remained
remote and unattainable. Freedom was
only a hollow promise. The disillusionment
with the peace process deepened as the
Palestinian Authority conducted itself in
chaos and widespread corruption, with
little regard to basic human rights. Only
Ariel Sharon, with his provocative style,
was to be the trigger of a new uprising as
anger was mounting to its highest level.
The language of the occupation sends
the message that life is not worth living;
that children born in the settlements are
the treasured ones while children born in
Palestinian camps, villages, or towns are
despised. This environment drives home
the message that the Palestinians are born
to be the hewers of wood and drawers
of water both for the settlers and for the
Israeli economy. The children witness their
fathers' and older brothers' humiliation as
they stand in line at the "slave market,"
hoping to be offered one of the few jobs
available: building yet another Israeli
UNICEF - Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) \2001\S.SABELLA
During the recent Id Al-Adha (Feast of
Sacrifice), the holiest day in the Muslim
calendar, an occasion of peace and
humility to God, Muslims flocked to Mecca
for the pilgrimage. For the children of
Gaza, the feast seemed far removed from
peace. They filled the streets with joyful
screams and games. They were all armed
with their toy guns and were shooting at
each other. Many of these children are
bed wetters, hyperactive and aggressive,
with problems at school. They have layers
of trauma buried inside them. Worse still,
many of them are stunted in their physical
development, maybe also in their cognitive
functioning, due to chronic malnutrition.
Many do not know of toys, except for
plastic guns.
The most valid description of Palestinian
children is that they are angry and defiant.
They are also tense and vigilant. Many are
smileless. These children have learned
the language and the meaning of the
occupation. Not every child is humiliated
by Israeli soldiers or told that his or her life
is worthless. The environment, however,
sends this message loudly and clearly.
Children are well aware of the
differences between living conditions in
their dirty camps and in the newly built
Israeli settlements around them. These
differences tell them that Jewish children
living in the settlements deserve big,
clean playgrounds and swimming pools,
while their refugee camps have open
sewer systems and garbage piled high
at every street corner. The buildings and
the streets of the settlements are clean,
and the grass gets watered even when
there are water shortages in the refugee
To be a child in a refugee camp in Gaza,
or anywhere else in the West Bank, is not
the best choice for normal growth and
development. There is so much fear and
sadness all around. If it is not an Israeli
F-16 fighter jet shelling from above, then
it could be a father's beating, or a mother
screaming. Furthermore, a child has to be
very modest in his demands and requests.
In September 2000, the Holy Land was
turned into a battlefield. The children of
yesterday became the militants of today
as the new uprising was quickly taken
over by lightly armed groups facing the
superior Israeli army. As Palestinian
militants started shooting, the Israeli
government responded with massive
firepower, blockades, destruction and
killings. Extremists responded with
horrific suicide bombings, killing civilians
inside Israel. Gaza was sealed off and
transformed into a prison, but a prison
without a roof, as F-16s and Apaches were
free to deliver their bombs night and day.
Violence became the normal happening;
a routine. Children on both sides were
slaughtered and maimed.
Behind every one of today's suicide
bombers is a personal tragedy. Many of
them are simply taking revenge for earlier
traumas suffered some ten years ago
during the first Intifada. At that time, it was
found that 85% of the children's houses
were raided by Israeli soldiers, mostly
at night, and 56% of the children had
witnessed the beating and humiliation of
their fathers at the hands of Israeli soldiers.
Such experiences leave indelible marks
on children's perceptions of themselves
and the world around them. "If my father
could not protect himself," children wonder,
"how on earth is he going to protect me?"
The inevitable reaction is a mixture of
fear, frustration, helplessness, anger, and
- perhaps most tragically - rejection of the
father. Some children found themselves
identifying with Israeli soldiers as symbols
of power. Today they are not throwing
stones, but are shooting and carrying
explosives. But they are leaving behind a
new generation of children who are being
introduced to the same old game. The
"children of the stone" were not made of
stone. They suffered pain and fear. The
At the beginning of this current uprising,
Al-Aqsa Intifada, many children were in the
front lines of confrontations with the mighty
Israeli military machine. Many children
were shot, killed or maimed, some for life.
Images on Palestinian TV of children dying,
unprotected and defenceless, caused an
uproar. One image will be forever imprinted
in the minds of the children. It is that of
Mohammad Al-Dorra, a boy of 12 who
was exposed to shooting while huddled
behind his father who tried desperately to
Wednesday 24
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of
Freedom: Vusi Mahlasela & Proud Group (South
Africa), at the Tombs of the Kings, Yabous
Thursday 25
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of
Freedom: Zakir Hussein (India), at the Tombs of
the Kings, Yabous
Friday 26
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of Freedom: Sheikh Imam Programme (Palestine), at
the Tombs of the Kings, Yabous
Note: Please make sure to contact the venue to
check if the program is still running.
Centre Culturel Francais (CCF), tel. 02-6282451;
Church of the Redeemer, tel. 02-6276111;
National Conservatory of Music (NCM),
tel. 02-6271711;Yabous Productions,
tel. 02-6261045
UNICEF - Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) \2001\S.SABELLA
protect his son. Mohammad died in front
of the camera. The impact of that image
on the minds of children was a mixture of
fear, pain and powerlessness. The status
of fathers was seriously undermined and
children were asking their fathers, "why
are you not armed, father? How could you
protect me without a gun?"
children from the Gaza Strip found 54%
of them expressing symptoms of Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, with as many
as 36% of them having the problem of
There is no exaggeration in saying that
in the past twenty months, every single
person in Gaza was exposed to one form
of trauma or another. Children are the
ultimate victims. A recent study on 121
UNICEF - Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) \2001\S.SABELLA
Wednesday 3
20:00 Concert: Flamenco guitar with Oscar Herrero (NCM), YWCA
Thursday 4
20:00 Concert: Lamees Audeh - piano (NCM),
Friday 5
20:00 Concert: Wissam Boustany - flute (NCM),
Saturday 6
20:00 Concert: Nizar Rohana - oud (NCM),
20:00 Concert: Summer Festival with Cilla
Grossmeyer-Soprano, Gabriela Bukowski-Oboe,
Yehuda Shryer-Guitar. Works by Vivaldi, Schubert, Villalobos, a.o., Redeemer Church
Thursday 18
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of
Freedom: Suhail Khoury & Karloma (Palestine),
at the Tombs of the Kings, Yabous
Friday 19
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of
Freedom: Inti-Illimani (Chile), at the Tombs of the
Kings, Yabous
Saturday 20
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of Freedom: Simon Shaheen & Qantara (Palestine and
USA), at the Tombs of the Kings, Yabous
20:00 Concert: Winds in the Courtyard with
Ruth Ron-Flute, Gabriela Bukowsky-Oboe, Ron
Selka-Clarinet, Richard paley-Bassoon. Works
by Mozart, Poulenc, Bach, a.o., Redeemer
Sunday 21
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of
Freedom: Oud Al-Nad (Palestine), at the Tombs
of the Kings, Yabous
Tuesday 23
20:00 The Jerusalem Festival - Songs of Freedom: Farafina (Burkina Faso), at the Tombs of
the Kings, Yabous
Saturday 6
16:00 15 Aout (French), CCF
Saturday 20
16:00 Rosetta (French), CCF
Saturday 27
16:00 Les Bronzes (French), CCF
Bethlehem Peace Centre, tel. 02-2766677; International Centre of Bethlehem (Dar Annadwa),
tel. 02-2770047; National Conservatory of Music
(NCM), tel. 02-2745989
Monday 1
09:00 - 13:00 Summer Camp for children
(through Aug. 10th, daily except Fridays and Sundays), Peace Centre
Thursday 4
15:00 - 16:00 Dance for girls, Peace Centre
Friday 5
09:30 - 11:30 Children's art workshops, Peace
Monday 8
20:00 Concert: Salim Abboud - piano (NCM),
Peace Centre
Wednesday 10
20:00 Concert: Lamees Audeh - piano (NCM),
Peace Centre
Draw (ages 5-12), Sakakini
Saturday 13
10:00 - 15:00 Children's art camp, Al-Kasaba
Sunday 14
11:00 Film: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
Stone, Al-Kasaba
Thursday 18
11:00 Film: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
Stone, Al-Kasaba
Friday 19
11:00 Film: Rescue Kids, Al-Kasaba
11:00 - 12:30 A fun introduction to sign language
for children and youth, British Council
Saturday 20
11:00 Film: "The Happy Prince" and "Button &
Rusty," Al-Kasaba
Sunday 21
11:00 Film: "The Magnificent Rocket" and "The
Selfish Giant," Al-Kasaba
Thursday 25
11:00 Film: "The Magnificent Rocket" and "The
Selfish Giant," Al-Kasaba
Friday 26
11:00 Film: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
Stone, Al-Kasaba
Saturday 27
11:00 Film: Rescue Kids, Al-Kasaba
Sunday 28
11:00 Film: "The Happy Prince" and "Button &
Rusty," Al-Kasaba
Arts and Crafts Village, tel. 08-2846405
Monday 1
18:00 Inauguration of exhibition of paintings by
65 children (through July 10th, daily from 10:0018:00), Arts & Crafts
Saturday 20
Art workshop for one week with two Spanish
artists, Arts & Crafts
Al-Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque, tel. 022965292; British Council, tel. 02-2963293; Khalil
Sakakini Cultural Centre, tel. 02-2987374; National Conservatory of Music, tel. 02-2959070;
Popular Art Centre, tel. 02-2403891
Peace Centre
09:00 - 13:00 Fun day for children, Peace
15:00 - 16:00 Story telling for children,
Peace Centre
Thursday 25
15:00 - 16:00 Dance for girls, Peace Centre
Friday 26
08:30 First Bethlehem City Run for children and
youth (registration one hour earlier), with party,
prizes, and music afterwards (please contact
Johannes at 02-2764576), International Centre
09:30 - 11:30 Children's art workshops,
Peace Centre
Saturday 27
15:00 - 16:00 Story telling for children,
Peace Centre
Saturday 6
09:00 - 13:00 Field trip in cooperation with
Children for the Protection of Nature in Palestine,
Peace Centre
15:00 - 16:00 Story telling for children,
Peace Centre
Monday 8
Summer Camp for children, through July 26th
(please contact Sami for details), International
Thursday 11
15:00 - 16:00 Dance for girls, Peace Centre
Friday 12
09:30 - 11:30 Children's art workshops,
Peace Centre
Saturday 13
09:00 - 13:00 Puppet show, Peace Centre
15:00 - 16:00 Story telling for children,
Peace Centre
Thursday 18
15:00 - 16:00 Dance for girls, Peace Centre
Friday 19
09:30 - 11:30 Children's art workshops,
Peace Centre
Saturday 20
09:00 - 13:00 Field trip in cooperation with
Children for the Protection of Nature in Palestine,
Tuesday 2
20:00 Concert: Nizar Rohana - oud (NCM),
Peace Centre
Thursday 4
20:00 Concert: Sheikh Imam programme led by
Samir Jubran with the NCM choir (NCM),
Peace Centre
Saturday 6
20:00 Concert: Wissam Boustany - flute (NCM),
Peace Centre
Monday 8
17:00 30th Commemoration of Ghassan and
Lamis Kanafani: Exhibit of some of Ghassan
Kanafani's artwork accompanied by a book
stand provided by Dar Al-Shuruq, followed by
the screening of "Al-Makhduun" (dir. Tawfiq
Saleh, 1972), adapted from Kanafani's "Men
Under the Sun," with a lecture and discussion
of the film conducted by Dr. Fayha Abdul Hadi,
author of "Ghassan Kanafani: A Study of his
Novel Stories," Sakakini
Wednesday 17
18:00 Inauguration of "Jericho First," acrylic on
canvas paintings by Palestinian artist Shareef
Waked, Sakakini
Thursday 4
11:00 Film: Rescue Kids, Al-Kasaba
Friday 5
11:00 Film: "The Magnificent Rocket" and "The
Selfish Giant," Al-Kasaba
Saturday 6
11:00 Film: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
Stone, Al-Kasaba
Sunday 7
11:00 Film: "The Happy Prince" and "Button &
Rusty," Al-Kasaba
Thursday 11
10:00 - 15:00 Children's art camp, Al-Kasaba
Friday 12
10:00 - 15:00 Children's art camp, Al-Kasaba
