Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand
Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand
BulL Mar. Sci. Fish., Kochi Univ. No. 22, pp. 107-118, 2003 Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand Anong Chiraparti, Masao Ohno2 & Padermsak Jarayapund3 iDePartment ofFishery Biology, Faeulty ofFisheries, Kasetsart University, Chatuchale, Bangkok 10900, Thailand 2Usa Marine Biologieal Institute, Kochi University, Usa, Tosa, Kochi 783, laPan 3Institute ofMarine Science, Chularonkon University, Ko Si Chang, ChonburiProvince, Thailand Introduction Ko Si Chang is a large island in the middle of the sea about 12 kilometers from the Sri Racha shore, Chonburi province, eastern Thailand. There is only one town on the island facing the mainland; the rest of the tiny island is practically deserted and fun to explore. The small population is made up of fisher folk, retired and working mariners and government workers who are stationed with the customs office or with one of the aquaculture projects on the island. Although there has been talk of a building a deep-water port on the island, so far Ko Si Chang has remained free of this type of industry. The Ko Si Chang coastal regions are characterized by the presence of rocky shores, shallow bays and coves that support a variety of marine plants and animals. In 2002 the Marine Resources Research Institute, Chulalongkon University in collaboration with the Usa Marine Biological Institute, Kochi University, Japan conducted a survey of marine organisms at the Ko Si Chang coastal region in the Gulf of Thailand. The objectives were to gather environmental data and collect samples of rnarine organisms for systematic, ecological, and distributional studies. The present paper reports on the species diversity of marine algae and their distribution on the coast of Ko Si Chang. Materials and methods Samples were collected randomly by hand or by free-diving in shallow waters. Specimens were collected from 2 April (hot season) to 11 August (monsoon season) in 2002, at the 4 study sites (Fig.1). The specimens collected were preserved in a solution of 40/o formaldehyde and seawater or as dried specimens on herbarium sheets. The specimens studied are deposited in the herbarium of the Department of Fishery Biology, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University. All mounts of specimens collected were made using 500/e corn syrup (Karo Syrup, Corn Products, Inc.) solution in disti11ed water and containing a trace of phenol. Cross sections were prepared by This survey has been conducted as the project of "Scientfic and education cooperation between Usa Marine Biological Institute, Kochi University and Aquatic Resources Research Institute, Chulalongkon University-" 107 Anong Chirapart, Masao Ohno & Padermsak Jarayapund 108 hand, stained with 10/o aniline blue and in 250/o Karo Syrup. They were analyzed under an optical microscope (Nikon, Eclipse E600, Nikon Inc.) at 4, 10, 20, 40 ( magnification. SMiTH (1951) , DEsiKAcHARy (1959) , PHAM-HoANG Ho (1969) , TAyLoR (1972) , ABBoTr & HoLLENBERG (1976) , TRoNo & GANzoN-FolrrEs (1988) , ScHNEiDER & SEARLEs (1991), KGuyEN Huu DINH ETAL. (1993), LEwMANoMoNT & OGAwA (1995), were used for taxonomic determinations, supplemented by SiLvA ET.4L. (1987), SANTELIcEs (1988), ZHANG & XIA (1988), RoDRIGulz & SANTEucEs (1988) , LEwnoMoNT (1994), LEwraANoMoNT ETAL. (1995), SiLvA itTAL. (1996). 14o 980 990 100010101020 103o 13o ; 12o Guif of 11o loo N o Thailand A 9e 8o 7o <? 6o Q 5e 980 990 100010101020 103o 3 0 Zl]]i> 0 Fig. 1 Map showing the collection sites of seaweed survey in Ko Sichang, Thailand. 