15:00 - 19:00 Open Day for Children: Let Us
Monday 1
20:00 Concert: Lamees Audeh - piano (NCM),
Tuesday 2
20:00 Concert: Flamenco guitar with Oscar Herrero (NCM), Sakakini
Wednesday 3
20:00 Concert: Ahmad Khatib - oud (NCM),
Thursday 4
20:00 Concert: Wissam Boustany - flute (NCM),
Friday 5
20:00 Concert: Nizar Rohana - oud (NCM),
Saturday 6
20:00 Concert: Salim Abboud - piano (NCM),
Friends' Girls' School
Monday 8
20:00 Concert: Sheikh Imam programme led
by Samir Jubran with the NCM choir (NCM),
Tuesday 9
20:00 Concert: Suhail Khoury and Karloma
(NCM), Sakakini
Thursday 11
19:00 Musical Evening: "Al-Sharqiya" with Amira
Dibsy, Sakakini
Thursday 18
18:00 Musical Evening: "Leilet Uns" with Suzan
Kayyal, Sakakini
19:00 Artistic evening (please call for details),
Thursday 25
18:00 Musical Evening: "Tarab" with Mansour
Al-Barghouthi, vocals; Iyad Tumar, oud; and
Ziyad Asaad, percussion, Sakakini
20:30 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
Thursday 11
18:00 Serendipity, Popular Art
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:30 Ocean's Eleven, Al-Kasaba
20:30 Monster's Ball, Popular Art
Friday 12
18:00 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
18:00 The Last Castle, Popular Art
20:30 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
20:30 Lord of the Rings, Popular Art
Saturday 13
18:00 The Shipping News, Popular Art
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:30 Spy Game, Popular Art
20:30 Ali, Al-Kasaba
Sunday 14
18:00 A Beautiful Mind, Popular Art
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
20:30 A Walk to Remember, Popular Art
20:30 A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, Al-Kasaba
Monday 15
18:00 The Last Castle, Al-Kasaba
19:00 Lord of the Rings, Popular Art
20:30 Vanilla Sky, Al-Kasaba
Tuesday 16
18:00 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
19:00 The Scorpion King, Popular Art
20:30 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
Wednesday 17
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
19:00 Bandits, Popular Art
20:30 Ali, Al-Kasaba
Thursday 18
18:00 Training Day, Al-Kasaba
18:00 The Shipping News, Popular Art
20:30 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:30 Training Day, Popular Art
Friday 19
18:00 The Others, Popular Art
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
20:30 A Beautiful Mind, Popular Art
20:30 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
Saturday 20
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
18:00 Bandits, Popular Art
20:30 The Last Castle, Al-Kasaba
20:30 Training Day, Popular Art
Sunday 21
18:00 Ocean's Eleven, Al-Kasaba
18:00 Monster's Ball, Popular Art
20:30 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
20:30 Lord of the Rings, Popular Art
Monday 22
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
Monday 1
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
19:00 The Shipping News, Popular Art
20:30 La Comunidad (Spanish), Al-Kasaba
Tuesday 2
18:00 Solas (Spanish), Al-Kasaba
19:00 The Others, Popular Art
20:30 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
Wednesday 3
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
19:00 Spy Game, Popular Art
20:30 El Abuelo (Spanish), Al-Kasaba
Thursday 4
18:00 Ocean's Eleven, Al-Kasaba
18:00 A Walk to Remember, Popular Art
20:30 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:30 Ocean's Eleven, Popular Art
Friday 5
18:00 Ocean's Eleven, Popular Art
18:00 The Last Castle, Al-Kasaba
20:30 Spy Game, Popular Art
20:30 A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, Al-Kasaba
Saturday 6
18:00 So Near Yet So Far, Popular Art
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
20:30 The Others, Popular Art
20:30 Training Day, Al-Kasaba
Sunday 7
18:00 Bandits, Popular Art
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:00 Vanilla Sky, Al-Kasaba
20:30 The Scorpion King, Popular Art
Monday 8
18:00 Goya en Burdeos (Spanish), Al-Kasaba
19:00 A Beautiful Mind, Popular Art
20:30 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
Tuesday 9
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
19:00 Training Day, Popular Art
20:30 La Lengua de las Mariposas (Spanish),
Wednesday 10
18:00 Training Day, Al-Kasaba
19:00 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,
Popular Art
19:00 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,
Popular Art
20:30 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
Tuesday 23
18:00 A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, Al-Kasaba
19:00 So Near Yet So Far, Popular Art
20:30 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
Wednesday 24
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
19:00 A Walk to Remember, Popular Art
20:30 Vanilla Sky, Al-Kasaba
Thursday 25
18:00 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
18:00 The Scorpion King, Popular Art
20:30 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
20:30 Bandits, Popular Art
Friday 26
18:00 Training Day, Popular Art
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:30 The Shipping News, Popular Art
20:30 Ocean's Eleven
Saturday 27
18:00 Vanilla Sky, Al-Kasaba
18:00 Ocean's Eleven, Popular Art
20:30 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
20:30 Lord of the Rings, Popular Art
Sunday 28
18:00 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
18:00 The Shipping News, Popular Art
20:30 The Last Castle, Al-Kasaba
20:30 Serendipity, Popular Art
Monday 29
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
19:00 Bandits, Popular Art
20:30 A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, Al-Kasaba
Tuesday 30
18:00 Short Wa Fanella Wa Cap (Arabic),
19:00 Monster's Ball, Popular Art
20:30 Ali, Al-Kasaba
Wednesday 31
18:00 Al-Silam Wal Thouban (Arabic), Al-Kasaba
19:00 A Beautiful Mind, Popular Art
20:30 A Beautiful Mind, Al-Kasaba
cia). To help him pull off the elaborate heist, he seeks
the help of eleven men, all with different expertise. The
plan is set, the rules are clear; if all goes right for Danny
Ocean's plan, the payroll is $150 million, divided by 11.
Tuesday 9
16:00 Open Discussion: Reformation & Culture,
Wednesday 10
18:00 Book launch of Al-Hattab (Le Bucheron),
including an exhibit of illustrations of the book by
Palestinian artist Mohammad Saleh Khalil, book
discussion, press conference and reception in
cooperation with the French Cultural Centre and
Tamer Institute, Sakakini
Saturday 13
17:00 A tribute in honour of the late Palestinian
poet and writer Hussein Barghouti, Al-Kasaba
Thursday 18
18:30 Poetry Reading: Poems by prisoner
Mohammad Alawneh, recited by Murad Sudani,
Directed by Ron Howard
Starring Russell Crowe
USA, 2002
Oscar Award for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress, Best-adapted Screenplay.
Russell Crowe plays the Nobel prize-winning mathematician Nash from his days at Princeton, where he
developed a groundbreaking economic theory, to his
meteoric rise to the coveted MIT professorship. His
future was filled with promise, but in the early 50s, he
went through eventual dismissal due to schizophrenic
delusions. Nash's amazing will to recover his life
without the aid of medication is a heartening triumph.
Russell plays perfectly the role of a man who refuses to
let his illness destroy him and his family.
Al-Kasaba: July 4,11,21,26
Popular Art: July 4,5,27
USA, 2001, 150 min.
Kids/Family and Action/Adventure
Starring Daniel Radcliffe,
Emma Watson, Rupert Grint
Directed by Chris Columbus
Harry Potter is a boy who
learns on his eleventh birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards
and that he possesses unique magical powers of his
own. He is summoned from his life as an unwanted
child to become a student at Hogwarts, an English
boarding school for wizards. There he meets several
friends who become his closest allies and help him
discover the truth about his parents' mysterious death
at the hands of a powerful adversary.
Al-Kasaba: July 10,12,16,19,22,25,28,31
Popular Art: July 8,14,19,31
Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts
USA, 2001, 117 min.
Danny Ocean (George Clooney), fresh out of jail, masterminds a plan to steal $150 million from the seemingly
impervious vault of Las Vegas's Bellagio Casino, not
just for the money but to win back his ex-wife (Julia
Roberts) from the casino's ruthless owner (Andy Gar-
Al-Kasaba: July 6,14,18,26
Popular Art: July 10,22
Directed by Peter Jackson
Starring Elijah Wood, Ian Mckellen / 178 min.
A groundbreaking epic of good versus evil; extraordinary heroes, wondrous creatures and dark armies
of terror. The movie will take the audience inside
Tolkien's living, breathing methodology, the world that
is Middle-Earth, where the legendary Rings of Power,
and the fellowship hobbits, elves and humans led by
the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and the brave Hobbit
Frodo (Elijah Wood) must battle terrifying forces of evil
on their perilous journey to destroy the One Ring in the
Land of the Mordor. This movie is one of the greatest
fantasy films, emphasizing on the emotional intensity
of Frodo's adventure, ending on a perfect heroic loyalty
and rich anticipation.
Directed by Eliane El-Raheb
Beirut, 2002, 59 min.
In this documentary film, through parallels of the lives
of Arab children and her own life as a child and adult,
El-Raheb exposes some of the inherent prejudices
that each one of us is brought up with but that very few
people tend to question. The certainty with which children
deal with life, children who were not raised to be heroes
or to die as martyrs, but rather had war invade their life
either directly (as is the case of Palestinian children) or
indirectly, contrasted with the uncertainty of adults, raises
questions about the kind of education, socialization,
and convictions that we are given by our parents and
society and that we hand over to our children. The film is
thus dedicated to the director's father, and to all fathers,
especially those who appear in the film, starting with
Al-Durra's father.
Friendship, life, death, freedom, injustice, frustration,
the endless possibilities and the impossible, are all
meanings inherent in the words of these children
and adults alike. Their expressions become real
testimonials that are intertwined with Eliane El-Raheb's
testimonies on life as a 29-year-old Christian woman
in Lebanon.
Popular Art: July 12,15,21,27
Directed by Lasse Hallstrom
Starring Kevin Spacey, Julianne Moore
USA, 2002
Kevin Spacey plays Quoyle, a simple, marginalized
man employed as an ink setter for the local paper
Poughkeepsie News. He meets Petal (Cate Blanchett)
who seduces him into marrying her. After a few scenes
Petal dies in a car accident and at the same time
Quoyle is faced with his parents' suicide. All these incidents together make him and his little daughter Bunny
leave with his aunt Agnis (Judi Dench) to start a new
life in a small Newfoundland port town. Will this make
Quoyle live with his daughter peacefully in this marvellous wonder place, especially after meeting Wavey
(Julianne Moore)? A romantic and sentimental movie.
Not for persons under 18.
Popular Art: July 6,23
Egypt, 128 min.
Starring Hany Salama, Hala Sheha, Ahmad Helmy,
Raja El Jedawi
Directed by Tareq Al Aryyan
Hazem is a young man who works in the field of
advertisement and publicity. His life is full of events and
relationships. When he meets Yasmine, he plays with
her his usual game… Snakes & Ladders.
Popular Art: July 1,13,18,26,28
Al-Kasaba: July 1,4,7,8,11,13,16,18,20,23,24,26,27,29,31
Spain, 1999, 98 min, with English subtitles
Starring Maria Galiana, Ana Fernandez
Directed by Benito Zambrano
A country girl (Ana Fernandez), oppressed by an
abusive dad, moves to the city to try a new life. A
familiar story: alcoholic Maria soon finds herself poor,
pregnant, and alone. While her father is hospitalised,
mother comes to visit, reconnects with her daughter,
and somehow emotionally resurrects a lonely old guy
living next door. This trinity of seemingly lost souls finds
surprising salvation. A "feminist" vote for unexpected
community among ordinary people in the midst of urban
Egypt, 120 min.
Starring Ahmad Essaqa, Nour, Shareef Munir, Ahmad
Directed by Saed Hamed
This is the story of Khaled, a young man who works in
Sharm Al-Sheikh as a tour guide and owns, together
with two friends, a coffee shop. He falls in love with
a rich Lebanese girl whose
family stands against their
Al-Kasaba: July 2,3,6,9,12,14,17,
Al-Kasaba: July 2
Directed by Mac Forster
Starring Billy Bob Thornton,
Halle Berry.
USA, 2002, 112 min.
Halle Berry is the first AfricanAmerican woman to win a
Best Actress award. She plays the role of the widow of
a death row inmate who embarks on a love affair with
the man who helped put her husband to death. Both
lose their children to tragic deaths and they form an
unlikely bond. The audience will witness Comb Luticia's
husband's death, and execution in graphic detail, but
having witnessed it maybe we can better appreciate
why the Grotonski family implodes afterwards.
A remarkable and touching film, which focuses on the
effects of execution on those who must carry it out.
Spain, 1999, 147 min, with English subtitles
Starring Fernando Fernan Gomez, Rafael Alonso
Directed by José Luis Garci
An elderly man returns to Spain after visiting the US
during the Gold Rush and losing his fortune. He returns
because his son has died leaving two daughters, and
a note stating that one of the two is a bastard child.
The grandfather hopes to find out which is his true
Al-Kasaba: July 3
Popular Art: July 11,21,30
USA, 2001, 100 min.
Starring Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz
Directed by Cameron Crowe
David Aames (Tom Cruise) appears to lead a charmed
life. Handsome, wealthy and charismatic, the young New
York City publishing executive's freewheeling existence
is enchanting, yet he seems to be missing something.
Then, one night David meets Sofia (Penelope Cruz),
the girl of his dreams, but loses her by making a small
The Palestine Image Bank is a collection of original shots of Palestine taken by a number of professional photographers and is constantly made bigger and better. The collection covers a wide range of topics such as tourism,
religion, events, architecture, people, nature, etc. The Palestine Image Bank offers the right to use these shots.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact: Turbo Design
Tel: 02-2951262, e-mail: [email protected]
Personality of the Month
Book of the Month
"He came as a prophet and left as one too, from another world and a different dream,
a sign sent from upper powers he himself was not aware of." (Rosetta Stone)
On the first of May of this year Hussein
Barghouthi passed away at the age of 48
after succumbing to an illness that he battled
for several years. Barghouthi was born in
the village of Kobar, north of Ramallah. After
completing his bachelor's degree in English
literature at Birzeit University, he went to the
U.S.A. where he obtained his master's and
doctoral degrees in comparative literature from
the University of Washington in Seattle.
In addition to teaching at Birzeit University
until 1997, Barghouthi was a prolific poet and
playwright. His publications include several
books of poetry such as Liquid Mirrors,
The Vision, and Layla & Tawba and two
autobiographies, The Blue Light and I Will Be
Among The Almond Trees, in addition to several
novels and literary works. Rosetta Stone was
his most recent publication.
He published several plays, the most recent
of which was No, Not Dead, which was staged
in Jerusalem and Ramallah last February by the
Hakawati Theatre Group - Paris with a cast of
Palestinian and French actors. Barghouthi also
wrote several pieces for the Sareyyet Ramallah
Troupe for Music and Dance, in addition to
translating Romeo & Juliet for the Al-Kasaba
Theatre in Jerusalem. He also wrote the lyrics
for several musical groups such as Sabreen,
Al-Rahaleh and Sanabel.
His contribution extended into the sphere of
cinema as well, acting as creative consultant
and script writer mainly for documentary films
by Rashid Mashharawi and Wael Abu Doka.
Barghouthi left behind several unpublished
manuscripts as well.
Hussein Barghouthi is survived by his wife
Petra and an only son, Athar, four years old.
His untimely demise is a great loss to the
Palestinian literary world.
A 20th Century Chronology
in the text, allowing the reader to look up any
unfamiliar terminology.
The Palestinian Academic Society for the
Study of International Affairs (PASSIA) is
an independent, non-governmental society
that strives to provide a forum for the free
expression and analysis of plurality of local and
foreign perspectives. It regularly undertakes
research programmes, roundtable meetings,
interfaith dialogue and training and education
in international affairs. Since its establishment
in 1987, PASSIA has sought to preserve and
record significant events, personal histories and
documents relating to the Palestine question.
To obtain a copy of the book, contact PASSIA
at 02-6264426 or 02-6286566 or by e-mail:
[email protected]
Published by PASSIA.
404 pages. $75
100 Years of Palestinian History is a
chronicle of events that occurred in Palestine,
in the Arab world and in the world arena during
the past 100 years, starting with the year 1900.
The global events mentioned are mostly those
that had a bearing on Palestinian history. The
book is the outcome of two years of research
and documentation, chronicling Palestine's
and the Palestinian people's journey through
the twentieth century. It relates the unfolding
of events each year, focusing separately on
Jerusalem, the rest of Palestine, the region,
and the rest of the globe. Drawing on a vast
array of memoirs, archives and documents,
the book provides valuable context and detail
and affords the reader a passage through time
from a Palestinian perspective.
The handsomely-bound, coffee-table format
book is richly documented with over a thousand
historic photographs and maps and provides
a helpful glossary that defines and explains
terms and proper names that occur frequently
Artist of the Month
Ibrahim Atari
Ibrahim Atari was born in 1972 in Ramallah,
of which was a conference organized by the
and was one of the first persons to enrol at the
Arabic Music Majma' in Algiers, giving him the
National Conservatory of Music (NCM) when
opportunity to meet famous musicians from
it was first established in 1993, graduating
the Arab World. Atari also received intensive
in the year 2000. He currently teaches the
training on the Qanun by Dr. Shafar, one of the
Qanun (an Oriental string instrument mounted
most famous Qanun players and a teacher at
on a board) at the NCM's three branches in
the Higher Conservatory of Music in Istanbul,
Ramallah, Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and has
been instrumental in developing the Qanun
Ibrahim Atari is currently working on further
unit, making it one of the most important
developing the Qanun curriculum at the NCM.
oriental instruments at the NCM. Atari has
Atari will be performing at the Jerusalem
been a member in several musical groups
Festival - Songs of Freedom this July that is
including the Oriental Music Ensemble, which
organized by Yabous Productions.
released its first CD in the year 2000, and was
involved in establishing "Nawa," a musical
ensemble dedicated to performing and singing
Sufi poems.
Ibrahim Atari has performed locally and
internationally at a number of musical concerts
and festivals, including the various festivals
organized by Yabous Productions. He has
participated in several conferences and
workshops around the world, and in the
Arab world in particular, the most important 20
Palestine, which is still battling for liberation and international recognition as an independent state, acquired autonomy in cyberspace on 22 March 2000, when the Internet
Corporation for Associated Names and Numbers (ICANN), the regulatory body for net
addresses, granted the Palestinian National Authority its own two-letter suffix to advertise real estate on-line. Although it
is not functioning yet, the authority will now be able to register addresses under its own domain, "ps," in line with other
UNIVERSITIES: Birzeit University, An-Najjah University, Al-Quds University, Al-Azhar Univeristy (Gaza), Arab American University, Bethlehem University, Hebron University; The
Islamic University (Gaza):; Palestine Polytechnic:; TOURISM: Ministry
of Tourism, Arab Hotel Association, Arab Travel
Association; TRAVEL AGENCIES: Adventure Travel,
Alternative Tourism Group, Atlas Aviation, Awad Tourist Agency www., Aweidah Tours, Blessed Land Travel, Crown
Tours, Daher Travel, Guiding Star,
Jiro Tours, Mt. of Olives Tours, Pioneer Links
com, Raha Tours, Ramallah Travel Agency, United Travel www., Universal Tourist Agency; HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH:
Augusta Victoria Hospital, Gaza Community Mental Health Programme,
Palestinian Counseling Center, Red Crescent Society, Spafford
Children Clinic, UNFPA,
Union of Palestinian Medical
Relief Committees, RESEARCH AND NEWS: Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem, JMCC, PASSIA, MIFTAH, AMIN www.; NEWS: Al Quds, Al Ayyam, WAFA,
Al-Hayyat Al-Jadedah, Assenara; DIRECTORIES, ISPs AND
PORTALS: Quick-Link, Palestine On line, Palnet,
Palseek, Paleye, Al Buraq, Aroob;
ARTS AND CULTURE: Ashtar Theater, Baha Boukhari's website, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center (Ramallah), The Popular Arts
Arab Palestinian Investment Company, The Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR), Palestinian Securities Exchange, Ltd. www., Massar, Palestine Development and Investment Ltd. (PADICO) www.padico.
com/; HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS: Al Haq, LAW - The Palestinian Society
for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment, The Palestinian Centre
for Human Rights, BADIL, Women's Affairs Technical Committee
(WATC),; GOVERNMENT: PNA, Ministry of Higher
Education, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Education
Although this month's review highlights a website
that is still under construction, it is nonetheless one
with a creative and profound message to deliver
and we felt that giving it a review in This Week in
Palestine would encourage its authors to put more
work into it. It is a website that, according to its
pages, came alive through the shared vision of a
few volunteers who thought that one of the best
ways of resisting occupation is through boycotting
Israeli products that are readily available in most
Palestinian shops. The website is currently
available only in Arabic, but I would suggest that
the volunteers work fast on creating an English
version that would also include Israeli products and
those produced in Israeli settlements, for people
to boycott outside of Palestine.
The website opens with a moving slide show
introduction depicting the various forms of Israeli
occupation. On the main page of the website
one can find links to read about the vision of this
website, the history of Palestine, other Palestinian
links, contact information and, most importantly,
a section that contains listings of Palestinianmade products. The products are sorted out
under different categories such as foods, drinks,
medicines, detergents, and industrial products.
Each category then has its own sub-category
such as dairy products under foods, or juices
under drinks, etc. Once a certain sub-category
is selected, the images of all these products are
displayed on the screen. I particularly enjoyed the
pictures of all the potato chip products and wished
that I could put my hands on a couple of them.
The navigation of the site was straightforward
and simple although some of the links were down.
The design of the website is also simple but a bit
quirky and needs a bit of fine-tuning. I would also
love for this website to become database-driven
to enable searches and cross-referencing of
products along with their Israeli counterparts
so that one can buy the alternative Palestinian
product, if available.
The main reason I wrote this review is to
encourage readers to volunteer their efforts, in any
way, towards the success of this website. Please
e-mail the site's founders at info@act4palestine.
org and tell them what you can do to help. It is an
This Page is
provided by:
[email protected]
Gallery Anadiel
Telefax: 02-6282811
East Jerusalem
Dar At Tifl Museum (Dar At Tifl
Association), Near the Orient House
Al-Jawwal Theatre Group
Tel: 02-6272477, Fax: 02-6273477
Opening hours: daily from 9:00 - 13:300
Al-Kasaba Theatre
Tel: 02-6280655
Tel: 02-6264052, Fax: 02-6276310
e-mail:[email protected]
Islamic Museum (The Islamic Waqf Association), Old City
Tel: 02-6283313, Fax: 02-6285561
Opening hours for tourists: daily from 7:30 - 13:30
Armenian Museum, Old City
Tel: 02-6282331, Fax.: 02-6264362
Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. from 9:00 - 16:30
Kalandia Camp Women's Handicraft Coop.
Al-Ma'mal Foundation for
Contemporary Art
Tel: 02-6283457, Fax: 02-6272312
Hebron Museum, Old City
Al-Ruwah Theatre Group
Tel: 02-2228122, Fax: 02-2228293
Opening hours: daily from 8:00 - 14:30 except Fridays
Telefax: 02-6274041, 050-279607,
Al-Wasiti Art Center
Tel: 02-6569385, Fax.: 02-5856966
e Mail: [email protected]
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
Al-Kassaba Museum, Thafer al-Masri
Tel: 09-2384126
Opening hours: daily from 9:00 - 16:00 except for
Museum of Palestinian Popular Heritage
- In'ash el Usra, In'ash el Usra society, Al-Bireh
Tel: 02-5822859, Fax: 02-5817853
British Council
Tel: 02-6282545, Fax: 02-6283021
Tel: 02-2402876, Fax: 02- 2401544
Opening hours: daily from 9:00 - 14:30 except Fridays
Consulate General of
Turkey-Jerusalem Cultural &
Commercial Center
Palestinian Archeological Museum, Birzeit
Tel: 02-5400592, Fax: 02-5400563
e-mail:[email protected].