1 = Amphoe Ko Sichang, 2 = Khao Khat Pass, 4 = Aquatic Resources Research Institute 3 - Hat Tham Phang, Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand 109 Results and Discussion General observation Ko Si Chang is located on the eastcoast at Lat. 130 09' 30" N and Long. 100048' 41" E. This region is influenced annually by monsoon rains Uune-October) . Annual temperature vary between 18.7 - 35.4 O C in hot season (March - May) , 22.1 - 33.90C during monsoon season Uune - October) , and 12.9 - 30.40C during cool season from November to February ( provweb/cwdweb/chonburi/aboutpro.htm, 2003) . Our report is based on samples collected from hot season (April), and monsoon season (August) in 2002. Four study sites were selected in the intertidal regions. Site 1. Amphoe Ko Sl Chang, this site establish on the eastern coast closed to the Si Chang harbor, which is characterized by sandy-rocky shore and sand-mud, normally exposed to domestic eenuents and poliuted seawater from the harbor. Site 2. Khao Khat Pass, this region establish on the western coast of the island, which char- acterized by rocky-sandy shore. Some parts are steep rocks and directly exposed to strong waves and westerly wind that normally comes from March to September. Site 3, Hat Tham Phang is a widely sloping beach consist of rocky-sandy shore alternate with sand-mud shore. This site is on the un-windy side. Site 4. Institute of Marine Sciences, which established along the eastern coast of the island. This site is characterized by sandy-mud shore, with some rocky areas. Taxonomic study Thirty-six taxa at specific and infraspecific level of marine algae, distributed into 28 genera, were identified (Table 1) . Of the identified species, there are 2 genera and 2 species of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), 7 genera and 10 species of green algae, 4 genera and 5 species of brown algae, and l5 genera and 19 species ofred algae. The total nurr}ber of species found per site is also presented in Table 1. The greatest number was observed from Site 3 (Hat Tham Phang) , whereas the smallest was from Site 2 (Khao Khat Pass) . The red algae were the most numerous. Our present knowledge of the marine algae of the Thai coast is indeed imperfect. There is very little information regarding the marine fiora of the Ko Si Chang coast. For instance, EGERoD (1974) reported 28 species of green algae and 9 species of brown algae from Phuket, Andaman Sea, of which 20 species were additional records for Thailand. In 1975, she included an other 31 species of green algae, 19 of which were new records for the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand (EGERoD, 1975). CHRisTENsEN & WiuM-ANDERsEN (1977) reported 39 species ofbenthic marine algae tirom Surin Island, west coast of Thailand. Furthermore, LE"rMANoMoNT ETAL. (1995) summarized the total number of marine algae known in Thai waters: 132 genera and 333 species. The present study of species diversity of the Ko Si Chang marine algae is mostly based on red, green, and brown algal species, but a few species of cyanobacteria were also observed in the areas (Figure 2-1'-2-7). Moreover, a newly contribution of red algae, Centroceras inerme is reported from the island at St. 1 and St. 3. This species has been reported from the coast of Vietnam (PHAM- HoANGHo, 1969) . They have not been reported until now tirom the coast of Thailand. AnongChirapart, Masao Ohno& PadermsakJarayapund 110 Table 1. Distribution of marine algal species in Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand. (1= Amphoe Ko Si Chang, 2= Khao Khat Pass, 3- Hat Tham Phang, 4= Aquatic Resources Research Institute). A symbol plus "+" epresent degree of appearance and abundance of the seaweed "+":degree of appearance and abundance of the seaweed; "-" absent Locallities Species 1 2 3 4 i - ' +++ - + - Habitat CYANOBACTERIA Brachytrichiaquoyi(C.Ag,)Born,EtFIah. Lyngbyamojscscula(Dillwyn)Harvey ++ Rocky-sandyshore.Plantsattachedtostones,exposeddttringlowtide Rocky-sandyshore,epiphyteonotherseaweeds CHLOROPHY'I)A Avrainvilleaerecta(Berk,)A.GeppetE.S,Gepp Avraiptvilleaobscura(G,Agardh)J.Ag, ++++ . ' -+ ++ - ' - . . ' CladePhorafascicu{aris(Mert.)Kuetz. CladoPhorasp, +++ Growinginmuddysandysubstrates,exposediduringlowtide Growinginmuddysandysubstratesinshallowwaters,mixedwithAerecta Plantsgrowonfishcages + ++ + ' growsonrocky-sandyshore,entangledwithEnteromorphaclathrata CladoPhoropsissp. - - + - Rocky-sandyshore,entangledwithEnterornorphaclathrata EnteromorPhactathrata(Roth)Greville - ++ ' Plantsgrowingattachedtorocksaboutlowtidelevel,orintidepool DictyosPhaen'acavernosa(Forsskal)Berg. - ++++ i ++ ++ Growingattachedtorocksonshallowwatersorintidepools, forming1argecenvolutedmats. DictyosPhaeriaverslKysiiWebervanBosse - - Microdiclyosc1'aPonicumSetchell - - . ValoniaaegagroPhilaC.Ag. - J + ++ ' PlantisfDundinthesamecalmhabitatsasD,cavernosa,attached torocks,exposedduringlowtide +++ " Plantcushionattachedonfishcages,mixedwithotherseaweeds Attachedtorocksinintertidalmarks,exposedduringlowtide. PHAEOPHYTA PadinaautstralisHauck PadinaminorYamada +++ ' - +++ ++++ H - +++ - - + Sargassumsp. - SPkacelariafitrcigeraKUtzing - - - - + - TurbinariadecurrensBorydeSaint-Vincent ++ ' - + - - + - + - OnrocksorsmallpebblesinintertidalareastogetherwithP,minor Onrocksorsmallpebblesinintertidalareas Plantisfoundinfloatingform, GrowsonropeentangledwithGelidiales Plantwascrashedashore, IllIODOPHYTA AcanthoPhorasPicifera(Vahl)Berg. Acrochaetiumsp. Growingonpebblesinintertidalareas,orattachedtofishcages growsonropemixedwithbrownseaweed,Sphacelariafurcigera, orepiphyteonotherseaweeds AmPhiroaragilissima(Linn,)Lameur. ++++ ' -+ - Sandy-rockyshorehabitat,attachedondeaclcoral,inshallow waterentangledwithGracilariasalicornia Ceramiumsp.1 + ' + - epiphyteonArnphiroafragilissima,orattachedtopebbleson Ceramiumsp.2 + - + - epiphyteontheGelidiales,AmphiroafragiHssima,andCladophora Centrocerasclavulatum(Ag,)Mont, + - + + CentrocerasinermeKuetz. + - + - Champiaparvuga(Ag.)J.Ag. - ' + - Rocky-safidyhabitat,attachedtDfishingnet,mixedwithCeramium, HerposiPhoniatenella(C.Ag,)Ambronn + - ' + Growingonpebblesinintertidalareas,mixedwithCeramiurn sandy-rockyshores. sp,orattachedtopebblesonsandy-rockyshores. EpiphyteonHypfieaparmosa,orgrowingtogetherwithCeramium onsmallpebblesonrocky-sandyorsandy-rockyshores. epiphyteonHypneapannosa,orattachedtosmallpebbledon smallpebblesonrocky-sandyorsandy-rockyshores. CentrocerasandHypnea HyPneaPannosaJ,Ag. HyPneasp. Getidintmpusillum(Stackhouse)beJolis - - + ++ + - + - +t+ ++ ++ - growsonfishcages EntangledwithAmphiroafragilissima Recky-sandyshore,growingonrocksinintertida1zone,exposed duringrewtide Gracilariasalicomeia(C,Ag,)Dawson ++++ - - - +++ Rocky-sandyshore,sancl-mudarea,growingonrocksinintenidal zone,expQsedduringlowtide Cracigariaedulds(Gmelin)Silva - - - Laurenciasp, ' H ++ ++ Peyssonneliarubra(Grevi11e)J.Ag. - - Polysiphoniasp. ' - +++ +++ Tolypiocladiaglomerulata(C.Ag,)Schmitz - - - - - - 15 3 + - Spyn'diafilamentosa(IVulf.)Harvey Tota1number - 20 + 18 Growsonfishcages,togetherwithotherseaweeds Onrocky-sandy$hore,grewingDnrocksinsubtidalhabitat Growsonrocksinintertidalhabitats,exposedduringIowtide Growsonfishcages,entangledwithHypneapannosa EpiphyteonPadinaminor Growsonfishingnets,orfishcages Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand 6:,X, erg, ,1- Y;, twt, Red and green seaweeds grow on fish cage during dry season, a photo taken in April 2, 2002 Ecological characteristics of Si Chang coast, photos taken in front of the district office of Si Chang Island in April 2, 2002 ,I'lx.-••• Centroceras clavulatum (Ag.) Mont, (20x, DIC M) Centroceras clavulatum (Ag,) Mont. (10x, DIC L) ''' '' Centroceras inerme Kuetz. (10x, DIC M) ''"'lillil/1 Centroeeras inerme' Fig. 2-1 Marine algae collected at the survey station in KO Sichang Island Kuetz. (iOx, DIC M) 111 ARong Chirapart, Masao Ohno & Padermsak Jarayapund ll2 &" g "sw ig.... ag'nt.stes ;-i< eg;y,j srd re, {ieslee'Etiasi4'ew if.fpm ts .ifte.T ewA ag eq•ee fferPoszPhonta tenella (C Ag ) Ambronn (10x DIC L) HerPostPhonta tenella (C Ag ) Afnbronn (20x DIC M) Fi l tri ' t;Ax ee -' nmfu" TolyPzocladia glomerulata (Ag ) Schrnitz (40x, DIC M) PolyszPhoma sp (10x, DIC M) Ceramzum sp 1 (20x DIC M) Ceramtum sp 1 (40x DIC M) ex r.eet""/l fti ". ' S t/' .' esesptge erec es1,"I ' w /1 tt '' n'. .. tk`' is/fth .ge'"A•. Ceramtum sp 2 (10x DIC M) Ceramium sp 2 (40x DIC M) Fig. 2-2 Marine algae collected at the survey station in KO Sichang IslaRd. Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand #"rl /ll' -# itr $ssikxsY# l13 '' Sr '' { "lj',s{it'afiifr 'iS."rltl.i ,i•.•,,,l,i.sffsiti-ifX.ll ' jpt, .,lli '/il ifa,kiii,lilili'iiilk[ kF"r ,sstr'S" f l,ll?/ y,j S,I i., Ii ,sstr/lliiif,llfasxS`: t r.I {' 'j rlf r :'{t tt / li il/.g l,Ltl•illlrk;l,zr,i;fkil'geV , r //l/ tt #/r 'rrs : t'/f /k iflll // (40x DIC M) Acrochaettum sp Habit ofAcrochaettum sp (10x DIC L) v ' jes .gtw.nv"kx -'tiI" tetajtSn# Habit ofPeyssonnetta rubra (Grev) J Ag (4x) pe'tge,},flSX:sv. Champta parvuga (Ag)J Ag (10x, DIC L) t/i tist .F trt{,l npe/tll gefi{ \of A, '' g. .f, ges" ",, :l" 'i lf /r t " lf.'.a. ,,,;gxtpa/if/,diIII"$'ww'imt$'$i'il { ffgl' rm;::;l. ?n'f'a; tWt,eq-$,S/k,".fuff..Wvath i'l i",ii#s"ifi'),,/,,•{f,g?•;t,, ifscein ,,,, y/sit:;kk/s,.S"'igtsentx'eeradi'ascapmg;sswew r l sl eqimg Habit ofHyPnea Pannosa J Ag (1 25x) HypneapannosaJ Ag showmg stichidia branchlet (4x) Fig. 2-3 Marme algae collected at the survey station in KO Sichang Island. Anong Chirapart, Masao Ohno & Padermsak Jarayapund 114 ew lee ' :lii:es taagtt - ec /e eel eei Habit ofAmPhiroa fragtlzsstma (L)Lamx (3x) ' AmPhiroa .firagzltsstma (L ) Lamx showing portion of dichotomous branching and geniculum (40x, DIC M) di ' lrv -de Habit ofLaureneta sp (1 25x) Cross-section of Laurencta sp (20x, DIC ]v({) Habit of Gelzdzum Puszllum (Stackh ) Habit of Graczlana edults (Gmelin) Silva Le Jolis (O 67x) Fig. 2-4 Marine algae collected at the survey station m KO Sichang Islancl. Marine algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thadand 115 #eesti "ut su lfw pty#A/r S'Vl f:" .y 's /y ?G ztt m utcr- kS g, ytv SS... i jF.g."If r wh if op,eve.ijieq, .,,tf/Yr yld tt / w tsSptf " -X d" tw ,f.s va - tlj v,rfi .I e. ik$- \pmtreagwaffwhltmpggxtwg lt".V l ' SPhacelana farctgera Kutzing (20x, DIC M) ` ' Turbtnana decurrens Bory "/;' mWiil uatt,ifil $iwmueegl.ptsedivanetyawjp", ss asee#k. Padina minorYamada Cross-section of Padzna mznor showmg two layers of cell (40x, DIC M) v..l$eqbe x , wpt, k nfff!F,.zaiklil.l:....., %ee"uaha ""nfigkeqbytwmnd CladoPhorafasczcularzs (Mert) Kuetz CladoPhora fasczcularzs (Mert ) Kuetz (4x) Fig. 2-5 Marine algae collected at the survey station in KO Sichang Island 116 Anong Chirapart, Masao Ohno & Padermsak Jarayapund CladoPhora sp (10x DIC L) CladoPhora sp (20x DIC M) ew is :dii Habit of Mzcrodtctyon laPonzcum Mzcrodzctyon 7aPontcum Setchell, porinon of thallus showmg cross walls at the base of branches and anastomosmg branches (10x, DIC L) #tpt/ Avraznvtllea erecta A et E S Gepp showmg siphonous structure (left 20x DIC M, right 40x DIC M) DtctyosPhaerta cavernosa (Forsskal) DtctyosPhaerza cavernosa (Forsskal) Bergesen (0 8x) Bergesen (3 2x),showmg branched rhizoid Fig . 2-6 Marine algae collected at the survey station in KO Sichang Island Marme algae of Ko Si Chang, eastern Thailand DtctyosPhaena versluystt Weber van Bosse (O 67x) l17 DtctyosPhaerta versluyszz Weber van Bosse (2 4x), showing unbranched rhizoid aslatt,fi,$'va•l//j.llIXil,l,ii'S'X/iiii;,llee•I,ll,Xjiiilljlva1ma•,/,IkVin#.•iit,, /me-- Habit of Enteromompha clathrata (Roth) Greville (10x, DIC L) Surface vlew (40x, DIC M) showmg parellchyma cell frl CladoPhoroPsts sp CladoPhoroPszs sp (10x DIC L) CladoPhoroPsts sp (10x DIC L) showmg branched rhizoid Fig. 2-7 Marine algae collected at the survey station m KO Sichang Island 118 Anong Chirapart, MasaoOhno& PadermsakJarayapund REFERENCES IM]Boi[T, IA, and GJ. 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