Tel: 02-2982000
Opening hours: daily from 9:00 - 14:30 except for
Fridays and Sundays
French Cultural Centre
Tel: 02-6282451/6262236,
Fax: 02-6284324
e-mail:[email protected]
Artas Folklore Museum, Artas Folklore
Tel: 02-2774046
Opening hours: daily from 9:00 - 17:00
Tel: 02-5610627, Fax: 02-5618431
Jerusalem Center for Arabic
Al-Liqa'-Center for Religious
& Heritage Studies in the
Holy Land
Tel: 02-6274774, Fax: 02-6562469
Nakhleh Esheber Institute
For Art Production
Telefax: 02-6276268/050-495973
Telefax: 02-6263230
Telefax: 02-2744046
Palestinian National Theatre
Bethlehem Academy of Music
/ Bethlehem Music Society
Tel: 02-6280957, Fax: 02-6276293
e-mail:[email protected]
Palestinian PEN Center
Tel: 02-6262970, Fax: 02-6280103
Public Affairs Office - US
Counsulate General
Tel: 02-6282456, Fax: 02-6282454
Sabreen Musical Center
Tel: 02-5321393, Fax: 02-5321394
e-mail:[email protected]
Sanabel Culture &
Arts Theatre
Tel: 02-6714338
Spanish Cooperation
Telefax: 02-5854513
e-mail:[email protected]
Theater Day Productions
Tel: 02-5854513, Fax: 02-5854513
e-mail: [email protected]
Yabous Productions
Tel: 02-2742589, Fax: 02-2742431
Opening hours: daily from 8:00 - 17:00 except for
Sundays and Thursdays afternoon
The International Museum of Nativity
Tel: 02-2747825
Maha Al Saqqa Center
Tel: 02-2742381
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday from 9:00 - 19:00
Natural History Museum
Tel: 02-2765574, Fax: 02-2772937
e-mail:[email protected]
The Crib of Nativity Museum
Tel: 02-2760876, Fax: 02-2760877
e-mail:[email protected]
Anat Palestinian Folk &
Craft Center
Tel: 02-2772024, Fax: 02-2772024
Tel: 02-6286098, Fax: 02-6286099
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-5828962, Fax: 02-5818232
Telefax: 02-2741639
National Conservatory of
Hakawati Theatre Company
Issaf Nashashibi Center for
Culture & Literature
Baituna al Talhami Museum, Arab Women's
Goethe Institute
Tel: 02-6261372, Fax: 02-6261045
Artas Folklore Center
Tel: 02-2777141, Fax: 02-2777142
Bethlehem Folklore Museum
Telefax: 02-2742589
Centre for Cultural Heritage
Tel: 02-2766244, Fax: 02-2766241
e-mail:[email protected]
International Center of Bethlehem - Dar Annadwa
Tel: 02-2770047, Fax: 02-2770048
e-mail:[email protected]
National Conservatory of
Tel: 02-2745989, Fax: 02-2770048
Palestinian Group for the
Revival of Popular Heritage
Tel: 02-2747945, Fax: 02-2747945
Inad Center for Theatre &
Telefax: 02-2766263
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 02-2406887, Fax: 02-2406986
Bethlehem Peace Center
Ashtar for Theater Production
Tel: 02-2766677, Fax: 02-2741057
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 02-2980037, Fax: 02-2960326
e-mail:[email protected]
The Cardinal House
Tel: 02-2776676, Fax: 02-2776677
Al Kasaba Theatre and
Tel: 08-2839929, Fax: 08-2839949
[email protected]
Tel: 02-2965292/3, Fax: 022965294
e-mail:[email protected]
Arts & Crafts Village
Baladna Cultural Center
Ashtar for Culture & Arts
Association d'Echanges
Culturels Hebron-France
Telefax: 02-2224811
Beit Ula Cultural Center
Tel: 02-2211019, Fax: 02-6288448
Palestinian Child Arts
Center (PCAC)
Tel: 02-2224813, Fax: 02-2220855
e-mail: [email protected],
Tel: 02-2958435, Fax: 02-2958435
British Council
Tel: 02-2963293, Fax: 02-2963297
Carmel Cultural Foundation
Tel: 02-2987375, Fax: 02-2987374
Cinema Production Center
Tel: 02-2986942
e-mail:[email protected]
Cinema Al-Walid
Al Qattan Center for the
Telefax: 08-2846405
Telefax: 08-2833569
e-mail:[email protected]
Culture & Light Center
Telefax: 08-2865896
e-mail:[email protected]
British Council
Tel: 08-2825574/2825294,
Fax: 08-2820512
French Cultural Centre
British Council
Tel: 02-2952295
Tel: 08-2867883, Fax: 08-2828811
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 02-2226353
First Ramallah Group
Gaza Theatre
Tel: 02-2952706, Fax: 02-2980583
Tel: 08-2824860, Fax: 08-2824870
West Bank
East Jerusalem
Gloria Hotel
Alcazar Hotel
(38 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6281111;Fax: 02-6287360
e-mail:[email protected]
Ambassador Hotel
(122 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-5412222, Fax: 02-5828202
American Colony Hotel
(84 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6279777, Fax: 02-6279779
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 08-2864599, Fax: 08-2868965
Tel: 02-2323836, Fax: 02-2322604
Greek Cultural Center
- "Macedonia"
Tel: 08-2534477, Fax: 08-2534477
e-mail:[email protected]
(15 rooms, res )
Tel:02-6282447, Fax:02-6283960
e-mail: [email protected]
Municipality Theatre
Telefax: 02-2981736/2980546
e-mail:[email protected]
Holst Cultural Center
Capitol Hotel
Tel: 08-2810476, Fax: 08-2808896
e-mail:[email protected]
(54 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6282561/2562,
Fax: 02-6264352
Khan Younis
Capitolina Hotel (ex. YMCA)
Jericho Winter Festival
Tel: 02-2322417, Fax: 02-2322604
Goethe Institute
Tel: 02-2810801/2
Al-Yasmin - Assalah Center
Tel: 09-2386723, Fax: 09-2384568
Tel: 02-2981922, Fax: 02-2981923
e-mail:[email protected]
In'ash Al-Usra Society - center for Heritage & Folklore Studies
Tel: 02-2401123, Fax: 02-2401544
British Council
Tel: 09-2385951, Fax: 09-2375953
Manar Cultural Center
French Cultural Centre
Telefax: 02-2957937,
Fax: 02-2987598
Palestinian Scientific
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
Tel: 02-2958825, Fax: 02-2986854
e-mail:[email protected]
A. M. Qattan Foundation
Tel: 02-2960544, Fax: 02-2984886
e-mail:[email protected]
(55 rooms; bf; cf, mr; res)
Tel: 02-6286888, Fax: 02-6276301
e-mail:[email protected]
Golden Walls (formerly
Pilgrim's Palace Hotel)
RIWAQ: Center for Vernacular Architecture
(65 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-5828891, Fax: 02-5828825
e-mail:[email protected]
New Imperial Hotel
(45 rooms)
Tel: 02-6272000; Fax: 02-6271530
New Metropole Hotel
Holy Land Hotel
New Regent Hotel
(105 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6272888/6284841,
Fax: 02-6280265
(24 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6284540; Fax: 02-6264023
e-mail:[email protected]
Jerusalem Hotel
New Swedish Hostel
(14 rooms; bf; mr; res; live music)
Tel: 02-6283282; Fax: 02-6283282
Tel: 02-6277855; Fax: 02-6264124
Jerusalem Meridian Hotel
Notre Dame Guesthouse
(74 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6285212/6285213,
Fax: 02-6285214
Tel: 02-6279111, Fax:02-6271995
Jerusalem Panorama Hotel
(74 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6272277, Fax: 02-6273699
e-mail:[email protected]
Lawrence Hotel
(25 rooms; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6283846; Fax:02-6277485
Palace Hotel
(68 rooms; mr)
Tel: 02-6271126; Fax: 02-6271649
Petra Hostel and Hotel
Tel: 02-6286618
Pilgrims Inn Hotel
(16 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6284883, Fax: 02-6264658
City Hotel
(30 rooms; business facilites; res)
Tel: 02-6264208, Fax: 02-6271285
e-mail:[email protected]
(25 rooms; bf; res)
Tel: 02-5328212, Fax: 02-5328092
Metropol Hotel
Savoy Hotel
Tel: 02-6282507, Fax: 02-6285134
(17 rooms)
Popular Art Center
Tel: 02-2403891, Fax: 02-2402851
e-mail: [email protected]
Mount Scopus Hotel
(90 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6272416; Fax: 02-6264658
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 02-2959070, Fax: 02-2959071
Palestinian Association for
Cultural Exchange (PACE)
Tel: 02-2408023, Fax: 02-2408017
Tel: 08-2851299, Fax: 08-2851299
Azzahra Hotel
(94 rooms; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6282431; Fax: 02-6282401
e-mail: [email protected]
National Conservatory of
Telefax: 09-2942111
Culture & Free Thought
Khalil Al-Sakakini Cultural
Tel: 02-2987374, Fax: 02-2987375
Tel: 09-2385914, Fax: 09-2387593
e-mail:[email protected]
Science & Culture Center
Commodore Hotel
(30 suites; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6263111, Fax: 02-6260791
Tel: 02-2987727, Fax: 02-2987728
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 02-2321047, Fax: 02-2321047
(61 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6284877, Fax: 02-6264427
e-mail:[email protected]
(45 rooms; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6271414; Fax: 02-6284701
Rashad Shawwa Cultural
Jericho Culture & Art Center
Mount of Olives Hotel
(37 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6282588, Fax: 02-6264417
Addar Suite Hotel
French Cultural Centre
Christmas Hotel
Appartments for Rent
In an upscale Beit Hanina neighbourhood
2 vacant appartments 130m,
please call 02-5853177
Rivoli Hotel
Tel: 02-6284871, Fax: 02-6274879
Bethlehem Hotel
Shepherd Hotel
Regency Hotel
(209 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2770702
Fax: 02-2770706
e-mail:[email protected]
Tel: 02-2740656
Fax: 02-2744888
e-mail:[email protected]
(76 rooms; su; res; tb; cf; bf)
Tel: 02-2257389/98
Fax: 02-2257388
e-mail:[email protected]
Bethlehem Inn
St. Nicholas Hotel
(36 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2742423
Fax: 02-2742424
(25 rooms; res; mr)
Tel: 02-2743040/1/2
Fax: 02-2743043
Bethlehem Palace Hotel
Talita Kumi Guest House
(Beit Jala)
(25 rooms; bf; res)
Tel: 02-2742798, Fax: 02-2741562
Bethlehem Star Hotel
(72 rooms; cf; bf; res)
Tel: 02-2743249/2770285,
Fax: 02-2741494
e-mail:[email protected]
Casanova Hospice
(22 rooms; res; mr; cf)
Tel: 02-2741247
Fax: 02-2741847
Al- Zaytouna Guest House
(Beit Jala)
(7 rooms; bf; res; mr)
Telefax: 02-2742016
Everest Hotel
Tel: 02-9943038
Mob: 050-348892
Grand Hotel
(50 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2741602/1440,
Fax: 02-2741604
e-mail:[email protected]
Golden Park Resort & Hotel
(54 rooms; res, bar, pool)
Tel: 02-2774414
Deir Hijleh Monastery
(60 rooms; 46 studios; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2321255
Fax: 02-2322189
[email protected]
City Inn Hotel
Tel: 02-2311200
Fax: 02-2311222
(89 rooms; bf; cf; res)
Tel: 02-2409191
Fax: 02-2409189
e-mail:[email protected]
Oasis Casino & Resort
Telepherique & Sultan Tourist
(55 rooms)
e-mail: [email protected]
Paradise Hotel
Alexander Hotel
(197 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6267777
Fax: 02-6271319
e-mail:[email protected]
(88 rooms; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6280279
Fax: 02-6284826
(42 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2770780
Fax: 02-2770782
(129 rooms; cf; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2744542/4543,
Fax: 02-2744544
e-mail:[email protected]
Victoria Hotel
Andalus Hotel
Saint Antonio Hotel
St. George Hotel
(50 rooms; bf; res)
Tel: 02-6274466
Fax: 02-6274171
Tel: 02-2741348
Fax: 02-2765674
YWCA Hotel
(19 rooms)
Tel: 02-2229288
Fax: 02-2229288
(36 rooms; mr; cf;res;pf)
Tel: 02-2767374/5/6
Fax: 02-2767377
e-mail: [email protected]
managed home-accommodation
(2 rooms; bf; res)
Telefax: 02-2224811
Mob: 052-229897
e-mail:[email protected]
Santa Maria Hotel
Hebron Tourist Hotel
(83 rooms; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2744308
Fax: 02-2770063
Best Eastern Hotel
(181 rooms; su; bf; cf; mr; res; ter; tb)
(25 rooms; bf; res)
Tel: 02-6283302
Fax: 02-6282253
(91 rooms; cf; res)
Tel: 02-2960450
Fax: 02-2958452
e-mail:[email protected]
e-mail:[email protected]
(30 rooms; bf; mr)
Tel: 02-6282593
Fax: 02-6284654
e-mail:[email protected]
Al-A'in Hotel
Hisham Palace Hotel
Strand Hotel
St. George's Pilgrim Guest
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
(50 rooms; cf; res)
Telefax: 02-2400803
Seven Arches Hotel
Beit Al-Baraka Youth Hostel
(12 rooms)
Al-Bireh Tourist Hotel
Tel:02-6283366, Fax:02-6288040
(144 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-6277232/6277323
Fax: 02-6282575
Chrystal Motel
(22 rooms)
Tel: 02-2322444
Fax: 02-9923109
Inter-Continental Hotel
(25 rooms, bf,res)
(30 rooms; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 09-2333555
Fax: 09-2333666
e-mail:[email protected]
Jerusalem Hotel
(250 rooms; su; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2766777
Fax: 02-2766770
Orient Palace Hotel
Al-Yasmeen Hotel & Souq
Jericho Resort Village
Tel: 02-2322414
Fax: 02-2323109
(89 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2770650
Fax: 02-2744083
e-mail: [email protected]
(38 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 09-2385444
Fax: 09-2385944
e-mail:[email protected]
(28 rooms, res )
Inter-Continental Hotel
(Jacir Palace)
Nativity Hotel
Al-Qaser Hotel
Asia Hotel
(60 rooms; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2743981
Fax: 02-2743540
(19 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2742604
Fax: 02-2741278
Grand Park Hotel & Resorts
38 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2986194
Fax: 02-2956950
e-mail:[email protected]
Gemzo Suites
(90 executive suites; cs; mr; pf; gm; res)
Beit Abouna Ibrahim - family
Tel: 02-2963929
Fax: 02-2987532
e-mail:[email protected]
Al-Hajal Hotel
(22 rooms; bf)
Telefax: 02-2987858
Merryland Hotel
(25 rooms)
Tel: 02-2987176,
Telefax: 02-2987074
Al-Murouj Pension
Notre Dame - La Rotisserie
Tel: 02-5324590
Tel: 02-6279114; Fax: 02-6271995
West Bank
Olive Garden
Tel: 02-6282588
Tel: 02-6285212
East Jerusalem
Papa Andreas
Abu-Shanab Pizza
Tel: 02-6282447
Tel: 02-6284433
Tel: 02-6260752
Café Europe
Tel: 02-6284313
Tel: 02-5825162; 02-5328342
Telfax: 02-5833
Al-Diwan (Ambassador Hotel)
Tel:02-5412213, Fax:02-5828202
Café Imperial
Patisserie Suisse
Tel: 02-6282261,Fax:02-6271530
Tel: 02-6284377
El Dorado
Coffe & Computers
Tel: 02-6260993
Kan Zaman (Jerusalem Hotel)
Tel: 02-6271356
Pizza House
La Cota Bar & Grill
Tel: 02-6284228
Tel: 02-5400007
The Gate Café
Al-Shuleh Grill
Tel: 02-6273768
Al-Quds Al-Arabi
Tel: 02-6273963
Antonio's (Ambassador Hotel)
Tel: 02-5412222
Fax: 08-2861832
(8 rooms; res)
Telefax: 02-2957881
Al Deira
Rocky Hotel
(22 rooms; cf; res; ter)
Tel: 02-2964470,
Telefax: 02-2961871
(11 suites; cf; mr; res; ter)
e-mail: [email protected]
Al-Hilal Al-Ahmar Hotel
Pension Miami
(12 rooms)
Telefax: 02-2956808
Beach Hotel
Plaza Hotel
Telefax: 02-2982020
(25 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Telefax: 08-2825492,
Telefax: 08-2848433
Ramallah Hotel
Cliff Hotel
(24 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 08-2823450
Fax: 08-2820742
Royal Court Suite Hotel
Marna House
(24 suites; res)
Tel: 02-2964040
Fax: 02-2964047
(17 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 08-2822624
Fax: 08-2823322
Al-Wihdah Hotel
Palestine Hotel
Telefax: 02-2980412
Gaza Strip
Adam Hotel
(76 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Telefax: 08-2823521/19
Al-Amal Hotel
Tel: 08-2841317
(54 rooms; bf; cf; mr; res)
Tel: 08-2823355
Fax: 08-2860056
Al-Quds International Hotel
(44 rooms; 2suites; bf; mr; res)
Telefax: 08-2826223/63487/5118
Summerland Tourist Village
Quick Lunch
Tel: 02-6274282
(American Colony Hotel)
Tel: 02-6285212
Popular Arab
Moon Light Pizza
Tel: 02-5833226
Armenian Tavern
Tel: 02-6275277
Victoria Restaurant
Tel: 02-6273854
Tel: 02-6283051
(casino; cf; res)
Tel: 08-2847171
Fax: 08-2864008
The Windmill Hotel
(15 rooms; mr; res)
Tel: 08-2869284
Fax: 08-2826813
UN Beach Club
[email protected]
Zahrat Al-Madain
(22 rooms; bf; mr; res)
Tel: 02-2953544
Fax: 02-2955029
Tel: 02-6273970
Arabesque, Poolside & Patio
Tel: 02-6260034
(Jifna village)
Tel: 02-6289770
Tel: 08-2826801
Fax: 08-2826801
Key: su = suites;
bf = business facilities;
mr = meeting rooms;
cf = conference facilities;
res = restaurant;
ter = terrace bar;
tb = turkish bath;
cf = coffe shop;
gm = gym;
pf = parking facilities
Tel: 02-2958434
Caesar's (Grand Park Hotel)
Tel: 02-2986194
Kanbatta Zaman
Café Olé
Tel: 02-2964040
Tel: 02-2984135
K5M - Caterers
Café Mocha Rena
Tel: 02-2956813
Tel: 02-2981460
La Strada
Tel: 02-2965968
Tel: 02-2987658
La Terrace
Tel: 02-2987701
Tel: 02-2987188
Layali As-Sultan Roof
Checkers Restaurant
Tel: 02-2980275
Tel: 02-2987067
The Orthodox Club Restaurant
Chinese House Restaurant
Tel: 02-2956057
Tel: 02-2956520
Mandy Tatchi (Chinese)
Tel: 02-2980456
Tel: 02-2964081
Cliff House (Rocky Hotel)
Tel: 02-2964470
Elite Coffee House
Tel: 02-2951410
Tel: 02-2965169
Al-Burj (Jifna)
Ein Al-Marj (Birzeit)
Muntaza Restaurant &
Tel: 02-2810801/2
Tel: 02-2810220/1
Tel: 02-2956835
Noor Restaurant
Tel: 02-2408367
Tel: 02-2955834
Tel: 02-2963815/6
Osama's Pizza
Tel: 02-2986529
Tel: 02-2987046
Tel: 02-2956408
Tel: 02-2980456
Tel: 02-2953270
Pepperoni (Al-Kasaba)
Mob: 059-798901
Baker Dozen Donuts
New Flamingo's
Pizza Inn
Tel: 02-2987067
Tel: 02-2966128
Tel: 02-2981181/2
Tel: 09-2675362
Tel: 09-2385676
Salim Afandi
Tel: 09-2371332
Zeit Ou Zaater
(Al-Yasmeen Hotel)
Tel: 09-2383164
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
Baladna Ice Cream
Abu Eli
Tel: 02-2741897
Tel: 02-2743519
Al Makan Bar - Jacir Palace
Inter-Continental Bethlehem
Tel: 02-2766777, Fax: 02-2766754
Tel: 02-2772410, Fax: 02-2773855
Baidar - Jacir Palace InterContinental Bethlehem
Tel: 02-2766777, Fax: 02-2766754
Tel: 02-2745450
Baker Dozen Donuts
Tel: 02-2766338
Tel: 02-2741378
Cigar Bar - Jacir Palace InterContinental Bethlehem
Tel: 02-2766777, Fax: 02-2766754
Checkers Restaurant
Tel: 02-2766338
Tel: 02-2741961
Dar Jdoudnah
Coffeeshop & Bar
Tel: 02-2770333, 02-2770329
Tel: 02-2323500
Tel: 02-2743432
Tel: 02-2322555
Golden Roof
Al-Rabiyah Park & Restaurant
Tel: 02-2743224
Tel: 02-2747439
Mariachi (Grand Hotel)
Tel: 02-2741440
Green Valley Park
Tel: 02-2322349
Jabal Quruntul
Tel: 02-2745450
Tel: 02-2322614; 02-2322593
Jericho Tent
Mob: 050-356160
Tel: 02-2323820
RadioNet Cafe (Beit Sahour)
Tel: 02-2774883, Fax: 02-2774882
Riwaq Courtyard - Jacir Palace Inter-Continental Bethlehem
Tel: 02-2766777, Fax: 02-2766754
Shepherds Valley Village
Tel: 02-27773875
Tachi Chinese
Tel: 02-2744382
Zaitouneh - Jacir Palace
Inter-Continental Bethlehem
Tel: 02-2766777, Fax: 02-2766754
Old Jericho Tent
Tel: 02-2323820
Papaya Park
Mob: 050-286067
Tel: 02-2323252
Spanish Park
Mob: 050-515518
Seven Trees
Tel: 02-2322781
Mob: 050-520932
Sultan Restaurant -
Jericho Cable Car
Tel: 02-2324025
Tel: 02-2743212
Tel: 02-2322600
Tel: 02-2987027
Mr. Pizza
Plaza Restaurant & Park
Tel: 02-2324060,
Tel: 02-2956146
Palestinian Kitchen
Occupation and the Palestinian Kitchen
Tel: 02-2956020
Tel: 02-2959093
Privacy (for women only)
Tel: 02-2956141
Pronto Resto-Café
Tel: 08-2826245
La Mirage
Gaza Strip
Tel: 02-2987312
Abu Nuwas
Red Valley Restaurant &
Garden (Jifna village)
Tel: 08-2845211
Mob: 050-567550
Tel: 08-2821272
Rukab's Ice Cream
Tel: 02-2956467
Tel: 08-2861321
Tel: 02-2953770
Tel: 08-2838100/200
Broaster chicken
Tel: 2405338
Tel: 08-2842855
Sangria's Coffee Shop
Al-Diwanea Tourist
Tel: 02-2964040
Tel: 08-2825062
Tel: 02-2984135
Tel: 08-2823355
An Nawras Tourist Resort
Tel: 02-2966038
Tel: 08-2833033
Tabash (Jifna village)
Cyber Internet Café
Tel: 02-2810932
Tel: 08-2844704
Tel: 02-2980505
Tel: 08-2822569
Tel El-Qamar Roof
Fisher tourist
Tel: 02-2987905/6
Tel: 08-2834779
Top Burger
Tel: 02-2956057
Tel: 08-2822165
Tweety Sandwich
Tel: 02-2966818
Tel: 08-2534655
Tel: 02-2987783/4
Tel: 08-2863599
Villa Vatche
Tel: 02-2965966
Tel: 08-2868397
Zarour Bar BQ
Mika Cafeteria
Tel: 02-2956767; 02-2964480
Tel: 08-2866040
Tel: 08-2865128
Tel: 08-2864198
Tel: 08-2842431
Love Boat
Tel: 08-2861353
Palm Beach
Tel: 08-2860142
Pizza Inn
Tel: 08-2840415
Sea Breeze Cafeteria
Tel: 08-28426
Summer land Village
Tel: 08-2453441
Tel: 08-2822705
Tel: 08-2864385
Al Sammak Ghornata
Tel: 08-2840107
Tel: 08-2834779
Salam Beach
Let me, in this issue, tell you about my plan for the
second year of writing about the Palestinian kitchen
in This Week in Palestine; but before I do, allow me
to make a belated introduction of myself and what
I do. I can talk about Palestinian cuisine forever
with all my passion. A passion that started with me
early in life, in Qalqilya, with my beloved mother,
God bless her soul, where I spent most of my time
with her, mostly in her kitchen, of course. She was
one of the finest cooks I have ever met, to say the
least. She inherited her art from her grandmother,
who was the official cook of the Moroccan palace
before she immigrated to Palestine.
Although my mother came from the beautiful
coastal city of Yafa, she lived in Qalqilya, Nablus,
and Jerusalem. After the 1967 Israeli occupation,
she lived in Amman, Doha, Kuwait, London, Boston
and Ottawa, in addition to her countless visits to
Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, and Cairo, among
other places. She travelled extensively, broadening
her horizons and accepting diversity with an open
mind. She rarely repeated herself, even when it
came to classical dishes in which it was a taboo
to even think of any slight variation. She dared all
the rules and became the master of all, in her entire
family and circle, I think.
Tawfiq Zayyad, a Palestinian poet, says, "the
danger of loosing our many treasures is also
threatening the remainder and the treasures
that are born daily, and we should not allow that
to happen." Driven by this, I started to study
Palestinian cooking from my mother, Suad AlShanti. My mother fell ill so I catered all her meals,
bearing in mind what she could and couldn't eat,
which made me aware of the importance of healthy
cooking without compromising on the original
flavours. It should be a way of living; we are what
we eat, after all, aren't we?
I knew Palestinian cooking well before I
decided that cooking would be my ultimate
career. My journey into the kitchen started with
working on presentations of traditional dishes,
i.e. to modernize and set new standards. I then
looked into the matter of reducing preparation and
cooking times, to make it easier for the Palestinian
cuisine to survive the fast food culture. I took the
matter more seriously and specialized myself
exclusively in Palestinian cuisine, which led me
to the classification of dishes, which I decided to
gather/group under families. In doing this, I was
faced with the question of what is a Palestinian
dish and what makes it Palestinian.
After some time I realized that the issue of
what makes a dish Palestinian should be tackled
before that of what is a Palestinian dish, which
entailed the classification of the cooking bases.
(I have already answered this question for you
last year, having talked about the identity of the
Palestinian kitchen in my previous articles.) Now
that we have two classifications, we can conclude
that there are two Palestinian cuisines: One that
is based on cooking bases, which is absolutely
new, and another that is based on classical dishes,
which is traditional yet modern. Both cuisines are
cultural and original.
My personal ambitions in relation to the
Palestinian kitchen are to promote gourmet
cooking, to put together an encyclopaedia on
traditional Palestinian cooking (the structure of
which I have already designed), and to establish
the first Palestinian cooking school, maybe by
starting with private tutoring in my kitchen, in order
to build the first team.
My plan for this second year of writing is for
a long and delightful journey in heavenly food,
healthy and easy to prepare, economical and just
right for small families. Believing that the best way
to learn about a country is by learning about its
Tel: 08-2844964
White Tent
Tel: 08-2860380
Herbal Medicine
depression, especially when mixed with vervain.
It also induces perspiration. A wash made by
boiling oat seeds is used to treat dermatological
problems. Compresses made of oat flour are
also used for skin problems such as eczema and
herpes simplex.
Persons who are allergic to gluten should take
extra care when using the wash, allowing the liquid
to settle first and to use the top layer only.
Oats are the principal and traditional produce of
northern European countries. They make warm and
sweet food that is ideal for cold climates. Dishes
prepared from oat flour make nourishing breakfast
food. Oats are rich in minerals, vitamins and gluten.
Oat husks make a good anti-depressant and have
corrective effects on the nervous system. Oat
seeds are used as an anti-depressant whereas
oatmeal is an anti-coagulant and has the property
of lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.
A fluidextract of the husks, taken in small
doses, is recommended for cases of anxiety and
(Herbal Medicine, p. 40)
Tourist Transportation
Peace Land
Mount of Olives
Tel: 02-5851666, Mob: 050-414449
Abdo Tourist
Dallah Al-Baraka
Tel: 02-6281866
Tel: 02-6271122
Tel: 02-6564150
Tel: 02-5327126
Green Peace
Tel: 02-5859756, Mob: 050-522619
Tel: 02-5853101
Tel: 02-5820716, Mob: 050-511105
Tel: 02-5858202 (Beit Hanina)
Tel: 02-6283281 (Damascus Gate)
Tel: 02-6724908
Car Rental
Tel: 02-2747092
Mob: 050-372687
Mob: 050-511105
Rafidia, Nablus
There are two Arafat Sweets shops in Nablus;
the most prominent one, with a small outdoor
seating area, is in the Rafidia neighbourhood,
around the corner from Al-Najah University. Times
are tough and thus the choice of readily available
items at this prestigious pastry shop is limited these
days. The usual sweets, such as Baklawa, made
of small rolls of filo dough filled with pine nuts or
pistachios and baked until they are delicately crisp
and flaky, are available at a moment's notice. The
Nabulsieh and Basma Nabulsieh, a thin string
dough with a pistachio filling, decorated with
pine nuts and roasted on an open fire until crispy
and golden brown in colour, are also available at
the pastry shop, as is the Feisalieh, a string like
dough rolled in a triangular shape with a pistachio
nut stuffing.
In normal times a wide variety of Kunafe, the
Tel: 02-2403521
Tel: 02-2954764
Tel: 02-2986154
Tel: 02-2964688
Tel: 02-2742309
Beit Jala
Tel: 02-2742629
Amer Alam Airport Transfer
Mob: 050-302670, Tel:02-2953675
Tel: 02-2402956
Tel: 02-2220811
Tel: 02-5852299
Tel: 02-2229436
Shamma' Taxi Co.
Tel: 02-6282504
Tel: 02-2960957
Tel: 02-2228545
Tel: 02-6286941
Tel: 02-2956120
Tel: 02-2228750
Khaled Al-Tahan
Tel: 02-5855777
Mount of Olives
Tel: 02-6272777
Tel: 02-6276699
Tel: 02-6281116
Tel: 02-6282220
Tel: 02-2340378
Tel: 02-2955444
Car Rental
Car Rental
Tel: 08-2864000
Mob: 050-405095
Petra/Allenby Bridge Branch
Tel: 08-2823841
Tel: 02-9400494, Fax: 02-9400493
Tel: 08-2825127
Tel: 02-2322525
Tel: 02-6569222
Tel: 02-2955805
Tel: 02-2955887
Tel: 02-5855566
Tel: 02-6284455
Holy Land
Zahra & Sabeel
Note: The views expressed here reflect the experiences
of the reviewer at the restaurant listed.
Tel: 02-2965744
Tel: 02-5855777
most prominent sweet of Nablus, and other sweets
are also on display and ready to be eaten or taken
away, but these days you have to order and wait for
them to be made. The famous Kunafe takes about
15 minutes to make. The sweet can be ordered
in all its varieties: Kunafe with ishta (cream),
Kunafe with cheese, fine or coarse Kunafe
Nabulsieh, Kunafe Osmalliah with ishta, Kunafe
Mafrouke with ishta and Madloka with ishta, as
well as Aaish el-Sarayah with ishta. Another all
time favourite is Khdoud al-Sit (Lady's Cheeks),
filo dough with ishta that can be prepared in a
matter of 10 minutes.
The only thing missing, really, is a good cup
of coffee and the owners of Arafat Sweets would
be well advised to make that available to their
Tel: 02-5855555
Car Rental
Good Luck
Car Rental
Holy Land
Beit Hanina
Restaurant Review
Tel: 02-2342160
Tel: 02-6273003
Tel: 09-2373501
Tel: 02-6281973
Car Rental
Good Luck
Tel: 08-2868858
Car Rental
Tel: 08-2861844/2867845
Tel: 09-2383383
Tel: 08-2865390
Midan Filastin
Tel: 08-2865242
Tel: 09-2371439
Beit Jala
Guiding Star Ltd.
Tel: 02-2765970, Fax: 02-2765971
e-mail: [email protected]
East Jerusalem
Abdo Tourist & Travel
Tel: 02-6281865, Fax: 026272973
e-mail: [email protected]
Albina Tours
Tel: 02-6283397, Fax: 02-6281215
e-mail: [email protected]
Arab Tourist Agency (ATA)
Tel: 02-6277442, Fax: 02-6284366
e-mail: : [email protected]
Atic Tours & Travel Ltd.
Tel: 02-6286159, Fax: 02-6264023
e-mail: [email protected]
Awad & Co. Tourist Agency
Tel: 02-6284021, Fax: 02-6287990
e-mail: [email protected]
Aweidah Bros. Co.
Tel: 02-6282365, Fax: 02-6282366
e-mail: [email protected]
Ayoub Caravan Tours
Hajj& Umra Services
Tel: 02-6280770, Fax: 02-6285912
Tel: 02-6284121, Fax: 02-6280251
e-mail: [email protected]
Beit Sahour
Guiding Star Ltd.
Shweiki Tours Ltd.
Tel: 02-6273150, Fax: 02-6273147
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2772151, Fax: 02-2772211
e-mail: [email protected]
Sindbad Travel Tourist Agency
J. Sylvia Tours
Tel: 02-6281146, Fax: 02-6288277
e-mail: [email protected]
Jiro Tours
Tel: 02-6283235, Fax: 02-6271574
e-mail: [email protected]
Dajani Palestine Tours
Tel: 02-6264768, Fax: 02-6276927
e-mail: [email protected]
Dakkak Tours Agency
Tel: 02-6282525, Fax: 02-6282526
e-mail: [email protected]
4M Travel Agency
Tel: 02-6271414, Fax: 02-6284701
e-mail: [email protected]
George Garabedian Co.
Tel: 02-6283398, Fax: 02-6287896
e-mail: [email protected]
Golden Dome Company for
Tel: 02-6286373, Fax: 02-6289078
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2407705, Fax: 02-2408273
e-mail: [email protected]
United Travel Ltd.
Tel: 02-6274389, Fax: 02-6275037
e-mail: [email protected]
Tony Tours Ltd.
Jordan Travel Agency
Tel: 02-6271247, Fax: 02-6283753
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6284052, Fax: 02-6287621
Universal Tourist Agency
KIM's Tourist & Travel Agency
Tel: 02-6284383, Fax: 02-6264448
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6279725, Fax: 02-6274626
e-mail: [email protected]
Lawrence Tours & Travel
Tel: 02-6284867, Fax: 02-6271285
e-mail: [email protected]
Zatarah Tourist & Travel
Tel: 02-6272725, Fax: 02-6289873
e-mail: [email protected]
Al-Asmar Travel Agency
Telefax: 02-2954140, 2965775
e-mail: [email protected]
Skyway Tourist Agency
Atlas Tours & Travel
Tel: 02-2952180, Fax: 02-2986395
Darwish Travel Agency
Tel: 02-2956221, Fax: 02-2957940
Golden Globe Tours
Tel: 02-6262312, Fax: 02-6277512
e-mail: [email protected]
Nawas Tourist Agency Ltd.
Tel: 02-6282491, Fax: 02-6285755
Near East Tourist Agency (NET)
Tel: 02-6282515, Fax: 02-6282415
e-mail: [email protected]
Holiday International
Tel: 02-2955229, Fax: 02-2953107
e-mail: [email protected]
The Pioneer Links Travel &
Tourist Bureau
Tel: 02-2407859, Fax: 02-2407860
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel:02- 2952597, Fax:02- 2952989
Amani Tours
Ramallah Travel Agency
Telefax: 02-2987013
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2953692, Fax: 02-2955029
e-mail: [email protected]
Maxim Tours
Anwar Travel Agency
Tel: 02-2956388, Fax: 02-2956517
e-mail: [email protected]
Reem Travel Agency
Tel: 02-2953871, Fax: 02-2953871
Shbat & Abdul Nur
Tel: 02-2956267, Fax: 02-2957246
Tel : 07-2824415 Fax: 07-2867596
Al-Muntazah Travel Agency
Tel. 08-2827919 Fax. 08-2824923
National Tourist Office
Tel: 07-2860616 Fax: 07-2860682
e-mail: [email protected]
Time Travel Ltd.
Tel: 08-2836775, Fax: 08-2836855
e-mail: [email protected]
Egypt Air
Royal Jordanian Airways
Tel: 02-2986950/49 (Ramallah)
Tel: 08-2821530 (Gaza)
Tel: 02-2965151 (Ramallah)
Tel: 08-2825403/13 (Gaza)
Emirates Airlines
Tel: 02-2407705/6, (Ramallah)
Tel: 02-2952180 (Ramallah)
Gulf Air
SAS Scandinavian Airlines
Tel: 09-2386312 (Nablus)
Tel: 02-6283235/7238 (Jerusalem)
Malev-Hungarian Airlines
Singapore Airlines
Tel: 02-2952180 (Ramallah)
Tel: 02-2952180 (Ramallah)
Tel: 02-6282535/6 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 08-2860616 (Gaza)
South African Airways
Tel: 02-6283235/7238 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 02-6286257 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 02-6283515/6788 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 02-6284896/7 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 02-2952180 (Ramallah)
Tel: 02-2770054, Fax: 02-2770054
e-mail: [email protected]
Air Malta
Tunis Air
Tel: 02-2986395 (Ramallah)
Tel: 09-2382065 (Nablus)
Nativity Travel
Tel: 02-2742966, Fax: 02-2744546
British Airways
Palestine Airlines
Tel: 02-2987013 (Ramallah)
Tel: 08-2860616 (Gaza)
Terra Santa Tourist Co.
Cyprus Airways
Tel: 02-2766044, Fax: 02-2766045
e-mail: [email protected]
Kukali Travel & Tours
Tel: 02-2773047, Fax: 02-2772034
e-mail: [email protected]
Overseas Travel Bureau
Mobile: 050-242270
Yaish International Tours
Tel: 09-2372111, Fax: 09-2381411
e-mail: [email protected]
El- Nasser Co. For Tourism &
International Aviation
Tel: 07-2823704 Fax: 07-2866075
Al Awdah Tourism & Travel
Golden Gate Tours & Travel
Millennium Transportation
Shepherds Tours & Travel
Tel: 09-2389159, Fax: 09-2840630
Raha Tours and Travel
Tel: 02-2961780, Fax: 02-2961782
e-mail: [email protected]
Gloria Tourist & Travel Agency
Tel: 2765813 Fax: 2765812
Tel: 02-6289260, Fax: 02-6264979
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6276133. Fax: 02-6271956.
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 04-2503359, Fax: 04-2503359
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2743717, Fax: 02-2743747
e-mail: [email protected]
Samara Tourist & Travel Agency
Jarrar Tourist Agency
Tel: 02-2740911/12, Fax: 02-2740910
O.S. Hotel Services
Tel: 02-6264447, Fax: 02-6284430
Tel: 04-2438056, Fax: 04-2438057
Crown Tours & Travel Co. Ltd.
Lama Tours International
Safieh Tours & Travel
Asia Travel Agency
Kashou' Travel Agency
New Holy Land Tours
Tel: 02-6264422, Fax: 02-6264421
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6287090, Fax: 02-6284442
e-mail: [email protected]
Telefax: 02-2965090
Tel: 02-2965111, Fax: 02-2965110
e-mail: [email protected]
Mt. of Olives Tours Ltd.
Nativity Tours Ltd.
Daher Travel
Siniora Star Tours
Adventure Tourism & Travel
Jordan Tourist Agency
Bible Land Tours
Carawan Tours & Travel
Tel: 02-2447495, Fax: 02-2349826
Tel: 02-6288844, Fax: 02-6288013
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6271122, Fax: 02-6285551
e-mail: [email protected]
Blessed Land Tours
Tel: 02-6286592, Fax: 02-6285812
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6272165, Fax: 02-6272169
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6273766, Fax: 02-6281020
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6284361, Fax: 02-6285804
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6271169, Fax: 02-6272218
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-6736711, Fax: 02-6736966
Alternative Tourism Group
Arab Office for Travel &
Tel: 02-2956640, Fax: 02-2951331
Mousallam Int'l Tours
Tel: 2770249 Fax: 2770250
Airport Information
Flight information:
Gaza International Airport
Tel: 08-2134289
Ben Gurion Airport
Tel: 03-9723344
Air France
Tel: 02-6288654 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 02-2404894 (Al-Bireh)
Tel: 08-2822800 (Gaza)
Tel: 08-2829526/7 (Gaza)
Turkish Airlines
Qatar Airways
Tel: 02-2404895 (Al-Bireh)
Tel: 08-2842303 (Gaza)
Tel: 02-6272725 (Jerusalem)
Tel: 08-2821530 (Gaza)
Tel: 02-2770130 (Bethlehem)
East Jerusalem
Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank
Commercial Bank of
Palestine International Bank
Tel: 02-2954141, Fax: 02-2954145
Tel: 08-2844333, Fax: 08-2844303
Cooperative Development
Palestine Investment Bank
Tel: 08-2822105, Fax: 08-2822107
Tel: 02-6263444, Fax: 02- 6263311
Tel: 02-2900029, Fax: 02-2900029
Arab Bank
Tel: 02-2796671, Fax: 02-2796673
Deutsche Ausgleichsbank
Center for Development
Consultancy (CDC)
Tel: 02-2984462, Fax: 02-2952610
Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank
The Housing Bank
Tel: 09-2384555, Fax: 09-2384563
Tel: 02-5833183, Fax: 02-5833185
Tel: 02-2986270, Fax: 02-2986276
Arab Bank
Commercial Bank of
International Islamic Arab
Tel: 09-2382340, Fax: 09-2382351
Arab Land Bank
Tel: 02-2799886, Fax: 02-2799258
Tel: 02-2980060, Fax: 02-2980065
Tel: 09-2383651, Fax: 09-2383650
Jordan Bank
Bank of Palestine Ltd.
Arab Bank
Tel: 02-2770080, Fax: 02-2770088
Arab Land Bank
Tel: 02-2740861
Cairo-Amman Bank
CHS (Old City Jerusalem)
101 / 050-319120
101 / 04-2502601
101 / 09-2672140
101 / 09-2380399
101 / 09-2940440
101 / 02-2957574
101 / 02-2321170
101 / 02-2744222
101 / 02-2228917
Tel: 02-2958686, Fax: 02-2958684
Tel: 09-2382030, Fax: 09-2382923
Border Crossings
Telephone Services
Jordan-Gulf Bank
Cairo-Amman Bank
Allenby Bridge
Sheikh Hussien
Rafah Border
Eretz Crossing
Phone Repairs*
Wake Up*
International operator* 188
Tel: 02-2987680, Fax: 02-2987682
Tel: 09-2381301, Fax: 09-2381590
Jordan National Bank
Commercial Bank of
Tel: 02-2959343, Fax: 02-2959341
Tel: 09-2385160, Fax: 09-2385169
Tel: 02-2744971, Fax: 02-2744974
Palestine International Bank
Jordan National Bank
Tel: 02-2983300, Fax: 02-2983333
Tel: 09-2386060, Fax: 09-2386066
Tel: 02-2770351, Fax: 02-2770354
Calls from Overseas
Palestine Investment Bank
Jordan Bank
Palestine Bank
Tel: 02-2987880, Fax: 02-2987881
Tel: 09-2381120, Fax: 09-2381126
Tel: 02-2765515/6, Fax: 02-2765517
Union Bank
Jordan-Gulf Bank
Dial access code, international
country code (972) or (970),
area code (without the zero),
Palestine Investment Bank
Tel: 02-2986412, Fax: 02-2956416
Tel: 09-2382191, Fax: 09-2381953
Tel: 02-2770888, Fax: 02-2770889
World Bank
Jordan-Kuwait Bank
Tel: 02-2366500, Fax: 02-2366543
The Housing Bank
Tel: 09-2377223, Fax: 09-2377181
Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank
Tel: 09-2382280, Fax: 09-2382283
Tel: 02-2960122, Fax: 02-2960126
Arab Bank
Palestine Investment Bank
Tel: 08-2824729, Fax: 08-2824719
Tel: 09-2385051, Fax: 09-2385057
Arab Bank (Al-Balad)
Tel: 02-2986480, Fax: 02-2986488
Arab Bank (Al-Bireh)
Tel: 02-2959581, Fax: 02-2959588
Arab Land Bank
Tel: 02-2958421
Bank of Palestine Ltd.
Tel: 02-2985921, Fax: 02-295920
Beit Al-Mal Holdings
Arab Land Bank
Tel: 08-2822046, Fax: 08-2821099
Bank of Palestine Ltd.
Tel: 08-2823272, Fax: 08-2865667
Beit Al-Mal Holdings
Tel: 08-2820722, Fax: 08-2825786
Cairo-Amman Bank
Tel: 08-2824950, Fax: 08-2824830
Tel: 02-2986916, Fax: 02-2986916
Commercial Bank of
HSBC Bank Middle East
Tel: 08-2825806, Fax: 08-2825816
Tel: 02-2987802, Fax: 02-2987804
The Housing Bank
Cairo-Amman Bank
Tel: 08-2826322, Fax: 08-2861143
Tel: 02-2985790, Fax: 02-2955437
Jordan Bank
The Center for Private Enterprise Development
Tel: 08-2820707, Fax: 08-2824341
Tel: 02-2986786, Fax: 02-2986787
Tel: 08-2824286, Fax: 08-2824286
Palestine Development Fund
* can only be called from East Jerusalem
Jordan-National Bank
Tourism and Antiquities Police
WHO - World Health Organization
Tel: 02-6276680
Fax: 02-6276690
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2400340, Fax: 02-2400343
Apostolic Delegation
Tel: 02-6282298, Fax: 02-6281880
Tel: 02-2984788, Fax: 02-2984786
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-5828263, Fax: 02-5814063
e-mail: [email protected]
European Community - Delegation to the OPT
Tel: 02-5326341, Fax: 02-5326249
Tel: 02-5828250, Fax: 02-5820032
Great Britain
Tel: 02-5414100,
Fax: 02-5322368; 02-5325629
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2407676, Fax: 02-2407678
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-240 6811/2/3,
Fax: 02-240 6816
e-mail: [email protected]
The Netherlands
Tel: 08-6777333, Fax: 08-6777555
e-mail: : [email protected]
Tel: 02-2987639, Fax: 02-2987638
Tel: 02-2407291/3, Fax: 02-2407294
South Africa
Tel: 02-5327447, Fax: 02-5322904
Tel: 02-2987355, Fax: 02-2987356
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-5828212, Fax: 02-5828801
Tel: 02-2408360/1, Fax: 022408362
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-5323310, Fax: 02-5820214
United States of America
Tel: 02-6227230, Fax: 02-6259270
Tel: 08-2824290, Fax: 08-2820718
Tel: 08-2825584, Fax: 08-2844855
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
Tel: 02-2407710, Fax: 02-2408290
e-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
Tel: 02-2401477, Fax: 02-2400479
Tel: 02-2958604, Fax: 02-2958606
Tel: 02-2406959, Fax: 02-2404897
Czech Republic
Tel: 02-2965595, Fax: 02-2965596
Tel: 02-5687222/3 - 5687200
Fax: 02-5687400, 6732538
[email protected]
UNRWA - United Nations
Relief and Works Agency
UNTSO - United Nations Truce
Supervision Organization
Tel: 02-2345050, Fax: 02-2345079
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-5828316, Fax: 02-5325392
Tel: 02-5828006, Fax: 02-5828065
Tel: 08-2843555, Fax: 08-2820966
e-mail: [email protected]
UNSCO - United Nations Office
of the Special Coordinator in
the Occupied Territories
Tel: 08-2825423, Fax: 08-2825433
Tel: 08-2842406, Fax: 08-2842416
Tel: 08-2825134, Fax: 08-2825124
Tel: 08-2824264, Fax: 08-2824104
Tel: 08-2824615, Fax: 08-2821902
Tel: 08-2825922, Fax: 08-2825932
Russian Federation
Tel: 08-2821819, Fax: 08-2821819
ILO - International Labor
Tel: 02-6260212, 02-6280933
Fax: 02-6276746
e-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2900022
Fax: 02-2900023
Tel: 08-2827463
Fax: 08-2827921
West Bank Office
Telefax: 02-2965534
TeL: 02-6268200
Fax: 02-6268222
e-mail: [email protected]
UNIFEM - United Nations
Development Fund for
UNFPA - United Nations
Population Fund
Tel: 02-6281789/1
Fax: 02-6282347
[email protected]
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP)
4 Al-Ya'qubi Street, Jerusalem
Tel: 02-6268200, Fax: 02-6268222
E-mail: [email protected] / URL:
UNESCO - United
Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural
Tel: 02-2959740
Fax: 02-2959741
West Bank
Tel: 02-5890401, Fax: 02-5322714
firstletterofsurname.familyname @unrwa.
IBRD - International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
West Bank
Tel: 02-2366500
Fax: 02-2366543
For all those who love flowers and embroidery, here is something new from Pales-
Tel: 08-2824746
Fax: 08-2824296
An Arabic / English publication featuring original embroidered designs of
23 Palestinian spring flowers with
landscape photographs of the spring
in Palestine.
The book, available in hardcover (120
NIS) and paperback (80 NIS), can be
found at the following bookshops:
Educational Bookshop - Jerusalem
American Colony Bookshop - Jerusalem
Sharbain Bookshop - Jerusalem
Y.W.C.A. - Jerusalem
Dar Al Shuruq - Ramallah
Al Ju'beh Bookshop - Ramallah
For further information please call
[email protected]
IMF - International Monetary
Tel: 08-2825913
Fax: 08-2825923
e-Mail: [email protected]
UNICEF - United Nations
Children's Fund
Tel: 02-5830013,4
Fax: 02-5830806
Tel: 08-2862400
Fax: 08-2862800
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 08-2825018, Fax: 08-2825028
Tel: 02-2402370
Fax: 02-2406838
e-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 08-2827021
Fax: 08-2827321
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2402330, Fax: 02-2400331
OHCHR - Office of the
High Commissioner For
Human Rights
East Jerusalem
WFP - World Food Programme
Tel: 08-2822033
Fax: 08-2845409
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 02-2960850, Fax: 02-2984768
Tel: 09-2375692
Tel: 09-2338371
Fax: 09-2338370
Patients' Friends Society
K. Abu Raya Rehabilitation
Beit Hanoun Clinic
Dar Al-Shifa
Tel: 02-2957060/1
Al-Ahli Al-Arabi
Tel: 08-2863014
Tel: 08-2865520
Dar Al-Salam
Peace Medical Center
Tel: 02-2959276
Al-Dibsi Maternity
Grand Jericho
Tel: 02-2322456
Red Crescent Society
Tel: 02-2957574
Tel: 02-2744242
East Jerusalem
Clinics and Centers
Caritas Baby
Tel: 02-2322148
Augusta Victoria
Tel: 02-2741171
The Holy Family
Tel: 02-2953740
Tel: 02-6279911
Tel: 02-2741151
Dajani Maternity
Al-Hussein Government
Tel: 02-5833906
Tel: 02-2741161
Hadassah (Ein Kerem)
Mental Health
Tel: 02-6777111
Tel: 02-2741155
St. Luke's
Hadassah (Mt. Scopus)
St. Mary's Maternity
Tel: 09-2383818
Tel: 02-2742443
Tel: 02-5844111
Tel: 02-6270222
Red Crescent Maternity
Tel: 02-6286694
St. John's Opthalmic
Tel: 02-5828325
St. Joseph
Tel: 02-5828188
Clinics and Centers
Arab Health Center
Tel: 02-6288726
CHS Clinics
Clinics and Centers
Tel: 02-2742439
Beit Shaur Medical Center
Tel: 02-2794443
Bethlehem Dental Center
Tel: 02-6264055
Ibn Sina Medical Center
Tel: 02-5400083/9, 02-5322536
Tel: 09-2837178
Kamal Shawkat
Tel: 09-2377711
Tel: 09-2373570
Tel: 02-2220212
Tel: 02-5833510
Mohammed Ali Muhtaseb
Palestinian Counseling
Tel. 02-656 2272, 02-656 2627
Peace Medical Center
Tel: 09-2383778
Ramallah & Al-Bireh
Tel: 02-2228126
Tel: 02-2220246
Arabcare Hospital
Tel: 02-2986420
Clinics and Centers
Red Crescent Society
Al-Mustaqbal Hospital
Tel: 02-2963562/4
Tel: 02-5324259
Tel: 02-2227450
Red Crescent Society
Tel: 02-586056
Tel: 02-2226663
Spafford Children's Clinic
Red Crescent Hospital
Tel: 02-2228254
Clinics and Centers
Arab Medical Center
Tel: 02-6284875
The Austrian Arab Community Clinic (AACC)
Tel: 02-6273246
Tel: 02-5859386
Tel: 02-6272315
Beit Hanina
Tel: 02-2982216/7
Tel: 02-2956260
Tel: 02-2229649
Tel: 02-2954334
Arabcare Medical Center
Tel: 02-2986420
Jericho Government
Tel: 02-2988088
Tel: 02-2321967/8/9
Dar Ad-Dawa'
Tel: 02-6282058
Tel: 02-2322694
Tel: 02-5854680
Ramallah Government
Ibn Sina
Emergency & Trauma Center
Harb Heart Center
Tel: 02-2960336
Modern Dental Center
Tel: 02-2980630
Clinics and Centers
Arab Medical Center
Tel: 08-2822522
Tel: 08-2862163
Clinics and Centers
Al-Amal Center
Tel: 02-2741647
Amira Alia
Tel: 08-2865502
Tel: 08-2862765
Tel: 09-2380039
Tel: 09-2382153
Medical Relief Women's
Health Clinic
Berlin Pharmacy
Tel: 08-2873498
Red Crescent Society
Tel: 09-2390390
Tel: 08-2051244
Tel: 09-2371515
Tel: 02-2742472
Tel: 08-2827837
Tel: 09-2371491
Arab Medical Center
Tel: 08-2854240
Tel: 02-2743303
Tel: 02-6280602/0499
Jerusalem First Aid Clinic
Tel: 02-2984423 / 2960686
Tel: 08-2858065
Population and Demography
Projected population (end 2001-mil.) 3.4
Projected population by age (2001)
3.3 %
Sex ratio (2001)
Fertility rate (1999)
Population growth (2001)
(2001/2002- preliminary results)
School teachers
School students
Students per class (schools)
Drop-out rate (schools 99/2000) 1.8%
Repetition rate (schools 99/2000) 2.3%
Health (2000)
Doctors per 1000 population
Beds per 1000 population
Insured persons
Infant mortality rate
per 1000 live births (1995-1999)
Child mortality rate
per 1000 live birth (1995-1999)
Culture (2000)
Churches (1999)
Daily newspapers
Cultural centres
Mass Media (2000)
Availability of TV sets in households 89.7%
Availability of satellite dishes in households
Availability of personal computers at home
Availability of Internet at home
Persons (18 years and over)
with access to the Internet
Labour Force (First Quarter, 2002)
Labour force participation rate
Unemployment rate
(includes discouraged persons)
Average net daily wage for employees
working in the Palestinian territory (US$) 13.1
GDP (1999-million US$)
GNI (1999-million US$)
Institutions by economic activity (end of 2000)
Quarrying and manufacturing
Transportation, storage & commun.
Hotels and restaurants
Financial intermediation
Others (agriculture, education,
health and social activities)
IImports (1999-million US$)
Exports (1999-million US$)
Hotels (Fourth Quarter, 2001)
Room occupancy rate
Bed occupancy rate
Al-Aqsa Uprising (Intifada):
Martyrs : 29th Sep., 2000 - 14th June, 2002
Total injuries: 29th Sep., 2000 - 14th June, 2002
Prepared by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.
Tel: 02-2406340, Fax: 02-2406343,
email: [email protected], URL:
Distances in Kilometers
BT - Bethlehem, G - Gaza, H - Hebron, JR - Jericho,
JS - Jerusalem, LA - Lod R.G. Airport, NZ - Nazareth,
RM - Ramallah, NB - Nablus, TA - Tel Aviv
Where to Go?
Summer Escapes
For the lucky few amongst us who have
access into the now sleepy town of
Jericho, which has been off limits to most
Palestinians since the start of the Al-Aqsa
Intifada almost two years ago, the town
boasts two oases of tranquillity which
make for an ideal escape from the stress
and tension that have become part and
parcel of our daily lives. Although Jericho
is known as an ideal winter resort due to
its temperate climate, the high summer
temperatures are not as suffocating as
one imagines since the weather is dry and
not humid. The heat becomes all the more
bearable when lounging around a cool and
inviting swimming pool.
The construction and investment boom that
followed the Oslo Accords saw the erection
of two hotels in Jericho. The Jericho Resort
Village, which was inaugurated some four
year ago, has two swimming pools set in
a lush garden with bungalows on one side
and facing the main building, which has
the regular rooms and the public areas.
Although there have been hardly any
tourists for the past two years, the hotel is
open but one is advised in phone before
going there.
A more luxurious option is the five-star
Jericho Inter-Continental Hotel, which is
adjacent to the now bolted Oasis casino.
The hotel was slated to officially open
towards the end of 2000 but the outbreak
of the Intifada put everything on hold.
However, the hotel has continued to operate
with a skeleton staff. Those who are able
to enter Jericho will have the hotel and its
pools all to themselves.
Map of Jericho source: Pecdar
Where to Go?
Cremisan Monastery
Map of Bethlehem source: Arab Hotel Association/Pecdar
The Cremisan
monastery lies
on the border
between Beit Jala
and Jerusalem,
with the main
building officially
in Jerusalem and
the storeroom on
the other side of
the parking lot
in Beit Jala. The
monastery can be reached via a long,
winding road from the town of Beit Jala. The
road leading to the monastery reflects a clear
image of the political situation of the times:
on the left hand side are Palestinian houses,
some modern-looking, others more ancient
and some rather shabby, while on the other
side rise the modern apartment houses of
Gilo, the Israeli settlement bordering Beit
Jala. As one enters Cremisan, the outside
world is immediately forgotten and the visitor
is lost in the natural beauty of the of the
place and the serenity which characterizes
it. Cremisan is an island of tranquillity for the
students of theology who go to study there
from all around the world.
The main building dates from the last century
and has high, arched ceilings and stone
floors. The walls are several metres thick.
Prominently pictured on walls throughout
are Pope John Paul II and Don Bosco,
founder of the Salesian order to which the
monastery belongs.
The main attractions for the visitor are the
wine cellar and adjoining shop, which are
located a few hundred metres beyond
the main building. The monastery's wine
production is a modest 700,000 litres per
year. The grapes come from the order's
own vineyards at Beit Jmmal and Deir Rafat,
as well as from Beit Jala and Hebron. Only
two percent of the grapes come from the
vineyards at Cremisan. The wine cellar,
with its high, arched ceilings, is full of casks
of aging wine and brandy.
Organized groups are welcome to picnic in
the extensive green areas surrounding the
monastery provided they make advance
Where to Go?
The Gates of Jerusalem
The Old City of Jerusalem is surrounded
by an impressive wall that was built by
the Sultan-Caliph Suleiman the Legislator,
known in the west as "the Magnificent,"
between 1520 and 1566. The wall resembles
Roman fortifications, with ramparts that
were intended to protect Jerusalem from
Bedouin raids and Crusader offensives.
Bab El-Sahireh (Herod's Gate)
Map of Jerusalem source: Arab Hotel Association/Pecdar
The name of this gate translates as "the
Gate which watches" or "flower Gate." It is
also called Herod's Gate because pilgrims
were convinced that the house next to this
gate belonged to king Herod Antipas. In the
middle of the last century Ibrahim Pasha,
the son of the Khedive of Egypt, partially
bricked it up.
Bab El-Amud (Damascus Gate)
This "Gate of the Column" was built
between 1537 and 1538. It is also known as
Damascus Gate because it gives onto the
road that led to the Syrian capital.
Bab Jdeed (New Gate)
Also known as Bab Abdul-Hamid after the
sultan caliph of the time, it was built in 1889
at the request of the European powers in the
northwest corner of the enclosure.